HOLY FAMILY PARISH BULLETIN Port Allen, Louisiana 70767 Year of Mercy Reverend David E. Allen, Pastor Reverend Reuben Dykes, Associate Pastor Deacon Pat Broussard Michael Comeau, Principal Jennifer LeJeune, Religious Ed. Director Leigh LeBlanc, Pre-K3 Director Michelle Cagle, Office Manager Karen Ardoin, Bookkeeper/Secretary MASSES: Saturdays: 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sundays: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am WEEKDAYS: Tuesday - 5:00 pm (Novena following), Wednesday - 5:00 pm, Thursday - 8:00 am, Friday - 12:00 noon CONFESSIONS: Saturdays: 3:00 to 3:30 pm or any day by appointment. BAPTISMS: Couples should contact the parish office during pregnancy to register for a Baptism Seminar (usually held every other month, even numbered months). Godparents also must attend a Baptism Seminar. MATRIMONY: Couples must contact priest at least SIX months before making other arrangements. PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Every Tuesday following 5:00 p.m. Mass. SICK CALLS: Parishioners are urged to contact priest to inform him of persons who are ill. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Offered at daily Mass or privately to those who are facing surgery or illness. Call the office. NEW PARISHIONERS: Are requested to contact the Parish Office to register as parishioners. ADORATION: Tuesday & Wednesday - 5:30 - 8:30 pm Thursday & Friday - 9:00 am - 12 Noon Church Office Address: 474 N. Jefferson Avenue P.O. Box 290, Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: 383-1838 Fax: 383-1839 Church E-mail address: holyfamilycathol@bellsouth.net Website: holyfamilychurchpa.org School Address: 335 North Jefferson Ave. 344-4100 School Web Page Address: holyfamilyschool.com Rel. Ed. Office: 474 N. Jefferson Avenue Phone: 336-4463 email: jlejeunehfc@gmail.com RCIA Office: 474 N. Jefferson Ave DRAWN INTO THE STORY “We are witnesses!” The scripture readings for Easter Sunday concentrate on details reported by eyewitnesses. Listen carefully and you will be drawn into the stories yourself. Peter reports the good works Jesus did, his death on the cross, and his resurrection. The passage from John’s Gospel has us running to the empty tomb with Peter and John and peering inside to see the cloths used to cover Jesus’ body. Psalm 118 sums up our response: “It is wonderful in our eyes!” What resurrection details do we see in our lives today? How have we died to our old lives and been raised up again with Jesus? Let us pay attention to the new life around us. It is wonderful in our eyes. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Holy Family Parish is a loving, caring community of devoted and committed Catholic Christians. Our mission purpose is to spread and deepen the Kingdom of God among all people. Our aim is to carry out this mission through our strong tradition of faith and family, through a strong sacramental and liturgical life, through a total Catholic educational program, through a ministry to the social needs of the community and through evangelization. THIS WEEK Saturday, March 26 - Holy Saturday 10:30 am - Holy Saturday Rehearsal 7:30 pm - Easter Vigil Mass - Reception Following in Marian Hall Sunday, March 27 - Easter Sunday 7:30 am - Mass 9:30 am - Mass 11:30 am - Mass Monday, March 28 Church Office Closed HFS Closed All Week Tuesday, March 29 5:00 pm - Mass Wednesday, March 30 10:00 am - Return of the Prodigal Son Class – Marian Hall 5:00 pm - Mass NOTE Thursday, March 31 When the school 8:00 am - Mass 6:00 pm - Rosary - Chapel does not attend Thursday Mass, .Friday, April 1 Mass is held in No Mass the chapel. Saturday, April 2 3:00 – 3:30 pm - Confession Daily Chapel Sunday, April 3 9:30 am - Children’s Liturgy of the Word A VOCATION VIEW Easter Sunday – March 27, 2016 The Lord is risen it is true! Through our baptism, He calls us to proclaim new life to the world. Pray for those who herald the Good News as priests, brothers and sisters. If God is calling you to minister in His Church as a priest or religious, call or email Fr. Matt Dupre at 225.336.8778, mdupre@diobr.org, or visit, www.diobr.org/vocations. CRISTO REY HIGH SCHOOL READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE COLLECTION COUNTERS - Tuesday, March 29: Belinda Olivier, Dorene Mayeux, Antoinette Rizzutto. COLLECTION REPORT for March 20, 2016 With the Easter Holiday Schedule and the early printing deadline of this bulletin, the collection for Saturday, March 19th and Sunday, March 20th will be listed in the following bulletin. DON’T MISS OUT Dr. Louise Drouihet will lead classes/discussions that are based on Fr. Henri Nouwen’s, “The Return of the Prodigal Son”, A Story of Homecoming. It is one of the books that has been recommended for Catholics to read during this Year Of Mercy. The book can be purchased at a cost of $16 and are available at the Parish Office. Although the first class has already been held, you are still invited to attend. Please contact us to register! Please come in, send an email to holyfamilycathol@bellsouth.net or call the Parish Office to sign up for this spiritual growth opportunity. The classes are scheduled on the following Wednesdays at 10:00 am in Marian Hall: March 30, April 13, May 4 & 18, June 8 & 29. TO HOST SPRING OPEN HOUSE Cristo Rey Baton Rouge Franciscan High School is a new, private, Catholic high school opening in August 2016. This is a unique model combining college-prep education with a corporate work-study program and is part of a larger network of 30 schools through the Cristo Rey Network. Our mission is to serve low-income families