Mark Keppel High School takes second in Los Angeles County


Mark Keppel High School takes second in Los Angeles County
Play golf, support
Alhambra Police
Five dragons welcomed the Year of Sheep at the 24th annual Lunar New Year
Festival on Feb. 21.
he Alhambra Police Foundation will present
its 22nd Annual Golf Tournament at 11
a.m., Thursday, April 2, at the Alhambra
Golf Course, 630 S. Almansor St.
The Alhambra Police Foundation, founded by
Alhambra business leaders and citizens for the purpose of providing needed resources to the Alhambra Alhambra Police Department Golf Tournament participants
out to the golf course at last year’s tournament. This year’s
Police Department, is raising funds to help provide head
tournament is set for Thursday, April 2, at the Alhambra Golf
Lunar New Year
Spring Eggstravaganza to feature
Festival entertains
community for 24th year egg hunt, pancake breakfast
>> see PLAY GOLF Page 10A Course with check-in at 11 a.m.
large crowd of people
of all ages awaited the
opening of the annual
Lunar New Year Festival as
the final touches to the booths
and stage were being made on
Feb. 21.
Shortly after 10 a.m., five
dragons and a God of Fortune,
sent by East West Bank, gathered at the outdoor stage to ring
in the New Year welcoming the
Year of Sheep with their lively
performances accompanied by
pulsing drum beats. Long lines
formed everywhere as attendees
tried their luck with a spin
on prize wheels for free gifts,
shopped the booths of local
vendors, or tested their skills at
a carnival game.
At the Toyota Auto Square,
models of three sleek new vehicles were on display. Attendees
came out of the Wells Fargo
photo booth, happily showing
off their printed mementos.
MetLife’s own Snoopy, dressed
in traditional Chinese attire,
was there to greet and take
photos with the attendees
All day long, Chase Bank,
AIG, Union Bank, and Ford
Dealers drew in major crowds.
Annual City
of Alhambra
“Spring Eggstravaganza” will take place
from 9 a.m. to 11
a.m. Saturday, April
4, at Almansor Park,
800 S. Almansor
St. Prime activities
planned include an
egg hunt for children,
a pancake breakfast,
and pictures with
the Bunny, who will
make a personal appearance at the park
that morning.
The Second Annual City of Alhambra “
Spring Eggstravaganza” will take place from
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday, April 4, at Almansor Park.
Mark Keppel High School
takes second in Los Angeles
County Academic Decathlon
n this year’s regional
Los Angeles County
Academic Decathlon competition, Mark
Keppel High School
had a solid performance, finishing second
with a score of 50,419.5
out of a possible 65,400
points. The winning
team this year was South
Pasadena High School,
with a total of 54,897.5.
Alhambra High School
placed ninth, coming in
at 43,960.2. All three
The Mark Keppel High School Academic Decathlon team, from left, Jocelyn Shackleford, Jeffery
Wong, Jason Chang, Patrick Chea, Justin Ho, Chaney Tse, Eric Lin, Annette Cai, Jimmy Chong,
and Coach Tin Tran.
How to Contact
Your Representatives
Alhambra Dental
tribute to WWII Veterans
Mayor Gary Yamauchi
Vice Mayor Luis Ayala
Councilmember Barbara Messina
Councilmember Dr. Steven Placido
Councilmember Stephen Sham
are still CA
100 South Firstwhile
• Alhambra,
By Mayor Gary Yamauchi
Experience the Difference in One Visit
I announced a Mayor’s Challenge
at the City Council meeting on Feb. 9.
City Council members, like the general
public and City staff, are trying to learn
President of the United States
new things at every council meeting,
Barack Obama (D)
strategic planning session, as well as the
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. 20500
numerous conference sessions we attend
U.S. Senator
while discussing municipal activities,
Dianne Feinstein (D)
etc. To satisfy my personal curiosity, I
11111 Santa Monica Blvd. #915, Los Angeles, CA 90025
posed four questions to the attendees at
this council meeting, and, of course, my
Washington D.C. 202-224-3841
request was broadcast to our residents,
who may watch the meeting on cable or
U.S. Senator
Barbara Boxer (D)
312 N. Spring St., #1748, Los Angeles, CA 90012
I am asking four questions and am
looking for logical answers to them:
Washington D.C. 202-224-3553
1. Where does the word encyclopedia
come from? 2. Why is cottage cheese
U.S. Rep. 27th District
cottage cheese? 3. When someone
Judy Chu (D)
I also had a wonderful time with
in the day,” exactly when are
527 S. Lake Ave, Suite 106, Pasadena, CA 91101
of the vets from American Legion
they referring to? I am always lost when
Washington D.C. 202-225-5464 This example shows Ihow
Post 139 here
in Alhambra.
was able,
hear that
I don’t know
Dr. phrase
John because
Chao saved
a hopelessly
tooth inIONE
EASY COMFORTABLE VISIT and at a fraction of the cost of implants!
people say, “He’s _____ years old, let to donate to the Post. A fellow Rotarresults
him do(individual
whatever he wants
to do,”
at ian, Isabel Carlos, chipped in $100,
and the $750 was matched by the Alwhat
Jerry Brown (D)
hambra Rotary Charities Foundation.
C/O State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814
have to provide the correct answer, but The money was used to furnish Post
respond using your logic, experience, 139 with a second pool table with new
State Senator 22nd District
and/or sense of humor. Your answers cloth and a brand new set of pocket
Dr. Ed Hernandez (D)
should go to Mayor Gary Yamauchi billiard balls. The vets were excited as
West Covina 626-430-2499
C/O Alhambra City Hall 111 S. they “racked ‘em up,” and I have to say,
East Los Angeles 323-981-3320
First St., Alhambra 91801, or shoot some of these guys can really play. I
Sacramento 916-651-4022
me an e-mail to garyyama@hotmail. hope to sponsor a small tournament
com. We will have some prizes for the during the summer months and crown
State Assembly 49th District
Ed Chau (D)
best answers (not being paid for with a Post 139 2015 Champion. Ladies are
1255 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 306, Monterey Park, CA 91754
taxpayer money). Winners will be welcome to enter as well.
323-264-4949 Fax 323-264-4916
We honored one of the first-ever
announced in the May issue of Around
Sacramento 916-319-2049
Alhambra, and awards will be presented women to enlist in the United States
at a future council meeting. Thanks for Marine Corp during the WWII years
back in the 1940s. She is Zelda Weiss,
In One Visit
In One Visit
and it was such an honor for me to
introduce her to the City Council
attendees. I bet she would have
so many interesting stories about
the war days, and I am delighted
she made it, unharmed and well
enough to share her experience.
Thank you, Zelda.
I am pleased I was invited to
attend a conference in San Diego
sponsored by “the Spirit of 45,”
a grassroots organization that is
putting together several events
throughout 2015 to celebrate the
70th anniversary of the end of
WWII. They will honor WWII
vets, though their numbers are
dwindling, in numerous ways and
in places throughout the United
States and even in some foreign
countries. Alhambra has been
asked to take a lead role in contacting other cities and their respective
elected officials in the hope
that they too will join this great
celebration to honor the Greatest
Generation and the service they
gave to this country.
The finale will be on or around
Aug. 15, and plans are being made
for a Veterans’ Parade beginning
in Washington D.C. and going
forth (southwest) continuously all
the way through several southern
states, New Mexico, Arizona, up
through California, and concluding in Portland, Oregon. What a
national celebration this is going to
be for some fantastic individuals:
the Greatest Generation and to all
vets. We will not forget!
County Supervisor 5th District
Michael D. Antonovich
215 N. Marengo Ave., #120, Pasadena, CA 91101
This example shows how Dr. John Chao saved a severely neglected tooth in
Los Angeles 213-974-5555 ONE EASY COMFORTABLE VISIT and at a fraction of the cost of implants!
(individual results vary)
State Board of Equalization District #4
Jerome E. Horton, Vice Chair
2361 Rosecrans Ave., Suite 450
El Segundo, CA 90245
Ph. 310-297-5201, Fax 310-536-4460
John Chao, DDS, MAGD*
USC School of Dentistry,
Faculty, Anxiety Management
*Master, Academy of General Dentistry
“Less than 2% of General Dentists
in the United States are Masters,”
according to the
Academy of General Dentistry
school year begins
March 30
(888) 398-1377
The Alhambra School District announced the beginning of registration
for the 2015-16 school year. Registration
packets are available at school sites or on
the District’s Web site at
Parents or guardians are required to
bring original documents to verify the
parent or guardian identification, the
residence address, the student’s birthdate,
and proof of immunizations.
The Transitional Kindergarten
program is available for any child who
will be 5 years old between Sept.2 and
Dec. 2.
Recent City Council actions
The following are highlights from the Jan. 26 and
Feb. 9 City Council meetings.
The Alhambra U-10
Boys’ Soccer Team was
congratulated on its victory
in the 2014 Myles Standish
Turkey Tournament. They
were one of 24 teams that
competed in the AYSO
Region 60 U-10 Boys’ Division from across Southern
California, finishing in first
place for the second year
in a row. The team players
included Alejandro Becerra,
Sebastian Diaz, Nathan The Alhambra U-10 Boys’ Soccer Team was congratulated on its victory in the 2014 Myles Standish Turkey
Gamboa, Andrew Ho, Alec Tournament. Vice Mayor Luis Ayala is on the right.
Lopez, Isaias Martinez,
Michael Robles, Anthony
Rosales, Jesse Valdez, and
Joseph Valdovinos. Also
recognized were Coach
Christopher Gamboa and
Assistant Coach Pedro
Stephen J. Glazer, a
graduate of Alhambra High
School, Vietnam Veteran,
retired dentist, and writer/
editor, was commended for
his love of Alhambra and
desire to promote the City
as a quality place in which
to live and work, while serving as an advisor to Alham- Stephen J. Glazer, in the middle, a graduate of Alhambra High School, Vietnam Veteran, retired dentist,
bra High School students, and writer/editor, was commended for his love of Alhambra and desire to promote the City as a quality place
helping them to learn new in which to live and work, while serving as an adviser to Alhambra High School students. Jerry DeSantis, on
skills in script-editing and the left, is director of Athletics at A.H.S. and A.H.S. Prinicipal Duane Russell is on the right.
film-making that will help
them succeed in their future careers.
immediate moratorium on the issutraining (staff expenses).
The Alhambra Library Foundation
Hurr Flooring Company has ance of permits or entitlements for
has provided the Civic Center Library been hired to replace the floor in the any mixed-use property along Main
Street between Chapel Avenue and
with a gift of $25,800 to be used to Granada Park Gym.
help fund a number of library proSouth Coast Emergency Vehicle the eastern city limits.
grams for children, teens, and adults, Service has been hired to perform
A prima facie speed limit of
including National Library Week and truck certification of Alhambra Fire 30 mph was approved for the
the Summer Reading Program. The Truck 71 and to make necessary north-southbound street segment of
funds will also be used to supplement repairs.
Westminster Avenue, from Mission
library collections in the children’s
Road to Concord Avenue, following
Housing programs
department and digital collections.
The City’s Annual Action Plan a radar-surveyed traffic survey made
Contracts/grant awards
for Homebuyers and Housing at the request of the Alhambra Police
The Utilities Division will pur- Rehabilitation programs has been Department. Vehicles will now be
chase two half-ton pickup trucks amended for the purpose of increas- subject to the use of radar or other
with an approved contract awarded to ing funding currently allocated to the electronic devices that measure the
Homebuyer Program by $75,000 to speed of moving vehicles. (Amends
Reynolds Buick/GMC/Isuzu.
To help the Alhambra Fire De- provide down-payment assistance to a Chapter 11.08 of the Alhambra
partment better prepare and respond qualified First-Time Homebuyer and Municipal Code).
to an event involving terrorism and increasing funding currently allocated
An ordinance was approved that
weapons of mass destruction, a to the HOME Housing Rehabilita- will enhance regulations related to
State Homeland Security Grant (FY tion Program by $138,650 to provide public nuisances and help strengthen
2013) administered through the L.A. assistance to qualified homeowners.
the City’s authority to enforce and
County Operational Area will enable
minimize deteriorated and unsafe
An urgency ordinance was conditions on both aging properties
the Department to purchase personal
protective equipment and offer team approved placing a temporary and and new developments.
