PDF Media Kit


PDF Media Kit
Tattoo Life Production is an international publishing group
specialised in publications dedicated to the art of tattooing and
its fusion with street culture. Today tattooing is considered to
be an active channel of communication on a world-wide scale.
Its tradition and history are combined in an art form which
touches many different social and cultural levels. According
to sociologists and communication professionals, tattooing
has for some years now been a contemporary habit; its iconography and imagery influence fashion, art and the way of life
of recent generations. Conveying a message through a tattoo
has now become one of the most assertive and instant means
of communication. Just like Facebook and Twitter, it reaches a
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large audience and is a quick and instantaneous means of communication, which knows no geographical boundaries and is accessible to everyone.
Tattoo Life Production is the editorial leader in this field.
Thanks to its extremely high standards it is the best cultural
platform for tattooing; it is approved and supported by an extremely widespread group of readers, who have been fans of
the magazines for more than 10 years. Due to the varied range
of publications on offer and the different means of communication, it reaches a huge cross-section of people of all ages,
interests, cultures and backgrounds.
With its headquarters in Milan, Italy, the Group consists of 5 titles:
With the exception of Tattoo Italia (which is exclusive to the
Italian market) all the rest of the magazines are:
l Available world-wide in 5 languages: French, English, Italian, Spanish and German
l Distributed and on sale in 48 countries – see the map
l Available bi-monthly
l Circulation: 180,000 per issue
The extremely high circulation and the international nature
of the Group’s magazines sets them apart from their competitors whose language, sales and editorial decisions are
focused on single, local markets.
The main editorial team always has an eye on international events and the presence of local editors throughout the
world keeps the magazines up to date on what is happening
in the world of tattooing.
The Tattoo Life Production editorial team is composed of
journalists and professional photographers who travel the
world providing editorial material on the most interesting
international events (they also present the latest products
and news concerning the Group).
The Group also publishes:
Yearbook of tattoo artists
Annuario Tatuatori Italiani
Anuario Tatuadores Españoles
The UK & Ireland
Tattoo Artists Yearbook
Tattoo Life Production is the editor of the title Tattoo
Artist Yearbook. Today it features along with three
other Yearbooks in Europe: Italy, Spain, UK & Ireland.
Tattoo Life Gallery
This is the Group’s photographic
archive, which is available on line
by subscription. With over 35,000
photographs of the best works on
skin and thanks to constant updating with new material submitted by
the best international tattooists,
this is an extremely useful tool for
anyone wanting to find new ideas
for a tattoo.
The Great Books on the Art of Tattooing
This is a series of prized volumes on the
art of tattooing and is considered to be the
finest editorial production of its kind in the
industry. The volumes have been created
in collaboration with the most important
and well-known international tattoo artists who work on projects commissioned
by the Group to provide ad hoc and unpublished works. A new title is published
once per year and each new publication
is a long-awaited event throughout the
world of tattooing. All the volumes created
are collectors’ ‘works of art’, and all are
limited editions. They are distributed via
Tattoo Life Production and are available in
selected shops around the world.
The Group’s yearbooks offer an extremely efficient platform
for professionals to present themselves and be seen in their
own countries.
Sear rchive
The Group is a world leader in the tattoo industry for:
l Print run
l Editorial quality
l Various audiences are targeted: professionals in the industry,
tattoo fans, lowbrow art enthusiasts of all ages, cultures and
geographical location.
l Appearing in one of the Group’s titles will get you known
throughout the world with coverage in not just one but five
different magazines (the five editions of the same magazine are
published in the five languages listed above) and you will have
coverage in each country served by our distribution network.
l The Group’s magazines are noted for their high quality graphics and printing guaranteeing perfect reproduction of the works
of art and products which appear on the pages of the magazine.
Tattoo Life Production is an international brand. Its distribution
throughout the whole world in five different languages makes
its products available to a much larger public compared to our
competitors who focus on a single country.
cHby E
Chosen by tattoo artists: the Group’s seal of guarantee is
synonymous with the universal consent and support of professionals in the industry. The best and most highly-referenced tattoo artists offer their collaboration, in many cases exclusively,
reflecting the confidence that they have in the history and in the
work of the Group. Artists are proud to be featured in our publications on account of the extremely high standards of quality
and professionalism and the editorial style we adopt.
Miki Vialetto, Editorial director and Group manager, internationally renowned for his reliability and professionalism.
With more than twenty years of experience in the industry he is
among the leading experts in the world of tattooing, often consulted on subjects by media such as The Guardian, BBC, CNN
and The Times.
l The Group’s publications are available in both printed and digital
format, distributed world-wide on the most important web platforms. They all offer the possibility to transform an insertion into
an interactive advertisement using links provided by the group.
