- Erin Daniel McKee


- Erin Daniel McKee
"Erin D.McKee PR knows the business inside out and have more 'contacts' than Vision
Dominic Mohan Assistant Editor, The Sun
"Erin D.McKee PR are one of the best PR companies around they make my life is easier.
They know what's what, and don't dither like other PR's. Keep up the good work boys!"
Rav Singh - Showbiz Columnist, News of the World
"Erin D.McKee are fantastic whether we're dealing with them
professionally or out partying with them!"
Jessica Callan, Eva Simpson & Nikki
Waldergrave - The Mirror, '3 AM'
"Erin D.McKeeare a pleasure to work with. Cool, calm and collected - even in a crisis - with
the gift for knowing what's hot and what's not"
Rachel Clark, Former Celebrity Editor - 'MAXIM'
"Erin D.McKeehas an expert, well-rounded knowledge, which makes them synonymous with
'Great PR!'"
Simon Mills - 'GQ'
"Erin D.McKee, an excellent new breed of PR!"
Nicky Haslam ES Magazine
"Erin D.McKeehave a sophisticated knowledge of the dynamics of fame."
Jessica Berens - 'The Evening Standard'
"Erin D.McKeescoops account to boost Branson's "Popstars", Liberty."
Chris Scott - Formally of 'PR WEEK'
"Erin D.McKee have got it sussed. They understand what you need, then
make it happen. I couldn't ask for more. Very impressive!"
Martin Daubney - Editor, LOADED
"Erin D.McKee Public Relations has a talent for representing media friendly
celebrities, which is why their clients are constantly in demand in the
world of television."
Steven D. Wright Head of Development - 'SHINE TV'
"Erin D.McKeePublic Relations represent some of the most gossiped about
and newsworthy celebrities. More please!"
Dan Wakford, news editor - In Touch Magazine, USA
E r i n D a n i e l M c Ke e h a s c o m e a l o n g w ay f r o m b e i n g
about just three people , to a brand synonymous
with cutting edge cool and immediate
re s u l t s . “ E D M C K ” i s n o w i n c l u d i n g F a s h i o n p r,
l i f e s t y l e p r, P r o f i l i n g , E v e n t s , C o r p o r a t e C o m m s /
C o n s u m e r p r, c e l e b r i t y l i a i s o n , a n d l i f e s t y l e
EDMCK functions as a pool of information
i n t e r n a l l y w h e r e w e s h a r e e a c h o t h e r ’s k n o w l e d g e
on each account.
“The Full Service”
Erin D.McKee
Identify Objectives
Think Tank
Think Tank
Product Placement
Celebrity Alignment
An Advocate: definition
(One who) speaks on behalf of and in favour of another.
“What advocacy can do”
•Generate powerful word of mouth endorsement
•Deliver brand desirability by putting the brand into the hands of key personalities
•Communicate with niche audience beyond (and before) using mainstream media
“How to use Advocates”
Providing a celebrity platform as well as targeting those who influence and create word-ofmouth among the target audiences
Media e.g. Alex Shulman,Vogue
Simon Mills, GQ
Yasmin Mills, Sunday Times Style
Abigail Blackburn, Now Magazine
Geordie Greig, Tatler
Nick Foulkes, Journalist and author
Gillian de Bono, FT How to Spend It
Lucy Yeomans, Harpers Bazaar
Tony Chambers, Wallpaper
Jo Elvin, Glamour
Tiffanie Darke, Sunday Times Style
Katie Grand, Pop
Movers and Shakers e.g.
