2 - Congregation Adat Yeshurun
2 - Congregation Adat Yeshurun
Photo by Stuart Laikenn CONGREGATION ADAT YESHURUN NEWSLETTER Jeffrey Wohlgelernter, Rabbi Brian Zimmerman, President Rabbi’s Message Page 2 President’s Message Page 3 Announcements Page 3-4 Shul & Community Events Pages 5-9 Youth Groups Page 10-12 Laws of Purim Page 13-14 February & March Calendars Page 15-16 Get your Monthly Newsletter on the web at www.adatyeshurun.org Shevat/Adar i/adar ii 5776 February/March 2016 Purim Is Coming On March 24th! Shalach Manot Forms will be sent via Email or Mail by february 14th If you have not received your letter by February 14th please call the office so you can participate—858-535-1196. Online ordering begins Sunday, February 14th and ordering ends Sunday, March 13th at 5:00 p.m. Paper orders are due to the Shul office by Thursday, March 10th This year’s “baskets” promise to be better than ever! We are again using the website HappyPurim.com to do our ordering. In a couple weeks you will receive instructions for the online ordering with Happypurim.com. Please watch for it and complete your order as early as possible! We hope you will continue to support our Sisterhood! A MESSAGE FROM THE Rabbi In the story of Purim we are introduced to Mordechai Hayehudi, who is described as an Ish Yemini and an Ish Yehudi; as someone descended from the tribe of Yehudah and one descended from the tribe of Binyamin. But how can that be so? How can a person be from two tribes simultaneously? Our sages explain that it is actually telling us that his father was from Binyamin and his mother from Yehudah. But this is difficult because only the association with his fathers’ tribe should be mentioned if we are trying to establish Mordechai’s identity. Therefore we ask again, why is Mordechai associated with both tribes? The Sfas Emes answers by quoting a Midrash that explains that Rachel and Leah represented two forces in the world, the power of speech and the power of silence. Leah possessed the power of speech in that she offered her praises to Hashem with her fourth child, as the first to raise her voice in pure thanksgiving. This power rubbed off onto her descendants. Yehudah had the strength to confess and admit his wrongdoings publicly. King David used his power of speech to sing the most incredible songs of praise to Hashem, in the book of psalms. Daniel used his power of speech to affirm his loyalty to Hashem, in the face of great danger. Rachel possessed the power of silence which manifested itself in her silence when her sister was placed under the chuppah in her stead. She said nothing. Her descendants excelled in this characteristic as well. Binyamin knew of the sale of Joseph and yet said nothing. Saul kept silent about his being chosen as king, and Esther kept silent about her people and her family lineage. Says the Sfas Emes, the reason why we are told that Mordechai was from two tribes is to tell us that Mordechai inherited both of these traits from his parents. From his mother’s side he was from the tribe of Yehudah and had inherited the power of speech. From his father’s side he was from the tribe of Binyamin and had inherited the power and fortitude to be silent. This is why Hashem chose Mordechai to be the vehicle for the Geulah, because he contained both of these forces. Mordechai knew that Hashem was going to save the Jews, but he kept silent because he needed the Jews to use the opportunity to rebuild themselves through the fear of losing everything. But he used his power of speech to inspire Esther and the Jews to lift their voices in prayer to the almighty. He knew when to speak and when to be silent. This strength of Mordechai is the crux of the Purim story, the balance between speech and silence and when to exercise both. As Mordechai before us, we must learn when to talk and express ourselves, and when to be silent. In matters of nonsense and inappropriate speech, we must follow a doctrine of silence; this will allow us to reach the next stage—utilizing the power of speech in its most exalted form, the study of Torah and praise of Hashem. We see this message in the silence of the Jews at Achashveirosh’s party, and then their forced wails and cries at their impending doom. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. If we speak when we should be silent and we are silent when we should speak, we destroy ourselves and the world we live in. But if we exercise balance and precision, like Mordechai Hayehudi, then we bring light and joy, happiness and glory to ourselves and to our world. This is what brings the redemption. Speedily and in our time Amen. shalach Manot Volunteers are needed!! We need volunteers to help pack the shalach manot baskets Sunday, March 20th, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the shul and hoping to be done by 1 p.m.. Even if you can spare just an hour, your help will be most appreciated. Children also are welcome, as long as they are old enough to help. Please contact Nora Laiken (858-452-8275; nlaiken@ucsd.edu) to let her know you are coming or if you have any questions. Also, we need 40-45 volunteers to help deliver the baskets on Purim Day, thursday, March 24th. Anyone who can help with these tasks is asked to contact Merle Ziman. You may email her at maziman@ hotmail.com. 