First United Methodist Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Presbyterian Church
M A Y 2013 NEW LIFE REFLECTIONS First United Methodist Presbyterian Church In trying to come up with an article for this month’s newsletter, and knowing that in May we celebrate Mother’s day, I ran across this article by Leslie Wilson from Chicken Soup for the mother of preschooler’s Soul. I hope that you enjoy. You might be a mommy if… Every shirt you own has spit-up on the shoulder. Must-see TV includes Barney, Arthur and Disney Playhouse. You carry a diaper bag instead of a purse. You analyze baby’s bodily functions with women you just met. “Sleeping in” is when the clock reads 6:30 a.m. You never go anywhere without baby wipes. You sleep with a baby monitor a foot away from your head. With each subsequent child, you’ve progressed from sterilizing the pacifier to washing it off to blowing on it, invoking the three second rule, your children are better dressed than you. You used to be known by your first name, now your Jordan’s mommy. You store five sizes of cloths in your closet. You call your husband on his cell phone in order to have a real conversation with him. You go to bed at 12:30 a.m. and get up at 5:00 a.m. thankful for the extra sleep. Excitement means pampers are on sale. You consider PBJs and Cheetos a nutritious meal. You can change from lounging sweats casual to night-on-thetown glamorous in three-and-ahalf minutes. “Doing lunch” means meeting three friends and their preschoolers at the McDonald’s play place. Hearing the words, “I’m done,” from the bathroom sends chills up your spine. You can pee with three children watching you and only two of them are yours. You spend more on babysitters than you do on utilities. If you were trapped for days in your car, you could survive on the Cheerios and French fries on your floorboards. You can tell what your daughter ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner by looking at the front of her Tshirt. You willingly hug and kiss a kid who has sticky fingers, sweat-drenched hair and milk mustache. You’re overworked, overcommitted and underappreciated-and you wouldn’t trade your life for anything in the world. www. bucket and cleaning supplies – find themselves suddenly vulnerable. What changes after an event like Sandy is that people who aren't accustomed to needing help suddenly need help. They have needed to 'muck out' their homes. So things like the CWS buckets have been greatly needed." May 2013 CHURCH WORLD SERVICE BLANKETS+ PROGRAM As in previous years, our congregation is engaged in the Blankets+ program. For each $5.00 gift, a blanket is purchased for use somewhere in our world. If you wish to give a blanket or blankets in honor or memory of a special person, simply write in their name (and contact information, if in honor of someone) and we will make note of that. We will complete the Blankets+ program on Mother’s Day, May 12. Blankets+ is a special mission opportunity for all ages. Some 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. hold CWS Blankets+ events, providing funds to help people in need around the world. For over 60 years, CWS has worked in partnership with local communities to identify their needs and access the resources they need to build the foundation for a more viable future, including: This brings a reminder that our congregation is also collecting supplies for cleanup buckets. A shopping list is available in the narthex of the church, or you can hand funds to one of our mission team (Dave Barker, Rev. Hankinson, Janet Heim, Joan Smith or Val Spirz) and we will do the shopping for you. Contents for a bucket cost approximately $50.00 so consider sharing the expense with your Sunday school class or other families. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS The mission team has lost a valuable member this month. Lavon Colbert has indicated she can no longer serve with us. We will certainly miss her servant spirit and willing hands! However, that means we have openings on the team for more members. If you have an interest in missions, (no special skills are required!) simply let us know and we will be happy to chat with you about what we do. Mission is an important part of our lives as Christians, and Blankets, tents, food and other emergency supthis may be just what God is calling you to do. plies in the wake of a disaster Tools and seeds for refugees returning home to replant their fields Wells for families living in drought prone areas to provide clean, safe water to drink and to irrigate crops and gardens Literacy training and microcredit for women struggling to realize their potential. CWS accounted for blankets purchased in 2012: 9,390 blankets were used in Hurricane Sandy relief. Additionally, 7,825 blankets were used in the US, including 330 dispersed in the Missouri Bootheel area for long term recovery. 