Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3 Final


Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3 Final
Los Angeles Parrot Head Club
The Lost Shaker...
Third Quarter
August 2006
Vol. 10, Issue 3
This Issue
Capt Cove Page 2
Page 3
...Still Searchin’...
Phins To The West III,
Boys & Girls Page 4
Club Auction
Page 5
Page 6
Pool Party
Page 7
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 14
Last Call
Page 15
Burbank Bar & Grill
A new venue and a change of pace for the May
phlocking. The exciting event took place at the
Burbank Bar & Grill, top floor outside patio. Twas
a beautiful afternoon for an outdoor party.
The theme was a celebration of mothers everywhere and particularly parrothead moms and, in
some cases, grandmoms. Those of them sort
were serenaded and bedecked with the loveliest
of bouquets. Thirty-eight members and four
guests joined the phun.
by Tom Overstreet
Once again, Parrotheads from all over
our Pheathered nation made their way
to the “Avi Resort” downstream from
Laughlin, Nevada for “Phins to the West
About 550 Parrotheads descended upon
this years blow out event making it officially the largest turn out yet so far! The
Avi’s newly redesigned pool was the
place to be. With a new water fall to sit
under and palm trees surrounding the
pool in all directions, and drinks served
just a few feet away, we were able to
create our own tropical island. The party
(Continued on page 2)
The large turnout of parrotheads were
treated to a change of pace with entertainment provided by the "John Burcher
Band". These guys and gal looked like
they could have been transported straight
from a sleazy honky tonk bar in a little town
like Wrightwood. Wait a minute! That’s exactly where they spend much of their time.
I better watch out. The Bellino’s have major holdings in that burg and were, as a
matter of fact, responsible for that band’s
appearance on our behalf. The band was a
(Continued on page 4)
The Lost Shaker
The Captain’s Cove
The 3rd Quarter of this year is going fast. We have just
filed our mid-year report on Charity work with Parrot
Heads in Paradise and we donated over $10,000 on the
Revlon Breast Cancer Walk, Rescue Mission Food
Bank, and to the Fund for Arwen and a couple of other
worthy causes.
Arwen is the lovely lady that was struck in the face by a
4 pound chuck of concrete, lost her eye but is recovering nicely. Arwen addressed the crowd at Migration,
expressing her thankfulness to all the Parrot Heads
across the nation that have donated funds for her recovery. See
In addition, one of the finest songwriters, Mark Mulligan,
lost his wife in an auto accident and his two young sons
were also injured.
Go to
attractions.html if you would like to contribute to Mark.
Coming up next is the Marine Mammal Center work
party on August 12, the High Desert PHC joint phlocking
on September 9 and the 10th Birthday Party of YOUR
(Continued from page 1)
night on our island
with Bob Karwin
starting off with his
music that we have
all come to love,
followed by Mac
show took a turn for
the better when the
Wasted away in AviAvi-ville two of these guys
paired up on stage
and had us singing and laughing for the rest of the
Some of us woke up Friday morning to “Bloody
Mary’s” and got our selves back in the party gear.
Parrothead Island was already in swing. The pool
was full and slow starters were crashed in their
lounge chairs. The music fired up, the blender was
kicked into action, and here we go again. Another
day of debauchery was getting underway. More
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Club on October 14 at the
Warehouse in Marina del
Rey. Our Board Officer
election process will begin
in October with nominations and voting in November.
As we go into the latter
part of the year, I would
like to welcome again all
of our new members. As you may remember,
one of our goals was to increase membership….Matt Fritch, our membership guy reports
that we have gained about 50 new members.
Let’s give a big welcome to all of our new
members…when you attend the next phlocking
and see someone you don’t know, go up and
introduce yourself….bet you anything, you will
find someone you have a bunch in common
with. Parrot Heads Rock!!!
We have had a great ride so far and it is all
Parrotheads were arriving and it was “Five
O'clock Somewhere” for the rest of the weekend.
Kelly Maguire and Sunny Jim opened the
night’s entertainment line up while
Hanna’s Reef made their first “Phins” appearance and tore the joint up.
Saturday came along while the partying was
still in swing from the previous night. So after
a few hours of sleep (passing out), the party
started up again at the pool and so did the fun.
The calm before the storm was listening to
even more great artists and getting back into
party mood, when suddenly, an unforeseeable
event was shaping up in the middle of the
pool. For the moment, it seemed that a light
hearted volley beach ball game had started
up. Rob Mehl, Jim Hoehn, Gary Seiler, and
Mark Mulvena were singing in the background
and life was like a Corona commercial. Then
suddenly the pace of the game picked up.