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear fellow congregants and friends, Twenty nine years ago a handful families came together and established the only Orthodox Jewish house of worship in La Jolla. We will be celebrating this special 29thth anniversary at our gala, an opportunity for us to once again express our appreciation to our founding families. We should all be proud of our diverse and vibrant synagogue. The Executive Committee and Board are dedicated to maintaining the exciting programming that is integral to our community and culture. Our commitment to youth programming, the State of Israel, serious and inspiring tefillah, limud Torah, and service to our greater community are our hallmark values. This is a growing and exciting time at Adat Yeshurun we have had many ebbs and flows over the decades but maintain something very special in our hearts that keep us moving forward. We are now turning the corner this year with new people and renewed energy, but still need your assistance to help us flourish. How can you assist, get involved and there are so many ways to do so. Join the board, join a committee (we have started many new committees this year!), or simply volunteer your time throughout the year. I look forward to working with all of you to strengthen our community and would be happy to receive your feedback in person or by email at president@adatyeshurun.org. B’Shalom, Brian David and Sylvia Roth and family, on the marriage of their daughter Jessica to Daniel Schwartz Jim and Celine Dujowich on Derek’s Bar Mitzvah, and to the grandparents Marco and Sofia Dujowich Selma Roth on the marriage of her granddaughter Jessica Roth to Daniel Schwartz Tanya Goodman and family, the aunts, uncles and entire Mishpocha on the birth of Tanya’s first grandchild, a son born to her son and daughter-in-law, Adam and Anat, and to Adam’s father Dennis Goodman on the birth of his grandson Anthony and Hayley Bortz, and the entire Mishpocha, in honor of the upcoming marriage of their daughter Aimee to Josh Wacholder Rabbi and Shoshie Wohlgelernter on the engagement of their daughter Bracha to Simcha Gerstman our Cholent Cook-off Winner, “Iron Chef Adat Yeshurun” Adam Klein! our Chanukah Raffle Winners Jeremy and Anna Beck - Grand Prize Yury Shlionsky & Deborah Topper - 2nd Prize Stan and Mal Smiedt - 3rd Prize David and Mary Feifel on the engagement of their daughter Natania to Shane Lipman Rick and Yvonne Venger on Kayla’s Bat Mitzvah, and to the grandparents Arthur and Eilene Cummins Daf Yomi group on making a Siyum on Masechet Sotah You can now listen to the Rabbi’s classes online!! www.adatyeshurun.org Weekly lectures are all on the web for you to listen to anytime you want OR you can receive the classes via email. Please email Kim at kim@adatyeshurun.org to request to be added to the weekly email list Do you know someone who is ill, could use our prayers, or a visit? If so, the Rabbi and the Shul’s Board of Directors ask that you please share this with the Rabbi as he would appreciate having the information and offering his services. Please call 858-535-1196 or e-mail info@adatyeshurun.org if you have questions or information. 3 Weekly Class Schedule The Congregation Expresses Condolences to Monday— Pirkei Avos/Partners in Torah.......................8:00 p.m. Tuesday— Women’s/Mesillat Yesharim.......................11:00 a.m. Wednesday— Women’s/Lashon Hara...............................11:00 a.m. Prophets ......................................................7:30 p.m. Thursday— Parsha of the Week......................................7:30 p.m. Talmud in Depth – Sunday.........................................................7:45 a.m. Monday –Friday...........................................7:30 a.m. Saturday......................................................8:00 a.m. Talmud I Monday-Thursday........................................6:00 a.m. Daf Yomi Sunday-Tuesday. .................................See Calendar Wednesday & Thursday...............................8:15 p.m. Saturday..............................45-50 min before Mincha Saturday (Daf Yomi II)...........................See Calendar Colin and Jane Scher and Family on the loss of Colin’s father, Nokkie Scher Dov and Bernice Borok and Family on the loss of Dov’s sister, Leeba Herman, and to Jonny Borok and family on the loss of his aunt, Leeba Herman, and to Tanya