Community News Oct 2011 - James Meehan High School


Community News Oct 2011 - James Meehan High School
58 Harold Street,
Macquarie Fields, 2564
Phone 9605 4395, Fax 98293976
Car donated to JMHS
A Camry Hybrid car has been donated to
James Meehan High School for the Learner
Driver Mentor Program. MG My Gateway was
instrumental in finding sponsors who contributed
to the MY GIFT program. Campbelltown
Catholic Club, Clintons Toyota, Ingleburn Rotary
and MWLP collaborated with MG My Gateway
to make this happen. Their generosity and belief
in our school and students will provide students
with the opportunity to access qualified drivers
and gain valuable experience behind the wheel.
This will help students to meet the 120 hours
needed for the logbook in order to obtain their P
It all started last year with our NAB Schools
First Seed Funding Award. Our dream has
always been to get a car in order to build on the
program. Students will be able to apply for a spot
in the program. They will have access to a
qualified driving instructor for 10 hours
(equivalent to 30 hours for the logbook) and they
will also be able to access a volunteer network to help get their logbook hours. Macquarie Fields Police have been a strong partner
in our initiative, and our presentation to Ingleburn Rotary earlier this year eventually led to introductions to the team at MG
Our sincere thanks go to Dianna Ames and Steve Montgomery from MWLP for introducing us to Steve Horn and Steve Wisbey
from MG My Gateway. These are can-do people who believe in better employment and social opportunities for young people in the
If you are interested in finding out more about the program, please contact me at the school on (02) 9605 4395. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Rosemarie Vujcic
Transition Adviser
More photos:
page 11
From me to me parents bring food to the front office to be passed on to students.
Students will not be let out of class to collect food during lesson mes, so please make arrangements for your
child to collect their food only at recess and lunch breaks.
Recess is from 10.50—11.20 am, and Lunch me is from 1.00-1.30 pm each day.
James Meehan High School
October 2011
LEAPS students
The LEAPS (Lawfirms Encouraging and Assisting Promising Students)
program is part of a valuable partnership which the school enjoys with
Minter Ellison Lawyers. Students participating in LEAPS are mentored by
members of the law firm as they make weekly trips into the Sydney offices of
Minter Ellison. The program for 2011 was recently concluded with a
celebratory Graduation Evening held at school, where the mentors, students
and parents shared a meal and reflected on their many achievements during
the year.
LEAPS students Samantha Nicholl, Chantel Chemali, Ezra WihapiPerkins and Emily Baker compiled the following report:
The LEAPS activities were very interesting and we did many different
thing we would not have done if it was not for LEAPS.
Our mentors have taught us a lot over the past months and we have
become much more aware of our need to be work-ready and develop skills
Speaking in a group
Talking to people in a work context
Presenting ourselves in a professional manner
Acceptable behaviour
How to catch public transport.
Places we visited were very interesting and amazing (some even scary)
such as the broken down monorail, Sydney Tower, Imax theatre, Sydney
Aquarium and the Harbour Bridge.
Our graduation night was fantastic as we thanked our mentors, and our
families were there to see us shine.
Our theme on graduation night was Bollywood. The hall decorations,
food and clothing were all set up with a touch of Bollywood. The mentors
were thanked and farewelled by Ms St Julian. Thank you especially to Ms
Ram and all the other staff who supported the LEAPS program in 2011.
Do you have your
child’s Half-Yearly
Year 12 says farewell
Year 12 students completed their lessons at the end of term 3 and will
commence formal HSC examinations this week.
Students celebrated the end of their school education at a Graduation
Ceremony on Thursday 22 September.
Particular congratulations go to our student leadership team pictured above:
Paul Fusi, Anthony Veilo, Angel Pabiona and Crystal Lisson have
represented their school with distinction over the past year.
James Meehan High School
Reports were prepared early last
term and are available for pick-up
from the front office of the school.
Please call in and collect your
student’s report or ring the school
on 9605 4395 to make
arrangements for the report to be
sent home.
October 2011
Staff News
James Meehan High School has a number
of very experienced long term staff. Two of
our senior staff members, Ted Cassar and
Diane Brennan are retiring in the coming
Mr Ted Cassar has worked as our General
Assistant for many years. He has been the
school’s Mr Fix-it, working tirelessly to
maintain the school’s buildings, grounds and
gardens. While teachers and students get on
with teaching and learning, Mr Cassar has
made sure that rooms are painted, locks are
fixed, furniture is moved, toilets flush when
they should, lawns are mowed and gardens
watered – everything that is needed to keep
the school functioning and presentable.
