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Organized Industrial Zone Joint Occupational Health and Safety Center Gebze / Kocaeli / Turkey Dr. M. Celal MESTÇĠOĞLU May 2011 Bergen Basic Concepts According to WHO and ILO; OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH: Conservation and development of all employees physically, mentally and social aspects of complete well-being, Prevention of the negative effects by employees losing their health depending on the working conditions placement of workers according to their abilities and the systematic studies to continue this condition Occupational Health Practice Changes In The Last 50 Years Target 1950-1960 1970-1980 1990 2000 Diagnose and prevent diseases To avoid the risk of disease To avoid the dangers and risks Develop and maintain personal health work force to Legal regulations Legal regulations Satisfaction of all involved (adaptation to legal regulations included) worker worker worker Legal Imperatives regulations Focus worker Franco, Giuliano. Consensus on evidence or evidence of consensus? The evolving role and the new expertise of the occupational physician. Occupational Medicine. Society of Occupational Medicine. 2003; 53; 79-81. Runtime (Distribution of employees according to weekly working hours, DİE, 2000) Weekly working time(hour) 1-16 17-35 36-39 40 41-49 50-59 60-71 72+ TOTAL Number of employees 2.314.000 3.356.000 277.000 2.448.000 3.511.000 2.224.000 3.089.000 1.021.000 18.241.000 % 12,7 18,4 1,5 13,4 19,2 12,2 16,9 5,6 100,0 34,7 Occupational Physician and Health Unit REGULATION “Procedures and Principles of the Occupational Health Unit Duties and the Medical Office” 27.11.2010/ 27768 RG Employers' Obligations Employers; Workplaces in which fifty or more workers are employed in are required to establish a health unit or have to join The establishment of healthy workplaces and safe working environment Health and Safety Risks Prevention Conduction of Protective Services ◦ To determine the necessary measures ◦ Implementation of measures identified ◦ Monitoring applications According to the Risk Group and the Number of Workers of the Establishment, the Business Office is Responsible of hiring a nurse, one or more physicians where necessary and obtaining the required equipment and personnel to carry out these tasks. Employers' Obligations Health Unit; To create a healthy and safe working environment at workplace; Physical Chemical Biological ◦ determining risk ◦ necessary measures to eliminate risk ◦ for this purpose, responsible of making measurement, analysis and control. The health unit staff work with security experts in cooperation and coordination for implementation of the measures envisaged in Occupational Health and Safety Legislation The duties of Occupational Physician medical missions consulting education investigation surveillance reporting recording social •recruitment examination •periodic examination •return to work examination •daily visits •emergency •night work The duties of Occupational Physician medical missions consulting education investigation surveillance reporting recording social H&S Commissions risk assessment team employer worker consulting The duties of Occupational Physician medical missions consulting education investigation surveillance reporting recording social •Occupational Diseases •Industrial Accident •Disease (Chronic) •Unusual Situations (emergency) •Workplace Risks •Smoke •Ergonomics •Intoxication •Preventive medicine •Nutrition •Stress - Mental Health •Hygiene •Back health •First-aid •Reproductive Health Risk Assessment Training The Duties of Occupational Physician medical missions consulting education investigation surveillance reporting recording social •working place •health conditions •material •hygiene •measurements •workplace extensions •subcontractor The Duties of Occupational Physician •Occupational diseases medical missions •Chronic diseases consulting •Work accidental workers education investigation surveillance • pregnant •Womens with child •Child workers •Disabled •Addict reporting recording social •Work changes •Production changes •Occupational improvement Pregnancy Follow-up Follow-up Dosyalar istatistik Follow-up The Duties of Occupational Physician medical missions consulting education investigation surveillance •Management reporting recording social •Occupational Health and Safety Committee •Ministry of Labour and Social Security The Duties of Occupational Physician medical missions consulting education investigation surveillance reporting recording social Plan of Annual Organization ĠġYERĠ SAĞLIK BĠRĠMĠ YILLIK ÇALIġMA RAPORU Annual Assessment Raport ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT ĠĢyerinin ünvanı: Bölge Müdürlüğü Sicil No: ĠĢkolu: Adresi: Tel ve Fax: E posta: ÇalıĢan sayısı: Erkek: Schedule 2 Kadın: Yapılan çalıĢmalar: a) Risk analizi b) Ortam ölçümleri c) İşe giriş muayeneleri d) Periyodik kontroller e) Biyolojik analizler f) Fizyolojik testler g) Eğitim çalışmaları h) İlk yardım ve acil tedavi i) Diğer çalışmalar Tarih ĠĢyeri Hekimi Ġmza Stajyer 12 Aylık Personel Ortalaması ÇalıĢma Saati (Ort. işçi sayısı X 8) 100 iĢçi baĢına düĢen kaza 2009 100 iĢçi baĢına düĢen kaza 2008 2009 F Kaza FREKANS Hızı 2008 F Kaza FREKANS Hızı 2007 F Kaza FREKANS Hızı MAM 1041,00 2198592 5,19 4,32 24,56 21,62 47,82 ME 138,00 291456 4,35 4,47 20,59 21,15 67,60 GE 74,00 156288 12,16 7,68 57,59 36,38 51,59 GMBE 66,00 139392 7,58 4,76 35,87 22,55 16,86 KÇE 127,00 268224 14,17 5,29 67,11 25,03 78,17 BTE 205,00 432960 0,98 2,72 4,62 12,87 30,34 YDBE 43,00 90816 4,65 0,00 22,02 0,00 0,00 EE 128,00 270336 3,13 4,80 14,80 22,73 46,31 YİB 46,00 97152 4,35 6,38 20,59 30,22 165,17 BİM D. İdare 26,00 54912 0,00 16,67 0,00 78,91 26,30 298,00 629376 2,01 4,17 9,53 19,75 28,56 2009 MAM Kaza Ağırlık Oranı 0,02 0,10 Verilen Tüm Raporlara kazalara Göre Göre 2008 MAM Kaza Ağırlık Oranı 0,09 0,11 Verilen Tüm Raporla kazalara ra Göre Göre 2007 MAM Kaza Ağırlık Oranı 0,12 Verilen Tüm Raporlara kazalara Göre Göre Görüldüğü gibi kaza ağırlıklarında %77,77 lik azalma yaĢanmıĢtır Kaza Sıklık Hızında (F) ise %13,6 ARTIġ vardır. 0,16 F= 1.000.000 çalışma saatine düşen kaza sayısı Ġġ KAZASI KÖK ANALĠZĠ KATEGORĠ (2009) ÇalıĢana Bağlı sayı 26 Nedenler Spor kazaları 17 Donanım (ÇalıĢma Aletleri,makine cihaz vs.) 17 DıĢ Mekan Yaralanmaları Hayvan Nedenli 8 5 KiĢisel Koruyucu Donanım 10 KiĢisel Koruyucu Donanım+ prosedürel Prosedürel Eksiklik TOPLAM: 3 5 91 WORKPLACE HEALTH RECORDS Limitations ( perception ) Sometimes whatever we say, we will be restricted by the boundaries of others and will be treated like an alien Basic Worker’s Health in Turkey & Turkish Medical Association How many workers can reach to basic Work Health Service in Turkey ? Workers with WHS (?) %15 3,5 milli on corporations (more than 50 workers) workers 10 million Recorded 12 million (53 %) Small company workers have no social security (%47) (agricultural laborer , industrial and services workers , marginal jobs ...) All workers 23 million Civil Servant & tradesman Occupational Diseases And Work Accident According to WHO and Turkey SSK at 2000 125 million work accidents 160 million occupational diseases 74.847 work accidents 803 occupational diseases OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES WORK ACCIDENTS WORLD TURKEY in 2009, the # of occupational diseases is 429, but real nb must be 55 000 . The Goals of National Occupational Health and Safety Council 2009-2013 Reducing occupational injury rates by 20% Occupational disease diagnosis is expected to increase the rate of 500% Post-2003 process However the field was public in the past , now should be reorganized according to new market conditions. Content - An occupational physician ; more than 50 workers - An occupational safety expert ; more than 50 workers & regarded as the industry works - Occupational Health and Safety Council … Occupational Physicians - 20-year process -tasking directive, legislation -employee rights Occupational Disease Diagnosis of occupational disease, This system causes a time period for the diagnosis of occupational disease between the exposure and at the end of the duration of this exposure. This time period should be filled. Health surveillance programs in all sectors ; - Formation of the requirements of-protection-prevention approach, and implementation - The main tasks of occupational physician , - Implementation of health surveillance programs, - Identification of exposure, - Control the risks - Turkish Medical Association is responsible for producing these programs. Fab.24.1988, İstanbul, 38 attendees In 2003 , labor law No. 4857 , totally 167 Universities-Turkish Med. Ass., 2003-2008, 14 About 30000 Certificated Physicians , About 7000, Occupational Physicians is active. About 450, works full-time, Occupational Physicians Advanced Trainings 12. Occupational Respiratory System Diseases Training Module Risk Assessment Training Module Protection of Hearing Training Module Occupational Dermatoses Training Module Musculoskeletal System Diseases Training Module Chemicals caused Occupational Diseases Training Module physical factors caused Occupational Diseases Training Module Worker’s Nutrition in Working Environment Training Module Occupational Health Epidemiology Training Module Legal Framework and the Workers' Health Training Module Ergonomics Training Module Business Psychology Training Module 13. Occupational and Environmental Neurological Diseases Training Module 14. Toxicology Training Module Health Care Personnel’s Health Training Module Reproductive Health Training Module Extraordinary Circumstances in Workplace Training Module 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 15. 16. 17. PRESENTATION OF DRAFT MODEL OF EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY SERVICE SCHEMATIC PRESENTATION OF THE SERVICE MODEL National H&S Committee Ministry of Work Ministry of Environment Ministry of Health Professional Organizations Universities Workers / Employers'Unions NGOs Workplace Health Safety Unit Regional Centers HSE (inside) National Institute of HSE Workplace Health Safety Unit Workplace Health Safety Unit Regional Centers Regional Centers HSE (subconstuctor) Thank You Dr. M. Celal MESTÇĠOĞLU May 2011 Bergen