Get Out and Vote! - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce
Coffee Break See who we surprised last month! "Reindeer Games" Successful Tour 3 Thanks to all who made The Crush another great event! 8 Enjoy the 28th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade, December 6. 10 Lunch Exchange Business After Hours Wednesday, November 12 12PM - Quality Inn Thursday, November 6 5-7PM - LCSC November 2014 WHAT'S HAPPENING The holidays are almost here! Find out what's going on in the valley this month. page 2 JOB OPPORTUNITY Join the team of Northwest Children's Home as a Residential Treatment Specialist. page 9 Get Out and Vote! NOVEMBER 4, 2014 8AM - 8PM WINTER SPIRIT Enjoy Locomotive Park for another holiday season of lights, trains, and Cookies with Santa. page 10 VOTING LOCATIONS: In Nez Perce County: LEWIS CLARK YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Ballot Drop Boxes in Asotin County: Asotin County Courthouse 135 2nd Street Asotin The valley group toured downtown lofts in October and will meet again at Mystic Cafe this month! Clarkston City Hall 829 5th Street Clarkston page 14 Behind Lincoln Middle School 1945 4th Ave Clarkston 502 BRIDGE STREET CLARKSTON, WASHINGTON 99403 INFO@LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 509.758.7712 509.751.8767 FAX WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG what'shappening Young Frankenstein October 30-November 16 Time: 7:30PM and 2PM on Sunday Location: Lewiston Civic Theatre 805 6th Ave., Lewiston Fee: $8-$14 208.746.3401 | Idaho Small Business Development Center "Demystify Selling on Amazon" Tuesday,November 4 Time: 5:30-8:00PM Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 121 500 8th Ave., Lewiston Fee: $45 208.792.2465 | St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Connection Sign-ups November 10-28 Time: 9AM-12:30PM Locations: St Vincent de Paul Stores 609 3rd Street, Clarkston 3138 5th Street, Lewiston 509-758-7061 | Idaho Small Business Development Center "Business Valuation for Buyers and Sellers" Tuesday, November 11 Time: 5:30-8:00PM Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 121 500 8th Ave., Lewiston Fee: $45 208.792.2465 | Vine & Fork - St. Joseph Foundation Wednesday, November 12 Time: 6:30-9PM Location: Red Lion Lewiston 621 21st Street, Lewiston Fee: $100 per person 208-799-5416 | Boys & Girls Club of the Lewis Clark Valley Boys & Girls Club Basketball Deadline Thursday, November 13 Location: Red Lion, Seaport Room 621 21st. St., Lewiston CBIZ/Sattler Food Drive All funds and food collected will be donated to Community Action Partnership in Lewiston Now through November 14 Location: CBIZ/Sattler Insurance 1504 8th Street, Lewiston 208-298-3810 | Global Entrepreneurship Week with Avista Center for Entrepreneurship and Nelly Broadcasting November 17 – 21 509-758-1652 | NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Idaho Small Business Development Center "Using YouTube to Grow Your Business" Tuesday, November 18 Time: 5:30-8:00PM Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 121 500 8th Ave., Lewiston Fee: $45 208.792.2465 | Fall Entrepreneurial Breakfast Series Wednesday, November 19 Time: 8:30-10:30AM Location: 1025 Warner Ave., Lewiston ID 83501 509-758-1625 | Kendall Chevrolet Clearwater Snake Steelhead Derby November 22-November 29, 2014 Time: Kickoff Midnight Location: Clearwater and Snake Rivers 509-758-7712 | Winter Spirit Lighting Ceremony Saturday, November 22 Time: 4:30PM Location: Locomotive Park 208.750.4571 | 30TH ANNIVERSARY TRI-STATE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION FESTIVAL OF TREES Family Night Wed. Nov. 26, 5–8PM Get first peek at the fabulous trees while the kids create holiday crafts. Don’t miss this chance to meet Princess Elsa from FROZEN! Cost: Donation Community Day Thurs. Nov. 27, 1–4PM Enjoy festive goodies and stroll amongst the beautifully decorated trees that are auctioned at the Gala event. Cost: Donation Joanne Shears Vintage Style Show & Tea Fri. Nov. 28, 10AM–12PM A time for all generations to gather and enjoy goodies & vintage fashion. Tickets: $16 (advance purchase necessary) Gala Dinner, Auction & Dance Sat. Nov. 29, 6PM The valley’s premiere holiday gala features a Live and Silent Auction, gourmet dinner and dancing to The Cronkites. Tickets: $100 (advance purchase necessary, must be 21 years of age to attend) All events held at the Nez Perce County Fair Pavilion, Thanksgiving Week Ongoing Events Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities Time: Any Hour Between 8AM–5PM Location: LC Valley and multiple outlying area centers Main Office: 1816 18th Avenue, Lewiston 208.743.6573 | Lewis Clark State College Workforce Training Courses Contact Info: Dan Faller LCSC Workforce Training Veterans Appreciation Day at Happy Day Restaurants Tuesday, November 11 Every 2nd Tuesday of each month Time: 11AM–3PM Location: All Happy Day Restaurants Lancer Lanes & Casino FREE Poker Tournaments Fridays & Saturdays Time: 7PM & 9PM Location: Lancer Lanes & Casino 1250 Bridge St., Clarkston 509.758.4400 The Christian Cowboy Balladeers Cowboy Church First Sunday of each month: 9-10:30AM Third Wednesday of each month: 6-7PM Location: Guardian Angel Barn The Christian Cowboy Balladeers invite you! Cowboy poetry and gospel music, come enjoy fellowship the way it used to be and enjoy award winning performers. Everyone is welcome! Idaho Department of Labor: Career Building Workshops Thursdays Time: 10-11:30AM Location: Idaho Department of Labor 1158 Idaho Street, Lewiston 1st Thursday of each month 10-11:30: Your Resume, Your Way. How to use a piece of paper to get your foot in the door. 3rd Thursday of each month 10-11:30: What to Wear, What to Say, How to Sell Yourself! 