Info - Guy Harvey
Info - Guy Harvey
THE ART OF THE SHIRT FORGET THE POWER SUIT, IN TODAY’S KICK-BACK CULTURE, IT’S THE T-SHIRT THAT REIGNS SUPREME, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT’S A CANVAS FOR CONSERVATION BY FRED GARTH 18 19 y 11-year-old daughter came home from school recently WXYH]MRKXLI+YPJSJ1I\MGSEJXIVXLISMPWTMPPXVEGOMRKWLEVOQMKVEXMSRW wearing her favorite pink Guy Harvey T-shirt. HIZIPSTMRKRI[[E]WXS(2%XIWXWIEJSSHXEKKMRKFMPP½WLERHWLEVOW “Daddy, there’s a girl in my class who has never heard of Guy Harvey,” she said. “What’s wrong with her?” I laughed. “So did you tell her about Guy?” and supporting dozens of other projects to help protect important and XLVIEXIRIHSGIERMGWTIGMIW%RHMXEPPFIKMRW[MXLEWMQTPI,ERIW&IIJ]8 ±;I´VIZIV]JSVXYREXIXSLEZIEWSYVGISJJYRHMRKJSVXLI+,3*² She raised her eyebrow at me. “Of course I did, daddy!” said Dr. Guy Harvey. “Without the sale of Guy Harvey apparel, we The expression was eerily like her mother’s. Wonder where she [SYPHR´XFIEFPIXSEGGSQTPMWLXLIWGMIRXM½GVIWIEVGL[I´VIHSMRK;I learned that? Back in the old days, Guy’s popularity gained traction with the hard- also fund many other independent scientists that are outside of the GHRI but are involved in essential studies of the marine environment.” GSVIFPSSHERHKYXW½WLMRKGSQQYRMX]8LIEVXWXVYGOERIVZIERH XLI½WLWXEMRW[EWLIHSYXIEWMP]IRSYKL2S[+,ETTEVIPMWKEXLIVMRK steam with a wider demographic, including little girls who love pink and A COMFORTABLE FIT Some people might consider it sappy, but loyalty and ethics are core XLMRO½WLWXMRO-RJEGXXLIJEWXIWXKVS[MRKJERFEWIMWWGLSSPOMHW°JVSQ principles within the Guy Harvey organization, starting at the top with college on down to kindergarten. Dr. Harvey. So when Guy went searching for a T-shirt supplier back in “This is a brand that has crossed all ages and genders,” said Dick LIPSSOIHJSVEGSQTER]XLEXWLEVIHLMWZEPYIWERHGSQQMXQIRX 2EKIPZMGITVIWMHIRXSJWEPIWERHQEVOIXMRKEX%*8'3XLIGSQTER]XLEX XSXLISGIERW8LIWIEVGLUYMGOP]PIHXSXLI%QIVMGER*MWLMRKERH8EGOPI makes Guy Harvey apparel. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” 'SQTER]%*8'3ERH4VIWMHIRX&MPP7LIHH7LIHHMWRSXSRP]EREZMH 8LEX´WWE]MRKEPSX2EKIPEWMPZIVXSRKYIH1MWWSYVMER[LS´WPMZIHMR sportsman but he’s spent most of his life working to protect the rights 'EPMJSVRMEJSV]IEVWLEWFIIREQEVOIXIVJSVXLIPMOIWSJ2MOIERH SJ½WLIVQIREW[IPPEWXLI½WL[IGEXGL,I[EWMRWXVYQIRXEPMRKIXXMRK 3GIER4EGM½GFSXLKMERXWMRFVERHQIVGLERHMWMRK PSRKPMRIWERHKMPPRIXWFERRIHJVSQ'EPMJSVRME[EXIVW°X[SMRMXMEXMZIWXLEX ±2SVQEPP]ETVSHYGX[MPPETTIEPXSEWTIGM½GGEXIKSV]WYGLEWSPHIV men or young women, but Guy’s shirts have crossed all boundaries.” LEZILEHEQENSVMQTEGXSREPPS[MRK½WLTSTYPEXMSRWXS¾SYVMWLREXYVEPP] ±&IJSVIXLIKMPPRIXFER½WLIVQIR[IVIGEXGLMRKPIWWXLER I