2008 Q4


2008 Q4
Denmark Singapore Club
Committee’s Message
A Scent of autumn
Dear members,
Time flies, and now you are reading the last newsletter of this year. Therefore we like to take
this opportunity to summarize the activities in the Denmark Singapore Club this year.
February 24th
May 25th
June 1st
August 9th
August 31st
- Chinese New Year Celebration at Den Kinesiske Mur
- Spring/summer picnic at Valby parken
- Reception with our Minister for Information, communication and Arts
- National Day Celebration at Indiana Café
- Lantern Festival at the Chinese Temple at Frederiksberg garden
These events had been planned and organized and were accepted with good attendance from
members. We hoped that by mingling and socializing members got lots of information and tips
about Denmark, places to see and what to buy and so on. We also hope that you had enjoyed
every moment of each event and thus will continue supporting the club in the future.
We are also glad to have received many new members into the club and hope that we are able
to expand and maintain the present members. The committee also received many enquiries
and information through our website and hotmail address.
Now for members whom had missed our previous two events, here are the brief highlights and
hope to meet up with you on the next coming event which is the Hari Raya and Deepavali
celebration. You will see more information below in this newsletter.
Lastly we also like to thank The Singapore Consulate for their sponsorship this year and SIF for
their continual monetary support to us. We are looking forward to work together again in the
future and also thank you for sending us the hard copy of the Singapore Magazines.
National Day Celebration
The event was held at Restaurant Indiana café, Fisketorvet. The venue was changed due to
the assumed bad weather. We had great attendance and got Mexicans food for a change.
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Denmark Singapore Club
We took the opportunity to take a group pictures outside the restaurant when the weather was
Elaine, Maxine, Rozita,
Florian, Jacob and Adam
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Apart from eating and drinking
we also have a little bit of the
Singapore habit and that is
lucky draw.
Congratulations to the
winners of the Royal
Copenhagen gift vouchers.
Lantern Festival
We enjoyed the last day of sunshine and summer for the year on our celebration of the
Lantern Festival. We meet in Frederiksberg Garden and went with the lanterns to café
Promenaden where we had moon cakes and drinks.
The walk went over the Chinese
inspired bridge.
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The group of
smiling people.
Queuing for the drinks in
perfect Singapore
and spending the time at leisure
with good discussions and
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Some of the girls
were however more
interested in the
moon cakes, and
waited with the
Next Events
Hari Raya and Deepavali
Sunday, 26th October
13:00 to 16:30
Droningensvej 4, Frederiksberg
latest by 11th of October,
e-mail to: denmark-singapore.club@hotmail.com
and attention to Rozita
There will be a variety of home cooked Malay and Indian dishes
such as rendang, curry, sayur lodeh, tandoori etc.
Please bring your own drinks.
Are welcome, but will be charged DKK 50 per person
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Annual General Meeting
Friday, 28th November
To be announced
Latest by 21th of November,
e-mail to: denmark-singapore.club@hotmail.com
and attention to Rozita
This time we try to have an event without children, and if possible we will make it a real party
with a chance to dress up and dance the night away.
It would be very nice with some fresh blood in the committee as Doris would like to step down.
Tina and Rozita would like to continue. If you wish to run for the committee please let us know.
Hopefully we can then announce the candidates prior to the meeting. We are looking forward
to a high turn up.
Practical issues for the AGM:
There is one vote for each membership (family or individual).
Only those who have paid membership fee for 2008 will be entitled to vote and run for
the committee.
Once a person has been elected, he/she shall commit to the club for that year. Last
minute withdrawal as a committee member is unaccepted unless it is announced
immediately, thereby allowing another vote to be held.
Hello from an old friend
As most of you know Nancy that moved to Canada. She wrote this, which we like to share with
all of you in agreement with her:
Dear Friends,
I want to say THANK YOU to Doris for organizing my farewell lunch on the last Saturday before my
leaving Copenhagen for Canada. Thanks to you ladies (Doris, Cheng Yee, Hwee Kwoon, Jalmit, Jillian,
Maxine & Irene) for taking the time to meet up with me. I really appreciate it and was very pleased to be
able to spend some time with you. Also thanks to Rozita which I had met up earlier.
I hope you are all well and enjoying your Summer. I hope you are having nice Summer weather :-)in
Denmark too.
A little update ...
We left Copenhagen and arrived in Toronto, Ontario on the 15th June and it's almost 2 months since
we have moved to Canada.
Despite my initial disappointment of not moving to Vancouver, I am very glad to be back in Canada. I
thank God for making it possible for us to move back to Canada. The advantage of moving back to
Ontario is that I have friends in Toronto and London, Ontario. It's great to have friends close by when
one don't have family near by. All my friends are very excited about my moving back here too. That's
what I missed most while living in Denmark, friends. But I am glad to get to know some of you via the
Singapore-Denmark club. Wish I had known the club much earlier. However, it's better late than never.
The first 2 weeks, we were staying with my friends in London, Ontario where I used to live. We were
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very busy house hunting and contacting govt. depts. to register ourselves in the Canadian system.
We managed to find a house on a monthly rental instead of a year lease which many wanted. We hope
to buy a permanent one in a few months time after we sell the house in Denmark. Meanwhile, we will
have some time to look around before buying in a hurry.