The beach balls were no longer being tapped
(Continued on page 3)
August 2006, Page 2
The Lost Shaker
(Continued from page 2)
courteously back and forth. Some of the balls
started to come in like mortar fire! It was every man
his self! Like being in prison, you were forced to take
a side whether you believed in the cause or not just
to have someone to back you up. Shouts of attack
could be heard by John “General Custer” Barone followed by a high pitched screeching “Retreat” from
the same John Barone. The melee had begun and
beach balls were doing there damage crashing down
upon members who were calling each other
“Brother” or “Friend” just moments ago. At the end
of the assault that hosted no winners, all were left
gasping for air, soon to be eating Advil by the bottle.
I’m proud to say that even in the heat of the battle,
none of these fearless warriors spilled their drinks.
Finally the Pheathered Civil War of 2006 ended with
laughs, more drinks and a pool full of straw hat
Saturday night hosted more great entertainment.
“Stars on the Water” accompanied by Amy Lee
cranked up the party and got the people a hopping
on the dance floor. If that wasn’t enough, “Boat
Drunks” from the Chicago area brought the house
down with their renditions of Jimmy Buffett and their
own great songs. The night was a blur from that
point on.
All I
know is that it became Sunday and
my head was killing me as I tried to
stop the room from
hangovers and the
W riters
stood on stage singing their stories to all who gathered around our island.
Parrot Head Bobsledding
The weekend was a great success due to those who
spent many months in advance making all the arrangements that made the whole affair come off
seemingly without a hitch. Thanks to all those who
worked at the mini mart, the raffle distribution and
any other job that took you out of the party loop.
Your efforts made all the difference. Our great time
was directly attributed to YOU!
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Member Spotlight Todd & Amy Clatterbuck
Amy was born in October 14th 1973 in
Toledo, Ohio. Earlier in her life, Amy moved
around the country due to her father’s job
from Pittsburgh, Chicago, Darien CT, Dallas
then finally settling in Villanova PA, a suburb of Philadelphia at the age of 11.
Through middle school and high school,
Amy was active in golf, lacrosse and tennis,
where she was team captain her senior
year. After graduating from Radnor High
School (rival high school of Kobe’s Bryant’s
high school) in 1992, Amy attended Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio where
she majored in political science. During her
college studies, Amy studied abroad for a
semester in Salzburg, Austria and enjoyed
traveling throughout Europe.
Todd was born in November 13th 1973
some 100 miles southeast of Amy in Columbus, Ohio. Initially, Todd only lived in
Ohio for a year before moving to Oklahoma
City. After living Oklahoma for two years,
Todd returned to Ohio, where he would
later grow-up in Miamisburg, a small suburb
of Dayton (45 minutes north of Cincinnati).
(Continued on page 8)
August 2006, Page 3
The Lost Shaker
(Continued from page 1)
major success with two or three dissenters
who pined for Bob Karwin.
They played an eclectic mix of music from the
40's, 50's, 60's
and 70's and
even threw in a
couple of Buffett
songs along with
an Alan Jackson
song - you know
the one. The
lead singer was
"Loraine" who is
a class lady with
an angelic yet
powerful voice.
She belted out
“Deal or
some great oldies and the band
provided energetic tempo to the delight of
dancing pirates.
The grub provided by the Grill was excellent
according to first hand knowledge and testimonials from other parrotheads at the trough.
The Grog was flowing and the servers were
(ahem) very viewable. The servers really got
into the parrothead act making requests of
the band and joining those crazy pirates on
the dance floor.
There was a new twist on the prize drawing
phase of the
Scott Sperber
aka ‘Sperber
Pirate’ did an
outs tand ing
job as emcee
of the production,
take off of the
show, "Deal,
or No Deal?"
No Deal”
A u d r e y
Plasky modeled the prizes while ticket winners had the
choice of accepting the prize or choosing
one of five boxes containing unknown items.
The boxes were held and guarded by suspicious looking pirates Larry Norman, Dave
(Continued on page 13)
Boys & Girls Club Auction
“It’s Five O’clock Somewhere”
The Santa Clarita Boys and Girls Club held their
35th Annual Auction this year. For 35 years, the
fine folks of Santa Clarita have been successfully
raising money to provide the Boys & Girls Club
with a place for kids to go to learn and experience
new activities that they might never have had a
chance to be apart of had a Club like theirs not
This year however there was something different.
This year the L.A. Parrotheads were invited to add
a little Parrot Phlair to the Auction. Why this year?
(Continued on page 5)
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Pour me something
tall and strong...
