A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education


A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education
Southern DuPage A.B.A.T.E.
A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education
Welcome to July Everyone !!
Our next chapter meeting will be this Monday, July
28th (the regular 4th Monday of the month meeting
night) - 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Downers Grove Moose
A BIG THANKS to the volunteers who rode in the
Homer Glen parade with US Congresswoman Judy
Biggert, earlier this month!! Six riders made a HUGE
difference, as Judy’s staff (along with her banners and
handouts) was delayed and missed all but the last
couple blocks of the parade. With only a few of her
volunteers on hand to march, the motorcycles made the
group stand out and gave her lots of visibility in her
opponent’s home area. SDA members Eric Ortega and
Gene Montgomery, and another rider from their Star
Touring group, joined John Bloch (Dukane ABATE),
Rick and myself for the parade. From there, John, Rick
and I rode over to Bolingbrook to help distribute
literature for two hours while Judy walked the precinct.
All in all, it was a productive day. But ... I do hope
more members from the chapter are available for our
next political activity. As a non-partisan, grass roots
organization, ABATE is only effective when we work
within the system. Helping the politician who helps us
is the ‘political currency’ we trade on when we ask
them to support our efforts to pass, or defeat, laws that
impact motorcycle riders. A few members can cover
these things for awhile, but more involvement is
On a lighter note, our much anticipated, informal
Sunday chapter rides have continued this month with 11
bikes out on July 6th !! Way to go ‘QBall’ Flynn ...
Thanks for making these rides happen!! Anyone with time
is welcome to come along on alternating Sundays. No
cost, just great scenery and fellowship with fellow ABATE
members. We meet at Roundheads in Downers Grove and
decide where to go from there. If you didn’t receive an email about the last ride, just e-mail Spike and he’ll add you
to the chapter e-mail list.
Speaking of e-mail, remember that this newsletter is
available in an e-mail version if you prefer to read it
electronically. However, if you’re like me and still want a
hard copy, please don’t be bashful about asking us to send
it out via the US postal service. Board members spend
their time writing articles and our advertisers spend their
dollars placing ads, so if members don’t get the newsletter
the way they like to read it, it’s all for nothing. Just let
Diana Jenkins know if you’d like to change formats ... We
aim to please !!
Topless Tour shirts are almost gone, but we will have
the last few at the July chapter meeting. Contact me
before the meeting for a rundown of sizes, if you want one
for the closeout price of $10. And ... July is the last
meeting to buy tickets on the 2008 Harley Softail Delux,
and the Grizzly125 Four Wheeler, and the TM50 Dirt Bike
(or four cash prizes totaling another $1,000). Any of these
prizes can be won for just one $5 ticket.
Thanks ... We’ll SEE YOU at the July Meeting !!!
Linda lpase31947@sbcglobal.net (630) 263-0750
Happy summer riding, finally. I hope summer is
finding you all well. I want to take this chance to
remind you that the other motorists don’t see you. I
don’t care if you are on a bagger, custom chopper,
cruiser or sport bike, they don’t see you. Ride
defensively. Be pro-active. Keep your head up and
your eyes open. And most importantly, ride sober. Hot
sun + cold beer + motorcycles = trouble. I want the same
amount of members or more at the end of the year. Sorry
for the doom and gloom but it bears reminding.
Ride smart and stay safe.
The mission of A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois is to preserve the universal
right to a safe and unrestricted motorcycling environment.
To fulfill this mission we will:
1. Safeguard the rights of all motorcyclists
2. Endorse safety and educational programs
3. Promote unity through involvement
4. Advocate political awareness and action
5. Promote motorcycling enjoyment
Southern DuPage ABATE Board Positions
Members can advertise in our classified section for
free. Send me an email with what you want to sell and
I’ll put it in for the next month’s edition (and will keep
it in until you tell me to take it out). I may remove the
ad after three months if I haven’t heard anything.
To help defray the expense of the newsletter, we ask
for sponsors. For $50.00 a business can have a business
card size ad in our newsletter for one year. Contact me
at jenkinstiger@yahoo.com to place an ad.
Bring the coupon on the last page of this newsletter
to our next meeting to be eligible to win a door prize.