Tattoo life
This is the magazine dedicated to tattoo culture and its influences in the world of music, street fashion and various forms of
contemporary art. For more than 10 years it has been the bible
of contemporary tattooing. Appearing in Tattoo Life is synonymous with instant fame and international recognition.
The magazine’s format, the research carried out and attention
to graphics set it apart; its reputation within the tattoo world put
it on a par to what Vogue is to the world of fashion.
Published every two months, Tattoo Life offers in-depth information on tattooing with:
l exclusive interviews with the real gurus of tattooing and with
the most internationally-renowned tattoo artists.
l reports from international tattoo events l a special section covering the historical and anthropological
aspects of tattooing.
To make this publication more of a counterculture and trends
‘magazine ‘, we have added services and features which touch
upon street and underground art themes, fashion and music.
This additional touch makes this the magazine of choice for
thousands of readers.
In addition to the sections dedicated specifically to tattooing,
each edition contains the following:
l A portfolio of a tattooed model photographed exclusively for
Tattoo Life.
l An interview with an international rock group currently
on tour
l The presentation of a pop artist or contemporary artist
l Features on the following:
New musical releases;
The latest street fashion;
Exhibitions, events and publications related to art at 360°.
The target audience is made up of both tattoo enthusiasts
as well as readers from the creative/arts industry, who are
interested in tattooing as one of the most innovative art forms
around today.
One hundred and eighty thousand copies are distributed
within 48 countries every two months and are available in
five different languages (French, English, Italian, German
and Spanish).
It is available by subscription throughout the whole world.
Also available in digital format with the possibility for advertisers to create interactive links.
Tattoo energy
This magazine features the best and latest work on skin carried out by top international artists. Organised and divided into
themed galleries, Tattoo Energy is the best option for people
in the industry to keep up to date on the latest tattooing trends.
As well as the Gallery, the magazine features two new tattooists in every issue, providing them with international recognition. There are features which link underground music to
tattoo art, there’s research into the symbolic significance of
tattooing as well as features on the history of people who have
become icons of realistic tattooing.
It’s a long-awaited catalogue of information for all tattoo enthusiasts and professionals in the industry.
One hundred and eighty thousand copies are distributed within
48 countries every two months and are available in five different
languages (French, English, Italian, German and Spanish).
It is available by subscription throughout the whole world.
Also available in digital format with the possibility for advertisers to create interactive links.
Tattoo collection
This magazine offers a combination of the 24 most important themes in tattoo art. Tattoo Collection is a real almanac
of about 550 tattoos divided into categories. It is aimed at
readers who have a certain subject in mind and are looking
for ideas to carry out its design. The excellent photographic
reproduction and the variety of subjects on offer from the
Group’s impressive digital archives have won the appreciation of readers of all ages; it’s the first choice for tattoo artists
who use it as a trusted ‘catalogue’ to show to their clients.
One hundred and eighty thousand copies are distributed
within 48 countries every two months and are available in
five different languages (French, English, Italian, German
and Spanish).
It is available by subscription throughout the whole world.
Also available in digital format with the possibility for advertisers to create interactive links.
Tattoo Italia
This is the reference journal within the Italian tattooing industry. A veritable guide updated with the most recent work
from the best talent nationwide. Now present in Italy for seven years, it has become the only true reference magazine on
the market. In addition to an excellent selection of tattoos,
the magazine is full of in-depth information and services related to tattooing. Tattoo Italia publishes works at the sole
discretion of the editors, adhering to a policy of quality based
on the talent of each individual artist. Just like Tattoo Life
on the international scene, Tattoo Italia is supported by the
best national artists who send in their own work to be pre-
sented on a consolidated information platform which covers
a wide radius within the tattoo world. Not only is Tattoo Italia
present at all the tattooing events throughout Italy and the
major conventions abroad, but it is also a partner and major
sponsor of music festivals such as Gods of Metal and Summer Jamboree as well as underground art exhibitions and
street fashion events.
Every two months 22,000 copies are on sale on newsstands
throughout Italy as well as on the national and international
tattoo convention circuit. It is available in digital format with
the possibility for advertisers to create interactive links.
Tattoo special
A new and original editorial product in the industry: each
issue features a single style or particular theme. Tattoo
Special is a tattoo magazine which offers over 500 creations on skin carried out by the world’s best tattoo artists.
One hundred pages help to discover the infinite combinations and solutions that each particular type of tattoo has to
offer: Japanese, tribal, traditional, horror, black and grey.
There’s tattooing on various parts of the body, women...and
many other themes that have been explored in issues over
the last 3 years.