August 2006, Page 4
The Lost Shaker
(Continued from page 4)
This year’s theme was “It’s Five O'clock Somewhere”. Seeing as how we are experts on “party
time”, we were asked to volunteer and just be our
Pheathered Phun selves while we worked various
parts of the event. Several of us worked the bar
whipping up margarita’s, rum drinks, and other lethal
concoctions. It was our job to lube up those generous donators. Other Parrotheads were at the front
entrance acting as greeters to all the folks that could
come out that night. We even had our own Parrothead propaganda table on display with pictures
and real live Parrotheads to entice potential members to come over to the “Pheathered Side”. Parrotheads were also chosen to be “spotters” to help
the fast talking auctioneer find both interested and
generous bidding customers. All our hard work was
accomplished to the sound of our own “Stars on the
Water” tearing up the stage.
Several prizes of value were auctioned off all night,
but the one item that seemed to be desired by all of
us music lover’s was the autographed “Johnny
Cash” guitar. The guitar went for $7,000. I’m sure it
was worth every penny. (I’m sure a little 409 and a
sponge will take that signature off and that guitar will
look good as new.)
After all was drank, said and done, six hours after
the first drink was poured, the Boys & Girls Club had
raised over $475,000 for their wonderful program.
The next morning, our President, Robert Plasky
made an appearance at the site of the previous
night’s party to help restore things back where they
belong. Robert had the opportunity to speak with
Jim Ventress of the Boys & Girls Club.
Jim told Robert that he had the chance to meet
Jimmy Buffett recently and Robert asked him to tell
us about it in his own words.
Jim Ventress;
Hello, Once again we say thank you to you and the
Parrot Heads for volunteering at our auction. I had
the opportunity to take 4 of our kids to the premier of
One of the teen stars, Brie Larson, has a sister who
is a member of one of our clubhouses. As Brie’s
guest we had the opportunity to meet Jimmy Buffett
at the reception. The kids and I went over to meet
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
him and get a photo with him. I mentioned to him
that the Parrot Heads were volunteering at our
auction. He had a big smile and said, “That’s
great”. I also told him I appreciated the movie because the whole family could attend. The premier
was at the “Grove”, on April 15th……Jim V.
“Jim, one last burning question for the “Lost
Shaker” …..Did you get a chance to follow Jimmy
into the bathroom?” “Excuse Me!?!” “Never
By Tom Overstreet
...sat on the beach and made
up this song...
Uncharted Courses
By Mark Mulligan
Stars illuminate this big old world around me
And somehow from a thousand miles away
Your memory found me
In a distant place where we once used to
It doesn’t seem that long ago
Sails shining like diamonds in the moonlight
So brightly, like phosphorescent dreams
They slip into the night
The waves are rolling gently across the bay
Close my eyes and let the wind blow me away
Out to you and me sailing uncharted courses
Running free just like wild horses
Racing through the fields of clear blue water
Riding like the wind across the sea
It was you and me.
In memory of Mark’s better half and mother
of their kids,
“Adela Ruiz Fuentes Mulligan”
August 2006, Page 5
The Lost Shaker
Special Olympics
The annual Summer Games Special Olympics
were once again held at Cal-State Long
Beach…and the LA Parrot Heads were there in
force on June 17 to offer assistance. While we
weren't there in great numbers (and I wondered
about that and still do?), those energetic souls
representing our PHine Club (about 20 strong)
showed up looking bright eyed ready for bocce
ball, aquatics, and half day track and field. All
venues showcased the finest Special Olympics
Athletes who gave it
their all, as they do
every day of their
I wound up at bocce
ball because I love the
game, it's a quick
Athletes enjoy it a lot
and have fun. Taking
an active role in the
coordination of the
game gives me a
chance to talk with the
We are the
about their lives and
being their friend if even for just a day. I find
their joy contagious…they have this big wonderful outlook on life and considering all the hurdles
they've had in their lives, it's a true testament to
them as athletes and individuals, and a role
model for the rest of us! I'm always humbled
by their efforts and strong spirit. My memories
from this year include the young fellow who
while blind participated in bocce ball by the
sound of a musical toy placed at the pallino (the
bocce ball target). There was this mother
daughter team with the daughter athlete chiding
her physically able mom for giving up and not
trying hard enough, perhaps giving her a dose
of daughter to mother wisdom which she has
probably heard all her life from her mom. And
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
the young man, withdrawn with no eye contact
who wrapped his arms so tightly around himself as if not to let the world come too close
and hurt him, yet who broke into the biggest
smile I shall see when his bocce ball won the
game! A ray of sunshine for all of us! There
were the sisters, Megan and Maggie, both with
Downs Syndrome, supporting each other with
high fives and hugs. And there was this special young fellow who while restrained in a
wheel chair with a breathing apparatus was still
able to toss that bocce ball on down the field to
wild cheers and applause. They are my heroes, true Athletes, worthy challengers in their
own right!
When I had time
(and there wasn't
too much of that
because we were
pretty busy…could
have used more
volunteers), I visited the aquatics
watched our Parrot
Heads interact with
the swimmer athletes, helping them
to the line, cheerChampions...
ing them on at
bended knee at the side of the pool, ready to
shake their hands at the finish. The track and
field was much the same way…wild cheering
as they crossed the finish line.
