2008 - Ert Studio
2008 - Ert Studio
www.target-caps.com 2008 TARGET2008 E' una linea ideata e realizzata per il settore promozionale, abbina la qualità al prezzo. I modelli sono studiati tra quelli che meglio si prestano ai vari tipi di stampa o ricamo. La collezione TARGET® offre una varietà di tessuti e colori: si va dai cotoni normali o garzati - i più usati - alle mescole di poliestere e cotone - i più resistenti - al pile. Hanno forme studiate per una corretta vestibilità, la visiera rigida pre-curvata, il pannello frontale rinforzato, la sweatband in cotone, una qualità sempre controllata. Per creare una vostra linea di cappelli, con la vostra etichetta, imballi personalizzati, differenti tessuti, abbinamenti colore, chiusure e molto altro ancora, mettiamo a disposizione la nostra esperienza. Volete creare un marchio complesso, stampare il cappello in ogni sua parte, ricamarlo tutto attorno per poi finire sulla visiera? Tutto questo è possibile, lo realizziamo all'origine. Con noi il vostro cappello può diventare qualcosa di più di un semplice gadget. A line created purely with the word supply in mind, putting price and quality as one. The models are studied and chosen on how well they can be embroidered and printed on with the maximum results. The TARGET® collection comes in a wide range of materials and colours; varying from normal cotton or chino cotton, the most popular to the most resistent mixes of polyester and cotton and polar fleecel. More importantly the shape is scrutinized for that paramount fitting, accompanied by a pre-curved visor, re-enforced front panel and internal sweatband in cotton, as per usual the quality is always controlled. To create your own line of caps with your label and personalised packaging, materials, color combinations, back closures and more ... let us give you our years of experience. Do you want to create you own line/brand, printing where you want, embroidering all around up and down even on the visor? Because if you do, it is all possibile! With us, your caps can become something more than just a simple gadget. Want a different kind of cap? Here are just some examples of what can be done with your logo. Enter in www.target-caps.com website and register your name or company. See all the available models at the moment and every month new proposals will be added. ILPROGETTO THEPROJECT La linea TARGET® risponde a precise esigenze di mercato ed è stata sviluppata con l'intento di ottimizzare i prezzi di vendita riducendo i costi di gestione e lasciando inalterata la qualità del prodotto. Per i cappelli a più alta rotazione abbiamo introdotto l'imballo minimo da 144 pezzi: migliora i vostri ed i nostri costi di trasporto e di gestione a magazzino. Il catalogo si suddivide in due parti. Nella prima, come da tradizione, sono presentati i prodotti gestiti a magazzino - sempre disponibili per i quali vi ricordiamo la nostra consegna entro 24/48 ore dall'ordine. La seconda - introdotta con questo catalogo - offre una panoramica ed anche una guida alle molteplici possibilità di personalizzazione: ricamo, stampa, chiusure, accessori. Alcuni esempi vi permetteranno poi di capire come voi stessi potrete realizzare il vostro cappello e conoscere subito il prezzo in modo automatico: per far questo dovrete però accedere al sito www.target-caps.com e una volta registrati entrare nell'area riservata. Con semplicità e immediatezza vedrete il vostro progetto realizzato, farvi una stampa del cappello e procedere subito con l'ordine. The TARGET® line is a response to a precise need of the current market and has been developed with the intention of optimising the retail price by reducing the productive costs yet maintaining quality. For the bestselling models we have introduced a minimum of 144 piece per box orders: improvng both our and your costs of transport and warehouse management. The catalogue is divided into two parts. In the first part, as a tradition, the warehouse managed products are presented - always available - for which we would like to remind you that your order will be delivered in 24/48 hours after receivership. The second part introduces a panoramic view of all the possibilities of personalisation we offer: embroidery, printings, closures and accessories. Some examples will help you understand how you can personalise your own caps and will give you an idea of the costs immediately and automatically: to do this you have to enter the www.target-caps.com website and once