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Western Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) The Messenger January 28,2014 In Essentials...Unity In Non Non--Essentials...Liberty In All Things…Charity Message from Carlos Cortez “Ants” Often times in the Bible a variety of animals are used to help us comprehend parables and to paint us a picture so that we may understand the teachings of God and His ways. Some of the most easily recognized are “The Lamb of God” (John 1:29), “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah” (RV 5:5), “Feed my sheep” (John 21:17) (I like to read the writings of John). These days we can make a list of creatures and envision what qualities are often associated with them. For example, Swift as a deer, Strong as an Ox, Wise as an Owl, Beautiful as a swan and so forth. We can learn something from all of God’s animals. Consider the ant, Yes, the ant. We may see them as pests. I like to think of them as “the crew” that cleans up God’s earth. Without the lowly ant our world would be littered with decay and debris that would make our planet uninhabitable. The ant keeps our yards, sidewalks, and fields clean. They work unceasingly every single day of the year. The ant leaves the mound each day in search of food. The ant is not able to go to the grocery store like we do when we need food. The ant needs to go out and look for this food. The ant searches high and low and perhaps comes across a piece of fruit or food item that is probably more than the ant could consume in its entire life. Image finding an abundance of wealth, an item that would be of great importance that would be very valuable in our lives. But the ant does not keep this new found wealth a secret, instead the ant shares the good news. When the ant finds food, the ant goes back and “tells” everyone there the way to get to the life giving food. If we were to go out and find something valuable, free for the taking perhaps untold riches, would we tell anyone about it or keep it to ourselves? The Lord God has made salvation possible through Christ Jesus, and we are able to escape judgment and live forever in paradise with God in His house where an unimaginable splendor awaits where the streets are paved with gold (RV 21:21). The great commission is to go out and tell everyone of the treasure we have found that God offers us through Christ (Mt 28:16-20). Let us strive to be as the mighty ant, which is willing to share The Good News. Our Lord has placed before us The Path to His House and His Name is Jesus The Christ. Around the Church Week of 01/19/2014 Wednesday 29 5:30 PM Guitar lessons (free) 6:00PM Youth Group 7:00PM Choir Practice Thursday 30 8:00AM Home School 7:00PM Bible Study 7:00PM Eckhert Crossing HOA Saturday 2/2 12:30 PM Souper Bowl Cook-Off SUNDAY MORNING SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 AM WORSHIP SERVICE 10:40 AM WEDNESDAY YOUTH GROUPS 6:00-7:00PM Inside this Issue A Message from Carlos Cortez 1 Prayer Concerns 2 Announcements 3,4 Youth News 5 Belle Notte 6 Bible Book For JanuaryJoshua Weekly Attendance January 19, 2014 Sunday School 80 Sunday Worship 26 On-Going Prayer Concerns For health and healing Ginger Welch Noah Wayne Carter Don Kelley Jr. Scott Dooley Jen Ingrid Jonathon The lonely and forgotten Garland & Lenora McSpadden Billye Flores We will list family and friends for one month, unless notified otherwise. Prayer Celebrations/Concerns 1-26 Celebrations Visitors 1-26 Birthdays Aleene Walsh Strength and Healing Cherie Draskovich, Jennifer Edwards, Claire Kelley,Yolanda Critchlow, Irene Lime Jan Cere, Leonard Brown, Carmen Rivera, Mona White, Dominic & Ashley Cedilla Safe travels Mona, David Rico, Western Hills Christian EMERGENCY CONTACTS Pastor TBA Youth Pastor Rev. Maggie Mossler 830-708-5536 Board Chair Dewey Newbold 240-6921 Elder Chair Brian Brown 844-4610 Prayer Band “B” Moore 492-5284 They may not remember what you said, they may not remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel” -Maya Angelou Dollar$ & ¢ents As of January 12, 2014 Budget needs per week: Offering Received 