At days end, sure we were tired, but there was
a glow of knowing we were a part of something
really special. Next year I want to be there for
the opening ceremonies and the closing ceremonies and interact a bit more at the party for
the Athletes. I do hope more of you will be
there with me…..let's show them our true Parrot Head spirit! And for your party animals out
there…you missed and A+ party at Joes Crab
Shack at the Marina. After a rewarding charity
(Continued on page 9)
August 2006, Page 6
The Lost Shaker
Run for the Hill’s, It’s Pool Party Time
On July 8th of this scorching summer, Jim and Nina
hosted their “Annual Parrothead Pool Party”. Somewhere between ten and one hundred people made their
way to the Hill house for some drinking, swimming,
drinking, tons of great food prepared by Chef Jim himself, and we managed to have a few drinks.
Mike O’ Bryan made his first Parrothead appearance on
his guitar and nailed classic songs with some of his own
to boot.
Somebody or something else made it’s presence known
this year at “It’s” first pool party. It was half Cocker
Spaniel and half Great White Shark. On land it was
cute and resembled man’s best friend, but in the water
it “Hates” inflatable beach balls. As fast as pool toys
could be inflated, little “Cujo” the shark/dog would deflate them with her massive incisors. Several inflatable
dates brought by the single guys had to be left in the
car for fear of having to go home alone.
healing process which happens to be moving along
slowly, but she is making progress thanks to all of your
prayers and well wishes.
Jim and Nina have a beautiful pool that held a majority of
the partier’s at one time or another. A rock outside the
pool near the deep end served as a diving or falling off
point for Parrotheads who thought the surrounding
neighborhood needed a good dowsing. Cannonballs
were fired, off repeatedly until we were all standing in ankle deep water. A slight exaggeration. For the record,
perfectly executed belly flops still hurt like hell even after
multiple Jello shots, rum punch, shots O’ Captain, and
trying to drain a Corona keg.
At some point after preparing the food for the day, Jim
and Nina finally got to settle into their own pool and relax
to a few drinks of there own.
To Jim and Nina and Cujo, on everyone’s behalf we say
thanks for the use of your wonderful home and pool for
another great time.
Deal or No Deal was hosted by our own John Barone,
with promises of great gifts awaiting each person who
dared to take a chance. I on the other hand could not
sell any of the gifts that I displayed using all my finest
Vanna White poses. I’m still a little hurt by that, but
there will be another time I suppose to build back my
fragile self esteem.
An auction erupted after the Deal or No Deal commenced to raise money for our favorite cause of the
summer, Arwen Renner. When all was said and done
we managed to send Arwen’s family another fat check
due to folks like Ed Lalone, to help her through her
Can't you feel 'em swimmin' around?
Date and Time
September 2-4, 2006
Parrot Grande
Casa Grande, Arizona
September 9, 2006
High Desert Joint Phlocking
Apple Valley
October 14, 2006
LAPHC 10th Birthday Party
The Wherehouse, Marina Del Rey
October 21 & 28, 2006
Jimmy Buffett Concert
Las Vegas
November 2-5, 2006
15th Annual MOTM
Key West
November 19, 2006
Doo Dah Parade
December 9, 2006
Christmas Party Xmas Marks the Spot
December 15, 2006
Christmas Caroling
Toluca Lake
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
August 2006, Page 7
The Lost Shaker
(Continued from page 3)
During Todd’s high school years, he was active in Boy Scouts and played football. Todd
earned his Eagle Scout in 1990 and was team
captain of football his senior year. Also, he became interested in weight lifting, which resulted in him winning the state power lifting
championship in the 195 lb weight class. After
graduating 11th out of nearly 400 students,
Todd proceeded to attend Wittenberg University. Todd majored in
Physics and graduated Suma Cum
Lade and this is
where their story begins.
Well, we need to
back track a little before the beginning of
their story due to its
relevance to Jimmy
Buffett. During the
summer of 1991,
Todd was part of a
Boy Scout trip to the
Florida Keys. The
trip consisted of sailing for a week
around the Keys including a stop in Key West.
The Captain of Todd’s boat was a huge parrot
head so much so he named his sailboat
“Calypso Poet” after the line in “When It All
Falls Down” from the Floridays album. For the
entire week of sailing, they listened to Buffett
tunes and this is how Todd became a parrot
had a few jobs before landing her career with
United Healthcare where the majority of her
work was in Manhattan. During their stay in New
York, Amy and Todd were married on October
28th 2000. Finally, in the winter of 2002, Todd
defended his dissertation and earned his Ph.D.
in physics.