you have registered, you can enter the reserved area. With pure simplicity and immediateness you will see your project realised, print a copy of it and proceed with the order. INOSTRICAPPELLI La nostra collezione si basa su principi qualitativi per offrire prodotti sempre all'altezza delle aspettative, nei colori, nei tessuti, nei particolari. Non è un caso se i distributori di macchine per ricamo e da stampa consigliano l’uso dei nostri cappelli per stabilità dimensionale e qualitativa oltre che per l’adozione di una serie di accorgimenti e la cura dei dettagli. Per garantire tutto questo mettiamo a disposizione il nostro know how, la valutazione delle segnalazioni dei clienti, il controllo qualità all'origine e all'arrivo della merce. La continua collaborazione con i fornitori - e la nostra costante presenza presso di loro - genera controlli statistici sulla merce in partenza, i cui report vengono inviati presso di noi. A completamento delle attività di controllo interne, per una verifica rigorosa della qualità dei prodotti, TARGET® si avvale inoltre dell’esperienza e dei servizi del Centro Ricerche e Prove Tessili RITEX®. RITEX® - laboratorio accreditato dal SINAL con il n° 315 - è specializzato nel controllo della qualità dei materiali della filiera tessile (filati, fibre, tessuti e capi confezionati, non tessuti) e materiali affini (pelle e cuoio, polimeri, cellulosa), supportando le aziende del settore anche nelle attività di ricerca ed innovazione. In particolare, TARGET® si avvale della collaborazione di RITEX® per effettuare controlli periodici sulla merce in arrivo, quali ad esempio: • caratteristiche di costruzione dei tessuti (composizione fibrosa, titoli, riduzioni, armature, etc.) • prestazioni di solidità dei colori nelle varie condizioni di utilizzo (solidità del colore alla luce, al lavaggio, ai sudori, etc.), • analisi chimiche per la verifica della presenza di sostanze potenzialmente pericolose per la salute dell’uomo (formaldeide, coloranti allergenici, valori anomali di pH dell’estratto acquoso, ecc.). La collaborazione tra TARGET® e RITEX® continua ancora con analisi mirate per ricerche di innovazione di prodotto e per indagini legate ad eventuali problematiche segnalate dalla clientela. www.labritex.com - info@labritex.com OURCAPS Our collection is based on qualitative principles to supply products of a high quality always meeting the clients expectations, in all aspects in terms of colour, materials, and moreover in terms of details. It isn’t by chance that sewing machine distributors and those of printing devices advise to use our caps to establish a standard size and quality. A quality you can trust in. To guarantee all of this we are willing to put our know-how at your disposition, the valuatations of clients, the control of quality from the place of origin and on the arrival of the goods. The continual collaboration with the suppliers and our constant presence through them generates statistical controls on the goods during the departure phase, a report which will be sent to you by us. Our company does important laboratory tests on the products, giving the products a laboratory certification from the RITEX® Research and Textile Testing Centre which are carried out periodically (physical, chemical and one of security). RITEX® is an accredited laboratory by SINAL, specialized in research and innovation in the field of textiles, which normally works for the the most important ready-to-wear clothing manufactuers analysing and researching the textile materials (the yarns, fibres, material, ready-to-wear pieces, non-materials, etc.) and similiar (leather, plastic, polymers cellolose, etc.) analysing the products in terms of what chemical, colourants etc. have been used to arrive at the finished article and more such as washing and dry cleaning tests notwithout mentioning ecological test on Ecolabel. TARGET® uses RITEX® as an auxiliary for a series of periodic controls on in coming goods: to verify the composition, textile labelling, warp and weft, the color solidness and resistent to acid sweat and alcaline, to light and to washing, to the presence of damaging dispered colorants and other damaging substances to the PH surface. The collaboration between TARGET® and RITEX® continues even to analysis aimed at innovative research towards the product to verify problems signalled by the client, to comparatively study the performance of different materials (transpiration, sweat absorption