Save money, water with free ‘low-flow’ toilet
The City of Alhambra
and the San Gabriel Valley
Municipal Water District
will co-sponsor a toilet
exchange from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m. Saturday, May
16, at the City Yard, 900
S. New Ave., at Adams
Ave. Eligible Alhambra
residents may receive a
maximum of two ProFlo
High Efficiency Toilets for
their residences, which are
available on a first-come,
first-served basis.
The old, replaced toilets
must be returned to the
same location from 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June
6, no exceptions. Residents
are responsible for installation of the toilets and
anyone not returning the
old toilet on this date will
be billed for the new toilet.
This exchange is a
“drive-through” event. Residents will need to show
evidence of their eligibility
(current driver’s license or
military I.D. and a copy
of the current water bill),
fill out an application form
that will be distributed
upon arrival, and, after
the paperwork has been
processed, the new toilets
will be loaded into the
resident’s car or truck.
If you have questions
about this toilet exchange
is a monthly publication with a total circulation of
40,000. It is mailed to every business and residence in
the city of Alhambra. Around Alhambra is also mailed
to all interested local, state and county officials.
We welcome comments, press releases and
community interest stories and will make every
effort to include all appropriate information.
For advertising rates and other information, contact
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
104 S. First St., Alhambra, CA 91801
Tel: 626 282-8481 Fax: 626 282-5596
Executive Committee
Lee Lieberg, Landz Real Estate
Vice President:
Robert Fukui, High Point Marketing
Immediate Past President:
Frank Chen, Law Offices of Frank W. Chen
At-Large members:
Evike Chang,
Valarie Gomez, West San Gabriel Valley YMCA
Mark Paulson, Anthony Venti Realtors
Board of Directors
Oriana Chan, Wells Fargo Bank
Iris Lai, Alhambra Hospital Medical Center
Elizabeth Martinez, Republic Services
Megan Moloughney, The Ratkovich Co./The Alhambra
Joe Pavon, Al’s Towing
Todd Sakamoto, The Mailbox Shop
Marissa Castro-Salvati, So. California Edison
Helen Romero-Shaw, So. California Gas Company
Lorraine Simpson, Credit Union of Southern California
Dr. David Snyder, Optometrist
Walter Tang, Superior Scientific
Joanna Vargas, The Fit Factor Studio
Executive Director: Sharon Gibbs
Membership/Advertising Sales: Stan Yonemoto
Legislative Affairs: Owen Guenthard
Office Manager: Irma Hernandez
Editor: Dulcy Jenkins
Writers: William Kinman and Sarah Grear
Office Assistant: Rosemarie Valerio
Published by: Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
AROUND ALHAMBRA is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings,
nor responsible for product availability that may be advertised. Opinions
expressed in columns, letters and guest editorials are those of the authors.
All rights reserved. Reproductions in whole or in part without permission is
Volunteers needed for Alhambra’s
Special Olympics ‘Host Town’ program
With delegations coming from
more than 170 countries around the
world this summer to take part in the
Special Olympics World Games in
Los Angeles, the City of Alhambra is
pleased to announce that it has been
selected by the Special Olympics
World Games 2015 Committee to
host the country of Germany during
the three-day “Host Town” program,
of which Alhambra and Monterey Park
are co-sponsors. The community joins
more than 100 others in Southern
California that have been designated to
take part in the pre-Game welcoming
The Host Town program takes place
for three days prior to the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World
Games, which will take place July 25
– Aug. 2. The Special Olympics World
Games provide a stage for athletes, all
of whom have intellectual disabilities,
to demonstrate their courage, determination, and spirit of sportsmanship
in competing in 25 Olympic-type
sports. The Games also provide an
opportunity for the global community,
as spectators and volunteers, to change
attitudes and preconceptions about
these special individuals.
The schedule of Host Town events
will include getting acquainted with
American life and culture, as well as
the local environment and landscape;
meeting community members; taking
part in local activities, music, artistic
expressions; and more.
The City of Alhambra is making
preparations for the delegates’ visit
and seeking volunteers to take part in
the Host Town program, whether it
is fundraising, community outreach,
involvement in special events and activities, or hospitality. Those interested
in completing the Special Olympics
Host Town Volunteer Application
can download the application linked
from the “2015 Special Olympics Host
Town Program” page on the City’s Web
site,, located
in the Community Section.
To present a welcoming atmosphere
around town, personalized Host Town
banners will be displayed on light poles
throughout the City. The two-sided
banners will feature the official Alhambra Host Town logo along with the
names of individual event sponsors on
the bottom of the banner. The banners
are being made available to potential
sponsors for just $225 per banner.
Proceeds from the banner program
will be used to help fund the Alhambra
Host Town Program. To participate in
this opportunity, complete the Special
Olympics Personalized Street Banner
application form on the City’s Web
site, linked from the “2015 Special
Olympics Host Town Program” page,
by Friday, April 17.
Another avenue of involvement
is through the City’s new Community Coordinating Council, which
launched late last year to help provide
support to a variety of community
events and activities — one of the first
being the Host Town program — but
also including Community Beautification projects, Holiday Toy/Food Drive,
Service Awards Program, America in
Bloom, and the All-American City
Award. Members include individuals,
clubs, organizations, agencies, schools,
and local businesses. To join the
Council, those interested are invited
to complete the membership form
available on the City’s Web site in the
Community section under “Alhambra
Community Coordinating Council.”
To help support athletes during
their stay (Alhambra/Monterey Park’s
delegation will reside at Cal State
L.A.), it is possible to donate to the
Alhambra/Monterey Park Host Town
program online through the Special
Olympics Web site at,
or click on the link from the City’s
Web site’s Host Town page. According
to the Special Olympics organization,
it takes $300 to host one athlete for all
three days prior to the event, including
lodging and food, and $2,500 to fund
one athlete’s participation in the World
Games 2015.
Sign up for the City’s welcoming
committee as a Host Town volunteer,
or help make these special athletes’
dreams come true by supporting them
with a financial contribution.
Host Town
Your Name Here
Employee Recognition
The Alhambra City Council
is pleased to recognize and
thank the following City of
Alhambra employees for their
dedicated years of service
(January-December 2015)
to the City of Alhambra.
Mark Vega, Police
Felix Huezo, Police
Jessica Keating,
Management Services
Mario Rico, Fire
Julian Venegas, Community Services
John Wagner, Fire
Belinda Wong, Management Services
David Dolphin, Utilities
Amanda Eitel, Public Works
Carmen Hernandez, Library
Michael Martel, Fire
Vickie Morales, Utilities
Mariuxi Moscoso, Utilities
Lucio Rivera, Public Works
Ramon Sanchez, Utilities
Joseph Villegas, Public Works
Paulette Wong, Public Works
Robert Arambula, Police
Adriana Alvarez, Fire
Brandon Cardella, Police
Mark Davis, Fire
Timothy Diller, Police
Denise Fernandez, Police
Michael Macias, Community Services
Tara Schultz, Development Services
Fernando Zamilpa,
Community Services
Richard Aguayo, Police
Vincent Bisogno Jr, Utilities
David Cravens, Public Works
Patricia Fernandez, Finance
Sharon Frasca-Williams, Police
Robert Lopez, Police
Kean Oda, Police
John Orrante, Fire
Carmen Perez, Police
Gabriel Ponce, Police
Eugene Ramirez, Police
Daniel Rodriguez, Police
Craig Rogers, Utilities
Rosalyn Rojas, Community Services
Erik Sarafian, Fire
Laura Abeyta, Police
Josephine Broomis, Utilities
David Brown, Library
Cynthia Jarvis, Management Services
Gerald Johnson, Police
Paul Lam, Development Services
Carmen Lascano, Police
James Manriquez, Fire
Rodney Merino, Fire
Marlene Pajon, Police
Lawrence Ramirez, Fire
Douglas Shonkwiler, Fire
Shannen Sisavath, Library
Robert Torrance, Police
Lorraine Uwanawich, Management Services
Roy Watson, Utilities
Mary Chavez, Public Works
John Lamp, Fire
Silverio Rivera-Alfaro, Public Works
Lori Taylor, Utilities
Hector Celaya, Public Works
In One Visit
March into the Alhambra
Center Library for
books, answers
101 S. First St., Alhambra, CA 91801
This example shows
a severely neglected tooth in Adults
A libraryhow
used to
be John
a finite Chao
collec- saved
11 am - 9 pm
10 am - 9 pm
10 am - 9 pm
10 am - 5 pm
10 am - 5 pm
10 am - 5 pm
1 pm - 5 pm
– for
ages 5
tion of books and magazines,
to- at aHomework
Movie – The Pianist - rated “R”
of the
of implants!
Tuesday, March 10, at 6:30 p.m.
day it is a digital universe
(individual results vary)
and a social gathering place in which to
learn and grow. March programs at the
Civic Center Library offer something
of interest to all ages with special event
themes ranging from plugged-in jazz
and wild animals to miniature fairy
on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Children’s Room (except on March 23, 24,
or 25). Help is provided on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Family Story Time – for families with
children ages 5 to 12 on Wednesdays at 7
p.m. in the Story Time Room. This program includes stories, puppets, and other
Charged Particles Family Jazz Concert – for families with children ages 3 to
12, on Saturday, March 21, at 3 p.m. in
Reese Hall. A special family music concert
features plugged-in jazz with a spark. No
registration required.
Wild Wonders Animal Afternoon – for
children ages 3 to 12, on Monday, March
23, at 3:30 p.m. in Reese Hall. Meet a variety of real animals, up close and personal.
No registration required.
Please note that children 12 years old
and younger must be accompanied in the
library at all times by an adult.
in Reese Hall. Adrien Brody won the
Academy Award for Best Actor as the
brilliant pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman,
a Polish Jew struggling to survive the
destruction of the Warsaw ghetto during
World War II.
Scrapbooking, Knitting, and Crocheting craft group – Saturday, March 14, at
2 p.m. in Reese Hall. Enjoy the afternoon
crafting with other enthusiasts learning or
sharing knowledge of current trends. Please
bring your own supplies.
Create a Miniature Fairy Garden,
with a few plants, craft supplies, and one’s
own creativity, on Saturday, March 28, at
1 p.m. in Reese Hall. Registration for this
free program begins on Monday, March 2,
at the second-floor Reference Desk. Space
Check out the many bargains in the
recently opened Friends Foundation
Bookstore on the second floor. There is
a variety of materials available at below
bargain prices.
The spring session of City of Alhambra
Leisure Classes begins on March 25. Registration for Alhambra residents begins on
Monday, March 2 and can be completed
online at Non-residents may register for Leisure Classes on
Monday, March 9.
• Parent/child classes enhance the
family, as parents share the joy of living
with their 1- to 4-½ -year-olds.
• Enrichment classes help produce new
talents and interests in residents of all ages,
youth to senior, and include a new spring
break camp for children ages 5 to 11 entitled
“Mine, Craft, Build Using Legos.”
•Music classes help participants tune
in to a different beat on a variety of instru-
ments, including voice.
• Dance classes instruct in a variety of
• Health and fitness classes assist body
and spirit.
•Yoga classes increase vitality and
reduce stress.
• Tennis classes get participants in the
swing of leisure activity, with a new spring
break camp for youth ages 6 to 17 entitled
“Spring Break Tennis Camp.”
Information concerning Leisure Classes
and registration is available at the Alhambra Park Office, 500 N. Palm Ave. and by
phone at 626-570-3242 during weekday
business hours and at
It’s time for action as sports buffs, young
and old, prepare for spring and summer
action on the basketball and volleyball
courts of Almansor Park.
Registration for the Teen Basketball
league began last month. A players meeting is set for 5:30 p.m. Friday, March 20,
in the Almansor Activity Room. League
play begins at 4:30 p.m. Friday, March
27, at the Almansor Gymnasium. Games
will be played from 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Fridays, and, if needed, from noon to 5
p.m. Sundays.
Sign-ups, $30 per person, can be either
individuals or teams; individuals must
be residents of Alhambra or attend any
high school within Alhambra city limits.