After graduation, Todd accepted a position with
Raytheon in earlier 2003, which brought Amy
and Todd from New York to Los Angeles. Amy
and Todd currently reside
in Marina del Rey. Todd
performs research in advance laser development
for Raytheon in El Segundo. After their relocation, Amy was promoted
to Account Vice President
healthcare plans for the
State of Arizona for
United Healthcare. She
works out of their home
and travels to Phoenix biweekly. Amy and Todd
joined LAPHC in March of
2006 and have been extremely active with our
Enjoying a “Suck“Suck-n-Blow”
Amy and Todd met during their last semester
of their senior year of college during a keg
party at Amy’s house. They started dating the
following night and have been together ever
since. After college, Amy and Todd moved to
Port Jefferson, NY for Todd’s graduate studies
in Physics. While Todd attended SUNY at
Stony Brook, Amy entered the work force. She
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Along with their love of Buffett, Amy and Todd
enjoy playing golf where Amy is a 15 handicap.
Amy is an avid reader, scrapbooker and is an
excellent cook. Todd likes lifting weights, hiking,
gardening and going to beach. Both Amy and
Todd are huge college football fans. Amy loves
Penn State, while Todd roots for Ohio State. So
one day a year, there is extreme tension in the
Clatterbuck home. Along with their love of football, Todd is a huge LA Dodgers fan and Amy
cheers for the Phillies. Finally, Amy and Todd
really enjoy wine, where they are members of a
number of wineries in both the Santa Ynez and
Paso Robles wine regions. Amy and Todd look
forward to meeting more Parrot Heads and having even more fun at upcoming events.
August 2006, Page 8
The Lost Shaker
work party…we had the place hopping…
happened to be Lynne and Dave's anniversary so
we partied big time and it was especially funny
watching the two of them dance around the tables! It was all GOOD, and I'm glad I was in the
right place at the right time!
By Audrey Plasky
the award area for their coveted medals.
One slalom athlete totally won our
hearts. His wheelchair was decked out
with a flag, horn and rear view mirror. He
also seemed to know everyone there!
People kept coming up to him and giving
him hugs and high fives… what a
sweetie! We wound up escorting and getting to know about a dozen athletes
each. Some had family and friends in the
bleachers cheering for them and others
did not. Most had taken part in these
games many times before.
The “one on one” aspect of the Track
and Field was a bit challenging at times,
but also incredibly heartwarming. This
year’s Special Olympics experience was
one Dave and I will not soon forget.
Givin’ it all we got!
By Lynne Michaels
Track & Field - This was the first time that
Dave and I were assigned as Track and
Field volunteers and it turned to be a very
rewarding experience. We showed up early
and q’d up at bull pen #2 for assignments.
There we met lots of other volunteers from
Disney, Von’s and Mattel. Our pal Rebecca
Fernandez, co-owner of the famous Purple
Orchid Tiki Bar, was there representing her
(day job) Mattel marketing group.
Track and field events include the long
jump, 50, 100 and 1500 meter dashes and
the wheel chair slalom. Our job was to escort each athlete to the starting line, hang
with them until the race began, make sure
the start was good and cheer them on. Then
there was another group that met them at
the end of the race and also took them to
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Parrot Heads Commandeer
Joe’s Crab Shack
August 2006, Page 9
The Lost Shaker
Parrot’s of the Caribbean
Yo ho ho Mateys! Come July 7th there be'd 30
LAPHC Pirates and Wenches who set out on an
adventure up Hollywood Boulevard plundering and
pillaging everything and everyone in their way to
see the Pirates of the Caribbean movie!
I and me fellow Brethren of the Coast Pirates
were in a chase down Hollywood Boulevard to the
El Capitan Theatre when rum beckoned us from
the Mel's Diner up the road. In our pirate finest,
sailors, lubbers, parrots and pirates alike got together to share stories of conquests and madness, and feast on grub and grog before continuing the pillaging to the El Capitan and Dead Man's
Chest. And shiver me timbers with a feather!
Bridget, our 6 foot blonde Pirate Princess beat all
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate’s Life for me
the wenches out by a feather…the biggest
feather the likes of me ever did see on one fine
pirate hat! Sperber Pirate Scott, quite the pirate of the seas in his upholstered jacket, stole
the show along with Captn. Larry in his outfit
which musta cost a lot of swag.
And Di
Michaels….there she be looking like quite the
scintillating wench in her saucy outfit, and Prez
Robert looked fetching with long black curls casThird Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
cading from his
pirate hat to his
a scurvy dog in
ruled the Boulevard…we
conquered the El Capitan.
But hey
Matey…did I spy a
tee shirt on our
King of the Pirates. Captain Steve W? He
musta left his cool duds on the ship…shoulda
made 'em walk the plank!