We thank him for his efforts and wish him
the very best of health and happiness in his
Ms Diane Brennan has been School
Counsellor at James Meehan High since 2003.
She has brought to her counseling role a deep
concern for the welfare of students at James
Meehan, and at our feeder primary schools.
She has been a mentor to teaching staff and
younger counsellors.
While some of her role has been in face to
face counseling with students (and staff),
much of her time has been taken up in writing
reports and submissions to provide support for
students with particular educational needs.
This behind the scenes work is rarely visible,
very time consuming, but absolutely necessary
in securing the best outcomes for our students.
Thank you Ms Brennan, and enjoy your
Mr Jim Snow completed his teaching
career at the end of 2009, aged in his
Mr Flew, our Deputy Principal,
recently visited him at his home in country
NSW to present him with his retirement
medal. Congratulations to Jim on a long
and outstanding career.
uniform - our
dress code
Ms Dennis awarded
James Meehan High School’s uniform is
simple and affordable. Students are
expected to be in full uniform every day.
Uniform items are available from GT
Fashions in Glenquarie Town Centre.
One of our younger staff members, Ms
Kylie Dennis has recently been recognised for
her achievements so far in her teaching career.
She is to receive a regional award for staff
excellence for Early Career Teaching.
Ms Dennis started at James Meehan High
working as our Aboriginal Education Officer,
while she was training to be a teacher. Since
completing her qualifications she has been a
full-time staff member, with a particular focus
on dance teaching.
Her teaching skills and commitment to
excellence are evident in the outstanding
performances which have been developed for
school productions and the MindMatters
Drama and Dance Festival in Canberra.
Congratulations, Ms Dennis!
James Meehan High School
School polo top - junior or senior
versions available
Plain navy trousers or tailored shorts;
or navy skirt
Plain white socks and all black shoes
(sports shoes or leather)
School jacket — no hoods or other
logos, please
October 2011
7/8S and 7/8X experience a taste of Egypt!
During third term, 7/8S and 7/8X immersed themselves in the world of Egypt as part of their Integrated Studies curriculum. In
these reports, students from both classes write about some memorable aspects of this unit of work.
The Nicholson Museum
The Banquet
On Wednesday August 7, 7/8S and 7/8X went to the
Nicholson Museum at Sydney University in Redfern.
We went to the museum to learn more about Egyptian
We went by train and then we walked for about ten minutes
to the university.
In the museum was a very expensive statue of a Pharaoh, it
was made of granite, it was worth $8000000! There are only
two replicas of it in the whole world. This Pharaoh didn’t rule
for very long, he was old before he became a king and then a
couple of years later he died.
The most interesting thing that I saw at the museum was
the mummy of Kebekhsenuef, the son/daughter of Horus. He/
she was only six years old when he/she died. For a long time
everyone thought that the mummy was a girl so they put it
through a CT scanner and it showed that HE was a boy!
This is something new that I have learnt, if you were poor
and you died, sometimes your body was just thrown out onto
the sand to dry out, you were not mummified.
My favourite artefact was a canopic jar made from
alabaster, it was very heavy, very rare and you could see
through it. It's very expensive!
Michael Harley 7S
7/8X and 7/8S hosted an Egyptian banquet last term. The
banquet included a performance from both Year 8 classes, and
was followed by an Egyptian feast prepared by the TAS
department and 7/8X.
All the work that both classes had completed was also on
showcase for teachers to see.
The banquet was a lot of fun.
We were assessed without a boring test! We got to express
what we had learnt in a completely different way.
It was an awesome day!
Ashley Ryan 8X
On Wednesday the 7th of September 2011, 7/8S , 7/8X,
Mrs Rymer, Mrs Barrett, Mrs Dirgham and Fou went to
Sydney University in Redfern. We went there by train.
We went to the museum because we were working on
Egypt and we wanted to find out more.
The Nicholson Museum had a statue that cost eight million
dollars! We saw canopic jars, mummies and lots of valuable
We got to hold some of the museums artefacts.
The most interesting thing that I saw was a sword. It was
very old, very heavy and green, but it was magnificent!
