Mark Keppel wins Academic Decathlon


Mark Keppel wins Academic Decathlon
Leading the groundbreaking ceremony for the Mosaic Parking Structure on North
First Street are, from left, City Councilmember Steven Placido, D.D.S.; Vice
Mayor Gary Yamauchi; City Manager Mary Swink; Mayor Stephen Sham; and
Councilmember Luis Ayala.
Breaking new ground in
Alhambra welcomes in Lunar NewYear
Downtown Alhambra
espite drizzly skies on Feb 6, City Councilmembers
and local businesses joined together for the official
groundbreaking for the $6.2 million, 5-1/2 level Mosaic Parking Structure which, when completed, will add more
than 300 new parking spaces to Downtown Alhambra.
The North First Street site has already been cleared of its old
asphalt surface and the old perimeter stone and brick walls, and
grading has begun. In addition, temporary fencing and screening
has been installed along with informational signage that displays
an artist’s rendering of the proposed parking structure and a description of the project’s benefits.
Mayor Stephen Sham provided attendees with information
about the history, financing, and need for the facility. The project’s
design and construction contractor, Parking Structure Builders
Inc., was also introduced.
Mayor Sham commented, “Downtown Alhambra’s popularity
and growth makes our first-class Mosaic Parking Structure a necessity to meet today’s needs and to prepare for future growth and
>> see PARKING Page 7A
To welcome the Year of the Horse, Title Sponsor MetLife was one of many businesses presenting acts at the
annual Lunar New Year festival on Valley Boulevard beginning at 10 a.m. Feb. 8. The dancer above was one of
the many performers and celebrants performing before large crowds on the outdoor stage.
Mark Keppel
wins Academic
ark Keppel High
School was firstplace finish in the
Los Angeles County Academic
Decathlon, with a score of
46,723.7 out of a possible
65,400 points.
The Keppel team narrowly
defeated South Pasadena High
School by 36.3 points, which
scored 46,687.4 points.
Alhambra High School placed
seventh, with a total of 43,586.7
points. All three teams, along with
nine other teams, will advance to
the state finals, which will take
place March 20-23 in Sacramento.
The Keppel team members are
The Mark Keppel Academic Decathlon team celebrates winning the 2014 Los Angeles
County Academic Decathlon.
Chaney Tse, Annette Cai, Jourdyn
Lao, Patrick Chea, Eric Lin, Lisa
Fong, Joshua Bustamante, Lin
Tian, and Isaac Vazquez
Led by coach Tin Tran, the
Keppel team improved more than
2,000 points over 2013 when the
team finished fourth behind Beverly Hills High School’s first place
win. This year Beverly Hills was the
fourth place team.
Support by personnel throughout the Alhambra Unified School
District including Mark Keppel’s
>> see MARK KEPPEL Page 23A
Alhambra’s own Ralph Kiner,
Baseball Hall of Famer, dies
April 26, 2008 was Ralph Kiner Day in Alhambra when the former Alhambra
High School star and Major League Hall of Fame member Ralph Kiner accepted an
honor from the Alhambra Alumni Athletic Foundation, presented by then Alhambra
Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Owen Guenthard. A statue of Mr. was
also dedicated at Almansor Park. Ralph Kiner died on Feb. 6.
New parking structure tops
list of ongoing vital projects
By Mayor Stephen Sham
During the past month, I joined with
my council colleagues and many Alhambra
downtown business owners to celebrate the
ground breaking of the much needed 5 ½
level Mosaic Parking Structure. The new
structure will add more than 300 parking
spaces to serve Alhambra’s very busy downtown area. During the construction period,
which is estimated to take 10 months, there
will be additional parking enforcement in
the Downtown area to ensure the turnover
of spaces is adequate enough to meet the
demands of our restaurant, retail, and other
downtown business patrons. Be watchful of
the parking signage in the downtown area,
and avoid a parking citation.
The City department heads reported to
Council on the status of the City’s three-year
strategic plan, which is reviewed every six
months. The report also included an update
of the Alhambra Golf Course marketing
plan being conducted by De Pinto Morales
Communications, Inc. The firm is to develop a marketing program to increase the
patronage of the city-owned golf and driving
range facility.
Despite the Governor’s announced
balanced budget, the Council continues
to monitor the state legislature’s efforts
to reduce the state’s serious fiscal deficits.
The state has been discussing the idea of
Mayor Stephen Sham
transferring the management of
many state initiated programs down
to local cities and counties without
sufficient funding to cover their
costs. A primary example of this
trend is the transferring of prisoners
from state facilities to county jails
without sufficient revenues to cover
the costs. This is a serious threat to
local governments and their financial
My council colleagues and I will
continue to monitor these and other
issues that may affect Alhambra.
Learn about ‘green living’
at Eco-Fair on May 3
Alhambra’s Eco Fair will take place
from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday,
May 3 at Alhambra Park, 500 N. Palm
Exhibitors will showcase products and
services that will demonstrate how to have
a greener lifestyle and how green living
can save people money.
The City of Alhambra Public Works
Department, Utilities Division, will provide information on water conservation
and storm water pollution prevention.
The Southern California Gas Company
will promote conservation of resources
and provide information on programs
that help limited-income customers save
money on their gas bills.
Exhibitors who have made early
commitments to attend include Allied
Waste and Recyclebank, which offers
a recycling rewards program; Day One,
with public health information; San
Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
and its mascot H2O Owl providing
water conservation tips; and RGS Energy,
presenting information concerning solar
panels and renewable energy.
Other exhibitors will provide a wide
range of services, products, and information. Gourmet food trucks, face painting,
and interactive displays for children will
also be offered at the event.
0 3 /2014
is a monthly publication with a total circulation of
40,000. It is mailed to every business and residence in
the city of Alhambra. Around Alhambra is also mailed
to all interested local, state and county officials.
We welcome comments, press releases and
community interest stories and will make every
effort to include all appropriate information.
For advertising rates and other information, contact
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
104 S. First St., Alhambra, CA 91801
Tel: 626 282-8481 Fax: 626 282-5596
Boxer Julian Ramirez was commended and extended best wishes on his career as one of boxing’s hottest young prospects by the City Council. From
left are Mayor Stephen Sham, Councilmember Luis Ayala, Mr. Ramirez, Vice Mayor Gary Yamauchi, and Councilmembers Barbara Messina and
Steven Placido, D.D.S.
Executive Committee
Frank Chen, Law Offices of Frank W. Chen
Lorraine Simpson, Credit Union of Southern California
Immediate Past President:
Valarie Gomez, West San Gabriel Valley YMCA
At-Large members:
Robert Fukui, High Point Marketing
Mark Paulson, Anthony Venti Realtors
Walter Tang, Superior Scientific
Board of Directors
Oriana Chan, Wells Fargo Bank
Evike Chang,
Iris Lai, Alhambra Hospital Medical Center
Lee Lieberg, Landz Real Estate
Elizabeth Martinez, Republic Services
Joe Pavon, Al’s Towing
Todd Sakamoto, The Mailbox Shop
Marissa Castro-Salvati, So. California Edison
Helen Romero-Shaw, So. California Gas Company
Dr. David Snyder, Optometrist
Joanna Vargas, The Fit Factor Studio
Victoria Deise Wilson, The Alhambra
Executive Director: Sharon Gibbs
Membership/Advertising Sales: Stan Yonemoto
Legislative Affairs: Owen Guenthard
Office Manager: Irma Hernandez
Editor: Dulcy Jenkins
Writers: William Kinman and Sarah Grear
Office Assistant: Rosemarie Valerio
Published by: Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
AROUND ALHAMBRA is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings,
nor responsible for product availability that may be advertised. Opinions
expressed in columns, letters and guest editorials are those of the authors.
All rights reserved. Reproductions in whole or in part without permission is
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Recent City Council actions
The following are highlights from the Jan. 27 and Feb. 10
City Council meetings.
Ceremonials and Other Recognition
Featherweight boxer Julian Ramirez, a hard-hitting
southpaw and former student of Alhambra High School,
was commended and extended best wishes on his career as
one of boxing’s hottest young prospects. The City Council
also recognized Hall of Fame boxer Bobby Chacon for
his support of up-and-coming young boxers, such as Mr.
Recent graduates of the City’s Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT) program were congratulated for
completing each of the courses in the FEMA-based program, which is taught by the Alhambra Fire Department.
See related article on page 7A for a list of the graduates
and more about the program.
The Alhambra Public Library Foundation was recognized for its generous gifts of $21,075 and $24,294 to
support the transformation of a vacant office at the Civic
Center Library into a new Friends Foundation Bookstore,
and to convert the current bookstore into a vending café.
The donation will also be used for children, teens, and
adults library programs, as well as National Library Week
and the Summer Reading Program.
Cal Humanities, in partnership with the California
Center for the Book and the California State Library, has
provided the Civic Center Library with a California Reads
Grant in the amount of $5,000 to be used to develop
and present a program and discussion group related to
the book, What It Is Like to Go to War by Karl Marlantes.
The program will be targeted to teens and adults from
September to November 2014.
The City’s 2013-2014 Annual Action Plan has been
amended to include increased funding for various housing programs, including the First-Time Homebuyers
Program, Housing Rehabilitation Program, and CHDO
Housing Development Program.
Contract agreements
Police Department: The School Resource Office
Program, administered by the Police Department and rec-
ognized as a model program by the Los Angeles County
Juvenile Court Division, has been extended for another
year. The program involves the assignment of two full-time
School Resource police officers to the Alhambra Unified
School District. The designated campus officers eliminate
the need to assign patrol officers to school-related matters,
thereby allowing the Police Department to concentrate
crime reduction efforts in other areas of the City.
The City’s parking enforcement service contract with
Inter-Con Services has been amended. Parking enforcement will be extended by five hours per day, seven days
a week, from 8 10 p.m. Timed parking zones will
also be extended between the hours of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
seven days a week. Included streets are First, Second, and
Fourth, from Woodward to Commonwealth, and Third
Street from Woodward to just south of Main Street.
Inter-Con will monitor all City lots and structures, and
vehicles parked longer that the limited time will be subject
to a citation.
Utilities Division: The City has approved lease agreements with the Kinneloa Irrigation District and Rubio
Canyon Land and Water Associations pertaining to 824.8
acre-feet of the City’s unused water rights in the Raymond
Basin for 2013-2014. Kinneloa Irrigation District will
lease 155 acre-feet and Rubio Canyon Land and Water
Association will lease 633 acre-feet.
November election
Groundwork has been set to consolidate the City’s
General Municipal Election with the Statewide General
Election, to take place on Nov. 4. The Municipal Election will be composed of open, full-term offices for City
Councilmembers of the First, Second, and Fifth Districts,
as well as member of the Board of Education for the Alhambra Unified School District for the Fourth and Fifth
Districts. Declarations of Intention must be filed with the
Alhambra City Clerk between 8 a.m. Monday, June 16, to
5 p.m., June 30. Nominating Certificates must be secured
from the Alhambra City Clerk and circulated not earlier
than 113 days or later than 88 days prior to Election Day.
Filing for all Nominating Certificates shall be filed with
the Alhambra City Clerk July 14 to Aug. 8.
Teen Basketball League begins March 28
The City of Alhambra Teen Basketball League for boys and girls
ages high school freshmen through
seniors, begins play on Friday,
March 28 at the Almansor Park
Gymnasium, 800 S. Almansor St.
Registration for the league — for
teams and for individuals — takes
place in person at the Almansor
Park Recreation Division Office, or
by phone: 626-570-5081.
Registration, $30 per person,
will be accepted until the league
is full. Every attempt will be made
to place an individual on a team,
but placement is not guaranteed.