capacity, drying speed, material comfort, etc.). I DETTAGLI FANNO LA DIFFERENZA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 - prostitching 2 - cotton sweatband 3 - buckram 4 - nylon lanyard 5 - absorbing lining 6 - size stick plastic - internal fixation internal taping fabric fabric metal external shell external locking ring buckram THE DETAILS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE 1 2 3 4 1 - sandwich 2 - fabric 3 - plastic precurved bill - plastic precurved bill fabric piping cotton sandwich LA COLLEZIONE TARGET TARGET COLLECTION ® ® at hlet ic band bandana bandana goal ban dana long break cargo squ ar e c ollege floppy helpy libe rty sandwich libert y st r ap low promo l o w pro m o sandwic h moover pit lane pu ppy r apper s ciar pa pu ppy seven st art st orm swing t ank t win zoom zo o m camou flage zo om pipin g sandwich wind N.B. : NEL SETTORE TESSILE NON E' POSSIBILE GARANTIRE LA STESSA TONALITA' PER OGNI SINGOLO BAGNO DI COLORE IN THE TEXTILE SECTOR IT ISN'T POSSIBLE TO GUARANTEE THE SAME TONE FOR EVERY SINGLE DYING m el lo na tu ra l m ca i/ br ow n ca m ou ol ive kh ak io / av bu rg un dy pi nk or an ge re d re e lo w ye l ht g lig n lu e gr ee ht b lig ro ya l y na v re y gr ey ht g k ac lig bl wh ite n COLORI SEMPRE DISPONIBILI COLOURS ALWAYS AVAILABLE SOMMARIO ATHLETIC - 3 NEW BAND - 25 BANDANA - 19 SUMMARY BANDANA GOAL - 20 CARGO SQUARE - 4 NEW COLLEGE® - 1 NEW BANDANA LONG - 21 BREAK - 6 FLOPPY - 10 HELPY - 7 LIBERTY SANDWICH - 16 LIBERTY STRAP - 13 NEW LOW PROMO - 17 LOW PROMO SAND. - 18 MOOVER - 26 PIT LANE® - 12 NEW SOMMARIO PUPPY - 23 RAPPER - 9 SCIARPA PUPPY - 22 START - 12 NEW STORM - 28 SWING - 5 NEW TWIN - 24 WIND - 27 ZOOM - 14 SUMMARY SEVEN - 11 TANK - 8 ZOOM PIPING SAND. - 15 Com'è noto gli inchiostri di stampa non sono in grado di riprodurre i toni colore dei cappelli. Vi suggeriamo di prendere visione degli originali per una maggiore fedeltà del prodotto. As you know the printing ink can not properly reproduce the colour tones of the caps; therefore we suggest that you have a look at the originals and check their real colours in advance. E' vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, di foto e testi. Reproduction, also partial, of photos and texts, is forbidden. 1 COLLEGE NEW fabric: 35% cotton - 65% polyester closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. upper view closure front view red-navy navy-red grey-black black-grey khaki-navy white-navy navy-green navy-light blue 2 PIT LANE NEW fabric: 35% cotton - 65% polyester closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. upper view closure detail navy black 3 ATHLETIC fabric: 100% closure: fully closed NEW polyester sweatband: elastic size: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. sweatband closure black navy white red 4 CARGO SQUARE fabric: 100% closure: velcro strap NEW cotton sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: five panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. upper view closure olive navy black khaki white 5 SWING NEW fabric: 100% cotton closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: ivy cap underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. side view closure khaki olive black 6 BREAK fabric: 35% cotton - 65% polyester closure: velcro strap sweatband: self fabric size: one size fits all shape: visor underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. side view light blue-white closure navy-white white-navy front view black-white pink-white red-white 7 HELPY fabric: 100% polyester closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: five panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure yellow orange 8 TANK fabric: 100% cotton closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: military underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure navy yellow camouflage olive white black khaki 9 RAPPER fabric: 100% polyester + mesh closure: pvc back strap sweatband: 100% cotton 4 rows stitching size: one size fits all shape: five panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure black-black red navy black 10 FLOPPY fabric: 100% cotton sweatband: 100% cotton rows 4 stitching size: one size fits all shape: bucket underbrim: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. white black beige red navy 11 SEVEN fabric: 100% cotton closure: cotton velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: seven panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure red white navy black 12 START NEW fabric: 100% closure: velcro strap ly on l ful ton car cs.) 4p (14 cotton sweatband: cotton sheeting sizes: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: NOT AVAILABLE carton: 144 pcs. closure black white royal red navy 13 LIBERTY STRAP fabric: 100% closure: velcro strap NEW heavy brushed cotton twill sweatband: 100% cotton sheeting 4 rows stitching sizes: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: NOT AVAILABLE carton: 144 pcs. ly on l ful ton car cs.) 4p (14 closure black red royal khaki navy 14 ZOOM fabric: 35% cotton - 65% polyester closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure ecrù-navy red-navy camouflage white khaki green yellow orange black royal navy red 15 ZOOM PIPING SANDWICH fabric: 35% cotton - 65% polyester closure: contrasting piped velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: contrasting colour inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure yellow piping navy orange piping navy red piping white light blue piping white royal piping white navy piping white khaki piping burgundy grey piping red green piping white white piping navy pink piping white black piping white 16 LIBERTY SANDWICH fabric: 100% heavy brushed cotton twill closure: strap with snap metal button and strap hole sweatband: 100% cotton sheeting 4 rows stitching size: one size fits all shape: six panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure natural-navy sandwich natural grey-navy sandwich grey yellow-navy sandwich yellow red-navy sandwich red light blue sandwich white royal sandwich white pink sandwich white red sandwich white light grey sandwich white grey sandwich white olive sandwich natural green sandwich white white sandwich white navy sandwich navy khaki sandwich khaki black sandwich black burgundy sandwich natural navy sandwich white khaki sandwich navy black sandwich white 17 LOW PROMO fabric: 100% cotton closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: five panels underbill: self fabric inner box: NOT AVAILABLE carton: 144 pcs. closure yellow ly on l ful ton car cs.) 4p (14 orange red light blue royal navy white khaki white-navy black green navy-yellow 18 LOW PROMO SANDWICH fabric: 100% cotton closure: velcro strap sweatband: cotton sheeting size: one size fits all shape: five panels underbill: self fabric inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. closure white sandwich navy ecrù-navy sandwich ecrù khaki sandwich navy yellow sandwich white pink sandwich white orange sandwich white red sandwich white burgundy sandwich white light blue sandwich white royal sandwich white navy sandwich white green sandwich white grey sandwich white black sandwich natural 19 BANDANA fabric: 100% size: 53 cotton x 53 cm. inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. white light blue yellow orange black royal light green red green pink navy 20 BANDANA GOAL fabric: 100% size: 53 packing: 144 cotton x 53 cm. pcs. light blue ly on l ful ton car cs.) 4p (14 red orange pink royal yellow navy black green white 21 BANDANA LONG fabric: 100% cotton inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. white denim navy orange light blue olive khaki black WINTER SEASON 22 SCIARPA PUPPY fabric: polar fleece size: cm. 160 x 25 inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 72 pcs. grey black light blue avio navy red camel 23 PUPPY fabric: polar fleece size: one size fits all shape: beanie inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 grey pcs. light blue avio navy black camel red 24 TWIN fabric: polar fleece size: 12 S/M - 12 L/XL inner box: 24 pairs carton: 144 pairs light blue avio camel grey red black navy 25 BAND fabric: polar fleece size: 12 S/M - 12 L/XL inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. light blue avio navy camel red grey black 26 MOOVER navy-red fabric: 100% acrylic size: one size fits all shape: beanie inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. red-natural brown-beige black black-grey grey navy-light blue white natural-light blue navy 27 WIND white fabric: 100% acrylic size: one size fits all shape: beanie inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. pink light blue royal grey navy olive brown red black 28 STORM fabric: 100% acrylic size: one size fits all shape: beanie inner box: 24 pcs. carton: 144 pcs. natural navy burgundy green brown black PERSONALIZZAZIONI accessori - stampa - ricamo CUSTOMIZING accessories - printing - embroidery