burgas free university - ERASMUS Intensive Programme
burgas free university - ERASMUS Intensive Programme
BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ The new idea in education ! www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ STATUS AND ACCREDITATION Established with an Act of the Great National Assembly on 18 September 1991 Certified under ISO 9001:2008 Accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency Member of the Association of the Non-state Universities in Bulgaria www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ The new idea in education ! www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ INTERNATIONAL STATUS Member of the European University Association Partner with more than 30 universities in Europe, Asia, Africa and America Partner in joint projects with more than 100 universities and international organizations and institutions Founder of the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Culture of Peace Working under the programmes Tempus; Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus, Grundtvig, Leonardo Da Vinci, Comenius; Transborder Cooperation; Operational Programmes www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ List of partners in framework agreements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Technical University Chemnitz, Germany 2. Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, Kiev, Ukraine 3. University of Rijeka, Rijeka, The Republic of Croatia 4. International Business Academy, Moscow, Russia 5. Trakya University, Edirne, The Republic of Turkey 6. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7. Cultural Centre of the Check Republic in Sofia 8. Huron University USA in London, UK 9. University of Cambridge, Board of Continuing Education, UK 10. The Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia 11. Baltic Humanitarian University, Koshalin, Poland 12. Slavonic University of Kiev, Nikolaevsc, Ukraine 13. University of Suez, Ismailia, Egypt 14. University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 15. Elblong School of Human Science, Poland 16. Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Belarus 17. Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey 18. King Louis the Great Private University of the Miscolc Society of Humanities, Miscolc, Hungary 19. The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine 20. Haliç University, Istanbul, Turkey 21. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia 22. University of Azteca, Mexico 23. First Private University FON, Skopje, Macedonia 24. Moscow Regional Institute of Management, Balashiha, Region of Moscow, Russia 25. North West Institute – branch of RANEPA, Saint-Petersburg, Russia www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ LIST OF RECENT INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE My place, Your Place, Our Place PROGRAMME US Department of State PERIOD PARTNERS 2003-2005 The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, USA, American and Bulgarian elementary and high schools Parmenide Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci 2005-2007 Universita Telematica “Guglielmo Marconi”, Rome, Italy; Universidad Nacional de Educatiob a Distanca, Spain; Universitatea Politechnica di Bucuresti, Romania; Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece; Gesellshaft fur angewandte Informatik, Germany; SOLUS INF, Italy The Knowledge Shop Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig 2006-2007 Akademie Uberlingen - Germany; FBI Institute - Austria; Kuldiga Vocational School, Latvia; VHS Wuppertal, Germany Intensive Programme Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus 2007-2008 Oporto Higher Education Institute for Social Work, Portugal; Haute Ecole de la Province de Liege Leon-Eli Troclet, Belgium; Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Romania KeyShop – a new culture of learning Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig 2007-2009 VHS Wuppertal, Germany; Institut fur Gesellschaftwissenschaftliche Forschung, Austria; Speha Fresia, Italy A Step Toward the Light Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci 2007-2009 Goren Kalpler Ozel Egitim Aile Dernegi, Turkey; MGK Danismanlik, Turkey; Brailcom, Czeck Republic; Berufsorderungswerk Duren GGMBH, Germany www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ EILC Training Safety and Security in Tourism EILC AVATAR EILC E-MENTORING: New skills and competencies for new jobs Student and teaching staff mobility Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme – Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus LLP KA3 ICT Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus 2008-2009 Students from France, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Turkey, Finland 2008-2010 Sunstory Ltd, Vlas, Bulgaria; Tempo Training & Consulting, Czech Republic; Latvia Culture College, Latvia; Unievrsity of Craiova, Roumania 2009-2010 Students from France, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Estonia 2009-2011 Consorzio FOR.COM. Formazione per la Comunicazione Italy; FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences Austria; University of Southern Denmark Denmark; UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA; University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation United Kingdom; SOPHia In Action Consulting, Italy 2010-2011 Students from Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Turkey 2010-2013 Social Innovation Fund - Litva, Vytautas Magnus University Distance study centre and European Partnership - Litva, Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd. - UK, ANNANET: Pertti Vihonen Oy Ltd. - Finnland, Volkshochschule Göttingen e.V Germany, Speha Fresia Societa’ Cooperativa – Italy and VentureQuest Ltd, LLC – Courtney Price - USA 2000-to date University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK ; University San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain ; Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal ; Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Technical University Chemnitz, Germany ; University of Tartu, Estonia ;National Technical University of Athens, Greece ; University of Economics and Management, Prague, Czech Republic ; Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey ; Haliç University, Istanbul, Turkey ; Warsaw Management Academy, Warsaw, Poland www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Students from Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, EILC The influence of the politics of activation on the social work and on the users Researchers in chemistry supporting economy and society RESCES Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus Life-long Learning Programme, Erasmus programme Programme People, Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development 2011-2012 Hungary Haute Ecole de la Province de Liege, Belgium; Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Rumania; Oporto Higher Education Institute 2010-2011 for Social Work, Portugal; Ecole Rockefeller, France 2011 Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, NIS, Bulgaria; Club Young Scientists, Bulgaria; Technical University of Sofia, ELFE, Bulgaria; Trakia University - Department for Information and In-service Teacher Training, Bulgaria; ‘Angel Kantchev’ University of Rousse, Bulgaria; Plovdiv University ‘Paisij Hilendarski’, Bulgaria; Educational Center-Varna, Bulgaria; GIS Transfer Center Foundation, Bulgaria Teaching maths trough innovative learning approach and contents – Lifelong Learning Programme – Comenius 2011-2013 Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” – USGM – Italy; University of Thessaly – Greece; Kadikoy M.E.M. – Turkey; Istituto per la Formazione Professionale di Romae del Lazio – Italy; Multilateral projects TALETE e- TRAINING FOR WELLNESS IN SPA SERVICES” /eTRAWELSPA/ Rezzable Productions Ltd - UK Life-long Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation 2011-2013 University of Pitesti – Romania; University of Craiova, Romania; FBI Institute – Austria; Technical University of Crete, Greece; IL 59 - Bulgaria www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ERASMUS PARTNERS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal (www.ipbeja.pt) 2. Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, University of Applied Sciences, Germany (www.fhzwickau.de) 3. University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK (www.uws.ac.uk) 4. Haliç University, Istanbul, Turkey (www.halic.edu.tr) 5. University San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain (www.usj.es) 6. Elblag University of Humanities and Economy, Elblag, Poland (www.euh-e.edu.pl) 7. Universite du Littoral Cote D’Opale, Франция (http://www.univ-littoral.fr) 8. Universität Diesburg-Essen, Essen, Germany (www.uni-due.de) 9. Technical University Chemnitz, Germany (www.tu-chemnitz.de) 10. National Technical University of Athens, Greece (www.ntua.gr) 11. Institut Rural D’Education et D’Orientation (http://www.ireo-bressuire.fr) 12. University of Tartu, Estonia (www.ut.ee) 13. University of Economics and Management, Prague, Czech Republic (www.vsem.cz) 14. Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey (www.marmara.edu.tr) 15. Warsaw Management Academy, Warsaw, Poland (www.mac.edu.pl) 16. Istanbul Arel University, Istanbul, Turkey (www.arel.edu.tr) 17. Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey (www.trakya.edu.tr) 18. Havering College of Further and Higher Education, London, UK (www.havering-college.ac.uk) 19. University of Barcelona, Spain (www.ub.edu ) 20. University of Szeged, Hungary (www.u-szeged.hu ) www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ EDUCATION Use of the ECTS Qualified and experienced lecturers Active research activities Education combined with practice Training and placements provided in England, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Poland, Turkey, etc. Adaptability and quick professional realization of the graduates provided www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ The new idea in education ! www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ACADEMIC PROFILE HUMANITARIAN STUDIES PUBLIC, BUSINESS AND LEGAL STUDIES ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER STUDIES www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ The new idea in education ! www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ FACULTY OF BUSINESS STUDIES FINANCE ACCOUNTING MARKETING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ FACULTY OF HUMANITIES PUBLIC RELATIONS JOURNALISM SOCIAL WORK AND CONSULTING www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ FACULTY OF LEGAL STUDIES LAW PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES COMMUNICATION AND ELECTRONIZATION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY updated study, scientific and popular fiction literature and audiovisual materials computerized reading rooms, access to Internet Bulgarian and foreign database rich bibliography fund electronic catalogues www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ The new idea in education ! www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ FREE TIME Student Theatre Salsa Club Folk Dances Club PR-Academy Student’s Paper www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ THE UNIVERSITY BUILDING New and modern university building constructed in 2004 Located in the city centre on an area of 22 000 sq.m. Awarded the prestigious award in Bulgaria “Building of the Year” for 2004 www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ TECHNOLOGICAL FACILITIES high-speed Internet communications internal educational and administrative computer network modern computer classes with free access specialized technical laboratory complex foreign language teaching in phonetic studies simulation court room and TV and radio studio mobile and static multimedia projection equipment www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ CONGRESS CENTRE Aula with 400 seats Audio-visual sound recording and simultaneous translations Conference halls Exhibition area www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ SPORTS AND MEDICAL CENTRE Fitness hall Sauna Medical Service SPORTS ACTIVITIES AND TOURNAMENTS swimming tennis aerobics volleyball football www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ FREE TIME AND ENTERTAINMENT two cafes café on a terrace disco club restaurant www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ www.bfu.bg BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY БУРГАСКИ СВОБОДЕН УНИВЕРСИТЕТ The new idea in education ! www.bfu.bg
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