Distributed in 48 countries in five editions (English, Italian, German, French and Spanish) it is available worldwide
twice a year: December and May. It is available in digital
format with the possibility for advertisers to create interactive links.
Annuario Tatuatori Italiani
Anuario Tatuadores Españoles
The UK&Ireland Tattoo Artists Yearbook
Presented thirteen years ago on the Italian market it was
immediately welcomed by professionals as an editorial tool
with which they could present themselves to the world via a
select and official channel. Each tattoo studio or individual
tattoo artist has two pages at his disposal each year, onto
which he can publish a selection of his best works as well as
information regarding his tattoo studio, without any interference on the part of the editorial team.
The Yearbook has become a winning format and has grown
from year to year thanks to the interest of the readers who
are able to browse a 600-page volume (for the Italian edition)
containing more than 3000 tattoos. Organised into alphabetical order, the Yearbook is an easy-to-use reference tool
especially when searching for a tattoo artist in a particular
geographical area, or even ideas for a new tattoo. After its
success in Italy, the format was exported to Spain three years
ago and to the UK&Ireland last year where it was met with
the same enthusiasm as its Italian counterpart. It is on sale in
these respective countries twice a year in June and January.
Inaugurated by the editorial Group thirteen years ago with the
volume Flash The Art of Mark, this soon became a precursor
to a style and production of books which is now widespread in
the world of tattooing. The collection The Great Books on the
Art of Tattooing is today considered to be the finest production of volumes in the industry. Highly regarded for its editorial quality, it boasts important and unique collaborations
with the most renowned international artists. The publication
of each book is a highly anticipated event in the tattoo world
and attracts the attention of thousands of enthusiasts. In its
10 years the Group has produced volumes signed by unparalleled artists such as the contemporary tattoo genius Filip Leu,
the great interpreter of Chicano, Boog, the great master of
traditional Japanese iconography, Horihide. Each volume examines a particular style of tattooing by a great artist: Spider
Murphy’s traditional style, Jose Lopez from Lowrider Tattoo
Flash with his Chicano and Boog with the volume From the
Street with Love; Tibetan and oriental in the elegant outline of
Jondix, Rinzing and Tas...Each volume published represents
the realisation of a project designed by the Group, proposed
and entrusted to a particular artist who then has to execute
it in his own way. It has been produced with great attention
to detail (from the graphics to the packaging) as a real ‘work
of art’ to be added to your private collection. Each book is a
limited edition and is distributed on line exclusively by Tattoo
Life Production, on selected international sites.
1000 Oriental Tattoo
Designs volume 2
The Great Books On The Art of Tattooing
skulls by filip leu
Lowrider Tattoo flash
tattoo life gallery
www. tattoolifegallery.com
The impressive photographic archive belonging to Tattoo Life Production, built up over 10 years of activity and
exchanges with the most renowned tattoo artists, is now
available on line by subscription. Each user can access the
archive via login and password. They will have the opportunity to consult in excess of 35,000 photos featured, using
one or two key words of their own choice (a subject, a tat-
tooist, a style, a part of the body...). Tattoo Life Gallery has
been defined by insiders of the industry as a smart tool,
up to date and essential for their work. It is also extremely
appealing for all those who are looking on line for inspiration for a new tattoo. The archive is continually growing
thanks to regular up-dates on the part of the editorial team
and to the selection of material submitted by tattoo artists.
save YoUR
THE Archive
new tattoos
updated reguLarly
advert sizes
Tattoo Life - Tattoo Italia
Tattoo Collection
Tattoo Energy - Tattoo Special
Business Card
Business Card
90x75 mm
90x75 mm
¼ Page Ad.
¼ Page Ad.
90x135 mm
90x135 mm
½ Page Ad.
½ Page Ad.
Horizontal: 135x190 mm
Horizontal: 135x190 mm
Vertical: 90x270 mm
Vertical: 90x270 mm
Full Page Ad.
Full Page Ad.
210x297 mm (+5 mm trim)
210x287 mm (+5 mm trim)
Double Page Ad.
Double Page Ad.
297x420 mm (+5 mm trim)
287x420 mm (+5 mm trim)
Subscribe to the magazines
in printed or digital format
Purchase our books online
View the most complete and
select Tattoo Gallery
www. tattoolife.com/subscribe
www. tattoolife.com/books
www. tattoolifegallery.com
Tattoo Life Production
Mediafriends Srl - Viale Papiniano, 49 - 20123 Milan - Italy - Tel. +39 02 832 24 31 - Fax +39 02 894 246 86
Italy and rest of the world: Miki Vialetto - Maddi Oteri
Mediafriends Srl - Tel. +39 02 832 24 31 - Fax +39 02 894 246 86
e-mail: adv@tattoolife.com