1-19 TBD $ TBD Offering Over/(Under) budget YTD contributions over/(under) Budget Thank You for Giving to the Lord!! $ TBD $ TBD Announcements/ Upcoming Events PASTORAL CARE will continue during this transitional period for Western Hills. If you have a request for Pastoral Care, please contact the church secretary at or 210.690.9327, or Elder Chair Brian Brown, at or 210.844.4610. PASTOR’S CLASSES WILL BE STARTING on February 2, at 9:15 am, during the Sunday School time. We will meet in the Chi Rho Room in the Runnels Building. This is open to anyone wihing to pursue baptism an will run February-March, excluding 2/16 and 3/2. Please let Rev. Maggie know if you would like to participate. FELLOWSHIP IS CLEANING HOUSE! We are getting rid of things not needed. There will be a table of FREE STUFF in the Fellowship Hall. Please take what you want or it will be tossed. Due to lack of funding we are asking if you need to use paper goods for your event please supply your own. To cover the cost of coffee at non-fellowship events, i.e. Sunday mornings, etc. there will be a container for your donations. Thank you for helping Fellowship Ministry continue to serve Western Hills. OPPORTUNITY FOR A FUNDRAISER: Tues. March 4, is Mardi Gras, aka Fat Tuesday. It is a tradition at many churches to have a Pancake Dinner as a fund-raiser. Would any group here at WHCC (Sun. School, Bible Study, Choir, Women, Men, etc.) like to pursue this? This is something we could invite the community to. The youth would probably like to help decorate and throw beads, but we’re not large into cooking pancakes. Call Maggie if you are interested, 830-708-5536. DEACONATE TRAINING: Deaconate training is scheduled for Saturday, February 2nd, from 10 am to 12 noon in the sanctuary. All new and continuing Deacons are urged to attend. If you have any Questions, please contact the Deaconate Chair, Michelle Long at 827-5441. BOY SCOUT SUNDAY: February 2nd is Boy Scout Sunday. The Boy Scouts were founded on February 8, 1910 by W. D. Boyce and the first Scout Sunday was observed in 1914. We are privileged to have Scouts meeting at WHCC. How are your counting skills? Attention: We are looking for more people to help with counting church offerings in 2014. If you have basic math skills (like counting and addition, no calculus needed), can donate an hour one Sunday a month, and would like to help, please contact Peggy Seifert @210-412-1932. Teams will be formed and training will be provided. Thank You for your help! Honored to Serve Sunday February 2,2014 Worship Leader Bread Elder Alternate Elder Deacons: Team 3 Children’s Moment Children’s Church Acolytes Nursery Volunteer Stewards Edith Rico Estella Canales Brian Brown Terri Brown, Brian Winn, Joe Adamson, Jennifer Adamson Ruth Wilson, Tammy Miller, Destiny Dominguez, Megan Brown Jody Campbell Betty Wright Doreen Orduji TBA Peggy & Matt Seifert, Ruth Wilson Sunday February 9,2014 Worship Leader Bread Elder Alternate Elder Deacons: Team 3 Children’s Moment Children’s Church Acolytes Nursery Volunteer Stewards Sharon Newbold Jody Campbell Irene Lime Terri Brown, Brian Winn, Joe Adamson, Jennifer Adamson Ruth Wilson, Tammy Miller, Destiny Dominguez, Megan Brown Betty Wright Rev. Maggie, Megan, Beckley Cristobel Orduji TBA TBA Outreach Ministry WHCC’s seeks to provide support to our community through our Outreach Ministry. Joan Goldman has accepted the position of Outreach Chair and would like to invite anyone interested to bring your ideas and join in this important service. If you have any questions, please contact Joan at 590-2442. Marketplace Catering Doug Critchlow 210-414-6948 c/o Annie Marie’s Catering 210-545-2249 CPA/Taxes Jennifer Edwards 210-410-5133 Math Tutoring Peggy Seifert 210-412-1932 House & Garage Cleaning/ General Organizing Loretta Clayton 210-872-8726 Independent Advocare Consultant/Distributor Loretta Clayton 210-872-8726 www advocare/ health and wellness supplements Monogramming/Computerized embroidery Maggie Mossler 830-708-5536 Roofing Carlos Cortez 210-696-9812 Cortez Roofing Drywall/Painting/Tree Trimming/General