Bihar School Examination Board Patna
Bihar School Examination Board Patna
Bihar School Examination Board Patna $pqtipn=I Short Tender h{otice D@ online Application fornegiitration & Pre-Examination work for Ciass IX academic year 20 16 On behalf of Bihar School Examination Board.Patna (BSEB) sealed tenders are invited under two bid system (Technical & Financial) upto 27 April,20l6 Online Application for Registration & Data Processing of Pre-Examination work for Class IX academic year 2016. Schedule to the invitation of Tender l. Time and last date of issue of Tender/Bid Document TenderiBid 3.Time a:rd date of opening of Technical Bid 4. Services to be provided -:i. Time and date of depositing : 03.00 PM of 26 April.2Ol6 : 03.00 PM of 27April.2\$ : 05.00 PM of 27 April.20l6 : Online Application for Registration &Data Processing of Pre-Examination work for Class IX academic year 2016 with all cornplete job mentioned in Bid docunlents. Intending eligible bidders may obtain Bid Document from the BSEB office situated at Sinha Libraryl Road. Patna-800017 (Bihar) between 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM any working da;, on pa)'ment of Rs. 5000/- (Five thousand) (non-refundable) in form of bank draft in favour of Secretary,.Bihar School Examination Board. Patna payable at Patna- Tender document c&n,also be dor,r'nloaded from Bihar School Examination Board website for which bank draft of Rs. 5000/- (Five thousand) in favour of Secretan,- Bihar School Examination Board payable at Patna has to be enclosed with the tender form (in technical Bid envelope).The render document r,vill not be issued by post/courier. The undersigned reserves all rights to aocepl or reject the bid without assigning any reason. Other terms and conditions u,ill be as per the Tender Docurrent. Bihar Sehool Merno no ry- { i.Sq . tpatna" dared Board"Patna 18: /"1+ i 20ro Copl' fom,arded t.r the M/S AnanvaadvertisingAgeno'"Patna. lljndustan Times. Neu Delhi ; Kolkotta lPatna &Time of India Kolkata/ Neu Delhi/ Patna for tr'.rbication of tender at D.AVP rare ir, space 15 x 2 cm in the edition of 20-04-2016" -iu. . i Sf,;ffi#J i- -t,t"' Bihar School Examinatlon Board.Patna Mu, Section - II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS of work: Details of work are given in Section 1. Details III 2. Eligible Bidders The bidder must be incorporated under Indian Companies Act, 1956 /The Partnership Act, 1932. Consortium in any form is not allowed. The Bidders should satisfu the following eligibility criterias :2.1 The Bidder's average annual turnover of the last three financial years 2012-2013,20132014,2014-2015 should be minimum Rs.300 lakhs (Three Crore). 2.2 Bidder should have for completed minimum one project Govt/ Board/ CouncilAJniversity having experience of online examination appliacation form entry and image capturing data in its web application in last 3 years. Where the cost of project should be minimum Rs.30 Lakhs (Thirty lakhs). 2.3 Bidders should have experience in online application processing with computer data processing of pre-examination work in last three years foi Board/CouncilAJnivirsity" 2.4 Bidders should have experience in computer data processing of pre-examination work minimum 9,00,000 (nine lakhs) candidates in a single examination in a year of a Board/CouncilAJniversity for at least 3 continuous years in the last 5 years. 2.5 Bidders should give a declaration stating that they have not been debarred/blacklisted by any organisation/Board/Councilfuniversity. 2.6 Copy of documents required to be submitted for establishing Bidders Eligibility and Qualifications:I. Proof of hardware facilities II. Partnership Deed of Articles/Memorandum of Association in the case of partnership/ Pvt. Ltd. firm III. Last 3 years Audited Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet IV" PAN Card and latest Income tax return of financial year 2014-15 or 2015-16 V. VAT/Service Tax Registration certificate VI. Certified copy of valid ISO : 9001 & ISO 27001:2005 certification. VII. Certified copy of to provide data security certificate from the server provider.(at least 5-10 lakhs candidates) VIII. Data Transmission facility 100 Mbps and above. IX. High speed internet connectivity X. Work satisfaction certificate from concerned Boards/CouncilsAJniversities for successful completion of contracts submitted as per clause 2.2 and2.3 3. Cost of Bidding The bidder shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. BSEB will in no case be responsible for these costs iegardlesS of the conduet oi outcome of the bidding l process. 4. Bid Document 4.1 The bidder must have facility for scanning, processing, printing under one roof and secured environment. 2 MU t*e-.