January 13, 2014 - Highland Christian Reformed Church


January 13, 2014 - Highland Christian Reformed Church
GREETERS: North Door
Jan. 12 Ken & Jodi Meyering
Jan. 19 Matt & Carrie Thompson
Jan. 26 Greg & Laura Hesselink
Feb. 2 Curt & Becky Wemple
Feb. 9 Dollene VanPolen
Jan. 12 Jan Rivera,
Jackie Schmid
Jan. 19 Jodi Meyering
Cambria Ouwinga
Jan. 26 Barb Dore,
Kari VanPolen
Feb. 2 Julie Dorman,
Amy Eisenga
Feb. 9 Linda Ellens,
Madelyn Benthem
South Door
Pearl Koetje
C.J. & Sara Bruno
Kevin& Tami Eisenga
James & Lizelle Bazuin
David & Linda Wing
Dale & Bev Taylor
Jon & Michelle Dracht
Mary Dracht
Hilda Cruz
Marlin & Jean Venema
Sheri Fiet, Paige Fiet
Sandy Oudman, Jonathan Dracht
Sue Cook, Brandy VanPolen,
Zane Philo, Tana VanPolen
Karen Oeverman, Becky Wemple
Maggie Eisenga, Alex Vana
Lindsay Hesselink, Carrie Thompson,
Kaylie Benthem, Drew Vana
Tami Eisenga, Mya Eisenga
Kelly Seitter, Anna Seitter
Jan. 12 Becky Wemple, Diane Eisenga
Jan. 19 Lizelle Bazuin, Kate Vennema
Jan. 26 Carrie Thompson, Melissa Oeverman
Feb. 2 None
Feb. 9 Gary Vana, Alex Vana/Kari VanPolen
Bev Taylor,
Donna Veddler
Mary Dracht,
Kathy Vana
Daniella Fredin,
Kristen Sikkema
Sara Bruno,
Roxanne Eisenga
Sherry Jackson,
Cindy Vennema
LITTLE LAMBS:_________________
Tami Eisenga, Maggie Eisenga
Dana Baas, Kendra VanPolen
Kaylie Hiller, Abby Meyering
Laura Hesselink, Greg Hesselink/Sam VanH.
Jan. 12 9:30 AM: Matt Thompson, Dan Ouwinga, Jodi Venema
7:00 PM: Matt Thompson, Dan Ouwinga
Jan. 19 9:30 AM: Cary Sikkema, Al Fox, Barb Huttenga
7:00 PM: Cary Sikkema
Jan. 26 9:30 AM: Deb Eisenga, Mark Eisenga, Julie VanHaitsma
7:00 PM: Cary Sikkema
Feb. 2 9:30 AM: Matt Thompson, Dan Ouwinga, Brandy VanPolen
7:00 PM: Matt Thompson, Dan Ouwinga
Feb. 9 9:30 AM: Cary Sikkema, Roger Hagerman
7:00 PM: Cary Sikkema, Roger Hagerman, Jacob Cook
JANUARY USHERS: Jun Brinks, Jordan Eisenga, Dale Fredin, Mike/Rick VanPolen
FEBRUARY USHERS: Jason Benthem, Tim Bode, Al Fox, Jonathan Ouwinga
JANUARY OFFERINGS: 19th-Derek Ellens; 26th- Benevolence
age 13
7th grade
100th Anniversary – July 26 & 27, 2014
9034 23 Mile Rd. ● Marion, MI 49665
(231) 825-2171
(231) 825-2192 – Fax
Morning Worship: 9:30 AM
Evening Worship: 7:00 PM
Sunday school: 11:00 AM
Highland Christian Reformed Church
January 12, 2014
“Let the Redeemed”
“We Are Called to Be God’s People”
“I Have Decided Medley”
“Jesus Is Lord of All” into “My Jesus, I Love Thee” Psalter Hymnal # 557, vs.1
Youth Retreat Report/Testimony
Congregational Prayer
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” Psalter Hymnal #471 (1,2)
“Our World Belongs to God” Arts. 54,55 (Psalter, p. 1036)
“Day of Judgment! Day of Wonders!” Psalter Hymnal #614 (all)
Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
Sermon: Making Sense of the Parable That Makes us Squirm
“Jesu, Jesu” Psalter Hymnal #601 (all)
Children’s Message (Children are dismissed for Children’s Worship)
2014 Council
“I Love to Tell the Story” Great Hymns #431, vs. 1&3
Sermon: Just Jesus
Offering: Special Music – “Born to Serve the Lord” Praise Team & Congregation
1st - General Fund; 2nd –New Building
“Be Strong in the Lord”
Children’s Church morning program: All children age 3 – Kindergarten are welcome to
attend. (Age 3 attend Little Lambs & Age 4-Kindergarten attend Children in Worship)
They should leave the sanctuary & go down the EAST stairs to the basement and follow the
handicap ramp over to the classrooms. You may pick them up in the basement using the
North, South or East stairways.
