February - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce
February - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce
SOUPort Our Shelters Coffee Break The Price is Right! Business After Hours Chamber Luncheon ASOTIN COUNTY COMMUNITY SVCS. See who we surprised last month! 11 SOUPort the YWCA at this annual event. 19 Join in on the fun at this new event in Beautiful Downtown Lewiston. 20 Wednesday, Feb. 13 at Quality Inn & Suites Thursday, Feb. 21 at FastSigns February 2013 Referral Magic: How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back Again & Again EXCEPTIONAL MIND CAPTURE CUSTOMER SERVICE CHAIRMAN’S THOUGHTS Wow! Todd Blamires is getting excited for 2013. page 3 WHAT'S HAPPENING See the events coming up this month. page 4 In this dynamic, engaging, and timely session with bestselling author Tony Rubleski you will discover: PRESIDENT’S VIEW This is Just the Beginning.... page 9 LEWISTON LIBRARY EVENTS page 18 The Key Characteristics of today’s customer that you must know 5 simple, yet highly effective, ways to improve your own customer service Good and bad customer service examples and the powerful lessons they leave Proven and effective ways to stay in touch with your best clients Why it takes years to earn trust and business and only seconds to lose it The #1 sin you must avoid in your marketing that directly impacts the customer experience 502 Bridge Street, Clarkston, WA 99403 502 BRIDGE STREET Tuesday, February 12th 10AM—12PM—Seminar 12PM—1PM—Lunch The Orchid Room, 301 Main Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 Tony Rubleski, president of Mind Capture Group, helps businesses, sales professionals and entrepreneurs move beyond ordinary marketing, to a much higher level of bonding with clients. He has over 10 years of experience in the direct selling and advertising fields and has worked with a diverse client list. His book, titled “MIND CAPTURE: How to Generate New & Repeat Business in the Age of Advertising Overload” has been featured in Bottom Line personal magazine, The Detroit Free Press and the FOX Television news network. Tel 509.758.7712 CLARKSTON, WASHINGTON 99403 INFO@LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG Registration: $25/person for chamber members (includes lunch) $35/person for nonmembers) Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 7th www.lcvalleychamber.org 509.758.7712 509.751.8767 FAX WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG An Evening Under the Shimmering Shamrocks Spring Break Dinner & Auction Friday March 8, 2013 Quality Inn & Suites 700 Port Drive | Clarkston, WA 6:00 pm - Social and Silent Auction 7:30 pm - Dinner 8:30 pm - Live Auction Tickets: $40 per person $390 Table sponsorship Emcee: Greg Craber Auctioneer: Mike Weiss chairman'sthoughts Wow! In the words of Ray Rosch, “WOW”!! It has been an amazing start to the new year, with three events right out of the gate. The Annual Banquet was well attended with great food, fun, and fellowship with the chamber community. The following week, we had a great General Membership luncheon, followed by an awesome Business After Hours at the Lewiston Airport. Many thanks to all those that sponsored and participated in these events. These events are a wonderful way to see old friends and establish new ones. The opportunities are endless in our communities to promote ourselves and our businesses. These functions are also a great way to invite nonmembers to come and partake of our hospitality and explore the amazing benefits of chamber membership, as there is truly strength in numbers. TODD BLAMIRES Chairman, Lewis Clark Valley Chamber ArtBeat I am excited for this new year and working with you and new members. Please call upon myself or your hard working board of directors to help bring more into the chamber, and have a fantastic February! shadesofireland Shades of Ireland PRESENTED BY LC VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND AAA MEMBER CHOICE VACATIONS Have you ever dreamed of visiting the Emerald Isle? Here’s your chance to follow that dream! The Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce is planning a trip to Ireland, March 12-21, 2013, and you’re invited! Highlights of the trip include a visit to the home of Waterford Crystal, kissing the Blarney Stone, spending the night in a castle, visiting the Guinness beer factory, and so much more. To find out more, call Sharlene Gill at AAA, at 509.468.1135 or visit www.lcvalleychamber.org/Ireland. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2013 in Ireland with the LC Valley Chamber of Commerce! FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Congratulates Year-End 2012 Top Lending Partner and Top Loan Originator in Lewis-Clark Valley and Ronda Edwards with 1-866-432-4066 WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 3 what'shappening BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF THE LEWIS CLARK VALLEY SPRING SOCCER REGISTRATION Through February 14th Location: 1021 Burrell Avenue, Lewiston 208.746.2301 www.poweroftheclub.org GO AND WEAR RED FOR HEART HEALTH AND STROKE AWARENESS MONTH Friday, February 1st Location: Lewis Clark Valley 208.750.7353 | cmetcalf@sjrmc.org www.sjrmc.org FAMILY PROMISE’S JAZZ AND CHOCOLATE Sat. Feb. 2nd Time: 7PM – 9PM Location: LCSC Williams Conference Center, Lewiston 208.798.3349 | steve@familypromiselc.org www.familypromiselc.org COWBOY BALLADEERS COWBOY CHURCH Sun. Feb. 3rd Time: 9AM – 10:30AM Location: Guardian Angel Homes, Lewiston 208.791.9991 | mckenna.doreen@yahoo.com TRIVIA BEE 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY LITERACY COUNCIL Fri. Feb. 8th Time: 6PM – 10PM Location: Crosspoint Alliance Church, Lewiston 208.790.6078 | katjeboulton@yahoo.com LINCOLN DAY BANQUET Fri. Feb. 8th Time: 6PM – 10PM Location: Red Lion Hotel, Lewiston 208.746.4853 | sparki912@yahoo.com www.nezpercecountyrepublicans.com HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL’S LOVE THE WINE YOU’RE WITH Sat. Feb. 9th Time: 6PM – 9PM Location: Basalt Cellars, Clarkston 509.758.6621 COWBOY BALLADEERS COWBOY CHURCH Wed. Feb. 13th Time: 11:30AM – 1PM Location: Kendrick Senior Meal Site (snowy conditions cancel) 208.791.9991 | mckenna.doreen@yahoo.com CANDIDATES’ WORKSHOP LEWISTON BREWFEST LIFE CHOICES CLINIC’S SEXUAL JUMP START: DIVING INTO “THE BIG TALK” Ongoing Events Tues. Feb. 12th Time: 6PM – 8:15PM Location: Clarkston City Council Chambers 509.758.4957 | howardgeese@clearwire.net Tues. Feb. 12th Time: 6PM – 8:30PM Location: LCSC Williams Conference Center, Lewiston 208.790.5020 | heather@lcpartners.org www.cpyu.org/page.aspx?id=330892 LCSC ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB’S MARDI GRAS CASINO NIGHT Fri. Feb. 15th Time: 6PM – 12AM Location: Lewiston Elks Lodge 208.792.2348 | klallison@lcsc.edu GO RED LUNCHEON AND HEALTH FAIR Tues. Feb. 19th Time: 11:30AM – 1PM Location: Clarkston Event Center 208.799.5416 | devin.hill@sjrmc.org www.sjrmc.org COWBOY BALLADEERS COWBOY CHURCH Wed. Feb. 20th Time: 6PM – 7PM Location: Guardian Angel Homes, Lewiston 208.791.9991 | mckenna.doreen@yahoo.com COWBOY BALLADEERS COWBOY CHURCH Thurs. Feb. 21st Time: 6PM – 7PM Location: Idaho State Veteran’s Home, Lewiston 208.791.9991 | mckenna.doreen@yahoo.com LEWISTON SEARS HOMETOWN STORE GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION Fri. Feb. 22nd – Sat. Feb. 23rd Time: 9AM – 6PM each day Location: Sears Hometown Store, 419 Snake River Avenue, Lewiston 208.743.1915 YWCA SOUP-PORT OUR SHELTERS Fri. Feb. 22nd Time: 11AM – 1PM Location: YWCA, Lewiston 208.743.1535 | stephaniek@lewiston.com www.ywcaidaho.org Sat. Feb. 23rd Time: 2PM – 7PM Location: Nez Perce County Fair Pavilion, Lewiston 208.305.7625 | lewistonbrewfest@gmail.com www.lewistonbrewfest.com IDAHO SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER COURSES Contact Info: Barbara Leachman 208.792.2465 www.IdahoSBDC.org LEWIS CLARK STATE COLLEGE WORKFORCE TRAINING COURSES Contact Info: Dan Faller LCSC Workforce Training www.lcsc.edu/wft VETERANS APPRECIATION DAY AT HAPPY DAY RESTAURANTS Mon. Feb. 11th and the 11th of every month Time: 11AM – 3PM Location: All Happy Day Restaurants LANCER LANES & CASINO COMEDY KNIGHT Tuesdays at 8PM Location: 1250 Bridge St. Clarkston LANCER LANES & CASINO WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE Wednesdays at 8PM Location: 1250 Bridge St. Clarkston Local comedy acts will be performing on Tuesdays and local singers and musicians will be featured on Wednesdays. 509.758.4400 casino@lancerlanesandcasino.com www.lancerlanesandcasino.com THE CHRISTIAN COWBOY BALLADEERS COWBOY CHURCH First Sunday of each month: 9AM – 10:30AM Third Wednesday of each month: 6PM – 7PM Location: Guardian Angel Barn The Christian Cowboy Balladeers invite you! Cowboy poetry and gospel music, come enjoy fellowship the way it used to be and enjoy award winning performers. Everyone is welcome! CONTINUED ON PAGE 14... FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 4 lunchexchange Chamber Lunch Exchange and Biz Buzz! You’re invited! As a member of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber, you have a standing invitation to come have lunch with your fellow Chamber members. Thank You! FOR ATTENDING THE CHAMBER LUNCH EXCHANGE! Know someone new to the area? Guests are welcome and encouraged! Introduce new employees, supervisors, managers or community group leaders from your business or organization. As though you’d need more reasons, attending the luncheon provides business advocacy, networking opportunities and memberto-member referrals. You’ll get to hear from informative speakers, and don’t forget, 50/50 drawings, Ray-isms, door prizes and Biz Buzz this month! Table sponsorships are available for Biz Buzz! If you would like to sponsor a table, please contact Kristina Bickford at 509.758.7712 or membership@lcvalleychamber.org. The Chamber Lunch Exchange is generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at noon, unless otherwise stated. There’s always something special going on – don’t be left out! ASOTIN COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013 12PM – 1PM QUALITY INN & SUITES COST: $17 Don’t be left standing, or worse………..hungry! Please reserve your seat by calling the chamber office in advance! 