4,980 blankets were distributed in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. These figures do not account for the international Blankets+ distribution. Following is a note from Rev. Tom Goodhue of Long Island, NY written Nov. 28, 2012, nearly a month after Sandy hit shore in NY and NJ: “Those who never thought they would ever need assistance – say, in the form of a blanket, or a YOU DID IT AGAIN! Over the several Sundays of Lent, our congregation gave generously to the “Help Change the World” offering collected by our children. Your gifts, totaling $645.37, have been added to the Buddy Pack account. The communitywide committee for this program in the local school system is doing the myriad of paperwork to achieve taxexempt status. We will keep you informed on that committee’s progress. FESTIVAL OF SHARING While the Festival is still several months away (October 19), the mission team has made its first delivery of kits to Columbia. Additionally, supplies were delivered to the Mel West Container Ministry. Continued (over) SAVE IT - DON’T PITCH IT! Shop sales for cleaning supplies for either the church food drive or a cleanup bucket Used medical equipment (crutches, walkers, wheelchairs or even wheelchair parts) PET NEWS March 28: 182 PETs shipped to Jordan to go to a huge refugee camp for Syrian refugees. April 1: 32 Child sized PETs to Chad. From the PET workshop in Columbia: There will possibly be a PET distribution to Guatemala the end of May. The distribution partner, Hope Haven International Ministries, is moving into a new warehouse so does not have the exact dates yet of when it will be, it depends on how the move goes. At this time we are just trying to determine if there are people who might be interested in going to see if we have enough interest to send a team. If you are interested please email either Susan at or Gary at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Family and Children Events The Joy Singers did a wonderful job with their musical “I Am A Promise” on the 21st. This is a great group of kids and youth that put their hearts into their performance along with a great choir leader, Jan Hankinson. Also great helpers with this were Janet Heim, Terry Hadfield, and Julie Hankinson. Thanks to all the children and adults that made it a success. Sunday, May 12—Joy Singers will sing at both worship services for Mother’s Day. Wednesday, May 22 will be our last Wonderful Wednesday until next fall when school starts. Thanks to all the many volunteers who have made this a success. Sunday, May 26—Rev. Hankinson is doing a sermon towards prayer. My group of Wonderful Wednesday children will have an informal discussion during children’s time at worship services about the “5 Parts of Prayer” they have been learning along with signing and a little poem presentation. Sunday, June 2 from 4pm-7pm—District Coop Family Night at United Methodist Church in Hermann, Mo. This is an attempt to see if area Methodist churches would like to do some children and youth activities together since some churches have a limited number of children and youth. They are going to have a pizza and game night with several other small Methodist churches in the Montgomery and Gasconade county area. The group is opening it to all ages this time for a meet and greet. Parents are welcome to go but our youth leaders will be taking some vehicles to this if the kids just want to go. Wednesday, June 5—Trip to the Zoo for children and youth. Adults are also welcome if they want to go. The zoo itself is free but there are plans to buy some sea lion show tickets, train ride tickets, and children’s zoo tickets for our children and youth. We will try to leave by 8:30 and take a picnic lunch. If you would be willing to take a car please let us know. I will be putting out a sign up sheet in the foyer soon because to get discounted tickets for our group, we must order them two weeks ahead. Tuesday, June 18—Mission trip for the children to the New Florence Care Center. 