Individual sign-ups are not guaranteed a
roster spot, but every attempt will be made
to place an individual on a team.
The Co-Ed Volleyball Spring/Summer
League begins play on May 4; registration
for the league opens on Monday, March
9. The $230 team registration fee does not
include officiating.
Games will be played at the Almansor Gymnasium on Mondays and
Registration, $460, which includes officiating, for the Adult Basketball Spring/
Summer League begins on Thursday,
March 19; league play begins on May 5
at the Almansor Gymnasium. The “C”
Division (no height limit) games will be
played on Tuesdays, and the 6’2” and
Under Division will play on Saturdays.
Registration for the Spring Sports
leagues may be accomplished online.
Visit For more
information concerning the leagues, please
phone 626-570-5081 during weekday
business hours.
John Chao, DDS, MAGD*
USC School of Dentistry,
Faculty, Anxiety Management
*Master, Academy of General Dentistry
“Less than 2% of General Dentists
in the United States are Masters,”
according to the
Academy of General Dentistry
Alhambra Dental
(888) 398-1377
Leisure Classes registration
opens March 2
Spring into action
with spring sports
Register now for
Citizens Police Academy
Residents only have the rest of this
month to apply for the Alhambra Police
Department’s Citizens Police Academy,
which begins its 10-week class schedule
at the Police Department at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 8.
During the weekly three-hour sessions,
participants will learn about the Alhambra
Police Department, including its personnel, procedures, and the department’s place
in the modern municipal, county, state
environment. Participants will also practice
safety scenario exercises and possibly ride
along with an officer on his or her community patrol.
Past Citizens Police Academy graduates
have expressed their satisfaction with the
process of learning about police operations
in their own community. Many have gone
on to volunteer in special community
programs and events that are sponsored by
the department.
Contact the Alhambra Police Department at 626-570-5177, or visit the
department at 211 S. First St., to receive an
application form.
Participants will learn:
• The roll of the APD in the community (and take a tour of the police facility).
• Constitutional, criminal, and civil
• Selection and training of officers.
• Community-oriented policing.
• Use of force, weaponry, and firearms.
• Contemporary issues — narcotics
and youth gangs.
• Police communications systems.
• Officer safety scenario exercises.
• Criminal investigations.
• Traffic enforcement and DUI.
Alhambra Police Department
officers participate in
tactical training exercises
As part of its regular procedural police
training this past February, Alhambra
Police Department officers took part in a
10-hour training day that was highlighted
by an active shooter exercise followed by
a classroom presentation on ethics. The
training was offered on two days in February so that every officer in the department
had the opportunity to attend. The training
is part of ongoing advanced officer training
that takes place quarterly.
The active shooter training was facilitated by members of the Tactics and Survival
Training Unit from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The purpose was
to help prepare officers for encounters with
an active gunman. Officers learned and
practiced tactical approaches, communication, and victim rescue. The training was
conducted at the Alhambra Fire Department Training facility next to the city yard.
Volunteer role players were recruited acting
as suspects and victims. Blank rounds were
fired and simulated destructive devices
were set off to add a sense of realism.
The afternoon session took place at the
Alhambra Police Station and consisted of
a classroom lecture about ethics, ethical
decision-making, and maintaining integrity within the department. The material
stressed that good decision-making is
important for officers both on and off duty.
Alhambra Police Department Sergeant
Jerry Johnson said, “Ethics are an important part of advanced officer training and
overall leadership development.”
Past training days have included CPR/
First aid, weaponless defense, and driving
training. The next training session is scheduled for early summer and will consist of
instruction in the area of mental health.
11 Critical Home Inspection
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Copyright © 2012
A brief history of the development of Alhambra:
what’s now, what’s new, what’s next?
Who doesn’t like to ponder once in a
while what the future holds — and what
it must have been like to live long ago. For
example, what was it like to be a resident of
Alhambra in the 1880s or 1940s, and what
will it be like to live here in the 2040s? To
be sure, every generation experiences bursts
of innovation, as well as ebbs and tides in
the economy.
Alhambra’s history was born from the
westward expansion of the railroads. From
1876-1887, the railroad system (Southern
Pacific) spurred massive migration to the
Los Angeles region. Alhambra became a
big attraction to newcomers because its
first subdivision, the Alhambra Tract, had
water piped in through iron pipes to each
residential lot — the first in the region.
With water, Alhambra became an expanse
of orchards and flowers, and wineries.
With a growing population of 600,
residents formed a town improvement association, pushing for incorporation in 1903.
Just 10 years later in 1913, the population
grew to 5,000, leading to the approval of
the City Charter in 1914. In the 1920s and
30s, Alhambra Airport became a busy home
for Western Air Express, and in World
War II, the Alhambra Airport became
the official shipping point for Lockheed’s
military airplanes. At war’s end, the airport
ceased operations, and the property was
sold to a real estate development company,
being subdivided into the charming tract
of homes south of Valley Boulevard now
called the Airport Tract.
The city was growing by leaps and
bounds — from 30,000 in the 1930s to
50,000 in the 1950s. A wave of housing
development began to transform Alhambra’s agricultural community as soldiers
returned home from war, looking to start
their civilian lives. Meanwhile, business was
flourishing on Valley Boulevard and Main
Street. As people continued to discover Alhambra, a wave of apartment construction
followed in the 1960s to 1980s.
In the 1960s, the Alhambra Redevelopment Agency came into existence to
expand, modernize, and redevelop the city’s
industrial area. It became a significant tool
for revitalizing the city, especially as Alham-
bra’s population swelled to 90,000 by the
2000s, and is responsible for much of the
commercial growth that occurred in the
1990s and 2000s, creating jobs, eliminating
blight, and bringing exciting new shopping
and dining options to Alhambra.
The Alhambra Redevelopment Agency
was tuned up to reinvigorate Alhambra’s
economic engine, starting with one of its
first projects, Fremont Plaza in 1996, which
involved converting a vacant Sears building
into a Toys R Us, and adding several other
major retail tenants and restaurants, including PetSmart, Albertsons, and El Pollo
Loco. The City also began to develop other
vacant lots and underused buildings, as well
as rehabilitated attractive older buildings on
Main Street.
Today these efforts are highlighted by a
revamped Alhambra Row that includes nine
dealerships, pedestrian-friendly downtown
along Main Street, and the Alhambra Renaissance Plaza, which features ample free
parking, restaurants, entertainment, and
shopping. It is no wonder that Alhambra
was recently recognized as the “Most Business Friendly City in L.A. County” by the
L.A. Economic Development Corporation,
or that named Alhambra
fifth in California among its 2014 “Top
100 Best Places to Live.”
Redevelopment brought about more
change than the mere construction of
these retail-oriented shopping, dining, and
entertainment projects. It also created jobs
and helped provide funding to improve the
quality of Alhambra’s schools, parks, and
utility infrastructure. For example, it helped
These three photos, from left, show how Main Street has changed from the early part of the 20th century, the
1950s, and 2015.
to fund millions in street rehabilitation
projects, updated playground equipment,
and provided for the construction of
the water treatment facility. While the
Alhambra Redevelopment Agency ceased
operations in 2012, due to a mandate by
the Governor and State Legislature, its
benefits to the community will be realized
for generations to come.
What’s new in Alhambra is a reinvigoration of residential, office space, and dining
and shopping experiences through the
construction of mixed-use along West Main
Street. From the Alhambra Regency Plaza to
the Main Street Collection, residential and
professional services have expanded, while
infrastructure has also kept up, with the
relocation and construction of the Alhambra
The pancake breakfast is
sponsored and prepared by
members of the Alhambra
Firefighters Association, who
are well versed in providing
breakfasts. Proceeds from the
$5 donation for the breakfast
will benefit the upcoming
Alhambra Host Town Program
for the Special Olympics World
Games 2015.
Civic Center Library in 2008 and the recent
unveiling of the Mosaic Parking Structure
adding 307 spaces to Downtown Alhambra.
Although Alhambra’s population declined slightly in the most recent census
taken in 2010, Alhambra continues to be
in the midst of a transformational period
of strategic growth. And while the most
recent phase focused on mixed-use retail
and residential, what’s next will be the continuation of the commercial revitalization
of Main Street — from Alhambra Place
to East Main Street, as well as enhancing
and protecting the City’s neighborhoods
with upgraded parks, streets, and water and
sewer facilities.
Stay tuned to Around Alhambra to find
out what’s next.
Don’t forget cameras, as pictures of egg hunt participants
with the visiting bunny will
be family treasures for years to
For more information
concerning the Spring Eggstravaganza, check out the City
of Alhambra Web site at www.; click on
City Calendar; click forward to
April; or phone 626-570-3242.
Have You Heard?
Since the beginning, Around Alhambra has strived to
provide the community with news of what is happening
around town, programs being offered by the City, the School
District, and businesses and organizations. However, we
know that the individual reader might be interested in more,
or may have heard something from a neighbor, their hairdresser, or at church. This new column will seek to answer
some questions that are on the minds of Alhambrans like you.
Why can’t Alhambra get a Trader Joes? The City has
been in contact with this very popular grocer, hoping
to entice them to open a store in Alhambra, but at this In addition to restaurants and retail, Sprouts Market will tentatively locate in the Alhambra Place.
time the company’s focus is out-of-state. Long-time
like to have a greater voice in civic issues are invited to fill
residents might remember that there was once a Trader Bay State Street.
What are they building at the former Bewley Allen out an application for one of the city boards & commisJoes on Atlantic. As one might imagine, Trader Joe’s
receives requests from many cities across the country to Cadillac dealership? Anyone who has driven down East sions. Applications are available on the City’s Web site,
join their community, but has stated that it only opens a Main Street has noticed that the former dealership is or for more information, phone 626-570-5090. Addilimited number of stores each year and is not growing in being demolished. The property, located at 801 E. Main tionally, the City will conduct a comprehensive update
St., was purchased by the operators of Alhambra Nissan, of the General Plan and will seek input from residents
What businesses are coming to Alhambra Place? across the street. The dealership plans to construct a new at a variety of community meetings scheduled for later
Glad you asked because Sprouts Market has announced showroom, service area, and parking field for display of this year.
There are also many civic organizations in Alhambra,
plans to locate in the new center at Garfield and Main. vehicles for sale.
I’d like to get involved in civic issues. How can I including the Alhambra Lion’s Club, Alhambra Masonic
For those who haven’t been to Sprouts, the store is a
real treat. Shoppers will experience something akin to participate and become more involved in my com- Lodge, Kiwanis Club of Alhambra, Knights of Columan indoor farmers market. Products include farm-fresh, munity? Residents can learn in real-time what is going bus, Organization of Chinese American Women, Rotary
organic produce at affordable prices; quality-sourced on by checking out the City’s new media formats. The Club of Alhambra (and the new SGV New Gen Rotary
meats at value pricing; bulk foods such as rice, spices, City’s Web site ( and Facebook/ Club), Soroptimist International of Alhambra/San Gaaromatic coffees, granolas, trail mixes, etc.; and grocery Twitter/Instagrampages are a great place to start. The Po- briel/San Marino and many others. In addition to these
isles with thousands of natural and organic food prod- lice Department also offers the MY PD App, Facebook, local and international service organizations, one can also
ucts. Sprouts, like Trader Joe’s, is quickly becoming one Twitter, Next Door, Weibo, and WeChat (in Chinese). join the new Alhambra Coordinating Council. Look for
of the best and most sought-after names in the grocery Also, look for a new City Mobile App for your smart contact and descriptive information on the “Community
Involvement” page in the Community section of the
business. Additional businesses planning to locate in phones in the near future.
Agenda packets, including staff reports, are posted on- City’s Web site.
the Alhambra Place Center will be announced soon.
Was a recent topic or question not mentioned? SubFor those interested in downtown living opportunities, line for City Council and board & commission meetings.
Alhambra Place will also feature 260 luxury apartment A video of regularly scheduled city council meetings is mit topics and questions to be featured in an upcoming
units, including a separate parking entrance that will be available online within 24 hours after the meeting, for issue to, or phone
built on the southern portion of the property adjacent to those who cannot attend in person. Residents who would 626-570-5090.