509.758.7712 We'd like to thank everyone who attended the monthly Lunch Exchange on Wednesday, January 16th, where our 2013 Chairman of the Board, Todd Blamires of ArtBeat, and 1st Vice Chairman Tim Lynch of My Architect shared the helm for their first event. We would especially like to thank Eye Care Specialists, our luncheon sponsor. Dr. Mark Eggleston, M.D., gave an informative presentation about the services and products that they provide, including “routine eye exams, pediatric eye exams and surgeries, cataract and corneal surgeries, laser procedures for glaucoma, diabetes and other retinal disorders.” We learned that their range of services also includes “refractive eye surgeries, such as LASIK and PRK, which reduce the dependency on glasses or contact lenses, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of ocular conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes, and infections of the ocular surface.” Several members of their support team were also present at the luncheon, including Ed Holmes, Office Manager, who has recently taken on the role of representing Eye Care Specialists within the chamber. MEET THE TEAM OF EYE CARE SPECIALIST’S DOCTORS: Richard J. Eggleston, M.D. Mark T. Eggleston, M.D. Dr. Chad Bouterse D.O. Dr. Dorian Rammell, O.D. THANK YOU TO THE AMBASSADORS THAT HELPED ALSO! Kristy Barton, Community Bank Kammy Cox, Heartland Payment Systems Mary Lee Frazier, Clarkston Heights Market Lunch Exchange Schedule Lunch Exchange will be held at Quality Inn & Suites through July of 2013 and RSVPs are required, please call the chamber office in advance to reserve your seat. Feb. 13 Mar. 13 Apr. 10 May 8 Jun. 12 July 10 Sponsored by: Asotin County Community Svcs Sponsored by: American Red Cross Disaster Svcs Sponsored by: Family Promise OPEN! OPEN! OPEN! Aug. 14 Sept. 11 Oct. 9 Nov. 13 Dec. 10 OPEN! OPEN! State of the Valley Address OPEN! Chamber/Rotary Christmas Luncheon Sponsors are encouraged to bring visual aids, promotional items and to be creative with their 20 minute presentation. If you would like to get on the calendar to sponsor a luncheon in 2013, contact Kristina Bickford at the Chamber office today at 509.758.7712! FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 5 businessafterhours Business After Hours MIX BUSINESS AND PLEASURE! Network with your current or potential business associates at this month’s Business After Hours. Bring plenty of business cards, enjoy refreshments and door prizes. Join us at this free event for all Chamber members and their employees! HOSTED BY: Thursday, February 21, 2013 826 21st Street, Lewiston Thank You, Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport! Thank you to the Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport and the Lewiston Airport Authority for hosting a wonderful Business After Hours on Thurs. January 17th!! Those in attendance were privileged to watch as the airport made their final payment on a loan from the City of Lewiston, and as they revealed their new logo and website, www.goLWS.com. There were over 170 people in attendance, and we, along with the Friends of the Airport, really want to say thank you to everyone for coming! There was delicious food and beverage provided by Michelle Ralston of Advantage Advertising. And who can forget Kim Mitchell from US Bank, who won $116 in the 50/50 drawing, and donated it back to the chamber? Thanks Kim! SPECIAL THANKS ALSO TO THE AMBASSADORS FOR VOLUNTEERING TO HELP: Ashley Kuykendall, LCCU Libby Fender, Wells Fargo Jill Charpentier, Aflac Business After Hours Schedule Business After Hours is held on Thursdays unless otherwise stated. Feb. 21 FastSigns MarchOPEN! Apr. 18 Lewis Clark Recyclers May 16 Public Consulting Group June 20 Clearwater River Casino July 18 Lewiston Roundup Association Aug. 15 Tri-State Memorial Hospital Sept. 19 Oct. Oct. 17 Nov. 14 Dec. 12 Potlatch #1 Federal Credit Union LC Valley Chamber Business Expo Tumac Outdoor Stonebraker McQuary Insurance Inland Cellular Showcase your business by hosting a Business After Hours! Contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office to reserve your spot today, 758.7712 or membership@lcvalleychamber.org. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 6 Meet the Sales Staff James R. Sattler, owner Agent of Sattler Insurance, brings 33 years of experience and excellence within insurance industry. He is past Chairman of the Lewiston Chamber of Commerce, life-long native of the LC Valley and WSU “Cougar”. Visit with Jim for your Business Insurance needs! Sherri Skalicky joined Sattler Insurance in October 2007 as the Home, Automobile, Life and Health Benefits agent. She is the current Chairman of the LC Valley Chamber of Commerce and Board of Director on the Valley Boys & Girls Club. Sherri has been assisting people with their insurance needs for over 16 years. Call Sherri for your Personal Insurance needs! Tyler Martin, 2010 graduate of LCSC’s Business Division and bringing a degree in Business Administration and Marketing and complete understanding of risk and management for your business. Growing up, he was involved in Boy Scouts and earned his Eagle. Tyler is an avid mountain biker, skier, backpacker and outdoorsman. See Tyler for all of your Business Insurance needs! chambersponsors ELITE/VISIONARY LEADERS DIAMOND/CORPORATE LEADERS PLATINUM/BUSINESS LEADERS MEDIA SPONSORS SMALL BUSINESS/ENTREPRENEUR SPONSORS FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 8 president'sview This is Just the Beginning... Thank you to everyone that made January such a fantastic kick off to 2013 for the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber! Nicole Sherman of Columbia Bank was a wonderful, engaging and inspiring speaker! We are very fortunate that she shared her gift with us. SEL welcomed us into their lunchroom, which was transformed by the magic of Happy Day Catering into quite an experience… and of course the food and beverages – WOW! The following week we hosted our monthly luncheon, sponsored by Eye Care Specialists, and we had a sold old room, WOW! The very next evening we had Business After Hours, hosted by the Lewiston Airport Authority, with over 170 in attendance! Thanks to Kim Mitchell of US Bank and her generous donation to the Chamber, we received over $220 for 50/50 money – again WOW! Can you feel it? Do you feel the energy of this membership and their enthusiasm to make this a great year and a great Chamber? I know I do, and I want to thank each and every one of you for your belief and investment in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber! KRISTIN KEMAK President/CEO, Lewis Clark Valley Chamber Now, let’s look ahead twelve days… do you have plans for lunch? If not, sign up for the Mind Capture Customer Service Seminar with Tony Rubelski! Everyone can learn new, highly effective ways to improve our own customer service, and we can all learn from examples of what works and what doesn’t, right? I heard somewhere, “The day we think we know it all is the day we set ourselves up for failure.” Join me, let’s all get better together! Happy February Everyone! Chamber Benefits The Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce connects its members to people, information and resources they need to make a positive impact on our community. If you are unsure of your benefits, read on, or contact Kristina Bickford, Membership Services/Program Coordinator. PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS Our members have the opportunity to promote their business through a variety of avenues. •Events – The chamber holds several annual events each year, in addition to a monthly lunch exchange. Each event is an opportunity to promote your business – either through sponsorship or participation. •Marketing – From website to newsletter advertising, memberto-member discounts, or running your business’ information on the chamber reader board, the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber will help you market your business. •Exposure – Every chamber member is listed in the Business Directory on the chamber website, promoting your business or organization to the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can update this information yourself also. Contact a staff member for your Username and Password! CREDIBILITY Becoming a Lewis Clark Valley Chamber member lets your clients and potential customers know you are a part of our business community, and to your city. WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS Keep your competitive edge by participating in the chamber’s programs and training seminars. Visit our website for the complete 2013 Membership Handbook! NETWORKING & REFERRALS Membership connects you to potential clients and customers at every event and monthly meeting. People like to do business with people they know. The chamber will also only refer our members for any requests or inquiries. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 9 annualmeeting Who Is the President of Your Fan Club? The Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce was pleased to welcome Ms. Nicole Sherman, Vice President of Retail Administration for Columbia Bank, as the guest speaker at our 2013 Annual Meeting, held on January 9th at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories in Lewiston. Ms. Sherman inspired the approximately 180 people in attendance during her presentation, titled "Who is the President of Your Fan Club," to pick a piece of their life to remodel in the new year. If the goal is hitting a certain target with the bottom line of a business, every employee should know what the figure is so they can contribute to making it happen, Sherman said. We want to thank Ms. Sherman for her time, and also thank Deby Lutes, Branch Manager at Columbia Bank in Clarkston, for helping us secure such a talented, motivational speaker for our event. The evening also included the traditional “Passing of the Gavel” from Outgoing Board Chairman Sherri Skalicky of Sattler Insurance, to Incoming Board Chairman Todd Blamires of ArtBeat. The outgoing members of the Board of Directors were also recognized, and each will receive a gift for their service, a wooden pen in a keepsake box with their name hand-carved on it. Several outstanding chamber members were also honored at the banquet for their dedication, leadership, and efforts toward making our chamber successful in 2012. Congratulations, and thank you, to the following individuals and businesses! And the Award Goes to... 2012 COMMUNITY SPIRIT AWARD Ray Rosch, Interlink Volunteers Faith in Action 2012 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD Mary Lee Frazier, Clarkston Heights Market 2012 BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S AWARD Gina Rinehart, Banner Bank 2012 BUSINESS MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Big Country Radio 2012 NEW MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories 2012 CHAIRMAN’S AWARD Scott Corbitt, Clearwater Paper Corp. 2012 AMBASSADOR OF THE YEAR AWARD Kelly Grimoldby, Banner Bank Visit our Facebook page to see all of the photos from this event! www.facebook.com/lcvalleychamber ribboncutting Ribbon Cutting at The Parlor Salon On January 11, the Chamber Ambassadors congratulated The Parlor Salon and conducted a Ribbon Cutting as part of their Grand Opening Celebration. The Parlor Salon is located at 539 Thain Road in Lewiston, and is owned and operated by Anna Estes and Jessica Barnett. The staff at The Parlor Salon provides a full range a salon services, including haircuts, haircolor, styling, consultation, conditioning treatments, nails, waxing, and even has an on-site massage therapist. They provided a delicious spread of snacks and beverages for the Grand Opening, and gave us a tour of the salon. Thank you, and Congratulations to The Parlor Salon! THANK YOU ALSO TO THOSE THAT HELPED AT THE RIBBON CUTTING: Jock Pring of Motel 6, Kelly Grimoldby of Banner Bank, Sharon Julias of Springleaf Financial Services, Jill Charpentier of Aflac, Barbara Craigie of FASTSIGNS and Beverly Simpson of Syringa Bank FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 10 memberrenewals THANK YOU! Your membership in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce is a symbol of confidence in the work of the Chamber and its volunteers. We sincerely thank our members who renewed their membership for their ongoing support. Please remember these companies when you do business! If you don't see your business listed here, please contact Kristina Bickford, Membership Services Coordinator at 509.758.7712 or membership@lcvalleychamber.org. Airport Rent a Space, LLC (208) 746-3702 Idaho Women in Timber (208) 799-8685 Rosie's Ribs (509) 751-7427 AmericanWest Bank (208) 743-0456 Jack O' Connor Hunting Heritage & Education Center (208) 743-5043 Sodexo (208) 792-2244 Appleside Storage (509) 758-2021 Best Western University Inn (208) 882-0550 Cable One, Inc. (208) 746-3325 CENTURY 21 Price Right - Wendy Price (208) 799-2100 Clarkston Physical Therapy (509) 751-8666 Creason, Moore & Dokken, PLLC (208) 743-1516 D.A. Davidson & Co. (208) 743-0818 Housing Authority of Asotin County (509) 758-5751 Jeda Media Group (208) 790-5332 St. Vincent DePaul (509) 758-7061 Sterling Savings Bank Home Loan Division (208) 798-4226 Matt's Grill (208) 746-8333 McDonald's - Orchards (208) 746-3032 Miller Bros. Plumbing & Heating, Inc. (208) 743-1574 Northwest Leadership Strategies (509) 254-3688 Owl Southway Pharmacy (208) 743-5528 Paramount Pest Control, Inc./Liqui Lawn (208) 743-2152 Summit Funding Inc. (509) 751-2222 Valley Art Center (509) 758-8331 Wedgewood Terrace (208) 743-4545 Westridge Apartments (509) 751-1288 Willow Center for Grieving Children (509) 780-1156 RiverPointe Development (509) 758-9866 coffeebreak Last month Printcraft Printing was recognized by the Ambassadors for their continued investment in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce. They have been in business in the Lewis Clark Valley for over 50 years, and Tom Turnbow gave us a fascinating tour of their entire facility. Check our Facebook page for all the photos! CONTACT INFORMATION: “Since 1962 Printcraft Printing has been providing complete business printing services to customers all around the Inland Northwest including business cards, envelopes, flyers & brochures and business postcards. With our knowledgeable and highly skilled staff, and the latest technologically advanced equipment, you will receive superior service, a top quality product, and an affordable price, with on-time delivery. Printcraft Printing, Inc. provides the highest quality service and products for our clients who realize that professional, well designed printed materials are often the first impression one gets to make!” A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALBERTSON’S FOR DONATING THE DONUTS AND DAILY’S BAKERY FOR DONATING COFFEE! FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Printcraft Printing Tom and Diane Turnbow, Owners 1628 Main Street, Lewiston 208.743.2922 ALSO, THANK YOU TO THE AMBASSADORS THAT JOINED US FOR THE COFFEE BREAK: Jock Pring, Motel 6 Barbara Craigie, 2013 Ambassador Chairperson, FASTSIGNS Mary Lee Frazier, Clarkston Heights Market WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 11 committeenews Natural Resource Committee Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 15, 2013 The Natural Resource Committee supports, promotes and protects the values and treasures of the Lewis Clark Valley by providing natural resource issue awareness and education to the business community. •Land Exchange – 40,000 acres of prime watershed from Plum Creek to Western Pacific. Find common ground for logging by Western and recreation use (hunting for example) by public. Opening The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members in attendance: Mike Bowman, Tony Snodderly, Kip Kemak, Jerry Klemm, Wanda Keefer, Tom Eier, David Doeringsfeld, Art Seamans, Scott Carlton, Jill Pakkala, Mike Thomason, Joel Plaskon, Jacqui Gilbert, and Carole Asbury. Thanks to all for supporting the committee and your community. Rick did an outstanding job of presenting these many and varied management challenges facing the Forest Supervisor of the Clearwater National Forest and the Nez Perce Nation Forest. We appreciated his time and informative presentation. Very well done!! Guest Speaker This month’s guest speaker was Rick Brazell, Forest Supervisor for the Clearwater National Forest and the Nez Perce National Forest, two great forests right here in our own back yard. Rick has been Supervisor of the two forests for the last 3 year and has been working to combine them, a monumental task to say the least. Rick presented his focus issues as outlined below and addressed issues as they came up from committee members. •Combining the two forests – reducing duplicate staffing while maintaining contact/offices in the 26 communities served. This is an on-going effort. •Fire – major fire season of 2012 – most acres burned since 1934. Conditions were the worst for the forest and best for the fires – 300 lightning strikes in one night with uncounted fires resulting is just one example of the challenges. Forest health (fuel loads), rugged terrain and wilderness areas contributed to the challenge. Protecting communities was a driving management force. The loss of a firefighter this year, Ann Veseth, was another difficult aspect of the very challenging fire year. •Travel Plan – roads could be analyzed to be opened as trails. On the Clearwater – motor cycle and snowmobilers on the Lolo. This is another hot topic of these forests. Litigation involved with 20 appeals found valid. Roads closed under NEPA may now be opened as trails. •Mega Loads – attempt to close the Highway #12 due to small areas that were not excluded failed – and the position of forest management has been maintained. •Elk vs. Wolves – Habitat for elk, including some calving areas that have been affected, along with effective management/control of wolf numbers have been approached to increase elk populations. •Forest Restoration – Healthy forests include thinning, trail maintenance, and prescribed burns for example. Funding for this important work at $3M and can get matching funds. •Mining on the North Fork – 36 claims with 18 found as no mining. Working to properly identify these claims. •Carbon Sequestration – environmental impact - issue of release from all forest fires of last summer. •Recreation – Due to reduced budget, question of concessionaires (to keep campgrounds open); volunteers; address the formula of distribution of recreation funds for areas like Lewiston-Clarkston with low populations but enormous draws to people to recreate on the two big rivers, The Selway and The Clearwater. Internships and working collaboratively with U of I are in the works. •Forest Planning – Rick shared a “title” from past work as "Mr. Collaborative”, meaning that he works to bring all parties to the table and in bringing them together, finding their common concerns. There were 60 people working on the new NP Forest plan at a recent meeting in Grangeville. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Rick can be reached and sometimes found at one of two office locations, when not out in the forest: Rick Brazell, Forest Supervisor Clearwater National Forest Nez Perce National Forest 12730 Highway 12 104 Airport road Orofino, ID 83544 Grangeville, ID 83530 208-476-8272 208-983-5159 rbrazell@fs.fed.us Committee Announcements and Business •The open Co-Chair position was announced as “filled” by our very own Kip Kemak. He is available at this time and will be chairing the February meeting when Carole is attending Forestry Days at the Legislature. THANKS Kip for agreeing to accept this position. •PSMP/EIS - Dave Doeringsfeld, Port of Lewiston and Wanda Keefer, Port of Clarkston presented a draft written by Dave to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District regarding the PSMP (Programmatic Sediment Management Plan)/EIS which was released in December 2012. After review and discussion by the committee members, it was moved by Wanda Keefer and seconded by Mike Bowman, to submit the letter to LCV Chamber of Commerce, President/CEO Kristin Kemak for consideration and action by the Chamber Board at their January 24th meeting. •Environmental Analysis of the Barnyard South Sheep project The North Fork Ranger District of the Clearwater National Forest in preparation for needed management activities. Tom Eier posed a question to Rick Brazell. Rick suggested contact with the Ranger District. Comments to the ranger district are requested by February 12th, 2013. •Next Meeting: February 19th, 2013 (3rd Tuesday) noon at the Quality Inn Board Room. Guest speaker: Nelle Murry, Asotin County Weed Superintendent, North Idaho Weed Control Program.Mark your calendars today. See you there. Natural Resource Committee Carole Asbury, Co-Chair WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 12 League of Women Voters and Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Extra! Extra! If you have ever thought about putting your hat in the ring and running for city council, here’s your chance to get basic information on the process at an information session for residents of the cities in Nez Perce and Asotin Counties. Candidates’ Workshop Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Clarkston City Council Chambers 829 5th Street, Clarkston, WA 99403 6PM – 7PM – Nez Perce County Candidate Information 7:15PM – 8:15PM – Asotin County Candidate Information WHO can run: Eligibility Requirements WHAT to do: How to File to be a Candidate WHEN to file: Filing Periods in Idaho and Washington WHERE to file: Locations for both cities and counties HOW it really works: After You’re a Candidate, What it Really Means, What is Involved, with speakers Monika Lawrence and Carol Wallace, former City Council members from Clarkston & Lewiston The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It works to increase understanding of major public policy and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Any person of voting age, male or female, may become a league member. committeenews Lewiston Government Affairs Committee MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 4, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The December 4, 2012, meeting was called to order by Chair Kathy Martin at 12:05 p.m. ATTENDANCE Allen Phillips, Kristin Kemak, Tammy Lewis, Mike Tatko, Jerry Klemm, David Doeringsfeld, Doug Zenner, Joy Rapp, Jim Bennett, Dan Marsh, Doug Mattoon, Pauline Anderson, Julie Crea, Mike Bly, Jeff Nesset, Kathy Martin, John Pernsteiner, Bert Sahlberg, and guest recorder Kim Brown. MINUTES Moved by Klemm, seconded by Doeringsfeld and carried to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting with the addition of Julie Crea in attendance. CO-CHAIR Jeff Nesset agreed to co-chair the GAC. ANNUAL MEETING The annual Chamber of Commerce meeting will be January 9, 2013, 5:30 p.m. at the Red Lion. what'shappening ...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 SEND-OFF LUNCHEON The send-off luncheon will be December 10, 2012, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Ports 3-4 at the Red Lion. Tickets are $25 per person and can be paid at the door. Reservations must be made in advance. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX Joy Rapp spoke about Idaho’s personal property tax and presented information. Jim Bennett from the City of Lewiston and Doug Zenner from Nez Perce County Commission also presented information. No decision was made as GAC members wanted more information before making a decision on whether to take a position. NAIA WORLD SERIES Lewis-Clark State College is bidding for the Avista NAIA World Series. Avista, as the title sponsor since the Series returned in 2000, fully supports the efforts of the college and will accompany LCSC officials and community representatives to Kansas City for the bid presentation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 08, 2013, at the China Inn. Lewis Clark Young Professionals FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER LCYP had a nice showing in January with over 20 people at Jazzy’s to network and hear a valuable presentation by Chuck Cram. Lewiston-Clarkston Partners Habitat for Humanity’s Community Outreach director spoke about their home building programs in general and informed the group about current project in Clarkston. They welcome volunteer help of any skill level, and the LCYP are planning to round up a group for a work day in the next month or so. First Christian Church hosts a FREE Community Supper every Thursday. It is free and open to everyone. The supper consists of bean soup and bread or cornbread, and whatever the cook or helpers care to also serve. Coffee, milk, water, and juice are also provided. We chose Thursday to do this as the other soup kitchens and meal sites were not serving a meal on Thursdays. This helps close that gap. Contact firstchr@clearwire.net or 509.758.2943. The group is open to anyone ages 21 – 40. If you are a young professional interested in being part of this dynamic group, contact Eric Justis at eric.justis@mssb.com. The group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at varying locations. Find their page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Lewis-Clark-Young-Professionals. Every Thursday from 5:30PM – 7PM Location: First Christian Church, Clarkston IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: CAREER BUILDING WORKSHOPS Thursdays Time: 10AM – 11:30AM Location: Idaho Department of Labor, Lewiston 1st Thursday : Writing Resumés for Results 2nd Thursday : Stress Free Interviewing 3rd Thursday : Applications to Success 4th Thursday : Exploring Career Options The workshops are free, but please reserve your seat by calling 208.799.5000, ext. 3522. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 14 committeenews January 27, 2013 Dear Members: Realizing the positive impact agriculture has on our economy, the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee annually recognizes the producers of the region at an Appreciation Banquet, and awards $1000 and $500 scholarships to area high school seniors that will be seeking higher education. Thank you for your consideration of sponsoring a table at the at the 2013 Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Appreciation Banquet. Your participation will help make this year’s banquet a successful evening. Regular tables, which include 8 seats, are $300.00, and premier tables, which include 10 seats, are $400. The banquet will be held at the Lewiston Elks Lodge #896, located at 3444 Country Club Drive, on Tuesday, February 26th. We are looking forward to seeing you and your guests there. Producers have been invited by mail and requested to RSVP to the chamber office. Please fax the chamber office at 509.751.8767 and let Lee Ann know how many seats your business will need for your attendees. We strongly encourage you to fill your table! Invite your staff or specific producers to sit with you and enjoy a fabulous evening. Fax or e-mail Lee Ann with the names of your attendees and we will reserve seating for them at your table. If we do not hear from you by February 19, 2013, we will have open seating at your table. Please note that producers will be reserved on a first come basis. Once again, thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you at the banquet. The Agriculture Committee Your business name: _______________________________________________________ Producers/Attendees Names: (please specify if Employee or Producer) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 15 membertomemberdiscount One of the many benefits of your chamber membership is cost savings and networking through member-to-member special offers. The program features discounted rates on products and services from chamber members, for chamber members. When you take advantage of these valuable products and services, you’re supporting your fellow members and your chamber. If you are a member of the chamber and are interested in offering discounts to fellow members, please contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office, 758.7712 or membership@lcvalleychamber.org. RENTAL SPACE MOBILE MUSIC PEST MANAGEMENT First Christian Church in Clarkston has space available for rent to any group. Our schedule is fairly open as of now. The cost to chamber members will be $25/meeting and $35/meeting if the kitchen is used. We have a fully functioning kitchen and a nursery, no worker provided. Also, we are available for weddings for $350 for the building. For chamber members, 15% off a rental sound system in the Lewis/Clark Valley. Outside areas, please call for rates and based on availability. Discount not to be used with any other offer or special. Call today to reserve our rental sound system for all your party needs! 15% discount for chamber members for soil sterilization, weed treatments and just plain ol’ insect/spider treatments. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 840 10th St, Clarkston 509.758.2943 HOTELS/MOTELS MOTEL 6 222 Bridge St., Clarkston 509.758.1631 Winner of Motel 6 Quality Award for the USA 2005. We have available an indoor pool and hot tub, pool parties, Executive Suites, and extra parking for your fishing boat. Have company coming to visit and need an extra room. Receive a 10% discount off our low rates. We will leave the light on for you. DJ MOBILE MUSIC 509.758.3301 darcynelly@yahoo.com MORTGAGE COMPANIES CHERRY CREEK MORTGAGE COMPANY 829 6th Street Clarkston, WA Phone: (509) 751-2222 Mobile: (208) 790-2324 Fax: (509) 751-2228 Email: lmcclain@ccmclending.com Cherry Creek Mortgage will waive the appraisal fee (up to $500) on purchase loans to all chamber members and their employees. CONSULTING/FACILITATION INSURANCE PEACOCK VAUGHN INSURANCE 914 6th St., Clarkston 509.758.2222 We are an Independent Agency that has been providing insurance services for over 40 years. We believe every customer should receive personal service from an Agency they can count on. Contact us for a FREE insurance review. FREE NOTARY SERVICE Exclusively for chamber members. WATER - BOTTLED & BULK NORTHWEST LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES 509.254.3688 jscott@nwLeadershipStrategies.com 15% discount for chamber members seeking leadership and organization development consulting and facilitation services, including: annual Retreat Facilitation, Communication Audits, Leadership Training and Organization Program analysis & design. SUN PEST MANAGEMENT 1140 15th St., Clarkston 800.422.4803 russ@sunpest.com EVENT HOSTING LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE 500 8th Ave. Lewiston 208.792.2060 Lewis-Clark State College has meeting, conference, and overnight accommodations available. We would like to invite you to host your next event on our campus. All chambers members will receive a 10% discount on room rental fees and overnight accommodations. For more information, please call or visit our website at www.lcsc. edu/summerstays BEAUTY/SKIN CARE SHANNON BROWN Cruzin’ to Cadillac with 3 new car drivers! 509.552.3039 www.marykay.com/domesticdiva Create your ideal beauty experience. I offer personalized service that fits you. Just tell me if you’d like a one-on-one consultation, a party with friends, a virtual party, makeup tips, or skin care advice. You can always try before you buy. If you prefer to shop online only or order by e-mail or phone, the choice is yours. I’d love to help you with any or all of your beauty needs. Let’s talk! Chamber members enjoy 20% off; if you shop online use code CHAMBER. NORTHWEST PURE BOTTLED WATER 509.751.9305 One-month FREE machine rental and two FREE bottles of water, when you give us a try. (A $21 value) FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 16 newmembers Please extend a warm hand of welcome to the following companies who joined the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce. Be a good partner…remember these companies when you do business. WA-ID VOLUNTEER CENTER, INC. Barbara Bush, Executive Director 1424 Main Street, Lewiston 208.746.7787 volunteercenter@handsonidaho.org www.waidvolunteercenter.org AFFORDABLE OPTICS Holly Todhunter, Manager 1039 21st Street, Lewiston 208.413.6685 hollyt@affordable-optics.com www.affordable-optics.com PAUTLER SENIOR CENTER We provide meaningful volunteer Optical retail, optomitrist & optical opportunities that meet community dispensary needs. ourvalley Tamera Lewis, Events Chair 208.791.7674 lewiste64@live.com www.cancer.org Relay for Life raises money and support for cancer survivors, caregivers, and family. Balance Sheet Analysis Leads to Better Business Decisions A well-prepared balance sheet contains a wealth of information. Assuming the asset, liability, and equity amounts are supported by accurate data, the relationship between the numbers — especially when compared with prior balance sheets — may provide valuable insight into your company's financial health. That information, in turn, may guide you toward the best operational decisions. A financial statement ratio is simply a comparison of one number with another. Though you may not use this term to describe such relationships, you're already familiar with many ratios. Miles per gallon, price per pound, calories per serving of your favorite dessert — all are ratios used in everyday life. The following three balance sheet ratios are paramount: •Current ratio. To arrive at this ratio, divide current assets by current liabilities. For your company, current assets might include cash, short-term investments, accounts receivable, inventory, and supplies. Such assets are "current" because you expect to use them up in the coming year or operating cycle. Current liabilities are similarly defined. Such amounts might include accounts payable, payroll, or the portion of long-term debt that's payable in the near term. The higher the ratio, the better your firm's liquidity. If you have a current ratio of 3:1, that means your current assets are three times the amount needed to pay off your current obligations. If the ratio is trending downward from one balance sheet to the next, your ability to service short-term debts is also declining. If the ratio drops below 1:1, your ability to meet current obligations may be hanging by a thread. •Working capital. Though not technically a ratio (the number isn't a quotient), working capital is another key measure of liquidity. Defined as current assets minus current liabilities, the greater the amount of working capital, the more likely a firm has enough liquidity to meet current obligations. •Debt-to-equity ratio. Divide total liabilities by total equity (assets minus liabilities) to arrive at this ratio. This relationship is often scrutinized by financial institutions. The lower the percentage, FEBRUARY 2013 SNAKE RIVER RELAY FOR LIFE/ AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Janice Reed, Office Manager 549 5th Street, Clarkston 509.758.4064 pautlercenter@qwestoffice.net LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION the stronger a company's equity position. In other words, the firm isn't relying solely on debt to meet payroll or finance ongoing operations — music to the ears of lenders. Ratios derived from profit-and-loss and cash flow statements may provide additional insight into your company's fiscal health. If you'd like help analyzing your financial statements, give us a call. This article contributed by: Su Brown & Associates, PLLC 77 Southway Suite B Lewiston, ID 83501 contact: sbassoc@subrown.com www.subrown.com Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories offers a complete range of solutions that improve how electric power is delivered. Our mission is simple—make electric power safer, more reliable, and more economical. Explore the possibilities at www.selinc.com WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 17 ourvalley v Lewiston Library Events Join in on the fun! To learn more about the Lewiston Library and events please visit their website: lewistonlibrary.org. PAJAMA STORYTIME Don’t be chicken about donning those pajamas! Join us for Pajama Storytime fun as we hear stories, sing silly songs about chickens, and create an exciting craft that won’t leave you feeling hen-pecked, Tuesday, February 5, at 6PM. “CHICKENS” STORYTIME Birds of a feather flock together, and that includes poultry! Learn more about these creatures through songs, stories, and an art project at “Chickens” Storytime, Wednesday, February 6, and Thursday, February 7, at 