10:00 a.m. The activities director has asked us to help residents with a craft that she will have and will also provide materials for the children to do it. I thought we might take a picnic lunch to Grahams Cave afterwards if I can find some volunteers to go with us. Let me know if you would be willing to go with us and help supervise. July 22-26—Bible School Event Theme is “Everywhere Fun Fair-Where God’s World Comes Together” There will be a simple meal every night followed by bible stories, discovery center, crafts, games and snacks each night for preschool through middle school. If you have questions you can contact Karen Miller, youth leader at 573-564-3131(home), 636-3595757 (cell), or (e-mail) Fabulous Spring Flea Fling Thing will be held on Saturday May 4th. Start doing your Spring cleaning and donating unwanted items to the Pairs & Spares for this annual event. They will have their usual luncheon items and lots of goodies and treasures for you to find. Plan on coming out to join them and shop till you drop inside and outside with the many vendors that will show their wares. Spring Flea Fling May 4th FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY May 12th The Food Pantry collection for May will be held on the 12th. The most needed items at anytime of the year are Jell-O, Puddings, Mac & Cheese, Cereal, Biscuit Mixes or Muffin Mixes. This month our featured items will be canned fruit or meats, jelly, pudding, jello, Jiffy corn mix, mixed vegetables, Pork n’ Beans, and cleaning supplies. They are always in need of personal hygiene items, cleaning items or paper products at any time. While doing your weekly shopping pick up a few of the items listed above and drop it in the grocery cart in the Narthex on the 12th. The food items collected in February were as follows: 22 boxed dinners, 10 side dishes, 3 canned meats, 9 canned goods, 4 pasta, 1 pasta sauce, 8 cereals, 5 pancake mixes, 3 bottles syrup, 2 hygiene products, 1 laundry product and 6 miscellaneous items. We are continually thankful for our congregations willingness to help out with this mission. We are a blessed Congregation and the Susannas are proud to be a part of it. Thank you once again for making a difference one can of food at a time. The Susannas Susanna Circle This month we held our meeting at Kathie Hoette’s home with a good turnout. It was nice to have Jackie Nobles back from Arizona and with us once again. We did not have much business to discuss this month, but we always find something to talk about. It’s good to visit with friends. One of the main topics of discussion was the kitchen and the progress the plans are making. The other topic discussed was our upcoming Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social on July 4th later this year. We’ll hold it on the parking lot and the lawn at church. Homemade ice cream will be the highlight. Also we will be serving cake, hotdogs, brats, and chips with lemonade and iced tea to drink. We hope you will make plans to attend and then stay to watch the fireworks display from the fairgrounds with us. We meet once a month and encourage any women of the church to please feel welcome to attend. The next meeting date is May 9th at the church. It will be hosted by Beth and Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for all your expressions of love and concern since my accident. I have appreciated the prayers, visits, flowers, cards, food, calls and offers to help. All of which have been beneficial to my healing. You are truly a loving and caring church. May God bless each one of you. Marge O. Miller ******************************************** Retirement Celebration for Debbie Stokes Thank You Debbie for your 10 years of service to our church! The Easter Sunday Egg Hunt Our Newest Member Terri Broz Lo ts of Fu n! Youth News The youth have been busy this month. We completed a service project on April 14th, raking leaves to help a church member clean up her yard from the winter. We had lots of rakes, gloves, a wheel barrow, and much help to complete the project. We also enjoyed a fun event at the Mexico Lanes for a bowling event on Sunday, April 21st. Strikes, spares, and lots of fun was had by all who participated. The Wild Grace Bible Study by Max Lucado has been excellent. We have had 15 youth participating in this regularly. We are learning much about how God reaches out to us and shares his grace and unconditional love with us. Our fun event for May will be a Cinco de Mayo celebration at the parsonage from 4-6 p.m. on May 5th. All youth are invited to attend. We will have dinner and games and lots of fun and fellowship. For more information about youth activities please contact Jan Hankinson or Leslie West, youth leaders. Upcoming Youth Events: Wednesday, May 1st - 6:30 p.m. Youth Meeting (planning upcoming events and activities) 7:00 p.m. Wild Grace Bible Study Sunday, May 5th 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Cinco de Mayo celebration (dinner and games) at the parsonage Wednesday, May 8th - 7:00 p.m. Wild Grace Bible Study Sunday, May 12th - 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. - Joy Singers perform at both services Wednesday, May15th - 7:00 p.m. Wild