Booth Opportunities Publication Only Friday, June 20 • 4
Booth Opportunities Publication Only Friday, June 20 • 4
SPECIAL EVENT Another fun-filled event from The Fayetteville Observer Friday, June 20 • 4-9 p.m. • Crown Expo Center Booth Opportunities Single Booth with Full-page Ad�����������$745 Double Booth w/ Full-page Ad���������$1,000 V 10 x 10 ft. space, including 1 tables, 2 chairs, 2 staff wristbands and pipe-and-drape V 10 x 20 ft. space, including 2 tables, 4 chairs, 4 staff wristbands and pipe-and-drape V Wi-fi and electricity provided V Wi-fi and electricity provided V Full-page color ad in LNO Little Pink Book V Promotional item included in the swag bag With half-page ad - $575 | Booth only - $375 V Promotional item included in the swag bag V Full-page color ad in LNO Little Pink Book Swag Bag Stuffer...................................$95 With half-page ad - $830 | Booth only - $650 V Promotional item included in the swag bag only Publication Only Publishes: Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2014 Premium Cover Ad Positions: ❏ Back Cover 6.5” x 10.75” $600 ❏ Inside Front Cover 6.5” x 10.75” $550 ❏ Inside Back Cover 6.5” x 10.75” $500 Space Deadline: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 ALL ADS INCLUDE FULL COLOR! Format: Small Flexi - finished size 6.5” x 10.75” Distribution: Inside Pages Ad Positions: ❏ Full Page 5.25” x 9.25” $500 ❏ Half Page, Horizontal 5.25” x 4.5” $300 ❏ Half Page, Vertical 2.541” x 9.25” $300 Inside The Fayetteville Observer in selected zip codes in Cumberland County, through event sponsors and directly to event attendees. 04/18/14 SPECIAL EVENT Sponsorship Packages Auto Sponsorship Silver Sponsor Photo Booth Sponsor V What Women “Auto” Know - 15 minutes on stage V Double Booth V The official photo booth of LNO V Name recognition in the print promotional campaign and on Pink Carpet Sponsor V Placement of vehicle inside the venue V Double booth space V Full page inside front/back cover of LNO publication V Logo inclusion in the print promotional campaign and on V Digital package on FayObserver. com to include 50k ROS online impressions and one sliding billboard or corner peel** V Promotional item included in the swag bag V Opportunity to offer test drives to ladies waiting in entry line Platinum/Stage Sponsor V Signage on both sides of the stage V Full page ad in LNO publication V Logo inclusion in the print promotional campaign and on V Double booth with premium position V Promotional item included in the swag bag "LNO Guys" (T-shirt Sponsor) V Provide pink carpet V Full page ad in LNO publication V Logo on sleeve of 25 T-shirt V Promotional item included in the swag bag V Promotional item included in the swag bag "Prettiest In Pink" Sponsor Swag Bag Sponsor V Award will go to attendee who has best carried out our LNO D! theme with her L ensemble V Single booth V Full page ad in LNO ! publication LD V Promotional SOitem included in the swag bag V Logo on official LNO swag bag Pre-Event Luncheon Sponsor V Single booth V Full page ad in LNO publication D! L included V PromotionalOitem S in the swag bag V Digital package on FayObserver. com to include 50k ROS online impressions, one sliding billboard and one email blast** V Promotional support for LNO Luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, Jun. 20 V Name recognition in the print promotional campaign and on V Double booth V Full page ad in LNO publication V 50k ROS online impressions on** V Promotional item included in the swag bag V Name recognition in the print ! promotional campaign, on LD and on SO signage near the pink carpet V Single Booth V Promotional item included in the swag bag Gold Sponsor V Single booth SO V Announced as the "Prettiest In Pink" Sponsor V Promotional item included in the swag bag Restroom Sponsor V Provide hand soap, lotion or other personal products in the restrooms V Promotional item included in the swag bag Martini Glass Sponsor V Logo on signature LNO Martini Glasses to be distributed in the Super Swag Bags V In-restaurant signage for the event Bottled Water Sponsor V Logo inclusion on signature LNO Bottled Water to be distributed at the event Cupcake Sponsor V Logo on 500 signature LNO Cupcakes LD! SO at the event to be distributed Contact your sales representative or: 458 Whitfield Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 Tel: 910-609-0657 Fax: 910-609-0603 04/18/14 For internal use only Date Received: ������������������������ Account #__________________ Rep: _______ o New o Existing Booth Assignment:��������������������� Another fun-filled event from The Fayetteville Observer Account # _____________ Friday, June 20 | 4 to 9 p.m. | The Crown Expo Center, Fayetteville Sponsor/Exhibitor Information Business Name:��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Business Address:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� City: ______________________________________________________ State: _______________________ ZIP Code: ���������������������������� Business Phone: ___________________________ Business Fax: _______________________________ Business Days/Hours: ������������������ Business URL: ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Contact