Monday Morning Quarterback - West Coast Group Benefits


Monday Morning Quarterback - West Coast Group Benefits
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc.
May 29, 2012
"Tuesday Morning
Building Your Quality of
In This Issue
AGC & EGCA to Join Forces
Countdown to Election Day
Attend Specialty & Affiliate Council
Seminar- Preventing Sexual
Baseball Bash Mixer - June 19th
Affiliate Day Golf
AGC Classes
Committee Meetings
Get Social With Us:
More about
AGC San Diego
Contractors Needed!!
Click here to sign-up
Participating Contractors:
AGC San Diego and the Engineering General Contractors
Association to Join Forces
The Associated General Contractors of America San Diego Chapter, Inc.
(AGC) President Dave Carlin, Soltek Pacific, and Engineering General
Contractors Association (EGCA) President Kyle Nelson, Cass
Construction, announced Friday afternoon, May 25th that the AGC and the
EGCA have agreed to a strategic partnership that will result in the
assimilation of the EGCA and the AGC. All EGCA members will become
AGC San Diego and AGC of America members effective July 1st, 2012. A
memorandum of understanding has been agreed to that creates a long term
structure that will utilize the best services of each association to better serve
the AGC and EGCA memberships.
Since 1952, EGCA has represented general engineering contractors and
affiliate members involved in doing sewer, water, storm drain, utilities,
grading, paving, asphalt, concrete, and road building for public and private
owners. AGC has also represented contractors involved in this sector of the
industry. In a joint statement, Presidents Carlin and Nelson stated that this
partnership will strengthen the representation of member firms of both
associations and with public agencies and private owners. They indicated
that in recent years the industry has faced many complex regulatory
challenges. It is anticipated that these challenges will only increase in the
future. This partnership will allow the industry to face these challenges with
a unified, single voice that will be stronger and more focused. Both
Presidents also emphasized that the partnership will allow the industry to
work in a more efficient fashion with the public sector to ensure that our
political leaders are committed to increasing investment in our area's
Carlin and Nelson praised the committee of members and staff from the two
A & D GC, Inc
associations that worked for several months to structure the assimilation. In…
A & D GC, Inc
Reno Contracting, Inc.
Turner Construction
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
associations that worked for several months to structure the assimilation. In
addition to Dave Carlin and Kyle Nelson, committee members included
Thomas. L Brown, Sierra Pacific West, Inc.; Mike Shaw, Perry and
Shaw; Jason Mordhorst, Hazard Construction, Inc.; Debbie Day EGCA
Executive Director; and Jim Ryan, AGC EVP.
It is a great experience for b oth
the student and the contractor!
The MOU was approved by the Board of Directors of both associations
within the last month. On Friday, the contractor members of the EGCA
voted overwhelming to approve the MOU. The MOU includes the following
1. All 150 EGCA member firms will become members of the AGC and the
AGC of America effective July 1st, 2012.
Baseball Bash
June 19, 2012
Day at the Races
July 20, 2012
AGC Affiliate Day Golf
August 6, 2012
Sycuan Resort
AGC Blood Drive
August 28, 2012
Details coming soon
RQ Construction
Sherwood Mechanical
Soltek Pacific
TC Construction
MCRD Bootcamp Challenge
September 29, 2012
Are you up for the challenge?
Details coming soon
Aztec Tailgate
October 6, 2012
AGC Technology Conference
November 14, 2012
2. Current EGCA President Kyle Nelson, Cass Construction, will hold a
special seat on the AGCSD Board of Directors for the next two years.
EGCA members currently serving on the EGCA Board of Directors will be
invited to join a newly structured AGC Engineering General Contractors
Council (EGCC) which will replace the AGC's General Engineering Council.
The EGCC will also include AGC members. It will have the responsibility to
oversee the AGC's efforts to serve all members that are involved in the
engineering/infrastructure portion of the industry. The EGCC will also
nominate individuals to serve on the AGC Board of Directors.
3. EGCA's Executive Director Debbie Day will serve as the AGCSD's Vice
President Vice President Engineering Construction and Industry Relations.
She will have the responsibility to staff the EGCC. Debbie will staff a number
of committees that deal with public infrastructure construction, as well as
other committees as needed. She will report to AGCSD EVP Jim Ryan. This
will allow AGCSD's Brad Barnum to focus on Government Relations and to
serve a number of other AGC Committees, including the AGC General
Building Contractors Council.
4. EGCA's current events, activities, and publications etc., will continue. All
AGCSD members will be encouraged to attend these events and activities.
All EGCA members that become part of the AGC will be encouraged to
attend all AGC events and activities as well. The MOU recognizes the
importance of keeping the EGCA culture intact and this provision of the
MOU is designed to do just that.