208.799.5000 x3522 For tickets & more info: 509.751.4556 1347 12th Street Clarkston, WA 9940 WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 2 businessafterhours Business After Hours Hosted By: MIX BUSINESS AND PLEASURE! Please join us for Business After Hours! Network with your current or potential business associates at Business After Hours. Lewis-Clark State College Williams Conference Center Corner of 4th St. and 9th Ave Lewiston, ID 83501 Thurs. November 6 from 5-7PM Network with your current or potential business associates at Business After Hours. Bring plenty of business cards, maybe win a door prizes or 50/50! And of course a popular aspect of most Business After Hours, enjoy refreshments including beer, wine and delicious hors d’ oeuvres. Join us at this free event for all chamber members and their employees. Business After Hours Schedule Business After Hours is held on Thursdays unless otherwise stated. Dec. - TBD Clearwater River Casino Jan. 15 McGregor Feb. 19 Largent's Appliances Mar. 19 Apr. 16 AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE! Showcase your business by hosting a Business After Hours in 2014! Contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office to reserve your spot today, 758.7712 or coffeebreak Coffee Break with In October your Chamber Ambassadors celebrated Potlatch #1 Federal Credit Union for their long standing membership and commitment to the Chamber and Business Community. P1FCU is committed to providing Ethical Service, Everyday, Every Member, Every Transaction. A special thanks to Albertson’s for donating the donuts and Daily’s Bakery for donating coffee! CONTACT INFORMATION Member Service Center (208) 746-8900 (800) 843-7128 Hours: M-F 7AM-7PM Saturdays 9AM-5PM Multiple Locations for Your Convenience NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 3 lunchexchange Thank You! FOR ATTENDING THE OCTOBER LUNCHEON! We’d like to thank everyone who attended the State of the Valley Luncheon on October 8, 2014. We would especially like to thank all guests who presented on the State of Education in the Valley. The 2014 State of The Valley was focused on Education in the Lewis Clark Valley. The Chamber took an alternative approach and decided to create a broader view of the education system unique to our community. Cooperation seemed to be a key element brought up time and time again by each of our panelists. This topic was well received and the members present for State of the Valley were appreciative of all of our panelists sharing their perspective with the business community. LANCE HANSEN TIM WINTERS DR. JANET V. DANLEY DR. TONY FERNANDEZ MARIBETH RICHARDSON ERIKA ALLEN Lunch Exchange Schedule Lunch Exchange will be held at the Red Lion Hotel in Lewiston for January through June 2014 and at the Quality Inn through December 2014. Advanced RSVP is required, please call the chamber office in advance to reserve your seat. Nov. 12 King Services Dec. 10 Christmas Luncheon with Clarkston Rotary Feb. 11 Lewis Clark Early Childhood Program Mar. 11 AVAILABLE! Apr. 8 Visit Lewis Clark Valley May 13 ArtBeat Sponsors are encouraged to bring visual aids, promotional items and to be creative with their 20 minute presentation. If you would like to get on the calendar to sponsor a luncheon, contact Kristina Bickford at the Chamber office today at 509.758.7712! Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories offers a complete range of solutions that improve how electric power is delivered. Our mission is simple—make electric power safer, more reliable, and more economical. Explore the possibilities at NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 4 businessafterhours Thank You! FOR ATTENDING THE OCTOBER BUSINESS AFTER HOURS! This month YWCA hosted a fabulous Business After Hours. They shared information with guests about the history and valuable services provided by their organization. Our community is grateful for all they do. Happy Day Catering provided guests with tantalizing treats, which were enjoyed by all! Thank you also goes out to Lindsay Creek Vineyards for sharing their fine wine, Riverport Brewery for their delicious brew, and to As You Like it Cakes, for the scrumptious cupcake display. Thank you YWCA for hosting a wonderful Business After Hours and congratulations on 95 years of service. A great big shout out to all of the Ambassadors who helped also; Laurel Smith, Dave Keene, Josh Keene, Jill Charpentier, and Trish Hauer. NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION CONTACT INFORMATION YWCA 300 Main St. Lewiston ID (208) 743-1535 WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 5 lunchexchange Chamber Lunch Exchange ARE YOU CONNECTING? NOVEMBER'S LUNCH EXCHANGE SPONSORED BY: You’re invited! As a member of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber, you have a standing invitation to come have lunch with your fellow Chamber members. This month, Paul Markwalter of King Services is hosting the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon. Chamber Members, this your opportunity to learn what King Services can do for you in times of crisis, such as: Fire Restoration, Smoke Removal and Water and Wind Damage Repair. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 2014 12–1PM QUALITY INN & SUITES COST: $17, INCLUDES LUNCH Know someone new to the area? Guests are welcome and encouraged! Introduce new employees, supervisors, managers or community group leaders from your business or organization. As though you’d need more reasons, attending the luncheon provides business advocacy, networking opportunities and memberto-member referrals. You’ll get to hear from informative speakers, and don’t forget 50/50 drawings, Ray-isms, and door prizes. The Chamber Lunch Exchange is generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at noon, unless otherwise stated. There’s always something special going on – don’t be left out! DON’T BE LEFT STANDING, OR WORSE………..HUNGRY! PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEAT BY CALLING THE CHAMBER OFFICE IN ADVANCE!! 509.758.7712 ***As a reminder, advance RSVP is due for all luncheons, and all other chamber events that have an entrance or ticket fee. After you have reserved your spot, we will plan on you being there. If you find that you will not be able to attend, please call our office at least 24 hours prior to the event to avoid being charged. If you must cancel after the 24 hour period, or do not notify our office of your absence, please expect to receive an invoice for the missed event. A one-time exception will be granted for medical emergencies for either you or a family member.*** ourvalley Breakfast of Champions Donald T. Montgomery, a Financial Advisor with Waddell & Reed, Inc. hosted our final Breakfast of Champions for 2014, diving into the topic of filing for Social Security and the many options associated with retirement income. Social Security is our country’s single largest Federal program and the sole means of support for many retirees. Remarkably, it offers a high level of flexibility to optimize your retirement income needs. Waddell & Reed invited chamber members to learn about Social Security’s unexpected options. Thank you for providing chamber members with the valuable opportunity. CONTACT INFO: Waddell & Reed Don Montgomery- Financial Advisor 1630 23rd Ave Suite 201B Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 746-4366 NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 6 committeenews Natural Resource Committee Meeting NOTES FROM THE OCTOBER 21, 2014 MEETING The Natural Resource Committee supports, promotes and protects the values and treasures of the Lewis Clark Valley by providing natural resource issue awareness and education to the business community. Kip Kemak (Fire Specialist NP Tribe): This season saw fewer MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE fires but they were individually larger than last year. Many Tony Snodderly, Mike Bowman, Paul Dixon, Scott Carlton, Clayton Steele, Mike Tatko, Joel Plaskon, Raven Campbell, Kip Kemak, Riley homes were lost in wildfires last summer which emphasizes the need for homeowners to be Firewise around their homes. Visit Stark and Belinda Lierman for more information. The meeting opened with the ever popular "So What's On Your Raven Campbell (City of Lewiston): First time attending and we look Mind?" forward to her participation in the months to come. SO WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? Mike Tatko (Avista): Global Entrepreneurship Week is November 17-21. As part of the activities, Roger Woodworth, Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at Avista Corp., will be the keynote speaker at a breakfast sponsored by Walla Walla Community College in conjunction with the Avista Center for Entrepreneurship. The breakfast will be Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 8:30AM at Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union, 1025 Warner Avenue. For more information, e-mail Belinda Lierman (Port of Clarkston): Riverfest 2014 was a tremendous success! Vendors are excited about next year and our committee has already met to discuss dates and times (which, by the way, will be the last Saturday in September but from noon to 6PM instead of 7PM) We had about 1,000 people travel through our kids zone, vendor booths, beverage garden and listen to our entertainment at both ends of the park. It was a very exciting day! Tony Snodderly (Senator Crapo): The Idaho State Veteran’s home in Lewiston will be hosting a ceremony on November 11, 2014 for Veterans Day. Senator Crapo’s Spirit of Freedom Award will be presented at this ceremony to a veteran and a volunteer who works with veterans. The Ceremony starts at 2PM. Everyone is invited and reminded the Veteran’s Day parade will be Saturday November 8th at 11AM in downtown Lewiston. Come support our heroes. Clayton Steele (Clearwater Paper): Completed hiring pool interviews. Expect to hire approximately 100 production personnel over the next year. Mike Bowman (USFS retired): Mike requested that all member attending the meetings have the opportunity to suggest possible speakers and/or subjects that they would like to have addressed during our speaker presentations. NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Paul Dixon (Clearwater Paper): Always interested in developments on river transportation – dredging is the focus now. The new Army Corps of Engineer District Commander is LTC Vale. Scott Carlson (US Rep Labrador): Complimented the Nez Perce Tribe Chairman Silas Whitman for the success of the Coho fishing recovery program. Joel Plaskon: Continue to work on City improvements, for example, in area by bridge for those who use it regularly, to provide