Just to give you a geographical idea of where we are now. We are living in a small city (KitchenerWaterloo) which is about half way between Toronto and London Ontario. Actually, we are about 1 hour
drive from Toronto and the International Airport, about 1½ hours to Niagara Falls and about 1 1/4 hours
to London, Ontario. It's not too bad considering I was living in Denmark, far away from family and
I am actually getting tired of relocating from continent to continent. I remembered the first time I
moved from Singapore, it was to Oregon, USA for my studies, then to California after graduation and to
Washington DC, both are work related. After Washington DC, I moved back to Singapore for a couple of
years before immigrating to Toronto, Ontario, Canada where I met Kristian. Then the surprising
relocation to Denmark from Canada and now back to Canada again.
It was much easier to move across the continent when I was single. I could just moved with 2
suitcases of personal belongings (mostly clothings) :-). There's alot more stuff and things to do when
moving as a family. There's lots of packing/unpacking, house cleaning before settling down in the house
too. I hate to think that I would have to do all these all over again when we eventually move to a
permanent place in a few months time. Sigh!
Meanwhile, Svend-Emil is full of energy and restless. I looked up some Summer programs and sign him
up for Summer pre-school, "Little readers" reading and writing programs. I have also registered him for
playgroup activities and swimming lessons to keep him busy. School will only start in Sept where he will
be attending senior kindergarden. In Denmark, he would still be playing in the børnehaven.
I am still not fully settled but I am also tired of doing the house cleaning, packing/unpacking and
household stuff. We went to Toronto to visit friends, did Chinese grocery shopping and had a fantastic
Chinese dinner in one of the many authentic Chinese restaurants there. Last weekend, we went to
Niagara Falls and Marineland. Marineland is like a seaworld water park with many rides, like Tivoli.
The weather here is very hot most of the time but this Summer, it also has lots of rain, thunderstorm
and lighting. When the thunderstorm and lighting strikes, it almost like the movie Twister. One evening,
about 3 weeks ago, Svend-Emil and I was caught in such weather. Kristian was working late and had the
car. In the evening, I brought Svend-Emil to a playground and then walk to a pizza place. It's actually
quite close to our house when driving but a little longer when walking. Anyway, we walked there for pizza
but half way, the sky was getting very black and there was thunder going on. I tried to call Kristian many
times to come and fetch us but he didn't answer his mobile. I told Svend-Emil that we have to go back
home quickly before getting caught in the storm. As we went out of the pizza place, the thunder and
lighting were quite scary. Svend-Emil was frightened and I carried him, walking very quickly and half
running to get home; at the same time, praying for safety. The road to our house has many huge old
trees and lamp post with electrical cables. So, it was actually quite dangerous to walk under them in such
weather. Before long, we were caught in the downpour and was completely wet within seconds. I decided
to walk on the road and tried to flag down cars to get a ride. Thank God, a car stopped for us and gave
us a ride home. Kristian just got home a minute before us and according to him, in his hurry to leave the
office to avoid the bad weather, he forgot his mobile in the office. It took him 30 minutes to drive 8 km
home. Anyway, when we checked the weather forecast on the internet later that evening, there was
actually warning that it might become a little tornando. That was quite an experience - too scary for
comfort in real life. You had seen the movie Twister - it was something similar. Otherwise, the weather
has been really hot and nice to do Summer activities. Can't complain that it is a cold sunny summer
OK, this email is getting kind of lengthy. I just want to keep in touch and share with you about our
relocation to Canada. I hope to hear from you ladies sometimes.
I can be contacted via the above email address and here's my Canadian telephone numbers as well.
House tel. no.: 1 519 744 4693
Nancy's mobile: 1 226 220 5150
Do keep in touch, my friends. The world is getting smaller these days as many of us are travelling
extensively. Who knows, you might be in Toronto for vacation and of course, is welcome to contact me.
As Kristian has family in Denmark, we will of course also be back sometimes for vacation. Actually,
Kristian is already scheduled to be back in Denmark in Sept and December for meetings. But Svend-Emil
and I will not be going along as these are his business meetings.
Many greetings to you and your families and have a wonderful time for the rest of the Summer.
Cheers ... Nancy
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Denmark Singapore Club
News and Updates
Denmark Singapore Club Website
Have you checked our website? www.singapore-club.dk How do you like it and is there
any things you think is missing or should be improved. All comments and feedback are
welcome, as we like to make it as appealing and informative as possible in order to
keep members updated, and create awareness for new members to the club. Please
help us to promote the website whenever you have an opportunity.
Contact List
As we had circulated the list in July and only one got back to us thus we presume that
the information is correct. If there is some changes in the future please do not hesitate
to inform the committee.
Singapore Magazines
Thanks to SIF help and we thus managed to receive our 3rd quarter edition of the
Singapore Magazines. We had distributed to members at those two events. For those
whom did not receive can thus log into this website: www.singaporemagazine.sif.org.sg
Executive committee contacts details and telephone numbers
General e-mail: denmark-singapore.club@hotmail.com
Rozita Buang Andersen
Martensens Alle 7, St. Th.
1828 Frederiksberg
Tel. 3321 0088
Doris Christiensen
Kjeldsgårdsvej 42
2500 Valby
Tel. 3645 3509
Tina Ravn
N J Fjords Alle 18, 3. Th.
1957 Frederiksberg
Tel. 2794 5051
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