PLAY GOLF From Page 1A
life-saving equipment for Alhambra
Police Officers, support the Department’s Children and Mentors Program, and render program support
for community outreach.
The Foundation has provided the
department with funds to enhance
programs and services to the community such as sponsorship of an annual
youth camp for more than 100 children of the Alhambra community
called C.A.M.P. The Foundation
assists with the annual National
Night Out Against Crime event and
most recently provided training rifles
that are vital for simulations training
for officers.
Tournament registration and/or to
become an event sponsor is available
on the Foundation’s Web site: www. The
entry fee is $125. Sponsorships range
from the Tee sponsorship at $150 to
Tournament sponsorship at $5,000.
The following crimes were reported to the Alhambra Police Department in
January. The areas of occurrence are listed to the nearest block —not exact addresses.
By publishing these reports, it is hoped that Alhambra residents will take the necessary
measures to ensure their individual safety, as well as the safety of their property.
Neighborhood Watch Works! To join Neighborhood Watch, or for more crime
prevention information and safety tips, contact the Alhambra Police Department
Crime Prevention Office at 626-570-5177.
District One
Burglary (2)
100 S. Cordova
900 N. Garfield
Theft/Burglary from
Vehicle (15)
900 N. Monterey
400 N. Story
300 N. Story (x2)
400 E. Lindaraxa
100 N. Garfield
500 N. Story
700 W. Washington
300 N. Chapel
300 N. Monterey (x2)
1000 N. Stoneman
100 E. Alhambra Rd.
500 N. Third
10 E. Commonwealth
Grand Theft Auto (3)
200 E. Main
900 N. Monterey
100 S. Sixth
Robbery (2)
10 N. First
District Two
Burglary (7)
1800 S. Second
300 E. Adams
600 S. Sixth (x2)
1600 S. Fifth
1000 S. Fourth
600 S. Sierra Vista
Theft/Burglary from
Vehicle (14)
2000 S. Stoneman
300 E. Ramona
1700 S. Seventh
1800 S. Geranio
700 W. Ramona
1600 S. Third
1600 S. Sierra Vista
1100 S. Azalea
600 S. Sierra Vista
200 W. Linda Vista
1200 S. Fifth
800 S. Garfield
Grand Theft Auto (11)
2000 S. Chapel
700 S. Second
900 W. Ramona
1400 E. Valley
1400 S. Eighth
500 W. Valley
1800 S. El Molino
1000 S. Garfield
1800 S. Monterey
1800 S. Stoneman
1400 S. Eighth
Robbery (1)
800 W. Valley
District Three
Theft/Burglary from
Vehicle (5)
10 N. Curtis
2300 W. Alhambra Rd.
100 S. Stockbridge
1700 W. Acacia
Grand Theft Auto (5)
100 S. Westmont
2900 W. Glenridge
200 S. Elm
900 S. Fremont
1800 W. Cedar
Robbery (0)
District Four
Burglary (2)
1810 W. Garvey
2500 Midwickhill
Theft Burglary from
Vehicle (6)
2600 W. Valley
2400 S. Winthrop
2000 S. Raymond
2800 W. Ramona
1200 S. Edith
Grand Theft Auto (6)
1300 S. Ethel
2200 W. Valley
1600 S. Edgewood
2000 S. Ethel
2700 W. Valley
Robbery (0)
Youngs Market Co. salesman Carl Yoshioka, left, and Super Store owner George Maida.
Super Store gets new look
Super Store, 320 W. Alhambra Road,
is celebrating its grand re-opening with a
completely redesigned store.
The convenience store offers all the latest
trends in the liquor department, including
a great selection of craft beers. Customers
may also buy milk, eggs, and snacks, and
the shelves are always fully stacked with the
affordable and the unique.
Customers who walk through the door
are always greeted with a smile and a hello
from owner George Maida and his son
Brian. It is this approach to business that
impressed the representatives from Youngs
Market Co., a liquor wholesaler. So with
the help of Jeff Pruitt, Alliance Brand
specialist, and Simon Tsang, vice president
divisional manager, Super Store embarked
on its grand re-opening. “It’s a wonderful
occasion to celebrate a business and a story
that aptly identifies itself as ‘simply the
Alhambra Chrysler Jeep
1100 W. Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Alhambra Chrysler, Dodge,
Jeep, RAM serves Los Angeles,
Glendale, West Covina, and
the San Gabriel Valley with
quality Jeep, RAM, Dodge, and
Chrysler vehicles. The dealership
offers the latest models and
a variety of used cars.
best,’” said Carl Yoshioka, Youngs Market
Mr. Maida had the “American Dream”
ideal in mind when he opened Super Store
in 1983.
Mr. Maida, the eldest of eight children, was born on a farm in the village
of Fayrouzah, Syria. The secret to Mr.
Maida’s success was planted in the
long days spent under the sun on that
Mediterranean ground. The raising of
crops and animals taught him the need
to complete the tedious tasks of the day
and to get up the next morning and do it
all over again.
“Thirty years ago when I created Super
Store, I remembered those principles I
learned in my youth so I could build a
business that would give me a life all immigrants dream to live in the land of the free,”
said Mr. Maida.
2620 Concord Ave. #100
Alhambra, CA 91803
Cal Marketing and Promotion
Group, Inc. (CMPG) helps its
clients realize their marketing
and communications goals
through service and creativity.
The company focusus on
developing brand building
communications programs
to reach U.S. and Asian
consumers and businesses.
Tidbits of Alhambra
2017D W. Commonwealth
Ave., Ste. 206
Alhambra, CA 91803
Tidbits of Alhambra is a
weekly publication distributed
in Alhambra. It is designed
to entertain readers while
showcasing local businesses that
help make Alhambra the unique
shopping experience it is.
Dr. Heidi Henstra, DVM, cuddles with one of the Each year, the hospital helps rescue an average of 45
rescue cats at the Alhambra Veterinary Hospital.
cats and dogs and vaccinates, spays, and neuters them.
Alhambra Veterinary
Hospital has served the
community for 47 years
Alhambra Veterinary Hospital, 1501 W.
Mission Road, has provided the Alhambra
community with veterinary services for
more than 47 years. The hospital changed
ownership in 1968, and Dr. Heidi Henstra
joined the hospital in 1970.
“We are fortunate that clients are devoted to the hospital with multiple generations
of families bringing their pets and returning
as customers for many years,” said Dr.
Henstra, DVM. “Our family run business
is owned by Richard Beagle and me.”
Each year, Alhambra Veterinary Hospital helps rescue an average of 45 cats and
dogs and vaccinates, spays, and neuters
them. Over the years they have seen
Alhambra change dramatically with the
demographics, and the business area has
seen many improvements.
With 2,600 square feet, Alhambra
Veterinary Hospital is a full service veterinarian hospital that offers typical medical
treatment and procedures for animals. They
also offer free pound exams, dentistry, digital x-rays, pet nutrition, laser light therapy,
acupuncture, grooming, some boarding,
and a full in-house lab along with a referral
lab all in one convenient location.
Alhambra Veterinary Hospital’s technology keeps improving over the years, and
they invest in continuing education above
the protocol required by the state.
The hospital has 12 employees who speak
English, Spanish, and some Chinese dialects.
Several of the employees have been a part of
the team for more than five years, and some
of them have been there as long as 25 years.
“Our mission is to provide high quality
services paired with the latest technologies,” said Dr. Henstra. “We go above and
beyond the requirements for continuing
education, and our staff is known for their
compassion and congeniality.”
Reduced rates are available for rescue
groups. February and March are dental
months and are celebrated with special
discounts for pets.
Alhambra Veterinary Hospital is open 9
a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday and
Thursday; and 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. The phone number is 626-289-9227.
It’s all about networking
Join the Chamber for an informal social where business people get together,
exchange ideas, and develop new relationships. These monthly networking
programs are sponsored by and hosted at Chamber member establishments.
Networking is one of the most affordable means of marketing resulting in invaluable
personal referrals and word-of-mouth advertising.
So, don’t hesitate. Bring plenty of business cards and a winning handshake to the
next Business After Hours and develop a synergistic group of business contacts.
This month’s Business After Hours mixer
will take place
Wednesday, March 25
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by the
Alhambra Educational Foundation at
38 Degrees Ale House & Grill
100 W. Main St., Alhambra
The Alhambra Educational Education (AEF) is a nonprofit
organization that is focused on raising funds for programs,
curriculum, and materials that directly benefit all 18,000 students
and 17 schools in the Alhambra Unified School District.
Cost: $10 for members
$15 for non-members
For more information about the
Business After Hours Mixers, phone
the Chamber at 626-282-8481.
H & R Block, 2585 W. Commonwealth Ave., Alhambra, celebrated its grand opening
Feb, 5. H & R Block files taxes, including federal tax returns and state tax returns,
looking to find every last available tax deduction to minimize taxes and maximize tax
returns. From left are Paul Pignotti, district manager; Councilmember Steve Placido,
D.D.S.; Frank Chen, immediate past president, Alhambra Chamber of Commerce;
Joseph Hom, 29-year employee of H & R Block; Andres Rodriguez, office manager;
Laura Vawter, regional marketing manager; and Kevin Hannahs, regional director.
Optimal Health & Wellness Center, 670 Monterey Pass Road, Suite 100, Monterey
Park, celebrated its expansion with a re-grand opening last November. Optimal Health
& Wellness Center specializes in natural and complementary solutions to medical and
health care needs and offers Integrative Medicine and Natural Healing. In front, from
the left, are Monterey Park Mayor Hans Liang, Dr Clement Lee, and Monterey Park
City Clerk Vincent Chang.
The Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
thanks these members for renewing their memberships
and for their continued support:
Alcala Care Management
P.O. Box 3861
Alhambra, CA 91803
Member since 2012
First Choice Bank
407 W. Valley Blvd., Suite 1
Alhambra, CA 91803
Member since 2009
Premier Cabling Solutions
3070 W. Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2012
Alhambra Educational
1515 W. Mission Road
Alhambra, CA 91803
Member since 2001
First Christian Church
220 S. Fifth St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2002
Allied Physicians IPA
1668 S. Garfield Ave., 2nd Floor
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2010
Frueholz, Gary A./
Dilbeck Real Estate
1499 Huntington
Drive, Suite 100
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Member since 2002
Rotary Club of San Gabriel
Valley-New Generation
349 E. Main St.,
Suite 104 PMB8
Alhambra, CA 918701
Member since 2012
Saint Therese School
1106 E. Alhambra Road
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 1996
CoKreeate, 410 W. Main St., #221, Alhambra, had its grand opening and ribbon cutting Jan. 23. CoKreeate
is a 3D printing and scanning company that specializes in creating life-like custom ceramic figurines. The
company sells 3D printers and plastic filaments and teaches 3D printing classes. From left: Frank Chen,
Alhambra Chamber immediate past president; owners Will Co, Jewelyn Co, and Andy Co; and Councilmember
Steve Placido, D.D.S.
The co-founders of CoKreeate 3D Printing are, from left, Andy Co, Jewelyn Co, and Will Co.
New Member Spotlight CoKreeate 3D Printing offers
scanning, printing, retail
A one-stop-shop family owned business
of 3D scanning and 3D printing service has
opened its doors in Alhambra: CoKreeate
Alondra Hot Wings
3D Printing. The three co-founders, WilSan Gabriel Community
515 W. Main St.
liam Co, Andy Co, and Jewelyn Co, started
Church & Christian School
G.E. Property DeAlhambra, CA 91801
117 N. Pine Street
velopment, Inc.
the company as a portable and convenient
San Gabriel, CA 91776
407 W. Valley Blvd. #4
Member since 2009
3D scanning and 3D printing service in
Alhambra, CA 91803
Member since 2011
Al’s Italian Beef & Nancy’s Pizza
mid 2013. As Alhambra residents, the
Member since 2003
410 W. Main St.
family decided to open a studio and retail
Alhambra, CA 91801
225 W. Valley Blvd.
Great American Realty Services
store in their community.
