Attending Authors


Attending Authors
26 Years Celebrating the Traditional Mystery
Guest of Honor
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Lifetime Achievement
Lifetime Achievement
Dorothy Cannell
Margaret Maron
Lifetime Achievement
Joan Hess
Message from the Chair
Verena Rose
Malice Domestic — Still Going Strong
he Board of Directors and I welcome you
to Malice Domestic 26. Last year was our
milestone Silver Anniversary and it was, by all
accounts, a stellar event. With the bar set so high, we
asked ourselves if it was even possible to top such a
great event.
As we embark on this next stage of our history,
we have much to be thankful for — the support of
the fans, editors, publishers and others in the mystery
community as well as those many fabulous authors
who have graced this convention over the last twentyfive years, none more so than the group of individuals
who are the Malice Domestic 26 honorees. Between
them they have garnered 35 Agatha nominations and
of those 35 nominations, 10 of them resulting in
teapots being presented. Those individuals are:
Kathy Lynn Emerson — Guest of Honor
Earlene Fowler — Toastmaster
Reginald Hill — Malice Remembers
(represented by Martin Edwards)
Audrey Reith — Fan Guest of Honor
Tom Schantz — Poirot Honoree
And finally, our triumvirate of magnificent
Dorothy Cannell — Lifetime Achievement Honoree
Joan Hess — Lifetime Achievement Honoree
Margaret Maron — Lifetime Achievement Honoree
We hope you are ready to have a fantastic weekend. Those of you who are long-time attendees know
the drill. But for those who are experiencing Malice
for the first time, there are some Friday events that
will facilitate your having a great time. They are
Malice 101: An Introduction to Malice for First-Time
Attendees which is being held at 9:00 am in
Waterford/Lalique and, immediately following in the
same room, Volunteers 101: Important Information
for Attendees Who Want to Help Out. Judy Cater and
Anne Murphy will give you information and helpful
hints on how the convention works as well as
encourage you to sign up as a volunteer. The
volunteers at Malice, who are coordinated by Anne
Murphy, are an integral part of what makes this one
Malice Domestic 26
of the most successful mystery conventions. It’s a
great way to get your bearings and meet people.
Probably the hardest thing you’re going to have
to do all weekend is decide which panels and events
to attend. We’ve tried to make some of it easier by
scheduling certain events as standalones. They are:
Malice-Go-Round, Crime Lab Gab, Thanks for
the Memories, You’ve Got Fan Mail and the Live
Charity Auction on Friday; The Poison Lady Presents
Poisonous Plants, Midlist Writers Anonymous: A
Humorous Panel and It’s an Honor on Saturday;
and Sleight of Hand: Sharing the Secrets Behind the
Magic of Malice, Championing the Golden Age of
Detective Fiction and A Toast to Earlene Fowler on
Sunday. Otherwise it’s going to be about choices;
however, all of the events will be recorded so if you
do experience having to make some hard decisions,
you’ll still be able to listen to the panel(s) you were
unable to attend.
And don’t forget — we’ll be kicking off the
convention at the Opening Ceremonies on Friday at
5:00 p.m. There you’ll get to see all of the Honorees
and Agatha nominees. Another thing not to forget
is to fill out your Agatha ballot (which will be in
your registration bag) and return it to the ballot
box located in the Hospitality Lounge by 1:00 p.m.
on Saturday.
Now, if you’re reading this you must be sitting
somewhere quiet, possibly in one of the little nooks
that are around the hotel or in your room. That’s all
well and good, but I think it’s time for you to get out
there — do some mingling, meet new people (not
hard at all, we’re a friendly bunch) and, by all means,
have FUN!
With warmest malicious regards,
Verena Rose, Chair
Malice Domestic, Ltd.
Thanks, Sponsors!
Malice just wouldn’t be the same without our sponsors! Their generosity helps Malice maintain and
even improve its high standards while keeping registration costs within reach of the average mystery
reader. Our deepest and most sincere appreciation is offered to the following contributors who have
helped defray the costs of bringing you this year’s Malice Domestic. Their representatives will have special
“Sponsor” ribbons attached to their badges — please stop them and tell them “Thank you”!
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Table of Contents
Our Sponsors....................................................................2
Guest of Honor: Kathy Lynn Emerson ..........................5
Toastmaster: Earlene Fowler ......................................12
Lifetime Achievement: Dorothy Cannell ....................16
Lifetime Achievement: Joan Hess ..............................18
Lifetime Achievement: Margaret Maron ....................22
Poirot Award: Tom Schantz ........................................24
Malice Remembers: Reginald Hill ..............................28
Fan Guest of Honor: Audrey Reith..............................32
Agatha Awards ............................................................36
A Brief History of Malice Domestic ............................42
William F. Deeck — Malice Domestic Grants ............46
Memories of Malice ......................................................48
General Information ....................................................50
Charity Auction ............................................................52
Convention Schedule ..................................................54
Attending Authors ........................................................60
Experts ..........................................................................92
Minotaur Books/Malice DomesticTM Competition ......93
Dealers ..........................................................................94
Malice Domestic Board of Directors............................96
Pre-Registered Participants ........................................98
Friends of Malice ........................................................101
Malice Domestic, Ltd. organizes the convention for the education and entertainment of attendees. The responsibility for content of all
sessions is solely and strictly that of the speakers and their remarks are not to be construed in any way as reflecting on the policies of
Malice Domestic, Ltd. or its Officers, Directors, Committee Members, Advisors and Employees.
©2014 Malice Domestic Ltd. Copyrights of all essays revert to authors. All rights reserved.
Malice Domestic 26 Program Book: Published May 2, 2014.
Editor: Rita Owen,
Design and production: Judith Barrett Graphics, Alexandria, Virginia.
Printing: HBP, Hagerstown, Maryland. Printed with EcoSmart Green inks on recycled paper.
Malice Domestic 26
Guest of Honor
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Kathy Lynn Emerson:
Our Kind of Author
By Lea Wait
met Kathy Lynn Emerson for the first time
on April 15, 2003, at the Augusta branch of
the University of Maine. I’d had two books
published: one mystery and one historical for
children. Kathy and I had been
invited to speak to the English
Society at the University, which
turned out to be a couple of
dozen students in a lounge.
I’ll admit I was feeling pretty
proud of having had two books
published in the previous
fifteen months.
I’d never met Kathy, but she
was a class act. She smiled at this
newbie, and not until one of the
students asked her how many
books she’d had published did she
happen to mention her seven
mysteries, four books for children,
one for Young Adults, fourteen
romances, and, oh yes, her three
nonfiction books. A total of 29
books. So far.
OK. So I was a little intimidated. But Kathy just smiled.
When, after our public discussion, I asked her if she
had any advice for a new mystery writer, she was
specific. She said I must immediately register for a
conference called Malice Domestic. Wise woman, that
Kathy Emerson.
During the past ten years I’ve been privileged to
get to know Kathy. She’s listened and nodded and
advised me as I struggled with frustrating editors and
discontinued series and simultaneous great — and
disastrous — reviews.
She understands. She’s survived it all.
She was, and continues to be, my role model.
She brings her fictional worlds alive, whether
those worlds are in the sixteenth century or the
twenty-first. She has a great sense of how much plot is
just enough. Of how to weave irony and humor into a
serious plot; how to educate her readers by tucking
Malice Domestic 26
fascinating bits of information into her characters’ lives
so we’re learning as well as being entertained. An
aspiring author can learn a lot by reading her work.
And if one plot or series or editor isn’t perfect...
she moves on to another. She
never lets her readers down.
What could be better?
And, by the way, during the
last ten years she’s published
another 20 books. Her next
book, Ho-Ho Homicide, will be her
fiftieth to be traditionally published. And that doesn’t count
her short stories. Or the books
she’s written that are scheduled
for 2015 and beyond.
She’s written so many books
she needs to assign them separate authors: to fully appreciate
the scale of her work you must
read not only books by Kathy
Lynn Emerson, but by Kaitlyn
Dunnett, Kate Emerson and
Kaitlyn Gorton. And I suggest
you do. (Here’s a secret: Kate
Emerson is my favorite author.
But don’t tell Kathy and Kaitlyn. I wouldn’t want
them to feel hurt.)
There’s no doubt Kathy works hard. But many
authors work hard. Clearly, she produces. But others
do, too.
What separates Kathy’s work from that of many
others, and makes her a perfect choice to be Malice
Guest of Honor, is how exacting she is with both her
facts and her prose, and how tenacious she is in assuring that the details in her books are not only correct,
but captivating, whether in her current Liss
MacCrimmon Scottish-American Heritage mysteries
set in a town beguilingly called Moosetookalook in
western Maine, her “Face Down” mystery series set in
sixteenth-century England, her Diana Spaulding series
set in late nineteenth-century Maine or her wonderful
historical series (not mysteries) set in the Tudor Court.
Guest of Honor
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Today Kathy’s often identified as a Maine
mystery writer. True, she’s a mainstay at the blog, and she’s lived in
Maine ever since she attended Bates College and
married her Sandy, a native Mainer, law enforcement
professional, bagpiper, cabinet maker and conveniently local source of facts about criminal justice.
Not many people know that Kathy grew up far
from Maine, in the Catskills of New York State,
spending summers in a farm/boarding house run by
her grandparents which catered to vacationers from
New York City. (I’m waiting for her to write a series
set there. What stories she must have heard!)
Most teenaged girls are fascinated by romantic
novels, boys, friends and possibilities for their own
futures. But in the mountains of Sullivan County,
New York, the teenaged Kathy looked not only to
the future, but to the past.
She became fascinated by the people most history
books ignore: women. Specifically, the women of
Tudor England. And, foreshadowing her future
expertise in research (she won an Agatha for her How
to Writer Killer Historical Mysteries: The Art and Adventure
of Sleuthing through the Past, and also wrote The
Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England),
she started to collect information, not about Henry
VIII, but about the wives and daughters and sisters
and nuns and herbalists and spinsters of sixteenthcentury England.
That list has become a lifetime project. Today
Kathy is still adding to her biographical list of over
1900 women. She’s traveled to England to add to her
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Guest of Honor
Kathy Lynn Emerson
findings. And she’s consulted by Tudor scholars and
researchers throughout the world. In her spare time
(?) she maintains an online version of that research
titled “A Who’s Who of Tudor Women.” Check it out.
You’ll be amazed. You might even get an idea for
a book.
Kathy taught for several years when she was in
her twenties. But words and stories drew her back
to her research and her passion for story, and she
decided to take a couple of years off to see if she
could write a book.
We all know how that worked out.
Her study in western Maine is a small room, filled
with ideas. It’s conveniently located near her kitchen,
and is equipped with floor-to-ceiling bookcases, file
cabinets, cats and a special Agatha teapot. She spends
a lot of time there. But over the years she’s also
worked at a Maine library, and she and Sandy have
turned their land into a “cut your own” Christmas
tree farm, so in December you’ll find her netting
trees and explaining how a two-person saw works.
(I know: my husband and I’ve had an Emerson
Christmas tree.)
And although Kathy doesn’t make a lot of
appearances (I suspect she’s too busy writing), one
date that’s a definite on her calendar every spring is
Malice Domestic. Malice people are, as she once told
me, her kind of people.
I’m very sure she’s our kind of author.
E.B. White was a writer who, like Kathy, called
both New York and Maine “home.” His iconic end to
Charlotte’s Web could be applied to her: “She was in a
class by herself. It is not often that someone comes
along who is a true friend and a good writer.”
Kathy Lynn Emerson is both.
Maine author Lea Wait writes the Shadows Antique
Print mystery series, the seventh of which, Shadows on a
Maine Christmas, will be published in September. She
also writes historical novels for children, the latest of which,
Uncertain Glory, is set in 1861 Maine during the first two
weeks of the Civil War. In January, 2015, she will debut the
first in a new Maine series with a needlepoint background:
Tangled Threads.
(Kathy Lynn Emerson aka Kaitlyn Dunnett,
Kate Emerson and Kaitlyn Gorton)
Face Down series
Face Down in the Marrow-Bone Pie (1997)
Face Down Upon an Herbal (1998)
Face Down Among the Winchester Geese (1999)
Face Down Beneath the Eleanor Cross (2000)
Face Down Under the Wych Elm (2000)
Face Down Before Rebel Hooves (2001)
Face Down Across the Western Sea (2002)
Murders and Other Confusions (short stories) (2004)
Face Down Below the Banqueting House (2005)
Face Down Beside St. Anne’s Well (2006)
Face Down O’er the Border (2007)
Diana Spaulding 1888 Mystery Quartet
Deadlier than the Pen (2004)
Fatal as a Fallen Woman (2005)
No Mortal Reason (2006)
Lethal Legend (2008)
Liss MacCrimmon mysteries
(written as Kaitlyn Dunnett)
Kilt Dead (2007)
Scone Cold Dead (2008)
A Wee Christmas Homicide (2009)
The Corpse Wore Tartan (2010)
Scotched (2011)
Bagpipes, Brides, and Homicides (2012)
Vampires, Bones, and Treacle Scones (2013)
Wives and Daughters: The Women of Sixteenth Century
England (1984)
Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England
How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries: The Art and
Adventure of Sleuthing Through the Past (2008)
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Guest of Honor
Kathy Lynn Emerson
The Mystery of Hilliard’s Castle (1985)
Julia’s Mending (1987)
Making Headlines: A Biography of Nellie Bly (1989)
The Mystery of the Missing Bagpipes (1991)
Someday (2001; ebook original)
Secrets of the Tudor Court non-mystery
historical series
(written as Kate Emerson)
The Pleasure Palace (2009)
Between Two Queens (2010)
By Royal Decree (2010)
At the King’s Pleasure (2011)
The King’s Damsel (2012)
Royal Inheritance (2013)
Romance and Romantic Suspense
Cloud Castles (1989) (written as Kaitlyn Gorton)
Winter Tapestry (1991)
Echoes and Illusions (1993)
Firebrand (1993)
Unquiet Hearts (1994)
The Green Rose (1994)
Hearth, Home and Hope (1995) (written as Kaitlyn
Gorton) ebook retitled as The Rapunzel Trap
Love Thy Neighbor (1997)
Separated Sisters (1997) (written as Kaitlyn Gorton)
ebook retitled as Family Lies
Sleepwalking Beauty (1997)
Relative Strangers (1997)
Sight Unseen (1998)
ebook retitled as The Email Order Bride
Tried and True (1998)
That Special Smile (1998)
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Earlene Fowler
Earlene Fowler:
The Genuine Article
By Dean James
arlene Fowler might just be the only author
who made her debut at Malice Domestic
wearing her favorite pair of cowgirl boots. I may
be misremembering, but when I picture Earlene, she’s
always wearing boots. To me
those boots are a symbol of one of
the traits I admire and adore so
much in my friend — she’s so
completely down-to-earth. No
pretension, no artifice, simply the
genuine article, with a wide smile
and a hearty chuckle.
We first met at Malice in
1995, when her first novel, Fool’s
Puzzle, was nominated for the
Agatha Award for Best First. Fool’s
Puzzle introduced Benni Harper,
recently widowed, who is curator
of a folk arts museum in San
Celina, California. The book’s title
came from a quilt pattern, as did
the titles for the subsequent fourteen novels in the series. Five of
those books were nominated for
the Agatha Award for Best Novel,
and Mariner’s Compass, the sixth in
the series, won the award in 2000.
Our mutual publisher, Berkley Prime Crime,
always hosts a party for its authors on the Friday
night of Malice, and I think Earlene and I were
seated at the same table because we were both nominated that year. I shared a nomination with my
friend Jean Swanson, with whom I co-wrote By a
Woman’s Hand and who was also at the table. The
details of that dinner are hazy after two decades, but
I know that Earlene and I came away from that
meeting friends.
Earlene shares certain things with her amateur
sleuth, Benni Harper. They were both reared in
California, the products of a mixed marriage — a
Southern mother and a Western father. Benni — and
Earlene — may have the soft-spoken demeanor of
the native Southerner, but they also have the
directness of the hardy Westerner. It doesn’t take
long for anyone to know where he or she stands
with either of them.
Benni is hard-headed. I can’t say that Earlene is
the same, but I do know she had
the conviction and perseverance
to make it through ten years of
rejection in her writing until she
became successful with her mystery series. Berkley Prime Crime
inaugurated its line of hardcover
mysteries with Fool’s Puzzle, and
Earlene quickly became one of
the imprints bestselling authors.
Earlene’s dedication to her craft
paid off, just as Benni’s determination to see justice done makes
the series so satisfying.
Earlene is a woman of deep
and abiding faith, and from that
stems another quality that I
admire and love in my friend —
integrity. Benni shares that with
her creator, and I think it’s one of
the qualities that make her so
compelling and so believable as a
character. She has deep convictions, as does Gabe
Ortiz, with whom she butts heads in every book. The
“heroine and the hot cop” has become a cliché these
days in amateur detective series. In Earlene’s books,
however, the relationship is anything but. Benni and
Gabe face their differences and their difficulties with
honesty, love and understanding. Earlene paints a
portrait of a marriage that is searingly honest. For
these reasons the books in this series have for me an
emotional depth and truth often lacking in other
traditional mysteries.
Earlene has ventured outside the genre with
three novels, The Saddlemaker’s Wife and its sequel,
The Road to Cardinal Valley, and Love Mercy. All three
of these books feature the qualities that readers
have come to love in the Benni Harper series:
vividly drawn characters, rich emotional texture and
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Earlene Fowler
absorbing stories that pull readers in immediately.
Whatever she writes, Earlene pours her heart into it,
and readers are all the luckier for it.
Early on, I mentioned Earlene’s wide smile and
hearty chuckle. Whenever I think of her, in addition
to the ever-present cowgirl boots, I see that beautiful
smile, full of warmth, and a mischievous twinkle in
her eyes. During this weekend you have a chance to
get to know the amazing woman behind the smile
that I’ve known for nearly two decades now. Give
yourself that lovely gift.
Agatha winner Dean James is the author of nineteen
mystery novels and co-author of several works of mystery
nonfiction. As Miranda James he writes The New York
Times bestselling “Cat in the Stacks” mysteries, including
the latest, The Silence of the Library.
Benni Harper series
Fool’s Puzzle (1994)
Irish Chain (1995)
Kansas Troubles (1996)
Goose in the Pond (1997)
Dove in the Window (1998)
Mariner’s Compass (1999)
Seven Sisters (2000)
Arkansas Traveler (2001)
Steps to the Altar (2002)
Sunshine and Shadow (2003)
Broken Dishes (2004)
Delectable Mountains (2005)
Tumbling Blocks (2007)
State Fair (2008)
Spider Web (2011)
The Saddlemaker’s Wife (2006)
Love Mercy (2009)
The Road to Cardinal Valley (2012)
(sequel to The Saddlemaker’s Wife)
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Lifetime Achievement
Dorothy Cannell
Dorothy Cannell:
Brilliant Wit and Sharp Eye for Detail
By Cathy Pickens
Nice people everywhere know that family reunions
are occasions of wholesome pleasure, more innocently
rewarding than lavender-scented sheets in the airing
cupboard or fresh pots of homemade bramble jelly cooling
on a marble pantry shelf. I hope,
therefore, that posterity will not judge
me harshly when I confess I read the
invitation to Merlin’s Court with the
same panic I would have accorded a
formal notice that I was to be executed
at the Crown’s convenience.
— Opening to The Thin Woman
by Dorothy Cannell
She has ten grandchildren.
When she tells stories about them
and their visits and her carefully
cherished memories of each of
them, any listener knows that
having Dorothy as Granna must
be the most magical thing in
the world.
She loves her dogs. A lot. Maybe more than she
loves some people...or lots of people.
While she was growing up in England, her mother
and father shared their passion for reading. She
has a remarkable memory for details in classic
mystery novels. She may have found an error in
an Agatha Christie novel.
• She can’t help being funny.
She once described sobbing her
way through writing the death
scene for one of her characters,
certain it was one of the most
tragically moving scenes she’d
ever created, the farthest thing
possible from funny. Her hopes
of proving her tragedy chops
were dashed, though, when her
agent called: Dorothy, the scene where he dies?
I laughed so hard I cried.
still remember my enchantment when I first read those
opening lines in 1984 when
The Thin Woman was published.
Who couldn’t read those lines and
not be enchanted, drawn into a
story sure to delight? Witty wry
humor, literately cozy word
pictures, hints of violence — all
the things that make the best
...which is certainly why the
Independent Mystery Booksellers Association named
The Thin Woman one of the 100 Favorite Mysteries of
the Twentieth Century. I’m betting it would be a good
choice for the 21st century list, too.
Dorothy came to the States from England in
1960, met and married the charming Julian Cannell,
and lived and raised their four children in Illinois
where he practiced law.
Other things you should know about Dorothy:
She didn’t quite know she’d written a mystery
until her agent told her. Turns out, her agent (the
incomparable Meg Ruley) wasn’t sure it was a
mystery either, until a St. Martin’s
editor identified it as such — and a
good one. However it happened,
readers rejoiced.
When traveling with Dorothy, it is best not to trust
her with the map. Her friends will offer plenty of
evidence of this — or more precisely, those friends
who haven’t been irretrievably lost somewhere in
the wilds.
The only thing better than a new Ellie Haskell
mystery is Dorothy in person. She is a regular highlight at Malice. Who could forget the year she and
husband Julian moved to Maine? At Malice that
year, Joan Hess presented a slightly threatening
letter from another Maine mystery writer — one
Jessica Fletcher — suggesting that Dorothy might
want to reconsider, that Maine might not be big
enough for the both of them.
Malice Domestic 26
Well, Dorothy is still in Maine, though we’re not
quite sure what happened at Cabot’s Cove. And she’s
still treating us to visits with Ellie Haskell as well as
Hyacinth and Primrose Tramwell and their Flowers
Detective Agency, countless short stories, standalones,
and her latest, the vintage 1930’s Murder at Mullings
featuring Florence Norris.
For me, one of the continuing enchantments of
Malice is the sense that it is a big, happy annual family reunion — the nice kind of family that one choses
to join. True, no lavender-scented sheets but also no
pending execution at the Crown’s convenience, and
the large family who attends genuinely enjoys
the gathering.
Along with her friends and fellow honorees this
year and with many others, Dorothy has helped bring
together this family that is Malice. Those outside the
mystery community find it hard to believe that mystery writers consider themselves a community rather
than competitors. But those of us — both readers and
writers — who’ve been adopted in over the years
know the power of the humor and affection with
which old friendships are celebrated and new friendships are formed at Malice. Not that we don’t enjoy
a little homemade bramble jelly and a well-deserved
execution, but everything in its own time and place.
To borrow from hard-boiled PI writer John D.
MacDonald: “People who become legends in their
own time usually don’t have much time left.” If that
be true, those of us who cherish her memorable characters, her brilliant wit and her sharp eye for detail
will simply refuse to grant Dorothy Cannell “legend”
status. We’ll acknowledge and honor her for her
novels and short stories, but we’ll continue to ask,
“When’s the next?” for some time to come.
Malice Domestic 26
Cathy Pickens, the author of St. Martin’s Southern
Fried mysteries, is a past-president of Sisters in Crime,
current president and founding board member of a
regional Forensic Medicine program and former Mystery
Writers of America board member. She lives in Charlotte
with her husband.
The Thin Woman (1985)
Down The Garden Path (1985)
The Widows Club (1988) (Nominated for Anthony
and Agatha awards)
Mum’s The Word (1990)
Femmes Fatal (1992)
How to Murder Your Mother-In-Law (1994)
How to Murder the Man of Your Dreams (1995)
God Save the Queen (1997)
The Spring Cleaning Murders (1998)
The Trouble with Harriet (1999)
Bridesmaids Revisited (2000)
Family Jewels and Other Stories (2001)
Importance of Being Ernestine (2002)
Withering Heights (2007)
Good Bye Ms. Chips (2008)
She Shoots to Conquer (2009)
Sea Glass Summer (2012)
Murder at Mullings (2014)
Lifetime Achievement
Joan Hess
Joan Hess:
Mirth and Mayhem Forever
By Parnell Hall
oan Hess is a disease for which there is no
known cure. I first contracted Joan Hess on a
panel at the Philadelphia Bouchercon. Fate and
my nametag conspired to seat me next to Joan.
I was initially pleased. Joan
was an attractive young
woman, and she seemed
friendly, pleasant, benign.
Little did I know.
The panel commenced, and
as I was sitting there waiting to
be called on, Joan nudged me
and slid me a note. I had
confided to her that this was
only my second panel ever, and
I was a little nervous, so I
assumed it would be a helpful
hint on the topic we were
discussing, or perhaps some
message of encouragement.
The note read: The two people
in the front row are making out.
I looked.
They were.
I looked at Joan. She
looked positively angelic. Her
eye met mine. My lip quivered.
So did hers. For the rest of the
panel I was right on the edge of bursting into hysterical laughter. Our moderator had no idea what was
going on, but he knew it was something because no
matter what he asked me, I was always one question
Having been exposed to Joan Hess, I felt compelled to read one of her books. I wasn’t worried. I
figured anyone that funny in person couldn’t also be
that funny in print.
Wrong again. Madness in Maggody had me in
stitches. I felt compelled to read another. Also hilarious. I feared addiction. I knew I should stop, but I
was afraid of withdrawal symptoms. In a desperate
attempt to wean myself off the books I tried a Claire
Malloy. Big mistake. Though not set in Maggody, the
books had the Joan Hess touch. I was doomed.
I was not alone. I soon discovered other authors
infected with Joan Hess. And they weren’t just reading
her. They were being influenced by her writing. I even
recall one poor woman, Joan
Hadley, with such an advanced
case of Joan Hess that her own
books were virtually indistinguishable.
The infection spread.
Rumors circulated that Joan
Hess had been spotted sitting
in the convention hotel lobby
in Omaha, Nebraska, holding
up a sign reading: KICKED
OFF PANEL! Even after my
experience in Philadelphia that
seemed a little much. What
would one have to do to get
kicked off a mystery panel?
The mind boggled.
At the Bouchercon in
Pasadena things became clear.
I attended the aptly-named
Panel from Hell. It was indeed
horrifying. Joan had corrupted
otherwise perfectly respectable
and distinguished mystery
writers into behaving like absolute baboons. I was
shocked. I made a silent vow never to be on a Joan
Hess panel again.
Then Margaret Maron invited me to Malice
Domestic. I went innocent and unsuspecting, with
no idea an Edgar®-winning author such as Margaret
might have fallen under Joan’s spell.
Joan was on a humor panel, so I went up to
wish her well. Before I knew what was happening,
Joan, Dorothy Cannell and Charlotte MacLeod, the
moderator, invited me to sit in. It would have been
churlish to refuse. So there I was, sitting like a
dope, while very clever people were being very
witty all around me.
That’s when I discovered that once you’ve been
Malice Domestic 26
on a Joan Hess comedy panel you are slated for mirth
and mayhem forever. There I would be, minding my
own business, and I would get phone calls from Joan
saying, “We’re doing the Panel from Hell Part II and
you’re on it, come up with something funny.” Or,
“We’re doing Who Wants to be a Best-selling Author
based on Who Wants to be a Millionaire and you’re
Regis.” Or, “We’re doing a mystery version of The
Weakest Link and we want you to die during the
sudden death round.”