****"""' a submission of the bids not substantially responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect wil1be at Bidders risk and may result in rejection of the Bid. A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on the Bid document shall notifu the Board in writing. The Board shall respond in writing to any request for the clarification of bid document which it received not later than 1 day prior to the date of opening of Tender. 5. Bid Securitv 5.1 The bidder must desposit Rs.4,00,000/- (Rupees four lakhs only) for Online Application for Registration & Data Processing of Pre-Examination work for Class IX academic year 2016 as Bid Security. The Bid Security shall be in the form of Demand Draft in favour of the Secretary, Bihar School Examination Board, Patna payable at Patna. The successful bidder's security will be converted to Security Deposit upon the bidder's acceptance of the award of contract satisfactorily. The Bid Security may be forfeited a) : If bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder in the bid form. b) If the successful bidder fails to sign contract in accordance with clause 7. A bid not securqd in accordance with para 5.1 shall be rejected by the BSEB as nonresponsive at the bid opening stage and returned to the bidder unopened The bid security of unsuccessful bidder will be discharged /returned as early as possible. 6. Submission and opening of Pid i) The bid has to be submitted in two sealed envelopes, envelope-A marked as 'oTechnical Bid" enclosing Demand Draft, detail profile of the company with past experience and latest Income Tax Return / VAT /Service Tax Registration certificate as given in Section IV and envelope -B marked as "Financial Bid" enclosing Rate as given in Section V. Both the envelopes have to be sealed in another envelope superscribing "Tender for Online Application for Registration & Data Processing of Pre-Examination work for Class IX academic year 2016"" ii) The bid addressed to The Secretary, Bihar School Examination Board, Patna -800017 (Bihar) must be submitted to the above address on before 27 Apil,2016 upto 3 courier or registered post only. The technical bid shall be opened on the same day at 5 PM in the presence of bidders who may like to be present. iii) Any bid received after the dead line for submission of bids shall be rejected and retumed to be bidder" iv) Clause 2.3 may be point of consideration for the Technical bid finalise. 7. Award of Contract Bihar School Examination Board, Patna shall consider placer.nent of letter of intent to those bidders whose offers have been found technically, commercially and financially acceptable. The undersigned reserves all rights to accept or reject the bid without assigning any reason. The bidder shall give his acceptance in conformity within 05 days of issue of letter of intent. Section III (A)Volume of Work: Partigulars 1) Number of Candidate 2) Number of School Class IX 16.00 lacs(approx) 65OO(approx) (B) Scope of Work Basic Activities : 1. System Analysis & Design 2. Development of Web portal for online application of candidates. The Website as well as the application shall be developed by the firm within 4 days form the issuing date of work order. a Designing of e-forms for class IX examination conducted by BSEB. Ability to organize gathered datalinformation as desired by BSEB. 4. Provide User ID and Password to all schools. 5. Capturing the student details in desired format (generation of form no. as unique ID). 6. Provide on-line Updation facilities" 7. Generate school and exam wise fee challan and forwarding list. 8. Link with Various Banks. 9. Upload Admit Card (with Photo) and Nominal Rolls. 10. Hosting of application as per timeline decided by the BSEB. 11. Online application form for the students or by school (via school login) with photo and signature for uploading online. 12. Printing of Pre-printed stationery 13. Registration and Admission data processing I 4. D ata processing of Pre-Examination work 15. Packeting, supplying of all items (output data) to BSEB office atpatna. 16. Every candidate enrolled shall have unique registration number. (C) General 1. The bidder will be required to complete software development and system run as per requirement and satisfaction of the board within a stipulated timeframe as decided by the board. The firm shall formally handover the documentation of the software development and the entire system designed for the purpose. The data stored shall be the property of the board and the firm shall have to supply the updated data file on CD/DVD/Hard disc as and when required by the BSEB. 2. Online Candidate registration by School Head llndividual through web applications shall be deployed in the state-of-the-art data centre with the guaranteed uptime of 99.9% service level agreement. Backup servers shall be maintained by the firm for the backup of the data as well as in case of down time in one server. So that in case of technical issues or emergency /unforeseen situation or any such situation the application stays live for the candidates without any obstacles. However, the backup seryer shall be separate. 