San Gabriel, CA 91776
19 S. Garfield Ave.
Member since 2014
CoKreeate is an all-in-one shop that
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2013
Aston, Raymond
industrial grade 3D scanning services
Member since 2005
Member since 1998
for technical and creative projects, 3D
Steven Placido D.D.S.
420 N. Garfield Ave.
Green Menu Organization
Beggxis Lieberg, D.D.S.
design services, 3D printing services, and
Alhambra, CA 91801
560 W. Main St., Unit D
401 N. Garfield Ave., Suite #2
specializes in creating life-like full-colored
Alhambra, CA 91801
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 1997
custom ceramic figurines, 2D to 3D printMember since 2013
Member since 2006
Subway Sandwiches and Salads ed picture conversions, custom trophies, all
1701 W. Main St.
Hi Quality Auto Body
Cathay Bank
occasion cake toppers, prototyping, and reAlhambra, CA 91801
723 S. Fremont Ave.
43 E. Valley Blvd.
Alhambra, CA 91803
Alhambra, CA 91801
production. CoKreeate also retails desktop
Member since 1993
3D printers, industrial grade hand-held 3D
Member since 2007
Member since 2012
The UPS Store
scanners, printer filaments, and offers 3D
John L. Raya Insurance Group 560 W. Main St., Suite C
Charlie’s Trio
printing classes.
Alhambra, CA 91801
401 S. Mission Drive
47 W. Main St.
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Alhambra, CA 91801
CoKreeate’s one-of-a-kind replicated
Member since 2005
figurines are produced by using a highMember since 2010
Member since 1992
United Healthcare
tech, hand-held 3D scanner taking frameLa Parrilla Mexican Restaurant 30 W. Valley Blvd., Suite #101
by-frame images of the subject. It is then
Alhambra, CA 91801
2938 W. Valley Blvd.
2207 W. Commonwealth
Alhambra, CA 91803
Alhambra, CA 91803
digitally processed to create a complete
Member since 2009
CAD file and printed with an industriMember since 1999
Member since 1987
To renew your membership alized 3D printer. The 3D conversion
Dreamweaver Medical Associates Popular Demand Hair Center
with a credit card,
photographs are manually designed with
330 W. Las Tunas Drive, Suite 1 1700 W. Valley Blvd., Unit B
phone the Chamber
Alhambra, CA 91803
San Gabriel, CA 91776
the use of multiple 3D applications and
at 626-282-8481.
software. Products take about three to four
Member since 2012
Member since 2011
weeks to be completed. CoKreeate offers
various options of printing materials such
as plastic, sandstone, resin, and wood.
CoKreeate has created miniature figurines of many well-known icons such as
Stan Lee, Larry King, Verne Troyer, Bas
Rutten, Christy Mack, and a few more.
They produced the first-ever 3D printed
comic book cover as published by 3Dprint.
com in February 2014. Artists, hobbyists,
and cosplayers take interest in the company’s works as well and use Cokreeate’s
service to produce their ideas to create
3D printed products. CoKreeate works in
collaboration with colleagues to support
charity organizations, build businesses, and
reproduce keepsakes and souvenirs.
CoKreeate also dispenses public education and awareness about the possibilities
of 3D printing. “We believe that there is
no limit in creating and bringing out ideas
in 3D printing because there is a wide
market for this technology,” said William
Co. “This company continues to develop
creative ideas and is open minded to new
CoKreeate is located at 410 W. Main
St., Unit 221, Alhambra 91801. It is
open from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday
through Friday; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; and by appointment on Sunday. Visit
CoKreeate online at;
Twitter @cokreeate; Instagram @cokreeate;
Exact Tax owner Mary Wong, E.A., welcomes Vic Morel, E.A., to the Exact Tax team.
New Member Spotlight -
IRS expert joins
Exact Tax Inc. team
Exact Tax announced that Vic Morel,
IRS Appeals Settlement Officer of more
than 34 years, has joined the firm’s professional staff of C.P.A.’s and E.A.’s. Mr.
Morel has been recognized by the IRS as an
Expert Witness in Tax Courts and Federal
District Courts.
“This adds a greater level of experience
and technical expertise no other accounting
firm has in this area for negotiating with
taxing authorities,” said Exact Tax owner
Mary Wong, E.A.
Established in 2007, Ms. Wong, with
23 years of experience, has helped many
local businesses and individuals with their
tax issues. “Mr. Morel and I are working
to clear a $7,000,000 tax penalty case in
which Exact Tax has created doubt with
the California Franchise Tax Board as
to whether this penalty belongs to their
client,” said Ms. Wong. “For other clients,
Exact Tax has escalated cases to Tax Court
and won judgments, saving some clients as
much as $200,000 in tax penalties.”
Ms. Wong and her staff offer free
30-minute consultations to give guidance
for tax needs. New clients (except 1040EZ)
are offered $25 off.
Phone 626-573-0788 to make an appointment, and visit Exact Tax’s new office,
decorated with Peanuts memorabilia, at
1024 E. Garvey Ave., Monterey Park, near
the corner of Garvey and New avenues.
During the Tax Season, Exact Tax is
open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to
Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday
to Sunday.
Check out Exact Tax’s reviews on Yelp
and Google, and visit the Web site at www.
Exact Tax is a member of National
Association of State Board of Accountancy,
National Association of Tax Professionals,
National Society of Tax Professionals,
California Tax Education Council, and
Authorized IRS e-file Provider.
also a crowd-pleaser,
as few could resist
sampling the restaurant’s
drink offerings. On
the entertainment
were delighted to
watch the fabulous folk dance
performances and A huge crowd attended the Lunar New Year Festival on Feb. 21.
amazing kung fu
demonstrations, including the
traditional face-changing dance.
At 5:30 p.m., the smells of
foods of all ethnicities, including Chinese stinky tofu and
Salvadorean pupusas, were still
lingering in the air; people were
still trying to grab snacks on a
stick as the festival shut down.
The Alhambra Chamber of Hikari Taiko was one of the groups that entertained on the
Commerce has made an ongoing Main Stage.
commitment in bringing this
cultural event to the community
for the last 24 years in partnership and with support from
many City departments as well as
the Police and Fire departments.
“The continued support of
the community attendees has
made this year’s festival another
success,” said event coordinator
Pinki Chen.
Taekwondo Academy performed on the Wells Fargo Stage.
The Alhambra Masonic Lodge, 9 W. Woodward Ave., Alhambra, hosted the Chamber’s
Mixer on Feb. 25. The mission of the Masons of California is to foster personal growth
and improve the lives of others and is carried out through Masonic principles and
tradition. The first preliminary meeting for the organization of the lodge took place in
the parlor of the Alhambra Hotel on Saturday evening, June 9 1894. Attending the
mixer are, from left, Frank Chen, Chamber immediate past president; Robert Fukui,
Chamber vice president; Sanza Kazadi, Jisan Research Institute; Steve Shepard,
Shepard Automotive; and Andy and Jewelyn Co, owners of Cokreeate.
Exact Tax hosted the Chamber’s Lunch & Learn Feb. 19. The topic was “How
to Survive an IRS & BOE Audit.” The program included information on record
keeping requirements, audit techniques, taxpayer rights, appeal options, and what the
IRS is really looking for during an audit. Exact Tax, 1024 E. Garvey Ave., Monterey
Park, is a Revenue/Income and Payroll Taxation reporting office offering state licensed
professionals with hundreds of hours of specialty training on payroll, federal, and
states taxes preparation.
Alhambra Day Nursery
Board offers financial
grants, scholarships
The Alhambra Day Nursery Board
is inviting community individuals and
organizations that serve children within the
boundaries of the Alhambra Unified School
District to apply for financial grants to help
support their programs. The school district
boundaries encompass all of Alhambra and
parts of Monterey Park, San Gabriel, and
The Board was founded in the 1940s,
with a mission to provide good and
reasonable child care for working parents
in the community. Over the years, the organization was able to purchase a building
on Hidalgo Street in Alhambra and run a
child care center and pre-school program
in cooperation with the school district.
No longer running the child care and preschool program, the Day Nursery Board
has changed its mission and now offers
scholarships to district high school seniors
and financial grants to community individuals and organizations. The Board has been
able to accumulate funds through donations, endowments, and rental of property
and is using these assets to improve the lives
of children in the community.
For the past five years, the Board has
given more than $500,000 to groups and
individuals for support of educational
programs. Some of the projects previously
funded were Boy Scouts for Outreach
Programs; a freshman/parent orientation
program; a summer kindergarten academy;
the All District Band; high school Academic Decathlon program; summer swim lessons and Youth in Government Program at
the YMCA; and a variety of other projects
submitted by school staff and community
Those interested in applying for financial assistance from the Day Nursery Board
are asked to request an application by contacting Ed Aguirre, grant coordinator, at
626-943-3080 or by writing Mr. Aguirre at
1515 W. Mission Road, Alhambra 91803.
Deadline for submitting grant applications
is March 31. Successful applicants will be
notified by April 30. The awarded funds
will be available shortly thereafter.
Scholarships are being offered to senior
students graduating from Alhambra, Mark
Keppel, San Gabriel, and Century high
schools in the Alhambra Unified School
District and seniors from Mission and
Ramona Convent high schools. The scholarships are for $1,000 for the first year of
college or university enrollment, with the
opportunity to apply the following year for
an additional $1,000 for the second year
and $2,000 for each of the third and fourth
years. Multiple scholarships will be given.
Applicants must be planning to enroll in
a major/program leading to a degree in a
field working with children. Additional
consideration will be given to those preparing to work in the area of early childhood
Scholarship applications are available
at each of the high schools mentioned
above. Directions for submission of scholarship applications will be noted on the
Need A Tax Accountant?
Here’s a list of our professional
Accountant/CPA Chamber members.
Wells Fargo welcomes
rams to Los Angeles
Wells Fargo announced promotions, event sponsorships,
and a $50,000 scholarship
grant celebrating the Year of
the Ram. In honor of Lunar
New Year, and to help instill in
children the good habit of saving
for the future, participating Wells
Fargo store locations will offer customers a
limited edition ram coin bank when opening a new Wells Fargo consumer checking
account, while supplies last, until March 6,
A key element of the Lunar New Year
tradition is giving red envelopes, filled with
money, as a
symbol of
good luck
and good
fortune in
the year to
come. Wells
Fargo will
gift these
festive red and gold envelopes to customers
in select locations, and the company has
also created a complimentary, colorful,
artistically designed, bilingual calendar and
other seasonal gifts. There will also be three
new, Year of the Ram debit card designs
on the Wells Fargo Card Design Studio,
and digital displays in banking stores and
on ATM screens at locations serving Asian
Additionally, because Wells Fargo
believes education is the foundation of a
vibrant community, the bank will donate
$50,000 to the Asian Pacific Islander
American Scholarship Fund
(APIASF) to help outstanding
students take their hopes and
dreams to the next level.
The donation is part of a multiyear $3.15 million commitment
that Wells Fargo announced in 2014 for
development programs, college tours, and
scholarships for college-bound students
from underrepresented Asian and Pacific
Islander communities. Since 2006, Wells
Fargo has contributed more than $5.4
million to the group.
“Wells Fargo has a deep commitment
to the Asian and Asian-American
communities we serve. It is our belief
that celebrating the diverse traditions
of our customers and team members
helps create strong relationships and
fosters a corporate culture of respect
and inclusion,” said Sandy Walia,
Wells Fargo Greater San Gabriel area
president. “Traditionally the ram
represents kindness and generosity, characteristics Wells Fargo works hard to embody
as we help our customers and communities
succeed financially.”
For more information about Wells Fargo’s Lunar New Year celebration visit www.
The Alhambra Woman’s Club welcomes
the return of Theatre Americana to the
stage of the Alhambra Masonic Center, 9
W. Woodward Ave., on Wednesday, March
4, to present President Donna Scarantino’s
original musical Oscar for Mom.
For more than 75 years, Theatre Americana has produced a variety of performing
arts projects in collaboration with organizations that provide social, educational, and
health programs for children and adults.
The noon luncheon will be arranged by
former Vice President Vi Lupo.
The Alhambra Woman’s Club is in its
122nd year of supporting charitable and
youth organizations. Visitors and guests are
welcome to attend by making reservations at
626-548-2209 through Sunday, March 1.