With the El Capitan on the horizon, we followed the recurring Arghhhhs, turned a corner into an alley and found ourselves knee
deep in Pirates and Wenches. And what a
party of pirates it was…pirates on stilts juggling bowling pins and balls way high over our
heads. Pirates laughing and dancing…hard to
beat a pirate party in a Hollywood Boulevard
Once in the El Capitain, a bevy of Pirates and
Wenches took over….and greetings of Arghhh
and Yo Ho Ho were heard throughout the
place, even over one fine Wurlitzer organ.
Hoots and hollers, coupled with outbursts of
applause, were heard throughout the
movie….and when Captain Jack Sparrow appeared in the cinema…shiver me timbers, the
place broke out in an uproar!! Afterwards a
trip to the underground Museum had us all
salivating at all the actual movie props and
frocks, and it was soon time for more grog
and grub.
To say we had fun would be right on….we partied saw a great movie and partied some
more. Hollywood and Pirates…AND the LA
Parrot Head Club, one PHine mix!
August 2006, Page 10
The Lost Shaker
Charity Director’s Report
by Rod Lang
You cannot live a perfect day without doing
something for someone who will never be
able to repay you.
- John Wooden
Man, our Club has been crazy busy since I last put
fingers to key board to write up my charity report.
Let me just lay it on ya:
Phins to the West. There were over 50 Club
members who donated over 300 hours of their
party time to make Phins another success. We
don’t have the final charity results but the
money will be used help support services for
disadvantaged children through the Aha Macav
Boys and Girls Club.
Revlon Breast Walk. We have 6 participants
make the 6K run/walk and who generated
$1,218 in contributions for this marvelous charitable event. Thanks to Michele Levinson who
stepped up to take charge.
Santa Clarita Boys and Girls Club “5 O’clock
Somewhere” charitable auction. Talk about
Parrot Heads in Paradise – we were tending bar
and showing our colors for the high rollers who
came out to raise money for one of Santa
Clarita’s premier charitable events. We had 32
volunteers who put in 256 hours to make this a
success. Thanks to Tom Overstreet who
helped make the necessary connections for this
great event and put his house at risk for the preauction party.
Special Olympics at California State University
Long Beach. My personal favorite charitable
function. We had dedicated contingent of 20
Parrot Heads working the Aquatics, Bocce Ball
and Track and Field events followed up by
drinks and food at Joe’s Crab Shack. New
member Todd and Amy Clatterbuck made an
outstanding contribution at their first official
charitable event.
Fund for Arwen. I think you all know the story behind this fund and I want to continue to thank all
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
the strong supporters to help this
young woman. So
far the fund has
grown to over
$15,000 in contributions through the
generosity of Club
members and our
Lab in a Suitcase. This was a special
$200 Club donation to Assistance for
Bangladesh to purchase a mini medical
lab in a suitcase for use by field medical personal in Bangladesh.
Migration. Another rocking good time
party. LAPHC’s portion of the charitable funds will be over $2,000 for allocation by our Club to our charities.
Marine Mammal Center at Fort MacArthur
in San Pedro. We worked on 3 projects
for the MMC: building a picnic area for
their volunteers and staff; reconditioning seal sleeping pallets and shelters
and installing shelving in a storage
What’s coming up? What can YOU
get involved in? Remember our Club is
only as strong as the members who come
out and support our activities.
San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission
Food Bank. We will be conducting our
annual food and diaper donations for
the Food Bank close to the holidays.
Toys for Tots with Los Angeles County
Fire Department. Another annual event
for our holiday party. Donated toys will
be distributed by Los Angeles County
Fire Department.
One final note, during the first 6 months of
2006 our Club donated 757 hours and
$10,318 to charitable events.
August 2006, Page 11
The Lost Shaker
Migration Phun “Back to the Beach”
Record breaking temperatures, lightning, wind,
humidity, turbo water fire boats only added to the
intensity of Migration at the Coast Hotel overlooking Shoreline Long Beach. The Friday night concert felt very much like a PHamily reunion, with
arriving Parrot Heads giving out hugs and kisses
and talking excitedly between sets of the finest entertainment…..Coral Reefer Doyle Grisham, Hugo
Duarte, Jim Hoehn, John Frinzi, and Sweetheart
Jerry Gontang jamming their way to 11 p.m.
Saturday there was time for sunning, swimming,
checking out Shoreline Village, zipping around on
the water taxi, and socializing. Parrot Heads hung
decos and banners from the balconies overlooking
the water and the action. Saw Ted Chubbuck and
Tee-o Owens tossing ice off their balconies to
beam unsuspecting Parrot Heads baking in the
sun. Felt good! And was that Cameron Lang, the
envy of the fellas, catching up with a cutie Corona
girl Tiara…a grammar school chum.