Person (First/Last name): ___________________________________________ E-mail Address:______________________________________ Show Contact: ____________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________ Phone:__________________________ Mailing Address (If different than above):����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______________________ ZIP Code: ���������������������������� Sponsor Selection o Automotive Sponsor o Pink Carpet Sponsor o Cupcake Sponsor o Platinum/Stage Sponsor o Gold Sponsor - $1,500 o Silver Sponsor - $800 o Martini Glass Sponsor o Bottled Water Sponsor o “Prettiest in Pink” Sponsor o “LNO Guys” T-Shirt Sponsor o Photo Booth Sponsor o Restroom Sponsor o LNO Luncheon Sponsor Sponsorship Subtotal = $ ________.00 Booth Selection o Double Booth with full page ad* - $1,000 o Single Booth with full page ad* - $745 o Double Booth with half page ad* - $830 o Single Booth with half page ad* - $575 o Double Booth - $650 o Single Booth - $375 Booth Subtotal = $ ________.00 Publication: “The Little Pink Book” o Back Cover - $600 o Full Page - $500 o Inside Front Cover - $550 o Inside Back Cover - $500 o Half Page, Horizontal - $300 o Half Page, Vertical - $300 Publication Subtotal = $ ________.00 Swag Bag Stuffers FREE to booth participants____ @ $0 Bag stuffer participation only ____ @ $95 Total = $ ________.00 Total = $ ________.00 Swag Bag Subtotal = $ ________.00 Additional Vendor Wristbands (See important details below**) Additional wristbands____ @ $3 (Pick up at vendor check-in) Total = $ ________.00 Entry Wristband Subtotal = $ ________.00 GRAND TOTAL: $ ________.00 Move-in instructions and exhibitor guidelines will be e-mailed to all participants. Wi-fi and electricity are included (one 110-volt connection – vendor must supply power cords). One business per booth only. No multiple businesses at booths. * Ad will appear in “Ladies Night Little Pink Book” ** Each single booth receives two complimentary vendor wristbands, each double booth receives four. These are for vendors and their staff only. See reverse. q Bill to Account q Check Enclosed #___________ I have read and will abide by the Exhibitor Guidelines. Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date:������������������� 04/18/14 Exhibitor Packets/Wristbands. Exhibitor packets and wristbands will be available in the Exhibitor Registration Booth during all move-in hours. Exhibitor wristbands should be displayed at all times during event hours. The Fayetteville Observer will provide wristbands to exhibitor representatives only. Vendor wristbands are for vendors and their staff only. Any vendor who abuses the wristband policy will be escorted from the show and not allowed to participate as a vendor in any events produced by The Fayetteville Observer. decorations or signs must be approved by the Event Manager regarding the location and method of installation. Exhibitor shall not injure, mar, or deface the center or the grounds outside the facility. Exhibitor shall not drive any nails, hooks, tacks, or screws in any part of the facilities, nor shall it make any alteration of any kind therein. Exhibitor shall pay to Fayetteville Publishing Co. such sums as shall be necessary to restore the Venue and grounds to original condition if any portion thereof shall be damaged by the act, default, or negligence of Exhibitor. Move-In: Exhibit set up is noon, Friday June 20. 2014. Security. One person is required to be present at each booth at all times during convention hours. The exhibit area will be secured when the exhibits are closed. Move-Out: Exhibitor agrees not to disassemble their display until 9 p.m. Friday. Display must be staffed during all event hours. Exhibits cannot be dismantled during event hours. A penalty of $200.00 may be enforced if any part of Exhibitor display is disassembled during event hours. Cancelation Policy. All cancellations will be subject to a 50% cancelation fee if canceled on or before May 9. No booth may be reserved without a signed booth agreement. Payment. All FPC credit terms apply. Space assignment and description. The contracted space is to be used solely by the Exhibitor whose name appears on the contract. Exhibitor registration may not be transferred, assigned, sublet or shared with others without written permission of Fayetteville Publishing Co. (FPC). Each booth will be piped and draped. Each booth includes one table and two chairs. The Exhibitors are not to change location after assignment, unless pre-approved by event manager. Event manager reserves the right to make changes to the floor plan as it deems necessary. Management reserves the right to alter the number of booth spaces, limit the number of Exhibitors in each business category, and reserves the right to relocate Exhibitor for the sole purpose of consolidating traffic flow. General Conditions. Fayetteville Publishing Co. (FPC) reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit, exhibitor, or proposed exhibit which in its opinion is not suitable for the exhibition. The reservation concerns persons, things, conduct, printed matter, souvenirs, catalogs, and all other things which affect