On Wednesday, April 1, the noon
luncheon of The Alhambra Woman’s Club
will be arranged by Historian Valerie Martin at the Alhambra Masonic Center, 9 W.
Woodward Ave., Alhambra.
Visitors and guests are welcome to
attend and may make reservations by
phoning 626-548-2209 through Sunday,
March 29.
Woman’s Club to
meet March 4, April 1
Alhambra Thunderbirds Cheerleading
Team wins National Champions title
The Alhambra Thunderbirds Cheerleading Team, 12 girls ages 3 to 8, won the
Jamz National Champions title in Las Vegas on Jan. 23, after competing against
nine local teams. “This team is such a great example of motivation, dedication, and
perseverance,” said Coach Melanie Espino-Canche. “We are so grateful to everyone
who supported the team, including American Legion Post 139 for allowing the girls
to practice in the Legion’s hall and Albertsons, Alhambra, for letting the team have
a fundraiser at the store to cover the cost for the competition. These girls learned that
believing in themselves is most important.”
Jayvee Dance, voted Best Dance Studio For Kids in The Los Angeles Area, will present SYNERGY on March 21.
Jayvee All Stars Team to
present dance showcase
The Jayvee All Stars Competition
Team will host its second annual dance
showcase entitled SYNERGY at 6 p.m.
Saturday, March 21, at Gabrielino High
School, 1327 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San
“After competing in two weekends of
intense competition last month, the team
members are ready to show Los Angeles
all of their hard work and dedication,”
said Tu DeVera, Jayvee Dance studio
manager. “The show will also feature
professional dance companies, such as
Maker Empire and Culture Shock Los
Angeles, so, SYNERGY is a show you
won’t want to miss.”
Tickets are available online for $25 at Ticket
sales end at 8 p.m. Friday, March 20.
They may be purchased for $30 at the
Jayvee was recently voted Best Dance
Studio For Kids in The Los Angeles Area
by LA Hot List. “Jayvee continues to provide a fun and exciting place for adults
to come together in dance. Come see
what the excitement is all about,” said
Ms. DeVera.
Unique Victorian Transitional Bungalow What is a Little
receives top Heritage Home Award
Free Library?
A meticulously restored
1906 Victorian Transitional
Bungalow, located in the
West tract of Alhambra,
was recently honored with
Group’s 2014 Katherine
Hildreth Memorial Heritage Home Award. In
presenting the award, APG
President Christine Olson
remarked that in the three
years since purchasing the
home, its owner has done
an extraordinary job of
restoration, preparing this
historic gem for another
century of functional use.
This impressive home is
located near the former Red
Car line that carried passengers along Huntington
Drive to and from the business center in downtown
Los Angeles. In 1906, the
original owners, Fred and
Emma Shuttleworth, purchased an unimproved lot
from Samuel Wuest. Fred
Shuttleworth, a Freemason,
hired his fellow lodge member George W. May to build
a five-room cottage for his
family. Sixteen years later,
in 1922, the Shuttleworths
had a small guest house
constructed at the rear of
the property. It, too, was a
one-story bungalow, which
closely matched the style
of the original home. As a
rental unit, the additional
income helped to ensure a
comfortable retirement for
the elderly owners.
home was designed as
a Craftsman bungalow,
incorporating elements of
the earlier Victorian style in
its window treatments and
interior details, such as the
Birdseye maple woodwork,
dentil moldings, high ceilings, and tall windows.
The Craftsman style is
characterized by the rustic
texture of building materials, including shingles
and redwood siding; a lowpitched roof with exposed
rafter tails; and a covered
front porch supported by
substantial posts. There
are two large bay windows
— one in the front parlor,
and another in the dining
room. Most of the original
double-hung windows are
still present, featuring a
distinctive diamond pattern
in the upper section.
This 109-year-old Alhambra bungalow was recently honored with the Katherine Hildreth
Memorial Award, named in memory of one of Alhambra Preservation Group’s founders.
When the current owner first
saw the home in 2011, she fell in
love with its expansive dining room,
which features a small Victorian
fireplace and mantle, flanked by
turned maple columns and detailed
scrollwork. In restoration, instead
of replacing the too-worn-to-berefinished hardwood flooring with
a less-expensive laminate material,
the owner special-ordered maple
floorboards to match the original.
The beautiful grain of the new
hardwood maple floors lends an
elegant quality to the 108-year-old
Helping to transform the social
dynamic on the street by creating
a sense of neighborliness and community spirit, the owner installed a
Little Free Library in her front yard,
constructed from salvaged fencing
material. This is the first such
library to be officially registered in
Alhambra. Even as this home celebrates its history and its place in the
local community, its environmentally conscious upgrades, including
solar panels and an electric vehicle
charging station, position it solidly
in the 21st Century.
Historical Society to present
talk on fast food industry
The Alhambra Historical Society
will present Joe Castillo, historian and
writer for the Mid-Valley News, at its
meeting Wednesday, March 25, at the
Masonic Center, 9 W. Woodward Ave.,
Alhambra. Mr. Castillo will give a talk
on the history of In-N-Out Burger and
other fast food restaurants.
The public is invited.
The social half hour begins at 7
p.m. with refreshments and displays of
historical items. At 7:30, Mr. Castillo
To inquire about these adoptable animals,
contact the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society at
626-286-1159, or visit at 851 E. Grand Ave., San
Gabriel. Adoption hours are 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday through Sunday. The shelter is closed on
Mondays. Directions and photos of many more
dogs and cats can be found online at
The adoption fee for cats is $99, which
includes spay/neuter, vaccinations, de-worming,
FIV/FELV/heartworm testing, and microchip. A
$120-$135 dog adoption fee includes microchip,
vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, and de-worming, as well as a free health check-up at a participating vet (some breeds slightly higher).
Take advantage of the new cat adoption program to celebrate kitten season. The “Me and My
Shadow” companion adoption program allows
pet adopters to have “twice the fun at a third of
the cost.” When adopters take a second kitty, who
must be “black like a shadow,” the cost is only $29.
Save money with the Buddy Program. Adopt
two pets at the same time for a reduced fee.
The Senior for Senior Program offers pets for
$39 each.
will talk about the growth of the fast
food industry in Southern California
featuring In-N-Out Burger from 1948
to the present. The company was
founded by Harry and Esther Snyder
with an emphasis on quality, service,
Adult male miniature pinscher mix •
small • ID#5090
Young, small male domestic short
hair • ID#12527
Les Paul is a grey and white young boy
who, although missing an eye, has a big and
lovable heart with which to compensate. He
is a friendly kitty who loves to run around
and play, whether with toys or with his
buddies. Meet this awesome guy at the Mini
Manor today.
Weebo came from a less than ideal situation, so he’s
still a bit shy with new people. He’s an adorable,
loving boy. He especially likes belly rubs and treats.
He gets along with his kennel mate and loves to go
on walks. Stop in to meet this sweet boy and consider
making him a part of the family. He will help you
with your New Year’s resolutions to “love more” and
“exercise more.”
A Little Free Library is a “take a
book, return a book” gathering place
where neighbors share their favorite
literature and stories. In its most basic
form, a Little Free Library is a box full
of books where anyone may stop by and
pick up a book, or two, and bring back
another book to share.
The owner of the house on North
Bushnell asked her carpenters to take
some of the wood that was left over from
building her new backyard fence and
use it to build the Little Free Library,
which is the first one to be registered in
At first, people were hesitant about
taking the free books, but now there is
an almost continuous turnover of inventory in this library on North Bushnell.
It’s easy to get into conversations with
passersby about what they are reading,
and the home owner is always looking
for used books that she thinks might
interest her neighbors. “It’s especially
gratifying to see children discover a
neighborhood reading resource and
returning to share it with their parents
and siblings,” she said. One young couple visits the library regularly, although
they live many blocks away, and they
always borrow something to read.
The Little Free Library is a worldwide
movement that began just a few years
ago in Wisconsin. There are now more
than 20,000 of these free libraries all
over the globe. The idea is very simple:
take a book, leave a book. The goal is to
promote literacy and the love of reading, while also building community and
sharing skills, creativity, and wisdom
across generations.
and family-owned operations.
The talk will be followed by a question and answer period.
For more information, please phone
626- 300-8845.
Large adult female American
Staffordshire terrier mix • ID#14633
Shelby is a sweet girl who enjoys attention
and walks. She is good on the leash and likes
to explore and sniff her surroundings while
walking. She enjoys sitting with her walker
and observing what is going on around her
while she is being pet. Please stop in to meet
Shelby. She is eager to find a home for the
New Year. Stop by, give her a treat, and get
to know her. She would love to be part of a
In One Visit
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Cal State L.A. Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility.
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Faculty, Anxiety Management
*Master, Academy of General Dentistry
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Academy of General Dentistry
Cal State
becomes first in Dental
California to be
certified to sell fuel to public
(888) 398-1377
The Cal State L.A. Hydrogen Research
and Fueling Facility has become the first
station in California to be certified to sell
fuel to the public.
The facility recently passed a rigorous
state performance evaluation and can now
sell hydrogen by the kilogram to drivers of
fuel cell vehicles.
“This is a milestone in the commercialization of hydrogen in preparation for
the next generation of electric vehicles
that will be powered by hydrogen,”
said Michael Dray, technical operations
manager at the fueling facility. “It’s equivalent to getting the first sticker from the
state government to sell gasoline by the
Governor Jerry Brown’s office recently
informed the university that the fueling
facility had received the certification,
known as California Type Approval. The
state is leading the effort to develop such
facilities and has allocated $200 million
during the next decade to further the construction of a hydrogen-fueling network
across California.
The Governor’s Office of Business
and Economic Development (GO-Biz)
said the hydrogen station’s certification
“demonstrates that close coordination
between government and industry can
enable a seamless and fair consumer experience for this critical technology.”
“GO-Biz commends the entire team at
Cal State L.A. for their work to advance
the commercial success of hydrogen fuel
cell electric vehicles,” said Tyson Eckerle,
zero emission vehicle infrastructure project manager for GO-Biz.
Opened last May, the fueling station
at Cal State L.A. is the largest such facility on a university campus in the United
States and produces hydrogen on site.
The station is capable of using renewable
sources such as solar and wind power for
hydrogen production.
The hydrogen facility provides key
research data on fueling performance and
station operations to the U.S. Department
of Energy and National Laboratories, as
well as to state agencies such as the California Energy Commission and California
Air Resources Board.
“Our hydrogen station is playing a
crucial role in helping situate California
as a national leader in zero emission
vehicles,” University President William
A. Covino said. “The station also provides
an ideal opportunity for Cal State L.A.
students, faculty, and staff to collaborate
on cutting-edge research and technology
initiatives with government agencies that
will contribute to improving air quality in
Los Angeles and beyond.”
The hydrogen station has sparked international interest. In the last six months,
visitors from Korea, Japan, China, Russia,
Germany, and Scotland have come to Cal
State L.A. to tour the facility.
Audi, Honda, Hyundai, General
Motors, Mercedes Benz, and Volkswagen
have all fueled prototype hydrogen vehicles at the Cal State L.A. station. These
vehicles, which emit only water vapor,
hold approximately six kilograms of
hydrogen and take about six minutes to
fill. A kilogram typically allows a vehicle
to travel about 50 miles.
This year marked a new chapter in the
use of hydrogen vehicles when Hyundai
produced several hundred vehicles, many
of which are being leased to drivers in the
Los Angeles area, Mr. Dray said. Ideally
located near two freeways and downtown
Los Angeles, the Cal State L.A. fueling
facility will play an increasingly important
role as the use of hydrogen vehicles becomes more widespread.
Emmaus School open house to
feature campus tours
Emmaus Lutheran School and Preschool will offer an open house from 10:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, March 8, at 840 S.
Almansor St., Alhambra.
Phone to tour the school’s 6+ acre campus.
Emmaus offers quality academic programs, before and after school care, sport
teams, tennis, piano, choirs and music for
all students, student government, field
trips, library, large field integrated technology, and full service gym.