As the temp spiraled, the pool was a definite draw
with the Larsons, Hills, Lee and Rick Bacon, Todd
and Amy, the
other party goers....and
between the sun
and the happy
juice, jumping in
the pool clothes
pockets full of
cell phones and
money seemed
to be a great
Not that there’s anything
wrong with it...
At 2 p.m., with
the mini marts
and silent auction open for bidness, the entertainment lineup
was joined by
Bob Karwin and
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
By Audrey Plasky
a full Stars band who entertained all the way to midnight! Although the heat slowed us all down a bit,
John Larsen & the Blenderette’s
after the electrical light show in the sky we seemed
to spike up and the dancing Parrot Heads were at it
again with the best and longest conga line ever!
The beautiful Coral Reefer-ettes Tina and Heather
graced the stage dancing and singing.
Late in the eve I spied a posse of Parrot Heads stripping the fences bare of decos and party banners
(partying Parrots are hard to control). There were
plans underway by that devilish Lynne Michaels and
Scott Sperber to mess with Prez Robert (as if he's
not insane enough the days) to steal the LAPHC
banner and hold it for ransom. Thankfully plans ran
amuck and the banner is safe!
Party with a Purpose motto was in full swing living
up to its name with Arwen Renner and Mark Mulligan being honored. Special auction items were promoted with proceeds to help Arwen Renner, the
lovely daughter of Stars drums master Randy
Renner. A humble and very grateful Arwen addressed the Parrot Heads, thanking them for their
support and generosity in helping her get through an
extremely tough time in her young life. A collection
was taken up for Mark Mulligan, one of our beloved
(Continued on page 13)
August 2006, Page 12
The Lost Shaker
(Continued from page 12)
Burbank Bar & Grill Continued...
(Continued from page 4)
Goodale, Matt Fritch, Bunk Roberge and Al
Staley. Kenny Levinson and Todd Clatterbuck won $25 gift
certificates from the
host restaurant. Prez Robert Plasky took
the booby prize which was a box filled with
the ever present blue rubber Gumbies.
Robert graciously shared his prize with fellow Parrotheads delivered via ‘air express’.
Robert, Heather, Randy,
Arwen & Tina
song writers and entertainers who's wife Adela was recently killed in an automobile accident injuring their two
young sons. Parrot Head nation has been hard hit and
it's truly a character building exercise to see Parrot
Heads coming together to take care of our OWN by
digging deep to help.
Two days of musical magic and we partied big time for
a Purpose. Yes, it was all GOOD!
Hugo Duarte & Lava Lynne
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
We had the pleasure of meeting four guests
during the afternoon including who surprised the audience with an on-stage performance singing two Willie Nelson songs
to the delight of the crowd. Turns out he is a
professional entertainer who does Willie
and Merle Haggard. If you closed your eyes
while he was singing Nelson songs, you
would swear it was ole Willie himself up
thar. .
From the files of ‘Believe it or Not’, a fella
called Bunk Roberge claims he was bebopping down the avenue, minding his own
business, when he was drawn to our party
by the enticing sounds of the band. When
he realized that this was a Jimmy Buffett
phan club phlocking, he claimed to be a
long time Buffett phan and instantly joined
the Los Angeles club. Bunk immediately fit
in with our club slogans, "We Are The
Party" and "Party With a Purpose". He has
already signed up as a volunteer for the
"Boys & Girls Club" charity event to be held
in June. Welcome aboard matey.
Lots of good company, dancing phools and
all-around Parrothead phun. Join us for
more of the same at the next phlocking.
See you then.
By Ronnie Trowbridge
August 2006, Page 13
The Lost Shaker
The Ghetto Sommelier
Welcome to the Ghetto Sommelier, the newest column to the Lost Shaker where I will
discuss both mixed drinks and review wine.
Each edition I will have a recipe for a new
“boat drink”, which will either come from my
vast repertoire (I have a Playboy cocktail
book) or hopefully from some of our LAPHC
membership. Along
with a new recipe
each edition, I will review a wine where I
will discuss the various aromas and taste
profiles. Each wine I
review will be less
than $20, since this is
my typical price point.
The wine should be
readily available at
your local grocery or
liquor store. In addition, I will score each
wine on a five fins
scale, where five fins is considered outstanding. My score is based not only on taste,
but I will also weigh price into consideration.
By Todd Clatterbuck
and sprits. Actually, I have only recently earned
the title of Ghetto Sommelier. It was bestowed
upon me by my sister-in-law on the 4th of July
during a wine paring of a 2001 Brunello (expense
Chianti) and grilled hot-dogs. By the way, it was
a stellar paring and is highly recommended for
those willing to match a $50 bottle of wine with
$2 worth of meat.