of the Baton Rouge area by providing education for those students who may not have that option for high school. A Parent/Student Open House will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at 4000 St. Gerard Avenue, Baton Rouge 70805 for 7th and 8th grade students, their families and any interested community members. Cristo Rey is currently accepting 9th graders for fall 2016. Applications open now. For more information, visit www.cristoreybatonrouge.org or call 225.615.7479. SYMPATHY In your kindness and compassion, please pray for the souls of Florette Trahan and Lanny Dedeaux, father of Michelle Owens, who recently died in the Lord. May they rest in eternal peace. BEGINNING AND END Faith is the beginning and the end is love. —St. Ambrose The staff of Holy Family would like to wish all parishioners a very Holy, Happy & Blessed Easter Season. May the peace and joy of the Risen Lord be with all of you! Rev. David Allen Karen Ardoin Glen Babin Deacon Pat Broussard Michelle Cagle Michael Comeau BREAKFAST WITH THE Fr. Reuben Dykes “Boo” Gabriel Beckey LeBlanc Leigh LeBlanc Jennifer LeJeune Carl Murphy EASTER BUNNY Jesus is the reason for any season! Holy Family Church hosted its annual “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny” on Saturday, March 5th at the Parish Hall. Peter Cottontail, our special guest, hopped on over and provided guests the opportunity to take a picture. All were invited to make a religious craft, get Easter tattoos, stop by the photo prop booth and have donuts. While lining up for the egg hunts, all were reminded that Easter was more than having your basket filled. Easter is a season to remember how much Jesus loves us- what a gift! A heartfelt THANKS goes out to all who helped with the event and to those who came, shared fellowship and donated jelly to the food bank! BIBLE PATCH PROGRAM All Girls Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are invited to our First Bible Patch Program on Sunday, April 3 at Our Lady of Mercy PAC. The program from 1:30-3:30 will focus on three stories; A Lost Book, Getting to Know the Bible, and Training for Godliness. The program hosted by the Baton Rouge Catholic Committee on Scouting will reinforce the Duty to God law of scouting. Scouts, families and friends are welcome. There is no charge for the program; you may purchase a patch. Please register by Monday, March 28. The application can be found at info.ccosbr.net. For questions, contact Barbara Sicard at 769-7781 or chezsic@bellsouth.net FILL A PRESCRIPTION FOR THE NEEDY We will once again this year have the Fill a Prescription for the Needy container in Church to collect your donations. It will be found near the main entrance of the church beginning next weekend. If you would like to help St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy fill prescriptions, please place your contribution in one of the prescription bottles and deposit the bottle in the collection receptacle. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated! LOBDELL WRECKING SERVICE, INC. Available 24 Hours a Day • 53 Years of Business DONALD DIBENEDETTO, Owner Serving You and Your Vehicle Needs 3463 Lydia Street Thomas W. Acosta, Jr. Attorney At Law 911 Seventh Street Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: 225-383-2302 (225) 346-6705 New Roads • Port Allen Livonia • Zachary MARCHAND CONSTRUCTION Serving the Baton Rouge Diocese for 75 Years 225-383-7178 Family Owned and Operated 225-387-6700 PORT ALLEN HARDWARE Phone: 343-8438 SIMPSON’S AUTO SERVICE Complete Auto Care 343-7255 505 N. Alexander PATRICK GUIDRY DDS NOLEN’S NOTARY SERVICE STACI NOLEN, NOTARY 2102 Lobdell Hwy. 379-2405 or 317-1669 Family Dentistr y 24021 RAILROAD AVE. • 687-4892 Black’s Auto Salvage 504-749-3161 800-234-5063 6025 Hwy. 1 South, Brusly J. HUNTINGTON ODOM, JR. D.D.S. Affordable High Quality Family Dentistry 4463 Hwy 1 South • Brusly 227 N. Jefferson Ave. - Port Allen • 343-2251 THE HOLY FAMILY PARISH BULLETIN (USPS#014426) is printed weekly at the subscription rate of $3.00 per year by Holy Family Catholic Church, P.O. Box 290, Port Allen, LA. 70767-0290. POSTMASTER: Please send all changes of address to Holy Family Catholic Church, P.O. Box 290, Port Allen, LA. 70767-0290. Raymond Loup President Lee Anne Starnes, AAMS® Financial Advisor 749-2990 751 Court St.-Port Allen 389-1311 Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 8-5 • Wed. 8AM-8PM WALK INS WELCOME 225-768-8245 lee.starnes@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com Have you rolled over that old 401k? PORT ALLEN RADIATOR 225-749-2442 1-800-424-7067 Port Allen, LA CATHERINE WILBERT CHUSTZ Pre-Need Counselor Call 687-9542 or 383-1850 Bourg’s Drug Store Record Your Personal Wishes & Instructions in a Pre-Arrangement Gregory Lowe, PD 484 Louisiana Ave. W.B.R. Family & Occupational Medicine Clinic Philip G. Padgett, M.D. 344-1077 WWW.WILBERTSERVICES.COM HUB BEN’S SUPERMARKET 560 N. ALEXANDER, PORT ALLEN, LA 7 Days a Week — 6 AM to 9 PM HEATING & AIR, LLC 610 N. Jefferson Ave. 267-6626 344-0574 (225) 413-4399 Residential • Commercial Law Office of Brian or Sally, coordinators www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com William T. Kleinpeter PORT ALLEN Bakery Shop 1650 Beaulieu Lane Port Allen, LA 70767 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Donuts — Muffins Danish — Cakes, Etc. 124 S. Alexander 749-5588 344-7242 525079 Holy Family Church 11505 Perkins Rd • Ste. C Baton Rouge, LA PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT? william@wkleinpeter.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931