Registrants must be residents of
Alhambra or attend an Alhambra
Unified School District high
Games will be played from 4
p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fridays at the Almansor Park Gym and, if needed,
from noon to 5 p.m. Sundays.
Conserve water by
‘Chasing Leaks’
Fix-A-Leak Week is March 17-23
Alhambra water customers have
demonstrated that it’s possible to conserve water. Since 2009, the City’s water
consumer usage has gone down by 13%.
It is important for all water customers to
find new ways to cut out wasteful use of
precious water resources.
The EPA’s annual WaterSense “Fix A
Leak” campaign, which this year has the
theme of “Chasing Leaks” and runs from
March 17-23, offers tips for reducing
household water leaks. Correcting household leaks can save homeowners 11,000
gallons of water per year (the equivalent
of 270+ loads of laundry). By correcting
leaks and installing energy efficient
fixtures and appliances, consumers save
money, too. The average family, which
spends $1,100 per year in water costs, can
save $350 by retrofitting with WaterSense
label fixtures and ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances.
Finding and fixing leaks around the
home can be as simple as check, twist,
and replace:
• Check toilets for leaks by putting
a few drops of food coloring into the
tank; wait a few minutes and see if color
appears in the bowl before flushing. If it
does, there’s a leak, and that is a waste of
about 200 gallons of water per day. That
would be like flushing the toilet more
than 50 times.
• Twist and tighten pipe connections;
use pipe tape to correct leaky showerheads; do not forget to check hoses,
spigots, and irrigations systems. To save
even more water, keep the shower under
five minutes.
• Replace fixtures if necessary with
WaterSense labeled models, which are
independently certified to use 20% less
water and perform as well or better than
standard models. Products carrying the
WaterSense label perform well, help save
money, and encourage innovation in
manufacturing. Consumers can view a
list of WaterSense products on the EPA’s
Web site at www.epa.gove/waersense/
product_search.html. For more information about testing one’s “WaterSense” and
calculating water savings, visit www.epa.
Need to replace an old washing machine? Alhambra residents are now eligible for a $150 rebate with the purchase of
a new energy-efficient washer from a store
within the San Gabriel Valley Municipal
Water District’s service area. For more
information about this program, phone
855-512-1221, or visit
Water conservation is
cheapest method of
preserving water supply
Water conservation is
critical in maintaining an
effective low-cost water
supply. This means using
less water, using water-efficient landscaping, or
refraining from water use
altogether when possible
and practical.
Water conservation is
more than a technique;
it’s a “green” ethic and
mindset. In addition,
since saving water means
other, more costly means
of acquiring water are not needed, water
conservation is the cheapest, lowest-cost
alternative to augmenting local water
supplies. Water conservation is not a new
approach. However, it is receiving more
attention and is in wider use than ever before. And there is increasingly sophisticated equipment, technology, materials, and
procedures that enable water conservation
to be more and more effective.
Here in California and the San Gabriel
Valley, cities, water districts, water companies, and utilities are deeply involved in
public education efforts that promote water conservation. Informing residents and
employers about water conservation and
saving water is a top priority of the San
Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District’s
public education program. The reason is
simple: water conservation costs little to
nothing to implement, and the water and
financial savings can be substantial.
The San Gabriel Valley Municipal
Water District works closely with the
Theodore Payne Foundation in a variety of ways
to provide information
California native plants
to teachers, students,
residents, and businesses.
For more information
about California Native
Plants, please visit the
Theodore Payne Foundation Web site and view
this informative PowerPoint presentation.
In and around Southern California, cities and
water agencies are reporting significant reductions
in water usage due to various water conservation measures. Water
conservation techniques include:
• Water efficient behavior such as
shorter showers and turning off the water
when brushing your teeth.
• Sophisticated technology such as
satellite-based weather monitoring stations and “smart” water timers.
• Low-flush and waterless toilets that
use less or no water.
• Recycled water approaches such
as indirect potable reuse systems and
greywater systems that capture and reuse
potable water.
• Equipment such as flow restrictors,
spray nozzles, sprinkler heads, and pool
and spa covers.
• Outdoor shading and landscaping
that reduce evaporation of water and cool
indoor and outdoor areas.
• Water-efficient grasses, plants, and
• Water and energy-efficient clothes
and dish washing machines.
Library offers programs for children, teen, adults
Teen activities (in Reese Hall unless otherwise noted)
Steampunk Jewelry Creation, with Janell Methanion
Thursday, March 13 at 3 p.m. In celebration of Teen Tech
Week. Pre-registration required.
Teen Advisory Board meets on Thursday, March 20
at 3:30 p.m.
Women’s History Tea Party on Thursday, March 27
at 3 p.m. Tea and snacks along with fun facts, trivia, and
more regarding female pioneers from women’s history.
Silent Library on Thursday, April 10 at 3 p.m. Alhambra Library’s version of the popular Japanese game show,
where the object is to remain completely silent while
performing various stunts. Waiver form required.
Children’s activities
Family Film, The Lorax (PG) on Saturday, March. 1
at 3 p.m. in Reese Hall. In celebration of Dr. Seuss’ 110th
birthday. A boy must discover the story of the Lorax, a
grumpy yet charming creature, who will enable him to win
the affection of the girl of his dreams.
Homework Help on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (On break March 1719). High school volunteers assist children ages 5-12 years
old with weekly home-work assignments.
Family Story Time on Wednesday, March 5, 12,
and 26 at 7 p.m. in the Story Time room. For children
ages 5-12 years old. Includes stories, puppets, and other
Bubble Mania on Saturday, March 15 at 3 p.m. in
Reese Hall. Best for ages 3-12 years. Learn the science
and fun of bubbles with shimmering waves of soap film,
rainbow bubbles, giant bubbles, and more.
Chapter Book Club, The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis (plus tasty snacks) on Monday,
March 24 at 4 p.m. in Reese Hall. Four adventurous
siblings step through a wardrobe door and into the land of
Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the
power of the White Witch. Best for fourth – sixth graders.
Register in the Children’s Room.
Family Film, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe (PG) on Tuesday, March 25 at
3:30 p.m. in Reese Hall. Note: children 12 years old and
younger must be accompanied in the library at all times
by an adult.
Adult Activities
Blog Promotion Week, March 3 to 9 – visit the library
and learn about the library’s blog and receive some cool
Family Film, “Woman of the Year” (NR) on Tuesday,
March 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Reese Hall.
Mystery Writers appearance on Sunday, March 30 at
3 p.m. in Reese Hall. Cara Black, author of the Aimee
Leduc Paris mysteries, and Rhys Bowen, author of the
Lady Georgiana and Molly Murphy mystery series, will
discuss mystery writing and sign books.
Alhambra Library
presents two mystery
writers in free program
The public is invited to a free program
to hear two best-selling mystery writers —
Ryhs Bowen and Cara Black — discuss
their books, the craft of mystery writing,
and sign books for interested fans at 3
p.m. Sunday, March 30 at the Civic Center Library, in Reese Hall, 101 S. First St.
Ms. Bowen writes multiple mystery
series, including The Royal Spynessseries,
which the New York Times bestselling author Deborah Crombie called “the perfect
fix between seasons for Downton Abbey
addicts”; the Molly Murphy Mystery series,
whose heroine flees her troubles in Ireland
and heads for anonymity in America; and
the Constable Evans series, in which a
former city dweller investigates murder in
a secluded Welsh village.
Ms. Black focuses on Paris in her
Aimee Leduc series in which the private
investigator explores crime in various parts
of the city — all of which author Black
has explored on her own. On each visit
to the city, the author entrenches herself
in a different location, learning its secret
Art classes for children
offered at library
The Children’s Room at the library, 101
S. First St., will host two free art classes for
children ages 5-12, which was made possible by the Alhambra City Arts and Cultural
Events Committee.
Beginning Acrylic Painting with Carlos Durazo, for children ages 5 to 8, will
be offered at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays from April
8 through May 6. Children will learn the
basics of acrylic painting and color theory.
During the five-week course, each student
will complete at least three projects.
Exploring the Arts with Susan Saunders, for children ages 9 to 12, will take
place at 6 p.m. on Mondays from April 7
to May 5. Children will work with various
artistic techniques and materials. During
the five-week course, participants will
complete at least three projects.
At least one piece of each student’s
artwork from both classes will be displayed
in the Alhambra City Hall Art Gallery in
Due to space limitations, class spots
will be assigned through a lottery drawing.
Interested parties must come in person
to fill out a ticket at the Children’s Room
Reference Desk. Tickets will be available
March 3-16.
Please note that children must have
valid Alhambra Civic Center Library cards
in order to put their names in the lottery.
For more information, please contact
the Children’s Room at 626-570-3215.
Move clocks forward one hour
Daylight Saving Time returns
at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9
It’s time for Alhambrans to set their
clocks forward one hour.
Remember to set the clock forward an hour on
Saturday, March 8 before going to bed.
Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9.
Spring Leisure Classes
begin in March
Winter Leisure Classes end in midMarch, and Spring Leisure Classes begin
a week later, so register now.
Register by phone, 626-570-3242, or
fax, 626-570-3242.
Drop off registration at the City Hall
Community Services Department or deposit in the City Hall night deposit box
at the First Street entrance after hours.
Register at the Alhambra Park Office.
Mail to city of Alhambra Leisure
Classes, 111 S. First St., Alhambra
The registration form is printed on the
inside back cover of the city of Alhambra winter/spring 2014 Leisure Classes,
Activities & Excursions, available at www.
City Council
CERT graduates
The latest Community Emergency
Response Team graduating class was
recently honored at an Alhambra City
Council meeting, receiving certificates
of recognition from Mayor Stephen
Sham and Fire Chief Bill Walker.
The graduates were Juan Allen, Melinda Baca-Nava, David Canlin, Evelyn
Cortez, Jennifer Ehrenreich, Ramon
Grajeda, Virginia Hinson, Cendy Kha,
Roberta Lear, Trevor Lear, Mike Martinez, Chris Moran, Isabella Nava, Joseph
Nava, Pattie Soltero, Sydney Soltero,
Brian Talbot, Kenny Trinh, Vera Urrutia, and Ivan Valdez.
The CERT program trains volunteering city residents and businesspeople in
the basics of emergency preparedness,
thereby providing the city with multiple
neighborhood helping hands when
emergency situations arise. In the case
of a major emergency, it is likely that
emergency personnel will not be im-
mediately available to attend to every
situation – which is where the CERT
graduates come in. They are trained
to, first, take care of their own families
and surroundings, but then to become
a helpful resource to other families in
their own neighborhoods until emergency personnel can arrive.
Participants in CERT are trained in
the basics of emergency response, including fire suppression, medical emergencies, and light search and rescue.
The next CERT class will begin at
6:30 p.m. April 11 and continue for
six consecutive Wednesday training
sessions. For complete information
concerning CERT training, visit the
City of Alhambra Web site at, the CERT Association
Web site at http://www.alhambracert.
org/ACA/Home.html, phone 626588-CERT, or send an e-mail to cert@
Alhambra Farmers
Market offers fresh
food, children’s crafts
The Alhambra Certified Farmers Market
provides Alhambra residents with fresh, California-grown fruit and produce from 8:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday, except Easter,
on Monterey Street and Bay State Street, one
block east of Garfield Ave. and a half block
south of Main Street.
“The fruits and vegetables you buy at Alhambra’s Farmers Market are the freshest and
tastiest available,” said Harry Wong, Farmers
Market manager. “Everything is allowed to
ripen fully in the field and then brought
directly to you instead of sitting for weeks in
storage. This food is as real as it gets — fresh
from the farm.”
The Market also hosts a craft event once
each month for children ages 12 and younger.