10:30 a.m. FUN WITH MATH & SCIENCE WORKSHOP You enjoyed our first one so we’re back with more! Fun with Math & Science Workshop is a free, interactive workshop for families with young children. Join us Saturday, February 9, from 2-4PM. You may register at the library or by calling 743-6519. CONVERSANDO Increase your Spanish-speaking ability in a relaxed setting. All skill-levels are encouraged to join us at Conversando for casual conversation and an opportunity to peruse our Spanish section, Tuesday, February 12, at 5:30 p.m. PAJAMA STORYTIME What’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys? Monkeys in pajamas! So put on your favorite pair and join us for Pajama Storytime this Tuesday, February 19, at 6:00 p.m. Book Your Jet Boat Tour or Fishing Trips Today! It’s that time of year again. Book your fishing trip with one of these amazing outfitters. Need gift ideas? Want to thank your employees? A fishing trip would be a great gift…. “MONKEYS” STORYTIME Come monkey around at this Storytime! Entertaining stories, fingerplays, songs and a craft that are guaranteed to drive you bananas are all part of the fun at “Monkeys” Storytime, Wednesday, February 20, and Thursday, February 21, at 10:30 a.m. www.riverquestexcursions.com CONVERSANDO Increase your Spanish-speaking ability in a relaxed setting. All skill-levels are encouraged to join us at Conversando for casual conversation and an opportunity to peruse our Spanish section, Tuesday, February 26, at 5:30 p.m. www.steeldreamsfishing.com “PIGS” @ STORYTIME Go hog-wild with us at “Pigs” Storytime. Sing silly songs, hear stories, and create some art Wednesday, February 27, and Thursday, February 28, at 10:30 a.m. Hells Canyon - South Entrance 1.800.422.3568 541.785.3352 Jet Boat Tours Lodging - RV/Tent Fishing Charters www.hellscanyonadventures.com VALLEY BOOKIES BOOK CLUB If you enjoy book discussions you won’t want to miss this one! Wild by Cheryl Strayed is our February selection for the Valley Bookies Book Club, Tuesday, February 12, at 6:45 p.m. Books are available at the library or by ordering online through the VALNet catalog. “HEARTS & KISSES” STORYTIME www.reeltimefish.com Get in the Valentine mood with stories, songs, and some art you will absolutely love at “Hearts & Kisses” Storytime, Wednesday, February 13, and Thursday, February 14, at 10:30 a.m. HOLIDAY CLOSURE The Library will close Monday, February 18, in observance of President’s Day. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION www.snakeriveradventures.com WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 18 ourvalley The Meaning of Life So what are your goals, dreams and aspirations? Do they include making a difference in your family, community…the world even? What is it that makes you get out of bed in the morning? What is the meaning to all of this goal setting, money acquiring and running to and fro? The Meaning of Life has been written about and discussed for a very long time, by some of the biggest and brightest world thinkers and philosophers. But what really matters is not what philosopher’s think and write about, but what it means to you. I specialize in business… so I would like to look at the Meaning behind your business and some of its activities… it all flows together you know. It could simply mean paying the bills. It could mean giving a great employee a raise. It could mean landing the next big client or simply providing great solutions to people’s wants and needs. But really, what does that mean exactly? We look at these outward examples, but often fail to think of what REALLY is going on inside with each accomplishment. Paying the bills. Is it really about the process of sitting down at the computer and creating a check? I doubt it. It’s about the feeling of accomplishment when you take care of your obligations. Paying the bills should be said as: “Releasing myself of this obligation so that I may concentrate on other important details of my life and business.” Let’s look at the next one. Give an employee a raise. In reality it is something more like this: “Showing gratitude and providing reward for a person’s commitment to your shared vision.” The next, Landing the next big client. Is it all about the money acquired by landing that account or is it “The satisfaction that someone else believes in you and is willing to compensate you for that shared agreement?” And the final example: Provide solutions for people’s wants and needs. Now this one is my favorite… because I think that what is really happening here is simply “making a positive difference in people’s day to day lives.” There are many more examples that I could share, and your “meaning” may be different than what I suggest. The point is, next time you are reacting to something, look deeper into the meaning. Reactions and feelings are the reflection of what we really have going on inside. The meaning of life? It’s different for everyone. Focus on the little meanings and come to understand what drives you. As you focus inwardly, the bigger meaning will take form outwardly. This article contributed by: Wendie Kause Kause Success Management Wendie Kause is the Owner and Operator of Kause Success Management. If you would like further information for Developing Great Listening Skills, contact Wendie at wkause@ kausesuccessmanagement.com. YWCA SOUPort Our Shelters It's soup time again! Join us at the YWCA at 300 Main Street in Lewiston on Friday, February 22nd from 11AM - 1PM. Select the perfect bowl from 700+ volunteer painted bowls and vote for your favorite soup. The competition is getting fierce between local firefighters and law enforcement on who makes the yummiest soup. At the lunch, there will be a jar for each culinary masterpiece. At the end of the day, the jar that contains the most money wins. Dan Hally and the Asotin County Sheriff’s Dept. reigned supreme and took home the trophy last year. Cost is $25 per person and includes soup, bread, cookies, a drink, and your choice of soup bowl. Tickets can be purchased at Rosauer's, the YWCA (front desk), from one of our Board Members, or at the door. *If you purchase 7 bowls of soup or more, we will deliver to your business but you need to make arrangements by Feb. 10. Phone 743-1535 or on our website at www.ywcaidaho.com FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 19 ourvalley Spring Soccer Registration Deadline FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF THE LEWIS CLARK VALLEY The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Lewis Clark Valley are currently taking registration for Spring Soccer League, which is open to kids from Kindergarten through the 9th Grade. Registration Deadline is February 14th. If you sign up by Feb. 7th, you will have a chance to win a free athletic registration. Visit any club location or check online at www.PowerOfTheClub.org for more information. The Price Is Right Jazz and Chocolate A FAMILY PROMISE FUNDRAISER The 2nd Annual Jazz & Chocolate will be held on Saturday, February 2, at 7PM in the LCSC Williams Conference Center. Enjoy smooth Jazz with LCSC Jazz Band and delicious desserts while supporting a great program-Family Promise. Entertainment will be provided by the LCSC Jazz Band, with Kathleen Gemberling, vocalist, plus LHS Jazz Festival Students. The event includes an amazing dessert buffet with all kinds of dessert (not just chocolate) and a wonderful evening with friends. Tickets are $15 per person. All proceeds support Family Promise of Lewis Clark Valley! For tickets and more information, contact Steve Thomas at 208.798.3349, or visit www.familypromiselc.org. DOWNTOWN FUNDRAISER SET FOR FEBRUARY 22 Tickets are now available for The Price is Right Downtown event, set for Friday, February 22, 2013. The event will be the first fundraiser for Beautiful Downtown Lewiston (BDL), a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a vital and inviting downtown Lewiston. The fundraiser will feature classic game show competitions, numerous opportunities to win prizes (Showcase Showdown prizes include a tropical cruise for two and a Diamond Shop prize), and catering by Seasons Bistro & Catering. The event will take place at Boomtown American Saloon at 516 Main Street in Lewiston. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. The event will begin with happy hour and raffle opportunities and continue to the game show entertainment at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at Century 21 Price Right, located 920 Main Street in Lewiston. Tickets can also be purchased by calling 208.790.1148. The price of a ticket is $60 and includes meal, drink, and entry into the game show, including opportunity to win prizes. A table of 8 can be purchased for a discounted rate of $420. Major event sponsors are Century 21 Price Right and Alternative Nursing Services. The event is being put on by the BDL Organization Committee, with support from many local businesses. For additional information about The Price is Right Downtown, please contact Breanne Durham, Executive Director of Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, at 208.790.1148 or Breanne@beautifuldowntownlewiston.org. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 20 ourvalley Mardi Gras Casino Night BENEFITING LCSC ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB'S ECUADOR HUMANITARIAN MISSION Dear Lewiston-Clarkston Area Business Owners, We value the collaborative efforts between the Lewiston-Clarkston Community and LCSC, which help us continue to fund activities that promote, nourish and enrich the Lewiston-Clarkston community. The While we raise funds Anthropology Club strives to support its undergraduate students through various by promoting anthropological interests and awareness, enhancing activities, we highly educational opportunities outside the classroom, recognizing student depend on the excellence, and fostering ties between the college and community. generosity of the L e w i s t o n / C l a r k s t o n We appreciate your support. Please contact us to buy your tickets to business community. the event, make donations to the silent auction, and if you have any We cordially invite you questions. *All donations are tax-deductible. to our Mardi Gras Casino Night event at the Elk’s FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Lodge in Lewiston on LCSC Anthropology Club Friday, February 15th Social Sciences Division from 6-11 PM. Lewis-Clark State College We would appreciate any donation from your business. These items are to be used as silent auction and prize items during the event to raise monies that will support LCSC undergraduate travel to Ecuador in May 2013. Sponsor a casino table for $250.00, game of choice. 500 8th Avenue Lewiston, ID 83501 klallison@lscs.edu 208-792-2348 Best Regards, The Anthropology Club The Anthropology Club is a Recognized Student Organization of Idah Whisenant, President Lewis-Clark State College. Our current fundraising efforts are to meet Ashley Varmentrout, ASLCSC Liaison our "LCSC Anthropology Club's Ecuador Humanitarian Mission.” Six Jennifer Kaschmitter, Vice-President students are working to enhance their experiential learning by studying Dr. Kerensa Allison, Faculty Adviser abroad in Ecuador. These students can experience another culture firstAmanda Ruff, Secretary/Treasurer hand learning to adapt to new situations, beliefs, and practices while building lifelong international relationships. Students will come away from this experience with refined research skills, increased cultural awareness, and new and improved goals for their future careers. This is the type of global experience employers are looking for in today’s job market and graduate schools are looking for in their potential students. You can help make this happen! Join the Chamber Mobile Alerts Group Text LCVC to 87940 to join the Chamber’s Mobile Alerts Group. Through mobile alerts, you will be notified of upcoming Chamber events straight to your phone! Only one text message per week max. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 21 ourvalley American Red Cross Hometown Heroes Do you know someone who performed life-saving CPR, pulled a person from a burning building or took some other courageous action in a time of crisis? If so please visit our webpage to complete and submit a nomination form! THE HOMETOWN HERO NOMINATION CATEGORIES INCLUDE: •Animal Rescue •Fire Safety •Local Disaster •Law Enforcement •Medical Rescue •Military •Water Safety •Workplace Safety •Youth HOMETOWN HEROES WILL BE SELECTED BY AN INDEPENDENT PANEL OF EMERGENCY PROFESSIONALS AND COMMUNITY LEADERS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. The nominee must have saved a life (or assisted in saving a life) by intervening in a life-threatening situation, and given the victim the aid they needed, or would have needed, to survive the incident. 2. The incident must have occurred between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012. This year’s Hometown Heroes will be honored during a breakfast ceremony on Friday, March 22 at the Lewiston Red Lion Hotel. "The Hometown Heroes event will recognize the true heroes in our community. Those neighbors, friends, co-workers and community members who went above the call of duty," according to the North Central Idaho District Manager, Deborah Snyder. Event sponsor is Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union. This bi-annual event brings together over 200 people throughout our region. The event will be emceed by Mike Tatko, Avista Regional Business Manager for the Lewis-Clark Region. In addition to an engraved award they will receive, each hero will also be presented with an American flag that was flown over the United States Capitol in Washington, DC. The American Red Cross of Greater Idaho is dedicated to preventing and alleviating human suffering in the face of emergencies. When a disaster threatens or strikes, the your American Red Cross provides onsite and follow-up assistance, helping clients with a place to stay, food, emotional support, comfort items and cleanup kits. CONTACT INFO: Deborah Snyder Greater Idaho Chapter/North Central Idaho District 3332 10th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 800-853-2570 ext. 202 (p) | 208-553-5147 (c) deborah.snyder@redcross.org 3. The nominee cannot have caused or contributed to the lifethreatening incident. 4. The nominee must live within one of the following counties: Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis or Nez Perce in Idaho; Asotin and Garfield in Washington. The incident may have occurred outside these counties. Legislative Conference Call & Meeting Schedule WASHINGTON LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE CALL & MEETING SCHEDULE IDAHO LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE CALL SCHEDULE CONTACT INFO: Representative John Rusche, Representative Thyra Stevenson, and Senator Dan Johnson will participate in the phone calls. Parking will be open (no ticketing or passes needed) during these dates/times. Coffee will be available for purchase at Sodexo or Jitterz on campus or you may bring your own. Attendees do not have to be members of GAC, so anyone is welcome to participate. Thursdays (Feb. 14, 28, Mar. 14, 28, April 11) Time: 7AM - Committee Meeting, 7:30AM - Call Location: Port of Clarkston Office Kristin Kemak 509.758.7712 kriskemak@lcvalleychamber.org www.lcvalleychamber.org Wednesdays (Feb. 13, 20, Mar. 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17 (if needed) Time: 6:30AM - 7:30AM Location: LCSC - SUB 225 CONTACT INFO: Kathy L. Martin kmartin@lcsc.edu FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 22 Every two years, the local American Red Cross honors community members who have demonstrated heroism . through acts of courage and kindness. AWARD CATEGORIES Animal Rescue Hero Fire Safety Hero Law Enforcement Hero Local Disaster Hero Medical Hero MIlitary Hero Water Safety Hero Workplace Safety Hero Youth Hero Go to www.redcrossidaho.org for nomination forms NOMINATION DEADLINE 2/24/2013 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR EVENT SPONSOR: This event is put on by the American Red Cross North Central Idaho District which serves Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce counties in Idaho, and Asotin and Garfield counties in Washington. The American Red Cross of Greater Idaho, North Central Idaho District, is looking for “Hometown Heroes” from our community. Do you know someone who performed life-saving CPR, pulled a person from a burning building or took action in a time of crisis? The bi-annual Hometown Heroes breakfast is an opportunity for you and the community to show our appreciation and thank these exceptional individuals. Heroes will be honored at the Hometown Heroes breakfast on Friday, March 22, 2013. GUIDELINES 1. The nominee must have saved a life (or assisted in saving a life) by intervening in a life-threatening situation, and gave the victim the aide they needed, or would have needed, to survive the incident. 2. The incident must have occurred between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012. 3. The nominee cannot have caused or contributed to the life-threatening incident. 4. Nominee must live in one of the following counties: (In Idaho) Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, or Nez Perce; (In Washington) Asotin or Garfield. Nominations must be received by February 24, 2013. NOMINATOR (You): Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Business ___________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________ Zip______________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________________ NOMINEE (Person being nominated for award): Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Business ___________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________ Zip______________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Statement: Please explain why you are nominating the candidate for a Hometown Hero award. Include any names of witnesses with contact information so we may verify the heroic act. Please attach additional supporting materials such as news articles, police reports, etc. Please send this page, along with your nomination statement and supporting documentation to: American Red Cross, 3332 10th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501, email deborah.snyder@redcross.org or fax to (208) 746-0214. ourvalley Life Choices Clinic Teen-Parent Summit SEXUAL JUMP START: DIVING INTO "THE BIG TALK" - A CONVERSATION FOR TEENS AND PARENTS ABOUT GOOD SEX Presented by Walt Mueller and Jason Soucinek At Williams Conference Center February 12th from 6-8:30PM Finding ways to discuss sexual integrity with your son or daughter can be daunting, especially in the midst of everything we are learning about sex in the media. Walt Mueller and Jason Soucinek speak candidly about this subject teaching both youth and adults how to engage each other effectively and with discernment. SESSION 1 (ADULTS): What messages does our culture send our kids about love, sex, and marriage? As parents, how can we begin to frame our conversations that expose culture’s lies while inviting our kids to consider Gods positive and life-giving design for love, sex, and marriage? In this session, Walt Mueller will walk parents through an introductory look at the sexual landscapes of today’s rapidly changing youth culture. Love the Wine You're With A WINE AND BREW TASTING BENEFITING HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL Holy Family School in Clarkston is having a fundraiser on Saturday the 9th of February. “Love The Wine You’re With” wine and brew tasting will take place at Basalt Cellars from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be hors d’oeuvres, dessert table and silent auction items to bid on. Tickets are $25.00 each which includes either five tastes of Basalt wines or five tastes of Riverport Microbrews. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Holy Family School 1002 Chestnut St in Clarkston or at Basalt Cellars at 906 Port Drive in Clarkston. All proceeds from this event will go to Holy Family School. You can call the school at 758-6621 for details. SESSION 1 (YOUTH): Jason Soucinek will help motivate and move teenagers and young adults from their apathetic, “sex is not a big deal, why wait?” attitude to an understanding of their bodies, the gift of sex/sexuality, and why waiting is possible. SESSION 2 (ADULTS AND YOUTH TOGETHER): During this time questions and answers from the break out time with youth and adults will be answered in the larger group context. Target Audience: Teenagers and parents For more information - please contact Heather Lawless at 208.790.5020. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 25 ourvalley Pro-Shop 2013 SEEKING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR A SHOPPING SCRAMBLE IN DOWNTOWN LEWISTON AND CLARKSTON Fri. May 10th Time: 12PM - 5PM Location: 8 Lewiston Businesses, 8 Clarkston Businesses (Locations TBD) If you consider yourself a "professional" shopper, we need your help! We are putting together a group of representatives from both the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce and our partner organization, Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, to plan a team shopping event in Lewiston and Clarkston. The event, called "Pro-Shop 2013," is structured just like a golf tournament, but rather than chasing after a little white ball, participants will be chasing that perfect handbag or pair of shoes they've always wanted, since it's a shopping tournament! Prizes will be awarded for the individual and the team who spends the most money, and for the person who comes closest to their predetermined dollar amount of purchases. The main goal of this committee is to promote shopping and buying from our local, member businesses. Anyone is welcome, so please contact us if you would like to join the planning committee, or for more information. CONTACT INFO: Lee Ann Hancock, 509.758.7712, events@lcvalleychamber.org FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST “Paint the Valley Red” We invite you to “Paint the Valley Red” on Friday, February 1st and “Go Red” throughout the month of February to help raise the awareness of heart disease and stroke, the number one cause of death among women and men in the United States. Show your support by wearing and encouraging others to wear Red, turn your workplace Red, change business signs and frontage windows to promote “Go Red”, and even change outdoor light bulbs to Red. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH “Diabetes and Heart Health” presented by Dr. J. Joseph Perry, M.D. 2:00 p.m. - SJRMC Conference Room 1 St. Joseph Cardiologist Dr. Joe Perry will give a free presentation titled “Diabetes and Heart Health.” There’s a big link between diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In fact, two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke. Please join Dr. Perry for an informative presentation regarding diabetes and heart health. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19THVP ed Luncheon & Health Fair RS ite is Lim Space $ 22 11:00 a.m. - Health Screenings 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Lunch & Guest Speaker Clarkston Event Center ~ 841 6 thStreet SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: CINDY SCINTO Home and Garden Show and Sale MARCH 15-17 AT THE NEZ PERCE COUNTY FAIR PAVILION A Heart Like Yours: Living Victoriously by Preventing or Overcoming Heart Disease Cindy Scinto knows first hand about heart health issues. Just six years after receiving a heart transplant, she became the first person in the world to receive a pancreas transplant as a diabetic. As an author and speaker, Cindy will touch your heart and encourage you to find hope through her story. Mark your calendar for the Luncheon and Health Fair! Enjoy a delicious lunch, hear a powerful speaker, receive a gift bag, and wear Red to be entered for a special door prize! Cost of tickets are $22. RSVP by calling the SJRMC Foundation Office at 208-799-5416 or go online to www.sjrmc.org Save the Date to Get Inspired at the 2013 101.5 Cat-FM and Century Link Home and Garden Show and Sale, March 15-17 at the Nez Perce County Fair Pavilion. 101.5 Cat-FM and Century Link are teaming up to give the one and only Home and Garden Show in the Lewis Clark Valley. The 2013 Home and Garden Show and Sale will feature the newest products in the home décor, kitchen, bath, outdoor living and so much more! This show will be sure to inspire homeowners! GO RED TO SAVE LIVES! HELP US PAINT THE VALLEY RED Learn more at: www.sjrmc.org ~ 208-799-5416 If you have a business that you would like showcase at the 22nd Annual Cat-FM and Century Link Home and Garden Show and Sale. You can! There are booth spaces available. Please contact Pacific Empire Radio at (208)743-6564. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 26 Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Leadership and Staff Members BOARD OF DIRECTORS - OFFICERS Todd Blamires, Chairman ArtBeat Tim Lynch , 1st Vice Chair My Architect Scott Corbitt, 2nd Vice Chair Clearwater Paper Corp. Sherri Skalicky, Past Chairman Sattler Insurance BOARD OF DIRECTORS - DIRECTORS Tim Barker, City of Lewiston Parks & Recreation Darcy Weisner, Clarkston School District Wendie Kause, Kause Success Management Kim Casey, Avista Utilities Eric Justis, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Bert Sahlberg, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Michelle Bly, TD&H Engineering Tammy Lewis, SEL Gina Rinehart, Banner Bank Deby Lutes, Columbia Bank Tina Davidson Greg Craber, IdaVend Broadcasting CHAMBER STAFF Kristin Kemak, President/CEO kriskemak@lcvalleychamber.org Lee Ann Hancock, Marketing & Events Manager events@lcvalleychamber.org Mary Ann McNeely-Cooper, Business Services Coordinator bsc@lcvalleychamber.org Kristina Bickford, Membership Services Program Coordinator membership@lcvalleychamber.org Questions about marketing and sponsorship opportunities? If you have any questions regarding marketing and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office, 758.7712 or membership@lcvalleychamber.org. FEBRUARY 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 27 february2013 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY • Asotin County Commissioner 3 • Asotin County Commissioner • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Asotin Co. Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Spring Break Committee, Bogey's Restaurant, Quality Inn, 12PM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 10 • Lewiston City Council Meeting, LCSC Telecommunications Classroom, 6PM • Clarkston City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7PM 17 • Asotin County Commissioner 4 • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM WEDNESDAY 6 13 • Idaho Legislative Phone Session, LCSC-SUB, ROOM 225, 6:30AM • General Membership Luncheon, Quality Inn & Suites, 12PM 18 19 SATURDAY 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 22 23 1 2 • Asotin County Commissioner • Ambassadors Committee Meeting, Clarkston Golf & Country Club, 1PM • Government Affairs Committee Meeting, China Inn, 12PM 12 FRIDAY •A sotin County Commissioner 5 11 THURSDAY 20 VALENTINE'S DAY • Washington Legislative Meeting/Phone Session, Port of Clarkston, 7AM • Ag Committee Meeting, Mandarin Pine, 12PM 21 PRESIDENT'S DAY • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 24 • Asotin Co. Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM • Lewiston City Council Meeting, LCSC Telecommunications Classroom, 6PM • Clarkston City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7PM • Natural Resources Committee, Quality Inn & Suites, 12PM • Idaho Legislative Phone Session, LCSC-SUB, ROOM 225, 6:30AM 26 25 • Agriculture Banquet, Lewiston Elks Lodge, 5PM 27 • Business After Hours, Lewiston– FASTSIGNS, 5PM 28 • Washington Legislative Meeting/Phone Session, Port of Clarkston, 7AM • LCV Chamber Board of Directors Meeting, Timber Creek Grill Buffet, 12PM
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