ACCESSORI pvc pvc strap cod. CPVC velcro velcro strap cod. VELCRO ACCESSORIES con fibbia passante slide buckle cod. CSSV chiusura closure fibbia brunita con occhiello cucito snap brass buckle with sewn hole cod. CBSS fibbia argentata con occhiello cucito snap silver buckle with sewn hole cod. CSSS fibbia piena brunita con occhiello cucito full brass buckle with sewn hole cod. CBFS fibbia piena argentata con occhiello cucito full brass buckle with sewn hole cod. CSFS fibbia piena brunita con occhiello in metallo full brass buckle with metal hole cod. CBFM fibbia piena argentata con occhiello in metallo full silver buckle with metal hole cod. CSFM fettuccia trim cod. TRBI visiera visor ACCESSORI neutro blank cod. BSAND ACCESSORIES riflettente reflect cod. RSAND sandwich neutro sulla chiusura blank on back strap cod. BPIPR neutro sulla visiera blank on visor cod. BPIPB neutro sui pannelli frontali blank on front panels cod. BPIPF piping riflettente sulla chiusura reflect on back strap cod. RPIPR riflettente sulla visiera reflect on visor cod. RPIPB in tessuto woven cod. LABW riflettente sui pannelli frontali reflect on front panels cod. RPIPF stampata printed cod. LABP etichetta label STAMPA PRINT MISURE MASSIME UTILIZZABILI PER STAMPARE IL VOSTRO LOGO SUL FRONTE DEL CAPPELLO Maximum dimensions to be considered for printing the logo on front panel AREA MASSIMA STAMPABILE MAX PRINTABLE AREA 14 CM. 6 CM. STAMPA PRINT VI PRESENTIAMO LE DIVERSE TIPOLOGIE DI STAMPA ATTUAMENTE UTILIZZABILI SUI NOSTRI CAPPELLI WE WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT DIFFERENT TYPES OF PRINTING WHICH CAN BE REALLY USED ON YOUR CAPS STAMPA PUFF puff printing STAMPA 1 COLORE 1 colour printing STAMPA 2 COLORI 2 colours printing STAMPA 3 COLORI 3 colours printing STAMPA 4 COLORI 4 colours printing RICAMO 3D 3D EMBROIDERY ESEMPI IN MISURA REALE PER UNA STIMA PIÚ RAPIDA DEI PUNTI DEL VOSTRO LOGO 5.000 PUNTI = mm. 92 x 18 7.000 PUNTI = mm. 107 x 22 9.000 PUNTI = mm. 120 x 24 11.000 PUNTI = mm. 122 x 26 13.000 PUNTI = mm. 122 x 26 RICAMO TRADIZIONALE STANDARD EMBROIDERY EXAMPLES IN REAL SIZES TO SPEED UP AN ESTIMATE FOR YOUR LOGO 3.000 PUNTI = mm. 92 x 18 5.000 PUNTI = mm. 107 x 22 7.000 PUNTI = mm. 120 x 24 9.000 PUNTI = mm. 122 x 26 11.000 PUNTI = mm. 122 x 26 Cap 5PC 5 panel cap 5PCback 5 panel cap BHC hole cap SRC side right cap SRCback side velcro right cap BVC cap pannello frontale (5 pannelli) front panel (5 panels) - cod. 5PC BHC back hole cap VLC visor left cap leftcap cap BFC backSLC fully side closed Fisher Visor BVC back velcro cap VRC BRC back round cap BFC back fully closed cap SAC sandwich cap sandwich - cod. SAC sul sandwich VIV visor insert visor FPV back front panel visor BHC hole cap SLC side left UNC underbil sulla chiusura in velcro back velcro BVC back velcro cap BFC back fully closed cap FPV front panel visor BVC back velcro cap SRC side right cap sopraside la chiusura back hole - cod. BHC SLC sid SRC right cap BHC back hole cap BVC back velcro cap Visor FPC front panel cap 5PC 5 panel cap 5PC 5 panel cap pannello (6 pannelli) (6 5panels) cod. FPC FPCfrontale front panel cap front panel 5PC panel-cap or right cap p FPC front panel cap Cap p FPC front panel cap GUIDA AL POSIZIONAMENTO DEL LOGO UNC underbill cap VIV visor insert visor S ITC inside taping sul retroside completamente fully side closed - cod. SRV right visor chiuso back SLV visorBFC BFC back fully closed cap UNCleft underbill cap panel cap 5PC 55PC panel5cap SRC side right cap SRC side right cap Cap BVC back closed cap BVCvelcro backcap velcro cap BFC back BFCfully back fullycap closed cap UNC underbill UNC underbill cap BRC back round cap LOgo positioning guide FPC front panel cap 5PC 5 panel cap SRC side right cap SLC side left cap pannello lato destro side right - cod. SRC apertura a semicerchio sul retro back round - cod. BRC BHC back hole cap 5PC 5 panel cap Visor ITC insi VRC visor right cap SLC side left cap SRV side right visor UNC underbill cap VRC visor right cap SLV side left visor BVV back velcro vis ITC inside taping cap VLC visor left cap SAC sandwich lato destro visiera visor right - cod. VRC SRH side right hat UNC cap SRV side underbill right visor VRC visor right cap ITC inside taping cap SLV side left visor FPB front panel bandana SACback sandwich BVV velcro cap visor VLC visor left cap UNV underbill visor BRC back round cap lato sinistro visiera visor left - cod. VLC Beani fettuccia interna inside taping - cod. ITC SLH side left