File - Southbridge School


File - Southbridge School
10 December 2015
As you will be aware, this year we have sought feedback from parents, students and staff on
suitable role models for our school values. It is our belief that associating a person with a value
will make them easier for students to identify with.
The entire exercise was far harder than we’d anticipated for a number of reasons. Feedback
from our students identified primarily sports stars who weren’t necessarily good examples of
our values. To complicate this, there are some personalities who we believe would represent
our values well, but would be unacceptable to some members of our community for a variety of
reasons. Finally, we wanted to identify people who were New Zealanders, preferably still alive,
and who weren’t publicity seekers, but were well-known for their skills, commitment and / or
Having a balance of Māori / Pakeha and male / female role models was also important to us, but
this was even more difficult when discussing potential selections. Ultimately we decided that
there was no selection which was going to be completely acceptable to our entire community,
so we went with the choices which we felt would be most relevant and useful for our students
to relate to.
We hope that these role models are acceptable to our school community and wish to thank
those who spent considerable time sharing their thinking, reflecting on suitable role models and
engaging with us. Ngā mihi mo koutou mahi.
Ngā mihi nui,
Susan Jennison
Principal – Tumuaki
Richard Seddon
Concern, empathy, creativity
Willie Apiata, VC
Determination, pride, motivation
Sam Johnson
Responsibility, protection, guardianship
Alby Anderson
Team work, collaboration, relationships
Dame Whina Cooper
Care for others, kindness, respect
Sadly, the time has come for us to bid farewell to our
beloved Levi Dewhirst as he begins a well-earned
retirement. Levi will be spending his days at home with the
Dewhirst family from now on and we wish him a happy and
relaxing extended holiday.
Levi has been our reading dog since August last year and
has patiently listened to more than 20 students in his twice
weekly sessions. He has been a key part of the
improvement these students have made in their reading
confidence and enjoyment of reading.
We extend our thanks to Livvi & Jack Dewhirst for
generously loaning Levi to us each week and for supporting
our school and students.
Following a conversation with one of our parents this term, we have investigated taking up
Fonterra’s Milk for Schools programme. The milk offered through the programme is ‘Anchor
Lite’ which is been processed via Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) and tastes different to normal
We have questioned our senior students twice previously and the majority of them told us that
the don’t want to drink unflavoured, unsweetened milk. A recent taste test using ‘Anchor Lite’
UHT milk with 112 students from Years 1-6 resulted in 68 saying they would drink it on a regular
basis. This figure of 61% is sufficient for us to give it a go from next year.
We have contacted Fonterra and registered our interest in the programme which is likely to
begin in late February. At this stage we aim to supply milk 1-2 times per week for any students
who would like it – no child will be forced to drink milk! An information sheet for parents is
printed later in this newsletter and more information can be found at
Like other Southbridge locals who are on town supply, we have been restricting our watering to
garden areas only on alternate days. We have been in touch this week with staff at the Selwyn
District Council who advised that we are able to continue to use water for our picnic day games
next Wednesday, 16 December as long as we limit them. We have chosen instead to source
water from outside the Selwyn area, and to reduce the number and length of water-related
games in order to play our part in ensuring water resources are managed well now and for the
future. We both anticipate and appreciate your patience on the day as water games are kept
At any time you can phone the 0800 number (0800 846 983) for information on how to access
dental care, including emergency care. In addition, the Community Dental Service will operate
an emergency service in January 2016. This service is to provide relief of pain only and will not
undertake ‘routine’ treatment. The service will be available each working day from 8:30am until
12:30pm from the Hillmorton Community Clinic, Sylvan Street, Christchurch from Monday, 18
January until Friday, 29 January 2016 (excluding weekends).
This service will operate by appointment only and if we are unable to see your child, alternative
options will be given.
A letter was sent home last week regarding swimming lessons in Term One, 2016. The cost for
swimming will be $9 per child as the donation to subsidise swimming that we have received in
previous years has now ended. This cost will cover all sessions over the four weeks of lessons.