had to agree. I’ve seen it with my own kids. [LMXIWIEFEWWERRYEPP]MR'EPMJSVRME²7LIHHWEMH±2S[[I´VIFEGOYTXS ±8LIVI´WRSHSYFXXLEXXLIUYEPMX]SJXLIEVXMWXLIQSWXWMKRM½GERX QSVIXLERIEGL]IEVJVSQELMKLSJWSEPPMRHMGEXMSRWEVI JEGXSV²2EKIPWEMH±+Y]´WEREZMHWGYFEHMZIVERH½WLIVQERWSLI studies his subjects in their natural habitat. He’s a scientist, so he that the population is on the increase.” &MPP´WTEWWMSRJSVXLISGIERWMWMRLMWFPSSH,MWJEXLIV1MPXSR7LIHH ORS[WXLIMVFILEZMSVW%RHLI´WELMKLP]XEPIRXIHEVXMWX-X´WETIVJIGX GSJSYRHIH7IE;SVPHMRERH[EWEQEVMRIGSRWIVZEXMSRMWXFIJSVI combination that brings an accuracy and authenticity to the art.” XLIXIVQIZIRI\MWXIH1MPX7LIHHWXEVXIHXLI,YFFW7IE;SVPH-RWXMXYXI %¾EWLSJWMPZIVWLMQQIVIHMRQ]I]IWEWLIWTSOI ,7;-MRREQIHJSV(V'EVP,YFFW[LS[EWXLI[SVPH´WXST ±%RSXLIVQENSVJEGXSVMRXLIFVERH´WKVS[XLMWMXWWYTTSVXSJQEVMRI ichthyologist at the time. The institute is thriving today with Bill Shedd as GSRWIVZEXMSR%TSVXMSRSJIZIV]WEPIKSIWXSLIPTJYRHXLI+Y],EVZI] 3GIER*SYRHEXMSR=SYRKTISTPIMHIRXMJ][MXLKMZMRKWSQIXLMRKFEGO to the environment. It’s one of the reasons they’re our fastest growing customer base.” the chairman of the board. %PSXSJ,7;-´W[SVOLEWJSGYWIHSRFYMPHMRKLEXGLIVMIWERHKIXXMRK XLI½WLMRKGSQQYRMX]MRZSPZIHMRGSRWIVZEXMSRIJJSVXW ±;ILEZIE[LMXIWIEFEWWLEXGLIV]LIVIMR7SYXLIVR'EPMJSVRME² In fact, the sale of Guy Harvey’s apparel is the largest source of 7LIHHWEMH±ERHXLIPSGEPWTSVX½WLIVQIRGSRXVMFYXIXLSYWERHWSJ JYRHMRKHVMZMRKXLIZMXEPGSRWIVZEXMSR[SVOEXXLI+,3*EW[IPPEWXLI ZSPYRXIIVLSYVW;I´VIWXEVXMRKXSHSXLIWEQIXLMRKMR1IPFSYVRI +Y],EVZI]6IWIEVGL-RWXMXYXI;LMPIXLI+,3*JYRHWVIWIEVGLXLVSYKL *PSVMHEERHLEZISXLIVTVSNIGXWMRXLITMTIPMRIXSS-X´WVIEPP]MQTSVXERX KVERXWXLI+,6-HSIWI\XIRWMZIWGMIRXM½GVIWIEVGLSRMXWS[RWYGLEW XSKIX½WLIVQIRMRZSPZIHFIGEYWI[I´VIXLISRIW[LSYWIXLIVIWSYVGI 20 8ST1MPXSR7LIHHERHWSR&MPP7LIHHEJXIVEKSSHHE]SJXYRE½WLMRKGMVGEPEXIW &SXXSQ8LIMQTVIWWMZITVMRXMRKJEGMPMX]EX%FWSPYXI7GVIIRTVMRXMR7SYXLIVR'EPMJSVRME 21 the most and have the greatest passion for keeping it healthy.” -R1MPX7LIHHERHLMW[MJI4IKKMIFSYKLX%*8'3ERHXLI company prospered with their top-of-the-line roller guides and roller not just because it’s a good business model. It also means there will be more resources to do the work that needs to be done on behalf of the oceans.” XSTWJSVFMKKEQI½WLMRKVSHW%XWSQITSMRXXLI]´HWEXYVEXIHXLI market. Bill, who had been working under his father’s tutelage for more XLER]IEVWVIEPM^IHXLI]RIIHIHXSI\TERHXLIMVTVSHYGXPMRI “I thought about it for days and days and wondered what else we GSYPHQEOIXLEX½WLIVQIRRIIHIH-½REPP]LEHXLMWMHIEXSQEOI½WLMRK WLSVXW%XXLIXMQIRSSRI[EWQEOMRKETTEVIPJSGYWIHSRWTSVX½WLMRK GO WEST YOUNG MAN When asked how much research he does online versus how much XMQILIWTIRHWMRPMFVEVMIWLYQSV[VMXIV4.3´6SYVOIVIWTSRHIH±=SY mean they