Parents are encouraged to help their children
create their craft.
On Sunday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to 11
a.m., children will create a “Lucky Wooden
Paddleball Game,” on which they can practice The food is fresh from the farm at Alhambra
their “luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day. Farmers Market.
PARKING From Page 1A
improvements. This is a historic improvement for everyone who loves to
shop, dine, reside, or work in Alhambra.”
The City is living up to its commitment to build the facility as quickly
as possible. Mayor Sham continued,
“The City wants to both realize the
benefits of the project and minimize
construction-related impacts on neighboring residents, businesses, employees,
and commuters. Our ‘Ambassador
Program’ has been providing parking
and directional assistance to visitors to
Main Street during busy evenings and
weekends, keeping people informed and
patient during this temporary period of
The City conducted an informational
meeting for residents on Jan. 21 at the
Library and issued an informational
mailing to nearby residents. The City
has also provided alternative free parking
to many workers in the vicinity of the
old parking lot on North First Street and
added additional parking on the top level of the underground Library parking
facility Thursday-Saturday from 5 p.m.
to 2 a.m.
An important note for residents,
businesses, and visitors is increased parking enforcement is now in effect in the
Downtown area. Enforcement is from 8
a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week per the
posted signage. The purpose of increased
enforcement is to ensure turnover of
available spaces and to make parking
spots available for restaurant, retail, and
other business patrons.
“Ambassadors” have been a fixture the past
month from Thursday through Saturday at busy
intersections and parking
Visit the City of Alhambra Web
site,, and
check future editions of Around
Alhambra for ongoing updates. Also
get information and discuss this
exciting project on Facebook:; on Twitter:;
and on Instragram:
cityofalhambra. For more information, please contact Chris Paulson,
City of Alhambra, at 626-570-5011
Time to spring clean
March 21is the first day of spring and
a good time to clean house of unwanted
items, such as household hazardous waste,
electronics, outdated medicine, and bulky
furniture items.
Bring HHW and E-waste to a free
Dispose of household hazardous waste,
electronic waste, and universal waste at
one of the following free collection events
taking place this month in the San Gabriel Valley:
March 8 – Southern California Gas
Company, 8101 Rosemead Blvd., Pico
Rivera 90660.
March 15 – L.A. County Dept. of
Public Works, Fleet Maintenance Yard,
252 W. Mountain View, Altadena 91001.
March 29 – Northrop-Grumman
Corp., W. 3rd St. and Zachary Padilla
Ave., Azusa 91702.
Hazardous waste includes antifreeze,
car batteries, and used motor oil. E-waste
includes old televisions, computer monitors, and stereos. U-waste is composed
of household batteries, fluorescent light
bulbs, electronic devices, and mercury
thermostats. There is a limit of 15 gallons
or 125 pounds of household hazardous
waste per vehicle. For more information,
contact the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works at 888-CLEAN
LA or or the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County at
800-238-0172 or
Outdated medicine
Bob Wondries Ford
Firestone Store
Jiffy Lube
O’Reilly Auto Parts
Sierra Acura of Alhambra
Wondries Toyota
Y Tire Sales
With all medications, follow the
disposal instructions on the prescription
drug labeling or patient information. Do
not flush medicines down the sink or
toilet unless this information says to do
so. Instead, take it to an HHW event,
as noted above. State law makes it illegal
for residents to dispose of sharps waste in
the trash. These items can be taken to an
HHW event, as noted above, or to a local
sheriff station (8838 E. Las Tunas Drive,
Temple City 91780). Sharps containers
are available at the Los Angeles County
Dept. of Public Works, 900 S. Fremont
Ave., Annex Building, 3rd Floor, Alhambra 91803 (closed on Fridays).
Call for a free bulky item pickup
Allied Waste, the City’s contracted
solid waste disposal service, will pick up
to four bulky items at a time, such as
old sofas and chairs, TVs, and computer
equipment, etc., which have been placed
at the curb. Residents must phone in
advance: 888-742-5234. If there are more
than four items, consider renting a temporary dumpster, which is also available
through Allied Waste. Residents living in
gated condos must place bulky items at
the curb or in the alley, since the bulky
item truck cannot open the gate.
Motor oil recycling
If there are products left over from an
oil change, it’s time to properly dispose of
them. Take them to any of the following
locations and receive $.016 per gallon for
each gallon recycled.
1100 W. Commonwealth Ave.
400 S. Atlantic Blvd.
837 E. Main St.
1332 S. Fremont Ave.
800 E. Valley Blvd.
1700 W. Main St.
1543 W. Main St.
2969 W. Valley Blvd.
Check, replace safety items
at Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time returns at 2
a.m. Sunday, March 9, so remember to
move the clock forward one hour. Daylight Saving Time will end on Sunday,
Nov. 2. This twice-a-year seasonal time
change provides an ideal opportunity
to review a number of important safety
• Check and replace the batteries
in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
Replace any smoke alarms older than 10
• Check to see if fire extinguishers
need recharging.
• Replace light bulbs. Double up on
safety and energy savings by checking
light bulbs and fixtures and replacing
conventional bulbs with energy-efficient
compact fluorescent or LED bulbs that
can help save on the electricity bill over
the lifetime of the bulb.
•Check or change batteries in
clocks, controls with backup timers
(thermostats, irrigation, outdoor lighting, water conditioners), phone accessories, flashlights, and portable electronics.
Properly dispose of batteries by taking
them to one of the following battery recycling centers: Alhambra Camera, 121
E. Main St., 626-282-6365; Dat Chong
Jewelry Company, 1231 E. Valley Blvd.,
626-308-1848; Main Pharmacy, 103 N.
Garfield Ave., Ste. D., 626-576-0890.
•Check and review the family
emergency plan and disaster supply kit.
For more information, visit the Emergency Preparedness page on the City’s
Web site at
Sign up this month for the spring Citizens Police Academy, which begins April
9 and includes 10 weekly sessions of informative lectures and engaging exercises.
Become one of the dozens of informed
and enthusiastic Alhambra residents and
business people who have completed the
Many past participants continue their
relationship with the Police Department
by participating in the Citizens On
Patrol program. Information is online at or by phoning
Acceptance into the Citizens Police
Academy provides participants with
the opportunity to learn more about
Alhambra’s Police Department and the
importance of citizen awareness and
Participants will meet the Police Chief,
learn about criminal investigations and
community-oriented policing, find out
about issues related to narcotics and
youth gangs, take part in officer safety
scenario exercises, and much more.
Application forms are available at the
Department’s front desk, 211 S. First St.,
or contact the Crime Prevention Office at
626-570-5177 to receive a copy.
Citizens Police Academy
begins April 9
Police golf tournament to
help send kids to camp
Sign up for The Alhambra Police
Department’s April 3 golf tournament
and enjoy a round of golf, a free lunch, an
awards ceremony, and a free dinner. This
will help send underprivileged children to
a weekend camping experience to Camp Ta
TaPochon in the San Gabriel Mountains.
The tournament is a four-person scramble format at the Alhambra Golf Course
beginning at noon, following an 11 a.m.
check-in. The $125 entry fee includes
green fees, golf cart, tee gift, the lunch, and
awards ceremony dinner.
Help send a kid to camp by making a
donation to the Alhambra Police Foundation. Sign up for the tournament or make
a donation at
For more information, please contact
Lt. Jennifer Wiese at 626-308-4817, or
send her an e-mail to
The Alhambra Police Department
has posted a section on the City’s Web
site,, in the
Police Department section on what
residents should do if they become
identity theft victims.
When criminals steal personal
information, they can use it to open
accounts, make purchases, and get
loans all over the world. Consider implementing the following tips to avoid
becoming a statistic:
•Monitor credit reports consistently, and watch out for new accounts.
Always read bank and credit card statements and report anything suspicious
to the bank or credit card company.
• Only carry essential documents.
Avoid carrying extra credit cards, Social
Security card, birth certificate, or passport outside unless they are needed.
•Lock financial documents and
records in a safe place at home, and lock
wallets in a safe place at work. Keep
information secure from roommates or
• Install firewalls and virus-detection software on home computers.
•When ordering checks, avoid
having them sent home unless there is
a mailbox with a lock.
• Don’t give out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or
over the Internet unless the contact was
initiated. Identity thieves often pose as
representatives of banks or government
agencies to get information.
• Shred receipts, credit card offers,
bank statements, returned checks, and
any other sensitive information before
throwing it away. Destroy the labels on
prescription bottles that will be thrown
• Before sharing information at the
workplace, a business, a child’s school,
or a doctor’s office, ask why they need
it, how they will safeguard it, and the
consequences of not sharing.
• Take outgoing mail to post office
collection boxes or the post office.
Promptly remove mail that arrives in
the mailbox. Request a vacation hold
on mail.
•Do not print Social Security
numbers on personal checks.
• Watch for the credit card bill to
come in the mail every month, as identity thieves often start by changing the
billing address.
• Keep a list of account numbers,
expiration dates, and telephone numbers filed away in a safe place.
• Never write a PIN on a credit or
debit card or on a slip of paper kept in a
wallet. Create passwords or PINs out of
a random mix of letters and numbers.
• If an e-mail comes that claims to
be from the IRS, do not reply or click
on any links. The IRS does not start
contact with a taxpayer by sending an
e-mail, text, or social media message
that asks for personal or financial
information. Forward the e-mail to
• Avoid medical identity theft by
watching out for bills for services not
received; a call from a debt collector
about a medical debt not owed; a notice
from an insurer saying the benefit limit
has been reached; a denial of insurance
because medical records indicate a
non-existing condition.
The following crimes were reported to the Alhambra Police Department
in January. The areas of occurrence are listed to the nearest block —not exact
addresses. By publishing these reports, it is hoped that Alhambra residents will
take the necessary measures to ensure their individual safety, as well as the safety of
their property. Neighborhood Watch Works! To join Neighborhood Watch, or for
more crime prevention information and safety tips, contact the Alhambra Police
Department Crime Prevention Office at 626-570-5177.
District One
Burglary (4)
100 N. Second
400 S. Granada
500 S. Almansor
700 N. Hidalgo
800 E. Lindaraxa
Theft/Burglary from
Vehicle (8)
10 N. Second
300 N. Stoneman
10 S. Fifth
400 W. Commonwealth
400 S. Almansor
500 N. Third
700 W. Commonwealth(x2)
Grand Theft Auto (2)
100 N. Garfield
10 N. Fourth
Robbery (1)
100 W. Main
District Two
Burglary (3)
700 S. Stoneman
100 E. Park
300 W. Norwood
Theft/Burglary from
Vehicle (8)
Almansor/Los Higos
1700 S. Sierra Vista (x2)
100 S. Hidalgo
200 W. Valley
300 E. Ramona
1800 S. Fourth
1200 S. Garfield
Grand Theft Auto (4)
2000 S. Second
1100 S. Fifth
1500 S. Third
1800 S. Sixth
Robbery (4)
1000 E. Norwood
1200 S. Garfield
District Three
200 S. Curtis
500 N. Palm
from Vehicle (7)
600 N. Dos Robles
900 S. Fremont (x3)
300 S. Electric
100 S. Olive
1600 W. Huntington
Grand Theft Auto (3)
1200 W. Main
3200 W. Main
2900 W. Main
Robbery (1)
1800 W. Lemon
District Four
Burglary (5)
2800 W. Ramona
1600 S. Fremont
1100 S. Ethel
1800 W. Garvey
2600 Essexfells
Theft Burglary from
Vehicle (12)
1600 S. Cabrillo
2200 S. Campbell
2300 S. Hitchcock
3100 W. Montezuma (x2)
3000 W. Montezuma
2300 S. Roark
2300 S. Warwick
1100 W. Valley
1700 W. Garvey
1100 S. Marengo
1800 W. Garvey
Grand Theft Auto (5)
1600 W. Valley
2100 S. El Paseo
1500 W. San Clemente
1400 S. Atlantic
Robbery (2)
2900 W. Hellman
“Retirement by Design”
Presented by Peggy Sheridan,
financial adviser for Edward Jones
Thursday, March 20 • Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce Board Room
104 S. First St.
This Chamber program, offered on the third Thursday of each month, provides informative
and educational seminars pertinent to small businesses.