Mica Paris: International singer/ TV
Eric Wachmeister: Founder of
exclusive networking site
Asmallworld whose members
includes Kate Moss and Sir Richard
Gary Kemp: Spandau Ballet
Duran Duran
The Ramones
Rick and Kathy Hilton
Sadie Frost
Kelly Hoppen
Joan Collins
Jefferson Hack: Editor of Dazed and
Confused, father of Kate Moss’ child
Amy Sacco: Founder of Bunglalow 8
in New York
Ekow Eshun: Artistic Director,
Institute Contemporary Arts
“Product Placement”
•Put Client on the map with key target audiences
•Position Client as an aspirational item for a wider target audience
•Create awareness of Client in the international market
•Generate coverage in highly targeted national and local media
•Encompass a ‘beyond media’ approach – reaching the target audience
through key opinion formers
•Take selected media and advocates to experience the brand but bring the
brand to other target audiences, to increase awareness
“Press Office”
The Press Office is a reactive/proactive service which allows us to ‘sell’
stories, anecdotes, information and imagery to the media. This is the most
cost effective element of the campaign
−Ensures Client has a central point of contact for media which is known and trusted
−Ensures consistency of messages for the brand
−Allows for quick response to media request and opportunities
−Allows for tracking of media interest and stories placed
−Creates dedicated database of information and contacts
“Press Office Function”
• Press release drafting
• Key messaging
• Press kit
• Media briefings
• Photography
• Monthly status report
• Sponsorship opportunities
• Celebrity
• Development of media Q and
• Development of biographies
• Reactive and proactive features
sell in
• Financial / investment
• Competitions and reader
• Journalist one-to-ones
• Product reviews &
• Comprehensive trade media
Travel “Example Media targets”
Lifestyle Style/Design Food & Drink erindanielmckeepublicrelations
“Media Relations Programme”
Press release: drafting and distribution
•We will create a central bank of
information which in turn will be used to
communicate with our target media
•This includes our key messages, creative
press releases, fact sheets etc
Product placement programme e.g. fashion shoots
•We have worked with many of the UK’s top
stylists and fashion editors to build our drink
clients into shoots and picture stories where
Photography bank management
Journalist mailings
•We will issue product samples alongside
the press information/packs
•Strong and eye-catching imagery of the product
is essential and will often drive and/or extend
media coverage
•We have very strong ties with the
consumer and lifestyle media
•We would strongly recommend investing in this
Trade media programme
Features, news, story generation
•PR needs media hooks and we will build
a bank of newsworthy stories which will
support our media push
•Full contact across all key trade media
•Trade media relations will often fuel the agenda
for the wider consumer media and it is essential
the trade media programme is as comprehensive
as possible
What sets us apart from the rest
E D M C K have
well established
with Columnists,
Features Editors,
Picture Editors,
and Editors
within, short/mid/
long-lead national
E D M C K have
experience in
from celebrity
guest lists
through to
management and
event production
have considerable experience in personal profiling and
brand profile awareness.
What else sets us apart from the rest
E D M C K have extensive experience in TV/
Radio promotions as well as just print
E D M C K have the man-power and
experience to manage on set unit
E D M C K specialise in celebrity
alignment for consumer brands.
Personal Positioning: E D M C K focuses in
re-positioning/positioning clients within
more credible publications and helping
to create a better public perception of the
More than the rest
also operate as brand consultants & image experts offering in-depth
understanding of brands. MC are able to identify solutions & help the brand operate in a more
contemporary arena.
The EDMCK ‘Think Tank’ pools together the team’s ideas, contacts and experience in
music, fashion, arts, celebrity, trade, business and social arenas.
What we want, what we do
1) We want to get inside the ‘head’ of the client in order to find the soul of the business in hand.
2) To look to the long term growth with clear and firm understanding of your goals moving forward.
3) To build a strong relationship with clients and place the company as leaders
“Celebrity Reach”
EDMCK is able to access the international markets:
UK, France, Australia, Italy & Germany.
EDMCK have direct contact with the celebrity, manager or agent.
EDMCK is brilliant at putting celebrities together, creating a vibe, making a
party happen.
EDMCK have the trust of celebrities. We are straight up about what’s
expected of them and they respond well to our requests.
EDMCK pride themselves on their relationships with the powers that be. We are close to many people who are at the top end of the music,
entertainment, fashion and business worlds.
EDMCK attracts big spenders.
“What we can do for you”
profile within
key national
Business Press
Drive traffic to all
relevant sites through
use of national
Media, both print
press, Radio & TV
building of
Source and work with a
suitable ‘Brand
Ambassador’ where
with other
suitable brands
(To tie in with overall marketing
out of the media!
“What we can do for you”
At Erin Daniel McKee our combined experience and knowledge of our business has helped us develop
contacts and gain friends in the press. Therefore, we bring to you our established relationships with the
media and give your company/brand access to columnists, feature editors, picture desks, and editors in
all the UK press. We will shape, hone and develop your profile within these publications. As well as being
proactive on procuring press for our clients we are equally adapt at protecting our clients with our
expertise in crisis management.
“What we can do for your Brand”
Brand ambassadors - we know the importance of linking great products to great people. At Erin Daniel
McKee we have the contacts and the leverage to get the ideal celebrity for your project
Synergies - When beneficial, we have the ability to link your brand/product with other suitable brands
Events - At Erin Daniel McKee we handle every aspect of our clients events. This includes event
production, management, sponsorship, celebrity recruitment and pre/post event press coverage. In the
past we have handled events for a diverse mix of brands such as, Kodak, Tango, General Electrics and V2
records to name a few
“What we can do for our Clients”
Get ‘inside’ the head of our clients - We want to know your visions and expectations so we can deliver
to your standards
Long term growth - we aim to set mutual goals and targets to expand your business through our
At Erin Daniel McKee the strong and honest relationships we have with our clients drives us
At Erin Daniel McKee we are experienced in looking after your brand at every level. We have a team of
experienced staff who have organised brand events, product launches, celebrity bashes etc etc
“Current Clients”
Current Talent Representation:
Mica Paris
Calum Best
Roger Taylor (Duran)
Marky Ramone of The Ramones
Marky Ramone for Tommy Hilfiger Denim
BBC Breakfast presenter and Sex and The City star Jo Good
Hotels and Resorts:
Palazzo Guisgardo, Pietrasanta, Italy
Il Borro Village, Italy
Luxury Travel:
The Black Selection, Italy
Admaiora S.r.l., Italy
Forears Recordings / Lorenzo del Pero
“Integrated Consulting”
In addition to PR activity, we will be available to advise in day- to - day and conceptual considerations for our Clients
Casting a critical and constructive eye on the Client to assist in his/her media growth
“Integrated Consulting”
“Integrated Consulting”
“Integrated Consulting”
•Erin Daniel McKee and his team would be delighted to handle bookings with media and opinions
formers in the UK
“Integrated Consulting”
•Options could include a dedicated email address and/or telephone line for bookings and/or a
dedicated micro-site, all handled by a consistent, friendly and knowledgeable team
“Press & Magazines”
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
45 • lifestyle
sentirsi a casa
Magiche ville affacciate sul mare,castelli medievali,prestigiosi appartamenti
sono le offerte che Admaiora propone a coloro che amano sentirsi a casa
in ogni parte del mondo
Viaggiare e, al tempo stesso, sentirsi a casa.
Viaggiare, sentirsi a casa e ospitare gli amici.
Viaggiare, sentirsi a casa, ospitare gli amici e
appartenere a un luogo. Anzi, di volta in volta a
tutti i luoghi e, quindi, al mondo. Solo al mondo
migliore, però. Quello che incanta con i panorami, i profumi, i sapori, la dolcezza del clima.
Quello dove la meraviglia della natura e l’ingegno
dell’uomo, il suo gusto di vivere, si sono fusi alla
perfezione. Un mondo dai ritmi lenti, tanto
comodo e morbido da camminarci a piedi nudi.
Anche se nel guardaroba, per ogni evenienza, le
scarpe sono di gran classe e di gran firma.
sapere. Ed è tutto ciò che l’essere umano deve
sapere”. E “Admaiora” lo sa. Ha posato lo sguardo sul fascino infinito del Mediterraneo dove si
occupa di affitti di altissimo livello e di life style
procurando i servizi che si intonano agli immoIn
ostentazione.Ville affacciate sul mare più leggendario delle coste e delle isole; castelli; borghi;
appartamenti d’epoca nelle città più prestigiose;
tenute storiche immerse nella campagna più
verde, come Villa Ludovica (vedi riquadro), che
accoglie i visitatori nello splendido circondario di
Ecco, “Admaiora” è nata dal sogno di chi la vita
la vede così: da giramondo di rango che ama il
lusso solo se concilia la cultura, i sentimenti, il
benessere, lo charme. Se rinnova la tradizione. Se
significa bellezza. Lasciamolo dire al poeta inglese
John Keats:“Bellezza è verità. Verità è bellezza.
Questo è tutto ciò che all’essere umano è dato
Dalla Toscana a Capri, dalla Provenza alla
Sardegna, dalla Puglia alla Sicilia, il miracolo di
“Admaiora” si ripete: l’ospite che varca la soglia
di una dimora diventa subito il padrone di casa.
Per una settimana, un mese, per un futuro pieno
di ricordi. Accade che, per la magia delle affinità
elettive, faccia amicizia con il proprietario e lo
inviti per un drink e che diventi ghiotto delle specialità locali, che si cali nella vita del territorio in
una girandola di cordialità. Oppure che si lasci
cullare dal silenzio. Accade spesso che desideri
tornare. Ammesso che resista alle lusinghe di
un’altra proposta “Admaiora”. A un altro giardino profumato di gelsomini, a una loggia rinascimentale, a un patio che guarda il mare, a una
cascata di glicine, a una cucina tappezzata di piastrelle antiche.
Soggiorni idilliaci, dunque, ma non è tutto. La
società si occupa anche dell’organizzazione di
eventi, come matrimoni principeschi ed incentives , e real estate sempre coltivando una netta
vocazione per il cosmopolitismo. All’ultimo Iltm
(International luxury travel market) di Cannes,
“Admaiora” ha presentato un nuovo brand: “The
Black Selection™”, un ventaglio di ville stupende, di servizi di lusso (automobili fuoriserie,
yacht, personal shopper, chef, personal trainer e
molto altro) e di alberghi ultra raffinati del
Mediterraneo. Il diamante - raro, fulgido e sfaccettato come nessun altra pietra preziosa - simboleggia questa selezione destinata a un pubblico di iniziati: persino per accedere al sito di “The
Black Selection™” ci vuole l’invito. Un gioco principesco che riporta indietro nel tempo, ai codici
misteriosi dei privilegiati. Un gioco che suscita le
curiosità più sofisticate perché con “Admaiora The Black Selection™” non è esclusiva solamente la realtà ma, cosa ben più importante e senza
prezzo, anche l’immaginazione.
The Black Selection™
www.theblackselection.com è un brand
di Admaiora srl www.admaioraeventi.com
Per informazioni e prenotazioni
Numero verde 800 134 606 oppure
Villa Ludovica
C’è qualcosa di speciale a proposito della Villa
di Ludovica: il patio - una commistione di stili
toscano e francese. Oppure l’accoglienza di
Ludovica, impeccabile e calorosa. Oppure il
fatto che questo proprietà è ricavata da un
antico convento, le cui origini risalgono al
XVII secolo, di cui conserva l’estetica imponente ma serena. Con le sue nove camere
ensuite questa villa, a circa 7 km dal centro
della città, è felicemente posizionata su una
collina vicino a S. Alessio, buen ritiro della
nobiltà toscana ed Europea.
Soggiorno settimanale in esclusiva nella villa
per 18 persone a partire da 16.000 euro a
settimane, servizi e spese incluse.
Per info e prenotazioni:
www.theblackselection.com/ludovica oppure
Nella pagina accanto:un'immagine
di un tipico porticato caprese. (Foto:
Enzo Cositore).
In questa pagina: sopra, piscina in pietra,
collezione The Black Selection;
sotto la piscina di Villa Ludovica.
(Foto: Manuela Cerri).
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
огда после бешеных последних месяцев (выставка в Базеле, постоянные
разъезды по всему миру) приятельница, занимающаяся недвижимостью
в Италии, спросила: «Не пора ли Вам
отдохнуть?», мы без промедления согласились.
В каталоге вилл наше внимание сразу привлекла фотография безумно красивого маяка на
высокой скале. И хотя наш предыдущий опыт
путешествия по Сардинии был не из лучших (мы
не любители Porto Cervo), мы все же решили,
что в этот раз, отдыхая там, обязательно увидим
что-нибудь новое. И эти ожидания полностью
Водитель, встречавший нас с табличкой Villa
Faro, сказал: «Я отвезу Вас в одно специальное
место, но предупреждаю: Вы будете совершенно
оторваны от внешнего мира». Во время живописной поездки, продолжавшейся около часа,
мы наслаждались ярким майским пейзажем,
стаями розовых фламинго, а вскоре перед нами
открылся захватывающий вид на море. Спустя
некоторое время мы стали забираться все выше
и выше в гору, по совершенно непроезжей дороге, пока не оказались на практически отвесной
скале возле очаровательной виллы с маяком на
Мы были первыми гостями в этом удивительном
месте. После двух лет тщательного ремонта (как
только они умудрились привезти все сюда!) ни
одна деталь не осталась непродуманной.
Новейшие тенденции в дизайне интерьеров и
инновационные технологии великолепно сочетались со столетними толстенными стенами, а
современная, но удобная мебель отлично вписывалась в огромные открытые комнаты с красивейшими люстрами Murano.
Вид, открывавшийся из окон виллы, был крайне
необычен: с одной стороны – безмятежное яркосинее море, а с другой – убегающие вдаль скалистые холмы, покрытые свежей зеленью. Мы
были поражены огромным количеством разнообразных диких цветов.
К слову сказать, в Villa Faro великолепный шефповар Ivano. Каждый раз, садясь за стол, мы
давали себе слово, что не будем так наедаться,
но ни разу не смогли сдержаться! А после
шуточного пожелания отведать молочного
поросенка на следующий день он с гордостью
позвал нас на кухню и показал свежую тушку
(оказалось, что он полдня провел в ее поисках)!
Мы поняли, что по приезду домой всем придется садиться на диету.
В наш прощальный вечер Ivano приготовил
ужин из девяти блюд, одно вкуснее другого: от
местной маринованной акулы до знаменитых
spaghetti ala bottarga (спагетти с икрой кефали),
свежеиспеченных хлебцов и тающих во рту
Слава Богу, что после такого обжорства мы
выбирались на прогулки по живописным местам.
Один раз даже забрались на еще более высокую
гору, чем та, на которой мы жили. Перед нами
раскинулся интереснейший вид – доисторические седые валуны, только наполовину покрытые растительностью, тянулись на многие
километры без признаков цивилизации.
Мы даже не ожидали, что здесь могут быть
такие красивые пляжи с белоснежным песком
и чистейшей бирюзовой водой. Наверняка эти
места притягивают к себе огромное количество
туристов, но сейчас мы чувствовали себя редкими счастливцами!
Мы просто влюбились в это замечательное
место. Несмотря на то, что оно находится всего
в часе езды от Cagliari – большого города, расположенного недалеко от аэропорта – здесь
создается ощущение, то ты находишься в какомто уединенном уголке экзотической красоты. А
еще нас просто поразили роскошь и безукоризненный сервис (кроме Ivano, с нами 24 часа в
сутки находился батлер, так великолепно обслуживающий, что мы даже стали подозревать
присутствие армии слуг за дверями кухни),
который обычно бывает только в самых лучших
Мы уезжали немного грустные, поправившиеся
на несколько килограмм, но великолепно отдохнувшие и в полнейшей уверенности, что это
был первый, но далеко не последний наш визит
на виллу Faro.
¯Å´Ã 2009 "%" 161
“Press & Magazines Results”
26 •
Roger Taylor: un uomo
del rinascimento
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse
at nibh. Praesent rhoncus augue. Aenean bibendum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Aliquam vitae nisi.Vestibulum orci
Con il suo gruppo, i Duran Duran, ha ricevuto
molti premi; Grammy, MTV awards, BRIT awards
e tanto altro. Oggi Roger Taylor però non usa più
la sua batteria per dettare il ritmo ai fan, ma
forte della sua esperienza di star abituata a esibirsi di fronte a milioni di fan, intrattiene il pubblico grazie ad una proficua carriere come produttore discografico e dj nei più importanti club
del mondo. Lo incontriamo in occasione di un
suo viaggio a Forte dei Marmi, una delle sue
destinazioni preferite in Italia. Qualche domanda
per raccontarci chi è oggi Roger Taylor, come
uomo e come artista.
La tua lunga carriera con i Duran Duran ha
influenzato in qualche modo la tua orientazione musicali come dj?
Si certo. I Duran Duran sono nati nella cultura
dei club. Appena formati eravamo soliti fare le
prove nel retro di un club in Inghilterra chiamato Rum Runner. Attraverso i muri sentivamo ogni
genere musicale ; dal punk ai primi ritmi della
disco music che arrivano da New York. Suonare
la batteria non è così diverso da far il dj; si tratta
comunque di far muovere la gente al tuo ritmo.
Chi o che cosa ha influenzato di più la tua
transizione da musicista in una band ad una carriera come dj, quindi da solista?
E’ stata una transizione molto soft e naturale.
Subito dopo la mia prima esperienza al Met Bar
di Londra, che è stata oltre dieci anni fa – wow
come passa veloce il tempo - ho capito che fare
il dj sarebbe stata una parte importante della
mia vita. Sono convito che ad ognuno di noi si
presentano dei bivi nella vita, delle opportunità,
ed io ho imparato a riconoscerle e non farmele
scappare… Il mio dj partner Jake Fonique mi ha
aiutato moltissimo. E’ una delle persone tecnicamente più preparate che conosca.
Che cosa è più entusiasmante; essere sul palcoscenico - qualsiasi palcoscenico – o essere in
Qualsiasi performance dal vivo è entusiasmante.
Come gruppo siamo tutti nati per stare sul palco
e penso che tutti noi viviamo per la scarica di
adrenalina che hai quando sei davanti ad un folla
di fan. Si dice che i musicisti, i cantanti, soffrano di
una bassa stima di loro stessi, per questo hanno
bisogno degli applausi della folla….
Quale esperienza hai trovato più appagante
come dj?
Essere in console con David Guettta al Pacha di
Ibiza, sorseggiando il suo champagne millesimato.
Quale è stato il tuo errore peggiore come dj?
Stavo suonando al Blue Marlin di Ibiza e proprio
in mezzo al mio set - per errore - ho schiacciato “stop” sul piatto che stava trasmettendo in
quel momento: è stato li che mi sono reso conto
che il silenzio è il peggior nemico di un dj – ma
almeno tutti si sono resi conto che c’ero.
Come vedi l’evolversi della tua carriera come
dj e che obbiettivi ti sei posto: ti vedremo più
spesso in Italia?
Certo che mi vedrete più spesso perché amo
l’Italia; il cibo, la cultura, la gente.
Gli italiani amano i Duran Duran e amano la
musica elettronica e questa è una combinazione
perfetta. Sarei molto felice di continuare a fare il
dj in giro per il mondo e stiamo cominciando a
produrre alcune delle nostre canzoni dance, che
dovrebbero uscire quest’anno.
La gente di Forte dei Marmi è tra la più sofisticata d’Italia. Cosa ami di questo zona del
nostro paese e cosa c’è di unico in chi la frequenta?
Indubbiamente la grande voglia di vivere, il desiderio di divertirsi. E’una qualità che manca in
Gran Bretagna, forse centra il clima, chi lo sa.
Sei d’accordo che un hotel è 20% posizione,
20% design ed il resto lo fa il concierge? Quale
è il tuo hotel preferito qui a Forte dei Marmi?
Si sono d’accordo con questa affermazione.
Amo Palazzo Guiscardo a Pietrasanta che raggruppa tutte le qualità elencate.
Se ti rimanesse un solo giorno sulla Terra prima
di partire per una missione spaziale, come lo
Tirerei fuori tutti i miei dischi e li ascolterei tutto
il giorno, e poi ovviamente darei un paio di baci
a mia moglie prima di partire.
Che cosa significa il “lusso” per te?
Lenzuola raffinate ed un ottimo cuscino
Cher e Madonna, gentile signore vestiti in
modo aggressivo o “ se ce l’hai fallo vedere”?
Decisamente “se ce l’hai fallo vedere”. Madonna
è indubbiamente una donna molto attraente.
Con i Duran Duran avete appena lavorato con
Justin Timberlake e Timbaland ( nell’album del
2007 “Red Carpet Massacre”) e la vostra prossima uscita è stata prodotta con Mark Ronson.
Hai imparato qualcosa come dj/produttore da
questi artisti/produttori pieni di talento?
Certo ognuno di loro è un genio a suo modo e
mi sento molto fortunato di aver lavorato con
Cosa possiamo aspettarci dal prossimo album
dei Duran Duran?
Ha ha! Dovrete aspettare per saperlo, ma vi assicuro che ne varrà la pena.
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Press & Magazines Results”
“Events Management”
“Events Management”
Sir Anthony Hopkins and Ferragamo Dinner for The Tuscan Sun Festival 09
UK launch of Tommy Hilfiger
Ciroc Vodka and P. Diddy European Tour
Fifty Years of Vogue Italia
Chicago The Musical 10th Anniversary Gala, London and New York
Ashlee Simpson and Jessica Simpson birthday Event, London
French launch of Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Monaco
Starbucks Summer Parties, London
Tango - Product launch, London and rest of Europe
Sega- Game launch, London and rest of Europe
Tia Maria- UK Launch of Tia Lusso, London
Kodak - UK Launch of Single-Use Camera, London
Album launches and concert tour events for the following artists:
Madonna, Simply Red, Duran Duran, Boy George and Culture Club, Liberty X, Mica Paris et al
Film Premiers: Notting Hill, Casanova and Rabbit Fever
“The Strategy”
1. Erin Daniel McKee has well established and lasting relationships with all the UK media
2. Erin Daniel McKee has extensive experience in event management, from celebrity guest lists through to media management and event production
3. Erin Daniel McKee is expert in personal profiling and brand profile awareness
4. Erin Daniel McKee has the man-power and know-how to handle any challenge that could arise while servicing your account
5. Erin Daniel McKee has the experience to manage on set unit publicity
6. Erin Daniel McKee specialises in celebrity alignment for consumer brands
7. Erin Daniel McKee focuses in media re-positioning/positioning thus helping to create a better public perception of the client or brand
8. Erin Daniel McKee specialises in combining great ideas and strategic insight to deliver measurable business impact
9. Erin Daniel McKee understands growth / The Bigger Picture and will always take the time to understand the future goals of your firm
10. Erin Daniel McKee wants to get inside the ‘head’ of the client in order to find the soul of the business in hand
11. Erin Daniel McKee always looks at the long term growth of your company – with a clear and firm understanding of your goals
12. Erin Daniel McKee has strong relationships with our clients and always place them or their product as the market leaders in their sector
“The Team Director”
Erin McKee began in fashion and lifestyle PR. Working for such companies as Sign Of The
Times, Lynne Franks, Paul Smith, Evisu, Tommy Hilfiger (whom Erin launched in Britain at
London Fashion Week) and Gap. As this time he was also organising exclusive events for
celebrities (Madonna’s Brits party).
Erin then founded Spirit Media, an entertainment and lifestyle PR firm. This company quickly
became a leading force in entertainment PR. Erin won a ‘Brit’ award for his press campaign for
pop group Liberty X and through the course of the company worked with a diverse client list
which suited his bespoke approach to PR.
Erin and Spirit Media were also taken on to handle the event press and event celebrity
recruitment for companies including: Starbucks, Kodak, and Tango.
Some of the names that Erin and Spirit Media worked with and facilitated or:
BBC TV, ITV and LWT, Channel's 4 and 5, Duran Duran, Boy George, Denise Van Outen, Hugh
Hefner, Thora Birch, Christina Ricci, Joaquin Phoenix, Josh Hartnett, Goldie, Top Vogue
photographer - Amanda Eliasch, Joan Collins and Tara Newley, Catalina Guirado, Madonna, top
directors Ridley Scott & Marcus Nispel, Michelle Collins, former Eastenders Actress - Troy
Titus-Adams, Actress - Samantha Robson, Darren Day, chart-topping pop acts BoBak (Another
Level), the artist - Chris Gollon, the 'It girls' Tara Palmer-Tompkinson and Tamara Beckwith,
former Eastenders Actress - Judi Shekoni, Lifestyle TV presenter - Yasmin Mills, and Natalie
I have been in the industry for 14 years - big agency, niche
agency and my own medium- size consultancy. I am a specialist in lifestyle, entertainment/ celebrity,
consumer, travel and event PR. I have led large- scale
campaigns for the following : Starbucks, Kodak, Gran
Centenario/Chicago: The Musical, P. Diddy/ Ciroc Vodka,
Haagen Dazs, amongst many others. My experience is rooted in
entertainment but has always had a very commercial edge. My
contacts are vast, diverse, international and in terms of
media-editor level.
I have been involved in the entertainment and celebrity
component of PR for much of my career working with and
facilitating for household names from the US, UK and Europe.
I co-founded and ran a celebrity, fashion and lifestyle
based PR company in London for five years, Spirit Media,
this business thrived - achieving fantastic and creative
results,including a Brit Award for myself, and employed ten
fifteen people. I sold this business in 2005.
I have been in the industry for 14 years - big agency, niche
agency and my own medium- size consultancy. I am a specialist in lifestyle, entertainment celebrity,
consumer, travel and event PR. I have led large- scale
campaigns for the following:
P. Diddy/Ciroc Vodka
Starbucks, Kodak
Gran Centenario
Chicago: The Musical
Haagen Dazs
amongst many others
My experience is rooted in
entertainment but has always had a very commercial edge.
My contacts are vast, diverse, international and in terms of
media-editor level.
I have been involved in the entertainment
and celebrity component of PR for much of
my career working with and facilitating for
household names from the US, UK and
I co-founded and ran a celebrity, fashion and
lifestyle based PR company in London for five
years, Spirit Media, this business thrived achieving fantastic and creative
results,including a Brit Award for myself, and
employed ten people.
“Career Highlights
Calum Best Present
Client: Insanity Group - Advocacy Consultant
Level: Media and Celebrities
Mica Paris Present
Client: Mica Paris - Publicist
Level: Media and Celebrities
Il Borro by Ferragamo Present
Client: Il Borro - Advocacy Co-Consultant
Level: Media and Travel
Jose Cuervo Client:
Level: Exposure
September 2008 - Present
Platino Tequila - Trade and Consumer launches
Media and Celebrity Director
May 2008
Nobu Berkley/ Nobu Hotels Launch
Celebrity recruitment and Media relations for launch of
Nobu Hotels. Paris Hilton, Benji Madden, Rick and Kathy Hilton, Bryan Ferry,
Sadie Frost and others attended.
Gabrielle Shaw
Level: Advocacy Director
www.gabrielleshawcommunications.com Clients include
Ciroc Vodka, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Don Julio Tequila et al.
Notable activities: P.Diddy and Ciroc Vodka, P. Diiddy European Tour, Vogue
Italia and Peroni Nastro Azzurro – Fifty Years Of Italian Style.
“Career Highlights
Exposure September 2006 - Present
Level: Media and Celebrity Consultant/ Director
Gran Centenario Tequila and Platino Tequila
For two consecutive years I have directed this
premium tequilas media relations/ press and celebrity recruitment surrounding
high- profile events it sponsors. The events included: Chicago: The Musical
with Ashlee Simpson, Cent Magazine/ Paul Smith launch hosted by Erin O’
Connor, Ashlee Simpson’s Birthday Party, and Chicago: The Musical 10th
Anniversary Gala. My resulting press coverage for the events had a media
value of £550,000.I have also worked on future PR stratagies for the brand.
Admaiora Srl
April 2004 - Present
Level: Freelance PR Consultant
www.bespokeitaly.com - www.theblackselection.com
and luxury hotels The Casa del Borgo and Villa Mangiacane
This Italian-based luxury travel b2b company’s objective
was to broaden their international profile within opinion
forming UK and US media
• UK - The Guardian, ES Magazine, Tatler
• US – O Magazine (Oprah Winfrey), W Magazine and
the New York Times
Magnum PR Level: Clients:
September 2005 – March 2006
Universal Music (Classics & Jazz), Beulah-music artist,
Pogson & Davis – Bespoke Tailor, Michelle Cadbury –
Artist, UFFA (Russian Fashion Forum), Carpaccio – Restaurant
• Universal Music project to launch their new artist
Beulah into national media (tabloid and broadsheet)
and celebrity titles
“Career Highlights
Spirit Media Level: Clients:
April 1999 – February 2005
Founder, Co-director
Some of the names that I have worked with and facilitated: BBC TV, ITV and
LWT, Channel's 4 and 5, Madonna Duran Duran, Boy George, Denise
Van Outen, Hugh Hefner, Thora Birch, Christina Ricci, Joaquin Phoenix,
Josh Hartnett, Goldie,Tamzin Outhwaite, Anita Pallenberg, Top Vogue
photographer - Amanda Eliasch, Joan Collins and Tara Newley, Catalina
Guirado,, top directors Ridley Scott & Marcus Nispel, Michelle Collins,
former Eastenders Actress Troy Titus-Adams, Actress - Samantha
Robson,Tara Palmer-Tompkinson, Tamara Beckwith, Yasmin Mills, and
Liberty X.
Product launch for new ‘Starbucks in the City’ summer 2003 product
- strawberry Frappacino at Nells Mayfair hosted by Sophie Anderton
Product launch for ‘Starbucks in the Summer’ 2004 product Caramel Frappacino at Somerset House
Event Management of the ‘Kiss Me Quick’ party for Kodak to launch
their single use camera
Event Management for Tango in association with Sega Games
Event Management for Tia Maria’s new drink called Tia Lusso
Victoria Newton’s inauguration party for The Sun newspaper at
Launch of No.5 Cavendish Square, Teatro and Brown’s Club
Winning a BRIT award for the press campaign for pop group Liberty
Co-coordinating brand ambassadorships including River Island and
Liberty X, Catalina and Asda amongst others
Launching the children’s books ‘Misty’ and subsequent BBC
Saturday morning television programme
Launched revamped Eurovison TV show ‘Making Your Mind Up’ for
BBC 1 and it’s past and subsequent winners for Sony/ BMG
“Career Highlights
N Lasharie PR
Level: Clients:
February 1997 - April 1999
Account Director
Fashion: Evisu, J.Lindberg, Duffer of St George, Ben Sherman, Acupuncture,
Hard Yakka, Peter Werth, Strellson, Patty Shelabarger, Abe Hamilton,
Anthony Symonds, Bernstock Spiers, Adriano Goldschmied, Jeffery
West, Olivia Morris et al
Consumer: Montana, Dakota and Canyon restaurants, K-Bar (Wardour
St & Chelsea), Papagayo
UK Launch of Evisu Jeans at London Fashion Week
UK Launch of Australian denim brand Hard Yakka
Brand repositioning of Duffer of St George
UK Launch of J.Lindeberg
“Monthly Retainer”
Our fees are based on a monthly retainer, expenses are extra but are always kept to an
absolute minimum at all times. (Any expenses over £50 pounds are always run passed the
client first).
Initial Monthly Retainer £2,000.00
Fees to be re-negotiated after an initial 3 month period dependent on project work-load
and results.
For more information please contact:
Erin Daniel McKee
Mobile: +44 753 197 2744 or Fax: +39 0573 099932
Email: erindmckee@gmail.com
Employment opportunities will be considered in writing only, please submit
resumes via email to: info@erindmckee.com