services. OCTOBER PRESENTATION This month’s speaker, Riley Stark, City of Lewiston Urban Forester highlighted five areas of management – Planting and Maintaining, Public Education, Community Involvement, Tree City, USA, and Parks Technician. Planting a tree is his favorite activity as reported by our City Forester and below is a good example of that very important activity. Selecting the right tree for the right place is the correct way to choose a tree for planting whether it is in a park or in your backyard. These are wise words shared by our Urban Forester. Thanks for the opportunity to talk with the Natural Resources Committee of the L-C Chamber of Commerce. During the lunch hour on Tuesday, October 21st, I joined the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Natural Resource Committee to present the Urban Forestry Program that I have developed with the City of Lewiston during my time with as an employee. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 7 memberrenewals Member Renewals THANK YOU! Your membership in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce is a symbol of confidence in the work of the Chamber and its volunteers. We sincerely thank our members who renewed their membership for their ongoing support. Please remember these companies when you do business! If you don't see your business listed here, please contact Kristina Bickford, Membership Services Coordinator at 509.758.7712 or Ferguson Enterprises (208) 743-1509 Lewis-Clark State College (208) 792-5272 Sunwest Bank (208) 750-4550 Kelly Creek Flycasters (208) 413-4999 Mandarin Pine Restaurant, LLC (208) 746-4919 The Odom Corporation (208) 746-0114 Kenaston Corporation (208) 746-1351 Mountain View Funeral Home (208) 743-9464 Wells Fargo Bank - Orchards (208) 746-3064 Sterling Bank Home Loan Division (208) 798-4426 chamberevent A Huge Thank You to our 2014 Crush Tour Sponsors! THE CRUSH: PREMIER WINE, BEER, AND FARM TOUR WAS A GREAT SUCCESS MAJOR SPONSORS Basalt Cellars Clearwater Canyon Cellars Colters Creek Winery Lindsey Creek Winery MJ Barleyhoppers Riverport Brewery FOOD SPONSORS 13 Foods Brock's Daily's Bakery Fazarri's Pizza Harvest Ridge Organic JillyBean Catering Mystic Cafe Red Lion Catering NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION CRUSH TOUR SPONSORS Affordable Optics ATK Avista Utilities Banner Bank Century 21 Price Right - Joyce Keefer Clearwater Paper Community Bank Inland Cellular Kaufman Farms Northwest Farm Credit Union P1FCU Regence Blue Shield of Idaho Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Troy Insurance Agency Valley Vision WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 8 newmembers Please extend a warm welcome to the following companies who joined the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce. Be a good partner. Remember them when you do business. jobopportunity Residential Treatment Specialists Wanted SERENITY PLACE RESIDENTIAL CARE 1917 17th Ave., Lewiston (208) 743-5322 A family-oriented, 16-bed assisted living facility. We accept private pay and Medicaid. KURTS PAINTING Clarkston (509) 791-6399 Interior/Exterior, new construction, repaints. Licensed, bonded, and insured. POINTE PEST CONTROL 247 Thain Road Ste # 109, Lewiston (509) 822-6520 Do you desire to really make a difference in the life of a child? Join our team at Northwest Children’s Home to help achieve our vision of Building Brighter Futures! Northwest Children’s Home is hiring RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SPECIALISTS to work as part of a treatment team with children in residential care. Full-time, part-time or on-call shifts are available. Shifts: 7AM-3PM, 2-10PM, and 10PM-8AM. Full time has benefits including medical/dental insurance, life insurance, generous PTO, and sick leave. A degree is not required but course work in human services preferred and/or paid experience with children. Opportunities for advancement are available. $9.05-$9.50/hr, DOE. Application can be found at, submit completed application to Human Resources, P.O. Box 1288, Lewiston ID 83501. Northwest Children’s Home is a Tobacco Free workplace. EOE Pest Control Service ELITE HOME HEALTH & HOSPICE 1372 Bridge St., Clarkston (509) 758-3413 Providing home health and hospice services for Nez Perce, Asotin, and Garfield counties. SMOKE SHAK 160 9th St., Clarkston (509) 758-2663 Barbecue Restaurant NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 9 Thank you to our 2014 Sponsors Title Sponsor Kendall Chevrolet of Lewiston Major Sponsor Sportsman’s Warehouse Visit Lewis Clark Valley Derby Sponsorships Adam Hocking with Steel Dream Guide Service ArtBeat ATK - CCI/Speer Operations Avista Utilities Banner Bank – Lewiston Black Sheep Sporting Goods Blue Ribbon Clearwater Paper Corporation Clearwater River Casino Community Bank Deano’s DH Tackle Box Hahn Rental Happy Day Catering Horns and Hooks Inland Cellular Les Schwab ( all three locations) Regence BlueShield of Idaho Riverport Brewery Riverview Marina St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Media Sponsors Big Country Radio 97.7 Idavend Broadcasting KLEW Television Lamar Outdoor Advertising The Lewiston Tribune Pacific Empire Radio* QpINS Pre-Registry for this event by visiting or call 509-758-7712 NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 10 ourvalley Winter Spirit TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY AND COOKIES WITH SANTA Winter Spirit will host their annual holiday tree lighting ceremony formally kicking