hat Banda VRC visor VRC visor right cap right cap BFC fully closed cap VIVback visor insert visor SLC side left cap VIV visor insert visor BFC back fully closed cap FPH front panel hat C front back panel velcro visor cap SLC side left cap Bandana long BVC back velcro cap SRC side right cap UNC underbill cap pannello lato sinistro side left - cod. SLC sottovisiera underbill - cod. UNC Fisher hat 5 panel cap BFC back fully closed cap SRC side right cap FPV front panel visor HC back hole cap ITC inside cap ITCtaping inside taping cap SAC sandwich SAC s SLC SLC side left side cap left cap C front panel cap BVC back velcro cap B BFC back fully closed cap RV side right visor side left hat BHC cap back velcro BVC back velcro cap BHC back cap back hole BVC cap BFC back fullyBFC closedback cap f GUIDA ALhole POSIZIONAMENTO DEL LOGO SLV side left visor Bandana long Visor e left cap SLC capcap SRCside sideleft right VRC visor right cap frontale front panel HC cap back hole pannello cap BVC back velcro capelcro BFC back fully closed cap VRC visor right SLC side leftcap cap VLC VRCvisv UNC underbill cap SRC side5PC ap front panel cap right 5cap PC panel cap B VLC visor left cap cod. sull'inserto dellaunderbill visieracap visor insert -ITC cod.cap VIV taping cap BFC backcap fully closed cap inside UNCFPV underbill ITC insideUNC taping cap SAC sandwich FPB front panel bandana FPV front panel visorfront panel VIV visor insertVIV visor visor insert SRV side right SRV visor side rightSv FPV visor visor SAC sandwich caplato sinistro side left - cod. SLV Beanie hat ITC inside taping cap ITC inside taping cap lato destro side right - cod. SRV BVV back velcro visor Fisher hat cap Beanie hat Bandana long UNV underbill visor Bandana long SRB side right bandana Vvisor front panelSRV visor side rightVIV SRV BVVvisor back velcro visor visorvisor insert visor SLV side left visorside right visor BVV back SLV velcro side visorleft visorUNV underbill UN SLB side sulla chiusura in velcro back velcro - cod. BVV BVV back velcro visor H front SLH panel hat SRH side right hat side left hat UNV underbill visor SLH side left FPB hat front panel bandana SAC sandwich cap FPH front panel hat frontSRH side rightSRH hat side left hat FPH panel hat side SLH right hat SLH side left hat sottovisiera underbill - cod. UNV FWI front wind front panel bandana SRB side SRB sideFPB right bandana SLB side left banda ro v ie ha t Ba nd an a BWI BAN bandana all around k wi bac nd l aro a al dan ban FPB und side left bandana Bandana SLB an nd t wi fron FPB front panel bandana SRB retro back - cod. BWB BWI back wind BVV back velcro visor UNV underbill visor BAN Bandana long latoleft sinistro side left - cod. SLH SLH side hat Be FWI a dan ban Bandana left side left bandana Bandana long side SLB visor right cap p sor SLB at underbill cap SRH side hat side right SLH sideSRH left hat latoright destro - cod. FWI wind SRV side right visor SLVfront side left visor or t visor side right bandana RB UNC inside tapi FPB fron fronte front - cod. FWB BWI back wind BVV back velcro visor ITC inside taping cap SAC sa FWI front wind SLV side left visor side right visor back fully closed cap Beanie hat hat BFC SRV ITC ca wich sand side left hat Bandana long SLH VRC ll vi na nda t ba side left cap B side left visor underbill cap erbi und righ velcro cap visor insert visor UNV side VIV UNC SLC sandwich cap FPH front panel hat frontSRH sul fronte - cod.side FPHright hat UNV underbill visor sor SLV side right visor back fully closed cap Beanie hat side right cap back round cap SAC SRV visor insert visor SRB SRC cap BRC BFC back velcro cap p isor a dan ban nel VIV front panel visor BVC cap a ng c velc t pa fron FPV LOgo positioning guide SAC visor sandwich cap VLC left cap ping cap front perimetrale panel bandana all BAN SRB side right bandana around - cod. BAR bandana all around hat GUIDA AL POSIZIONAMENTO DEL LOGO de taping cap sandwich cap BVVVLC back SAC velcro visor UNV underbill visor visor left cap BRC back round cap FWI FPB SRB Bandana Beanie hat andwich fronte front - cod. orFPB cap UNV underbill visor front panel bandana FWI front wind BWI SLB side left bandana side right bandana side right side lato rightdestro bandana -FWI cod. SRB front BWI SLB sidewind left bandana back wind Bandana SLB lato sinistro side left - cod. SLB side left bandana back wind Bandana Beanie hat SRB front w BAN bandana all around BAN bandana all aro PRODUZIONE&CONSEGNE PRODUCTION&DELIVERY Il nostro