The coupon may be copied and passed out to your friends
so they, too, can have chance to win when they come to
the meeting. Check out One Eye’s awesome ride
suggestion (p. 6). And, as always, enjoy Dale Irvin’s
puzzle of the month (p. 5)! Just a reminder that the
deadline date for the next newsletter is August 11, 2008.
Nothing from me this month. Spike
Please send your email address to me or Diana, your
lovely newsletter lady, so we can send your newsletter
via email and save the chapter printing and postage
costs. Please welcome new member Louise Ferriss.
Thanks for renewing to Kevin Flynn, Matthew
Jameson, Dane and Karen Kikukawa (** 5 years **),
Michael Kocoras, Brian and Nancy Prendota, Dennis
Robison, Bill Sims and Janet Widerski.
Read your newsletter! Check the renewal list!!! The
following memberships have expired:
Jay Alfirevic
James Dow
Chris Goddis
Chet Gronowski
Jim Holmes
Doug & Shanna Hughett
Paul Mangino
David Nemecek
Jean Pare’
Joseph Radovic
Corky & Cheryl Sehring Tom Giese
David Hearld
Doug Mahar
Roger Meluch
Bob Moore
Nancy Thomas
Gina Ward.
In July these memberships will expire:
Cori Bird
Amy Blythe
Gil & Rhonda Klingberg Greg Midura.
August will see the following memberships expire
(unless you renew real soon):
Jim Judd
Dan & Ame Kazmer
Bruce Thompson
Roger & Gayle Treend.
When you renew consider renewing for five years.
You pay for four years and get one free! It’s $25 for one
year and $100 for five years (For a couple it’s $45 for one
year and $180 for five years). It’s cheaper and more
Please do your chapter a favor. As you read the
newsletter, if you see name of someone you know in the
expiring memberships column, remind them to renew their
ABATE membership the next time you see them.
If you’ve changed your e-mail address, please let me
know. We can keep our newsletter costs down by sending
your newsletter by e-mail. My e-mail address is
regis@anl.gov. And don’t forget to keep me posted if you
change your address, phone number, etc.
Be seeing you,
Pat Riley, Jerry Martin and Louise Ferriss
Renewals should be sent to: Southern DuPage A.B.A.T.E., P.O. Box 3521, Lisle, Illinois 60532-8521
Cori Bird
Jim Judd
Pat Brewington
Amy Blythe
Dan and Ame Kazmer
Bob and Kristen Hamnik
Gil and Rhonda Klingberg
Bruce Thompson
Ross Hollibaugh
Greg Midura
Roger and Gayle Treend
Mike Ticaric
July 6, 14 people and 11 bikes gathered in
Roundheads’ parking lot (63rd and Woodward,
Downers Grove) on a beautiful Sunday morning. We
left at noon for a nice ride to Calico’s in Sheridan. The
route was led by a friend of mine, Dale Arentsen, who
took us down some fun twisty roads. After a good and
filling lunch, half split off and went their own separate
ways, and seven of us rode to Hinkley for some ice
cream. Our next ride will be Sunday, July 27. Meet @
Roundheads 10:30 a.m. It’s a casual ride. No tickets, no
charge, not members only. Just ridin' with a few of your
ABATE buddies. Show up and we'll decide where we're
going, or just go. Invite that neighbor who hates the big
organized rides. See you there!!
Diana Jenkins
A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois Registration & Renewal Form
These days everyone with an agenda is out to scare
you into second guessing yourself. They tell you “it is
for your own good”, or that they are only “trying to
help you”. But deep down inside you know you have
been making the decisions that are right for you. What
is it they want ? I believe it is control. In exchange for
giving up control of your life, you are offered the
illusion of cradle to grave security. Just as there is no
free lunch, there is no guarantee of safety in life.
Take California for example, the poster child of the
“Nanny-State” where every man, woman, and child
must wear a helmet while riding a bicycle. Are they any
safer? I think not. How did the citizens of California
lose their rights? They let other people make choices
for them. Can this happen to you? You bet!
Now the good news, it is not too late to join the
fight to retain our rights.