Handyman Real Estate Irene Lime 210-681-8818/cell 210-573-6169 SA Homefinders Buy/Sell/Property Management Dianne Cortez 210-535-2059/cell 210-684-7349 Spiros Realty, LLC Ron L. Miranda 210-663-1003 Buy/Sell/Lease/Construction/Painting/Siding/Roofing/ Car Ports Alternative Health Protection Donna/Bob Gebing 210-521-9111 NASA Purifiers Air/Car/Heater/Laundry Join/Learn FREE at CALLING ALL 9-12 GRADERS! The CYF Spring rally is February 28-March 2! Cost is $105, if you are an active member, you may qualify for a 50% scholarship. Forms/fees are due February 2. Please check your or your parents’ e-mail, the Facebook page (WHCCsa CRADLE TO COLLEGE), or the lobby at church for the registration form! TIME TO GO ON A MISSION...6th grade and older are going on a trip to the Juliet Fowler Home in Dallas. This is a retirement home sponsored by the Christian, Disciples of Christ churches. We will be hosting a Senior (50's-themed) Prom for the residents with decorations, dancing & music, cookies and punch. We will leave Friday, February 14, after school, and come back Sunday, February 16. What we 2014 Summer Camp & Mission Trip Schedule June 15-21 - CYF Conference. Completed 9-12th grade. June 22-28 - Eighter’s Camp. Completed the 8th grade. June 30-July 4 – Disciple Summer Mission to Oklahoma City. Completed 6th-12th Grade. July 9-12 – Beginner’s Camp. Completed 2nd-3rd grade. July 14-19 – Junior Camp. Completed 4th-5th grade. July 20-26 – Chi Rho Camp. Completed 6th-7th grade. The Chi Rho (6-8th grade) Mid-winter Rally was amazing! We worshipped with music, skits and art. We saw many faces of Jesus (literally) in a toaster, balloons and paintings. We learned each other’s names by Womping them and enjoyed s’mores at the campfire. We clobbered each other in a rousing game of Mushroom Ball, tore down a backstop so a new one could be built and made blankets for kids going through crisis. We learned how to preach the gospel and sometimes use words. Thanks for your support in our camp program! Megan, Felicia and Maggie. FUNDRAISERS We would love your support! Used-up ink cartridges and cell phones (working or not). Basket is in the foyer. Pennies for the Youth—jar is in the foyer. Greeting cards—find them in the foyer. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION—box is in the foyer. Aluminum cans—look for the containers! Please, empty the cans before putting them in the receptacles. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Feb 2 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb. 14-16 Feb. 21-23 Feb. 28-Mar.2 SOUPer Bowl Cook-Off Forms for CYF Spring Rally Due St. P.J.’s Olympic Games 9:00am-2:00PM Belle Notte, Spaghetti dinner and Dancing 6-12th grades mission trip to Juliet Fowler Home BBA/CPA Men's Retreat @ Gonzo CYF (9-12th grades) Spring Rally Western Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 8535 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78240 Phone: 210-690-9327 Email: t Check ou r ou website!! Lectionary Readings January 26, 2014 Isaiah 9:1-4 Psalm 27:1, 4-9 1 Corinthians 1:-9 John 1:29-42 Belle Notte BELLE NOTTE IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2014, 5:307:30pm! You and your friends are invited to a romantic evening of dinner and dancing. The Youth will transform the Fellowship Hall into the romantic venues of Paris, Venice, Hawaii and the River Walk. The menu is Spaghetti with a delectable meat sauce, salad with amazing dressings, and scrumptious desserts. After dining, feel free to dance your heart out to the tunes provided by our entertainment guru, Matt Seifert. This is a youth fund-raiser and we are looking forward to serving you that night. Child-care will be provided. Info: Maggie 830-7085536. LOOKING FOR CARD TABLES to borrow for Bella Notte on February 9. Please put your name on the bottom of them and bring them to the church by Feb. 2. Thank you!!!
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FUNDRAISERS We would love your support!
Used-up ink cartridges and cell phones (working or not). Basket is in the foyer.
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