Grace Bible Study Wednesday, May 22nd - 7:00 p.m. Wild Grace Bible Study Sunday, June 2nd - District Youth Coop Event at Hermann - Family Game Night/Pizza Party June 15-22 - Mission trip to Mobile, Alabama *************************************************************************** Important Event Dates & Meetings in April to Remember Spring Flea Fling, Saturday, May 4 Finance Meeting, Wednesday, May 15 @ 7:00 p.m. Worship Team Meeting, Monday, May 20 @ 7:00 p.m. Friendship Dinner, Saturday, May 25 @ 12:00 noon Trustee Meeting, Sunday, May 26 @ Alpha Celebration Dinner, Monday, April 29th @ 6:00 p.m. Mark these dates on your calendar!! Each Wednesday evening offers the following activities at our church: 5:15-6:00 p.m. Dinner in the Fellowship Hall (the meal is prepared each week by volunteers and a donation basket is available to help offset the cost) 6:00 – 6:45 p.m. Joy Singers (for children ages 3 and up) meets in the Sanctuary (Led by Jan Hankinson, Janet Heim, and Karen Miller) 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study – meets in the youth/ young adults room Studying Namesake 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study – meets in the Seeker’s room (Led by Gary Heim and John Fischer) 6:00-7:00 p.m. Adult Study – meets in the Young Adults room (Led by Jim and Cheryl Wisdom ) 6:45 – 7:15 p.m. Children’s Lesson/Study – meets in the Youth Director’s room (led by Tammy Robinson and Karen Miller) 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study – meets in the youth/young adults room (Led by Jan Hankinson – studying Wild Grace by Max Lucado) 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Choir Practice – in the Sanctuary Wonderful Wednesdays Church Camp Opportunities The Wonderful Wednesdays will conclude for this spring on Wednesday, May 23rd, since this is the last week of the current school year. They will resume when school starts. Thanks to everyone who has made their success possible, especially to the cooks and the study leaders. It is time to register for Church Camp this summer. There are lots of great camping opportunities for ages Pre-Kindergarten (with a parent) - Adult, so check out the camping brochure and make your plans to go to camp this year. The church has scholarship money available to help those interested. Contact the church office for more information. Kitchen Remodeling Plans After 20 years of talking and wishing for a remodeled kitchen it is finally going to happen. Our church is 43 years old and any building would need improvements after that amount of time. There was a kitchen committee formed and there have been many months of discussions. The committee agreed on plans to remodel using the space we have. The kitchen committee is made up of Art Hoffman, Jean Jones, Floy Oliver, Valerie Spirz, Rev. Ed Hankinson, Jim Davis, and the late Juanita Deeker. The plans were presented to the trustees committee and approved. The finance committee advised of the plans and then the board gave the final approval at this past board meeting. The plans are for a new 10 burner double oven stove, vent hoods, dishwasher, bid for electrical work, floor, and a bid for new cabinets. Jerry Schulze has graciously volunteered to install the cabinets at no charge. Some of the pricing is 6 months old and we realize that prices may have gone up some. These are the prices: Brandkamp – cabinets $10,485 Stove $ 2,600 Dishwasher $ 3,780 Central Heating & Cooling $ 5,000 Stove hoods $ 2,000 Floor $ 1,000 Total $25,665 The board approved $10,000 from the Albert McCune fund left to the church after his death. The Susannas have given $5,000. We need to raise another $15,000 before we can start the remodeling project. We will start a designated kitchen fund. Please mark you contribution for this fund in the memo space on your check so it will be credited to the kitchen fund or enclose your contribution in an envelope marked kitchen fund. This project will take all of us working together to make it happen. We encourage you to give generously to help make this needed project a reality. Mission Needs In Our Own Church Being the new kid on the block at board meetings and com sessions, I have been attending several different meetings and learning a lot about our budget, finances, and needs. Our budget increases every year due to many new programs and normal cost increases in general needs--like utilities, food, and supplies. Right now I am hearing several needs of the church that in my way I consider missions. Our church is wonderful in supporting missions in foreign countries, some local mission needs, and different state’s mission needs when there are disasters. But now we are looking for some