5. The MOU recognizes that the entire range of AGCSD benefits will be
available to EGCA members effective July 1, 2012. This includes the AGC
Online Plan Room, the AGC Health and Pension Trusts, all committee
participation, the AGC apprenticeship Trust, AGC labor relations, AGC of
America services, etc.
6. The agreement is subject to a trial period. EGCA's current Board will
meet on an as needed basis to review the agreement as well as oversee
certain EGCA funds and assets. After the trial period, the intent is to merge
the associations if the arrangement is providing the expected benefits to the
members of EGCA and AGC.
A number of meetings will be scheduled during the next month to ensure
that the assimilation is completed in a seamless manner. The Board of
Directors of both Associations look forward to better serving the entire
industry as a result of the AGC/EGCA partnership.…
November 14, 2012
Mission Bay Hilton
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
Questions? Please contact Jim Ryan at (858) 731-8160 or Debbie Day at
AGC of America's
new AGC Store
is now open
Visit the AGC Store today and
start saving on the industry
pub lications, DVDs, and training
materials you need to support
your b usiness.
AGC Memb ers save up to
30% on every purchase
Countdown to Election Day: AGC's "Top 12" Things To
By Brad Barnum, Vice President Government Relations
With one week remaining until the June 5th Primary, we wanted to provide
you with a David Letterman "Top 10" list things to do over the next several
days. However, we needed to add two more, so now it is a "Top 12"!
Would you like your
company's website linked
on the AGC website?
for the web link form
Don't be fooled by slick mailers or television/radio ads, read AGC's
Voter Guide.
If you have an absentee ballot and already completed it, mail it to
the Registrar of Voters
Vote for Brian Bilbray, Duncan Hunter, and Darrell Issa...we need
them in Washington
Click on County Registrar of Voters' website to view
candidate/proposition information
Vote Yes for Proposition B...a reformed pension system saves San
Diego $2.1 billion
Review your sample ballot and mark it up prior to voting
Vote for Ray Ellis/Mark Kersey/Scott Sherman for a pro-business
City Council
Go to the Registrar of Voters and vote early, 8 AM - 5 PM (except
Vote for Greg Cox/Steve Danon...balance environment and
infrastructure in the County
Vote for Carl DeMaio for Mayor of San Diego...he will fix our
Vote Yes for Prop. A...ban PLA's and create Fair and Open
...and the #1 thing to do...on Tuesday, when the polls close at 8 PM, sit
back and watch the election results and say "Thank You" for no more phone
calls, candidate door knocking, political fundraisers, mailers, radio and TV
ads, yard signs, street signs, sign wavers, newspaper endorsements or
editorials, etc., etc., least for a few months before it starts all over again
for the November 6th General Election!…
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
AGC Specialty Council Meeting on June 5 at 11:30 at the
AGC (Lunch Provided)
The AGC Specialty Contractor's Council meeting is scheduled for June 5 at
11:30 at the AGC offices.
Any specialty contractor in good standing is invited to attend. The agenda
will include a presentation on "The Economic and Financial Recovery" by
Torrey Pines Bank. Click here to view the full agenda.
Quick Links...
Our Website
Education Calendar
Safety Calendar
Events Calendar
Online Plan Room
MMQB Archives
Room Rental
Have You Moved Lately?
Please notify us if your company
has a change of address,
phone/fax, or change of contact
person, so we can update our
records. Email Marcy Knopman
of any necessary changes.
About Monday Morning
AGC San Diego Chapter's
Monday Morning Quarterback is
a "hot off the press" and to the
point Monday morning briefing
on the important issues facing
San Diego's construction
industry. It is prepared by AGC
Executive Vice President, Jim
Ryan, and Vice President
Government Relations, Brad
To attend, please e-mail Inna Alizade.
AGC Affiliate Council Meeting on June 7 at 11:30 at the
AGC (Lunch Provided)
Any affiliate member in good standing is invited to attend. The agenda will
include an update on government relations and political activities presented
by AGC President Dave Carlin of Soltek Pacific and Brad Barnum, AGC
Vice President of Government Relations. Click here to view the full agenda.
To attend, please e-mail Inna Alizade.
AGC Seminar on Preventing Sexual and Other Unlawful
Harassment - June 19
With the passage of AB 1825, all California employers with 50 or more
employees are required by law to provide two hours of harassment
training every two years for their managers and supervisors! For many
California employers 2012 is a retraining year to maintain compliance
(Sexual Harassment Prevention training).
Remember too that all
supervisors who have been newly hired or promoted from within must
receive this training within six (6) months of hire/promotion. Have those in
your company who have not yet been trained or are due to be retrained join
us on Tuesday June 19 at the AGC. 6212 Ferris Square, SD... 9:30 11:30 a.m.