I found myself trapped in an improvisational hell
where otherwise respectable authors, bitten by the
Hess bug, sank to a level of depravity unheard of in
the annals of mystery conventions. The likes of
Daniel Stashower, Sarah Caudwell, Penny Moyes,
Sharyn Newman, Michael Lewin, Val McDermid,
Charlaine Harris, M. D. Lake and Edward Marston,
just to name a few, succumbed to the contagion.
At least, I thought, this is as bad as it gets.
Wrong again.
I started getting phone calls, “Barbara Mertz is
receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award, so instead of
giving it to her, let’s hijack the banquet and do a This
Is Your Life, Barbara Mertz.“ Or, “Dorothy Cannell is the
Guest of Honor and she’s moving to Maine, let’s hijack
the banquet for a New England-themed roast.”
At least we got back at her. When Joan herself
was the Guest of Honor, we hijacked the banquet and
threw Maggody characters at her. There was a genuine satisfaction in this, knowing that this was the
be-all and the end-all, that we would never have to
do this again.
And then they had to go and make Joan Hess,
Dorothy Cannell and Margaret Maron Lifetime
Achievement Award winners.
As far as I know, no one’s planning on doing
anything for them at the banquet.
I’m really worried.
Parnell Hall is the author of the Puzzle Lady crossword
puzzle mysteries, the Stanley Hastings private eye novels and
the Steve Winslow courtroom dramas. A fixture at Malice
Domestic, he is rumored to have once been the Guest of
Honor, though no one believes this rumor.
Malice Domestic 26
Claire Malloy mysteries
Strangled Prose (1986)
The Murder at the Murder at the Mimosa Inn (1986)
Dear Miss Demeanor (1987)
A Really Cute Corpse (1988)
A Diet to Die for (1989)
Roll Over and Play Dead (1991)
Death by the Light of the Moon (1992)
Poisoned Pins (1993)
Tickled to Death (1994)
Busy Bodies (1995)
Closely Akin to Murder (1996)
A Holly Jolly Murder (1997)
A Conventional Corpse (2000)
Out on a Limb (2002)
The Goodbye Body (2005)
Damsels in Distress (2007)
Mummy Dearest (2008)
Deader Homes and Gardens (2012)
Murder as a Second Language (2013)
Pride v Prejudice (forthcoming)
Arly Hanks mysteries
Malice in Maggody (1987)
Mischief in Maggody (1988)
Much Ado in Maggody (1989)
Madness in Maggody (1991)
Mortal Remains in Maggody (1991)
Maggody in Manhattan (1992)
O Little Town of Maggody (1993)
Martians in Maggody (1994)
Miracles in Maggody (1995)
The Maggody Militia (1997)
Misery Loves Maggody (1998) (2000)
Maggody and the Moonbeams (2001)
Muletrain to Maggody (2003)
Malpractice in Maggody (2006)
The Merry Wives of Maggody (2010)
Lifetime Achievement
Joan Hess
Theo Bloomer mysteries
(written as Joan Hadley)
The Night Blooming Cereus (1986)
The Deadly Ackee (1988)
Death of a Romance Writer: And Other Stories
Big Foot Stole My Wife!: And Other Stories
The Deadly Ackee and Other Stories
Funny Bones (1997)
Malice Domestic 9 (April 2000)
Big Foot Stole My Wife! (2003)
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Lifetime Achievement
Margaret Maron
Margaret Maron:
Warmth, Depth and Decency
By Susan Dunlap
ew things are as comforting, exciting, all-over
good, as having in hand a book you know
you’re going to love, one by your favorite
author, whom you’ve read before, perhaps reread,
perhaps reread more than once or
twice till your pleasure is in seeing
the apparently innocent steps
leading to the disaster you know
awaits, lingering over repartee that
leave you smiling, grinning or
laughing aloud once again. These
books are your friends, your
comforters in tough times, your
rewards on winter’s nights. The
friends you take to the bathtub.
What is it that makes Deborah
Knott and her world special?
What do we love about Sigrid
Herald? What does Margaret
Maron give us that makes us hold
each book as a gift?
There’s a warmth to her
characters, a depth and decency.
Wouldn’t you love to have supper
at the Knott home place? To smell
the pork chops simmering in an
iron skillet, to hear the many wives of the many
brothers whispering suspicions or catty remarks?
Some are quick-witted. Others — here I speak of the
lesser Tar Heel criminal set — have provided Deborah
with some downright odd quarter hours in court
where she, and we, discover that the bed of a pickup
is a dangerous platform. Liquor is quicker if you’re on
your way to the lockup. And pottery... will you ever
again look at a piece of pottery as merely an innocent
container for flowers?
Like Deborah Knott, Margaret Maron loves her
home state, notes with amusement its oddities, with
dismay its failures, and like Deborah, doesn’t just
talk about them but speaks out and steps up. Like
Deborah, she’s marched for women’s rights in
Washington and she joined the moral Monday
protests at the statehouse. North Carolina’s their
state, and they expect it to provide justice for everyone. There’s a reason Deborah is a judge. And justice,
in these books, cuts deeper than just an arrest or sentencing. Margaret has shown her characters so fully
that we, the readers, can regard
them with fairness.
Like Deborah, who had
to fight hard to be elected,
Margaret has worked for everything she’s achieved. From housing tobacco as a child on up. And
she always wrote. Short stories,
poetry. When her first shot at a
novel came, she was ready. She
took one of her short stories and
expanded it — gave it the breadth
of setting, the depth of character,
the clever twists that have come
to mark her work. When she was
a UNCG student, could she ever
have imagined that someday her
books would be taught at that
university or that she would
receive an honorary doctorate?
Margaret is so gracious, people can miss her steel spine. New
York City Police Detective Sigrid Harald didn’t come
from nowhere. For a number of years Sigrid took a
back seat to Deborah, but recently — and how great
a gift to readers is this? — Margaret has brought her
back. Sigrid and Deborah meet in New York, and in
North Carolina. Having characters come up against
each other is a delicate dance for a writer, but
Margaret pulls it off so well that you can’t wait for
more of each of them.
At conventions Margaret created and takes pleasure in moderating the New Kids on the Block panel,
giving you the best introduction to writers you’ll be
enjoying for years.
She was a founding member and third president
of Sisters in Crime, and she has served as president of
Mystery Writers of America and the American Crime
Writers League. She has been given the North
Malice Domestic 26
Carolina Award for Literature, the state’s highest
civilian honor; and she is the only mystery writer to
have received every Best Novel award for a single
book: in its year, Bootlegger’s Daughter won the Edgar®,
the Agatha, the Anthony and the Macavity. For Best
Short Story, she won the Agatha and Macavity. She
has been your Guest of Honor here at Malice, was
honored as Grand Master by Mystery Writers of
America last year and now she stands alongside two
of her Malice co-conspirators, who have brought
you some decidedly unusual panels, to receive this
culminating honor of a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Susan Dunlap is the author of 23 mysteries and
suspense novels, and many short stories. Her most recent
series features stunt double Darcy Lott, who is the assistant
to a Zen Buddhist roshi. She followed Margaret Maron as
president of Sisters in Crime, and has lost many games of
Scrabble to her.
Sigrid Harald series
One Coffee With (1981)
Death of a Butterfly (1984)
Death in Blue Folders (1985)
The Right Jack (1987)
Baby Doll Games (1988)
Corpus Christmas (1989)
Past Imperfect (1991)
Fugitive Colors (1995)
Malice Domestic 26
Deborah Knott series
Bootlegger’s Daughter (1992)
Southern Discomfort (1993)
Shooting at Loons (1994)
Up Jumps the Devil (1996)
Killer Market (1997)
Home Fires (1998)
Storm Track (2000)
Uncommon Clay (2001)
Slow Dollar (2002)
High Country Fall (2004)
Rituals of the Season (2005)
Winter’s Child (2006)
Hard Row (2007)
Death’s Half Acre (2008)
Sand Sharks (2009)
Christmas Mourning (2010)
Three-Day Town (2011)
The Buzzard Table (2012)
Designated Daughters (2014)
Bloody Kin (1985)
Shoveling Smoke (1997) (short stories)
Last Lessons of Summer (2003)
Suitable for Hanging (2004) (more short stories)
Poirot Award
Tom Schantz
Tom Schantz:
Books Are a Passion
By Katherine Hall Page
nne Shirley, better known as “Anne of Green
Gables” had a name for those with whom she
formed an instant and permanent connection
— “kindred spirits.” When I met Tom and Enid
Schantz in a long-ago Malice
Dealers Room, it only took a few
minutes for me to realize we were
kindred spirits. The years have
proved me correct as we have
been in synch on politics, people,
a sense of humor, books and much
more. Very especially books. Tom
Schantz is the Malice 26 Poirot
Award recipient, but this profile
will include both Schantzes as
befits a couple whose email
address was, and remains, Tomenid.
The roots of Rue Morgue Press
stretch far and deep. Enid was
born in Peru and when her family
moved back to the States, she
lived in a number of places
dictated by her father’s work as
a mining engineer. Tom was born
and grew up in Colorado, but
after college joined the Peace
Corps. After a two-year stint in Turkey, he applied to
and was accepted by the renowned Iowa Writers
Workshop in Iowa City in 1968. It was a wise
decision as it led to his almost immediately meeting
Enid. She’d left a series of jobs in California for the
Workshop. Tom’s moving tribute to Enid, who died of
pancreatic cancer in 2011, is on the Rue Morgue web
site ( and details these
endeavors. Enid working for Carnation! Enid working
for the Atomic Energy Commission! Enid, and Tom,
not selling books? Life is truly stranger than fiction.
They married in 1969 and settled in Freeville, New
York, where Tom had taken a teaching job at a residential home for emotionally-disturbed adolescents.
Enid worked at nearby Cornell, teaching and editing.
It wasn’t long, however, before the Schantzes quit
both jobs and embarked on their life’s calling. They
opened the Aspen Bookhouse in 1970 at the old
farmhouse they were renting near Ithaca. “Aspen”
was a nod to Tom’s home state. At first they stocked
general used books picked up at book sales and from
booksellers, but despite virtually
no knowledge of the field, they
quickly decided to concentrate on
detective fiction, “because,” they
said, “our mystery customers
were so much nicer and more
interesting than our others — and
bought so many more books.”
Those were the halcyon days
before the Internet when one
could fill the trunk of a car with
dime and quarter first editions!
Tom and Enid also started their
initial publishing venture, Aspen
Press chapbooks. The first was
“Sherlock Holmes and the Drood
Mystery,” by Edmund L. Pearson.
In addition to several more
chapbooks, they published two
full-length novels, Thorndyke’s
Dilemma, by John H. Dirckx and
The Adventure of the Peerless Peer, by
Philip Jose Farmer. Aspen Press was a harbinger of
things to come.
They left New York after four years for Boulder,
changing the name of the business to Rue Morgue
and eventually opening the Rue Morgue Bookstore in
1980, while continuing to issue catalogs of out-ofprint mysteries, adding new books by authors they
liked. To be in the catalog and reviewed in the store
newsletter became a signature honor for crime writers. Forget PW, Kirkus, etc. — what we treasured were
Tom and Enid’s opinions. Rue Morgue Press followed
in 1997 with its first title, not one of the Golden Age
vintage mysteries that would follow, but The Mirror
by the very-much-alive Marlys Millhiser. The
Schantzes, more prescient than all the New York publishers put together, realized the reprint would be a
bestseller and it continues to be their top-selling title.
Malice Domestic 26
But, oh, those vintage mysteries! I am forever in
Rue Morgue’s debt for making it possible to stock my
shelves with Constance and Gwenyth Little, Charlotte
Murray Russell (the true mother of culinary crime
fiction), Craig Rice, Torrey Chanslor, Maureen
Sarsfield, Elizabeth Dean, Manning Coles, Kelley
Roos and Pamela Branch — to name just a few
favorites. One of my proudest accomplishments, with
Bill Deeck as a partner in crime, was introducing Tom
and Enid to British author Joan Coggin’s books,
which the Press was able to reissue so everyone can
now revel in Lady Lupin Hastings (an unlikely vicar’s
wife) and her vanished world. In the summer of
2013, Tom issued a special catalog of “rare, uncommon and out of print mystery fiction” that had been
long planned with Enid.
Most of my time with the Schantzes has been
spent in windowless rooms at various conventions
and perhaps it is the lack of distractions such as
light, traffic and attractive furnishings that imbue
the memories of these book room chats with
such a strong feeling of intimacy and, yes, coziness. There are and have been many individuals
in the mystery world with a vast store of knowledge about the genre, but together Tom and Enid
were unbeatable. The beautifully-written introductions to the Rue Morgue Press titles are proof
positive of this erudition and, perhaps even
more, their command of and regard for the written word. They have passed this down to their
daughter, Sarah. Watch for her book, Fig, which
will be published by McElderry, an imprint of
Simon & Schuster, in 2015. It has already generated a major buzz.
I very much admire what Tom and Enid
chose to reprint — over 150 novels so far. They
liked mysteries with an element of humor and
strong women protagonists (if you have not
encountered Charlotte Murray Russell’s Jane
Amanda Edwards, do so at once). They did not
like mysteries that were anti-Semitic, racist or
homophobic — attitudes of another time still
doesn’t make them acceptable now. They introduced readers to the first Chinese-American
female detective, Juanita Sheridan’s Lily Wu.
Malice Domestic 26
And the Schantzes acted on their beliefs, working on
various local political campaigns as well as for causes
such as an anti-secondhand smoke ballot issue in the
1990s that passed in Boulder despite the naysayers.
In Tom’s words, “It was the campaign we were most
proud of, since it was the only one whose result
truly saved lives.”
Tom and Enid Schantz have hosted mystery conventions — no mean task — and received many honors as booksellers. But they are that rare commodity:
book people. Reading is as essential and natural as
breathing. Books are a passion. There are other passions, however. Enid collected beach glass and mermaids. She wove pine needle baskets. Tom is
passionate about his electric bike. He’s ridden it over
5,000 miles and has been advocating for others to
switch, citing environmental and personal health
benefits. Both were passionate about softball, never
missing granddaughter Story’s games — a “phenomenal” pitcher — which Tom continues to coach. Their
love of animals led to many additions to the household over the years, including goats. When Lyons, in
the Colorado mountains where they moved in 2003,
was flooded last year, Tom refused the National
Guard’s strong offer to leave since he couldn’t take
the donkey and couldn’t be sure the cats would be
I am thankful for their friendship all these years
and for what they have contributed to the mystery
genre, but what I admire most of all is the loving
example they set in their own quiet way. After the
diagnosis, when I spoke with Enid all she was worried about was Tom. And in the first sentence about
this piece, Tom hastened to make it clear it would
also be “about Enid”:
Katherine Hall Page is the author of twenty-one adult
mysteries in the Faith Fairchild series and five for younger
readers. She received the Agatha for Best First (The
Body in the Belfry), Best Novel (The Body in the
Snowdrift) and Best Short Story (“The Would-Be
Widower”). She has been nominated for the Edgar®, the
Mary Higgins Clark Award, the Macavity and the Maine
Literary Award for Crime Fiction. She has also published a
series cookbook, Have Faith in Your Kitchen (Agatha
nominee) and Small Plates, a collection of short mystery
fiction. A native of New Jersey, she lives in Massachusetts
and Maine with her husband.
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Remembers
Reginald Hill
Reginald Hill:
A Distinctively British Writer
By Martin Edwards
remained with the same publisher and same literary
agent. He was also married to Pat (her maiden name
was Patricia Ruell, hence one of his pseudonyms,
Patrick Ruell) for more than 50 years. Reg Hill
epitomised loyalty.
He was born in Hartlepool;
his mother fostered his love of
detective fiction, and he inherited a love of sport from his
father, a professional soccer
player. An appetite for hard
work, coupled with a keen
intellect, took him to St.
Catherine’s College, Oxford, and
he pursued a career in academe
before becoming a pioneer of
realistic, cleverly constructed
and joke-filled crime fiction
written, and usually set, in the
North of England.
Fell of Dark was a thriller
with the Lake District as a backdrop, written before A Clubbable
Woman, but published after that
novel. From then on, Reg alternated between his main series
and other books, and he
believed strongly that varying
his approach in this way helped keep his work fresh.
Inevitably, the success of the Dalziel and Pascoe
books led to pressure to produce them one after
another, but he resisted a conveyor-belt approach and
remained determined not to slip into a formula. His
many short stories vary dramatically in style and
subject matter. They earned him two Crime Writers’
Association Daggers to put alongside a shelf-full of
other awards.
An absolute refusal to compromise on standards
ensured that his books became even better as the
years passed. He experimented regularly, at one point
sending Dalziel and Pascoe into space in One Small
Step, as well as belatedly recording their very first
encounter in The Last National Serviceman. Bones and
t’s so very fitting that Malice Domestic should
remember Reginald Hill, a distinctively British
writer who achieved enduring popularity in the
United States. Reg — as he was universally known
— did not regularly feature American characters
or settings in his work, although
when he did (Cissy Kohler, who
plays a major part in Recalled to
Life springs instantly to mind),
the results were memorable. For
all the contemporary acuteness
of his observation of people and
society, Reg was a writer who
prized ingenuity of plot, and in
this, and in his rich sense of fun,
he ranks among the leading
detective novelists working in
the classic tradition so happily
celebrated at Malice Domestic.
Dame Agatha herself would,
I feel sure, have approved of
Reg’s cleverness, and the way he
uses techniques of misdirection
as cunning as any of hers — for
example in the novel (to name
it would be an unpardonable
spoiler) where he hides the solution to the mystery in the very
first paragraph.
Reg will be remembered most widely for his
series of novels featuring the Yorkshire cops Andy
Dalziel and Peter Pascoe. The books were adapted
successfully for television, with Warren Clarke and
Colin Buchanan in the lead roles. The popularity of
the Dalziel and Pascoe books did, however, mean that
some of his other outstanding novels and short stories tend in comparison to be overlooked. That is a
pity, for the key to Reg’s success as a writer was his
range and his versatility.
Dalziel and Pascoe made their debut in his first
published novel, set in the world of rugby; A
Clubbable Woman appeared under the Collins Crime
Club imprint in 1970. Throughout his career, he
Malice Domestic 26
Silence was a worthy winner of the CWA Gold Dagger,
while On Beulah Height is thought by some to be his
masterpiece, an accolade which I’m tempted to give
to Dialogues of the Dead, a brilliant novel notable for its
wonderful word-plays, characters and teasing puzzle.
Of his non-series books, The Only Game is a gripping thriller with a cunning plot twist, while The
Stranger House was set in the Lake District, an area
he and Pat loved and whose character and charm he
evoked with unobtrusive skill. In later years, they
moved to Ravenglass, a small coastal hamlet on the
very edge of the Lake District National Park, and an
ideal base for walks over the fells, a pastime he loved.
He made superb use of his knowledge of the area
in the last book he published before he died; The
Woodcutter is one of his finest books, remarkable for
its energy and power.
Reg’s wit was sharp, but his heart was warm;
I am one of many younger writers to whom he
showed great kindness. We first met at the inaugural
meeting of the Northern Chapter of the Crime
Writers’ Association more than twenty-five years ago.
He was already renowned, whereas I was awaiting
publication of my first novel, but his approachability
made a great impression on me, and we became good
friends. Many years later, he invited me to join him
on the CWA sub-committee which came up with
nominations for the CWA Diamond Dagger (which
he had himself received) and our annual discussion
about candidates was always thoroughly enjoyable.
He was at least as witty in person as he was in print,
and that is saying something.
Let me offer one illustration of his personal
generosity. The last time we had dinner together,
he mentioned that he’d been approached by a TV
production company who wanted him to work with
them on a new series set in the Lakes. He’d had
enough of television by then, but he recommended
that they talk to me about adapting my own Lake
District books for television. And so they did.
Reg enjoyed teasing me about one of his books
featuring that unlikely private eye, Joe Sixsmith. The
novel was called Killing the Lawyers — and my day job
is as a lawyer. When inscribing my copy, Reg added
under the title: “Present company excepted! Best
Malice Domestic 26
wishes for a long and happy life!” Reg’s own life
came to an end all too soon, just over two years ago,
at the age of 75. But he leaves a wonderful personal
and literary legacy, and I’m sure those of you who
knew him will have your own fond memories to
cherish. As for those who have yet to read him, I
envy you. Believe me, you have a treat in store.
Martin Edwards’ sixth and latest Lake District Mystery
is The Frozen Shroud (Poisoned Pen Press). He has
written eight novels about Liverpool lawyer Harry Devlin,
now available as ebooks. He won the CWA Short Story
Dagger in 2008, has edited 21 anthologies and published
8 nonfiction books.
(Reginald Hill, aka Patrick Ruell, Dick Morland and
Charles Underhill)
Dalziel and Pascoe series
A Clubbable Woman (1970)
An Advancement of Learning (1971)
Ruling Passion (1973)
An April Shroud (1975)
A Pinch of Snuff (1978)
A Killing Kindness (1980)
Deadheads (1983)
Exit Lines (1984)
Child’s Play (1987)
Under World (1988)
Bones and Silence (1990)
One Small Step (1990)
Recalled to Life (1992)
Pictures of Perfection (1994)
The Wood Beyond (1996)
Asking for the Moon (1995) (short stories)
On Beulah Height (1998)
Arms and the Women (1999)
Dialogues of the Dead (2001)
Death’s Jest Book (2002)
Malice Remembers
Reginald Hill
Good Morning, Midnight (2004)
Death Comes for the Fat Man (2007)
aka The Death of Dalziel
A Cure for All Diseases (2008)
aka The Price of Butcher’s Meat
Midnight Fugue (2009)
Joe Sixsmith series
Blood Sympathy (1993)
Born Guilty (1995)
Killing the Lawyers (1997)
Singing the Sadness (1999)
The Roar of the Butterflies (2008)
No Man’s Land (1985)
The Long Kill (1986) (written as Patrick Ruell)
The Collaborators (1987)
Death of a Dormouse (1987) (written as Patrick Ruell)
Dream of Darkness (1989) (written as Patrick Ruell)
The Only Game (1991) (written as Patrick Ruell)
The Stranger House (2005)
The Woodcutter (2010)
Pascoe’s Ghost: And Other Brief Chronicles of Crime (1979)
There Are No Ghosts in the Soviet Union (1987)
Brother’s Keeper (1992)
Fell of Dark (1971)
The Castle of the Demon (1971) (written as Patrick Ruell)
aka The Turning of the Tide
A Fairly Dangerous Thing (1972)
Red Christmas (1972) (written as Patrick Ruell)
A Very Good Hater (1974)
Death Takes the Low Road (1974) (written as Patrick
Ruell) aka The Low Road
Heart Clock (1974) (written as Dick Morland),
aka Matlock’s System
Um Burial (1975) (written as Patrick Ruell)
aka Beyond the Bone
Another Death in Venice (1976)
Albion! Albion! (1976) (written as Dick Morland),
aka Singleton’s Law
Captain Fantom (1978) (written as Charles Underhill)
The Spy’s Wife (1980)
Who Guards a Prince? (1982)
Traitor’s Blood (1983)
Guardians of the Prince (1983)
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Fan Guest of Honor
Audrey Reith
Audrey Reith:
Malice is My Family
By The Rockville Contingent
I am attending Malice for the first time, although I
have been a fan for several years. I will be driving down
from Massachusetts and arriving on Thursday and
leaving on Monday morning, having made reservations
for the extra nights. I would be
interested in volunteering though I
do not know what that will entail.
I am available to help in the morning prior to the opening if you need
some extra hands. I would of
course like to attend the Malice 101
if possible... but again, if I could be
of help. I would prefer not to lift 50
lb. cartons of books and supplies,
though I can navigate the carts on
which they are transported. :) And
of course I have a pretty good set
of computer related skills. Enough
for now.
— Audrey Reith
Yea, Audrey! You sound
exactly like the type of person I’m
looking for. We plan to start setting
up between 10 and 10:30 Friday
morning and would love to have
you open cartons and display
things on tables, put out badges
and goodie bags at registration, and do other useful
things. No heavy lifting, I promise you! Of course, you’ll
be going to Malice 101; should you care to stand at the
door and make sure everyone entering is wearing a
Malice Domestic badge, you can count that as one of the
hours you work (unless you’ve already put in 4 hours).
Four hours is important because it qualifies you for
one of our special-to-volunteers-only gifts. There will be
plenty of other opportunities to help during the convention if you’d care to; just check the schedules posted in the
hospitality lounge.
ere Malice Domestic III’s Ghost of Honor
Mary Roberts Rinehart writing this
biography, this would be the perfect spot for
her classic “had I but known.” None of us had any
idea when we read and wrote the above
correspondence what a stalwart
Malice fan we were about
to meet.
When anyone mentions
Audrey Reith, we are inundated
with images: omnivorous
reader, indefatigable volunteer,
generous donor and “preppy”
fashion plate, attired in her twin
sets, plaid skirts and Pendleton
tweed jackets, all accented by
her wry sense of humor. Audrey
came to Malice in 2003 and has
been a mainstay in the hospitality lounge ever since. She had
learned about our fun, fan convention the previous year at
Kate’s Bookshop in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, and immediately
became a Friend of Malice.
Upon her arrival at registration
the following year, she asked
where she could help, was
directed to the lounge, and the
rest is history. Every year since, she has arrived early,
armed with “Audrey’s essentials” — scissors, tape,
pins, clips, clipboards and stapler — in short, everything necessary to keep the desk humming. She stays
late, supervising the packing up of the hospitality
room and waiting for the courier’s pick-up. In
between, she directs panel monitors, sells memorabilia and answers questions while “schmoozing” (her
word) with one and all. She has been known to
provide wine for her table at the Agatha banquet and
is an enthusiastic participant in both the live and
silent auctions.
A fifth generation New Yorker, she spent the ’60’s
and ’70’s in southern California where she switched
Malice Domestic 26
her career from biological research to Computer
Science in which she holds a Master’s degree. She
met her future husband, Dick Hustvedt, in California;
they resettled in Massachusetts in 1975 to work
for Digital Equipment Corporation, which became
Compaq, then Hewlett-Packard. She retired from HP
in 2002 after 27 years and embarked on a new phase
of her life.
This long-time resident of Massachusetts shares
her home with a distinguished cat named Snoopy.
Neither of them ventures outside on April 19.
The crowds of Revolutionary War enthusiasts who
descend upon Concord on Patriots’ Day make travel
impossible, so Audrey curls up with a good book and
a cup of coffee until they are gone.
Like Katherine Hall Page, Hillary Rodham Clinton
and Madeleine Albright, Audrey is a proud graduate
of Wellesley College where she is active in alumnae
affairs, particularly class reunions. She has been the
designer, creator and maintainer of the class of 1958
website, which not only reports on their current lives
but also includes the sights and sounds of their
college years.
Her son Marc and his wife, Carly Feingold,
recently welcomed their first child, a son named
Maverick Russell Hustvedt, so you may now greet
our Fan Guest of Honor as “Grammy.” Marc, Carly
and Maverick Russell share their home in California
with a Labradoodle, Truman. Marc and Carly are in
the entertainment industry. Son Eric Hustvedt and
his wife, Kris McNeeley-Shaw, live in the Boston area
where they work in the computer industry.
Audrey is a fervent fan of both Jeopardy and
Wheel of Fortune. Marc appeared on the latter show in
2008. Those who know her well avoid calling Audrey
when these programs are on.
Audrey particularly enjoys historical mysteries,
especially those set in WWII. She finds it amusing
that designating 1950 as the cut-off date for these
means a good chunk of her life now falls in our
historical category!