There will be an additional cost of $3 for students who compete at zone level.
Please make the payment of $9 at the start of 2016 by internet banking or by sending money
in a named envelope at the start of Term One. Please return the slip if you are available to help
supervise lessons in or out of the water.
16 Dec – School picnic and duathlon
17 Dec – Last day of term and prize giving
SCHOOL PICNIC and DUATHLON – Wednesday 16 December
This is a fun day where the school community gathers together for the last time prior to the
end-of-year prizegiving. Children may come to school as normal at 9:00am or with their families
around 10:00am. This year we’re limiting car parking to the field beside the church to allow the
back field to be used for the duathlon. Families bring their own food for morning tea and lunch
and find a place on our main field to picnic for the day. The Home & School committee holds a
sausage sizzle and sells drinks to supplement your lunch.
The events begin at 11:00am with the duathlon and then staff hold fun events for students
throughout the day. Children wear mufti – something they can run around in. Children who are
competing in the duathlon bring their cycles to school in the morning and set them up in the
designated place which this year will be the silver birch trees separating our main field from the
back field. There will also be a competition for the best decorated bike this year. The duathlon
starts with the cycle leg (back field) and concludes with running (main field). Following the
children’s events there’s an informal adults race and all staff and parents are welcome to enter.
The day concludes with Santa arriving (usually on a novel form of transport) at around
1.30pm with some goodies for the children.
PRIZEGIVING – Thursday 17 December
This is the final event of our school year and is compulsory for all students. We have listened to
feedback from our community and now begin the event half an hour earlier at 6:30pm. All
students are expected to wear clean and tidy school uniform to the event.
This is a formal assembly where our major awards for the year are presented including sporting
cups, academic and effort awards for each class, poetry, speech and citizenship awards are
made and farewell speeches are made. Our kapa haka group and choir perform and the evening
ends with our Year 6 students being farewelled by our community and welcomed by Ellesmere
In the past the evening has concluded with a supper, however this will not be held this year. The
donation made towards the supper by David & Anne Harkerss has instead been used to provide
uses to take all students to the Ellesmere College Hall for a rehearsal on the morning of the
Thank to you to Vanessa Greenwood who has spent countless hours designing and then leading
our Art SOLdiers to paint the new SOL mural on the bus garage. The design showcases our
school values as well as our SOL programme.
Thank you also to Canterbury Waterproofing who donated some of the paint required for the
Art SOLdiers:
Cam Ealam;
Keaton Ingham;
Lucy Hamilton; and
Ariana Calixto.
Thank you to the Roberts Family (Chris, Carol,
Chrisma and Vasudha) who donated two feijoa
trees to mark the end of their association with
Southbridge School. These trees will provide
fruit for the students of our school from next
Congratulations to Xavier Hardcastle and Vincent Hardcastle who were
Caught Being Good this week.
Fraser Hill, Com 7
Morgan Pullan, Com 1
Brooklyn Joyce & Hayley Smith, Com 7
Riley Bugden, Com 4
Liam Hall, Com 7 & Jaryn Chynoweth, Com 6
We have been busy in Community
Five writing some fantastic
instructions for making paper planes
and our favourite snacks.
We have also been learning to play
the recorder and untuned
percussion instruments with
Community Four. We have loved
We are all set for summer because
we have been learning about how
to be SunSmart. Don’t forget to Slip,
Slop, Slap!
The Home & School Committee had a very successful night catering for the Lions’ Christmas
Dinner. We made an amazing profit of $3,000 which will be used to purchase new netball
uniforms, rugby shorts and soccer shorts for our school teams. This would not have been
possible with out the support of the following families and also the families who donated
money anonymously. Thank you also to the Ellesmere Lions for giving us this fundraising
C Barnett,
N Greenwood,
J Barnett,
P Greenwood,
and Oakley’s Premium Fresh Vegetables.
We hope you're all excited to see the new building.
