consistel - Business World International
consistel - Business World International
| CONSISTEL CONSISTEL | Next Level In-Building Wireless Solutions Based in Singapore, CONSISTEL Pte Ltd is one of the most innovative and up-and-coming in- building wireless software solutions providers and integrators of Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) in the world. They specialize in the design and installation of cutting edge mobile networks that optimize their clients’ in-building wireless services and are on the verge of redefining the industry with ATRIUM, their latest enterprise software suite. | CONSISTEL CONSISTEL | | CONSISTEL Masoud Bassiri is the Chairman and the region at that time. He was responsible Founder of CONSISTEL − and he boasts for the rollout of those 1G networks for a va- an impressive resume, to say the least. He riety of operators from end-to-end, includ- started his career in the late 1980s working ing Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Phil- for Motorola in their Research and Develop- ippines, Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh, ment (R&D) department. During that time, among others. he wrote software and developed system de- Three years later, he was hired by Nortel signs as part of the original invention groups as Head of their Wireless Division. He suc- for cellular mobile networks, and he has sev- cessfully expanded that branch of the com- eral patents with Motorola under his name. pany and established the first GSM network In 1991, Motorola sent Bassiri to Singa- in Singapore, which he again built from end- pore, where he became Head of Engineering to-end. As he was in the midst of delivering and Operations in Southeast Asia to setup that project, he discovered that he needed to the 1G analogue system, which was new to build an indoor wireless system, which was CONSISTEL | | CONSISTEL foreign to him at the time. work planning software for their macro out- His search for a solution led him to two door wireless network. MSI began purchas- American companies that were consultants ing licences in locations such as India, Hong to the Pentagon. They possessed the engi- Kong and Africa for fixed fees, and invested neering systems and techniques necessary those assets into a company called Celtel. In to distribute wireless networking signals in- 2000, MSI sold the products and services doors via DAS. This was the first time in the side of Celtel to Marconi Communications, world that the technology was brought from eventually selling the company itself to Vo- a classified application to the civil applica- dafone in 2005. Two years later, Bassiri and tion. a group of investors completed a leveraged Bassiri left Nortel in 1996 after complet- management buyout from Marconi Com- ing their end-to-end 2G network rollout. munications. CONSISTEL is a product of He went on to join MSI as Vice President that buyout – a company long in the making of their Asian Division, specializing in net- and born from more than 25 years of indus- CONSISTEL | try experience and expertise. ATRIUM Since its inception, CONSISTEL has focused primarily on wireless networking integration and software development for indoor wireless telephony. ATRIUM is a result of that focus, and it has positioned the company on the leading edge of the wireless industry. The enterprise software suite is designed to digitize entire buildings and other expansive properties to provide crucial data, such as pictures, systems and network diagrams, just to name a few. “It’s the building equivalent to Facebook, but it has engineering functionality,” Bassiri explains. “For example, it takes the walls of a loss distribution network and comes up with automatic antenna placements − these are patented − and network architecture, size of the cables, length of the cables, type of connectors and so forth. So it provides very comprehensive system planning.” According to Bassiri, ATRIUM is vastly superior to the current software being used worldwide for the same purpose. The preceding software was developed approximately 15 years ago and uses a “very old” C programming language platform. It also performs poorly in the area of building | CONSISTEL digitization. “However, because the software doesn’t “ I had projects in Pakistan in 2006 and have a database, it’s basically just a user in- 2007, which was during the time of the vio- terface that only does simulation. So my en- lence and the bombings in Karachi,” he re- gineers came back to me and told me that calls. “We had 150 building projects to com- using the software would actually be creat- plete there, which normally wouldn’t have ing additional work for them, since it would been a problem because we were doing 100 be one more format of documentation they buildings a month in Thailand, Malaysia, the would need to consolidate. That’s when the Philippines and so on – but in Pakistan, my light bulb went off − the key is not simula- engineers were terrified of losing their lives. tion, but rather databasing this entire pro- So I asked them to purchase the software cess of engineering.” from Canada so they could use it to design Following an extensive R&D period the buildings, get out fast and leave the inte- which cost the company $15 million of its gration to the local providers.” own capital as well as $2.5 million in grants CONSISTEL | from the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, CONSISTEL developed ATRIUM. The cutting edge enterprise software uses an Oracle database that “feeds multiple functionalities,” including building digitization, site acquisition, site management, network engineering procurement, component library, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), banking status, financial status, site locations and more. “If you go to any infrastructure management software in any operator, they have multiple databases within multiple departments,” Bassiri explains. “With ATRIUM, that information sits around one database, which allows the software to become an operator of an operator, so to speak. We have written ATRIUM 100 per cent in-house, so whenever a customer orders a need for some sort of a pivoting of the data, we can reach into the engine and into