Goodman and family on the loss of her aunt, Leeba Herman Lunch and Learn with the Rabbi Wednesday, February 17th and Wednesday, March 16th Argen Corporation Auditorium Sorrento Valley— 5855 Oberlin Drive Sandwiches will be served. RSVP to Julie Shaeffer 858-626-8635 (tel) or 858-626-8652 (fax) or email julies@argen.com by the Monday before to facilitate catering. Parking is available in spots with “Reserved” on them. Weekly Services Minyon Schedule Shabbat Candles...............................................See Calendar Friday Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat..........See Calendar Hashkama Minyon.......................................7:50 a.m. Shacharis....................................................9:00 a.m. Sh’ma: Latest Time...............................See Calendar Shabbat Mincha...................................See Calendar Weekdays Sunday Shacharis.......................................8:30 a.m. Mon. & Thurs. Shacharis..............................6:30 a.m. Tues., Wed. & Fri. Shacharis........................6:45 a.m. Sun.- Thurs. Mincha/Ma’ariv..................See Calendar YAHRTZEIT BOARD Yahrtzeit plaques can be ordered at any time. If you would like to order a memorial plaque for the Yahrtzeit Board to memorialize a loved one, please email Annette at annette@adatyeshurun.org The cost of a plaque is $360 which can be paid in installments. Mikvah appointments (858) 535-1072 Sponsor A Kiddush For a regular kiddush the Primary Sponsorship is $295 (designated as such in the bulletin). All cosponsors of kiddush $175. Email Annette Olson at info@adatyeshurun.org or call her at 858-535-1196 to reserve your date. DATES THAT ARE AVAILABLE: February 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th Shul Office Hours... are Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Friday, the Office closes at 2:00 p.m. For Account information please email Annette@adatyeshurun.org 4 Voice Mail is always on to take your messages. We’re having a Purim Party and You’re Invited!! Thursday, March 24th at 5:30 p.m. Adult Meal $21 per person (ages 13+) Child Meal $12 per child (ages 3-12) Under 2 years is Free Fabulous Purim Videos Produced and Filmed by our Adat Youth Special Activities for Kids of All Ages! Face Painting, Costume Contest, Jumpy Castle and Much More!! Catered by Felicia G. Gourmet Hamburger Bar, Hot Dogs, Salad Bar, French Fries, Roasted Potatoes, Yummy Dessert!! RSVP to Annette at annette@adatyeshurun.org or call (858) 535-1196 Deadline to Reserve is Sunday, March 13th Please include the ages of any teens and children attending 5 Rabbi Yakov Horowitz “Understanding What Makes You Tick” How it affects people you love Friday Night Oneg at the Wohlgelernter’s home at 8:30 p.m. “Why all the Kvetching” Analyzing the complaining of the Jewish people in the desert and what it means for us. Shabbos After Kiddush “Topic to be Determined” Shalosh Seudos “Building a Long Lasting Relationship With all of Your Children” A special talk for parents of all ages. Saturday Night at 7:00 p.m. Children will have a special program during Parent Child Learning. Rabbi Yakov Horowitz is founder/Dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, and founder/Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life/Project YES, an international parenting organization which conducts numerous programs designed to promote family stability in the Jewish community. Rabbi Horowitz is a recognized authority on raising children, who conducts child safety/abuse prevention and parenting workshops in Jewish communities worldwide. He is the author of two books, Growing with the Parsha and Living and Parenting and and is a regular contributor on Torah, educational, and parenting topics to Jewish periodicals and websites. He published the landmark children’s personal safety picture book Let’s Stay Safe!, the Yiddish children’s safety book, Zei Gezunt!, soon to be followed by a Hebrew edition for Israeli children. Rabbi Horowitz also developed and published the Bright Beginnings Chumash and Gemara Workbooks which are designed to help children acquire Judaic Studies skills in a fun-filled manner. Rabbi Horowitz has received numerous awards including: The Rockland County Educator of the Year Award, the Grinspoon-Steinhart Award for Excellence in Jewish Education, and the prestigious 2008 Covenant Award, presented to outstanding Jewish educators in North America. Please join us for this special event! Date: Friday, February 5th and Shabbat, February 6th Location: Congregation Adat Yeshurun Sponsored By Brian and Sarah Keating and Family 6 GUEST SPEAKER SEIRES Torah Speaker Series Join us for these amazing upcoming guest speakers who will be presenting multiple lectures while they are here! Rabbi Steven Weil - Friday and Saturday, December 4th and 5th Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein - Friday and Saturday, January 8th and 9th Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz - Friday and Saturday, February 5th and 6th Rabbi and Rebbetzin Veffer - Friday and Saturday, February 19th and 20th The Bostoner Rebbe - Friday and Saturday, February 26th and 27th Rabbi Benzion Twerski - Friday and Saturday, March 11th and 12th Sponsored By Brian and Sarah Keating and Family 7 8 if you can believe it...Before you Know it, it will be time to order- shmurah matzoh!!! As we have in past years we will again offer the ability to place your order for Shmurah Matzoh directly with the Shul office and then the Shmurah Matzoh will be delivered to the Shul for you to pick up in time for Pesach. Order forms will be emailed out in mid-February with a March deadline for ordering. Or you may contact Annette at annette@adatyeshurun.org to place your order. Below are the types and prices: Hand Made: Wheat Regular - $25 per pound Whole Wheat - $26 per pound Gluten Free Oat - $27 per ½ pound box Organic Spelt - $26 per pound Machine Made: Wheat Regular - $8 per pound Whole Wheat - $9 per pound Gluten Free Oat - $27 per pound Organic Spelt - $14 per pound Gluten Free Matzoh Meal - $17 per pound Publication Deadline For those wishing to advertise or place information concerning shul events, the deadline for the next monthly bulletin is March 15th. This issue will cover April Events and Pesach. For information on Advertising Rates, Please call the office at 858-535-1196 or email Annette Olson at annette@adatyeshurun.org Celia Levy CST1008676-10 6 Star Ships • All Suites with Ocean Views FREE Airfare, gratuities, specialty dining & shore excursions included. Now Serving KOSHER CUISINE with Delicious Kosher Wines Regent Seven Seas Cruises have worked tirelessly to provide Kosher meal options prepared with the finest certified glatt kosher meats, Grade A produce and ingredients, in facilities which are under strict Rabbinical supervision . Security Volunteers The Most Inclusive Luxury Cruise Experience If you would like to assist us in keeping our community safe, please volunteer your service or fulfill the duties assigned to you. Anyone wishing to be added for security duty can email the office or speak with Mike Aron or Danny Kaplan. For all your luxury travel plans call Celia Levy at 858-455-7770 clevy@san.rr.com Proud supporters of Congregation Adat Yeshurun for over 20 years 9 10 Adat Yeshurun Youth Events!!! Check with the Eden’s for the location. 11 Adat Yeshurun Youth Events!!! 7:00 p.m. 12 THE LAWS AND CUSTOMS OF PURIM The month of Adar is traditionally known as a month of joy. As our Rabbi’s teach us, when Adar begins, we increase our joyousness. This is a propitious time. The Sages of the Talmud tell us, if a Jew has a court case with a non-Jew, Adar is a good month to have that case adjudicated. There is an interpretation that when the Talmud tells us that we increase our joy in the month of Adar, the joy we are increasing is the study of Torah which is the ultimate joy. The Shabbos immediately preceding Purim is called “Shabbos Zachor”, the Shabbos of remembrance. This year it falls on March 19th. In Shul we read a special maftir about the war between the Jews and Amalek, from whom the wicked Haman was descended. The public reading of Parshas Zachor for men and women is in fulfillment of a precept found in the Torah, “Remember what Amalek did to you”, Dvorim 25:17. Hearing Parshas Zachor is a positive commandment, and an easy commandment to fulfill, for both men and women. Fast of Esther The day before Purim is a fast day which is referred to as the Fast of Esther. This year the fast will be on Wednesday, March 23rd. In the days of Mordechai and Esther the Jews gathered on the 13th of Adar to defend themselves from their enemies. The Jews of that time understood that their greatest defense was to have G-d’s compassion and help in this battle. For this reason they fasted and prayed for divine assistance on that day. Since that time it has become customary on the day before the actual festival of Purim to fast in remembrance of their fast, and as a reminder that Hashem hears and sees the prayers of every person and their plight in times of trouble. This fast is incumbent upon both men and women, however, both pregnant and nursing mothers or a woman within the first 30 days of childbirth may, in some cases, be lenient with this fast. Also one who is sick may, under certain circumstances, be lenient with this fast. The Rabbi must be consulted. The fast begins at the crack of dawn and goes until after dark. Purim Evening Purim, which means lots, is the festival which commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people from the hands of Haman, through Mordechai and Esther. The dramatic impact of this miraculous rescue was so great, its commemoration