You belong to an organization that has over twenty
years of experience in the fray. You can learn the basics
of political action, how to influence people, what to say,
and what not to say. We write letters, make phone calls,
and tell politicians what we want. But to be an effective
part of all this, you need to participate. Ride in parades
with motorcycle friendly politicians. Go to political
fundraisers with your fellow ABATE members and take
the time to help out these candidates during this election
cycle when you are asked.
We work for motorcycle friendly candidates regardless
of political party, and against those who oppose our right
to choose. None of what we do is difficult, but it must be
Come to a meeting, we need your help. Don’t sit on
the sidelines ... just jump right in. Southern DuPage
chapter of A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois meets at 7:30pm on the
forth Monday of each month at the Downers Grove Moose
Lodge. Be there ... And bring your friends that ride. This
is their fight too !!
Rick ‘RO’ Olson - mrro1@sbcglobal.net
Fellow followers of the asphalt –
I come to you this month with a real challenge. It’s
the type of challenge I face everyday when I open the
newspaper. It is a crossword puzzle, a challenge to your
language skills and spelling proficiency. Ironically,
however, it does not contain any “cross” words of the
kind that you would yell at some butthole who just cut
you off. But, to hold your attention, it does have a lot of
clues that involve STRIPPERS!
Enjoy this month’s puzzle and if you get stuck with
any of the answers, or need a clue, drop me a line at
Hiding in Plain Sight
Hey Guys and Gals,
While it doesn't follow the river as closely as the southern
Let me apologize for the lack of articles for the past
part of 25, 31 serves up better scenery and more
two months, my computer suffered a hard drive
interesting riding at this point.
meltdown in May (lesson learned - always back-up
31 will bring you through South Elgin, across US 20
your computer) and June saw some unexpected travel.
(Lake St., a quick way back east if other pressures force
Fellow members have asked me to write up either
you to cut the ride short) Elgin, and West Dundee; North
an I&M Canal or Illinois River ride and I will cover
of Algonquin Rd (IL 62), 31 turns pretty much straight
them both as soon as I get a chance to ride them. I can't
north towards Crystal Lake and McHenry, (still a nice
write what I don't know, so these will have to wait a
ride, but I'm trying to stay close to the Fox River). Turn
little while longer. There is a river run that I've driven (I
east (right) at 62 and make the next left across the river.
drive a dump truck for a living) and ridden various parts
River Rd confusingly turns into Algonquin Rd (not IL 62)
of and never really thought about putting it all together
and will take you to US 14. Turn right on 14 then left on
as a bike trip until a random detour on the way home
IL 22 to Kelsey Rd where you'll turn left again.( I gave up
from work brought it to my attention: the Fox River
on directions at this point because the roads in this area
Valley. This one is mainly directions, you'll just have
curve around a bit and can easily twist your mental
to trust me that while it makes for dry reading, the ride
compass). Kelsey will split to the right, keep going
is well worth it.
straight on another River Rd. This dead ends at Roberts
Starting from 63rd St. and Woodward –
Rd, turn left, it will dead end at IL 176, turn left again to
yet another River Rd where you'll turn right. This splits
Roundhead's Pizza, our unofficial meeting point for
again with River Rd going to the left and Chapel Hill
Sunday rides – head south on Woodward to 75th St. and
going to the right. Staying on River Rd will carry you into
go west (right). At IL 59, turn south (left) to 95 St. and
downtown McHenry while Chapel Hill will take you to
west (right) again. When you get to 248th Ave./Macrane
“downtown” Johnsburg. This area is the gateway to the
St. turn south (left) and then a quick right onto Wolf's
Chain O' Lakes and is the end of this section of the ride.