She prefers not to mention specific authors she
enjoys reading because there are so many and she
wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by omitting
him/her. Suffice it to say that she maintains an
Malice Domestic 26
Access database containing 1374 mysteries she has
already read and there are 1318 yet-to-be-read in
one area of her bedroom. The Master’s Degree in
Computer Science proves useful again! (Does anyone
remember Sarah Booth Conroy, one of our early
members/authors? She always insisted she lived on
upper 16th Street in Washington, D.C., in a bookcase
surrounded by walls. She and Audrey would have
enjoyed one another!)
The year Audrey’s husband Dick died right before
Malice, people kept asking her what she was doing at
the convention. Her answer typifies her spirit and
sums up what we hope our annual gathering means
to everyone involved — “Malice is my family.“
The Rockville Contingent plus Donna Beatley have participated in every Malice Domestic convention ever held. Donna
even attended “Mertz-con” which gave rise to our present
incarnation. Over the years all four of them have been
honored as Fan Guests of Honor. Kay McCarty and Anne
Murphy are enjoying retirement, while Donna Beatley and
Sheila Martin are still gainfully employed. They all agree
with this year’s Fan Guest of Honor, “Malice is our family.”
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Agatha Awards
Best Novel: The Beautiful Mystery, Louise Penny
Best Historical Novel: Dandy Gilver and an Unsuitable
Day for Murder, Catriona McPherson
Best First Novel: Lowcountry Boil, Susan M. Boyer
Best Nonfiction: Books to Die For: The World’s Greatest
Mystery Writers on the World’s Greatest Mystery Novels,
John Connolly & Declan Burke
Best Short Story: “Mischief in Mesopotamia,” Dana
Cameron, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
Best Children’s/Young Adult: The Code Busters Club,
Case #2: The Haunted Lighthouse, Penny Warner
Best Novel: The Cruelest Month, Louise Penny
Best First Novel: Death of a Cozy Writer, G.M. Malliet
Best Nonfiction: How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries,
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Best Short Story: “The Night Things Changed,”
Dana Cameron
Best Children/Young Adult Fiction: The Crossroads,
Chris Grabenstein
Best Novel: Three-Day Town, Margaret Maron
Best Historical Novel: Naughty in Nice, Rhys Bowen
Best First Novel: Learning to Swim, Sara J. Henry
Best Nonfiction: Books, Crooks and Counselors: How to
Write Accurately About Criminal Law and Courtroom
Procedure, Leslie Budewitz
Best Short Story: “Disarming,” Dana Cameron,
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
Best Children’s/Young Adult: The Black Heart Crypt,
Chris Grabenstein
Best Novel: Bury Your Dead, Louise Penny
Best First Novel: The Long Quiche Goodbye, Avery Aames
Best Nonfiction: Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks:
50 Years of Mysteries in the Making, John Curran
Best Short Story: “So Much in Common,”
Mary Jane Maffini
Best Children/Young Adult Fiction: The Other Side
of Dark, Sarah Smith
Best Novel: The Brutal Telling, Louise Penny
Best First Novel: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie,
Alan Bradley
Best Nonfiction: Dame Agatha’s Shorts, Elena Santangelo
Best Short Story: “On the House,” Hank Phillippi Ryan,
Best Children/Young Adult Fiction: The Hanging Hill,
Chris Grabenstein
Best Novel: A Fatal Grace, Louise Penny
Best First Novel: Prime Time, Hank Phillippi Ryan
Best Nonfiction: Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters,
Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower and Charles Foley
Best Short Story: “A Rat’s Tale,” Donna Andrews
Best Children/Young Adult Fiction: A Light in the
Cellar, Sarah Masters Buckey
Best Novel: The Virgin Of Small Plains, Nancy Pickard
Best First Novel: The Heat of the Moon, Sandra Parshall
Best Nonfiction: Don’t Murder Your Mystery,
Chris Roerden
Best Short Story: “Sleeping with the Plush,”
Toni L.P. Kelner
Best Children/Young Adult Fiction: Pea Soup
Poisonings, Nancy Means Wright
Best Novel: The Body in the Snowdrift,
Katherine Hall Page
Best First Novel: Better Off Wed, Laura Durham
Best Nonfiction: Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the
Women Who Created Her, Melanie Rehak
Best Short Story: “Driven to Distraction,” Marcia Talley
Best Children/Young Adult Fiction:
Down the Rabbit Hole, Peter Abrahams
Flush, Carl Haissen
Best Novel: Birds of a Feather, Jacqueline Winspear
Best First Novel: Dating Dead Men, Harley Jane Kozak
Best Nonfiction: Private Eye-Lashes: Radio’s Lady
Detectives, Jack French
Best Short Story: “Wedding Knife,” Elaine Viets
Best Children’s/Young Adult Novel: Chasing Vermeer,
Blue Balliett
Malice Domestic 26
Best Novel: Letter From Home, Carolyn Hart
Best First Novel: Maisie Dobbs, Jacqueline Winspear
Best Nonfiction: Amelia Peabody’s Egypt:
A Compendium, edited by Elizabeth Peters and
Kristen Whitbread; designed by Dennis Forbes
Best Short Story: “No Man’s Land,” Elizabeth Foxwell
Best Children’s/Young Adult Novel: The 7th Knot,
Kathleen Karr
Best Novel: Butcher’s Hill, Laura Lippman
Best First Novel: The Doctor Digs a Grave, Robin
Best Nonfiction: Mystery Reader’s Walking Guide:
Washington, D.C., Alzina Stone Dale
Best Short Story: “Of Course You Know that Chocolate
is a Vegetable,” Barbara D’Amato
Best Novel: The Devil in Music, Kate Ross
Best First Novel: The Salaryman’s Wife, Sujata Massey
Best Nonfiction: Detecting Men Pocket Guide,
Willetta Heising
Best Short Story: “Tea for Two,” M. D. Lake
Best Novel: You’ve Got Murder, Donna Andrews
Best First Novel: In The Bleak Midwinter,
Julia Spencer-Fleming
Best Nonfiction: They Died in Vain: Overlooked,
Underappreciated, and Forgotten Mystery Novels, edited
by Jim Huang
Best Short Story: “The Dog That Didn’t Bark,” Margaret
Maron and “Too Many Cooks,” Marcia Talley
Best Children’s/Young Adult Novel: Red Card: A Zeke
Armstrong Mystery, Daniel J. Hale and Matthew LaBrot
Best Novel: Murphy’s Law, Rhys Bowen
Best First Novel: Bubbles Unbound, Sarah Strohmeyer
Best Nonfiction: Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir,
Tony Hillerman
Best Short Story: “The Would-Be Widower,”
Katherine Hall Page
Best Children’s/Young Adult Novel:
The Mystery of the Haunted Caves, Penny Warner
Best Novel: Storm Track, Margaret Maron
Best First Novel: Death on a Silver Tray,
Rosemary Stevens
Best Nonfiction: 100 Favorite Mysteries of the Century,
Jim Huang, editor
Best Short Story: “The Man in the Civil Suit,” Jan Burke
Best Novel: Mariner’s Compass, Earlene Fowler
Best First Novel: Murder, With Peacocks, Donna Andrews
Best Nonfiction: Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan
Doyle, Daniel Stashower
Best Short Story: “Out of Africa,” Nancy Pickard
Malice Domestic 26
Best Novel: Up Jumps the Devil, Margaret Maron
Best First Novel: Murder on a Girl’s Night Out,
Anne George
Best Nonfiction: Detecting Women 2, Willetta Heising
Best Short Story: “Accidents Will Happen,”
Carolyn Wheat
Best Novel: If I’d Killed Him When I Met Him,
Sharyn McCrumb
Best First Novel: The Body in the Transept, Jeanne Dams
Best Nonfiction: Mystery Reader’s Walking Guide: Chicago,
Alzina Stone Dale
Best Short Story: “The Dog Who Remembered
Too Much,” Elizabeth Daniels Squire
Best Novel: She Walks These Hills, Sharyn McCrumb
Best First Novel: Do Unto Others, Jeff Abbott
Best Nonfiction: By A Woman’s Hand, Jean Swanson
and Dean James
Best Short Story: “The Family Jewels,”
Dorothy Cannell
Best Novel: Dead Man’s Island, Carolyn G. Hart
Best First Novel: Track of the Cat, Nevada Barr
Best Nonfiction: The Doctor, The Murder, The Mystery,
Barbara D’Amato
Best Short Story: “Kim’s Game,” M. D. Lake
Agatha Awards
Best Novel: Bootlegger’s Daughter, Margaret Maron
Best First Novel: Blanche on the Lam, Barbara Neely
Best Short Story: “Nice Gorilla,”
Aaron and Charlotte Elkins
Best Novel: Naked Once More, Elizabeth Peters
Best First Novel: Grime and Punishment, Jill Churchill
Best Short Story: “A Wee Doch and Doris,”
Sharyn McCrumb
Best Novel: I.O.U., Nancy Pickard
Best First Novel: Zero at the Bone, Mary Willis Walker
Best Short Story: “Deborah’s Judgment,”
Margaret Maron
Best Novel: Something Wicked, Carolyn G. Hart
Best First Novel: A Great Deliverance, Elizabeth George
Best Short Story: “More Final Than Divorce,”
Robert Barnard
Best Novel: Bum Steer, Nancy Pickard
Best First Novel: The Body in the Belfry,
Katherine Hall Page
Best Short Story: “Too Much to Bare,” Joan Hess
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
A Brief History of Malice Domestic
Guest of Honor
Fan Guest of Honor
Malice I (April 21–23, 1989)
Barbara Mertz
Robert Barnard
Ellen Nehr
Malice II (April 6–8, 1990)
Patricia Moyes
Sharyn McCrumb
Phyllis Brown
Malice III (April 26–28, 1991)
Charlotte MacLeod
Simon Brett
Janet Rudolph
Malice IV (April 24–26, 1992)
Aaron Elkins
Mary Higgins Clark
Bill Deeck
Malice V (April 23–25, 1993)
Anne Perry
Nancy Pickard
Mary Morman
Malice VI (April 22–24, 1994)
Dorothy Salisbury Davis
Dorothy Cannell
Jim Huang
Malice VII (April 28–30, 1995)
Ellis Peters
Edward Marston
Dean James
Malice VIII (April 26–28, 1996)
Peter Lovesey
Margaret Maron
Shirley Beaird
Malice IX (May 2–4, 1997)
Carolyn G. Hart
Joan Hess
Judy & Jack Cater
Malice X (May 1–3, 1998)
Robert Barnard
Katherine Hall Page
Maureen Collins
Malice XI (April 30–May 2, 1999)
Mary Higgins Clark
M. D. Lake
Carol Harper
Malice XII (May 5–7, 2000)
Simon Brett
Eileen Dreyer
Sheila Martin
Malice XIII (May 4–6, 2001)
Margaret Maron
Rita Mae Brown
Patti Ruocco
Malice XIV (May 3–5, 2002)
Edward Marston
Annette & Martin Meyers
Gerry Letteney
Malice XV(May 2–4, 2003)
Barbara D’Amato
Parnell Hall
Donna Beatley
Malice XVI*(April 30–May 2, 2004)
Dorothy Cannell
Jan Burke
Linda Pletzke
Malice XVII (April 29–May 1, 2005)
Joan Hess
Carole Nelson Douglas
Anne Reece
Malice XVIII (April 21–23, 2006)
Katherine Hall Page
Kate Grilley
Kay McCarty
Malice XIX (May 4–6, 2007)
Rochelle Krich
Kate Grilley
Lee Mewshaw
Malice XX (April 25–27, 2008)
Charlaine Harris
Lindsay Davis**
Dan Stashower
Elizabeth Foxwell
Ron & Jean McMillen
Malice 21 (May 1–3, 2009)
Nancy Pickard
Elaine Viets
Laura Hyzy
Malice 22 (April 30–May 2, 2010)
Parnell Hall
Rhys Bowen
Tom & Marie O’Day
Malice 23 (April 29–May 1, 2011)
Carole Nelson Douglas
Donna Andrews
Anne Murphy
Malice 24 (April 27–29, 2012)
Jan Burke
Dana Cameron
Ruth Sickafus
Malice 25* (May 3–5, 2013)
Laurie R. King
Peter Robinson**
Laura Lippman
Cindy Silberblatt
Malice 26 (May 2–4, 2014
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Earlene Fowler
Audrey Reith
Malice 27 (May 1–3, 2015) Join us at the Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, MD – May 1, 2015–May 3, 2015
* Malice XVI Special Malice Remembers, Carole Anne Nelson; Malice 25 Fan Malice Remembers Sally Fellows
** International Guest of Honor
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Remembers
Lifetime Achievement
Agatha Christie
Mary Morman
Dorothy L. Sayers
Phyllis A. Whitney
Mary Morman
Mary R. Rinehart
Gerry Letteney
Margery Allingham
Gerry Letteney
William Shakespeare
Ron McMillen
Edgar Allan Poe
Mignon G. Eberhart
Ron McMillen
Ngaio Marsh
Ron McMillen
Josephine Tey
Mary Stewart
Beth Foxwell
Richard & Frances Lockridge Emma Lathen
Beth Foxwell
Ellery Queen
Charlotte MacLeod
Carol Whitney
John Dickson Carr
Patricia Moyes
Carol Whitney
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Dick Francis
Cindy Silberblatt
Rex Stout
Mildred Wirt Benson
Cindy Silberblatt
G. K. Chesterton
Tony Hillerman
Cindy Silberblatt
Agatha Christie
Elizabeth Peters
David Suchet
Tom O’Day
Erle Stanley Gardner
Marion Babson
Ruth Cavin &
Thomas Dunne
Tom O’Day
Ellis Peters
H.R.F. Keating
Angela Lansbury
Tom O’Day
Craig Rice
Robert Barnard
Doug Greene
Verena Rose
Georgette Heyer
Carolyn Hart
Verena Rose
All Those Previously
Peter Lovesey
Janet Hutchings
& Linda Landrigan
Verena Rose
Charlotte MacLeod
Anne Perry
Kate Stine & Brian Skupin
Louise Leftwich
Ed Hoch
Mary Higgins Clark
William Link
Verena Rose
Lyn Hamilton
Sue Grafton
Janet Rudolph
Verena Rose
Tony Hillerman
Simon Brett
Lee Goldberg
Elizabeth Peters
Verena Rose
Dick Francis
Aaron Elkins
Carolyn Hart
Verena Rose
Reginald Hill
Dorothy Cannell
Joan Hess
Margaret Maron
Tom Schantz
Verena Rose
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
The William F. Deeck — Malice Domestic
Grants for Unpublished Writers, 1994–2014
n October 1993, Ron McMillen, then chair of
Malice Domestic, Ltd., announced on behalf of
the Board of Directors, the creation of the Malice
Domestic Grants for Unpublished Writers. “We see
this as one way to foster quality Malice literature.
We want to give back something to the field that
has provided us with so much enjoyment, and
encourage the next generation of Malice authors.”
The first grant was awarded to Jeffrey Marks at
Malice VI in April 1994. Since that time, the grants have
been awarded to 36 other aspiring mystery writers.
On July 2, 2004, William F. Deeck, a longtime
fan and supporter of the mystery genre and of Malice
Domestic, passed away. On June 27, 2004, the Malice
Domestic Grants for Unpublished Writers was named
The William F. Deeck — Malice Domestic Grants
Winners and Titles of Submitted Manuscripts
Ellen Byron, Reality Checked
Rosemarie and Vince Keenan (writing as
Renee Patrick), Design for Dying
Sarah E. Bewley, Florida is Burning
Cynthia M. Sabelhaus, Trite but True
Robin Templeton, Double Exposure
Joseph W. Richardson, Gideon’s Inn
Elizabeth Duncan, Dead Posh
Hilary McGowan, A Cottage with a View
Stacy Leigh Juba, Sign of the Messenger
Patricia A. Gouthro, Lies My Professor Told Me
Stephanie Evans, Standing on the Promises
Shirley Folwarski (writing as Clarissa Miller),
Blood Is Stickier Than Holy Water
Heidi Vornbrock Roosa (writing as McLean
Jacobson), Hypothesis for Murder
Kimberly Gray, Ghost of a Chance
Robin Hewitt, One Sweet Pickle
Linda Reeder, Bricks and Murder
Dawn Dixon Cotter, Faux Finish
Gigi Morrissett Pandian, Artifact
Thomas E. Bonsall, Lilac Time
Martha Crites, She Who Listens
G. M. Malliet, Death of a Cozy Writer
Elizabeth Berry, Inn Sight
Terry Hoover, Sweet Alice
Kyle Z. Bell, George Washington Died Here
Malice Domestic 26
Program for Unpublished Writers in honor and in
recognition of Bill’s advocacy of aspiring mystery writers.
The winners of The William F. Deeck — Malice
Domestic Grants for Unpublished Writers are listed
below with the name of the manuscript the writer
submitted to the competition. In some cases, the titles
of those manuscripts also became the title of the
published work.
Susan Wrona Gall (writing as Wrona Gall),
Canvas Shroud
Carolyn Kourofsky, Through a Shooter’s Eye
Claire M. Johnson, Murder Underfoot
Anne White, An Affinity for Murder
Marcia Talley, Sing It To Her Bones
Matt Witten, Breakfast at Madeline’s
Carol Hauswald, Avenging Angels
Joan C. Curtis, The Internet Murderer
Sujata Massey, The Salaryman’s Wife
LeeAnna Lawrence, A Cousin Once Removed
Jeffrey Marks, The Scent of Murder
Malice Domestic 26
Memories of Malice
Absent Friends
Malice remembers the following individuals
who have enriched the Malice Domestic genre
and the mystery world in general. May they
rest in peace.
Robert Barnard, Author
The Faithful Few
The following 16 participants survived Malice I
in Silver Spring and have returned for every
Malice since — truly the triumph of hope over
Donna Beatley
Lee Mewshaw
Lenore Boehm
Anne Murphy
Jack Cater
C. W. Pollard
Judy J. Cater
Anne Reece
Elmore Leonard, Author
Anna S. Jeffrey
Patricia Schutz
Barbara Mertz (Elizabeth Peters), Author
Sheila J. Martin
Janine Seitz
Al Navis, Bookstore Owner
Kay McCarty
Gordon M. Shaw
Michael Palmer, Author
Liz Mellett
Ruth C. Shaw
Tom Clancy, Author
Dennis Farina, Actor
Vince Flynn, Author
Barry Jackson, Actor
Colin Wilson, Author
Lee Thompson Young, Actor
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
General Information
“No Smoking” Policy
The hotel does not permit smoking.
Hotel Check-in/out
Check-in time at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bethesda,
is 4 p.m. If rooms are available, you can check-in
earlier. Check-out time is 12 noon. Late check-out
is available on request on a space-available basis.
Attended luggage storage is available at the bell
To Help Us Keep Things Running
We request that you do not corner authors and
panelists immediately after a program session. This
keeps them from proceeding to their next session
or signing, prevents the next panel from starting
on time, and generally disrupts the flow of events.
Please help us stay on schedule.
Book Signing
Autograph sessions with attending authors are
scheduled at various times during the convention.
We ask that you please observe the following
• Limit all autograph requests to the autograph
• Limit all autograph requests to three books
per person at one time. You can re-enter the line
as often as time permits.
• Avoid blocking the hallways outside the
signing area.
Agatha Awards Voting
Only convention attendees may participate in the
Agatha Awards voting. An official ballot is in your
registration packet. If you lose your ballot, you lose
your vote.
The ballot box is located in the Hospitality
Lounge. Ballots must be submitted by Saturday at
1:00 p.m. No exceptions! At that time, the ballot box
is sealed and taken to a secret location by the Agatha
Awards Committee, which does the official counting.
The results are revealed at the banquet on Saturday
evening and subsequently posted in the Hospitality
The Hospitality Lounge
The Hospitality Lounge is open during most of
Malice. It provides a comfortable place to relax and
discuss your favorite books. You’ll find tables with
“freebies” and information about authors, organizations and activities. Limited complimentary tea and
coffee service will be available.
The Hospitality Lounge is also where you’ll find
the “volunteers” table. In addition to being the place
where you sign up to volunteer your services, here
is where you turn in your Agatha ballot (on time,
please!), and turn in your evaluation form. (Yes, we
read them.)
You’ll also find the Silent Auction items in their
own special section. Look for the display about
Malice with information covering this year’s special
activities and Malice 27’s honorees (after they are
announced at the banquet).
Volunteers should check in and pick up materials
for their assignments at the “volunteers” table in the
Hospitality Lounge. Anyone wishing to volunteer,
who did not do so before the convention, can sign
up on the chart for available slots. Volunteers who
contribute four hours receive a special gift not
available to others at Malice 26. Also, look for the
sign-up sheet so you can be placed on the volunteers’
mailing list and get advance information about next
year’s program.
Evaluation Forms
Your opinions count! Please fill out the evaluation
form in your registration bag and deposit it in the
appropriate box at the volunteers table in the
Hospitality Lounge before you leave Sunday. Or you
can also turn it in at the Agatha Tea and Closing
The Malice Board reviews these evaluations
carefully in an effort to maintain our high standards
and plan for future programming.
Malice Domestic 26
Advance Registration Discount for
Malice 27
Save time and money! Register for next year’s
Malice while you’re here. A registration form with a
discounted on-site convention rate will be available
at the registration desk. Register now for Malice 27
and SAVE!
We accept cash, check or credit cards while the
registration desk is open. The registration desk will be
open through the Closing Ceremonies, and this will
be the last opportunity to take advantage of the
on-site rate.
Malice Domestic 26
Charity Auction
Facts and Frequently Asked Questions
Live Auction
Silent Auction
How do I register?
We have simplified the live auction registration
process by assigning each attendee a number in
our computer system. That number will also be the
attendee’s Bid card number for the live auction.
Attendees will receive their bid card at the time they
sign in at registration on Thursday or Friday. There is
no requirement to attend the live auction; however,
the bid numbers are nontransferable. All on-site
registrants will be assigned a number and given a
bid card at the registration desk.
When and where will the auction be held?
The Malice Domestic 26 Silent Auction will be open
on Friday, May 2, 2014, from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
and on Saturday, May 3, 2014, from 8:00 a.m.–1:00
p.m. in the Hospitality Lounge.
When and where will the auction be held?
The Live Auction will be held on Friday
evening, May 2, 2014, from 7:30– 9:00 p.m. in
Waterford/Lalique, followed by a welcome reception.
What organization will be
receiving the auction proceeds?
The John L. Gildner Regional Institute for Children
and Adolescents has been chosen as Malice Domestic
26’s auction recipient. JLG-RICA is a communitybased public educational treatment and day/residential
facility serving children and adolescents, ages 10–18
with severe emotional disabilities. It is located in
Rockville, Maryland. Funds will be used to develop
and support residential literacy programs.
If I am the winning bidder
how do I claim my item?
You must claim your item(s) immediately following
the auction at the auction check-out table. If you are
unable to remain for the entire auction, please let
one of the auction volunteers know before you leave
the room.
What organization will
be receiving the auction proceeds?
As with the live auction, the John L. Gildner Regional
Institute for Children and Adolescents will be the
recipient of the proceeds from the silent auction.
Proceeds from this auction will be used to fund a
Malice Domestic Scholarship for Graduating Seniors.
How do I claim my item(s)?
Winning bidders must report to the Hospitality
Lounge/Silent Auction check-out table between
2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 3, 2014.
A list of winning bidders will be posted in the hallway outside the Hospitality Lounge.
How can I pay?
You may pay for your item(s) with credit card, cash or
check. Receipts will be available at time of payment.
When and how will I receive my
donor receipt?
The committee will have receipts prepared and ready
for distribution shortly after the conclusion of the
auction. For any donors who are not at the convention, we will either email or mail their receipts.
How can I pay?
You may pay for your item(s) with credit card,
cash or check. Receipts will be available at time
of payment.
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Convention Schedule
Thursday, May 1
7:00–9:00 p.m.
Early Bird Registration
Friday, May 2
8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
2:00–2:50 p.m.
You’ve Got Fan Mail: Honored Guests Discuss Mail
from Fascinating Fans
Verena Rose – Moderator
Dorothy Cannell
Martin Edwards
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Earlene Fowler
Joan Hess
Margaret Maron
3:00–3:50 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Making History: Our Agatha Best Historical
Novel Nominees
Harriette Sackler – Moderator
Kaye George
J.J. Murphy
Victoria Thompson
Charles Todd (Caroline)
Charles Todd
Hospitality Lounge open
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Silent Auction
9:00–9:30 a.m.
Malice 101: An Introduction to Malice For
First-time Attendees
Judy Cater and Anne Murphy
9:30–9:45 a.m.
Volunteers 101: Important Information For Attendees
Who Want to Help Out
Judy Cater and Anne Murphy
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Dealers Room open
10:00 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
Malice Go Round: It’s Like Speed Dating But
With Authors
Jack Cater – Moderator
11:45 a.m.
Lunch Break
Noon–12:50 p.m.
Simply the Best: Our Agatha Best Contemporary
Novel Nominees
Shawn Reilly Simmons – Moderator
G.M. Malliet
Barbara Ross
Hank Phillippi Ryan
Julia Spencer-Fleming
4:00–4:50 p.m.
Interview of a Lifetime: Lifetime Achievement
Honorees Interview
Dorothy Cannell, Joan Hess and Margaret Maron
are interviewed by Nancy Pickard
5:00–5:45 p.m.
Opening Ceremonies
5:45–7:30 p.m.
Dinner on Your Own
7:30–9:00 p.m.
Crime Lab Gab
Dr. Max M. Houck, director of D.C.’s Department of
Forensic Sciences, talks about D.C.’s crime lab.
(Feel free to bring lunch and eat during the
Live Charity Auction
Auctioneers: Donna Andrews and
Hank Phillippi Ryan
1:00–1:50 p.m.
Welcome Reception
9:00–10:00 p.m.
Thanks for the Memories: Malice Remembers
Reginald Hill Interview
Martin Edwards is interviewed by Steve Steinbock
about his friend Reginald Hill
Malice Domestic 26
Saturday, May 3
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Hospitality Lounge open
8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Silent Auction (Silent Auction until 1:00 p.m. only)
9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Dealers Room open
9:00–9:50 a.m. – PANELS
Here Comes the Corpse: Wedding-Themed Mysteries
Sherry Harris – Moderator
Beverly Allen
Clare O’Donohue
Nancy J Parra
Ilene Schneider
New in Town: The Role of Outsiders in Mysteries
KB Inglee – Moderator
Sheila Connolly
Jeanne M. Dams
Terence Faherty
Sandra Parshall
Kids Love a Mystery: Our Agatha Best
Children’s/Young Adult Novel Nominees
Leslie Blatt – Moderator
Joelle Charbonneau
Kathleen Ernst
Amanda Flower
Penny Warner
It’s Alive!: Mysteries That Bring History to Life
Pam De Voe – Moderator
Gary Corby
Anna Loan-Wilsey
Meg Mims
Sheila York
Make It Snappy: Our Agatha Best Short
Story Nominees
B.K. Stevens – Moderator
Barb Goffman
Gigi Pandian
Barbara Ross
Art Taylor
Malice Domestic 26
Authors Alley
9:00 – 9:15: Laura DiSilverio
9:15 – 9:30: Rochelle Staab
9:30 – 9:45: Kathryn Leigh Scott
10:00–10:50 a.m. – PANELS
Murder By the Book: Book-Themed Mysteries
Becky Hutchison – Moderator
Erika Chase
Marion Moore Hill
Marilyn Levinson
Kylie Logan
Little Shop of Horrors: When Business
Means Murder
Doris Ann Norris – Moderator
Christina Freeburn
Barbara Graham
Linda Joffe Hull
Annie Knox
Rosie, Put Down Your Rivets: Sexism
in Mysteries
Patti Ruocco – Moderator
Frances Brody
Sasscer Hill
Catriona McPherson
Kathryn O’Sullivan
New Kids on the Block: Our Agatha Best First
Novel Nominees
Margaret Maron – Moderator
Leslie Budewitz
Shelley Costa
Kendel Lynn
Liz Mugavero
LynDee Walker
Just the Facts, Ma’am: Our Agatha Best
Nonfiction Nominees
Judy Cater – Moderator
Rita Owen
Verena Rose
Daniel Stashower
Authors Alley
10:00 – 10:15: F.T. Bradley
10:15 – 10:30: Cathy Ace
10:30 – 10:45: Gloria Alden
11:00 a.m.