off the valley's Holiday Season. Entertainment provided by the ROTC Color Guard, valley dance groups and vocals by local artists will begin at 4:30PM on November 22. At 6PM, the park comes alive with the flip of a switch, displaying millions of brightly lit tree tops, dancing penquins, musical bears, a Pooh train, the interactive dance floor, and romantically lit arches to wander through. On Saturday, December 6 from 5-8PM, Winter Spirit will host their 4th Annual Cookies with Santa event. Santa will arrive at Locomotive Park and sit in front of the fireplace to visit with the children who come by to see him. Santa's helpers will have a cookie for every child. CONTACT INFO: Winter Spirit Larry Kopczynski - (208) 798-4732 Sandy Bunton - (208) 750-4571 ourvalley Reindeer Games 28TH ANNUAL LIGHTED CHRISTMAS PARADE IN DOWNTOWN CLARKSTON Join the Chamber Mobile Alerts Group The Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce has set Saturday, December 6 as the date for its 28th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade. The theme for this year's parade is "Reindeer Games." The entry fee is $25 and there will be cash prizes for the winning parade entries. The parade begins at 4:30PM in downtown Clarkston. Immediately following the parade, there will be a lighting ceremony in Vernon Park on the corner of 6th Street and Chestnut St. Text LCVC to 87940 to join the Chamber’s Mobile Alerts Group. Through mobile alerts, you will be notified of upcoming Chamber events straight to your phone! Only one text message per week max. Click here to download the parade application and parade rules. For more questions regarding this event, please contact the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber at 758-7712. Parade numbers will be mailed out to entries received by November 25. NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 11 chambersponsors ELITE/VISIONARY LEADERS DIAMOND/CORPORATE LEADERS PLATINUM/BUSINESS LEADERS MEDIA SPONSORS SMALL BUSINESS/ENTREPRENEUR SPONSORS NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 12 committeenews CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 I also discussed professional credentialing, permitting, contracting, media appearances, committee involvement, and certifying tree care professionals. Some questions arose concerning interdepartmental cooperation, and tree selection. I made sure to emphasize avoiding problems with trees by selecting the right tree for the right place. After some concluding words, my presentation was over and I engaged in some informal discussion with committee members before returning to my office in Lewiston. Thank you for sharing lunch with us, Riley. NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Carole Asbury & Kip Kemak, Co-Chairs Mike Bowman, Program Chair Major themes of my presentation included my responsibilities as urban forester, such as Planting and Maintaining Urban Trees, engaging in public education activities, community involvement, fulfilling Tree City USA requirements, and my duties as a parks technician. NEXT MEETING: November 18th (3rd Tuesday) 12PM Quality Inn - Board Room Our special THANKS to the Quality Inn for providing the Board Room for the NRC meeting. ourvalley Spotlight a Local Small Business and Win! The Avista Center for Entrepreneurship program at Walla Walla Community College, Clarkston Campus and Nelly Broadcasting are teaming up to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week in the LewisClark Valley! Each day from Monday, November 17 to Friday, November 21 the Avista Center for Entrepreneurship and Nelly Broadcasting will visit two small businesses in Lewiston and/or in Clarkston to show appreciation to local entrepreneurs. For your chance to be in the spotlight during Global Entrepreneurship Week, “Like” us on Facebook - or “Follow” us on Twitter @AvistaCent4Entr. Then nominate your favorite entrepreneur located either in Lewiston, ID or in Clarkston, WA. The ten businesses with the most votes will receive an “Entrepreneur Survival Kit” and a FREE live radio remote with Nelly Broadcasting during Global Entrepreneurship Week! The deadline to vote is on Thursday, November 13th! NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 13 governmentaffairs Minimum Wage Luncheon Last month, the members of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber Commerce heard from Mark Johnson, Vice President of Government Affairs for the Washington Retail Association. Residents and business owners from both Washington and Idaho were present and engaged at this luncheon hosted by both the Clarkston Legislative Committee and Lewiston’s Government Affairs Committee. Mark reviewed the results of the minimum wage survey completed by members, and while businesses believe the Washington minimum wage is reasonable, increasing is not necessary. On the other side of the coin, many members believe Idaho minimum wage is not high enough. In 2015 Washington minimum wage will increase to $9.47 an hour and Idaho will remain at the Federal rate of $7.25. That is a large gap for a border community like the Lewis Clark Valley. MARK JOHNSON Your Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Legislative and Government Affairs Committees will be at the forefront of this conversation representing the needs of our business community. We will continue to keep this topic active and encourage you to be a part of the conversation with Clarkston Legislative and/or Lewiston Government Affairs