know how e la nostra partnership diretta con i maggiori produttori e spedizionieri ci consente di offrire una variegata possibilità di tempi di produzione e consegna. QUANTITA' Il vostro cappello può essere prodotto in qualsiasi quantità: da poche centinaia a migliaia di pezzi, sempre nel rispetto dei nostri elevati standard qualitativi. PRODUZIONE Una volta che il progetto grafico del vostro cappello viene definito ed approvato, i cappelli possono essere prodotti secondo questi criteri: - con linee speciali in sole due settimane - con linee standard in tempi superiori, fino a 30/35 giorni CONSEGNA A partire dalla data di fine produzione, siamo in grado di consegnare i vostri cappelli con le seguenti modalità: - in 5/7 giorni, utilizzando dei corrieri espressi e la via aerea - in 35/45 giorni con soluzioni più economiche, utilizzando il trasporto via nave Our know how and our direct partnerships with the best manufacturers and forwarders consents us the possibility to offer a wide variety of production and delivery times. QUANTITY Your cap can be produced in any quantity requested: from a few hundred to thousands and maintaining a high standard of quality. PRODUCTION Once the graphic design of your cap has been defined and approved, the cap can be produced following any one of these two criteria: - with the special line of only two weeks - with the standard line of superior times of 35 days DELIVERY Starting from the last day of production ,we are able to deliver the your caps in the following ways: - in 5/7 days using air mail express - in 35/45 days with a more economical solution via ship PRODUZIONI SPECIALI SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS * esempi a puro scopo dimostrativo, immagini concesse dai proprietari deI marchi examples for demonstration purposes only, pictures permitted by brand owners PRODUZIONI SPECIALI SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS Vuoi un cappello diverso? Questi sono solo alcuni esempi di quanto possiamo realizzare con il tuo logo. Entra nel sito www.target-caps.com e registrati. Vedrai tutti i modelli disponibili al momento e ricordati che ogni mese nuove proposte ti aspettano. TARGET2008 E' una linea ideata e realizzata per il settore promozionale, abbina la qualità al prezzo. I modelli sono studiati tra quelli che meglio si prestano ai vari tipi di stampa o ricamo. La collezione TARGET® offre una varietà di tessuti e colori: si va dai cotoni normali o garzati - i più usati - alle mescole di poliestere e cotone - i più resistenti - al pile. Hanno forme studiate per una corretta vestibilità, la visiera rigida pre-curvata, il pannello frontale rinforzato, la sweatband in cotone, una qualità sempre controllata. Per creare una vostra linea di cappelli, con la vostra etichetta, imballi personalizzati, differenti tessuti, abbinamenti colore, chiusure e molto altro ancora, mettiamo a disposizione la nostra esperienza. Volete creare un marchio complesso, stampare il cappello in ogni sua parte, ricamarlo tutto attorno per poi finire sulla visiera? Tutto questo è possibile, lo realizziamo all'origine. Con noi il vostro cappello può diventare qualcosa di più di un semplice gadget. A line created purely with the word supply in mind, putting price and quality as one. The models are studied and chosen on how well they can be embroidered and printed on with the maximum results. The TARGET® collection comes in a wide range of materials and colours; varying from normal cotton or chino cotton, the most popular to the most resistent mixes of polyester and cotton and polar fleecel. More importantly the shape is scrutinized for that paramount fitting, accompanied by a pre-curved visor, re-enforced front panel and internal sweatband in cotton, as per usual the quality is always controlled. To create your own line of caps with your label and personalised packaging, materials, color combinations, back closures and more ... let us give you our years of experience. Do you want to create you own line/brand, printing where you want, embroidering all around up and down even on the visor? Because if you do, it is all possibile! With us, your caps can become something more than just a simple gadget. Want a different kind of cap? Here are just some examples of what can be done with your logo. Enter in www.target-caps.com website and register your name or company. See all the available models at the moment and every month new proposals will be added. www.target-caps.com 2008