We will be opening on Sunday 20th December
Go to our Facebook page:
Southbridge Community Pool for updated information.
Friendly reminders:
Under-fives are to be within an arm’s reach by someone 16 or over.
Under eights are to be actively supervised by someone 16 or over.
Prices: $135 family season pass, $25 concession card ten swims, $3 casual entry.
Hydro slide is free for anyone over eight and under 95 kg.
We look forward to seeing you all, have a safe summer.
What’s it
all about?
Fonterra Milk for Schools is all about growing healthy Kiwi kids. Milk contains essential nutrients for
growth and development and is an important building block for good nutrition for all kids. We want all
New Zealand primary-aged kids (Years 1-6) to have access to dairy nutrition every school day.
Here’s some answers to parents’ frequently asked questions
Why is Fonterra doing this?
Nothing is more important than the health of our kids. We believe
Fonterra Milk for Schools can make a lasting difference to kids’ health
and we’re committed to getting Kiwi kids drinking more milk.
Is Fonterra Milk for Schools available to all schools, or just primary
Just schools with primary-aged kids. We know that Years 1– 6 are the
formative period years of growth and development, so we want to
ensure that we are able to offer this opportunity to as many primary
aged students as possible.
Why have you chosen to use Anchor Lite milk instead of full fat milk?
The NZ Dietary Guidelines from the Ministry of Health advise that
from the age of two years, low fat dairy products are best for kids,
which is why we have decided to use Anchor Lite milk instead of full
fat or blue milk. Anchor Lite has 1.5g of fat per 100ml compared to
Anchor Blue’s 3.3g.
What is UHT milk?
UHT means Ultra-High Temperature processing. This sterilises the
milk by heating it for an extremely short period. Fonterra Milk for
Schools uses Anchor Lite milk which is put through the UHT process.
Does UHT milk provide the same nutritional value as fresh milk?
Milk is a delicious source of a range of essential nutrients including
high quality dairy protein, calcium, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), phosphorus
and potassium. Fonterra Milk for Schools milk contains the same
levels of protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals
and fat soluble vitamins as fresh milk. Every pack contains at least ¼
of the daily calcium requirements for children
Why is it UHT milk instead of fresh milk?
It all comes down to food quality and safety – we’ve tested the
logistics and UHT works best given the scale of the programme. Kids
will be drinking the milk nicely chilled because we will be supplying
fridges to all schools. UHT also gives Fonterra and schools more
flexibility when it comes to delivery times and storage.
How many days per week can milk be served to the kids?
Fonterra will supply enough milk to provide Year 1– 6 students one
pack every school day, if your school chooses to. The New Zealand
Food and Nutrition Guidelines recommend school kids consume at
least t wo to three servings of milk or dairy per day.
What about kids that are lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy?
Fonterra Milk for Schools is a voluntary programme, so if your
child(ren) do not wish to or should not drink milk you will need to let
your school know.
What about the waste?
Schools will be asked to empty and collect used packaging, which we
will then collect from the schools and recycle.
Are you recycling the packaging in New Zealand?
Once we collect the used packaging from schools we bring it back to
one of our recycle centres to be baled. It is then sent to Thailand or
Malaysia to complete the recycling process, turning the milk packs
into items like roof tiles and school books. There are currently no
facilities in New Zealand that have the ability to recycle this type of
packaging, making these recycling facilities the closest and most
eco-efficient .
Will participation in the programme add cost for the school?
Fonterra is providing the milk, fridges and recycling collection at no
charge. Costs to schools will include items such as electricity to run
the fridges and cleaning materials.
If our school joins this programme will they still get milk delivered to
the kids who participate in KickStart Breakfast?
Yes. There will be no change to the KickStart Breakfast programme.
Fonterra Milk for Schools will operate alongside the KickStart
Breakfast programme because it is intended for all primary-aged kids ,
providing milk as an additional nutritional boost to their day.
Can the milk be used for other things, such as selling it for
The milk is strictly for consumption on the school grounds by eligible
kids attending the school. It cannot be used for other purposes.