FELLOWSHIP: Everyone is invited to coffee and fellowship following the morning service.
The coffee and snacks will be served in the new Sanctuary area! 
DVD: If anyone would like to see a video from a past church service, please let Ruth Bazuin
know, and she will get it to you as soon as possible.
Den Kamphouse
Butch Karsten-Clerk
Don Ellens
Dave VanHaitsma-V.Pres.
Larry Witt
Jim Ouwinga
Pastor Keith Mannes- 825-2171 or 920-5632
825-2101 District #1, A-C Chad Dodde
825-2534 District #2, D-E Kasey Rees-Sec. of Deacons
920-9597 District #3, F-L C.J. Bruno-Vice Treas.
920-1665 District #4, M-O Adam Swiler
743-9726 District #5, P-T Greg Tossey
825-2201 District #6, V-Z Rick Dorman
OFFICE HOURS: Jan. 13-17
Monday-Friday: 9am – Noon
Kathy Barnhart: 231-468-1231
Missing Dishes & Pans: Please help us find the rightful owners to the many items
that have gathered up in the Fellowship Hall and the old kitchen! We want to reunite
them with “their owners” as soon as possible – as space is at a premium! Any items
remaining after Jan. 20th will be donated. Thank you for your help – the Kitchen Crew
Our Prayers for:
Laurie VanPolen welcomes our prayers.
Please pray for safe travel and spiritual growth for the kids and chaperones
attending the Xtreme Retreat at Cran-Hill this coming Friday-Sunday.
8:15 AM
Praise Group #1
9:15 AM
Prayer Meeting in the Prayer Room
9:30 AM
Morning Worship Service
7:00 PM
Evening Worship Service
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Strong Tower
5:45 PM
Xtreme Retreat – leave from church
Our brothers and sisters with ongoing health problems
Arn Dodde Ed Dracht Michelle Dracht Gert Heuker
Betty Morrison
Carol Niver Savannah & Nicholas McLeod
Our Missionaries
George & Sarah de Vuyst in Ukraine
Josh & Mandy Shaarda in Uganda
Derek Ellens in Australia
Our Military
Staff Sergeant- Eric Ellsworth, Christina, Hailey & Brianna & Zachary – GA
Tech Sergeant Michael Winkle, Dawn & Ashton – GA
Thank you for your recent donation to our group. We are grateful for your prayers
and monetary support. We will memorialize Roe v Wade on Sanctity of Human Life
Sunday, January 19th. Thanks again for your gift. --Wexford-Missaukee Right to Life
A 2013 Giving Summary is in your mailbox if you used the weekly offering envelopes last
year. Please check the total. If this doesn’t match your records, contact Jason Benthem at
825-0024. This summary may be used for tax purposes. Note: a separate statement for the
new building fund will be provided.
January Series: is held again this week (Mon-Fri) and continues weekdays through
Tuesday, January 28. Each lecture will be shown from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. For
information about the speakers & topics, visit the January Series website at
www.calvin.edu/january/2014. Don't miss out on this chance to hear fabulous
lectures right here at NMCS!