through the festivities of the day has become an integral part of the Jewish tradition. Right before the reading of the Megillah, it is customary for every person to donate a Machatzis Hashekel, or half shekel as a remembrance of the half shekel head tax, which was given in the Temple, and used for the purchase of communal offerings. Today, since the shekel is not the universal currency, we use a half coin of the established currency of the particular country in which we live. In the United States we use a half-dollar coin. Because the Torah mentions this concept three times, it is the custom to give three half-shekel coins for each member of the family. The way this mitzvah is carried out is: one comes to Shul on Wednesday at Mincha or Thursday morning with the intention to give $1.50 per each member of the family. At the Bimah there will be a plate which contains many 50 cent pieces; one purchases the appropriate number of 50 cent coins, lifts them out of the bowl and then places them back (along with the money that was used to purchase the coins) thereby making his half-shekel donation. NOTE: This mitzvah is separate from the mitzvah of Matanos La’evyonim. The Ma’ariv Service Ma’ariv is recited adding in Al Hanissim in the Amidah. If one forgets to say Al Hanissim, the Amidah is not repeated. After the Amidah, a full Kaddish is recited and then the Megillah is read. Every Jew is obligated to hear the Megillah read at night and again during the day. This mitzvah is incumbent upon both men, women and children who are able to sit through the Megillah. Although women are usually exempt from positive time-bound commandments, they are nevertheless obligated to hear the Megillah because women too, were part of the miracle and, in fact, were the main conduit for the miracle. During the reading of the Megillah, extreme care must be taken to hear each and every word of the Megillah from the one who reads it. There should be no talking or interruptions during the reading of the Megillah. If someone misses hearing part of the Megillah the Rabbi must be consulted, for under certain circumstances, the Megillah will need to be heard a second time. When the blessings before the reading of the Megillah are being recited, the reader has in mind that his reading will fulfill the obligation of those who listen to him. Similarly the listener must intend to fulfill this obligation. Although it has become an accepted and much looked forward to custom to obliterate the name of Haman with noise makers, gragars and the like, nevertheless care must be taken that when the Gabai calls for order, the children are instructed to stop the noisemakers so no part of the Megillah is lost due to the cacophony. 13 MORE LAWS AND CUSTOMS Purim Day The regular weekday Shacharis is recited adding in Al Hanissim in the Amidah. After the Amidah the Torah is read and after the returning of the Torah to the Ark is the reading of the Megillah. All the laws of the nighttime reading of the Megillah apply to the daytime reading. THE DAYTIME READING IS AN OBLIGATION UPON BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. IT IS THE MAIN OBLIGATION OF PURIM. The Daytime Mitzvohs of Purim Mishloach Manot In the Megillah we are told that on Purim we send food portions, each person to his friend. From the plural word “food portions” we understand that at least two portions are sent, i.e. two different types of food. From the fact that the Megillah uses the word “his friend”, the singular usage, we understand that it implies one recipient. Therefore, the minimal obligation of fulfilling this mitzvah on Purim is to send two different types of food to at least one other person. Both men and women are obligated in this mitzvah. It is possible to fulfill this mitzvah through the Synagogue by joining in with the Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot program. Matanos La’Evyonim On Purim there is a special charity obligation. From the fact that the Megillah writes this obligation in the plural, we understand that we must give these gifts to at least two recipients. These gifts of money are to be given on Purim day. It is more important to increase the amount of one’s Matanos La’Evyonim, even if that means decreasing the amount one spends on Mishloach Manot and one’s festive meal. One living in an area where there are no poor people, is not absolved of this mitzvah. He should set aside two sums of money to be given to a poor person when the opportunity presents itself or he should send a messenger to deliver the money on Purim. Many authorities maintain that when there are no poor people in the town, the money can be placed into a charity box, earmarked for distribution to the poor. In our community, the Rabbi collects on Purim day and in the afternoon calls an organization in Israel where the money is immediately