Crossing Rd. In Oswego it turns into US 34 at the start
Just a few miles to the east on IL120 is US 12 which, if
of IL 71 (a road I want to explore for the next river
you take “east”(really south), it will take you to Lake
ride) for a few blocks and changes it's name to Chicago
Cook Rd just west of the north end of the IL 53/I290/I355
St. IL 25 starts at the intersection of Chicago and
expressway. One light east of 12 on 120 is Gilmer Rd, a
Madison, turn north (right) here (as always there are
nice back road that will take you to IL 83 just north of IL
several ways to get here - 75th to US 34, I-355 to I-88
53 and Lake Cook Rd.
west to Farnsworth north to IL 56 west to 25 - though
I didn't go into any of my usual descriptions of
you'll miss some of the best and “worst” scenery on the
historical or other diversions due to a lack of space and the
ride). 25 follows the east side of the Fox River fairly
roads themselves are quite an attraction. Just keep your
closely, though it does go through several industrial and
eyes and mind open, I'm sure you'll find all kinds of
residential areas in Aurora. Watch the rail crossing
interesting things along the way. As always, these are
between North Aurora and Batavia; it was kind of
rough the last time I was through there. IL 25 changes
supposed to be our Chapter's favorite rides, so I need your
help. Please send ideas, comments and criticisms to
streets in downtown Batavia, a two block right-left at
oneeyechuck@hotmail.com or call me at (630) 835-4339.
Wilson St. just follow the signs. Stay on 25 until you
Ride Safe, Ride Free
reach IL 64, North Ave., in St. Charles. Go west (left)
on 64, cross the Fox and head north (right) on IL 31.
US Representatives
6th District – Peter J. Roskam
150 S Bloomingdale Rd
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
630-893-9670 Fax 630-893-9735
or - 507 Cannon House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-4561 Fax 202-225-1166
13th District – Judy Biggert
6262 South Rt. 83, Ste. 305
Willowbrook, IL 60527
630-655-2052 Fax 630-655-1061
or - 1034 Longworth House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515
14th District – Bill Foster
27 North River Street
Batavia, IL 60510
630-406-1114 Fax 630-406-1808
or – 2304 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515
State Senators –
25th District – Chris Lauzen
52 West Downers Pl. # 201
Aurora, IL 60506-6107
630/264-2334 Fax 630/264-1566
or - 103-A Capitol Bldg
Springfield, IL 62706
217/782-0052 Fax 217-782-4079
42nd District - Linda Holmes
13300 S. Rt. 59 #2B-1
Plainfield, IL 60544
815-609-3711 Fax 815-609-0071
(No E-Mail Listed)
or - M122 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
217-782-0422 Fax 217-854-5311
48th Dist-Randall M. "Randy" Hultgren
1725 S Naperville Rd Suite 200
Wheaton, IL 60187
630-682-8100 Fax 630-682-8108
rh@senatorhultgren.com www.senatorhultgren.com
or - M103A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
217-782-8022 Fax 217-782-9586
Revised July 2008
State Representatives –
47th District - Patricia R. "Patti" Bellock
One South Cass Avenue
Westmont Centre, Suite 205
Westmont, IL 60559
630-852-8633 Fax 630-852-6530
or - 227-N Stratton Bldg.
Springfield, IL 62706
217/782-1448 Fax 217/782-2289
48th District - James H. "Jim" Meyer
1112 Washington Street Suite 10
Naperville, IL 60540
630/717-7141 Fax 630/717-7262
or - 634 Capitol Bldg.
Springfield, IL 62706
217/782-8028 Fax 217/557-0571
83rd District - Linda Chapa-LaVia
8 E. Galena Blvd. Suite 240
Aurora, IL 60506
630/264-6855 Fax 630/264-6752
or - 235-E Stratton Bldg.
Springfield, IL 62706
217/558-1002 Fax 217/782-0927
84th District - Tom Cross Republican
530 West Lockport St. Suite 204
Plainfield, IL 60544
815/254-0000 Fax 815/609-3994
or - 316 Capitol Bldg.
Springfield, IL 62706
217-782-1331 Fax 217/782-3234
95th District - Mike Fortner
135 Fremont Street
West Chicago, IL 60185
630-293-9344 Fax 630-293-9785
(No E-Mail Listed)
or - 232-N Stratton Building
Springfield, IL 62706
217-782-1653 Fax 217-620-9904
96th District - Joe Dunn
552 S. Washington # 119
Naperville, IL 60540
630/355-4113 Fax 630/355-2847
or - 200-3N Stratton Bldg.