Signings in the Concours Terrace
See Signing Schedule in At-A-Glance
Convention Schedule
11:45–12:45 a.m.
The Poison Lady Presents Poisonous Plants
Presentation by Luci Zahray
(Feel free to bring lunch and eat during the
Authors Alley
(Feel free to bring lunch and eat during the
11:45 – Noon: Daryl Anderson
12:00 – 12:15: John Gregory Betancourt
12:15 – 12:30: John Billheimer
12:30 – 12:45: Kate Carlisle
1:00 p.m.
Agatha Voting Deadline
Witches and Werewolves and Ghosts, Oh My!:
Woo-Woo Authors Appear in Character
Dina Willner – Moderator
Juliet Blackwell
Dana Cameron
Jim Lavene
Toni L.P. Kelner (Leigh Perry)
Putting the Fun in Funerals: Balancing Humor
and Murder
Alan Orloff – Moderator
Donna Andrews
Brad Parks
Helen Smith
Nancy G. West
1:00–1:50 p.m.
First, Let’s Kill All the Lawyers: Legal Mysteries
Leslie Budewitz – Moderator
Martin Edwards
Margaret Maron
Cathy Pickens
Steve Steinbock
Midlist Writers Anonymous
Parnell Hall – Moderator
Dorothy Cannell
Susan Rogers Cooper
Joan Hess
Authors Alley
2:00 – 2:15: Earlene Fowler
2:15 – 2:30: Parnell Hall
2:30 – 2:45: Liz Lipperman
1:00 p.m.
Silent Auction Bid Deadline
Authors Alley
(Feel free to bring lunch and eat during the
1:00 – 1:15: Sandra Carey Cody
1:15 – 1:30: Michele Drier
1:30 – 1:45: Lisa Fernow
2:00–2:50 p.m. – PANELS
It Takes a Village: Theme Town Mysteries
Maya Corrigan – Moderator
Janet Bolin
Krista Davis
Dawn Eastman
Maggie Sefton
Shot Through the Heart: The Role of Romance
in Mysteries
Tracy Kiely – Moderator
Laura Bradford
Mollie Cox Bryan
Rosie Genova
Joyce Lavene
3:00–3:50 p.m. – PANELS
Murder with a Little Education on the Side: Mysteries
That Tackle Social Issues
Debra H. Goldstein – Moderator
John Clement
Nancy J. Cohen
Judy Hogan
Linda O. Johnston
Three Heads Are Better Than One: Sleuths Who
Work Together
Paula Gail Benson – Moderator
Sally Goldenbaum
Liz Stauffer
B.K. Stevens
Wendy Tyson
Behind the Curtain: An Inside Look At
Unusual Settings
Kay Finch – Moderator
Elizabeth J. Duncan
Melodie Johnson Howe
Triss Stein
Elaine Viets
Malice Domestic 26
Two For the Price of One: Mixed-Genre Mysteries
Vincent H. O’Neil – Moderator
Anne Cleeland
Carole Nelson Douglas
Ellen Larson
Sujata Massey
Twisted Love: When Love Turns Lethal
Sandra Parshall – Moderator
Maggie Barbieri
Stephanie Jaye Evans
Edith Maxwell
Dee Phelps
Authors Alley
3:00 – 3:15: Teresa Inge
3:15 – 3:30: Sarah Wisseman
3:30 – 3:45: Alice Loweecey
4:00–4:50 p.m.
It’s An Honor: Guest of Honor Interview
Kathy Lynn Emerson is interviewed by Kate Flora
5:00 p.m.
Signings in the Concours Terrace
See Signing Schedule in At-A-Glance
6:15–7:00 p.m.
Cocktails available for sale in Crystal Ballroom Foyer
(as well as at the bar)
7:00 p.m.
Agatha Awards Banquet in Crystal Ballroom
Sunday, May 4
7:00–8:45 a.m.
New Authors Breakfast: Fans Get to Dine with This
Year’s New Authors
Host: Harriette Sackler
(Food 7:00 a.m., Presentations 7:10 a.m.)
8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Hospitality Lounge open
9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
9:00–9:50 a.m. – PANELS
Keeping It Real: When Real People Become
Fictional Characters
Mo Walsh – Moderator
Fedora Amis
Raymond Buckland
Maria Hudgins
Kathryn Johnson
North, South, East, West, Which Setting is the Best?:
How Setting Affects Story
Leone Ciporin – Moderator
Christine DeSmet
Catherine Dilts
Penny Clover Petersen
Diane Vallere
Take a Walk on the Woo-Woo Side: Spectral Sleuths
Aimee Hix – Moderator
Carolyn Hart
Molly MacRae
Tj O’Connor
Maggie Toussaint
Cooking Up Murder: Culinary Mysteries
Kaye Wilkinson Barley – Moderator
Connie Archer
Jessie Crockett
Daryl Wood Gerber
Mary Ellen Hughes
The Dating Game: Authors Reveal Their
Fictional Crushes
Catriona McPherson – Moderator
JoAnna Carl
Hannah Dennison
Maddy Hunter
Steven Rigolosi
Authors Alley
9:00 – 9:15: Terrie Farley Moran
9:15 – 9:30: Tempa Pagel
9:30 – 9:45: Karen Pullen
10:00–10:50 a.m. – PANELS
It’s a Small World: Mysteries Set on
Different Continents
Trish Carrico – Moderator
Annamaria Alfieri
Mary-Jane Deeb
Susan Froetschel
Peggy Hanson
Dealers Room open
Malice Domestic 26
Convention Schedule
Grits and Graveyards: Southern Mysteries
Molly Weston – Moderator
Susan M. Boyer
David Burnsworth
Ruth Moose
Gail Oust
Crossing the Line: Sleuths With Ethical Issues
Valerie O. Patterson – Moderator
Victoria Abbott (Mary Jane Maffini)
Mary Miley
Carolyn Mulford
Steve Ulfelder
The Art of Murder: Mysteries Involving Art
Greg Lilly – Moderator
Larissa Reinhart
Marcia Talley
Jane Tesh
Reba White Williams
Snowblind and Rain Soaked: When Weather Closes In
Kathryn Johnson – Moderator
Annette Dashofy
James M. Jackson
Jenny Milchman
KM Rockwood
Taboo: Authors Who Tackle Difficult Subject Matter
Nora McFarland – Moderator
Jeff Cohen
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Con Lehane
Tracy Weber
One Is Not Amused by Murder: Historical
English Mysteries
Donna Andrews – Moderator
Susanna Calkins
Kate Parker
Sam Thomas
Christine Trent
Pulling Rank: Different Approaches to
Police Procedurals
P.M. Carlson – Moderator
Frankie Y. Bailey
Vicki Delaney
Kate Flora
Naomi Hirahara
Authors Alley
10:00 – 10:15: Lynne Raimondo
10:15 – 10:30: Patricia Twomey Ryan
10:30 – 10:45: Roberta Rogow
11:00 a.m.
Signings in the Concours Terrace
See Signing Schedule in At-A-Glance
11:45 a.m.–12:35 p.m. – PANELS
Double Trouble: Sleuthing Duos
Lori Rader-Day – Moderator
Arlene Kay
Michael Nethercott
Cathi Stoler
Andy Straka
Tales with Tails: Mysteries Involving Animals
Jayne Ormerod – Moderator
Sparkle Abbey (Anita Carter)
Sparkle Abbey (Mary Lee Woods)
Jessie Chandler
Waverly Curtis
Laura Morrigan
Authors Alley
11:45 – Noon: Lea Wait
12:00 – 12:15: Allison Leotta
12:40 p.m.
Signings in the Concours Terrace
See Signing Schedule in At-A-Glance
1:10–1:30 p.m.
Sleight of Hand: Sharing the Secrets Behind the
Magic of Malice
Verena Rose – Moderator
Caroline Craig
Marian Lesko
Harriette Sackler
(Feel free to bring your lunch)
1:40–2:30 p.m.
Championing the Golden Age of Detective Fiction
Poirot Award Honoree Tom Schantz is interviewed
by Jim Huang
2:30–3:30 p.m.
Agatha Tea with A Toast to Earlene Fowler:
Toastmaster Interview
A conversation with Earlene Fowler, Susan Morrison
and Verena Rose
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Sparkle Abbey
Sparkle Abbey
Ellery Adams
Sparkle Abbey is the pseudonym of mystery
authors Mary Lee Woods and Anita Carter.
They write the popular pet mystery series
which features two feuding cousins who
solve whodunits set in the wacky world of
pampered pets, precious pedigrees and
secrets. The first book in the series Desperate
Housedogs, an Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Nook #1 bestseller, was followed by Get
Fluffy, Kitty Kitty Bang Bang and Yip/Tuck.
Fifty Shades of Greyhound is up next.
New York Times bestselling author Ellery
Adams grew up on a beach near the Long
Island Sound. Having spent her adult life in
a series of landlocked towns, she cherishes
her memories of open water, violent storms
and the smell of the sea. Ms. Adams has
held many jobs including caterer, retail
clerk, car salesperson, teacher, tutor and
tech writer, all the while penning poems,
children’s books and novels. She now writes
full-time from her home in Virginia.
Victoria Abbott
Victoria Abbott
That shadowy figure known as Victoria
Abbott is a collaboration between the artist,
photographer and short story author,
Victoria Maffini, and her mother, Mary Jane
Maffini, award-winning author of three
mystery series and two dozen short stories.
Their book collector mysteries The Christie
Curse (March, 2013) and The Sayers Swindle
(December, 2013) draw on the golden age
of detection. Look for The Wolfe Widow in
September. Good news: they haven’t killed
each other yet.
Ellery Adams
Gloria Alden
Gloria Alden
Gloria Alden’s Catherine Jewell Mystery
series are The Blue Rose, Daylilies for Emily’s
Garden, Ladies of the Garden Club and a
middle-grade book, The Sherlock Holmes
Detective Club. Her published short stories
include “The Professor’s Books” in Fish Tales,
“The Lure of the Rainbow” in Fish Nets,
“Once Upon a Gnome” in Strangely Funny
and “Norman’s Skeleton’s” in All Hallows
Evil. She lives on a small farm in NE Ohio
with assorted critters.
Website: www.gloriaalden
Annamaria Alfieri
Cathy Ace
Cathy Ace
Originally from Wales, now-Canadian Cathy
Ace writes the Cait Morgan Mysteries. In
The Corpse with the Silver Tongue, her foodie
criminologist sleuthed in the south of
France, The Corpse with the Golden Nose found
Cait sniffing out a killer in BC’s vineyards,
and The Corpse with the Emerald Thumb sees
her meddling in murders in Mexico. When
not helping Cait solve traditional, closedcircle mysteries, Cathy’s a keen gardener,
ably assisted by her green-pawed Labradors.
Annamaria Alfieri is the author of Blood
Tango; set against the most dramatic period
of Argentine history, it imagines the murder
of an Evita Perón lookalike. The Christian
Science Monitor chose it as one of ten mustread thrillers. Of her Invisible Country, Kirkus
Reviews said, “Alfieri has written an antiwar
mystery that compares with the notable
of Charles Todd.” The Washington Post
Annamaria Alfieri
said of her debut novel, “As both history
and mystery, City of Silver glitters.”
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Beverly Allen
Beverly Allen
Connie Archer
Beverly Allen is the author of Bloom and
Doom, the first entry of the Bridal Bouquet
Shop Mystery series — and her first novellength fiction — debuting this year from
Berkley Prime Crime. Beverly is the pseudonym of Barbara Early, chosen because when
she says “Barb Early” too quickly or in a
noisy room, people hear “Beverly” anyway.
She resides in Western New York State with
her ever-patient husband and three naughty
but adorable cats.
Connie Archer is the national bestselling
author of A Spoonful of Murder and A Broth of
Betrayal, the soup lover’s mystery series set
in Vermont, from Berkley Prime Crime. The
third book in the series, A Roux of Revenge,
was released in April, 2014. Connie was
born and raised in New England. She now
lives on the other coast.
Connie Archer
Gretchen Archer
Fedora Amis
Fedora Amis
Daryl Anderson
Fedora Amis won the Mayhaven Fiction
Prize for her Victorian whodunit, Jack the
Ripper in St. Louis. Away from her computer,
she dons corset and hoop skirts to perform
as historical figures from the 1800s. She has
one son, Skimmer, who partners Fedora in
writing science fiction and fantasy.
Blog: Fedoraamisauthor
Gretchen Archer
Gretchen Archer is a Tennessee housewife
who began writing when her daughters,
seeking higher educations, left her. She lives
on Lookout Mountain with her husband,
son and a Yorkie named Bently. Gretchen
writes the Davis Way Crime Caper Series
published by Henery Press: Double Whammy,
Double Dip and, releasing this fall, Double
Daryl Anderson
Frankie Y. Bailey
Daryl Anderson was born in Baltimore, MD,
but now lives in Gainesville, FL, with her
husband and two spoiled dogs, Fera and
Sally. She tried her hand at several careers
— waitress, English teacher, psych nurse —
before settling on writing. Her debut novel,
Murder in Mystic Cove, is a murderously wild
ride through a posh north Florida retirement
community — after all, murder never retires.
When not plotting homicide, she enjoys
gardening, vegetarian cooking and cycling.
Frankie Y. Bailey is a criminal justice professor at UAlbany. Her nonfiction has been
nominated for Edgar®, Anthony and
Macavity awards. She has five books and
two short stories in a series featuring
Southern crime historian Lizzie Stuart. Her
near-future police procedural series set in
Albany, NY, and featuring Detective Hannah
McCabe debuted with The Red Queen Dies
(St. Martin’s, 2013). Frankie is a past EVP
of MWA and a past president of SinC.
Frankie Y. Bailey
Donna Andrews
Donna Andrews
Maggie Barbieri
Donna Andrews was born in Yorktown, VA,
and now lives in Reston, VA. In 2013,
Minotaur published the 15th and 16th
books in her Meg Langslow series: The Hen
of the Baskervilles (July) and Duck the Halls
(October). And 2014 will bring The Good, the
Bad, and the Emus (July) and The Nightingale
Before Christmas (October).
Maggie Barbieri
Malice Domestic 26
Maggie is the author of Once Upon a Lie — the
debut in the Maeve Conlon series — published
in December of 2013. Maggie is also the
author of the Murder 101 series, starring
college professor Alison Bergeron and her
New York City Detective boyfriend, Bobby
Crawford. Maggie lives in the Hudson
Valley with her husband, two children, West
Highland Terrier and Maine Coon, and spends
a lot of time thinking about pet dander.
Attending Authors
Paula Gail Benson
Legislative lawyer and former law librarian
Paula Gail Benson’s short stories are online in
the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable (“Long in
the Tooth” won third place in the 2013 competition judged by Hank Phillippi Ryan) and
Kings River Life. “Confidence in the Family”
appears in the anthology Mystery Times Ten
2013 (Buddhapuss Ink). She blogs with other
writers at Writers Who Kill.
Paula Gail Benson
Janet Bolin
Janet Bolin
John Gregory Betancourt
John Gregory
John Gregory Betancourt is a bestselling science fiction author who saw the light and
switched to mysteries. He won a Black
Orchid Award for his novella “Horse Pit” in
Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. His latest
book is a collection of his Peter “Pit-bull”
Geller stories, Pit and the Pendulum (Borgo
Press, 2012; UK edition from Linford, 2013).
He owns Wildside Press and publishes
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine.
John Billheimer
John Billheimer
Susan M. Boyer
Susan M. Boyer
John Billheimer, a native West Virginian,
lives in Portola Valley, CA. He holds an engineering PhD from Stanford and is the
author of the “funny, sometimes touching”
Owen Allison mystery series set in
Appalachia’s coalfields. A new series featuring a Midwest sportswriter with a gambling
problem debuted in 2012 with the
baseball/steroid mystery Field of Schemes. The
second book in the series, A Player To Be
Maimed Later, came out in August, 2013.
Juliet Blackwell
Susan M. Boyer is the author of the Liz
Talbot mystery series. Her debut novel,
Lowcountry Boil is a USA Today Bestseller, an
Agatha Award winner for Best First Novel,
a Macavity nominee, a 2012 Daphne du
Maurier Award recipient and a 2012
RWA Golden Heart® finalist. Lowcountry
Bombshell was released September 3, 2013.
Lowcountry Boneyard is due out in September,
2014. Susan lives with her husband and
an inordinate number of houseplants in
Greenville, SC.
Laura Bradford
Juliet Blackwell
Juliet Blackwell is The New York Times
bestselling author of the Witchcraft Mystery
series, featuring a powerful witch with a
vintage clothing store. In the Haunted Home
Renovation Mystery series, a failed anthropologist takes over her father’s high-end
construction company...and encounters
ghosts. As Hailey Lind, Blackwell wrote the
Agatha-nominated Art Lover’s Mystery
series about an ex-art forger. A former
anthropologist and social worker, Juliet has
worked in Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Italy, the
Philippines and France.
Janet Bolin’s Threadville Mysteries feature
Willow Vanderling, owner of a machine
embroidery boutique in a village of textile
arts shops. Willow sleuths in Dire Threads
(careless threats lead to dire consequences),
Threaded for Trouble (a killer sewing machine
lives up to its name), Thread and Buried
(secrets lie beneath the surface), and —
coming in June, 2014 — Night of the Living
Thread (something stitched this way comes.)
Like Willow, Janet is owned by two
rescue dogs.
Laura Bradford
While spending a rainy afternoon at a
friend’s house more than thirty years ago,
Laura Bradford fell in love with writing over
a stack of blank paper, a box of crayons and
a freshly sharpened number two pencil.
Today, Laura is the bestselling author of the
Amish Mysteries. The third book in the
series, Shunned and Dangerous, released in
March. Laura also writes the Southern
Sewing Circle Mysteries under her pen
name, Elizabeth Lynn Casey.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
F. T. Bradley
F. T. Bradley
Leslie Budewitz
F.T. Bradley is the author of Double Vision
(Harper Children’s), a MG mystery trilogy
featuring Linc Baker. She’s originally from
the Netherlands, and now lives on the
Mississippi Gulf Coast with her husband and
two daughters. F.T. still likes to travel, like
Double Vision‘s main character Linc, whenever she can. For information on author
presentations and teacher guides to Double
Vision, visit her website.
Leslie Budewitz is the bestselling author of
the Food Lovers’ Village Mysteries. Death al
Dente (2013) introduced Erin Murphy, manager of a regional specialty food market in
Jewel Bay, MT. Her Seattle Spice Shop
Mysteries will debut in early 2015. Leslie
won the 2011 Agatha for Best Nonfiction for
Books, Crooks & Counselors: How to Write
Accurately About Criminal Law & Courtroom
Leslie Budewitz
Frances Brody
Frances Brody
Mollie Cox Bryan
Frances Brody lives in Yorkshire, England,
the setting for her highly-acclaimed 1920s
mystery series featuring Kate Shackleton,
First World War widow turned sleuth.
Frances began her writing career in BBC
radio and television and has written for theatre as well as penning sagas, one of which
won the HarperCollins Elizabeth Elgin
award. As a young secretary, Frances
worked in Washington, D.C., and New York.
She is delighted that her mysteries have
crossed the Atlantic.
Malice Domestic 26
David Burnsworth became fascinated with
the Deep South at a young age. After a
degree in Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Tennessee and fifteen years in
the corporate world, he made the decision
to write a novel. Southern Heat is his first
mystery. Having lived in Charleston on
Sullivan’s Island for five years, the setting
a foregone conclusion. He and his wife,
David Burnsworth
along with their dog, call South Carolina
Mollie Cox Bryan
Susanna Calkins
Mollie Cox Bryan writes the Cumberland
Creek Mysteries, published by Kensington.
Death of an Irish Diva is the third in the
series. The first book, Scrapbook of Secrets, was
nominated for an Agatha Award for Best
First Novel of 2012; the next one, Scrapped,
was published in January, 2013. Plans for
the series include two more novels and two
e-novellas. She lives in Waynesboro, VA,
with her husband and two daughters.
Susanna Calkins is a historian and academic
who has had a morbid curiosity about murder in seventeenth-century England ever
since graduate school. The ephemera from
the archives — tantalizing true accounts of
the fantastic and the strange — inspired her
historical mysteries, including A Murder at
Rosamund’s Gate and From the Charred
Remains (St. Martin’s/Minotaur Books).
Born and raised in Philadelphia, she lives
outside Chicago now with her husband and
two sons.
Raymond Buckland
David Burnsworth
Susanna Calkins
Raymond Buckland is the author of seven
novels and almost sixty nonfiction works,
which have been translated into seventeen
foreign languages. His first book was published in 1969. His latest is the first of the
Bram Stoker Mysteries, Cursed In the Act,
from Berkley Prime Crime. It is set in
Victorian London. An ex-Brit, Raymond
loves the Victorian age and especially enjoys
his research work on that era.
Attending Authors
Dana Cameron
Dana Cameron
P. M. Carlson
Dana Cameron can’t help mixing a little
history into her fiction. Drawing from her
expertise in archaeology, Dana’s work has
won multiple Agatha, Anthony and
Macavity Awards and earned an Edgar®
Award nomination. The first two urban
fantasy adventure novels set in her
Fangborn ‘verse, Seven Kinds of Hell (2013)
and Pack of Strays (2014), were published
by 47North. Dana lives in Massachusetts
with her husband and benevolent
feline overlords.
P. M. Carlson, born in Guatemala and former President of Sisters in Crime, taught
psychology at Cornell before deciding that
mystery writing was more fun. Her dozen
mystery novels include nominees for
Edgar®, Macavity and Anthony awards.
Two short stories were Agatha nominees.
Currently, Crum Creek Press is reissuing her
Maggie Ryan novels. She lives in New York
with her husband and a Belgian sheepdog
named Nero Wolfe.
P. M. Carlson
Trish Carrico
JoAnna Carl
JoAnna Carl
The Chocolate Clown Corpse, the fourteenth
book in the Chocoholic series by JoAnna
Carl, will be published next fall. These
feature a young woman who is business
manager of a company making luxury
chocolates in a resort on Lake Michigan.
JoAnna has also written under the name
Eve K. Sandstrom, and books from her Nell
Matthews series are available as ebooks.
Trish Carrico
Trish Carrico has been fascinated by words
since she learned to read at age three. As a
girl, she went from rewriting the endings of
her favorite books to reviewing books for
her high school paper. Later on, after a stint
in the theater and public service, she was an
editor and wrote freelance articles for The
Washington Post. Her story, “Death Near the
Rim of Heaven,” appeared in Chesapeake
Crimes: They Had It Comin’.
Jessie Chandler
Kate Carlisle
Kate Carlisle
New York Times bestselling author Kate
Carlisle is a native Californian who worked
in television production for many years
before turning to writing. Her Bibliophile
Mystery series features protagonist Brooklyn
Wainwright, whose rare book restoration
skills invariably uncover old secrets, treachery and murder. Kate is also the author of
the Fixer-Upper Mysteries, featuring smalltown girl Shannon Hammer, a building contractor specializing in Victorian home
restoration. Book one, A High-End Finish,
will debut in November, 2014.
Jessie Chandler
Joelle Charbonneau
Jessie Chandler is the award-winning
author of the Shay O’Hanlon Caper series.
She lives in Minneapolis, MN, with her
partner and two mutts, Fozzy Bear and
Ollie. In the fall and winter, Jessie writes her
heart out, and spends her summers selling
unique, artsy T-shirts and other assorted
trinkets to unsuspecting conference and festival goers in her spare time. She’s a former
State Patrol dispatcher and police officer,
and resides in Minneapolis.
Joelle Charbonneau has performed in opera
and musical theatre productions across
Chicagoland. She now teaches private voice
lessons and is the author of two mystery
series: the Rebecca Robbins mysteries
(Minotaur Books) and the Glee Club mysteries (Berkley). Joelle is also the author of
New York Times bestselling The Testing trilogy.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Erika Chase
Erika Chase
Sandra Carey Cody
Erika Chase, in a parallel life aka Linda
Wiken, is a former mystery bookstore
owner. The third book in the Ashton
Corners Book Club mysteries, Cover Story,
came out last August. The fourth, Book Fair
and Foul, is due later this year. Her short
stories have appeared in the Ladies’ Killing
Circle anthologies and in magazines. She’s
been short-listed for an Arthur Ellis Award
from Crime Writers of Canada and for an
Agatha for Best First Novel.
Sandra Carey Cody grew up in the Midwest,
lived in various other areas until settling in
southeastern Pennsylvania. Her Jennie
Connors series is set in a retirement community and explores the challenges facing a
single mother as she learns to balance independence with family and career responsibilities — all while solving the occasional
murder. Her standalone novel, Love and Not
Destroy, is set in a real museum in the small
town where she lives.
Sandra Carey
Leone Ciporin
Leone Ciporin
Anne Cleeland
Leone Ciporin has had several short stories
published, including four mini-mysteries in
Woman’s World magazine and stories in two
Chesapeake Crimes anthologies. Her story,
“Invisible Women,” was published in The
Hook, a Charlottesville weekly, in July, 2012,
after John Grisham awarded it third place in
a fiction contest. She has moderated panels
at the Virginia Festival of the Book and is a
member of Mystery Writers of America and
Sisters in Crime.
Malice Domestic 26
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Cohen writes funny mysteries like the
Aaron Tucker and Comedy Tonight (formerly Double Feature) series, and as E.J.
Copperman writes the Haunted Guesthouse
mystery series for Berkley Prime Crime. The
sixth in that series, Inspector Specter, will be
published in 2014. The Question of the Missing
Head, first in the Asperger’s Mystery series
from Midnight Ink, will also be published
this year.
Anne Cleeland
Nancy J. Cohen
Anne Cleeland holds a degree in English from
UCLA as well as a degree in law from
Pepperdine University, and is a member of the
California State Bar. She writes a historical fiction series set in the Regency period as well as
a contemporary mystery series set in New
Scotland Yard. A member of the Historical
Novel Society and Mystery Writers of America,
she lives in California and has four children.
Nancy J. Cohen is an award-winning author
who writes romance and mysteries. Her
humorous Bad Hair Day mystery series features hairdresser Marla Shore, who solves
crimes with wit and style under the sultry
Florida sun. Several of these titles have
made the IMBA bestseller list. Hanging by a
Hair is the eleventh and most recent book in
this series. A frequent speaker at libraries,
conferences and community groups, Nancy
enjoys meeting readers.