3. Dedicated server in cloud computing environment locat6d in India must be available 24x7 and should have the capability to handle concurrent accesslhits as per count given for the reference and capacity to upload signature and photos at a time. 4. Management and backup of online registration data to avoid data loss through viruses, application problems, human effors, operating system failure, hacking and any other such threat during the process. The firm shall provide us detail regarding the safety and security measure taken. The firm shall ensure 100% integrity of data, authentication J. .u/ WU apr** 5. (D) and confidentiality. Firm should proactively work to protect against any such threats. Updated/Revised database after every closing/last date as per schedule provided by the board.(e.g. no. of students enrolled till last date, no. of forms verified after fee). Helpline CaIl centre for onlinq application filling : For any difficulty/grievances faced/felt by the candidates or the heads of the institutions or by anyone at the end user needs to be promptly attended by the prospective bidder. The bidder/vendor must take all necessary steps to ensure that absolutely no difficulty"of any kind is faced by anyone during the entire process of online mechanism for various works. In case of any difficulty, make such a technological arrangement that the difficulty is detected/pointed out and at the same time the solution/remedy for the same be provided for immediate solution online only. (E) Data Creation andResistration Work for SecondarY Examination a) Input Documents D Candidates details (with Photo & signature through online) II) List of Schools III) Updation / correction of input data till the data becomes 100% b) accurate Output Documents I.Edited checklist will be made available to.the Computer Centre on website for master correction. Il.Printing of Registration Cards with candidates photo on pre-printed stationery and supply of the same in polythene bags (packed school/Rollcodewise). Ill.Printing of Registration Register of all registered candidates in two part (separately) on pre-printed stationary school & district wise. First part to be bound in cloth and top hard board (ust like book binding) for BSEB office use and second part for school is without binding" Maximum 100-125 page to be bond in one register book. IV.Make available master file data of all Registration data in CD/DVD/Hard Disc. V.Make available candidate's photo image file of all registered candidates in CD/DVD and (F) hard disc. Pre Examinbtion Works for Class IX a) Input Documents D Candidates details as per online application II) List of Schools III) List of Examination Centres IV) Updation / correction of input data till the data becomes 100% accurate b) Output Documents I. il. m. Production of candidates master check list upload on website. Preparation and printing of roll sheet in two parts haVing computer generated serial number, cantrewise, with numerical statement giving details about number of candidates subjectwise and centerwise.(Hard copy & soft copy both). Preparation of admit cards with candidates photo on pre-printed stationary and supply of the same in polythene bags (packed Roll code wise) MMk""*r."*" IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Preparation of attendance sheet with candidates photo on pre-printed stationary and supply of the same in polythene bags (packed examination centrewise). Any other infortnation whatever required may be furnished by the data center. Transfer of floppies/ CDs containing datato BSEB Patna. Make available master file data of all Pre examination data in CD/DVD/Hard Disc. Make available candidate's photo image file of all Pre examination candidates in CD/DVD and hard disc. (G) Pre-Printed Stationerv for Reeistration Work & Pre examination work (a) (b) Registration Cards on 100 GSM cream wove paper one sheet A-4 size paper (2 in 1 sheet) alongwith U.V. Seal, Common Seal and background monogram printing. Registration Register of the registered candidate on 80 GSM cream wove paper of size 15" X 12" (2 part) carbon inter leaved alongwith UV Seal, Common Seal and back ground monogram printing. Maximum 12 candidates details in each page. (c) Admit card on 100 GSM cream wove A4 size paper (4 in 1 sheet) alongwith U.V. Seal, Common Seal and background monogram printing for class IX. (d) Attendance Sheet on 80 GSM cream wove A-4 sizepaper ( 4 in 1 sheet). (H) Blank Stationary : Pre-Printed Blank Stationailr Quantitlr (i) Registration Card (ii) Admit Card (2x1) 15000 sheets (30000 PC) (Zxl) 10000 sheets (20000 PC) (I) Statistics Make available statistics report of registration and pre-examination work as per required BSEB Patna. (Q Time Schedule 1. Development & Hosting of web portal of online application of candidates within 7 days from issuing,date of work order. 