Please contact Jim Ryan or Brad
Barnum with your comments, or…
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
Barnum with your comments, or
with information that should be
conveyed to the industry through
this service. Well over 2,000
individuals employed by AGC
member firms are part of this
AGC Annual Baseball Bash Mixer - Tuesday, June 19 at
Dick's Last Resort
The first batch of tickets for the Annual AGC Baseball Bash on Tuesday,
June 19th, are sold, and are we're quickly selling the second batch.
The ballgame will be against the Texas Rangers and begins at 7:05 P.M.
The pre-game mixer will once again be at
the lively Dick's Last Resort Restaurant, a
fun venue with good food, drinks and plenty
of personality.
Over 400 AGC members attended last year
and the place was rocking!
The mixer is from 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. and then everyone walks over to the
game where our seats are all together in the Toyota Terrace Pavilion.
Special thanks to Swinerton Builders and Marks, Finch, Thornton &
Baird, LLP as the Major Sponsors for the 2012 AGC Baseball Bash
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
The event committee is also looking for raffle prize donations in order to
continue the tradition of offering some of the best prizes ever! Click here for
more information.
Contact Rae Krushensky at with any questions.
AGC 73rd Annual AGC Affiliate Day Golf Tournament
Thanks to the following repeat Major Sponsors, we anticipate another fun
and exciting golf event.
Major Sponsors:
Alliant Insurance Services, and Moss Adams LLP
Tee-Prize Sponsor & Lunch Sponsor:
Marks, Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP
California Quivers" Cool-Treat Sponsor:
Polycomp Administrative Services
Plasma TV for the Raffle:
Trench Shoring Company
Committee Carts:
California Bank & Trust
There are many other sponsorship opportunities still available. The
exhibitors, hole (tee) sponsors, beverage sponsors, contest sponsors,
and raffle prize sponsors are still available.
This event is the premier event of the year and much anticipated. It offers a
great marketing opportunity for AGC members.
New this year: Signage will be produced by Acme Safety & Supply Co.
Click here for the brochure with sponsor form.
This event is the premier event of the year and much anticipated. It offers a
great marketing opportunity for AGC members.…
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
New this year: Signage will be produced by Acme Safety & Supply Co.
Please contact Rae Krushensky at 858-731-8157 with any questions.
Calendar of Upcoming Safety & Education Classes
May Classes
May 25,31, June 1 - OSHA 30-hour
May 30- CPR/First Aid - CLASS IS FULL
May 31- PowerPoint 2007-2010
June Classes
June 1- OSHA 30-Hour with Safety Training Supervisor (STS)
June 4- AGC "Breakfast Club"
June 5-6- Qualified Work Zone Traffic Control Supervisor
June 6- CHST Safety Panel Round Table- Free!
June 6- Evacuation & Emergency Planning
June 7-8- CQM Training
June 7- Quickbooks Pro 2010
June 11-14- EM385 1-1 Military Safety Requirements- 40 Hour
June 12- Lead Poisoning Awareness Training
June 12- Mitigating Risk in Design-Build Contracts
June 13- How to Successfully Document a Project
June 15- BIM-Building Information Modeling
June 15-16- OSHA 10-Hour for the Construction Industry
June 18-19- Primavera Oracle P6 (Version 7.0)
June 19-Putting Your 401(K) to the Test
June 19-21- QSD Training
June 19-20- QSP Training
June 20- Project Engineers Boot Camp
June 27- CPR / First Aid
For more information on Education classes:
Contact: Becca Schaffer (858) 731-8155
For more information on Safety classes:
Contact RaeMarie Blaha-Jonas (858) 558-7444, ext. 110
"The more you read, the more things you will k now. The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go"
~ Dr. Seuss
Upcoming AGC Committee Meeting…
AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
AGC Committee Meeting
June 1
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 12
June 12
June 13
Technology Trends in Construction - 12:00 P.M
Specialty Contractors' Council - 11:30 AM
Safety Committee - 7:00 AM
Affiliate Members' Council - 11:30 AM
HR Practices Committee - 11:30 AM
Environmental Stewardship Committee - 12 PM
Public Building Liaison Committee- 7:00 AM
Get involved in the AGC by serving on a committee...the more you put into
AGC, the more you will get out! A great way to network with other AGC
The Associated General Contractors, San Diego Chapter, Inc.
6212 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA 92121 | Phone (858) 558-7444 | Fax (858) 558-8444
Building Your Quality of Life
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The Associated General Contractors, San Diego Chapter, Inc. | 6212 Ferris Square | San Diego | CA | 92121…