How soon can the programme start?
There is a formal application and induction process that every school
must complete before the milk can be served in school. For further
information about the Fonterra Milk for Schools programme in your
school please contact the school office.
Fonterra Milk for Schools will:
✓ ✓ Deliver Year 1- 6 kids a pack of Anchor
UHT milk every school day, for free
✓ ✓ Supply a free fridge to chill the milk
✓ ✓ Collect the used packs for recycling
Surfing with Donna @ Chch School of Surf. Surf parties. Summer holiday surf
camp $78 for 3 sessions. Dates Jan 11-13, 18 -20th, 25-27th.
TO BOOK call 0508 242478.
CHCH School of Surf is a surfing NZ approved surf school
7-14 year olds.
21, 22, 23 December 2015
9-00am - 3-00pm
ASB Football Park
$35 per day ($90 for three consecutive days)
For more information:
It’s that time of the year to register your child aged 6-13, or yourself aged 13 and over, for our
2016 Drama Stars Programme. This course (formerly known as Junior Drama and run by
Harlequin Players) commences in early February. This programme teaches all the essential skills,
techniques and tips of drama. It involves our students in all on-stage and back stage elements
of a production, where they run the show!
For our little stars, the six-week course covers all the aspects of acting including projection,
music, movement, improvisation and the audition process.
Our big stars will learn these skills too, plus gain a more advanced knowledge of staging a
production, including casting, props, costuming and make-up.
Auditions are held during week 3 and every student who auditions gets a role. They will then
attend twice-weekly rehearsals, culminating in a well-polished production at the end of the April
school holidays. Cost is $75.
To enrol, or for more information on any of our programmes, please email us at:
Proudly Presents
101 Dalmatians
Written by Doddie Smith and Directed by Fay Barnes
Merrin Primary School, 41 Merrin St, Avonhead, Christchurch
09 Jan to 16 Jan 2016
Saturday and Sunday shows at 11.00am & 2.00pm.
Monday to Friday Shows at 6.30pm
Tickets at gate: $8.00pp.
Children under 3 free.
Family concession $25.00 (2 adults & 2 Children)
Find us on Be There Christchurch Events
Refreshment available
As this is an outdoor event please be Sun Smart
Com 1
Jacqui Hardcastle for showing great attention to detail during Art.
Ashriel Calixto for showing great focus during print making which made her print clear and sharp.
Com 2
Luke Satchy-Galvin for participating and contributing to group discussions.
Gabe Johanson for the effort he put into his Year 6 memory. He demonstrated mana.
Com 3
Vasudha Roberts for the effort she puts in during Maths. She’s pushing herself to succeed.
JJ Dennis for continuing to amaze with his Maths ability. He’s a quick thinker and enjoys learning.
Com 4
Isobelle Leigh for showing mana in her writing. She has worked hard to draft, edit and publish this week.
Azra Tairua for his fantastic work in numeracy. He worked hard to find 1/4s and 1/2s of shapes and sets.
Com 5
Reiley Ward for showing mana through her continued effort and determination towards her writing.
Rhiannon Trethewey for her confidence and effort with experimenting in creating music with others.
Com 6
Xavier Hardcastle for his increasing confidence when taking risks in his learning.
Patrick Shanahan for his hard work and enthusiasm during his learning.
Com 7
Hayley Smith shows whanaungatanga by working well with others and always tries to be a good friend.
Annalise Bowden always shows Aroha. She uses her imagination and creativity when writing.
Principal – Tamariki o te Wiki
Grace Roxburgh for her commitment to our SOL programme which includes caring for and feeding our
hen and chicks over the weekend.
Susan Jennison
Deputy Principal
Wendy Huriwai
Board of Trustees Chairperson
Carey Barnett
Home & School Chairperson
Karen Johnston
Office Hours: 8.30am – 3.15pm
25 Hastings Street, Southbridge 7602
Bank Ac: