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Classical Arabic humanities in their own terms : Festschrift for Wolfhart Heinrichs on his ٦٥th birthday presented by his students and colleagues. Ed. by Beatrice Gruendler with the assistance of, Michael Cooperson . Leiden: Brill . . ٢٠٠٨. Common roots of the Latvian and Estonian literary languages. Kristiina Ross ;, Pēteris Vanags (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Lang . . ٢٠٠٨. Controversy and confrontation : relating controversy analysis with argumentation theory. Ed. by Frans H. van Eemeren ;, Bart Garssen . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Controversies, ٦). . ٢٠٠٨. Current trends in child second language acquisition : a generative perspective. Ed. by Belma Haznedar ;, Elena Gavruseva . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Language acquisition and language disorders, ٤٦). . ٢٠٠٨. Čuždestranna bălgaristika prez XX vek : enciklopedičen spravočnik = Bulgarian studies abroad in the ٢٠th century : encyclopaedic reference book. Glaven red.: Anisava Miltenova ; red. kolegija:, Kristina Gečeva ;, Snežana Milčeva-Nikolova ;, Iva Georgieva-Čalăkova . Sofija: Akad. izd. “Prof. Marin Drinov” . . ٢٠٠٨. Discourse and grammar in Australian languages. Ed. by Ilana Mushin ;, Brett Baker . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in language companion series, ١٠٤). . ٢٠٠٨. Discourses of cultural China in the globalizing age. Ed. by Doreen D. Wu . Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP. (Studying multicultural discourses). . ٢٠٠٨. El castellano en tierras de habla catalana. Carsten Sinner ;, Andreas Wesch (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana (Lingüística iberoamericana, ٣٢). . ٢٠٠٨. El primitivo romance hispánico. Beatriz Díez Calleja (ed.). Burgos: Inst. Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua (Colección Beltenebros, ١١). . ٢٠٠٨. Explorations into language use in Africa. Augustin Simo Bobda (ed.). Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprachund Kulturwissenschaft = Duisburg papers on research in language and culture, ٧٠). . ٢٠٠٨. Flerspråklighet i skolen. Ed. by Rita Hvistendahl . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget . . ٢٠٠٨. From polysemy to semantic change : towards a typology of lexical semantic associations. Ed. by Martine Vanhove . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in language companion series, ١٠٦). . ٢٠٠٨. Grammatical change and linguistic theory : the Rosendal papers. Ed. by Thórhallur Eythórsson . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today, ١١٣). . ٢٠٠٨. In hot pursuit of language in prehistory : essays in the four fields of anthropology : in honor of Harold Crane Fleming. Ed. by John D. Bengtson . Amsterdam: Benjamins . . ٢٠٠٨. Interdependence of diachronic and synchronic analyses. Ed. by Folke Josephson ;, Ingmar Söhrman . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in language companion series, ١٠٣). . ٢٠٠٨. Investigating pragmatics in foreign language learning, teaching and testing. Ed. by Eva Alcón Soler ;, Alicia Martínez Flor . Bristol: Multilingual Matters (Second language acquisition, ٣٠). . ٢٠٠٨. Investigations of the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface. Ed. by Robert D. Van Valin Jr. . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in language companion series, ١٠٥). . ٢٠٠٨. Khoisan languages and linguistics : proceedings of the ٢nd International Symposium, January ٨-١٢, ٢٠٠٦, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal. Ed. by Sonja Ermisch . Köln: Köppe (Research in Khoisan studies, ٢٢). . ٢٠٠٨. La qualification dans les langues africaines = Qualification in African languages. Éd. par = Ed. by Holger Tröbs ;, Eva Rothmaler ;, Kerstin Winkelmann . Köln: Köppe (Topics in African studies, ٩). . ٢٠٠٨. Language as commodity : global structures, local marketplaces. Ed. by Peter Tan ;, Rani Rubdy . London: Continuum . . ٢٠٠٨. Languages and cultures in contrast and comparison. Ed. by María Ángeles Gómez-González ;, J. Lachlan Mackenzie ;, Elsa González Álvarez . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Pragmatics & beyond. NS, ١٧٥). . ٢٠٠٨. Le patrimoine plurilingue de la Grèce. Sous la dir. de Evangelia Adamou . Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters (Le nom des langues, ١٢١). . ٢٠٠٨. Lengua, nación e identidad : la regulación del plurilingüismo en España y América Latina. Kirsten Süselbeck ;, Ulrike Mühlschlegel ;, Peter Masson (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana (Bibliotheca Iberoamericana, ١٢٢). . ٢٠٠٨. Linguistic bibliography for the year ٢٠٠٤ : and supplement for previous years = Bibliographie linguistique de l'année ٢٠٠٤ : et complément des années précédentes. Publ. by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies; ed. by Sijmen Tol and, Hella Olbertz . Leiden: Brill . . ٢٠٠٨. Linguistic changes in post-Communist Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Ed. by Ernest Andrews . Boulder, CO: East European Monographs (East European monographs, ٧٣٣). . ٢٠٠٨. Linguistic universals and language change. Ed. by Jeff Good. Oxford: Oxford UP. (Oxford linguistics). . ٢٠٠٨. Morphologie - Mündlichkeit - Medien : Festschrift für Jochen Raecke. Tilman Berger &, Biljana Golubović (Hrsg.). Hamburg: Kovač (Studien zur Slavistik, ١٥). . ٢٠٠٨. Multilingual Europe : facts and policies. Ed. by Guus Extra ;, Durk Gorter . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Contributions to the sociology of language, ٩٦). . ٢٠٠٨. Multilingualism in post-Soviet countries. Ed. by Aneta Pavlenko . Clevedon: Multilingual Matters . . ٢٠٠٨. Perspectivas sobre a oralidade. Elisa Fernández Rei ;, Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández (eds.). Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega (Colección base. Serie lingüística, ٧). . ٢٠٠٨. Phi theory : phi-features across modules and interfaces. Ed. by Daniel Harbour ;, David Adger ;, Susana Béjar . Oxford: Oxford UP. (Oxford studies in theoretical linguistics, ١٦). . ٢٠٠٨. Phraseology : an interdisciplinary perspective. Ed. by Sylviane Granger ;, Fanny Meunier . Amsterdam: Benjamins . . ٢٠٠٨. Pohl̛ ad do vývinu slovenského jazyka a l̛ udovej kultúry. Editor Ján Dorul̛ a . Bratislava: Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV . . ٢٠٠٨. Principles of syntactic reconstruction. Ed. by Gisella Ferraresi ;, Maria Goldbach . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory, ٣٠٢). . ٢٠٠٨. Regards croisés sur les mots non simples. Sous la dir. de Barbara Kaltz . Lyon: ENS . . ٢٠٠٨. Respecting linguistic diversity in the European Union. Ed. by Xabier Arzoz . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in world language problems, ٢). . ٢٠٠٨. Rethinking grammaticalization : new perspectives. Ed. by María José López Couso ;, Elena Seoane ; in collaboration with, Teresa Fanego . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Typological studies in language, ٧٦). . ٢٠٠٨. Sign bilingualism : language development, interaction, and maintenance in sign language contact situations. Ed. by Carolina Plaza Pust ;, Esperanza Morales-López . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in bilingualism, ٣٨). . ٢٠٠٨. Social lives in language : sociolinguistics and multilingual speech communities : celebrating the work of Gillian Sankoff. Ed. by Miriam Meyerhoff ;, Naomi Nagy . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Impact. Studies in language and society, ٢٤). . ٢٠٠٨. Standardisation et déstandardisation : le français et l'espagnol au XXe siècle = Estandarización y desestandarización : el francés y el español en el siglo XX. Jürgen Erfurt ;, Gabriele Budach (eds.). Frankfurt: Peter Lang (Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel, ٧). . ٢٠٠٨. Standardisierung und Destandardisierung : (De)Standardisierungsphänomene im Russischen und Tschechischen. Hrsg. von Jiřina van Leeuwen-Turnovcová ;, Swetlana Rudolf und, Uta Röhrborn . München: Sagner (Specimina philologiae slavicae, ١٤٨). . ٢٠٠٨. Strukturális magyar nyelvtan = ٤ : A szótár szerkezete. Szerkesztette: Kiefer Ferenc. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó . . ٢٠٠٨. Studien zur Semitistik und Arabistik : Festschrift für Hartmut Bobzin zum ٦٠. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von Otto Jastrow ;, Shabo Talay ;, Herta Hafenrichter . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz . . ٢٠٠٨. Studies in formal Slavic linguistics : contributions from 'Formal description of Slavic languages ٦.٥', held at the University of Nova Gorica, December ١-٣, ٢٠٠٦. Ed.: Franc Marušič ;, Rok Žaucer . Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Linguistik International, ١٩). . ٢٠٠٨. Subordination and coordination strategies in North Asian languages. Ed. by Edward J. Vajda . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory, ٣٠٠). . ٢٠٠٨. Sustaining linguistic diversity : endangered and minority languages and language varieties. Ed. by Kendall A. King ;, Natalie Schilling-Estes ;, Lyn Fogle ;, Jia Jackie Lou ;, Barbara Soukup . Washington, DC: Georgetown UP. . . ٢٠٠٨. The disappearance of writing systems : perspectives on literacy and communication. Ed. by John Baines ;, John Bennet ;, Stephen D. Houston . London: Equinox . . ٢٠٠٨. The handbook of pidgins and creoles. Ed. by Silvia Kouwenberg and, John Victor Singler . Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics). . ٢٠٠٨. The noun phrase in functional discourse grammar. Ed. by Daniel García Velasco ;, Jan Rijkhoff . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs, ١٩٥). . ٢٠٠٨. The Tai-Kadai languages. Ed. by Anthony V. N. Diller ;, Jerold A. Edmondson and, Yongxian Luo . London: Routledge (Routledge language family series). . ٢٠٠٨. The typology of semantic alignment. Ed. by Mark Donohue and, Søren Wichmann . Oxford: Oxford UP. . . ٢٠٠٨. Theoretical and empirical issues in grammaticalization. Ed. by Elena Seoane ;, María José López Couso ; in collaboration with, Teresa Fanego . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Typological studies in language, ٧٧). . ٢٠٠٨. Tiempos compuestos y formas verbales complejas. Ángeles Carrasco Gutiérrez (ed.). Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana (Lingüística iberoamericana, ٣٤). . ٢٠٠٨. Variational pragmatics : a focus on regional varieties in pluricentric languages. Ed. by Klaus P. Schneider ;, Anne Barron . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Pragmatics & beyond. NS, ١٧٨). . ٢٠٠٨. Varieties of English = ١ : The British Isles. Ed. by Bernd Kortmann and, Clive Upton . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter . . ٢٠٠٨. Varieties of English = ٢ : The Americas and the Caribbean. Ed. by Edgar W. Schneider . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter . . ٢٠٠٨. Varieties of English = ٣ : The Pacific and Australasia. Ed. by Kate Burridge and, Bernd Kortmann . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter . . ٢٠٠٨. Varieties of English = ٤ : Africa, South and Southeast Asia. Ed. by Rajend Mesthrie . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter . . A*ikhenval*d, A. I. U., J. Yuamali Ala, et al. (٢٠٠٨). The Manambu language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea. Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press. A. Colin, éd. Sedes. Aageson, J. W. (٢٠٠٨). Paul, the Pastoral Epistles, and the early church. Peabody, Mass., Hendrickson Publishers. Aarts, B. (٢٠٠٨). 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