John Clement
John Clement
Jeff Cohen
Nancy J. Cohen
John Clement is the author of the popular
Dixie Hemingway Mystery Series created by
his mother, writer Blaize Clement (1932–
2011). His first book, The Cat Sitter’s Cradle
(2013 St. Martins/Minotaur), received
unanimous praise from fans and critics alike.
The Cat Sitter’s Nine Lives will appear in July,
2014. He divides his time between Sarasota,
FL, and New York City, where he’s currently
working on the 10th book in the series.
On Twitter @johnclement.
Attending Authors
Sheila Connolly
Susan Rogers
Sheila Connolly
Amy Corwin
Sheila Connolly, Agatha and Anthony
award nominee and New York Times bestseller, writes the Orchard Mysteries, the
Museum Mysteries and the County Cork
Mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. She has
published ebooks through Beyond the Page
Press, most recently Reunion with Death. Her
short stories include “That Other Woman” in
Level Best Books’ Stone Cold anthology, as
well as e-stories from Berkley Prime Crime
and Beyond the Page.
Amy Corwin has been writing for over ten
years and writes historical and contemporary mysteries. Her most recent book,
Whacked!, was released December, 2012, by
Five Star. As a writer, mysteries came naturally to her after she discovered that killing
off at least one character is a highly effective
way to make the remaining ones toe the
plot line. When she’s not writing, she’s baking bread, working in the garden or bird
Amy Corwin
Susan Rogers Cooper
Shelley Costa
Susan Rogers Cooper is half fifth-generation Texan and half-Yankee, but the Texas
side seems to be winning. She is the author
of twelve books in the Milt Kovak
series and ten in the E.J. Pugh series.
She’s a novice poker player, a piss-poor
backgammon player and likes to read
recipes, although she no longer cooks. She
lives in the Austin area and is the grandmother of three precocious children.
A 2004 Edgar® nominee for Best Short
Story, Shelley Costa is the author of You
Cannoli Die Once (Simon and Schuster,
2013). The second in the series, Basil
Instinct, comes out in June, 2014. Her
mystery stories have appeared in Alfred
Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Blood on Their
Hands, The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime
Stories and Crimewave (UK). Shelley teaches
creative writing at the Cleveland Institute
of Art.
Shelley Costa
Gary Corby
Gary Corby
Gary Corby is an Australian writer from
Sydney. He has combined his love of ancient
history with puzzle whodunits and a dash of
humor to create a successful mystery series
set in the golden age of Greece. His hero
Nicolaos walks the mean streets of classical
Athens as the world’s first private agent. The
fourth book in the series, just released, is
The Marathon Conspiracy.
Maya Corrigan
Maya Corrigan
Maya, Mary Ann Corrigan, lives outside
Washington, D.C., an easy drive from
Maryland’s Eastern Shore, the setting for
her culinary mysteries. The series debuts in
November, 2014 with By Cook or By Crook. Her
novel, The Art of Deceit, won the ’13 Daphne
du Maurier Award of Excellence in
Unpublished Mainstream Mystery/Suspense.
Her mysteries have appeared in two
Chesapeake Crimes anthologies. Maya’s website
features fun trivia about food and mysteries.
Jessie Crockett
Jessie Crockett
As a nearly lifelong resident of the Granite
State, Jessie naturally adores black flies,
killing frosts in August and snow banks
taller than the average grandmother.
When not writing she combs the beach
and throws parties. She delights in mentoring young writers at local schools. Jessie
lives with her dark and mysterious husband and exuberant children in a village so
small many other New Hampshire residents have never heard of it.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Waverly Curtis
Waverly Curtis
Krista Davis
Waverly Curtis is the pseudonym of Waverly
Fitzgerald and Curt Colbert, authors of Dial
C for Chihuahua, Chihuahua Confidential and
The Big Chihuahua, published by Kensington.
Curt is also the author of three hard-boiled
historical mysteries (Rat City, Sayonaraville
and Queer Street), and the editor of Seattle
Noir. Waverly is the author of a Victorian
historical romance, St John’s Wood, and a
nonfiction book, Slow Time.
Krista Davis’s new series debuted in
December with Murder, She Barked. She also
writes the bestselling Domestic Diva
Mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. The Diva
Wraps It Up will be released June 3rd.
Several of her books and a short story have
been nominated for the Agatha award.
Krista lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of
Virginia with three dogs and two cats who
humor her because they can’t reach the
treat jars.
Krista Davis
Jeanne M. Dams
Jeanne M. Dams
Jeanne M. Dams writes “cheerful mysteries” in two series. Her protagonist, Dorothy
Martin, is a sixtyish American, living and
sleuthing in contemporary England.
(The first “Dorothy” book won the 1995
Agatha.) Hilda Johansson is a young
Swedish immigrant in South Bend, IN,
in the early 1900s, housemaid to the
Studebaker family. The latest Dorothy is
Shadows of Death; look for Day of Vengeance
soon. (Hilda is resting just now.)
Pam De Voe
Pam De Voe
Pam De Voe is a cultural anthropologist,
which accounts for her being an incorrigible
magpie for collecting seemingly irrelevant
information. She’s published extensively in
the social sciences and has won awards for
her poetry. For the past four years, she’s
posted monthly author interviews for the
Greater St. Louis Sisters in Crime — blog Her first mystery, A
Tangled Yarn, by Annie’s Publishing came
out in late 2013.
Annette Dashofy
Annette Dashofy
Malice Domestic 26
Annette Dashofy, a farm gal and a former
EMT, is the author of Circle of Influence,
the first Zoe Chambers Mystery about a
paramedic/deputy coroner in rural
Pennsylvania. Annette’s short fiction,
including a 2007 Derringer nominee, has
appeared in Spinetingler, Mysterical-e, Fish
Tales: the Guppy Anthology and Lucky Charms:
12 Crime Stories (December, 2013). She lives
with her husband and two very spoiled cats
on property that was once part of her
grandfather’s dairy.
Mary-Jane Deeb
Mary-Jane Deeb
Mary-Jane Deeb has authored a number
of mystery novels including Cocktails and
Murder on the Potomac (2000), Murder on the
Riviera (2004,2012), A Christmas Mystery in
Provence (2004, 2012) and Death of a
Harlequin (2012). She also works at the
Library of Congress, where she is Chief
of the African and Middle Eastern Division.
Deeb holds a doctorate from the Johns
Hopkins University in International
Relations and has published several
nonfiction books as well.
Attending Authors
Vicki Delany
Vicki Delany
Catherine Dilts
“It’s a crime not to read Delany,” says the
London Free Press. Vicki Delany is one of
Canada’s most prolific and varied crime
writers. A Cold White Sun is the sixth book in
the Smith & Winters police series. She also
writes the light-hearted Klondike Gold Rush
books and novels of gothic suspense. Having
taken early retirement from her job as a
systems analyst, Vicki enjoys the rural life
in bucolic, Prince Edward County, Ontario.
Catherine Dilts believes rock shops, like
geodes, contain treasures hidden inside
their plain-as-dirt exteriors. In her debut
novel, Stone Cold Dead — A Rock Shop Mystery,
business at the family rock shop may be
dead as a dinosaur, but when Morgan
Iverson discovers a body, more than just
the shop could become extinct. Catherine’s
short fiction appears in Alfred Hitchcock
Mystery Magazine. She works as an
environmental scientist, and plays at
gardening, camping and fishing.
Catherine Dilts
Hannah Dennison
British born, Hannah originally moved to
Los Angeles to pursue screenwriting. She
has been an obituary reporter, antique
dealer, private jet flight attendant and
Hollywood story analyst. Now living in
Portland, OR, Hannah continues to teach
mystery writing at UCLA Extension and still
works for a west coast advertising agency.
Hannah Dennison Hannah writes the Vicky Hill Mysteries and
the first book in her new series, Murder at
Honeychurch Hall, (Minotaur) is available
at Malice.
Laura DiSilverio
Laura DiSilverio is a multi-published crime
fiction author whose works include the
upcoming standalone, The Reckoning Stones,
and the Readaholics Book Club Mysteries
(first two books out in 2015). She plots
murders and parents teens in Colorado,
trying to keep the two tasks separate.
Laura DiSilverio
Carole Nelson Douglas
Christine DeSmet
Christine DeSmet
Christine DeSmet’s new Fudge Shop
Mystery series includes First-Degree Fudge
and the forthcoming Hot Fudge Frame-Up. Set
in Door County, WI, on Lake Michigan, the
series features Ava Oosterling, the first
Belgian sleuth since Hercule Poirot. Ava
operates a bait-and-fudge shop with her
Grandpa Gil. Christine is also the author of a
suspense novel, mystery short stories and
optioned scripts. She teaches writing at
University of Wisconsin-Madison where she
directs a June writing retreat.
Carole Nelson
Carole Nelson Douglas reinvented Irene
Adler as a formidable diva-detective and
remade Las Vegas twice: “slightly surreal”
for Midnight Louie, feline PI (Cat in a Yellow
Spotlight), and “post-apocalyptic” for Delilah
Street, PI (Paranormal Investigator). Carole’s
award-winning sixty novels have made
mystery, fantasy and romance bestseller lists
and are now coming out in ebook. An
inductee into the Texas Literary Hall of
Fame, she loves animals great and small,
vintage clothing and just desserts. Photo:
Sam Douglas
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Michele Drier
Michele Drier
Martin Edwards
Michele Drier was born in Santa Cruz and
is a fifth generation Californian. She’s lived
and worked all over the state, calling both
Southern and Northern California home.
During her career in journalism — as a
reporter and editor at daily newspapers —
she won awards for producing investigative
series. She writes the Amy Hobbes
Newspaper mysteries and the six-book
Kandesky Vampire Chronicles paranormal
romance series, and has just published her
eighth book, SNAP: Happily Ever After?
Martin Edwards’ Lake District Mysteries
include The Coffin Trail (short-listed for the
Theakston’s prize for best British crime
novel), The Hanging Wood and The Frozen
Shroud. The latest of his 8 Harry Devlin
novels is Waterloo Sunset, while his most
recent novel, Dancing for the Hangman, offers
a fresh take on the Crippen case. He
has edited 21 anthologies, published 8
nonfiction books and won the CWA Short
Story Award in 2008.
Martin Edwards
Elizabeth J. Duncan
Elizabeth J.
Elizabeth J. Duncan’s first work of fiction,
The Cold Light of Mourning, won the William
F. Deeck-Malice Domestic Grant and St.
Martin’s Press/Malice Domestic Award and
was nominated for both an Agatha Award
and Arthur Ellis Award (Canada). A
Small Hill to Die On, fourth in the Penny
Brannigan series, won the 2013 Bloody
Words Best Light Mystery award. Elizabeth
lives in Toronto and spends several months
each year in North Wales where her books
are set.
Kathleen Ernst
Kathleen Ernst
Kathleen’s latest children’s mystery is Traitor
in the Shipyard: A Caroline Mystery from
American Girl. The Chloe Ellefson mysteries
for adult readers reflect the decade Kathleen
spent as an historic sites curator. Heritage of
Darkness will be followed this fall by Tradition
of Deceit. Honors for her work include
Agatha and Edgar® nominations.
Kathleen lives and writes in Wisconsin,
but takes great pleasure in research trips
to new locales!
Stephanie Jaye Evans
Dawn Eastman
Dawn Eastman
Malice Domestic 26
Dawn Eastman lived in Michigan for many
years, in a house full of animals, unusual
people and laughter. She now lives in Iowa
with her family and one extremely bossy
small dog. She is the national bestselling
author of Pall in the Family, the first in the
Family Fortune Mystery series, which
features psychics, animal communication,
quirky characters and murders. Be Careful
What You Witch For will be released
July 1, 2014.
Stephanie Jaye
Her first book, Faithful Unto Death, won the
William F. Deeck-Malice Domestic Grant for
Unpublished Writers, was a Library Journal
Debut of the Month and an Agatha
nominee for Best First Novel. Safe from
Harm was second in the Sugar Land
Mystery Series. Kirkus Reviews: “As
charming and wry as Evans’ bright
debut...filled with reasons to own dogs,
love your children and your wife, and have
faith.” She is at work on her third novel.
Attending Authors
Terence Faherty
Terence Faherty
Amanda Flower
Terence Faherty’s new book, Eastward
in Eden, is the eighth installment in his
Edgar®-nominated Owen Keane series,
which follows the adventures of a failed
seminarian turned metaphysical detective.
Eden is set in rural Kenya, where Keane has
gone to help a missionary friend from his
school days. Terry’s first standalone novel,
The Quiet Woman, will be out in June.
A former technical writer, Terry lives in
Indianapolis, IN, with his wife Jan.
Former Agatha Award nominee Amanda
Flower writes Amish-themed cozies under
her own name and the pseudonym Isabella
Alan. Her latest release, Murder, Plain and
Simple, is the first of the Amish Quilt Shop
Mysteries. Book two, Murder, Simply Stitched,
releases in June, 2014. She also writes
middle grade mysteries. Booklist said her
children’s debut, Andi Unexpected, was in
“the upstanding tradition of Nancy Drew
and Harriet the Spy.” Amanda, a college
librarian, lives near Cleveland.
Amanda Flower
Lisa Fernow
Lisa Fernow
Lisa Fernow grew up on the classic mysteries of Ngaio Marsh and Elizabeth Peters.
Dead on Her Feet is her first book in a
planned series set in the tango world. Lisa
has danced Argentine tango since 1996,
studying with legendary masters in
Argentina and the U.S. Her short story,
“Death of a Tango Dancer,” was featured in
King County Library System’s Take Time to
Read Program. Lisa lives in Seattle.
Christina Freeburn
Kay Finch
Kay Finch
Mystery author Kay Finch is currently writing her new Bad Luck Cat Mystery series set
in the Texas Hill Country to be published by
Berkley beginning in 2015. Her Klutter
Killer mystery, Relative Chaos, features a professional organizer who finds a dead body in
a hoarder’s garage. Kay lives in a Houston,
TX, suburb with her husband, two rescue
dogs and a cat.
Shelley Freydont
Kate Flora
Kate Flora
Kate Flora’s books include seven Thea
Kozak mysteries and three Joe Burgess
police procedurals. Her short story, “Family
Jewels,” appears in the anthology Stone Cold.
Her true crime, Death Dealer, debuts in
August; her police procedural, And Grant You
Peace, in October. Flora won the 2013 Maine
Literary Award for Crime Fiction. She’s a
founder of the New England Crime Bake,
and a former editor at Level Best Books.
She teaches writing at Grub Street.
Christina Freeburn served in the U.S. Army
JAG Corps and also worked as a paralegal,
librarian and church secretary. The Scrap
This Mystery Series (Cropped to Death,
Designed to Death and forthcoming
Embellished to Death) brings together her
love of mysteries, scrapbooking and West
Virginia. She’s working on future books in
the Faith Hunter Scrap This mystery series
published by Henery Press. She also writes
a romantic suspense series published by
Desert Breeze Publishing.
Shelley Freydont
Shelley Freydont is the author of the Liv
Montgomery Celebration Bay Mysteries,
Foul Play at the Fair, Silent Knife, Independence
Slay (7/14) and the upcoming Newport
Gilded Age Mysteries, beginning with A
Gilded Grave (TBA). As Shelley Noble, she is
The New York Times bestselling author of
women’s fiction (Beach Colors, Stargazey Point,
Breakwater Bay [6/14]). A former professional dancer and choreographer, Shelley
lives at the Jersey shore and loves to hear
from readers.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Susan Froetschel
Susan Froetschel
Daryl Wood Gerber
Susan Froetschel is author of four mystery
novels, including Fear of Beauty, published by
Seventh Street Books in 2013. Set in rural
Afghanistan, the book tells the story of a
woman desperate to learn how to read after
the death of her oldest son, of bitter opponents who find common interests. The
Mischief-Makers will be published in 2015.
Froetschel has also worked for YaleGlobal
Online since 2005 covering globalization.
Daryl Wood Gerber aka Avery Aames.
As Avery, she pens the Agatha Awardwinning, nationally bestselling Cheese
Shop mystery series. As Daryl, she
writes the nationally bestselling Cookbook
Nook mystery series. Daryl’s short stories
have been nominated for the Agatha and
more. Fun tidbit: as an actress, Daryl
appeared in Murder, She Wrote. Visit Daryl
aka Avery at
Daryl Wood
Barb Goffman
Rosie Genova
Rosie Genova
A Jersey girl born and bred, Rosie Genova
left her heart at the shore. Her new series,
the Italian Kitchen Mysteries, was inspired
by a love of the beach, Italian food and
Nancy Drew. Her debut novel, Murder and
Marinara, was named a Best Cozy of 2013
by Suspense Magazine. The second book in
the series, The Wedding Soup Murder, releases
in September. Rosie lives in central Jersey
with her husband and two of her three sons.
Barb Goffman
Like your crime short and sweet? So does
Barb Goffman. She’s the author of the 2013
short-story collection Don’t Get Mad, Get Even.
Barb is nominated for the Agatha Award
twice this weekend, won the 2013 Macavity
Award for best short story and has been
nominated multiple times before for the
Agatha, Anthony and Macavity awards.
Barb is Malice Domestic’s program chair,
runs a freelance crime-fiction editing service
and co-edits the award-winning Chesapeake
Crimes series.
Kaye George
Kaye George
Malice Domestic 26
Kaye George, twice-Agatha-nominated
writer, writes these mystery series: Imogene
Duckworthy, Cressa Carraway (Barking Rain
Press), People of the Wind (Untreed Reads),
and, as Janet Cantrell, Fat Cat debuting in
September (Berkley Prime Crime). Her short
stories appear in anthologies and magazines
as well as her own collection, A Patchwork of
Stories. Her reviews run in Suspense Magazine
and articles in several newsletters and blogs.
She gives workshops on various subjects.
She lives in Knoxville, TN.
Sally Goldenbaum
Sally Goldenbaum is the author of
thirty-five novels, most currently the Seaside
Knitters Mystery Series, set in a small town
north of Boston. Murder in Merino, the eighth
in the series, will be released May 6. Sally
also wrote the Queen Bees Quilter mystery
series. She lives in land-locked Kansas but
visits Cape Ann, MA, the inspiration for
Sally Goldenbaum her series (and home of three amazing
grandchildren and their parents), every
chance she gets.
Attending Authors
Debra H.
Debra H. Goldstein
Cher’ley Grogg
Debra H. Goldstein is the author of 2012
IPPY Award winning Maze in Blue, a mystery
set on the University of Michigan’s campus
in the 1970’s. Recently published short stories and nonfiction essays include “A
Political Cornucopia,” “Meme’s Place,”
“Grandma’s Garden,” “Legal Magic” and
“Maybe I Should Hug You.” Her writing is
influenced by being a federal Administrative
Law Judge and being married to an
Alabama native whose blood runs crimson.
Cher’ley Grogg writes different genres.
The Journey Back— One Joy at a Time is a
devotional book; Stamp Out Murder is a cozy
mystery and The Secret in Grandma’s Trunk is
a YA novel. Cher’ley is featured in Small
Town America and West Virginia Memories.
She drives an eighteen-wheeler, enjoys
photography, painting, fishing, reading,
walking, dancing and long baths. She
loves the Lord, her husband, children,
grandchildren and her Cairn Terrier, Tootsie.
Barbara Graham
Parnell Hall
Barbara Graham began making up stories in
the third grade instead of learning math.
Always a “book nut” and later a “quilting
nut,” she combines the two sides of her personality in her Quilted Mystery series. The
fifth book in the series, Murder by Sunlight:
The Charity Quilt released October, 2013.
Parnell Hall is the author of the Puzzle Lady
crossword puzzle mysteries, the Stanley
Hastings private eye novels and the Steve
Winslow courtroom dramas. He has several
music videos on YouTube, including A Cozy
Mystery, shot at last year’s Malice.
Barbara Graham
Doug Greene
Cher’ley Grogg
Parnell Hall
Doug Greene
Pam Andrews Hanson
Doug Greene has been honored with Malice
Domestic’s Poirot Award as well as the
Ellery Queen Award from the MWA and the
George N. Dove Award from the Popular
Culture Association. He is the author of John
Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles,
and editor of anthologies from Dover,
Harper and Doubleday. As publisher of
Crippen & Landru, he has issued more than
100 short story collections. To recognize his
70th birthday, McFarland is publishing
Mysteries Unlocked: Essays in Honor of Douglas
G. Greene this summer.
Pam Andrews Hanson, a former journalist, is
the co-author with her mother/writing partner Barbara Andrews of 40 novels including
romance, inspirational women’s fiction and
mystery. This spring, Guideposts released
Chesapeake Antique Mysteries, Forgotten History
and Hidden Treasures, a two-book set by the
duo. Perhaps the real mystery is how a mom
and daughter can write together for more
than 20 years! Currently Pam is working on
a new cozy mystery project of her own.
Pam Andrews
Peggy Hanson
Peggy Hanson
Peggy Hanson enjoys an international life
and loves to share it with her readers. The
Deadline series starring journalist Elizabeth
Darcy is her first venture into fiction. The
books reflect her life in Turkey, Yemen, India
and Indonesia as Peace Corps volunteer,
international radio broadcaster and English
teacher. Like many reporters, she chafed at
having to stick to facts. Fiction is so much
more fun!
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Sherry Harris
Sherry Harris
Sherry Harris started bargain hunting in
second grade at her best friend’s yard sale.
She honed her bartering skills as she moved
around the country while her husband
served in the Air Force. Sherry uses her love
of garage sales, her life as a military spouse
and her time living in Massachusetts as
inspiration for the Sarah Winston Garage
Sale series. Tagged for Death, first in the
series, will be out in December, 2014.
Marion Moore Hill
Marion Moore Hill writes the Scrappy
Librarian Mysteries (about an intrepid
Oklahoma librarian) and the Deadly Past
Mysteries (contemporary novels that
relate to various Founding Fathers). In
Cook the Books, the just-published third
entry in the former series, protagonist
Juanita Wills investigates a murder of
Marion Moore Hill which her adult-literacy tutee is accused.
Hill is a former reporter, college English
and journalism teacher, and legal secretary. She lives in Oklahoma.
Carolyn Hart
Carolyn Hart
Carolyn Hart is the author of 52 novels.
She won the first Agatha for Best Novel
for Death on Demand. She has served as
Guest of Honor and received the Lifetime
Achievement and Amelia Awards. If she is
ever marooned on a desert island, she wants
her companions to be mystery readers
because they will follow the rules and one
of them will be smart enough to get them
off the island.
Sasscer Hill
Sasscer Hill
J. A. Hennrikus
J. A. Hennrikus
J. A. Hennrikus has published three short
stories with Level Best Books. She is the
President of Sisters in Crime New England,
is on the national board of SinC and is a
member of Mystery Writers of America.
She blogs with
In 2015, she will debut the Clock Shop
Mystery series under the name
Julianne Holmes.
Julie tweets under @JulieHennrikus.
Sara J. Henry
Sara J. Henry
Malice Domestic 26
Sara J. Henry is a former magazine and
book editor who’s also been a soil scientist
and a bicycle mechanic. Her first novel,
Learning to Swim (2011), won the Agatha,
Anthony and Mary Higgins Clark awards,
and A Cold and Lonely Place (2013) won the
Silver Falchion award. The books are set in
the Adirondacks, where Sara worked as a
newspaper and magazine writer. She’s
from Tennessee and now lives in
southern Vermont.
Sasscer Hill, a former Maryland racehorse
breeder, trainer and rider, uses the sport of
kings as a backdrop for her mysteries. Her
“vivid descriptive” prose about greed, evil,
heart and courage propelled her novels to
multiple award nominations including an
Agatha, a Macavity and the Dr. Tony Ryan
Best in Racing Literature Award. Hill earned
a BA in English Literature from Franklin
and Marshall College and now lives with
her husband in Aiken, SC.
Naomi Hirahara
Naomi Hirahara is the Edgar® Awardwinning author of the Mas Arai series,
which features an L.A.-based gardener
and Hiroshima survivor who solves crimes.
Murder on Bamboo Lane, the first in her new
female bicycle cop series, was released on
April 1 by Berkley Prime Crime.
Naomi Hirahara
Judy Hogan
Judy Hogan
Judy Hogan (Killer Frost, Mainly Murder
[2012] and Farm Fresh and Fatal [2013]) in
her Penny Weaver series takes up community issues worked on by an interracial
group of activists. She is also a published
poet: Beaver Soul, 2013, Finishing Line Press.
Founder/Editor of Carolina Wren Press
(1976–91), a freelance editor and teacher of
creative writing, she is also a small farmer in
Moncure, NC. On her blog she often
reviews other mystery authors.
Attending Authors
Melodie Johnson
Melodie Johnson Howe
Maddy Hunter
Melodie Johnson Howe is the author of City
of Mirrors, A Diana Poole Thriller. She has also
written the Edgar® nominated The Mother
Shadow, and Beauty Dies; a collection of short
fiction, Shooting Hollywood: the Diana Poole
Stories; and a play, The Lady of the House.
After a career in movies and television, she
quit acting to write crimes novels. She lives
in Santa Barbara with her husband and
two dogs.
When Maddy Hunter travels to faraway
lands, she’s always on the lookout for places
to kill imaginary characters. Sharing her
exploits are one long-suffering travel escort
and twelve Iowa seniors who have set up
housekeeping in her head. The gang’s latest
misadventure finds them enjoying a river
cruise on the Seine where, of course, no
one dies and nothing goes wrong. Fleur De
Lies is the 9th installment in her humorous
Passport to Peril series.
Maddy Hunter
Maria Hudgins
Maria Hudgins
Maria Hudgins writes the Dotsy Lamb Travel
Mysteries and the Lacy Glass Archaeology
Mysteries. The fifth book in the Dotsy Lamb
series, Death in an Ivory Tower, will be out this
June. It is set in the beautiful, ancient
university town of Oxford, UK. She and her
fellow Sisters in Crime have produced an
anthology, released this January, called
Virginia is for Mysteries. All seventeen stories
are set in the Old Dominion. Maria lives in
Hampton, VA, and travels a lot.
Teresa Inge
Teresa Inge
Mary Ellen Hughes
Mary Ellen
Mary Ellen Hughes is excited to see The
Pickled Piper, the first in her brand new
Pickled and Preserved mystery series, debut
at Malice Domestic 26. Author of the popular Craft Corner mysteries (Wreath of
Deception, String of Lies and Paper-thin Alibi) as
well as the Maggie Olenski mysteries (Resort
to Murder and A Taste of Death), Mary Ellen
hails from Wisconsin but currently lives and
writes — and tests pickles — in Maryland.
KB Inglee
KB Inglee
Linda Joffe Hull
Linda Joffe Hull
Teresa Inge grew up in North Carolina reading Nancy Drew mysteries. Today she
doesn’t carry a rod, like her idol, but she
hotrods. She assists two busy executives
and is president of Sisters in Crime, Virginia
Beach chapter. Love of reading mysteries
and writing professional articles led to
writing short fiction and a novel. Look for
Fishing for Murder-Fish Nets, Wildside Press;
Guide to Murder and Shopping for Murder,
Virginia is for Mysteries, Koehler Books.
KB Inglee’s stories are set in America
from the Colonial Period through the Gay
Nineties. She works as an interpreter at
two living history museums where she
tends a flock of heritage sheep and operates
a water powered grist mill. Her short
stories have been published in Death Knell
IV and V, and in Fish Tales and Fish Nets.
She is a past president of Delaware Valley
Sisters in Crime.
Linda Joffe Hull is the author of The Big
Bang (Tyrus Books) and Eternally 21
(Midnight Ink), the first title in the Mrs.