the database and provide functionality very quickly.” BENEFITS OF BUILDING DIGITIZATION For clients, the savings in both cost and time are substantial when using ATRIUM over conventional methods. CONSISTEL’S patented automatic antenna placement, for example, gives the software the ability to | CONSISTEL automatically optimize antenna placements put the antennas.” within a building once the floor plans have In this application, ATRIUM reduces la- been uploaded. bour work by roughly 60 per cent to come “With any other software, you actually up with a full integration of a network in- have to take a taxi, go to the site, test the side a building. It also reduces the total cost equipment and place antennas in different of integrating the building by between 25 to locations to come up with test transmit re- 30 per cent. Once the antennas have been sults,” Bassiri says. “You also have to do this placed and installed, CONSISTEL only has by walking through hallways only – not the to test for connectivity, as ATRIUM has ef- entire floor. Through hallways only, you get fectively eliminated the need for coverage sort of a snake route within the floor which and integration testing. is less than 5 per cent of total data. With ATRIUM also provides benefits that ex- ATRIUM, you get the entire floor, and it will tend beyond its practical applications. Bassi- tell you − very accurately − exactly where to ri explains that building digitization “gives CONSISTEL | life to the data” not only for the telecomm they didn’t have information, so they didn’t industry, but also for security surveillance, know how many terrorists there were, where ecommerce − practically anything that can they were, what weapons they were carry- use that data for content placement. This ing and exactly what kind of formation they is because building digitization essentially were in inside the hotel.” provides a platform for users to index their “If the Chief of Police or swat team had content on, which would be incredibly ad- access to the security cameras from outside vantageous for those needing to access that of the hotel, it would have been a much dif- content from an external location. ferent result,” he continues. “That’s what we “For example, let’s talk about the attack want to do with ATRIUM. You immediately on the hotel in India,” says Bassiri. “There upload the cameras to determine that infor- were 600 police officers outside and about mation, and the server would not be easily six terrorists inside. Obviously, the police spotted by a terrorist to be destroyed. Every- outnumbered the terrorists, but why didn’t thing would be concealed and you would be they go inside? The main answer is because able to access the data very quickly.” | CONSISTEL Similar advantages, as Bassiri points out, A BRIGHT FUTURE could also be applied to firefighting. Currently, when firefighters arrive on the scene, For 20 years now, the Enterprise 50 (E50) they must observe the necessary precautions Awards have annually recognized the top 50 and procedures to understand the location privately-owned businesses “who have con- and extent of the fire before they enter the tributed to economic development in Sin- property. This, of course, is prudent, but also gapore and abroad.” In 2014, CONSISTEL time-consuming. However, using the cam- ranked 46th on the prestigious list − an im- eras or sensors that are part of ATRIUM’s pressive feat considering they have spent the platform, firefighters would be able to accu- past two years researching and developing rately simulate the fire very quickly on smart ATRIUM, which rendered them completely devices such as iPads and iPhones, thus pro- ineligible for the previous two award pro- viding them accurate data in a much shorter grams. time span. “We hadn’t really gone out in a power CONSISTEL | way to sell ATRIUM until this year because lion industry by itself.” we were in the R&D mode, so I was quite In the meantime, however, CONSISTEL pleased that we finally got into the E50,” is focused on spinning ATRIUM off into a Bassiri says. “We worked hard to get there new company called INIQ. and I hope with future achievements we will “INIQ is going to be the new brand, and rank a lot better than 46th, but simply mak- that work has already begun,” Bassiri reveals. ing the list is great.” “So the short-term plan is the divestment of Now that CONSISTEL is gearing up to this asset into an independent, and the long- market ATRIUM worldwide, it is very likely term plan is to basically make it the global that the company will ascend the E50 ranks dominant for any indoor application, in- in just a few short years. In fact, having iden- cluding telecomm, for managing the content tified the total addressable market for the and infrastructure.” enterprise software suite, Bassiri anticipates that it could eventually “become a $10 bil- | CONSISTEL Beyond ATRIUM, the company also has a very bright fu- ture. This met ture in regards to their neutral host DAS and system integra- impaired perf tion divisions. For the former − the division Bassiri is person- ered cabling sy ally leading − CONSISTEL is working on a joint venture with “There’s 4G Equis Funds Group worth $150 million. That project would Bassiri says. “Th see the company creating, owning and operating building net- 4G MIMO ar works which they would then lease to operators. CONSISTEL is something t currently has this in effect with Singapore Sports Hub. tion companie For their system integration division, CONSISTEL is focused on converting 3G networks to 4G multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), which most telecommunications companies worldwide have not done yet. Instead, as Bassiri explains, the majority of these companies are simply changing their base stations to 4G using their old 3G cabling architec- CONSISTEL | thod produces a 4G signal, but one with severely formance, whereas 4G MIMO uses a double-lay- ystem to produce a truly effective 4G signal. G without MIMO, and then 4G with MIMO,” The number of buildings worldwide that are truly re in the hundreds, not thousands. So 4G MIMO that is going to revolutionize all telecommunica- es. I would like to be a big part of that.” | CONSISTEL CONSISTEL |