For more information, visit www., or phone
Gatsby Glamour inspires
annual Gala at All Souls World
Language Catholic School
The era of abundance
and extravagance will be
recreated as guests arrive
at All Souls School’s third
annual Gala on Saturday,
March 21. This year’s
theme was inspired by
the lavish and indulgent
lifestyle of the 1920s
Jazz Age, immortalized
in the classic novel The
Great Gatsby by F. Scott
The evening of music,
dancing, silent auction,
and dinner is a fundraiser
for the school’s restoration
and facility improvement
A bartender will serve
wine and spirits all night
and will delight guests
with a special signature
To accentuate the affair,
auction items, including a
Principal Carrie Fuller and Fr. Bob Stephan, S.J., at last year’s
annual Gala.
TV, will be available. The
silent auction will last until
the end of the night.
The evening’s festivities
begin at 5 p.m. and end at
11 p.m. The cuisine will
be catered by Don Cucoy
Sponsorship and tickets
are now available; for more
information or to make
reservations, please phone
626-282-5695, or visit
All Souls World Language
Catholic School is located at
29 S. Electric Ave., Alhambra
91801. For more information about the school, go to
Community Calendar of Events
March 2 – Monday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers, 111 S. First St.
March 3 – Tuesday
Alhambra Chamber Executive Committee
8:30 a.m. Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
HUD - Housing Committee
7 p.m. - City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
March 5 – Thursday
YMCA Heart of the Community Dinner
Almansor Court, 700 S. Almansor St., Alhambra
Parks and Recreation Commission
7 p.m., Joslyn Center, Story Park
210 N. Chapel Ave.
March 9 – Monday
• Alhambra City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
• Alhambra Police Dept. Battle of the Badges
Blood Drive
2 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
211 S. First St., second floor EOC room
For more information, contact Liz Lam at
March 10 – Tuesday
Alhambra Chamber Board of Directors
8:30 a.m., Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
Library Board of Trustees
6 p.m., library boardroom, 101 S. First St.
Youth Commission
6 p.m., library boardroom, 101 S. First St.
Design Review Board 7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
March 11 – Wednesday
Transportation Committee
7 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
March 16 – Monday
Alhambra Community Coordinating Council
6:30 p.m.
Alhambra Civic Center Library
101 S. First St. Reese Hall
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers, 111 S. First St.
March 17 – Tuesday
Sixth annual St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl
6 to 10 p.m. Downtown Alhambra
Meet at Renaissance Plaza at 6 p.m.
Northeast corner Garfield and Main
March 18 – Wednesday
Arts & Cultural Events Committee
7 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Survivors of Murdered Children, SGV Chapter
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Third Wednesday of each month
Alhambra Police Department
211 S. First St., room EDC on second floor
Contact Tina Yamashiro at 626-298-9054 or
March 19 – Thursday
Chamber Lunch & Learn Program
Noon to 1: 30 p.m.
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, 104 S. First St.
Presentations by local business leaders who
address important issues related to small
business success. Lunch is provided.
March presentation by John L. Raya Insurance
Group: “Profit or Loss? How to Identify and
Manage the Risks of Doing Business”
Chamber members free
Non-members $15
Phone the Chamber to make reservations:
March 23 – Monday
Alhambra City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
March 24 – Tuesday
Government Affairs Committee
9 a.m., Chamber, 104 S. First St.
Design Review Board 7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
March 25 – Wednesday
Business After Hours Mixer
Hosted by the Alhambra Educational Foundation
38 Degrees Ale House & Grill
100 W. Main St., Alhambra
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
$10 members, $15 non-members
April 2 – Thursday
Parks and Recreation Commission
8 p.m., Joslyn Center, Story Park
210 N. Chapel Ave.
April 6 – Monday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers
111 S. First St.
April 7 – Tuesday
Alhambra Chamber Executive Committee
8:30 a.m. Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
HUD - Housing Committee
7 p.m. - City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
April 13 – Monday
City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
April 14 – Tuesday
Alhambra Chamber Board of Directors
8:30 a.m., Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
Library Board of Trustees
6 p.m., library boardroom, 101 S. First St.
Youth Commission
6 p.m., library boardroom, 101 S. First St..
Design Review Board
7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
April 15 – Wednesday
• Arts & Cultural Events Committee
7 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
April 16 – Thursday
Chamber Lunch & Learn Program
Noon to 1: 30 p.m.
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, 104 S. First St.
Presentations by local business leaders who
address important issues related to small
business success. Lunch is provided.
April presentation by Rudy Kusuma of Re/Max
Titanium: “The Ultimate No Holds Barred Guide
to Selling & Buying a Home in Alhambra and the
San Gabriel Valley.”
Chamber members free
Non-members $15
Phone the Chamber to make reservations:
April 18 – Saturday
Alhambra Educational Foundation Dinner
6 p.m.
Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel on Valley
Boulevard in San Gabriel
April 20 – Tuesday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers
111 S. First St.
April 22 – Wednesday
Business After Hours Mixer
Hosted by Twohey’s
1224 N. Atlantic Blvd., Alhambra
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
$10 members, $15 non-members
April 27 – Monday
City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
April 28 – Tuesday
• Government Affairs Committee
9 a.m., Chamber, 104 S. First St.
• Design Review Board 7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Alhambra Service Clubs and Organizations
Tuesday: The Exchange Club meets at 12:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Almansor Court, 700 S. Almansor St., Alhambra. The Rotary Club and Soroptimist Club meet at noon every Tuesday at Almansor Court. The
Civitan Club meets at noon every first and third Tuesdays at Azteca Restaurant, 717 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel. The Kiwanis Club of Alhambra meets at 5 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays at noon at Denny’s
Restaurant, 369 W. Main St., Alhambra (for information, phone 626-943-2542).
Wednesday: The Alhambra Historical Society presents its program meetings at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of January, March, May, September, and November (November meeting takes place after
Thanksgiving) at the Masonic Center, 9 W. Woodward Ave. The Alhambra Woman’s Club meets at noon on the first Wednesday each month (except for June through Sept.), at the Masonic Center, 9 W. Woodward
Ave. Toastmasters meets from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays each month at the Colonial Kitchen Restaurant, 1110 Huntington Drive, San Marino. The League of Women Voters meets on
the third Wednesday each month (626-798-0965 for info.). The Lions Club meets at 6:15 p.m. on the third Wednesday each month at the Regent Café, 1411 S. Garfield Ave., Alhambra. Thursday: American Legion Post 139 meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday each month at the Legion Hall, 24 N. Stoneman Ave., Alhambra. San Gabriel Valley New Generation Rotary Club meets from 6:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m. every Thursday at Fronteras Mexican Grill & Cantina, 118 W. Main St., Alhambra.
David DiCristofaro
Ben Alvarado
Lead Wells Fargo region
presidents named for
Greater Los Angeles,
Southern California markets
David DiCristofaro and Ben Alvarado succeed Lead Region President John Sotoodeh
who was named regional banking executive for the Southwest Region
Check Out Our
Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:
WFC) announced that new lead region
presidents for the Greater Los Angeles and
Southern California Regions have been
named. David DiCristofaro, a 17-year
company veteran, assumes responsibility
for the Greater Los Angeles Region, which
serves customers in Los Angeles, Riverside,
and San Bernardino counties along with
Coachella Valley through 268 retail banking stores and nearly 5,000 team members.
Ben Alvarado, a 23-year Wells Fargo veteran, assumes responsibility for the Southern
California Region, which serves customers
in Orange, Imperial, and San Diego counties through 232 retail banking stores and
more than 3,600 team members.
Mr. DiCristofaro and Mr. Alvarado
succeed John Sotoodeh, who led the combined markets previously called the Southern California Region. Mr. Sotoodeh was
recently named regional banking executive
for the Southwest, which includes Texas,
New Mexico, and Arkansas.
“David is an exceptional leader with a
passion for helping individual and business
customers succeed financially,” said Lisa
Stevens, head of Regional Banking Sales and
Marketing and regional banking executive
for the Pacific Midwest Region. “He invests
time and energy to serve the community
and has held leadership roles in organizations such as the Pasadena Playhouse and
Pasadena Educational Fund, which support the overall vitality of the community.
I know our customers, team members, and
the Greater Los Angeles region will benefit
from David’s extensive banking experience
and his dedication to satisfying our customers’ financial needs and contributing to
a successful community.”
“Ben is a dynamic, people-focused
leader who is dedicated to the communities, customers, and team members he
serves. He has an unwavering commitment
to provide our customers with financial
products and services that meet their needs
and an excellent customer experience,”
said Ms. Stevens. “His strong professional
experience and his passion for the people of
Southern California will serve him and his
team well in helping even more customers
achieve their financial dreams.”
Mr. DiCristofaro joined Wells Fargo in
1997 and is currently the region president
for the Greater Los Angeles market. He is
responsible for 152 stores and more than
2,800 team members. Prior to his current
role, he served as regional president for
the Greater San Gabriel and South Coast
markets, finance officer for Wells Fargo’s
Los Angeles Metro region, and finance and
strategy manager for the Northern California region. Before joining Wells Fargo, he
worked as a consultant with BDO Seidman.
Mr. DiCristofaro received his bachelor’s degree in finance and management from New
York University’s Stern School of Business.
An active community leader, he is the
board chair of The Pasadena Playhouse,
vice chairman of the American Red Cross
of Greater Los Angeles, and a director for
the Pasadena Educational Foundation.
Mr. Alvarado, who started his career as
a teller, was most recently the region president for the Orange County-Inland market
responsible for 121 retail banking stores
and 1,900 team members. Previously, he
held various retail and business banking
positions, which included area president for
the Long Beach Coastal Division, district
manager, commercial loan officer, sales development coach, and store manager. Mr.
Alvarado earned his bachelor’s degree from
California State University, Long Beach
and an MBA from Pepperdine University.
He is active in the community and
serves on the board of directors for Orange
County United Way and Memorial Care
Foundation and the advisory board for
Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach.
About Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:
WFC) is a nationwide, diversified, community-based financial services company
with $1.6 trillion in assets. Founded in
1852 and headquartered in San Francisco,
Wells Fargo provides banking, insurance,
investments, mortgage, and consumer and
commercial finance through more than
8,700 locations, 12,500 ATMs, and the
Internet (, and has offices
in 36 countries to support customers
who conduct business in the global economy. With approximately 265,000 team
members, Wells Fargo serves one in three
households in the United States. Wells
Fargo & Company was ranked No. 29
on Fortune’s 2014 rankings of America’s
largest corporations. Wells Fargo’s vision is
to satisfy all our customers’ financial needs
and help them succeed financially. Wells
Fargo perspectives are also available at
Wells Fargo Blogs and Wells Fargo Stories.
Streetease presents Heels n’ Hotties
High Heel Competition
Shoe lovers will kick off
their work shoes and strap
on their cutest high heels for
a fun night out on Saturday,
March 14, at Vino at Trio’s
wine bar, 10 N. First St., for
the fifth annual Streetease
High Heel Contest, Heels
n’ Hotties.
Dance is collaborating with
QueenVee Entertainment
to celebrate stilettos while
enjoying wine and spirits in
Downtown Alhambra.
Guests will be greeted
with music by local Alhambra Deejay Esco, and all
heel competitors will receive
into the competition. The
competition will be judged
by eight Alhambra locals,
including last year’s firstplace High Heel Hottie,
Vanessa Hidalgo.
The evening will be full
of dancing, hunt and match
cocktail games, raffle prizes
from local businesses, and
a silent auction to benefit
Dance For Peace Charity
that benefits dance scholarships at local Downtown
Alhambra dance studios.
Vino at Trio’s will offer fun
Last year’s winners of the Streetease high heels competition were, from
left: Jen “JB” Blackburn, second place; Vanessa Hidalgo, first place;
and Anette Puskas, third place.
drink specials for the
night, such as The Dove
Dive, and their delicious
selection of appetizers.
More than 20 ladies
will compete in this
year’s Heels n’ Hotties
charity fundraiser for
the chance to win top
prizes to become this
year’s High Heel Hottie.
