bibliography - Princeton University Press


bibliography - Princeton University Press
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Perna, Petrus. 1580. Plotini platonicorum facile coryphaei operum philosophicorum omnium libri LIV:
in sex enneades distributi. Basileae: Ad Perneam Lecythum.
Fabricius, Johann Albert. 1711. Bibliothecae graecae libri IV. Hamburgi: [Christiani Liebezeit].
Creuzer, Georg Friedrich, Georg Heinrich Moser, and Daniel Wyttenbach. 1835. Plotini opera omnia,
Porphyrii liber de vita Plotini. 3 vols. Oxonii: e typographaeo Academico.
Westermann, Anton. 1850. Porphyrius De vita Plotini apud Carel Gabriel Cobet, Diogenis Laertii de
clarorum philosophorum vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus libri decem. Paris: Firmin
Kirchhoff, Adolf. 1856. Plotini opera. 2 vols. Bibl. Teubneriana. Lipsiae: in aedibus B. G. Teubneri.
Müller, Hermann Friedrich. 1878-80. Plotini Enneades. 2 vols. Berolini: apud Weidmannos.
von Volkmann, Richard. 1883-4. Plotini Enneades, praemisso Porphyrii de vita Plotini deque ordine
librorum eius libello. Bibl. Teubneriana. Lipsiae: in aedibus B. G. Teubneri.
Bréhier, Émile. 1924-38. Plotin: Ennéades. 6 vols. in 7. Coll. Budé. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
Pugliese Carratelli, Giovanni. 1946. Porfirio: Vita di Plotino ed ordine dei suoi libri. Napoli: G.
Faggin, Giuseppe. 1947-8. Plotino: Le Enneadi e Porfirio: Vita di Plotino. 3 vols. Milano: Istituto
editoriale italiano. Rev. ed. 2000, Milano: Bompiani.
Henry, Paul, and Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer. 1951-73. Plotini opera. (Editio maior.) 3 vols. Museum
Lessianum Series Philosophica 33-5. Bruxelles: L’Édition Universelle and Paris: Desclée de
———. 1964-82. Plotini opera. (Editio minor.) 3 vols. OCT. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano.
Kalligas, Paul. 1991. Porphyriou: Peri tou Plōtinou biou. Vivliothēkē A. Manousē. Kentron Ekdoseōs
Ergōn Ellēnōn Syngrapheōn. Athēnai: Akadēmia Athēnōn.
———. 1994. Plōtinou: Enneas Prōtē. Vivliothēkē A. Manousē. Kentron Ekdoseōs Ergōn Ellēnōn
Syngrapheōn. Athēnai: Akadēmia Athēnōn.
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means without prior written permission of the publisher.
———. 1997a. Plōtinou: Enneas Deutera. Vivliothēkē A. Manousē. Kentron Ekdoseōs Ergōn Ellēnōn
Syngrapheōn. Athēnai: Akadēmia Athēnōn.
———. 2004a. Plōtinou: Enneas Tritē. Vivliothēkē A. Manousē. Kentron Ekdoseōs Ergōn Ellēnōn
Syngrapheōn. Athēnai: Akadēmia Athēnōn.
Principal Translations
Ficinus, Marsilius. 1492. Plotini opera. Florentiae: Antonio di Bartolommeo Misomini.
Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. 1857-61. es Ennéades de Plotin: traduites pour la pre i re ois en ran ais
a o pa nées de so
aires de notes et d é lair isse ents et pré édées de la ie de Plotin
et des prin ipes de la théorie des intelligibles de Porphyre. 3 vols. Paris: Librairie L. Hachette.
Müller, Hermann Friedrich. 1878-80. Die Enneaden des Plotin. 2 vols. Berlin: Weidmannsche
MacKenna, Stephen. 1917. Plotinus: The ethical treatises: being the treatises of the first Ennead with
Porphyry s
i e o Plotinus and the Preller-Ritter extracts forming a conspectus of the
Plotinian system. London: P. L. Warner, publisher to the Medici Society.
———. 1921. Plotinus: Psychic and physical treatises: comprising the second and third Enneads. P.
L. Warner, publisher to the Medici Society.
———. 1924. Plotinus: On the nature of the soul: being the fourth Ennead. London and Boston: The
Medici Society.
———. 1926. Plotinus: The divine mind: being the treatises of the fifth Ennead. London and Boston:
The Medici Society.
MacKenna, Stephen, and Bertram Samuel Page. 1930. Plotinus: On the One and Good: being the
treatises of the sixth Ennead. London: The Medici Society and Boston: Hale, Cushman and
MacKenna, Stephen. 1969. Plotinus: The Enneads. 4th ed. rev. by Bertram Samuel Page. London:
Faber and Faber and New York: Pantheon Books.