still have libraries?” It’s true, anything can be found on the Internet these days, but there’s So I considered it, I prayed about it, and before long we were making also no substitute for an in-person research trip. So instead of digging %*8'3½WLMRKWLSVXW8SHE]XLI]EVIWXMPPXLIQSWX[MHIP]YWIH½WLMRK MRXSXLI;IF-LSTTIHMRXLIFMKQIXEPXYFIERH¾I[XSXLIWYRR]WLSVIW shorts in the world.” SJ7SYXLIVR'EPMJSVRMEXSWII[LEXXLMW8WLMVXXLMRK[EWEPPEFSYX *VSQWLSVXW%*8'3QSZIHXSWLMVXWERHSXLIVGPSXLMRKTVSHYGXW I linked up with Shedd on a Sunday afternoon and he immediately +VETLMGEVXMWX8IVV]7MQQWTVITWEVX[SVOJSVTVMRXMRKPIJX7MQSR4YVMP'SH]7LIHH8IVV]7MQQWERH%RRI,SPQIWMRWTIGXERI[WLMVXHIWMKRVMKLX 8LIWIHE]W%*8'3WXMPPQEOIWVSPPIVKYMHIWERHVSPPIVXSTWKEJJW9RMFYXX XSSOQIOE]EO½WLMRKMRXLI4EGM½G3GIER-RETVIZMSYWPMJI-´HWTIRXE LERHPIWSYXVMKKIVVIPIEWIGPMTWFIPXWERHLEVRIWWIW½WLMRKKPSZIWERH KSSHFMXSJXMQIHMZMRKERHWTIEV½WLMRKMR'EPMJSVRME[EXIVW8LMWXMQI SXLIVFMKKEQISVMIRXIH½WLMRKTVSHYGXW&YXXLI8WLMVXLEWFIGSQI Bill taught me how to catch calico bass in the kelp and the nuances of king. PEYRGLMRKEOE]EOMRXSXLISRGSQMRKWYVJ-X´WXVMGO]IWTIGMEPP][MXL½WLMRK %JXIVXLI+Y],EVZI]%*8'3GSRRIGXMSR[EWGIQIRXIHXLI8WLMVX WEPIWXVMTPIHMRXLI½VWXX[S]IEVW8LIKVS[XLGSRXMRYIWERHXLIETTEVIP for a big, fat, orange seal. GSRGITXLEWI\TERHIHMREPPHMVIGXMSRW8SHE]%*8'3SJJIVW+Y],EVZI] %REXMZI'EPMJSVRMEHYHI7LIHHMWETTVSEGLMRKFYXLEWXLI WLSIW¾MT¾STWLEXWWLSVXWW[MQXVYROWFEGOTEGOWNEGOIXWTIVJSVQERGI perpetual tan, dark, thick hair, and the physique of someone who has ½WLMRKWLMVXWGSPPIKMEXIWLMVXWERHXLIPMWXKSIWSR8LIVIWYPXLEWPIHXS IRNS]IHXLI;IWX'SEWXTPE]KVSYRHLMWIRXMVIPMJI,ITPE]IHUYEVXIVFEGO QSVIKSSHGSRWIVZEXMSR[SVOF]XLI+,3* in high school, he lives at the beach, he surfs, he paddleboards, he scuba “It’s great to be in business with someone who shares the same 22 rods, tackle, and my fear that a great white shark might mistake my kayak dives, and he drives a Prius. He’s a living, breathing advertisement for the passions and ideals,” Shedd said. “It has transcended business and 'EPMJSVRMEKSSHPMJI,MWWLMVXWWE]+Y],EVZI]FYX-´QWYVTVMWIHLIHMHR´X become part of our lifestyle. Sure, we want to sell more products, but come up with the “Life is Good” clothing line. “The Prius gets me access to the carpool lane,” he said. “That’s the main reason I bought it.” Sure, and he’s modest, too. ,IERH.MPPLMW[MJISJTPYW]IEVWLEZIJSYVOMHWEPPPMZMRKMR E8WLMVXFIGEYWISJXLIHMJJIVIRX½FIVWGSPSVIHWLMVXWERHXLIWGVIIR printing process itself. 1EKE^MRIWERHRI[WTETIVWGSQFMRINYWXJSYVGSPSVW°FPEGOFPYI 'EPMJSVRME-RXLIIEVP]WXLIMVWSR'SH]ERHXLIMVHEYKLXIV ]IPPS[ERHQEKIRXETMROMWL°XSGVIEXIEFVSEHWTIGXVYQSJGSPSVW8LI 'LVMWXMIWXITTIHMRXS%*8'3XSOIITXLIJEQMP]XVEHMXMSRWXVSRK'SH] WEQIGERFIXVYI[MXL8WLMVXW,S[IZIVWMRGIQSZMRKXS%*8'3+Y] is a numbers guy, which comes in handy in his role as general manager. Harvey shirts don’t use a four-color process anymore. The shirts that 'LVMWXMI´WSYXKSMRKTIVWSREPMX]MWETIVJIGX½XJSVLIVVSPIMRWEPIW8LI GSQISYXSJ%*8'3LEZIFIX[IIRGSPSVWERHWSQILEZIEWQER] legacy continues. as 18. 