100th Anniversary Children’s Bulletin Cover Schedule:
January 12, 2014
January 19, 2014
January 26, 2014
February 2, 2014
Last Name
age 13
age 14
age 12
age 4
Gert Bazuin, long-time member of Highland Church, died last Monday, January 6.
She was taken from us by Alzheimer’s years ago, so we can give thanks that those
long days are done, and her race is run. Gert possessed a deep and abiding faith in
Christ, and we honored her faith and life in a funeral service here at Highland Church
this past Thursday. Thanks to everyone, staff and volunteers all, for the flexibility and
generous service during the funeral and the lunch.
We share our Christian sympathy, love, and hope with Diane Eisenga and her family
in the death of Diane’s mother, Martha, this past Tuesday, in Iowa. Diane has been
there with her family through this whole time, and was present as her mother died.
We extend to her, Bryan, and the boys our love and prayer in this time of loss.
Sunday school and Catechism will meet this week!
Strong Tower: we hope to see you all this Wednesday at 7pm in the Youth Building!
Leaders are bringing snacks for our meeting.
Xtreme Retreat: Our retreat is this Friday-Sunday: January 17-19th at Cran-Hill
Ranch! Please remember to bring your medical form if you haven’t turned it in yet.
We will leave from church at 5:45 pm on Friday and will return to church by noon on
Sunday. Looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great retreat!
Kids Hope USA Area Wide Conference is being held on Monday, Jan. 27 at
Rehoboth Reformed Church in McBain from 5:30-7:30pm. The meal starts at 5:30
and the workshop at 6:30. Please RSVP to Abby Meyering by Jan. 20th!
Becoming a Lifeboat Church: Want to learn more about how to help our church
reach out in our community? Join a small group studying a book by Highland's former
pastor, Steve Elzinga, "Becoming a Lifeboat Church in a Cruise Ship World." Groups
are forming and will begin in mid-January and continue for 8 weeks. Interested?
Please contact Bev Taylor at 779-1347 or 429-6397.
Right to Life: To commemorate the 6 abortions in Missaukee Co. and 32 abortions in
Wexford Co. in 2012, along with the 57 million babies nationally, on January 19, at
2pm, a funeral service will be held at Young Funeral Home at 403 Pine St. in Lake City.
Pastor Mike Dunn, will give a short eulogy, preceded by special music by Wyatt and
Amber Howie. Following the service, we will travel via a hearse led funeral procession
to the Knights of Columbus property at 714 W 13th St. in Cadillac. 38 wooden
crosses will be on display & will have a lighted luminary placed in front of them.
Refreshments will then be served at the K of C hall. There will be no walking this
time. Please join us. Questions call Don Hoitenga 839-2583.
A benefit taco supper is being held for the Mike Heuker Family this Friday,
January 17th. The supper will be from 5-7pm in the McBain Public School
multi-purpose room. Thank you for caring.
Mark your calendars! The Rubies & Diamonds luncheon benefitting Precious Gems Home
for Women will be held Feb. 8 in Cadillac. Call Lynn Mulder at 878-8613 for information.
Project Canefire Update: Praise God- 25 participants are planning to leave on
January 21 for a 2 week mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Main focus will be
Water Projects: 10 new water wells and 70 existing wells to maintain; Construction
Projects: 2 houses, 1 school & 20 church pews; and Micro Enterprise- 12 new sewing
machines and 400 Bibles distributed. Total Financial Goal is $65,000 and God has
already provided $54,900. If you wish to help raise the final $10,100 please make
checks payable to Project Canefire P.O. Box 556, Lake City, MI 49651
Special Bulletin covers for 2014: Thanks to the children of Highland CRC each
bulletin for 2014 will feature a unique cover in honor of the 100th Anniversary
celebration of Highland Church. Enjoy their creativity!
We still need some devotionals for our Centenial Devotional booklet. These need to
be in by Feb. 2, 2014. Please give to Jean Venema or email to
marjeanvenema@gmail.com. All devotionals will be proof-read and booklets will be
available to the congregation by July 1st. If you would like to write more than one, we
welcome those also.