Springfield, IL 62706
Fax 217/782-1275
The Waterfront Lodge
2738 W 48th
Sandwich, Ill 60548
Upcoming EVENTS Calendar
Jul. 27 – Sunday ride – Meet @ 10:30 a.m., Roundhead’s Pizza, 63rd &
Woodward, Downers Grove
Jul. 28 – Southern DuPage ABATE Chapter Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Downers Grove Moose Lodge
AUGUST 2008:
Aug. 2 – Brothers of Grundy Chapter “Bikes Babes & Leis”
Sep. 15 – Southern DuPage ABATE Board Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Downers
Grove Moose Lodge
Sep. 22 – Southern DuPage ABATE Chapter Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Downers Grove Moose Lodge
Sep. 28 – Sunday ride – Meet @ 10:30 a.m., Roundhead’s Pizza, 63rd &
Woodward, Downers Grove
Oct. ? – (TBA) Northeast Region “Pactoberfest” fed pac
Aug. 10 – Sunday ride – Meet @ 10:30 a.m., Roundhead’s Pizza, 63rd &
Woodward, Downers Grove
Aug. 11 – Deadline for newsletter articles
Aug. 17 – Wild Fire H.O.G. Hot Times Poker Run, sign up 9:30 a.m.;
$20/pers.; Wild Fire H-D, 120 W. North Ave., Villa Park, benefits
children’s burn camp
Aug. 18 – Southern DuPage ABATE Board Meeting – 7:30 p.m. Downers
Grove Moose Lodge
Aug. 24 – Sunday ride – Meet @ 10:30 a.m., Roundhead’s Pizza, 63rd &
Woodward, Downers Grove
Aug. 25 – Southern DuPage ABATE Chapter Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Downers Grove Moose Lodge
Sep. 6 – Will County Chapters “Hooters & Scooters Run, “the
Harwood post ,Joliet
Sep. 8 – Deadline for newsletter articles
Sep. 13 – Westgate Chapter “Mystry Hunt”
Oct. 13 – Deadline for newsletter articles
Oct. 20 – Southern DuPage ABATE Board Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Downers
Grove Moose Lodge
Oct. 27 – Southern DuPage ABATE Chapter Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Downers Grove Moose Lodge
Nov. 10 – Deadline for newsletter articles
Nov. 17 – Southern DuPage ABATE Board Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Downers
Grove Moose Lodge
Nov. 24 – Southern DuPage ABATE Chapter Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Downers Grove Moose Lodge
Dec. 8 – Southern DuPage ABATE Board Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Downers
Grove Moose Lodge
Dec. 15 – Deadline for newsletter articles
Dec. 22 – Southern DuPage ABATE Chapter Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Downers Grove Moose Lodge
Sep. 14 – Sunday ride – Meet @ 10:30 a.m., Roundhead’s Pizza, 63rd &
Woodward, Downers Grove
JULY 2008:
Jul. 26-27 – DuKane “Porky Pig Run”
Denotes a N.E. Region Flag Event - your
attendance is encouraged!
Southern DuPage ABATE members are allowed to advertise for free items they would like to sell – bike parts, household items, etc.
For Sale: •
For Sale:
1997 HD Sportster 1200cc good rubber, good paint,19K miles. Carefully ridden from tavern to tavern only on
Sundays. $5,000 OBO - Contact Rick Olson 630-951-5049
1998 Harley-Davidson FXD Super Glide Custom. 1340 cc engine. Cobolt blue and has some accessories. Low
mileage and well maintained. PRICED TO SELL. Call Ruben V. 708-557-8532
Monday, July 28: We are going to have the vote on the new bylaws at our next chapter meeting and
we will have a guest speaker that night ... Ray Heck, who will discuss the critical state and
federal changes that are beginning to come down on motorcycle riders.
To receive this newsletter by email, notify Membership Officer:
Meetings are held the 4th Monday of each month
at the Downers Grove Moose Lodge
1030 Warren Ave.
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Meetings start at 7:30 p.m.
The Downers Grove Moose Lodge
1030 Warren Ave.
Downers Grove, IL 60515
One entry per person. Coupon may be copied.
Meetings are held every fourth Monday of the month. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m.
Free parking available in train parking lot or on street.
P.O. BOX 3521
LISLE, IL 60532-8521