The cost of the program is free to Chamber members. There is a $15 charge for non-members.
A complimentary lunch is included.
To make reservations, or for more information about the Chamber’s Lunch & Learn program,
contact Irma Hernandez, Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, at 626-282-8481 or ihernandez@
The Chamber’s Lunch & Learn
seminar was presented by
Paychex on Feb. 20. The topic
was “2014 Affordable Health
Care Updates,” which informed
the audience about how health
care reform is progressing and
about strategies in planning for
changes scheduled for 2015.
Lunch & Learn is offered
from noon to 1:30 p.m. the
third Thursday of each month,
providing educational seminars
pertinent to small businesses.
Jeffrey Headwell, sales consultant
from Paychex, was the speaker.
New Member Breakfast
FirstLight Home Care of WSGV, 200 S. Garfield Ave., Suite 102-D, Alhambra, celebrated its grand
opening with a ribbon cutting on Jan. 28. FirstLight offers help that makes regaining or maintaining
independence easier with personalized support and sincere encouragement from experienced caregivers.
From left are Stan Yonemoto, Chamber Marketing director; FirstLight owner Harry Moy; and Chamber
President Frank Chen.
American Cancer Society
3333 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90010
With the support of thousands of volunteers,
the American Cancer Society is helping
save more than 400 lives a day. The Relay
For Life movement offers an opportunity
to honor cancer survivors, promote how
individuals can reduce their cancer risk,
and raise money to help end cancer.
Enrichment Coffee and Tea
1200 S. Raymond Ave.
Alhambra, CA 91803
Enrichment Coffee and Tea provides
fine coffees and teas from around the
world together with tutoring services
that cover a broad range of topics such as
standardized tests (ACT, SAT, and Subject
tests) and general studying pointers.
Garfield Medical Center
525 N. Garfield Ave.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Garfield Medical Center offers a wide
range of services from primary to tertiary
care, dependent upon the resources at
each of its individual hospitals. Attracting
qualified and dedicated staff, AHMC &
AHMC Healthcare Inc. is recognized for
culturally sensitive and compassionate care.
Dr. Jeffery Shiau Optometrist
2 W. Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Eyes are important indicators of overall
health, and comprehensive eye care
goes beyond a prescription for glasses or
contact lenses. Dr. Jeffery Shiau takes
the time to get to know his patients,
their eye care history, and their vision
needs in order to provide expert care.
Law Offices of Laurence P. Posner
388 E. Valley Blvd., Suite 205
Alhambra, CA 91801
Legacy Laboratory
1104 S. Garfield Ave., Suite A
Alhambra, CA 91801
Legacy Laboratory is a clinical laboratory
providing blood testing and mobile
phlebotomy services for the San Gabriel Valley.
Nerium International,
Independent Brand Partner
P.O. Box 804
Alhambra, CA 91801
The NeriumAD product line is the only skin
care line that uses the antioxidant power of
the NAE-8 extract, which is derived from
the Nerium oleander and aloe vera plants,
for high-performance skin care products.
Shea Properties
130 Vantis, Suite 200
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Shea Properties, headquartered in Aliso Viejo,
Calif., is a diversified real estate company
responsible for the acquisition, design,
development, construction, and management
of business parks, shopping centers, apartment
communities, and mixed-use environments.
The Chamber presented a New Member Breakfast on Jan. 30 at the Chamber. The New Member
Breakfasts offer new members a chance to meet the Chamber staff, speak about their businesses, and learn
about Chamber services, such as advertising in the Chamber’s newspaper, Around Alhambra; media
opportunities; business referrals; ribbon cuttings; services the City provides; and Chamber activities, such
as the Business Expo, golf tournament, and more. Marketing Director Stan Yonemoto welcomes the new
It’s all about networking
Join the Chamber for an informal social where business people get together,
exchange ideas, and develop new relationships. These monthly networking
programs are sponsored by and hosted at Chamber member establishments.
Business After Hours facilitates the development of personal relationships which
enables individuals to stand out and rise above today’s multitude of advertising
white noise. Networking is one of the most affordable means of marketing resulting
in invaluable personal referrals and word-of-mouth advertising.
So, don’t hesitate. Bring plenty of business cards and a winning handshake to the
next Business After Hours and develop a synergistic group of business contacts.
This month’s Business After Hours mixer
will take place
Wednesday, March 26
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by the Alhambra Educational
Foundation at Vino at Trio’s
10 N. First St., Alhambra
The Alhambra Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization, is the official
fundraising partner of the Alhambra Unified School District. Since its inception in
1993, AEF has donated more than $1.5 million to the District to provide funding
for a variety of educational programs, curriculum, and equipment that benefits all
students and schools.
All proceeds from AEF’s fundraising efforts benefit the schools and students of
AUSD. The foundation’s mission is to provide vital enrichment and educational
opportunities to all of AUSD’s students.
Cost: $10 for members
$15 for non-members
For more information about the
Business After Hours Mixers, contact
the Chamber at 626-282-8481.
LUNAR From Page 1A
Legacy Laboratory
comes to the patient
Legacy Laboratory/Mobile Phlebotomy
provides blood drawing services in its patient service center, 1104 S. Garfield Ave.,
Unit A, Alhambra, and in the patient’s own
“We know how hard it is to get out of
bed when you’re sick, wait for a ride, and
then have to wait two hours at a laboratory
for someone to take a blood sample that
only takes 5 minutes,” said Legacy Laboratory owner David Mesa. “We have founded
a business on a less travelled path providing
mobile phlebotomy.”
A phlebotomist is a state licensed
individual who has authorization to draw
blood under a state licensed facility. “We
can only draw blood for labs ordered by a
licensed physician,” said Mr. Mesa. “And
we verify patients’ names, dates of birth,
and home addresses with the patient before
drawing blood.”
Legacy Laboratory has more than 20
years of experience drawing blood for
patients of all ages. “We assure you an easy
and pleasant experience,” said Mr. Mesa.
“We also speak Mandarin and Spanish.”
Mr. Mesa graduated from Mark Keppel
High School in 1992. He joined the Army
in 1993 and became a combat medic,
where his duties were phlebotomy, I.V.
therapy, and minor surgery. In 1999, Mr.
Mesa worked at Garfield Medical Center as
a lab technician and learned Mandarin in
order to put his many Chinese patients at
ease when it came time to draw their blood.
In 2010, he worked for Quest Diagnostics as a phlebotomist, where a patient told
him, “You’re really good at this. You should
Alhambra High School dancers.
David Mesa, a state licensed phlebotomist and
owner of Legacy Laboratory/Mobile Phlebotomy,
says if someone needs their blood drawn, Legacy
Laboratory will assure the patient an easy and
pleasant experience.
open your own laboratory business.”
Legacy Laboratory’s patient service
center is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday; 7 a.m. to noon on
Saturday; and Sunday by appointment. The
lab accepts Medicare, PPO insurances, and
credit and debit cards. Blood test discounts
are available if the patient is not within an
insurance network.
Patients need to bring an order from a licensed physician. The results are sent to the
doctor within one to two days. The blood
tests will be billed to the insurance carrier.
There will be a flat fee of $50, payable
C.O.D. for in-home blood draw service.
To make an appointment, phone
The Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
thanks these members for renewing their memberships
and for their continued support:
Adiva Intimates Limited
815 S. Fremont Ave.
Alhambra, CA 91803
Member since 2012
Cathay Bank
43 E. Valley Blvd.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2012
Oneonta Montessori School
2221 Poplar Blvd.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2008
Alhambra Medical University
City Security Company, Inc.
Pacific Medical Imaging
55 S. Raymond Ave., Suite 104 430 S. Garfield Ave., Suite 401
& Oncology Center
Alhambra, CA 91801
Alhambra, CA 91801
707 S. Garfield Ave., Suite B-001
626-289-7719, ext. 115
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 2006
Member since 2012
Member since 2008
Alhambra Tax Center
G.E Property
1009 E. Main St.
Development, Inc.
Premier Cabling Solutions
Alhambra, CA 91801
407 W. Valley Blvd. #4
3070 W. Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91803
Alhambra, CA 91801
Member since 1998
Member since 2003
Member since 2008
Allied Physicians IPA
1668 S. Garfield Ave., 2nd Fl.
Green Menu Organization
Primerica Financial
Alhambra, CA 91801
560 W. Main St., Unit D
Services/Sam Yue
Alhambra, CA 91801
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Member since 2010
Member since 2013
Member since 2008
Allied Waste/Republic Services
9200 Glenoaks Blvd.
Rybicki, Fame
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Communications Group, Inc.
Member since 1993
1101 W. Valley Blvd., #210
Member since 1995
Alhambra, CA 91803
Talbot, Paul
Member since 2000
Allstate Insurance Company
Member since 2011
820 W. Las Tunas Drive
Vista Cove at San Gabriel
San Gabriel, CA 91776
J.J. Jumpers Joshua
901 W. Santa Anita
Jumpers LLC
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Member since 1989
2826 W. Valley Blvd.
Alhambra, CA 91803
Member since 1998
21865 Copley Drive
Members since 2010
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Knights of Columbus #2431
Member since 2011
PO. Box 1027
Alhambra, CA 91802
Member since 2006
To renew your membership with a credit card,
please phone the Chamber at 626-282-8481.
Chinese New Year dragon dance.
A group of traditional dance performers at the festival.
Large crowds, young and old,
attended the annual Lunar New Year
festival on Valley Boulevard on Feb.
8. Shortly after 10 a.m., six dragons
and a Fortune God gathered at the
outdoor stage to ring in the New
Year with their lively performances
accompanied by exciting drum beats.
To welcome the Year of the Horse,
Title Sponsor MetLife presented a
six-foot statue of a Terracotta warrior
in front of an ancient four-horse
drawn carriage from the Qin Dynasty.
Children circled around a make-believe fish pond to catch gold fish to
take home. Metlife’s own Snoopy,
dressed in traditional Chinese attire,
was there to greet and take photos
with the attendees.
Long lines formed everywhere as
attendees tested their luck with a spin
on prize wheels. At the Toyota Auto
Square, three new models of sleek
vehicles were on display. Lanterns
and paper lions flew in the air at the
Charter Communications booth,
where crowds gathered to enter a
drawing to win the 50-inch television,
a notebook, or a telephone. At the
Wells Fargo area, attendees came out
of the photo booth happily waving
the instant photo. Children honored
the horse by coloring pictures of this
year’s featured zodiac.
All day long, Cathay Bank, Chase
Bank, Union Bank, Ford Dealers,
and Sea World drew in major crowds.
McDonald’s was no exception,
with long lines of people waiting to
order. On the entertainment stage,
audiences watched the folk dance
performances and the ethnic kung fu
Chinese art of face changing.
demonstrations, including the changing
face. At 5:30 p.m., the smell of barbecue
was still in the air, and people were still
trying to get a stick of spicy lamb or
seasoned curly fries.
“The Alhambra Chamber of Commerce has made an ongoing commitment
in bringing this cultural event to our
community for the last 23 years,” said
Pinki Chen, event coordinator. “Support
from many departments from the City of
Alhambra, as well as the Police and Fire
departments were crucial to the facilitation and success of this event.”