Committee. NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 14 membertomemberdiscount Member-to-Member Specials One of the many benefits of your chamber membership is cost savings and networking through member-to-member special offers. The program features discounted rates on products and services from chamber members, for chamber members. When you take advantage of these valuable products and services, you’re supporting your fellow members and your chamber. If you are a member of the chamber and are interested in offering discounts to fellow members, please contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office, 758.7712 or BEAUTY/SKIN CARE EVENT HOSTING MOBILE MUSIC RENTAL SPACE MONA HAAS - INDEPENDENT SALES DIRECTOR 208.305.3270 Lewis-Clark State College has meeting, conference, and overnight accommodations available. We would like to invite you to host your next event on our campus. All chambers members will receive a 10% discount on room rental fees and overnight accommodations. For more information, please call or visit our website at www. For chamber members, 15% off a rental sound system in the Lewis/Clark Valley. Outside areas, please call for rates and based on availability. Discount not to be used with any other offer or special. Call today to reserve our rental sound system for all your party needs! First Christian Church in Clarkston has space available for rent to any group. Our schedule is fairly open as of now. The cost to chamber members will be $25/meeting and $35/meeting if the kitchen is used. We have a fully functioning kitchen and a nursery, no worker provided. Also, we are available for weddings for $350 for the building. HEATHER SMITH INDEPENDENT SENIOR SALES DIRECTOR 208.305.4461 heathersmith83501 Create your ideal beauty experience. We offer custom skin care and consultations. You can always try before your buy! Party hostesses also receive great discounts and products. 20% discount for Chamber members! If shopping online, use discount code CHAMBER at checkout. *Must not currently be serviced by any other Mary Kay beauty consultant.* CONSULTING/FACILITATION NORTHWEST LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES 509.254.3688 jscott@nwLeadershipStrategies. com 15% discount for chamber members seeking leadership and organization development consulting and facilitation services, including: annual Retreat Facilitation, Communication Audits, Leadership Training and Organization Program analysis & design. LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE 500 8th Ave. Lewiston 208.792.2060 EYE CARE AFFORDABLE OPTICS 1039 21st St., Lewiston 208.413.6685 Chamber Members, come check out Affordable Optics and take advantage of a 15% discount off a complete pair of glasses. (We also take outside prescriptions) Not to be used with any other offers, discounts or insurance. We have the Lowest Exam Fee in the Valley! Book your appointment today. We look forward to doing business with you. HOTELS/MOTELS MOTEL 6 222 Bridge St., Clarkston 509.758.1631 Winner of Motel 6 Quality Award for the USA 2005. We have available an indoor pool and hot tub, pool parties, Executive Suites, and extra parking for your fishing boat. Have company coming to visit and need an extra room. Receive a 10% discount off our low rates. We will leave the light on for you. NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION DJ MOBILE MUSIC 509.758.3301 MORTGAGE COMPANIES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 840 10th St, Clarkston 509.758.2943 SUMMIT FUNDING 200 Main St, Lewiston Phone: (509) 751-2222 Mobile: (208) 790-2324 Fax: (509) 751-2228 VIDEO PRODUCTION Summit Funding will waive the processing fee of $495 for any loan to all chamber members and their employees. Video for Web Special, ONLY for Chamber Members! A 60-90 second professional production video for only $400. Dan Walker Productions comes to your place of business, interviews your spokesperson and gets shots of your business in action. Then, within 5 business days, your video is ready for review! Each video is posted on YouTube so it is easy to embed on your website and share on social media. The bonus is that you can add your video to your profile on the Chamber's online Business Directory and share the video via their social media as well! PEST MANAGEMENT SUN PEST MANAGEMENT 1140 15th St., Clarkston 800.422.4803 15% discount for chamber members for soil sterilization, weed treatments and just plain ol’ insect/spider treatments. DAN WALKER PRODUCTIONS 208.791.7523 danwalker@dwproductions. com WATER - BOTTLED & BULK NORTHWEST PURE BOTTLED WATER 509.751.9305 One-month FREE machine rental and two FREE bottles of water, when you give us a try. (A $21 value) WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 15 chamberevent Pancakes and Politics WASHINGTON LEGISLATIVE SEND-OFF & BREAKFAST DISCUSSION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 AT 7AM There will be an informal, no-host breakfast with the 9th Legislative Delegation prior to them returning to Olympia for the January 2015 Session on November 6 at 7AM. They will be happy to give their overview of the session and take questions and answers and have an open discussion about the chamber’s legislative priorities for the upcoming year. Breakfast is $14.00 at the Quality Inn and Suites, 700 Port Drive, Clarkston WA 99403. Pre-registry at REPRESENTATIVE SUSAN FAGAN REPRESENTATIVE JOE SCHMICK SENATOR MARK SCHOESLER ourvalley Lewis Clark Young Professionals Participants