My favourite artefact was the story of the Book of the Dead.
This is what I learnt, that if the heart failed the weighing of
the heart test one of the Gods – Ammit would eat the heart.
French people who bought and unwrapped mummy’s to
take out the jewels and amulets would just throw the bodies
into a fire.
Nikki, a historian, told us the story of a person who had
stolen a Pharaohs place, he died two years later. Before he died
he married Tutankhamun's wife!
These are some new things that I learnt, that you had to
bury a dead Pharaoh to become a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt.
The scarab beetle, aka the dung beetle, pushed dung around
in balls, the Egyptians thought that the balls represented the
Hunter Willmot 7S
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Problems with Facebook?
Many students and parents value Facebook as a useful social networking website for staying connected with
friends and family. However, there are mes when things go wrong, and students find themselves harassed
or bullied.
The school has a strong an -bullying policy, but our ability to directly deal with online bullying or harassment
is limited.
These links are provided to assist you to directly deal with Facebook should problems occur.
Direct Links
Facebook Help:
h p:// 1020
Harassed on Facebook:
h p://www.facebook. com/help/?page= 1020
Report a compromised Account:
h p://
Report Abuse without a Facebook Account:
h p:// php?show_form = report_tos_viola on
Removal of Child Abuse Material:
h p:// p/contact. php?show_form = report_photo
Terms of Facebook:
h p://
Cyber safety Bu on:
h p ://www.d u/online_safety_and_securìty/cybersafetyhelpbu on_download/
ques ons_and_answers# 1
Cybersmart Outreach—Internet
Safety Awareness presentations
As part of its Cybersmart Outreach program, the Australian
Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA), delivers
free internet safety awareness presentations for parents, teachers
and students. Presentations provide valuable information about
the risks confronting children online, and offer tools and tips to
help make their internet experiences safe and positive.
Internet safety presentations cover topics including:
the ways children use the internet and emerging
potential risks for children online, such as cyberbullying,
illegal content, inappropriate contact, identity theft, grooming
and predatory activity
tips to help children stay safe online.
The presentation is thorough, non-technical and is
conducted by an accredited cybersmart trainer. Presentations
are provided to schools free of charge.
For more information, including dates, visit
James Meehan High School
To register, telephone the ACMA on (03) 9963 6882 or
Our next Cybersmart Outreach—Internet Safety Awareness
presentation will be held on:
Wednesday 19th October 2011
Macquarie Fields Primary School
5:30pm – 7:00pm
To register your attendance, please contact Amber Hope at
MWLP on (02) 4625 1863 OR register on as soon as possible. Numbers
are limited.
October 2011
JMHS in the news!
From the Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser website
Become a WEP
Exchange Student
or Host Family!
World Educa on Program (WEP) Australia is
now accep ng applica ons from students
wishing to live and study overseas for a
summer, semester or year. Students can
choose from 26 des na ons to study and
experience life with a welcoming, volunteer
host family.
Words from Wingara
Plan Ahead and Save $500!
For applica ons received before 30 November
2011, WEP is offering students in years 9 to 12
a $500 discount off the 2011/12 program fee.
Wingara was off to a flying start in Term 3 by welcoming 2
new students, Krystal Millard and Kevin Eldridge to join us.
Both students have settled in extremely well and are currently
building positive relationships with their peers and staff.
Wingara students earned quite a few exciting excursions last
term due to their positive behaviour in the classroom. Fishing in
particular proved to be a huge hit with the students until they
learnt they had to bait their own hooks. Let’s just say there were
a few squeamish stomachs that day! Talk like a pirate day also
proved to be a hit with the students learning about pirates and
sampling ”pirate food”.
The highlight for the students was definitely the Wingara
Camp they attended in week 10 at Burrill Lakes. From
swimming to enjoying the animals at Mogo Zoo a wonderful
time was had by all the staff and students.
This term will be a very busy one with Christmas
approaching quickly and reports due out at the end of the term.
Become a WEP Host Family!
Extend your family with a mo vated
interna onal exchange student and make new
friends from around the world.
Request a FREE Informa on Pack!
Contact WEP to find out more about this oncein-a-life me opportunity.
Phone: 1300 884 733 (for the cost of a local
Wingara staff
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Beacon Foundation –
Make Your Mark!