the character of the exhibition. Exhibitors have the right to distribute catalogs, souvenirs, and other matter approved by Management from the space occupied by them. Dispensing of Advertising Materials. The Fayetteville Publishing Co. (FPC) reserves the right to restrict or remove signs, literature, and business cards of businesses or persons not leasing separate exhibit space. An Exhibitor may only display signs and dispense literature and advertising materials pertaining to their particular business within their booth space. This applies to, but is not limited to, any advertising containing businesses, which, in the opinion of FPC, could lease separate exhibit space in the event. Noise. Musical instruments and audio visuals may be operated under the following regulations: 1) Volume of all above-mentioned equipment must be kept at a minimum. 2) If complaints are registered, Management reserves the right to expel from the event any Exhibitor refusing to abide by the aforementioned rules. 3) Exhibitors are not allowed to use loud speakers or amplifiers of any kind or to use video or film equipment in their booths, except by special arrangement with Management. Exhibit Display. Exhibitors must not extend their displays beyond the space allotted. Exhibitor agrees not to obstruct aisles of access to neighboring booths, nor conduct or operate its exhibit so as to cause interference with, annoyance or endangerment to other exhibitors or visitors. Distribution of printed materials must be confined to the allotted areas. Only exhibitors will be allowed to distribute materials. All exhibitors may equip their exhibition with furniture, lamps, potted plants and flowers, provided they are in accordance with the general decorative scheme and do not obstruct a general view of the event decorations. All decorations, signs, banners, etc., may not be taped, nailed, or otherwise attached to any ceiling, window, painted surface, or wall of the facility. Any special I have read and will abide by these guidelines. Vendor Initials ___________ Electrical (110V). Electricity is included in your booth fee. Exhibitors must supply their own power cords and be of sufficient rating to meet the power demands of their equipment (though a shorter cord may suffice, a 25' heavy duty cord is recommended). 120-volt electrical connections are available at an additional cost but must be included with booth reservation. Wi-fi. Wi-fi is also included in your booth fee. Phone lines. Phones and data lines are not provided with the booth space. Liability. It is specifically agreed that exhibitors shall assume all responsibility for damage to rooms or properties thereof, and will not hold Fayetteville Publishing Co. (FPC) nor Venue responsible for any liability which might ensue from any cause whatsoever. Since every precaution will be taken to protect against the loss of material during the event, neither the FPC nor The Venue can be held responsible for such losses. Security will be provided during the closed hours of the exhibit, plus during hours of setup. Any damage to Venue property is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor causing such damage or defacement. Alcoholic Beverages. Tasting and sale of sealed containers must be properly permitted by the N.C. ABC board. Venue may request a copy of your permit. Interruption or Termination. It is understood and agreed that Fayetteville Publishing Co. (FPC) reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the event, when, in the judgment of FPC and/or Venue, such interruption or termination is necessary to protect public order or safety. Exhibitor waives any claim against FPC and Venue for refund, damages, or compensation should the event, and therefore this Agreement, be so interrupted or terminated. In addition, in the space reserved hereunder or any portion of the exhibition area is destroyed or damaged by fire or any other cause, or in the event any casualty renders fulfillment impossible or impractical, then this Agreement shall terminate. Neither FPC nor Venue shall be liable for any refund or damages to Exhibitor. Exhibitor further assumes the risk on any prevention, interruption at the event due to strike, lockouts, labor disputes, acts of God, structural defects in the Venue facility, hostile governmental action, riot, civil commotion, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of FPC shall not be liable to Exhibitor for any refund of damages resulting there from. Default. The failure of Exhibitor to comply with any term or condition of the Agreement shall constitute default. In addition to the specific remedies set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, Exhibitor’s default shall entitle Fayetteville Publishing Co. at its election to immediate termination of this Agreement, to injunctive relief, and/or to recovery of all damages resulting from Exhibitor’s default. The remedies set forth in this Agreement are cumulative. Friday, June 20 • 4 to 9 p.m. Crown Expo Center The Fayetteville Observer is published by Fayetteville Publishing Co. 458 Whitfield St., Fayetteville, NC 28306 | 910-323-4848 04/18/14
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