distributed amongst the poor of Eretz Yisroel. Seudat Purim - The Purim Meal Everyone is obligated to eat, drink and be joyous on Purim day. As with any other festival, there is an obligation to make a festive meal in celebration of the day. This obligation is a daytime obligation and should preferably be fulfilled after midday. At this meal it is customary to eat fine foods and to drink wine to the extent that one has trouble distinguishing between cursing Haman and blessing Mordechai. HOWEVER, ONE WHO IS UNABLE TO TOLERATE WINE AND ONE WHO IS APPREHENSIVE THAT WINE WILL BRING HIM TO NEGLECT THE BLESSINGS OR PRAYERS OR WILL IN ANY OTHER WAY WEAKEN HIS MITZVAH OBSERVANCE SHOULD REFRAIN FROM DRINKING MORE THAN THE MINIMUM. THUS ALL HIS ACTIONS WILL BE FOR THE SAKE of heaven. PURIM SCHEDULE Wednesday, March 23rd Fast of Esther Begins��������������������������������������������������������������������������5:36 a.m. Mincha followed by Ma’ariv and the Megillah Reading.........................6:30 p.m. Fast Ends..................................................................................................................7:45 p.m. Thursday, March 24th—Purim Day Shacharis followed by the Megillah Reading............................................................6:30 a.m. Second Megillah Reading.........................................................................................4:15 p.m. Mincha/Purim Seudah����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5:30 p.m. 14 February 2016 Sunday Monday 1 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 7 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 5:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 5:45 PM daf yomi 28 Shevat 14 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 5:20 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 5:50 PM daf yomi 5 adaR i 21 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 5:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 5:55 PM daf yomi 12 adaR i 28 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 5:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 6:00 PM daf yomi 19 adaR i Adat Yeshurun Calendar Shevat/Adar I 5776 8 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 15 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:20 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 22 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah tuesday 2 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 5:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 9 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 5:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi ROSH CHODESH Wednesday 3 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 5:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi 10 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 5:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi thursday 4 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi 11 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi ROSH CHODESH 16 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 5:20 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 23 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 5:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 17 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 12:51 PM argen lunch & lecture 5:20 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi 24 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 5:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi 18 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:20 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi 25 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi 29 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah nate levy Assistant Manager 25+ Years Experience Essential in Today’s Market For All Your Real Estate Needs Call 858-735-3851 Paid Advertisement Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 2/1/2016 15 Friday 5 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:07 PM Candles 5:10 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat 12 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:14 PM Candles 5:20 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat 19 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:20 PM Candles 5:25 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat 26 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:26 PM Candles 5:30 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 6 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Shacharit 9:22 aM Sh'ma: latest time 4:15 PM daf yomi 5:00 PM Mincha 6:08 PM Shabbat ends 7:00 PM Parent/ Child learning 8:00 PM daf yomi ii Mishpatim 13 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Shacharit 9:19 aM Sh'ma: latest time 4:20 PM daf yomi 5:05 PM Mincha 6:15 PM Shabbat ends 7:15 PM Parent/ Child