- CEE - Nanyang Technological University
- CEE - Nanyang Technological University
CIVIL ENGINEERING RESEARCH ISSN 0219-0370 • No. 24 / 2011 • www.ntu.edu.sg/cee/research/bulletin/index.asp SUSTAINABLE URBAN SYSTEMS In 2000, the world population was 6.1 billion. The Population Division of the United Nations projected that this would grow to 8.9 billion by 2050, an increase of nearly 47 per cent in 50 years. Today, half the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2050, eight out of ten people on planet earth will be living in cities. This prompted the Executive Secretary of the International Convention on Biological Diversity to say that “the battle for life on Earth will be won or lost in cities”. With the explosive growth in population and the unrelenting shift to urbanization, successfully engineering and building sustainable cities within limits imposed by the natural environment is a huge challenge. Cities consume two-thirds of total energy produced and generated over two-thirds of global energy-related CO2 emissions. Cities impose tremendous demand on natural resources such as clean water and clean air. In their wakes, they created a huge volume of waste that must be handled safely without impacting the quality of modern urban living. Dr Su Guaning, President NTU, in his opening remark at the GlobalTech’s Workshop on Sustainable Urban Solutions, held at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China on 03-May2010 said: “For a long time, mankind has made fundamental assumptions on Mother Nature that turn out to be grossly inaccurate and highly dangerous. From a small population dependent largely on processes of nature for our survival, we have evolved and multiplied and acquired the powers to transform nature for the good and the bad. No longer can we take the impact of mankind as negligible and the capacity of nature as infinite.” He commented that “Unfortunately we are in the awkward situation where we Cont’d on Pg 3 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR ur School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) has continued its pace of rapid growth over this past year strengthening its research programmes in the sustainable built environment domain. Early in 2010, CEE accounted for two of NTU’s four prestigious awards in Singapore’s National Research Foundation (NRF) Competitive Research Programme call on Sustainable Urban Systems. These extremely competitive awards of about S$10 million each saw faculty teams across CEE’s three Divisions led by A/P Chu Jian and A/P Wang Jing-Yuan winning awards in the development of an underwater city and in sustainable urban waste management, respectively. The feature article of this issue of CEE Research Bulletin contains detailed descriptions of both research programme which are ramping up. and in building energy efficiency. Both are somewhat non-traditional areas for the School and representative of NTU’s renewed efforts in intensifying integrative research as well as being aligned with NTU’s strategic peak of excellence in Sustainable Earth. The first is the establishment of NTU’s Institute of Catastrophe Risk Management (ICRM) in January 2010 with CEE being the key driving School and CEE Professor T-C Pan, Dean of College of Engineering, being the Founding Director. ICRM aims to become Asia’s leading research institute in catastrophe risk management, helping those at risk worldwide in general and Asia in particular. The focus on Asia is because Asia suffers from having the largest exposure and corresponding fatalities and losses from recent major catastrophes but is the least prepared from both societal and governmental fronts. Working synergistically with other NTU colleges and institutions, ICRM will undertake integrated risk assessment and This year also saw CEE embarking on two new research fronts, that specifically in catastrophe risk management Cont’d on Pg 2 Dear friends: O IN FOCUS Message from the Chair (Cont’d from Pg 1) management of hazards and catastrophes, both natural and man-made. As a start, ICRM is developing methodologies for the rigorous assessment of seismic risk and flood risk. These two efforts are led by CEE Emeritus Professor C.N. Chen and CEE Professors Shuy E.B., Li Bing and Kusno Megawati. Together with the Nanyang Business School, ICRM has also secured PhD funding for two students from Aon-Benfield, a global leading reinsurance intermediary. One of the PhD students will focus on catastrophes in maritime business and the other on Asian motor liability. Additional post-doctoral fellow funding is also secured from Willis Re, another global reinsurance firm, for research into marine container and cargo exposure/vulnerability, and for CEE to join the Willis-Re Global Research Network. CEE Professors Robert Tiong, Jasmine Lam and Chiew Sing Ping are leading these efforts with the Aon-Benfield and WillisRe grants. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The second research front is in energy efficiency for buildings in tropical climates. Buildings in Singapore account for 50% of the nation’s energy usage (the number is about 40% in the US) representing the nation’s largest energy demand. NTU, led by CEE and its School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), partnered UC Berkeley thereby enabling Berkeley to establish its Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS) under NRF’s CREATE scheme. BEARS will have the Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics (BEST) programme as its first programme. Under BEST we will see Berkeley faculty partnering CEE and EEE counterparts to develop and testbed technologies that will significantly reduce the building energy demand. The focus will be on self-optimizing building systems using a combination of physics-based models, models of occupant behavior, data driven models and smart sensing to deliver custom environments that simultaneously optimizes comfort and productivity, and minimizes energy and environmental costs. The research teams aim to achieve disruptive innovations in building energy systems which will be vital in creating new knowledge for new buildings and retrofitting of existing buildings. Professors Chiew Sing Ping, Susanto Teng and Victor Chang and I will be heading CEE efforts on this front. 2 It is indeed most exciting to see these new large research programmes developing over the course of the year. Furthermore, these initiatives are coming on top of the research centres and programmes started under NTU’s Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI) with again CEE being the lead School and which I have reported on in last year’s issue of CEE Research Bulletin. On the flip side, these many new major initiatives are placing dramatically increased demands on CEE’s research infrastructure to the point that CEE is now facing major shortages in office and laboratory space at its N1-Block on campus. CEE currently has over 240 PhD students and over 120 research staff comprising research fellows, research associates and project officers. We have thus embarked on several major renovation projects that will see teaching and research activities being consolidated to free up spaces for research offices and laboratories. In particular, CEE now has a new laboratory, the Central Environmental and Science Engineering Laboratory, housing several new instruments for environmental research and a new Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory for green concrete research. I encourage you, and particularly the alumni, to visit and see the transformations first hand. A key part of School management is to ensure that CEE’s education and research programmes are of the highest possible level in rigor and quality. Notably, CEE saw visits by two key visiting committees this past year. The first is by NTU’s College of Engineering Visiting Committee and the second is by Singapore’s Ministry of Education External Review Panel under the Ministry’s Quality Assurance for Universities (QAFU) framework. I am happy to report that CEE has received positive comments and reviews by both committees. Furthermore, our Bachelor of Engineering degree programmes formerly accredited by UK’s Joint Board of Moderators (formed by The Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Institution of Highways and Transportation, and the Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers), are now accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Board of the Institution of Engineers Singapore under the Washington Accord. At the individual level, Dr Goh Kok Hui, a recent PhD graduate under the supervision of Professor Lim Teik Thye, won one of the World Future Foundation’s PhD Prize in Environmental and Sustainability Research for his thesis on the sorption of oxyanions on nanocrystalline Mg/Al layered double hydroxides. CEE Professor T-C Pan, Dean of College of Engineering, won the 2010 Defense Technology Prize for work over the years in underground technology and rock engineering, and thereby provided key support towards the current developments of underground facilities in Singapore. CEE continues to be successful in attracting new, high calibre faculty members over this past year. Since January 2010 we welcomed 5 new faculty members. They are Associate Professor Tarek Zayed (Construction Engineering Management, PhD Purdue University, 2001) Assistant Professors Lee Chang Soo (Environmental Engineering, PhD Pohang University of Science & Technology, 2005), Yang En-Hua (Civil and Environmental Engineering, PhD University of Michigan, 2008), Philip Wong (Environmental Engineering and Science, PhD Stanford University, 2010), Cheung Sai Hung (Civil Engineering, PhD California Institute of Technology, 2009). I hope you find CEE Research Bulletin informative and enjoyable. Please do e-mail me with your thoughts and comments. Edmond Lo Chair, CEE IN FOCUS Sustainable Urban Systems (Cont’d from Pg 1) need to know the impact of our actions on nature without sufficient understanding of nature itself.” city can be constructed using the approach proposed. Living under seawater will be a reality in the near future. He further announced at the workshop that, “a happy coincidence of our prior preparation, the increase of external funding as well as our convictions has resulted in an explosion of energy and activities in the Sustainable Earth Peak of Excellence of our NTU 2015 Strategy. It is backed by a multi-year funding of S$700mil on a diverse range of topics ranging from earthquake and volcanoes to environmental engineering to biofilms to energy to water resources to membrane technology.” The proposed new approach has many advantages over the existing practices. It makes multiple use of sea space by making the space both above and below the reclaimed land available for recreation, living or infrastructural development. It combines reclamation, superstructure and underground constructions in one and thus is the most efficient and cost-effective approach for space creation and utilization. When designed strategically, the cylindrical structure groups can also function as effective shore protection elements against extreme waves such as storm surges or tsunami and seawater changes caused by global warming. They can also be designed to create energy using waves. The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a bulwark in the preparation and on-going effort to spearhead the Sustainable Earth Peak of Excellence in NTU 2015 strategy. The School had won two Competitive Research Programme (CRP) funded by the National Research Foundation. The first project titled “underwater infrastructure and underwater city of the future” is focused on the exploration of new approaches to land-use particularly in the nearshore environment. This research effort is particularly timely and pertinent to land scarce Singapore where other potential approaches to expanding land-space are severely constrained. The design and construction of the super large cylindrical structures poses many challenges to both theories and practice. These include (a) the development of new and innovative construction materials that would allow the massive concrete structures to be constructed economically and last for hundreds of years; (b) innovative soil improvement and foundation construction methods to allow a proper control and prediction of the settlement and bearing capacity under various loads; and (c) the hydrodynamics and related coastal, environmental issues The second project is titled “Sustainable Urban Waste Management for 2020”. The main focus of the project is directed at the decentralized “waste-to-resources’ concept, targeting at the recycling, reclamation and reuse of all forms of wastes generated in highly urbanized cities of which Singapore is a prime test field. The following provides a synopsis of the two CRPs. CRP I: UNDERWATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND UNDERWATER CITY OF THE FUTURE Figure 1. Use of large size cylindrical structures for space creation underwater and for land reclamation above. Figure 2. Use of large diameter cylindrical structures to form seawalls and create space behind the seawall. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In land scarce Singapore, space creation is a key strategic area that concerns the survivability and sustainability of the Nation. At the present, we have been using underground caverns and offshore reclamation for space creation. Both methods may not be sustainable in the long run. A new approach – going underwater is proposed to make use of the sea space to construct underwater infrastructure and at the same time use the top-side of the infrastructures as reclaimed land (see Figure 1). Using the proposed method, we no longer need to import fill materials for land reclamation. The proposed method also allows the use of our limited space even more efficiently and cost effectively. Cylindrical structures can also be put together to form a watertight seawall and thus create space behind the seawall (see Figure. 2). What is more exciting is that underwater 3 IN FOCUS and the possibility for harvesting wave energy. New technology and innovative solutions are required to make the idea a reality. It is proposed in this project to carry out an intensive inter-disciplinary study to address problems related to structural, geotechnical, hydrodynamic, risk analysis, and socio-technical aspects. From the study, a series of innovative methods, new materials, and new construction technologies will be developed to make the proposed approach technically feasible and cost-effective. The scopes of the study include (a) in-depth study of the mechanical properties and durability of new construction materials including Ultra High Performance Concrete, Self-Compacting Green Concrete, as well as innovative cylindrical structural design using new forms of structural members; (b) Innovative soil treatment and foundation methods; and (c) hydrodynamic study and harvest of wave energy. The innovative methods to be developed include the use of green concrete and new reinforcement, new methods for the installation of cylindrical structures such as suction caissons without soil improvement, new methods to address issues on vortex shedding, wave trapping and movement of sand waves relevant to the founding of extra large structures on the seabed, and methods to harness wave energy. The expected outcome of this research is the establishment of a new, efficient and sustainable method for space creation using less resource and to provide innovative solutions to the challenges to make space creation and underwater construction more cost-effective and socially attractive. KEY MEMBERS OF PROGRAM TEAM: Principal Investigator: • Assoc Prof Chu Jian (CEE, NTU) Co-Principal Investigators: • Assoc Prof Susanto Teng (CEE, NTU) • Assoc Prof Tan Soon Keat (CEE, NTU) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Collaborators: • Assoc Prof Robert Tiong (CEE, NTU) • Asst Prof Sulfikar Amir (AHSS, NTU); • Mr Lam Kok Pang (JTC Corporation) 4 Industrial collaborator: • Surbana International Consultants Overseas Collaborators: • Mr Knut H. Andersen, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway; • Dr Dale Berner, Ben C. Gerwick Inc., USA; • Prof Odd E. Gjorv, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; • Prof Richard S. Mercier, Offshore Technology Research Centre, Texas A&M University, USA; • Prof Andrew Whittle, MIT, USA CRP II: SUSTAINABLE URBAN WASTE MANAGEMENT FOR 2020 INTRODUCTION Waste is not waste. Much of our disposed waste should not in fact be considered waste; they are simply misplaced resources. Based on current waste management concepts, these resources are normally buried in landfills or incinerated. Such waste treatment/disposal approaches need to be revised as natural resources are depleted. Waste becomes potential sources for resource recovery. This is especially true for land- and resource-scarce Singapore. A successful proposal entitled “Sustainable Urban Waste Management for 2020”, based on a decentralised “waste to resources” concept, was recently awarded S$10 million by the National Research Foundation (NRF) under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP) funding scheme to develop sustainable urban waste management solutions for 2020 and beyond. The five-year programme is led by Assoc Prof Wang J.Y. (lead PI) of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and supported by six other NTU faculty members as Co-PIs. The programme also partner with three government agencies, two industrial companies, and two overseas universities. OBJECTIVES The main objective of this research programme is to develop sustainable urban waste management solutions for 2020. Research outcomes are expected to bring long term environmental, economical and social benefits to Singapore and eventually the rest of the world. To achieve the main objective, the following three research subprogramme were proposed: • Subprogramme A: Communities as renewable resource recovery centres • Subprogramme B: Wastewater treatment plants as urban eco power stations • Subprogramme C: Rapid land reclamation of closed dumping grounds RESEARCH OUTCOME Various technologies will be developed, tested, and demonstrated for all the subprogrammes. Subprogramme A IN FOCUS • A technology for phosphorous - and nitrogen-recovery from yellow water KEY MEMBERS OF PROGRAM TEAM: • A technology for odour removal from household source separation system Principal Investigator: • Assoc Prof J-Y Wang (CEE, NTU) • A two-phase anaerobic digestion (AD) system for codigestion of black water and food waste • An integrated thermophilic co-digestion (CoD) and cocomposting (CoC) system • Prof W.J. Ng (CEE, NTU): PI on co-digestion of sludge and community organic waste • An integrated solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) + microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) + proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system • Prof R. Harianto (CEE, NTU): Co-PI on capillary capping development using recycled materials • Assoc Prof X. Wang (CBE, NTU): Co-PI on integrated SOFC + MEC + PEMFC system • Assoc Prof J. Chu: Co-PI on non-invasive site characterization technique development • Asst Prof Victor Chang: Co-PI on nutrient recovery and odor removal • Asst Prof C.S. Lee: Co-PI on co-digestion of black water and food waste • Mr S.H. Lim (National Environment Agency): Partner on the whole programme • Ms Cherlyn Leong (Jurong Town Corporation): Partner on subprogrammes A and C • Ms P.S. Teh (Housing Development Board): Partner on subprogramme A • Mr William Phay (Keppel Pte Ltd): Partner on subprogramme B • Mr S.O. Goh (SembCorp Pte Ltd): Partner on subprogramme C Local Collaborators: Subprogramme B • An efficient sludge + organic waste co-digestion (single stage + thermophilic ) system • Other developments: A two-phase AD for sludge + organic waste co-digestion Subprogramme C A technology for non-invasive geophysical site investigation • Landfill mining technologies including waste characterization and separation • Remediation technologies including electrokinetic, soil washing, bioremediation, etc. • Resource recovery technology, e.g., fast pyrolysis • Evapotranspiration-based (capillary) capping technology • Prof Rainer Stegmann (Technical University of Hamburg and Harburg, Germany): Collaborator on integrated codigestion and co-composting system • Prof J.S. Chang (National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan): Collaborator on co-digestion of black water and food waste and landfill remediation • Prof S.S. Cheng (NCKU, Taiwan): Collaborator on bioenergy development Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 • Overseas Collaborators: 5 CEE VISION AND MISSION CEE VISION & MISSION Our Vision A leading school for sustainable built environment. Our Mission To nurture students to be responsible leaders capable of realising their maximum potential in their profession and community. To provide a collegiate environment for faculty to excel in education and research for sustainable Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 development. To advance knowledge for the 6 practice of civil and environmental engineering and maritime professions. STATISTICS STATISTICS Faculty & Staff (as of 1 December 2010) Publications, Patents and Research Grant Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Journal papers 145 167 151 202 79 Conference papers 76 120 91 90 45 Patents 1 3 3 2 2 9.6 9.9 13.5 36.4 30.0* Research Grant ($mil) *Partial figure only Students Enrolment Programme/ Academic Year MEng PhD PhD (SSP) MSc (Civil Eng) MSc (Env Eng) MSc (ICM) MSc (MS) AY2006-07 1364 36 145 3 254 102 79 175 AY2007-08 1290 37 150 6 228 107 102 201 AY2008-09 1210 29 163 6 216 93 98 256 AY2009-10 1148 5 169 7 38 14 25 22 AY2010-11* 1149 5 206 7 54 31 45 49 *Semester 1 only Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Undergraduate 7 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES BACHELOR DEGREE PROGRAMMES BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (CIVIL) The Civil Engineering programme is structured on a flexible and diverse system that allows students to choose from a broad range of courses to receive a well-rounded education while maintaining high academic standards. In the final year of study, students are given the opportunity to specialize in particular areas of civil engineering by selecting the relevant elective courses. Furthermore, though students typically complete the degree course in four years, they may study at their own pace and complete their studies within the time frame of three-and-half to seven years. In the first year of study, students take the common engineering course which deals with basic concepts in mathematics, science and fundamental engineering principles. The curriculum also includes a course in communication skills and two courses of laboratory experiments. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In the second year, students are required to take fundamental courses in the civil engineering discipline, such as basic theory of structures, geotechnical engineering, water resources engineering, engineering drawing & measurement. Second-year students also take additional courses in mathematics, two courses of laboratory experiments and a technical communication skills course. In the second semester of the second year, students study “Engineering Innovation and Design”, a course in which students work in groups on a given open-ended project to learn the practical and innovative problem-solving skills required of engineers. 8 In the third year of their studies, students are offered a balanced mix of core courses comprising structural analysis, design in concrete and steel structures, and specialized courses in foundation, transportation and environmental engineering. After students attaining the requisite academic units for promotion to third year, the students can, if they wish, register for a 22-week Industrial Attachment (IA) in a private company or public organization, where they learn to practise civil engineering under the guidance of experienced engineers and managers. In the final year, the Civil Engineering programme concentrates on training students in professional civil engineering practice as well as managerial and entrepreneurial skills. Students are given the choice to pursue their own fields of interest in a particular area of specialization by selecting from a group of optional elective courses offered by the School. Each student is also required to complete a two-semester duration research project in any of the specializations in civil engineering. In Integrated Design, students will be involved in team effort to confront and solve real-life open-ended civil and environmental engineering problems. BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (ENVIRONMENTAL) The Environmental Engineering programme is structured on a flexible and diverse system that allows students to choose from a broad range of courses to receive a well-rounded education while maintaining high academic standards. In the final year of study, students are given the opportunity to specialize in particular areas of environmental engineering by selecting the relevant elective courses. Furthermore, though students typically complete the degree course in four years, they may study at their own pace and complete their studies within the time frame of three-and-half to seven years. In the first year of study, students take the common engineering course which deals with basic concepts in mathematics, science and fundamental engineering principles. The curriculum also includes a course in communication skills and two courses of laboratory experiments. In the second year, students are required to take fundamental courses in the environmental engineering discipline, such as fluid mechanics, hydrology, environmental chemistry, environmental processes, and environmental microbiology. Students are given foundational training in sustainable infrastructure by taking some courses in basic theory of structures and engineering drawing & measurement. Secondyear students also take additional courses in mathematics, two courses of laboratory experiments and a technical communication skills course. In the second semester of the second year, students study “Engineering Innovation and Design”, a course in which students work in groups on a given open-ended project to learn the practical and innovative problem-solving skills required of engineers. In the third year of their studies, students are offered a balanced mix of core courses comprising water supply engineering, wastewater engineering, solid waste engineering, geo-environmental engineering, hydraulics and basic structural design. After attaining the requisite academic units for promotion to third year, the students can, if they wish, register for a 22-week Industrial Attachment (IA) in a private company or public organization, where they learn to practise the environmental engineering under the guidance of experienced engineers and managers. In the final year, the Environmental Engineering programme concentrates on training students in professional environmental engineering practice as well as managerial and entrepreneurial skills. Students are given the choice to pursue their own fields of interest in a particular area of specialization by selecting from a group of optional elective courses offered by the School. Each student is also required to complete a two-semester duration research project in any of the specializations in environmental engineering. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (MARITIME STUDIES) The Maritime Studies programme focuses primarily on tertiary education in shipping, business, management, and maritime science and technology, to build up the expertise of the local shipping industry as well as working towards establishing Singapore as a centre of excellence for shipping business, research and development. The programme is conducted jointly by NTU and the Norwegian School of Management (BI), Norway, supported by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). With the support from the College of Engineering, Nanyang Business School and School of Humanities and Social Sciences, students enrolled in the Maritime Studies programme will learn from academics from various disciplines, thereby developing different skills in a holistic and comprehensive learning environment. The Norwegian School of Management (BI) is Norway’s second largest educational institution, and one of the largest business schools in Europe. BI is the first Norwegian educational and research institution to achieve international accreditation establishing BI as one of Europe’s leading business schools. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and the shipping industry have recognised that the shipping practice and business in Singapore need to be further elevated in order to enter into the regional and global arenas. The BSc (Maritime Studies) degree is a strategic development that would provide high-level and high-value education for professionals in shipping and related business, elevating them from local business management to one of international business standing. The BSc (Maritime Studies) with Business Major degree aims to produce graduates well versed with the maritime industry and strong business knowledge so that they will be the future business leaders in the global maritime industry. MPA and the industry are fully supportive of the Maritime Studies degree programmes and MPA also provides an endowed Professorship (Shipping Management) in NTU. The BSc (Maritime Studies) curriculum aims to provide students with both depth and breadth. The course structure is flexible and broad base. Students will be required to complete: • Foundation courses including mathematics, social sciences, business and technology • Shipping specialist courses including organization and management of shipping companies, international shipping logistics, maritime law, marine insurance, shipping strategy, and a research project • Prescribed electives for specialisation in the programme, and General Education Requirement courses for broadening the learning experience In addition to the above, the more rigorous BSc (Maritime Studies) with Business Major curriculum includes core business courses in accounting, business law, company law, principles of taxation, business environment, financial analysis & reporting, marketing, and organisation behaviour & design. Students will complete a semester of their studies at BI, Norway, in their third year of studies. The curriculum also includes an Industrial Immersion - ten weeks for BSc (Maritime Studies) and twelve weeks for BSc (Maritime Studies) with Business Major - where students will be attached to organizations in the shipping and related industry. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 9 GRADUATE PROGRAMMES GRADUATE STUDIES BY COURSEWORK Master of Science (Civil Engineering) The programme equips students with the latest advancements in knowledge and technology in modern civil engineering practice. Students will also have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in several civil engineering disciplines by selecting appropriate courses. Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) The programme equips graduate engineers and other related professionals with advanced skills and expertise in a wide variety of environmental disciplines. The programme offers a comprehensive range of subjects on advanced water and wastewater treatment, air and land pollution as well as broader aspects of environmental management and planning. Master of Science (International Construction Management) The programme enables graduate engineers, architects and other related professionals to expand their decision-making horizons given the kind of parameters and risks which international construction managers encounter. The main objective of the programme is to develop competent and well rounded construction managers who have the skills to source, secure and effectively manage projects in the domestic and international construction market. Master of Science (Maritime Studies) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The programme provides graduate level and high-value education for professionals in shipping and related business; elevating them from local business management to one of the international and global business settings. The foremost intention is for young graduates and middle-management executives working in shipping related areas an avenue for higher education. The programme will also be suitable for graduates who wish to be involved in the maritime profession. 10 Master of Science (Environmental Science and Engineering) The NEWRI Environmental Master of Science (NEMS) programme is offered by NTU’s School of Civil and Environmental Engineering with a Summer attachment at Stanford University, and the Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI) on the research project component. The programme is designed to prepare students to be at the forefront of Environmental Engineering with a combination of coursework and project/research components. It aims to produce high calibre environmental engineers equipped with both fundamental understanding and practical skills. Master of Science (Infrastructure Engineering and Management) The programme is a joint Degree Programme between the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. The programme provides holistic training in infrastructure engineering and management covering conceptual and physical planning, design, and operational aspects of infrastructure systems. Such systems are in great demand in rapidly developing regions such as in China, India, ASEAN and the Middle East and include air, sea and land transport networks, water supply and wastewater systems and power distribution networks. RESEARCH Students can choose to pursue Doctor of Philosophy degree in one of the following disciplines: Construction Technology and Management Construction Technology and Management Risk and Project Financing Facility and Infrastructure Management Structures and Mechanics Computational Mechanics Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Protective Technology Fire Engineering Concrete and Steel Technology Geotechnical Engineering Foundations of High-Rise Buildings Land Reclamation Underground Space Development Tropical Soil Engineering Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology Environmental and Water Resources Membrane Technology in Environmental Engineering Water Reclamation Technologies Waste Reuse and Resource Recovery Environmental Biotechnology Integrated Urban Water Management Environmental Fluid Mechanics Sediment Transport Coastal Management Maritime Studies Maritime Logistics Port Economics and Management Maritime Strategy and Risk Management Strategic and Quality Management in Shipping Supply Chain Management Transportation Engineering Transport Modelling and Traffic Management Transport Planning Congestion Pricing Road Safety Engineering ACHIEVEMENTS AND COMMENDATIONS ACHIEVEMENTS AND COMMENDATIONS AWARDS Professor Chiew Yee Meng was awarded the Distinguished Contribution to Sediment Research in 2010 by World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER) for the publication of an outstanding research paper in International Journal of Sediment Research entitled “Scour Protection around Bridge Piers with Tetrahedron Frames”. Associate Professor Darren Sun’s past research has yielded major achievements in the development of mesoporous nanostructured Titanium Dioxide microspheres and the free-standing, flexible and multifunctional Titanium Dioxide nanofiber/tube filtration membrane. These new generation membranes will be able to produce high quality drinking water and concurrently generate electricity, thus eliminating the cost of water production and chemical usage together with waste minimization. His innovation has a major impact in membrane technology and many venture capitalists have shown keen interest to commercialize his innovation. Associate Professor Sun has 5 patents on Titanium Dioxide membrane field. Since 2006, he has attracted research grants totaling S$17.6 million. He has won several prestigious awards in the past including the International Water Association Innovation Award 2008, the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2008, and the Enterprise Challenge Award 2006. (2) Dr Sun was interviewed by Sandra Upson, Associate Editor, IEE Spectrum on Water and Energy issue related to research. IEEE Spectrum, June 2010, Page 56. Singapore’s Water Cycle Wizardry: Singapore’s toilet-to-top technology has saved the country from shortages-and a large electricity bill. (4) “Water and Industrial 2009 Conference”, Palmerston North New Zealand, 30 November to 2 December 2009. http://seat.massey.ac.nz/conferences/water09/#. Dr Darren Sun was a Co-Chair for this conference Associate Professor Leong Eng Choon was awarded the Singapore Accreditation Council Assessor Award (Distinguished) and SPRING Singapore Merit Award in 2010. Assistant Professor Tang Chuyang received the 2010 Fellowship Award from the International Desalination Association (IDA) for his work on membrane technology for water reuse and desalination. Assistant Professor Yang Yaowen received the 2009 Teacher of the Year Award at the Nanyang Awards 2009. PATENTS Sun, Darren Delai, Yinjie Wang, Liu Jincheng and Xiwang Zhang (2009). “Concurrent electricity and clean water production module made by dye sensitized titanium dioxide nanostructures”. Ref No TECH/080/09, TD/080/09. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 (1) Professor Sun’s Research on TiO2 solar cell was reported by The Straits Times on 18 April 2009. (3) Dr Sun was interviewed by NanoGlobe “Nanostructured Photocatalytic Materials Enable Capturing Solar Energy and Simultaneously Powering Water Purification” - An interview of Associate Professor Darren Delai SUN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore http://www.nanotech-now.com/columns/?article=474. 11 ACHIEVEMENTS AND COMMENDATIONS INVITED LECTURES • Invited Lecture: “Recent development in the construction of coastal structures” at the Kyoto Seminar 2010 on Geotechnics/Earthquake Geotechnics towards Global Sustainability, January 12-14, 2010, Kyoto, Japan. • Invited Lecture: “Strain softening and instability of sand and practical application” at the 2010 Huang Wenxi Lecture, Chinese Institution of Geotechnical Engineering, 11 April 2010, Nanjing, China. • Invited Lecture: “Improvement of ultra soft soil for the reclamation of a slurry pond in Singapore” at the Symposium on New Techniques for Design and Construction in Soft Clays, 22 and 23 May 2010, Brazil. • Keynote Lecture: “Land reclamation and related soil improvement methods in Singapore” at the Australia Geomechanics Society Ground Improvement Workshop, 11-12 June 2010, Perth, Australia. • Professor Harianto Rahardjo and Associate Professor Leong Eng Choon were invited to deliver a keynote lecture entitled “Laboratory characterisation of unsaturated soil for slope stability studies” at the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November 2009, pp. 565-578. Keynote Lecture: “Recent development in ground improvement methods” at the 7th International Conference on Ground Improvement Techniques, 23-25 June 2010, Seoul, Korea. • Associate Professor Darren Sun was invited as a speaker for the following International Conferences Keynote Lecture: “Methods for construction of coastal protection structures” at the Conference on Natural Hazards and Countermeasures in Geotechnical Engineering, 4-5 November 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh. • Keynote Lecture: “Methods for the improvement of high water content soft clay and sewage sludge” at the International Symposium, Exhibition, and Short Course on Geotechnical and Geosynthetics Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities on Climate Change, 7-9 December 2010, Bangkok, Thailand. Professor Pan Tso-Chien was invited as a speaker for the following conferences: • Keynote Paper: “An overview of the current research programmes in Protective Technology Research Centre at NTU.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures 2010 (DAPS-2010), 10-12 May 2010, Singapore, pp. K25-K39. • Keynote Speech: “Developing technology for protection.” Inaugural Workshop on Building Infrastructure Protection for Homeland Security, 13 May 2010, Singapore. • Keynote Lecture: “Seismic hazard of low/moderate seismicity regions – Singapore’s perspective.” The 10th International ROSE School Seminar, 20-21 May 2010, EUCentre, Collegio Cardinale Riboldi, Pavia, Italy. • Special Invited Speaker: “TiO2 Nanofiber/tube Membrane Powering the Water and Energy Productions” at IWA Leading Edge Technology Conference at Singapore International Water Week, June 2009. • Invited Keynote Speaker: “Smart Multi functional TiO2 nanotube membrane for Water and Energy Production” at IWA Water and Industry 2009, New Zealand, 30 November to 2 December 2009. Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to deliver lectures at the following international conferences: Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 • 12 Keynote Lecture: “Innovative dike construction methods” at International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement & Geosynthetics for Sustainable Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change including Global Warming, 3-4 December 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. RESEARCH CENTRES Activities of Centre for Infrastructure Systems (CIS) from August 2009 to July 2010 (A) Centre Activities Speakers: • Assistant Professor Jasmine Lam • Mr Gunasagaran, PSA • Dr W. Y. Yap, ITMMA Seminars, Short Courses & Symposium 1. BI and NTU Joint Programme – An Intensive 5-Day Short Course on “Key Elements of Shipping” CIS and BI jointly organized a five-day intensive short course on “Key Elements of Shipping” from 9–13 March 2010. It was attended by 25 participants from government agencies and the maritime industry, such as professionals from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), I.M. Skaugen and J.B. Ugland Shipping. Public Seminar on “Bearing Capacity of Uplift Piles Under Deep Excavation” A public seminar on “Bearing Capacity of Uplift Piles Under Deep Excavation” was held on 8 December 2009. Professor Maosong Huang from the Department of Geotechnical Engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, was the speaker of the seminar. His general research interests are focused on strain localization and progressive failure in soils, strength and deformation characteristics of soft clays, trafficload-induced permanent deformation, constitutive modeling of soils, pile-supported earth platform, centrifuge modeling, stability analysis of soil structures, and pile foundations in soft clays. 4. Invited Public Lecture on “Reinforced Soil System: Bring Research to Applications” Associate Professor Robert Lo from the University of New South Wales, Australia is the invited speaker of CIS on 17 May 2010 who delivered a public lecture on “Reinforced Soil System: Bring Research to Applications”. He was awarded the Thomas Telford Prize for his paper on the topic of partial factors in geotechnical design and was a member of TC-9 (reinforced soil) and a core member of TC-39 (coastal disaster mitigation). Professor Lo has published over 140 research articles in soil behaviour, liquefaction, soft clay engineering, reliability analysis and limit state design, pavement geotechnics, and reinforced soil technology. Speakers: • Assistant Professor Jasmine Lam • Cathrine Bjune, BI Norwegian School of Management • Captain Robert Gordon, Seasia P&I Services • Professor Barry Dubner, Barry University Andreas • Lasse Rochstad Lim, Tuffchem Shipping Ltd. • Stephen Fordham, Wikborg Rein • Mike Pollen, K&L Gates • Lewis Hart, Willis • Dag Olav Halle, DNV 2. Executive Programme on “Port Management and Finance Programme” CIS organized a two-day short Executive Programme on Port Management and Finance from 29–30 July 2010. It was attended by 28 participants from government agencies and the port and maritime industry, such as professionals from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Jurong Port and V Ships. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 3. 13 RESEARCH CENTRES 5. Joint Public Seminar on “Improving the Productivity and Peformance of Social Infrastructure Project Delivery” and Public Private Partnership (PPP) Success Stories To develop a new and economical construction material, biocement, using the latest microbial biotechnologies; 2) To develop cost-effective and environmentally friendly microbiological methods to use biocement for geotechnical or environmental engineering problems. These include constructions for roads, tunnels, land reclamation, slope stabilization, shore protection, and waste treatment; and 3) To study the fundamental principles, microbiological and biochemical mechanisms that govern the formation of biocement by microorganisms. So far, suitable microorganisms and nutrients that could be used for making different types of biocements were identified. The properties of soil and waste before and after the treatment using biocement were studied. Some patents applications have also been reviewed. Methods for creating water pond in sand and for the mitigation of liquefaction potential have been developed. The afternoon of 15 July 2010 witnessed the presentation of Infrastructure Projects and PublicPrivate-Partnership, by two professors from Curtin University of Technology, Australia and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore which was held at the Singapore campus of Curtin University, located in Jalan Rajah. Professor Love is from the School of Built Environment, Art and Design, Faculty of Humanities at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. He delivered a topic on “Improving the Productivity and Performance of Social Infrastructure Project Delivery” and discussed three social infrastructure projects in Western Australia, which included a hospital, a school and a prison. The second presentation was by Associate Professor Robert Tiong, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Deputy Director, Centre for Infrastructure Systems, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Associate Professor Robert Tiong focused on success stories of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in this region, with a key focus on China, India, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. He also elaborated on typical causes of PPP failures. Research Project on Planning and Management of Infrastructure Systems Phase I: Studies on Mega Projects in Singapore The project is focusing on the planning and management issues related to implementation of mega infrastructures in Singapore. It researches into Lifecycle Management and consists of coordinating planning, designing, building, operation and maintenance of facilities to achieve management competitiveness. The project objectives are to create a systems-level approach in building and managing a single portfolio of systems in Singapore, to create an infrastructure database and lay the foundation for further studies on the lifecycle management of these mega projects. It uses the system dynamics methodology to propose a strategy of operational & economic success of these mega infrastructures. The project is currently at its stage I phase where it is focusing on MRT as the pilot infrastructure project to be studied. Initial data collection on its planning & design, construction, extension projects and future project has been done. Going forward, the challenges in this research would be in data collection and obtaining more information from government and agencies that are involved in the mega infrastructure projects in Singapore. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 (B) Research and Development 14 CRP Grant on Underwater Infrastructures and Underwater City of the Future Centre Director, Associate Professor Chu Jian, together with Associate Professor Susanto Teng, Associate Professor Tan Soon Keat and Centre Deputy Director Associate Professor Robert Tiong, are awarded a $10M grant by the National Research Foundation (NRF) for the above project. Research Projects Research on Biocement – A new sustainable and energy saving material for construction and waste treatment The main objectives of this inter-discipline study are 1) Research Project on Study of Transport Energy Efficiency, Methodology, Practice and Policy Effect This 2-year research project, which is undertaken by NTUCIS in collaboration with the Land Transport Authority, started in September 2010. The aim is to study the issue of road transport energy efficiency (EE) in Singapore. The project investigators are Assistant Professor Chang Wei-Chung Victor, Associate Professor Gopinath Menon, Associate Professor Wong Yiik Diew, Project Officer Ms Lu Ping, PhD Candidates Ms Ho Sze Hwee and Mr Ho Sijie. The project encompasses literature survey of EE best practices and estimation models, assembly of databases related to fuel efficiency based on indigenous data from stake-holder agencies and field surveys, and development of fuel consumption models for road vehicles. The study will also look into fuel management practices of fleet operators as well as conducting possible field trials. RESEARCH CENTRES Research Project on Mobility of Visually-Handicapped Pedestrians – Crossing Behaviour and Assistive Design/ Technologies at Signalised Pedestrian Crossings Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation (MSIWF) awarded a research grant to Associate Professor Wong Yiik Diew, Associate Professor Gopinath Menon, and doctoral student Ms Koh Puay Ping to research into traffic safety of visually-handicapped pedestrians (VHPs) at signalised pedestrian crossings. The 12-month project is aimed at developing a better understanding of VHP’s crossing behaviour at signalised pedestrian crossing facility, and studying ‘best practices’ in the provision of assistive design/technologies. The study shall contribute towards enhancing the mobility of VHPs on the roads. 3) 2010 Huang Wenxi Lecture, annual lecture series organised by the Chinese Institution of Geotechnical Engineering, 11 April 2010, Nanjing, China. Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this event to deliver an Invited Lecture. 4) 1st GlobalTech Workshop on Sustainable Urban Solutions organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Global Alliance of Technological Universities, 3-4 May 2010, Shanghai, China. Associate Professor Chu Jian attended this workshop as a delegate from NTU and delivered a lecture. 5) Symposium on New Techniques for Design and Construction in Soft Clays, Brazil, 22-23 May 2010. Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this conference to deliver an Invited Lecture. 6) AGS Ground Improvement Workshop organised by the Australia Geomechanics Society, 11-12 June 2010, Perth, Australia. Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this event to deliver a Keynote Lecture. International Conference Participation 1) International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement & Geosynthetics for Sustainable Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change including Global Warming, 3-4 December 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this conference to deliver a Keynote Lecture. 2) Kyoto Seminar 2010 on Geotechnics/Earthquake Geotechnics towards Global Sustainability, 12-14 January 2010, Kyoto, Japan, organized by Kyoto Sustainability Initiative (KSI), Kyoto University. Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this conference to deliver an Invited Lecture. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 15 RESEARCH CENTRES Activities of DHI-NTU Centre in 2010 RESEARCH FOCUS/RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS The DHI-NTU Centre is a joint collaborative effort between NTU and DHI, Denmark (previously known as Danish Hydraulic Institute). The Centre initiated operation in October 2007 with funding support from the Environment and Water Industry Development Council (EWI), Singapore National Research Foundation. It is an integral part of the ecosystem of the Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI) in NTU. The mission of the Centre is to advance research in the following areas: (a) Urban Planning and Water Management (b) Industrial Water Management (c) Solid Waste Management (d) Environmental Impact Assessment (e) Decision Support System Tools and Technologies universities worldwide has been actively pursued, and joint projects has been initiated together with local governmental agencies or industry as described in the following. A highlighted event was that in September 2010, NEWRI signed a MoU with NPark on promoting research and development, and together the Centre also signed a project agreement with NPark on the development of a modular bio-retention system for urban storm water management. In June 2010, Assoc Professor Adrian Wing-Keung Law was appointed as co-Director of the Centre (taken over from Assoc Professor Tan Soon Keat who had assumed the role of Deputy Director, NEWRI), together with Dr Ole Larson, the co-Director from DHI. RESEARCH OUTPUT 1) Research Publications in Year 2010 In Year 2010, the Centre had accelerated the development of research projects in the above areas. Cooperation with a) Refereed Journals Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Title of paper 16 Author name(s) Journal title, Vol. no. Date A comparison of municipal solid waste Gersberg, management in Berlin and Singapore Zhang, D.Q., Tan, S.K., R.M. Waste Management, 30, 921-933 2010 Urban solid waste management in China: status, problems and challenges Zhang D.Q., Tan, S.K., Gersberg, R.M. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 91, Issue 8, 1623-1633 2010 Extreme Air-gap Response below Deck of Floating Structures. Li, J., Huang, Z. and Tan, S.K. International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, 1(1): 15-26 2010 Lagrangian Modeling of Tidal Bores Passing Through Bridge Piers Jing LI, Huaxing LIU and Soon Keat Tan Journal of Hydrodynamics, 20(5), supplement: 513-519 2010 Turbulent velocity profiles: a new law for narrow channels Pu J.H., Bonakdari H., Lassabatere L., Joannis C. and Larrarte F. La Houille Blanche International Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 65-70 (DOI : 10.1051/lhb/2010036) 2010 Google Earth as a tool in 2-D hydrodynamic modeling Nguyen Quang Chien and Tan Soon Keat Computers & Geosciences; online 2010 A novel application of a neuro-computational technique in event-based rainfall-runoff modeling Amin Talei, Lloyd H.C. Chua and Chai Quek Expert Systems With Applications, Vol: 37 (2010) 7456-7468 2010 Evaluation of rainfall and discharge inputs used by Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) in rainfall-runoff modelling Amin Talei, Lloyd H.C. Chua and Tommy S.W. Wong Journal of Hydrology, Vol: 391 (2010) 248-262 2010 Experimental and numerical study on flow behavior behind two unequal circular cylinders in tandem arrangement Gao Y.-Y., Etienne S., Yu D.-Y., Tan S.K., Wang X.K and Hao Z. Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 42, doi:10.1088/0169-5983/42/5/055509 2010 RESEARCH CENTRES b) Conferences Title of paper Gray water treatment in an Urban Area of Beijing, China Author name(s) Zhang D.Q., Tan, S.K. and Gersberg, R.M. A case study of silt screen performance Vu T.T., Tan S.K. and Doorn-Groen S. Dong X., Du P.F. and Zeng S.Y. Rehabilitating Urban Water System for the Inner City of Beijing: Status and Challenges Modelling of flow in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA using a quadtree grid Nguyen Quang Chien and Tan Soon Keat Nguyen Quang Chien and Tan Soon Keat Wang X.K., Hao Z. and Tan S.K. Environmental fluid dynamics – jet flow Wang X.K. and Tan S.K. Laboratory investigation of hydraulic performance of silt screen Vu T.T. and Tan S.K. Three dimensional Simulation of Bore Flow using SPH. Liu, H. and Tan S.K., Li, J. Experimental studies of vortex structures in the wake of a cylinder with helical strakes Hao Z., Zhou T., Wang X.K. and Tan S.K. Flow around a pipeline near a smooth bed in steady current Wang X.K., Hao Z. and Tan S.K. Flow behaviour behind two side-by-side circular cylinders with unequal diameters Gao Y.-Y., Yu D.-Y., Tan S.K., Wang X.K. and Hao Z. Quantification of viable Enterococcus faecalis in recreational water by propidium monoazide quantitative PCR The use of Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy inference System (ANFIS) in event-based rainfall-runoff modeling Velocity profiles for shallow, vegetated open channel flows Goh, S.G. and Gin, K.Y.H. Amin Talei, Lloyd H.C. Chua and Chai Quek Nguyen Hoai Thanh Three-Dimensional Scour at Submarine Pipelines in Unidirectional Steady Current Wu, Y. and Chiew, Y. M. Effect of Seepage on River Bank Stability Chiew, Y. M., Narasimhan, N. and Chu, J. Lateral dispersion of granular flows down a rough plane Cheng Nian Sheng Date 2010 Proceeding, 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China Proceeding, International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Germany Proceeding, 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, 7-10 November, San Francisco, USA, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 210, ASCE. Proceeding, 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, 7-10 November, San Francisco, USA, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 210, ASCE. 2010 International Debris Flow Workshop, Chengdu, China 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Near field mixing process of multi-port diffusers: numerical modelling with quadtree grids Hydrodynamics of trapezoidal embankment weirs Journal title, Vol. no. Proceeding, 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 6 Water Quality & Public Health – Treatment, Disposal and Discharge of Wastewater, Chengdu, China Proceeding, 19th World Dredging Congress, Beijing, China Proceeding, Conference in Urban Environment Pollution, Boston, USA Proceeding, 17th Asian Pacific Division Congress, International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, Auckland, New Zealand Proceeding, 6th International Symposium Environmental Hydraulics, Athens, Greece Proceeding, 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China Proceeding, 14th International Biotechnology Symposium, Italy 17 RESEARCH CENTRES COLLABORATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS c) 1) d) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 2) 18 Collaboration with universities: a) Asia Pacific: Ocean University (China), Tsinghua University (China), Changsha University of Science and Technology (China), Sichuan University (China), University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), University of Wollongong (Australia), University of Western Australia – to initiate projects on water quality and watershed management. b) US: San Diego State University – to conduct experiments on constructed wetland for pharmaceutical wastewater. c) UK: University of Bradford, University of Birmingham – to apply modelling on urban storm water management. Projects with local government agencies and industry: a) Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA): on sediment transport in the presence of silt screen. b) Land Transport Innovation Fund (LTIF): on assessing environmental risk of CNG vehicle. e) f) National Research Fund (NRF): on hydraulics calculation and environmental assessment of underwater city structure. Temasek Defence Systems Institute (TDSI): on study of integrating flexible dye sensitized solar cells into flexible sheets for environmental applications. National Parks Board (NParks): on developing a modular bio-retention system for urban storm water management. SembCorp Utilities: on studying a virtual brain system for treatment processes and performance forecasting of an anaerobic biological treatment system. EVENTS, CONFERENCES & SYMPOSIA The Centre assisted in the organization of the International Conference on Vision and Roadmap for R&D Priorities in Maritime Environment, Technology, Business, Policy and Security by NTU in June 2010. RESEARCH CENTRES Activities of Maritime Research Centre (MRC) from 2009 to 2010 Maritime Research Centre (MRC) has established itself successfully as the bridge between the maritime community and the research community in NTU. MRC has strengthened the link with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Economic Development Board (EDB), IE Singapore, and has established new and strong working relationship with the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Sembcorp, Keppel and other offshore engineering companies such as Acergy. The centre is active in outreach activities and establishes contact with local and regional institutes and companies. simulations”. The 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, 14-16 October. 4. Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Experimental study of flow about a square cylinder placed on a wall”. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – PIV09, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 25-28 August. 5. Wang, X.K., Hao, Z. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Wavelet Analysis of Flow Images Obtained by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)”. Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 22, pp. 43-46. 6. Kurniawan, A. and Ma, G.W., 2009. “Optimization of ballast plan in launch jacket load-out”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 38, pp. 267288. 7. Lie, S.T., Yang, Z.M. and Gho, W.M., 2009. “Validation of BS7910:2005 Failure Assessment Diagram for Cracked Square Hollow Section T-, Y- and K-joints”. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 291-344. Academic Staff Exchange Programme (2009-2010) 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Fracture Assessment of Damaged Square Hollow Section (SHS) Kjoint Using BS7910:2005”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 9, pp. 1303-1319. 9. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Safety Assessment Procedure for a Cracked Square Hollow Section (SHS) Y-joint”. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 359-372. New Projects (2009-2010) 1. Sediment transport in the vicinity of Silt-screen 2. Development of portable on-site sulphur detection device for bunker 3. Development of an innovative gangway for vessel-toplatform operation. Shanghai Maritime University Sichuan University China Ocean University Shanghai Jiao Tong University Selected publications (2009-2010) 1. 3. Jing Li, Soon Keat Tan, Zhenhua Huang and Adi Kurniawan, 2009. “Wave Amplification and Air-gap Response under a Multi-column Platform”. Conference of Coastal Dynamics 2009, Tokyo, Japan, 7-11 September. Huang, Z.H., Liu, C.R., Kurniawan, A., Tan, S.K. and Nah, E., 2009. “Responses of a free-floating rectangular caisson to regular waves: Comparisons of measurements with time-domain and frequency-domain 11. Lie, S.T. and Zhang, B.F., 2010. “Plastic collapse load investigation for safety assessment of cracked square hollow section (SHS) T-, Y- and K-joints”. OMAE 2010, Shanghai, OMAE2010-20324. 12. Low, Y.M. and Grime, A.J., 2010. “Extreme response analysis of floating structures using coupled frequency domain analysis”. OMAE 2010, Shanghai, OMAE2010-20033. 13. Li, F.Z. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Sensitivity study of critical parameters influencing the uncertainty of fatigue damage in steel catenary risers”. OMAE 2010, Shanghai, OMAE2010-20045. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 2. Kurniawan A., Huang Zhenhua, Li Jing, Liu C., Wang X., Hao Z., Tan S.K. and Edwin N., 2009. “A numerical analysis of the response and air gap Demand for Semi-submersibles”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2009), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 31 May-5 June. 10. Lie ,S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Static Ultimate Strength of Cracked Square Hollow Section Y-joint”. Civil Engineering Research Bulletin, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, pp. 94-96. 19 RESEARCH CENTRES 14. He, J.W. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Probabilistic assessment of the clashing between flexible marine risers”. OMAE 2010, Shanghai, OMAE2010-20046. 15. Wang, X.K., Hao, Z. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Flow around a pipeline near a smooth bed in steady current”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20749. Public Seminar on “Regional Environmental Simulator (RES) and its applications”, 6 February 2009. 2. Training course: “In-house Training Course for HDB - Land Reclamation and Coastal Protection Work Design and Analysis”, February-March 2009. 3. Public Seminar on “Important role of R&D in offshore EPCI contract”, 27 May 2009, NTU 4. Public Seminar on “Panama Canal Third-lane Locks and Access Channel Expansion Program”, 8 June 2009, NTU 5. 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC2009), 13-16 October 2009, NTU (Singapore) 6. NTU – SJTU International Workshop on R & D in Civil and Environmental Engineering. 12 October 2009 (Singapore) 19. Chunrong Liu, Zhenhua Huang, Adrian Law Wing Keung and Nan Geng, 2010. “A Numerical Study of Wave Energy Converter in the Form of an Oscillating Water Column Device Based on a Mixed EulerianLagrangian Formation”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-21056. 7. Training Course for BCA - An Introductory Course on Coastal Engineering, Analysis-Design-Application, July-August, 2009 (Singapore). 8. Vision and Roadmap for R&D Priorities in Maritime Environment, Technology, Business, Policy and Security, 29-30 April, 2010 Hilton Singapore, Singapore. 20. Nguyen Quang Chien and Tan Soon Keat, 2010. “Near field mixing process of multi-port diffusers: numerical modelling with quadtree grids”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Athens (in press) 9. NTU-SMU International Workshop on Offshore Engineering, June 2010, Shanghai China. 21. Wang, X.K., Hao, Z. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Hydrodynamics of trapezoidal embankment weirs”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD – 2010), 11-15 October 2010, Shanghai, China, pp. 386-390. 11. Professional Training Course for HDB on the Design of Container Bund, October-November, 2010 (Singapore). 17. Gao, Y.-Y., Yu, D.-Y., Tan, S.K., Wang, X.K. and Hao, Z., 2010. “Flow behaviour behind two sideby-side circular cylinders with unequal diameters”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20217. 18. Huaxing Liu, Soon Keat Tan, Jing Li and Xikun Wang, 2010. “Three dimensional simulation of bore flow using SPH”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), Shanghai, OMAE 201021090. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Workshops-seminars-conference (2009-2010) 1. 16. Hao, Z., Zhou, T., Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Experimental studies of vortex structures in the wake of a cylinder with helical strakes”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20181. 20 23. Jing LI, Huaxing LIU and Soon Keat Tan, 2010, Lagrangian modelling of tidal bores passing through bridge piers, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD – 2010), 11-15 October 2010, Shanghai, China, pp. 513-519. 22. Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Environmental fluid dynamics – jet flow”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD – 2010), 11-15 October 2010, Shanghai, China, pp. 1009-1014. 10. In-house Training Course for Marine Contractor, July 2010, Singapore. 12. Training Course for LTA - Interpretation of Geotechnical Design Parameters to Geotechnical Design Parameters and Laboratory Testing, November 2009, Singapore. RESEARCH CENTRES Activities of Protective Technology Research Centre (PTRC) from November 2009 to September 2010 OUTREACH PROGRAMMES moderated strain rates before and beyond damage with non-linear equation of state properties for strong shock waves. The model is readily available to all users of the commercial hydrocode AUTODYN and continuously supported since the year 2000. Over the last decade it has found numerous worldwide applications reflected in publications. They deal with dynamic load cases such as projectile and shaped charge penetration, contact detonation, internal and external blast loading. The outreach programmes provide a platform for knowledge transfer and they also help PTRC to establish collaborations with local and foreign agencies in the area of protective technology and homeland security. There are 5 public seminars, 1 international conference and 1 workshop organized by PTRC which are summarized as follows:- Public Seminars 1. Large Scale Blast Simulator Based Explosive Gas Loading Methods for Structures and Recent Advances in HIT BRPE Lab, 28 April 2010 Speaker: Professor Zhang Chunwei, Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology; Visiting Research Fellow, School of Civil and Resource Engineering, The University of Western Australia PI (Initiator): Associate Professor Ma Guowei Professor Zhang Chunwei met Associate Professor Ma Guowei’s UTRE group to share about impact and blast tests, especially on the large scale blast simulator based explosive gas loading methods for structures, as well as the recent advances in Harbin Institute of Technology Blast Resistance and Protective Engineering Laboratory. 4. Title: Title: Title: A Review of Concrete Modeling and Hydrocode Applications, 11 February 2010 Speaker: Dr Werner Riedel, Deputy Head of Department “Safety Tech. and Protective Structures” at the German Fraunhofer Society, Ernst-Mach-Institute PI (Initiator): Professor Fan Sau Cheong The RHT concrete model was developed at ErnstMach-Institut (EMI) in German 10 years ago. It combines detailed tri-axial strength descriptions at Title: Tunnel Fires and Related Concrete Technological Issues, 24 June 2010 Speaker: Dr. – Ing. Frank Dehn, Executive Director, MFPA Leipzig GmbH, Leipzig Institute for Materials Research and Testing PI (Initiator): Associate Professor Tan Kang Hai A number of devastating fires in tunnels has put the subject of concrete spalling back to many research agendas. The sensitivity of concrete towards spalling has shown to be responsible for severe damages of concrete linings inside rock-drilled tunnels and/or shield driven soft-soil tunnels. Many trial tests - mostly mechanically unloaded and on lab-scale - have been conducted in order to discover the mechanisms that are responsible for this specific “thermo-physicalmechanical-chemical phenomenon”. Up till now, the mechanisms of spalling are still rather unknown. Currently used measures, such as an addition of synthetic fibres, turned out to be most effective in reducing the spalling and heat ingress to a tolerable limit so that the structural integrity of concrete tunnel construction can be still guaranteed. However, to verify a more realistic material and structural behaviour tests in full scale - which are (simultaneously) mechanically Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 2. Liquefaction of Sand in Plane-Strain, 18 December 2009 Speaker: Dr. Dariusz Wanatowski, MSc, PhD, MSEAGS, MASCE, Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom PI (Initiator): Associate Professor Chu Jian Liquefaction of granular soils is one of the most rapid and thus one of the most dangerous initiation mechanisms of landslides. Therefore, it requires the special attention from civil engineers and researchers. The majority of experimental studies on static liquefaction and instability of sand have been carried out under axisymmetric conditions. However, most geotechnical structures such as slopes, embankments, and retaining walls are not axisymmetric problems and can only be simplified into plane-strain conditions. A comprehensive experimental study on the liquefaction of a granular soil under plane-strain conditions is presented in this talk. Undrained tests on very loose sand under both plane-strain and axisymmetric conditions were conducted and compared. Instability behaviour of very loose sand under drained conditions is also discussed. Based on the testing data, a unique relationship between the stress ratio of the instability line and the state parameter is established to enable the triaxial results to be used for plane-strain conditions. The experimental data presented in this talk shed new light on static liquefaction and instability phenomena of granular soils, and should be of interest to academics, researchers, and engineers, or anyone else who may be interested in experimental soil mechanics. 3. 21 RESEARCH CENTRES and thermally loaded - are an appropriate measure. Such an approach has been successfully used for several tunnel projects all over Europe (Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Spain) and in Oceania (Australia). The speaker shared with the participants the gained experiences out of these tunnel projects, gave some remarks concerning concrete mix design, mode of testing, interpretation of test results and concluded with recommendations for the construction of - more or less - fire proof concrete tunnels. UTRE seminars are one of the regular research activities of the programme. Research progress of the UTRE programme is reviewed on a half-yearly basis during the seminars. During this seminar, discussions and information on the development of different projects were exchanged. Project Speaker Topic A1 Mr Fan Lifeng Rock dynamic testing B3 Ms An Xinmei Development on 2D numerical manifold method (NMM) A2 Mr Muley Pravin Sudhakar Continuous structural health monitoring system-BOTDR B1 Mr Bao Huirong Implementation of coupled FEM and DDA approach in rock modelling C Associate Professor Tor Yam Khoon The Digital Rock Engineering System based on 3DGIS Technology D Associate Professor Tan Kang Hai Survival condition in underground fire Conference Seminar on Tunnel Fires and Related Concrete Technological Issues (Associate Professor Tan Kang Hai presenting a token of appreciation to Dr.-Ing. Frank Dehn.) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 5. 22 Title: Underground Technology & Rock Engineering (UTRE) Phase II Programme, 9 July 2010 PI (Initiator): Associate Professor Zhao Zhiye The UTRE is a joint R&D programme between DSTA and PTRC. Phase II of UTRE is a continuation of the first five-year research efforts contributing to 4 research areas related to underground technology and rock engineering. Phase II has a duration of 4 years from 2009 to 2013. There are 8 research projects with 9 faculty members focusing in different areas. A1: Protection of Underground Structure A2: Development of a continuous and distributed monitoring system for underground applications A3: Risk assessment and management system for underground rock cavern projects B1: DDA modelling and advanced analysis and design system B2: Probabilistic stability assessment of rock caverns B3: 2D/3D manifold method modelling for jointed rock mass C: GIS-based digital rock engineering D: Tunnel fire safety assessment and evacuation tool The Third International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures in 2010 (DAPS2010), 10 – 12 May 2010 PTRC and DSTA have jointly organized the Third International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS) 2010. The DAPS Conference has been well received with a total attendance of around 280 delegates with 34 foreign delegates representing 18 various countries (as compared to 150 in DAPS 2003 and 250 in DAPS 2006). In total, 43 technical papers were presented during the 3-day conference at Novotel Clarke Quay Singapore. Mr Quek Tong Boon, Chief Defence Scientist and Chief Research & Technology Officer from the Ministry of Defence, Singapore delivered the opening keynote speech as the Guest of Honour, while Mr Soh Koh Pheng (CE DSTA) hosted the conference dinner. The conference was jointly organised by Associate Professor Tan Kang Hai from PTRC side, and Mr Chua Hian Koon from DSTA side. The other 4 keynote addresses were presented by Professor Ted Krauthammer (University of Florida, USA), Professor Magnus Langseth (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Professor Pan Tso-Chien (Dean, College of Engineering & Director, PTRC, NTU) and Associate Professor Tan Kang Hai (Deputy Director, PTRC, NTU). RESEARCH CENTRES Visit by Dr Lim Chee Onn, NTU Board of Trustees, Chairman of Singbridge International Singapore Pte Ltd, 24 May 2010 Third International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS) 2010 (Mr Quek Tong Boon, Chief Defence Scientist and Chief Research & Technology Officer from the Ministry of Defence, Singapore delivering the Opening Keynote Speech as the Guest of Honour.) Visit by Dr Lim Chee Onn Visit by Delegates from Ministry of Home Affairs, 29 June 2010 Workshop Building Infrastructure Protection for Homeland Security, 13 May 2010 In conjunction with the DAPS2010 Conference, DSTA and NTU organized a half-day workshop “Building Infrastructure Protection for Homeland Security” on 13 May 2010 at Novotel Clarke Quay. The workshop brought together interest groups from the respective Ministries and government agencies to share experiences and create better awareness on how Singapore may move forward in developing national capability in protective technology. Around 75 delegates attended the workshop. * The delegation was led by Mr Eric Yap, Senior Director, Homefront Security Division, MHA. INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL VISITORS PTRC has received 5 delegations (around 70 visitors) during the reporting period. The visitors whom we have received include the following:- Visit by Delegates from MHA Visit by Delegates from the MINDEF, 26 April 2010 Visit by Delegates from MINDEF Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 * The delegation was led by BG(NS) Ravinder Singh, DS(T), MHQ. 23 RESEARCH CENTRES On-going Projects The table below shows the current projects. No Project Title 1 Development of Analytical Tools for Progressive Collapse due to Terrorist Bombing Dynamic Properties of Singapore Soils Underground Technology and Rock Engineering (UTRE) Programme, Phase II 2 3 4 5 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 6 24 An Integrated Multiple-Hazards Research Programme for Resilient Structures Project 1 Effects of Catenary and Membrane Actions on the Collapse Mechanisms of RC Buildings – Behaviours of Structural Elements Project 2 The Influence of Floor Slabs and Transverse Beams on the Behaviour of RC Beam-Column Joints under Loss of Column Scenarios Project on Underground Target Detection using Ground Tremor Analysis Prediction of Explosion Hazards from Earth Covered Magazines External Funds (S$) Collaborating Partners Tan Kang Hai (CEE) Li Bing (CEE) Lee Chi King (CEE) Leong Eng Choon (CEE) 1,260,000 164,800 Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) DSTA A/Prof Ma Guowei (CEE) A/Prof Zhao Zhiye (CEE) A/Prof Yang Yaowen (CEE) A/Prof Tor Yam Khoon (CEE) A/Prof Tan Kang Hai (CEE) A/Prof Chu Jian (CEE) A/Prof Goh Teck Chee, Anthony (CEE) A/Prof Tiong Lee Kong, Robert (CEE) Asst/P Wong Ngai Yuen, Louis (CEE) Programme Coordinator: Prof Pan Tso-Chien (CEE) 3,850,000 DSTA Principal Investigator (s) A/Prof A/Prof A/Prof A/Prof DSTA PIs: A/Prof Tan Kang Hai (CEE) A/Prof Lee Chi King (CEE) 732,930 PI: A/Prof Li Bing (CEE) 523,600 A/Prof Leong Eng Choon (CEE) 271,200 DSTA 1,564,000 DSTA Prof Fan Sau Cheong (CEE) + Collaborators from other Schools in College of Engineering RESEARCH CENTRES Residues and Resource Reclamation Centre (R3C) The Residues and Resource Reclamation Centre (R3C) was established on 1 May 2009 as a platform for waste management research, especially on resource recovery and remediation under the Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI) of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. The main objective is on conducting cutting edge research and strengthening Singapore environmental industry‘s capability in the area of waste resource management. Contaminated Site Remediation Developing solutions and technologies for remediating contaminated sites (e.g. landfill mining, contaminants removal from soils and ground water, bio-remediation and utilisation, etc.) RESEARCH AREAS Waste to Materials Converting wastes into new and useful materials (e.g. plastic waste into biodegradable PHA polymer, incineration bottom ash into carbonated ash product for high value usage, nutrient recovery, high quality compost production, etc.) MISSIONS R3 Research and Translation in Singapore and the region • • • Waste to Energy Harnessing energy from urban biomass, sewage sludge, agricultural residues, micro-algae (e.g. food waste converted to hydrogen and methane, bio-ethanol produced from agricultural and horticultural waste, microbial full cell, etc.) Acting as a think tank to identify R3 research needs Cutting edge interdisciplinary research within NEWRI and NTU Benchmarking with international leading research institutes R3 Resource and Technology Transfer Centre • • • Research partner of the R3 industry and the public sector Practical application of research outcome Monitoring and upgrading existing R3 plants • • • Providing research scholarships for PhD programme Inviting and working with renowned visiting professors and scientists Organising international workshops, symposia and conferences Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Education and Training for R3 Professionals 25 RESEARCH CENTRES CENTRE ACTIVITIES • Site selection for sanitary landfill using GIS Professor Anil Dikshit Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering (CESE) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400076 India 25 Jun 2010 • Minimizing environmental impacts of a petroleum refinery: LCA approach Professor Anil Dikshit Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering (CESE) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400076 India 2 July 2010 • Recycling science Dr Peter Rem Separation Technology Materials & Environment Delft University of Technology The Netherlands 13 July 2010 • Planning, design and implementation of a solid waste managment plan for an urban area Professor Anil Dikshit Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering (CESE) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400076 India 2 July 2010 Seminars • Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 • 26 Rehabilitation and remediation of NeiHu landfill in Taipei city Professor Cheng Sheng-Shung National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Taiwan 24 Jun 2009 Issues, challenges, and opportunities for municipal solid waste management in Shanghai; Application of aged refuse from landfill mining for leachate and feedlot wastewater treatment; Biogas production from food waste and cassava stillage Assoc Professor NIU Dongjie UNEP-TONGJI Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (UNEP-IESD) Tonggji University, Shanghai, China 8 and 15 Jan 2010 • Greenhouse gas and carbon quantification of algal biodiesel Dr Tom Beer Transport Technologies and Sustainable Fuels Energy Transformed Flagship, CSIRO Australia 1 Apr 2010 • Production of biofuels and biochemicals from renewable resources Dr Wu Jinchuan Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences Singapore 9 Apr 2010 • Sustainable and CO2-free bioenergy production system using lignocellulosic and microalgal feedstock Dr Jo-Shu Chang Centre for Bioscience and Biotechnology, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 26 May 2010 • Use of molecular tools for quantifying slowly growing microbial biomass in environmental bioprocesses Dr Seokhwan Hwang School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) South Korea 16 Jun 2010 • Arsenic decontamination of groundwater Professor Anil Dikshit Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering ( C E S E ) I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f Te c h n o l o g y B o m b a y, P o w a i M u m b a i 4 0 0 0 7 6 I n d i a 18 Jun 2010 Colloquium • Joint colloquium with National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) of Taiwan 16 August 2010 A delegate of 6 members consisting of professors and researchers visited R3C and shared their research interests and findings with R3C researchers. RESEARCH CENTRES Workshop News Updates • • R3C official launch 5 October 2009 • R3C awarded NRF’s competitive research programme (CRP) Grant 28 January 2010 • R3C awarded Environment Technology and Research Programme (ETRP) Grant 8 February 2010 • For more information, please refer to: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/r3c Joint ETO/R3C workshop on urban waste management 14 September 2010 It was jointly organized by R3C and Environment Technology Office, National Environment Agency (ETO, NEA). Eighty participants from government agencies, industries and research institutes attended this workshop. This workshop successfully provided a platform for industries, government agencies, and research institutes to exchange ideas and eventually delineated a waste management research road map for Singapore. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 27 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING A LABORATORY STUDY OF WAVE-INDUCED SETUP OVER CORAL REEFS WITH AN IDEALIZED RIDGE Yu Yao (yaoyu@pmail.ntu.edu.sg) Zhenhua Huang (zhhuang@ntu.edu.sg) Edmond Lo Yat-Man (cymlo@ntu.edu.sg) S.G. Monismith (monismith@stanford.edu) ABSTRACT: We report a laboratory study of wave-induced setup over an idealized coral reef that includes a ridge at the seaward edge -- a geometrical feature commonly found in nature. To understand the role of the ridge in wave-transformation mechanism and wave-induced setup over the reef, laboratory experiments on a range of water depths and wave conditions were carried out. The focus of this study is a comparison of wave-induced set-ups obtained with and without the idealized rectangular ridges. INTRODUCTION The wave-induced setup due to wave breaking is one of the important factors to consider in determining both water level and mass transport above a reef-top, which has ecological as well as engineering significance. It has been observed that a ridge (reef crest) may be present at the reef edge (Gourlay 1996b, Hench et al. 2008). When a ridge exists, the strong nonlinear wave-ridge interactions make the problem much more complicated for analytical analysis. Therefore, a series of experiments were carried out in a wave flume with idealized reef-ridge models being installed at the reef edge to simulate fringing reefs with rectangle ridges. Based on our experiments, we will discuss wave breaking mechanics, the variation of wave-induced setup, etc.. The comparison between the results with and without ridge models is made to highlight the effects of the ridge on the wave dynamics over coral reefs. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 INSTRUMENT AND EXPERIMENTAL SETTINGS 28 The laboratory experiments were conducted in a glasswalled wave flume with 36m long, 0.55m wide and 0.60m deep, which is located in the Hydraulic Modeling Laboratory at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. A piston type wave-maker was placed at one end of the flume to generate the designed waves. At the other end, a beach with a mild slope was covered with porous material to reduce wave reflections. To construct an idealized 2D fringing reef model, a plane slope of approximate 1:6 was built with PVC plates at the mid-section 16.35m from the wave-maker and joined with a horizontal platform which was 0.35m above the flume bottom. The horizontal platform was 7m long with its width matching the inner width of the flume. A rectangular box 55cm long, 50cm wide and 5cm high was placed at the edge of the platform to model a ridge. Over the reef profile, a total of twelve wave gages were used to measure the water surface elevations. The detailed arrangement is shown in Figure 1. The wave gages have an accuracy of 0.1mm. All the wave gauges were sampled at 50Hz by a personal computer through a data acquisition system. The design regular and irregular incident wave conditions were selected from a combination of wave heights, wave periods and water depths (see Table 1 for details). The irregular waves were generated according to JONSWAP spectra with peak enhancement factor γ = 3.3. During the experiments, each wave condition was repeated three times to check the repeatability. After the wave-maker was started, a steady wave condition was assured before starting data acquisition. Between two subsequent tests, several minutes were allowed to elapse so that the water surface could become calm and the effects of residual currents were minimal. Table 1. Test wave conditions Type Range Without ridge With ridge Water level (m) 0.35,0.4,0.45 0.4,0.42,0.45 Offshore regular wave height: (m) 0.046-0.131 0.035-0.135 Offshore regular wave period: (s) 0.83-1.67 0.83-1.67 Offshore significant wave height: (m) 0.033-0.091 0.032-0.087 Offshore peak wave period (s): 1.00-1.67 1.00-1.67 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Figure 1. Sketch of the experimental arrangement RESULTS Wave Transformation over Reef Crest and Wave Reflection Videos of the wave breaking area were taken after the wave field had reached a steady state. Plunging breakers were observed in most of experiments; spilling breakers were also observed in some of the experiments with water depth h=0.45m. The breaking point moves from the fore-reef slope onto the reef-top as water depth increases. Figure 2 shows the representative features of wave transformation and breaking over the reef crest in the presence /absence of the ridge for incident regular waves of deep water wave height Ho=0.095m and wave period T=1.25s in water of depth h=0.45m. Four different phases are shown in Figure 2, starting from the moment when the lip of breaker hit the water surface (t/T=0). For the reef without ridge, waves plunged on the reef flat at t/T=0, while at t/T=1/4, the splash-up jet due to plunging breaker hit the water ahead of it, producing an air-water mixture of foam, bubbles and some subsequent white-capping. After one half wave period (t/T=1/2), the broken waves propagated across the surf-zone in the form of fully turbulent bores with a turbulent roller in the front. For the last phase (t/T=3/4), the bore was mostly dissipated and a transmitted wave was reformed on the reef flat. A strong reverse flow could be observed during this period before the next incoming wave arrived. Reflection coefficients for regular waves, which were determined using a two-probe method (Goda 2000), ranged from 2% to 25% in the absence of the ridge and from 6% to 55% in the presence of the ridge. For irregular waves, reflection coefficients ranged from 9% to 37% in the absence of the ridge and from 20% to 66 % in the presence of the ridge. Irregular waves have larger values of reflection coefficients than comparable regular waves because the low Figure 2. Snapshots of regular wave transformation over reef crest at difference phases (Ho=0.095m,T=1.25s,h=0.45m). Mean Water Level (MWL) across the Reef platform Twelve wave gages (G1 to G12) were used in our experiments, enabling us to construct reasonably detailed setup/set-down profiles across the reef models by a linear interpolation. Two cases representing regular and irregular wave conditions are illustrated in Figure 3. As we may expect, for both types of waves, set-down occurred for gages located at the seaward side of the surf-zone. Within the surf-zone, there is a monotonic increase of MWL (setup) due to the wave attenuation through wave breaking. The maximum setup always appears at G9; after that point, the setup first decreases slightly and then become more or less constant. Under the same wave condition, the magnitude of the setup measured in the presence of ridge is significantly larger than that seen in the absence of the ridge. Moreover, the ridge also caused the lowest point of MWL and the point where the waves broke to shift seaward. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 When a ridge was present at the reef crest, the breaking point shifted seaward, the breaking waves strike the front side or the edge of the ridge, and then plunged onto the ridge-top, resulting in stronger wave reflections and air entrainment. However, the whole transformation process is otherwise identical to the reef without ridge. frequency portion of wave spectra reflects more efficiently. The effects of the ridge on the wave reflection are more evident for waves of small wave slope. The enhanced wave reflection is expected since the ridge structure functions like a submerged breakwater, which is widely used to reflect the wave energy (Yao et al. 2009). 29 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Under similar wave conditions, the ridge causes a noticeable increase in the wave setup on the reef-top, particularly for the cases of longer wave periods. In some cases, the wave-induced setup is as much as doubled by the ridge. The wave-induced setup on the reef flat increases almost linearly with increasing Ho for all cases with and without a ridge. The relationship between and T is less obvious. However, by comparing the setup with similar Ho, it is found that in general increases with increasing T, which agrees with the observations of Gourlay (1996a). Meanwhile, the setups for regular waves (Figures 4(a) and 4(b)) are remarkably larger than those for irregular waves (Figures 4(c) and 4(d)) if we use the offshore significant wave height (Hso) instead of Ho and offshore peak wave period (Tp) instead of T to characterize spectral waves. Figure 3. Mean water level (MWL) offshore and across the reef profile under different wave conditions: (a) regular waves; (b) irregular waves. Open circles denote the locations of wave gages, dash lines indicate reef profile without ridge, and solid lines indicate reef profile with ridge. Wave Setup as a Function of Offshore Wave Height The above analysis shows that the MWL always reaches maximum around G9 on the reef platform; thus, the setup at G9 is a good measure of the maximum setup ( ). Figure 4 shows this wave-induced setup as a function of deep water wave height (Ho), for different wave periods (T) and two water depths of h=0.40m and 0.45m. The cases with and without a ridge are also compared in the figure. CONCLUSIONS A series of experiments have been carried out to study the effects of idealized ridge on the wave-induced setup over a two dimensional horizontal, impermeable reef-top. It is found that the behaviors of the wave transformation in the presence of a ridge are significantly different from those in the absence of the ridge. In particular, the location of the breaker point can be moved toward deep water side and the reflection coefficients of the reef model were dramatically increased. Furthermore, the ridge near the reef edge causes a considerable increase in the setup over the reef platform under both regular and irregular wave conditions. Finally, it is found that the wave-induced setup increases with increasing deep-water wave height and wave period. Analytical and numerical studies will be carried out to further analyze our experimental data. REFERENCES Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [1] Goda, Y., 2000. “Techniques of Irregular Wave Analysis in Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures”. World Sci. Press, Singapore. 30 Figure 4. Maximum wave setup on reef flat as a function of deep water wave height for different wave periods, still water depths, and incident wave conditions. Open markers indicate reef profile without ridge, and solid markers indicate reef profile with ridge. [2] Gourlay, M.R., 1996a. “Wave set-up on coral reefs. 1. Set-up and wave –generated flow on an idealized two dimensional reef”. Journal of Coastal Engineering, 27:161-193. [3] Gourlay, M.R., 1996b. “Wave set-up on coral reefs. 2. Wave set-up on reefs with various profiles”. Journal of Coastal Engineering, 28: 17-55. [4] Hench, J.L., Leichter, J.J. and Monismith, S.G., 2008. “Episodic circulation and exchange in a wavedriven coral reef and lagoon system”. Limnology and Oceanography, 53(6): 2681-2694. [5] Yao, Y., Lo, E.Y.M., Huang, Z.H. and Monismith, S.G., 2009. “An Experimental Study of Wave-induced Set-up over a Horizontal Reef with an Idealized Ridge” paper presented at 28th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, ASME, Hawaii, USA. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ADOPTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF CNG VEHICLES ON THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Isaac Sadikin (isadikin@ntu.edu.sg) Lie Seng Tjhen (cstlie@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: This study addressed the issue of society perception of CNG as an alternative fuel in a motor-vehicle. The impact of the adoption of CNG includes environmental impact with respects to fueling station (risk of leakage, stock-pile, increased traffic emission and noise), incidents of leakages, sudden explosion. The deliverables of the study includes the appropriate measure to address citizens’ concern of close vicinity to stock-pile of CNG in the residential neighborhood, sudden release of CNG to the environment and risk, and suggested appropriate counter measures. INTRODUCTION CNG is an alternative fuel for motor-vehicles besides using conventional fuel such as petrol, diesel and LPG. This alternative fuel had been implemented worldwide for the cars, truck, school buses, and trains. The study on the environmental impact, incidents and sudden explosion of CNG cylinder and refueling station will be discussed in this article. CNG PROPERTIES & EMISSIONS CNG or compressed natural gas is a domestically available, economical, clean burning, alternative fuel source for vehicles. Rather than burn gasoline or diesel fuel, a consumer would fuel their vehicle with natural gas. In order to provide enough range, the gas is compressed and stored on the vehicle in pressurized tanks. CNG tanks can hold up to 3,600 psi. The fact is that natural gas is a much safer fuel than gasoline. The number of CNG vehicles and refueling stations are growing from year to year even as ongoing efforts Table 1. Adoption of CNG in world wide as of 2008 CNG (as of 2008) Country Number of Vehicles Refueling Stations Argentina & Brazil > 3 million 3352 US 110,000 1,100 Colombia 257,468 378 Egypt 63,000 95 Iran 1.3 million 750 Italy The 4th country in the world for number of CNG-powered vehicles 800 Sweden 14,500 90 Singapore 5000 5 INCIDENT There are a few incidents occurred in several countries due to cylinder ruptures, tank fires or fire exposure, illegal use of the cylinder. Most of the incidents did not result in human casualties. In Singapore, there is only one incident to date which occurred on a bus in August 2010. The investigation of the incident is ongoing (see Figure 1 for a media report of the incident). SAFETY & RISK Consequence analysis was done by considering accident locations and computing the physiological damage and lethality effects of heat fluxes generated from fires. The Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 CNG also produces significantly lesser emissions of pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrocarbons (UHC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM), as compared to petrol. For example, an engine running on petrol for 100 km emits 22,000 grams of CO2, while covering the same distance on CNG emits only 16,275 grams of CO2. The corresponding figures are 78 and 25.8 grams respectively, for nitrogen oxides. Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced even further. Due to lower carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions, switching to CNG can help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The ability of CNG to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the entire fuel life cycles will depend on the source of the natural gas and the fuel it is replacing. in minimizing pollution from the transportation sector intensifies. 31 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING total risk was determined by summing the risk associated with each fire/accident scenario. The projected fatality resulting from an unconstrained fire is 2.2E-5/bus/year. For the 8500 CNG buses in operation in year 2001 in the United States, this would translate to approximately 0.19 deaths/year or a mean time to occurrence of a fatality of 5.4 years/fatality. If all of the present school buses in the United States are converted to CNG type, then the projected mean fatality would be 9.9/year or a mean time to occurrence of a fire related fatality of 1.2 months/fatality. Accordingly, catastrophic bus-related failure event leading to a fire is certainly a major safety issue in CNG powered buses. The table below summarizes major results of this study. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Comparing the estimated results for CNG buses with those of historical diesel school experience, one may conclude that CNG buses are on the average 2.5 times more prone to fire fatality risk than diesel buses. While these comparative values are based on best estimate averages, the worst case fire scenarios for CNG buses are expected to lead to higher fatalities as compared to worst case fire scenarios of diesel buses. 32 The Straits Times, Saturday, 14 August 2010 Figure 1. First CNG Accident in Singapore. used to describe how the material was dispersed to some concentration levels. Then, fire and explosion models converted the source model information on the release into hazard potentials such as thermal radiation and explosion overpressures [2, 3, 4]. All of the mentioned steps were modeled using PHAST 6.5 software package developed by DNV. Finally, effect models converted results obtained by software into effects on people represented by probability of death. Probit equations are commonly used to quantify the expected rate of fatalities for the exposed population. Finally, risks of non-fatal fire scenarios (those primarily leading to injuries) should also be estimated. All of the selected scenarios had been investigated in two different atmospheric conditions corresponding to day and night as detailed in Table 2. CASE STUDY IN IRAN – RISK ASSESSMENT OF SITING THE CNG REFUELLING STATION (Sharif University of Technology) Table 2. Atmospheric conditions responding to day and night Sharif University of Technology has been conducting the study of the application of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) on the sitting of compressed natural gas (CNG) stations and determining nearby land use limitations [1]. The most important consideration is to be assured that the proposed site would not be incompatible with existing land uses in the vicinity. It is possible by the categorization of the estimated levels of individual risk (IR) which the proposed site would impose upon them. An analysis of the consequences and likelihood of credible accident scenarios coupled with acceptable risk criteria is then undertaken. The study would determine the safe distance from CNG station borders and how dense the population of the proposed/existing CNG station. Typical incidents are identified into a few class of risk happening at the CNG station. In Tehran (Iran), they chose one of the largest CNG stations as their case study to obtain required information. Low frequency and low consequence scenarios were determined to identify the risk estimation. Once the scenario was defined, source models were selected to describe how materials are discharged. The source model provides a description of the discharge rate and the total quantity discharged. A dispersion model was subsequently Parameters Day Night Wind velocity (m/s) 2.5 2.1 Atmospheric stability A D Ambient temperature (oC) 27 3 35% 70% Humidity Frequency estimation Frequency estimation is the methodology used to estimate the number of occurrences of a scenario through a year. Estimates may be obtained from historical incident data on failure frequencies or from failure sequence models, such as FTA [5]. Depending on scenario type both techniques were used to estimate scenario frequencies as listed in Table 3. Table 3. Estimated frequencies of credible scenarios Scenario No. 01 Scenario description Rupture in dryer pipeline Estimated Frequency 7.5E-5 02, 03 5mm and 25 mm hole diameter in cylinders 3.8E-5 and 1.0E-7 04, 05 5mm hole diameter and rupture in dispenser pipes 0.8E-2 and 1.7E-2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Risk estimation One popular measure to risk monitoring is IR usually shown on a risk contour plot. The IR is defined as the probability of death at any particular location due to all undesired events. The following figure presents the IR contours of the selected CNG station. In our present case study, sensitive locations such as houses, recreational places and high traffic roads are located exactly adjacent to CNG station borders which are absolutely advised against and these areas must be out of the Outer zone characterizing by more than 82 m as a safe distance. Shopping places are also located in close CNG station neighborhood which are advised against too and they must be out of the Middle zone characterized by more than 30m as a safe distance. There are such calculated distances between CNG station and general acceptable risk borders that usually are not followed (e.g. present case study), these distances usually are not intended more important in comparison with other aspects to determine proper distances such as site area value and accessibility for vehicles. IR contonurs for selected CNG Station Figure 2. IR Contours for selected CNG Station. Table 4. Safe and real distances from CNG station borders for each zone Safe distance from station border (m) Real distance from station border (m) Inner zone (18) -* Middle zone (30) 12 Outer zone (82) 0 *No industrial development is available. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS (a) Regular check on the both CNG vehicle and refueling station must be carried out to meet the standard as stipulated by the National Fire Protection Association or NFPA. (b) Training on the mitigation measure to deal with explosion due to CNG tank or refueling station must be conducted. In Singapore, Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) issues the regulations and mitigation measures in the contingency of accident related to flammable materials under the Fire Safety Act Chapter 109A. (c) Different type or material of cylinder of CNG will affect the safety of the incident rate. The latest material used for the CNG tank (Type 4) and the safest to date is fiber glass hence the cost is expensive. (d) CNG can help to reduce the reduce greenhouse gas emissions compare to normal fuel engine system or diesel. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 When considering proposals to site a process industry or any development in its neighborhood, four general categories of development are distinguished: industrial, shopping, housing and sensitive. Within the Inner zone (where the IR is greater than 1.0E-5 yr-1) UK HSE normally advises against all developments other than small or moderate industrial developments and limited numbers of other small developments. Within the Outer zone (where the IR is between 1.0E-6 yr-1 and 3.0E-7 yr-1) only sensitive developments are advised against. Across the Middle zone (1.0E-5 yr-1 to 1.0E-6 yr-1) and where developments straddle zone boundaries, each development proposal is considered on its own merits [6, 7]. By comparing these general criteria with numerical results extracted from Figure 2, safe distances from CNG station borders can be determined for each zone as shown in Table 4. Obtained results obviously introduce many limitations to site CNG station toward following all acceptable risk criteria for all construction developments, these limitations show that a large number of parameters should be considered to select optimal site for a CNG station in a populated city. This undesirable outcome is almost always present; to ignore these criteria means imposing unacceptable risk on people living and working in the neighborhood. The number of CNG stations and their close vicinity to populated areas, residential and office buildings and other reasons, especially in Iran, prove that enough studies have not been done in this field. Although CNG stations have an important role to play in the country’s economy and environment, they are hazardous sources; the risks posed by CNG stations are poorly evaluated. Further studies on defining acceptable risk evaluation criteria for different societies are necessary. 33 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING (e) Choosing the site for CNG station needs to consider all the risk criteria to minimize the undesirable outcome. The considerations to site the CNG station to the close vicinity are populated areas, residential and office buildings. These are highly populated areas where the mortal risk is very high. REFERENCES [1] Badri, N., Nourai, F. and Rashtchian, D., 2009. “Quantitative Risk Assessment to Site CNG Refueling stations”. Sharif University of Technology, Iran. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [2] CCPS, 2000. “Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis”. 2nd Edition, AIChE, New York, USA. 34 [3] CCPS, 2003. “Guidelines for Facility Sitting and Layout”. AICHE, New York, USA. [4] CCPS, 2007. “Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures”. 3rd Edition, AIChE, New York, USA. [5] Harvard Paper Quoted by International at Left, 2003, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (DOT) FARS Data Run for Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition in 2003, USA. [6] Rosli, A.B., Mohamad F.O. and Semin, A.R.I., 2008. “The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Cylinder Pressure Storage Technology” in Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Research Trends, USA. [7] SAE Paper 2001-01-1343, 2001, “Well-To-Wheel Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Various Vehicle Technologies”. J.J.J. Louis, Shell Global Solutions, USA. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ADSORPTION THERMODYNAMICS OF ANTIBIOTICS BY GAC Shen Liang (shen0042@e.ntu.edu.sg) Liu Yu (cyliu@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: This study investigates the adsorption thermodynamics of three representative β-lactam antibiotics (penicillin G, PCG; ampicillin, AMP and cephalosporin C, CPC) by GAC. A series of adsorption experiments were carried out at different temperatures. Results showed that GAC has a substantial adsorptive capacity for the antibiotics studied. Negative ∆G° value suggests that the antibiotic adsorption by GAC would be spontaneous. ∆H° was estimated as 64.8, 64.4 and 60.3 kJ/mol for PCG, AMP and CPC, respectively, indicating that the adsorption of three antibiotics by GAC would be endothermic and chemisorption-predominant. FTIR spectra of antibiotic-loaded GAC further confirmed that antibiotics were adsorbed by GAC through chemical bindings. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, antibiotics have emerged in various water bodies due to their expanding production and application in the world. Antibiotic resistance would thereafter evolve and spread in ecosystem, which poses a serious risk for human health (Kümmerer 2004). Adsorption has been shown to be effective in removing various soluble organics from water. Therefore, this study investigates the adsorption thermodynamics of antibiotic adsorption by granular activated carbon (GAC). MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Adsorption isotherm In this study, the equilibrium data were fitted to the following isotherm equations, qe = qm KLCe KLCe + 1 … (1) Freundlich isotherm: qe = KFC1/n e … (2) in which KL is the Langmuir equilibrium constant (L/mg); qe and qm are the equilibrium and maximum adsorption capacity, respectively (mg/g); KF is the Freundlich constant; and n is the heterogeneity factor. Table 1 shows that the Langmuir isotherm can provide a better description for adsorption data of PCG, AMP and CPC than the Freundlich isotherm at all the temperatures studied. The values of qm from the Langmuir isotherm indicate that GAC has a substantial adsorption capacity for three β-lactam antibiotics studied, and the adsorption capacity of antibiotics by GAC is in the order of PCG>AMP>CPC. Table 1. Equilibrium constants for the adsorption of antibiotics by GAC. Name T/K Freundlich isotherm n Langmuir isotherm R qm KL R2 PCG 303 261.5 4.44 0.8334 460.2 0.061 0.9711 PCG 308 288.2 4.77 0.7681 485.6 0.081 0.9355 KF 2 PCG 313 309.0 4.93 0.6920 502.7 0.102 0.9856 AMP 298 65.49 2.24 0.9680 164.2 0.023 0.9981 AMP 303 92.32 3.01 0.8777 177.1 0.033 0.9831 AMP 308 100.7 3.16 0.8320 178.0 0.045 0.9205 AMP 313 117.4 3.72 0.8410 179.0 0.082 0.9875 CPC 298 33.07 3.28 0.7851 33.67 0.46 0.8543 CPC 303 53.62 3.64 0.7996 50.90 0.49 0.9584 CPC 308 59.14 3.86 0.8460 63.20 0.75 0.9929 CPC 313 67.46 4.03 0.9032 71.9 1.46 0.9879 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 GAC from Calgon Carbon Corporation, USA, was used as the adsorbent with a mean size of 2.8 mm, an apparent density of 450 kg/m3 and a particle density of 650 kg/m3. The GAC was carefully rinsed with distilled water and dried at 103ºC overnight before use. Three representative β-lactam antibiotics, namely penicillin G (PCG), ampicillin (AMP) and cephalosporin C (CPC) from Sigma-Aldrich Pte Ltd, Singapore, were used as the model antibiotics. Equilibrium experiments were performed with 1.0 to 10.0 grams of GAC in 250 mL of the antibiotic solutions with various concentrations in a temperature controlled shaking thermostat (298, 303, 308 and 313K). Concentrations of antibiotics were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Perkin Elmer Series 200, USA) with a UV detector at 220 nm. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of antibiotic-loaded GAC were obtained from the BioRad Excalibur Series FTS 3000 spectrometer (USA). Langmuir isotherm: 35 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING The Gibbs free energy indicates the degree of spontaneity of an adsorption process. The Gibbs free energy change (∆G°) of adsorption can be determined as follows: ∆G° = -RTlnKL … (3) ∆G° is also related to the change in entropy, ∆S° and the heat of adsorption, ∆H° at a given temperature in a way such that: ∆G° = ∆H° - T∆S° … (4) Combining Eqs. 3 and 4 yields, In KL = – ∆H° + ∆S° RT R … (5) Thus, ∆H° and ∆S° can be determined from the slope and the intercept of the linear Van’t Hoff plot, i.e. ln KL versus 1/T. The Langmuir equilibrium constants obtained at 298, 303, 308 and 313K were used to calculate ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° for adsorption of PCG, AMP and CPC by GAC, respectively (Table 2). Table 2. Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of antibiotics by GAC. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Name 36 ∆H° ∆S° kJ/mol J/mol K ∆G° (kJ/mol) 298K 303K 308K 313K PCG 64.8 295.3 -22.8 -25.2 -26.3 -27.3 AMP 64.4 290.8 -22.4 -23.7 -24.9 -26.9 CPC 60.3 301.9 -30.1 -30.8 -32.4 -34.7 Table 2 shows that ∆H° and ∆S° have positive values, while negative values for and ∆G°. The positive ∆H° implies that the adsorption of three antibiotics by GAC is endothermic. In addition, the value of qm in Table 1 increased with the increase in temperature, which confirms the endothermic nature of the adsorption of three antibiotics by GAC. Basically, the heat evolved during the physical adsorption is of the same order of magnitude as the heat of condensation, i.e., 10 to 20 kJ/mol, whereas the heat of chemisorption generally falls into the range of 40 to 400 kJ/mol (Bansal and Goyal 2005). Therefore, it appears that chemisorption would be the predominant mechanism of these three antibiotics adsorption by GAC. The positive ∆S° suggests the increased randomness at the solid-solution interface with some structural changes in the adsorbate/adsorbent and antibiotic affinity to GAC. In fact, the positive ∆S° is often referred to as an increase in the degree of freedom of the adsorbed species. The negative ∆G° indicates the degree of spontaneity of the adsorption process, i.e. the higher negative value of ∆G°, the more energetically favorable adsorption was. It seems that the three antibiotics adsorption by GAC would be spontaneous in the nature (Table 2). The ∆H° for PCG, AMP and CPC suggests that adsorption of PCG, AMP and CPC by GAC was a chemicaldominant process. However, it should be pointed out that the thermodynamic mechanisms of adsorption would be dependent on the chemical structures of various antibiotics. For example, ∆H° values reported in the adsorption of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid, cephalexin, cefadroxyl and 6-aminopenillanic acid by activated carbon ranged from 17 to 46 kJ/mol (Dutta et al. 1999), implying a physicalchemical mixed mechanism. FTIR spectrum The FTIR spectra can be used to identify the functional groups capable of adsorbing organic compounds. Figure 1 shows the FTIR spectra of GAC before and after adsorption of antibiotics at 298 K. The common structure of PCG, AMP and CPC is the four-membered (β) lactam ring fused to another thiazole ring. Therefore, in FTIR spectra of the used GAC, the peak at around 1700 cm-1 represents the C=O stretching vibration of the β-lactam ring; the peak at around 3480 cm-1 represents the N-H stretching vibration of the β-lactam ring. Furthermore, the peak at around 650 cm-1 in the spectra of PCG-loaded GAC and AMP-loaded GAC suggests the C-H bending vibration of the benzene ring. Meanwhile, this peak did not appear in the spectrum of CPC-loaded GAC due to the absence of the benzene ring in the CPC molecular structure. The intermediate portion of the spectrum of 1300-900 cm-1 is often referred to as the “fingerprint” region. The absorption pattern in this region is rather complex because the stretching vibration of all single bonds and vibration of molecular skeleton would take place. Compared to the spectrum of virgin GAC, absorbance in the spectra of the antibiotic-loaded GAC became more intense, showing adsorption of antibiotics by GAC through chemical bonds. 3488 d.CPC-loaded GAC 1718 3480 c.AMP-loaded GAC 1718 Absorbance Thermodynamics of adsorption 659 3476 b.PCG-loaded GAC 1684 647 a. GAC blank 4000 3000 2000 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) 1000 Figure 1. FTIR spectra of antibiotic-loaded GAC at 298 K. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES This study demonstrated that β-lactam antibiotics, such as PCG, AMP and CPC, can be effectively removed by GAC adsorption. The equilibrium data can be best described by the Langmuir isotherm. The positive enthalpy value indicates the endothermic nature of the adsorption process, whereas the magnitude of enthalpy suggests that the adsorption of these antibiotics by GAC was chemisorptionpredominant. The FTIR analysis further confirmed that the β-lactam ring of these three antibiotics could form the strong chemical bonds (e.g. C=O and N-H) with GAC’s functional groups. [1] Bansal, R.C. and Goyal, M., 2005. Activated Carbon Adsorption. London: Taylor & Francis. [2] Dutta, M., Dutta, N.N. and Bhattacharya, K.G., 1999. “Aqueous phase adsorption of certain beta-lactam antibiotics onto polymeric resins and activated carbon”. Separation and Purification Technology, 16(3): 213-224. [3] Kümmerer, K., 2004. Pharmaceuticals in the environment: sources, fate, effects and risks. New York: Springer. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 37 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING AN INTERVAL APPROACH FOR SUPPORTING URBAN WATER SUPPLY ANALYSIS X. S. Qin (xsqin@ntu.edu.sg) Y. Xu (xuye@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: An interval-parameter chance-constrained programming (IPSCCP) model is proposed for supporting urban water supply management under uncertainty. Through incorporating chance-constrained programming (CCP) into an interval linear programming (ILP) framework, the model effectively deals with uncertainties expressed as not only probability distributions but also as discrete intervals, and incorporate pre-defined acceptable levels of constraints satisfaction directly into the optimization process. An interactive two-step sub-modeling method could be used for model solution. The obtained results would be useful for decision makers to gain an insight into the tradeoffs between environmental and economic objectives and between increased certainties and decreased safeties (or increased system-failure risks). The study is a new endeavor in advancing an integrated uncertainly-analysis tool for urban water supply management; the approach could also be applicable to many other water resources management problems. INTRODUCTION The shortage of urban water resources has become a major obstacle for sustainable socio-economic development of the cities and has aroused much attention over decades. Integrated Urban Water Supply Management (IUWSM) focuses on the integrated management of technical aspects of water services and is effective in relieving the shortage problems of water resources. However, IUWSM systems are often complicated with uncertainties. During the past decades, many inexact optimization techniques were developed to describe and handle imprecise and uncertain elements presented in real-world problems. The purpose of this study is to develop an interval-parameter stochastic chance-constrained programming (IPSCCP) model and apply it to IUWSM system under uncertainties. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 URBAN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 38 In this study, an IUWSM system will be used for demonstrating the applicability of proposed method. This case was adapted from a real case provided by Fattahi & Fayyaz (2010). For many urban areas, it is necessary to develop effective tools for assisting in urban water service providers and government agencies to generate rational water resources management scheme. An integrated IUWSM system, which incorporated water demand management and water supply system into a general framework, is very important for relieving water shortage problems and realizing balance between water demand and supply. Figure 1 shows the structure and components of IUWSM system. The time periods of IUWSM system operation are considered as one year (it has a time interval of month). Table 1 shows the related parameters within IUWSM system, which are assumed as random variables in normal distributions and interval numbers, respectively. Figure 1. Urban water supply management system. Table 1. Parameters related to the water supply system Information of water sources Dam Well Information of treatment plants Treatment plant 1 Treatment plant 2 Treatment plant 3 Treatment plant 4 Information of reservoirs Reservoir 1 Reservoir 2 Reservoir 3 Reservoir 4 Reservoir 5 Reservoir 6 Reservoir 7 Beginning inventory Maximum capacities (×103 m3) (×103 m3) * [15000, 19000] (4600, 480) * [2050, 2950] (3800, 365) Beginning inventory Maximum capacities (×103 m3) (×103 m3) [5, 7.5] (1900, 220) [10, 13] (3400, 245) 0 +∞ 0 +∞ Beginning inventory Maximum capacities (×103 m3) (×103 m3) [16, 26] (4500, 420) [6.5, 13.5] (720, 60) [1, 3.5] (230, 15) [6.5, 13.5] (440, 35) [2, 4.5] (230, 15) [22, 38] (700, 50) [4, 6.5] (440, 35) Note: [a1, a2] * represents an interval number where a1 and a2 are the lower and upper bounds, respectively; (m1, d1)** represents a random variable where m1 and d1 are the mean values and standard deviation, respectively. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING MODEL FORMULATION For the studied urban water supply system, an intervalparameter stochastic chance-constrained programming model can be formulated as follows (Fattahi & Fayyaz 2010): …(1) Subject to: …(2) …(3) …(4) …(5) …(6) …(7) …(8) …(9) …(10) …(11) …(12) …(14) …(15) …(16) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The solutions at a number of acceptable probability levels (i.e. 0.9, 0.95 and 0.99) are obtained through solving the IPSCCP model. The results indicate that the water supply patterns based on the demand amounts would be affected by multiple factors. Firstly, the objective function value and part of the decision variables from IPSCCP would present as discrete intervals rather than fixed values. For example, at a significance level of 0.9, the objective function value (i.e. total system cost) would range from 38.68 to 74.26 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 …(13) where f is the net system cost ($); k (k = 1, 2, …, K) is the index of time periods and K is number of time periods; j, t, r and z (j = 1, 2, ..., J; t = 1, 2, …, T; r = 1, 2, …, R; z = 1, 2, …, Z) are indexes of specific water sources, treatment plants, reservoirs and consuming zones, respectively; J, T, R and Z are numbers of water sources, treatment plants, reservoirs and consuming zones; BJjk is the recovered water for each water resource j in each month k (×103 m3); CJTjt, CTRtr and CRZrz are the transferred costs of water in network, from water sources j to treatments t, treatments t to reservoirs r and reservoirs r to consuming zone z, respectively ($); Dzk is the amount of water required for consuming zone z in month k (×103 m3); IROr, ITOt and IJOj are the inventories of each reservoir r, treatment t and water resource j at the first of the planning horizon, respectively (×103 m3); IRrk, ITtk and IJjk are the inventories of each reservoir r, treatment t and water resource j at end of each month k, respectively (×103 m3); LXJjt, LXTtr and LXZrz are the leakage rates of water in network, from water sources j to treatments t, treatments t to reservoirs r and reservoirs r to consuming zone z, respectively (%); MJjk is the maximum amount of water that can be exited from water sources j at each month k (×103 m3); PRjk is the purchasing cost of water from water sources j at each month k ($); qz is the acceptable level of constraintssatisfaction. TL is the allowed maximum leakage amounts (×103 m3); VRrk and VTtk are the capacities of reservoirs r and treatment t at each month k (×103 m3); XJTjtk, XTRtrk and XRZrzk are decision variables, representing the amount of water transferred from water sources j to treatments t, from treatments t to reservoirs r and from reservoirs r to consuming zones z at each month k, respectively (×103 m3); ZRZrz, ZJTjt and ZTRtr are binary variables (i.e. expressed as 1 or 0, representing yes or no answers) used to define paths in the network, respectively. Referring to the proposed model, the constraints with interval and random coefficients (i.e. constraints 2, 7, 11 and 14) can be transformed to their respective crisp equivalent (Charnes et al. 1972; Huang et al. 1992; Qin et al. 2007). Referring to the proposed model, the transformed ILP models can be formulated and solved, such that the objective values and decision variables expressed as discrete intervals at various constraints-violation levels can be obtained. 39 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING (×106) dollars. The lower bound of the objective function represents an optimal decision scheme with the lowest cost; correspondingly, the obtained decision variables would reach their lower bounds. Conversely, the solution corresponding to the higher bound of system cost is of conservative consideration. Based on the obtained interval solutions, a variety of alternatives can be generated through adjusting within their solution intervals. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 2 indicates that the variations in the acceptable levels would result in changes of water supply patterns. For example, in the entire planning period, the total water amounts transferred from water sources to treatment plants at significance levels of 0.99, 0.95 and 0.99 would be [38,287.11, 52,396.04], [38,900.23, 53,224.34] and [40,050.34, 54,778.08] (×103 m3), respectively. The amounts from reservoirs to consuming zones are [37,305.83, 48,760.20], [37,895.13, 49,511.91] and [39,000.55, 50,922.00] (×103 m3), respectively. The reason is that, as the increases of the acceptable levels, the constraints would become stricter. 40 Figure 3 presents the variation of system cost at various acceptable levels. Generally, the system cost would increase as the increase of acceptable levels. For example, at different significance levels (from 0.90 to 0.99), the system costs are [38.68, 74.26], [39.19, 75.27] and [40.15, 77.17] (×106 $), respectively. This is because, as the acceptable level goes higher, the constraints would become stricter. To compare the proposed IPSCCP model with other alternatives, a general SCCP model is formulated for the same problem where the deterministic parameters are derived by averaging the upper and lower bounds of intervals from IPSCCP model. As shown in Figure 2, the total water amounts transferred from water sources to treatment plants at significance levels of 0.99, 0.95 and 0.99 would be 44,308.26, 45,013.78 and 46,337.20 (×103 m3), respectively. The amounts from reservoirs to consuming zones are 42,198.95, 42,858.26 and 44,095.02 (×103 m3), respectively. In reference to Figure 3, the total cost at different significance levels are 70.88, 71.88 and 73.76 (×106 $), respectively. In such a case, the decision alternative would be restricted to a single solution, which may limit its application in real-world systems. Figure 2. Total water amounts transferred in the network. Figure 3. Comparison of solutions between IPSCCP and SCCP models. CONCLUSIONS An interval-parameter stochastic chance-constrained programming (IPSCCP) model was proposed for urban water supply management. IPSCCP could effectively deal with uncertainties expressed as both discrete intervals and random variables. It was also capable of incorporating a set of pre-defined acceptable levels of constraint satisfaction into optimization process, allowing model solutions to achieve higher system costs at allowable violation probabilities. The results indicate that IPSCCP could help decision makers gain in-depth insights into the trade-offs between increased system benefits and decreased safeties, and establish rational water supply patterns under complex uncertainties for meeting the city’s water demand. The method could also be applicable to many other environmental problems. REFERENCES [1] Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W. and Kirby, P., 1972. “Chance constrained programming: An extension of statistical method”. New York: Optimizing Methods in Statistics, Academic Press. [2] Fattahi, P. and Fayyaz, S., 2010. “A compromise programming model to integrated urban water management”. Water Resources Management, 24: 1211-1227. [3] Huang, G.H., Baetz B.W. and Patry, G.G., 1992. “A grey linear programming approach for municipal solid waste management planning under uncertainty”. Civil Engineering Systems, 9: 319-335. [4] Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H., Zeng, G.M., Chakma, A. and Huang, Y.F., 2007. “An interval-parameter fuzzy nonlinear optimization model for stream water quality management under uncertainty”. European Journal of Operational Research, 180(3): 1331-1357. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ANAEROBIC HYDROLYSIS OF PARTICULATES IN SEWAGE Teo Chee Wee (teoc0044@ntu.edu.sg) Philip Wong (pcywong@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates presents both a challenge and an opportunity for the treatment of dilute wastewaters such as sewage. A significant portion of the total chemical oxygen demand of raw sewage is in the form of particulates. These particulates have to be hydrolyzed prior to assimilation by the anaerobic consortia. Through enhancing hydrolysis kinetics, the overall biotransformation rate can be increased, chemical energy in the organic solids can be efficiently tapped, and solids accumulation can be better managed. This study investigates the optimum conditions for anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates in sewage treatment, with a focus on enzyme augmentation with hydrolases. The operating conditions investigated were pH, temperature and enzymes dosage. Experimental results showed a higher degree of hydrolysis at pH 5.0 showed higher degree of hydrolysis compared to those at pH 9.0. In addition, control experiments revealed considerable degradation of enzymes in the batch reactors, which may be attributed to proteolysis of amylases and autolysis of proteases. INTRODUCTION Hydrolysis in anaerobic sewage treatment One feature of anaerobic digestion in organic waste stabilization is the concomitant production of energy in the form of methane and hydrogen gas. This technology can potentially be exploited to recover valuable energy directly from raw sewage. In anaerobic digestion, hydrolysis of suspended solids tends to be rate limiting especially for substrates with high solids content. This is also the case for treatment of domestic wastewater (Seghezzo et al., 2005). Hydrolysis is also vital for the degradation of dissolved macromolecules and soluble microbial products (SMPs) that are prevalent in wastewater. Complex wastewater such as sewage contains carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Carbohydrates are known to be hydrolyzed rapidly to simple sugars (Zeeman & Sanders, 2001). Domestic wastewater typically comprises of 40-60 percent of proteins, 25-50 percent of carbohydrates and 8-12 percent of oil and fats (Asano et al., 2007). Additionally, urea and some synthetic organic chemicals may also be present. Proteins are hydrolyzed into amino acids, lipids are hydrolyzed into long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and glycerol, and carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into simple sugars. Anaerobic hydrolysis of complex substrates can proceed in a number of ways (Angelidaki et al., 2004). For instance, the hydrolytic bacteria can secrete exo-enzymes into the bulk solution to hydrolyze the complex substrate. Hydrolytic bacteria can also attach itself to the particulate and excrete exo-enzymes to degrade it. Finally, the hydrolytic bacteria can adsorb to the particulate surface and utilize their attached enzymes (ectoenzymes) to initiate hydrolysis. Enhancing hydrolysis of particulates Hydrolysis of particulate macromolecules Hydrolysis is a reaction in which the chemical bonds in polymers are cleaved by the introduction of water molecules. H+ ion is added to a fragment of the polymer whereas OH- ion is added to the other fragment from the same polymer. From a biochemical perspective, hydrolytic Several pretreatment techniques had previously been investigated. Tanaka et al. (1997) studied the effect of thermochemical pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. The pretreatment solubilized the volatile suspended solids (VSS) by 40-50% and increased methane production by more than 200% relative to the Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Domestic wastewater contains approximately 500-800mg/l of total solids with a suspended solids concentration of approximately 155-330mg/l (US EPA, 2008). In terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids represent up to 85% of the total COD (Tarek et al., 2001). Hence, hydrolysis of organic solids in sewage represents an important step in reducing the effluent COD as well as to improve overall treatment efficiency. Hydrolysis of organic solids also produces short chain fatty acids that can be utilized for downstream biological nutrient removal (Feng et al., 2009). bacteria produce exo-enzymes which break up polymers forming short chain dimers and monomers, which are in turn further degraded by other microbes for catabolism and anabolism. The polymers have to be hydrolyzed to low molecular weight monomers (≤ 1000 Dalton) before they can be assimilated into cells (Burgess et al., 2008). 41 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING control without pretreatment. Neis et al. (2000) studied the enhancement of sludge hydrolysis by ultrasonic pretreatment. The process improved sludge degradation rate by 30% at a solids residence time (SRT) of 16 days. Enzymatic hydrolysis as pretreatment of lipids-rich wastewater using low cost lipase prepared from porcine pancreas was investigated by Adriano et al. (2006). The wastewater was hydrolyzed prior to addition into the bioreactor. Higher COD removal (69-80%) and biogas production (10-12ml/g COD) compared to the control without enzymatic pretreatment (COD removal of 40% and biogas production of 6ml/g COD). Moreover, it was found that direct addition of enzymes into the bioreactor is viable and attractive, with high COD removal of 76.4%. The feasibility of enzymatic hydrolysis was also demonstrated by others authors (Leal et al., 2006; Rosa et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2008). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The exogenous enzymes added were liquid enzymes blend (BioCat Microbials Pte Ltd, USA) containing proteases, lipases and amylases. The blend was purified in laboratory using a stirred cell with 10kDa ultrafiltration membrane disc (Amicon PM 10, Millipore Co., USA) to remove the low molecular weight propylene glycol before each experiment. Erlenmeyer flasks (0.5L) with rubber stoppers were used as batch reactors. The headspace of the flasks was flushed with nitrogen gas before sealing with rubber stoppers. A water bath shaker was used to provide the necessary temperature and agitation. pHs were adjusted daily with 6N HCl and 6N NaOH. Hydrolysis of particulates can be enhanced by operating at the optimal pH and temperature. The rate is higher under thermophilic condition compared to mesophilic condition. Within each range, hydrolysis rate proceeds faster at higher temperatures. In general, the optimum pH is at near neutral (Rollon, 1999), although Isaacson (1990) pointed out that, neutral pH commonly operated in anaerobic digesters aims to maximize the rate of methanogenesis; hydrolysis may have a different optimum. For example, the optimum pH of holocellulytic bacteria is species dependent and can range from 3 to 11. The optimum pH for hydrolysis and acidification is 5.6-6.0 whereas that for methanogenesis is 6.8-7.2 (Riva, 1992). Therefore it can be inferred that the optimum pH for hydrolysis varies according to the substrate composition and the hydrolytic species present. TSS, VSS and sCOD were quantified according to the Standard Methods (APHA, 1998). DOC was analyzed with the TOC ASI-V (Shimadzu Co., Japan) TOC analyzer. Samples for sCOD and DOC assays were filtered with 0.45μm syringe filters. Protease assay was performed using Sigma Aldrich assay kit with casein as the substrate (substrate product no.: C7078). α-amylase assay was performed using the dinitrosalicylic acid method (Bernfeld, 1955). Biogas production rate was measured by the syringe displacement method (Owen et al., 1979). One unit of protease activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that hydrolyzes casein to produce 1.0μmol of tyrosine per minute at pH 7.5 and 35oC. One unit of amylase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that hydrolyzes starch to liberate 1mg of maltose in 3 minutes at pH 7 and 25oC. The objective of this research is to investigate the optimum conditions for the anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates in sewage including a preliminary study on the feasibility of enzyme augmentation. The experiments were performed in batches of 20 days. The degree of hydrolysis of particulates was calculated from the following equation by analyzing the period where hydrolysis predominates: MATERIALS AND METHODS 42 Seed sludge was obtained from the anaerobic digester at Ulu Pandan Water Reclamation Plant, Singapore. The seed sludge was washed twice with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) to remove residual soluble COD. Sludge was added to the batch reactors such that the starting concentration was 8000mg MLSS/l (5000mg MLVS/l). The synthetic wastewater used in the experiments was prepared to simulate raw municipal wastewater with suspended solids. The soluble constituents of the wastewater were prepared according to the OECD guideline for synthetic sewage (OECD 303A). The twice diluted composition gives a COD of 150mg/l. Suspended solids in wastewater are simulated by 250mg/l of dry dog food with a COD of 400±50mg/l (ALPO, Purina Co., USA). ALPO dog food was selected because it has similar organic composition with primary sludge (Kim et al., 2003). This gave a total COD of 550±50mg/l. Degree of hydrolysis = [(∆sCOD + ∆CODH2 + ∆CODCH4) / (Initial particulate COD)] (1) where ∆CODH2 is the sCOD converted into biogas as H2 (8g COD/g H2); ∆CODCH4 is the sCOD converted into biogas as CH4 (4g COD/g CH4). Hence, the degree of hydrolysis is expressed in grams of COD hydrolyzed per gram of particulate COD. Temperature and pH were investigated in the range of 2535oC and pH 5.0-9.0 respectively. Enzymes were augmented at the concentration of 0-0.7% (w/v). ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Degree of hydrolysis The degree of hydrolysis is calculated from the period where hydrolysis predominates, as indicated by rising sCOD. The calculated degree of hydrolysis at these periods (indicated in parentheses in days) and the total degree of hydrolysis for the respective batch experiments are shown in Table 1. Complete degradation of initial sCOD by Day 1 is assumed as it is easily degradable and low in concentration (COD of 100mg/l). For computation that includes Day 0-1, 100mg/l is deducted from the COD balance to ensure accountability. At pH 5.0 and 9.0, COD removal due to biogas production is assumed to be negligible as methane and hydrogen production is low at these pH [Lay et al., 1997; Wang et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2006]. The majority of the COD remains in the aqueous phase as soluble compounds like volatile fatty acids (VFAs), long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and alcohols. Table 1: Degree of hydrolysis at different conditions Conditions Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Total pH 9, 35 C, 0.7% (w/v) 0.415 (3-9) 0.1725 (15-20) - 0.5875 pH 9, 25oC, 0.7% (w/v) 0.2775 (2-6) 0.0325 (8-10) 0.145 (16-20) 0.455 pH 5, 25oC, 0.7% (w/v) 0.2025 (0-1) 0.105 (7-9) 0.35 (10-13) 0.6575 pH 5, 35oC, 0.7% (w/v) 0.9425 (0-1) 0.18 (7-8) 0.225 (15-17) >1 o In the context of enzyme augmentation, it is possible for the calculated degree of hydrolysis to exceed 1 as the enzymes can exert COD. From the experimental results, it can be deduced that lower pH enhances the rate of anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates in municipal wastewater. Other authors reported an optimum pH of 5.5 for hydrolysis of diary wastewater (Yu et al., 2002), 6.5 for hydrolysis of synthetic PS (Kim et al., 2003) and 7.0 for hydrolysis of kitchen waste (Zhang et al., 2005). Figure 1: Control experiment. low precision of VSS test as no replicates are performed. Subsequently, there is a decrease in sCOD of 170mg/l from Day 1-7, suggesting the consumption of enzymes as substrate by the biomass. One possible mechanism is the proteolysis of lipases and amylases as well as the autolysis of proteases into monomers that can be consumed by the microorganisms. In addition, hydrolytic bacteria may secrete hydrolases to degrade the enzymes. There is a rise in sCOD from Day 7 to 13 (69 to 143mg/l), suggesting the production of SMPs due to cell death and lysis. The fall in MLVSS from 4850 to 4350mg/l in the same period indicates that the microorganisms are probably undergoing endogenous respiration. Control without the addition of biomass was performed in a sterilized 250ml Duran bottle for a period of 4 days. Gradual decline in enzymatic activity was observed throughout the experimental period, suggesting the occurrence of proteolysis and autolysis. Protease activity fell from 1.05U/ml to 0.22U/ml whereas amylase activity fell from 2.15U/ml to 0.079U/ml during the same period. CONCLUSIONS Control with enzymes A control was performed with only enzymes and no substrate added. Tap water was added as the source of micronutrients in place of synthetic feed. The result of the control is illustrated in Figure 1. The data points are connected with straight lines for better visualization. There is a rise in sCOD of 31mg/l from Day 0-1, suggesting the hydrolysis of biomass. This may be corroborated by MLVSS, which falls from 5150 to 5000mg/l. The low COD per unit of VSS may be due to the REFERENCES [1] APHA, 1998. “Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater”. American Public Health Association, 20th Edition. [2] Asano and Takashi, 2007. “Water reuse: Issues, technology and applications”. McGraw-Hill publication, pp. 34-58. [3] Adriano A. Mendes, Ernandes B. 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This study proposes a data-driven approach based on the Adaptive-NetworkBased Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to forecast the water level for the Lower Mekong River at Pakse in Laos for lead-times from 1 to 5 days. In addition, the present study used an output updating scheme which is based on a recursive autoregressive (RAR) model to enhance the accuracy of multi-step ahead forecasts. The results of the present study show that: (i) ANFIS model performed well for 1-, 2- and 3-days ahead forecasts when compared to the performance of a physically based model which is currently adopted for operational forecasts; and (ii) the output updating technique significantly enhances 4- and 5-days ahead forecasts. INTRODUCTION The Mekong River with a length of approximately 4,800 km has its source in China’s Yunnan province and flows through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and discharges into the South China Sea. It drains an area of approximately 795,000 km2 and has a yearly average flow rate of 15,000 m3/s (MRC, 2005). The wet season in the Mekong occurs from the months of June to October every year. Floods may occur during this time when typhoons from the South China Sea cause heavy rains over the basin. In order to deal with flood management and mitigation in this region, an effective flood early warning system is essential. This study demonstrates the use of ANFIS incorporating a recursive autoregressive or RAR based output updating technique for multi-step flood forecasting for a reach of the Lower Mekong River. The performance of the ANFIS model was compared with the benchmark used by the MRC to evaluate forecast accuracy and a Naïve model which is the simplest forecast model that is often used as base line to evaluate models. Finally, ANFIS model results were also compared with results obtained from the URBS model for 2009 forecasts. METHODS Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) A neuro-fuzzy system is a hybrid system combining the concepts of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A common framework of a neuro-fuzzy system is to represent the FIS in an ANN architecture and utilize the learning capability of ANN to optimize the FIS parameters. The Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) proposed by Jang (1993) is a well-know approach for neuro-fuzzy systems. ANFIS is based on the Tagaki-Sugeno-Kang (Takagi and Sugeno, Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Before 2009, flood forecasting for the Lower Mekong was managed by a system that utilized models and concepts developed during the 1970s (Apirumanekul, 2006). The Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation model (SSARR), developed by the US Corps of Engineers was used to model the rainfall-runoff process for the upper reaches from Chiang Saen to Pakse, while regression models were used to model the flows downstream from Pakse. A new flood forecasting system has recently been developed and put into operation at the Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Centre of the Mekong River Commission (RFMMC-MRC). This system was developed in 2007 in order to improve short and especially medium term forecasts. The rainfall-runoff processes for the upper reach from Chiang Saen to Pakse is now modeled by the Unified Run-off Basin Simulation (URBS) hydrological model, and the flow routing downstream from Pakse is modeled by the ISIS hydrodynamic model. The system was operated in “test mode” during the 2008 flood season, and has been in operational mode since 2009 (MRC, 2009). An alternative flood forecasting tool, based on the datadriven approach, which utilizes the Adaptive-NetworkBased Fuzzy Inference System or ANFIS (Jang, 1993) was developed for this study. ANFIS focuses on constructing an input-output mapping based on the measured time series data. Studies where ANFIS has been used in flood forecasting include Nayak et al. (2005) and Chen et al. (2006). 45 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING 1985) fuzzy inference system embedded within the structure of the ANN. Figure 1 shows a schematic of ANFIS with 2 rules for a system consisting of 2 inputs and 1 output. Figure 1. Schematic of ANFIS architecture (Jang, 1993). The function of each layer in ANFIS is briefly described as follows: Layer 1 - input nodes: each node generates membership grades to which inputs at the inputs nodes are assigned, from fuzzy sets based on the membership functions used. In our study the Gaussian membership function was applied. Layer 2 - rule nodes: in this layer, the AND or the OR operator is applied to obtain one output that represents the result of the antecedent for that rule, i.e. the firing strength. Layer 3 - average nodes: in this layer, the main objective is to calculate the ratio of the ith rule’s firing strength to the sum of all rules’ firing strength. Layer 4 - consequent nodes: in this layer, the first-order Sugeno fuzzy model is adopted. The fourth layer computes the contribution of each rule towards the total output. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Layer 5 - output nodes: the single node computes the overall output by summing all the incoming signals according to the defuzzification process, where each rule’s fuzzy results are transformed into a crisp output. 46 The learning algorithm in ANFIS optimizes the ANFIS parameters that include the premise parameters, which describe the shape of the membership function, and the consequent parameters, which describe the overall output of the system. The algorithm used is a hybrid learning algorithm consisting of the gradient descent and leastsquares methods. The gradient descent method is employed to tune the premise parameters, whereas the least-squares method is used to identify the consequent parameters. The present study used ANFIS implemented in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of MATLAB (MATLAB, 2008) to forecast water level of the Lower Mekong at Pakse in Laos. Recursive Autoregressive Model In order to improve the forecast accuracy, the present study modelled the time-series of water level forecast errors. Once the forecast error was estimated, it could then update the forecast from the ANFIS model. Auto-regressive (AR) model is a stochastic model that is typically used for this purpose (Serban and Askew, 1991; WMO, 1992). However, this is a non-adaptive model since its parameters are fixed after calibration. Therefore it is not able to adapt to changes once the model is calibrated. The recursive autoregressive (RAR) model is an adaptive version of the linear autoregressive model. Its parameters can be adjusted by a recursive estimation algorithm using the most recent error. Hence, the RAR model is more suitable compared to the AR model in online applications. The present study used an RAR model with a recursive estimation algorithm (Ljung, 1999) implemented in the System Identification Toolbox of MATLAB (MATLAB, 2008). CASE STUDY The most upstream station of the Lower Mekong is at Chiang Saen in Laos and the most downstream station is at Chau Doc in Vietnam. The upstream reach of the Lower Mekong from Chiang Sean to Pakse is characterized by steeper gradients compared to the lower reach where gradients are generally flatter. The URBS model, which is a physically-based lumped parameter model, is currently used to model the flow upstream of Pakse. Because of the flatter terrain, a 1-D hydrodynamic model (ISIS) is used to model the flow downstream of Pakse. Thus, Pakse is the boundary between the URBS and ISIS models and the forecast at Pakse is used as input or upstream boundary condition for ISIS. Therefore, the accuracy of forecasts at Pakse is important as it can significantly influence the accuracy of downstream forecasts. ANFIS MODEL DEVELOPMENT Data division The water level of the Mekong at Pakse and upstream stations in the wet seasons from 1993 to 1998 were used for training, while data from 1999 to 2000 were used for testing, and data from 2001 to 2003 and 2009 were used for validation. ANFIS model results are compared to the URBS results for the wet season in 2009 only, since URBS model results are available only for that year. Table 1 shows some pertinent information of water levels at Pakse in the three data subsets. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Table 1. Statistical properties of training, test, and validation data sets. Mean (m) Duration (days) Min (m) Max (m) Training (1993-1998) 5.98 1,134 1.36 13.01 Test (1999-2000) 7.12 380 2.56 13.34 Validation (2001-2003 and 2009) 6.88 693 1.45 12.7 Input-output selection ANFIS is a Multi-Input-Single-Output (MISO) system. Each ANFIS model has only one output. Therefore, five ANFIS models providing outputs of L-days (L = 1, 2, … , 5 days) ahead forecasts of the water level at Pakse were developed. This study employed a statistical approach suggested by Sudheer et al. (2002) to identify the appropriate input vector. The method is based on the heuristic that the potential influencing variables corresponding to different time lags can be identified through statistical analysis of the data series using cross correlation, autocorrelation, and partial autocorrelation between the variables in question. Correlation analyses showed that the water level at Pakse at L-days ahead is most related to three recent water levels at Pakse, then followed by the three recent water levels at Savanakhet, which is situated 240 km upstream of Pakse. Thus, the general form of the relationship between the water level at Pakse at step t+L and water levels at Pakse and Savannakhet can be expressed as follows: a membership function (e.g., Gaussian, Triangular) is defined with the center located at the center of the class. There are two methods to generate an initial model for ANFIS training which are based on two partitioning techniques on the data: grid partition and subtractive clustering. It is not advisable to use grid partitioning in ANFIS when the input dimension is more than five or six (Nayak et al., 2005) due to excessive propagation of the number of rules (curse of dimensionality). The present study used the subtractive clustering technique to generate the initial model for ANFIS training. A proper number of membership functions applied to each input was identified by trial-anderror. The number of membership functions was increased from three to twenty. It was found that when the number of membership functions increased from three to ten the performance of the model was more or less the same on the test data set, and when the number of rules was greater than ten, model performance deteriorated. The number of membership functions used was thus three. This would imply that the range of water level can be divided into three main regions: low, medium and high. OUTPUT UPDATING Five independent ANFIS models were developed to provide multi-step ahead water level forecasts at Pakse. The Lth (L = 1, 2, … , 5 days) ANFIS model is denoted by ANFISL. Its output predicted at time t is denoted by (L). This is the forecast made at time t for the water level at the lead time t+L. The difference between the actual measurement Ht+L, to be measured at time t+L, and (L) is the output error of the ANFISL model predicted at time t. This error can be stated as: et(L) = Ht+L – This means that each ANFIS model has as output, the L-days ahead forecast of the water level at Pakse and the three most recent water levels at Pakse and Savanakhet as inputs. Model evaluation Model structure selection and model calibration In ANFIS, each input variable is clustered into several class values in layer 1 to build up the fuzzy rules. In each class, At time t, et(L) is unknown since Ht+L is unknown. An output updating procedure is implemented which attempts to approximate the value of et(L) denoted by . Once is determined, the predicted error can then be added to the original output (L) in order to obtain the updated output, , as follows: = (L) + An incremental updating procedure was used in the present study that utilised output of ANFIS1 to update the output of ANFIS2, the outputs of ANFIS1 and ANFIS2 to update the output of ANFIS3 and so on. Figure 2 shows that the difference between output of ANFISL at time step t and the output of the ANFISL+1 at time step t-1 is used to estimate error of the ANFISL+1 output at time step t-1. This estimated error is applied to an RAR model to obtain the estimated error of the ANFISL+1 output at time step t. This error is then added to the original ANFISL+1 output to obtain the updated forecast. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The coefficient of efficiency (COE) was used to assess the overall goodness of fit. The mean absolute error (MAE), mean percentage absolute error (MPAE), and root mean square error (RMSE) were adopted as absolute error measures. In addition, the mean absolute error of forecasts for water levels higher than the alarm water level (MAEhigh = 11 m) at Pakse was used to assess model performance at high river stages. (L) 47 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING 1.25 Benchmark Naïve ANFIS MAE (m) 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 (a) 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 Lead-time (day) 1.25 Benchmark Naïve ANFIS MAE high (m) 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 Figure 2. Incremental output updating procedure based on the I-RAR algorithm. 0.00 (b) 1 2 3 Lead-time (day) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Verification of output updating procedure The comparison of MAE for different forecast lead times is shown in Figure 3(a) and Figure 4(a) for the entire training and validation data sets, and for high water levels (> 11 m) in Figures 3(b) and 4(b). The ANFIS models show good overall performance as shown in Figures 3(a) and 4(a), since the MAE of the ANFIS model results are significantly less than that for the benchmark and Naïve models for all lead times. However, if only high water levels are considered, MAE is less than the benchmark at only 1- and 2- lead-day forecasts, approximately equal to the benchmark at 3- and 4-days forecasts, and higher than the benchmark at 5-days forecast. In the model validation phase, the ANFIS model gives MAE similar to the Naïve model at 4- and 5-days forecast for high water levels. Figure 4. MAE calculated on the validation dataset by ANFIS (without updating) model for 1 to 5 day forecasts for: (a) entire wet seasons, (b) high water levels. The incremental updating procedure proposed in the present study significantly improved the accuracy of multi-stepahead forecasts as shown in Figure 5 and by the time series plot in Figure 6. The MAE computed on the entire the wet seasons (Figure 5a) shows only a slight improvement. However, for high water levels (Figure 5b), the improvement is more significant, especially for 5-days forecast. The time series in Figure 6 shows that although there is still a lagtime error, the amplitude error of ANFIS output updated by I-RAR procedure (ANFIS+I-RAR) is lesser, in comparison to the original ANFIS model output. 1.25 Benchmark Naïve ANFIS ANFIS+ I-RAR 1.00 1.25 Benchmark Naïve ANFIS MAE (m) MAE (m) 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 (a) 48 (a) 1 2 3 4 1.00 Benchmark Naïve ANFIS 0.50 4 5 0.75 Benchmark Naïve ANFIS ANFIS+ I-RAR 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 1 (b) 3 1.25 MAEhigh (m) 0.75 2 Lead-time (day) Lead-time (day) 1.00 1 5 1.25 MAEhigh (m) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 0.00 2 3 4 5 Lead-time (day) Figure 3. MAE calculated on the training dataset by ANFIS (without updating) model for 1 to 5 day forecasts for: (a) entire wet seasons, (b) high water levels. (b) 1 2 3 4 5 Lead-time (day) Figure 5. MAE calculated for 1 to 5 lead time steps on validation data with output updating: (a) entire wet seasons, (b) high water levels ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS Figure 6. Measured and computed (ANFIS and ANFIS+I-RAR) time series of 5-lead day forecasts (at the high river stages in 2000 and 2001). Comparison of ANFIS and URBS models 100 100 80 80 COE (%) Successful Forecast Percentage (%) ANFIS+I-RAR and URBS model results are compared for the 2009 wet season in Figure 7. The Naïve model is used as a baseline for comparison. All error indexes show that the ANFIS+I-RAR model have significantly better performance than that of the URBS model at 1- to 3-lead-day forecasts. However, ANFIS+I-RAR achieves only slight improvement in comparison with URBS model at 4- and 5-days forecast. The ANFIS model is able to associate the water levels at Savanakhet and Pakse well for a few days due to the high correlation of water levels at Savanakhet and Pakse from 1 to 3 lags. This also implies that the performance of the ANFIS model will deteriorate when this correlation decreases as is the case when L > 3 days. It is expected that ANFIS model results can be further improved by the inclusion of rainfall as an additional input, to improve 4and 5-days forecasts. This is left as future work. 60 40 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 5 3 4 5 RMSE (m) 2 3 4 0.8 [5] Jang, J.S.R., 1993. “ANFIS: adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system”. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 23(3), 665-685. 0.4 1 5 2 3 4 Number of Lead Days Number of Lead Days 5 [6] Ljung, L., 1999. “System Identification: Theory for the User”. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ. [7] Mekong River Commission (MRC), 2005. “Overview of the Hydrology of the Mekong Basin”. Mekong River Commission, Vientiane, 73 p. 15 10 5 0 1 [1] A pirumanekul, C., 2006. “Flood forecasting in the Mekong River Basin: an improvement plan for the flood forecasting system”. International Conference on Mekong Research for the people of the Mekong, 18-21 October 2006, Chiang Rai, Thailand. 2 3 4 5 Number of Lead Days Figure 7. Comparison of performance between URBS, ANFIS+I-RAR and Naïve models [8] Mekong River Commission (MRC), 2009. “System Performance Evaluation Report, The MRC Technical Task Group for verification of the new MRC Mekong Flood Forecasting System (FEWS-URBS-ISIS)”. Mekong River Commission Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Centre, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, October 2009. [9] MATLAB, 2008. “User guide for release R2008b”. The MathWorks, Inc. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 1 REFERENCES [4] Goswami, M., O’Connor, K.M., Bhattarai, K.P. and Shamsedin, A.Y., 2005. “Assessing the performance of eight real-time updating models and procedures for the Brosna River”. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, 9(4), 394-411. 0.0 0.0 MPAE (%) MAE (m) 2 1.2 0.5 We wish to thank the Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Center - Mekong River Commission for providing the measured data and results from the URBS model. [3] Chen, S.H., Lin, Y.H., Chang, L.C. and Chang, F.J., 2006. “The strategy of building a flood forecast model by neurofuzzy network”. Hydrological Processes, 20: 1525-1540. Number of Lead Days Number of Lead Days 1.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [2] Box, G.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M., 1976. “Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control”. Holden-Day: Oakland, CA. 60 20 The following can be concluded from this study: 1. The ANFIS model is able to provide accurate forecasts within the benchmark level, for up to 5 -days forecast for the entire flood season. For the high water forecasts, ANFIS is accurate only up to 4 lead-days. 2. Significant improvements to 4- and 5-day forecasts were obtained when ANFIS model results were updated with the I-RAR output update algorithm. 3. Comparing between ANFIS+I-RAR and URBS model results for 2009, the ANFIS+I-RAR model produced significantly better results compared to the URBS model for 1- to 3-days forecasts. However, ANFIS+IRAR achieved only slight improvement in comparison with URBS model for 4- and 5-days forecast. 49 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING [10] Nayak, P.C., Sudheer, K.P., Rangan, D.M. and Ramasastri, K.S., 2005. “Short-term flood forecasting with a neuro-fuzzy model”. Water Resources Research, 41: 1-16 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [11] Serban, P. and Askew, A.J., 1991. “Hydrological forecasting and updating procedures”. IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Sciences) Publication, Vienna, Austria. 50 [12] Takagi, T. and Sugeno, M., 1985. “Fuzzy identification of systems and its applications to modeling and control”. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 15(1), 116132. [13] WMO, 1992. “Simulated Real-time Inter-comparison of Hydrological Models”. World Meteorological Organization, Operational Hydrology Report No. 38. WMO-No. 779. Geneva Switzerland. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING DESIGN OF BRINE OUTFALL FOR SEA WATER REVERSE OSMOSIS (SWRO) DESALINATION PLANTS Adrian Law Wing-Keung (cwklaw@ntu.edu.sg) Shao Dongdong (SHAO0004@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The design of brine outfall for SWRO desalination plants is a complex engineering task. In this paper, three different design aspects which the authors have conducted recent research are discussed. They are (a) minimizing the recirculation between the sea water intake and brine outfall, (b) predicting the mixing of brine discharges in coastal waters, and (c) avoiding the Coanda effect at the discharge point with sufficient clearance from the bottom. INTRODUCTION Sea water desalination with Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) is an increasingly viable option to supplement the water supply for many coastal cities. Significant advancements have been made in recent years in membrane technology, process control and brine management, and together they have led to a considerable reduction in the water production cost. The output capacity of SWRO plants is also increasing rapidly to achieve an economy of scale, and the brine flow rate to the sea has increased correspondingly. This brings to focus the need to design properly the brine outfall from the SWRO plant so that the impact to the environment can be minimized. The design of brine outfall for SWRO desalination plants is a complex engineering task. It involves the necessary considerations to determine the discharge location (and thus the length of the outfall pipe), the geometrical layout and arrangement (incorporating the bottom bathymetry and the characteristics of tidal hydrodynamics in the coastal waters), the type of outfalls (single ports, or multi-ports diffuser), and the range of design flow rates. In what follows, three aspects that we have conducted recent research are described. The brine discharge from the outfall can potentially lead to an increase in the salinity of the ambient water at the sea water intake location due to recirculation. Law (2011) performed a quantitative analysis to show that the effect of recirculation to desalination plants is of high concern, since the increase in ambient salinity near the intake has a direct impact on the operating cost of the desalting process. Thus, it is important to minimise the recirculation for desalination plants, and the potentially higher initial capital cost required can be compensated by corresponding savings in the operation cost in the long run. Far-field recirculation refers to the residual salinity increase in the ambient waters due to the long term buildup of salinity by the desalting operation. The magnitude of farfield recirculation depends on the various local ambient characteristics, including the amount of tidal flushing in the area, the seabed bathymetry and the shoreline geometry. Shao et al. (2008) and Shao and Law (2009) presented analysis to illustrate that the distance between the outfall and intake is the key factor controlling the amount of far-field recirculation for a uniform water depth. With a complex bathymetry, however, the situation is more complicated and the residual salinity can be accumulated in pockets of low lying seabed undulations. A good far-field simulation using a comprehensive numerical model would then be essential for analysis (Bleninger et al., 2010). PREDICTING THE MIXING OF BRINE DISCHARGES The near-field mixing of the brine discharges is the major design consideration as far as the structure of the outfall is concerned. Figure 1 shows that the typically near-field mixing of a single port brine discharge. The ideal would be for the brine plume to mix effectively with the ambient water, to have a maximum rise below the water surface, Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 MINIMIZING RECIRCULATION BETWEEN SEA WATER INTAKE AND BRINE OUTFALL The build-up of ambient salinity near the intake can be attributed to two effects that occur simultaneously, namely near-field and far-field. Near-field recirculation refers to the active mixing whereby the brine plume spreads and propagates in the ambient coastal waters due to the initial momentum and buoyancy fluxes, in such a manner that leads to a direct and immediate re-entrainment of portion of the brine by the intake. Adverse near-field recirculation can normally be avoided by properly selecting the outfall geometry, so that sufficient near-field dilution can occur in the immediate vicinity of the outfall and the ambient standard can be met within a prescribed mixing zone. A good description on the near-field processes can be found in CORMIX (Doneker and Girka, 2001). 51 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING and later to impact the seabed at sloping bathymetries that direct the heavier plume towards the open sea. Integral analysis has been widely used to predict the near field mixing. In this approach, the governing equations are first established in terms of continuity, Navier-Stokes and scalar advection-diffusion equations. To solve the system of equations numerically, another closure equation is required and the entrainment hypothesis is often adopted. In the literature, distinctly different values of the entrainment coefficient had been reported for buoyant plumes that are along or against the direction of gravity. This poses difficulty to the analysis as the brine plume would experience both regimes through the rising and then falling stage. Shao et al. (2010) developed a new integral model with a unified entrainment function for arbitrary buoyancy that is able to resolve the entrainment non-uniformity in a continuous manner. Based on extensive comparison with available data, the new model is shown to be able to be able to reasonably predict the behavior for the brine discharges at various inclinations. In the literature, a 60° inclined single port outfall had been recommended for desalination plants to achieve a maximum mixing efficiency. However, the terminal rise associated with 60° is relatively high, and thus a smaller inclination is often more desirable for shallow coastal waters. At the same time, with the smaller inclinations, a port that is placed at close proximity to the bottom may suffer from the Coanda effect that reduces the amount of mixing compared to an unbounded environment. Shao and Law (2010) investigated experimentally the mixing behavior of brine discharges at smaller angles of 30° and 45° in a stationary ambient. Based on the results, the characteristic geometrical features of the inclined dense jets are quantified. The mixing and diluting behaviors are also revealed through the analysis of the velocity and concentration profiles. The study also examined the effect of proximity of the discharge port to the bed. For 30°, it was found that the bed influence became significant when Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 CONCLUSIONS This bulletin article describes the recent research conducted by the authors towards the design of brine outfalls for SWRO desalination plants. Further studies are ongoing to address other design issues that may affect the operational performance of the outfall. (The first author is currently a member of the Joint IAHR/IWA Committee on Marine Outfalls as well as the Task Group Leader on Brine Outfalls). REFERENCES [1] Bleninger, T., Niepelt, A., Jirka, G.H., Lattemann, S., Purnama A., Al-Barwani, H.H. and Doneker, R.L., 2010. “Environmental hydraulics framework of the design of discharges from desalination plants”. Proceedings of the 6th Int. Sym. Env. Hyd., Athens, Greece. AVOIDING COANDA EFFECT AT THE DISCHARGE PORT 52 z0/LM < 0.2, where z0 is the centre height of the port, and LM is a discharge momentum length scale. For 45°, the boundary effect was considerably weaker and did not seem to affect significantly even for z0/LM down to the smallest tested value of 0.05. [2] Doneker, R.L. and Jirka, G.H., 2001. “CORMIX-GI systems for mixing zone analysis of brine and wastewater disposal”. Desalination, 139: 263-274. [3] Law, A.W.K., 2011. “Recirculation between intakes and outfalls of desalination plants”. To presents in the Qingdao International Desalination Conference. [4] Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2009. “Salinity build-up due to brine discharges into shallow coastal waters”. Modern Physics Letters B, 23(3): 541-544. [5] Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2010. “Mixing and Boundary interactions of 30 and 40 degree inclined dense jets”. Journal of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 10(5): 521-553. [6] Shao, D.D., Law, A.W.K. and Adams, E.E., 2010. “Integral modelling of inclined round turbulent jets with arbitrary buoyancy”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, currently under review. [7] Shao, D.D., Law, A.W.K. and Li, H.Y., 2008. “Brine discharges into shallow coastal waters with mean and oscillatory tidal currents”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2(2): 9197. x/D Figure 1. Typical pattern of the mixing of a brine discharge from an inclined port. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING FOULING BEHAVIOR OF FORWARD OSMOSIS MEMBRANES She Qianhong (QHSHE@ntu.edu.sg) Gu Yangshuo (YGU4@e.ntu.edu.sg) Tang Chuyang (CYTang@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Forward Osmosis (FO), an emerging separation technology, has potential applications in water and wastewater treatment as well as desalination. Internal concentration polarization (ICP) and membrane fouling have been found to adversely affect its performance. This research aims to study the fouling behavior of FO membranes using humic acid as a model foulant. By performing batch cross flow fouling experiments, the effect of FO membrane orientation and draw solution concentration on the fouling behavior were investigated. Compared to the active layer facing draw solution (AL-facing-DS) orientation, flux was remarkable stable for the active layer facing feed solution (AL-facing-FS) orientation due to the ICP self-compensation effect. FO suffered greater flux loss in AL-facing-DS, which was likely due to the internal clogging of the porous structure and the resulting enhanced ICP in the support layer. INTRODUCTION Forward osmosis (FO), which uses osmotic pressure difference across a selective membrane as the driven force, has gained growing interests in both research and application in recent years (Cath, Childress et al. 2006; Tang, She et al. 2010; Wang, Shi et al. 2010; Xu, Peng et al. 2010). Due to its prominent advantages of low energy consumption and high solute rejection, FO has been applied in the water and wastewater treatment and seawater or brackish water desalination (Cath, Childress et al. 2006). In the FO process, internal concentration polarization (ICP) has been identified to be a major obstacle of the FO membrane performance in previous studies (Mehta and Loeb 1978; Lee, Baker et al. 1981; McCutcheon and Elimelech 2006; Tang, She et al. 2010). The water flux Jv in a different membrane orientation due to the ICP effect can be modeled by the Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) (Tang, She et al. 2010). Jv = Kmln ( AπAπ + J+ +B B) (AL-facing-FS) (1) Jv = Kmln (AπAπ – J+ B+ B) (AL-facing-DS) (2) draw feed draw v v This study aims to systematically investigate fouling behavior in the FO process and further explore the potential mechanisms inherent in the FO process. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the current research, the FO membrane was derived from the commercial Hydrowell filter which was purchased from Hydration Technology Inc. (HTI). The purified Aldrich humic acid (PAHA) was used as a model foulant. The schematic diagram of the FO membrane filtration bench-scale experimental system is shown in Figure 1. The system was comprised of two loops of solutions (i.e., feed solution and draw solution) which were separated by the FO membrane in the cross flow membrane filtration cell. The water flux of the FO process was gained by measuring the weight changes of the feed solution in the fixed duration. Unless otherwise specified, the following conditions were used as the reference conditions: 10 mM NaCl and 10 mg/L humic acid in FS, crossflow velocity 23.2 cm/s, temperature 22-24oC. feed Km = D D = l S τ. ε (3) Where D is the solute diffusion coefficient, τ is the tortuosity of the support layer, l is the length of the support layer, ε is the porosity of the support layer, and S is the membrane structure parameter. Fouling is another important drawback limiting the flux level of the FO process (Mi and Elimelech 2008; Lay, Chong et al. 2010; Tang, She et al. 2010). However, few publications have systematically studied the mechanisms of FO membrane fouling so far (Mi and Elimelech 2008). Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the FO membrane filtration system. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 where A and B are the respective transport coefficients for water and solute, πfeed and πdraw are the respective osmotic pressure of the feed solution and draw solution, Km is the solute mass transfer coefficient, which is given by 53 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING 50 35 30 AL facing FS Fouling test AL facing DS Fouling test 35 Baseline Baseline 30 25 20 15 25 2 Flux (L/m hr) Flux(g/10 min) 40 AL f acing draw solution AL f acing f eed solution 45 40 10 5 0 0 200 400 00 ti 600 ( iin))6 tim e(m 800 Figure 2. Flux behavior in the baseline flux tests. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of FO membrane orientation 5 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Time (min) Figure 3. Effect of the membrane orientation on the fouling behavior of FO membrane (cited from reference (Tang, She et al. 2010)). conducted in the AL facing DS configuration. Clearly, greater baseline flux level was obtained at higher draw solution concentration as a result of the increased osmotic pressure difference at higher draw solution concentration. For the fouling tests, the flux level exhibited nearly identical trend with the baseline flux at 0.5 M and 1 M draw solution concentration (low initial flux level), while significant flux loss was observed when the draw solution concentration was 2 M and 4 M (initial flux was above 40 L/m2h). The phenomenon of severe fouling behavior at high draw solution concentration (thus high driven force) in the FO process was similar to that in the pressure-driven membrane process. This is attributed to the greater hydrodynamic drag force for promoting foulant deposition. Baseline, 4 M Baseline, 2 M Baseline, 1 M Baseline, 0.5 M 60 55 Fouling, 4 M Fouling, 2 M Fouling, 1 M Fouling, 0.5 M 50 45 40 35 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 2 Figure 3 illustrates the FO fouling behavior under the two different membrane orientations. The experiments at the two different membrane orientations were conducted under the same initial flux (~30L/m2.hr). As shown in Figure 3, little flux reduction was observed for the AL-facing-FS configuration, while the flux decreased significantly for the AL-facing-DS configuration. When the membrane rejection layer faced the feed solution, humic acid had lower tendency to deposit on the smooth surface, which was verified by the minimal measured humic acid deposition. As a result, no significant flux reduction occurred. In addition, the ICP self-compensation effect is another plausible explanation for the flux stability under the AL-facing-FS configuration. 15 10 Flux (L/m hr) During the whole test, the DS was diluted and the FS was concentrated as the water was transported from the FS to the DS. Therefore, prior to each fouling experiment, the baseline test which has an identical condition except without adding foulant in the FS was performed to identify the flux loss due to membrane fouling. Figure 2 presents a group of baseline fluxes under the two types of membrane orientation using 2 M NaCl as draw solution. Due to the severe ICP in the AL-facing-FS, the flux in the AL-facingFS was much lower than that in the AL-facing-DS. 20 54 For the AL-facing-DS configuration, the porous support layer was exposed to the feed solution, humic acid had greater tendency to enter the porous support layer and was retained inside the support by the active layer, inducing severe internal pore clogging. This effect significantly increased the structure parameter (S value) and thus reduced mass transfer coefficient Km. As the ICP is exponentially dependent on the mass transfer coefficient, the observed flux decreased significantly. Effect of the draw solution concentration The effect of draw solution on FO fouling behavior is shown in Figure 4. The baseline and fouling tests were 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Time (min) Figure 4. Effect of the draw solution concentration on the fouling behavior of FO membrane (cited from reference (Tang, She et al. 2010)). ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS The fouling behavior in the FO process was systematically investigated. In the AL-facing-FS orientation, the flux exibted inherently stability. Any attempt to decrease the flux level was compensated by the reduced level of ICP. In contrast, in the orientation of AL-facing-DS, the flux was subject to large loss under the fouling conditions due to the pore clogging enhanced ICP as well as the reduced membrane permeability. The enhanced ICP effect was more dominant at higher flux levels. REFERENCES [1] Cath, T.Y., A.E. Childress, et al. (2006). "Forward osmosis: Principles, applications, and recent developments." Journal of Membrane Science, 281(1-2): 70-87. [2] Lay, W.C.L., T.H. Chong, et al. (2010). “Fouling propensity of forward osmosis: Investigation of the slower flux decline phenomenon.” Water Science and Technology, 61: 927-936. [4] McCutcheon, J.R. and M. Elimelech (2006). “Influence of concentrative and dilutive internal concentration polarization on flux behavior in forward osmosis.” Journal of Membrane Science, 284(1-2): 237-247. [5] Mehta, G.D. and S. Loeb (1978). “Internal polarization in the porous substructure of a semipermeable membrane under pressure retarded osmosis.” Journal of Membrane Science, 4(2): 261-265. [6] Mi, B. and M. Elimelech (2008). “Chemical and physical aspects of organic fouling of forward osmosis membranes.” Journal of Membrane Science, 320(1-2): 292-302. [7] Tang, C.Y., Q. She, et al. (2010). “Coupled effects of internal concentration polarization and fouling on flux behavior of forward osmosis membranes during humic acid filtration.” Journal of Membrane Science, 354(1-2): 123-133. [8] Wang, R., L. Shi, et al. (2010). “Characterization of novel forward osmosis hollow fiber membranes.” Journal of Membrane Science, 355(1-2): 158-167. [9] Xu, Y., X. Peng, et al. (2010). “Effect of draw solution concentration and operating conditions on forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis performance in a spiral wound module.” Journal of Membrane Science, 348(1-2): 298-309. [3] Lee, K.L., R.W. Baker, et al. (1981). “Membranes for power generation by pressure-retarded osmosis.” Journal of Membrane Science, 8(2): 141-171. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 55 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ESTIMATE OF RESISTANCE INDUCED BY SIMULATED EMERGENT VEGETATION IN OPEN CHANNEL FLOWS Nian-Sheng Cheng (cnscheng@ntu.edu.sg) Hoai Thanh Nguyen (c070041@ntu.edu.sg) INSTRUCTION The vegetation drag and its relevant Reynolds number have been defined diversely in the literature and some definitions are even misleading because of improper use of length and velocity scales. As a result, a general formula similar to Manning equation developed for regular open channel flows is not available at present for evaluating resistance to vegetated open channel flows, even for the emergent case that is relatively simple. Table 1 compares rv with other hydraulic radii. Using rv, the Colebrook-type resistance relation for open channel flows subject to emergent vegetation is proposed here, fv = f (Rev) where fv = …(3) 4V r 8grvS and Rev = νv v . 2 Vv In this study, a vegetation-related hydraulic radius is proposed and applied to redefine the Reynolds number and friction factor for vegetated open channel flows. All considerations are limited to the case of emergent rigid vegetation simulated with circular cylinders. VEGETATION-RELATED HYDRAULIC RADIUS (a) Plan view Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 As shown in Fig. 1, we consider emergent vegetation simulated with staggered rigid cylinders. In this case, the effective vegetation height is the same as the flow depth h, and the configuration of vegetation is solely governed by the stem diameter d and density λ defined as the average volume fraction occupied by stems. 56 For vegetated flows without sidewall and bed effects, we consider a 3D domain that measures ∆x × ∆y × 1, in the streamwise, lateral and vertical direction, respectively. Similar to the regular hydraulic radius, the hydraulic radius in the 3D domain is defined as the ratio of the volume occupied by water to the wetted surface area, …(1) Note that in the above definition, the total wetted surface area is used. For vegetation-induced form drag, we only need to consider the frontal area of the stem. This yields an effective wetted area equal to Nd in the 3D domain, and then the vegetation-related hydraulic radius is given by …(2) (b) Side view Figure 1. Emergent vegetation simulated with circular cylindrical rods. Table 1. Length scales for characterizing flow geometry. Flow geometry Geometrical dimension Hydraulic radius D 4 -1 Rectangular channel width, B 1 1 + open channel flow depth, h h 0.5B Porous media grain size, d50 11–λ d50 comprising grains pore size 6 λ Vegetated channel stem diameter, d π 1 – λ d without channel stem spacing, s 4 λ boundary effects Circular pipe pipe diameter, D Open channel with emergent vegetation channel width, B flow depth, h stem diameter, d stem spacing, s § ¨1 ¨h ¨ © -1 · 1 1 + π 1 – λ ¸¸ + 0.5B d¸ 4 λ ¹ ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING DRAG COEFFICIENT i.e. For each cylindrical stem, the drag force in the streamwise direction is FD = CDvρhd Vv2 2 …(4) n= Bh S1/2 V B + 2h 2/3 …(11) Obviously, the n-values so obtained would generally depend on vegetation configuration for vegetated open channel flows. From Eq. (7), where CDv is the drag coefficient. The total drag per unit bed area is 2 NFD = 2 Vv 2λρhVv 4λ C ρhd = CDv πd 2 πd2 Dv …(5) which is equivalent to the streamwise component of the gravitational force, CDv 2λρhVv2 = (1 – λ)ρghS πd …(6) CDv Here, the shear forces induced by sidewalls and bed are considered negligible. Otherwise, sidewall and bed corrections are applied. From Eq. (6), CDv = gr S 1–λ gSπd = 2 v2 Vv 2λV2v …(7) Furthermore, by comparing Eq. (7) with the definition of fv, one gets CDv = 1 f 4 v Figure. 2. Variation of CDv with Rev. From Eq. (7), DEPENDENCE OF CDV ON REV To empirically describe the relationship of CDv and Rev, a best-fit function is proposed here …(9) MANNING COEFFICIENT The Manning coefficient can be determined experimentally from the bulk flow velocity V [= Q/(Bh)], regular open channel hydraulic radius Bh/(B+2h), and energy slope S, √S CDv = V 2grvε2 √ …(12) Substituting Eq. (12) into (11), we get n= CDv Bh 2grv(1 – λ)2 B + 2h √ 2/3 …(13) Fig. 3 shows that the Manning coefficients predicted using Eq. (13), where CDv is estimated using Eq. (9), agree reasonably with the measurements, i.e. those determined using Eq. (11) with the data provided by Ishikawa et al. [3], James et al. [4], and those collected in this study. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates that the concept of hydraulic radius is useful to unify experimental data of resistance to vegetated open channel flows, which have been collected for various bed and vegetation configurations. The hydraulic radius is redefined by taking into account effects of vegetation size and density, and channel geometry. It serves as a good length scale in the definition of drag coefficient, friction factor and Reynolds number for open channel flows subject to emergent vegetation. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The analysis was performed with the data collected in this study and also those available in several other studies. Fig. 2 plots all data in the form of CDv against Rev, from which the following observations could be made. First, though scattered to some extent, all data points generally follow the same monotonic decreasing trend of CDv with increasing Rev. Second, for Rev > 7000, CDv fluctuates within a limited range, and could be taken to be constant, i.e. CDv ≈ 1.3. Third, it seems that CDv dips in the range of Rev = 7 × 103 – 6 × 104. This could be related to possible difference that may exist between the channel configured with the randomly distributed stems (only related to Tanino and Nepf’s data[1]) and that with staggered stems. Otherwise, it could be explained by vortex shedding and surface waves that take place in vegetated channel flows [2]. Rev CDv = 500.43 + 0.7 1 – exp – 15000 Rev Rev …(8) 57 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING REFERENCES [1] James, C.S., Birkhead, A.L., Jordanova, A.A. and O’Sullivan, J.J., 2004. “Flow resistance of emergent vegetation”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Journal of Forest Research, 2004; 42(4): 390-8. [2] Ishikawa, Y., Mizuhara, K. and Ashida, S., 2000. “Effect of density of trees on drag exerted on trees in river channels”. Journal of Forest Research, 2000; 5(4): 271-9. [3] Tanino, Y. and Nepf, H.M., 2008. “Laboratory investigation of mean drag in a random array of rigid, emergent cylinders”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE. 2008 Jan; 134(1): 34-41. [4] Zima, L. and Ackermann, N.L., 2002. “Wave generation in open channels by vortex shedding from channel obstructions”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE. 2002 Jun; 128(6): 596-603. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure. 3. Comparison of predicted and measured Manning coefficients. 58 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF OFFSHORE GANGWAY Nguyen Anh Tuan (atnguyen@ntu.edu.sg) Cao Thi Viet Phuong (CVPhuong@ntu.edu.sg) Wang Xikun (CXKWang@ntu.edu.sg) Dai Ying (DaiYing@ntu.edu.sg) Gho Wie Min (CWMGho@ntu.edu.sg) Tan Soon Keat (CTANSK@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The life cycle analysis of an offshore gangway as a means of embarkation and disembarkation for personnel access between the two vessels or between a work boat and an offshore platform was carried out. The strength integrity of the gangway was first reviewed to validate its geometrical configuration from the requirement of Health and Safety Executive (2002). Key factors that significant influence to the environmental impact, including production, processing, operation and activities of the gangway are highlighted. INTRODUCTION Gangway is widely used in the offshore and marine industry as a specialized equipment to facilitate safe transportation of goods and personnel between offshore supply vessels and platform/vessel. It is a type of bridge structures specially designed with heave compensation system at supports to minimize the effect due to sea motion. Gangway can be constructed from steel or aluminium or a combination of both to offer a lightweight structure while not comprising its high strength and stiffness. It can be designed with sufficient width to accomodate one- or two-way traffic movements to suit onsite requirements. Scopes of study The life cycle evaluation of an offshore steel gangway for means of embarkation and disembarkation for personnel access between the two vessels or between a work boat and an offshore platform is carried out. Extensive reference to the published data and information is drawn. The strength integrity of the gangway is first reviewed with the application of finite element analysis to validate Objective of study The objective of the assessment is to determine the key factors suitable for the LCA of steel gangway and associated environmental impact. Parameters considered include carbon (CO2), sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission to air and water and the amount of energy consumed. MODEL SOLUTIONS METHODOLOGY The model solution methodology for the gangway is based on the LCA to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the production, processing and activities throughout its entire life cycle. This method analyses the impact of a product over a lifetime from the process of extraction of raw materials, manufacturing through to the waste disposal of its various components for recycling or end of its service life. The factors relevant to the entire life cycle of the gangway system are compiled to create a scenario to show the extent of impact to the environment. The LCA is conducted based on the guidelines provided in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO14040 1996, ISO14041 1998, ISO14042 2000, ISO14043 2000 and ISO14044 2006). The procedure includes the data Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a method for analysing and assessing the environmental impact of a material, product or service throughout its entire life cycle, usually from the acquisition of raw materials to final decommissioning and disposal. For the LCA of the gangway, its production, manufacturing process, transportation, installation, operation, application, disposal and recycle after use are briefly discussed. The environmental factors that contribute to the greenhouse effect include the effect of emissions to the atmosphere and water as well as the amount of energy consumed. These factors can be incorporated in the analytical tools based on the life cycle assessment approach to determine the impact of this gangway structure on the environment. its geometrical configuration from the requirement of Health and Safety Executive (HSE 2002). The key factors that contribute to the greenhouse effects as well as the environmental impact with respect to material production, processing and activities related to the fabrication and operation of the gangway are highlighted. A scenario is hence developed by integrating these factors to emulate the actual condition, which would be useful for manufacturers and users to evaluate the life cycle of a gangway and its operation in the marine environment. 59 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING collection and evaluation and the interpretation of results after analysis. In this evaluation of the life cycle of the steel gangway, the approach is to firstly gather data and information through the literature review of previous publications of steel structures based on LCA methodology. The process flow chart of the major life cycle of gangway product is summarized as shown in Figure 1. Generally, the process flow chart for typical gangway comprises five (5) main stages which can be used as a framework for inventory analysis. Each stage will contain unit processes with elementary inputs and outputs represented as building blocks for data collection. used as part of a reference to further investigate in greater details the life cycle of various types of offshore gangway used in the marine industry. Figure 2. Emission to the atmosphere (kg). Figure 1. Process flow chart with data of gangway system. LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF GANGWAY Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Based on the major process flow stages of the gangway products as shown in Figure 1, all the unit processes within each of these stages are considered within the system boundary, and also include all elementary flows that relate to the environmental impacts. The inputs are the energy consumption and the natural resources such as water. The elementary flow outputs in the system boundary are the waste removal and the harmful air emissions specifically for those that have significant influence on global warming. Air emissions that relate to toxicity and acidification are considered as primary effects. 60 Figure 3. Discharge to recipient water (kg). Data for each stage is collected from two main sources. The first source can be found in the database established by the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories which provides thousands of process flows across the entire spectrum of manufacture industries (Ecolnvent, 2010). The second is the industry reports and publications including material specific journals, reports and websites. RESULTS The results of the LCA calculation based on a typical gangway available in the market in such aspects as emissions to atmosphere, water and the energy consumptions per unit weight of 100kg of the product are presented in Figures 2, 3 and 4, respectively. This set of information can be Figure 4. Energy consumption (MJ). ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING CONCLUDING REMARKS REFERENCES In this study, the geometrical configuration and the strength integrity of the offshore gangway has been verified against the requirement of Health and Safety Executive. This preliminary study was based on extensive reference to the published data and information and was conducted to determine important factors that would have contributed significant impact to the environment. The results of the sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon emission to the atmosphere, recipient water and the energy consumption from the process of gangway manufacture and production are presented. [1] Ecolnvent database 2010. http://www.pre.nl/ecoinvent/, The Netherlands. [2] HSE 2002. Health and Safety Executive, Decks, stairways, gangways and their associated handrails, Offshore technology report 2001/69, Bomel Ltd, UK. [3] SO 14040 2006. International Organization for Standardization, Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Principles and framework, Switzerland. [4] ISO 14041 1998. International Organization for Standardization, Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis, Switzerland. [5] ISO 14042 2000. International Organization for Standardization, Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle impact assessment, Switzerland. [6] ISO 14043 2000. International Organization for Standardization, Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle interpretation, Switzerland. [7] ISO 14044 2006. International Organization for Standardization, Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Requirements and guidelines, Switzerland. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 61 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING DAM-BREAK FLOW SIMULATION WITH SEDIMENT TRANSPORT Pu Jaan Hui (jhpu@ntu.edu.sg) Shao Songdong (s.shao@bradford.ac.uk) Tan Soon Keat (CTANSK@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: In this study, 2D shallow water equations together with a sediment continuity-concentration (SCC) model were applied to flow with mobile sediment boundaries. The SCC model could reproduce the information for both bed and suspended loads. A combination of the shallow water and the sediment transport models was constructed using the fully conservative law to preserve the integrity of their governing equations, and the proposed computation model was based on the Finite Volume (FV) method. The Monotone Upwind Scheme of Conservative Laws (MUSCL)-Hancock scheme was used with the Harten Lax van Leer (HLL) approximate Riemann solver to discretize the FV model. INTRODUCTION A variety of numerical schemes have been used and proposed to simulate the sediment laden flows. The sediment continuity model is one of the most basic sediment transport models to simulate sediment transport in flow. However, since this model only considers the bed load sediment transport, it could not be used to accurately represent sediment transport flow with rapid suspended concentration change, such as debris or dam-break flow. show the two-dimensional fully conservative shallow water and sediment continuity-concentration equations [Valiani and Caleffi (2001), Cao et al. (2004), and Wu and Wang (2008)] …(1) …(2) Realising the shortcomings of the earlier sediment continuity model, Armanini and Di Silvio (1988) suggested a set of sediment continuity-concentration (SCC) equations to improve the sediment transport representation by including the exchange effect of the bed and suspended loads. Their model was solved in a 1D domain but with consideration of the non-equilibrium lag of sediment transport. These equations were further tested by Valiani and Caleffi (2001), and Wu and Wang (2008) for the case of turbulent dambreak sediment transport flow, and good correspondence between the numerical simulation and the experimental data were observed. …(3) …(4) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 …(5) 62 Most of the previous sediment laden flow models were constructed based on the sediment bed load assumption using a 1D flow continuity-momentum approach. In this paper, the combination of 2D shallow water and SCC models were used to simulate the bed and suspended loads movement in a 2D depth averaged flow. The proposed combined model was used to predict a highly discontinuous dam-break sediment transport flow. The experimental measurements from the literature were also used for validation. GOVERNING EQUATIONS The proposed model described in this paper was built using the sediment continuity-concentration model combined with the shallow water flow equations. Equations (1) - (5) The variable φ refers to geopotential, and is given by φ = g • h ; where h is the water depth; g is the gravitational acceleration. u and v are the depth averaged flow velocities in streamwise and lateral directions respectively; ρs and ρw are density of sediment and water respectively; C is the flux-averaged volumetric sediment concentration; λ is the sediment bed porosity; and zb is the bed elevation. es and ds are sediment erosion and deposition rates respectively. x, y and t denote the spatial-longitudinal, spatial-transverse and time domains respectively. Sox and Soy in equations (2) – (3) are the bed slopes in the streamwise and lateral-directions respectively; and the friction slope of the channel, Sf, are given by , and where, n in the Manning friction coefficient. …(6) ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING NUMERICAL SCHEME There are different discretization techniques that can be used to discretize a Shallow Water model, namely Finite Difference (FD), Finite Element (FE) and Finite Volume (FV) methods. In this study, FV method was chosen for its robust nature in simulating high dimensional shockcapturing flow profiles accurately (Mingham and Causon, 2000). In the inviscid flux modelling of the proposed FV model, the Godunov-type Hancock scheme was used with a two-stage predictor-corrector temporal discretization. The Godunovtype Hancock scheme was coupled with Harten Lax van Leer (HLL) approximate Riemann solver for upwinding volumetric discretization. The slope limiter method was used in the HLL solver to ensure the spatial discretization scheme satisfies flux-limiting property (Mingham and Causon, 2000). MUSCL (Monotone Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws) scheme was used to update the variables spatial wise. The MUSCL and Hancock schemes keep the proposed FV model at a second order of accuracy in spatial and temporal domains respectively. The overall inviscid solution is indicated by …(7) For time stepping, the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy criterion was followed to ensure the utilised time step does not exceed its maximum allowable limit. In the numerical source term, a first order derivative was used for its discretization. No complex discretization method is needed as HLL-type scheme is having competence to capture source term solution accurately (Hu et al., 2006). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A dam-break flow is a well-known and rapidly varying flow event with a highly unpredictable nature. The effect of a dam-break flow on a mobile sediment bed was investigated by Capart and Young (1998) experimentally using a channel equipped with a rapidly opened sluice-gate. This experiment was simulated using the proposed model and the results are reported herein. A rectangular channel with dimensions of 12.0m length and 0.2m width was used for Capart and Young (1998) experimental test case. The sediment used in the test has a size of 6.1mm, a density of 1048kg/m3, and a fall velocity of 0.076m/s. The flow was initially at rest, where it had an initial water depth of 10cm at the upstream and dry water depth at the downstream with a layer of 6cm sediment at the bed throughout the channel from upstream to downstream. The sluice gate, which was originally situated at 4m location from upstream, was opened instantaneously at the start of the flow. The results of the water surface and bed load elevation profiles around the dam breaking point are shown in Figure 1. The time-distribution of the Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 1. Water surface and bed elevation profiles comparison for different models 63 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING flow profiles are shown for every 0.1s interval over 0.5s to capture the transient changes in the water flow and bed change conditions. The proposed model results are plotted against the experimental measurements of Capart and Young (1998). The sediment continuity modelling results from Capart and Young (1998), and the sediment continuityconcentration modelling results from Wu and Wang (2007) are also plotted in the same figure for comparison. Both crucial dam break flow characteristics of water wave front and bed scour hole size are well-predicted using the proposed model compared to the other computational models. Numerically, the behaviour of the suspended load in the proposed model is simulated using the sediment concentration partial differential equations. This improved feature simulates the suspended sediment information at the water wave front, hence giving a consistent prediction to the measured water wave front. CONCLUSIONS Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 A 2D shallow water Finite Volume (FV) numerical model was developed to analyse shallow flow with sediment transport. The proposed model was applied to a dam-break flow test over movable bed in this paper. The proposed model simulation was compared to the experimental measurements in literature, and the comparison shows good corresponding results at its water and bed elevation predictions. The above-mentioned statements are clearly demonstrated by the water wave front and the bed scour hole size predictions of the proposed model, which are not predicted so accurately by the other models proposed in the literature. 64 REFERENCES [1] Armanini, A., and Di Silvio, G., 1988. “A One-dimensional model for the transport of sediment mixture in non-equilibrium conditions”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 26(3): pp. 275292. [2] Cao, Z., Pender, G., Wallis, S. and Carling, P., 2004. “Computational dam-break hydraulics over erodible sediment bed.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 130(7): pp. 689703. [3] Capart, H. and Young, D.L., 1998. “Formation of a jump by the dam-break wave over a granular bed”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 372: pp. 165-187. [4] Hu, K., Mingham, C.G. and Causon, D.M., 2006. “A mesh patching method for finite volume modelling of shallow water flow”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 50: pp. 1381-1404. [5] Mingham, C.G. and Causon D.M., 2000. “Calculation of unsteady bore diffraction using a high resolution finite volume method”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 38(1): pp. 49-56. [6] Valiani, A. and Caleffi, V., 2001. “Dam break modeling for sediment laden flows”. Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Arizona, USA, pp.1-6. [7] Wu, W. and Wang, S.S.Y., 2007. “One-dimensional modeling of dam-break flow over movable beds”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 133(1): pp. 48-58. [8] Wu, W. and Wang, S.S.Y., 2008. “One-dimensional explicit finite-volume model for sediment transport with transient flows over movable beds”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 46(1): pp. 87-98. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF WEDGE WATER ENTRY BASED ON TWO-PHASE SPH MODEL GONG Kai (gongkai@ntu.edu.sg) LIU Hua (hliu@sjtu.edu.cn) TAN Soon Keat (ctansk@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The hydrodynamic problem of two-dimensional wedge entering water was studied based on two-phase SPH model. A non-reflection boundary treatment for SPH method was proposed to reduce the size of computational domain. The details of water entry and enclosing were simulated using multi phase SPH model. Numerical simulations verified our experimental observations. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Since the first studies by von Karman, lots of works have been carried out in water entry problems. Water entry of a solid through the free surface is still a current focus of the researches in hydrodynamics. The water entry problem is part of the general fluid-structure impact problem. The first complete solution was obtained by Dobrovol’skaya (1969) for a two-dimensional wedge based on velocity potential theory. Zhao and Faltinsen (1993) studied the same problem using a refined procedure with a more advanced computer. The SPH method has extraordinary potential for problem solving in areas where traditional techniques have been unsuccessful. The method has the advantage of conceptual simplicity, ease of implementing new physics, natural treatment of void regions, ease of simulating threedimensional problems and ease of handle large deformations of the free surface. SPH method is attractive on simulating the violent wave impact problems, e.g. Oger et al (2006). For water entry problems, the air cavity enclosed by the water may significantly affect the local free surface profile and flow field, and then the hydrodynamics loads. Correctly NUMERICAL MODELING The momentum and kinematics equations for fluid particles in SPH method are …(1) …(2) where a represents the reference particle; b represents the neighboring particles of a; Wab = W(|ra – rb|, h) is kernel function defined by …(3) For weak compressible method, the pressure was calculated by state equation that was first used by Monaghan (1994) and based on Batchelor’s (1974) equation, P = P0 (ρ – ρ0)γ – 1 , where γ = 7 and ρ0 = 1000 for water. The parameter P0 was chosen to have maximum density oscillations of order of O(1%) around the reference density ρ0. In practice, the constant P0 refers to the sound speed Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a meshfree method that offers substantial potential in many classes of problems especially those characterized by large deformations. It was originally developed for astrophysical computations (Gingold and Monaghan 1977, Lucy 1977) and has later been extended to model a wide range of problems including multi-phase flow (Monaghan and Kocharyan 1995), impact and fracture problem (Randles et al. 1995). It is a pure Lagrangian, particle method. Unlike the Particle In Cell method (PIC), SPH method does not need a grid to calculate spatial derivatives. Instead, it is based on analytical differentiation of interpolation function. The continuum equation and the momentum conservation equations are reduced to sets of ordinary differential equations. The particle positions and attributes are computed using standard numerical integration methods in time domain such as leap-frog scheme. simulating the multiphase flows may improve the force prediction. 65 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING c02 = dP / dρ which is ten times or larger than the highest fluid velocity expected in the physical problem, that is P0 = ρ0 c02 / γ. For weak compressible flows, the density was calculated by integrating: dρa = – ρa∇ua = dt ∑ mb (ua – ua)∇aWab …(4) b The two-phase SPH model given by Colagrossi and Landrini (2003) was adopted. Non-absorbing boundary Absorbing boundary Figure 2. Pressure distribution of the whole flow field. CODE VERIFICATIONS Verification was conducted to verify the weak compressible SPH code and various boundary implementations. A twodimensional wedge vertical impacting the free surface is simulated. The boundary pressure was obtained using an improved coupling boundary treatment approach. Three snapshots of pressure distribution during water entry are illustrated in Figure 1. Computational results were compared with the experimental and analytical results given by Zhao & Faltinsen (1993). The pressure distribution fits well with the analytical results. SIMULATION OF CAVITY ENCLOSING In some circumstances, the single phase model could not predict the physical process after enclosing, wherein the pressure is zero even in the enclosed cavity. However, with two phase SPH model, the flows of entrapped air could be well simulated after enclosing of the cavity. A comparison between numerical results and physical experiments shows a good agreement, as shown in the particles distribution in Figure 3. Only water particles are shown in the figure. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 To save computational efforts, absorbing boundary was implemented to remove the sound disturbance from the computational domain, details in Gong et al (2009). By this approach, the computational time can be extended without the limitation of sound wave’s reflection from solid boundaries, which is a common drawback of weak compressible SPH method. Figure 2 shows the effects of absorbing boundary. The sound wave’s reflection from solid boundaries is obviously reduced. 66 Figure 3. Comparison between experimental results and computed results of water phase. The flow field and pressure is shown in Figure 4. The pressure of vented cavity equals the atmosphere pressure, shown in relative value. After enclosing, the pressure in the sealed cavity increases rapidly and equals to the surrounding water’s pressure. Note the re-entrant jet is formed after the deep enclosure. Figure 1. Distribution of pressure for water entry of wedge in the case of free moving. (top: t = 0.00438s; middle: t = 0.0158s, bottom: t = 0.0202s). ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING REFERENCES [1] Batchelor, G.K., 1974. “Introduction to Fluid Dynamics”. Cam. Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K. [2] Colagrossi, A. and Landrini, M., 2003. “Numerical Simulation of Interfacial Flows by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics”. J. Comput. Phys., 191: 448-475. [3] Dobrovol’skaya, Z.N., 1969. “On some problems of similarity flow of fluid with a free surface”. J. Fluid Mech., 36: 805829. Figure 4. Pressure (in colour) and velocity vector distribution before and after cavity closure. CONCLUSIONS To simulate the enclosing process after water entry, a two-phase SPH method was applied. With fine particle distribution, details of water entry, including surface profile, pressure distribution and total force etc, could be well predicted. The enclosing of water entry was successfully simulated with proposed SPH model, providing a powerful Lagrangian approach for violent free surface flow calculation. [4] Gingold, R.A. and Monaghan, J.J., 1977. “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Theory and application to non-spherical stars”. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 181: 375-389. [5] Gong, K., Liu, H. and Wang, B.L., 2009. “Water Entry of a Wedge Based on SPH Model with an Improved Boundary Treatment”. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(6): 750-757. [6] Lucy, L.B., 1977. “A numerical approach to the testing of the fission hypothesis”. Astron. J., 82(12): 1013-1024. [7] Monaghan, J.J., 1994. “Simulating Free Surface Flows with SPH”. J. Comput. Phys., 110(2): 399-406. [8] Monaghan, J.J. & Kocharyan, A., 1995. “SPH simulation of multi-phase flow”. Computer Physics Communication, 87: 225-235. [9] Oger, G., Doring, M., Alessandrini, B. and Ferrant, P., 2006. “Two-dimensional SPH simulations of wedge water entry”. J. Comp. Phys., 213: 803. [10] Randles, P.W., Carney, T.C., Libersky, L.D., Renick, J.R. and Petschek, A.G., 1995. “Calculation of oblique impact and fracture of tungsten cubes using smoothed particle hydrodynamics”. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 17: 661-672. [11] Zhao, R. and Faltinsen, O., 1993. “Water entry of twodimensional bodies”. J. Fluid Mech., 246: 593-612. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 67 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF MICROBIAL HYDROLYSIS OF LIGNOCELLULOSIC WASTE TO REDUCING SUGARS Bernard Ng Jia Han (bernhan@ntu.edu.sg) Wang Jing-Yuan (jywang@ntu.edu.sg) Qi Wei (qiwe0001@ntu.edu.sg) Chen Chia Lung (clchen@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Nineteen pure strains of lignocelluloses-converting microorganisms were successfully isolated in this study. The best combination of pure culture of Microbacterium sp. F28, Tsukamurella sp. C35, Pseudallescheria sp. D42 and Bacillus sp. F4 showed the maximum reducing sugars yield of 1,653 mg/L, which is ten times higher than the original consortia. The maximum reducing sugars production yield of 173 mg reducing sugars/g lignocellulose was obtained under the optimum conditions at temperature 56.9 ºC, pH 5.8 and with initial lignocellulose concentration at 28.9 g/L after orgnosolv pretreatment. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 INTRODUCTION 68 The world’s energy crisis has exacerbated in recent years. Alternative non-fossil fuel energy sources are in urgent demand. Bioethanol is such an alternative fuel which has low carbon content and environmentally friendly. However, current food-based feedstock for bioethanol production may not be practical since it may cause competition between food and energy crops for land use. A potential source of low-cost ethanol production is to utilize lignocellulosic waste, viz crop residues, grasses, sawdust, wood chips and solid animal waste, which represents one of the foreseeable sustainable sources in nature because of its relatively low cost and plentiful supply [1]. Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars is one of the key steps during bio ethanol production. The main drawbacks of traditional hydrolysis methods (viz enzymatic and acidic treatments) are their high operation costs, generation of secondary pollution and their under optimized and underdeveloped technologies. Thus, in this study, microbial hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars was employed. 1year old compost, 4-month old compost, aerated activated sludge, garden soil and yellow mealworm guts were selected as inoculate sources to isolate lignocellulose-converting microorganisms. Enhancement of microbial hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars was investigated by the combination of pure strains and optimization of environmental conditions to further improve reducing sugars yield. soil (GS). Samples were taken from the four sources in sterilized sample bags and stored at 4 ºC until cultivation of microorganisms was performed. The inoculated flasks were fed with lignocellulose as the sole carbon source with the following basic nutrient: (NH4)2SO4 2 g L-1, CaCl2 0.1 g·L-1, KH2PO4 0.5 g·L-1, K2HPO4 2.0 g·L-1, MgSO4·7H2O 0.1 g·L-1, NaCl 6.0 g·L-1, Yeast extract 1.0 g·L-1 and lignocellulose 10 g·L-1. Tenebrio Molitor Linnaeus (yellow mealworm) was provided. Every 8 mealworms were disrupted by passing through a syringe needle for each medium. The disrupted gut debris were suspended in 200 ml medium 1 [2]. Medium 1 and Medium 2 were supplemented with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC; 10 g L-1; 21900; Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland; degree of substitution 0.70-0.85; medium 1a), filter paper strips (10 g L-1, brand; medium 1b), and lignocellulose waste powder (10 g L-1; with a size of less than 1 mm; medium 1c), respectively. The flasks were placed in a reciprocal incubation shaker (Grant, OLS 200, Grant Instruments, UK) at 30±2°C and at a horizontal rotational speed of 150 rpm. Samples in the cultivated flasks were analyzed every 24 hours in the cultivated flasks and measurements were recorded. pH was measured with a pH meter (CyberScan PCD 6500 pH meter, Germany). A phenol-sulfuric acid method was used to quantify polysaccharides [3], with glucose as the standard. Monosaccharides were measured by DNS method with glucose as the standard [4]. Each sample was measured in triplicates. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MATERIALS AND METHODS The inoculums originated from four specifically selected natural sources, i.e., 1-year compost (C1), 4-month compost (C4), aerated activated sludge seed (AAS) and garden Nineteen dominant microbes were successfully isolated and characterized from microbial communities of the four natural sources and mealworm guts. Cellulomonas and Pseudomonas were the most abundant phylum in all isolates. The Pseudomonas group, were reported as strict ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING aerobes and are known for the presence of a variety of metabolic pathways that are capable of degrading complex organic compounds including xenobiotics [5]. The genera of Bacilli were ubiquitous among the mixture of microbial community. In Bacillus sp., xylanase is induced by xylose, but is repressed in the presence of glucose [6]. Three fungi isolates from the microbial community in this study are assigned to Pseudallescheria sp. which is known as a potential animal pathogen and can degrade a wide range of organic waste [7]. method is orgnosolv pretreatment, and the liquid hot water pretreatment is slightly better than diluted sulfuric acid pretreatment for reducing sugars production. The reducing sugars yield produced after optimization is much higher than those of enzymatic hydrolysis in reported in prior literature [8] [9]. Figure 2. Reducing sugars yield by the best microbial “cocktail”. Figure 1. The gram staining pictures of the players of the best combination. Optimization experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of substrate concentration, pH and temperature under three types of pretreatment methods by the defined microbial “cocktail” selected in above section. The maximum reducing sugars production yield of 173 mg reducing sugars/g lignocellulose was estimated at the optimum conditions of temperature 56.9 ºC, pH 5.8, and lignocellulose concentration 28.9 g/L under orgnosolv pretreatment (Figure 3). The important degree of three variables on reducing sugars yield is: pH > temperature > lignocellulose concentration. The best pretreatment Figure 3. Comparison of reducing sugars yield under three different pretreatment methods at 56.9 ºC, pH5.8, 28.9g initial lignocellulosic waste (From left to right). 1. diluted acid pretreatment, 2. liquid hot water pretreatment, 3. orgnosolv pretreatment. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study indicated that microbial hydrolysis can effectively convert lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars and it is an alternative hydrolysis method for fuel ethanol production. REFERENCES [1] Mabee, W.E. and J.N. Saddler, 2010. “Bioethanol from lignocellulosics: Status and perspectives in Canada”. Bioresource Technology, 101(13): pp. 4806-4813. [2] Wenzel, M., et al., 2002. “Aerobic and facultatively anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria from the gut of the termite Zootermopsis Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 To enhance reducing sugars yield, seven pure microbial strains consisting of Microbacterium sp. F28 (M1), Cellulosimicrobium sp. C10 (M2), Tsukamurella sp. C35 (M3), Pseudallescheria sp. D42 (M4), Bacillus sp. F4 (M5), Strenotrophomonas sp. B15b (M6) and Pseudomonas sp.E8 (M7) were combined to investigate the best defined microbial combination. The best defined microbial combination was selected, which was the combination of Microbacterium sp. F28, Tsukamurella sp. C35, Pseudallescheria sp. D42, and Bacillus sp. F4 (Figure 1). The maximum reducing sugars yield was 1,653 mg/L (Figure 2), which is ten times more than the original consortia. Bacillus sp. F4 is a critical factor. Pseudallescheria sp. D42, which is the only fungus in the combination, was the second most important factor to obtaining more reducing sugars. 69 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING angusticollis”. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 92(1): pp. 32-40. [3] DuBois, M., et al., 1956. “Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances”. Analytical Chemistry, 28(3): pp. 350-356. [4] Miller, G.L., 1959. “Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of reducing sugar”. Analytical Chemistry, 31(3): pp. 426-428. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [5] Landy, E.T., et al., 2008. “Bacterial diversity associated with archaeological waterlogged wood: Ribosomal RNA clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)”. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 61(1): pp. 106-116. 70 [6] Beg, Q.K., et al., 2001. “Microbial xylanases and their industrial applications: a review”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 56(3): pp. 326-338. [7] Anastasi, A., G.C. Varese, and F.M. Valeria, 2005. “Isolation and identification of fungal communities in compost and vermicompost”. Mycologia, 97(1): pp. 33-44. [8] Saha, B.C. and M.A. Cotta, 2008. “Lime pretreatment, enzymatic saccharification and fermentation of rice hulls to ethanol”. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(10): pp. 971-977. [9] Jensen, J.R., et al., 2010. “Effects of dilute acid pretreatment conditions on enzymatic hydrolysis monomer and oligomer sugar yields for aspen, balsam, and switchgrass”. Bioresource Technology, 101(7): pp. 2317-2325. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING REMOVAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS IN TROPICAL CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS Dongqing Zhang (dqzhang@ntu.edu.sg) Sara Sadreddini (S.Sadreddini@ntu.edu.sg) Junfei Zhu (JFZhu@ntu.edu.sg) Nguyen Anh Tuan (ATNGUYEN@ntu.edu.sg) Richard. M. Gersberg (rgersbe@mail.sdsu.edu) Soon Keat Tan (ctansk@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The ability of a tropical horizontal subsurface constructed wetlands (HSSF CWs) planted with Typha Angustifolia to remove four widely used pharmaceutical compounds (carbamazepine, declofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen) at the relatively short hydraulic residence time of 2 to 4 days was documented. For both ibuprofen and naproxen, pharmaceutical compounds with low Kow values, the planted beds showed significant (p<0.05) enhancement of removal efficiencies (80% and 91%, respectively at the 4 day HRT) as compared to unplanted beds (60% and 52%, respectively). The presence of plants resulted in the removal of these pharmaceutical compounds from artificial wastewater. Carbamazepine, considered as one of the most recalcitrant pharmaceuticals, and declofenac, showed low removal efficiencies in our CW, and is attributable to their higher hydrophobicity. The fact that the removal of these compounds could be explained by the sorption onto the available organic surfaces, explains why there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in their removal efficiencies between planted as compared to unplanted beds. No statistical significant differences (p>0.05) were observed for the removal efficiencies of any of the pharmaceuticals tested for the 2-day HRT as compared to that corresponding to 4-day HRT. The rather efficient removal shown by the tropical wetlands with HRTs of 2 to 4 days indicates the possibility of using such a CW system (with less land/footprint requirements) for removing certain pharmaceutical compounds from drinking water reservoirs. INTRODUCTION Many pharmaceutical compounds are now considered as emerging contaminants of environmental concern because of their widespread use, continuous release, their persistence, and increasing evidence of their ecotoxicological (if not human health) effects (Buser et al., 1999). Since some pharmaceutical compounds are not completely removed by conventional wastewater treatment, they are ubiquitous and persistent pollutants in receiving waters worldwide, especially where municipal wastewaters are discharged into waterways (Ellis et al., 2006). In this paper, we focused on the removal efficiency of four pharmaceuticals: carbamazepine, declofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen, in a HSSF CWs in a tropical environment. These pharmaceuticals were chosen because they were widely used and reportedly present in the effluents of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents. The objectives of this study were to (i) compare the removal efficiency of selected pharmaceuticals in a HSSF CWs planted with Typha Angustifolia and in unplanted bed (sand filter); (ii) compare the removal efficiency of selected pharmaceuticals at relatively low hydraulic residence time (2 and 4 days), and (iii) determine quantitatively the role of aquatic plant plays in removal of the selected pharmaceuticals in a tropical CW. METHODS AND MATERIAL Description of constructed wetlands The wetland beds were 120 cm long, 60 cm wide and 60 cm deep. Thickness of gravel bed was 0.30m with 4-10 mm gravel (D60=3.5mm). The porosity was 0.45. Three HSSF CWs were planted with cattail (Typha Angustifolia) at a density of 9-10 plant/m2, and 3 beds without plant were used as “unplanted” control beds. All the containers had a flat bottom and a horizontal drainage pipe 0.4 m long Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Technologies do exist which can lower the level of pharmaceuticals discharged into receiving waters (e.g., ozonation, reverse osmosis, and advanced oxidation processes, see Ternes et al., 2002). Such treatment is extremely expensive (Heberer, 2002). Therefore use of constructed wetlands (CWs) is growing in popularity as a low impact and economical alternative for purifying contaminated waters. Wetlands ecosystems contain a rich biological diversity and contribute great benefits to society by recharging aquifer, retaining sediments and nutrients, controlling floods and microclimate stabilization (Mitsch et al., 2008). The complexity of such processes makes it difficult to ascertain the primary removal mechanism for each class of contaminants. While there were extensive research on CWs removal of organic matters (Mitsch et al., 2005), relatively few work has been conducted to evaluate pharmaceutical removal efficiencies (Llorens et al., 2009) in engineered low impact systems such as CWs (Matamoros et al., 2005). 71 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING and 50 mm in diameter located at the lower edge of the containers. Water depth was maintained at 5 cm below gravel surface and the hydraulic loading rate was maintained at 2.96 cm/day. Different from a conventional continuous flow wetland, our design was a batch-flow constructed wetland. Artificial wastewater enriched with selected pharmaceutical compounds was rapidly filled in each bed and then drained completely every 2 or 4 days. General parameter detection This experiment was carried out in April 2010. During the experiments, all the beds were fed with synthetic wastewater with the same organic load. Effluent samples were collected from each bed every two and four days in a 1-L amber glass bottles. The samples were immediately analyzed to determine the reduction in concentration of the general parameters, i.e., COD, ammonia-N (NH4N), nitrate (NO3) and total phosphorus (TP). General parameters were analyzed by using spectrophotometer (HACH-DR3800, USA) in accordance with the conventional methods (Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater - APHA, 1989). Total organic carbon (TOC) was conducted by using Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCVcsh, Shimadzu, Japan). Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH value and conductivity were measured by using Multi-Parameter Digital Meter (HACH – HQ40d, USA) directly. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Injection of pharmaceutical products and chemical for pharmaceutical dectection 72 HPLC-grade acetonitrile, methanol, Hexane and ethyl acetate (both HPLC grade) were obtained from Fisher (USA). Ultrapure water was obtained from Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore, Bedford, USA). Carbamazepine, declofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen (97100% purity) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. The microfiters of solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges, packed with GracePureTM C18 – Max SPE column 500 mg, 6 mg, were purchased from Belgium. The 0.45 um glass fiber filters of 47 mm (Whatman) were purchased from Schleicher & Schuell (Germany). Stock solution of 500 μg/ml was prepared in methanol and stored at 4 °C. Working solutions were prepared by diluting the stock standard solution with methanol. With respect to the pharmaceutical injection, 50 L of synthetic wastewater were spiked with 1.25 mg of each pharmaceutical compound to obtain a final concentration of 25μg L-1. The injection experiment lasted 60 days. Solid phase extraction (SPE) All the effluent samples were kept refrigerated at 4°C and analyzed within 24 hours. Prior to extraction, 500 ml of effluent wastewater were filtered through a 0.45 μm glass fibre membrane filter (Millipore, USA) and then acidified to pH 2 with hydrochloric acid. The SPE cartridges were conditioned using 5 ml n-hexane, 5ml ethyl acetate, 10 ml methanol and 10 ml of Milli-Q water (pH=2) at a flowrate of approximate 3 ml/min. Samples were percolated to the SPE cartridges through a Teflon tube at a flow-rate of approximate 10 ml/min. The cartridge filter was then rinsed with methanol: milli-Q water (pH=2) = 10:90, followed by 20 ml of Milli-Q water (pH=2). Thereafter, the cartridges were allowed to dry for 30 min and then eluted with 5 ml ethyl acetate with elution solutions collected in 15 ml calibrated centrifuge tubes. The extracted solution was then concentrated to ca. 400 μl under a gentle nitrogen stream and was then reconstituted to 500 μl with methanol. HPLC Liquid chromatography analysis for pharmaceutical Chromatographic analysis was performed on a Shimadzu Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatograph (UFLC) (Shimadzu, Japan) equipped with a quaternary LC-20AD pump, a CTO-20A oven, and a SPD-M20A Diode Array Detector (DAD). The injector was SIL-20A HT fitted to a Shimadzu autosampler with a 20 μl sample loop. Chromatographic separation were carried out using a GracePureTM SPE C18Max (4.6*150 mm, 5 μm) cartridge column protected by a ODS-3 (C18) (4.6*50 mm., 5 μm) guard column (Alpha Analytical). The system was controlled using an interface module and a personal computer. Chromatograms were processed using a “Shimadzu LCSolution program”. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION Results Table 1 presents the mean levels of pharmaceutical compounds, and their removal efficiencies in the CWs. Table 1. Mean levels of pharmaceutical compounds, and their removal efficiencies in the CWs Cabamaze pine (μg1–1) 2-day HRT HFCW Removal SF Removal 4-day HRT HFCW Removal Removal Naproxen (μg1–1) 17.9±2.5 4.3±1.8 28.4±10.38 2.8±7.1* 17.8±2.8 13.1±3.7 28.8±11.3 49.5±13.0* 17.0±4.7 17.9±2.0 28.3±8.1 Diclofenac (μg1–1) Ibuprofen (μg1–1) 12.8±2.8 47.5±8.1 14.2±3.8 46.7±12.3 7.3±3.4 71.0±15.5 11.9±6.6 56.6±24.6 2.6±2.4 11.3±2.8 4.3±2.1 12.0±4.2 14.6±2.8 10.1±5.7 52.0±17.3* 41.1±11.3* 59.8±22.7* The removal efficiency of ibuprofen in our experiment was higher in the planted beds (71.0% for 2-day HRT and 79.7% for 4-day HRT) than that for the unplanted beds (56.7% for 2-day HRT and 60.0% for 4-day HRT), but the enhancement by plants was only significant (p<0.05) at the 4-day HRT. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING A significant difference (p<0.05) was observed for naproxen removal efficiency between the planted HSSF beds (82.8% for 2-day HRT and 91.3% for 4-day HRT) and the unplanted beds (49.5% for 2-day HRT and 51.8% for 4-day HRT) at both HRTs (Table 1). As for carbamazepine, no significant differences in carbamazepine removal efficiency between planted beds (28.4% for 2-day HRT and 26.7% for 4-day HRT) and unplanted beds (28.8% for 2-day and 28.3% for 4-day HRT) were observed in our study. Another pharmaceutical compound, diclofenac has also been reported as a recalcitrant compound in microcosm experiments, membrane bioreactor systems, and activated sludge STP (Hebere, 2002), and in our study the removal efficiency of diclofenac in the planted beds ranged from 47.5 to 55.4%, compared to that of unplanted bed of 41.1% to 46.7% (Table 1). 3.2 Discussion In our present study, ibuprofen and naproxen, both pharmaceutical compounds with low Kow values, showed significantly (p<0.05) higher removal efficiencies in the planted beds as compared to that in the unplanted beds (Figure 2). This finding is also consistent with those reported by other researchers, which indicated the removal efficiency for ibuprofen in planted HSSF (with sand depth of 0.27 m) ranged from 71-80% and 80-90% for naproxen (Matamoros and Bayona, 2006), but only 49-90% for ibuprofen and 66-80% for naproxen in unplanted beds (Matamoros et al, 2007). This may be well attributed to the rhizosphere effect, since it has been extensively shown that rhizosphere aeration plays an important role part in the establishment of an oxidizing environment to support high microbial activity (Reddy et al., 1989). The removal of ibuprofen and naproxen that were observed in planted beds was also reported by Hijosa-Valsero et al (2010). The author also indicates that ibuprofen does not to bind significantly to organic matter retained in the gravel beds or pond sediment, and an HFCW planted with T. latifolia played a significant role in the removal of ibuprofen. This is attributed to the effect of rhizosphere aeration and more oxidized conditions in these shallow subsurface of Carbamazepine is considered to be one of the most recalcitrant pharmaceuticals and the removal behavior of such compounds is completely different from the others above. The recalcitrant nature of this substance has also been previously reported at other WWTPS. Its low removal efficiency can be attributed to its higher hydrophobicity, and the major fraction of removal of this compound could be explained by the sorption onto the available organic surfaces (Matamoros et al., 2005). Surprisingly, comparing with other unplanted beds, HSSF CWs, VSSF CWs, or even WWTPs, the removal efficiencies of cabamazepine in our study shows much better outcome. However, HijosaValsero et al (2010) reported that carbamazepine removal was favored by plant presence, which is not consistent with our results. As for diclofenac removal, the sorption of these compounds onto organic matter retained in the gravel bed is an important removal mechanism due to their hydrophobic structure, which could be ascribed to specific structural characteristics. Surprisingly, a significant difference between planted and unplanted bed was observed for planted beds as compared to the unplanted beds but only at a 4-day HRT (Table 1). Further investigation of its removal pathway and mechanisms is needed to be carried out in future experiments. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrated that CWs can be cost-effective and sustainable alternative for removing selected emerging contaminants. The key results can be drawn as follows: CWs can offer comparable or even better pharmaceutical removal efficiencies as compared to conventional WWTPs. Both ibuprofen and naproxen, pharmaceutical compounds both with low Kow values showed significant (p<0.05) enhancement of removal in planted beds as compared to unplanted ones. The presence of plants seems to favor the removal of certain pharmaceuticals from wastewater. Rhizosphere aeration plays an important role part in the establishment of an oxidizing environment, and the more Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Surprisingly in our CW system, levels of DO, COD and TOC in the planted beds as compared to those in the unplanted beds were found to be not statistically different (p>0.05). Since the levels of the pharmaceutical compounds enriched into our wetlands were in the μg/L range (as opposed to COD levels in the tens to hundreds of mg/L range), we would have expected that the oxygen demand to satisfy the requirements for pharmaceutical removal, would be relatively small. Therefore, our results indicate the possibility of some rhizosphere effect, aside from rhizosphere aeration alone, as playing a significant role in the efficient pharmaceutical removal in tropical CWs we observed. plated CWs, which can promote aerobic reactions leading to higher removal efficiency. It is also known that root exudates released by the plant in the rhizosphere, are known to result in intense microbial activity in the vicinity of roots (Brimecombe et al., 2001). The establishment of large numbers of metabolically active populations of soil microbes in the rhizosphere is certainly important (Brix, 1997), as the microbial population found in the soil is associated with the plant roots, which can reach up to 109 to 1012 per gram of soil (Whipps, 1990). In addition, the possibility that root exudates also may play a role in induction of specific metabolic activities conferring the ability to degrade certain pharmaceuticals, or increase bioavailability of pharmaceuticals by acting as surfactants or transporters, should not be overlooked. 73 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING oxidized condition in the planted beds can promote aerobic reactions to support high microbial activity, leading to higher degree of biodegradation and removal efficiency. Carbamazepine, considered as the most recalcitrant pharmaceuticals, and declofenac showed low removal efficiencies in our CW, attributed to their higher hydrophobicity. The fact that the removal of these compounds could be explained by the sorption onto the available organic surfaces, explains why there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in their removal efficiencies between planted and unplanted beds. No statistical significant differences (p>0.05) were observed for the removal efficiencies of any of the pharmaceuticals tested for a 2-day HRT as compared to a 4-day HRT. However, the rather efficient removal shown by the tropical wetlands with HRTs of 2 to 4 days indicates the possibility of using such a CW system (with less land requirements) for removing certain pharmaceuticals from drinking water reservoirs in Singapore or other tropical regions. REFERENCES [1] Brimecombe, M.J., Leij, F. A.A.M. and Lynch, J.M., 2001. “Rhizodeposition and microbial populations”. In: The rhizosphere: biochemistry and organic substances at the soil-plant interface, Pinton, R.,Varanini, Z., Nannipieri, P., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, pp. 74-98. [2] Brix, H., 1997. “Do macrophytes play a role in constructed treatment wetlands?” Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 35, No. 5, pp 1117. [3] Buser, H., Poiger, T. and Mueller, M. D., 1999. “Occurrence and environmental behaviour of the chiral pharmaceutical drug ibuprofen in surface waters and in wastewater”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1999, 33, 2529-2535. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [4] Ellis, J. B., 2006. “Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in urban receiving waters”. Environ. Pollut. 144, 184-189. 74 [5] Heberer, T., 2002. “Occurrence, fate and removal of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment: a review of recent research data”. Toxico. Lett. 2002, 31, 5-17. [6] Hijosa-Valsero, M., Matamoros, V., Sidrach-Cardona, R., Martín-Villacorta, J., Bécares, E. and Bayona, J.M., 2010. “Comprehensive assessment of the design configuration of constructed wetlands for the removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products from urban wastewaters”. Water Res. 44 (2010) 3669-3678. [7] Llorens, E., Matamoros, V., Domingo, V., Bayona, J.M. and García, J., 2009. “Water quality improvement in a fullscale tertiary constructed wetland: Effects on conventional and specific organic contaminants”. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (2009) 2517-2524. [8] Matamoros, V., García, J. and Bayona, J.M., 2005. “Behavior of selected pharmaceuticals in subsurface flow constructed wetlands: a pilot-scale study”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39, 5449-5454. [9] Matamoros, V. and Bayona, J.M., 2006. “Elimination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in subsurface flow constructed wetlands”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, 5811-5816. [10] Matamoros, V., Arias, C., Brix, H. and Bayona, J. M., 2007. “Removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from urban wastewater in a pilot vertical flow constructed wetland and a sand filter”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41 8171-8177. [11] Mitsch, W. J., Day, J. W., Zhang, J. L. and Lane, R., 2005. “Nitrate-nitrogen retention by wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin”. Ecological Engineering, 24: 267-278. [12] Mitsch, W.J., Tejada, J., Nahlik, A., Kohlmann, B., Bernal, B. and Hernández, C.E., 2008. “Tropical wetlands for climate change research, water quality management and conservation education on a university campus in Gosta Rita”. Ecological Engineering, 34 (2008) 276-288 [13] Ternes, T.A., Stüber, J., Herrmann, N., McDowell, D., Ried, A. and Kampmann, M., 2003. “Ozonation: a tool for removal of pharmaceuticals, contrast media and musk fragrances from wastewater?” Water Res 2003, 37(8): 1976-82. [14] Whipps, J.M., 1990. “Carbon economy”. In J.M., Lynch, ed, The Rhizosphere. Wiley, New York, pp 59-97. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING RESPONSES OF FLOATING BREAKWATER TO REGULAR WAVES Zhenhua Huang (zhhuang@ntu.edu.sg) Wenbin Zhang (wbzhang@ntu.edu.sg) INTRODUCTION With the development of a large number of small marinas and recreational harbors, many new types of breakwaters have been proposed to reduce the energy transmitted into the harbors. However, in deep waters, traditional bottom-fixed breakwaters may lead to more expensive construction costs. Recently, floating breakwaters are considered as an efficient alternative approach to protecting marinas and harbors from coastal waves. In this report, an experimental study on motion responses and wave scattering of pontoon-type floating breakwater is reported, aiming at collecting a set of reliable experimental data under various wave conditions for future theoretical and numerical studies. Figure 1. A view of the breakwater model in the wave flume. A mooring cable with the anchor is shown in the left panel of Figure 2. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The experiments were conducted in a water flume located in the Hydraulics Laboratory at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. The concrete-walled wave flume used in the experiments is about 45 meters in total length, 1.55m in width and 1.55m in depth. At one end of the flume, there is an adjustable slope beach covered with several porous pads to minimize wave reflections. A piston-type wave generator is equipped with a system so-called Active Wave Absorption Control System (AWACS), which was developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). The principle used in the AWACS is to measure the (reflected) waves on the wave paddle, and by means of digital filters and the servo system, to isolate the reflected part and then impose an opposite movement of the wave paddle, which results in the desired incident wave conditions. The mooring system consists of 2 components: mooring cables and anchors. It should be noted that the anchors need proper weights and volumes so that they can provide sufficient tensional forces for the mooring cables, but do not disturb the water waves significantly. Stainless steel chains were used as they are strong enough and do not rust when being placed in the wave tank for a long time. In order to reduce the potential risk of damaging the model and two walls of wave flume and maintain a two dimensional motion, ball bearing structures were designed and fixed at the two sides of the floating breakwater. The ball bearings can prevent the floating structure from colliding with the walls of the wave flume when the floating breakwater responses to the regular waves. The ball bearing structure is shown in the middle panel of Figure 2. The responses of the floating breakwater model to waves were recorded by an Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU), which can measure the accelerations of three translational motions and angular velocities of the three rotational motions. The IMU was mounted at one corner on the top plate of the model, referring to the right panel of Figure 2. The IMU sampling frequency used in this study was 200Hz. The experimental configuration of floating breakwater is illustrated in Figure 3. A total of 5 wave gauges were used for recording wave elevations. There were three wave probes placed in front of the model to separate the incident waves from reflected waves. The other two probes were placed after the model to record the transmitted waves. The distances between the three wave probes in front of Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The breakwater model used in this study is 1.420m long, 0.75m wide and 0.410m high. The total weight of the breakwater reaches 230kg. The draft was set at 0.217m in our experiments. The normalized natural frequencies of three modes were found to be 0.89. A view of the breakwater model installed in the wave flume is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2. Anchor with mooring cable, ball-bearing structure, and mounted IMU. 75 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING the model were chosen based on the requirement of the two-point wave separation method (C.R. Liu, et al. 2009; Goda, Y. 2000). On each testing day, pre-calibration and post-calibration were performed to ensure the accuracy of the experimental results. Figure 3. Experimental configuration of breakwater. Figure 5. Measured RAOs for pitch, surge & heave of the floating breakwater. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 4 shows the variation of measured reflection coefficients and transmission coefficients with normalized wave frequency parameter, i.e. ω2B/2g, where ω is circular frequency of the incident waves, and B is the breadth of floating breakwater. CONCLUSIONS A series of experiments have been conducted to investigate the wave scattering and motion responses of a 2-dimensional floating breakwater under regular waves. The influences of wave period (ranging from 0.8s to1.6s) on the reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient were studied. The RAOs were thoroughly analyzed. Our experimental results agree with the existing results found in the literature (Sannasiraj, S.A et al. 1998; Yamamoto, T. 1981), indicating that our data are reliable. These data obtained are intended for verifying theoretical and numerical models in future studies. It is also our motivation that the results presented here will be a foundation for our further study on the effects of different damping devices on the responses of floating breakwaters to regular and irregular waves. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 REFERENCES 76 Figure 4. Measured reflection coefficient (Cr) & transmission coefficient (Ct) of the floating breakwater. [1] C.R. Liu, Z.H. Huang, and S.K. Tan, 2009. “Nonlinear scattering of non-breaking waves by a submerged horizontal plate Experiments and simulations”. Ocean Engineering, 36 (2009) 1332-1345. The measured Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) for pitch, surge and heave responses are shown in Figure 5 as functions of the normalized wave frequency parameter. It can be found that the maximum values of RAOs for three modes of motion occur when the incident wave frequency equals to the natural frequencies of the breakwater model. This can be attributed to the resonance phenomena of the floating breakwater. [2] Goda, Y., 2000. “Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures”. 2nd Edition, World Scientific, Singapore. [3] Sannasiraj, S.A., Sundar, V. and Sundaravadivelu, R., 1998. “Mooring forces and motion response of pontoon-type floating breakwaters”. Ocean Engineering, 25(1): 27-48. [4] Yamamoto, T., 1981. “Moored floating breakwater response to regular and irregular waves”. Applied Ocean Research, 3, 114-123. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING SOLITARY WAVE INTERACTION WITH A SLOTTED BARRIER: WAVE SCATTERING AND HYDRODYNAMIC FORCES Zhida Yuan (yuan0025@ntu.edu.sg) Zhenhua Huang (zhhuang@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Slotted barrier are low cost structures that can be very effective in reducing the transmitted energy of long waves. In this study, the transmission and reflection of tsunami waves, with the leading wave being modelled by a solitary wave, through slotted barriers in the form of a row of circular cylinders were studied experimentally. The results were also analyzed by a method based on long wave approximations. It is found that the spacing between two adjacent cylinders is one of the main factors that control the transmission of solitary waves through slotted barriers. Hydrodynamic forces induced by solitary wave were measured and drag force coefficients of the slotted barrier are discussed in this paper. INTRODUCTION EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Tsunami waves generated by mighty underwater earthquakes/ landslides, which can occur at any time, can strike in minutes, and cause damages to coastal areas. Active protective measures such as breakwaters are also necessary to prevent ships from breaking mooring lines and hitting the port facilities because of the tsunami-induced current. Pile or slotted breakwaters are low cost breakwaters (see Mani & Jayakumar (1995) for cost estimation for pipe/ slotted breakwaters) that can be very effective in reducing the transmitted energy of long waves (see Mei et al. (1974)). Figure 1 shows a section of pile breakwater along Singapore coast. A lot of research has been carried out on the interactions of regular waves with slotted barriers in the absence of currents (e.g. Kakuno & Liu (1993); Isaacson et al. (1998); Huang (2007)). Recently, the effects of currents on the scattering of regular waves by slotted barriers were examined by Huang (2006) and Huang & Ghidaoui (2007). However, few studies about tsunami wave interaction with slotted barriers are reported. In laboratory simulation, the first peak of tsunami waves is normally modeled by a solitary wave in view of the extremely long length of such waves. A series of experiments were conducted in a wave flume located at the Hydraulics Laboratory, NTU, Singapore, to study the transmission/reflection and wave forces of solitary waves through pile/slotted breakwaters consisting of an array of circular cylinders of diameter D = 3 cm. Two wave probes were used to measure the surface elevations at location G1 and G2, and the middle cylinder was instrumented with a 3-D force transducer at its top end to measure the total wave forces acting on it. Figure 2 shows a view of the pile breakwater used in our experiments. The wave flume was 32 m long and 54 cm wide. Installed at one end of the wave flume was a piston- type wave generator (HR Wallingford), which was used to generate the solitary waves. Figure 3 shows the experimental setup, where the wave probe G1 was used to measure the incident and reflected waves while the wave probe G2 was used to measure the transmitted wave. Figure 1. A segment of pile breakwater found in a section of the Singapore coast. The main objective of this study is to examine experimentally the transmission and reflection of tsunami waves (solitary waves) through pile breakwaters; moreover, wave forces were measured and hydrodynamic coefficients were investigated and compared. Figure 3. Sketch of experimental setup showing the relative locations of the slotted barrier and the two wave probes. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 2. A view of the slotted barrier installed in the wave flume. 77 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING To study the effects of water depth and incident wave height, five wave heights varying from 4 cm to 8 cm were examined for h = 15 cm and six wave heights varying from 5 cm to 10 cm were examined for h = 20cm. Three different slotted barriers were used in the experiments, with the center to-center distance between two adjacent cylinders (spacing) being S = 4.5 cm, S = 4.2 cm, S = 3.64 cm, respectively. As the diameter of the cylinder was 3 cm, the spacing-to-diameter ratio S/D ranged from 1.50 to 1.21 in this study. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS We can define the reflection (CR) and transmission (CT) coefficients by CR = HR H , CT = T HI HI …(1) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 where HR, HT and HI are the heights of reflected, transmitted and incident solitary waves, respectively. These coefficients are determined both experimentally and by using the theory developed for long waves interacting with a slotted barrier in the presence of a uniform current (Huang & Ghidaoui (2007)).In our experiments, two water depths were examined with D/h = 1/5 and D/h = 3/20, respectively. After analyzing our experimental data, it was found that the measured reflection and transmission coefficients are nearly independent of D/h. Figures 4~6 show the measured reflection and transmission coefficients, together with those predicted by long wave theory of Huang & Ghidaoui (2007), for spacing-to-diameter ratio S/D = 1.21, 1.40, and 1.50, respectively. Here, f is an equivalent quadratic loss coefficient to be determined from the experiments. For a given S/D, the measured transmission coefficient decreases with increasing HI/h, while the measured reflection coefficient is insensitive to the change in HI/h. These trends are similar to those found in long waves scattered by a slotted barrier in the presence of a uniform current (Huang & Ghidaoui (2007)). 78 For a given incident wave height HI/h, the measured transmission coefficient increases with increasing spacingto diameter ratio S/D, while the reflection coefficient decreases with increasing S/D. These trends agree with the following theoretical observations: in the limit of S / D → ∞, theoretically CT → 1 and CR → 0; in the limit of S / D → 0, theoretically CT → 0 and CR → 1. The transmission coefficients are calculated by long wave theory by Huang & Ghidaoui (2007) for a given barrier and incident wave conditions. Numerical experiments show that the following values of f can produce the best fits to the measured transmission coefficients for the three barriers: f =3 for S/D =1.5, f =6 for S/D =1.4 and f = 18 for S/D = 1.21. Figures 4~6 show the comparison between the predicted and measured transmission coefficients for all three barriers studied in the experiments. It can be seen that the long wave approximation can predict the transmission coefficient satisfactorily. Figure 4. Comparison between the measured and predicted hydrodynamic coefficients for S/D=1.21. Solid lines (f =18), chains (f=14.4), and dashed lines (f =21.6). (See Huang & Yuan 2010). Figure 5. Comparison between the measured and predicted hydrodynamic coefficients for S/D = 1.40. Solid lines (f = 6), chains (f =4.8), and dashed lines (f =7.2). (See Huang & Yuan 2010). The predicted reflection coefficients are also shown in Figures 4~6. The long wave approximation can still provide reasonable prediction of the reflection coefficients for relatively small HI/h, i.e., the nonlinearity is weak. For large HI/h, long wave approximation over-predicts the reflection coefficients for all three barriers. It is expected that the nonlinear interaction between the incident and reflected solitary waves cannot be handled by long wave theory of Huang & Ghidaoui (2007). Figure 6. Comparison between the measured and predicted hydrodynamic coefficients for S/D = 1.50. Solid lines (f = 3), chains (f = 2.4), and dashed lines (f = 3.6). (See Huang & Yuan 2010). ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Figure 7 shows the experimentally obtained drag force coefficients It can be seen that the drag coefficients are remarkably dependent on cylinder spacing. The mean coefficients curves show that coefficient values for S / D = 1.21 are very close to those for S / D = 1.14 within the present test range. The mean curve for S / D = 1.5 clearly lies below those of S / D = 1.21 and S / D = 1.14. REFERENCES [1] Huang, Z. and Ghidaoui, M.S., 2007. “A model for the scattering of long waves by slotted breakwaters in the presence of currents”. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 23:1-9. [2] Huang, Z. and Yuan, Z., 2010. “Transmission of solitary waves through slotted barriers: A laboratory study with analysis by a long wave approximation”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 3: 179-185. [3] Huang, Z., 2006. “An experimental study of wave scattering by a vertical slotted barrier in the presence of a current”. Ocean Engineering, 24:717-723. [4] Huang, Z., 2007. “Wave interaction with one or two rows of closely-spaced rectangular cylinders”. Ocean Engineering, 34: 1584-1591. [5] Isaacson, M., Premasirl, S. and Yang, G., 1998. “Wave interaction with vertical slotted barrier”. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 124 (3): 118-126. [6] Kakuno, S. and Liu, P.L.F., 1993. “Scattering of water waves by vertical cylinders”. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 119 (3):302-322. Figure 7. General tendency of drag coefficients versus dimensionless incident wave heights. CONCLUDING REMARKS In this study, the transmission, reflection and drag force of solitary wave through pile breakwaters were studied experimentally, and the measured transmission coefficients agree well with those calculated by using long wave approximation. The transmission coefficient decreases slightly with increasing HI/h, while the reflection coefficient is not sensitive to the change of HI/h; the drag force coefficient decreases slightly with increasing HI/h. The spacing between the adjacent cylinders has significant influence on the transmission, reflection and drag force coefficient; reducing the barrier spacing would remarkably reduce/increase the transmission/reflection and drag force coefficient. [7] Mani, J.S. and Jayakumar, S., 1995. “Wave transmission by suspended pipe breakwater”. Journal of Waterway, Harbor, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 121 (6): 335-338. [8] Mei, C.C., Liu, P.L.-F. and Ippen, A.T., 1974. “Quadratic head loss and scattering of long waves”. Journal of Waterway, Harbor and Coastal Engineering Division, 99: 209-229. [9] Titov, V.V., Rabinovich, A.B., Mofjeld, H.O., Thomson, R.E. and Gonzalez, F.I., 2005. “The global reach of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra tsunami”. Science, 309: 2045-2048. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 79 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES FOR WATER SOFTENING: A REVIEW Fang Wangxi (WXFang@ntu.edu.sg) Wang Rong (RWang@ntu.edu.sg) INTRODUCTION The term, “hard water”, refers to water with a high mineral content that primarily consists of calcium and magnesium cations and other divalent or multivalent metal ions. Hard water is undesirable as the minerals can produce an unpleasant taste, react with soap anions to decrease the cleaning efficiency, induce scaling and corrosion problems and cause serious failures in pipelines of boilers, heat exchangers and electrical appliances, etc. [1]. Figure 1 shows the examples of scaling in a faucet and a pipe. (a) exchange easily with divalent calcium and magnesium ions in the water. As the water passes through the column, the hardness ions replace the hydrogen, sodium or potassium ions which are released into the water, thus the softer water is achieved. When the resins become saturated with hardness cations, they gradually lose their effectiveness and must be regenerated. The regeneration is normally implemented by passing a concentrated brine solution such as sodium chloride or potassium chloride through them [4]. Figure 2 illustrates the reaction occurred during a typical ion exchange resin treatment and regeneration process. Due to greater affinity of the resin for larger multivalent cations, the reaction shifts from left to right when the hard water passes though the resins, while in the regeneration process, the sodium concentration in the brine solution is so high that the equilibrium of the reaction shifts toward left, leading to the replacement of the calcium ions on the resin with sodium ions. (b) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 1. (a) Drop coming out of a faucet coated with calcium from the hard water; (b) Scale reducing the size of pipework [2]. 80 Water softening is a water treatment process that serves the removal of dissolved minerals in hard water. Various methods have been applied to remove hard water minerals from natural, industrial or domestic water sources, which include the applications of ion exchange, demineralization, chemical precipitation, distillation and membrane separation [3]. Currently, with the financial support from EWI, Singapore Membrane Technology Center (SMTC) is collaborating with Siemens Water Technologies to develop low-pressure hollow fiber membranes for water softening. This study reviews three major treatment technologies that are currently used in domestic and industrial water softening applications. ION EXCHANGE Water softening by ion exchange resins In an ion exchange process, hard water passes through a column of polymer resins. The polymer resins possess negatively charged functional groups, which can adsorb and bind metal cations. The univalent hydrogen, sodium or potassium ions initially contained in the resins are able to Figure 2. Schematic of typical cation exchange reactions. An advantage of the cation exchange treatment process is that it does not change the pH or alkalinity of the water. Other advantages include excellent process reliability, chemical safety and process stability for long-time performance. That is why water softening by ion exchange has been used worldwide, especially in household and industrial water treatments. However, this process has several major drawbacks. Firstly, total dissolved solids (TDS) in the treated water do not decrease significantly due to the release of sodium or potassium. Secondly, the excess brine solution produced during the regeneration process may be difficult to treat with. In addition, the resins may be fouled by some metal cations like oxidation by ferric ions and thus lose the treatment efficiency. Alternatively, a class of minerals called zeolites also exhibits good ion exchange properties. In fact, zeolites were widely used in earlier water softening [5], and later replaced by synthetic ion exchange resins. Compared with natural zeolites, ion exchange resins are artificially ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING synthesized to achieve better treatment efficiency and regeneration ability. to 10.6 to achieve efficient precipitation [7]. If the raw water contains a high amount of magnesium, excess lime must be introduced to raise pH above 11 in order to help precipitating magnesium hydroxide. Demineralization Table 1. Lime softening reactions If the water needs to have the mineral content entirely removed, it is passed through a cation exchange column in the hydrogen ion form (H+), followed by an anion exchange column in the hydroxide form (OH-) to replace all the cations and anions, respectively. The two-step ion exchange process is called demineralization [6]. The regeneration process involves the recharging of both hydrogen with a strong acid (usually HCl) and hydroxide ions with a strong base (usually NaOH) for the two columns of resins. Water demineralization is also widely used for the production of high purity water. However, compared with the ordinary ion exchange resin process, additional hazards are introduced due to the involvement of strong acid and base. That is the main reason why this technology is less commonly applied in household use. Hardness Lime Precipitate CO2’ + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2CaCO3 + 2H2O Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + MgCO3 + 2H2O MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3 If non-carbonate hardness is involved, soda ash addition is needed. Table 2 shows the additional reactions involved for lime-soda ash softening. The raw water is assumed to contain SO42- in addition to bicarbonate ions. Table 2. Additional reactions for lime-soda softening. Hardness Lime/soda ash Precipitate MgSO4 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaSO4 CaSO4 + Na2CO3 → CaCO3 + Na2SO4 CHEMICAL PRECIPITATION Evaluation of lime softening technology Water softening by chemical precipitation A key feature of lime softening is that both the calcium in the raw water as well as the calcium added with the lime are precipitated. As a result, the total dissolved solids (TDS) decrease after the treatment. This is in contrast to the ion exchange softening where sodium is exchanged for calcium and magnesium ions, and no significant change occurs in the level of TDS. The cost-effectiveness in treating large quantities of surface water also makes lime softening be a major water softening technology in water treatment plant-scale applications [8]. Water softening by chemical precipitation has been applied commonly for large-scale industrial and potable water production. There are two major types of precipitation reactions involved in water softening, which include precipitation by the addition of lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) or soda ash (sodium carbonate, Na2CO3). Lime is used to remove chemicals that cause carbonate hardness, while soda ash is introduced to remove chemicals that cause non-carbonate hardness. Other chemicals applied for precipitation treatment include quicklime (CaO) and caustic soda (NaOH). Working principles of lime and lime-soda ash treatments MEMBRANE FILTRAION Water softening by pressure-driven membrane processes With rapid development of membrane technology in recent years, conventional water softening methods involving ion exchange resin, zeolites, and lime or lime-soda ash treatments are being replaced by membrane-based approaches. Compared with conventional methods, water softening through membrane filtration does not involve large quantities of chemicals such as lime and sodium chloride Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 During lime softening process, the addition of lime leads to the increase of raw water pH and the shift of the equilibrium of the carbonate species in the water. When pH gets above 9.5, most of the dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate convert into carbonate so that it becomes the dominant species in the carbonate system. Then calcium carbonate begins to precipitate because the concentrations of the two ions exceed solubility limit of calcium carbonate. Additionally, magnesium can be precipitated as magnesium hydroxide if excess lime is added into the system and pH exceeds 11. Table 1 shows the chemical reactions occurred during lime softening process. For raw water containing minimal magnesium ions, only calcium needs to be removed. No excess lime needs to be added, and system pH can be maintained in a range from 10.3 However, several problems are encountered during the application of this technology. Water after lime treatment has a high pH, which needs an additional stage of pH neutralization process. The treatment and disposal of large amount of high pH sludge is also a problem. Moreover, continuous removal of the calcium carbonate scale on rapid mixers and flocculation basin equipment brings additional operating and maintenance costs. 81 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING as well as other potentially hazardous chemicals, which can reduce significantly the TDS of raw water. Therefore, hardness removal through membrane processes has the potential to offer lower operating and by-product disposal costs, increased operation safety and relatively lower energy consumption [9]. Membrane filtration is a separation process with the input of energy, which serves as a driving force to separate a mixture. For the application of water softening, reverse osmosis (RO) or nanofiltration (NF) membranes are utilized to physically remove the hard water minerals from the raw water source. The type of membrane determines the degree of treatment. Reverse osmosis Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 RO has been widely used from household drinking water purification and industrial water purification to large-scale water production, seawater desalination and wastewater treatment. Forward osmosis is the automatic net flow of water through a semi-permeable membrane from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution due to the osmotic pressure difference across the membrane. In contrast, RO is a pressure-driven membrane process which allows water in the concentrated solution to pass through the membrane and flow into the dilute solution under an external hydraulic pressure to overcome the osmotic pressure difference. In this case, the concentrated solution gets even more concentrated while more diluted solution i.e. purified water is produced. Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of reverse osmosis process. 82 Figure 3. Schematic of reverse osmosis process. RO membranes are able to reject almost all solutes existing in the water such as bacteria, natural organic matters, heavy metal ions and multivalent, divalent and univalent ions. Thus, when using as a means of water softening, RO process does not only remove hard water minerals, but also purifies the raw water to a higher degree than the requirement of water softening. This characteristic is not always an advantage. A higher degree of water treatment would produce highly concentrated brine that needs to be handled properly. The RO membrane also faces serious scaling and fouling problems and loses performance during the treatment process [10]. Anti-fouling or pretreatment of raw water is therefore required, which reduces the efficiency of the overall treatment processes. In addition, the high operating pressure causes high energy consumption. In fact, the operating and maintenance costs are a few of the major drawbacks of RO process in large-scale applications. Nanofiltration membranes In order to overcome the problems of high energy consumption and membrane scaling and fouling, NF membranes are being employed to replace the RO membranes for certain applications. Since NF membranes have a less dense structure than RO membranes, a lower applied pressure is required for NF membranes to achieve a similar water permeation flux as RO membranes. However, NF membranes have a nominal pore size in nanometer scale and thus present poorer rejection for univalent ion species like sodium chloride. Nevertheless, NF membranes still remain high rejection to divalent and multivalent ions such as calcium and magnesium ions, which makes it more suitable for water softening. NF membranes are often charged to enhance removal of hard water divalent ions from raw water. The separation mechanisms in this case involve an electrostatic effect named Donnan exclusion and size exclusion. For example, the surface of the NF membrane can carry positive charges. The divalent ions like Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the feed water will be electrostatically excluded from getting closed to and passing through the membrane. In order to keep the neutrality of the feed water, the anions like Cl- and SO42have to be retained in the solution- thus only water can pass through the membrane. The Donnan exclusion is less efficient for the rejection of univalent cations because the charge density on the univalent ions is smaller than divalent and multivalent ions [11]. Although the required trans-membrane pressure for nanofiltration is lower as compared with RO process, the operating pressure for conventional NF membranes is still relatively high in order to achieve productive permeation flux. For water softening application, it is a challenge to develop NF membranes that remain capable permeation flux at a low operating pressure so as to reduce energy consumption and membrane fouling tendency. In addition, NF membranes are mainly in the configurations of flat sheet and tubular membranes. It is desirable to utilize hollow fiber membranes for large scale water softening processes, as hollow fiber membranes offer better packing density, higher surface area to volume ratio and self-support capability. To address these challenges, the Singapore Membrane Technology Centre at NTU is currently conducting research in collaboration with Siemens Water Technologies. The project aims to fabricate novel NF hollow fiber membranes with high water permeation flux and high rejection of divalent ions at a low operating pressure for water softening. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING SUMMARY Three technologies of ion exchange, chemical precipitation and membrane filtration, which are widely used for water softening, are reviewed. The pros and cons of each technology are discussed. Ion exchange resin and zeolites treatment are mainly applied in household and industrial water softening, but the excess brine solution produced during the regeneration process is difficult to handle if the technology is applied in a large-scale. Lime softening and lime-soda ash treatments are more suitable for large-scale municipal or industrial water production, while facing problems involving post-treatment for pH neutralization of softened water and disposal of large amount of high pH sludge. These two conventional water softening methods are being replaced by advanced membrane filtration technology, due to its potential to offer lower operating and by-product disposal costs, and relatively low energy consumption. Nanofiltration is found to be the most suitable membrane process for water softening, but extensive R&D is needed to develop high performance NF hollow fiber membranes for this application. REFERENCES [1 C. Gabrielli, G. Maurin, H. Francy-Chausson, P. Thery, T.T. M. Tran and M. Tlili, Electrochemical water softening: principle and application. Desalination (2006) 201, 150–163. [2] Hustvedt, Drop coming out of a faucet coated with calcium from the hard water. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Hard_ water_and_drop.jpg [3] A.P. Sincero and G.A. Sincero, Physical-chemical treatment of water and waste water. IWA Publishing: CRC Press; 2003. [4] W. Wist, J.H. Lehr and R. McEachern, Water softening with potassium chloride: process, health, and environmental benefits. J. Wiley; 2009. [5] G.F. Hodkinson, Zeolite water softener, US Patent 1,763,783, 1930. [6] C.E. Harland, Ion exchange: theory and practice, Royal Society of Chemistry; 1994 [7] S. Kawamura, Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, 2nd ed., J. Wiley; 2000 [8] American Water Works Association, American Society of Civil Engineers, Water treatment plant design, 3rd ed., McGrawHill; 1998. [9] F.E. Duran and G.W. Dunkelberger, A comparison of membrane softening on three South Florida groundwaters, Desalination (1995) 102, 27-34. [10] E.M. Vrijenhoek, S. Hong and M. Elimelech, 2001. “Influence of membrane surface properties on initial rate of colloidal fouling of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes”. Journal of Membrane Science, 188, 115-128. [11] Yaroshchuk, A.E., 2001. “Non-steric mechanisms of nanofiltration: superposition of Donnan and dielectric exclusion”. Separation and Purification Technology, 22-23, 143-158. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 83 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING TIME-SEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF JET-FLIPPING OF LOCALIZED SCOUR BY 2-D WALL JETS Lim Siow Yong (csylim@ntu.edu.sg), Xie Chen (xiec0001@ntu.edu.sg) INTRODUCTION Severe localized scour downstream of 2-D wall jets may cause stability problem to the hydraulic structure—it is one of the major factors to consider when engineers design the required erosion protection measures. Researchers working on this issue focused mainly on finding and predicting the maximum scour depth and other related scour geometries at the equilibrium condition (Lim and Yu 2002). However, under certain flow conditions for 2-D jet scour, there would be jet-flipping, which is a phenomenon where the jet action would suddenly flip from the bed to the water surface and vice versa. It would result in a pseudo equilibrium condition. Video recording of the scouring process showed a scour hole being developed with time when the jet action was digging as a bed-jet. A deep scour hole was formed with a distinct downstream ridge. This was the digging phase by the bed-jet. After the hole attained a certain maximum depth, the jet would suddenly flip to the surface as a surface-jet. Sand particles on the ridge were seen rolling down its slope and filling the hole. This is the filling phase by the surface-jet. The hole became shallower with time under this filling phase. The digging-filling process is cyclical. In this study, we will present preliminary results on the cyclical time-sequence of the jet-flipping due to a submerged horizontal jet issuing from a sluice gate. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND MEASUREMENTS 84 The experiments were conducted in a 8m long, 0.3m wide, 0.6m deep glass-walled flume (Fig. 1) in the Hydraulics Laboratory at NTU. A solid Perspex platform was constructed to simulate a rigid apron over which a vertical sluice gate was fixed. The sluice gate can be installed at any location on the apron. This arrangement facilitates the study of the effect of apron length on the jet-flipping phenomenon downstream of the gate. Uniform sand with median grain diameter (d50) of 0.73 mm was used and the geometric standard deviation (σg) was 1.12. All the experiments ran for 7 days and were set with the same tailwater depth (Ht = 12.7cm), sluice gate opening (d0 = 10mm), discharge (Q = 2.128L/s), velocity (u0 = 0.71m/s), Froude number (Fr = 2.267), while only the apron length (L) was changed. We used a video to record the scouring process. From the recording, the duration of the digging and filling phases was noted. The end of digging or Figure 1 Layout of experimental set-up. Table 1 Summary of experimental data. No. L (cm) t0 (min) dse-dig (cm) dse-fill (cm) d (%) Run16 0 None 14.7 -- -- Run15 15 937 8.1 5.1 37 Run13 21 258 6.5 4.6 29 Run14 30 24 3.9 2.8 28 the start of filling phase corresponded to when the water surface suddenly transformed from calm to wavy. When the water surface changed from wavy to calm again, this moment was recorded as the end of filling or the start of digging phase. Table 1 summarizes the test conditions for the 4 runs, where dse-dig is the maximum depth of scour recorded during the digging phase, dse-fill is the minimum depth of scour recorded during the filling phase, and d is the % scour depth difference defined as (dse-dig - dse-fill)/dse-dig, t0 is the average time to complete one cycle of digging-filling phase, expressed as follows: n fi + tdi) t0 = ∑(t i=1 n where n = number of digging-filling cycles, tfi and tdi are the filling and digging time in the ith cycle, respectively. Time sequence analysis Under normal circumstances for a typical jet scour experiment, the scour hole will increase with time, and eventually it will attain an equilibrium state after a long scouring time. For the hydraulic conditions used in the present study, at the initial stage the jet would dive and start to dig at the sediment bed. Soon scour hole of a ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Figure 2. (a) Bed profile during digging phase by bed-jet with calm water surface (b) Bed profile during filling phase with wavy water surface by surface-jet. (Arrow shows direction of jet action). Figure 3. The time-sequence of each digging and filling phase for different apron lengths. vigorously as the surface-jet is again transformed into a bed-jet. Hence, the process is cyclical with bed-jet scouring the bed during the digging phase and then transforms to a surface-jet where the hole is back-filled during the filling phase, and vice versa. For a run time of 7 days, we have extracted from the video recording the number of cycles and their durations for each digging and filling phases (Fig. 3). Usually, the scour depth reached a maximum in the first few digging phases and the maximum depth in each digging phase was almost the same. And the minimum depth in each filling phase was also almost the same. Figure 3 shows that, for each run, the filling time is much longer than the digging time. The filling time becomes increasingly longer, while the digging time becomes shorter with small scale oscillation over the recording period. For comparison, a dimensionless time is used (Fig. 4). The lines of digging for L = 21cm and 30cm are quite similar. However, the lines for L = 15cm is very short for the Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 certain depth with a corresponding ridge was formed. The hole continued to deepen as the scour progressed with time until a stage was reached whence there was no significant change in the scour depth, which looked like the equilibrium state was reached. This period is called the digging phase of the scour development, and the jet action was generally along the bed and the water surface was calm (Fig. 2a). However, a short while later, the sediment was observed to suddenly roll down from the ridge region and back-filling into the scour hole. The water surface also became rough and wavy. This was caused by the sudden change of the jet action from a bed-jet to a surface-jet (Fig. 2b). In the filling phase, the rate at the initial stage of filling was rapid and the scour hole was almost leveled and the ridge was flattened in the process. For quite a long period during this filling phase, it seemed an equilibrium state was reached as there was no significant depth change in the filled scour hole. The filling phase usually lasts very long, at the end of which the jet would suddenly begin to scour the bed 85 ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Figure 4. Dimensionless time analysis for three runs with different apron length. reason that the average time t0 for a shorter apron is much longer, about 937 mins. Although all the experiments ran for 7 days, it is not long enough for Run 15 but too long for Run 14. But the trend can be found that the lines for Run 15 are quite similar to Run 13 and Run 14. That is, if Run 15 is allowed to run for more days, its trend seems to have a similar pattern as Run 13 and Run 14. In Table 1, Run 16 has no apron (i.e. L = 0) and the jet-flipping phenomenon did not occur. It seems to indicate that the apron plays an important role for jet-flipping to occur. The results in Table 1 show that the average time t0 increases exponentially as the apron length decreases. Fig. 5 shows 3 photos at different stages of the scouring process for Run 13. It can be seen that the maximum scour depth did not change, but the ridge height decreases over the many flipping cycles between Fig. 5a (24/8/10, 05:33) to Fig. 5c (30/8/10 16:25). The ridge profiles in Figs. 5b and 5c can be seen being flattened compared to Fig. 5a, resulting in a reduced ridge height. Fig. 5c shows that the shaded ridge material has been deposited further downstream, giving an elongated and flattened bed profile downstream of the crest after about 6.5 days of scouring action. As scouring time increases and as more digging-filling cycles occurred, more particles ‘escaped’ and there are relatively less particles in the hole-ridge region compared to earlier cycles. The net effect is that back-filling of sediments from the ridge to the scour hole takes a longer time to fill the hole to a level for the next digging action to be triggered. The digging time remains more or less the same, and the jet digs to a depth that is required to trigger the next filling phase. This explains why the maximum scour depth remains almost constant but the filling time is increasingly longer as scour progresses. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 CONCLUSIONS 86 Figure 5. Transition of the scour profile. The present study mainly observed the jet-flipping phenomenon. Some conclusions can be drawn from the study: (1) Under certain hydraulic conditions, jet-flipping is observed in localized scour due to a 2-D wall jet. (2) There are two phases. A digging phase where the jet behaves as a bed-jet and a scour hole is formed. The water surface is calm during this phase. After the scour depth reaches a certain maximum value, the jet flips from the bed towards the water surface causing it to become rough and choppy and the filling phase commences. During this phase, the sediments on the ridge roll back to fill up the hole until it reaches a certain minimum scour depth whence the digging phase would resume. The digging-filling processes are cyclical. ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING (3) It was observed that as scouring progresses, the duration of filling phase increases, while the digging time remains relatively unchanged. The duration for the filling phase is much longer compared to the digging phase. The loss of sediment materials on the ridge as scouring progresses is the main reason for filling becoming increasing longer. (4) The apron plays an important role in the process of jet-flipping. The average time t0 which is the time from the start of a filling phase to the next start of a filling phase, increases exponentially as the apron length decreases. REFERENCES [1] Lim, S.Y. and Yu, G., 2002. “Scouring downstream of Sluice Gate”. Proceedings of First International Conference on Scour of Foundations, Texas, USA, 17-20 November 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 395-409. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 87 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES A DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PORT SELECTION Jasmine Siu Lee LAM (sllam@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The paper presents a web-based decision support system (DSS) for port selection using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology. AHP is able to assist managers in obtaining a detailed understanding of the criteria and address the port selection problem utilising multi-criteria analysis. It shows how technology advancement can bring positive effects on strategic planning of shipping firms. INTRODUCTION Users In liner shipping, service network planning is an important activity. Selecting the candidate calling ports is the first step in service network planning. In practice, the current mode of planning is still to a large extent manual, where considerable professional knowledge and experience is the key driver. This may not be an ideal method when time is of essence and rapid decision making is required to respond to a dynamic market. Therefore, a DSS that can carry out the process more efficiently is of utmost importance. ♦ User Interface (Visual Basic) Port Selection Module (AHP) SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In this paper, we integrate AHP with a DSS using optimisation system development. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt of such an approach. AHP is a multi-objective, multi-criteria theory of measurement. Once the method is integrated with a DSS, it can help players in liner shipping industry to shorten the time needed for making decisions on port selection in service planning by a more robust approach. 88 Difficulties in obtaining data could be a major reason for hindering the application of choice theories (AHP) on port selection. However, the proposed DSS is web-based; therefore it can be accessed by more users and data collection can be carried out faster. Figure 1 shows the proposed overall structure. Being a web-based system, the DSS includes three tiers. The first tier is the interface that interacts with the user. The second layer is the mechanism which handles all the calculations and optimisations. The last tier is the database that stores all the necessary information for processing. VB.net is used to develop the front end of the system, whereas in the second layer, Visual Basic is employed to develop mechanisms to perform simple manipulations of the records and interact with the database, as well as with the optimisation and financial analysis modules. The database, on the other hand, is mainly handled by Microsoft software. We use Access and Excel to maintain all the necessary data. Optimisation Database server Databases (Access, Excel) Figure 1. Decision support system architecture. MODEL AND CASE ILLUSTRATION This section illustrates the port selection procedure inside the DSS. The step-by-step procedure is as follows: 1. Select the regions (or markets) to be covered in the service network. 2. Determine the total number of ports to be visited and the number of ports to be visited in region i (xi). 3. Select the port criteria (j = 1, 2,….N) to be considered and determine the weight of each criterion (wj); the sum of all selected criteria weights must be equal to 1. If the user cannot determine the criteria weights directly, the weights are calculated using pair-wise comparison (from AHP using a nine-scale scoring). In pair-wise comparisons, inconsistency may occur. Therefore, the consistency ratio (CR) is calculated and if CR is greater than 0.1, the pair-wise comparison matrix is revised. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES 4. Retrieve scores to all ports in selected regions and criteria from the ports’ database. The score of port k under criterion j is Skj. 5. The total score of port k (TSk) is the weighted sum of the port’s scores in all criteria. TSk = ∑wjSkj 6. For each region choose xi ports with the highest score. 7. Perform sensitivity analysis if the decision maker wants to know the effects of changing his preference for port criteria, due to, for example, a change in port situation. The second interface is the comparison and prioritization module. The module allows the decision maker to make pair-wise comparisons of the selected criteria, and reports the weight of each criterion and the consistency ratio (CR) using AHP. In this case, the decision maker focuses more on container transhipment and its costs than on port infrastructure. Based on criteria weight calculation in this case, the weight for port infrastructure, port charge and container traffic is 0.2, 0.4 and 0.4 respectively. CR is 0.00, which is less than 0.1 and thus the pair-wise comparison is consistent. Same as criteria selection, different users have different preferences, and thus the other decision makers can change the “Input” data (pair-wise comparisons of the selected criteria) in the module to get the new criteria weights automatically. Case study The system has been tested and validated with an anonymous liner shipping company in real operation mode to ensure that it is suitable for practical operations. The company is an international liner operator with a wide liner service network. In our DSS, there are ten proposed regions: North Asia, East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Pacific, Africa, Europe, Middle East, North America and Latin America. These regions depend on the applicable shipping line network. According to the literature review and interviews with the managers in the company, the following six criteria are included for the port selection analysis: location, port charge, port infrastructure, ship calls, container traffic, and water depth. Selection of the port region, the number of ports visited and the subject criteria to be analyzed is done by the first interface of the system. Through this interface, the decision maker selects the port regions to be served in the liner network analysis by adding a new port region or removing any port region from the port regions list. After selecting port regions to be served, the decision maker chooses the number of ports to be visited in the responding port region and the subjective criteria to be considered for the liner network within these selected port regions. CONCLUSIONS In this system, the most valuable trait is that the user himself can select the port criteria he wants and change the preference of each criterion according to the real situation and company policy. Due to the flexibility of the system, the decision maker in the company can change his preferences case by case, which helps to enhance the service quality of the liner shipping company and get a more competitive position in the dynamic shipping market. The paper shows how technology advancement like utilising DSS can bring positive effects on strategic planning of shipping companies. The work to develop the DSS can be enhanced in future research. Port criteria are essential to select ports and represent an important linkage in the DSS. Marketing theory has pointed out that a customer’s perception of a particular situation is often different from that of another customer. Therefore, future work includes surveying the perspective of the shippers in various port regions, and modifying the system according to the new port criteria in order to give the user more precise choices on port criteria. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In this case, the user of the system needs to choose 3 ports in South Asia and 2 ports in Middle East to serve a liner network. A liner network planning manager (decision maker) in the company bases on company policy and/or his experience and selects three criteria – port infrastructure, port charge and container traffic - to evaluate the ports. Since the criteria selection is based on company’s/ management’s preference, other users can choose different criteria for port evaluation to get different results. In the third interface, port data are retrieved from the database. Thereafter, the ports with the highest overall score in each region are selected. In this case, there are five ports in each region, South Asia and Middle East, respectively. According to the requirement for the number of ports selected in each region, which has been mentioned above, Karachi, Mundra and Nhava Sheeva in South Asia and Aden and Jeddah in Middle East having the highest scores are selected. 89 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATING SYSTEM IN SINGAPORE Cui Yifang (cuiy0003@ntu.edu.sg) Wong Yiik Diew (cydwong@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Dangerous Goods (DG) can lead to serious consequences if improperly managed. Hence, a sound regulating system is needed to safeguard the handling of DG. In Singapore, many international and national regulations have been implemented. Supportive initiatives have also been launched by DG agencies to improve the regulation system. Our research study shows that there are incongruous opinions between industry and regulating agencies concerning Singapore’s DG regulation system. While industry companies aspire for a unified system with one DG agency in charge to reduce confusions existing in the current system, the regulatory bodies have their reasons to retain the multi-agency system as they continue to improve and delegate responsibilities clearly among DG agencies. A common response from the industry interviewees is that there is room to improve the effectiveness of communication between industry and regulating agencies. The agencies shall endeavour to timely inform companies about DG developments. INTRODUCTION Dangerous goods (DG) are radioactive, flammable, explosive or toxic substances and organisms in solid, liquid or gas forms that can cause danger to the public, property and the environment (UOW 2007). As a result, there are a number of regulations covering safe transportation, storage and packaging of DG such as International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Dangerous Goods, Petroleum and Explosives) Regulations. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Globally, DG is heavily regulated especially in Europe as it concerns the health and safety of the population as well as being environmental hazards. Moreover, DG can also become terrorist weapons which could cause potentially dangerous situations with disastrous consequences. 90 In Singapore, DG carriers can be seen frequently on the roads with special signs indicating the specific class of DG on board. Since there is limited geographical space in Singapore, even approved DG vehicles transportation routes cannot avoid the closeness to the residential and central district areas. Furthermore, research shows an increase in frequency of accident occurrences in transportation of DG in Europe and North America regions ever since the beginning of 20th century to 2004 (Planas et al. 2008). Singapore is also exposed to similar hazards from frequent DG transportation and storage given its small land space. The hub-and-spoke system that the port of Singapore has adopted requires an enduring, safe and secure transition of cargoes including DG which is a competitive advantage of Singapore port compared with the others. Therefore, the importance of a well-managed DG system is enormous. In order to safeguard the process of transport, storage and carriage of DG, several governmental agencies in Singapore have launched initiatives including various regulations and applied technologies to help the industry to build up a strong DG logistics chain. At the same time, the DG industry is also paying good attention to the handling process of DG. The objectives of this study are to identify critical issues for DG regulating system in Singapore through a thorough literature review, and to gauge the usefulness and compliance status of DG regulations by assessing the logistics industry’s perceptions on the current regulation system for DG transport in Singapore. The research is within the context of Singapore with focus on transportation and logistics of DG. Relevant regulations and supporting activities are reviewed and profiled; the compliance status and usefulness of regulations, as well as the future trends, are obtained from interviews and survey. METHODOLOGY Primary data for this study were collected through interviews and surveys. Logistics companies in Singapore which are involved in DG transportation or handling were contacted. Interviews were conducted with DG professionals in the logistics companies and DG agencies. Survey questionnaires were posted to DG logistics companies in Singapore. Survey questions were designed in accordance to the objectives of this study. Online survey was also administered on the survey targets. Secondary data collection covered literature reviews of various resources such as databases, journals, books and internet. Secondary data are important to generate supportive evidence and comparative references for this research study. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES LITERATURE AND INTERVIEW FINDINGS Primary activities and supporting activities Several prior studies were assessed in order to understand DG regulating system in Singapore, and thus to identify the critical issues inherent in the system. Primary activities refer to the international and national regulations while supporting activities serve to strengthen implementation of the regulations. The main supporting activities discussed in this study are technology applications such as vehicle tracking devices and web portals, while other supportive initiatives are conferences and responsible care held and promoted by Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC). The characteristics of the primary and secondary activities can be categorised as follows: • General rules and regulations • Classification and labelling of DG • Declaration of DG • Emergency Management • Licensing Control • Health and safety of personnel General system Having adopted a number of international DG rules and regulations, Singapore has steadily improved its DG regulating system and is catching up on European countries. Mr. Jacobsen from Leschaco Pte Ltd observed, during an interview, that Singapore has made considerable progress in the past decade especially in the aspect of warehousing for DG. In general, Singapore has established a relatively sound DG regulating system based on the various regulations and supportive activities promoted by several DG agencies. These regulations cover different aspects of DG transport and logistics which safeguard the DG transport chain within Singapore in air, land and ocean freight. As Mr. Foong from DHL has mentioned, Singapore enjoys a good international reputation with good ratings for quality, technology and extremely low corruption as well as good transportation infrastructure. These performance indicators are important considerations in the management of DG because it gives confidence to customers that DGs are managed in an efficient and effective manner with full compliance to international DG regulations. DG incidents in Singapore A strong emergency response programme is considered as critical for dealing with DG incidents. In Singapore, according to Mr. Kwok of SCDF, there are 4 Hazmat stations located at Alexandra, Jurong Island, Tuas and Tampines. The Hazmat stations together with fire fighting stations and Company Emergency Response Team (CERT) form a strong emergency response team. DG agencies in Singapore The Singapore’s DG regulation system encompasses a multiplicity of agencies (Table 1) which can cause inconvenience for DG handling parties such as manufacturers, carriers and storage providers. Although each agency has clearly-defined roles and responsibilities, there are grey areas in the regulating system due to the complexities of DG properties that result in different standards. Table 1. DG agencies in Singapore. Main DG agencies Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) National Environmental Agency (NEA) Singapore Police Force (SPF) Other DG agencies Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) Health Science Authority (HAS) Singapore Customs (SC) Land Transport Authority (LTA) SPRING Singapore PSA SUMMARY OF SURVEY AND INTERVIEW RESULTS The perspectives of the industry towards the inconvenience inherent in multi-agency regulation system were garnered from the survey. The scope of a compromise between the agencies and the industry towards enhancing the efficiency of Singapore’s DG regulation system was explored. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Internationally, DG accidents occur most frequently in developed countries, especially on highways. The Major Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB) in Europe was established for reporting and analysing DG accidents. In Singapore, as noted by several interviewees, the accident rate is low compared with other developed countries. This may be due to two reasons-one being Singapore’s limited landscape but more importantly, implementation of prevention measures and a well-established regulation framework such that possibility of accident occurrence is minimised. However, without an established accidents reporting system, accurate accident data are not available for analysis. Mr. Tang from DGM Pte Ltd said that the scale of DG incidents in Singapore was usually small and Mr. Heng of SCDF ascribed the principal cause of incidents to human negligence. These categories of initiatives were surveyed by compliance status and usefulness, and the results are presented in the following Survey and Interview Results section. 91 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES continue strengthening the structure, and improving clarity of each agency’s roles and responsibilities. Survey results Most participating companies in the survey are involved in ocean freight, transportation and logistics and almost half of the respondents are handling all 9 classes of DG. The most commonly handled class of DG is class 3 which is flammable liquids. The survey obtained the following observations: a. Most respondents agreed that the numbers of regulations, regulatory agencies and web portals in Singapore are adequate. b. There was contention regarding coverage of the regulations. One in four respondents perceived that the regulations do not fully cover all applicable DG issues; 42% of the respondents considered comprehensive coverage while the remaining 33% of the respondents felt that there were duplications in some areas. c. d. e. Half of the participants rated the regulations as being somewhat useful while the other half rated very useful. Most participants viewed web portals and the vehicle tracking devices as being somewhat useful. Whereas an early study in 2006 indicated deployment level being lower than perceived usefulness level in various categories of activities launched by relevant DG agencies, the present study revealed comparable levels between deployment and usefulness levels, thereby suggesting improvements in the activities of the DG system in Singapore over the past few years. All the R&D needs proposed to the respondents were viewed as important and urgent. These R&D needs included integrated DG regulation system, regulations for post-accident environmental protection, strong accident-reporting system and communication channel between regulatory bodies and industry for relevant DG information updates. In the 2006 study, multiple DG agencies and weak communication in disseminating DG regulation updates were also rated as important weaknesses existing in Singapore. Interview results Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The interview results further complement the survey results from industry and regulatory agencies. 92 a. Interviewees expressed a multitude of opinions regarding the multi-agency issue in Singapore. Interviewees who considered the number of agencies as being too many were principally concerned that there would be some repetition in the works to be done such as when applying for licences, submission of DG manifest, etc. Interviewees who considered the number of agencies as adequate held the view that principal DG regulating agencies, namely the SCDF, NEA and SPF, should not thus pose any big problem. On the other hand, the agencies did not foresee any major change to the current framework, and they would b. Interviewees had different perspectives regarding coverage of regulations. Some perceived grey areas that warranted further clarification by the agencies; some felt that there were duplications in coverage of regulations as well as responsibilities of the agencies. Moreover, as Mr. Jacobsen mentioned, in comparison with Europe, Singapore still needs to establish more regulations, especially certain in-house practices. He suggested that Singapore should introduce a mandatory appointment of a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor, who is trained and certified based on the local and international rules and regulations, similar to the EU practice. c. Interviewees suggested that more educative information could be included in web portals for amateur to learn about DG on-line. Moreover, vehicle tracking devices are only installed on vehicles licensed to carry DG, and non-licensed DG carriers continue to pose threats. d. There was general agreement about the lack of effective communication channel in the DG system. The industry may not have timely awareness of new updates in regulations or functions on the web portals, as a result, some inconvenience would arise. e. The cost associated with compliance of regulations and deployment of technologies was considered relatively high by the interviewees, for example, the infrastructure cost and training cost. However, effectiveness, usefulness and safety considerations seemed more important than cost. Nevertheless, more cost-effective measures should be developed by the agencies for the benefit of the industry. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The major findings from this study on Singapore’s DG regulating system are summarised as follows. First of all, Singapore has an established DG regulation system encompassing different initiatives and agencies. However, in comparison with the European system, there is still space for Singapore to improve further. One major finding is the industry’s claims of multiple DG agencies in Singapore to regulate the system which lead to confusions and time consumption. The industry aspired for an integrated system to make transactions more effective and efficient such as when applying for various licences. Moreover, this can also help companies to reduce consultation times with different agencies when enquiring on DG issues. Contrarily, DG agencies stated that they had recognised the benefit of such system to industry and had discussions on this issue for the past few years. The agencies have decided to maintain a multi-agency framework whereby each agency has DG professionals to deal with specific kind of DG matters. Furthermore, there are only three major DG agencies namely INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES SCDF, NEA and SPF, and they constantly endeavour to define division of roles among each agency clearly for the benefits of industry. The multi-agency approach involving each agency exercising responsibilities for specific DG issues shall be maintained in the foreseeable future. Secondly, one important and urgent demand from the industry is effective communication with the authorities. Updates on the web portals or regulations may not be timely communicated to the industry thereby causing inconvenience and delay. Previously, it was SCIC playing the bridging role in bringing industry and agency personnel together to share opinions and suggestions several times each year. One key initiative should be to promote and enhance connection between the industry and the regulatory bodies to facilitate the process of exchanging information and points of views. Thirdly, by comparing the findings of this study with the 2006 study by Mr. Rajkumar on DG logistics system in Singapore (Rajkuma 2006), there has been better industry compliance with agencies’ initiatives as resulting from the continuous efforts put in by both the companies and the agencies to improve DG system in Singapore. As for further R&D, one potential area is the harmonisation of DG classification system at an international level. As there are two sets of chemical classification systems defined by United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UNRTDG) and United Nations Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), international organisations do aspire and have intention to unify the classifications system so that there is less confusion. This intended action would affect the national standards as many countries are complying with both UNRTDG and GHS. Moreover, Singapore port’s indigenous classification of DG, i.e. the PSA Classes 1, 2 and 3, which only apply in Singapore port may cause misunderstanding by shipper and carriers of DG, especially if they are unfamiliar with the system. This research study has mainly focused on the internal factors, specific to Singapore’s context. Future research studies on DG regulating system should include more external factors such as comparisons with other countries’ DG systems. The advantages and disadvantages of each country’s DG framework can be examined to find the gaps. By analysing both internal and external environments, the structure and content of Singapore’s DG regulating system can be further improved to achieve an even safer and more effective DG regulating system in Singapore. REFERENCES [1] Planas, E., Pastor, E., Presutto, F. and Tixier, J., 2008. “Results of the MITRA project: Monitoring and intervention for the transportation of dangerous goods”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 152(2), 516-526. [2] Rajkumar, T.V., 2006. Analysis of Dangerous Goods Logistics in Singapore. Master of Science (Logistics) dissertation, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, retrieved September 2009. [3] University of Wollongong, 2007. Dangerous Goods, School of Chemistry, Australia: University of Wollongong, retrieved November 2010. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 93 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES DETERMINATION OF COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIDATION BY ROWE CELL Budi Wibawa (cwibawa@ntu.edu.sg) Liyenita Widjaja (liye0002@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Structures built on clay layers will cause consolidation settlement. There are two aspects of consolidation settlement, i.e. the magnitude of settlement that is related to compression index and the rate of settlement corresponding to the coefficient of consolidation. A Rowe cell was used to determine the coefficient of consolidation for both vertical and horizontal flow directions with various drainage conditions. INTRODUCTION Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Structures which are built over soil layers will experience settlements. One of the settlements, consolidation settlement, will mainly occur if the structures rest on saturated clay layers. Consolidation settlement is related to consolidation - a process of reduction of volume due to dissipation of porewater pressure in the clay layers due to induced compression. There are two aspects of the consolidation settlement - the magnitude and rate of settlement. The magnitude of the consolidation settlement is related to compression index, whereas the rate of settlement corresponds to coefficient of consolidation. The coefficient of consolidation is a measure of the rate of consolidation or the rate of water flow inside the soil, which is used to determine consolidation time. In this article, our focus will be on the determination of the coefficient of consolidation of saturated clay. 94 Terzaghi et al (1967) indicated that both permeability (k) and coefficient of compressibility (mv) decrease rapidly with decreasing void ratio so that the ratio (k/mv) tends to be constant; hence, the coefficient of consolidation in vertical flow direction (cv) is fairly constant over a wide range of effective vertical consolidation pressures. However, based on a study conducted by Robinson & Allam (1998) on the effect of clay mineralogy on the coefficient of consolidation, it was found that cv is not constant, but varies with consolidation pressures. It was also found that the compressibility of clays is influenced by both mechanical and physicochemical effects (Mesri & Olson, 1970), depending on the type of mineral, saturating cation and the pore fluid. Sridharan et al. (2004) observed that soil with lesser shrinkage index or plasticity index shows an increasing trend of cv versus vertical effective stress (σv’), but for higher shrinkage index or plasticity index, there is a decreasing trend of cv versus σv’ for soils of nearly the same liquid limit. In a saturated clay layer, water may flow in both horizontal and vertical directions during consolidation process. The rate of flow of water in vertical and horizontal directions contributes to the overall rate of consolidation indicating the need of the determination of both coefficients of consolidation, cv and ch. While cv is usually determined by a conventional oedometer test, ch cannot be done by this test; therefore a Rowe Consolidation Cell (Rowe and Barden, 1966) was used instead of the oedometer, to determine the coefficient of consolidation. Hence, the objective of this article is to determine the coefficients of consolidation of clay in both vertical and horizontal directions using the Rowe cell for various drainage conditions. EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSION Material Kaolin was used for the experiments. Tests on basic properties of soil were done in accordance to BS: 1377 – Part 2. The soil properties are Specific gravity (2.65), Liquid Limit (76.5%) and Plasticity Index (27.3%). Three tests to determine coefficient of consolidation were conducted, i.e. single drainage, double drainage and radial drainage conditions. Single drainage The values of cv are found to be in the range of 8.05×10-7 to 4.33×10-6 m2/s. Although Terzaghi assumed the permeability (k) and the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) to be constant, during consolidation process, as water is being squeezed out from the soil, the permeability of the soil will decrease, as well as the coefficient of compressibility. However, the rate of decrease of permeability and compressibility may not be the same (Robinson & Allam, 1998), and the difference in the rate affects the trend of cv. In this experiment, the trend of cv tends to increase in the early stage of the consolidation up to a certain value, and then decrease. This may be due to a larger rate of decrease of permeability as compared to the decrease of compressibility. When this trend occurs, even if there is a decrease in both permeability and compressibility, the ratio of the rate may give an increase to the cv. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Double drainage CONCLUSIONS For double drainage tests, the trend of cv is found to have nearly the same trend as that of single drainage, but it has a slightly lower value. The values of cv are in the range of 5.19×10-7 to 1.65×10-6 m2/s. During consolidation process, both permeability and compressibility reduce with increasing effective consolidation pressure. The reason for this trend may be due to the significant difference between the rates of decrease of permeability as compared to the rate of decrease of the coefficient of compressibility. In the early stage of consolidation, the rate where permeability decreases is larger than the rate of decrease of the compressibility. When the rate is almost the same, the ratio is constant and it will cause the cv to decrease with increasing effective pressure. The soil properties as compared to the specimen of Sridharan (2004) are similar. As the soil specimen has a higher liquidity index (IL) when cv is directly proportional to IL, consequently, the calculated values of cv in this experiment are higher than that of Sridharan (2004). In this study, Rowe consolidation cell was used to overcome the major disadvantages of conventional oedometer test. Rowe cell allows a larger sample size, which is very advantageous in the case of testing a non-uniform soil sample. On top of that, the application of load is simpler, and it allows a control of drainage. The coefficient of consolidation in the vertical flow direction range is to be from 8.05×10-7 to 4.33×10-6 m2/s in the single drainage condition and from 5.09×10-7 to 1.65×10-6 m2/s in the double drainage condition. Radial drainage [1] Chu, J., Myint, W.B., Chang, M.F. and Choa, V., 2002. “Consolidation and permeability properties of Singapore marine clay”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 9, pp. 724-732. The coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal flow direction (ch) has a range between 4.29×10-7 and 7.85×10-7 m2/s. It was found that ch shows a decreasing trend with increasing effective consolidation pressure, and generally lower value than that of cv. The decrease is noted to be more visible in low pressure range, whereas in high pressure, it tends to increase. As compared to the research on Singapore marine clay done by Chu et al. (2002), the values of ch of kaolin in this study are found to be higher than Singapore marine clay. However, the trend of ch with respect to effective consolidation pressure is in a good agreement with previous findings. As the effective consolidation pressure increases, both permeability and compressibility will also decrease. In this case, it is probable that the rate of decrease of permeability and compressibility are relatively the same, which leads to a decrease in coefficient of consolidation. The different value may be due to the difference in the nature of the soil. In addition, the coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal flow direction is found to be from 4.29×10-7 to 7.85×10-7 m2/s in the radial drainage condition. REFERENCES [2] Mesri, G. and Olson, R., 1970. “Mechanisms Controlling the Compressibility of Clays”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 96, pp. 1853-1878. [3] Robinson, R. and Allam, M., 1998. “Effect of clay mineralogy on coefficient of consolidation”. Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 596-600. [4] Rowe, P. and Barden, L., 1966. “A new consolidation cell”. Géotechnique, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 162-169. [5] Sridharan, A. and Nagaraj, H., 2004. “Coefficient of consolidation and its correlation with index properties of remolded soils”. Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 469-474. [6] Terzaghi, K., Peck, R.B. and Mesri, G., 1996. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. New York: Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 95 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES ON CLIMATE GOALS – SINGAPORE AND GERMANY IN COMPARISON Rainer WITZIG (rainer.witzig@tum.de) WONG Yiik Diew (cydwong@ntu.edu.sg) CHANG Wei-Chung Victor (WCChang@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: We create a model to simulate the effects of a large number of electric vehicles (EVs) on energy demand and CO2-emissions. The model reflects the impacts on electricity demand, the structure of power plants, electricity price, and the price elasticity of cars. We compared the reduction potential of energy demand and emission in Germany and Singapore. The simulations show a greater potential to reduce energy demand by using EVs in Singapore than in Germany. The main reason for this is the higher specific energy demand of conventional cars for solely urban use in Singapore. However, introducing emission-free power plants in Singapore could improve the CO2-balance further. INTRODUCTION The intensifying climate change comes along with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. The transport sector’s substantial role in this context leads to the imperative to decrease the energy demand in transportation considerably. The changeover from cars with combustion engines to electric vehicles (EVs) is currently strongly supported by politics in many countries, and justified with the positive effects on climate goals that would come with it (GEA 2009). This raises high expectations of EVs’ green benefits in media, industries, societies and lobby groups. We analysed EVs’ actual impact on climate goals, as well as its side effects, comparing different scenarios in Singapore and Germany. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 THE EVICE MODEL 96 An argument for the proliferation of electric vehicles in replacement of fossil fuel-driven vehicles is the comparably low energy demand for the end user and the theoretical option to operate EVs independently of fossil fuels. Also, due to the current electricity price, operational costs driving an EV would be much cheaper compared to a conventional car. However, this could also result in an increasing vehicle mileage. The future structure of power plants which would be necessary to meet the increasing demand of electricity is another important variable to be analysed. In turn, these factors would counterbalance today’s linear estimations regarding CO2-emissions, electricity price and demand of fossil fuels. We developed the EVICE model (electric vehicles’ impact on climate change and energy demand) for further inspections. This model contains the feedback of electricity demand, electricity price, price elasticity of mobility and the changing mileage. The model allows simulations up to the year 2020. A basic scheme of the EVICE model is shown in Figure 1. Firstly, we estimate the mileage of private car traffic in Singapore and Germany for the next 10 years. In different scenarios we assume different numbers of EV entering the market. These substitute conventional cars with a given share of urban /interurban use. Based on these parameters, we compute the electricity demand which is necessary to meet the energy demand for EVs. The model also computes the costs to produce electricity, which is one of the two main parameters to calculate the operating costs of EVs (Roth 2009). Since the travel costs driving an EV will differ significantly to travel costs with a conventional car, the driving performance will alter. We model this effect using a given price elasticity for fuel price. The new mileage EVs results in an electricity demand different to our first assumption. Feeding in the new data of electricity demand, we start an iteration of the steps as shown in Figure 1. After obtaining equilibrium we are able to compute final results for CO2emissions, energy demand, mileage and travel cost for EVs and conventional cars, respectively. SCENARIOS In a reference scenario, we assume no EV in Germany or Singapore in the next 10 years. This allows us to compare the results of different settings. In different scenarios we simulate a substitution of 10% or 100% of conventional cars by EVs. Whereas the first case seems to be realistic, the last scenario is not lifelike. However, this scenario helps to illustrate the maximum potential of EV’s use. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Figure 1. Scheme of the EVICE model. We also assume a yearly increase of gasoline price by 6% according to estimations of the German Institute for Economic Research (Hunsicker andSommer 2008). However, we also simulate scenarios with different rates and elasticities. Further parameters taken into account include today’s and future battery costs, average fuel consumption of Germany’s car fleet, share of EVs’ urban/interurban use, timeslots for charging, durability of batteries, as well as additional taxes for fuel or electricity. The importance of these parameters will be discussed in a following sensitivity analysis. mileage. In the scenario with 100% replacement of cars, it would increase by 9% - 27%, depending on the fuel price elasticity. However, in the more realistic scenario with a 10%-replacement, the increase in mileage is between 1% and 7% in both countries (see Figure 2). Singapore 13.5 13.0 mileage [billion vkm] One important input parameter is the fuel price elasticity for car use. We assume this value to be -0.05, according to over 100 empirical estimations (Forschung-InformationsSystem 2009). 12.5 12.0 0% 11.5 10% 11.0 100% 10.5 10.0 9.5 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Germany 700 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS First results of the EVICE simulation show that in both countries the low electricity price would lead to increasing 660 640 0% 620 10% 600 100% 580 560 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 year Figure 2. Mileage in Singapore and Germany. The potential savings in energy demand in the 10%-scenario are marginal in Germany. In Singapore on the other side, where the average fuel consumption of cars is higher, the savings would be 6%, and even 57% in case of a total substitution by EVs. In Germany, the according values are 0.5% and 32% (see Figure 3). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In different scenarios we simulate the impact of a substitution of 10% and 100% of conventional cars by EVs in Singapore and Germany. Germany’s composition of power plants today consists of nearly 20% renewable energy resources, which makes the use of EVs environmentally friendlier. In Singapore on the other hand, the main benefit of EVs is the fact that the average fuel consumption of conventional cars is significantly higher than in Germany. The reason for this disparity is not the quality of the car fleet, but the solely urban use of cars, which comes along with higher specific energy demand. mileage [billion vkm] 680 97 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES SENSITIVITIES OF UNKNOWN PARAMETERS Figure 3. Primary Energy Demand for motorized vehicles in Singapore and Germany. The CO2 emissions of EV depend on the type of power plant which is used to generate the electricity. The environmental friendly mix in Germany cannot come up for a 100% replacement of cars by EVs. In consequence, new coal fuelled power plants would have to be built. This shortcoming limits the maximum potential of emission savings to 37%. In the Singapore case, the CO2 savings potential behaves almost linear to the energy demand – its maximum potential is around 62%. This can be achieved by continuously using oil and gas fuelled plants. Introducing emission free power plants, this value could even be higher (see Figure 4). EVICE uses many input parameters which are afflicted with uncertainty. These include the future fuel price, battery costs, fuel consumption of the car fleet, timeslots for charging, restrictions of CO2-emissions for Germany’s power plants, durability of batteries, as well as additional taxes for fuel or electricity. We want to analyze the importance of these variables to the final result. Therefore we run several simulations, consecutively changing single parameters and calculate each parameter’s sensitivity. In these simulations, the reference scenario will be the 10%-replacement of cars by EVs. The final result which we take for comparison is the primary energy demand in private transport in 2020. We compute the sensitivities η using the mean arc elasticity function: Q2 – Q1 (Q2 + Q1)/2 ηQ,P = P2 – P1 (P2 + P1)/2 ηQ,P : Q1 : Q2 : P1 : P2 : elasticity of changing parameter primary energy demand in10%-scenario primary energy demand with parameter P2 parameter in 10%-scenario new parameter We observe a high relevance of the annual rise in fuel price, fuel consumption of the conventional car fleet and the fuel price elasticity. The other parameters mentioned above play an insignificant role in the overall outcome. CONCLUSIONS Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 We created the EVICE model in order to simulate the change of all relevant variables when using a large number of EVs in Singapore and Germany. This includes electricity demand, the structure of power plants, electricity price, price elasticity of car use and others. In iterations we calculated the change of each parameter and its impact on the others, until equilibrium is reached. 98 Figure 4. CO2-emission of motorized vehicles in Singapore and Germany. The simulations show a greater potential to reduce energy demand by using EVs in Singapore than in Germany. The main reason for this disparity is the higher specific energy demand of conventional cars in the solely urban use in Singapore. We also observe a greater potential in Singapore to reduce CO2-emissions compared to Germany. The environmental friendly power plants in Germany have reached the limits of their capacities since not many more wind, water and solar power plants can be built in the future. In Singapore, on the other hand, introducing emission free power plants could improve the CO2-balance even more. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES The sensitivity analysis showed that the parameters with the biggest impact in this model are the annual rise in fuel price, the fuel consumption of the conventional car fleet and the fuel price elasticity. Further research is needed to understand the exact reaction of passengers to fuel price changes. REFERENCES [1] Forschung-Informations-System. Elastizitäten der Kraftstoffpreise. http://www.forschungsinformationssystem. de/. 03.06.2009 [2] GEA (2009). Electric Vehicles and CO2 Emissions. [3] Hunsicker, F. and Sommer, C. (2008). “Welche Zukunft darf’s denn sein?” Internationales Verkehrswesen Nr. 9, 334-335. [4] Roth, H. (2009). “Optimierung der Kraftwerkparkentwicklung”. Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft und Anwendungstechnik, TU München. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 99 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES MARITIME STUDIES DEGREE PROGRAMMES IN SHIPPING MANAGEMENT -AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON Gou Xueni (goux0001@ntu.edu.sg) Wong Yiik Diew (cydwong@ntu.edu.sg) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 ABSTRACT: World GDP is increasing and international seaborne trade is expanding momentously. Shipping, shipping education and training have evolved into global and sophisticated businesses. Several maritime degree programmes are offered by universities around the world for training shipping management personnel who are knowledgeable in both vessel operations and shore-side business. This study reviews 22 relevant shipping management bachelor degree programmes around the world. The interactive factors include maritime heritage, economic development, seaborne trade and maritime business. The educational structures and overall academic disciplines of an institution also have impact on the academic content of these programmes. 100 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC GROWTH AND MARITIME BUSINESS MARITIME BUSINESS AND SHIPPING MANAGEMENT DEGREE PROGRAMMES Trade and shipping businesses have always been important enablers of wealth and growth. International trade has expanded by more than 1,700% over the second half of the 20th century in volume terms (WTO, 2010). Although world GDP experienced a steady growth over time, international merchandise trade has roughly tripled in importance compared with the economy as a whole (The World Bank, 2010). It is generally accepted that more than 90% of global trade is carried by sea. Seaborne trade worldwide has been growing very rapidly in recent 55 years from 500 million tonnes in 1950 to 7 billion tonnes in 2005 (UN, 2008). Many academies have existed for a long time in training mariners. As the maritime business evolves, some of these mariners make career transitions from the sea to the shore to helm shore-side shipping businesses. In light of highly integrated shipping industry, a number of academic programmes have flourished to train shipping management personnel. This is evidenced by the existence and development of maritime degree programmes in shipping management in various universities and institutes throughout the world. Maritime trade is dominated by three economic centres, viz Europe, North America and Asia, strung out along a “Westline”. It is the line along which the commercial centre of maritime trade has moved west over the last century of maritime business. The recent fast growth in seaborne trade stems especially from Asian countries. Although European countries keep a large share of seaborne trade, the growth rate is relatively slow and sea trade volume has remained static. In terms of fleet tonnage, based on total deadweight ton (DWT) controlled as a percentage of world fleet by parent companies located in different countries and territories, the top 35 countries control 94.0% and 95.6% of world fleet as end of 1998 and 2008, respectively. The ship owning business tends to converge within a small number of countries, among which Asian countries take an increasing share from 38.6% to 44.8% (UNCTAD, 2009). In order to have a detailed understanding of the shipping management programmes, a sample of 22 programmes is selected for a substantial analysis, taking into consideration a combination of factors such as the national economies, maritime heritage, and institutions’ academic disciplines and curriculum structures. ANALYSIS Shipping management programmes and maritime tradition, economic growth, merchandise trade Tradition plays a major part in most European maritime nations. Germany stands out as it experiences fast GDP growth over the last decade and its merchandise trade as a percentage of GDP is also increasing. Additionally, based on World Bank Logistics Performance Index 2009, Germany has replaced Singapore ranking as world No. 1 (The World Bank LPI, 2009). INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Table 1. Institutions and degree programmes selected for analysis. No. Country/Institute/Degree Programme No. Country/Institute/Degree Programme 1 Greece/ University of Piraeus/ Maritime Studies (4 years) 12 Philippines/ Asian Institute of Maritime Studies/ Maritime Business (4 years) 2 Cyprus/ Frederick Institute of Technology/ Maritime Studies (4 years) 13 Taiwan/ National Taiwan Ocean University/ Shipping & Transportation Management (4 years) 3 UK/ University of Plymouth/ Maritime Business & Logistics (3 years) 14 PRC/ Shanghai Maritime University/ Shipping Management (4 years) 4 Germany/ University of Applied Science OOW/ Maritime Economics & Port Management (4 years) 15 Thailand/ Burapha University/ Maritime Management 5 UK/ Southampton Solent University/ Maritime Business (3 years) 16 Japan/ Kobe University/ Maritime Logistics 6 UK/ Liverpool John Moores University/ Maritime Business & Management (3 years) 17 PRC-HK/ Hong Kong Polytechnic University/ International Shipping & Transport Logistics (3 years) 7 USA/ State University of New York/ Maritime Studies (4 years) 18 Taiwan/ Kainan University/ Logistics & Shipping Management (4 years) 8 USA/ California Maritime Academy/ International Business & Logistics (4 years) 19 Singapore/ Nanyang Technological University/ Maritime Studies (4 years) 9 USA/ Massachusetts Maritime Academy/ International Maritime Business (4 years) 20 Singapore/ Nanyang Technological University/ Maritime Studies with Business Major (4 years) 10 USA/ Texas A&M University at Galveston/ Maritime Administration (4 years) 21 Australia/ University of Tasmania/ Maritime & Logistics Management (3 years) 11 Canada/ Memorial University of Newfoundland/ Maritime Studies (diploma+1 year) 22 Egypt/ Arab Academy of Science, Technology & Maritime Transport/ Management of Trade Logistics & International Transport (4 years) Japan outstands in Asia with very high GDP. It gained maritime power at almost the same time as the West. Economic independence after WWII has necessitated the rapid advancement and expansion of the sea transportation industry in Japan. It ranks No. 1 as of end of 2008 controlling the largest merchant fleet in the world. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are Newly Industrialising Economies (NIE) in Asia. They are all surrounded by sea and control a large fleet by DWT. For Hong Kong and Singapore, there is a huge amount of merchandise trade as a percentage of GDP. Because of their strategic positions, they are striving to become the regional as well as international maritime centre. China has indeed a very long maritime history. Compounded by its rapid growth in GDP and international merchandise trade since joining WTO in 2001, China is emerging as a major maritime nation. Over 90% of its foreign trade volume is transported by sea and shipping on sea and on river also plays an important role for domestic traffic. Its merchant fleet also ranks among one of the world’s largest five. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Among all the countries where the selected programmes are offered, the US has the highest GDP but the lowest merchandise trade as a percentage of GDP. Despite the small percentage, the absolute amount of merchandise trade, or more specifically seaborne trade, is not little at all. Of US foreign trade, waterborne trade as a percentage of all modes trade has increased steadily from 2003 to 2008 in value terms. Domestic waterborne trade is comparable to its international trade (U.S. Department of Transportation). As perceived by Texas A&M University at Galveston, “activity in American ports is expected to more than double in the next 20 years, and some ports in the Gulf of Mexico are expected to see a tripling of port activity”. In addition, the next 40 years will see greatly expanded oil and gas production in the deep waters of the western Gulf of Mexico (Texas A&M University at Galveston). 101 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Course categorisation Analysis in groups The courses within each programme are categorised into maritime-technology, business-management, hybrid and general. Maritime Technology (M-T) courses are courses which are specific to those in shipping and would not normally be offered in other programmes, e.g. Ship Technology, Maritime Transportation, etc. Business Management (B-M) courses are courses that are typically found in business and management programmes, e.g. Accounting, Economics, etc. Hybrid courses are those courses that have elements of both M-T and B-M contents, e.g. Shipping Economics, Maritime Law, etc. General courses refer to courses that are not specific to any degree programmes whereby the basic premise is for education broadening, e.g. Physics, Chemistry, etc. All the figures are expressed percentagewise below. The academic units for each course are directly available according to the course content descriptions. Academic units for each type of courses are then summed and shown as a percentage of the total academic units required for the corresponding programme, as illustrated in Figure 1. The selected programmes are classified into three groups (Figure 1). Group A (No. 8-10, 12-14, 22) includes programmes which are offered in independent maritime institutes, Group B (No. 5-7, 11, 15, 21) consists of programmes that are offered by maritime colleges or academies within comprehensive universities, and Group C (No. 1-4, 16-20) comprises programmes in comprehensive universities which do not have any specific maritime college or academy (with one exception: No. 1 is offered by a university as a principally business discipline). As an overview, B-M and Hybrid courses are the dominant course types. B-M courses dominate in Group A; while B-M and Hybrid courses dominate in Groups B and C. Group C has more M-T courses as compared with the other two groups. The universities/institutes without much maritime background may place more focus on shipping knowledge as compared to the traditional maritime academies. While, with plenty of expertise in the technical aspects of shipping, it seems more meaningful for the maritime academies or colleges to put in more efforts on the business areas. For the independent maritime institutes (Group A), even the Hybrid category is emphasized to a lesser extent. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 A notable feature of Group A is that General courses have taken a fairly large weightage. These include 3 programmes (No. 8-10) selected from the USA and 1 each from China and Philippines. This is mainly due to the educational systems in the respective countries which give much focus on the general tertiary education. This is evidenced by No. 7 programme under Group B which is offered in the USA by SUNY Maritime College, part of a comprehensive university now, and it has heavy General course content as well. Meanwhile, this programme has clearly more General courses and Hybrid courses but fewer B-M courses when compared with the other 3 USA programmes. Drawing from this case, it is perceived that the composite and organisation of the education systems certainly have some impact on the structures of various shipping programmes. 102 As for the extraordinariness of programme No. 16, it is worthwhile to point out more background information. Although Kobe University is considered as a comprehensive university with no specific maritime college or academy, the Faculty of Maritime Science (established in 2003) indeed can be traced back to 1917 with its origin as Kawasaki Merchant Marine School. It was nationalised in 1920 as Kobe Nautical College and later united with other two nautical colleges in Tokyo and Shimizu to become as Kobe National College (Kobe University). In this sense, the Kobe University should have plenty of expertise and resources in M-T education which they exploit to the extent that they outstand in M-T courses weightage among other comprehensive universities. Figure 1. Course content by groups. To further gauge the breadth and depth of maritime and business knowledge in different shipping management INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Figure 2. Comparison of M-T content and B-M content. programmes, comparison is made on the basis of a conceptual framework as developed by Leong, Wong & Williams (2009). Academic units for Hybrid courses are divided equally between the M-T and B-M categories while general courses are excluded in this comparison. The percentages are calculated and shown in Figure 2. Generally speaking, B-M content is being given more attention than M-T content. CONCLUSIONS [1] Kobe University. Retrieved on 12 May, 2010 from http://www. maritime.kobe-u.ac.jp/maritime_e/history.html [2] Leong, E.C., Wong, Y.D. and Williams, E.C., 2009. Conceptual Framework for Comparing University Baccalaureate Programmes in Shipping Management. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 8(1): 47-58. [3] Texas A&M University at Galveston. Retrieved on 31 May, 2010 from http://www.tamug.edu/mara/academic%20 program. htm [4] The World Bank Statistics, 2010. Retrieved on 26 June, 2010 from http://databank.worldbank.org/ddp/home.do?Step=12 andid= 4&CNO=2 [5] UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport, 2009. Retrieved on 26 June, 2010 from www.unctad.org/en/docs/rmt2009_ en.pdf [6] United Nations Statistical Yearbook, 2008. 52nd Issue. United Nations: New York. [7] U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration, 2009. U.S. Water Transportation Statistical Snapshot. Retrieved on 20 May, 2010 from http://www.marad. dot.gov/documents/ US_Water_Transportation_Statistical_snapshot.pdf [8] The World Bank Logistics Performance Index, 2009. Retrieved on 26 June, 2010 from http://info.worldbank.org/etools/ tradesurvey/mode1b.asp#ranking [9] WTO Statistics, 2010. Retrieved on 26 June, 2010 from http:// www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/its2010_e/its2010_e.pdf Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 There are strong interdependent links between economic growth, global trade, seaborne trade and maritime transport service. With transformation of the management structures in the shipping industry, the education system for training shipping management personnel has evolved and will continue to evolve. The westerly shift of maritime power has prompted the establishment of various shipping management programmes in Europe, North America, Asia and elsewhere. They are offered in maritime academies as well as universities and institutes. A substantial sample of 22 shipping management bachelor degree programmes is selected for an international comparison. The interactive factors include maritime heritage, economic development, seaborne trade and maritime business. Business content is paid greater attention, and Hybrid courses provide an integrated means to bridge the general business and maritime business. In essence, the academic content of the different shipping management programmes varies depending on the respective educational structures and overall academic disciplines of an institution. REFERENCES 103 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES P-WAVE VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS IN SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Wong Ngai Yuen Louis (LNYWong@ntu.edu.sg) Zhang Xiaoping (ZhangX.P@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: We investigated the P-wave velocity of sedimentary rocks, including sandstone and siltstone, in natural water content and saturated conditions. The P-wave velocity measurements indicated that the anisotropic characteristics of siltstone were more significant than that of sandstone. The correlation between P-wave velocity and uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) was also studied. INTRODUCTION As part of the on-going experimental studies to characterize the mechanical behavior of the sedimentary rocks in Singapore, P-wave velocity tests were conducted. This non-destructive geophysical testing method offers a reliable means to reveal the anisotropic nature in the rocks. It also has a promising potential to serve as a quick means to correlate the strength of the rocks with the measured P-wave velocity. Two major rock types, siltstone and sandstone, were tested. To help reveal rock anisotropy characteristics, P-wave velocity tests were conducted in a direction generally parallel to the sedimentary plane (θ=0°) and perpendicular to the sedimentary plane (θ=90°). The definition of θ is shown in Fig. 1. Receiver Specimen Transmiter © Se dim ent ar y p la ne Figure. 1 Schematic illustration of P-wave velocity test. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 METHODOLOGY 104 Principle Ultrasonic techniques are widely used in geotechnical and rock mechanics applications as they are non-destructive and easy to apply in both site and laboratory conditions. The sound velocity of a rock mass is closely related to the intact rock properties. Measuring the velocity in rock masses can interrogate the rock structure and texture. The important influencing factors are rock type, mineralogical composition, rock texture and structure, grain size and shape, density, porosity, anisotropy, porewater, weathering and alteration, bedding planes, joint properties (roughness, filling material, water, dip and strike, etc.), in addition to confining pressure and temperature. Except in the immediate vicinity of the seismic source, i.e. transmitter, the strains associated with the passage of seismic pulse are minute and may be assumed to be elastic. Based on this assumption, the propagation velocities of seismic pulse are determined by the elastic moduli and densities of the materials through which they pass. The velocity of propagation of a compressional body wave, i.e. P-wave (Vp) in any material is given by E Vp = √ p …(1) where E is the Young’s modulus and ρ is density of material. The velocity of a shear body wave (Vs), which involves a pure shear strain, is given by Vp = √ G p …(2) where G is the shear modulus. Since the first transmitted arrival wave is the P-wave, its detection is relatively easy. The shear-wave arrival, however, may be obscured by vibrations due to ringing of the transducers and reflections of the compression wave. Therefore P-wave (compression wave) is more favorably used in laboratory rock testing. A number of studies have found that P-wave velocity and rock properties are closely related. From testing of nineteen different rock types, Kýlýç and Teymen (2008) obtained the correlation between P-wave velocity and mechanical properties, which includes UCS (Fig. 2a), indirect tensile strength (Fig. 2b) and loss of volume (Fig. 2c). The latter is a measure of abrasion resistance. Kahraman and Yeken (2008) also identified strong correlations between P-wave velocity and physical properties of rock, which includes density, porosity, void ratio, water absorption by weight based on fourteen different carbonate rocks. Methodology The instrument used for the present P-wave velocity measurement was the CNS Farnell Pundit Plus (Model PC1006), as shown in Figure 3. CNS Farness ultrasound couplant was applied at the end faces to facilitate the coupling effect between the rock core and the sensors. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Figure 3. Experimental set-up for P-wave velocity measurement. (a) measurements were conducted in 92 specimens, in which 47 of them can be classified as siltstone (or siltstone with occasional beds of sandstone), while 45 of them can be classified as sandstone. The specimens are either of natural water content (considered to be in dry condition) or in wet condition. The wet specimens had been immersed in water under a vacuum condition for 26 days before the P-wave velocity measurement was performed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (b) P-wave velocity measurements The test results of the P-wave velocity measurements are summarized in Table 1. In general, the average Pwave velocity values in sandstone are higher than those in siltstone, in orientation both along and normal to the sedimentary planes. (c) Figure 2. Empirical relationships between direct P-wave velocity and (a) uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), (b) indirect tensile strength and (c) loss of volume (Kýlýç and Teymen, 2008). The P-wave velocity was calculated from the following equation: Vp = d/tp …(3) where Vp is the P-wave velocity, d is the length of the specimen and tp is the time taken by the P-wave to travel across the specimen from transmitter to receiver. The Correlation with rock strength Correlations of the P-wave velocity with the strength values of the rock specimen were also attempted in the present study. The first correlation was based on the empirical relationships of equations (4) and (5) provided by Kýlýç and Teymen (2008), as shown in Fig. 2, for the prediction of the uniaxial compression strength (σc) and the tensile strength (σt). The results are listed in Table 2. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The testing procedures were in general accordance with the first method contained in the “Suggested Methods for Determining Sound Velocity” of Ulusay and Hudson (2007). For siltstone of natural water content, along the sedimentary plane (θ=0°), the average velocity is 5679.3 m/s, which is higher than that of normal condition (θ=90°) – 5405.6 m/s. For sandstone of natural water content, the velocities in both directions are close to each other, 5838.5 m/s and 5829.9 m/s respectively. The relatively larger difference of P-wave velocity in the two measured orientations of siltstone compared to that in sandstone may be attributed to the stronger degree of anisotropy in siltstone than in sandstone. In soaked condition, the average P-wave velocities of siltstone & sandstone in orientation both along and perpendicular to the sedimentary plane all increased as compared to the dry condition. The Vps/Vpd ratio is also computed for reference (Table 1). 105 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Table 1. P-wave velocities in siltstone and sandstone. P-wave velocities (m/s) θ Natural water content (Vpd) Soaked (Vps) 5687.6 5520.9 Maximum 90° Siltstone 0° 90° Sandstone 0° Minimum 5126.0 5259.6 Average 5405.6 (16) 5426.0 (12) Maximum 5869.0 5986.2 Minimum 5571.0 5575.7 Average 5679.3 (11) 5732.8 (8) Maximum 6030.5 5878.5 5585.6 5796.1 Average 5829.9 (16) 5845.6 (12) Maximum 5995.8 6070.9 5611.2 5757.1 Average 5838.5 (9) 5921.8 (8) 1.004 1.009 Minimum Minimum Vps / Vpd 1.003 1.014 Note: the number in parenthesis after each average velocity value indicates the number of specimens measured in each group. σc = 2.304Vp2.4315 (R2=0.94) …(4) σt = 0.49 Vp1.8723 (R2=0.92) …(5) The average UCS values of siltstone obtained from correlation are 139.4 MPa and 157.2 MPa for θ=90o and 0o respectively. For sandstone, the correlated UCS values are 167.6 MPa and 168.2 MPa for θ=90o and 0o respectively. For both siltstone and sandstone, the UCS values obtained based on the correlation appear to be lower than those obtained from the previous UCS experiments performed on similar rock types (Ma et al., 2010). A major reason is that the empirical relations, which serve as a basis for the above prediction (Table 2), is derived from a data set consisting of nineteen different rock types, instead of the sedimentary rock types specifically tested in this project. Table 2. Estimated UCS and σt based on average P-wave velocity measurements. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Siltstone 106 Sandstone θ P-wave velocity (m/s) Estimated UCS (MPa) Estimated σt (MPa) 90° 5405.6 139.4 11.5 0° 5679.3 157.2 12.7 90° 5829.9 167.6 13.3 0° 5838.6 168.2 13.3 A second approach of correlation, which was based on the experimental results previously obtained by NTU (Ma et al., 2010), was also attempted. In this previous study, twenty specimens equally divided into four groups were tested, which included dry siltstone, saturated siltstone, dry sandstone and saturated sandstone. The P-wave velocity measurements and UCS values are reproduced in Table 3 and table 4 respectively. Note: Three specimens failing at a very low load level due to the presence of pre-existing fractures were not included in the present analysis. Because of the lack of sandstone Table 3. Test results of P-wave velocity (Ma et al., 2010). Siltstone Sandstone Specimen number Saturated condition Dry condition 1 5000 4761 2 5263 5000 3 5263 5000 4 5000 4761 5 5882 5555 Ave 5282 5015 1 5555 5263 2 5263 5000 3 5882 5555 4 5263 5000 5 5555 5263 Ave 5504 5216 specimens in this batch, three specimens, A3, A4 and A5 tested in the previous phase were included in the present analysis. The UCS (MPa) data and the P-wave velocity (m/s) data are plotted in Figures 4 and 5. Due to the substantial degree of scattering, and most importantly very small sample size (only 5 in each group), a statistically significant correlation cannot be derived with confidence. To obtain an acceptable correlation the sample size has to be increased, which will be the scope of work in the near future. CONCLUSIONS The P-wave velocity tests were conducted on 92 specimens, in which 47 of them can be classified as siltstone (or siltstone with occasional beds of sandstone), while 45 of them can be classified as sandstone. Specimens of either natural water content (dry condition) or in wet condition were tested. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Table 4. Test results of uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for siltstone and sandstone (Ma et al., 2010). Sandstone Siltstone No. Stress (MPa) Strain (%) Young’s Modules (GPa) No. Stress (MPa) Strain (%) Young’s Modules (GPa) I* 171.09 0.28 65.41 AI* 293.17 0.38 79.97 I2 164.83 0.30 57.51 A2 341.90 0.44 80.73 I3 204.67 0.34 64.75 A3 298.90 0.41 73.56 223.34 0.38 71.60 I4 180.23 0.31 60.64 A4 I5 219.25 0.38 58.41 A5 192.31 0.26 75.04 Ave 188.01 0.32 61.34 Ave 269.92 0.37 76.18 SI1** 123.02 0.23 59.54 SA1** 232.02 0.23 76.18 SI2 138.45 0.28 61.13 SA2 241.19 0.37 75.31 SI3 128.67 0.28 61.81 SA3 298.43 0.43 76.79 SI4 127.01 0.24 56.04 SA4 231.67 0.35 75.77 SI5 125.89 0.26 62.29 SA5 271.47 0.41 74.83 Ave 128.61 0.26 50.16 Ave 254.96 0.38 75.74 *Dry condition **Saturated condition *Dry condition **Saturated condition The P-wave velocity measurements indicate that the Pwave velocity in sandstone is generally higher than that in siltstone. Based on the previous correlation by Kýlýç and Teymen (2008) and other similar studies, the uniaxial compressive strength is expected to increase with the Pwave velocity measurement, i.e. sandstone is stronger than siltstone. This finding agrees with our previous experimental findings from UCS tests (Ma et al., 2010). Figure 4. UCS and P-wave velocity data of siltstone. Secondly, the difference of P-wave velocity measurements in the two measured orientations of siltstone, i.e. along bedding planes and normal to bedding planes, is much larger than that in sandstone. It indicates that the anisotropic nature associated with the bedding in siltstone is more significant than in sandstone. In order to establish a more significant statistical relationship between the P-wave velocity measurement and the UCS of rock cores, additional tests involving a bigger sample size should be performed. This will become the scope of the upcoming experimental study. REFERENCES [2] Kahraman, S. and Yeken T., 2008. “Determination of physical properties of carbonate rocks from P-wave velocity”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 67(2), 277281. Figure 5. UCS and P-wave velocity data of sandstone. [3] Ma, G.W. and Wu, W., 2010. “Water saturation effects on sedimentary rocks”. Civil Engineering Research (NTU), 23, 129-131. [4] Ulusay, R. and Hudson, J.A., 2007. “The complete ISRM suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring”. 1974-2006. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [1] Kýlýç, A. and Teymen A., 2008. “Determination of mechanical properties of rocks using simple methods”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 67(2), 237-244. 107 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES ROLE OF FILLER IN MACRO STRUCTURE OF ASPHALT MIXTURE AND ITS BINDING CHARACTERISTIC WITH ASPHALT Anggraini ZULKATI (angg0007@e.ntu.edu.sg) WONG Yiik Diew (cydwong@ntu.edu.sg) Darren SUN Delai (ddsun@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The role of filler in macro structure of asphalt mixture and micro interaction between filler and asphalt was investigated. Preliminary results revealed that changing the amount of filler would affect aggregate packing structure, asphalt content and its properties, and also workability during mixing and compaction, thus affecting asphalt mixture performance. Interaction of asphalt-filler mastic was also examined using three types of fillers (granite, hydrated lime, kaolin) which revealed that the presence of filler in asphalt increased the softening point and viscosity of asphalt. High-definition images of the morphology of the mastic were scrutinized that showed evidences of “compatibility’ between asphalt and filler that could be attributed different affinity between filler and asphalt, or simply micro voids around the filler from incomplete mixing process. It is conjectured that the presence of filler may cause stretching of atomic bonds in the asphalt matrix, which either can enhance asphalt strength or possibly break the atomic bonds of asphalt matrix, leading to undesired properties of mastic. INTRODUCTION Asphalt mixture used in the surface layer of flexible pavement road is formed from asphalt, coarse and fine aggregates and filler. Aggregates are expected to provide a strong stone skeleton to resist the repeated traffic load applications. Asphalt provides adhesive action among aggregate particles. The mixture derives its strength from the interlocking and frictional resistance of aggregates, cohesion strength of the asphalt and adhesion binding between asphalt and aggregates Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Filler is the fraction of the mineral aggregate which mostly passes the 75 μm sieve. Fillers fill voids between larger aggregates in the mixture. A good packing of coarse, fine and filler shall provide a strong backbone for the mixture (Vavrik et al. 2002, Alshamsi 2006, Qiu 2006, Rivera 2008). Filler may also alter properties of the asphalt, because the filler can act as an integral part of the asphalt mastic which is the combination of asphalt and filler. 108 Even though fillers act as a ‘filler of voids’ or ‘asphalt extender’, it is well documented that they play an important role in providing strength stiffness and durability of asphalt mixture (Kandhal et al.1998, Menglan and Chaofan 2008). The presence of filler in the asphalt mixture is even more important because of their large surface area. Having larger surface area, filler may absorb more asphalt and its interaction with asphalt may lead to different performances of asphalt mixture (Kavussi and Hicks 1997, Taylor 2007, Liao 2007, Lesueur 2009). It is noted that despite the vast number of studies conducted to design a good aggregate gradation, none attempted to comprehensively identify and investigate the role of filler in gradation design. Furthermore, interactions between asphalt and filler which, jointly, may generate certain properties of the mastic. Different types of filler have different properties, may interact differently with asphalt, and hence create ‘new’ properties in the asphalt-filler mastic. The interaction should be dependent on physical and chemical properties of filler as well as asphalt properties. As loading and temperature regime for asphalt pavement may vary, the micro interaction between asphalt and filler should behave and perform differently at that variably condition. Thus, there is a need to further examine the interaction between asphalt and filler in micro level under different conditions. The on-going research was undertaken to investigate the role of filler in the macro structure of asphalt mixture. It also investigated micro interaction among the constituent materials in asphalt mixture. Some preliminary findings are reported in this paper. MATERIALS AND METHOD Experimental set up The first task was focused on examining the filler effect with respect to overall packing structure in aggregate gradation, its interdependence with other sizes of fine aggregate and its effect on workability during mixing and compaction. Six different gradations which vary in filler content were designed. Marshall samples were fabricated and tested for mixture performance. The second task was to study the interaction of asphalt and filler in mastic and the resultant properties. Three different types of fillers were selected to assess the effect of filler in asphalt mastic. INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Materials The type of aggregate used is Indonesian granite. Three fillers: granite, hydrated lime and kaolin were supplied by local chemical company. Sufficient quantity of aggregates and filler was produced using a crusher and milling machine. Asphalt Pen 60/70 supplied by Shell Bitumen (Singapore) was used for asphalt mastic and asphalt concrete mixture. Gradation design Mid value of Singapore’s standard W3B gradation and five other gradations were designed as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Gradation design. Gradation Gradation type Coarse to fine proportion (%) % filler by total mass W3B C-G 55:45 6 W3B-1 C-G 55:45 0 W3C-1 C-G 55:45 8 W3C-2 C-G 69:31 6 W3D-1 F-G 40:60 4 W3D-2 F-G 40:60 6 C-G: coarse graded F-G: fine graded W3B-1 is W3B gradation with exclusion of filler passing 75 μm sieve. W3C and W3D gradations are coarse and fine-graded gradations respectively. Bailey method for aggregate packing (Vavrik et al. 2002) was adopted for designing these gradations. The method considers the individual characteristics of aggregate properties. It allows the adjustment of the aggregate voids by changing the packing of the coarse and fine aggregates and filler. Aggregate packing ratios for each gradation were also calculated to examine the packing structure of aggregates. The aggregate ratios for all gradations were evaluated based on Bailey packing ratios (Vavrik et al. 2002). The Marshall stability tests were conducted according to ASTM D6927-06 (ASTM, 2006). As for evaluating the material stiffness properties, the 5-pulse indirect tensile test as described in the Australian Standard Method 13.1 (AS, 1995) was performed with the following conditions: temperature at 25OC, peak loading force at 2kN, loading period at 0.1 s, rest period at 0.9 s. Asphalt-filler mastic preparation and test Asphalt-filler mastic samples were prepared to investigate the property changes of asphalt in presence of filler. Filler was put into a 1000C oven for 24 hours to ensure moisturefree particle surfaces. The asphalt-filler mastics were produced by adding the correct mass of filler to the heated asphalt at a temperature of 150oC until a homogeneous mastic was obtained. The mixing time was restricted to a maximum of 15 minutes. The mastic was then transferred to make samples for further testing. Asphalt-filler mastic properties were then characterised based on the established standard. It is known that the specific gravity of three fillers is different. The equivalent volume ratio was adopted for calculating the concentration of different filler in asphalt. The filler-asphalt ratios by volume equivalent are 0.06, 0.12, 0.18, and 0.24. The filler-asphalt ratio was determined by dividing respective filler volume with asphalt volume. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Role of filler in macro structure The volumetric properties of each designed gradation are presented in Table 2. Table 3 presents the Marshall stability and resilient modulus test results. The use of the Marshall stability and resilient modulus provides a basis for comparison of changes in material bearing capacity and stiffness respectively for different mixture types. Table 2. Volumetric properties of samples at 5% binder content. Asphalt mixture preparation After a 24-hour curing period for all Marshall specimens, volumetric measurement for all specimens was conducted. Density (g/cm3) VMA (%) VTM (%) VFA (%) W3B 2.34 13.92 3.47 75.08 W3B-1 2.29 15.20 5.20 66.85 W3C-1 2.32 14.95 4.31 70.61 W3C-2 2.34 13.72 3.22 76.40 W3D-1 2.24 15.95 6.34 60.27 W3D-2 2.32 14.22 4.40 69.05 VMA: voids in mineral aggregate VTM: voids in the mix VFA: voids filled by the asphalt Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Asphalt concrete mixture specimens were manufactured using Marshall hammer compaction at 75 blows. The Marshall specimens were fabricated with asphalt content of 5.0% based on the optimum asphalt content for W3B gradation. The 5.0% asphalt content may not be the optimum asphalt content for other gradations due to inherent differences in terms of aggregate proportion. However, it was chosen in order to analyse the volumetric properties and mechanical performance of the mixture under the same amount of asphalt. Gradation 109 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Table 3. Stability and resilient modulus at 5% binder content. Gradation % filler by total mas Marshall stability (kN) Resilient modulus (MPa) W3B 6 14.00 3,000 W3B-1 0 12.00 2,160 W3C-1 8 12.70 2,850 W3C-2 6 16.50 2,990 W3D-1 4 11.70 1,800 W3D-2 6 19.00 3,800 W3B-1 was simply designed by removing the filler passing 0.075 mm in W3B gradation and replacing the corresponding amount with particles at size 0.3-0.075 mm. It can be seen that, although fillers are very tiny particle, their presence affected the volumetric properties of the mixture. At certain amount, filler shall contribute to a better packing for the mixture by filling the voids created by larger fine aggregates. The removal of that filler and replacement with other larger fine particles would cause ‘overfilling’ of certain sizes, resulting in more voids (higher VMA and VTM) and lesser density being created. With higher voids, VFA of that unbalanced mix would be lesser than that of other mixes with better proportion of coarse, fine and filler. With such filler-deficient volumetric structure, the stability and stiffness of the mix were lower as compared with other mixes with filler. Although the voids can be filled by adding more asphalt binder, however, the aggregate structure would not be well-packing. In addition, with poor packing, having more asphalt can contribute to a lesser shear and deformation resistance of the mix, particularly at high temperature. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The presence of filler in asphalt matrix may also affect the workability during mixing and compaction. In simple mechanistic view, filler can perform as ‘a tiny roller effect’ during mixing and compaction process (Figure 1). This ‘tiny roller effect’, at certain filler asphalt ratio, shall correspond to a lesser friction, resulting in slightly faster and smoother re-orientation movement of larger aggregates during mixing, thereby facilitating a tighter packing when compaction load is applied. 110 As part of continuous size of gradation, filler content shall relate to the proportion of other aggregates in gradation. Once gradation of design is selected, the proportion of coarse and fine is then defined, and changing of the filler content shall affect the proportion of aggregates in the fine fraction only. Fines are small in size, but they have large surface area, thereby playing an important role in determining the asphalt content and the resultant mixture performances. As seen in Tables 2 and 3, in comparing W3C-1 and W3C-2 properties or W3D-1 and W3D-2 properties, it was found that changing a little amount of filler and the other fine aggregates proportion impinged on all volumetric properties and mechanical performance as well. Role of filler in asphalt mastic The properties of three fillers are shown in Table 4. The finest size is that for kaolin fillers, while granite filler is the coarsest among the other two fillers. Hydrated lime has larger surface area, while granite has the lowest among the other two fillers. Table 4. Filler properties. Fillers Apparent specific gravity (g/cm3) Specific surface area (m2/g) Granite 2.56 0.758 hydrated lime 2.20 1.210 kaolin 2.48 1.110 Particle shape and morphology of the filler were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the quartz in granite filler had largest and angular particles, hydrated lime had angular particles but they were rather smaller than quartz, and kaolin particles were more flaky with high aspect ratio. Softening point and viscosity of asphalt-filler mastic at different filler-asphalt ratios are shown in Figures 2 and 3. It can be seen that at equivalent volume ratio, kaolin filler provided highest effect in increasing the softening point and viscosity of the mastic. It was found that the stiffening effect of the filler in asphalt is dependent on filler size and surface area of filler. For industrial practice, these mastic properties should be more appropriate for batching design purpose. These properties may also more appropriate in terms of establishing a correlation with the resultant performance of asphalt concrete mixture. As seen in Figures 4, 5 and 6, scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images were used to examine the surface morphology of the asphalt-filler mastic. The micro morphology was used to approximately determine the compatibility of the asphalt-filler mastic. Figure 1. Roller effect of filler. It was found that for the granite mastic, ‘white shadow’ which covers the granite filler in asphalt matrix always appear in the images. This shadow may indicate the incompatibility between asphalt and filler which possibly INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES Figure 2. Softening point of asphalt-filler mastic. Figure 5. SEM micrograph of hydrated lime mastic. Figure 3. Viscosity at 135OC of asphalt-filler mastic. occurs due to the different affinity of filler and asphalt or simply indicative of small voids around the filler. Physically, the presence of filler, especially at larger size, may cause the stretching of atomic bonds of asphalt matrix, which either can enhance asphalt strength or possibly break the atomic bonds of asphalt matrix For lime and kaolin mastic, the white shadow was not found. It can be due to the finesses of these two materials. However, it was observed that some of lime and kaolin fillers were not covered by asphalt. Incomplete mixing process might be one possible reason. The other reason can be due to the very fine size of these fillers, hence bulk asphalt may not ‘touch’ and desorbs into the filler. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH WORKS The experimental results demonstrated that filler contributed to the aggregate packing structure, and together with asphalt, jointly affected the workability, enhanced asphalt volume and provided stiffening effect to the mastic. It is emphasised that filler content should be designed to consider the corresponding changes to other aggregate proportion in the fine fraction. It leads to a reverse gradation design, that is, once the optimum filler content is defined, the proportion of other larger aggregates in the fine fraction can then be designed. A well-balanced proportion of coarse, fine and filler allows better packing with sufficient voids and optimum asphalt needed, and provides desired performance of the mixture in terms of strength, stiffness and durability. It is noted that the properties of the asphalt-filler mastic are also determined by interfacial bonding between the bulk asphalt and filler. Such compatibility may result in an undesirable balance of properties under different thermal or load states. With the benefits of preliminary findings, future tasks shall focus on: (i) investigating the role of filler in the Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 4. SEM micrograph of granite filler mastic. Figure 6. SEM micrograph of kaolin mastic. 111 INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES macro structure of asphalt mixture; (ii) examining asphaltmastic characteristic at surface interaction level; and (iii) reengineering selected fillers, all with the aim of enhancing the mastic and asphalt mixture performance. REFERENCES [1] Alshamsi, K.S., 2006. “Development of a mix design methodology for asphalt mixtures with analytically formulated aggregate structures”. PhD thesis, Louisiana State University. [2] AS 1995. Method 13.1: Determination of the resilient modulus of asphalt – Indirect tensile test, Australian standard AS 2891.12.1. Methods of sampling and testing asphalt. Australia. [3] ASTM 2006. D1559-89: Standard test method for resistance to plastic flow of bituminous mixtures using Marshall apparatus. Annual books of ASTM standard, 04.03: 11031187. Philadelphia. [4] Kandhal, P.S., Lynn, C.Y. and Parker, F., 1998. “Characterization tests for mineral fillers related to performance of asphalt paving mixtures”. NCAT report 98(2). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [5] Kavussi A. and Hicks, R.G., 1997. “Properties of bituminous mixtures containing different filler”. Proceedings of the association of asphalt paving technologists, 66: 153-186. 112 [6] Lesueur, D., 2009. “The colloidal structure of bitumen: consequences on the rheology and on the mechanisms of bitumen modification”. Advances in colloid and interface science, 145: 42-82. [7] Liao, M., 2007. “Small and large strain rheological and fatigue characterisation of bitumen-filler mastics”. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham: UK. [8] Menglan, Z. and Chaofan, W., 2008. “Effects of type and content of mineral filler on viscosity of asphalt mastic and mixing and compaction temperatures of asphalt mixture”. Transportation research record, 2051: 31-40. [9] Qiu, Y., 2006. “Design and performance of stone mastic asphalt in Singapore conditions”. PhD thesis, Nanyang Technological University: Singapore. [10] Rivera, F.A., 2008. “Evaluation of the Bailey method as a tool for improving the rutting resistance of mix designs using New Hampshire aggregate”. MSc thesis, University of New Hampshire. [11] Taylor, R., 2007. “Surface interactions between bitumen and mineral fillers and their effects on the rheology of bitumenfiller mastics”. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham: UK. [12] Vavrik, W.R., Pine, W.J., Carpenter, S.H. and Bailey, R., 2002. “Bailey method for gradation selection in hot-mix asphalt mixture design”. Transportation research board, Washington D.C. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS A CO-ROTATIONAL SHELL ELEMENT WITH MATERIAL NONLINEARITIES Xu Jin (xu0003in@e.ntu.edu.sg) Tan Kang Hai (ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg) Lee Chi King (ccklee@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: This paper shows a 6-node curved nonlinear co-rotational shell element with nonlinear models. Vectorial rotational variables are used in this co-rotational element, so that a symmetric stiffness matrix can be obtained and the updating procedure is simplified. In order to investigate the behaviour of structures with nonlinear material constitutive relationships, a layered model is adopted so that material properties varying along the thickness of shell structures can be simulated independently. Since the co-rotational approach is adopted, the material constitutive model based on stress-strain relationship can be used directly in each elemental local coordinate system. INTRODUCTION Co-rotational (CR) approach is an efficient method to solve geometrical nonlinearity, which finds its origin in the paper of Wempner (Wempner 1969). The popularity of the CR formulation is largely due to the decomposition of a large displacement into rigid body motion and deformational displacement. In this way, a geometrically-nonlinear problem is transferred to be a small strain problem and different material nonlinearities are easier to be implemented in the CR formulation, compared with Total Lagrangian (TL) formulation or Updated Lagrangian (UL) formulation. CO-ROTATIONAL FORMULATION Coordinate Systems Three coordinate systems are defined in the present CR elements: 1) the global system, 2) local systems and 3) natural systems. The global system OXYZ is defined during the modelling stage by users. Each element has its own local system. The local system is fixed on the element and co-rotates with the element. The rotation and translation of a local system represents the rigid body rotation and rigid body translation of its corresponding element, respectively. node i: ngi = [pi,X, pi,Y, pi,Z], whose modulus are the two smaller ones. Figure 1. The global and the local coordinate system. The relationship between the nodal variables in the global and the local systems is given by Equation (1) and (2). ti = R(Xi – X1) – R0(Xi0 – X10) (1) ri0 = Rh0ngi0, ri = Ringi (2) where R and Rh are the rotation matrices for translational and rotational displacements, respectively; ngi (i = 1, 2, …, 6) is the normal vector for node i; the subscript 0 refers to coordinates or normal vectors that are in the initial configuration. Kinematics of the Shell Element In the present shell element, there are five degrees of freedom for each node, namely, three translational variables and two rotational variables. The three translational variables include diT = [Ui, Vi, Wi] for node i in the global system and tiT = [ui, vi, wi] for node i in the local system, while the two rotational ones are vectorial rotational variables (Li & Izzuddin et al. 2008; Xu & Tan et al. 2010), which are piT = [pi,mi, pi,ni] for node i in the global system and riT = [ri,x, ri,y] for node i in the local coordinate system. pi,mi and pi,ni are the components of the normal vector at The in-plane strain ε and the shear strain γ for shallow curved shell element are given in Equation (3) and (4), respectively. ε = εm + zχ (3) (4) where εm is the in-plane strain of the reference surface (the mid-surface of the shell structure), which is given by Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Nodal Degree of Freedom 113 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Equation (5); χ is the curvature of the element, which is given by Equation (6); z is the z-coordinate of the point of interest in the local system; the nabla symbol ∇ refers to the gradient of a scalar function. Stiffness Matrix and Internal Force Vector The strain energy of an element is given by Equation (8). (8) (5) (6) where Vj is the volume of the jth layer; V is the volume of the whole element; We is the work done by the external force; D1 (size: 3×3) is the material constitutive matrix for in-plane stress-strain and D2 (size: 2×2) the material constitutive matrix for shear stress-strain. For linear elastic material, D1 and D2 is given by Equation (9); for elasto-plastic material, D1 is modified by elasto-plastic modulus Dep. The derivative ∇f (x, y, z) = J-1∇f (ξ, η, ζ), where J is the Jacobian matrix [∂x/∂ξ], is applied in Equation (4) ~ (6). , Layered Model (9) In order to incorporate material nonlinearity, a layered model is adopted in the present shell element so that material constitutive relationships can be modelled in each layer. The layers are numbered sequentially, starting from the bottom surface of the element and each layer may have different thicknesses, as shown in Figure 2. where E is the Young’s modulus; μ is the Poisson’s ratio; k is the shear correction parameter, k = 5 / 6. The stiffness matrix kTL (size: 30×30) and the internal force vector fLT (size: 30×1) of the element are the Hessian matrix and Jacobian matrix of strain energy. The internal force vector in the global system fG is given by Equation and the stiffness matrix in the global system kTG is given by Equation (11). fG = TTfL (10) (11) where T is the transformation matrix: T = [∂uL / ∂uGT]. Figure 2. Layered model. The in-plane strain εj at the mid-surface of the jth layer is given by Equation Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 εj = εm + zjχ 114 (7) where zj is the distance from the mid-surface of the element to the mid-surface of the jth layer. It should be noted that the in-plane strain εm may not be the pure membrane strain for material nonlinear cases. The shear strain is assumed to be uniformly distributed along the thickness direction of the element, which means that the shear strain of each layer is the same and is given by Equation (4). MATERIAL NONLINEARITY Elasto-plastic Constitution Since the layered model is adopted, the modification for material nonlinear analyses is focused on the material constitutive matrix. In the present element, only in-plane stress components are taken into account when dealing with elasto-plastic material. The incremental stress is given by Equation (12) (12) where H is the hardening parameter and vector a is the first derivative of effective stress with respective to the stress components. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Reinforced Concrete Model The reinforced concrete model employed in the present shell element is proposed by Owen and Figueiras (1984). NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Figure 4. The computational model of the flat plate. Roll-up of a Clamped Beam An initially flat shell is fully fixed at one end and is acted by a bending moment at the other end. The analytical solution for this example is governed by the classical formula: (13) where M is the bending moment applied on the beam and ρ is the curvature of the beam. For M = 2π EI / L, where L is the length of the beam, the beam rolls up into a complete circle. Figure 5. The equilibrium path of the flat plate. area to the loading point, the more refined is the mesh. For both meshes, 5 layers for each element are used. A Reinforced Concrete Slab Figure 3. The process of rolling-up for the beam. A corner supported square plate is loaded by a concentrated force at the centre, as shown in Figure 6. Table 1. The rotation angle for the cross-section at the free end. λ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 θ(rad) 0.000 0.692 1.226 1.803 2.415 2.982 λ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 θ(rad) 3.572 4.213 4.864 5.620 6.336 The geometric and material properties for the beam are chosen as L = 12, I = bd3 / 12 = 1 / 12, E = 2.40 × 105, μ = 0.3. A total of 20 elements (1 × 10 × 2) is used for this example. A perfectly elasto-plastic analysis of a simply supported square flat plate is conducted in this example (Figure 4). The geometric and material properties for the computational model are chosen as: the length L = 16 m, thickness t = 0.5 m, Young’s modulus: E = 7.05 × 106 N/mm2, yielding stress: σ0 = 2.44 × 102 N/mm2. The computational model is meshed by 200 elements (10 × 10 × 2) and 800 elements (20 × 20 × 2). For the case of 200 elements, the closer the Three cases (S1, S2, S3) are tested with different amounts of reinforcement in each direction, but with the total amount of reinforcement in the plates kept constant. The ratio of the amounts of reinforcement in the two direction (ρX : ρY) is shown in Table 2. Table 2. The reinforcement for the three cases in the RC slab. slabs S1 S2 S3 ρx : ρ Y 1:1 1:1.89 1:2.75 The geometrical properties of the computational model and the mesh used are shown in Figure 6. The configuration Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 A Steel Plate Applied by a Point Load Figure 6. The computational model of the RC slab. 115 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS CONCLUSIONS Figure 7. The concrete layers and reinforcement layers along the thickness direction. of the cross-section is shown in Figure 7. The material properties for concrete and reinforcement are listed in Table 3. Table 3. Material properties for RC slab (kN, cm). A 6-node curved co-rotational shell element with layered model is presented. The present element has several features: 1) the rotational variables are commutative as the translational variables, so that the stiffness matrix of this element is symmetric; 2) the updating of the rotational variables are simplified, because the spin matrix for the updating of the convention rotational variables is not needed; 3) layered model is employed in this element so that it can be used in material nonlinear analyses, for example: reinforced concrete structures, elasto-plastic materials and so on. Concrete Young’s modulus Ec = 1640 Poisson’s ratio μ = 0.0 Ult. Comp. Strs. fc’ = 4.30 Ult. Ten. Strs. ft = 0.3 Ult. Comp. Strn. εu = 0.0035 α = 0.7 εm = 0.0035 Ten. Stiff. Coeff. Ten. Stiff. Coeff. Reinforcement Young’s modulus Es = 20100 Young’s modulus ET = 700 Poisson’s ratio μ = 0.0 Yield stress σu = 60.0 σu = 70.0 Ult. Stress. The results are plotted in Figure 8 together with the results from numerical analysis (Owen & Figueiras 1984) and experiment (Duddeck & Griebenow et al. 1978). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 8. The equilibrium path of the RC slab. 116 REFERENCES [1] Wempner, G. 1969. Finite elements, finite rotations and small strains of flexible shells. International Journal of Solids and Structures 5(2): 117-153. [2] Li, Z.X., Izzuddin, B.A., et al. 2008. A 9-node co-rotational quadrilateral shell element Computational Mechanics 42(6): 873-884. [3] Xu, J., Tan, K.H., et al. 2010. A Co-Rotation Shell Element with Material Nonlinearities. In B. H. V. Topping, J. M. Adam, F. J. Pallarés, R. Bru and M. L. Romero (ed.), The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, Stirlingshire, Scotland: CivilComp Press. [4] Owen, D.R.J. and Figueiras, J.A. (ed.) 1984. Finite element software for plates and shells. Swansea, United Kingdom, Pineridge Press. [5] Duddeck, H., Griebenow, G., et al. 1978. Material and time dependent nonlinear behaviour of cracked reinforced concrete slabs. G. Mehlhorn, H. Ruhle and W. Zerna. Darmstadt, West Germany. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS COLLISION ANALYSIS OF OFFSHORE FLEXIBLE RISERS Jian Wen He (heji0006@e.ntu.edu.sg) Ying Min Low (ymlow@e.ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Flexible marine risers are compliant to external forces from waves, current and platform motions, and clashing between risers is an important concern. In deepwater developments where the number of connected risers is large, it is not economical to space them too far apart. In this regard, it is necessary to establish the probability of riser clashing throughout the service life; however, at present there appears to be no systematic procedure for assessing this risk. This article presents a novel procedure for estimating the probability of riser clashing based on post-processing results obtained from time domain simulations of flexible risers subjected to random wave loads. INTRODUCTION As the emphasis of the oil and gas industry shifts towards greater water depths, deepwater marine risers play an indispensable role in the production of hydrocarbons. Several major types of deepwater risers are Flexibles, Hybrid Riser Towers (HRTs) and Steel Catenary Risers (SCRs); Top Tensioned Risers (TTRs) and umbilicals are also widely in use. Among the types mentioned above, flexible risers seem to be popular around the world, and they dominate the oil and gas production in Brazil. In Europe, the UK section of the North Sea alone has more than 1000 flexible risers. In view of current gaps, the motivation of this study is to establish a probabilistic approach to assess the reliability of riser systems in which riser clashing rarely occurs. Uncoupled time domain analysis of the riser will be performed as a first step. It is sensible to exclude VIV and wake effects at this preliminary stage. For simplicity, current will not be included in the analysis. PREDICTION OF EXTREME RESPONSE General Marine risers are usually analyzed as line elements using a numerical model such as the popular finite element method. In this article, the commercial software is used which performs the time domain analysis using the lumped mass approach. The time history of the nodal positions is extracted directly from the simulation results. It is worth noting that the approach in this article can be applied to any other numerical model provided that all the nodal positions are available at all time steps. Here, time history X(t) is recommended to be the maximum normalized clearance between two risers. The generation of X(t) is discussed at length by He and Low (2010). In this approach, it is assumed that the critical condition will occur during a typical storm according to a 100-year return period, and the sea state is stationary for typically three hours. A wave spectrum is chosen to express features of short-term conditions. Crossing rate analysis is the method adopted in this article. In time domain simulation for a stationary sea state, the Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In deepwater fields where the number of connected risers tends to be large, designers generally prefer compact riser systems for economical reasons. However, the compliancy of flexible risers means that close riser spacing will increase the risk of mutual contact and collision. The two conflicting design requirements bring about the need for an optimized riser layout design, which should have certain reliability against riser clashing. In fact, riser clashing is a complicated problem, because both static contact and dynamic clashing can cause the risers to have fatigue or coating damage, and the latter may even lead to loss of integrity. To address this concern, DNV code (Det Norske Veritas, 2009) recommends that the minimum clearance between two risers be the sum of their diameters without considering safe factors. Nevertheless, when optimization is of concern, engineers prefer to know the reliability of a particular system rather than being given inflexible criteria. Riser dynamics is so varied and complex that recommendations based on past experience may not be suitable for a particular problem. For one thing, nonlinearity of line structure evidently complicates the prediction of its response. For another thing, vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) and wake effects between two close risers are still too intricate to be fully understood. Such effects are significant; for example, VIV is able to cause large deflection in the risers to the extent of one diameter. Riser clashing is usually controlled within a low level, for example, less than 10-4 during field life. It is not appropriate to use experimental methodology for assessment, and simulation is a better alternative. However, in literature, there is no approach to offer a quantitative conclusion to show the reliability of a riser system. 117 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS crossing rates are commonly extracted from the time history X(t). If the total simulated duration is T0, which usually includes a number of independent simulations with duration T, and the associated number of up-crossings exceeding threshold z within [0, T0] is , then the mean upcrossing rate is vz+ (0; T0) = nz+ (0; T0) m …(1) The probability of crossing a given threshold within a certain time range can be estimated as Pf = 1 – exp (–vz T) …(2) Here, Pf represents the probability for X(t) to exceed threshold z in duration T and Eq. (2) is a good approximation if the crossing level z is sufficiently high. Figure 1. Riser model. Naess method Naess et al. (2008) gave an empirical formula of the crossing rate vz = q(z)exp{[–a(z – b)]c} …(3) where a, b and c are constant parameters, and q(z) can also be regarded as constant when z is in a high level. q is recommended to be estimated by the average of for the largest values of z, where fz is the response pdf. b is determined empirically, it should not be larger than the smallest z for the fitting and the choice of b must optimize the curve fitting (Naess et al., 2008). It is the first time to apply this method to a riser system. Eq. (3) can be rearranged to give v 1n (–1n( zz )) = 1n(a) + c(1n(z – b)) …(4) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In Eq. (4), the left side is treated as the dependent variable, 1n(z – b) and c are regarded as independent variable and its gradient. Because 1n(a) is a constant, q and b are estimated beforehand. The art of linear fitting can be directly applied to achieve parameters a and c. The desired crossing rate obtained from Eq. (3) can be put back to Eq. (2) to attain the corresponding Pf. 118 MODEL AND NUMERICAL RESULTS Model A simple model, which comprises two flexible risers following the Lazy Wave configuration, is set up in the commercial software Orcaflex in Fig. 1. The two ends of a riser are attached to the floater and seafloor with pinned joints respectively. To alleviate the heavy burdens of calculation, only around 60% of the length (95 elements) is contained in the analysis. A severe condition is elaborated by allowing the wave direction to be perpendicular to the symmetrical plane of two risers (i.e. in the y-direction) and assigning a small top end clearance (0.6 D) and a small separation angle (0.5 degrees). The significant waveheight Hs and mean zero crossing period T0 are 15.7 m and 13.5 s separately for a severe JONSWAP sea state. All the properties and structural details are reported in Tables 1-2. A wave time history derived from a certain number of wave components is synthesized. The wave spectrum is divided into 250 components with equal frequency interval approach from 0.07 Hz to 0.239 Hz. To improve the quality of prediction, thirty independent random number sets are employed to simulate 30 one-hour storms. To make the computational intensity remain in an acceptable level, it is sensible to simplify the environmental loadings. Thus, only the first-order wave forces are considered in the model and the current, VIV and wake effects are neglected at this incipient stage. Table 1. Structure of risers. Line Type Section Length (m) Descriptions Flexible (upper section) 605 Included in analysis Flexible with buoyancy 80 Not included in analysis Flexible (lower section) 341 Not included in analysis Total 1026 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Table 2. Properties of risers. Riser Types Flexible Outside Diameter (mm) 478.4 Flexible with Buoyancy 873.0 Wall Thickness (mm) 133.1 330.4 Mass (kg/m) 200.0 431.1 Area (cm2) 1443.9 5632.1 EI (kN×m2) 153 153 1.200 0.979 Hang-off Angle (°) 10 N.A. Content Density (kg/m3) 500 500 Cd (~) Numerical results The up-crossing rates are directly extracted from a 30-hour simulation time history. Insufficient exceedances of certain critical values will produce unrealistic crossing rate. In Fig. 2, the unsteady pattern at the tail is mainly due to lack of data. Figure 3. Crossing rate extrapolation by Naess method; 1n(–1n((vz+)/q)) is plotted against 1n(z – b); q=0.36, b=-0.05, a=14.14, c=1.097; range of value from z = 0.15 to 0.35; CONCLUSIONS Currently, the focus on ultra-deep water field operation and compact riser designs makes riser collision a topic of concern. As a safety precaution, a riser system is always designed in a conservative way to avoid riser clashing. This article has proposed an effective approach to assess the low probability riser clashing. Such an approach is based on the existing nodal positions obtained from a time domain simulation and does not require extra work. For the riser system in which no collision is allowed, the proposed approach can directly calculate the probability of failure in terms of riser clashing. REFERENCES [1] Det Norske Veritas, 2009, Offshore Standard DNV-RP-F203: Riser Interference. Figure 2. Crossing rate. [3] Naess, A., Gaidai, O. and Teigen, P.S., 2008. “Extreme response prediction for nonlinear floating offshore structures by Monte Carlo simulation”. Appl. Ocean Res., 29, pp. 221-230. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Naess method is robust and gives a practical guide for the extrapolation. It is worth noting that, to achieve an accurate extreme value distribution, the up-crossing events of the high response levels must be statistically independent. This requirement is usually satisfied provided that the total damping of a system is small such as, typically, a riser system. It is shown in Fig. 3, Pf = 0.13% at the desired threshold z=1. The crossing rate is extrapolated from =2.4E-3 to the expected value about 1E-7 which is expensive in CPU time with direct simulations. [2] He J.W. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Probabilistic Assessment of the Clashing between Flexible Marine Risers”. Proc. OMAE, Paper No. 20046, Shanghai. 119 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS EFFECTS OF ANISOTROPIC PERMEABILITY OF FRACTURED ROCK MASSES ON ROCK CAVERNS Sun Jianping (sunjp@ntu.edu.sg) Zhao Zhiye (czzhao@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: An isotropic assumption is often applied to analyze in-situ permeability tests of fractured rock masses, and the isotropic hydraulic conductivities are then used directly in the seepage analysis. However, the hydraulic conductivities are normally anisotropic in fractured rock masses and the effects of the anisotropic permeability should be taken into account in rock engineering analysis, especially for seepage analysis of underground oil storage caverns. In this study, an underground oil storage cavern project is analyzed and the Oda’s method is used to determine the anisotropy in permeability. The anisotropy in permeability is determined using the fracture orientation and the in-situ stress information from the field survey. A typical cavern unit is numerically modeled using the computer code FLAC. The effects of anisotropic permeability on water pressure and critical gas pressure are studied. The results indicate that the calculated results based on the in-situ hydraulic tests with isotropic permeability assumption can be used safely in the underground oil storage cavern project. INTRODUCTION The basic principle of oil storage in unlined underground caverns is that the hydraulic potential in the rock mass around the caverns should be higher than the potential on the perimeter of the storage caverns. The groundwater flow through fractured rocks should be analyzed carefully for underground storage cavern, so as to make sure no leakage under various operating conditions. For analyzing the groundwater flow correctly, some borehole hydraulic tests were performed around the project site. Based on the isotropic assumptions, the hydraulic conductivities were obtained from the correlation curve of the injected tests. However, hydraulic conductivities are usually anisotropic in fractured rock masses, so the question of whether the analysis results based on in-situ hydraulic tests with an isotropic assumption can be used in the preliminary design of underground oil storage cavern projects should be addressed. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 ANALYSIS OF ANISOTROPIC PERMEABILITY BASED ON IN-SITU DATA 120 Theoretical model If a fractured rock mass block can be treated as a homogeneous, anisotropic and porous medium, it would obey Darcy’s law. In order to obtain the components of the hydraulic conductivity in fractured rock masses, the following assumptions are made: (i) each fracture is idealized by a set of parallel plates with a uniform aperture t; (ii) the solid matrix is impermeable; (iii) the hydraulic gradient is uniformly distributed over the whole body; (iv) seepage flow through a fracture can be treated as a laminar flow between parallel plates with a uniform aperture; and (v) there is no head loss at intersections between fractures. Based on these assumptions, Oda (1985) proposed hydraulic conductivity components as follows: kij = λg(Pkkδij – Pij) / μ …(1) Where πρ ∞ ∞ Pij = 4 ∫0 ∫0 ∫Ω r 2 t 3 n i n i E(n,r,t)dΩdrdt …(2) Pkk = P11 + P22 + P33 …(3) and where g (LT-2) is the gravitational acceleration; μ(L2T-1) is the kinematic viscosity; λ is a nondimensional scalar dependent on the connectivity among joints, and can be set to 1/12 for practical applications; δij is the Kronecker delta; ρ is the number of joints per unit volume; ni is the component of n projected on the orthogonal reference axis system (xi =1,2,3); n is the fracture orientation; r is the fracture length; and t is the fracture aperture. If the unit vectors n normal to the fractures are orientated inside a small solid angle dΩ around n and the diameters and the apertures range from r to r + dr and from t to t + dt, respectively, E(n,r,t)dΩdrdt is then given as the probability of the unit normal of (n,r,t) fractures. Site investigation data As part of the site investigation program, six vertical boreholes are drilled to investigate rock hydraulic properties. The locations of six vertical boreholes, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6, are shown in Fig. 1. The fracture orientation data and dip/dip angle are obtained from the borehole survey. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS S h, S H and S v (MPa) 80 0 2 4 6 8 10 100 Depth (m ACD) 120 Sh 140 SH Sv 160 180 200 Figure 3. Stress’s profile for borehole B5. In-situ anisotropic permeability analysis Figure 1. Schematic map of locations of vertical boreholes for the underground cavern. In total, 72 hydraulic conductivity measurements were conducted in the six boreholes, by the injection tests. Fig. 2 presents the measured hydraulic conductivity data at the six boreholes at the depth between -40 mACD and -200 mACD, which ACD is the abbreviation of “Admiralty Chart Datum”. The results show that the hydraulic conductivity varies between 10-11 m/s and 10-4 m/s. It should be noted that the hydraulic conductivities obtained from the correlation curve of injected water pressure and flow quantity of the injected water are based on the assumptions that the fracture rock is homogeneous, isotopic and porous media and the flow geometry is cylindrical, which do not reflect the anisotropic property of fractured rock. In order to derive the local stress regime at the proposed development area for the oil storage cavern, a total of 10 hydraulic and hydrofrac/hydraulic injection tests were conducted in the uncased section of borehole B5 between -96 mACD and -181.4 mACD (Fig. 3). Hydraulic conductivity (m/s) -13 10 10 -11 10 -9 10 -7 10 -5 10 -3 Depth (m ACD) -80 -120 -160 -200 -240 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Figure 2. Hydraulic conductivity with increasing depth at six boreholes. Based on Oda’s theoretical model and in-situ investigation data, the ratio of anisotropy in permeability defined as k1 / k3 and k1 / k2 can be determined, in which k1 , k2 and k3 are the principal hydraulic conductivities. Fig. 4 shows the calculated results of the ratios of anisotropy in permeability for six vertical boreholes between -80 mACD and -180 mACD depth. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the ratio of anisotropy in permeability decreases with increased depth, due to the effect of geostatic stress. In borehole B1, the ratio of k1 / k3 decreases from 1.91 to 1.65 with the increased depth. In borehole B2, the ratio of k1 / k3 decreases from 2.50 to 2.09 with the increased depth. The ratios at the other boreholes are between the ratios at B1 and B2. The results also show that the ratios k1 / k2 for all the boreholes are close to 1. The calculated results illustrate that k1 and k2 are almost in horizontal directions and k3 is close to vertical direction. Hydraulic conductivities obtained from the correlation curve of the injected water pressure and flow quantity of the injected water are based on the assumptions that the fracture rock is homogeneous, isotropic and porous media and the flow geometry is cylindrical. As k1 and k2 are almost the same and along the horizontal direction, the hydraulic conductivity measured from the injection test (Fig. 2) can be considered as the average value of k1 and k2, and k3 can be estimated by the ratio of k1 / k3 (Fig. 4) from the Oda’s method. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 -40 In additional to the geostatic stress and fracture orientation information, fracture length and aperture information should be known in order to obtain the hydraulic conductivities. But the site investigation does not provide such information, so some assumptions are needed. Let us assume that the statistical variables n and r are mutually independent. A lognormal distribution function is used for the distributed forms of fracture length. 121 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS -80 Depth (m ACD) conductivity obtained from the injection test (Fig. 2) is used as the horizontal hydraulic conductivity kH. The vertical hydraulic conductivity kV is estimated based on Oda’s model in Section 2. The ratios of kH / kV equal to 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5, respectively, will be used in the following analyses to study the effects of anisotropic permeability on the storage caverns. B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 -60 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 K 1/K 3 2.4 2.6 Figure 4. The ratios of anisotropic permeability for six vertical boreholes. NUMERICAL MODELING OF UNDERGROUND OIL STORAGE CAVERNS A typical oil storage cavern unit is modeled as a 2D model. The computer code FLAC is adopted to model the groundwater flow into the caverns. The crowns of caverns are located at -119 mACD. The shape of the cavern is horseshoe, with the height = 26m and the width = 20m. The vertical water curtain is installed between the contiguous storage units and connects with water gallery. The modeling area is 140m wide and 165m deep. The mesh size is 2.5m×2.5m. The distance between the two caverns is 40m. The representative cross section for the model is shown in Fig. 5. Regarding rock mass characteristics, the four main hydrogeological classes have been taken into account along the vertical direction: the recent sediment/ landfill class, the weathered zone class, the low confined zone class and the confined bedrock class. JOB TITLE : (*10^2) FLAC (Version 5.00) LEGEND -0.200 7-Aug-09 12:51 step 0 -1.100E+02 <x< 1.100E+02 -2.075E+02 <y< 1.250E+01 Permeability 7.136E-12 4.077E-10 5.097E-09 1.019E-07 Grid plot 0 -0.600 water gallery water gallery -1.000 5E 1 water curtain water curtain Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 -1.400 122 -1.800 -0.800 -0.400 0.000 (*10^2) 0.400 0.800 Figure 5. A numerical model for the rock cavern unit. The rock classes of landfill/recent sediment, the weathered rock and the low confined zone are assumed to be isotropic due to their adequate weathering. Anisotropic permeability is considered for the confined bedrock class only. Because k1 and k2 are almost the same and in the horizontal direction in the confined bedrock, the geometric average hydraulic The groundwater flow is assumed to be steady in this study. Constant pressure which is equal to 15m water column is used on the upper boundary to simulate the effect of sea water pressure. Constant head boundaries at the water curtains are assigned with the fixed hydraulic potential H equals to 0 mACD. Two different phases, construction phase and operation phase, are considered. The main differences between the two cases are related to the pressure inside the cavern and water gallery condition. In the construction phase, the caverns and water galleries are filled by air with the atmosphere pressure of 0 MPa. In the operation phase, the water galleries are filled by water and the fixed hydraulic potential H which is equal to 0 mACD is applied as the boundary condition; the caverns are filled with oil in density = 900 kg/m3 and the distribution of hydraulic pressure at the wall of the cavern equals to the oil pressure. INFLUENCES OF ANISOTROPIC PERMEABILITY ON UNDERGROUND STORAGE CAVERNS Influences on water pressure distributions The calculated results show that the water pressure between the two caverns decreases as the ratio of kH / kV increases. During the construction phase, the maximum water pressure changes from 148kPa to 75.1kPa as the ratio of kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5. During the operation phase, the maximum water pressure changes from 257.13kPa to 185.30kPa as the ratio of kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5. Hence, a conservative result will be obtained by using isotropic assumption to assess the rock stability between the caverns, as a higher water pressure will reduce joint strength, and reduce the rock mass strength. The results also show that the water pressure distribution between the vertical water curtain and the cavern has little variation as the ration of kH / kV increases. This means that the anisotropic permeability has little influence on the rock stability between the vertical water curtain and the cavern. The vertical water pressure distribution above the cavern crown is studied. As depth changes from -15 mACD to -119 mACD, the water pressure increases first and then decreases. It can be seen that an increase of water pressure above the cavern crown will happen as the ratio of kH / kV increases. During the construction phase, the water pressure at -108 mACD increases from 289.73kPa to 316.00kPa as the ratio of kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5. During the operation phase, the water pressure at -108 mACD increases from 344.30kPa to 423.38kPa as the ratio of STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5. This implies that the rock stability around the cavern crown decreases as the ratio of kH / kV increases. and the in-situ stress obtained from field survey. The results show that the ratio of k1 / k3 varies from 1.65 to 2.50, and k1 and k2 are almost in the horizontal direction and k3 is close to vertical direction in this site. Influences on critical gas pressure A typical cavern unit is numerically modeled using the computer code FLAC. The geometric average hydraulic conductivities obtained from the injection test are used as the horizontal hydraulic conductivity kH and kH / kV equal to 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5, respectively, are used in this numerical model. The effects of anisotropic permeability on water pressure and critical gas pressure are studied carefully. The results show that most calculated results which are based on in-situ hydraulic tests with isotropic permeability assumption can be used safely in the underground oil storage cavern project. The gas tightness of rock caverns should also be considered. Goodall et al. (1988) recommended a practical design criterion that no gas will leak as long as the water pressure increases along all possible gas leakage paths away from the caverns. According to Goodall’s criterion, at the critical gas pressure, the groundwater pressure in the vicinity of the cavern is equal to the gas pressure at some point on the boundary of cavern, i.e., ∂p / ∂n = 0, where p is the groundwater pressure and n is the unit normal vector at this point. Liang and Lindblom (1994) suggested the “critical gas pressure” as the maximum tolerable gas pressure for a given storage system at no gas leakage conditions. In this study, the Goodall’s criterion is used to determine the critical gas pressure and the influence of anisotropic permeability on critical gas pressure is investigated. The calculated results show that an increase of the ratio of kH / kV can linearly increase the critical gas pressure. The critical gas pressure is 0.846 MPa and 0.890 MPa for kH / kV = 1.0 and kH / kV = 2.5, respectively. Using the isotropic assumption, a safe critical gas pressure is obtained and can be used to design the engineering project. Only the anisotropy induced by fracture orientation and in-situ stress are considered in this paper. The influences of bolting, shotcreting and redistributed stress after excavating on anisotropy in permeability and heterogeneous property of fractured rock mass are not studied. Further studies that consider these influences will be carried out in our future work. REFERENCES [1] Oda, M., 1985. “Permeability tensor for discontinuous rock masses”. Geotechnique, 35(4), 483-495. CONCLUSIONS In this study, Oda’s method for determining the anisotropic permeability, which is difficult to achieve from the in-situ tests, is used for the seepage analysis of an underground oil storage cavern. In this method, anisotropic permeability of a site is determined from the fracture orientation distribution [2] Goodall, D.C., Aberg, B. and Brekke, T.L., 1988. “Fundamental of gas containment in unlined rock caverns”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 21, 235-258. [3] Liang, J. and Lindblom, U., 1994. “Analyses of gas storage capacity in unlined rock caverns”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 27(3), 115-133. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 123 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS ENTROPY BASED ENSEMBLE NEURAL NETWORK DESIGN Zhang Yun (zhangyun@ntu.edu.sg) Zhao Zhiye (czzhao@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Ensemble neural networks (ENNs) are commonly used networks in many engineering applications due to their better generalization properties. An ENN usually includes several component networks in its structure, and the component networks commonly use a single feed-forward network trained with the back-propagation learning rule. In this paper, an ENN, which combines the component networks by using the entropy theory, is proposed. The entropy based ENN searches the best structure of each component network first, and employs the entropy as an automating design tool to search the best combining weights of the ENN. An analytical function, namely Friedman function, is used to assess the accuracy of the proposed ensemble approach. The computational experiment verified that the proposed entropy based ENN outperforms the simple averaging ENN and the stand alone neural network. ENSEMBLE NEURAL NETWORKS The artificial neural network (NN) (McCulloch & Pitts 1943) is a mathematical or computational model for information processing based on the biological neural networks. An ensemble neural network (ENN) is a collection of a finite number of NNs that are trained for the same task. Usually the networks in an ensemble are trained independently and then their predictions are combined (Sollich & Krogh 1996). In other words, any one of the component networks in the ENN could provide a solution or a predictor to the task by itself, but better results might be obtained by an ENN by combining the solutions that are achieved by the component networks. The architecture of a typical ENN is shown in Figure 1. The two main steps to construct an ENN are creating component networks and combining these component networks. The resulting maximum entropy probability distribution corresponds to a distribution which is consistent with the given partial information but has maximum uncertainty or entropy associated with it. To illustrate Jaynes’ principle, we consider a discrete random variable X. To obtain the ‘most objective’ probability distribution of X, the maximum entropy principle can be used in the following procedure: max …(1) subject to …(2) and , j=1,2,…,m …(3) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 where fj (x) is a given function of x. Using the method of Lagrange’s multipliers, the resulting distribution is λi (x) = e–α0 –α1 f1 (xi) –α2 f2 (xi) –…–αm fm (xi), i = 1,2,…,n, where α0, α1, …, αm are the Lagrangian multipliers which are determined from the (m+1) constraints in Equations (2) and (3). 124 Figure 1. Architecture of a typical ENN. ENTROPY The entropy was introduced in the context of efficiency of heat engines in early 19th century. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy never decreases in a closed system, and it is a measure of the disorder or complexity of a system. The maximum entropy formalism published by Jaynes (1957) is a fundamental concept in the information theory. The maximum entropy formalism is used to determine the probabilities underlying a random process from any available statistical data about the process. DESIGN ENSEMBLE NEURAL NETWORKS USING ENTROPY CONCEPT The entropy based ENN can reduce over-fitting in the ENN. The major steps of the entropy based ENN are shown in Figure 2, which are explained further as follows. Creation of the component network can be divided into two steps. The first step is to generate the training data and test data sets, and the second step is to create the component networks. In Step 1, some common ratios of the training data to the test data will be used in the analyses. The data used for training each component network are the same. In Step 2, each component network is created several times, but the best structure will be used in the ENN. The criterion to choose the best component network is to STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS subject to Start , Pi > 0 …(6) where S(P) is the entropy value of the combining weights of the whole ENN; Pi is the ith component network’s weight of the ENN; m is the number of the component networks; μT and μENN are the mean values of the target and the ENN output, respectively; σT and σENN are the standard deviations of the target and the ENN output, respectively. Create an ENN, determine the no. of the component networks and no. of the hidden nodes in each component network. The Lagrangian multipliers can be solved as follows: Max For each component NN, randomly run several times, then choose the best structure, which has the minimum training-MSE. …(7) where λ0, λ1 and λ2 are the Lagrangian multipliers. Calculate the solution of entropy equations to determine the weights of each component NN. Let , i=1,2,…,m, the solution of this problem is Pi = e–1–λ0 –λ1 • μi–λ2 • σi . Let A = e1+λ0, B = e–λ1, C = e–λ2, and , Use test data to calulate the test-MSE. the solution of this problem becomes . And Newton’s method is used to solve the above equations, so to obtain weights of the component networks. end Figure 2. Flowchart of entropy based ENN. select the one with the smallest training mean-squared-error (MSE). Since good regression ensemble members must be both accurate and diverse, the training of each component network should also have the high accuracy and diversity. Thus, different numbers of hidden nodes would be used in different component networks. The procedure to define the number of hidden nodes in each component network is similar to Zhao’s method (Zhao et al. 2008), but the difference is that choosing the best performance component networks are based on the component network with the smallest training MSE. Problem max …(4) min …(5) Friedman #1 is a nonlinear prediction problem which was used by Friedman (1991) in his work on multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). It has 5 independent predictor variables that are uniform in [0, 1]. The following Friedman #1 with normally distributed noise (mean 0, variance 1) is used to test the entropy based ENN. Y = 10sin(πx1x2) + 20(x3 – 0.5)2 + 10x4 + 5x5 …(8) Firstly, 5×5×5×5×5 evenly distributed data along both the five x-axis and the y-axis are selected from the domain [0, 1] as the training data for the simulation. Another 4×4×4×4×4 evenly distributed points from the same domain are used as the test data. The maximum training epoch of each component network is set to 30. There are 3125 examples in the training data set, and 1024 examples in the test data set. The 3 kinds of NNs used for the example are: (1) single NN, (2) ENN with simple averaging combined method, and (3) ENN with entropy based combined method. The number of the input nodes is 5, and the number of the output nodes is 1. The single NNs use 4, 6, 8, 10 hidden nodes in their hidden layer, respectively. The single NNs are trained 4 times randomly to find the best results for Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 To use the entropy concept to obtain the unbiased ENN, three parts of the problem should be optimized at the same time: to maximize the entropy of the combining weights of the whole ENN; to minimize the error between the mean output of the ENN and the mean target value; to minimize the difference of the standard deviation of the output of the ENN and the standard deviation of the target value. This will be benefiting the whole ENN. The three part optimizing problem can be formulated as follows: A VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 125 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS comparison. In the other two ENNs, there are 4 component networks. The numbers of hidden nodes in the component networks are 4, 6, 8 and 10, respectively. After choosing the best weight configuration of each component network from 4 random runs, the output of the ensemble networks is combined with the simple averaging method (noted as AveENN) for the simple averaging ENN, and the entropy based ensemble method (noted as EN-ENN) uses the modified entropy value to determine the networks’ weights. Table 1 shows the corresponding MSE values of the test data and the training data with 20 runs during training. From Table 1, it can be observed that the EN-ENN provides the best generalization in terms of the mean value and the S.D. for the 20 runs. The relative small SD for both ENNs indicates the main advantage of the ENN, i.e. the consistency of the NN simulation. The comparison between the actual and predicted test results of EN-ENN is shown in Figure 3. It is noted that all the data points are within a narrow band of the 45o line. Test-MSE Train-MSE Single Ave-ENN EN-ENN 1.052 1.410 1.285 Mean 2.889 1.948 1.862 S.D. 1.679 0.455 0.437 Minimum 0.041 0.481 0.181 Mean 0.357 0.963 0.584 S.D. 0.383 0.358 0.296 [4] Sollich, P. and Krogh, A., 1996. “Learning with ensembles: How over-fitting can be useful” in: Touretzky, D.S., Mozer, M.C., Hasselmo, M.E. (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, Denver, CO, MIT press, Cambridge, MA, p. 190-196. [5] Zhao, Z.Y., Zhang, Y. and Liao, H.J., 2008. “Design of ensemble neural network using the Akaike information criterion”. Eng Appl Artif Intel, 21: 1182-1188. 20 Predicted Value [1] Friedman, J.H., 1991. “Multivariate adaptive regression splines”. Ann Statist, 19(1): 1-82. [3] McCulloch, W.S. and Pitts, W., 1943. “A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity”. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 5: 115-133. 25 15 10 5 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The Friedman function is used to verify the performance of the proposed ENN. From the comparison study, which include the single NN, the simple averaging ENN and the entropy based weighted ENN, it is found that the proposed entropy based ENN outperforms other methods. These results also showed the potential of the proposed ENN to be applied to other kinds of problems. [2] Jaynes, E.T., 1957. “Information theory and Statistical Mechanics I”. Phys Rev, 106: 620-630. 30 126 This paper aims to improve the ENN in two aspects: 1) instead of using component NN directly, a preliminary selecting process is used to get the best component NN; 2) the entropy is used to determine the weights of the component NNs in the ENN. Using the entropy to combine these best component networks can improve the performance of the ENN by balancing the contribution of each component network. REFERENCES Table 1. Results of twenty runs on Friedman #1 function with 4 component networks. Minimum CONCLUSIONS 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Actual Value Figure 3. Comparison between the actual and predicted Friedman #1 function test results of EN-ENN. 30 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS BURST STRENGTH ESTIMATION OF A CRACKED COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) TANK CYLINDER Lie Seng Tjhen (cstlie@ntu.edu.sg) Zhang Baofeng (bfzhang@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: In this study, the fracture behavior of a 30-liter cracked compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinder was investigated numerically. A series of experimental tests was conducted to study the material property of a typical steel CNG cylinder as well as the true profile of the cylindrical structure. Then, fracture assessment of the cracked steel cylinder was carried out to predict its burst pressure. The approach adopted in the present analysis was based on the Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) given by BS 7910 and API 579. Finally, a comparison was made between the theoretical burst pressure and the ones predicted by both codes of practice. INTRODUCTION Fracture failure This study described the structural integrity of a 30-liter CNG cylinder having a wide range of internal surface cracks. The approach adopted in present analysis was based on the FAD given by BS 7910 [2] and API 579 [3]. The standard Level 2A FAD curve, which is identical to the Level 2 assessment in API 579, was used to estimate the burst strength of a typical cracked CNG cylinder specimen. FAILURE ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM (FAD) In the standards, the general FAD Level 2A assessment curve is given by Kr = (1 – 0.14L2r)[0.3 + 0.7 exp(–0.65L6r)] …(1) Loading path Service point Critical point Unsafe Plastic collapse failure Safe Lr =Applied load/plastic collapse load 1.0 Figure 1. Failure assessment diagram (FAD) for flawed structures. The load ratio Lr for pressure vessels is provided as …(2) where σref is the reference stress and σy is the yield strength of the material. It is essential to recognize that the Kr parameter uses the linear elastic stress intensity factor with no allowance for the effect of plasticity on the crack tip driving force. As Lr increases, plasticity also increases the effective crack tip driving force [4]. CNG CYLINDER SPECIMEN Cylinder geometry A 30-liter steel cylinder was cut open to reveal the internal structure as shown in Figure 2. The measured dimensions are external diameter D = 230 mm, side wall thickness t = 6.4 mm and overall length l = 670 mm. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The usage of the FAD for the assessment of flawed structure is illustrated in Figure 1. This method adopts the assessment curve which uses the ratio of the stress intensity factor to the fracture toughness, Kr, as the vertical axis and the ratio of the applied load to the plastic collapse load, Lr, as the abscissa axis. If the service point falls inside the assessment curve, the structure is considered safe, otherwise, the structure is deemed unsafe. Applied load or crack size Failure assessment curve rdrpVr In order to determine the critical crack size with which the crack becomes unstable and causes the CNG cylinder to fail, the damaged structure should be assessed according to the knowledge of the service stresses and the knowledge of the fracture properties of the material. The fitness for service is an important procedure used to indicate the right level of material and fabrication quality for application with regard to the risks and consequences of failure [1]. Fitness for service assessment procedures for evaluating crack-like flaws in pressure vessels are based on the failure assessment diagram (FAD) method, which has evolved as the most widely accepted methodology for the analysis of components containing a crack-like flaw. 1.0 127 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Table 2. Material properties. Yield Tensile Young’s Critical Charpy Estimated strength modulus CTOD V-notch Kmat stress σy (MPa) σu (MPa) (GPa) δIC (mm) Energy (N/mm3/2) (Joules) 868.8 968.6 204.5 0.07 101 3464 Table 3a. Assessment results of burst strength (BS 7910). BS 7910 (2005) Figure 2. 3D model of the 30-liter CNG cylinder. a Table 1. Principal dimensions of the surface cracks. Crack depth a (mm) Half crack length c (mm) a/t 1.28 6.40 3.20 2.13 1.60 1.28 0.2 1.92 9.60 4.80 3.20 2.40 1.92 0.3 2.56 12.80 6.40 4.27 3.20 2.56 0.4 3.20 16.00 8.00 5.33 4.00 3.20 0.5 3.84 19.20 9.60 6.40 4.80 3.84 0.6 4.48 22.40 11.20 7.47 5.60 4.48 0.7 5.12 25.60 12.80 8.53 6.40 5.12 0.8 For a high pressure compressed natural gas (CNG) tank cylinder, a surface crack is often initiated from the internal wall thickness and rapidly grows into an approximately semi-elliptical in shape [5]. Thus, a semi-elliptical internal surface crack was assumed at the side wall of the specimen as shown in Figure 3. The assumed surface cracks covers a wide range of crack profiles as listed in Table 1, where the ratio of crack depth to wall thickness a/t ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 with an interval of 0.1; the ratio of crack depth to crack length a/c ranged from 0.2 to 1 with an interval of 0.2. σh,u (δ route) (MPa) c σh,u (K route) (MPa) deepest crack tip deepest crack tip 1.92 9.60 695.33 819.40 681.97 807.72 1.92 3.20 778.92 803.04 766.78 791.19 1.92 1.92 830.48 807.97 818.61 796.10 3.20 16.00 514.05 633.22 498.62 622.78 3.20 5.33 698.20 714.93 684.64 701.97 3.20 3.20 771.74 739.23 759.65 726.34 4.48 22.40 293.43 388.11 280.42 379.04 4.48 7.47 586.81 590.07 572.48 575.89 4.48 4.48 706.56 658.11 694.04 643.73 Table 3b. Assessment results of burst strength (API RP579). API RP579 (2007) a c σh,u (K route) (MPa) deepest crack tip 1.92 9.60 756.46 913.30 1.92 3.20 871.18 879.30 1.92 1.92 930.98 889.40 3.20 16.00 597.58 762.66 3.20 5.33 784.40 777.98 3.20 3.20 863.43 805.41 4.48 22.40 464.12 611.25 4.48 7.47 707.55 679.06 4.48 4.48 811.49 729.554 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 FAILURE ASSESSMENT OF CRACKED CNG CYLINDER 128 Figure 3. Mesh of CNG cylinder model with a surface crack. Material properties The material properties of the CNG cylinder were obtained through tensile coupon test, CTOD test and Charpy impact test, and they are summarized and tabulated in Table 2. The safety of this CNG cylinder containing internal surface crack under a working pressure was assessed according to BS 7910 [2] Level 2A and API 579 [3] Level 2 respectively. Both stress intensity factor, K, and CTOD, δ, assessment routes were employed in the evaluation of the burst strength of the cracked CNG cylinder. The residual stresses were set as zero because it was a seamless type CNG tank cylinder, i.e. there were no continuous longitudinal girt welds. The selected assessment results of the burst strength are tabulated in Table 3. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES In this study, a 30-liter CNG cylinder with a wide range of semi-elliptical internal surface cracks was assessed to predict its burst strength. [1] Wells, A.A., 1981. “The meaning of fitness for purpose and the concept of defect tolerance”. International Conference of Fitness for Purpose Validation of Welded Constructions. London, UK: The Welding Institute, Paper 33. Based on the tensile strength and fracture properties obtained, the prediction was performed using BS 7910 [2] and API 579 [3] approaches respectively. Fracture toughness in terms of critical CTOD value obtained from the CTOD test and critical stress intensity factor KIC estimated from the Charpy impact test data were applied in the prediction. [2] BS 7910, 2005. “Guide on Methods for Assessing the Acceptability of Flaws in Fusion Welded Structures”. British Standards Institution, London, UK. From the prediction results for the cracked CNG cylinder, it can be concluded that the fracture toughness estimated from Charpy impact test data can be used in the fracture strength prediction for the cracked CNG cylinder. BS 7910 [2] approach produces more conservative predictions of the fracture strength compared to that the API 579 [3] standard. When the ratio a/c increases, the weakest point of the crack is expected to shift from the deepest point to the crack tip. [3] API RP579-1/ASME FFS-1, 2007. “Fitness-for-Service”. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, USA. [4] Ainsworth, R.A., 1984. “The assessment of defects in structures of strain hardening materials”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 19(4), 633–642. [5] Lin, X.B. and Smith, R.A., 1998. “Fatigue Growth Prediction of Internal Surface Cracks in Pressure Vessels”. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 120(1), 17-23. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 129 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS EXPERIMENTAL STUDY AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTOR OF HIGH STRENGTH STEEL PLATE-TO-PLATE Y JOINTS Lee Chi King (ccklee@ntu.edu.sg) Chiew Sing Ping (cspchiew@ntu.edu.sg) Jiang Jin (jian0048@e.ntu.edu.sg) Yu Yi (yuyi@.ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: In this study, the stress concentration factor (SCF) distribution of a set of plate-to-plate Y joints made from high strength steel plates (with yield stress equal to 690MPa) under the action of static axial tensile loading applied on the brace were studied. The detailed SCF distributions were analyzed via finite element modelling and empirically tested using small scale specimens (with plate dimensions of 450mm×150mm). Two groups of specimens with different welding procedures are studied: The first group consists of joints with welding completed at ambient temperature while the second group consists of joints with welding completed at a per-heated temperature of 100°C. Comparison study is then carried out for the stress concentration factor of high strength steel joint in different fabrication environments and geometries. INTRODUCTION Currently, most steel structures are made of mild steel for its satisfactory mechanical property and availability. In the existing codes and standards, mild steel is well specified for application. However, there has been an increasing interest in the use of high strength steels, which generally have yield strengths larger than 460MPa, for recognizing the benefits from an increase in the strength to weight ratio and savings in the cost of materials. This is particularly applicable to offshore structures to reduce weight which can lead to achievement of considerable saving in supporting substructures. Compared with mild steel, high strength steel has merits in economy, architecture and safety. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 On the other hand, fatigue is one of the major problems causing the degradation of offshore structures in long term integrity. Therefore, stress concentration factor, which is the ratio between the hot spot stress, caused by structural discontinuities or welding, and the nominal member stress, is of significant meanings. 130 Eqn. 1 Figure 2 illustrates geometry profile for the joints whose angle is ranging from 60° to 90. In this case, the end of attachment plate in the welding part is cut into shape with 30° to satisfy welding requirement. Assuming the coordinate of point H and G are (l1/2, t1) and (l1/2, t1+R) respectively, the coordinate of C, D, E, and F can be expressed as: GEOMETRICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELLINGS A systematic geometrical modelling procedure for a general high strength steel plate-to-plate Y joint without cracks was proposed in this study. The global coordinate system (x-y) of the joint is defined with the original O locates at one end point of the plate. The geometry profile for the 45°joints angle is shown in Figure 1. Assuming that the coordinate of point C is ((l1+t2)/2, t1), the coordinate of point D can be written as ((l1+t2)/2, t1+R). Furthermore, the coordinates of points E, F and G can be expressed as: Eqn. 2 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS During numerical modelling using ABAQUS, by using the importing modulus in ABAQUS and using variable values of l1, l2 t1, t2 and θ, it was easy to change the plate size and welding parameters. Load was applied on the surface of EF, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, by a point-surface coupling. Five monitoring points, a, b, c, d and e, whose z coordinates are 15mm, 45mm, 75mm, 105mm and 135mm respectively, were set for results analysis in each case (Figure 3) after the modelling were completed. Linear interpolation was used to get the stress in monitoring points after the hot spot stresses at element nodes were obtained. t2 F y l2 E ș H G o tw R D C B x t1 A l Figure 1. Welding Profile for 45° joints. l2 R I D ș G H x C o l l1 Figure 2. Welding Profile for 60° joints. d z b a 5 Minimum Yield Strength (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Minimum Average Impact Energy RQT701 690 790~930 27J@ -45°C LB-70L 685 755 108J@-60°C t1 20 x Figure 3. Measuring points in the specimen. Two series of specimens were included to compare the influence of welding condition on stress concentration factor distribution near the weld toe. One group was fabricated in ambient temperature while the other group was pre-heated to 100°C before welding. There were 6 different geometries, consisting of 3 different parent steel plates thicknesses and 2 welding connection angles of each group were employed to explore the variation of the residual stress near the weld toe. During the welding, full penetration welding for tubular joint was used by following the standard AWS D1.1-2008. For the 45° joints, the welding profile shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the welding profile for the 60° joints. To fix the specimen in the grip of testing machine, a set of supporting joints, made of mild steel S355 with thickness of 55mm, was designed. It was designed in such a way that have nearly triple thickness when comparing with specimens to make sure the failure will turn out in specimens rather than the supporting joints. The specimen and supporting joint are connected by 12 high strength hexagon bolts of grade 10.9HR. In each end of connection, 6 bolts were positioned in two lines. Figure 4 shows the profile of the specimen and supporting joint after assembly. The Instron Model 8506 Dynamic Materials Testing System was introduced when tensile loading was to be applied in the specimen. With maximum tensile loading capability of 2000KN, it is an advanced multiprocessor-based control Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 y e B A c Items t2 E y In the present experimental investigation, a number of plate-to-plate T/Y joints, made of high strength steel with minimum yielding stress of 690MPa, were fabricated by welding. This high strength steel, RQT701, which was supplied by Corus Group, was quenched and tempered structural steel with improved forming and welding performance by substituting some alloying element with carbon. In the process of welding, great precautions were needed to ensure that welding qualification is satisfactory. Electrodes and fluxes with very low hydrogen content must be used in order to prevent hydrogen cracking. Hence, an ultra low hydrogen and moisture resistant type covered electrode for 690MPa high tensile strength steel for low temperature service, LB-70L, which is equivalent to the class ASME/AWS A5.5 E10016-G and supplied by Kobelco of Japan, was employed [1]. The welding procedure was carried out according to the AWS D1.1 2008 [2]. Other standards also were referenced [3-4]. Table 1 gives the mechanical properties of the RQT701 plate and LB-70L electrode. Table 1. Mechanical properties of RQT701 steel plate and LB-70L electrode. l1 F EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 131 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS console which provides full digital control of a testing system. It consists of a closed load and four columns frame with movable crosshead, a hydraulic actuator to apply a force, gripping mechanisms to hold the mechanical test specimen, and a load cell to measure the force. The position of the actuator, under closed loop control by controlling the hydraulic fluid flowing through a servo-valve supplying the actuator, is measured by a displacement transducer. FLA-2 of TML strain gauge, which has only one grid, was adhered on the surface of the specimen. Six strain gauges were used and installed in the position as Figure 4 shown. In the direction of specimen length, the strain gauges positioned in two lines, which were away from weld toe 5mm and 20mm respectively, were applied. 5 Weld Toe 25 C B A C1 B1 A1 50 50 Figure 5. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points of 8mm–45° joints. 20 25 Figure 6. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points of 8mm–60° joints. Figure 4. Plane view of scheme of strain gauges for static testing. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 RESULTS ANALYSIS 132 Figure 5 illustrates the distributions of SCF both by modelling and test for the 8mm-45° joints, where line A denotes the specimen in ambient temperature and line B refers to the specimen fabricated with preheating. The modelling result agrees well with test outcomes. In this case, the maximum SCF locates at the middle of plate width. The SCF in joint welded at ambient temperature is slightly higher than in pre-heating joint. Figure 6 depicts the modelling and test results for the 8mm-60° joints. In this case, two SCF values in the middle of plate width deviate much from modelling results and another two values from test. However, the values in both two ends agree well. It is the existence of small notch near weld toe that make two values in the middle of plate width deviate from the modelling result and the other two values derived by test. Figure 7 shows comparison between modelling and test results for the 12mm-45° joints. The numerical results corroborate the test results. However, in Figure 8, where the distribution of SCF for the 12mm-60° joints is illustrated, the values at both ends appear to diverge. At one end of Figure 7. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points of 12mm–45° joints. Figure 8. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points of 12mm–60° joints. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS the plate width, the SCF at joint with welding at ambient temperature is 0.80 while at the other end point in joint with welding at pre-heating temperature is 2.12. This phenomenon may be due to the uneven distortion of plate during welding and the asymmetrical applied stress caused by the tensile machine. However, in the middle of plate width, the test results are close to modelling value. Figure 9 and Figure 10 give the results for the 16mm-45° joints and the 16mm-60° joints, respectively. In these two cases, the modelling results corresponds with test values well. Figure 9. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points of 16mm–60° joints. CONCLUSIONS Based on numerical analysis and test results, several conclusions are obtained as follow: (1) In most cases, the SCF values obtained by modelling have good consistence with test results. The numerical analysis by using python through ABAQUS is efficient. (2) The notch near the weld toe has significant influence on SCF values and it is necessary to avoid producing such flaws in process of welding. Additionally, the distortion due to welding may also be an effect of the distribution of SCF. (3) In most of the 45° and 60° high strength steel joints, the SCF locates in the range from 1.4 to 2.3. Several aberrant values may turn out in the test due to limitation of the specimens and test setup. (4) The welding conditions including ambient temperature and pre-heating temperature do not exert much influence on SCF. REFERENCE [1] AWS. ANSI/AWS A5.5. “Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shield Metal Arc Welding”. American Welding Society, Miami, USA. 2006. [2] AWS.ANSI/AWS D1.1. “Structural Welding Code-Steel”. American Welding Society, Miami, USA. 2008. [3] AS/NZS. “Structural steel welding part 4: Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steels”. Australia/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1554.4, 2004. [4] BSI. “Eurocode3 -- Design of steel structures. Part1-12: Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S700”. British Standards Institute, London, UK. 2007. Figure 10. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points of 16mm–60° joints. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 133 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF STEEL BEAM-COLUMN JOINTS SUBJECTED TO CATENARY ACTION Yang Bo (yang0206@e.ntu.edu.sg) Tan Kang Hai (ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Several structural collapse incidents indicate that failure usually starts from the beam-column joints when exposed to abnormal loads, especially for steel and composite structures. If the connections are sufficiently robust and there is adequate axial restraint from adjoining structures, catenary action forms in the beams and slabs. This gives rise to alternate load paths when affected columns are severely damaged, resulting in large deformations in the beams and slabs. This paper presents experimental results of steel beamcolumn joints subjected to catenary action. Two groups of connections (viz. simple and semi-rigid) were studied under column removal scenarios. Seven experimental tests were conducted. The experimental results demonstrated that web cleat, flush end plate and top and seat with web angles connections had better performance under extreme loading conditions compared with other types of joints. INTRODUCTION Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The alternate load path method, an important design approach to mitigate progressive collapse, has been included by a number of design codes including GSA [1] and DOD [2]. It is an approach that allows local failure to occur when subjected to an extreme load, but seeks to provide alternate load paths so that the initial damage can be contained and major collapse can be averted. A typical example is shown in Figure 1 under the scenario when an interior column has been removed by a blast and an alternate load path can take place through adjacent structural assemblage including beams, columns and joints. One of the key mechanisms in mitigating the spread of “domino” effect is to redistribute applied loading on damaged members through catenary action. As shown in Figure 1, the term “catenary action” refers to the ability of beams to resist vertical loads through the formation of a net-like mechanism. 134 It is noteworthy that beam-column joints are critical elements of any building structures and they usually control the extent of catenary action because of the limited resistance and rotation capacity of joints. So far, only very limited research works have been conducted on the performance of bare steel connections subjected to catenary action. Most of the reported works focused on welded moment connections [3, 4]. However, in Europe, bolted steel connections such as fin plate, flush end plate, web cleat and extended end plate, are very popular and the evaluation of these kinds of joints subjected to catenary action is important and timely. A structure research group at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is conducting a research programme to investigate the stiffness, strength and ductility of bolted steel connections subjected to catenary action under the column-removal scenario. This project involves a series of experimental tests on conventional bolted steel connections, finite element (FE) investigation of connection behaviour, Figure 1. Typical example of alternate load path. and development of mechanical models for analysis and design purpose. This paper focuses on the experimental tests of different types of steel beam-column joints under catenary action. In total, 7 experimental tests were carried out on different types of steel beam-column joints, including simple and semi-rigid connections. The experimental tests were carried out in the Protective Engineering Laboratory of Nanyang Technological University. In the group of simple connections, web cleat, top and seat angle, top and seat with web angles (TSWA) (8mm thickness angles) and fin plate connections were investigated while in the group of semi-rigid connections, flush end plate, extended end plate and TSWA (12mm thickness angles) were studied. The principal aim of this paper is to provide the experimental results of steel beam-column joint behaviour, including failure modes, development of forces and deflections in the beams. TEST SET-UP AND SPECIMENS Test set-up The beam-column joint considered for experimental tests was located above the storey where an internal perimeter column had been removed. To simplify the tests, an STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS inflection point was assumed at the middle of the beam span. Thus, only half of the beam span was used with pin conditions, as shown in Figure 2. This simplification was admissible since the focus was on the central connection above the removed column. With the possible exception of the floor immediately above the blast, the simplified specimen was representative of any other upper floors above the zone of damage since all the joints experienced a downward rigid body displacement. (a) Aerial view Figure 2. Prototype beam-column joint. The test set-up is shown in Figure 3. Compared with other joint tests under normal loading conditions, additional horizontal restraints were provided by an A-frame and a strong reaction wall to consider the restraint from surrounding structural elements. In order to consider the rotational restraint from the continuous column to beamcolumn joints, a rotational restraint system was adopted, as shown in Fig. 3. In addition, the beams were restrained from lateral movement. A displacement-controlled point load was applied to the middle column using an actuator. Test specimens In total, seven tests were carried out. Table 1 summaries the test specimens. In all these seven tests, M20 8.8 bolts were used. (b) Front view Figure 3. The test set-up. TEST RESULTS Simple connections Before the test was started, the specimen was held at the horizontal position. A vertical load was then applied to the middle column gradually until fracture occurred in the connection part. In the test of web cleat, the specimen reached the largest loading point with fracture of the web cleat close to the heel, shown in Figure 4. Table 1. Summary of the test specimens. Connection type Simple connections Top and seat angle Fin plate TSWA Semi-rigid connections Extended end plate Extended end plate TSWA End plate/angle 305×165×40 UB S355 305×165×40 UB S355 305×165×40 UB S355 305×165×40 UB S355 254×146×37 UB S355 254×146×37 UB S355 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×8 S275 L90×8 S275 100×8 S275 L90×8 S275 200×12 S275 200×12 S275 L150×100×12 S275 Figure 4. Failure mode of web cleat. A ductile failure mode was observed in this test and due to the high rotation capacity, catenary action could develop well. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Web cleat Beam section 135 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS In the test of the top and seat connection, high flexural action was observed and the failure mode was similar with the test of web cleat, as shown in Figure 5. However, due to this high flexural action, catenary action could not form until the bottom angle fractured. Figure 6. Failure mode of top and seat with web angles. Figure 5. Failure mode of top and seat. In the test of TSWA, the same angle fracture phenomenon was observed, as shown in Figure 6. In the test of the fin plate connection, bolts fractured in shear were observed, as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. Failure mode of fin plate. Figure 8 shows the load-displacement curves for different types of connections tested in this group. The results from the experimental tests demonstrated that simple beamcolumn joints could provide fairly significant gravity load carrying capacity under column removal scenarios. The achievement of these capacities lies with the ability of these types of connections to accomodate large rotations. If large rotations can be reached, axial tension stiffness (catenary action) will overcome moment stiffness as the dominating mechanism to resisting gravity loading. The web cleat and TSWA connections exhibited good axial tension and rotation capacities to develop catenary action. In contrast, the fin plate and top and seat connections exhibited only very limited axial tension and rotation capacities. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 8. Load-displacement curves for different types of connections (simple connections). 136 Semi-rigid connections The same loading procedure was used in this group of tests. Figures 9, 10 and 11 show the failure modes of these three semi-rigid connection tests. Figure 6. Failure mode of top and seat with web angles. Figure 12 shows the load-displacement curves for different types of connections tested in this group. The results from the experimental tests demonstrated that flush end plate and TSWA connections could perform well to develop catenary action under column removal scenarios due to their large rotation capacities. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS CONCLUSIONS Figure 9. Failure mode of flush end plate. In this study, experimental tests were conducted to investigate the behaviour of bolted steel beam-column joints subjected to catenary action. Simple and semi-rigid connections were studied. The test results demonstrated the ductility and load capacity of the six connection types in catenary mode. Among the simple connections in this study, the web cleat connection had the best combination of desirable features: ability to develop catenary action and extremely high ductility (rotational capacity) through deformation of the web angles. The flush end plate and TSWA connections had a similar performance with regard to catenary action in the group of semi-rigid connections. REFERENCES [1] General Services Administration (GSA), “Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects”. 2003. [2] Department of Defense (DOD), 2005. “Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse”. Unified Facilities Criteria, 4-023-03, Figure 10. Failure mode of extended end plate. [3] European committee for standardization, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures—Part 1-8: Design of joints, BS EN 19931-8: 2005, British Standards Institution, UK, 2005. [4] Khandelwal, K. and El-Tawil, S., 2007. “Collapse behaviour of steel special moment resisting frame connections”. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 133(5), 646-655. Figure 11. Failure mode of TSWA. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 12. Load-displacement curves for different types of connections (semi-rigid connections). 137 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS MODELING OF PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTERS Yang Yaowen (cywyang@ntu.edu.sg) Tang Lihua (c070073@ntu.edu.sg) INTRODUCTION Uncoupled circuit model To date, wireless sensor networks have been widely employed for civil structure health monitoring. One challenge in their applications is the limited lifespan of the embedded batteries. For the sensor nodes deployed at inaccessible locations, battery replacement could be tedious and expensive. Hence, harvesting ambient vibration energy as sensor’s power supply has aroused an intensive research interest in the past few years [1]. Regarding the term at the right hand side of Eqn. (1b) as a current source i, this equation actually satisfies the Kirchoff’s current law. Under uncoupled assumption, the coupling term χrV in Eqn. (1a) can be dropped. Hence, the vibration of the PEH ηr and in turn the current source i in Eqn. (1b) are independent of the electrical load (or the energy harvesting process). For open circuit condition, Eqn. (1b) is rewritten as Among all transduction mechanisms, piezoelectric energy harvesting is enthusiastically pursued in the literature for its high power density [2]. Analytical or numerical models can be established to predict the optimal power from piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) by considering a pure resistive load. However, for a practical energy storage circuit, these approaches are not applicable due to the intrinsic complexity of storage circuit. One effective approach to address this problem is to derive the circuit model of a PEH, such that the entire system can be simulated. In this article, we first derive an accurate circuit model for the fabricated PEH prototype. Subsequently, the entire circuit of the energy harvesting system is established and simulated in an electronic simulator. Finally, experiments are carried out on the fabricated PEH. The experiment results, including the frequency responses of the open circuit voltage, short circuit current, the power delivered on various resistors as well as the results of charging various capacitors, validate the prediction of circuit simulation. …(2) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 CIRCUIT MODELING 138 From the beam vibration theory and constitutive equations of piezoelectricity, the modal electromechanical governing equations for a cantilevered PEH can be described as [3] …(1a) …(1b) where the subscript ( )r represents the r-th vibration mode; ηr, ωr, and χr are the modal coordinate, natural frequency, damping ratio and modal electromechanical coupling coefficient, respectively; – früg is the excitation force due to the base acceleration üg; V and I are the voltage across the PEH and current output from the PEH, respectively; and CS is the clamped internal capacitance of the PEH. which represents a circuit composed of an ideal current source placed in parallel with the internal capacitance of the PEH CS. This uncoupled model (Fig. 1(a)) or its equivalent model, i.e., an ideal voltage source placed in series with CS (Fig. 1(b)) is usually utilized as the circuit model of a PEH [4]. However, such models fail to account for the resonance frequency shift for different circuit conditions. In addition, the prediction of optimal load and power under uncoupled consumption is inaccurate if electromechanical coupling is not negligible [5]. (a) (b) Figure 1. Uncoupled circuit models of PEHs. In fact, if we move χrV in Eqn. (1a) to the righ hand side as shown in Eqn. (3), χrV obviously plays the role as an additional excitation force imposed on the beam. …(3) When the excitation frequency approaches one resonance frequency, the magnitude of V will significantly increase and the term χrV cannot be neglected especially when the coupling χr is strong. Hence, ηr in Eqn. (3) and the current source i in Eqn. (2) are dependent on the electrical load. Accurate circuit model To derive the accurate circuit model of PEH, the electromechanical coupling term χrV should remain in STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Eqn. (1a). The derivation of the circuit model starts from this equation. Analogizing the displacement ηr as charge qr, the excitation force – früg as a voltage source vr, and the coefficients, 1, 2 ωr, ωr2 and χr of each term at the left hand side as an inductor Lr, a resistor Rr, the reciprocal of a capacitor Cr and a transformer with turn ratio Nr, Eqn. (1a) can be rewritten as …(4) Eqn. (4) represents the constitutive equation of an LCR circuit and satisfies Kirchoff’s voltage law. This circuit is actually the r-th branch of the accurate circuit model and represents the r-th vibration mode of a PEH. Considering multiple modes, the accurate circuit model of a PEH is comprised of an LCR circuit network (Fig. 2). (a) (b) Figure 3. r-th branch of the circuit model when the PEH works in actuator mode. When the excitation frequency approaches r-th natural frequency, Y can be approximated as …(7) in which, Yd and Ymot are termed damped and motional admittance, respectively [3], i.e., …(8a) …(8b) From (8b), the locus of Ymot in the complex plane near r-th mode is an approximate circle, i.e., …(9) Figure 2. Accurate multi-mode circuit model of a PEH. Using FEA, we can obtain Ymot near each mode. Drawing the locus of Ymot, we can obtain the parameters Lmr, Rmr, Cmr and Nmr by For a PEH with a regular profile, the parameters Lr, Rr, Cr, Nr and vr can be easily determined by analogizing Eqns (1a) and (4) after analytical modal analysis. However, for a PEH with an irregular and complicated profile, these parameters should be identified by finite element analysis (FEA) [3]. The procedure of this approach will be briefly introduced below. …(10) For parameter Lr, Rr, Cr, Nr Finally, by Eqn. (6), Lr, Rr, Cr and Nr can be determined. These parameters should be derived from the admittance of the PEH. The admittance of the PEH is defined by In FEA, applying the voltage on the PEH, we obtain the charge or current response, and subsequently the admittance Y by applying Eqn. (5). The PEH in this case works in actuator mode. Hence, the r-th branch of circuit model (Fig. (3a)) can be converted to Fig. (3b) according to the properties of an ideal transformer, i.e., …(6) For parameter vr The last undetermined parameter is the magnitude of the voltage source vr for r-th mode. Under a unit excitation acceleration, vr is related to the charge response exactly at r-th natural frequency by the following equation [3], …(11) Hence, after we obtain the charge response Q(jωr) by FEA, vr can be determined by Eqn. (11). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 …(5) 139 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS SIMULATION AND VALIDATION Fig. 4 shows the prototype of a fabricated PEH and the experimental apparatus. Two piezoelectric transducers, electrically connected in parallel, are bonded on each side of an aluminum substrate and a steel proof mass is attached at the beam tip. The beam is clamped on a shaker. An accelerometer is attached on the shaker to monitor the acceleration of the base excitation. Table 1 lists all the parameters of the PEH prototype. These parameters are required in FEA to derive the parameters of the circuit model of the PEH. resonance frequencies as observed in experiment, which is one prominent characteristic of the electromechanical coupling effect. Additionally, the magnitudes of Voc and Isc from simulation agree well with those from the experiment. Besides, it should be mentioned that the frequency response curves in experiment are slightly bent to left (softening stiffness), which results from the unavoidable imperfect clamping condition [1]. Figure 5. Overall diagram of the energy harvesting system. Figure 4. PEH prototype and experimental apparatus. By applying the approach introduced in the previous section, we derive the circuit model of the fabricated PEH, as shown in the dashed box in Fig. 5. Two vibration modes are considered to increase the accuracy. Fig. 5 also shows the standard energy storage circuit (full-wave rectifier D + storage capacitor Cstorage). The overall circuit of the system is established in the SPICE software (NI Multisim 10.0 student version). In the following subsections, we report the simulation that was conducted and compared with the experimental results. (a) Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Open circuit and short circuit responses 140 The frequency responses of Voc and Isc from simulation and experiment in the range dominated by the 1st mode are compared in Fig. 6. The responses are all normalized by the root mean square (RMS) input acceleration for fair comparison. It is noted that the derived model can predict the shift between the open circuit and short circuit (b) Figure 6. Open circuit volt age and short circuit current responses: (a) simulation and (b) experiment. Table 1. Properties of the PEH. Item Piezoelectric Transducer Epoxy Layer Substrate Proof Mass Dimensions (mm×mm×mm) 85×28×0.2 (active volume) 85×28×0.1 178×32×1.5 18.5×32×14 Density (kg/m3) 7750 2200 2700 7850 Modulus (GPa) E11=60.98 E=0.1 E=70 E=200 Poisson’s ratio 0.35 0.38 0.35 0.29 Dielectric constant ε33 /ε0=830 – – – Piezoelectric constant (10-12m/V) d31= -185 – – – Rayleigh damping coefficients S α=1.7, β=2.25×10-5 (calculated by experimentally measured 1st and 2nd damping ratio ζ1=0.011, ζ2=0.0114 ) STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Optimal power delivered on various resistors To evaluate the optimal power and corresponding optimal load, various resistors are directly attached to the PEH. Fig. 7 shows the frequency responses of the power for different resistive loads. Although the power magnitudes from experiment and simulation are not exactly the same, their trends with resistance increase are similar. Both experiment and simulation results show that the maximum delivered power first increases and then decreases with the resistance. The optimal resistance is around 40KΩ. Furthermore, the frequency to achieve the maximum power (or the peak) shifts to right when the resistance increases. These results are reasonable since the increase of resistance corresponds to the circuit condition shifts from short-circuit to opencircuit. The simulation captures these phenomena as the experiment, validating the circuit model that we derived. (a) There is a minor discrepancy in this frequency between the experiment measurement and simulation prediction due to the imperfect clamping in the experiment, as mentioned in previous section. Fig. 8 shows the voltage waveforms across the five capacitors in time domain when the energy harvesting process starts. It is noted that small capacitors are quickly charged to saturation, which means that they are preferable when instant power supply is required. Additionally, good consistency is observed between the experiment and simulation results. Hence, with the help of the derived circuit model, it is convenient to predict the performance of a piezoelectric energy harvesting system by circuit modeling and simulation, avoiding the tedious experimental work. Figure 8. Simulation and experiment results for the PEH charging various capacitors. CONCLUSIONS (b) Figure 7. Power delivered on various resistors: (a) simulation (b) experiment. Charging various storage capacitors A standard energy storage circuit and the overall system diagram are shown in Fig. 5. We consider five different capacitors. In both experiment and simulation, the PEH is tuned to vibrate at open circuit resonance frequency. REFERENCES [1] Yang, Y.W., Tang, L.H. and Li, H.Y., 2009. Smart Mater. Struct., 18:115025. [2] Roundy, S., Wright, P.K. and Rabaey, J., 2003. Computer Communications, 26:1131-1144. [3] Yang, Y.W. and Tang, L.H., 2009. J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., 20:2223-2235. [4] Ottman, G.K., Hofmann, H.F., Bhatt, A.C. and Lesieutre, G.A., 2002. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 17:669676. [5] Erturk, A. and Inman, D.J., 2008. Smart Mater. Struct., 17:065016. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 For a pure resistive load, analytical model or finite element method can also be used to evaluate the system performance. However, in practice, the AC voltage from the PEH should be first rectified to DC voltage and then the harvested energy can be consumed by a load or stored in a capacitor. Hence, we further conduct the simulation and experiment to evaluate the circuit model when the PEH charges various capacitors. In this article, an accurate circuit model for a PEH has been derived. The entire circuit of the energy harvesting system was established and simulated in an electronic simulator. Experiments were also carried out on the fabricated PEH. For the open circuit voltage, short circuit current and the power harvested for various resistors, consistent trends of these frequency responses were observed in both experiment and simulation. The experimental results of charging various storage capacitors further validated the prediction from the circuit modelling and simulation. Hence, the proposed circuit model of PEHs provides an effective approach to evaluate the performance of a piezoelectric energy harvesting system. 141 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF STEEL BOLTED BEAM-COLUMN CONNECTIONS SUBJECTED TO DYNAMIC LOADING Liu Chang (Liuc0014@ntu.edu.sg) Andrew Tyas (a.tyas@sheffield.ac.uk) Fung Tat Ching (CTCFUNG@ntu.edu.sg) Tan Kang Hai (CKHTAN@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: This study presents the development of a finite element model with the ability to simulate and analyse the response of steel bolted end-plate connections subjected to extremely rapid rates of applied loading. The effect of material strain-rate sensitivity was taken into account and a shear failure criterion was adopted to predict the failure of the connections. By comparing the simulation results with experimental observed response, it is found that the numerical techniques and the material model used in this study can predict the structural behaviour of connections subjected to dynamic loading reasonably well. INTRODUCTION Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Progressive collapse is one of the most under-researched areas in structural engineering, and yet it holds the key to the survival of a structure after a blast event. It is well known that progressive collapse is a dynamic process because it happens in a matter of seconds. The importance of steel connections to resist progressive collapse has been emphasized by many studies over the years. Most of them focused on investigation of catenary action of the steel and concrete connections under quasi-static loading [1, 2]. Little test data has been published to demonstrate the performance of steel connections subjected to rapid rates of loading. Recently, Tyas’s research team has conducted a series of experimental works to determine the response of typical semi-rigid steel beam-column connections when loaded rapidly to failure. This experimental programme is still ongoing and only some initial test results are published [3]. The results show that significant differences appeared between the behaviour of connections under dynamic and static loads. 142 It is acknowledged that the experimental work under dynamic conditions is much more complicated than the static one. Safety issues have to be considered for dynamic testing. Recording the response of structural elements over time accurately is also quite difficult. Therefore, numerical simulations become an attractive option for investigating the behaviour of connections subjected to dynamic loading. The main purpose of this study is to develop a finite element model with the ability to simulate and analyse the response of the steel bolted end-plate connections subjected to extremely rapid rates of applied loading. The explicit module of commercial finite element software ABAQUS is used to form the detailed three-dimensional modelling. The simulation results can provide some additional useful information which is difficult to be measured during the testing, such as the energy absorption, the distribution of stress in each component of the connections and the ductility of the connections. Figure 1. The general layout of the testing and the geometric details of the connection (unit mm). FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Description of the dynamic testing The finite element modelling was based on the experimental work conducted by Tyas[3], in which both dynamic and static responses of the flexible end plate beam-column connetions were investigated. The connection performance was characterized by a connection tension load vs rotation relationship. Fig. 1 shows the general layout of testing and the geometric details of the connection. An 8mm thick flexible end plate was welded to the beam web by 6mm welding and bolted to the column flange using M20 Grade 8.8 bolts. In the tests, the dynamic loads were applied from zero to the peak in 50-60ms. Finite element model The testing were modelled using the explicit module of commercial finite element code ABAQUS. Information from previous studies conducted by Krauthammer [4] indicated STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS that, for high rate dynamic loads, ABAQUS has very good simulation capabilities. Due to small time durations and high applied loads required for the current study, the finite element model was created using 8-noded continuum (brick) elements with reduced integration (C3D8R). The model considered contact conditions between the bolts/nuts head and the end plate/column, the bolt shanks and the holes, the end plate and the column, respectively. The fixed boundary condition was applied at the bottom of the beam. been found to be in good agreement with some reported test results, these values were selected here to model the material strain rate of the beam and the end plate. In order to simplify the model and minimise computational time, the column was modelled as a rigid plate. This is because the deformation of the column, either globally under bending or locally at the connection, can be ignored during the tests. Moreover, only 200mm length of the beam, which was sufficient to show local deformations of the connection, rather than the full length, was modelled. An overview of the finite element model is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3. The influence of strain rate sensitivity. However, there were very limited research the information on the influence of strain rate on bolts and welds. Therefore, dynamic increase factors (DIF) of 1.1 developed by Department of the US Army Corps of Engineers were taken into account for strain-rate effects of the bolts and welds when connections were applied at high rate of loading. Thus the dynamic stress can be determined as: σd = 1.1σ0 …(2) Failure criterion Figure 2. An overview of the finite element model. Material model The material model adopted Young’s modulus of 205 GPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 for all of the steel components. It should be noted that the densities of the beam and the column were adjusted to make sure their masses were the same in actual test. Plastic stress-stain curves based on true stress-strain relationship were defined in this study. Von Mises yield criterion was used to simulate plastic deformations of the connection. σd = σ0 | 1 + ( D ) | δ q …(1) where D and q are the material parameters, which were determined from experimental results.Various values of the constants D and q have been reported in the literature for mild steel. Some of the most representative values for the strain rate sensitivity of mild steel are shown in Fig. 3. Since the values suggested by Marais et al. [5] have ANALYSIS RESULTS First, the validation of three-dimensional finite element models was preceded by comparing their predictions against static test data using ABAQUS. As described in the test report [3], a static load was applied on the right side of the column with a pivot, as shown in Fig. 1. In this test, the connection was not highly deformed due to the limitation of the loading system. The relationship between the connection Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The effects of the material rate sensitivity are very important in the high-strain-rate analysis. In this study, the strain rate effects were introduced into the material model by the widely-used Cowper-Symonds equation as follows: As strain-based failure model controls the brittleness/ ductility of the material, a shear failure criterion where equivalent plastic strain as the failure measure was applied to simulate the cracking of the connections (elements that are heavily deformed and satisfy the criterion during loading are automatically deleted from the mesh). Unlike turning simulations where a predefined fracture line exists, this damage parameter was activated across the whole analysis. It should be noted that this failure model is only suitable for high-strain-rate dynamic problems. The research work conducted by Hyun Chang Yim et al. [6] suggested the equivalent plastic strain values of base metal and welds is 0.2 for base metal and 0.1 for welds. These values are obtained by comparison with the dissipated energy values of welds and base metal in the Charpy-V Notch test. 143 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS tension load and the connection rotation from experimental tests and computer simulations are compared in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 4, results from the simulation and that from the experiment corresponded very well. It was demonstrated that the FE model including the definition of materials and the contact conditions is shown to be, reliable for quasistatic connection behaviour. Based on the validated FE model, the analysis of the connection under rapidly applied loading was conducted, with strain rate sensitivity and the failure criterion. Fig. 5 shows a comparison between the simulation result and the test one. Reasonable agreement is also achieved on the connection load versus rotation curve. The existence of discrepancy may be due to the simplified loading method defined as the load reaches the peak in 0.05ms followed by a constant force during the rest of analysis in the numerical simulation. Comparisons of the final deformed configuration of the connection and the failure mode between FEA and test results are shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the numerical model can successfully predict the failure mode of the connection which involves cracking along the fillet weld between the end plate and the beam web. From the test result, we can see that cracking usually starts on one side. The simulation result can also predict this phenomenon. However, it should be noted that the prediction of which side of connection crack first is somehow arbitrary. Figure 6. Final deformed connections and the failure mode. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 4. Load vs. Rotation for flexible endplate connection under static loading. 144 Figure 7. The development of cracking at T=30ms. Figure 5. Load vs. Rotation for flexible endplate connection under rapidly applied loading. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS The numerical model was validated against the experimental results conducted at the University of Sheffield, UK (A. Tyas et al. 2010), in which a series of partial depth endplate connections have been tested under both static and dynamic loading, respectively. The finite element method allows for further parametric analyses of steel beam-column connections to provide some comprehensive results which can be used to form the simplified analytical model for design, such as the component-based joint model. REFERENCES [1] Demonceau, J.F., 2008. “Steel and composite frames: sway response under conventional loading and development of membrane effects in beams further to an exceptional action”. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Liège, 2008. Figure 8. The development of cracking at T=50ms. CONCLUSIONS In this study, a finite element numerical model was developed to simulate the response of steel bolted endplate connections subjected to extremely rapid rates of applied loading. The explicit module of commercial finite element software ABAQUS is used to form the detailed three-dimensional modelling. The effect of material strain-rate sensitivity is taken into account using the Cowper and Symonds formulation and a dynamic shear failure model was adopted to simulate the development of cracking during the applied loading. [2] Yang, B. and Tan, K.H., 2009. “Numerical analyses of beamcolumn joints subjected to catenary action under in-plane loading”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tall Building, Hong Kong. [3] Tyas, A. et al, 2011. “Dynamic testing of semi-rigid steel beam-column connections”. Proceeding of the COST C26 International Conference. [4] Krauthammer, T., Lim, J. and Oh, G.J., 2000. “Findings from three computer code validations with precision impact test data”. Proceedings of the 29th Department of Defense Explosive Safety Seminar, New Orleans, LA; 2000, p. 18–20. [5] Marais, S.T., Tait, R.B., Cloete, T.J. and Nurick, G.N., 2004. “Material testing at high strain rate using the split-Hopkinson pressure bar”. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 2004; 1(1): 319–39. [6] Yim, H.C. and Krauthammer, T., 2009. “Load–impulse characterization for steel connection”. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 36 (2009), 737–745. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 145 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS EXPERIMENT INVESTIGATION ON RESIDUAL STRESS DISTRIBUTIONS OF HIGH STRENGTH STEEL PLATE-TO-PLATE Y JOINTS Lee Chi King (ccklee@ntu.edu.sg) Chiew Sing Ping (cspchiew@ntu.edu.sg) Jiang Jin (jian0048@e.ntu.edu.sg) Yu Yi (yuyi@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: In this study, an investigation of the residual stress distribution near the weld toe of a set of plate-to-plate Y joins made from high strength steel with yield stress equal 690MPa are carried out. The hole-drilling method is applied to measure the residual stress distribution near the weld toe of the joints. Special template and accessories are manufactured to ensure that precise drilling could be conducted close to the weld toe. The characteristics of the residual stress are discussed and its relationship with the joint geometry and the welding profile is summarized. F y E 146 Two series of specimens were included to compare the influence of welding condition on residual stress distribution ș H G o tw R D C B x t1 A l l1 Figure 1. Welding Profile for 45° joints. F t2 E y l2 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 SPECIMEN DETAILS In the present experimental investigation, a number of plate-to-plate Y joints, made of high strength steel with minimum yielding stress of 690MPa, were fabricated by welding. This high strength steel, RQT701, which is supplied by Corus Group, is quenched and tempered structural steel with improved forming and welding performance by substitute some alloying element with carbon. In the process of welding, greater precautions are needed to ensure that welding qualification is satisfactory. Electrodes and fluxes with very low hydrogen content must be used in order to prevent hydrogen cracking. Hence, an ultra low hydrogen and moisture resistant type covered electrode for 690MPa high tensile strength steel for low temperature service, LB-70L, which is equivalent to the class ASME/AWS A5.5 E10016-G and supplied by Kobelco of Japan, was employed[1]. The welding procedure is carried out according to AWS D1.1 2008[2]. Other standards also are referenced [3-5]. t2 When comparing with mild steel, high strength steel (HSS) shows relatively poor ductility and therefore the residual stress engendered in the process of welding may have significant influence on the fatigue performance of HSS joints. Residual stress not only affects the initiation and onset of the propagation of surface cracks but also changes the path of a crack as it grows below the surface. The effect of residual welding stresses on the performance of welded structure is particularly significant when low stresses are applied. Therefore, for high strength steel structures, it is significant to investigate the distribution of residual stress due to welding in joints. In this research, hole-drilling method is applied for checking the residual stress caused by welding. near the weld toe. One group is fabricated in ambient temperature while the other group is pre-heated to 100°C before welding. There are 6 different geometries, consisting of 3 different parent steel plates thicknesses and 2 welding connection angles of each group, employed to explore the variation of the residual stress near the weld toe. During the welding, full penetration welding for tubular joint is used by following the standard AWS D1.1-2008. The welding profiles of 45° and 60° joints are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. l2 INTRODUCTION R I o D ș G H C l l1 Figure 2. Welding Profile for 60° joints. x B t1 A STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS TEST SETUP 5 Weld Toe The RS-200 Milling Guide is a high-precision instrument for analyzing residual stress by the hole-drilling method through positioning and drilling of a hole in the center of a special strain gauge rosette. Its ruggedness and flexibility make it equally suitable for laboratory or field application. Since positioning precision of the milling guide has great influence on the accuracy of measurement, the RS-200 milling guide with a microscope installed was applied and secured to samples with quick-setting and frangible adhesive to bond its foot pads. The milling cutter was guided carefully to make the cutter progress in a straight line devoid of side pressure on the hole and friction at the non-cutting edge. A high-speed air turbine was employed to form good hole shape and adaptability to incremental drilling as shown in Figure 3. To make the measured points close to the weld toe of the joint, a special supporting set was designed. C B A 15 25 B1 B2 25 50 50 25 Figure 5. Plane view of scheme of strain gauges. 100°C 25°C Figure 3. RS-200 High speed drilling setup. Figure 6. Comparison of stresses in points A, B and C in y direction of specimens with 45° and 12mm. STRAIN GAUGE LOCATIONS z 5 15 25 x 50 25 25 y 50 Figure 4. Strain gauges scheme for residual stresses measurement. Generally, several steps were followed orderly when the hole-drilling method was applied. Firstly, a special strain gauge rosette with three grids was bonded at the point where the residual stresses were to be determined as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. Then the RS-200 Milling Guide was attached to the test part and centered over the rosette. Afterwards a precision hole was introduced at the center of the rosette and readings of the relaxed strains were recorded. Finally, residual stresses were computed. CALIBRATION TEST Two calibration coefficients denoted as and were determined firstly to calculate the stress from relieved strains. It was accomplished by installing the residual strain rosette, FRAS-2, on a uniaxially stressed tensile specimen, whose size is 200mm × 70mm. It was made of the steel plate used to fabricate the specimens. The plate was oriented in such a way that grid 1 is parallel to the loading direction (y), placing grid 3 along the transverse axis (x) of specimen when this specimen is fixed in grip of tensile machine. Before drilling, a small loading P, which does not beyond half of the yield stress of the specimen, was applied to the specimen to develop the desired calibration stress σc Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 In the measurement of residual stress, a special type of strain rosette, FRAS-2, which was designed by TML to facilitate positioning three grids on one side of the measurement point, was used to measure the released strain of the specimen during drilling. In the transverse direction (labeled with y in Figure 4), the shortest distance between the weld toe and the strain rosette is 5mm. The further one is 15mm away from the weld toe while the furthest strain rosette has a spacing of 25mm from weld toe. In the longitudinal direction (labeled with x in Figure 5), three strain rosettes were fixed with distance of 25mm, 75mm and 125mm away from the edge. It is positioned such that grid 1 is parallel with direction of applied loading. Figure 5 shows the plane view of the strain gauges scheme applied to the specimens. 147 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS and the values of ε1’ and ε3’ were recorded. It is required that the tensile stress be uniform over the cross section of the specimen. Then the loading was released and the plate was removed out form tensile machine. A standardized dimension hole, whose dimension is the same as in objective joints, was drilled. The specimen was replaced in the tensile machine and applied the exactly same loading P as before drilling and recorded another group strains ε1’ and ε3’. To make the results more reliable, 8 groups reading are recorded in different depths ranging from 0 to 2mm with 0.25mm gap. TEST RESULTS It can be seen that, in Figure 6, for the 45° joints, preheating can effectively reduce the magnitude of residual stress at points A, B, C. At point C where x coordinate is 125mm, the residual stress is compressive for preheating case while it is tensile for welding in ambient. At point B which is located at the middle of the plate, the residual stress is also slightly reduced for preheating case. For 60° joints, the magnitude of residual stress also can be reduced by preheating as shown in Figure 7. In Figure 8, it can be seen that, at points A and B, the magnitude of stress in the specimens of 60° is higher than 45°, and at point C, the stress in the specimen of 45° is slightly higher. In Figure 9, the magnitude of stress in the specimens of 60° is also higher than 45° at points B and C. It seems that in the middle of plate, the magnitude of residual stress in 60° joints is higher than 45°one. 45° Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 148 60° (2) Figure 8. Comparison of stress in points A, B and C in y direction of specimen with preheating and 8mm. 45° 60° (1) 60° (2) Figure 9. Comparison of stress in points A, B and C in y direction with specimen of roomtemp and 12mm. It is illustrated in Figure 10 for stresses at points B, B1, and B2. It can be seen that the magnitude of residual stress becomes smaller when the distance from weld toe gets further. But this variation is not linear. The stress is reduced quickly when the distance goes from 5mm to 15 mm. However, the stress rises slightly from point B1 to B2. But for the specimens with preheating, the variation seems somewhat scattered. 100°C (1) 25°C (1) 60° (1) 100°C (1) 25°C (1) 100°C (2) 25°C (2) 100°C (2) 25°C (2) Figure 10. Comparison of stresses in points B, B1 and B2 in y direction of specimens with 60° and 8mm. CONCLUSIONS Figure 7. Comparison of stresses in points A, B and C in y direction of specimens with 60° and 12mm. (1) Frequently, the maximum tensile residual stress perpendicular to weld toe appears in the middle of plate. In the ends of the plate, either compressive residual stress or tensile stress may exist. (2) The magnitude of residual stress reduces greatly from point B to point B1 for most cases. However, it STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS may increase in a smaller magnitude from B1 to B2. It means that the relationship between the change of residual stress and the distance away from weld toe is non-linear. (3) Preheating can effectively reduce the magnitude of residual stress of 45° joints. For 60° joints, preheating can also reduce the residual stress in some cases. However, it also can increase the residual stress. Therefore, it is pertinent that evenly high-quality preheating of the steel plate should be applied during the welding of high strength steel joints. (4) Regarding the effect of welding angle for preheating specimens, the maximum residual stress seems higher in 60° joints than 45° joints in most cases. In the room temperature welding specimens, the angle effect is not quite obvious. (5) For the specimens test in this study with plate thickness from 8mm to 16mm, the plate thickness only has slight influence on the magnitude of residual stress. However, it should be noted that for thicker plate, it could be possible that the plate thickness may have more significant effect on residual stress. (6) In general, the magnitude of residual stress in x direction is much higher than the residual stress in the y direction. In particular, for one joint, the maximum residual stress in x direction is located in the middle of the plate. The principle stress can be beyond the yielding stress in some cases. REFERENCES [1]. AWS. ANSI/AWS A5.5. Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shield Mtetal Arc Welding. American Welding Society, Miami, USA. 2006. [2]. AWS.ANSI/AWS D1.1. Structural Welding Code-Steel. American Welding Society, Miami, USA. 2008. [3]. AS/NZS. Structural steel welding part 4: Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steels, Australia/ New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1554.4, 2004. [4]. BSI. Eurocode3---Design of steel structures. Part1-12: Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S700. British Standards Institute, London, UK. 2007 [5]. API.Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms, API-RP2A. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, USA. 1993. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 149 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS ROBUSTNESS OF STEEL ANGLE BEAM-COLUMN JOINTS UNDER COLUMN REMOVAL SCENARIOS Yang Bo (yang0206@e.ntu.edu.sg) Tan Kang Hai (ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Following the World Trade Centre disaster, some researchers have identified joint integrity as a key parameter to maintaining structural integrity under catenary action and have conducted extensive research works. This paper presents experimental results of steel angle beam-column joints subjected to catenary action. Three types of angle connections were studied under column removal scenarios. Nine experimental tests were conducted. The experimental results demonstrate the ductility and load capacities of these three connection types with different angle thicknesses in catenary mode. INTRODUCTION Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 After the partial collapse of the Ronan Point apartment tower in 1968, engineers began to realise the importance of structural resistance to progressive collapse. Further research and design efforts have been directed to this area, especially after the World Trade Centre disaster on 11 September 2001. The alternate load path method, an important design approach to mitigate progressive collapse, has been included by a number of design codes including GSA [1] and DOD [2]. It is an approach that allows local failure to occur when subjected to an extreme load, but seeks to provide alternate load paths so that the initial damage can be contained and major collapse can be averted. One of the key mechanisms to mitigate the spread of “domino” effect is to redistribute applied loading on damaged members through catenary action. The term “catenary action” refers to the ability of beams to resist vertical loads through the formation of a net-like mechanism. 150 Following the World Trade Centre disaster, some researchers have identified joint integrity as a key parameter to maintaining structural integrity under catenary action and have conducted extensive research works. Khandelwal and EI-Tawil [3] used structural simulation to investigate a number of key design variables that influence the formation of catenary action in special steel moment resisting frame sub-assemblages. Welded joints with and without reduced steel beam sections were considered. Fahim et al. [4] conducted an experimental and analytical assessment of the performance of steel beam-column assemblies with two types of moment-resisting connections similar to the ones investigated by Khandelwal and EI-Tawil [3] under the column-removal scenario. As a follow-up work, this paper investigated the behaviour and failure modes of typical steel connections subjected to catenary action under the condition of in-plane loading. In 2009, Karns et al. [5] conducted a test programme consisting of a steel frame subjected to a blast. The behaviour of different beam-column joints subjected to blast was evaluated experimentally and numerically. Conventional welded moment and side-plate moment connections were investigated. Demonceau [6] conducted a substructure experimental test and five beamcolumn joint tests in order to observe the development of catenary action and its effect on the joint behaviour. The M-N interaction curves of composite joints (under hogging and sagging moments) were included in his work [6]. Most of the reported works focused on welded moment connections [4, 5]. However, in Europe, bolted steel connections such as fin plate, flush end plate, web cleat and extended end plate, are very popular and the evaluation of these kinds of joints subjected to catenary action is important and timely. A structures research group at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is conducting a research programme to investigate the stiffness, strength and ductility of bolted steel connections subjected to catenary action under the column-removal scenario. This paper focuses on the experimental tests of steel angle beam-column joints under catenary action. In total, 9 experimental tests were carried out on different types of steel angle beam-column joints. Three types of connections, including web cleat, top and seat, and top and seat with web angles (TSWA) connections were investigated while three thicknesses (8mm, 10mm and 12mm) of angles were tested. The principal aim of this paper is to provide experimental results of steel angle beam-column joint behaviour, including failure modes, development of forces and deflections in the beams. TEST SET-UP AND SPECIMENS A detailed description of the test set-up was given in a previous paper [7], so only the specimen details are given here. In total, nine tests were carried out. Table 1 summarises the test specimens. In all these nine tests, M20 8.8 bolts were used. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Table 1. Summary of the test specimens. Connection type Web cleat Top and seat angle TSWA Angle thickness Beam section End plate/ angle 8mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×8 S275 10mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×10 S275 12mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L150×100×12 S275 8mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×8 S275 10mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×10 S275 12mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L150×100×12 S275 8mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×8 S275 10mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L90×10 S275 12mm 254×146×37 UB S355 L150×100×12 S275 Figure 2. Failure mode of web cleat (10mm angle thickness). TEST RESULTS Web cleat The failure mode was observed to change with angle thickness. When the angle thickness is 8mm, the failure mode is shown in Figure 1. Failure was caused by the fracture of the web cleat close to the heel. This fracture happened at a very high rotation. The two cleats had undergone a significant amount of deformation at that stage. All the bolts remained undamaged. Figure 3. Failure mode of web cleat (12mm angle thickness). Figure 4 shows the load-displacement curves of web cleat connections using different angle thicknesses. When the angle thickness increases, failure mode also changes from angle fracture to bolt fracture. However, from the loaddisplacement curves shown in Figure 4, no significant change of the load-carrying capacity was observed. This is due to the failure mode of angle fracture having a higher deformation capacity. When the angle thickness is 10mm, the failure mode is shown in Figure 2. Similar with the previous test, failure of this test was controlled by the fracture of the web cleat close to the heel. Nevertheless different from the first test, the bottom bolt in the test deformed significantly. When the angle thickness is 12mm, no web cleat fracture was observed. The connection failed by the bolt fracture, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 4. Load-displacement curves of web cleat connections. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 1. Failure mode of web cleat (8mm angle thickness). 151 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Top and seat angle TSWA Figure 5 shows the failure modes of the top and seat angle tests. The same failure modes with web cleat tests were observed. Figure 7 shows the failure modes of TSWA tests. The same failure modes with web cleat tests were observed. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 (a) 8mm thickness 152 (b) 10 mm thickness (a) 8mm thickness (b) 10 mm thickness (c) 12mm thickness (c) 12mm thickness Figure 5. Failure mode of top and seat angle. Figure 7. Failure mode of TSWA. Figure 6 shows the load-displacement curves of top and seat angle connections using different angle thicknesses. Higher flexural action and load-carrying capacity were observed when angle thickness increased. However, catenary action could not contribute significantly to the load-carrying capacities even when the angle thickness was increased. Figure 8 shows the load-displacement curves of TSWA connections using different angle thicknesses. Higher flexural action and load-carrying capacity were observed when angle thickness increases. With regard to the stage of large deformation, all these three connections could develop catenary action well. Figure 6. Load-displacement curves of top and seat angle connections. Figure 8. Load-displacement curves of TSWA. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS CONCLUSIONS In this study, experimental tests were conducted to investigate the behaviour of steel angle beam-column joints subjected to catenary action. Three types of connections were studied. The test results demonstrated the ductility and load-carrying capacity of these three connection types with different thicknesses in catenary mode. Among the web cleat connections in this study, angle thickness has a limited influence to load-carrying capacities. In the tests of TSWA connections, the experimental results indicate that when angle thickness increases, higher flexural action and load-carrying capacity are obtained. [3] Khandelwal, K. and El-Tawil, S., 2007. “Collapse behaviour of steel special moment resisting frame connections”. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 133(5), 646-655. [4] Fahim, S., Joseph, A.M., Lew, H.S., Robert, S.D. and Chiarito, V., 2009. “Testing and analysis of steel beam-column assemblies under column removal scenarios”. Proceedings of the 2009 Structures Congress, USA. [5] Karns, J.E., Houghton, D.L., Hong, J.K. and Kim, J., 2009. “Behaviour of varied steel frame connection types subjected to air blast, debris impact, and/or post-blast progressive collapse load conditions”. Proceedings of the 2009 Structures Congress, USA. REFERENCES [6] Demonceau, J.F., 2008. “Steel and Composite Frames: Sway Response under Conventional Loading and Development of Membrane Effects in Beams further to an Exceptional Action”. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Liège. [1] General Services Administration (GSA), 2003. “Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects”. [7] Yang, B. and Tan, K.H., 2011. “Experimental tests of different types of steel beam-column joints subjected to catenary action”. CEE Research Bulletin 24, Nanyang Technological University. [2] Department of Defense (DOD), 2005. “Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse”. Unified Facilities Criteria, 4-023-03. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 153 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS SEISMIC RESPONSES OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS WITH WALL-LIKE COLUMNS Sahil Bansal (sahi0004@e.ntu.edu.sg) Huang Yin Nan (ynhuang@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to investigate the structural response of a typical reinforced concrete building in Singapore, subjected to a scenario earthquake with a mean annual frequency of exceedance of 2% in 50 years. Two-dimensional finite element models of a sample 10-storey building with complete infill wall and with no infill in the first storey are analyzed. The results of non linear analysis show that the latter case has a high value of storey drift ratio at the first storey that may result in significant damage to the building. Singapore is situated in relatively low seismicity region therefore current design procedures for buildings do not include any specific provision for seismic loading. Most buildings are lightly reinforced concrete (RC) structures designed for gravity and wind loads. Among the RC buildings, a commonly used structural system is the buildings consisting of wall-like columns, which are used to minimize the protrusions of columns into otherwise usable space (Lim et al. 2009). Studies by Megawati and Pan (2002, 2009) show that medium and high rise buildings in Singapore might be at risk in case of a Magnitude-9+ earthquake in the Sumatran subduction zone. This study investigates seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings with wall-like columns subjected to ground motions associated with a mean annual frequency of exceedance of 2% in 50 years on a soft soil site in Singapore. Two-dimensional finite element models of a sample 10-storey building found in general in Singapore are developed and analyzed. The impact of infill wall on modeling and structural performance is discussed. in Figure 2. According to the plan of Figure 2, geometric symmetry is apparent. 30 20 Concrete Stress, f INTRODUCTION 10 E Esec 0 0 0.002 Concrete Strain 0.004 0.006 Figure 1. FEDEAS Concrete Material Model. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 MODELING 154 For the analysis part, numerical models of the sample building have been created using nonlinear analysis program OpenSees developed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center in UC Berkeley. All beam and column sections are modeled using the fiber element and rigid floor assumption has been made. Concrete and steel material models from FEDEAS structure library have been implemented to represent the non linear behavior of material. Figure 1 presents the compression envelop and material parameters for the concrete model. Masonry infill wall has been replaced by an equivalent diagonal strut model proposed by Madan et al. (1997) using two-nodded truss elements. General layout of the building is shown Figure 2. First Storey Layout. AMBIENT VIBRATION TEST (AVT) To validate the numerical building models, the microvibration response of the sample building subjected to wind and ground ambient vibration was measured using tri-directional velocity-meters sampling at 100 Hz. This test provides information about the modal parameters of a structure, namely, natural frequency, mode shape and damping. The technique used in this study to estimate the modal parameters of the sample building is Frequency Domain Decomposition (Beincker et al. 2001). It consists STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS of decomposition of power spectral density matrix into single degree of freedom systems using singular value decomposition. The first decomposed singular value represents contribution of the dominating mode at that particular frequency and the corresponding singular vector is the mode shape. The remaining represents the lower modes or the noise component. To characterize the first two translational frequencies, measurements have been performed on the 2nd, 9th and 10th floors of the sample building. Figure 3 shows the SVD values plotted against frequency in the X direction and the first two modes can be identified at frequencies of 1.97 Hz and 4.85 Hz. Table 1. Natural Frequency Comparison. Without Infill With Infill AVT X-Direction Mode 1(Hz) 0.46 1.95 1.97 Mode 2(Hz) 1.38 5.61 4.85 Y-Direction Mode 1(Hz) 0.65 2.06 2.17 Mode 2(Hz) 1.78 6.09 ND RESPONSE-HISTORY ANALYSIS Ground Motions Megawati and Pan (2002) studied scenario earthquakes possible for Singapore and proposed uniform hazard spectra for different return periods. Figure 4 presents the spectral acceleration of 10 ground motions generated by Megawati for this study such that their average matches a uniform hazard spectrum associated with a mean annual frequency of exceedance of 2% in 50 years on a soft soil site in Singapore. Figure 3. Singular Values vs. Frequency. The model without infill wall significantly underestimates the frequencies of the sample building identified from the AVT data and the frequencies of the model with infill have a good agreement with the results of the AVT data. The contribution of infill wall should not be ignored in the modeling and analysis of the sample building. Figure 4. Acceleration Response Spectra. Response-History Analysis Nonlinear response-history analyses were performed to investigate the structural response of the sample building subjected to the spectrally-matched acceleration time series of Figure 4. Only the result for one of the time series of Figure 4 is presented herein. Maximum inter-storey drift ratio is chosen to represent the building performance. Some cases of buildings, where the first floor is used as common space, do not include wall in the first storey. Analysis for such cases is done using the same model but by removing the wall in the first storey. Figure 5 compares the peak storey drift of the sample building in the X and Y directions 1) with complete infill wall and 2) with no infill in the first Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Table 1 reports the natural frequencies of the sample building determined using AVT and eignvalue analysis of the numerical models. To study the impact of infill wall on frequencies of structures, the frequencies of the numerical models for the sample building without and will infill wall are presented in columns 2 and 3 of Table 1, respectively. A Young’s modulus of 28000 N/mm2 for concrete is used for eignvalue analysis to determine the frequencies of the sample building. The value is corresponding to the initial tangent modulus E, rather than Esec, of Figure 1: a reasonable assumption for low strain values resulting from ambient vibration. 155 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS storey. Drift ratio is less than 0.5% for the case with infill wall throughout the height of the building thus implying that the damage of the sample building is insignificant. For the case without infill wall at storey one, the distribution of the drift ratio indicates a soft storey with a drift ratio of 3% at storey one in the X direction of the sample building. This drift ratio will result in significant damage in the beams, columns and walls of that storey. The response-history analysis for the sample building with regular infill shows that the maximum drift ratio is less than 0.5% and that for the building with an irregular distribution of wall indicates a maximum drift ratio of 3% for the first storey in the X direction. In this study, the beam-column joints of the sample building are assumed rigid, which might underestimate the drift ratio if the demand of joints exceeds their elastic capacity. More research is needed to study the impact of the nonlinear behavior of beam-column joints on the performance of the sample building. REFERENCES [1] Beincker, R., Zhang, L. and Andersen, P., 2001. “Model identification of output-only systems using frequency domain decomposition.” Smart Material and Structures, 10, 441445. [2] Chopra, A.K. (1995). Dynamics of structures: Theory and applications to earthquake engineering. Prentice-Hall, N.J. [3] Lim, C.L., Li, B. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Seismic performances of reinforced concrete frames with wall-like columns.” The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, 2(2), 126-142. Figure 5. Storey Drift. CLOSING REMARKS Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Natural period determined using model with infill is in good agreement with the actual natural period of the building identified from AVT data. The results clearly indicate the importance of incorporating infill wall in numerical modeling and its effect on the dynamic behavior of buildings with wall-like columns. 156 [4] Madan, A., Reinhorn, A.M., Mander, J.B., and Valles, R.E., (1997). “Modeling of Masonry Infill Panels for Structural Analysis.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 123(10), 12951302. [5] Mazzoni, S., McKenna, F. and Fenves, G.L., 2005. “OpenSees command language manual.” University of California, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center, Berkeley (CA). [6] Megawati, K. and Pan, T-C., 2002. “Prediction of the maximum credible ground motion in Singapore due to a great Sumatran subduction earthquake: the worst-case scenario.” Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 31, 1501-1523. [7] Megawati, K. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. "Regional seismic hazard posed by the Mentawai segment of the Sumatran megathrust.” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99(2A), 566-584. STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS CONSISTENCY OF SHEAR-WAVE VELOCITY STRUCTURES INFERRED FROM MICROTREMOR OBSERVATIONS Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap (Daniel.Mulyawan@arup.com) Irana Pantow (IRAN0001@ntu.edu.sg) Kusnowidjaja Megawati (kusno@ntu.edu.sg) ABSTRACT: Shear-wave velocity structures at three locations in Singapore are investigated by the means of array measurement of microtremor. The microtremor data was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation method and frequency-wave number method. The results of this study indicate that the shear-wave velocity structures inferred from microtremor observation are consistent with those obtained using crosshole PS logging. The study also shows that the velocity structure obtained from microtremor survey is independent of the shape of the array and the time of the measurement. Microtremor survey method is not only applicable for investigating soft soil sites, but it is also usable for weathered rock sites with thin soil deposits. This is a Final Year Project carried out by the first and second authors under the supervision of the third author. INTRODUCTION Referring to Figure 1, the basic scheme and the procedure of microtremor survey method consist of three steps: Soft soil deposits are mostly found in Central and SouthEastern parts of Singapore, namely Kallang and East Coast. These soil deposits are filled predominantly with soft marine clay and alluvial sands. This type of soil would amplify seismic ground motions from earthquakes in Sumatra. To quantify the site response amplification, it is necessary to construct a 3D velocity structure beneath this area, which can be achieved through array measurement of microtremors (Okada, 2003). Some of the advantages using microtremor survey method over conventional drilling method in subsurface structure investigation are lower cost and less disturbing effect suffered by the residents due to noise pollution and vibration. 1. Observation by seismometer network (array) arranged on the ground surface 2. Estimation of dispersion of the surface wave (Rayleigh wave) as a response to the subsurface structure directly below the array 3. Estimation of subsurface structure causing the dispersion by means of inversion STEP 1 STEP 2 Field observations were conducted in Katong Park (KAT), Beatty Secondary School (BES) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). These three locations were chosen based on consideration that Katong Park and Beatty Secondary School lie on Kallang Formation (soft marine clay), while NTU lies on Jurong Formation (weathered rock) and the availability of bore log data at these three locations. Table 1 summarizes field observation details. Field observations were carried out using 7 portable microtremor recorder systems. Each set of recorder system consists of a vertical geophone, a digital recorder and a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna, which is used to identify the coordinates of the point of measurement and to synchronize the clock of all recorders. Figure 1. Basic Procedure of Microtremor Survey Method. RESULTS Several methods can be used to analyze microtremor data, such as frequency-wave number (f-k) method, spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC), or H/V spectral ratio. In this research, only SPAC and f-k method were used for data processing. Influence of various array configurations on the consistency of SPAC method The objective of the investigation is to examine if the phase velocity of the Rayleigh wave and the shear-wave velocity Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 STEP 3 FIELD OBSERVATION DETAILS AND DATA PROCESSING 157 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Table 1. Field Observations Summary. Location Katong Park (KAT) Beatty Secondary School (BES) Date Array Configuration 1-10-08 Triangular (7.5 m, 30 m, 400 m and 1200 m) 2-12-09 Triangular (7.5 m, 30 m, 200 m, 400 m, 600 m and 800 m) 21-01-10 Various Small Array Configurations 6-02-10 Triangular (7.5 m, 30 m, 200 m and 400 m) and Line (30 m road side and 60 m) 3-10-08 Triangular (7.5 m, 30 m, 400 m and 1200 m) 19-03-10 Triangular (10 m, 40 m, 200 m and 400 m) Nanyang 4-02-10 Technological University 19-03-10 (NTU) Triangular (7.5 m and 30 m) Triangular (200 m and 400 m) of the subsurface layers inferred from the microtremor measurement is dependent on the configuration of the array. Ideally, the shear-wave velocity profile should be independent from the array configuration. Several array configurations, as shown in Figure 2, were used to investigate the subsurface structure at KAT. Figure 3. Accuracy and consistency of various array configurations. Applicability of microtremor method in estimating subsurface soil profile The accuracy and consistency of microtremor survey method were investigated using several field observations mentioned previously. The Observations were conducted using triangular array with increasing sizes to allow for estimation of deeper soil layers. The records from small-size array (7.5 m and 30 m) were analyzed using SPAC method while the records for medium-size (200 m) and large-size (400 m) array were analyzed using f-k method. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 2. Sketch of various array configurations. 158 The shear-wave velocity profiles inferred from microtremor measurements using different array configurations are presented in Figure 3. This shows that the estimation of the shear-wave velocity values of the topmost layer obtained from different array configurations are consistent and agreeable with the value obtained from crosshole PS logging (reference value). The thickness of the topmost layer ranges from 25 to 31 m among various array configurations, and it is thinner than the 40-m thickness revealed by the crosshole PS logging. It should be noted that microtremor survey method is not able to capture the gradual increase of shear-wave velocity from the depth of 33 to 45 m as revealed by the crosshole PS logging. SPAC method estimates the phase velocity based on the length combinations of the array. Length combination is the distance between one sensor to another in an array. Hence, in a seven sensors triangular array, there exist five length combinations with their corresponding phase velocity value. Subsequently the average of the phase velocity values was used for estimating the soil layer. On the other hand, f-k method estimates the phase velocities by searching for dominant wave within a wavenumber range specified. Hence, a good range of wavenumber allow for more accurate estimation of phase velocities. Katong Park measurement Theoretical soil layers constructed from the dispersion curve estimated using SPAC and f-k method for the three measurements in KAT are shown in Figure 4 below. The comparison of the theoretical soil layers with conventional bore log data is presented in Figure 5 below. It can be seen that microtremor provides a reliable estimation for subsurface soil structure. Based on investigations using array of size larger than 600m, it was found that long-period Rayleigh wave did not STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS have enough energy to cause microtremor wave propagation throughout the large array area. This finding implies that KAT is a relatively calm area with low level of vibration caused by long-period oceanic wave. Hence, large array recordings were not used for further analysis of KAT. Figure 4. (from top) Theoretical soil profile estimated from 1 October 2008, 2 December 2009, and 6 February 2010 measurements at Katong Park. The theoretical soil layers constructed from BES measurement are shown in Figure 6 below. Figure 7 shows the comparison of soil profile estimated form microtremor measurement and soil profile constructed from bore log data. An observation using large array was also conducted and it is concluded that similar to KAT, the area is relatively calm with little long-period microtremors. The results from both KAT and BES also showed that the recordings obtain from the several observations conducted yield consistent subsurface structures. Figure 6. Theoretical soil profile estimated for BES area based on 3rd October 2008 and 19th March 2010 observations. Figure 7. Comparison of soil profile obtained from bore log with profiles estimated from microtremor observations for Beatty Secondary School. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Figure 5. Comparison of soil profile obtained from bore log with profiles estimated from microtremor observations for Katong Park. Beatty Secondary School measurement 159 STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS Nanyang Technological University (NTU) CONCLUSIONS This observation was done to assess the feasibility of microtremor method applied in hard soil stratum. The observation result with the estimated soil profile is shown in Figure 8 below. The comparison of the estimated soil profile with nearby bore log exploration result is presented in Figure 9. The soil strength is represented by SPT N values in the bore log data. The N value was then converted into shear wave velocity value using formula extracted from report by BCA (2006). The finding implies that microtremor method could provide a reliable estimation for hard soil layers. Shear-wave velocity structures at three locations in Singapore were investigated by the means of array measurement of microtremor. The microtremor data was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation method and frequency-wave number method. The results of this study indicated that the shear-wave velocity structures inferred from microtremor observation are consistent with those obtained using crosshole PS logging. The study also showed that the velocity structure obtained from microtremor survey is independent of the shape of the array (line, square, rectangle, and equilateral triangle) and the time of the measurement. Microtremor survey method is not only applicable for investigating soft soil sites, but it is also usable for weathered rock sites with thin soil deposits. REFERENCES [1] Building and Construction Authority, 2006. Evaluation of Site Response in Singapore due to earthquake effects (part ii). [unpublished]. Figure 8. Theoretical soil profile estimated for NTU area based on February and March 2010 observations. [2] Brigham, E.O., 1988. The Fast Fourier Transform and Its Application. Prentice Hall. [3] Capon, J., 1969. High-Resolution Frequency-Wavenumber Spectrum Analysis. IEEE, (pp. 1408-18). [4] Chavez-Garcia, F.J., Rodriguez, M. and Stephenson, W.R., 2006. Subsoil Structure Using SPAC Measurements along a Line. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, No. 2, 729–736. [5] Horike, M., 1985. Inversion of phase velocity of long-period microtremors. J. Phys. Earth. 33, 59-96. [6] Ohori, M., Nobata, A. and Wakamatsu, K., 2002. A Comparison of ESAC and FK Methods of Estimating Phase Velocity Using Arbitrarily Shaped Microtremor Arrays. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 92, No. 6, 2323–2332. [7] Okada, H., 2003. The Microtremor Survey Method. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 [8] Toksöz, M.N., 1964. Microseisms and and attempted application to exploration. Geophysicics, 29, 154-177. 160 Figure 9. Comparison of soil profile obtained from bore log with profiles estimated from microtremor observations for NTU. RESEARCH PROJECTS ONGOING PROJECTS A partial list of research projects is summarized below. Readers are welcome to email the respective investigators for more information regarding their work. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Underwater Infrastructure and Underwater City of the Future Chu Jian cjchu@ntu.edu.sg, Teng Susanto csteng@ntu.edus.g, Tan Soon Keat ctansk@ntu.edu.sg Sustainable Urban Waste Management for 2020 Wang Jing-Yuan, jywang@ntu.edu.sg Ng Wun Jern wjng@ntu.edu.sg Underground Technology and Rock Engineering (UTRE) Phase II Ma Guowei cgwma@ntu.edu.sg Aquaporin Based Biomimetic Membranes For Water Reuse and Desalination Anthony Gordon Fane agfane@ntu.edu.sg TEC Project. Nanostructures Photocatalyst for Membrane Fouling Control Sun Delai, Darren ddsun@ntu.edu.sg Development of a GIS Based System for Earthquake Response Monitoring of Buildings in Singapore Kusnowidjaja Megawati kusno@ntu.edu.sg Enhanced Biological and Physical Stabilization in Landfills Ng Wun Jern wjng@ntu.edu.sg Improving The Efficiency of Membranes in the Water Industry_Project 176: Novel Technologies for Enhanced Control of Concentration Polarisation and Fouling in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Processes Tang Chuyang cytang@ntu.edu.sg Environmental Technology of Brine and Reject Streams_ Project 174: Brine Processing By Membrane Distillation Crystallization Anthony Gordon Fane agfane@ntu.edu.sg, Law Wing-Keung Adrian cwklaw@ntu.edu.sg Environmental Technology of Brine and Reject Streams_Project 173: Novel Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) Technology for Cost-Effective and Environmentally Sustainable Desalination Brine Disposal and Osmotic Power Harvesting Tang Chuyang cytang@ntu.edu.sg, Law Wing-Keung Adrian cwklaw@ntu.edu.sg Novel high energy density vanadium redox flow cell for renewable energy storage Tuti Mariana Lim tmlim@ntu.edu.sg Prediction of Explosion Hazards from Earth Covered Magazine Fan Sau Cheong cfansc@ntu.edu.sg Nitrogen-Doped TIO2-Activated Carbon (AC) Composite for Adsorptive Photocatalytic Oxidation-Reduction of Refractory Organic Substances Under Solar Irradiation in Water Purification Lim Teik Thye cttlim@ntu.edu.sg Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 PROJECT TITLE 161 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 RESEARCH PROJECTS 162 PROJECT TITLE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Structural Resilience Study of Concrete Precast and Composite Steel Joints Subject to Missing Column Scenario Tan Kang Hai ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg Development of Analytical Tools for Progressive Collapse Analysis due to Terrorist Bombing Tan Kang Hai ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg Improving The Efficiency of Membranes in the Water Industry_Project 175: Novel Hydrodynamics for Low Pressure Membrane Processes Law Wing-Keung, Adrian cwklaw@ntu.edu.sg Sand Accretion Study Tan Soon Keat ctansk@ntu.edu.sg Assembling Of Multifunctional TIO2 Nanofiber Membrane For Water Treatment (0802-IRIS-06) Sun Delai, Darren ddsun@ntu.edu.sg Integration of Novel Forward Osmosis Membranes and Optimized Bioprocess for Water Reclamation Anthony Gordon Fane agfane@ntu.edu.sg Plane wave absorbers for wave power generation Law Wing-Keung, Adrian cwklaw@ntu.edu.sg Improving The Efficiency of Membranes in the Water Industry_Project 178: Sensors For Fouling Control in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Processes Anthony Gordon Fane agfane@ntu.edu.sg Emerging Organic Contaminants in Catchment Surface Waters of the Marina Bay Chang Wei-Chung wcchang@ntu.edu.sg MBR Process Modeling And Optimization: Case Study of Ulu Pandan Water Reclamation Plant With Future Scale-Up Considerations Jim Chen Chin-Kuang jimchen@ntu.edu.sg MPA-NTU Joint Collaboration on Maritime Innovation and Strategic Technology Tan Soon Keat ctansk@ntu.edu.sg Explore Concept of Membrane Action in Slabs to Reduce Fire Protection for Beams Tan Kang Hai ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg Slope Instrumentation for the Study of Rainfall -Induced Slope Failures in Singapore Harianto Rahardjo chrahardjo@ntu.edu.sg Conversion of Municipal Plastic Waste into an Innovative Polyhdroxyalkanoate (PHA) Material Wang Jing-Yuan jywang@ntu.edu.sg Development of Novel Hollow Fiber Membranes Integrated with Biological/Biomimetic sorption for CO2 separation from Biogas Wang Rong rwang@ntu.edu.sg Energy efficiency and indoor air-quality control in air-conditioned buildings Chang Wei-Chung wcchang@ntu.edu.sg The Jurong rock cavern project at Banyan Basin, Jurong Island (JTC C05502007) Low Bak Kong bklow@ntu.edu.sg Slope repair and technology in Singapore Harianto Rahardjo chrahardjo@ntu.edu.sg Integration Development of Flexible DSSC for Commercial Application Sun Delai, Darren ddsun@ntu.edu.sg RESEARCH PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Development and Assembling of High Efficiency Dye Sensitized Solar Cells and Water Cleavage-Hydrogen Production Reactor Using Novel Nano Structured Ti)2 Fiber/Tube/Membrane Sun Delai, Darren ddsun@ntu.edu.sg Biocement-A New Sustainable And Energy Saving Material For Construction And Waste Treatment Chu Jian cjchu@ntu.edu.sg Failure Modes and Ultimate Strength of Tubular Joints under Elevated Temperatures Tan Kang Hai ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg The Jurong rock cavern project at Banyan Basin, Jurong Island (JTC C05502007)05 Low Bak Kong bklow@ntu.edu.sg The Influence of Floor Slabs and Transverse Beams on the Behavior of RC Beam-Column Joints under Loss of Column Scenarios Li Bing cbli@ntu.edu.sg Off-line Portable Damage Detection Devices for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Cylinders Fitted in Vehicles Lie Seng Tjhen ctlie@ntu.edu.sg Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 163 RESEARCH PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS Strengthening techniques to increase seismic resistance in school building in Hebei & Liao Ning, China Principal Investigator: Li Bing Report No.: CEE/2010/192 The project beneficiaries include 1,000 students who will upon project completion benefit from a safer school building being repaired and strengthened against earthquakes. Through the training of the trainers, 10 master trainers and 40 local builders will also benefit. Sichuan earthquake - a drop of Hope Principal Investigator: Li Bing Report No.: CEE/2010/193 Construction of Mobile Water Purification System (MWPS) which is capable of producing an estimated output of 60 m3/day of drinking water (using reverse osmosis) and 180 m3/day for general usage (using ultra filtration). Sichuan earthquake - New School New Hope Principal Investigator: Li Bing Report No.: CEE/2010/194 Seismic strengthening and repair of school building against earthquakes using carbon fibre, steel angles and wire mesh Sichuan earthquake - New School New Hope 1.0 To study suitable location for sensors to be installed in an estimated number of 6 buildings, where extensive instrumentation with a minimum of six tri-axial seismic sensors (or episensor force-balance accelerometers) linked to a data logger shall be done for each building. 2.0 To study suitable location for the sensors to be installed for the remaining buildings, where a minimum of two tri-axial seismic sensors (or episensor force-balance accelerometers) linked to a data logger should be placed in each building for monitoring purposes. 3.0 To perform computer modeling, structural analyses and to give recommendations on the followings: (a) Propose and use special purpose software to develop detailed analytical models of 20 buildings and then analyze the buildings using non-linear static and dynamic analyses based on the latest as-built structural drawings. The models shall account for material and geometric non-linear behavior, including strength/stiffness degradation, ductility of structural elements and joints, second order effects and also take into consideration amplifications of seismic motion due to soil and structural resonance. (b) Determine structural responses and capacity curves for the selected buildings under study in terms of accelerations and lateral drifts at base, mid height and roof levels of the building and base shear through the analyses. (c) Study the seismic performance of high-rise buildings in Singapore. Principal Investigator: Li Bing Report No.: CEE/2010/195 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The project beneficiaries include 1,000 students who will upon project completion benefit from a safer school building being repaired and strengthened against earthquakes. Through the training of the trainers, 10 master trainers and 40 local builders will also benefit. 164 Consultation Study On The Tremor Monitoring System (TMS) For 30 Buildings Principal Investigator: Kusnowidjaja Megawati Report No.: CEE/2010/196 NTU has recently been appointed as Tremor Assessment Specialist (TAS) in a project commissioned by BCA to instrument 30 high-rise buildings in Singapore. In this project, NTU is partnering with Ryobi Geotechnique Pte Ltd. Dr Zhang Qiwei, the proposed Research Fellow, is to work on this project. The scopes of the work are: Underground Technology and Rock Engineering (UTRE) Program - Behaviour of Rock Cavern Under Dynamic Loads Principal Investigator: Zhao Zhiye Report No.: CEE/2010/197 The study includes two parts: the behavior of rock caverns under dynamic loads and the analysis of drill/blast operation in rock excavation. (1) Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the blast loading and blast induced damage into rock mass and rock cavern based on continuous modelling. The fully-coupled method was used to obtain the blast load and the damage depth of rock mass. The PPV damage criteria, taking into account of the influence of RMR, were used as the damage criterion. The damage depth into rock mass including the effect of loading density, weight of charge and rock mass properties was RESEARCH PROJECTS obtained. The effects of rock bolts were also studied based on the continuous model. The effects of standoff distance, rock bolts and joint orientation on the dynamic response of rock cavern were investigated based on discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). It can be concluded that the displacements and velocities of a certain measure point near rock tunnels under blast loading are highly dependent on the stand-off distance from the charge hole, the overburden of the tunnel, and joints orientation. The rock bolts can slightly decrease the displacement and velocity of measure points near it while its effects are insignificant. Myanmar Cyclone - Wellspring of Hope Principal Investigator: Li Bing Report No.: CEE/2010/199 Providing safe drinking water by extracting ground water (drilling tube-wells) or surface water (pumping river water) complete with appropriate water treatment facilities (sand filters with backwash and chlorine disinfectants), storage tanks, diesel engine and compressors for the Cyclone Nargis affected communities which are served by the Sun Quality Health clinics at 20 locations in the Irrawaddy delta. (2) Rock blasting is a rock excavation technique widely used in the mining and construction industry due to its reliability, economy and safety. The goal of blast design is to attain the expected technical target (advance and good contour) at an economical cost. In addition, the vibration caused by rock blasting should be taken into consideration, and be controlled under a safe level to ensure the stability of adjacent structures. An extensive literature review on the various drill/blast methods was carried out, and the numerical modelling using both the continuous and discontinuous methods (LS-DYNA and DDA) was conducted to investigate the influence by various design parameters. A case study was included in the report. Autonomous Verification and Validation for Simulation Modeling Principal Investigator: Yang Yaowen Report No.: CEE/2010/198 Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Simulation models have been increasingly used in problem solving and in decision making. The correctness of a simulation model is addressed through model verification and validation, which is a significant factor to determine the accuracy and confidence level of the simulation model. Unfortunately, there has been no set of tests that can be easily applied to determine the correctness of the model. Furthermore, no algorithm exists to determine what techniques or procedures to use. The tool of model validation and verification is thus highly desired in the simulation industry, especially in the situation without test data or with incomplete test data. Model validation approaches to assess the quality of a simulation model will be explored in this project. An effective model validation method will be proposed to conduct model validation with incomplete test data. It will cover data validity, conceptual model validity, computerized model verification, and operational validity. A process of model validation will be proposed and implemented as part of modelling environment. 165 RESEARCH PROJECTS PhD THESES The Occurrence and Molecular Characterization of Enteric Viruses in the Tropical Aquatic Environment Candidate: Aw Tiong Gim Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/211 Enteric viruses have emerged as important causes of major waterborne disease outbreaks in recent years. The occurrence of enteric viruses in aquatic environments constitutes a major health hazard because of their low infective dose and resistance to environmental breakdown. Currently, our knowledge on the occurrence of enteric viruses in tropical water environments is limited. This thesis describes the first study of the prevalence and molecular characterization of waterborne pathogenic viruses in urban water catchments and community wastewaters in Singapore. Noroviruses were determined to be the most prevalent enteric viruses detected in both wastewater and surface water samples. Molecular characterization revealed the genetic diversity of astroviruses, enteroviruses and noroviruses in water environments. The norovirus strains detected in environmental samples are closely related to the concurrently identified clinical strains in Singapore during gastroenteritis outbreaks between August 2006 to January 2007. Knowledge on the occurrence of human enteric viruses in water environments contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms of viral transmission and the possible role played by water as a vehicle of transmission. Nodal-based Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Candidate: Bao Huirong Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/212 166 This thesis presents a nodal-based discontinuous deformation analysis (NDDA) based on the coupling of the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) and the finite element method (FEM), for modeling blocky systems, especially for simulating crack propagation in rock mass. The NDDA can provide a more accurate stress and strain distribution in each block and has a higher computational efficiency than the standard DDA in dealing with continuum materials. As an important ability of the NDDA, the fracturing capability that allows for shear or tensile fracturing of intact blocks has been provided based on the Mohr-Coulomb law. A computer program called 2D-NDDA was developed to handle the combination of continuous and discontinuous large displacement problems, as well as large deformation and failure analysis, under external loads and boundary conditions. After a brief introduction of the concept of the standard DDA, detailed reviews of the validation and enhancement of the DDA in the past decades were given. The formulae of the NDDA for program were also presented as a main work of this thesis. The analytical solutions for the inertia matrix and contact matrices which control the stability of the open-close iterations of block kinematics of the NDDA were provided and discussed. The NDDA is not a simple couple of the FEM and the DDA but a hybrid of them. It can work at three states: pure FEM, pure DDA and mixed. When the system is continuous, the NDDA works in the pure FEM mode. When the system is totally discontinuous, the NDDA works in the pure DDA mode. Otherwise, the NDDA works in a mixed mode which retains the advantages of both methods. The idea of NDDA is easy and ready to be realized since the FEM and the DDA are both derived from the minimization of the total potential energy of the system. An FEM code can be easily transformed into a DDA code when the kinematics part is considered. The NDDA can absorb both the advantages of the FEM and the DDA. To transform an FEM algorithm into a DDA algorithm, two steps are necessary: (1) scheme for the fracture of the continuous material; (2) introducing of the inertia and kinematics matrices. Lastly, numerical simulations were performed to show the improvement and flexibility of the NDDA over the standard DDA. The simulation of stress wave propagating inside a rock bar shows the ability of the NDDA in dealing with wave problems and its fracturing ability when the stress wave cause breakage. The simulation of rock specimen with initial cracks under uniaxial forces shows the procedure of crack propagation which agrees with empirical findings. The simulations of Brazilian disc test series also agree well with the experimental results. Indeed, the NDDA can be applied to more engineering problems other than the crack propagation problems if more mature FEM algorithms are applied to them. Sorption of Oxyanions on Nanocrystalline Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxides: Sorption Characteristics, Mechanisms, and Matrix Interferences Candidate: Goh Kok Hui Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/213 Nanocrystalline Mg/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) with nitrate intercalation produced in this study exhibited excellent affinity for polyvalent oxyanions, but comparatively less affinity for monovalent oxyhalides. Nanocrystalline LDH was prepared by a fast coprecipitation with subsequent hydrothermal treatment method. The synthesized nanocrystalline LDH possessed mesoporous characteristic with a large surface area and comprised nanocrystalline RESEARCH PROJECTS grains. Interactions of oxyanions (i.e. arsenate, chromate, and vanadate) and oxyhalide (i.e. bromate) with nanocrystalline LDH were studied through stoichiometric calculations, nitrate displacement investigations, comprehensive sorption/desorption experiments, and analyses with several microscopic techniques such as XPS, EXAFS, XRD, FTIR, CHNS/O, and EDX. The influences of co-existing species on the sorption of oxyanions by nanocrystalline LDH were investigated by conducting experiment in the presence of natural organic matter (NOM) and common anions such as nitrate, silica, sulfate, carbonate, and phosphate. Arsenate sorption performances of LDHs prepared by various alternative synthetic routes were also explored and compared with those of LDHs prepared by conventional routes. Exhausted Carbon for the Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia Candidate: Jiang Xia Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/214 Effect of Seepage on Sediment Transport Candidate: Liu Xiaoxie Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/215 This study presents the experimental results and theoretical analyses of seepage effects on sediment transport. A total of 529 experiments grouped under four different series of tests were conducted in a laboratory flume with a permeable sediment boundary to investigate the effect of seepage, the Three dimensionless groups, viz. Einstein’s parameter Φ, Shields’ parameter without seepage τ*o and modified densimetric Froude number Ω are chosen to examine how seepage affects bedload transport rate. Eleven undisturbed flow conditions were tested, five under clear water and six in live-bed condition. No bedforms with significant height were observed during the experiments. The results show that an increase in suction rate causes an increase in shear velocity excess, which is defined as the difference between the bed and critical shear velocities, leading to an increase in bedload transport rate. The experimental data also show that for the same undisturbed flow conditions, the dimensionless bedload transport rate increases linearly (in semi-logarithmic scale) with increasing suction rates. The equations for predicting bedload transport rate under suction are derived empirically; the predicted results using these empirical equations compared well with measured data, with an accuracy of ±20%. Published results from other researchers are used to compare with results obtained and inference drawn from the present study. The similarities and differences of these studies are highlighted. On the other hand, the experimental results show that the sediment transport rate decreases with an increase in injection velocity, but the magnitude of the reduction is comparatively smaller than that of the increment with suction. The equation for predicting bedload transport rate with injection is also empirically determined by fitting the ratio of Einstein’s parameter Φ with injection to that without as a function of the ratio of modified densimetric Froude number with injection to that without. The effect of the length of the seepage zone on sediment transport rate was investigated experimentally in this study. Only suction effects were studied in this part of the research. The results show that for the same undisturbed flow conditions and suction rate, the bed load transport rate, which is represented by Einstein’s dimensionless parameter Φ, decreases with a reduction in suction zone length. A slope modifier is introduced to account for the length effect. The empirical equation for predicting the slope modifier is obtained in terms of the Shields’ parameter without seepage and the relative suction zone length, which is defined as the ratio of the suction zone length to that at 2-m length. Finally, the experimental results also show that the bedload transport rate in the presence of suction increases rapidly with time until it reaches a peak, beyond which, the transport rate decreases. The duration for the bedload transport rate to reach the peak is shorter for flows with higher sediment transport rates. With an increase in time, the bedload transport rate reduces, and eventually reaches a balance between the incoming and outgoing sediment Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 The main objective of this study is to develop a highly efficient and economical biofiltration process for the co-removal of H2S and NH3 using exhausted carbon as packing material. Firstly, the feasibility of re-using exhausted carbon in biofilters for the removal of H2S was confirmed. The removal efficiency of H2S was almost identical in the biofilters packed with exhausted carbon and fresh carbon. Furthermore, a mathematical model was developed to explore and explain the different mechanisms of H2S removal in the two biofilters. The profiles of H2S concentration along the biofilm thickness and carbon radius were simulated using the proposed model system. The ratios of the H2S removal by the mechanism of adsorption and biodegradation in the biofilters were also simulated, respectively. Thereafter, the effect of substrates acclimation strategy on simultaneous biodegradation of NH3 and H2S was evaluated. Different biodegradation capacities of NH3 and H2S were observed under different substrates acclimation strategies. Lastly, a horizontal biotrickling filter (HBTF) packed with exhausted carbon for the co-removal of H2S and NH3 was investigated. The results demonstrate that it is highly efficient and effective for simultaneous biodegradation of H2S and NH3 by the HBTF over 316 days of operation. The long-term high performance of the HBTF is attributed to low accumulation of biomass and products, stable carbon characteristics and microbial communities. length of the suction zone and time on bedload transport rate. Two different types of cohesionless sand particles with diameters = 0.9 mm and 0.48 mm were used in the study. 167 RESEARCH PROJECTS transport, called the equilibrium condition, i.e., the sediment transport with no seepage condition. The Role of Microbial Aggregation in Aerobic Granulation Candidate: Luo Yiqun Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/216 In the present study, dispersed aerobic granules bacteria were subjected to selective hydraulic pressure by settling time, resulting in the loose structured aggregates formed by enrichment process, in which the coaggregating bacteria with mild auto aggregating ability were observed as the consequence. In comparison, strong auto aggregating bacteria or co aggregating bacteria only occur in aerobic granules sheltered by compact structure. The studies on composition and diversity of aggregating microbes in activated sludge, acetate-fed granule and phenol-degrading granule showed that higher proportion of microbial community members in aerobic granules was involved in cell-cell aggregating interactions than that in activated sludge. The fraction of co aggregating microbes can be increased under the chemical and toxic shock. Granule isolate S35 possessing both aggregating and autoaggregating ability was demonstrated to accelerate the formation of aerobic granule in 5 days. The feasibility of bioaugmentation of aggregating mono culture to accelerate the granulation process is supported. Bioaugmentation with granule isolate S 15 was shown to significantly improve recovery extent of disintegrated granular sludge. Reaggregated aerobic granules appeared in Rl on day 5 and quickly grew to replace the loose disintegrated granular sludge as a dominant form in the biomass. The results suggest the microbial aggregation might be an integral part for aerobic granulation, and the presence of aggregating bacteria acted as a trigger to the aerobic granulation. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Behavior of Comer Column-Slab Connections in Irregular Flat Plate Floors under Gravity and Bidirectional Lateral Loading 168 The objective of this study is to improve the analysis and design of flat plate structure slab-column connections by obtaining representative values of unbalanced moments. It is achieved by proposing reduced slab stiffness model based on the modified effective moment of inertia method. The use of the effective moment of inertia method for cracked flexural members ensures simplicity and, with appropriate use of parameters, can lead to accurate prediction of reduced stiffness of cracked flexural members. Unlike currently available models that are only applicable for flat plate structures with regular columns layouts, the proposed model is also applicable for irregular columns layouts. The proposed model has been verified using the experimental data of unbalanced moment-lateral drift relationships from both square column-slab connections from past research as well as rectangular column-slab connections tested in this experimental program. The accuracy of the proposed model in modeling reduced slab stiffness has been shown much better compared to applying uniform reduced slab stiffness, which is commonly used in the available models such as Effective Beam Width and Equivalent Frame Model. The proposed model of reduced slab stiffness should be useful for design engineers dealing with flat plate slab-column connections to obtain accurate slab deflection, inelastic lateral drift, and design value of transferred unbalanced moment. This study also investigates the behavior of flat plate structure with irregular columns layout, which is currently still unclear due to very limited experimental data. The experimental program consists of five corner column-slab connections and four slab-column connections with 135degree slabs with rectangular columns, which are often found in modern flat plate structures. The specimens were tested to investigate their behaviors in term of strength, drift capacity, stiffness, ductility, and the effect of shear reinforcement. The experimental results show the effects of bidirectional lateral load, gravity load magnitude, and the use of stud shear reinforcement (SSR). Candidate: Soerya Widjaja Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/217 Estimation of foreign exchange exposure in Public Private Partnership infrastructure projects The structural behaviors of rectangular column-slab connections in modem flat plate structures are still unclear due to currently limited experimental data. One of the unclear aspects is the design value of transferred unbalanced moments, which are critical contributor to the connection shear stresses. More accurate values of unbalanced moments can be obtained by modeling reduced slab stiffness due to slab cracking more accurately. However, currently available models such as Effective Beam Width, Equivalent Frame Model, and simplified frame analysis, which are only applicable for flat plate structures with regular columns layouts, do not represent the actual behavior of the cracked slab. Economic foreign exchange (FX) exposure is an important risk factor which affects Public-private partnership (PPP) projects in developing countries. The risk exists because PPP projects typically sell their outputs domestically and generate revenues in local currency, while their financing costs and operating and maintenance costs are often denominated in hard currencies. Traditionally, FX risk is tested through the use of risk factors on revenue and costs or by adopting conservative assumptions in the cash flow. While this method provides a range of a risk value based on scenarios, it does not give the potential FX risk exposure. Candidate: Matthias Ehrlich Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/218 RESEARCH PROJECTS What constitutes minimum and maximum risk values is often defined on the basis of subjective judgements. This research contributes to the solution of this problem with a methodology to quantify annual economic FX exposure in project companies financed under project finance modality. The application of the developed FX index to describe the project feasibility on economic FX exposure is superior as it is an extra tool which is linked to the financial models without the ambiguities to incorporate risk factors in the cash flow. It is a unique mathematical process for dimensioning currency risk on a various set of cash flow positions. A first-order second-moment reliability method based on the Hashofer-Lind reliability index beta was undertaken to reflect the uncertainties of market risks with impact on the cash flow of the PPP project. The FX index was modelled via an expanding dispersion ellipsoid in the original space of random variables. The input variables in the proposed foreign exchange exposure (FEE) model include inflation rates, interest rates and foreign exchange rates. The variables form the ellipsoid of an n-dimensional shape. It reflects not only the effect of the mean values but also the covariances of the random variables influencing a defined investability domain. The computation of the FX index involved eigenvalues and eigenvectors, rotation of the reference frame, and transformed space for the random variables. Additionally, a country reliability risk (CRR) index was designed to evaluate risk mitigation instruments (RMIs). FX risk exposure is often mitigated by RMIs. The value of RMIs depends on the affordability and the willingness of the government to compensate unforeseen FX fluctuation in the project. Factors influencing country reliability can be identified in the ability to repay debt obligations, liquidity difficulties and political difficulties. Candidate: Sopha Thong Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/219 In the current research, carefully planned experimental studies were firstly carried out to investigate the SCF and the HSS distributions along the joint intersection of three fullscale partially overlapped CHS K-joints. The experimental results show that depends on the geometrical parameters of the partially overlapped K-joints, the maximum SCF could locate on either the brace side or the chord side of the joint. The experimental results show that Efthymiou formulae are conservative only when the partially overlapped K-joints are subjected to IPB loading, but not for the case of AX loading. In addition, it is observed that the S-N curves are found to be on the conservative side of the test results. A comparison between tests results with FE analyses shows that reliable SCF and HSS values could be obtained. After the experimental study, FE models were created to simulate the test specimens. A total of 3500 FE models with wide range of geometrical parameters of partially overlapped K-joints were created. A set of parametric equations was subsequently proposed for predicting the SCF of partially overlapped CHS K-joints. However, as part of an attempt to gain more an accurate prediction, a new method is created for estimating the SCF and HSS values of partially overlapped CHS K-joint. The assessment confirms the efficiency and reliability of the new method for predicting the SCF and HSS of partially overlapped CHS K-joints under basic AX, IPB and combined loadings. Finally, a comparison study between the gapped and the partially overlapped CHS K-joints has been made. It is observed from the comparison results that the partially overlapped CHS K-joints are mainly in favour when they are working under the AX load case, while the gapped CHS K-joints are in favour on working under the IPB loading. Development of Neural Networks in Civil Engineering Applications Candidate: Zhang Yun Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/220 The architecture of neural networks (NNs) has a significant impact on a network’s generalization ability. Ensemble neural networks (ENNs) are commonly used networks in many engineering applications due to their better generalization properties. An ENN usually includes several back-propagation networks in its structure, where the back-propagation network is a single feed-forward network trained with the back-propagation learning rule. In this thesis, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the entropy were used as the automating design tools for Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Both methodologies the FX index and the CRR index represent strategic components in the set of quantitative tools. The models can be used as a monitoring tool for performing FX exposure analysis. It is a forward looking approach which indicates how prepared the project is in absorbing economic FX exposure. The models can take care of the different institutional arrangements and payment structures because they are directly linked to the financial models. The FX index reflects the annual life cycle costs and revenue structures during the whole concession period. The outcome illustrates to project sponsors and lenders the critical variables that they need to control. The CRR index provides the default probabilities on RMIs. Both models can be applied to infrastructure projects such as power, water supply, and transportation. Stress Concentration Factor and Hot Spot Stress Studies of Partially Overlapped Circular Hollow Section K-Joint 169 RESEARCH PROJECTS balancing the generalization against the parameters and finding the best combining weights of the ENNs. Two ENNs, namely, the AIC based ENN and the entropy based ENN were developed first. Since the AIC and entropy have their own merits for solving different problems, a new AIC-entropy based ENN was developed. Two analytical functions – the peak function and Friedman function were used first to assess the accuracy of the proposed ensemble approaches. The verified approaches were then applied to the civil engineering applications. Strut-and-Tie Modelling on Deep Beams Candidate: Zhang Ning Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/221 A modified strut-and-tie model for deep beams was developed. Several significant improvements were made and gave rise to better prediction performance of deep beam shear strength, evaluated by 233 test results. No empirical stress limit was required and the concrete softening effect was embedded in the model. The proposed model was further extended to calculate continuous deep beams with rigid and elastic supports, which was validated by 54 beams from literature as well as the author’s experimental programme on continuous deep beam subjected to differential support settlement. The effects of support settlement were studied and discussed through crack patterns, failure loads, steel strains and load-deflection responses. The author further developed the model into a generalised form, including asymmetrical loading conditions and the capability of predicting failure modes. Eight beams were tested and conclusions were drawn on the effects of unsymmetrical loadings on the beam behaviour. The strut-and-tie model was also developed to account for size effect in deep beams, followed by a test programme of eleven geometricallysimilar specimens with varied sizes. The proposed model outperformed several other methods and is a promising tool for engineers. Desalination Discharges in Shallow Coastal Waters Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Candidate: Shao Dongdong Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/222 170 From an environmental viewpoint, the outfall of a desalination plant needs to be properly designed to ensure the discharged brine plume to be mixed rapidly with the ambient coastal waters. In this study, I investigated the behavior of submerged round brine discharges injecting at 0°, 30° and 45° to stationary receiving water in the laboratory. Advanced laser diagnostic method of combined Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) was adopted to measure the velocity and concentration fields, respectively. The experimental results obtained provide regulatory references on the gross geometrical characteristics of the smaller-angle discharges, the resulting mixing behavior as well as the potential influence of the close proximity of the seabed on the brine plume, i.e., the Coanda effect. Assuming flat seabed and a combination of mean and oscillatory tidal current, I further developed a mathematical model to simulate the long-term salinity build-up on the far field around the outfall due to continuous brine discharge. Numerical Simulation of Heterogeneous Material Failure by using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method Candidate: Wang Xuejun Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/223 In the thesis, a micromechanical approach based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method was developed to simulate the heterogeneous material failure by capturing the detailed occurring sequence of the microscopic cracks as well as the macro mechanical response. The program employs an elasto-plastic damage model and utilizes the statistical approach to account for the heterogeneous strength distribution in the material microstructure. Besides, a polymineral method that is suitable to model the microstructure of multiphase material with different components was proposed and implemented in the program. A series of 2-D and 3-D simulations on rock-like material failures were performed. The effects of strain rate as well as the material heterogeneity on the specimen fracture process and its dynamic strength were investigated. Comparisons with the experimental results demonstrate good agreements qualitatively. Results also reveal that the strain rate dependency of the dynamic strength might be ascribed to the apparent confining pressure during the rapid loading as well as the material heterogeneity. PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS Publications of academic staff in journals and conference proceedings during the period from 2009 to 2010. Authors who are not members of the School are indicated by *. “Protection of Structures against Hazards IV”, 2009 - Ed. Han Linhai* and Lok, T.S., CI-Premier, Beijing, P.R. China, 440 pages. (ISBN 978-981-08-3244-5). “Shock and Impact Loads on Structures VIII”, 2009 - Ed. Wu, C.Q.* and Lok, T.S., CI-Premier, Adelaide, Australia, 791 pages. (ISBN 978-981-08-3245-2). Annamdas, V.G.M. and Soh, C.K., 2010. “Application of electromechanical impedance technique for engineering structures: Review and future issues”. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 41-59. Bai, H.W., Shao, J.H., Zhang, X.W. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Effect of TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation for control of membrane fouling by humic acid in water”. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 28. Bao, H.R. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Indeterminacy of the vertex-vertax contact in 2D discontinuous deformation analysis.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformations (ICADD-9), Singapore, pp. 99107. Bao, H.R. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Modelling crack propagation with nodal-based discontinuous deformation analysis.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformations (ICADD-9), Singapore, pp. 161-167. Bao, H.R. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2010. “An alternative scheme for the corner-corner contact in the two dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis.” Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 206-212. Bao, X.L. and Li, B., 2010. “Residual strength of blast damaged reinforced concrete columns”. International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 295-308. Beppu, M.*, Ohno, T.*, Ohkubo, K.*, Li, B. and Satoh, K.*, 2010. “Explosive-resistant performance of fiber sheet reinforced concrete plates under contact explosion”. International Journal of Protective Structures, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 257-270. Bo, M.W.,* Chu, J., Arulrajah, A.* and Fabius, M.*, 2009. “A case study on predicting primary consolidation settlement applying small, large strain and stress path methods.” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, 5-9 October. Brownjohn, J.M.W.* and Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Vibration serviceability of tall buildings due to wind loads: prediction, measurement and evaluation.” Proceedings of the Structures Congress 2010, 12-15 May 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. Chan, C.L. and Low, B.K., 2009. “Reliability analysis of laterally loaded piles involving nonlinear soil and pile behavior.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 3, pp. 431-443. Cheng, N.S., 2009. “Comparison of formulas for drag coefficient and settling velocity of spherical particles.” Technology, Vol. 189, No. 3, pp. 395-398. Powder Cheng, N.S. and Nguyen, H.T., 2010. “Hydraulic radius for evaluating resistance induced by simulated emergent vegetation in open channel flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000377. Cheng, N.S., Nguyen, H.T., Zhao, K. and Tang, X.*, 2010. “Evaluation of flow resistance in smooth rectangular open-channels.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000322. Chiang C. Mei*, Mikhael Krotov*, Zhenhua Huang and Aode Huhe*, 2010. “Short and long waves over a muddy seabed”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 643, pp. 33-58. Chiew, S.P. and Beh, C.T.*, 2010. “Use of alternative steel in building steelwork design to BS5950”. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 431-439. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Cheng, N.S., 2009. “Application of incomplete similarity theory for predicting bed-material load discharge.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000375. 171 PUBLICATIONS Chiew, S.P., Lee C.K., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Fatigue study of partially overlapped circular hollow section K-Joints”. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Advances in Steel Structures, ICASS-09, Hong Kong, 16-18 December, Vol. I, pp. 602-619. Chiew, S.P., Lee, C.K. and Lie, S.T., 2009. “Research on tubular joints at Nanyang Technological University”. The IES Journal Part A – Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 68-84. Chiew, S.P., Lee, C.K., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Fatigue study of partially overlapped CHS K-Joints. Part II: Experimental study and validation of numerical models”. International Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 15, pp. 2408-2428. Chiew, S.P. and Wada, Y.*, 2009. “Corrosion control for building structural steelworks”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in corrosion Protection to Steel Members in Building Construction, Hong Kong, 2 November, pp. 103-137. Chiew, S.P. and Yu, Yi, 2009. “Debonding Behavior of CFRP Strengthened Steel Beams under Static and Cyclic Loads”. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Advances in Steel Structures, ICASS-09, Hong Kong, 16-18 December, Vol. I, pp. 285-292. Chin, K.B., Leong, E.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. “Cyclic behaviour of unsaturated silt in suction-controlled simple shear”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 65-70. Chin, K.B., Leong, E.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2010. Geotechnical Journal (accepted for publication). “A simplified method to estimate soil-water characteristic curve”. Canadian Chou, S., Shi, L.*, Wang, R., Tang, C.Y., Qiu, C. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Characteristics and potential applications of a novel forward osmosis hollow fiber membrane”. Desalination, Vol. 261, pp. 365-372. Chu, J., Ivanov, V., Lee, M.F., Oh, X.M. and He, J., 2009. “Soil and waste treatment using biocement”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories, 9-11 December, Singapore, Eds, Leung, C.F., Chu, J., and Shen, R.F., Research Publishing, pp. 160-166. Chu, J., Varaksin, S.*, Klotz, U.* and Mengé, P.*, 2009. “Construction processes.” State-of-the-Art-Lecture, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, 5-9 October, Vol. 4, pp. 3006-3135. Chu, J., Yan, S.W.* and Guo, W., 2009. “Innovative dike construction methods.” Keynote Lecture, International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement & Geosynthetics for Sustainable Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change including Global Warming, 3-4 December, Bangkok, Thailand. Chua, H.C., Goh, A.T.C. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Distinct element analysis of stage constructed underground cavern in the vicinity of a fault.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation (ICADD-9), Singapore, pp. 429-435. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Chua, L.H.C., Leong, M.C.M., Lo, E.Y.M., Reinhard, M., Robertson, A.P.*, Lim, T.T., Shuy, E.B. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Controlled field studies on artificial recharge by surface infiltration in a sandfill”. Water Science and Technology, IWA publishing, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 1283-1293. 172 Chua, H.C.L., Lo, Y.M.E., Shuy, E.B. and Tan, B.K.S., 2009. “Nutrients and suspended solids in storm runoff from catchments with various proportions of rural and urban land use in Kranji catchment, Singapore”. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 90, pp. 3635-3642. Chua, L.H.C., Lo, E.Y.M., Lim, T.T., Robertson, A.P.*, Shuy, E.B. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Geochemical changes during recharge with tertiary-treated wastewater at a coastal sandfill”. Water Science and Technology, IWA Publishing, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 1273-1281. Chua, L.H.C. and Wong, T.S.W., 2010. “Improving event-based rainfall-runoff modelling using a combined artificial neural network-kinematic wave approach”. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 390, pp. 92-107. Chua, L.H.C., Lo, E.Y.M., Shuy, E.B., Robertson, A.P.*, Lim, T.T. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “DOC and UVA attenuation with soil aquifer treatment in the saturated zone of an artificial coastal sandfill”. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 491-500. PUBLICATIONS Chua, L.H.C., Wong, T.S.W. and Wang, X.H., 2010. “Determination of the constant loss rate and other physical parameters in event-based rainfall-runoff modelling using linear artificial neural networks”. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 373-381. Dao, M.H., Tkalich, P.*, Chan, E.S. and Megawati, K., 2009. “Tsunami propagation scenarios in the South China Sea.” Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 36, pp. 67-73. Ding, H.-B., Tan, G.-Y. Amy, and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Caproate formation in mixed-culture fermentative hydrogen production”. Bioresource Technology (Doi: 10.1016/j.biotech. 2010.07.056). Feng, C.S.*, Wang, R., Wu, Y.* and Li, G.*, 2010. “Preliminary analysis of a linear pore pattern formed on poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoro propylene) porous membrane surfaces”. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 352, pp. 255-261. Feng, C.S.*, Wang, R., Zhang, H.Y.* and Shi, L.*, 2010. “Diverse morphologies of PVDF hollow fibre membranes and their performance analysis as gas/liquid contactors”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, in press. Foreman, J.*, Gallien, J.*, Alspaugh, J.*, Lopez, F.*, Bhatnagar, R.*, Teo, C.C. and Dubois, C.* 2010. “Implementing supplyrouting optimization in a make-to-order manufacturing network.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol. 12, pp. 547-568. Fujikake, K.*, Li, B. and Soeun, S.*, 2009. “Impact response of reinforced concrete beam and its analytical evaluation”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, August, Vol. 135, No. 8, pp. 938-950. Gao, Y.Y.*, Yu, D.Y.*, Tan, S.K., Wang, X.K. and Hao, Z.Y., 2010. “Experimental study on the near wake behind two sideby-side cylinders of unequal diameters”. Fluid Dynamic Research, 42 055509. Gao, Y.Y., Stephane Etienne,* Yu, D.Y.* and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Flow characteristics behind two unequal circular cylinders in tandem arrangement”. ISOPE-2010 ¾ The 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, 20-26 June 2010. Gao, Y.-Y.*, Yu, D.-Y.*, Tan, S.K., Wang, X.K. and Hao, Z., 2010. “Flow behaviour behind two side-by-side circular cylinders with unequal diameters”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20217. Gensheimer, R.J.*, Wang R.Q.*, Adams, E.E.*, Daichin*, Shao, D., Zhao, B., Huang, Z. and Law, A.W.K., 2010. “Dynamics of particle clouds with application to open water sediment disposal.” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, 23-25 June, Athens, Greece. Giannis, A.*, Pentari, D.*, Wang, J.Y. and Gidarakos, E.*, 2010. “Application of sequential extraction analysis to electrokinetic remediation of cadmium, nickel and zinc from contaminated soils”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 184, pp. 547-554. Goh, A.T.C. and Hefney, A.M.*, 2010. “Reliability assessment of EPB tunnel-related settlement.” International Journal Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 57-69. Goh, S.G., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2009. “Evaluation of shear strength equations for unsaturated soil”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 753-758. Goh, S.G., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Shear strength equations for unsaturated soil under drying and wetting”. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, April, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 594-606. Guo, W., Chu, J. and Yan, S.W.*, 2009. “Classification of geotubes and related analysis methods”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories, Eds, Leung, C.F., Chu, J. and Shen, R.F., Research Publishing, pp. 263-274. Hao, Z., Zhou, T., Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Experimental studies of vortex structures in the wake of a cylinder with helical strakes”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20181. Hay, C.T., Khor, S.L., Sun, D.D. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Influence of a prolonged solid retention time environment on nitrification/denitrification and sludge production in a submerged membrane bioreactor”. Desalination, Vol. 245, pp. 28-43. (IF: 1.155). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Gu, J. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Considerations of the discontinuous deformation analysis on wave propagation problems.” International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 33, No. 12, pp. 1449-1465. 173 PUBLICATIONS He, J.W. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Probabilistic assessment of the clashing between flexible marine risers”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China. He, L.*, Huang, G.H.* and Qin, X.S., 2010. “An integrated distributed-hydrologic and watershed-management model: A case study in the Heshui River Watershed of Southern China.” Proceedings of the 4th International Yellow River Forum (IYRF) on Ecological Civilization and River Ethics, Zhengzhou, China, October 20-23, 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 197-205. Hota, G.*, Sundarrajan, S.*, Ramakrishna, S.* and Ng, W.J., 2009. “One step fabrication of MgO solid and hollow submicrometer fibers via electrospinning method”. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 92, No. 10, pp. 2429-2433. Huang, G. and Law, A.W.K., 2009. “Taylor dispersion under random waves.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on. Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC2009), 13-16 October, Singapore. Huang, G., Law, A.W.K. and Huang, Z., 2010. “Experimental study on wave-induced drift of small floating.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, 2-5 August, Chennai, India. Huang, G.H.*, Sun, W.*, Nie, X.H.*, Qin, X.S. and Zhang, X.D.*, 2010. “Development of a decision support system for rural eco-environmental management in Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province, China.” Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 25-42. Huang, Z., Wu, T.-R., Tan, S.K., Megawati, K., Shaw, F., Liu, X. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Tsunami hazard from the subduction megathrust of the South China Sea: Part II. Hydrodynamic modelling and possible impact on Singapore.” Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 36, pp. 93-97. Huang, Z.H. and Aode, H., 2009. “A laboratory study of rheological properties of mudflows in Hangzhou Bay, China”. International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 24, pp. 409-423. Huang, Z.H., Liu, C.R., Adi, K., Tan, S.K. and Nah, E., 2009. “Responses of a floating rectangular caisson to regular waves: A comparison of measurements with time-domain and frequency-domain simulations”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (Paper No. 200-206). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Huang, Z.H., 2010. “A note on tsunami hazard mitigation by mangrove forests”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (Paper No. HICA00455-00733), China: Chemical Industry Press. Huang, Z.H. and Yuan, Z.D., 2010. “Transmission of solitary waves through slotted barriers: A laboratory study with analysis by a long wave approximation”. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 179-185. Huang, Z.H. and Zhang, W.B., 2010. “A laboratory study of dynamic responses of a moored rectangular floating breakwater to regular waves” (7 pages). The International Symposium on Hydraulic Physical Modeling and Field Investigation. 13-15 September 2010, Nanjing, China. Indrawan, I.G.B. and Rahardjo, H., 2010. “Water infiltration through capillary barrier models.” Proceedings of the Symposium on “Protecting Life from Geo-Disaster and Environmental Hazards”, Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University and AUN/SEED-Net JICA, Bali, Indonesia, 25-26 February, pp. 439-446 (D14-(1-8). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Jia, Y., Wang, R. and Fane, A.G., 2009. “Hybrid PAC-submerged membrane system for trace organics removal I. Adsorption kinetics study of PAC in a bubbled solution”. Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 155, pp. 155-160. 174 Jia, Y., Wang, R. and Fane, A.G., 2009. “Hybrid PAC-submerged membrane system for trace organics removal II: System simulation and application study”. Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 149, pp. 42-49. Jiang, B. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Energy uncoupling inhibits aerobic granulation”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 85, No. 3 pp. 589-595. Jiang, H.-L., Maszenan, A.M., Zhao, Z.-W. and Tay, J.-H., 2010. “Properties of phenol-removal aerobic granules during normal operation and shock loading”. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol. 37, pp. 253-262. Jiang, X., Zhou, Y.* and Ng, W.J. 2010. “Acidogenic removal of monochlorophenols”. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, 31 October – 4 November 2010, Guadalajara, Mexico. Jinadasa, K.B.S.N.*, Sasikala, S.*, Tanaka, N.*, Mowjood, M.I. M.* and Ng, W.J., 2009. “Effect of pulsing application on performance of tropical constructed wetland treating domestic waste”. International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Vol. 7, pp. 435-442. PUBLICATIONS Kim, W.*, Lee, S.*, Shin, S.G.*, Lee, C., Hwang, K.* and Hwang, S.*, 2010. “Monitoring methanogenic community changes in duplicate anaerobic batch digesters treating swine wastewater”. Water Research, Vol. 44, pp. 4900-4907. Krauthammer, T.*, Langseth, M.*, Ohno, T.*, Thoma, K.*, Pan, T.-C., and Lim, C.H., 2010. “Design and analysis of protective structures – advances in protective technology”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures 2010 (DAPS-2010), Defence Science & Technology Agency, Singapore, 10-12 May 2010, Singapore. Krisdani, H., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Application of geosynthetic material as a coarse-grained layer in capillary barriers”. Special Issue on Unsaturated Geosynthetics, Geosynthetics International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 323-331. Krisdani, H., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. Response to Discussion by Mbonimpa, M., Aubertin, M. and Bussiere, B. on “Effects of different drying rates on shrinkage characteristics of a residual soil and soil mixtures”. Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 107, No. 3-4, pp. 172-173 (2009). Published in Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 110, No. 1-2, pp. 3031. Kulkarni, S.A. and Li, B., 2009. “Investigations on seismic behaviour of hybrid-steel concrete connections”. Journal of Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), Winter, Vol. 54, pp. 67-87. Kulkarni, S.A. and Li, B., 2009. “Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete interior wide beam-column joints”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, January, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 80-99. Kumara, C.K.*, Ng, W.J., Bandara, A.* and Weerasooriya, R.*, 2010. “Nanogibbsite: Synthesis and characterization”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 352, pp. 252-258. Kuniawan, A., Huang, Z.H., Li, J., Liu, C.R.*, Wang, X.K., Hao, Z.Y., Tan, S.K. and Nah, E.*, 2009. “A numerical analysis of the response and air gap demand for semi-submersibles”. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2009, 31 May - 5 June 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, OMAE2009-79163. Law, A.W.K., Au, S.* and Song, J., 2010. “Stochastic diffusion by progressive waves in turbulence.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, 11-15 October, Shanghai, China. Lay, W.C.L., Chong, T.H., Tang, C.Y., Fane, A.G., Zhang, J. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Fouling propensity of forward osmosis: investigation of the slower flux decline phenomenon.” Water Science and Technology, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 927-936. Lay, W.C.L., Liu, Y. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Impacts of salinity on the performance of high retention membrane bioreactors for water reclamation: A review”. Water Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 21-40. Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Chinalia, F.A.*, Shin, S.G.* and Hwang, S.*, 2009. “Unusual bacterial populations observed in a full-scale municipal sludge digester affected by intermittent seawater inputs”. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 36, pp. 769-773. Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Hwang, K.* and Hwang, S.*, 2009. “Fermentation and growth kinetic study of Aeromonas caviae under anaerobic conditions”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 83, pp. 767-773. Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Hwang, K.*, O’Flaherty, V.* and Hwang, S.*, 2009. “Quantitative analysis of methanogenic community dynamics in three anaerobic batch digesters treating different wastewaters”. Water Research, Vol. 43, pp. 157-165. Lee, C.K., Chiew, S.P., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Fatigue study of partially overlapped circular hallow sectionjoints, Part I: Geometrical models and mesh generation.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 16, pp. 2445-2463. Lee, C.K., Chiew, S.P., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2010. “Adaptive mesh generation procedures for thin-walled tubular structures.” Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol. 46, No.1-2, pp. 114-131. Lee, C.K., Chiew, S.P., Lie, S.T., Sopha, T.* and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Experimental studies on stress concentration factors for partially overlapped circular hollow section K-Joints”. International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 481-499. Lei, L., Bai, H.W., Liu, Z.Y. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Hierarchical Ag/TiO2 nanofiber membrane for water purification”. IWA LET Conference, Phoenix, USA, 3 June 2010. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Shin, S.G.*, O’Flaherty, V.* and Hwang, S.*, 2010. “Quantitative and qualitative transitions of methanogen community structure during the batch anaerobic digestion of cheese-processing wastewater”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 87, pp. 1963-1973. 175 PUBLICATIONS Leong, E.C., He, L.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. Discussion on “Assessment of the use of the vapour equilibrium technique in controlled-suction tests” by Pintado, X., Lloret, A. and Romero, E., (2009). Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 411-423. Published in Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 1482-1484. Leong, E.C., Rahardjo, H. and He, L.C., 2010. Discussion on “Calibrations of a high-suction tensiometer” by Laurenco, S.D.N., Gallipoli, D., Toll, D.G., Augarde, C.E., Evans, F.D. and Medero, G.M. (2008), Geotechnique, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 659-668. Published in Geotechnique, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 233-234. Leung, C.F.*, Chu, J. and Shen, R.F.*, (Editors) 2009. “Ground improvement technologies and case histories”. Research Publishing, ISBN: 981-08-3124-2. Li, B. and Chen, Q., “Stiffness of reinforced concrete structural walls with irregular openings”. Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 397-417. Journal of Earthquake Li, B. and Chua, G.H.Y., 2009. “Seismic performance of strengthened reinforced concrete beam-column joints using FRP composites”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 10, pp. 1177-1190. Li, B., Kulkarni, S.A. and Leong, C.L., 2009. “Seismic performance of precast hybrid-steel concrete connections”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, June, Vol. 13, Issue 5, pp. 667-689. (First-Tier). Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Nair, A., 2009. “A case study of the effect of cladding panels on the response of reinforced concrete frames subjected to distant blast loadings”. Nuclear Engineering and Design, March, Vol. 239, Issue 3, pp. 455-469. Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Tran, C.T.N. 2009. “Effect of axial compression load on seismic behaviour of non-seismically detailed interior beam-wide column joints”. ACI Structural Journal, September-October, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 591-599. Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Tran, C.T.N., 2009. “Effects of axial compression load and eccentricity on seismic behaviour of nonseismically detailed interior beam-wide column joints”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, July, Vol. 135, No. 7, pp. 774-784. Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Tran, C.T.N., 2009. “Seismic behavior of nonseismically detailed interior beam-wide column and beamwall connections”. Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 591-599. Li, B. and Tran, C.T.N., 2009. “Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-column joints with vertical distributed reinforcement”. ACI Structural Journal, November-December, Vol. 106, No. 6, pp. 790-799. Li, B., Tran, C.T.N. and Pan, T.C., 2009. “Experimental and numerical investigations on the seismic performance of lightly reinforced concrete joints”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 9, pp. 1007-1018. Li, B., Huang, Z.W. and Lim, C.L., 2010. “The verification of non-dimensional energy spectrum based blast design for reinforced concrete members through actual blast tests”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, June, Vol. 136, No. 6, pp. 627-636. Li, B. and Kulkarni, S.A., 2010. “Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete exterior wide beam-column joints”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 1, pp. 26-36. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Li, B. and Lim, C.L., 2010. “Tests on seismically damaged reinforced concrete structural walls repaired using fiber-reinforced polymers”. ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, No. 10. 176 Li, B., Pan, T.-C., and Nair, A. “A case study of the local and global structural responses of a tall building in Singapore subjected to close-in detonations”. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, UK (to appear). Li, F.Z. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Sensitivity study of critical parameters influencing the uncertainty of fatigue damage in steel catenary risers”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China. Li, H.Z.* and Low, B.K., 2010. “Reliability analysis of circular tunnel under hydrostatic stress field.” Geotechnics, Vol. 37, Issue 1-2, pp. 50-58. Computers and Li, J., Tan, S.K., Huang, Z.H. and Kurniawan, A., 2009. “Wave amplification and air-gap response under a multi-column platform”. Coastal Dynamics 2009, 7-11 September 2009, Tokyo, Japan. Li, J., Huang, Z.H. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Extreme air-gap response below deck of floating structures”. The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, Multi-Science Publishing, March, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 15-26. PUBLICATIONS Li, J., Liu, H.X. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Lagrangian modelling of tidal bores passing through bridge piers”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD2010) (in press). Liang, D.W.*, Shayegan, S.S.*, Ng, W.J. and He, J.Z.*, 2010. “Development and characteristics of rapidly formed hydrogenproducing granules in an acidic anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (AnSBR)”. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 119-125. Lv, L.*, Lu, Y.Q.*, Ng, W.J. and Zhao, X.S.*, 2009. “Bactericidal activity of silver nanoparticles supported on microporous titanosilicate ETS-10”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 304-309. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “BS7910: 2005 Failure assessment diagram (FAD) on cracked circular hollow section (CHS) Welded Joints”. International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 385-393. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Fracture assessment of damaged square hollow section (SHS) K-joint using BS7910:2005”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 9, pp. 1303-1319. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Safety assessment procedure for a cracked square hollow section (SHS) Y-joint”. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 359-372. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Validation of BS7910: 2005 Failure assessment diagram for cracked square hollow section T-, Y- and K-joints”. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 291-344. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2010. “Plastic collapse loads of cracked square hollow section (SHS) T-, Y- and K-joints”. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 1-10. Lie, S.T. and Zhang, B.F., 2010. “Plastic collapse load investigation for safety assessment of cracked square hollow section (SHS) T-, Y- and K-joints”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), 6-11 June 2010, Shanghai, China, Paper OMAE2010-20324. Lie, S.T., Zhang, B.F. and Yang, Z.M., 2010. “Numerical and experimental plastic collapse loads and CTODs of a cracked square hollow section (SHS) K-joint”. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, 15-17 December 2010, Hong Kong, China. Lim, C.L., Li, B. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Seismic performances of reinforced concrete frames with wall-like columns”. IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, May, pp. 126-142. Lim, Y.Y. and Soh, C.K., 2010. “Estimation of fatigue life using electromechanical impedance technique”. Proceedings of the SPIE, March, San Diego, USA, Vol. 7647, p. 64722. Lin, Q.G.*, Huang, G.H.*, Brad, B.*, Nie, X.H.*, Zhang, X.D.* and Qin, X.S., 2010. “EMDSS: An optimization-based decision support system for energy systems management under changing climate conditions - an application to the Toronto-Niagara Region, Canada”. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 5040-5051. Listiarini, K., Chan, W., Sun, D.D. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Fouling mechanism and resistance analyses of systems containing sodium alginate, calcium, alum and their combinations in dead-end fouling of nanofiltration membranes”. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 344, No. 1-2, pp. 244-251. (IF:3.247). Liu, C., Huang, Z.H., and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Nonlinear scattering of non-breaking waves by a submerged horizontal plate: Experiments and simulations”. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 1332-1345. Liu, C., Qiu, Q. and Huang, Z.H., 2009. “Higher harmonic waves generated by a submerged horizontal thin plate: An experimental study for breaking and non-breaking waves”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 162-169. Liu, C., Huang, Z.H., Law, A.W.K. and Geng, N., 2010. “A numerical study of wave energy converter in the form of an oscillating water column based on a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (Paper No. OMAE2010-21056). USA: ASME. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Listiarini, K., Sun, D.D. and Leckie, J.O., 2009. “Cake characterization of sodium alginate fouling of nanofiltration membranes in the presence of calcium and alum”. IWA Water and Industry 2009, New Zealand, 30 November to 1 December 2009. 177 PUBLICATIONS Liu, C.L.*, Li, G.Q.*, Sun, J.Y.* and Lok, T.S., 2009. “Design of planter-box as anti-ram barriers to resist vehicle bomb”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, Beijing, P.R. China, pp. 245253. Liu, C.L.*, Palermo, D.*, Lok, T.S. and Chen X.L.*, 2009. “An analytical cost methodology in protective solution”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 379-388. Liu, H.L.*, Chu, J. and Ren, Z.Y.*, 2009. “New methods for measuring the installation depth of prefabricated vertical drains.” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 493-496. Liu, H.W., Ghidaoui, M.S., Huang, Z.H. and Yuan, Z., 2009. “Numerical investigation of the interaction between solitary waves and pile breakwaters”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 163-169. Liu, H.X., Li, J. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Environmental fluid dynamics – jet flow”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD2010) (in press). Liu, H.X., Tan, S.K., Li, J. and Wang, X.K., 2010. “Three dimensional simulation of bore flow using SPH”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), Shanghai, OMAE 2010-21090. Liu, J.X., Zhao, Z.Y. and Liang, N.G.*, 2010. “Numerical and theoretical investigations of the tensile failure of shrunk cement-based composites.” Chapter 2 of Computational Mechanics Research Trends, Editors: Hans P. Berger, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 111-148. Liu, J.X., Zhao, Z.Y., Deng, S.C.* and Liang, N.G.*, 2009. “A simple method to simulate shrinkage induced cracking in cement-based composites by lattice-type modeling.” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 477-492. Liu, J.X., Zhao, Z.Y., Zhang, J.* and Liang, N.G.*, 2009. “Numerical investigation of crack growth in concrete subjected to compression by the generalized beam lattice model.” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 277-295. Liu, Q.S.*, Liu, Y., Show, K.Y.* and Tay, J.H., 2009. Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 69-74. “Toxicity effect of phenol on aerobic granules”. Environmental Liu, S.S., Zhang, X.W., Sun, D.D. and Xu, Z.M., 2009. “Study on membrane fouling caused by activated sludge from a membrane bioreactor with long solid retention time”. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1816-1820. Liu, Y., 2009. “Is the free energy change of adsorption correctly calculated?” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 54, No. 7, pp. 1981-1985. Liu, Y.J. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Comparison of membrane fouling in dead-end microfiltration granular sludge suspension and its supernatant”. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 352, No. 1-2, pp. 100-106. (IF:3.247). Loh, C.-H.*, Mao, C.-H.*, Huang, J.-H.* and Pan, T.-C. “System identification and damage evaluation of degrading hysteresis of reinforced concrete frames”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, International Association for Earthquake Engineering (to appear). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Low, B.K., 2010. “Slope reliability analysis: some insights and guidance for practitioners.” Proceedings of the 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 10-13 May, Vol. 2, pp. 231-234. 178 Low, Y.M., 2009. “Frequency domain analysis of a tension leg platform with statistical linearization of the tendon restoring forces”. Marine Structures, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 480-503. Low, Y.M., 2009. “Efficient vector outcrossing analysis of the excursion of a moored vessel”. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 565-576. Low, Y.M., 2009. “Fatigue analysis of deepwater risers using a hybrid time/frequency domain method”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore and Polar Engineering, Osaka, Japan, Vol. 2, pp. 389-395. Low, Y.M., 2010. “A method for accurate estimation of the fatigue damage induced by bimodal processes”. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 75-85. Low, Y.M., 2010. “Influence of the setdown of a tension leg platform on the extreme airgap response”. Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 11-19. PUBLICATIONS Low, Y.M., 2010. “A practical formulation for estimating the extreme vector excursion of a floating structure”. Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 13, pp. 1159-1168. Ocean Low, Y.M. and Grime, A.J.*, 2010. “Extreme response analysis of floating structures using coupled frequency domain analysis”. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (accepted). Low, Y.M. and Grime, A.J.*, 2010. “Extreme response analysis of floating structures using coupled frequency domain analysis”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China. Luo, G., Xie, Li., Zhou, Z.H., Zhou, Q. and Wang, J.Y., 2010. “Fermentative hydrogen production from cassava stillage by mixed anaerobic microflora: Effects of temperature and pH”. Journal of Applied Energy (accepted). Ma, H.*, Yang, D.* and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Impacts of climate change and human activities on the flow discharge in the Miyun Reservoir Catchment”. Journal of Hydrology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.06.010. McKeown, R.M.*, Scully, C.*, Enright, A.M.*, Chinalia, F.A.*, Lee, C., Mahony, T.*, Collins, G.* and O’Flaherty, V.*, 2009. “Psychrophilic methanogenic community development during long-term cultivation of anaerobic granular biofilms”. The ISME Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 1231-1242. Megawati, K. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Regional seismic hazard posed by the Mentawai segment of the Sumatran megathrust.” Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, Vol. 99, No. 2A, pp. 566-584. Megawati, K. and Pan, T.-C. 2010. “Ground-motion attenuation relationship for Sumatran megathrust earthquakes”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, International Association for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 827-845. Megawati, K. and Pan, T.C., 2010. “Development and validation of ground-motion attenuation relationship for large-magnitude subduction earthquakes.” Proceedings of the 9th U.S. National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (9USN/10CCEE), Toronto, Canada, 25-29 July 2010. Megawati, K., Shaw, F., Sieh, K., Huang, Z., Wu, T.-R., Lin, Y., Tan, S.K. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Tsunami hazard from the subduction megathrust of the South China Sea: Part I. Source characterization and the resulting tsunami.” Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 36, pp. 13-20. Mun, C.H.*, He, J.Z.* and Ng, W.J., 2010. “Pentachlorophenol dechlorination by an acidogenic sludge”. Water Research, Vol. 42, pp. 3789-3798. Ng, C.A., Sun, D.D., Zhang, J., Wu, B. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Mechanisms of fouling control in membrane bioreactors by the addition of powdered activated carbon”. Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 873-889. (IF:1.139). Ng, J.W., Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Pan, J.-H., Du, A.J.-H. and Sun, D.D., 2009. “Construction of self-organized free-standard TiO2 nanotube arrays for effective disinfection of drinking water”. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP2), Cyprus, 9-11 September 2009. Ng, J.W., Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Pan, J.-H., Du, A.J.-H. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Construction of self-organized free-standard TiO2 nanotube arrays for effective disinfection of drinking water”. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 85, pp. 1061. (IF:2.045); DOI: 10.1002/jctb.2395. “Used-water treatment and Rethinking for the future”. Hitachi Eco-Conference 2009, 16 March 2009, Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Quadtree mesh for combined hydrodynamic and water quality modelling”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, Vol. 2, pp. 246-251. Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Simulation of storm surge and inundation in the United States due to hurricanes using AnuGA modelling tool”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Sendai, pp. 604-609. Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Modelling of flow in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA using a quadtree grid.” Proceedings of the 17th Congress of International Association of Hydraulics Engineering Research -- Asia Pacific Division, Auckland, 7 pp. Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Near field mixing process of multi-port diffusers: numerical modelling with quadtree grids”. International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Athens (in press). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Ng, W.J., 2009. Singapore. 179 PUBLICATIONS Nguyen, T.H.N. and Qin, X.S., 2010. “Robust optimization for water quality management under uncertainty.” Proceedings of the 2010 Young Water Talents Symposium, Suntec, Singapore, 28 June, pp. 43-48. Nishimura, T.*, Rahardjo, H. and Koseki, J.*, 2010. “Direct shear strength of compacted bentonite under different suctions”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 September, Vol. 1, pp. 323-328. Nyunt, T.T., Leong, E.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. “Effects of matric suction and loading rate on the stiffness-strain behaviour of kaolin”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 15-19. O’Reilly, J.*, Lee, C., Chinalia, F.A.*, Collins, G.*, Mahony, T.* and O’Flaherty, V.*, 2010. “Microbial community dynamics associated with biomass granulation in low-temperature (15°C) anaerobic wastewater treatment bioreactors”. Bioresource Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 6336-6344. O’Reilly, J.*, Lee, C., Collins, G.*, Chinalia, F.A.*, Mahony, T.* and O’Flaherty, V.*, 2009. “Quantitative and qualitative analysis of methanogenic communities in mesophilically and psychrophilically cultivated anaerobic granular biofilms”. Water Research, Vol. 43, pp. 3365-3374. Ong, S.L.*, Ng, W.J. and Lee, L.Y.*, 2009. “Nitrogen removal using an anoxic-oxic ultra-compact biofilm reactor”. International Journal of Environmental Studies, Section B, Environmental Science and Technology. Ow, L.F., Harnas, F.R., Indrawan, I.G.B., Sahadewa, A., Sim, E.K., Rahardjo, H., Leong, E.C., Fong, Y.K. and Tan, P.Y., 2010. “Tree pulling experiment: An analysis into the mechanical stability of rain trees”. Trees – Structure & Function (available on line and in print). Pan, J.H., Sun, D.D., Lee, C.M., Kim, Y.J. and Lee, W.I., 2010. “Effect of calcination temperature on the textural properties and photocatalytic activities of highly ordered cubic mesoporous WO3/TiO2 films”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 4747-4751. (IF:1.987). Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Developing technology for multiple-hazards protection”. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 13-14 October 2010, Kobe, Japan. Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Developing technology for protection”. Keynote Speech, Inaugural Workshop on Building Infrastructure Protection for Homeland Security, 13 May 2010, Singapore. Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Seismic hazard of low/moderate seismicity regions – Singapore’s perspective.” Keynote Lecture, The 10th International ROSE School Seminar, 20-21 May 2010, EUCentre, Collegio Cardinale Riboldi, Pavia, Italy. Pan, T.-C., Leong, C.L., Karim, R.K., Shaw, F. and Tan, A.C.T., 2009. “Explosion induced ground motion monitoring.” Final Report No.: MINDEF-NTU/JPP/05/01, Protective Technology Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University. Pan, T.-C, Li, B., Lu, Y.* and Lim, C.L., 2009. “Response of buildings to external and internal blast loadings.” Home Team Journal, Singapore, Issue No. 1, pp. 67-80. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Pan, T.-C., Tan, K.H., Li, B., Fan, S.C. and Ma, G.W., 2010. “An overview of the current research programmes in Protective Technology Research Centre at NTU.” Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures 2010 (DAPS-2010), 10-12 May 2010, Singapore, pp. K25-K39. 180 Peng, L., You, S.-J. and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Carbon nanotubes as electrode modifier promoting direct electron transfer from Shewanella oneidensis”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 25, pp. 1248-1251. Peng, L., You, S.J. and Wang, J.Y., 2010. “Electrode potential regulates cytochrome accumulation on shewanella oneidensis cell surface and the consequence to bioelectrocatalytic current generation”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (DDI: 10.1016/ j.bios.2010.03.039). Prochazka, P.*, Dolezel, V.* and Lok T.S., 2009. “Optimal shape design for minimum Lagrangian”. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Elsevier Publishing, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 447-455. Qi, W., Niu, D.J. and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Characterization of microbial communities during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars”. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. (submitted and revised one time). Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H.* and Yu, H.*, 2009. “Enhancing remediation of LNAPL recovery through a response-surface-based optimization approach.” Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 135, No. 10, pp. 999-1008. PUBLICATIONS Qin, X.S., 2010. “Management of environmental pollution control problems under stochastic uncertainty.” Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, June 2-5, 2010, pp. 366-371. Qin, X.S., 2010. “Numerical simulation of DNAPL contaminant transport and remediation in a three-dimensional heterogeneous subsurface.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China, 6-10 September, pp. 566573. Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H.* and He, L.*, 2010. “Development of a cluster-analysis-based distributed hydrologic modeling system.” Proceedings of the 4th International Yellow River Forum (IYRF) on Ecological Civilization and River Ethics, Zhengzhou, China, October 20-23, 2009, Vol. 4, pp. 46-54. Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H.* and Liu, L.*, 2010. “A genetic-algorithm-aided chance-constrained programming model for regional air quality management under uncertainty.” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 63-71. Qin, X.S. and Xu, Y., 2010. “River water quality modeling under dual-uncertainties: A fuzzy-parameterized stochastic simulation method.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China, 6-10 September, pp. 21092116. Rahardjo, H., Hua, C.J., Leong, E.C. and Santoso, V.A.*, 2010. “Performance of an Instrumented Slope under a Capillary Barrier System”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 September, Vol. 2, pp. 1279-1284. Rahardjo, H., Leong, E.C. and Rezaur, R.B., 2009. “Laboratory characterisation of unsaturated soil for slope stability studies”. Keynote Lecture, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 565-578. Rahardjo, H., Ong, T.H., Rezaur, R.B., Leong, E.C. and Fredlund, D.G.*, 2010. “Response parameters for characterization of infiltration”. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 60, No. 7, pp. 1369-1380. Rahardjo, H., Santoso, V.A.*, Leong, E.C., Ng, Y.S. and Tam, C.P.H., 2009. “Pore-water pressure characteristics of two instrumented residual soil slopes”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 333-339. Rahardjo, H., Satyanaga, A. Nio, Leong, E.C. and Ng, Y.S., 2010. “Effects of groundwater table position and soil properties on stability of slope during rainfall”. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, November, Vol. 136, No.11, pp. 1555-1564. Rahardjo, H., Vilayvong, K. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Water characteristic curves of recycled materials”. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM International, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-8 (available on line and in print). Rahimi, A., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Effect of antecedent rainfall patterns on rainfall induced slope failure”. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. (available on line and in print). Rahimi, A., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Effect of hydraulic properties of soil on rainfall-induced slope failure”. Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 114, pp. 135-143. Reza Mohammadpour and Lim, S.Y., 2010. “Numerical modeling of three-dimensional flow around abutments in a compound open channel”. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Development, 26-28 February 2010, Singapore, pp. 328-332. Schnellmann, R.*, Busslinger, M.*, Schneider, H.* and Rahardjo, H., 2010. “Effect of rising water table in an unsaturated slope”. Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 114, pp. 71-83. Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K. 2009. “Salinity build-up due to brine discharges into shallow coastal waters.” Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 541-544. Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2009. “Turbulent mass and momentum transport of a circular offset dense jet.” Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 11, Issue 40, pp. 1-24. Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2010. “Mixing and Boundary interactions of 30 and 40 degree inclined dense jets.” Journal of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 10, Issue 5, pp. 521-553. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Santoso, V.A.*, Rahardjo, H., Leong, E.C., Ng, Y.S. and Tam, C.P.H., 2009. “Horizontal drains in residual soil slopes”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 325-332. 181 PUBLICATIONS Shao, Y.B.*, Cai, Y.Q.* and Chiew, S.P., 2010. “Static strength of square tubular T-Joint under axial compression with collar plate reinforcement”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Sydney, Australia, 21 – 23 July, pp. 415-421. Shao, Y.B.*, Lie, S.T. and Chiew, S.P., 2010. “Static Strength of Tubular T-Joints with Reinforced Chord under Axial Compression”. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 369-377. She, Q., Tang, C.Y., Wang, Y.N. and Zhang, Z., 2009. “The role of hydrodynamic conditions and solution chemistry on protein fouling during ultrafiltration”. Desalination, Vol. 249, No. 3, pp. 1079-1087. Shen, L. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Treatment of Ampicillin-loaded wastewater by combined adsorption and biodegradation”. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 85, No. 6, pp. 814-820. Shen, L., Liu, Y. and Paul, E.*, 2010. “A simple geometric approach for simplification of Langmuir kinetics for adsorption”. Colloids and Surfaces A – Physical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 349, No. 1-3, pp. 78-82. Shi, L.*, Wang, R. and Cao, Y.*, 2009. “Effect of the rheology of poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluropropylene) (PVDF–HFP) dope solutions on the formation of microporous hollow fibers used as membrane contactors”. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 344, pp. 112-122. Shin, S.G.*, Han, G.*, Lim, J.*, Lee, C. and Hwang, S.*, 2010. “A comprehensive microbial insight into two-stage anaerobic digestion of food waste-recycling wastewater”. Water Research, Vol. 44, pp. 4838-4849. Shin, S.G.*, Lee, S.*, Lee, C., Hwang, K.* and Hwang, S.*, 2010. “Qualitative and quantitative assessment of microbial community in batch anaerobic digestion of secondary sludge”. Bioresource Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 9461-9470. Soh, C.K. and Lim, Y.Y., 2009. “Detection and characterization of fatigue induced damage using electromechanical impedance technique”. Multi-functional Materials and Structures II, Parts 1 & 2, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 79-82, pp. 20312034. Su, J.*, Huang, G.H.*, Xi, B.D.* and Qin, X.S. et al., 2010. “Long-term planning of waste diversion under interval and probabilistic uncertainties”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 54, No. 7, pp. 449-461. Su, J.*, Huang, G.H.*, Xi, B.D.*, Li, Y.P.*, Qin, X.S., Huo, S.L.* and Jiang, Y.H.*, 2009. “A hybrid inexact optimization approach for solid waste management in the City of Foshan, China.” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 389-402. Sun, D.D., 2009. “Membrane water reclamation: fouling and solution”. Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering, CESE-2009, 14-17 July 2009, Jupiters Hotel, Townsville Australia. Sun, D.D. and Hay Choon Teck, 2009. “Prolonged sludge retention time for high strength wastewater treatment using submerged membrane bioreactor”. IWA Water and Industry 2009, New Zealand, 30 November to 1 December 2009. Sun, H.Y.*, Wong, L.N.Y., Shang, Y.Q.*, Lu, Q.* and Zhan, W.*, 2010. “Systematic monitoring of the performance of anchor systems in fractured rock masses.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 47, pp. 1038-1045. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Sun, J.P. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2010. “Effects of anisotropic permeability of fractured rock masses on underground oil storage caverns.” Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 629-637. 182 Sun, J.P., Zhao, Z.Y. and Zhang, Y. “Determination of three dimensional hydraulic conductivities using a combined analytical/ neural network model.” Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, accepted. Sun, W.*, Huang, G.H.*, Zeng, G.M.*, Qin, X.S. and Sun, X.L.*, 2009. “A stepwise-cluster microbial biomass inference model in food waste composting.” Waste Management, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 2956-2968. Talei, A., Chua, L.H.C. and Quek, C., 2010. “A novel application of a neuro-computational technique in event-based rainfallrunoff modelling”. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 7456-7468. Talei, A., Chua, L.H.C. and Wong, T.S.W., 2010. “Evaluation of rainfall and discharge inputs used by Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) in rainfall-runoff modelling”. Journal of Hydrology. (accepted). Tan, C.H. (Grant), Koh, K.S.*, Rice, S.*, Zhou, Y.*, Ng, W.J. and Kjelleberg, S.*, 2010. “Concurrent quorum sensing and quorum quenching in a simultaneous nitrification, denitrification & phosphorus removal (SNDPR) sludge community”. Biofilms4 International Conference, 1-3 September 2010, Winchester, UK. PUBLICATIONS Tan, S.B.K., Lo, E.Y.-M., Shuy, E.B., Chua, L.H.C. and Lim, W.H., 2009. “Generation of total runoff hydrographs using a method derived from a digital filter algorithm”. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 101-106. Tan, S.B.K., Lo, E.Y.-M., Shuy, E.B., Chua, L.H.C. and Lim, W.H., 2009. “Hydrograph separation and development of empirical relationships using single-parameter digital filters”. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 271-279. Tang, C.Y., Fu, Q.S., Gao, D., Criddle, C.S.* and Leckie, J.O.*, 2010. “Effect of solution chemistry on the adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate onto mineral surfaces.” Water Research, Vol. 44, pp. 2654-2662. Tang, C.Y., Kwon, Y.-N. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Effect of membrane chemistry and coating layer on physiochemical properties of thin film composite polyamide RO and NF membranes. I. FTIR and XPS characterization of polyamide and coating layer chemistry.” Desalination, Vol. 242, pp. 149-167. Tang, C.Y., Kwon, Y.-N. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Effect of membrane chemistry and coating layer on physiochemical properties of thin film composite polyamide RO and NF membranes. II. Membrane physiochemical properties and their dependence on polyamide and coating layers.” Desalination, Vol. 242, pp. 168-182. Tang, C.Y., Kwon, Y.-N. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “The role of foulant-foulant electrostatic interaction on limiting flux for RO and NF membranes during humic acid fouling-theoretical basis, experimental evidence, and AFM interaction force measurement.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 326, No. 2, pp. 526-532. Tang, C.Y., She, Q., Lay, W.C.L., Wang, R. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Coupled effects of internal concentration polarization and fouling on flux behavior of forward osmosis membranes during humic acid filtration.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 354, pp. 123-133. Tang, H.W., Ding, B., Chiew, Y.M. and Fang, S.L., 2009. “Scour protection around bridge piers with tetrahedron frames”. International Journal of Sediment Research, December, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 385-399. Teo, C.C., Bhatnagar, R.* and Graves, S.C.* 2010. “Setting planned lead times for a make-to-order production system with master schedule smoothing.” accepted for publication in IIE Transactions. Thai, V.V., 2009. “Effective maritime security: conceptual model and empirical evidence.” Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 147-163. Thai, V.V., 2009. “Impact of increasing containership’s size on ports.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Marine Science and Technology, 2-3 November, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Thai, V.V., 2010. “Competency Requirements for Port Personnel in the New Era”. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of Chinese Federation of Wharf Unions, 29 - 30 November, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Thai, V.V. and Latta, T.*, 2010. “Developing an employment brand strategy for the shortage of seafarers: The case in Australia.” Proceedings of the 24th Australia-New Zealand Association of Management (ANZAM) Conference, 7-10 December, Adelaide, Australia. Thai, V.V. and Latta, T.*, 2010. “Employment brand strategy for the shortage of seafarers.” International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 411-428. Tsai, T.T., Kao, C.M. and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Remediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater using Acid/BOF slag enhanced in situ chemical oxidation”. Chemosphere (submitted). Tunidau, J.* and Thai, V.V., 2010. “Critical factors for successful implementation of the ISM Code in some Pacific Islands States.” WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 63-80. Vu, T.-T. and Tan, S.-K., 2009. “A review of the current state-of-the-arts on the application of silt screens as sediment control equipment in open water”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, 13-16 October 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 60-66. Vu, T.-T. and Tan, S.-K., 2010. “Laboratory investigation of hydraulic performance of silt screen”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China, October 2010 (in press). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Thai, V.V., Cahoon, S.* and Tran, T.H.*, 2010. “Skill and knowledge requirements for logistics professionals in Australia.” Proceedings of the 24th Australia-New Zealand Association of Management (ANZAM) Conference, 7-10 December, Adelaide, Australia. 183 PUBLICATIONS Vu, T.-T., Tan, S.-K., and Stéphanie Doorn-Groen, 2010. “A case study of silt screen deployment”. World Dredging Congress XIX, Beijing, China, September 2010 (in press). Vu, T.-T. and Tan, S.-K., 2010. “Laboratory investigation of hydraulic performance of silt screen”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China, October 2010 (in press). Vu, T.-T., Tan, S.-K., and Stéphanie Doorn-Groen, 2010. “A case study of silt screen deployment”. World Dredging Congress XIX, Beijing, China, September 2010 (in press). Wanatowski, D. *and Chu, J., 2009. “Instability behavior of Changi sand in plane-strain tests.” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, 5-9 October, Vol. 1, pp. 8992. Wanatowski, D.* and Chu, J., 2010. Discussion of “Unstable behaviour of model Jamuna micaceous sand”. Geotechnique, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 307-308. Wanatowski, D.*, Chu, J. and Gan, C-L.*, 2009. “Compressibility of Changi sand in Ko consolidation.” Geomechanics and Engineering: An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 241-258. Wanatowski, D.*, Chu, J. and Lo, S-C.*, 2010. “New types of failure mechanisms for flowslide.” Geoengineering: An International Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 3-13. Geomechanics and Wanatowski, D.*, Chu, J. and Loke, W.L.*, 2010. “Drained instability of sand in plane strain.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 400-412. Wang, R., Lei, S., Tang, C.Y., Chou, S., Qiu, C. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Characterization of novel forward osmosis hollow fiber membranes.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 355, pp. 158-167. Wang, R., Shi, L.*, Tang, C.Y., Chou, S., Qiu, C. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Characterization of novel forward osmosis hollow fiber membranes”. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 355, pp. 158-167. Wang, R.Q.*, Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E.* and Fringer, O.B.*, 2009. “The determination of formation number for starting buoyant jet”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM II) and 12th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XII), 30 November – 3 December, Hong Kong – Macau. Wang, R.Q.*, Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E.* and Fringer, O.B.*, 2009. “Large-eddy simulation of starting buoyant jets.” Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress, 9-14 August, Vancouver, Canada. Wang, R.Q., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E.* and Fringer, O.B.*, 2009. “Buoyant formation number of a starting buoyant jet.” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 21, Issue 12, Article No. 125114. Wang, X.K., Hao, Z. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Flow around a pipeline near a smooth bed in steady current”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20749. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Lagrangian modelling of tidal bores passing through bridge piers”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD2010) (in press). 184 Wang, Y.J., Xu, S.P., Zhang, X.W. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Enhanced photocatalytic oxidation by anatase nanotubes for water treatment”. IWA LET Conference, USA, 3 June 2010. Wei, X.Y., Zhao, Z.Y. and Gu, J., 2009. “Numerical simulations of rock mass damage induced by underground explosion.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 1206-1213. Wicaksana, F., Fane, A.G.F. and Law, A.W.K., 2009. “The use of constant temperature anemometry for permeate flow distribution measurement in a submerged hollow fibre system.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 339, Issues 1-2, pp. 195-203. Wong, L.N.Y. and Einstein, H.H.*, 2009. “Crack coalescence in molded gypsum and carrara marble: Part 1 – Macroscopic observations and interpretation.” Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 475-511. Wong L.N.Y. and Einstein, H.H.*, 2009. “Crack coalescence in molded gypsum and carrara marble: Part 2 – Microscopic observations and interpretation.” Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 513-545. PUBLICATIONS Wong, L.N.Y. and Einstein, H.H.*, 2009. “Process zone development associated with cracking processes in carrara marble.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation - New Developments and Applications, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 25-27 November, pp. 581-588. Wong, L.N.Y. and Einstein, H.H.*, 2009. “Systematic evaluation of cracking behavior in specimens containing single flaws under uniaxial compression.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 239-249. Wong, L.N.Y. and Einstein, H.H.*, 2009. “Using high speed video imaging technique in the study of cracking and coalescence processes in rock.” Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 164-180. Wong, L.N.Y. and Liu, G., 2010. “An improved K-means clustering method for the automatic grouping of discontinuity sets.” Proceedings of the 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT. ARMA 10-265. Wu, T. and Li, B., 2009. “Experimental verification of continuous deep beams with openings designed using strut-and-tie modelling”. IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, November, pp. 282–295. Wu, Y.S. and Chiew, Y.M., 2009. “Experimental study on 3-Dimensional scour at submarine pipelines”. Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress, 9-14 August, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 2198-2206. Xi, B.D.*, Su, J.*, Huang, G.H.* and Qin, X.S., et al. 2010. “An integrated optimization approach and multi-criteria decision analysis for supporting the waste-management system of the City of Beijing, China.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 620-631. Xiong, Y.H. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Involvement of ATP and Autoinducer-2 in Aerobic Granulation”. Bioengineering, Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 51-58. Biotechnology and Xiong, Y.H. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Biological control of microbial attachment: a promising alternative for mitigating membrane biofouling”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 825-837. Xu, H.J. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Control of microbial attachment by inhibition of ATP and ATP-Mediated Autoinducer-2”. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 107, No. 1, pp. 31-36. Xu, S.P. and Sun, D.D., 2009. “Significant improvement of hydrogen generation rate using TiO2 photocatalyst enhanced with Cu”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, Issue 15, pp. 6096-6104. (IF: 3.452). Xu, S.P., Ng, J.W., Zhang, X.W., Bai, H.W. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Fabrication and comparison of highly-efficient Cu incorporated TiO2 photocatalyst for hydrogen generation from water”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 5254-5261. (IF:3.945). Xu, S.P., Ng, J.W., Zhang, X.W., Bai, H.W. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of dye pollutants over TiO2 nanotube photocatalyst”. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution, 16-19 May 2010, Beijing, China. Xu, Y., Huang, G.H.* and Qin, X.S., 2009. “An inexact two-stage stochastic robust optimization model for water resources management under uncertainty.” Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 1765-1767. Xu, Y., Huang, G.H.* and Qin, X.S., 2010. “An inexact fuzzy-chance-constrained air quality management model.” Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 60, No. 7, pp. 805-819. Xu, Y., Huang, G.H.*, Qin, X.S. and Huang, Y., 2009. “SRFILP: A stochastic robust fuzzy interval linear programming model for municipal solid waste management under uncertainty.” Journal of Environmental Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 1-9. Xu, Y., Huang, G.H.*, Qin, X.S., Cao, M.F.* and Sun, Y.*, 2009. “An interval-parameter robust optimization model for supporting municipal solid waste management under uncertainty.” Waste Management, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 316-327. Xu, Y., Peng, X., Tang, C.Y., Fu, Q.S. and Nie, S., 2010. “Effect of draw solution concentration and operating conditions on forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis performance in a spiral wound module.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 348, No. 1-2, pp. 298-309. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Xu, Y., Huang, G.H.*, Qin, X.S. and Cao, M.F.*, 2009. “SRCCP: A stochastic robust chance-constrained programming model for municipal solid waste management under uncertainty.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 352-363. 185 PUBLICATIONS Yan, S.W.* and Chu, J., 2010. “Construction of an offshore dike using slurry filled geotextile mats.” Geomembranes (available online on 14 Feb 2010). Geotextiles and Yang, A.L.*, Huang, G.H.* and Qin, X.S., 2010. “An integrated simulation-assessment approach for evaluating health risks of groundwater contamination under multiple uncertainties.” Water Resources Management, Vol. 24, No.13, pp. 3349-3369. Yang, H., Rahardjo, H. and Xiao, D., 2010. “Rapid drawdown of water table in layered soil column.” ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 204, Geoenvironmental Engineering and Geotechnics, Proceedings of GeoShanghai International Conference, 3-5 June, ed. by He, Q. and Shen, S.L., pp. 202-209. Yang, H.Y., Yu, S.F., Lau, S.P., Zhang, X., Sun, D.D. and Jun, G., 2009. “Direct growth of ZnO nanocrystals onto the surface of porous TiO2 nanotube arrays for highly efficient and recyclable photocatalysts”. Small, Vol. 5, Issue 20, pp. 2260-2264. (IF: 6.525). Yoo, K.S. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. “Performance of modified volumetric pressure plate”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 191-196. Yoo, K.S. and Rahardjo, H., 2010. “Modification of volumetric pressure plate extractor“. Journal of ASTM International, October 2010, Vol. 7, No. 9. You, S.J., Ren, N.Q., Wang, J.Y., Zhao, Q.L., Yang, F.L., Zhang, J.N., Fu, L. and Luo, P., 2009. “Improving phosphate buffer free cathode performance of microbial fuel cell based on biological nitrification”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (accepted). You, S.J., Ren, N.Q., Zhao, Q.L., Wang, J.Y. and Yang, F.L., 2009. “Power generation and electrochemical analysis of biocathode microbial fuel cell using graphite fibre brush as cathode material”. Fuel Cells, Vol. 9, pp. 588-596. You, S.J., Wang, J.Y., Ren, N.Q., Wang, X.H. and Zhang, J.N., 2010. “Sustainable conversion of glucose into hydrogen peroxide in a solid polymer electrolyte microbial fuel cell”. ChemSusChem, Vol. 3, pp. 334-338. You, S.J., Wang, X.H., Zhang, J.N., Wang, J.Y., Ren, N.Q. and Gong, X.B., 2010. “Fabrication of stainless steel mesh gas diffusion electrode for power generation in microbial fuel cell”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 12481251. Yu Yao, Huang, Z.H., Lo, E.Y.M. and Monismith, S.G.*, 2009. “Wave-induced set-up over fringing coral reefs: A comparison between smooth and porous reef flats”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 236-244. Yuan, Z.D. and Huang, Z.H., 2009. “Solitary wave forces on an array of closely spaced circular cylinders”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 136-142. Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Ng, J.W., Pan, J.H. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Transformation of bromine species in TiO2 photocatalytic system”. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 439-444. (IF: 4.458). Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 Zhang, Bo, Liu, H.L.* and Chu, J., 2009. “Analysis of stress distribution in large diameter concrete pipe pile supported embankment.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories, Eds, Leung, C.F., Chu, J., and Shen, R.F., Research Publishing, pp. 239-245. 186 Zhang, D.Q., Tan, S.K. and Gersberg, R.M.*, 2010. “Gray water treatment in an Urban Area of Beijing, China”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 21-23 June 2010, Chengdu, China (in press). Zhang, D.Q., Gersberg, R.M.* and Tan, S.K. 2009. “Constructed wetlands in China”. Journal of Ecological Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/_j.ecoleng.2009.07.007, Vol. 35, pp. 1367-1378. Zhang, D.Q., Tan, S.K. and Gersberg, R.M.*, 2010. “A comparison of municipal solid waste management in Berlin and Singapore”. Waste Management, Elsevier, Vol. 30, pp. 921-933. Zhang, D.Q., Tan, S.K. and Gersberg, R.M.*, 2010. “Urban solid waste management in China: Status, problems and challenges”. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 91, pp. 1623-33. Zhang, D.Q., Gersberg, Richard* M., Wilhelm, C.* and Voigt, M.*, 2010. “Decentralized wastewater management in an urban area of Beijing, China – rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse”. Urban Water Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 375-385. PUBLICATIONS Zhang, J.S., Zhou, J.*, Liu, Y. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “A comparison of membrane fouling under constant and variable organic loadings in submerge membrane bioreactors”. Water Research, Vol. 44, No. 18, pp. 5407-5413. Zhang, L.L.*, He, D.*, Chen, J.M.* and Liu, Y., 2010. “Biodegradation of 2-chloroaniline, 3-chloroaniline, and 4-chloroaniline by a novel strain Delftia tsuruhatensis HI”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 179, No. 1-3, pp. 875-882. Zhang, Q.W., Megawati, K., Huang, L.P. and Pan, T.C., 2010. “A new static nonlinear procedure for assessment of seismic performance of high-rise buildings.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids, Kuala Lumpur, 7-9 June 2010. Zhang, X.W., Pan, J.H., Du, A.J., Xu, S.P. and Sun, D.D., 2009. “Room-temperature fabrication of anatase TiO2 submicrospheres with nanothornlike shell for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Vol. 204, Issue 2-3, pp. 154-160. (IF:20657). Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Ng, J.W. and Sun, D.D., 2009. “High-performance multifunctional TiO2 nanowire ultrafiltration membrane with hierarchical layer structure for water treatment”. Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 19, pp. 3731-3736. (IF: 6.99). Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Ng, J.W. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Superhydrophilic manganese oxide nanowire membrane for high flux water filtration”. Singapore International Water Week, Singapore, 28 June - 3 July 2010. Zhang, Y.P., Fane, A.G. and Law, A.W.K., 2010. “Critical flux and particle deposition of fractal flocs during crossflow microfiltration.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 353, Issues 1-2, pp. 28-35. Zhao, Z.Y. and Bao, H.R., 2010. “Resolving the indeterminacy of the vertex-vertex contact in the 2D discontinuous deformation analysis.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, London, pp. 86-91. Zhao, Z.Y. and Gu, J., 2009. “Stress recovery procedure for discontinuous deformation analysis.” Engineering Software, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 52-57. Journal of Advances in Zhao, Z.Y., Zhang, Y. and Wei, X.Y., 2009. “Discontinuous deformation analysis for parallel hole cut blasting in rock mass.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformations (ICADD-9), Singapore, pp. 169176. Zheng, H., Megawati, K. and Yokoi, I.*, 2010. “Development of user-friendly application software for structural health monitoring.” Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, 12-14 July 2010. Zhou, Q.* and Cheng, N.S., 2009. “Experimental investigation of single particle settling in turbulence generated by oscillating grid.” Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 149, No. 1-3, pp. 289-300. Zhou, Y.*, Ganda, L., Lim, M., Yuan, Z.*, Kjelleberg, S.* and Ng, W.J., 2010. “Free nitrous acid (FNA) inhibition on denitrifying poly-phosphate accumulating organisms (DPAOs)”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 359-369. Zhou, Y.*, Harjono, S., Lim, M. and Ng, W.J., 2010. “Nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulation by denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organism (DPAO) using internal carbon source”. Water and Energy, 10-12 November, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011 187 CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM CHAIR 1 SUSTAINABLE URBAN SYSTEMS 1 CEE VISION AND MISSION 6 STATISTICS • Faculty & Staff • Publications, patents and research grants • Student Enrolment 7 7 7 7 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 8 GRADUATE PROGRAMMES 10 ACHIEVEMENTS AND COMMENDATIONS 11 RESEARCH CENTRES • Centre for Infrastructure Systems (CIS) • DHI-NTU Centre • Maritime Research Centre (MRC) • Protective Technology Research Centre (PTRC) • Residues and Resource Reclamation Centre (R3C) ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING • A laboratory study of wave-induced setup over coral reefs with an idealized ridge • Adoption and acceptance of CNG vehicles on the urban environment • Adsorption thermodynamics of antibiotics by GAC • An interval approach for supporting urban water supply analysis • Anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates in sewage • Data-driven approach for multi-step ahead flood forecasting for the Lower Mekong • Design of brine outfall for seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plants • Fouling behavior of forward osmosis membranes • Estimate of resistance induced by simulated emergent vegetation in open channel flows • Life cycle analysis of offshore gangway • Dam-break flow simulation with sediment transport • Numerical simulation of wedge water entry based on two-phase SPH model • Optimization and enhancement of microbial hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars • Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in tropical constructed wetlands • Responses of floating breakwater to regular waves • Solitary wave interaction with a slotted barrier: wave scattering and hydrodynamic forces 13 16 19 21 25 28 31 35 38 41 45 51 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 75 77 • • Technologies for Water Softening: a review Time-sequence analysis of jet-flipping of localized scour by 2-D wall jets INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND MARITIME STUDIES • A decision support system for port selection • Dangerous goods regulating system in Singapore • Determination of Coefficient of Consolidation by Rowe Cell • Effects of electric vehicles on climate goals – Singapore and Germany in comparison • Maritime Studies Degree Programmes in Shipping Management – An International Comparison • P-wave velocity measurements in sedimentary rocks • Role of filler in macro structure of asphalt mixture and its binding characteristic with asphalt STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS • A co-rotational shell element with material nonlinearities • Collision analysis of offshore flexible risers • Effects of anisotropic permeability of fractured rock masses on rock caverns • Entropy based ensemble neural network design • Burst strength estimation of a cracked compressed natural gas (CNG) tank cylinder • Experimental Study and numerical modeling of stress concentration factor in high strength steel plate-to-plate Y joints • Experimental tests of different types of steel beam-column joints subjected to catenary action • Modeling of piezoelectric energy harvester • Numerical simulation of steel bolted beam-column connections subjected to dynamic loading • Experiment investigation on residual stress distributions of high strength steel plate-to-plate Y joints • Robustness of steel angle beam-column joints under column removal scenarios • Seismic responses of reinforced concrete buildings with wall-like columns • Consistency of shear-wave velocity structures inferred from microtremor observations 88 90 94 96 100 104 108 113 117 120 124 127 130 134 138 142 146 150 154 157 161 164 166 PUBLICATIONS 171 EDITORIAL BOARD ADDITIONAL COPIES AND ENQUIRIES For general enquiries about this publication and request for additional copies, please write to: Jamillah Bte Sa’adon 84 RESEARCH PROJECTS • Ongoing projects • Completed projects • PhD Theses Leong Eng Choon – Chairman Cheng Nian Sheng Jim Chen Low Ying Min Teh Cee Ing Tiong Lee Kong, Robert EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 80 Chair School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Tel: 65-67905264 Fax: 65-67910676 Email: D-CEE@ntu.edu.sg Published by School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Printed by PHOTOPLATES PTE LTD