Historical societies connect
for annual joint meeting
25 students in the LIFT program benefit from the YMCA program.
YMCA’s LIFT program
supported by Southern
California Edison
In January, Southern California Edison
donated $5,000 to the YMCA LIFT
program. LIFT stands for “Learning Independence For Transition,” and the YMCA
welcomes the 18- to 22-year-old adults
with special needs to exercise and volunteer
at its facilities.
“SCE has always been supportive of the
YMCA because it supports young people
and their families,” said SCE Public Affairs
Region Manager Marissa Castro-Salvati.
“We donated $5,000 to the YMCA to keep
their programs sustainable.”
Collaboration between LIFT and
the YMCA began two years ago when
LIFT was working on its organic gardens
project. YMCA CEO Valarie Gomez met
the students and participated in building
the gardens. She extended an invitation
to the transition teachers and their 18- to
22- year-old students with special needs to
exercise at the YMCA.
“The LIFT adults come to the YMCA
once a week and choose their activities,”
said LIFT Transition Teacher Kathleen
Doyle. “YMCA staff helps them use weight
machines, play team sports, participate in
group exercise classes, and volunteer to
improve the YMCA programs.”
The students are given lifestyle and job
skills in the YMCA’s LIFT program until
they are 22. The students volunteer twice a
week to learn skills like cleaning the building and raking leaves. Future opportunities
will include data entry and answering
phones to maximize their potential as they
transition into independent adulthood.
“Partnership with the YMCA has
shown the abilities of LIFT students,” said
LIFT Transition Teacher Kathleen Victory.
“The hope is that the community will also
embrace adults with special needs and see
their value.”
The relationship with LIFT started
through exercise routines and has been
able to expand thanks to the generosity of
Southern California Edison. Many other
sponsors have helped to uplift programs at
the YMCA including Alhambra Unified,
Wondries Automotive, Republic Services,
Dwight Titus, and Rose Hills.
LIFT students are invited to take advantage of the facilities any time, not just
during their regularly scheduled program
hours. The tailored exercise programs for
LIFT students are also open to the general
The YMCA of West San Gabriel Valley
is located at 401 E. Corto in Alhambra. It
is open from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday
— Friday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
and Sunday. Visit the Y online at www. for additional program
Jayvee Dance
Center to
present fundraiser
dance showcase
Jayvee Dance Center and the JVDC
Boosters will present the first All Stars
Dance Team Fundraiser Showcase, SYNERGY, at 6 p.m. Saturday, March 22 at
Mark Keppel High School, 501 E. Hellman
Ave., Alhambra. The audience will see all
of the All Stars’ competing group routines,
solos, duos, trios, and guest performances
by Maker Empire.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are
available through any All Stars parent,
JVDC front desk, or online at http://www.
Jayvee dancers, from left, are Jennifer DeAvila,
Jade Lopez, Riley Cochran, Vanessa Rodriguez,
and Alissa Baldonado.
The tickets are $15 presale and $25
at the door. Ages 0-3 are free but must
sit on an adult’s lap.
For more information, visit www.
Join the Alhambra Historical Society
and four other historical societies for their
annual Joint Dinner Meeting at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, March 26 at the Masonic
Center, 9 W. Woodward, Alhambra.
The participating organizations are the
Historical Societies of Temple City and
San Gabriel, the Rosemead Dinsmoor
Heritage House Cultural Museum, the
Ramona Museum of California History,
and the Alhambra Historical Society.
“This event includes dinner, the chance
to hear an outstanding speaker, and be
eligible for door prizes,” said Bernice
Ortega, Alhambra Historical Society
Dinner, which will be catered by
Charlie’s Trio, includes broasted chicken,
ribs, three side dishes, dessert, and beverages for only $15 per person. Payment
and reservations are due by March
21. Make checks payable to Alhambra
Historical Society Inc. and mail to Post
Office Box 6687, Alhambra 91802.
For more information, contact the
Museum at 626-300-8845.
Alhambra’s First Friday
First Friday is sponsored by the Alhambra Downtown Association, is a one-stop spot for free, fun family
entertainment. It offers live music, activities for the kids, giveaways, and vendors the first Friday of every
month. The next First Friday will take place from 5 to 9 p.m. March 7 at Renaissance Plaza, northeast
corner of Main and Garfield. Admission is free. The theme will be “Open Mic Karaoke.” The first 10
sign-ups will receive a $5 gift card to Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt. Sign-ups can be done on the Alhambra’s
First Friday Facebook or by e-mailing Also e-mail to be part of the
Scouts Patrick Placido, second from left, and Joseph Messina-Doerning, second from right, were presented
the Eagle Scout rank, Scouting’s highest award, at a ceremony on Jan. 11. On the left is Patrick’s uncle,
Councilmember Steven Placido, D.D.S. On the right is Councilmember Barbara Messina, Joey’s grandmother.
Joseph Messina-Doerning,
Patrick Placido
earn Eagle award
Scouting’s highest award, Eagle Scout,
was presented to Joseph Messina-Doerning
and Patrick Placido, both of Boy Scout
Troop 333, on Jan. 11 at Holy Family
Church in South Pasadena.
A reception followed the ceremony,
which was attended by friends and family.
Joey’s Eagle project benefited the Forest
Service of the San Gabriel Mountains and
took place at Little Pines Campground.
The goal of the project was to add ground
barrier posts and barrier railings throughout various parts of the grounds to prevent
campers from driving through the site and
damaging the forest that is beginning to
re-grow after the forest fire of 2009.
“My project took place on April 6, 2013.
I received a tremendous amount of support
from my scouting troop, my friends, and
my family,” Joey said. “Over 30 volunteers
participated in my project that collectively
totaled more than 250 hours of service.”
Patrick’s project benefited the Forest
Service of the San Gabriel Mountains at
Eagles Roost picnic area. The bathrooms
were repaired, three benches were removed
in order to use them elsewhere in the National Forest, and three of the picnic tables
were equipped with new and stronger
“A total of 34 people helped out on the
project, with a total of 260 man-hours,”
Patrick said. “Many people have influenced
my scouting career, and I thank them all.”
Requirements for the Eagle rank include
earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout
Oath and Law, service, and leadership.
This includes an extensive service project
that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and
manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with
a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes
the accomplishments of the Scout.
Joey is the grandson of Councilmember
Barbara Messina and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Doerning of Alhambra. Patrick is the
nephew of Councilmember Steven Placido, D.D.S.
“Members of the San Gabriel Valley New Gen Rotary Club crafted “no-sew” blankets at a recent meeting.
The blankets will be donated to an area homeless shelter. SGV New Gen Rotary meets every Thursday
from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Fronteras on Main Street. For more info:”
Spanish Colonial home receives PopRock
top Heritage Home Award
A restored 1932 Spanish Colonial Revival
home, located in the Alhambra Park tract, was
honored recently with Alhambra Preservation
Group’s 2013 Katherine Hildreth Memorial
Heritage Home Award. In presenting the award,
APG President Christine Olson conveyed the
group’s appreciation, stating that, “In the decade
since they purchased this historic home, the
owners of this property have done an extraordinary job of restoration. This is a great example
of the way in which historic preservation can
pay big dividends to communities by enhancing
property values and restoring neighborhood
character and pride.”
When the current owners first saw the home
in 2004, they fell in love with its distinctive
historical character and many original features:
its Spanish arches, hardwood floors, and
hand-troweled plaster walls. Despite its charm,
the home needed a lot of TLC. They tore up old
carpeting and refinished the original hardwood
floors. They found a color palette that reflected
more appropriately the home’s style.
They redesigned the kitchen, transforming
it from a “modern” 1950s kitchen to one that
is highly functional and characteristic of their
Spanish style home. The home’s exterior also
received a makeover that included new wrought
iron fencing and gates, specifically designing
them to match the style of the house. Most
presents Hong
Acting Workshop
This 1932 Spanish Colonial Revival home recently received Alhambra Preservation Group’s
Katherine Hildreth Memorial Heritage Home Award.
recently, the landscaping plan was updated. Now a profusion of succulents
and California desert plants graces this
“The restoration of this 80-yearold home has also demonstrated the
community-building aspect of historic
preservation as, seeing this home
brought back to life, several neighbors
were inspired to undertake restoration
projects of their own,” said Ms.
Olson. “By this example, neighbors
were brought together, sharing ideas,
experience and community and, in
the process, enhancing the character
of their neighborhood and the value
of its homes.
For more information on Alhambra Preservation Group, please phone
626-755-3467, visit, or follow them on
Facebook. This is the final article in
a four-part series highlighting the
2013 Heritage Home Award-winning
Study with legendary actor James Hong
(Kung Fu Panda 1, 2, and 3; R.I.P.D.; IMDB
credits) and his daughter, child prodigy actress
April Hong (90210, ER, Desperate Housewives,
Kung Fu Panda 2, and more) beginning March
23 at PopRock Academy, 11 S. Second St.,
Participants will sharpen their tools as actors,
learn to improvise, and learn new approaches to
expressing themselves in daily life and business.
Space is limited.
The six-week session is $300. Ages 8 to 12
classes start Sunday, March 23. Ages 13 to 17
and 18+ classes start Tuesday, March 25.
There will be a free questions and answer
session about what it takes to get into the acting
industry and how it works from 1 to 3 p.m.
Sunday, March 9, at PopRock Academy. “We
will dispel any myths about the acting field in
this session,” said PopRock owner Paul Kwo.
For more information, e-mail, or phone 626-282-ROCK
Wells Fargo names new Greater San Gabriel Area President
16-year banking veteran Sandy Walia named to prestigious role
Sandy Walia has served as a vice president for Wells Fargo’s Pacific Gateway and
Long Beach markets since 2008. Throughout her career, Ms. Walia has worked in a
number of retail banking positions across
Los Angeles, including service manager, assistant manager, and store manager for the
Hawthorne Artesia, Rancho Palos Verdes,
and Manhattan Beach banking stores.
Greater San Gabriel is composed of
approximately 900 Wells Fargo team
members, 54 community banking stores,
and $5.3 billion in deposits. In addition
to Alhambra, cities Ms. Walia will serve
include Arcadia, Baldwin Park, Bell, Bellflower, Commerce, Compton, Downey,
El Monte, Huntington Park, La Canada,
La Crescenta, Lakewood, Long Beach,
Lynwood, Los Angeles, Montebello,
Montrose, Monterey Park, Paramount,
Pasadena, Pico Rivera, Rosemead, San
Gabriel, San Marino, South Gate, South
Pasadena, Temple City, and Vernon.
“Sandy’s dedication and talent for
helping our customers, community, and
team members succeed financially is
remarkable,” said Greater Los Angeles
region president, David DiCristofaro. “In
addition to running her high-performance
business with the utmost commitment to
integrity, Sandy has taken on a number
of projects that exemplify our regional
culture of caring and have helped elevate
the professionalism of our team members
across Greater Los Angeles.”
Ms. Walia has participated in a number
of leadership programs during her career
and is an avid community volunteer, working closely with community organizations
like A Place Called Home serving children
in South Central Los Angeles and serving
on the board of directors for the Alzheimer’s Association, California Southland
“Sandy is a tremendous asset to the
Los Angeles leadership team, and we look
Sandy Walia is the new Wells Fargo Greater San
Gabriel Area President.
forward to her continued contributions in shaping our culture of personal and emotional
connections with the purpose
of helping our customers,
communities, and team members succeed financially,” said
Los Angeles/Orange County
regional president, John Sotoodeh. “Sandy’s leadership style
is an incredible blend of caring
mixed with business acumen,
and I look forward to watching
her innovative approaches at
work in Greater San Gabriel.”