For my first column, I will
review a 2005 Rosé from
Muga, which is one of my
favorite produces. Muga is
located in the Rioja region
of Spain. The Rioja region
is situated in the Northeastern part of Spain near
the French boarder. Tempranillo (red grape) is the
dominate varietal of the
region and comprises most
Spanish wine imported to
the United States. Muga is
known for affordable high-quality wine, such as
the 2001 Muga Reserva ($19, 4 ½ fins).
Why don't we get drunk...
Some of our Buffet faithful may question my
qualifications for writing a wine and spirits column. These questions are valid, since I have
no qualifications except for my love for wine
Along with my wine review, I will present a recipe
for a family-favorite cocktail, which is of my own
creation. I concocted the del Rey recipe about 4
months ago during a date night with my wife,
Amy. The recipe is loosely based on a cosmopolitan, but in my opinion is a superior cocktail.
The del Rey
Recipe from: The Ghetto Sommelier
Serving size: 1
Tot. Time:
5 minutes
1 measure vodka (I suggest Kettle One)
½ measure triple sec or Cointreau
1 measure white cranberry juice
2 lime wedges
Fill shaker with ice and add vodka, Cointreau and white cranberry juice. Shake for 30 seconds or until tired. Strain
contents into Martini glass. Squeeze first lime wedge into drink and garnish with the second.
(1 measure = 1 ½ oz, single shot)
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
August 2006, Page 14
The Lost Shaker
2005 Muga Rosé
Region: Rioja
Varietals: Tempranillo
Aroma: Strawberry, honey, vanilla
Flavors: Nice fruit balances dryness, pleasing levels of acidity
Retailer: Beverage Warehouse, Marina del Rey
Price: $9
Score: 3 ¾ fins
Tasting Notes:
Forget everything you know about Rosé. This is not the typical pink and sweet you may be accustoming with
Rosé. This Rosé made from Tempranillo smells of strawberries with hints of honey and vanilla. This wine has a good
match of fruit with dryness; what I look for in Rosé. The acidity levels should allow this wine to pair well with fish or
chicken. I personally found a great pairing with Chinese. Muga Rosé is a great wine for summer and fall.
(0 fins = rubbing alcohol, 1 fin = sangria candidate, 2 fins = acceptable,
3 fins = good, 4 fins =excellent, 5 fins = outstanding)
Ph#@%’d on the Floor
By Steve Wesolowski
triple sec
Malibu® coconut rum
peach brandy
splash cranberry juice
splash lemon juice
splashes orange juice
splashes pineapple juice
First, begin with 2 shots of vodka and triple sec in your glass. Then add 1 shot of peach brandy and
Malibu coconut rum. Add 1 splash of lemon and cranberry juices. Next, add the 2 splashes of orange
juice and top with 2 of pineapple juice. Mix well and serve on ice and you have a drink that everyone
can enjoy.
Serve in: Collins Glass
10.0 / 10
27.0% (54 proof)
508 calories
41.00 carbohydrates
(You didn’t think I’d print it with the correct spelling...did you Steve?)
Editor’s Last Call...
How I got the job as Editor of the “Lost
Robert: How would you like to edit the “Lost
Robert: I think you could handle it.
Beat it!
Robert: I have pictures of you when you were
young and needed the money.
When do I start!
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Calling all Parrotheads…
Please send your stories, pictures & ideas to:, Thank you.
August 2006, Page 15
The Lost Shaker
Los Angeles Parrot Head Club
The Lost Shaker
17739 Avida Drive
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Web site:
Parrot Phact
Tom, Do you know a hit song when you write it?
The Lost Shaker
Published for the
los angeles parrot head club
President—Robert Plasky
Vice President—Patti Kochanek
Treasurer—Kenny Levinson
Secretary—Jeanette Teti
Director of Communications-—Frank Bellino
Director of Special Events—
Membership Director —Matt Fritch
Charity Director-— Rod Lang
Web Master—Dave Goodale
Editor of the lost shaker—Tom Overstreet
Member At Large—Jim Hill
Third Quarter 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
Buffett, Well, you’re talking to a guy who's only had
two and a half hits in his career, so I don't guess I do.
(Laughs) You know, I've never thought about a hit
song. I just write what comes out. "Margaritaville," I
thought it was good, but I didn't think it was going to
have the reaction that it had. And the same for "Come
Monday." I know that I make records for people who
like Jimmy Buffett music. And it started with a small
bunch of crazy people coming to bars, and it's developed into this huge fan base for which I am very
happy. And I think it was a lot of hard work and a lot
of luck, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't
really believe that hit records have anything to do with
your career. It has to do with you hanging your name
on that shingle, and they pay good money to come
see you and they walk away going, hey, that's the
best two hours of fun I've had. That's what it really
means to me. And whether it's music or books, that's
sort of the simple technique which I follow. My books,
I didn't plan to write Tolstoy.
August 2006, Page 16