1]½VWXWXST1SRHE]QSVRMRK[EWEKMERX[EVILSYWIXLEXVIQMRHIH “We want to make sure there’s an exact match to the art,” said me of the last scene in 6EMHIVWSJXLI0SWX%VO, where the guy is wheeling HIWMKRIV7MQSR4YVPP±8LEX´WSYVTVMQEV]KSEP;IQMKLXLEZI½ZISVWM\ XLIEVOXLVSYKLERIRHPIWWPMRISJGVEXIW&YX%*8'3´WFS\IW[MPPRSXFI HMJJIVIRXFPYIWMRSRIHIWMKR*SYVGSPSVTVSGIWW[SR´XGYXMX-XNYWXGER´X lost forever. Several hundred thousand blank T-shirts await their turn to achieve a prefect reproduction of Guy’s original art.” enter the world of Guy Harvey art. %RHXLEX´WXLIGLEPPIRKIXEOIEVXJVSQXLIGERZEWERHTYXMXSRGPSXL (ERMIP7ERXSQMRQEOIWWYVIXLIGSPSVWEVIERI\EGXQEXGLPIJX'SH]7LIHHERH7XIZI6IWXMZS[MXLEX]TMGEPWGVIIRVMKLX %WXLIFYWMRIWWLEWKVS[RMRZIRXSV]LEWWTMPPIHSZIVMRXSWIZIVEP so that the two images are one and the same. That begins with scanning SXLIV[EVILSYWIW%JXIVERI\LEYWXMZIWIEVGLXLI7LIHH%*8'3XIEQ the original art and modifying it so it will transfer to a T-shirt without VIGIRXP]TYVGLEWIHEWUYEVIJSSXJEGMPMX]XSGSRWSPMHEXIERH losing quality. house the entire operation. It’s close enough to retain their valuable staff, QER]SJ[LSQLEZIFIIREX%*8'3JSVHIGEHIW “We’re very fortunate to have good people who work hard and focus on making great products and providing excellent customer service. We can ship 98% of any order within two to three days,” Shedd said. “We might have to add more black to an outline or knock out some background scatter so that it translates to the shirt,” said graphic artist 8IVV]7MQQW±;IWTIRHLSYVWERHLSYVWSRXLIHMKMXEP½PIWSJIEGL T-shirt design to get them right.” (IWMKRHMVIGXSV%RRI,SPQIWSZIVWIIWXLIXIEQEWXLI]QSZI ±%RHXLSWIEVIGYWXSQSVHIVW%WXSVIGERSVHIVEWJI[EWWM\8WLMVXW forward with new designs. “Some of the original designs such as the %RSXLIVGPMIRXQMKLXSVHIV² Grand Slam are still the most popular T-shirts,” Holmes said. “But we’re Having been in the magazine business for some 25 years, I have some knowledge of the printing process. Putting ink on paper has similarities to printing on cloth, but it’s much harder to get an exact reproduction on really expanding in our teen and kids divisions with new looks for kids XLEXTVSFEFP]EVIR´XLEVHGSVI½WLIVQIR² I pointed out that my daughter sleeps in a pink Guy Harvey T-shirt 23 ERHSRP]½WLIW[LIR-QEOILIVKS[MXLQI ±)\EGXP]²,SPQIWWEMH±*MWLIVQIRPSZIXLIWLMVXW but so does the general public.” 