mission needs in our own church. Some may argue that they are not needs and definitely not missions but please let’s take a look at this more closely. Some of the ladies of our church are asking for an updated kitchen facility. How does this rank as a mission? This year we have had meals for Wonderful Wednesdays for children, youth, and adults. This seems to be a great mission in bringing these people together to learn about God. Having an efficient kitchen facility to provide this need would be a great help to our wonderful volunteer cooks who provide this mission. Also we serve many, many funeral dinners. Some of the families have made such wonderful comments about this mission to them—providing them a place to have a quiet setting for extended family and friends after their loved ones funeral. Maybe some of them have not been in a church that much and it may be the turning point for them to see the need for a church family. It could be the little push they needed to start attending a church of their own. Also this year we have provided meals for the Alpha group—a group that helps people who have not been coming to church to learn about God—in other words the mission of bringing new Christians to Christ. And of course, meals for Friendship dinners, bible school, youth events and fellowship tea are other times we use our kitchen facilities!!! Wow, that updated kitchen would be brimming with mission work. Another need we have is a new roof for the parsonage. Our minister and his wife open the parsonage to youth group parties, Sunday School parties, bible study groups, women’s groups, and many other church related activities. The church is obligated to maintain our parsonage as any homeowner is but it is such a joy to do this when we know we are always welcome there. Ed and Jan are doing their part towards mission work opening their home to groups and sharing their love of God. We need to keep their home in good repair to carry out this mission work. The last need we have is repairing the parking lot. Providing good church facilities is always a mission because this is where we hear about God, fellowship with God, teach about God, and support one another in God’s ways. Our need to keep our facilities in good repair is no different than sending money to a sister church in Africa or some other church in a foreign country or in the U.S. that is in need. We have these three “mission opportunities”-the kitchen, the roof, and the parking lot- before us in the near future. That is a lot to pay for in the next year or two and costs of maintenance just keep going up. If we would give some of our mission giving to our church like you would to a foreign mission this would help these costs. If everyone pitches in a little extra to the church like we do when asked to give to buckets or layettes or nets or heifer projects or water wells, I believe we could achieve these three needs of the church without depleting our reserves totally. Even our children could be taught that giving a dollar or two out of their piggy banks to these missions will help give them some wonderful things to enjoy at their church—meals, fellowship, and fun not to mention learning about Jesus and God. We would not want to quit giving to other missions like we have done in the past, but let us consider giving part of our mission money to the mission needs of our own church so we can continue to provide a wonderful facility to bring God’s word to the community. Karen Miller Crafters Needed for Making Chrismons. There are patterns for these ornaments on the table in the narthex. The guidelines are that they must be made of white or gold elements or a combination of the two. Use beads ,cord, old jewelry or whatever you may be able to incorporate into the design. There are several patterns to choose from and we look forward to decorating our Chrismon trees next Christmas with your designs. We can't really express our heartfelt feeling for all that our church family has done for us in the last couple of weeks. Your prayers and concern while Jim was having his health issues and all of your thoughts and prayers, cards and reception held on my retirement and above all else your caring thoughts and prayers for the loss of our dear daughter Cindy will forever be laced upon our hearts. We truly will miss you all but promise to come back often. Thank you just doesn't seem adequate for the acts of kindness that has been shown to us. The next Friendship Dinner will be held May 25h at noon. If you are a Senior member of our church and would like to come share in a wonderful meal and fellowship time, please contact Floy Oliver at 564-3494 or the church office at 564-2134 Jim & Debbie Stokes