Last term, year 10 students were actively engaged in developing their
opportunities for the future. The Charter Signing Event was an opportunity for
students to make a public commitment to a future of education, training or
employment. The girls had a chance to further their skills at the Lunch with
the Girls program where students were mentored by strong and talented
women. Twenty students were fortunate to attend the Polish program, a
workshop that helps students prepare for their careers through personal
presentation and communication training, giving them the skills to conduct
themselves appropriately when entering the world of work. This event was
generously supported by Ingleburn RSL, the host venue for the Polish program
(see the Macarthur Advertiser news story on page 6).
When the boys heard that the girls were having Lunch with the Girls, there
were many cries of, “what about us (me!)” (Shannon Noll, eat your heart out.)
Well, the boys didn’t have to wait long. The Beacon Foundation launched the
pilot program MAKE YOUR MARK, formerly known as BBQ with the Boys,
and they were not disappointed.
Here is a report from Mr Joseph Mirabito, who supervised the day’s
I want to recognise the outstanding effort of our Year 10 boys during
"BBQ with the Boys" on Tuesday 20th Sept. The presenters were blown away
by the efforts of our 19 representatives from the school. The day started with
some physically demanding challenges on the sports field followed by
presentations indoors by International Basketballer Andrew Stewart and
others. What surprised the presenters was not just the way people acted
politely and thoughtfully but a lot more. Most schools, we were told, took 20
minutes to get functioning as a team whereas JMHS did it from the start. Boys
took on leadership roles without any complaint from others and together they
started identifying the solution within the first 60 seconds. Our boys, when
asked to identify key values, all recognised the importance of family and
community as central. I did not have to reprimand anyone in any way
throughout the day. At the start we set a theme of "doing the school proud"
and we kept to it. The Moorebank Sports Club were friendly and helpful and
the facilities were really great. Our thanks go to Rose Vujcic for organising the
whole event and doing it so well. Daniel and Fou were tremendous help on
the day too; nothing was too much trouble for them.
Presenters Ben Cooper & Anthony Stewart said:
"The boys were outstanding in their teamwork and support of one another
and the mentors. They engaged with the activities immediately and were a
fantastic group who in fact achieved the record for getting through our
obstacle course (49 mins 2 Seconds). This activity required trust, teamwork
and communication skills. It was a pleasure to work with them".
If you would like to find out more about the ‘No Dole’ Program and the
Beacon Foundation, please contact the school.
Rosemarie Vujcic
Transition Adviser
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Careers News
Our exchange student
says farewell
Dear James Meehan High School,
Term 3 was set aside to prepare the Year 12 for their transition from school.
A number of the Year 12 made proactive bookings with the careers adviser to
apply for university next year. After discussion, some interesting choices were
made and entered into their university applications. A number of applications
were made for the equity scholarship and EAS scheme. Good luck to the ATAR
students in the main round of offers in early January, 2012.
As term 4 begins the incoming Year 12 (current Year 11) cohort is slowly
being inducted into thinking about possible university studies. They were
encouraged to participate in the “Uni in a day” program run by the University of
Sydney. This year the program is extended to year 11 transitioning into the HSC
exam. It is anticipated that the program will kick off a cycle of activities for our
students to experience aspects of tertiary education.
Early TAFE applications for next year were also warmly taken up this year
with a few exotic requests. One student also made early enquiries to apply for
the Western Australian TAFE system before leaving James Meehan. This is
good to see and is especially pleasing as it demonstrated finally that the message
of ‘pathway planning’ is having an effect.
Vocational Education – work placements
Hi, my name is Erika Ozaki, I’m from
Japan and I live in Tokyo. My parents are
Colombian so I speak Japanese and Spanish,
and I have a brother whose name is Jurian. He
is 14 years old and plays soccer.
My stay with James Meehan High School
was very exciting and the school students were
very kind. They helped me so much, I am glad
to have spent time with them.
The school’s teachers are very nice; they
gave me many opportunities, so I had a good
experience. Thank you very much.
I want to say thank you to Tiffany Sutcliffe
and Ms Hemmett. Tiffany for accompanying
me around the school and Ms Hemmett for
teaching me English and many things. I will
never forget you.
Thank you very much.