from LCYP along with about 30 others enjoyed Beautiful Downtown Lewiston’s Loft Tour on October 23rd. The tour took everyone through seven upper-story apartments in six downtown buildings. Units ranged in size from around 500 square feet to 2,500 square feet, and the styles varied greatly. It was a great way to view unique downtown living spaces that many people do not know about. Guests enjoyed wine and hors d’oeuvres at the end along with a chance to see plans for another five units being developed on the second level of Towne Square. The next LCYP event will be November 19 at 5:30pm at the new Mystic Café on Main St., Lewiston. For more information and to be included on the groups email list, contact Eric Justis - NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 16 ourvalley Turn Boring Meetings Around in Three Steps When staff meetings are done well, employees will look forward to the meetings. Turn boring office meetings around in 3 steps! The formula for a successful meeting is: 1. Information 2. Ideas 3. Recognition Meetings designed to move specific business goals and objectives forward by mobilizing staff to carry out strategic business goals are productive meetings. Great Meetings: 1. Are all too often boring lectures, unrelated information and irrelevant tangents. Make sure to not lecture or “Read” the written materials. Your job is to guide them and inspire them with relevant information. 2. Create interest 3. Active interaction (not an open forum “complain session”) 4. Are during non-peak times of the work day and scheduled regularly. Same Day/Time (daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly whichever fits the needs of the office) 5. Have guidelines Standard Practices: 1. Start meeting on time 2. End meeting on time 3. Written Agenda 4. Usually have no more than 5 items addressed Agenda Ideas: 1. Information (such as; updated policy changes, new rules and regulations, employee changes) 2. Upcoming events/promotions 3. Idea exchange for dealing with a problem/client or issue 4. Guest Speakers (Office personnel or others) 5. Employee recognition (group, individual or outside the department) 6. Action items – Assign tasks with deadlines A happy well engaged staff will produce a much better environment where everyone feels as if they play a vital role in the success of the business! A well designed, deliberate meeting is but one way to easily manifest that culture in the work place. This article contributed by: Wendie Kause, Owner of Kause Success Management. If you would like further information on Sales, Customer Service or Leadership, please send an email to wendie@ beautifuldowntownlewiston Small Business Saturday BDL ENCOURAGES VALLEY RESIDENTS TO SHOP LOCALLY-OWNED BUSINESS ON NOV. 29 On November 29, 2014, "shift your shopping" to downtown Lewiston's locally-owned businesses. Shopping at local businesses has positive impacts on our local economy and community. •More jobs and opportunity: Not only do independent businesses employ more people per dollar of revenue, they use local printers, accountants, media, farms, attorneys, artists, and others, expanding opportunities for local entrepreneurs! •Economic vitality: Each dollar you spend at an independent business returns an average of 3 times more money to your community than spending at a chain! •Build Community: The casual encounter you enjoy at local businesses and the public spaces around them nurture relationships and community cohesiveness. As if community building isn't enough of a reason to celebrate, Beautiful Downtown Lewiston will be giving away gift certificates to local businesses as incentive for participating on November 29 - simply shop at a local downtown business and post an image online (Facebook or Instagram) of one or more of your purchases (or a pic of you with a local business owner!) with the hashtag #ShopSmallBDL to be entered into the drawing. NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 17 ourvalley Keep Your Simple Plan Compliant When was the last time you looked at your business retirement plan? If you offer a straightforward option such as the Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE), the answer may be... not since establishing the plan. That's understandable, since SIMPLE plans require no discrimination testing and no annual government reporting. Still, SIMPLE plans do have rules, and keeping your plan current and compliant helps you retain tax benefits. Here are three items to review. •The participation status of your employee. Make sure you haven't overlooked workers who became eligible to participate in your plan. Generally, eligible employees include those who earned at least $5,000 during any two prior years and who you expect to pay at least $5,000 this year. •Your calculation of employee compensation. The contributions your employees make and the contributions your business makes depend on calculating compensation correctly. For purposes of SIMPLE contributions, compensation means regular pay as well as overtime, bonuses, and commissions. •Timely deposits of contributions. Contributions made by your employees must be deposited with the trustee of your plan within 30 days after the end of the month they were withheld. Your employer matching contributions are due on the same date as your federal income tax return. Other things to check include making sure your plan is using the correct model plan agreement and that you're providing employees with required notices each year Book Your