3RGIXLIHMKMXEPJMPIMWGSQTPIXIXLI%*8'3EVX department sizes the image and places the art on various background colors in the computer, representing different colored shirts. The final prep before heading to the printer is overseen by print specialist Daniel Santomin, who studies the colors like a scientist HIGSHMRK(2%WEQTPIW,IGLSSWIWGSPSVWXLEX will print by using a white light box to get a solid starting point. Once they get to the printer and begin the sampling process, the colors they started with might change based on differences in light, shirt color, base, etc. “This is how we begin the quality control process and carry it through to the end product,” Daniel said. I watched the art team in action in their comfy ergonomic chairs and air-conditioned offices. Like the many magazine designers I’ve worked with, their’s is a [SVPHSJLMKLTS[IVIHFMKWGVIIRIH%TTPIGSQTYXIVW color printers, graphics software, and impressive iTunes GSPPIGXMSRW%RHIZIRXLSYKLXLIVI[IVIRSGEPPYWIWMR sight, they were about to show me where the real dirty [SVOSJXLI8WLMVXFYWMRIWW[IRXHS[R°TYXXMRKMROXS cloth at the screen printers. 24 8LIGMVGPISJPMJI%MROTVIWWXVERWJSVQWEFPERO8WLMVXMRXSE[SVOSJEVX SUPER COOL 7SYXLIVR'EPMJSVRME´WQIKE8WLMVXMRHYWXV]MWEF] TVSHYGXSJFIMRKPSGEXIHMRXLIGIRXIVSJXLIWYV½RK universe. The area has spawned companies like Body Glove, 3GIER4EGM½G5YMOWMPZIV3´2IMPERH6MT'YVPEW[IPPEW /MRKWSJ'SSP'YPXYVIPMOI8SR],E[O6SF1EGLEHSERH 7LEYR;LMXI3XLIVTPEGIWQMKLXLEZIKVIEXWYV½RKFYX XLIVIMWRSEVKYQIRXXLEX7S'EPMWEXIIQMRKGLIIWI fondue of ultimate hipness. That’s why the hottest decals and T-shirt designs have been born of the blonde, bronzed, beachiness that runs from San (MIKSXS7ERXE&EVFEVE%RH-´QE*PSVMHE boy, so accepting that I’m a lower primate of coolness comes hard. With the best designs come top-of-thePMRIWGVIIRTVMRXIVWERH%*8'3LEWXETTIH into the world’s top T-shirt printers. This is yet another reason the art on Guy Harvey T-shirts appears to jump off of the cotton. One of those WXERHSYXWMW%FWSPYXI7GVIIRTVMRXVYRF]PSGEPW7XIZIERH %RHVIE6IWXMZS%RHXLMWMWRSKEVEKISTIVEXMSR%FWSPYXI MWWUYEVIJIIXSJVE[8WLMVXTVMRXMRKTS[IV %W-[EPOIHEVSYRHXLI[EVILSYWIEQSRKELYRHVIH or so workers, I saw stacks of T-shirts for the likes of Lady +EKE.YWXMR&MIFIVERH3EOPI]%LEPJEHS^IRGSPSV presses churned out shirts while Daniel and Simon waited to see how their designs would turn out. 25 -[ERXIHXSWIIXLIIRXMVITVSGIWWJVSQ%XS>WXEVMRK[MXL%RRIERH Terry scanning and modifying the original art, then moving to Daniel and AMERICANA Like jazz, hamburgers, and gas-guzzling pickup trucks, T-shirts are part 7MQSRJSVJYVXLIVX[IEOMRKERH½REPP][MXRIWWMRKXLITVMRXMRKTVSGIWW SJ%QIVMGERE*MVWX[SVREWERYRHIVKEVQIRXF]2EZ]WEMPSVWXLI]WSSR 2S[XLIVYFFIV[EWQIIXMRKXLIVSEHERH(ERMIPWIIQIHEWRIVZSYW FIGEQITSTYPEVEWHEMP]EXXMVIMRFPE^MRKLSXXVSTMGEPGPMQEXIW%JXIV as a husband waiting for his wife to give birth. That surprised me, World War II, tees were commonly worn by veterans with their uniform GSRWMHIVMRK%*8'3TYQTWSYXEWQER]EWRI[HIWMKRWE]IEV&YX XVSYWIVW8LIR8WLMVXWVSGOIXIHMRXSWXEVHSQMRXLIIEVP]W[LIR Daniel was in mental lockdown mode with his antennae fully extended. 