From Erika
This term, the careers office was busy preparing work placements for the
Retail students. The early commencement of the program aims to give our
students an initial VET qualification from which they can springboard into
further training when they leave school at 17 years and beyond. Feedback from
host employers has been most positive with three students (Tennille, Leyla and
Kyle) deserving special mentioning. Tennille and Leyla gained part time work
with a view to full time employment as a result of the work placement. Kyle
won a regional award for his work in Retail. An excellent achievement for the
Students have booked in with employees to attend workplacement and it is
envisaged that the work placement component will be finalised for Retail this
year. Thank you to all the host employers in the Campbelltown and Macarthur
shopping district for their participation.
Indigenous Apprenticeship
In August, we had 4 girls in Year 10 start their journey to apply for a limited
number of Indigenous scholarships to work for the ANZ bank corporation. This
is a solid career pathway for the Indigenous students, with the program giving
both practical and vocational training in the banking sector. The successful
candidates will also be paired with an Indigenous mentor throughout the
apprenticeship program. While there is only one position for the five designated
regions, the ANZ representative made a special commitment to our girls to take
them as far as possible. The girls have had training in preparing them for an
interview with ANZ management. Good luck to the girls.
Get that Job day
In late September, seven senior students travelled to Parramatta for
apprenticeship interviews. Many schools from across the metropolitan area
participate in this program. The day involved interview sessions with over a
hundred employers representing over 50 industries. Our students will receive
individual calls and correspondence in respect to their applications.
Mr L Nguyen, Careers Adviser
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Australian National
University Pasifika Camp
Eight Year 9 and 10 Students from James
Meehan High school attended the Australian
National University's Pasifika camp on the first
weekend of the school Holidays.
The students travelled to Canberra to
experience life on a university campus and then
on to Kioloa for a bush camping experience next
to the beach. Students on the camp came from
Melbourne, Canberra and other Sydney schools
including Ashcroft and Bankstown. The students
included Daniel Uepa, Billy Jean Sio and TreDeuce Sio, Harry Levaa, Zhane Paenga
Medland, Christian Matamaki, Lutai
Mose and Jerome Glassie.
Spending time at the beach, being
surrounded by Kangaroos, experiencing an
Aboriginal ceremony to cleanse the spirits,
meeting 'heaps of new people', attending lectures
as well as group performances displaying their
new knowledge were some of the highlights
students reported.
All students wished the camp was longer they
had such a good time. We hope to continue to
develop strong links with ANU and thank you to
Fou Atonio and Ms Lefu for all of their
organisation and support.
Ms K Markham
School Certificate Exam information
The School Certificate Examinations for year 10 take place on Monday 7th November and Tuesday 8th November.
These exams will be conducted in the SMALL HALL.
Full exam conditions apply. Full school uniform to be worn.
Make sure you bring all your equipment with you - you will not be able to share, eg pens, pencil, calculator, etc.
A bottle of water only, may be taken into the exam
You will be put in allocated desks and your Board of Studies number will be placed on your desk.
Students who fail to attend MUST obtain a doctors certificate for the days they are away.
You must be at school 20 min prior to the start time, you DO NOT attend roll call on Monday or Tuesday.
Life Skills students are not required to attend exams on Monday or Tuesday .
Wingara and Djurali students must attend all days.
Normal classes resume on Wednesday 9th November.
The Computing Skills exam will be held during class time from Wednesday to Friday.
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Maths News
All students need a calculator! They use these every day in their Mathematics lessons. They
are also often needed in Geography and Science.
Could you please ensure that your child has a calculator to start term 4 off with? This is an
important time of year for all students who will be undertaking their yearly exams.
The preferred calculator is the CASIO FX 82AU PLUS, which you can purchase from
Officeworks, Kmart or Big W. Some newsagents also carry this model.
The school also sells this calculator AT COST. It is $20.80, and can be paid for at the front
office. Students then bring the receipt to the Maths faculty to collect the calculator, and have
their name engraved on it.
Thank you to all the parents who have already organised this for their child.
James Meehan Maths Newsletter
Ever wondered how you can help your child improve their understanding in Maths? The
Maths faculty are planning to produce a newsletter twice a term with hints and strategies
that can help.
The newsletter will also include important dates for exams and other events, as well as
information about what your child is learning in class.
In order to receive this newsletter, you simply need to provide your email address to the
school. You can do this by sending in a note, calling the school or sending an email to
The newsletter will begin in 2012, but we would like to start collecting email addresses
now. Please register! We’re sure it will be helpful.