Ms. Walia received her
bachelor’s degree in biology
and chemistry from California
State University, Long Beach,
and she is a resident of Palos
Verdes, where she lives with her
husband and two daughters.
Wells Fargo in Alhambra
and beyond
Wells Fargo was named top corporate philanthropist in the United States and top SBA lender in the nation
in 2013.
Wells Fargo has six stores in
Alhambra, and as part of the
bank’s high customer service
standards the employees serve
the community in multiple
languages, including Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin,
and Spanish. This allows them
to provide banking services
that specifically reflect the
surrounding community.
The Alhambra Wells Fargo
banking assistance including
personal and business checking
and savings accounts, small
business lending, and commercial products as well as credit
and debit card products, trust
services, auto dealer financing,
mortgage banking, and home
equity lending.
For more than 160 years,
Wells Fargo has filled banking
service needs throughout
the United States. The main
headquarters is located in San
Francisco. In 2013, the bank
was named top corporate
philanthropist in the United
States by the Chronicles of
Philanthropy and top in Los
Angeles by the Los Angeles
Business Journal, donating more
than $39 million in Los Angeles
and Orange Counties to benefit
local nonprofit organizations, a
record-breaking achievement
for the organization.
Wells Fargo was also named
top SBA lender in the nation in
2013 and locally. Wells Fargo
is in the business of helping
local businesses succeed and the
business of lending, committed
to lending at least $55 billion
to women-owned businesses
by the year 2020 and actively
looking to help businesses of all
sizes secure the capital, loans,
and lines of credit they need to
be successful.
Nationwide, Wells Fargo has
more than 9,000 stores, 12,000
ATMs, and customers may also
bank online at
The bank has offices in more
than 35 countries to support
customers who conduct business in the global economy.
With more than 270,000 team
members, Wells Fargo serves
one in three households in the
United States. Wells Fargo was
ranked No. 25 on Fortune’s
2013 rankings of America’s largest corporations. Wells Fargo’s
vision is to satisfy all customers’
financial needs and help them
succeed financially. Wells Fargo
perspectives are also available at
Tickets now on sale
for AEF’s 10th Annual
Service to Education
Awards Dinner & Gala
The Alhambra Educational Foundation’s able, including tickets to sporting events
10th Annual Service to Education Awards and vacation packages.
Dinner & Gala will take place Saturday,
Tickets can be purchased for the event
March 29 at the Hilton Los Angeles/San on the AEF Web site at www.aef4kids.
Gabriel. All Alhambra Unified School com, or by contacting the AEF office at
District parents, community members, 626-943-3080. Sponsorship opportunities
teachers, and staff are invited to attend this are available and range from the Diamond
celebration of the community and Alham- Sponsorship at $5,000 to the Bronze
bra School District schools.
Sponsorship at $300. Sponsorship packages
Individual ticket reservations, at $60 include event tickets, ads in the program
each, and Business Sponsorship packages book, and various promotional opportuniare now being accepted through March 20. ties through the Foundation.
The Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel,
For more information or to make a
with its donation of $10,000 to the Foun- tax-deductible donation to AEF, please go
dation, will serve as the event’s exclusive to and follow AEF on
“Crown Jewels” sponsor. Additional Facebook.
sponsors include Diamond Sponsors ML
Currently, AEF is raising funds for its
Architecture and The Ratkovich Company District-wide “Music & More” campaign
(The Alhambra), and Platinum Sponsor to provide educational and enrichment
George K. Baum & Company. More than programs at all Alhambra School District
500 community members are expected to schools, including a new music instruction
attend the event.
program for all K-3 students and the adThis year, AEF will honor distinguished dition of a College and Career Counselor
people and organizations that have made a at Alhambra School District schools. All
significant, positive impact on local educa- proceeds from the awards support the
tion. The School District’s four elementary Music & More campaign, which is set to be
school band and orchestra teachers — implemented in Alhambra School District
Dave Batti, Lisa Jones, Jim Hamilton, and schools in the 2014-15 school year.
Julie Sorensen — have been selected as the
The Alhambra Educational Foundation,
“Education” honorees for their dedication a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the
to instructing and inspiring the love of mu- official fundraising partner of the Alhambra
sic in the School District’s fourth- through Unified School District. All proceeds from
eighth-grade students. The Alhambra AEF’s fundraising efforts, including the
Council of PTAs has been named as AEF’s summer school program, the annual Service
“Community Organization” honoree for to Education dinner gala, AEF’s annual apthe group’s 95 years of service to the stu- peal, and the Taste of Alhambra community
dents and schools of the Alhambra Unified event, benefit all the schools and students of
School District.
the School District.
The “Business” honoree
is longtime School District
architect and school supporter
Mun Leu of ML Architecture,
Inc. Mr. Leu has designed and
managed the construction of
many of the School District’s
district and school site buildings erected in the past few
To inquire about these
years, including the School
adoptable animals, contact the
District’s new central kitchen.
San Gabriel Valley Humane
Honored as AEF’s “ComSociety at 626-286-1159, or
munity Volunteer” awardee is
visit at 851 E. Grand Ave., San
parent and school volunteer
Gabriel. Adoption hours are
Keith Matsuda, who currently
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday
serves as president for both
through Sunday. The shelter is
the Brightwood Elementary
closed on Mondays. Directions
PTA and the Mark Keppel
and photos of many more dogs
High School Alliance, as well
and cats can be found online
as founder and president of
the Mark Keppel High School
The adoption fee for cats is 2-month-old tan female rabbit.
Aquatic Boosters organization.
$99, which includes spay/neu- Spayed. ID# 8406
Mr. Matsuda, the parent of
ter, vaccinations, de-worming,
two Alhambra School District
FIV/FELV/heartworm testing, Ursula is part of a litter of eight rabbits born
Dec. 9. She is almost twins with another
students, has dedicated himself
and microchip. A $120-$135 on
in the litter, but the shelter can tell
to ensuring excellence in edudog adoption fee includes her apart because Ursula has two adorable
cation at both the primary and
microchip, vaccinations, spay/ tufts of fuzz on her nose. This cute girl gets
secondary levels.
neuter surgery, and de-worm- along well with her bunny sisters and is
quite social with people. The entire litter is
In addition, the event will
ing, as well as a free health sweet and friendly and searching for loving
include dancing to the live
check-up at a participating vet homes. Stop in to meet Ursula and consider
band Hard Rain featuring Mr.
(some breeds slightly higher). adopting.
Batti. Mr. Batti will perform
with the band as they play
party music and classic rock.
A silent and live auction will
round out the evening, with a
variety of auction items avail-
Young brown and brindle male
Chihuahua. ID# 6722
Chico is estimated to be about 1 year old,
and he weighs 7.2 pounds. He’s an energetic,
friendly little guy. He is a good walker on
a leash. Chico’s previous owner had surgery
and could no longer care for him, so he was
surrendered to the shelter. The shelter was
told that he likes other dogs and kids and
likes to go on walks. Stop in to meet Chico
and consider making him part of the family.
Adult black and white
domestic medium hair
female. ID# 5228
Catalina is estimated to be about 1 1/2
years old and weighs between 7 and
8 pounds. She arrived at the shelter
with a litter of five kittens, and was a
very good mom. Her kittens are now
old enough to be on their own, and
Catalina is searching for a loving home.
She is a friendly, well-adjusted girl. She
likes attention and loves to look out
the window. Stop in to meet her and
consider adopting.
Ramona to host
improvisation matches
On Feb. 8, thespians from
Ramona Convent Secondary
School participated in
taught by professional actors
and coaches from ComedySportz Los Angeles.
ComedySportz Los Angeles has established varsity
teams in schools across five
counties in Southern California. Ramona Convent’s team
of improv actors will host
matches at 7 p.m. March 21
and 22 and on April 10 and
12 in the Holy Family Room
at Ramona Convent. Tickets
are $5.
Ramona Convent Secondary School actors, back row, from left: Leiana
Valenzuela, Caitlyn Crepeault, Leianna Pallagao, Ashley Rice, Lily
Perales, Anastacia Hernandez, and Samantha Montes. Front row,
from left: Aimee Hernandez, Kristine Ngo, and Julieta Perales.
Spanish language, culture
featured at All Souls
School open house
All Souls School, 29 S. Electric
Ave., Alhambra, is offering an open
house to show off its dual language
immersion program from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. Sunday, March 23. Students and
their families will begin the morning
at 9 a.m. celebrating Mass at All Souls
Church and then proceed to the
school to help visitors tour the school
and answer questions.
Special events will highlight
the Spanish language and culture.
Students will read poems in Spanish
and English. A flamenco dancer will
perform in traditional costume. And
there will be tours of the three different languages classrooms.
“Everyone is invited to join us for
an exciting time, whether you are
interested in learning how our language immersion program works for
children, or just to enjoy our special
guests,” said Principal Carrie Fuller.
“Parents are invited to bring children
ages 4 to 7 years old (transitional kindergarten through second grade) to
visit the classrooms and playground.”
All Souls School is the first school
in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and
During a recent multi-cultural day, the students made
flags from around the world.
The March 23 open house will feature the Spanish
culture with poems read by the children in Spanish.
one of only 20 Catholic schools in the U.S.
offering dual language immersion. It is also
unique because it is the only Catholic school
in the nation offering two separate tracks:
Spanish-English and Mandarin-English.
Parents select which language track their
child will follow.
For more information, phone 626-2825695; e-mail;
or visit the school’s new Web site at www.
Alhambra Day Nursery Foundation
financial grants, scholarship
applications now available
The Alhambra Day Nursery
Foundation will give away approximately $80,000 in financial grants and
The Alhambra Day Nursery was
founded in 1943 by a group of women
in the Alhambra community with the
mission of assisting working mothers
with child care during WWII. After
the war, the organization continued
to assist the community by providing
child care and pre-school programs in
cooperation with the Alhambra School
Eight years ago, the Day Nursery
changed its mission to providing
financial grants to individuals and organizations working with children and
also providing scholarships to students
graduating from local high schools or
attending college with majors in childhood education or related fields.
Financial grant applications will
be accepted for consideration from
individuals or groups for projects
involving children living within the
boundaries of the school district, which
encompasses all of Alhambra, parts of
Monterey Park, San Gabriel, and Rosemead. Projects must show evidence of
enriching the lives and well-being of
children through education. It must be
a not for profit program. Grant requests
for $100 to $30,000 will be considered.
Financial grant applications are
available by e-mailing Ed Aguirre, grant
coordinator, at or
by contacting Mr. Aguirre at 626-9433080. Completed applications are due
March 26. Successful applicants will be
notified by April 30. The awarded funds
will be available shortly thereafter.
The Alhambra Day Nursery Foundation is offering $1,000 scholarships
to graduating high school seniors
who have shown an interest in early
childhood education or related fields of
study involving children and who plan
to pursue this education in college.
The program is open to qualified
high school seniors in the Alhambra
Unified School District area: Alhambra, Mark Keppel, San Gabriel,
Mission, Century and Independence
high schools, and Ramona Covent
Secondary School. Students continuing
their college studies in early childhood
education or related fields may reapply
to qualify for a second year $1,000
scholarship and $2,000 for the third
and fourth year.
First-year applicants must have a
minimum G.P.A. of 2.5 throughout
high school; submit a letter(s) of
recommendation and a personal goal
statement; and complete the scholarship application. Completed Alhambra
Day Nursery scholarship application
packets must be submitted via mail to
P.O. Box 640, Alhambra 91802 or via
e-mail to
Community Calendar of Events
March 3 – Monday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers, 111 S. First St.