Final winners for will
be announced at the
event and will be posted
on Facebook at www.
dance classes are available
at Jayvee Dance Center,
216 E. Main St.
To learn more about
Streetease dance classes,
phone 626-281-JVJV, or
e-mail streeteaseinfo@
Alhambra High School Principal
visits eighth-grade Gladiators
At its Annual 8th Grade Parent and
Student Information Night on Jan. 21,
Northrup School presented guest speaker
Principal Duane Russell of Alhambra High
School. Mr. Russell spoke to the eighthgrade class of 2015 about how to connect
to school in order to strive for success.
Northrup eighth-grade teachers Angel Hong, Audrey Martin, and Phillip
Vi had students generate questions
they had about high school. Questions
ranged from campus logistics to co-curricular sports and activities.
Northrup School Site Council
Chairperson and eighth-grade parent
Mrs. Susan Chau appreciated the event
and said: “Meeting and hearing from
Principal Russell at Northrup was especially helpful to people who are intimidated by the large crowd in a huge high
school auditorium. It was comforting
to hear positive encouragement from
the person who we entrust our children
with daily for the next four years.”
Northrup will continue to offer this
annual meeting in an effort to further
bridge student and their families to the
high school.
News from Gateway to Success
Gateway to Success program graduates 10th class of parents
In December, the
Gateway to Success
program of the
Alhambra Unified
School District graduated its tenth class
of parents. Parent
Project is for parents
who have difficult,
strong-willed or out
of control adolescents. Parents learn and
practice specific prevention and intervention strategies for destructive behaviors.
The goal of Parent Project is to improve communication, and teach parents
how to set consistent boundaries and set
appropriate consequences. Parent Project
is instrumental in making children better
learners, making schools better and
building stronger communities. The relationships that are formed in these classes
coupled with the skills that are learned are
life changing.
Parent Project is offered twice a year by
the Alhambra Police Department in collaboration with Alhambra Unified School
District and is at no
cost to participants.
The next session will
be in summer. Please
contact Gateway to
Success at 626-9433410 for more information or visit www.
40 Developmental Assets training for parents
Gateway to Success will offer Alhambra
School District parents 40 Developmental
Assets: a five-week program developed by
the Search Institute, which identifies a set
of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop
into successful and contributing adults.
The program is free of charge and is
from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays,
March 31-April 28. The program is available in English and Spanish.
Please contact Gateway To Success at
626-943-3410 for more information and
to register.
‘Back to the 80s Spring
Fling’ auction, dinner to
benefit Brightwood
Elementary School
Brightwood Elementary School PTA
presents Back to the 80s Spring Fling,
a fun 1980s-themed evening of auction
and dinner from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, March 14, at Almansor Court in
Back to the 80s Spring Fling is a major PTA fundraising event in which all
proceeds support Brightwood School by
providing classroom grants, school improvements, technology, and enrichment
programs for each student at Brightwood
School. Paul Talbot, city manager of
Monterey Park, will emcee the event, and
Monterey Park Police Chief Jim Smith
will serve as the fundraising auctioneer.
Purchase tickets at the school Website:
Guests will enjoy a three-course seated
dinner, no host bar, and an incredible
collection of auction items from local
businesses, individual donors, and many
other generous supporters. There will
also be music and dancing. Guests are
encouraged to wear ‘80s-era attire.
Sponsorship and advertising opportunities for Back to the 80s Spring Fling
are still available. To learn more, visit the
school Web site.
Since 1961, Brightwood Elementary
School PTA has been dedicated to
providing many programs and support
funding for Brightwood Elementary
School so that all students may be enriched as much as possible during their
elementary years.
San Gabriel students Robert Lam and Kelly Ho place at the 29th annual Stanford National Invitational.
San Gabriel speech,
debate students succeed
at Stanford Invitational
Thirteen members of San Gabriel High
School’s speech and debate team and their
adviser recently journeyed to the Bay Area
for the 29th Annual Stanford National
Invitational sponsored by the Stanford
Debate Society.
From Feb. 7 to Feb. 8, the preliminary
rounds took place at the Santa Clara Marriott hotel, and the final rounds took place
on the campus of Stanford University. The
invitational is a national tournament with
more than 200 schools across the United
States competing, including schools from
Colorado and Texas. Despite the increased
competition and the unfamiliarity, Coach
Andrew Nguyen lauded the team for its
“I am very proud of the [speech and debate team],” Mr. Nguyen said. “They were
competing in a lot of new and unusual
conditions. We had many rounds per day,
at a competition with over 2,000 entries.
It’s the only national circuit tournament
that San Gabriel attends and one of the
only chances we get to see this many
schools competing at this high of caliber.”
Senior Robert Lam broke into semifinals for Junior Varsity Oratorical Interpretation with a 10-minute reinterpretation
of Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture.”
Meanwhile, sophomore Kelly Ho placed
fourth in Junior Varsity Extemporaneous
Speaking with a seven-minute spontaneous speech about the effects of China’s
labor policies on human rights violations.
Kelly was given 30 minutes to research the
topic beforehand. Both students received
“Going to finals in extemp was something I never expected from myself,” Kelly
said. “It was scary because I was competing in unfamiliar territory, and I was really
far away from home.”
Besides competing, the Stanford Invitational was an educational experience for
the debaters as they toured both Stanford
and Berkeley campuses and met with San
Gabriel alumni at the schools.
With new ideas and inspiration from
the Stanford Invitational, San Gabriel
High School’s speech and debate team
members will continue their competitive
season, as they prepare for Spring Novice
and State Qualifiers toward the end of the
Thomas Wang, sophomore, reporter,
The Matador, San Gabriel High School,
contributed to this article.
Northrup sixth-graders Tammy Vuong, left, and Ariel Broadus display their Commitment Promise to Go to
College pledge along with their USC bracelets on their writing hand.
March 31, 2015
USC Edison International
‘How 2 Go To College Program’
visits Northrup sixth- graders
USC Edison International Peer Ambassador College Day’s Project Manager
Irene Bobadilla reached out to Northrup
School with an educational project that
encourages sixth-graders to become more
involved with the idea of going to college.
Trained Peer Ambassadors, all college students from different universities, presented a virtual tour and spoke about different
aspects of the college-going experience to
Northrup’s sixth-graders on Jan. 23.
“Not only did their interactive presentation teach our sixth-graders about the
A-G requirements, they also discussed
the importance of a middle school education,” Principal Stacie Colman-Hsu said.
The presentation exposed students
to types of colleges from junior colleges
to private colleges and what degrees and
certificates can be earned from various
learning institutions.
Ms. Bobadilla closed her presentation
by telling the sixth-graders: “Remember, it
is never too early to begin thinking about
or planning for college. All the choices
you make today as sixth-graders will affect
your future. So if you maintain your attendance and good grades at school, and
you are respectful and nice to one another,
I can assure you that each and every one
of you will make it to higher education.”
At the conclusion, all Northrup
sixth-graders signed a commitment
pledge to do their part in planning ahead
for their future and were given a special
bracelet to wear on their writing hand as
a reminder of their commitment to go to
The Alhambra Latino Association’s
Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Dinner
and Dance will take place May 1 at
Almansor Court. This year, Supt. Laura
Tellez-Gagilano, Ed.D, will be honored
along with five scholarship recipients
from Alhambra Unified School District
high schools.
Tickets are $50 per guest; RSVP by
April 24. After April 24, tickets will be $60.
Please make checks payable to the
Alhambra Latino Association, C/O Helen
Padilla, Granada School, 100 S. Granada
Ave, Alhambra 91801.
Phone 626-308-2419 for information.
Scholarship applications are available
and are due March 6.
Alhambra Latino
Association to honor
Supt. Laura Tellez-Gagliano
Congratulations to Jennie Malonek, Alhambra High School’s Academic Decathlon
Coach, who received the Roberta Kordich Coach Award from the Los Angeles
County Office of Education in February at the Academic Decathlon’s annual award
banquet. The coach of the year award commends Ms. Malonek for her commitment
and dedication to the Academic Decathlon. Ms. Malonek organized workshops and
seminars for all decathletes and helped fundraise for a monetary award in memory of
a former coach who passed away.
Monterey Highlands School receives
Teaching Gardens Grant
Monterey Highlands Elementary School, a
nationally recognized Healthy School, received a
Teaching Gardens Grant funded by Participant
Media who teamed up with the American Heart
Association (AHA) to create a school garden
program. The school’s garden consists of nine
wooden boxes planted with spinach, Swiss chard,
strawberries, bok choy, lettuce, cabbage, kale, and
several herbs.
The AHA has created the Teaching Gardens
program to educate elementary students about the
importance of fruits and vegetables, to energize
and excite them about produce, and to introduce
fresh produce into the diets of students and their
families. The program was designed to encourage
healthy diets in young children and to help combat childhood obesity, which has reached epidemic
proportions. Gardens make healthy foods fun, and
they provide opportunities for children to try and
enjoy healthy foods.
The AHA established an aggressive health
impact goal for the year 2020: to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while
reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and
stroke by 20%. To measure the success of the 2020
impact goal, the AHA has created health impact
measures for children over the age of 2 in the areas
of smoking, Body Mass Index, physical activity,
diet score, total cholesterol, blood pressure, and
blood sugar. Specifically, to measure a healthy diet
score the AHA has identified five primary and
three secondary measures to improve the heart
health of the American diet.
Two first-grade teachers, Gary Ho and Connie
Aoki, led the Teaching Garden. “With obesity being on the rise, the teaching garden provides a fun
and exciting way to introduce fresh produce to our
students and their families. Students and families
will also learn to make healthy choices and may
even grow their own backyard garden to continue
to live a healthier lifestyle at home,” said Mr. Ho.
Mrs. Aoki added, “The teaching garden allows
our students to get out of the classroom and step
outside into the real world where learning can take
place. They get to experiment and learn through
hands-on activities.”
From left: Marisa Rodriguez, American Heart Association Teaching Gardens Manager;
Dr. Linda Nakagawa, Instructional Specialist; Robin Perez, Instructional Specialist
on Special Assn.; Kelly Meyer, co-founder of the American Heart Association Teaching
Gardens Program; Dr. Debbie Kotani, principal; Gary Ho and Connie Aoki, firstgrade teachers
Kindergarten class enjoys the Teaching Garden.
Eighth-grade students work in the Teaching Garden with Dr. Debbie
Kotani and Dr. Linda Nakagawa, left.
PTA parents volunteer in the Teaching Garden.
Overall best individual decathletes, from left, Chaney Tse, third place, Mark Keppel High;
Elise Matsusaka, first place, South Pasadena High; and Douglas Wu, second place, Beverly Hills High.
teams, along with six others,
will advance to the state round,
which will take place March
19 to 22 in Sacramento. This
year’s theme is Alternative
Although Keppel finished
second, the team improved
significantly in score compared
to last season. Coached by
social science teacher Tin
Tran, the team was able to
increase its score by more than
3,600 points compared to the
previous year. The team could
not succeed, however, without
the tremendous support from
Principal Jacinth Cisneros and
district personnel, to whom it
is ineffably grateful. The team
consists of the following: seniors
Chaney Tse, Annette Cai, Eric
Lin, Jason Chang, Jeffery Wong;
juniors Justin Ho, Patrick Chea,
Jimmy Chong; and sophomore
Jocelyn Shackleford. Overall,
the team garnered 31 individual
medals. In particular, Chaney,
team captain and president,
earned the honor of third highest scorer out of all decathletes at
competition, and Patrick earned
the honor of second highest
scorer in the scholastic category.
Patrick’s second-place finish also
meant that he received the Jeff
Jones Memorial Scholarship
worth $125.
The Alhambra team earned
14 individual medals, seven of
which went to junior Chi Yu.
Alhambra coach Jennie Malonek
also received the Roberta Kordich Coach Award from the
Los Angeles County Office of
Education. San Gabriel High
School, who competed in Division II, earned 15 individual
medals. (Alhambra and Keppel
compete in Division I and only
Division I schools can qualify
for state.)
Though there is a monthlong gap between the regional
competition and the state competition, the Mark Keppel team
plans to use as much of that time
as possible to improve further.
The state competition involves
the most competitive teams
from all around California, so
the Mark Keppel and Alhambra
teams will put their effort into
placing and scoring as highly as
they can.
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