Frugalicious mystery series. She lives in
Denver, CO. Linda is a member of Rocky
Mountain Fiction Writers as well as Sisters
in Crime. She currently also serves on the
national board of Mystery Writers of
America as a Director-at-Large. Her next
mystery, Black Thursday, will be released in
fall, 2014.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Polly Iyer
Polly Iyer
Sybil Johnson
Polly Iyer is the author of six books of pageturning suspense, all with a touch of
romance: Hooked, InSight, Murder Déjà Vu,
Threads and the Diana Racine Psychic
Suspense series, Mind Games, and Goddess of
the Moon. She grew up on the Massachusetts
coast and studied at Massachusetts College
of Art and Design in Boston. After living in
Rome, Italy, Boston and Atlanta, she makes
her home in the beautiful Piedmont region
of South Carolina.
After a rewarding career in the computer
industry, Sybil Johnson turned to a life of
crime writing. Sybil’s debut novel, Fatal
Brushstroke, will be published by Henery
Press in 2014. The series features computer
programmer and tole painting enthusiast,
Aurora (Rory) Anderson. A past president
of Sisters in Crime/Los Angeles, Sybil also
served as co-chair of the 2011 California
Crime Writers Conference. Her short fiction
has appeared in Mysterical-E and Spinetingler
Magazine among others.
James M. Jackson
James M. Jackson
James M. Jackson is the author of the
Seamus McCree mysteries, Bad Policy and
Cabin Fever (Barking Rain Press). Known as
James Montgomery Jackson on his tax
return and to his mother whenever she
was really mad at him, he splits his time
between the woods of Michigan’s Upper
Peninsula and Georgia’s low country. Jim
has published a book on bridge, One Trick at
a Time: How to Start Winning at Bridge (Master
Point Press).
Sybil Johnson
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston’s first published fiction
appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
and won the Robert L. Fish Memorial
Award for Best First Mystery Short Story of
the year. Since then, Linda has published
more short stories, novellas and 35 romance
and mystery novels. Linda’s Pet Rescue
Mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime feature
Linda O. Johnston Lauren Vancouver, a determined pet rescuer
and mystery solver. And watch for Linda’s
upcoming Superstition Mystery Series from
Midnight Ink!
Eleanor Cawood Jones
Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
Malice Domestic 26
Kathryn Johnson (aka Mary Hart Perry),
author of over 40 published novels, teaches
in Washington, D.C., for The Writer’s
Center. CEO of Write by You, a writer’s
mentoring service, she’s an Agatha Christie
Award nominee, winner of the Heart of
Excellence and Bookseller’s Best Awards.
Recent novels include Victorian thrillers featuring Queen Victoria’s daughters. Kathryn’s
new contemporary R/S series launches in
2014. She is a member of the Author’s
Guild, RWA, MWA, SINC, NINC and HNS.
Eleanor Cawood
Eleanor is author of A Baker’s Dozen: 13 Tales
of Murder and More and Death is Coming to
Town: Four Murderous Holiday Tales. She
began her writing career in elementary
school, using a #2 pencil to craft stories
about the imaginary lives of her stuffed animal collection. A former newspaper
reporter, Eleanor lives in Northern Virginia
and is a marketing director and freelance
copywriter while working on her first mystery series and more Tales compilations.
Attending Authors
Arlene Kay
Toni L.P. Kelner
Arlene Kay
Maggie King
In another life Arlene Kay was a Senior
Executive with one of those alphabet
Federal agencies. Now she crafts fast-paced
mysteries that combine humor with improbably handsome heroes and fiendishly clever
plots. She is the author of Intrusion (2011)
and Die Laughing (2012), both from Mainly
Murder Press; The Abacus Prize (available on
Amazon); and the Swann Series: (Swann
Dive, Mantrap, Gilt Trip and Swann Song) from
Maggie King’s debut mystery, Murder at the
Book Group, comes out December 16, 2014,
from Simon and Schuster. She contributed
“A Not So Genteel Murder” to the Sisters in
Crime anthology Virginia is for Mysteries.
Maggie has worked as a software developer,
retail sales manager and customer service
supervisor. She has called New Jersey,
Massachusetts and California home and
now lives in Richmond, VA, with her husband, Glen, and cats, Morris and Olive.
Maggie King
Toni L.P. Kelner
Annie Knox
Toni L.P. Kelner is Leigh Perry in disguise, or
maybe vice versa. As Leigh, she writes the
Family Skeleton mysteries. A Skeleton in the
Family was the first, and The Skeleton Takes a
Bow comes out in September. As Toni, she’s
the author of the “Where Are They Now?”
mysteries and the Laura Fleming series, an
Agatha Award winner for short fiction and
the co-editor of urban fantasy anthologies
with Charlaine Harris.
Annie Knox (aka Wendy Lyn Watson)
believes nothing goes better with a good
mystery than a great laugh. She is the
author of the Pet Boutique Mysteries (as
Annie) and the Mysteries a la Mode (as
Wendy) along with several other historical
and contemporary (non-cozy) mysteries.
Annie/Wendy lives in Texas with a patient
husband and three spoiled felines.
Annie Knox
Ellen Larson
Tracy Kiely
Tracy Kiely
Tracy Kiely graduated with an English
degree from Trinity College in 1990.
This accomplishment, however, merely
prompted job interviewers to ask, “How fast
can you type?” Her standard answer of “not
so fast” usually put an end to further questions. That’s when she thought writing a
novel might be a good idea. Tracy’s novels
combine her love of English cozies and all
things Jane Austen. Her latest, Murder Most
Austen, was released September, 2012.
Ellen Larson
Ellen Larson’s short fiction has appeared in
Yankee, AHMM (Barry Award finalist) and
Big Pulp. She has also authored the NJ
Mysteries and The Measure of the Universe.
Her current book is In Retrospect, a dystopian
mystery (“Carefully crafted whodunit”—PW
Starred). Larson worked as a language editor
in Egypt for seventeen years and is now
editor of the Poisoned Pencil. Today she lives
in an off-grid cabin in upstate New York,
enjoying the solitude.
Jim Lavene
Jim Lavene
Jim Lavene writes mysteries with his partner, Joyce, under their name, J.J. Cook and
Ellie Grant. He has written and published
more than 70 novels for Harlequin,
Amazon, Penguin and Simon and Schuster.
He lives in rural North Carolina with his
family, and gets help writing from his cats
Quincy and Stan Lee, and his rescue
dog, Rudi.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Joyce Lavene
Joyce Lavene
Audrey Liebross
Joyce Lavene writes mysteries with her
partner, Jim, under their name, J.J. Cook
and Ellie Grant. She has written and published more than 70 novels for Harlequin,
Amazon, Penguin and Simon and Schuster.
She lives in rural North Carolina with her
family, and is president of the Murder We
Write Chapter of Sisters in Crime. She
worked as a reporter for many years, but
now writes fiction full-time.
Audrey Liebross will shortly retire from
her legal job with the federal government
and devote herself to writing. Her short
stories have been published in magazines
and Chesapeake Crimes collections. She has
completed two mystery novels (as yet
unpublished — her writing is MUCH better
than her marketing) and she is currently
working on a “fan fiction” sequel to
The Phantom of the Opera. She also writes
for Let the
dream begin....
Audrey Liebross
Con Lehane
Con Lehane
Con Lehane is the author of the forthcoming Murder at the 42nd Street Library (May,
2015, Minotaur/Thomas Dunne Books), as
well as three detective novels featuring New
York City bartender Brian McNulty: Beware
the Solitary Drinker, What Goes Around Comes
Around and Death at the Old Hotel. A former
bartender, union organizer, college professor
and labor journalist, he holds an MFA in fiction writing from Columbia University. He
teaches at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda.
Greg Lilly
Greg Lilly
Greg Lilly writes the Derek Mason Mystery
series. The latest release is Scalping the Red
Rocks. He’s also the author of the novels
Devil’s Bridge and Under a Copper Moon, and
the how-to book Sunsets & Semicolons — a
Field Guide to the Writer’s Life. His current
project is a standalone mystery set in 1690s
and present-day Virginia. Greg is a workshop presenter, magazine editor and
founder of Cherokee McGhee publishing
in Williamsburg, VA.
Allison Leotta
Allison Leotta
Allison Leotta is a former federal sex-crimes
prosecutor who now writes thrillers about
— surprise! — a fictional sex-crimes prosecutor. She also reality-checks TV crime dramas on her award-winning blog, featured
on the Huffington Post. A Harvard Law
graduate, Allison has provided legal commentary for CNN, MSNBC, PBS and others.
Her most recent book, Speak of the Devil, was
named one of the best books of 2013 by
Suspense Magazine.
Marilyn Levinson
Marilyn Levinson
Malice Domestic 26
Marilyn Levinson writes mysteries, romantic
suspense and books for kids. Her latest mystery, Murder a la Christie, is out with Oak Tree
Press. Lexie Driscoll leads a Golden Age of
Mystery book club whose members drop
like the characters in Ten Little Indians.
She’s the author of A Murderer Among Us,
a Suspense Magazine Best Indie; Murder in the
Air and Giving Up the Ghost. Her mysteries
take place on Long Island, where she lives.
Liz Lipperman
Liz Lipperman
Liz Lipperman writes the cozy series, the
Clueless Cook Mysteries, from Berkley
Prime Crime. Book 4 of that series, Chicken
Caccia-Killer released in December from
Story Vault. She also writes the Dead Sister
Talking Mysteries for Midnight Ink as
Lizbeth Lipperman with Book 2, Jailhouse
Glock, releasing in May. Also as Lizbeth
Lipperman, she writes romantic
suspense/mystery and has a new series
debuting this year called Sweepers. When
she’s not writing at her desk in Texas,
she loves spoiling her four adorable
Attending Authors
Anna Loan-Wilsey
Anna Loan-Wilsey writes the historical
Hattie Davish mystery series. Anna combines
her love of history and travel by sending the
crime-solving Victorian private secretary to
a different historic town in each book. The
first in the series, A Lack of Temperance, set in
1890’s Eureka Springs, AR, was an Amazon
bestseller. Hattie’s next adventure is A Sense of
Anna Loan-Wilsey Entitlement, set in Newport, RI (June, 2014).
Anna lives in a Victorian farmhouse in the
Iowa countryside.
C. Ellett Logan
Kendel Lynn
Kendel Lynn
C. Ellett Logan
Molly MacRae
C. Ellett Logan spent the first half of her
life in the Deep South, an experience that
informs her writing, Southern-Gothic-style.
A member of SinC and MWA, Logan’s
perfect home is the Mid-Atlantic crimefiction community, with homes for her short
stories in three Chesapeake Crimes anthologies
(Wildside Press), To Hell in a Fast Car (Dark
Quest) and Mermaid 13 (Padwolf). Her
completed novel, Miasma, is book one of
the The Quagmire Murders, set in Virginia’s
coastal area.
The Boston Globe says Molly MacRae writes
“murder with a dose of drollery.” She’s the
author of the award-winning Haunted Yarn
Shop Mysteries, published by Penguin/NAL,
including the recently released Spinning
in Her Grave. Molly’s short stories have
appeared in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine
since 1990. After twenty years in northeast
Tennessee, Molly now lives with her family
in Champaign, IL.
Molly MacRae
G.M. Malliet
Kylie Logan
Kylie Logan
Kendel Lynn is a Southern California native
who now parks her flip-flops in Dallas, TX.
Her debut novel, Board Stiff, is an Agatha
Award nominee for Best First Novel. It features Elliott Lisbon, a mostly amateur sleuth
who has a slight aversion to all things germy
and is only five thousand hours away from
getting her South Carolina PI license. Along
with writing, Kendel spends her days editing, designing and reading subs from the
slush pile.
Kylie Logan (who also writes as Casey
Daniels) is the author of the Button Box,
the League of Literary Ladies, and the Chili
Cook-Off mystery series. Her newest book is
#2 in the League series, A Tale of Two Biddies,
the story of a court-ordered book discussion
group, a Bastille Day celebration, a Charles
Dickens look-alike contest and a band
called Guillotine.
G.M. Malliet
G.M. Malliet is the Agatha Award-winning
author of the DCI St. Just and Father Max
Tudor mysteries and nominee for the
Anthony, Macavity, Left Coast Crime, IPPY,
David and Dilys awards as well as for this
year’s Agatha for Best Novel. Pagan Spring,
also nominated for the Dilys, is the latest
Max Tudor in what The New York Times calls
a “charming series.” Two of her short stories
just appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery
Magazine and The Strand Magazine.
Alice Loweecey
Alice Loweecey
Baker of brownies and tormentor of characters, Alice Loweecey recently celebrated her
30th year outside the convent. Her first
three books starring ex-nun Private
Investigator Giulia Falcone are Force of Habit,
Back in the Habit and Veiled Threat. Giulia will
begin investigating again in January, 2015
with new mysteries from Henery Press.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Sujata Massey
Sujata Massey
Mary McHugh
Sujata Massey is best known for the
Agatha-winning mystery series featuring Rei
Shimura, a young woman in modern Japan.
Sujata’s most recent books are The Sleeping
Dictionary, a historical suspense novel set in
World War II Calcutta, and The Ayah’s Tale,
an e-novella about a children’s nursemaid
in 1920s colonial India. Sujata lives in
Baltimore, but her imagination is usually
in another country.
Mary McHugh is the author of 22 nonfiction books, including the award-winning
Special Siblings. She is writing a series of cozy
mysteries for Kensington Books about five
gorgeous women in their fifties who tap
dance on cruise ships, luxury trains and
resorts. Chorus Lines, Caviar and Corpses will
be published in November, 2014. Mary was
an editor at three national magazines, a
researcher for The New York Times, and
wrote for Good Housekeeping, Family Circle
and Cosmopolitan.
Mary McHugh
Edith Maxwell
Edith Maxwell
Former organic farmer Edith Maxwell’s
‘Til Dirt Do Us Part is the second in the Local
Foods Mysteries (Kensington Publishing).
Edith also writes the Speaking of Mystery
series (written as Tace Baker) from Barking
Rain Press. Her latest short crime fiction is
“Breaking the Silence” in Stone Cold (Level
Best Books). Edith lives north of Boston
in an antique house with her beau, three
cats and a small organic garden.
Catriona McPherson
Catriona has won an Agatha, a Macavity
and a Bruce Alexander for the Dandy Gilver
series, set in her native Scotland in the
1920s. In 2013 she embarked on a new
strand of contemporary standalones and the
first, As She Left It, was a Kirkus top twenty
pick of the year. Catriona now lives in
northern California with two black cats and
a scientist and is the vice-president of Sisters
in Crime.
Nora McFarland
Nora McFarland
Malice Domestic 26
Nora McFarland is the author of the Lilly
Hawkins Mysteries from Touchstone/Simon
& Schuster. The third book in the series,
Going to the Bad, was released in August,
2012. Nora has worked in national news at
CNN as well as local news in Bakersfield,
CA. She loves movies almost as much as
books and has an MFA from USC’s School
of Cinematic Arts. She lives in Macon, GA.
Jenny Milchman
Jenny Milchman
Jenny Milchman’s debut novel, Cover of
Snow, was chosen as an IndieNext and
Target Pick, and nominated for a Mary
Higgins Clark award. Her follow up, Ruin
Falls, came out at the end of April. Jenny
is the founder of Take Your Child to a
Bookstore Day and chair of International
Thriller Writers’ Debut Authors Program.
She’s just set out on a 4 month/20,000 mile
book tour where she will visit many great
mystery bookstores.
Attending Authors
Mary Miley
Meg Mims
Mary Miley
Laura Morrigan
When historian Mary Miley stepped out of
nonfiction and into fiction, it had to be a historical mystery! She landed in the Roaring
Twenties with her first novel, The Impersonator,
winner of the 2012 Minotaur-Mystery Writers
of America award for Best First Crime Novel.
The second in the series, Silent Murders, is
scheduled for September; the third is finished,
and she’s feverishly plotting the fourth. Mary
lives in Richmond, VA.
Laura Morrigan is a Florida Native whose
work at a local zoo helping with everything
from “waste management” to teaching an
elephant how to paint inspired her Call of
the Wilde mysteries. The series follows
Grace Wilde, an animal behaviorist who
uses her secret psychic ability to solve
crimes. Laura lives in Florida with her
husband and far too many cats. She loves
the Blue Angels, wearing flip-flops in
November and thunderstorms.
Laura Morrigan
Meg Mims
Liz Mugavero
Meg Mims won a Spur Award and a
Laramie Award for her western mystery
series and also writes sweet dog/cat rescue
romance novellas. She recently teamed up
with fellow award-winning author Sharon
Pisacreta to write a cozy mystery series
featuring amateur sleuths Eliza Doolittle
and Henry Higgins. Book 1, Wouldn’t It Be
Deadly, is coming in September, 2014 from
St. Martin’s Minotaur. Meg loves books,
flower gardens and tearooms.
Liz Mugavero is the author of the
Pawsitively Organic Mysteries Kneading to
Die and A Biscuit, A Casket. As you can imagine, her canine and feline rescues demand
the best organic food and treats around. She
holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from
Salem State College and a Master of Arts in
writing and publishing from Emerson
College. She is a member of Sisters in
Crime, Sisters in Crime New England,
Mystery Writers of America and the Cat
Writers’ Association.
Liz Mugavero
Ruth Moose
Ruth Moose
Ruth Moose first novel, Doing It at the Dixie
Dew, won the Minotaur/Malice Domestic
Competition. She was on the Creative Writing
faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill for 15 years, published 3 collections of short stories with individual stories in Atlantic, Alaska Quarterly Review,
and publications in Holland, South Africa,
England and Denmark. Moose has published
6 collections of poetry, had a MacDowell
Fellowship and a prestigious Chapman Award
for teaching. She lives in Pittsboro, NC.
Terrie Farley Moran
Terrie Farley
Twice short-listed for Best American
Mystery Stories, Terrie Farley Moran’s cozy
mystery novel, Well Read, Then Dead, is the
first book in the Read ‘Em and Eat Café and
Bookstore series and will be released by
Berkley Prime Crime in August, 2014. You
can find Terrie blogging amid the grand
banter of New York writers known as the
Women of Mystery.
Carolyn Mulford
Carolyn Mulford
Carolyn Mulford writes a series featuring a
wounded ex-spy who returns to her
Missouri hometown to relax and instead
adapts her tradecraft to help her childhood
friend cope with personal crisis and rural
crime. Show Me the Murder and Show Me the
Deadly Deer came out in 2013. Show Me the
Gold is scheduled for December, 2014.
Carolyn edited national and international
magazines and worked as a freelance
writer/editor before turning to fiction.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
J.J. Murphy
J.J. Murphy
Clare O’Donohue
Born into the Great Depression, J.J. Murphy
held a series of odd jobs (monastery chef,
scorpion tamer, pencil sharpener) to eke out
a living during those hard times, all while
holding onto his dreams. Now, he’s a
successful pro wrestler, a renowned elbow
surgeon, a Zamboni driver for the Ice
Capades — as well as the proud “father” of
two rambunctious pet hamsters! He has an
active imagination, which is currently on
view at his website.
Clare O’Donohue is the author of two
critically acclaimed novels in the Kate
Conway Mysteries, as well as five Someday
Quilts Mysteries and two e-novellas. She is
the current Mystery Writers of America
Midwest chapter president. Clare also works
as a TV producer and writer, and lives near
Chicago, IL.
Clare O’Donohue
Laura Oles
Michael Nethercott
Michael Nethercott is the author of a new
1950s era series featuring detective duo
O’Nelligan and Plunkett. A traditional whodunit with supernatural undercurrents, his
debut novel is The Séance Society (St. Martin’s
Press). The series continues this autumn
with The Haunting Ballad. Nethercott’s credits
include Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and
Best Crime and Mystery Stories. He is a winner
of the Black Orchid Award, Vermont
Playwrights Award and the Clauder
Competition; also a Shamus Award nominee.
Laura Oles
Vincent H. O’Neil
Tj O’Connor
Tj O’Connor
Tj O’Connor is the author of Dying to Know,
a Ghost Gumshoe murder mystery.
Tj is an international security consultant
specializing in anti-terrorism and security
consulting — life experiences that drive
his novels. With his former life as a
government agent and years as a
consultant, he’s lived and worked around
the world. He lives with his wife and three
lab companions in Virginia. Dying to Know is
the first of seven novels to be published.
Vincent H. O’Neil
Vincent H. O’Neil is the Malice Awardwinning author of the Frank Cole mystery
series, the theater-themed murder mystery
Death Troupe and the Lovecraftian horror
novel Interlands. His military science fiction
novel Glory Main (released under the name
Henry V. O’Neil) was recently picked up as
the first book in a new series to be released
by Harper Voyager. You can read sample
chapters of all his works at his website.
Alan Orloff
Alan Orloff
Malice Domestic 26
Laura Oles is a photo industry journalist
who spent twenty years covering tech and
trends before turning to crime fiction. She
is the author of Digital Photography for Busy
Women and has published over 200 articles
in retail and consumer magazines. Laura is
a member of Sisters in Crime and Austin
Mystery Writers. She has just completed her
first novel and her short story, “Buon
Viaggio,” will be published this year.
Alan Orloff’s debut mystery, Diamonds for the
Dead, was a 2010 Best First Novel Agatha
Award finalist. He’s also written Killer
Routine and Deadly Campaign for Midnight
Ink. Writing as Zak Allen, he’s published
Ride-Along, The Taste and First Time Killer, all
ebook originals. He’s the treasurer of the
Mid-Atlantic Chapter of MWA, a member of
ITW, and leads workshops at The Writer’s
Center (Bethesda, MD).
Attending Authors
Jayne Ormerod
Judith O’Sullivan
Jayne Ormerod
Gail Oust
Jayne Ormerod writes what she knows —
small towns (influenced by her childhood
growing up in Chagrin Falls, OH) and beach
settings (a result of 30 years as a Navy
spouse, always living within a flip-flop’s
throw of the ocean). Her bestselling cozy,
The Blond Leading the Blond, is available at
Amazon. Her latest release is “Best Friends
Help You Move the Body” in the Virginia
is for Mysteries anthology.
Gail Oust is often accused of flunking retirement. It wasn’t until she and her husband
retired to South Carolina that inspiration
struck for a mystery. Hearing the words
“maybe it’s a dead body” while golfing fired
her imagination for writing a cozy. Since
then she spends more time on a computer
than a golf course. Author of the Bunco
Babe mysteries, she’s currently writing the
Spice Shop Mysteries. Rosemary and Crime
marks their debut.
Gail Oust
Judith O’Sullivan
Rita Owen
Judith O’Sullivan, author of The Great
American Comic Strip (Little Brown), Workers
and Allies (Smithsonian Institution), The
Complete Prints of Leonard Baskin (with Alan
Fern) (Little Brown), The Art of the Comic
Strip (Smithsonian Institution), and numerous mystery short stories, began her career
as an editor at the American Film Institute.
She has served as President and CEO of the
Long Island Museums of Art, History and
Transportation in Stony Brook, NY, and as a
federal prosecutor.
Rita Owen is co-editor, with Verena Rose,
of Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea: An interesting and
Entertaining History of Malice Domestic’s First 25
Years. A happy retiree, she spends her time
split between reading, quilting/quilt designing and publications work for Malice
Domestic. She also admits to being the
unpublished author of half a dozen novels
and hundreds of short stories — almost all
Rita Owen
Tempa Pagel
Kathryn O’Sullivan
Kathryn O’Sullivan’s Foal Play was a
winner of the Minotaur/Malice Domestic
Best First Traditional Mystery Novel
Competition. Murder on the Hoof is the
second book in the Colleen McCabe
series. Kathryn is also a playwright,
creator/writer of the multi award-winning
online television show Thurston and a
theatre professor at Northern Virginia
Community College. She lives with
her husband, a film director and
cinematographer, and their rascally
rescue cat in Reston, VA.
Tempa Pagel
Years ago, while on child-rearing hiatus,
Tempa began writing — something she’d
yearned to do since discovering Nancy
Drew. She delighted in toddler play-groups
by day and murderous plotting by night
(and afternoon naptime). Eventually, a
series juxtaposing those elements — cozy
and dark — in dual stories set in two times
periods was born. They Danced by the Light of
the Moon (2/2014) is the second book featuring at-home-mom Andy Gammon, who gets
involved in historical mysteries.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Gigi Pandian
Gigi Pandian
Nancy J Parra
Gigi Pandian spent her childhood being
dragged around the world by her anthropologist parents. She now writes the Jaya Jones
Treasure Hunt Mystery Series. Her debut
mystery, Artifact, was awarded the William F.
Deeck Malice Domestic Grant and named a
“Best of 2012” debut by Suspense Magazine.
The follow-up is Pirate Vishnu, released in
February, 2014, by Henery Press. Gigi loves
writing locked-room mystery short stories,
the latest of which is “The Hindi Houdini.”
Nancy J Parra, aka Nancy J. Coco, debuted
three cozy mystery series in 2013 and 2014.
Nancy is marketing communications manager for a forensic laboratory, which gives
her an insider’s view. With degrees in engineering, journalism and an MA in Writing
Popular Fiction, Nancy has published cozy
mysteries, romantic suspense and sweet
western historical romances. A member of
Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in
Crime, Nancy lives in Illinois with her dog
— a bichonpoo.
Nancy J Parra
Kate Parker
Kate Parker
Brad Parks
Malice Domestic 26
The first books Kate Parker read as a child
were Nancy Drew mysteries and her
mother’s Agatha Christie novels, and now
she can’t write a story without someone
dropping dead by chapter five. After a lifetime living in the Nation’s Capital, Kate
moved to the South and began crafting historical mysteries. The first of the Victorian
Bookshop mysteries, The Vanishing Thief,
came out in December, 2013, with the next,
The Counterfeit Lady, due in August.
Sandra Parshall
Sandra Parshall
Sandra Parshall writes the critically-praised
Rachel Goddard mysteries, set in Virginia and
featuring a young veterinarian. Her 2006
debut, The Heat of the Moon, won the Agatha
Award for Best First Novel. Her latest book is
Poisoned Ground (March). A longtime member
of Sisters in Crime, she served on the
national board and managed the SinC members’ listserv for seven years. She lives in
Northern Virginia with her husband and cats.
Brad Parks
Valerie O. Patterson
Brad Parks is the only author to have
won the Shamus, Nero and Lefty Awards.
A graduate of Dartmouth College, he spent
a dozen years at The Washington Post and
The Newark (NJ) Star-Ledger. He is now a
full-time author who lives with his wife
and two small children in Virginia. His
most recent novel, The Player, is the fifth
in a series featuring sometimes-dashing
investigative reporter Carter Ross.
Valerie O. Patterson’s second novel for
young readers, Operation Oleander, was
published by Clarion, an imprint of
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in March, 2013.
It was a Junior Library Guild selection for
2013. Her first novel for teens, The Other Side
of Blue, published by Clarion in 2009, was
nominated for an Agatha Award. Valerie has
an MFA from Hollins University and now
lives in northern Virginia where she writes
and practices law. Photo: Erin Summerill
Valerie O.
Attending Authors
Penny Clover
Dee Phelps
Nancy Pickard
Penny Clover Petersen
Cathy Pickens
Penny Clover Petersen began writing at age
fifty-nine on a dare from her husband. The
result is her first novel Roses and Daisies and
Death, Oh My!, a modern cozy featuring
sisters Daisy and Rose Forrest, small town
shop owners who can’t seem to get
through a day without tripping over a dead
body. She is currently working on her third
Daisy & Rose mystery. Penny lives with her
husband, Tom, in Bowie, MD.