Jet Boat Tour or Fishing Trips Today! It’s that time of year again. Book your fishing trip with one of these amazing outfitters. Need gift ideas? Want to thank your employees? A fishing trip would be a great gift…. Give us a call. We're here to help you make sure your retirement plan continues to offer all the benefits available. This article contributed by: Su Brown & Associates, PLLC 77 Southway Suite B Lewiston, ID 83501 contact: Hells Canyon - South Entrance 1.800.422.3568 541.785.3352 Jet Boat Tours Lodging - RV/Tent Fishing Charters NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 18 CBIZ Sattler We are pleased to announce that Sattler Insurance Agency has joined CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc., one of the largest publicly owned Property and Casualty insurance brokers in the country. CBIZ Sattler Same People and Services You’ve Known for Years ourvalley City of Lewiston Parks and Recreation Events • Adult City League Basketball - Begins Sunday, November 23. Get a team together and stay fit this winter. Team fee is $875 with a minimum of eight players and each team will play 15 games. Registration is due by November 17. • Thanksgiving Floral Arranging Class - Monday, November 24, 6:15-8:15PM Amaze your friends and family by creating your own Thanksgiving Floral Arrangement using new professional techniques. All class materials will be provided, and class will be held at the Lewiston Community Center. Register by November 6. • Movies on the Wall - Friday, December 5, 6PM - Fenton Gym This summer event is back! This time, the movie "Home Alone" will be shown on the wall of Fenton Gym. This is a free event for everyone! Chairs and blankets are welcome. SENIOR CLASSES AND TRIPS • Cirque Dreams Holidaze Show and Dinner - Saturday, November 22 Enjoy an evening in Spokane with a performance from Cirque Dreams, an international show featuring mid-air stunts, Broadway musical performances and much more! Hurry and register by November 3. • Tai Chi - Starts December 5 Improve balance, find relaxation techniques and build a stronger immune system with this class. Classes are held from 11AM-12PM at the Lewiston Community Center, cost is $50/ person or $90 for two people. Register by December 5. • Davenport Hotel Champagne Sunday Brunch - Sunday, December 21 Savor the Davenport Hotel's Champagne Sunday Brunch and then get the last minute holiday shopping done in downtown Spokane during this trip through Lewiston Parks and Recreation! Trip fee is $100/person and registration is required by December 2. Registration for classes/events may be done in person at the Lewiston Community Center, 1424 Main Street, Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM or by calling 208.746.2313. CIRQUE DREAMS HOLIDAZE SHOW UPCOMING EVENTS • Coffee and The Classics - Every Tuesday 9-11AM Come play classic games like cribbage, pinochle and scrabble. Grab a cup of coffee, bring your friends and make some new ones! FREE TO ALL! • Family Night Indoor - Every Friday 6:30-8:30PM Looking for something cool to kick start your weekend? Join the Aquatic Center for Family Night, indoor style! There will be toys for the kids and fun for all! • Drop and Shop - Friday, November 28, 11AM-3PM Get an afternoon of Black Friday shopping done while the kids enjoy the Indoor Natatorium! Cost is $5/child. INDOOR NATATORIUM NOVEMBER 2014 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION • School's Out Swim Days - Dec 22, 29, 31 and Jan 2 School is out, and the pool is open! All children ages four and up pay just $1 admission on these days. Enjoy the day off from school in the pool! WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 19 november2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 •A County Commissioner • Boys and Girls Club Auction, Nez Perce County Fair Pavilion, 5PM 2 3 • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 4 VOTE! ELECTION DAY • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM • Lewiston City Council Meeting, LCSC Library, 6PM • Clarkston City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7PM 11 16 • Breakfast of Champions, LCSC Student Union Building, 7AM 17 • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 • Pancakes & Politics, Washington Legislator Send-Off, Quality Inn, 7AM • Ambassador's Meeting, Zany's, 1PM • Business After Hours, LCSC, Williams Conference Center, 5PM CHAMBER OFFICE CLOSED VETERAN'S DAY 6 5 • Government Affairs Committee Meeting, China Inn, 12PM 10 9 12 • Chamber Membership Luncheon, Quality Inn, 12PM 18 • Coffee Break, The Diamond Shop, 10AM 19 • Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session, 9AM-4PM • Natural Resources Meeting, Quality Inn, 12PM • Kendall Chevrolet Clearwater Snake Steelhead Derby Kick-Off, 6PM, Kendal Chevrolet, North Lewiston • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 23 24 25 26 • Festival of Trees, Nez Perce County Fair Grounds 30 • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM SATURDAY • Asotin City Council Meeting, City Hall, 5:30PM • Lewiston City Council Meeting, LCSC Library, 6PM • Clarkston City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7PM THANKSGIVING • Festival of Trees, Nez Perce County Fair Grounds 27 STEELHEAD DERBY 28 • Festival of Trees, Nez Perce County Fair Grounds 29 • Festival of Trees, Nez Perce County Fair Grounds CHAMBER OFFICE CLOSED KENDALL CHEVROLET STEELHEAD DERBY, CLEARWATER AND SNAKE RIVERS - NOV 22-29
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