March 4 – Tuesday
HUD - Housing Committee
7 p.m. - City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
March 5 – Wednesday
Alhambra Chamber Executive Committee
Noon, Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
March 6 – Thursday
Parks and Recreation Commission
7 p.m., Joslyn Center, Story Park
210 N. Chapel Ave.
March 7 – Friday
First Friday
5 – 9 p.m. Renaissance Plaza
Northeast corner Garfield and Main
Music, vendor booths, raffles and giveaways,
face painting, and free popcorn
March 10 – Monday
March 19 – Wednesday
Arts & Cultural Events Committee
7 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Survivors of Murdered Children, SGV Chapter
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Third Wednesday of each month
Alhambra Police Department
211 S. First St., room EDC on second floor
Contact Tina Yamashiro at 626-298-9054 or
March 20 – Thursday
Chamber Lunch & Learn Program
Noon to 1: 30 p.m.
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, 104 S. First St.
Presentations by local business leaders who
address important issues related to small
business success. A complimentary lunch is
March presentation by Peggy Sheridan, financial
adviser for Edward Jones:
“Retirement by Design”
Chamber members free
Non-members $15
Alhambra City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
March 24 – Monday
March 25 - Tuesday
March 11 – Tuesday
Alhambra Chamber Board of Directors
8:30 a.m., Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
Library Board of Trustees
6 p.m., library boardroom, 101 S. First St.
Design Review Board
7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Youth Commission
6 p.m., Joslyn Center, 210 N. Chapel Ave.
Alhambra City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
Government Affairs Committee
9 a.m., Chamber, 104 S. First St.
Design Review Board
7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
March 26 – Wednesday
Transportation Committee
7 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Business After Hours Mixer
Hosted by the Alhambra Educational Foundation
Vino at Trio’s
10 N. First St., Alhambra
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
$10 members, $15 non-members
March 17 – Monday
March 29 – Saturday
March 12 - Wednesday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers, 111 S. First St.
Fifth annual St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Downtown Alhambra
Meet at Renaissance Plaza
Northeast corner Garfield and Main
Latino Association
to present
annual Scholarship
Dinner & Dance
May 16
The Alhambra Latino Association’s
annual Scholarship Fundraiser Dinner &
Dance will take place
from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday, May 16 at
Luminarias Restaurant
3500 W. Ramona Blvd., Monterey Park
The event will honor Myles Kovacs,
entrepreneur and founder of Dub Magazine,
and scholarship recipients from the
Alhambra Schools District’s high schools.
Make reservations by May 2.
Tickets are $40 each.
Tickets are $50 after May 2.
For more information, visit
April 4 – Friday
First Friday
5 – 9 p.m. Renaissance Plaza
Northeast corner Garfield and Main
Music, vendor booths, raffles and giveaways, face
painting, and free popcorn
April 21 – Tuesday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers
111 S. First St.
April 22 – Tuesday
Planning Commission
7 p.m., City Hall, council chambers
111 S. First St.
• Government Affairs Committee
9 a.m., Chamber, 104 S. First St.
• Design Review Board
7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
April 8 – Tuesday
April 23 – Wednesday
April 7 - Monday
Alhambra Chamber Board of Directors
8:30 a.m., Alhambra Chamber, 104 S. First St.
Library Board of Trustees
6 p.m., library boardroom, 101 S. First St.
Design Review Board
7:30 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Youth Commission
April 14 – Monday
City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
April 16 – Wednesday
Arts & Cultural Events Committee
7 p.m., City Hall, conference room
111 S. First St.
Business After Hours Mixer
Hosted by Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
104 S. First St.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
$10 members, $15 non-members
April 24 – Thursday
New Members Breakfast
8:30 a.m.
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
104 S. First St.
To make reservations, phone the Chamber at
April 28 – Monday
City Council, 7 p.m.
City Hall, 111 S. First St.
April 17 – Thursday
Chamber Lunch & Learn Program
Noon to 1: 30 p.m.
Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, 104 S. First St.
Presentations by local business leaders who
address important issues related to small
business success. A complimentary lunch is
April presentation by Joanna Vargas, owner of
The Fit Factor:
“Health & Eating for the Busy Business Owner”
Chamber members free
Non-members $15
“Stilettos & Chardonnay”
High Heel Competition
8 p.m.
Vino at Trio’s, 10 N. First St., Alhambra
Phone 626-310-0624 for information
Alhambra Service Clubs and Organizations
Tuesday: The Exchange Club meets at 12:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Almansor Court, 700 S. Almansor St., Alhambra. The Rotary Club and Soroptimist Club meet at noon every Tuesday at Almansor Court. The
Civitan Club meets at noon every first and third Tuesday at Azteca Restaurant, 717 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel. The Kiwanis Club of Alhambra meets at 5 p.m. the first Tuesday and the third Tuesday at noon
at Denny’s Restaurant, 369 W. Main St., Alhambra (for information, phone 626-943-2542).
Wednesday: The Alhambra Historical Society presents its program meetings at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of January, March, May, September, and November (November meeting takes place after
Thanksgiving) at the Masonic Center, 9 W. Woodward Ave. The Alhambra Woman’s Club meets at noon on the first Wednesday each month (except for June through Sept.), at the Masonic Center, 9 W. Woodward
Ave. Toastmasters meets from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays each month at the Colonial Kitchen Restaurant, 1110 Huntington Drive, San Marino. The League of Women Voters meets on the
third Wednesday each month (626-798-0965 for info.). The Lions Club meets at 6:15 p.m. on the third Wednesday each month at the Regent Café, 1411 S. Garfield Ave., Alhambra.
Thursday: American Legion Post 139 meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday each month at the Legion Hall, 24 N. Stoneman Ave., Alhambra.
27 Quick and Easy Fix Ups to Sell
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Copyright © 2012
Woman’s Club to
celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
The Alhambra Woman’s Club will
observe the wearing of the green at its
meeting on Wednesday, March 5, at the
Alhambra Masonic Center, 9 W. Woodward Ave., Alhambra.
The big band sound of The Strikers,
Joanie and Andrew, will start at 1 p.m.
Singer and composer Ms. Striker excels
on the trumpet and maracas. With the
backing of drummer and singer Mr. Striker, they are able to reproduce the big band
sounds of the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s. Their
renditions of rock ‘n’ roll, swing, Latin,
country, pop, and jazz music are always in
demand. The Strikers are an annual attrac-
tion at The Alhambra Woman’s Club.
Honorary Ambassador Vi Lupo will
host the noon luncheon. Reservations are
a must and may be made by phoning 626548-2209. Visitors are welcome.
“Come and join us for some fun, food,
and frolic, while supporting our charitable
causes,” said Ms. Lupo.
The Alhambra Woman’s Club was
established in 1893 as a reading club,
the Wednesday Afternoon Club, and
continues its support of youth and
charitable organizations while giving its
members exposure to a variety of cultural
AEF now accepting student
registrations for K-8
Summer Academy, Summer
High School programs
AEF receives official six-year accreditation for Summer High School program from
the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
Student registration has now begun
for the 2014 Alhambra Educational
Foundation’s K-8 Summer Academy and
Summer High School programs. Parents
are encouraged to register their students
early to ensure class placement for the popular summer courses. This year’s summer
programs are both slated to run six weeks,
starting Monday, June 9 through Thursday,
July 17. The Monday-Thursday program
will offer a variety of new classes and
popular returning favorites to all students,
kindergarten through 12th grade.
Elementary students have a wide variety
of new courses to choose from this year,
including “Under the Sea: Marine Biology,”
“Literature Through Movies,” “Theatre
Arts/Drama,” “Beginning Journalism,”
and Spanish language and culture classes.
The K-8 Summer Academy will again take
place at Ynez Elementary School in Monterey Park, with the elementary afternoon
arts classes just a bus ride away at Mark
Keppel High School. Also new this year
is the addition of two new extended day
courses from 3:30-5:30pm at Mark Keppel.
Longtime Alhambra School District music
teachers Dave Batti and Jim Hamilton will
teach the “School of Rock” and “World
Music Drumming” courses, respectively,
for incoming sixth- through eighth-grade
AEF’s Summer High School — at
Alhambra High School this year — has
recently received an official six-year accreditation from the prestigious Western
Association of Schools and Colleges. The
Association accreditation recognizes schools
that meet an acceptable level of quality, in
accordance with established, research-based
WASC criteria. The AEF program is one of
the few WASC-accredited summer schools
in the state of California, and last year
served more than 1,100 students from 22
local schools.
This year, Summer High School is
offering many new courses to incoming
ninth- through 12th- grade students,
including “Getting Ready for Math 1” for
ninth-grade students. This elective course
will help prepare students for the new
Common Core State Standards in math
that will be integrated into the school
district curriculum this fall. Additional
elective courses offered include “Expository
Writing for College & Career,” “Speech
& Debate” and “SEI/Structured English
Immersion.” Students may also choose
to enroll in academic “get-ahead” courses
such as biology, chemistry, world history,
U.S. history, geometry, algebra II or trigonometry/pre-calculus. Also new this year
are new enrichment courses “College Road
Trip,” “Getting Ready for the CAHSEE
test,” and a new “Strings Conservatory” for
experienced high school strings players.
AEF’s K-8 Summer Academy classes focus on preparing students academically for
the coming school year, in a fun, stress-free
environment. Courses such as “Getting
Ready for Kindergarten,” “Robotics,” the
Science and Math classes, and the popular
music classes help students think creatively,
become problem-solvers, learn new social
skills, and get a jump on curriculum for the
coming school year.
AEF’s Summer High School continues
to be one of the more popular summer
schools in the San Gabriel Valley. AEF offers courses that will help students get-ahead
with the credits and course work needed for
graduation and college admission. All AEF
Summer High School courses are taught by
credentialed teachers, most of whom teach
at AUSD schools during the regular school
After March 1, students and parents
may register for any AEF K-12 summer
course by coming to the AEF office, located
at 1515 W. Mission Road, Alhambra (cross
street is Marengo). K-8 Summer Academy
course catalogs and registration forms were
sent home with all Alhambra School District elementary students in February, and
are available at all Alhambra school district
school sites and at the AEF office. Summer
High School catalogs and registration forms
are available at all Alhambra School District
high school counseling offices, and also at
elementary sites. AEF catalogs, which
contain more information about available
courses and tuition fees, are also available
for download from the AEF Web site at
The Chamber mixer was at the District’s Café AUSD, which is open to Alhambra Latino Association President Teresa Ybarra enjoys the menu Alhambra Latino Association board members and supporters enjoy the
the public. Photo by Pirouette Photography.
catered by the District’s Food and Nutrition Services.
evening as co-hosts of the mixer.
AUSD, Alhambra Latino Association host Chamber mixer
A capacity crowd enjoyed the first Alhambra Chamber
of Commerce Mixer of the New Year, co-hosted by the
Alhambra Unified School District and the Alhambra
Latino Association (ALA) on Jan. 22. The event took
place in the District’s Café AUSD, which is open to the
public, at the District’s administrative offices on 1515 W.
Mission Road.
The evening featured a menu by AUSD’s new catering
services and music by the Alhambra High School Jazz
Ensemble, who performed outdoors under a tent. Guests
enjoyed mixing and mingling while feasting on spicy tuna
sushi rolls, California rolls, Greek salad, four different
types of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, vegetable, fiesta),
gourmet cookies, and sliced fruit. The Alhambra Latino
Association kept the evening festive with non-alcoholic
margaritas, which were a hit among guests.
Alhambra Latino Association President Teresa Ybarra
said she was very pleased with the outcome of the mixer.
“The food was delicious and the people were in a jovial
mood all evening long. We saw a lot of networking taking
place. We made new contacts who are interested in ALA’s
goals of scholarship fundraising and promoting cultural
activities. Indeed, it was a very successful event!”
