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ELIZABETH DRIVE, SUNBURY 3429 4th September, 2014 PHONE 9740 8666 www.sunburywestps.vic.edu.au No 28 Dear Parents, Staff and Children Father’s Day: TIMELINE Term 3 September 10th September Footy Meal Deal Day 11th September Grade 5/6 Sovereign Hill Excursion 12th September Sports & Graduation Photo Day Many thanks to our FOSW group for the preparation involved with the Father’s Day Stall. Your children had an opportunity to purchase “something special” at the stall today. Thanks to our many helpers, lead by Carleen Bramley, for providing a range of wonderful surprises our fathers will see on Sunday morning. More help required: 19th September Last Day of Term 3 2.30pm finish Friends of Sunbury West are also planning a “FUN RUN” for term 4. This was a wonderful day when we conducted it in 2012, however at the moment we are looking for volunteers to conduct this great event. Without this assistance this event is in jeopardy. Families received a letter last night explaining the current situation regarding volunteers and inviting parents to an extraordinary FOSW meeting immediately after assembly on Monday 8th September. Term 4 October Summer Sports Day: 6th October First Day of Term 4 We wish our teams all the very best as they compete in the local school summer sport day on Friday. Children should be prepared for all weather conditions during these sport days, however a quick look indicates sunscreen might be more useful than rain jackets. We’ll wait and see. 17th September Casual Clothes Day 18th September Prep - Traffic School 5/6 Rugby Gala Day 14th October Grade 1/2 Melbourne Zoo 20th - 22nd October Grade 4 Camp - Lady Northcote November 11th November 2015 Prep Information Evening 20th November 1st Prep Orientation 26th November 2nd Prep Orientation Stephen Taylor Principal Division Athletics We would like to wish the following girls Good Luck as they are participating in the Division Athletics on Monday: Chelsea Turvey, Bella Peterson, Hope O’Brien, Chelsea Keck & Georgia May. Give it your best shot girls!! Diane Todd Notices that have gone home…. Term 3 5th September Thank you to next weeks volunteers: 5/6 Summer Sports - $8.00 overdue 9th September September 10.00-12.00 12.00-2.00 Mon 8th CLOSED MONDAYS 5/6 Sunbury Downs Production – no cost, permission slip due Thursday 4/9 Tues 9th 11th September Wed 10th 5/6 Sovereign Hill Excursion $40 due Monday 8/9 Thurs 11th 18th September Fri 12th C. Kaeser More volunteers are needed and would be greatly appreciated. We have many knitters who are busily knitting ready to yarnbomb Sunbury West!! It’s been great to see students knitting together and teaching others to knit. As well as knitting, the preps are making “God’s Eyes”, the grade 5 and 6’s have made tassels and pom poms and other grades are doing weaving. Which is fabulous of course BUT we are running out of wool! If anyone has any spare wool they would be able to donate to the school – we have some keen knitters who would be very grateful—any colour and any amount (left overs are great too), please leave at the office and it will be passed on to the children. Thankyou especially to Mrs Warchulski and Mrs Wilkinson who have fixed up a few missed stitches while on yard duty! Thankyou from Sunbury West Junior School Council. Casual Clothes - Footy Theme Day Sunbury West Junior School Council would like to invite you to wear your favourite footy team colours on Wednesday the 17th September. Gold coin donation. Photos from the Father’s Day Stall today... Prep Traffic School Excursion $15 due Friday 12/9 Term 4 20th – 22nd October Grade 4 Camp - Lady Northcote Total cost $220 $170 due Friday 10/10 School Banking For the next 2 weeks we are running a competition for all 2014 FATHERS DAY STALL A big thank you to all our helpers for the Father’s Day Stall, we couldn’t do it without you! of our students. Each week 6 names will be drawn from all of the children who have banked for that week only. In the last week of term all of the names of the students who have banked over the five weeks will go into a grand prize draw. We have 2 backpacks full of goodies to give away. If you bank each week then you will automatically Danielle Lewis Carleen Bramley Kellie Adams Kristy Hermelin only at our school, so all of the winners will be from Lucy Grasso Rae Marsh-Delia Sunbury West. Renee Miller Tammie Marroitt If you don’t have a bank account for your child, for the Carly Ellis Rebecca McConnell next 2 weeks we are giving a “Pat the Dog” moneybox to Erin Weiler Briony Van Berlo Amy Glover Christine Kaeser Julie Mills Carolyn Reeks us application forms that you can complete and return them to the school. They will fast track the opening of these accounts, thus our competition. FOSW extraordinary Meeting Monday 8th September to discuss the Fun Run. every new account when it is opened. The bank has given allowing the new bankers to be included in Suzi Patton have 5 entries in the grand prize draw. This competition is SENDING MONEY TO SCHOOL Next FOSW Meeting will be held on Could parents please ensure that all money and notices are sent to your child’s teacher in an envelope clearly labelled with your: Monday 15th September at 9.30 am. Child’s name, Grade, Purpose, and Amount enclosed. All Welcome. It would be appreciated if parents who are paying any accounts at the office can have the correct money as no change is held at the office. All money is banked daily. Knowing What To Do In An Emergency Situation Could Save Your Child's Precious Life Kids First Aid offers the only first aid courses delivered exclusively by experienced paramedics, designed to teach parents, grandparents and caregivers how to respond calmly and confidently to 10 of the most common first aid emergency situations. Courses available now : Sunbury (Melbourne), Sunday 14th September, 9am to 12pm, Gonnawarra Golf Club, 2 Frances Blvd, Sunbury. Book Online Today: www.kidsfirstaid.com.au or call 1300 138 133 Private Sessions also available STUDENT OF THE WEEK TERM 3 - 2014 - PREP SH Nate Curll Monday 1st September Great writing and asking questions to find information. Stephanie Hugo 1/2 A Tane Webster For their enthusiasm for learning. James Watkins 1/2 L Jake McDorman For his writing about Peer Support (apology that it was cut off for the week beginning 18th August) Zoe Pearce For the creative headings they made on the computer. Emily Kristic 1/2 M Nyagoa Ruach For an outstanding effort with her writing. 3/4 B Tom Langmaid For their fantastic writing and peer editing. Mariah DeBono 3/4C Ally Begbie For always working hard on tasks and trying their best. Chelsea Davis 3/4P Alysha Parry For her great feedback during our peer editing sessions. 3/4 T Keira Chatman For being such hard workers. Isabela Cvetanoski 5/6 D Aiden Fermaner For showing persistent efforts in Maths. Brydie Hope 5/6L Hayley Marriott Saxon Brooker 5/6N Will Collins Ethan Fermaner For a conscientious approach to all activities and being active participants in the class. Fantastic! For trying really hard to improve in all areas and great knitting. For his knitting enthusiasm. ART All Grade 5/6’s For their fantastic sewing and great listening skills. Well done. 3/4B For always being enthusiastic and willing to learn new skills. MUSIC P.E. Gone Fishin’ Relay for Life team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie fundraiser on Friday 12th September at 6.30pm Reading Cinemas Sunbury, Tickets are $15 Lolly bags and soft drinks available on the night from $1. Contact Marisa at marisa15@bigpond.com or 0427701715
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