"Kuai le Zhongguo-xue Han yu" jie mu zu. and Zhong yang dian shi
"Kuai le Zhongguo-xue Han yu" jie mu zu. and Zhong yang dian shi
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[Päätoimittaja = Peatoimetaja = Chefred. = Glavnyj red.: Tuomo Tuomi ] ; toimetus = Redaktion = redkollegija:, Anneli Hänninen [et al.]٢. osan vastaava toimittaja = ٢. osa vastutav toimetaja = verantwortlicher Red. des zweiten Bandes = otv. red. ٢ toma: Tiit-Rein Viitso . Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura (Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja, ١١٨). . ٢٠٠٧. Changing English. Ed. by David Graddol ;, Dick Leith ;, Joan Swann ;, Martin Rhys ;, Julia Gillen . Abington, MA: Routledge (English language). . ٢٠٠٧. Cognição, afetividade e linguagem. Elisabeth Ramos da Silva ;, Elizara Yoko Uyeno ;, Maria José Ilharezi Abud (org.). Taubaté: Cabral ed. e livraria univ. . . ٢٠٠٧. Comparative creole syntax : parallel outlines of ١٨ creole grammars. Edited by John A. Holm ;, Peter L. Patrick . London: Battlebridge (Westminster creolistics, ٧). . ٢٠٠٧. Connectives in the history of English. Ed. by Ursula Lenker ;, Anneli Meurman-Solin . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory, ٢٨٣). . ٢٠٠٧. Consequences of contact : language ideologies and sociocultural transformations in Pacific societies. Ed. by Miki Makihara ;, Bambi B. Schieffelin . Oxford: Oxford UP. . . ٢٠٠٧. Cultural change in the prehistory of arid Africa : perspectives of archaeology and linguistics. Ed. by Wilhelm J. G. Möhlig . Köln: Köppe (Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika, ١٨). . ٢٠٠٧. Das gefesselte Wort : Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken des Spanischen : Akten der gleichnamigen Sektion des ١٥. Deutschen Hispanistentages in Bremen vom ١.٣.-٤.٣.٢٠٠٥ = La palabra atada : contribuciones sobre la evolución de diccionarios y gramáticas del español. Mechtild Bierbach ;, Barbara von Gemmingen ;, Yvonne Stork (Hrsg.). Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag (Abhandlungen zur Sprache und Literatur, ١٦٨). . ٢٠٠٧. Deictics, copula, and focus in the Ethiopian convergence area. Ed. by Joachim Crass ;, Ronny Meyer . Köln: Köppe (Afrikanistische Forschungen, ١٥). . ٢٠٠٧. Deux textes religieux de Bourbon du ١٨e siècle et l'histoire du créole réunionnais. Annegret Bollée (éd.). London: Battlebridge (Serendib series, ١). . ٢٠٠٧. Disinventing and reconstituting languages. Ed. by Sinfree Makoni and, Alastair Pennycook . Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (Bilingual education and bilingualism, ٦٢). . ٢٠٠٧. Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics = ٢ : Eg-Lan. General ed.: Kees Versteegh ; associate eds.:, Mushira Eid ;, Alaa Elgibali ;, Manfred Woidich ;, Andrzej Zaborski . Leiden: Brill . . ٢٠٠٧. Existence : semantics and syntax = ٣. Ileana Comorovski ;, Klaus von Heusinger, eds.. Berlin: Springer (Studies in linguistics and philosophy, ٨٤). . ٢٠٠٧. Focus strategies in African languages : the interaction of focus and grammar in Niger-Congo and Afro-Asiatic. Ed. by Enoch Oladé Aboh ;, Katharina Hartmann ;, Malte Zimmermann . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs, ١٩١). . ٢٠٠٧. Functional perspectives on grammar and discourse : in honour of Angela Downing . Ed. by Christopher S. Butler ;, Raquel Hidalgo Downing ;, Julia Lavid . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in language companion series, ٨٥). . ٢٠٠٧. Grammatical borrowing in cross-linguistic perspective. Ed. by Yaron Matras ;, Jeanette Sakel . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Empirical approaches to language typology, ٣٨). . ٢٠٠٧. In the presence of English : media and European youth. Ed. by Margie Berns ;, Kees de Bot ;, Uwe Hasebrink . New York: Springer (Language policy, ٧). . ٢٠٠٧. Kapitoly z dějin české jazykovědné bohemistiky. Ed. Jana Pleskalová ;, Marie Krčmová ;, Roman Večerka ;, Petr Karlík . Praha: Academia . . ٢٠٠٧. Keltische Forschungen = Bd. ٢ : Johann Kaspar Zeuß im kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlichen Kontext : Akten der Tagung in Kronach, ٢١.٧.-٢٣.٧.٢٠٠٦. ٢٠٠٧. Hans Hablitzel ;, David Stifter (Hg.) ; unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von, Hannes Tauber . Wien: Praesens . . ٢٠٠٧. L’homonymie dans les lexiques latin et grec. Sous la dir. d’ Alain Blanc ;, Alain Christol . Paris: Boccard (Études anciennes, ٣٣). . ٢٠٠٧. La formation des mots dans les langues sémitiques. Sous la direction de Philippe Cassuto ;, Pierre Larcher . Aix-en-Provence: Univ. de Provence (Langues et langages, ١٥). . ٢٠٠٧. Language attrition : theoretical perspectives. Ed. by Barbara Köpke ;, Monika S. Schmid ;, Merel Keijzer ;, Susan Dostert . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in bilingualism, ٣٣). . ٢٠٠٧. Language endangerment and endangered languages : linguistic and anthropological studies with special emphasis on the languages and cultures of the Andean-Amazonian border area. Ed. by W. Leo Wetzels . Leiden: Research School CNWS (CNWS publications, ٥). . ٢٠٠٧. Language, knowledge and pedagogy : functional linguistic and sociological perspectives. Ed. by Frances Christie and,J.R. Martin. London: Continuum . . ٢٠٠٧. Limba română, limba romanică : omagiu acad. Marius Sala la împlinirea a ٧٥ de ani. S. Reinheimer Rîpeanu; I. Vintila Radulescu, (eds.). Bucarest: Ed. Acad. Române . . ٢٠٠٧. Mehrsprachigkeit bei Kindern und Erwachsenen : Erwerb, Formen, Förderung. Tanja Anstatt (Hrsg.). Tübingen: Attempto . . ٢٠٠٧. Methods in cognitive linguistics. Ed. by Monica Gonzalez-Marquez ;, Irene Mittelberg ;, Seana Coulson ;, Michael J. Spivey-Knowlton :. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Human cognitive processing, ١٨). . ٢٠٠٧. Narrative : state of the art. Ed. by Michael Bamberg . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Benjamins current topics, ٦). . ٢٠٠٧. New horizons in the analysis of control and raising. Ed. by William D. Davies ; , Stanley Dubinsky . Dordrecht: Springer (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, ٧١). . ٢٠٠٧. Noun phrases in creole languages : a multi-faceted approach. Ed. by Marlyse Baptista ;, Jacqueline Guéron . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Creole language library, ٣١). . ٢٠٠٧. Parentheticals. Ed. by Nicole Dehé ;, Yordanka Kavalova . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today, ١٠٦). . ٢٠٠٧. Reciprocal constructions = Vol. ١; ٢; ٣; ٤; ٥. Ed. by Vladimir P. Nedjalkov ; with the ass. of,Emma Š. Geniušienė ;, Zlatka Guentchéva . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Typological studies in language, ٧١/١; ٢; ٣; ٤; ٥). . ٢٠٠٧. Romance linguistics ٢٠٠٧ : selected papers from the ٣٧th linguistic symposium on Romance languages (LSRL), Pittsburgh, ١٥-١٨ March ٢٠٠٧. Ed. by Pascual José Masullo ;, Erin O'Rourke ;, Chia-Hui Huang . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory, ٣٠٤). . ٢٠٠٧. Spanish in contact : policy, social and linguistic inquiries. Ed. by Kim Potowski ;, Richard Cameron . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Impact. Studies in language and society, ٢٢). . ٢٠٠٧. Split auxiliary systems : a cross-linguistic perspective. Ed. by Raúl Aranovich . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Typological studies in language, ٦٩). . ٢٠٠٧. Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit = ٣/٢ : Sprachbeschreibung und Sprachunterricht. Peter Schmitter (Hrsg.). Tübingen: Gunter Nar (Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, ٦). . ٢٠٠٧. Stancetaking in discourse : subjectivity, evaluation, interaction. Ed. by Robert Englebretson . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Pragmatics & beyond. NS, ١٦٤). . ٢٠٠٧. The acquisition of diminutives : a cross-linguistic perspective. Ed. by Ineta Savickienė ;, Wolfgang U. Dressler . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Language acquisition & language disorders, ٤٣). . ٢٠٠٧. The Cambridge handbook of phonology. Ed. by Paul de Lacy . Cambridge: Cambridge UP. . . ٢٠٠٧. The habitat of Australia's aboriginal languages : past, present and future. Ed. by Gerhard Leitner ;, Ian G. Malcolm . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs, ١٧٩). . ٢٠٠٧. The Mersey sound : Liverpool's language, people and places. Ed. by Anthony Grant ;, Clive Grey . Ormskirk: Open House Press . . ٢٠٠٧. The Routledge companion to sociolinguistics. Ed. by Carmen Llamas ;, Louise Mullany ;, Peter Stockwell . London: Routledge . . ٢٠٠٧. 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