learning 8:15 PM daf yomi ii Terumah 20 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Shacharit 9:15 aM Sh'ma: latest time 4:25 PM daf yomi 5:10 PM Mincha 6:20 PM Shabbat ends 7:15 PM Parent/ Child learning 8:15 PM daf yomi ii Tetzaveh 27 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Shacharit 9:11 aM Sh'ma: latest time 4:35 PM daf yomi 5:20 PM Mincha 6:27 PM Shabbat ends 7:30 PM daf yomi ii Ki Tisa March 2016 Sunday Adat Yeshurun Calendar Adar I/Adar II 5776 Monday tuesday 1 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 5:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 6 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 5:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 6:05 PM daf yomi 26 adaR i 13 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 6:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:10 PM daf yomi *** Time Change - Set Your Clocks Ahead 1 Hour *** 3 adaR ii 20 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 6:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 27 7:45 aM talmud in depth 8:30 aM Shacharit 6:50 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:20 PM daf yomi 17 adaR ii 7 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 14 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 21 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 28 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:50 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM daf yomi 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in torah 8 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 5:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 15 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 6:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 22 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 6:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi Wednesday 2 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 5:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi 9 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 5:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi 16 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 12:00 PM argen lunch & lecture 6:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi 23 5:36 aM Fast Begins 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:30 PM Mincha followed by Ma'ariv and the Megillah Reading 7:45 PM Fast ends FAST OF ESTHER MEGILLAH READING 29 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ Mesillat yesharim 6:50 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf yomi 30 6:00 aM talmud i 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's Class/ lashon hara 6:50 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Prophets/ Mishlei 8:15 PM daf yomi thursday 3 6:00 aM talmud i 10 6:00 aM talmud i 5:31 PM Candles 5:35 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:00 aM Megillah Reading 5:37 PM Candles 5:40 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat ROSH CHODESH 18 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Sh'ma: latest time 9:00 aM Shacharit 4:45 PM daf yomi 5:30 PM Mincha 6:37 PM Shabbat ends 7:30 PM daf yomi ii Pekude 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Shacharit 9:55 aM Sh'ma: latest time 5:50 PM daf yomi 6:35 PM Mincha 7:43 PM Shabbat ends 6:00 PM daf yomi 6:42 PM Candles 6:45 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat SHABBAT ZACHOR Vayikra 25 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf yomi 6:47 PM Candles 6:50 PM Mincha/ kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 PM Mincha & Purim Seudah 12 19 6:45 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 4:15 PM Megillah Reading daf yomi Mincha Shabbat ends daf yomi ii Vayakhel 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi hashkama talmud in depth Shacharit Sh'ma: latest SHABBAT SHEKALIM 11 6:30 aM Shacharit 24 7:50 aM Minyon 8:00 aM 9:00 aM 9:06 aM time 4:40 PM 5:25 PM 6:32 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 aM talmud in depth ROSH CHODESH 6:00 aM talmud i 5 6:45 aM Shacharit 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi 17 Saturday 4 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 5:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi SHUSHAN PURIM PURIM 26 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM talmud in depth 9:00 aM Shacharit 9:49 aM Sh'ma: latest time 5:55 PM daf yomi 6:40 PM Mincha 7:48 PM Shabbat ends Tzav 31 6:00 aM talmud i 6:30 aM Shacharit 7:30 aM talmud in depth 6:50 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Parsha 8:15 PM daf yomi Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 2/1/2016 16 Friday nate levy Assistant Manager 25+ Years Experience Essential in Today’s Market For All Your Real Estate Needs Call 858-735-3851 Paid Advertisement
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