———. 1991. Plotinus: The Enneads. Abridged with an introduction and notes by John [M.] Dillon.
London, etc.: Penguin Books.
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distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical
means without prior written permission of the publisher.
Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan. 1918. Plotinos: Complete Works, in Chronological Order. 4 vols. London:
G. Bell and Sons, and Grantwood, N. J.: Comparative Literature Press.
Bréhier, Émile (see section 1. above).
Harder, Richard. 1930-7. Plotins Schriften. 5 vols. Leipzig: Meiner.
———. 1956-71. Plotins S hri ten übersetzt von Ri hard Harder: Neubearbeitung mit griechischem
Lesetext und Anmerkungen. 6 vols. in 12. Vols 2-6 rev. and suppl. by Richard Beutler and
Willy Theiler. Vol. 5c Appendix: Porphyrios über Plotins eben und über die Ordnung seiner
S hri ten: Text Übersetzun
An erkun en, ed. Walter Marg. Philosophische Bibliothek 211-
5 and 276. Hamburg: Meiner.
Cilento, Vincenzo. 1947-9. Plotino: Enneadi, prima versione integra e commento. 3 vols. in 4. Bari:
Laterza. Repr. 1973.
Dalezios, Andreas G. 1952-4. Plōtinou Enneades I-III. Vivliothēkē “Papyrou” 172, 183 and 192. En
Athēnais: Papyros.
Krokiewicz, Adam. 1959. Plotinus: Enneady I-II. 2 vols. Polska Akademia Naukowe Komitet
Filozoficzny. Biblioteka Klazyków Filozofii. Warszawa: Pánstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Krokiewicz, Adam et al. 2000-3. Plotinus: Enneady I-VI. 4 vols. Biblioteka Filozofii Klasycznej.
Warszawa: Akme.
Armstrong, A. Hilary. 1966-88. Plotinus. 7 vols. Loeb Classical Library 440-5, 468. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press and London: Heinemann.
Igal, Jesús. 1970. “Porfirio, Vida de Plotino.” Perficit 2: 281-323.
———. 1982-98. Porfirio: Vida de Plotino. Plotino: Enéadas I-VI. 3 vols. Biblioteca clásica Gredos
57, 88, 256. Madrid: Gredos.
Spiegel, Nathan. 1978. Plotinus: Ene adot = Plotini Enneades [I-III], necnon Porphyrii de vita Plotini
e Graeco sermone in Hebraeum. 2 vols. Jerusalem: Mosad Byalik.
Ferwerda, Rein. 1984a. Plotinus: Enneaden. Porphyrius: Het leven van Plotinus. Baarn: Ambo and
Amsterdam: Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep. Rev. ed. 2005, Budel: Damon.
Tanaka, Michitarō, Muneaki Mizuchi, and Yasuhiko Tanogashira. 1986-8. Purotinosu: Zenshū. 5 vols.
with index. Tokyo: Chūō Kōronsha.
Kalligas, Paul (see section 1. above).
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Bibliographies, Indexes and Dictionaries.
Bonitz, Hermann. 1961. Index Aristotelicus. Vol. 5 of Aristotelis Opera, ed. Immanuel Bekker.
Berolini: apud W. de Gruyter et socios. Orig. publ. 1870, Berolini: apud G. Reimerum.
Brisson, Luc, Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé, and Richard Goulet. 1982. “Index complet de la Vie de
Plotin.” In Porphyre VP = Brisson et al. 1982-92, 1: 13-38.
Dufour, Richard. 2002. Plotinus: A Bibliography 1950-2000. 2nd rev. ed. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Periodically updated online at:
Goulet, Richard. 1982a. “Liste des auteurs et des ouvrages cités ou mentionnés dans la Vie de Plotin.”
In Porphyre VP = Brisson et al. 1982-92, 1: 39-47.
Lampe, Geoffrey William Hugo. 1961. A Patristic Greek Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Liddell, Henry George, Robert Scott, and Henry Stuart Jones. 1940. A Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Mariën, Bert. 1949. “Bibliografia critica degli studi plotiniani.” In Cilento 1947-9, 3b: 437-5. Repr.
[1966] and [1973], Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown Reprint Library.
O’Brien, Denis. 1982a. “Une bibliographie analytique des éditions, traductions et commentaires de la
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Sleeman, John H., and Gilbert Pollet. 1980. Lexicon Plotinianum (=LexPlot). Leiden: E. J. Brill and
Leuven: University Press.
General Bibliography
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———. 1974. “Aristotle on Eudaimonia.” PBA 60: 339-59. (Repr. in Ackrill 1997, 179-200)
———. 1997. Essays on Plato and Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press and New York: Oxford
University Press.
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distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical
means without prior written permission of the publisher.
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distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical
means without prior written permission of the publisher.
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means without prior written permission of the publisher.
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