2. Online application opening within days form issuing date of work order. 3. Admit Card, Roll sheet& Attendance sheet issue within 15 days after closing Online Application. 4. registration card will be issue after examination. V fl\\ k\^-s.- t* BU" fu L*r -o,".-** of Section Bihar School Examination Board, Sinha Library Road, patna - 800017 Technical Bid for Online Application for Registration & Data Processing of preExamination work for Class IX academic year 2016 (Tick { whichever is applicabte)NOTE : TO BE SEALED SEPARATELY WITH BANK DRAFT OF EARNEST MONEY 1. About the Firm a) b) c) d) Year of Establishment Type of Firm (Proprietary lprivatelpublic/Govt. Total turnover during 20t2-2013 20t3-2014 z}t4-2015 (attach proof) Whether the firm is Income Tax Payee (attach Tax clearance certificates)/Latest Income Tax Return (financial year 20 L4-1 5 or 2AL5- 16) e) Pan Card enclosed 0 s) h) VAT/Service Tax Registration certificate enclosed ISO : 900 l8{, ISO 27001 :2005 Certification enclosed Details of premises owned / Rented area (Sq.feet) i) Activities of the Organisation i) Since when engaged in EDP services 2. (a) The bidder should have completed minimum one project for Govt/BoardAJniversity having experience of online examination application form entry and image capturing in last 3 years. Where the cost of project should be minimum Rs. 30 Lakhs . The bidder should attach copy of the work orders/contracts/certificate cleary indicatging total value of work. Year Name of Gort.l Board iCouncill University Type of Exam online Value of work Contact person and phone no. Successfully work Completion certificate enclosed YesAIo (b) Bidders should have experience in online application processing with computer data rocessine of re-examination work in last three ears for tsoard/CouncilAlniversit Name of Board Type of Number Successfully Contact Successfully work /CouncilllJniversity Exam of completion person Completion Candidate of work in ', and certificate phone days enclosed 110, YesAIo ML Q"-''*.****-**"' (c) Bidders should have experience in computer data processing of pre-examination work minimum 9,00,000 (nine lakhs) candidates in a single examination in a year ofa Board/Council/University for at least 3 continuous ears in the last 5 years. Name of Board Type of Volume Contact person Successfully work /Council/University Exam of work and phone no. Completion certificate enclosed YesNo 3. Professional Supports available Software : & Operational support :- Total stay in Name of Qualifications our office Bo ard,l Univ. handled b) Hardware support :Particulars System Online server (Capacity) No.of computer I terminal N9.of tape drivers No.of CD/ DVD writers Line Printers Laser Printers Make/ Model Speed Numbers 4. Have you ever been blacklisted / debarred by any Board / University/ Organisation ? If yes, please mention why and when were you blacklisted / debarred. 5. Details of Earnest Money deposit Amount Rs... :DD.No. o.. c.. . o. . o... .. Dated Name of Issuing Bank Certified that all the terms and conditions of this TENDER, in view of Scope of Work, are accepted by us. Place : 8 t4*,rtr*d Section -V Bihar school Examination Board, sinha Library Road, patna -g00017 Financial Bid for Online Application for Registration & Data processing of preExamination work for crass IX academic year 2016 NOTE : 1) TO BE SEALED SEPARATELY 2) RATES ARE INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES AS APPLICABLE Rates for the Work indicated in Tender Form 1. 2. Particulars n 1. unllne Appllcatton recelvtflg, Data creatioo, processing and printing of Registration card on pre-printel stationery.(as per work indicated in section-tf) - rate per candidate lo Secondary School Exam" Rs. p Pre-Examination processing as per w Section III - rate per candidate The above mentioned rate includes the cost of finished job. It also includes all types of Data Entry, Computer Processing and Printing on plain and Pre-Printed Stationary and cost of all stationeries as and wtten required and to and^ fro transportation charge, fto, ca:rying all documents from / to BSEB. Place : Date : ( Signature of the Bidder with Seal ) 9 Mk V w