Publishers Weekly called Southern Fried (St.
Martin’s Malice Domestic Award winner)
an “assured debut, a cozy with some sharp
edges.” Can’t Never Tell is 5th in the series.
Cathy has served as president of Sisters in
Crime and secretary of Mystery Writers
of America, and is president of the
Mecklenburg Forensic Medicine Program
(collaborative for evidence collection and
preservation training). She teaches graduate
courses in both law and creativity at
Queens University in Charlotte.
Cathy Pickens
Dee Phelps
Sharon Pisacreta
Dee Phelps’ family passed down, through
generations, tales of life on a Lowcountry
cotton and indigo plantation, once owning a
Plantation in Jasper County, SC. From those
fascinating and sometimes harrowing stories,
Dee wrote The Disappointment Room. She is
author of the children’s book, The Flower in
the Thickets, written as Marcella Miller; has
written numerous International travel
articles for national magazines and was a
surgical nurse for over twenty-five years.
She lives in Beaufort, SC.
Sharon Pisacreta is the author of three
novels and two novellas, including the
award-winning Stolen Hearts. Her publishing
credits include fantasy, romance and mystery
fiction. Using the pseudonym D.E. Ireland,
she recently teamed up with fellow author
Meg Mims to write a cozy mystery series
featuring amateur sleuths Eliza Doolittle
and Henry Higgins. The first book in the
series, Wouldn’t It Be Deadly, will be published
by St. Martin’s Press in September, 2014.
Sharon Pisacreta
Nancy Pickard
Karen Pullen
Nancy Pickard is the author of the Jenny
Cain and Marie Lightfoot series and three
books in the Eugenia Potter series. Her most
recent novels are The Virgin of Small Plains
and The Scent of Rain and Lightning. She is
both a former Toastmistress and Guest of
Honor at Malice Domestic and the grateful
recipient of several Agatha awards. Back
home in Kansas, she is, she says, “either
finishing my 19th mystery novel, or it is
finishing me.”
Karen Pullen’s debut mystery, Cold Feet, was
published by Five Star in 2013. She’s owner
of a bed & breakfast in a small historic North
Carolina town, and president of Triangle
Sisters in Crime. Her most recent project is
the editing of her chapter’s first short story
anthology, Carolina Crimes: 19 Tales of Lust,
Love and Longing, which just might be available for Malice 26.
Karen Pullen
Lori Rader-Day
Lori Rader-Day is the author of the mystery,
The Black Hour (Seventh Street Books,
2014). Born and raised in central Indiana,
she now lives in Chicago with her husband
and dog. Her fiction has appeared in Ellery
Queen Mystery Magazine, Good Housekeeping,
Time Out Chicago and others.
Lori Rader-Day
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Lynne Raimondo
Larissa Reinhart
Lynne Raimondo
KM Rockwood
Lynne Raimondo is the author of Dante’s
Wood (Seventh Street Books, 2013).
“Stunning” and “one of the best mystery
debuts since V.I. Warshawsky solved her
first case.”— Mystery Scene. Before turning
to writing, Lynne was a partner at a major
Chicago law firm, the general counsel of
Arthur Andersen LLP and the general
counsel of the Illinois Department of
Revenue. Her next book, Dante’s Poison,
will be released in May, 2014.
KM (Kathleen) Rockwood’s crime fiction
includes numerous short stories and the
Jesse Damon Crime Novel Series. After 20
years in prison on a murder conviction,
Jesse finds himself a suspect whenever
someone is killed. For her stories, Kathleen
draws upon her varied background, including working in a large medium-security
prison supervising an inmate work crew and
as a laborer in steel fabricating and fiberglass
manufacture, and teaching in correctional
facilities and alternative schools.
KM Rockwood
Larissa Reinhart
Roberta Rogow
After teaching in the U.S. and Japan, Larissa
loves writing sassy female characters with a
penchant for trouble. The first in the Cherry
Tucker Mystery series (Henery Press),
Portrait of a Dead Guy, is a 2012 Daphne du
Maurier finalist. Still Life in Brunswick Stew,
Hijack in Abstract and Death in Perspective
(June, 2014) follow, with the prequel
novella, “Quick Sketch,” in the 2013 anthology, Heartache Motel. She lives near Atlanta
with her family and Cairn Terrier, Biscuit.
Roberta Rogow, a retired Children’s
Librarian living in New Jersey, has written
mysteries set in Victorian England and
Gilded Age New York City. Her newest
book, Murders in Manatas, is set on an island
called Manatas, where an ex-mercenary and
reluctant sleuth is embroiled in murder and
other skullduggery while trying to accomplish his primary mission of finding the
genius whose expertise is desperately
needed back home in Al-Andalus.
Roberta Rogow
Verena Rose
Steven Rigolosi
Steven Rigolosi
Steven Rigolosi is the author of The
Outsmarting of Criminals, the first in a new
cozy series featuring amateur sleuth Miss
Felicity Prim. Library Journal has called him
“a completely fresh voice in the mystery
genre.” When he is not writing fiction,
he publishes nonfiction (economics and
geography) in his role as a senior editor
at Macmillan Higher Education. He lives
in Northern New Jersey.
Verena Rose has been a part of the Malice
Domestic community for the last nineteen
years. In 2011 she and Rita Owen embarked
on their own personal crime of passion.
They co-edited the Agatha-nominated
Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea: An Interesting and
Entertaining History of Malice Domestic’s
First 25 Years.
Verena Rose
Barbara Ross
Barbara Ross
Malice Domestic 26
Barbara Ross, author of the Maine
Clambake Mysteries, is thrilled to be a double Agatha Award nominee this year.
Clammed Up (September, 2013) is nominated
for Best Contemporary Novel. “Bread Baby”
in Best New England Crime Stories 2014: Stone
Cold is nominated for Best Short Story.
Barbara’s latest book is Boiled Over (May,
2014). She writes at her home in Boothbay
Harbor, ME.
Attending Authors
Hank Phillippi
Patricia Twomey
Hank Phillippi Ryan
Ilene Schneider
Hank Phillippi Ryan is the on-air
investigative reporter for Boston’s NBC
affiliate, winning 30 Emmys and 12
Murrows for her ground-breaking
journalism. The bestselling author of six
mystery novels, Ryan’s won two Agathas,
the Anthony and the Macavity, and, for The
Other Woman, the Mary Higgins Clark award.
Her newest is The Wrong Girl (Forge, 2014).
She is on the national board of MWA and
2013 president of national Sisters in Crime.
Rabbi Ilene Schneider, Ed.D., one of the first
women rabbis ordained in the U.S., has
finally decided what she wants to be when
she grows up. She recently retired to devote
full time to her writing. She is the author of
two published Rabbi Aviva Cohen mysteries,
Chanukah Guilt (2nd edition with bonus
alternate ending) and the award-winning
Unleavened Dead; the third, Yom Killer, is a
work-in-progress. She also wrote Speak Dirty
Yiddish: Beyond Drek.
Ilene Schneider
Patricia Twomey Ryan
Maggie Sefton
Patricia Twomey Ryan’s debut mystery,
Windswept, takes place at an exclusive
Caribbean resort where the lovely Emily
Harrington finds friendship and diversion.
But, when a fellow guest is found on the
ocean beach with a bullet through his heart,
diversion turns deadly. A retired educator,
Patricia has been writing essays, memoir
and fiction for the past ten years. Her work
has appeared in National Geographic Traveler,
Parents, Eire-Ireland and Brevity. She and her
husband live in Westchester County, NY.
Maggie Sefton is The New York Times
Bestselling author of the Berkley Prime
Crime Kelly Flynn Mysteries, set in
Colorado, and the Molly Malone Suspense
series, set in Maggie’s hometown,
Washington, D.C. Ninth in the Colorado
series, Unraveled, made The New York Times
Bestselling Hardcover Fiction list in 2011.
Book #12, Yarn Over Murder, is out June,
2014, and Book #3 in the suspense series,
Bloody Politics, is out September, 2014.
Maggie Sefton
Harriette Sackler
Harriette Sackler
Harriette is a longtime member of the
Malice Domestic Board. She is a past
Agatha nominee for Best Short Story.
“Fishing for Justice” in Fishnets and “Devil’s
Night” in All Hallows’ Evil, were published
in 2013. Harriette is Vice President of a
senior pet sanctuary and works part time
as a forensic competency instructor. She
lives in Maryland with her husband
and their three pups. Harriette’s two
grandbabies, Ethan and Makayla, light
up her life.
Shawn Reilly Simmons
Shawn Reilly
Shawn Reilly Simmons was born in
Indiana, grew up in Florida and began her
professional career in New York City after
graduating from the University of Maryland
with a BA in English. Over the years, Shawn
has been a sales executive, book store
manager, fiction editor, convention organizer
and caterer. Shawn currently resides in
Maryland with her husband, son and two
English Bulldogs. Murder on the Red Carpet is
her first novel.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Helen Smith
Julia SpencerFleming
Rochelle Staab
Helen Smith
Liz Stauffer
Helen Smith is a British novelist who lives
in London. Her first two books, Alison
Wonderland and Being Light, featured Alison
Temple, a private detective who works at an
all-female detective agency in London.
Invitation to Die and Beyond Belief, the first
two novels in her new mystery series with
Thomas & Mercer, are comedies featuring
amateur sleuth Emily Castles.
After some thirty years writing everything
from political encyclopedias to software
manuals, Liz Stauffer retired from corporate
life to write fiction, travel and play on the
beach. Since that time, she has traveled
extensively throughout the United States
and the world. With her two dogs, Liz lives
in Hollywood, FL, where she owns and
manages a vacation rental business.
Liz Stauffer
Julia Spencer-Fleming
Triss Stein
A former military brat, New York Times and
USA Today bestselling novelist Julia SpencerFleming grew up in places as diverse as
Montgomery, Rome, Stuttgart and Syracuse.
A graduate of Ithaca College, George
Washington University and the University of
Maine School of Law, she took up writing
while still a stay-at-home mother of two.
Her most recent book is Through the Evil
Days. Julia lives in the Maine countryside
with her husband and daughter.
Triss Stein’s Brooklyn Graves (Poisoned Pen
Press) is the second book in a new series
about Brooklyn neighborhoods, Brooklyn
history, families, teens-agers and crime. In
other words, real life plus mystery. It
includes a famous cemetery and even more
famous Tiffany glass. Triss has been a public
librarian and a business researcher but
prefers writing mysteries. Raised in NY farm
country, she especially enjoys writing about
Brooklyn, her home for many decades.
Triss Stein
Rochelle Staab
Steve Steinbock
Rochelle Staab blends her fascination with
the supernatural and a love for mystery in
the bestselling Mind for Murder Mystery
series featuring psychologist Liz Cooper
and occult professor Nick Garfield. Who Do,
Voodoo? earned Agatha, Anthony and
Eureka! Best First Mystery nominations,
followed by Watson Award-winning Bruja
Brouhaha and 2013’s Hex on the Ex.
The late Edward Hoch once described Steve
Steinbock as a “scholar of mysteries, spiritual and literary.” In addition to his credits
as a reviewer and historian of mystery fiction, he teaches and writes in the fields of
Hebrew and Judaic studies. He has written
for The Armchair Detective, Crime Time, Mystery
Scene and The Strand Magazine. He is a contributing editor for AudioFile Magazine, and
writes the Jury Box review column in Ellery
Queen Mystery Magazine.
Steve Steinbock
Daniel Stashower
Daniel Stashower
Malice Domestic 26
Daniel Stashower is a two-time Edgar® and
Agatha award winner whose most recent
book is The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to
Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War. Dan is also
the author of five mystery novels, and was
the toastmaster of Malice Domestic XX. His
short stories have appeared in numerous
anthologies and in The Best American Mystery
Stories. He lives in Washington, D.C., with
his wife and their two sons.
B.K. Stevens
B.K. Stevens
B.K. (Bonnie) Stevens has published over
forty short stories, most in Alfred Hitchcock
Mystery Magazine. Her next Hitchcock story
will be “True Enough.” Her stories have won
a Derringer and been nominated for Agatha
and Macavity awards. One Shot, a satirical
e-novella from Untreed Reads, takes on
issues ranging from gun control to reality
shows. B.K. and her husband, Dennis, live
in Virginia and have two daughters and a
very assertive cat.
Attending Authors
Cathi Stoler
Cathi Stoler
Art Taylor
Cathi Stoler’s mysteries feature P.I. Helen
McCorkendale and magazine editor Laurel
Imperiole. Novels with these two protagonists include Telling Lies, Keeping Secrets and
The Hard Way. Cathi has also published a
novella, “Nick of Time,” and is working on a
new novel, Bar None, A Murder on The Rocks
Mystery. She is a member of Mystery Writers
of America and Sisters in Crime and posts at
the blog.
Art Taylor’s fiction has appeared in anthologies including Chesapeake Crimes: This Job Is
Murder and The Crooked Road, Volume 3, and
in magazines including Ellery Queen Mystery
Magazine, Needle and North American Review,
among others. His stories have won three
Derringer Awards and been finalists for both
the Agatha and the Macavity. An assistant
professor at George Mason University, he
reviews crime fiction for The Washington Post
and contributes frequently to Mystery Scene.
Art Taylor
Andy Straka
Andy Straka
Bestselling author Andy Straka’s novels
have been nominated for several awards,
including the Agatha. Just released in original paperback and ebook is The K Street
Hunting Society, the sixth in the Shamus
Award-winning Frank Pavlicek series. Also
releasing this spring is an original ebook —
Dragonflies: Visible Means, the second in the
Dragonflies thriller series. All other Andy
Straka novels are newly reissued in paperback by Cedar Creek publishing.
Robin Templeton
Robin Templeton
Robin Templeton is a Virginia-based writer
and a member of Sisters in Crime and
Mystery Writers of America. A long-time
career as a professional photographer and
experience as a private investigator formed
the basis of her first mystery novel, Double
Exposure. She was awarded the William F.
Deeck-Malice Domestic Grant for
Unpublished Writers, and Double Exposure
was a finalist in the Minotaur Books/Malice
Domestic Competition Best First Traditional
Mystery Novel Competition.
Sylvia A. Straub
Sylvia A. Straub
Sylvia Straub’s short stories, “Dog’s Best
Friend” and “Vena’s Rules of Engagement,”
appeared in Mozark Press anthologies. Prior
to writing fiction, she earned a doctorate in
theoretical linguistics. The French Review published her article on French syntax. Later,
she turned to nonprofit management and
served as CEO of two national and one
international professional associations.
She is completing an ecclesiastical mystery;
an earlier version won second place in
Shepherd University’s writing competition.
Marcia Talley
Marcia Talley
Jane Tesh
Jane Tesh
Jane Tesh is a retired media specialist and
pianist for the Andy Griffith Playhouse in
Mt. Airy, NC. She is the author of the
Madeline Maclin Mysteries featuring an
ex-beauty queen turned detective and her
con man husband, and the Grace Street
Mysteries: Stolen Hearts, Mixed Signals and
Now You See It, featuring PI David Randall,
his psychic friend, Camden, and the many
colorful Southern characters who live at
302 Grace Street.
Marcia Talley is the Agatha and Anthony
award-winning author of Tomorrow’s
Vengeance and twelve previous mysteries
featuring survivor and sleuth, Hannah Ives.
Her award-winning short stories appear in
more than a dozen collections. Marcia
divides her time between Annapolis, MD,
and “SeaLeggs,” a cottage on Elbow Cay in
the Bahamas.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Sam Thomas
Sam Thomas
Charles Todd (Charles)
Sam Thomas, author of The Midwife’s Tale
(2013) and The Harlot’s Tale (2014), teaches
history at University School, an independent
day school outside Cleveland, OH. Before
coming to the U.S., he taught at the college
level for seven years, and received research
grants from the National Endowment for
the Humanities, the Newberry Library and
the British Academy. He lives in Shaker
Heights, OH, with his wife and two sons.
Charles Todd, New York Times bestselling
author of the Inspector Ian Rutledge Series
(Hunting Shadows, Morrow, 2014), the Bess
Crawford Series (A Question of Honor,
Morrow, 2013; An Unwilling Accomplice,
Morrow, summer 2014) and numerous
short stories, set during and after WWI, lives
in North Carolina. He collects sea shells and
is a history buff. His interests are the sports,
the sea and old movies. He is a member of
the MWA Board.
Charles Todd
Victoria Thompson
Maggie Toussaint
Edgar® Nominated author Victoria
Thompson writes the Gaslight Mystery
Series, set in turn-of-the-century New York
City and featuring midwife Sarah Brandt
and detective Frank Malloy. Her latest is
Murder in Murray Hill, May, 2014. She also
contributed to the award-winning writing
textbook, Many Genres/One Craft. A popular
speaker, Victoria has taught at Penn State
University and currently teaches in the
Seton Hill University master’s program in
creative writing.
Formerly an aquatic toxicologist contracted
to the U.S. Army and currently a freelance
reporter, Southern author Maggie Toussaint
loves writing mysteries. She’s published ten
novels which blend mystery and romantic
suspense. Dime If I Know is her latest mystery
release. Her new paranormal mystery series
kicks off in May with Gone and Done It. She’s
a board member for Southeastern Mystery
Writers of America.
Maggie Toussaint
Christine Trent
Charles Todd (Caroline)
Charles Todd
Malice Domestic 26
Charles Todd (Caroline), New York Times
bestselling author of the Inspector Ian
Rutledge Series (Hunting Shadows, Morrow,
2014), the Bess Crawford Series (A Question
of Honor, Morrow, 2013; An Unwilling
Accomplice, Morrow, Summer, 2014) and
numerous short stories, all set during and
after WWI, lives in Delaware. She collects
bookmarks and is a history buff. Her
interests are traveling, photography,
rescued animals and gardening.
Christine Trent
Christine Trent is the author of the Lady of
Ashes historical mysteries and three other
historical novels. She lives in Maryland with
her husband, five cats and a fountain pen
collection that is growing out of control. Her
only claim to fame is having won a thirdgrade spelling bee. Christine is currently
working on the fifth installment of the Lady
of Ashes series, but is happy to take time out
for reader email.
Attending Authors
Wendy Tyson
Wendy Tyson
Elaine Viets
Wendy Tyson’s background in law and psychology has provided inspiration for her
mysteries and thrillers. Wendy’s debut
novel, Killer Image, the first in the Allison
Campbell mystery series, was released by
Henery Press in October, 2013. Murderous
Looks, the second Campbell mystery, is due
July, 2014. She also wrote The Seduction of
Miriam Cross, a thriller published by E-Lit
Books in November, 2013. A devoted traveler, Wendy lives near Philadelphia with her
husband and sons.
Catnapped!, Elaine Viets’ new hardcover
mystery, is set in world of cat shows and pet
custody. The NYT Review of Books praises
her “quick-witted mysteries.” Elaine’s bestselling Dead-End Job series is a satiric look
at a serious subject — the minimum-wage
world. Her character, Helen Hawthorne,
works a different low-paying job each book.
Elaine’s second series features mystery shopper Josie Marcus. St. Louis native Elaine
now lives in Fort Lauderdale. She won the
Agatha, Anthony and Lefty Awards.
Elaine Viets
Steve Ulfelder
Steve Ulfelder
Steve Ulfelder writes the Conway Sax
novels, which feature a washed-up NASCAR
driver who solves cases for fellow recovering
alcoholics. The first book in the series,
Purgatory Chasm, was nominated for Edgar®
and Anthony Awards. The fourth, Wolverine
Bros. Freight & Storage, was just released.
Steve is also a doting greyhound owner,
a race driver and co-owner of Flatout
Motorsports, a Massachusetts company that
builds race cars.
Lea Wait
Lea Wait
Diane Vallere
Diane Vallere
After close to two decades working for a top
luxury retailer, Diane Vallere traded fashion
accessories for accessories to murder, now
juggling three different mystery series: Style
& Error, featuring former fashion buyer
Samantha Kidd; Mad for Mod, featuring Doris
Day-loving decorator Madison Night, and
the upcoming Material Witness series, featuring Polyester Monroe. She started her
own detective agency at age ten and has
maintained a passion for shoes, clues and
clothes ever since.
Maine author Lea Wait’s 6-book Shadows
Antique Print series stars Maggie Summer.
Shadows at the Fair was a “best first” Agatha
nominee. Shadows on a Maine Christmas will
be published in September of this year. Lea’s
YA historical novel, Uncertain Glory, set in
Maine during the first two weeks of the
Civil War, was published last month. And
stay tuned: Lea has a new cozy series
debuting in January, 2015!
LynDee Walker
LynDee Walker
LynDee Walker’s award-winning journalistic
work has appeared in newspapers and
magazines across the nation. After she
became a full-time mom, newsroom
nostalgia inspired her bestselling Headlines
in High Heels mystery series. LynDee’s
debut, Front Page Fatality (Henery Press), is
an Agatha nominee for Best First Novel of
2013. LynDee adores her family, her readers
and beautiful shoes she can’t wear. She lives
in Richmond, VA, where she’s working on
her next novel.
Malice Domestic 26
Attending Authors
Mo Walsh
Mo Walsh
Chassie West
Mo Walsh’s first mystery story, “Roadside
Roulette,” won the Mary Higgins Clark
Mystery/Suspense Short-Story Contest.
Her mystery stories have appeared in Mary
Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine, Woman’s
World and five Best New England Crime Stories
anthologies. As part of the Monday Murder
Club, she coauthored A Miscellany of Murder:
From History and Fiction to True Crime and
Television, A Killer Selection of Trivia. See
samples of her writing at her blog.
After sixteen books for young adults, including two Nancy Drews, Chassie West penned
romantic suspense for Silhouette, then the
Leigh Ann Warren series, two of them
Edgar® and Anthony nominees. Bark M for
Murder, a Mystery Guild Alternate Selection,
included “Nightmare in Nowhere.” No
Reason for Goodbye — Messages from Beyond
Life, her sole nonfiction effort, features after
death communication as its theme.
Returning to her comfort zone, she has
begun a new mystery. Stay tuned.
Chassie West
Penny Warner
Penny Warner
Penny Warner writes the Agatha Awardwinning middle-grade mystery series, The
Code Busters Club; the adult mystery series,
How to Host a Killer Party, and the new series
coming summer, 2014, Death of a Crabby
Cook, featuring food trucks and food
festivals. She’s also the author of the
Official Nancy Drew Handbook, and writes
fund-raising murder mystery events for
libraries across the country.
Nancy G. West
Nancy G. West
Tracy Weber
Tracy Weber
Malice Domestic 26
Tracy Weber is a certified yoga teacher and
the founder of Whole Life Yoga, an awardwinning yoga studio in Seattle, where she
currently lives with her husband and
German shepherd. Weber is a member of
the Pacific Northwest Writers Association,
Dog Writers Association of America and
Sisters in Crime. She loves sharing her
passion for yoga and animals in any
form possible. Murder Strikes a Pose is
Weber’s debut.
Fit to be Dead, Aggie Mundeen Mystery #1,
was Lefty Award Finalist for Best Humorous
Mystery. In Dang Near Dead, Aggie drags
friends (including love-interest Sam) to a
dude ranch where Home on the Range
regrettably means murder. “West does such
a good job of making Aggie humorous, but
with a brain,” writes Jennifer Gott. “I love
these books!” writes Rollo K. Newsom,
Ph.D, Editor, Lone Star Sleuths. West is
writing books three and four.
Reba White Williams
Reba White
Reba White Williams worked for more than
thirty years in business and finance: in
research at McKinsey & Co., as a securities
analyst on Wall Street and as a senior
executive at an investment management
firm. She graduated from Duke, earned a
Harvard MBA and a PhD in Art History
at CUNY. She is past president of the New
York City Art Commission and served on
the New York State Council for the Arts.
Attending Authors
Sarah Winchester
Sarah Winchester
After graduating from Vanderbilt University
with a degree in English, Sarah worked as a
reporter and later a freelance writer specializing in business articles for trade publications. She published an early nonfiction
book on job hunting for recent college graduates and more recently has assisted job
seekers with resumes, cover letters and job
search advice. Long a fan of all things
Malice, she’s currently trying her hand at a
cozy with a running group background.
Sarah Wisseman
Sarah Wisseman
Archaeologist Sarah Wisseman writes the
Lisa Donahue mysteries based upon her
experiences working on excavations and in
museums. Two of her books (Bound for
Eternity and The Fall of Augustus) are set in a
fictional Boston museum and two are set in
the Middle East (The Dead Sea Codex and The
House of the Sphinx). Her latest book, The
Bootlegger’s Nephew (Hilliard and Harris,
2012), is set in Illinois during Prohibition.
Sheila York
Sheila York
After a long career in radio and TV, Sheila
began writing novels combining her love of
history, mysteries and the movies. Set in
post-war Hollywood, her series features
screenwriter/reluctant heiress/amateur
sleuth Lauren Atwill (and her lover, P.I.
Peter Winslow) chasing killers in the Great
Golden Age of Film. Death in Her Face is
Lauren’s most recent adventure. The fourth
book in the series, No Broken Hearts, comes
out in September, 2014.
Luci Zahray aka The Poison Lady
Luci Zahray is a registered Pharmacist with a Masters
Degree in Toxicology from Texas A&M University. A
fan of the mystery novel since childhood, she has
combined her vocation with her avocation to tell hundreds of people how to kill someone. Using her personal collection of poisons as props, Luci has presented
programs to writers groups throughout the Midwest
and Canada, including Dark & Stormy in Chicago,
Magna Cum Murder in Muncie, Bouchercon in
Toronto and the MWA Chicago Chapter.
Dr. Max M. Houck
Dr. Max M. Houck is an internationally-recognized
forensic expert who has worked for the FBI
Laboratory, at a medical examiner’s office, in the
private sector and in academia. His casework includes
the Branch Davidian Investigation, the September 11
attacks on the Pentagon, the D.B. Cooper case, and
the West Memphis Three case, among hundreds of
others. He served for six years as the Chair of the
Forensic Science Educational Program Accreditation
Commission (FEPAC) and serves on other committees,
including for Interpol. Dr. Houck has published widely
in books and journals. He is a founding Editor of the
journal Forensic Science Policy and Management and has
also co-authored a textbook with Dr. Jay Siegel,
Fundamentals of Forensic Science. Dr. Houck lives and
works in Washington, D.C., as the Director of the D.C.
Department of Forensic Sciences (
Malice Domestic 26
Minotaur Books/Malice Domestic™ Competition
for the Best First Traditional Mystery Novel
ince the early years of Malice Domestic,
Minotaur Books, a part of St. Martin’s Press,
has been sponsoring this competition. Although
Malice’s name is featured, the competition is
conducted solely by Minotaur Books. It is open to any
professional or non-professional writer, regardless
of nationality, who has never been the author of a
published traditional mystery, as defined by Minotaur
Books’ guidelines, and is not under contract with a
publisher for publication of a traditional mystery. The
late Ruth Cavin, senior editor and associate publisher
of Thomas Dunne Books, said, “In 1988, when we
received word of the first Malice convention, Tom
Dunne, who with Bob Randisi of Private Eye Writers
of America had created the Best First Private Eye
Novel contest, quickly realized that we needed
another contest for books with less sex and violence,
suspects who were somehow related
other words, ‘Malice-type’ books. We did it with
informal permission from Barbara Mertz and her
fellow founders, and over time, with the invaluable
assistance of our volunteer judges, it became a justenough formalized arrangement to make everyone
happy.” Additional information and guidelines for this
competition must be obtained from Minotaur Books.