With the mixer, the District also wanted to showcase
its Food and Nutrition Services, which is now offering
catering to the public. Catering menus and order forms
were on hand for guests to browse and are available at
the District offices or by phoning 626-943-6590. A tour
of the District’s new Central Production Kitchen, which
handles the catering and meals for schools, was offered to
Rainbow Kan, Senior International Marketing manager, assistant vice president at Bank of the West, who went
on the tour, said she would consider the District’s catering
services. “Looking at the facility, I feel comfortable and
confident that the quality control and service is good,”
Ms. Kan said. New to the area, Ms. Kan attended the
mixer to learn more about Alhambra.
Supt. Laura Tellez-Gagliano said she wanted the mixer
to take place at the District offices because many in the
community had not been there before. “Overall, it was a
great evening. Our staff and students did a wonderful job
representing the District,” she said.
For catering inquiries, contact AUSD Food and
Nutrition Services at 626-943-6590. To book the Jazz
Ensemble, contact Mark Trulson at trulson_mark@ausd.
us. The next Alhambra Latino Association event will be
its Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Dinner and Dance on
May 16at Luminarias. For more information, visit www.
ASB students organize shoe drive with Northrup alumnus
Northrup ASB students organized a “Gently Used Shoe Drive” with former Northrup
student David Lam for the Healing Hearts
Across Borders foundation in order to benefit
the poor in Tijuana, Mexico.
Northrup Alumnus David Lam aspires to
become a doctor and currently is a Human Biology candidate at the University of California,
San Diego. He and his peers assist this organization every summer. He approached ASB
to collect gently used shoes, and Northrup
students were up to the challenge.
ASB Adviser Angel Hong said, “At Pat
on the Back, it was really uplifting to have
Northrup Alum David Lam as a guest speaker.
He came from the same community as our
students, taught by the same teachers (Mrs.
Mikami and Mrs. Lau who are current teachers) and is now pursuing a doctorate degree at
UCSD. Our principal ensured our students
that if David can go to college and fulfill his
dreams, we all can.”
ASB students were also recognized for their
hard work to promote the event. In December,
ASB wanted to have a toy drive that would
benefit children. It was a coincidence that Mr.
Lam enlisted Northrup’s help to collect gently
used shoes for the Healing Hearts Across Borders organization the same week.
When ASB heard that the children he
worked with in Tijuana lived in poor conditions and walk away barefoot after receiving
free medical care, they were determined to
remedy that problem with a shoe drive. Ms.
Hong further said, “Our students learned
compassion and the value of helping others in
need by collecting gently used shoes at home.”
The school community donated more than
200 pairs of gently used shoes.
ASB Adviser Jeff Ospital said, “Our ASB
students were really excited to be helping others out. They were busy each week getting the
word out and collecting bags from the classroom. The students here at Northrup ‘stepped
up’ and did a great job of bringing in shoes.”
The Northrup staff believes that service
learning is crucial to producing successful
people into society.
From left: Northrup Alumnus David Lam; ASB President Jason Fan; ASB representatives Briana
Garay and Alisha Ma; and ASB Vice President Angela Phung hold one of the “Gently Used Shoe
Drive” signs used to promote campus awareness for the service learning project.
Alhambra High School updates
February was a lively month for Alhambra High School with weekly spirit activities designed to support and excite students
for upcoming festivities. In between the
rousing class weeks was AHS’ 2014 Open
House on Feb. 13. The school’s open house
was a successful event that diverged from
the typical open house schedule. This year’s
open house allowed for more one-to-one
interaction between parents and teachers,
rather than the general, limiting Q&A
During Sophomore Week, AHS students returned to campus to be greeted by
countless “good luck” signs made by ASB
for sophomore CAHSEE takers. Academic
Pep Week quickly followed up, with spirit
days including visits from local professionals who helped inform curious students.
Junior Week arrived in full swing, complementing the traditional Sadie Hawkins
dance that same Friday. The lively activities
continue in March, with the anticipation
of Senior Week and Freshman Week. Such
class week activities are the first of their
kind among other AHS’ weekly traditions,
hoping to further engage students and
arouse student and faculty support.
Holding some of the Alhambra High School Speech and Debate Team’s sweepstakes trophies are, from left,
seniors Anthony Zhu, Andrew Quach, Ximena Araujo, and Kevin Zhang.
Senior Jacky Liang participates in a game during
Sophomore Week at Alhambra High School. Each
day featured a unique game that involved students
during lunch; the game’s objective on Feb. 6 was to
twirl streamers fast.
This article was written by Olivia Cheung,
a senior and ASB director of Public Relations,
Alhambra High School.
A Year in the Life:
Alhambra High School
Speech & Debate team
captains share the weight
With the tremendous growth in membership of the Speech & Debate Team at
Alhambra High School this year, leadership
plays an important role in maintaining
successful and enthusiastic team spirit.
Leading this year’s squad are four capable
and experienced seniors who not only help
guide the other members, but also compete
in their own rigorous speech and debate
categories as well. The entire job becomes
a complete balancing act – a daunting task
for a high school student on the cusp of
graduating and anxiously awaiting to hear
from the various college admissions offices.
“My job as one of the head captains is
similar to being a parent; I have to focus on
myself and simultaneously mentor underclassmen,” said Andrew Quach, an AHS
senior who joined during his freshman year
through the Oral Interpretation course on
campus. “My various responsibilities often
require me to work at school long after the
sun goes down .As stressful as it may be, it
is equally rewarding.”
Kevin Zhang, who was one of two
winners in the final round at the Optimist
Club Student Speaker Contest, added: “As
a captain, I strive to balance authority with
fun in order to develop discipline and spark
passion in novices. I try to help underclassmen reach their potential and learn the
importance of self-worth. After all, Speech
and Debate is about finding your own voice
and having the confidence to present it, and
that’s something I take pride in achieving.”
Swelling to 145 members this year, the
Alhambra High School Speech and Debate
Team resembles a mini factory. The cap-
tain’s position does not stop at just being at
the helm; being a captain means struggling
to recruit new members, guiding students
toward which of the 11 speaking categories
they would like to do and to which of the
four debate categories they might be interested in, and then encouraging a practice
regiment among the members.
“Captaincy on the debate team isn’t just
about being able to lead; it’s about being
able to empathize with a unique community filled with diverse talents. Our responsibilities range from mentoring freshman
to hearing Mr. Tong’s life lessons at 1 a.m.
Ultimately, everything in between is just as
challenging as it is fun,” said Anthony Zhu,
who has qualified twice to the National
Championships in Student Congress.
The captains’ guidance has helped lead
the team to multiple sweepstakes trophies
this year including fifth place sweepstakes
at the Winter Classic at Fullerton High
School, second place sweepstakes at Fall
Varsity at Arroyo High School, third place
for Individual Events and first place for
Debate at the Spartan Fall Classic at Schurr
High School.
“It has been a honor to help the other
members on the AHS Speech & Debate
Team. I am amazed at how much the
novices have improved since they started
practicing in the summer,” said senior Ximena Araujo, who joined as a sophomore.
“Watching them excel and grow as speakers
is what makes being captain so rewarding.
Being a captain comes with many responsibilities, but being a part of a team who care
about each other is worth it.”
San Gabriel student wins County
Poetry Out Loud competition
Congratulations to San Gabriel senior
Alex Luu who won the Los Angeles County Poetry Out Loud competition finals
on Feb. 5 at the Cerritos Center for the
Performing Arts.
Alex was featured in the February issue
of Around Alhambra as the winner of the
district level of the Poetry Out Loud
Alex will be the sole representative from
Los Angeles County at the California State
contest on March 24 in Sacramento. “I
felt shocked [when I found out I won],”
Alex said. “I couldn’t believe it. I was also
really happy and relieved.” Alex recited A
March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the
Road Unknown by Walt Whitman, and
Constantly Risking Absurdity (#15) by
Lawrence Ferlinghetti to win the annual
poetry recitation contest.
The cast of Mark Keppel’s production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast are ready to perform.
Mark Keppel invites
audiences to Disney’s
Beauty and the Beast
The cast, crew, and orchestra of Mark
Keppel High School’s latest production,
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, welcome
audiences to their musical. They will host
special talkbacks after performances and
times for autographs. Seniors over 62 and
children under 8 can receive a special discounted price of $10 presale tickets.
Show dates are March 1, and March
7 and 8 at 7:30 p.m. with two matinees
at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 2 and Sunday,
March 9. The Sunday matinees will feature
talkbacks with the cast, crew, and orchestra. Children will have a chance to get
autographs from their favorite characters.
Tickets are $12 presale, $15 at the door,
and may be purchased online at Keppel’s
Web store, which is (the
Web store link can be found in the center
of the left side of the page). For more information, phone 323-943-6781.
Keppel’s production includes a company of 45 actors with senior Connie
Bahng as Belle and senior Xavier Torres as
the Beast. Music is provided by Keppel’s
own 60-member student orchestra. The
experienced production team, reunited
from Flower Drum Song, includes Choreographer Joseline Granados, Vocal Director Cecilia Revilla, Set Designer Dennis
McCullough, Musical Director Dr. Carla
Bartlett, Technical Director Tim Gillette,
and Director Page Phillips.
The musical is family friendly, and
children from ages 5 to 105 are encouraged
to attend. All performances will be in the
school’s auditorium at 501 East Hellman,
AUSD School
Board meetings
are open to public
The Alhambra Unified School District
welcomes the public to attend its Board of
Education meetings. The meetings begin
at 6 p.m. and take place in the board room
of the District offices at 1515 W. Mission
Road, Alhambra. Meeting dates for 2014
are as follows:
March 11, April 1, April 22, May 13,
June 3, June 24, July 15, Aug. 5, Aug. 26,
Sept. 16, Oct. 7, Oct. 28, Nov. 18, and
Dec. 9.
For more information, please visit, and click on the School
Board tab.
Principal Jacinth Cisñeros, was credited
by coach Tran as vital in the team’s success.
The Keppel team earned 30 individual
medals (12 gold, 9 silver and 9 bronze),
which is a record for the school. Medals
were earned in every subject area.
“The students want it known that
these 30 medals represented a concerted
team effort, and not just reflective of any
one student,” Coach Tran said.
For the Super Quiz event, Keppel tied
for second place with South Pasadena
and Beverly Hills; Alhambra High School
took third.
Bonnie Lam of the Alhambra High
School team was recognized as one of
the top three scoring decathletes overall,
placing third with 8,294.6 points out of a
possible 10,000 points.
The San Gabriel High School team,
which competed in Division III (Keppel
and Alhambra compete in Division I),
received recognition as one of the most
improved teams with its 7,561 point improvement from last year and took second
in the Super Quiz. San Gabriel’s performance moved them up to Division II.
Academic Decathlon (ACADEC)
consists of a series of 10 events in different
academic disciplines: Art, Economics, Essay, Interview, Language and Literature,
Mathematics, Music, Speech, Science,
and Social Science. These disciplines focus around this year’s major topic, which
is World War I.
Competition concludes with the relaystyle Super Quiz consisting of questions
from any of the possible disciplines,
excluding mathematics.
A normal ACADEC team consists of
nine members and is meant to create a
level academic playing field for all competitors, as these nine spots are divided
into three categories with three students
per category: Honors (unweighted GPA
3.75-4.00), Scholastic (3.00-3.74), Scholastic (3.00-3.74), and Varsity (less than
Only the top two scores from each category are counted in the final team score.
Contributing to writing this article were
Chaney Tse (Team Captain) and Patrick
Chea, the two leading scorers of the Mark
Keppel’s Academic Decathlon Team.