1EVPSR&VERHSWTSVXIHSRIMR%7XVIIXGEV2EQIH(IWMVI and James Dean Steve Restivo himself was on hand to squeeze some ink. He clearly knows his way around the rubber paddle. The testing process is all followed in 6IFIP;MXLSYXE'EYWI. 7MRGIXLIRXLI]´ZIFIIRHVIRGLIHMREPP%QIVMGERGYPXYVI°JVSQ QERYEPEQEREWGVIIREHEFSJMROERHEWUYIIKII3RGIXLI]EGLMIZI LMTTMIXMIH]IWTVSXIWXMRKXLI)WXEFPMWLQIRXMRXLIWXSXLI precision and approve the colors, it moves to the automated press where YFMUYMXSYW,EVH6SGO'EJqXIIWXLEXTVSZIHXLITS[IVSJ[IEVEFPI XLI]GVEROYTXLIZSPYQI(ERMIPERH7MQSRRM\IHXLI½VWXX[SWLMVXW advertising. Today, it’s almost as common for a company to have a T-shirt The pink wasn’t right on one and some blues were off by a shade or two with their name emblazoned across it as it is to have a website and (EFWSJMRO[EMXXLIMVXYVRXSKVEGIE8WLMVXPIJX2I[TVSHYGXVIEH]JSVXLIWXSVIWLIPZIWGIRXIV;SVOIVW½PPGYWXSQSVHIVWVMKLX SRXLISXLIV8LI]TYPPIHSYXXLIGSPSV[LIIPQEHIEJI[QSHM½GEXMSRW ERHVERWLMVXWYRXMPXLI]KSXMXVMKLX*MREPP](ERMIPKVMRRIH Steve gave me the nickel tour of his facility, where they can do everything from creating original designs to attaching price tags to shirts. One of my concerns was the screen washing process where they clean *SV+Y],EVZI]XLIXVERWMXMSRJVSQ½RIEVXXS8WLMVXW[EWREXYVEP 8IIW[IVITEVXSJXLI½WLIVQER´WGSVI[EVHVSFIERHLMWEVX[EWEFEHKI SJLSRSVIWTIGMEPP]JSVQIRGLEWMRKFPYI[EXIVFMPP½WL The difference then and the difference now is that Guy Harvey isn’t the ink off the screens using various chemicals. It’s a concern of Steve’s, into personal yachts and G5 jets. His passion is marine conservation. too. The entire washing system is self-contained with zero discharge and The sale of his T-shirts powers that commitment. In fact, it’s having a they use only citrus-based solvents rather than toxic chemicals. profound effect on our oceans because Guy’s voice has more reach than ±;IVIG]GPIIZIV]XLMRK²7XIZIWEMH±WSXLIVI´WRS[EWXI%RH ever, now resonating in the halls of government. The movement toward [LIR[IVITPEGIXLISPHPMUYMHWMRXLI[EWLIVMXEPPKSIWXSEGIVXM½IH more catch and release tournaments, circles hooks, shark-free marinas, treatment facility.” ERH½WLIV]VIWIEVGLLEWFIIRWXVSRKP]MR¾YIRGIHF]+Y],EVZI]´WERH In keeping with Guy Harvey’s conservation efforts, that was good news. 26 telephone number. &MPP7LIHH´WZMWMSRJSVLIEPXLMIVQSVITVSPM½GSGIERW-X´WTVIXX]EQE^MRK what a T-shirt can do. IT’S PRETTY AMAZING WHAT A T-SHIRT CAN DO (ERMIP7ERXSQMRWLS[WSJJXLI½REPTVSHYGX 27
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