The website link to the Minotaur
Books/Malice DomesticTM Competition is:
The Winter Widow by Charlene
Piano Man by Noreen Gilpatrick
The Man Who Understood Cats by
Michael Allen Dymmoch
Something to Kill For by Susan
Murder with Peacocks by Donna
Jackpot Justice by Marilyn Wooley
The Gripping Beast by Margot
In the Bleak Midwinter by Julia
Lie Down With Dogs by Jan Gleiter
Simon Said by Sarah Shaber
Final Closing by Barbara Lee
The Doctor Digs a Grave by Robin
Murder Off Mike by Joyce Krieg
Southern Fried by Cathy Pickens
Eight of Swords by David Skibbins
Dead Posh, retitled to The Cold Light
of Mourning by Elizabeth J.
The End Game by Gerrie FerrisFinger
Every Last Secret by Linda
Foal Play by Kathryn O’Sullivan
Doing it at the Dixie Dew by Ruth
Murder in Exile by Vincent O’Neal
A Stranger Lies Here by Stephen
Malice Domestic 26
Copy Cat Murders, retitled to Posted
for Murder by Meredith S. Cole
*Sadly, Margot Wadley died in an auto
accident shortly after she won.
Aaron’s Books
35 E. Main Street
Lititz, PA 17543
Telephone: 717-627-1990
Aaron’s Books is a family owned and
operated independent bookstore, selling
new and used books in all genres. Situated
in Lancaster County, PA, a short distance
from both Baltimore and Philadelphia,
Aaron’s hosts a dedicated cozy mystery
bookclub, a children’s literature festival,
and a variety of author and community
The Book House
11 North U.S. Rt. 15, shop #5
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Telephone: 717-432-2720
Crum Creek Press/The
Mystery Company
1558 Coshocton Ave #126
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
Fax: 740-204-3180
Contact: Phyllis White
Flying Coyote deals in matted images,
objets d’art and books relating to predators.
Contact: Jim Huang
Crum Creek Press strives to uphold
traditional publishing values in a dynamic
environment. We publish contemporary
mysteries in the classic style, offering
reprints and original work in hardcover,
paperback and digital editions. We also
publish reference books for mystery lovers,
books that have allowed voices from across
the genre to share their love and
enthusiasm for mysteries.
Felony & Mayhem Press
174 W 4th St., Suite #261
New York, NY 10014
Visit our table in the dealer room for
information on Bouchercon 2017 —
Passport to Murder. In 2017, Bouchercon
will be held in Toronto and we look
forward to welcoming mystery readers and
writers from around the world.
Bouchercon 2017
1307 Hornsbyville Road
Yorktown, VA 23692
Telephone: 757-898-1504
Contact: Joanne or Larry Klase
Located on Rt. 15 halfway between
Harrisburg and Gettysburg. 25,000 plus
used hardbacks and paperbacks. Areas of
specialty: History, Mystery, Children’s and
vintage paperbacks. Hours: Mon. and Tues.
10 a.m.–4 p.m.; Wed. and Thurs. 10 a.m.– 6
p.m.; Fri. 10 a.m.–7:30 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.–4
p.m.; First and Third Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Flying Coyote
Frozen Light
4459 S. Gary Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74105
Telephone: 918-492-1212 or
Contact: Mona Betz
Sterling silver jewelry and exotic
adornments gathered from all over
the world.
Mystery Loves Company
Contacts: Maggie Topkis
202 S. Morris Street
Box 160
Oxford, MD 21654
Telephone: 410-226-0010 or
Julia Musha
Felony & Mayhem publishes “the best in
intelligent mystery fiction,” with a definite
tilt toward the literary end. We offer
reprints of titles that had previously — and
inexplicably — gone out of print; first
paperback editions of books previously
published in hardcover; and first U.S.
editions of books previously published
overseas. Several of our titles are now
available as ebook.
Contact: Kathy Harig
Visit us in historic Oxford, on Maryland’s
Eastern Shore. We feature new, gentlyused books, signed first editions and
collectible mysteries. We host author
events, and do custom gift baskets. Check
our monthly lists of new releases and email
your order to: Sign up
for our monthly newsletter on our website.
Follow us on Facebook.
Malice Domestic 26
Novel Books
Sisters in Crime
Wildside Press
23330 Frederick Road
Clarksburg, MD 20871
Telephone: 301-972-3060
P.O. Box 442124
Lawrence, KS 66044
Telephone: 785-842-1325
9710 Traville Gateway Dr. #234
Rockville, MD 20850
Telephone: 301-762-1305
Fax: 301-762-1306
Contact: Patrick Darby
Sisters in Crime (SinC) is an international
organization founded in 1986 to promote
the professional development and
advancement of women writing crime
fiction. Today, SinC is made up of more
than 3,000 members and 48 chapters
worldwide — authors, readers, publishers,
agents, booksellers, librarians, and others
who love mysteries. For over 25 years,
we’ve opened doors to strengthen the
voice of women in the mystery field.
We hope you’ll join us. For more
information, Sisters in Crime is online
at SinC into
a great mystery!
Located in the Clarksburg Historic District,
Novel Books offers a wide variety of new
and used books. We specialize in children,
mystery and science fiction categories. Stop
by our table for hand-turned pens by a
local woodsmith, 1st edition cover
matchboxes, and of course, books!
Scene of the Crime Books
20 Hawthorne Avenue
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
L2M 6A9
Telephone: 905-646-0214
Contact: Don or Jenn Longmuir
We’ve been selling books online for 15
years primarily on ABE but you can also
find us on Alibris,, Ebay and
Biblio. In 2004, we opened a brick and
mortar store where authors such as
Linwood Barclay and Kelley Armstrong
had regular signing events. But in 2006 we
closed the store and moved everything
home. We specialize in signatures and first
editions. If you’re ever in the area please
give a call — we are home most days.
Malice Domestic 26
Contacts: John Betancourt, Carla Coupe
Wildside Press is an independent
publishing company with more than
13,000 books in print in a variety of
genres, including Mystery, Science Fiction
and Classics.
Undiscovered Treasures
9619 Pierrpont Street
Burke, VA 22015
Telephone: 703-978-1959
Contact: Chris Cowan
Undiscovered Treasures carries jewelry
ranging from hand-strung
semiprecious/pearl sets and silver through
“costume” pieces.
Malice Board and Committees
Board of Directors
Chair Verena Rose
Verena Rose loves books, all kinds of books; they
can be hardback, paperback, comic, graphic, digital or
audiobooks, it makes no difference to her. But it can be
no surprise to anyone who knows her that mysteries
are Verena’s most favorite genre of fiction. That love of
mysteries led her to Malice Domestic and ultimately to
the Board of Directors. She’s served in several positions
on the Malice Board over the years and all were very
rewarding, but she is proudest of her years serving as the
Malice Domestic Chair. That position required her to
write many articles for both the Program Book and TUS.
In 2011 she, along with Rita Owen, co-edited a commemorative book to be published and released in time for
Malice Domestic 25. That book is Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea:
An Interesting and Entertaining History of Malice Domestic’s
First 25 Years. Verena is still as passionate about Malice as
she was nineteen years ago. But she never forgets to
recognize two very special people in her life, her
grandchildren Justin and Abbey Rose.
Secretary Janet Blizard
Janet retired from the Federal Government after
a 40-year career with the Civil Rights Division at the
Department of Justice. For more than half of her
time at DOJ, she worked on disability rights issues —
particularly the implementation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act. Janet survived law school by reading
mysteries. She “discovered” mystery conventions at
Malice Domestic II and has attended most of the Malice
conventions since then. Janet has been a member of the
Malice Board of Directors for more than 10 years. When
she is not working on Malice issues, Janet is an avid fan
of the Boston Red Sox.
Treasurer Angel Trapp
Angel is still fairly new to Malice. She is enjoying
functioning as both Treasurer and Auction Chair. Angel
has her own accounting company and enjoys working
closely with her clients. Angel is actively working with
and contributing to KEEN Greater D.C., a local nonprofit
volunteer-led organization that provides one-to-one
recreational opportunities for children and young adults
with developmental and physical disabilities. Angel loves
to travel with her husband, Jason, and she is also looking
forward to getting to know everyone at Malice and
getting more immersed into the Malice community.
Convention Events Coordinator Marian Lesko
Marian Lesko is excited to continue serving the
Malice Board as the Agatha Chair and Dealer Liaison
for Malice Domestic 26. The 2013 year brought a major
change in work area for Marian. A career change late
in the year has challenged Marian in new and different
ways. After 20+ years in the public accounting
profession, Marian now works for a private company
that provides full proposal support services. In addition
to reading mysteries, Marian is adjusting to her new
career and responsibilities. Marian also enjoys time with
family and cooking.
Grants Chair Harriette Sackler
Harriette Sackler serves as Grants Chair of the Malice
Domestic Board of Directors. She is a past Agatha Award
nominee for Best Short Story. In 2013, “Fishing for
Justice,” appeared in the Sisters in Crime-Guppies
anthology, Fishnets. “Devil’s Night,” can be found in All
Hallows’ Evil, a Mystery and Horror, LLC anthology.
Harriette is a member of Mystery Writers of America,
Sisters in Crime, Sisters in Crime-Chesapeake Chapter
and the Guppies. She lives in the D.C. suburbs with her
husband and their three pups and spends a great deal of
time as Vice President of her labor of love: House with a
Heart Senior Pet Sanctuary. Harriette keeps her hand in
the field of child and adolescent mental health through
her work as a juvenile forensic competency instructor.
Harriette is the proud mom of two fabulous daughters
and Nana to grandbabies Ethan and Makayla. Watch for
Harriette’s latest story, “Queen of the King Cakes,” in
Mardi Gras Murder, the latest anthology from Mystery and
Horror, LLC. Visit Harriette at
Hotel Liaison Caroline L. Craig
Caroline Craig is a third-generation native of the
Washington, D.C. area and has been an avid reader since
the age of four. Retired after 36 years as a civil servant,
she worked as a comptroller for the Department of
Defense (DoD). She now resides in Front Royal, VA. She
attended Arlington County Public Schools and graduated
from Madison College (now James Madison University)
with a double major of Russian language and political
science and a minor in Soviet studies. She has two sisters
and two brothers-in-law who also live in the D.C. area. A
long-time mystery reader, she was a volunteer at Malice
for several years before being elected to the Board in 2007
and currently serves as the Hotel Liaison.
Publisher Liaison Joni Langevoort
A lifelong fan of books in general and mysteries in
particular, Joni is a recovering lawyer whose license hangs
on the wall of the laundry room, right over the litter
boxes. The proud mother of Kate (a marketing
coordinator with a digital marketing firm) and Jackson (a
student at Penn State), Joni keeps busy by serving on
several charitable boards, volunteering, taking piano
lessons, scrapbooking, worrying about her children,
watching ice hockey games live and on TV, and, of course,
reading. She and her Georgetown Law Center professor
husband, Don, live in Virginia with one rescue dog, three
cats and thousands upon thousands of books.
Malice Domestic 26
Committee Chairs/Board Advisors
Archivist Tonya L. Spratt-Williams
Tonya is an avid reader and devoted mystery fan.
She spends her very little free time reading and watching
mysteries. Her loving appreciation goes out to her
wonderful and patient husband, Cornelius, and her
handsome and cool son, Aaron, for allowing her to have
a mysterious life of her own.
Author Liaison Donna Andrews
Like Meg Langslow, the ornamental blacksmith
heroine of her series from Minotaur, Donna Andrews was
born and raised in Yorktown, VA. These days she spends
almost as much time in cyberspace as Turing Hopper,
the artificial intelligence who appears in her series from
Berkley Prime Crime. In the fall of 1997 she started on
the road to publication by submitting her first completed
mystery manuscript to the Malice Domestic/St. Martin’s
Press Best First Traditional Mystery competition. Upon
learning that Murder with Peacocks had won, she acquired
a copy of Peterson’s Field Guide to Eastern Birds and settled
down to have fun in her fictional world for as long as she
could get away with it. Her books have won the Agatha,
Anthony, Barry, Lefty, and Romantic Times Readers
Choice awards, and appeared on The New York Times
bestseller lists. The most recent are The Hen of the
Baskervilles, (July 2013) and Duck the Halls (October 2013)
and 2014 will see the publication of two Meg adventures:
The Good, the Bad, and the Emus in July and The Nightingale
Before Christmas in October. Andrews is past president of
the Mid-Atlantic chapter of MWA and treasurer of the
Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime. Andrews spends
her free time chauffeuring her twin nephews, killing
innocent weeds in her garden and corrupting her mind
with computer games.
Programs Barb Goffman
Barb Goffman is Malice’s program chair. When she’s
not reading for Malice or coming up with panel ideas, she
works as a freelance crime-fiction editor and a short-story
author. In 2013 Barb won the Macavity Award for best
mystery short story published in 2012. She’s been
nominated multiple times each for the Agatha, Anthony
and Macavity awards, as well as once for the Pushcart
Prize. She’s currently nominated twice for the Agatha. In
2013 Barb’s first short-story collection, Don’t Get Mad, Get
Even, was published by Wildside Press. It includes all of her
award-nominated stories, as well as five new ones. The
stories range from funny to dark, and from amateur sleuth
to police procedural. In her spare time, Barb serves as a
co-editor of the award-winning Chesapeake Crimes and as
secretary of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Mystery Writers
of America. She’s a past president of the Chesapeake
Chapter of Sisters in Crime. You can learn more at and at
Malice Domestic 26
Publications Rita Owen
Rita Owen retired after a career in human resources
and Six Sigma. A native of Washington, D.C., her
passions include reading (mysteries, of course), quilting,
family history and genealogy, writing, folk music and
friends and family. She lives in New Jersey, where she
teaches quilting and designs original quilts and manages
both website and newsletter for Budding Star Quilts in
Lebanon, NJ. She has hooked a number of quilting
friends on Malice mystery authors and, in return, those
friends provide volunteer help preparing materials for
Malice. She has been providing signage support to Malice
for eight years and publications for six years. In 2013, she
co-edited Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea, An Interesting and
Entertaining History of Malice Domestic’s First 25 Years. She’s
also hooked on her Kindle.
Volunteers Anne Murphy
Anne and her retired nuclear engineer husband, Joe,
have three wonderful sons, three beautiful daughters-inlaw, four gorgeous granddaughters, three handsome
grandsons and a psychic Irish wolfhound. A charter
member of Malice and survivor of the Silver Spring
Sheraton, she often wonders what life would have been
like had she ignored Kay McCarty and Sheila Martin
when they said, “This Malice Domestic thing sounds like
fun. Let’s go!”
Registration Services Shawn Reilly Simmons
Shawn Reilly Simmons has been on the Malice Board
for 11 years, serving first as PR Chair and now as PR &
Registration Services Committee Chair. Shawn was born
in Indiana, grew up in Florida, and began her professional
career in New York and New Jersey after graduating from
the University of Maryland with a BA in English. Over
the years, Shawn has been a sales executive, book store
manager, fiction editor, convention organizer and caterer.
Her love of mysteries began with Nancy Drew at the age
of eight and she hasn’t put them down ever since. Shawn
lives in Frederick, MD, with her husband, son and two
English Bulldogs. Her debut mystery, Murder on the Red
Carpet, was published in February of 2014.
Pre-Registered Participants
(Authors in bold)
Avery Aames
Sparkle Abbey
Victoria Abbott
Cathy Ace
Ellery Adams
Judith Akers
Gloria Alden
Annamaria Alfieri
Beverly Allen
Zak Allen
Fedora Amis
Daryl Anderson
Sheila D. Anderson
Mary Andrasco
Donna Andrews
Jim Archambault
Kris Archambault
Connie Archer
Gretchen Archer
Bill Aronoff
Carol Aronoff
Patsy Asher
Doris Austin
Frankie Y. Bailey
Irma Baker
Tace Baker
Maggie Barbieri
Helen Barer
Kaye Barley
Elizabeth Barrett
Donna Beatley
Tom Beer
Susan Belsky
Paige Bennett
Paula Gail Benson
Dorothy Bermudez
Connie Berry
Carol Bessette
John Gregory
Mona Betz
Vicky Bijur
John Billheimer
Faith Black
Juliet Blackwell
Leslie Blatt
Peter Blau
Janet Blizard
Nora Blue
Lenore Boehm
Janet Bolin
Nikki Bonanni
Susan M. Boyer
Hannah Braaten
Laura Bradford
F.T. Bradley
Frances Brody
Sarah Brown
Mollie Cox Bryan
Debby Buchanan
Raymond Buckland
Maxine Buckles
Leslie Budewitz
David Burnsworth
Valerie Caires
Susanna Calkins
Denise Camacho
Dana Cameron
Dorothy Cannell
Julian Cannell
Janet Cantrell
Priscilla Caporaletti-Bean
Diane Card
JoAnna Carl
Kate Carlisle
P.M. Carlson
Trish Carrico
Anita Carter
Elizabeth Lynn Casey
Jack Cater
Judy Cater
Susan R. Chan
Jessie Chandler
Joelle Charbonneau
Erika Chase
Leone Ciporin
Anne Cleeland
John Clement
Sandra Carey Cody
Jeff Cohen
Nancy J. Cohen
Jayne Colangelo
P.J. Coldren
Tom Colgan
Maureen Collins
Alice Conley
Sheila Connolly
J.J. Cook
Susan Rogers Cooper
Gary Corby
Maya Corrigan
Amy Corwin
Shelley Costa
Carla Coupe
Chris Cowan
Caroline Craig
L. Susan Crawford
Jessie Crockett
Ann Crowe
Waverly Curtis
Jeanne M. Dams
Casey Daniels
Patrick Darby
Annette Dashofy
Krista Davis
Pam De Voe
Lynn Deardorff
Marius Deeb
Mary-Jane Deeb
Vicki Delany
Jerry DeMenna
Hannah Dennison
Christine DeSmet
Todd Dickinson
Louise Dietz
Susan A. Dill
Catherine Dilts
Laura DiSilverio
Linnea Dodson
Carole Nelson Douglas
Laney Doyle
Michele Drier
Sam Droke-Dickinson
Carolyn Dubiel
Elizabeth J. Duncan
Barbara Early
Ann Eastman
Dawn Eastman
Pam Edmondson
Martin Edwards
Sheryl Ehrlich
Kathy Lynn Emerson
Sandy Emerson
Barbara Ernst
Kathleen Ernst
Karen S. Esibill
Donna Evans
Stephanie Jaye Evans
Sharon Ewing
Terence Faherty
Adolph Falcon
Lynn Farris
Peggy Fedder
Lisa Fernow
Nancy Fifield
Kay Finch
Waverly Fitzgerald
Kate Flora
Amanda Flower
Earlene Fowler
Christina Freeburn
Susan Froetschel
Christine Garcia
Dan Garcia
Rosie Genova
Phyllis Genthner
Kaye George
Daryl Wood Gerber
Jan Giles
Shelley Giusti
Barb Goffman
Sally Goldenbaum
Debra H. Goldstein
Phyllis Gonigam
Barbara Graham
Ellie Grant
Kimberly Gray
Doug Greene
Cher’ley Grogg
Elizabeth Gwiazdowski
Parnell Hall
Aubrey Hamilton
Janet S. Hamlet
Pam Andrews Hanson
Peggy Hanson
Kathy Harig
Lisa Harig
Tom Harig
Linda Harris
Sherry Harris
Carolyn Hart
Phil Hart
Mileva Hartman
Mary Hawkes
Maureen Heedles
J.A. Hennrikus
Malice Domestic 26
Sara J. Henry
Joan Hess
Kathryn Hiendlmayr
Marion Moore Hill
Sasscer Hill
Naomi Hirahara
Lois Foster Hirt
Aimee Hix
Judy Hogan
Angie Hogencamp
Julianne Holmes
Max M. Houck
Melodie Johnson
Jim Huang
Maria Hudgins
Mary Ellen Hughes
Linda Joffe Hull
Maddy Hunter
Janet Hutchings
Becky Hutchison
Eleanor Ingbretson
Teresa Inge
KB Inglee
D.E. Ireland
Polly Iyer
James M. Jackson
Jennifer Jank
Anna S. Jeffrey
Ilse Jetty
Kathryn Johnson
Sybil Johnson
Linda O. Johnston
Eleanor Cawood Jones
Vegie Jordan
Keith Kahla
Arlene Kay
David Kedson
Toni L.P. Kelner
Susan Kent
Tracy Kiely
Judith Kindell
Maggie King
Sally Kirby
Joanne Klase
Larry Klase
Annie Knox
Sara Koenig
Emily Krump
Malice Domestic 26
Jan Kurtz
Norma Kurtz
Clair Lamb
Shirley J. Landes
Linda Landrigan
Teresa Lange
Joni Langevoort
Ellen Larson
Jim Lavene
Joyce Lavene
Alan Leathers
Cheryl Leathers
Susan Lee
Con Lehane
Kit Leider
Allison Leotta
Tanya Lervik
Marian Lesko
Kelly Letourneau
Marilyn Levinson
Judy Levitan
Vera Libeau
Audrey Liebross
Greg Lilly
Hailey Lind
Liz Lipperman
Anna Loan-Wilsey
C. Ellett Logan
Kylie Logan
Dru Ann Love
Alice Loweecey
Kendel Lynn
Molly MacRae
Mary Jane Maffini
G.M. Malliet
Lesley Mang
Joe Maron
Margaret Maron
Sheila J. Martin
Karen Maslowski
Sujata Massey
Edith Maxwell
Arlene McCarthy
Kay McCarty
Greg McClure
Ashley McConnell
Nora McFarland
Mary McHugh
Donna C. McMurry
Catriona McPherson
Maury J. Mechanick
Liz Mellett
Carolyn Melvin
Bonner Menking
Beth Mertz
Lea Mesner
Gail A. Metzgar
Marvin E. Metzgar
Lee Mewshaw
Jenny Milchman
Mary Miley
Marcella Miller
Meg Mims
Art Molinares
Valerie Bonham Moon
Ruth Moose
Terrie Farley Moran
Grace Morgan
Laura Morrigan
Susan Morrison
Helen Morse
Liz Mugavero
Carolyn Mulford
Melinda Mullet
Anne Murphy
J.J. Murphy
Julia Musha
Monica Faith Myers
Elaine Naiman
Karen E. Neary
Mary Nelson
Michael Nethercott
Shelley Noble
Doris Ann Norris
Jo Anna Norris
Tj O’Connor
Marie O’Day
Tom O’Day
Clare O’Donohue
Laura Oles
Vincent H. O’Neil
Alan Orloff
Jayne Ormerod
Judith R. O’Sullivan
Kathryn O’Sullivan
Meredith Ottenbacher
Gail Oust
Rita Owen
Tempa Pagel
Gigi Pandian
Mary Faith Pankin
Kate Parker
Brad Parks
Nancy J Parra
Sandra Parshall
Valerie O. Patterson
Leigh Perry
Mary Hart Perry
Jackie Petersen
Penny Clover Petersen
Caroline Petrequin
Gail Pfeiffer
Dee Phelps
Donna Jeanne Phillips
Nikki Phipps
Nancy Pickard
Cathy Pickens
Sharon Pisacreta
C.W. Pollard
Janet Powell
Sherry Prather
Val Prochaska
Greg Puhl
Karen Pullen
Lori Rader-Day
Alice Radin
Lynne Raimondo
Shari Randall
Maggie Range
Anne Reece
Larissa Reinhart
Audrey Reith
Beth Richardson
Steven Rigolosi
Theresa Rispoli
Leslie Rivers
KM Rockwood
Dianne Rodman
Janet Rogerson
Roberta Rogow
Alice Rood
Justine Rood
Verena Rose
Barbara Ross
Peg Ross
Jan Rubens
Patricia Ruocco
Pre-Registered Participants
Dodie Ruskie
Linda Smith Rutledge
Hank Phillippi Ryan
Patricia Twomey Ryan
Cynthia Sabelhaus
Harriette Sackler
Eve K. Sandstrom
Peggy Rae Sapienza
Sarah Schantz
Tom Schantz
Barbara Schlichting
Ilene Schneider
Patricia Schutz
Veronica Scutaro
Maggie Sefton
Janine Seitz
Gordon Shaw
Kim Shaw
Ruth Shaw
Judy Sheard
Colleen Shogan
Michael W. Shore
Ruth Sickafus
Lauren Silberman
Shawn Reilly
Ardis Smith
Helen Smith
Francine F. Sobon
Elaine Will Sparber
Julia Spencer-Fleming
Tonya Spratt-Williams
Rochelle Staab
William Starck
Daniel Stashower
Liz Stauffer
Triss Stein
Steve Steinbock
B.K. Stevens
Dennis Stevens
Mimi Stevens
Dot Smith Stewart
Marilyn Stockstad
Cathi Stoler
Andy Straka
Sylvia Straub
Verna Suit
Patricia Summers
Kay D. Swift
John Talbot
Marcia Talley
Art Taylor
Mary Ann Taylor
Mike Taylor
Robin Templeton
Jane Tesh
Jen Rigdon Teter
Katherine G. Thomas
Sam Thomas
Victoria Thompson
Ellen Thornwall
Nancy Thornwall
Sheila M. Tierney
Charles (Caroline) Todd
Charles (Charles) Todd
Maggie Topkis
Maggie Toussaint
Angel Trapp
Christine Trent
Wendy Tyson
Steve Ulfelder
Diane Vallere
Polly Van Hyning
Susan Van Hyning
Shannon Jamieson
Michelle Vega
David Venard
Lourdes Venard
Elaine Viets
Lea Wait
LynDee Walker
Mo Walsh
Penny Warner
Wendy L. Watson
Diane Weaver
Stephanie Weaver
Cindy Weber
Tracy Weber
Chassie West
Nancy G. West
Molly Weston
Karen Whalen
Phyllis White
Linda Wiken
Dave H. Williams
Kathryn Williams
Reba White Williams
Dina S. Willner
Heidi Wilson
Adrienne Winchester
Bruce Winchester
Sarah Winchester
Trent Winchester
Sarah Wisseman
Beverly Wolov
Mary Lee Woods
Maureen Wynn
Sheila York
Marisa Young
Linda Zaharee
Luci Zahray
Malice Domestic 26
Friends of Malice
Nadia Abderrazzaq
Lisa Alber
Donnell A. Bell
Mysti A. Berry
Lexa Christopher
Sue Evans
Shelley Freydont
Erin George
Chris Grabenstein
Kait Johnson
Gay Toltl Kinman
Laura Lebow
Christopher Lord
Diane Lott
Jennifer McAndrews
Amanda McCabe
Jennifer Mittereder
Judith Parsons
Hannah Reed
Sandy Sechrest
Joanna Campbell Slan
Richard Steelman
Robert Steventon
Deborah Totemeier
Malice Domestic 26
Malice Domestic 26
See you next year at
Malice Domestic 27!
May 1–3, 2015
Check the Malice website for hotel information.
Special Discount for those who register
and pay at this year’s Malice:
Forms are available at the Registration desk.
Use credit card, cash or check.
Comprehensive Registration
(includes Agatha Banquet)
$295 until 12/31/2014 — $320 1/01– 4/15/2015*
Basic Registration
(no Banquet)
$245 until 12/31/2014 — $270 1/01– 4/15/2015*
* if space is available
Deadline all registrations: 4/15/2015
Malice Domestic 26