For our 100th anniversary booklet, we still need to take some group pictures and a
few family pictures. If you have not had your family picture taken yet, please come
to the East Wing immediately after the morning service on Jan. 19 and we will get it
done. Also, people from the following groups will have their pictures taken after the
families: Sound & Video & PowerPoint; Janitors, Treasurer, Highlighter Staff,
Librarian, Sunday School Superintendents, Kids Hope volunteers, Accompanists, and
100th Anniversary committee. (Note: Accompanists include pianists, organists,
guitar and horn players – anyone who regularly attends and plays an instrument!)
YOU’RE INVITED! Join Lake City Christian Reformed Church on Jan. 29 from 6-8pm for
a fun time of roller-skating at Skatetricity in Cadillac! It is $1 for skate rental, $2 for
rollerblades and free if you bring your own skates or blades. Stay tuned for further
details; we may do a fun dress up theme. Contact Nate Koetje at (231) 631-9814 or
the church office (231) 839-4978 for further details.
100th Anniversary items for Sale!!
We have many items available to help support & commemorate
the 100th Anniversary of Highland CRC: Calendars, Cookbooks,
Coins, T-Shirts/Golf Shirts, and Coffee Mugs!
If you are looking for a special gift to give to your children,
Mom, Dad, grandchildren, nieces & nephews—these items will
make nice keepsakes. Stock up today before the supply runs out!
Council Corner – January 6, 2014
 Received notification from Gordon DeHaan that he has joined the Bethel
Baptist Church of Powers Lake, ND
 Motion made and passed to have Jun Brinks coordinate roofing of the
Parsonage in the spring.
 Approved sabbatical for Pastor Keith from March 24-May 19, 2014.
 Mutual censure was conducted
Council Corner – January 6, 2014
 Received notification from Gordon DeHaan that he has joined the Bethel
Baptist Church of Powers Lake, ND
 Motion made and passed to have Jun Brinks coordinate roofing of the
Parsonage in the spring.
 Approved sabbatical for Pastor Keith from March 24-May 19, 2014.
 Mutual censure was conducted
Dec 2013
General Fund
$5,003.00 $1,779.00
$5,844.00 $25,913.00
15th $3,808.00 $309.00
22nd $5,071.25 $4,806.01
29th $15,346.00 $1,612.00
Total $35,072.25 $34,419.01
Dec 2013
General Fund
$5,003.00 $1,779.00
$5,844.00 $25,913.00
15th $3,808.00 $309.00
22nd $5,071.25 $4,806.01
29th $15,346.00 $1,612.00
Total $35,072.25 $34,419.01
2nd Offering
Booster Club
New Bldg. Fund
Right to Life
G&S de Vuyst
BUDGET UPDATE-Dec. 31, 2013
Budget needed weekly
$286,423.61 Budget YTD-52 weeks
$280,346.87 Received YTD
$(6,076.74) Behind Budget
BUDGET UPDATE-Dec. 31, 2013
Budget needed weekly
$286,423.61 Budget YTD-52 weeks
$280,346.87 Received YTD
$(6,076.74) Behind Budget
Building Project Update:
The trim work continues for the new Sanctuary.
Installation of the doors, lights, and suspended ceilings in the basement began
this week.
Electrical work in the new offices & kitchen is being installed this week.
Ceiling beams in new Sanctuary are being put up.
Staining & varnishing has begun.
Contact info for the New Building Task Force:
Dana Baas (dbaas@lcredimix.com); Scott VanPolen (590-7214);
Todd Schmid (433-9357); Al Thomas (878-6468). Thank you!
2nd Offering
Booster Club
New Bldg. Fund
Right to Life
G&S de Vuyst
Building Project Update:
The trim work continues for the new Sanctuary.
Installation of the doors, lights, and suspended ceilings in the basement began
this week.
Electrical work in the new offices & kitchen is being installed this week.
Ceiling beams in new Sanctuary are being put up.
Staining & varnishing has begun.
Contact info for the New Building Task Force:
Dana Baas (dbaas@lcredimix.com); Scott VanPolen (590-7214);
Todd Schmid (433-9357); Al Thomas (878-6468). Thank you!