All year 7 to 10 have been provided with a Mathletics
account. Mathletics is an excellent tool to help your child to
improve their Mathematics learning. The program will be
extended into 2012. We hope that you will encourage your
child to access their Mathletics account at home as often as
possible. All that is required is an internet connection. The
web address is
Students have their username and password, but if you
would like to know what this is, please contact Ms Ferran or your child’s Maths teacher. You can ask via the email address for the
Maths Newlsetter, if this is more convenient.
Staff news
This term we welcome back Mrs Nyamushi who is returning from maternity leave. We would also like to thank Mr Mirabito
for his contribution to the Maths faculty in teaching Mrs Nyamushi’s classes during her absence.
Ms Ferran (HT Maths)
NAPLAN results coming
If you have a child in year 7 or 9, you should expect to have their NAPLAN results in the coming days.
If you have any questions about the results, including how to read the information and what you can do to help improve your
child’s performance in future tests, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
You can also access the website
reports/student_report.html for videos and text explaining how
the report works.
James Meehan High School
October 2011
World skills competition
VET students at JMHS are very fortunate
to be able to enter prestigious competitions to
further their achievements and self promotion.
One competition which is very competitive is
the WORLD SKILLS which three students
have been successful in advancing to the
regional finals.
Alicia Ellis, Tiffany Sutcliffe and Searn
Francis (pictured) in Year 10 Hospitality have
achieved very high marks to advance to
regional finals which will be held on the 26th
and 27th October at Seven Hills.
Congratulations girls! This is a fine
achievement and best wishes for the next
R St Julian - Head Teacher VET
Volleyball Knockout
At the end of term 2 the girl's volleyball team headed to Homebush to
compete against the state's top 16 teams. Fou Atonio, our mighty CLO
travelled with the team and provided his steady and enthusiastic support
during each game. The competition was fierce and on day one we lost our
first game and then won our next game. We left the venue tired, but excited
by how well we had played. As a team, we had come together and everybody
had surprised themselves by how well they had played. On day two, we lost
our first game by three points and our next game by two points (a real
nailbiter). Nobody left the venue feeling disheartened... instead we felt
fantastic. We had played such competitive and skillful volleyball. We had
played as a team – with heart. Every player had improved over those two
days and showed great determination.
The team was: Seine Lauina, Inangaro Maraeara , Maria Autagavaia ,
Mona Somsanit , Jenny Aphay , Janeta Moefaauo, Lorrenda FidowNumiamalii , Vilomena Naleba.
Well done girls and thank you to our steady and calm captain, Seine
The team would like to thank Mrs Taylor , Mr Frangipane and the PE
staff for their ongoing support.
Karen Markham
More car presentation pics
James Meehan High School
October 2011
James Meehan High School
October 2011
James Meehan High supports
Kenyan high school
James Meehan High School has formed links through Global School Partners with St Joseph’s Nyabigena High School in
Kenya, where we sponsor a Year 9 student, Kepha.
The photos at the bottom of the page show some of the facilities in this school and the challenges that students face in achieving
their educational goals.
During Anti-Poverty Week, 16-22 October, we will be raising the awareness of our students about the impacts of world poverty
and how they can contribute to making life better for others.
From the Global School Partners newsletter:
Kepha shows off his James Meehan High School uniform shirt
School facilities from top left: Library, classroom, dormitory, toilet block.
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Zone Champion
Our debaters are going from strength to strength in
2011, with both the Year 9-10 team and the Year 7-8
"Blues" team being titled Zone Champions. The Year 910 team, consisting of Billie-Jean Sio, Jo-Anne Willott,
Aymen Helwe, Leyla Bozkurt and Zhane PaengaMedland, had to beat three other schools to become
Zone Champions. These schools were Liverpool Girls
High School, Leumeah High School and Liverpool Boys
High School. Our team were then beaten in the first
Inter-Zone knock-out debate by Ashcroft High School.
This is the first time in JMHS history that we have
had a Zone Champion debating team. Well done to all
members, and to their coach, Ms Blanch.
The Year 7-8 "Blues" team, consisting of Skye
Campbell, Jodie Skidmore, Ashley Ryan and Aliesha
Collins-Ali, are performing excellently, winning the
zone and then beating Ashcroft High School to advance
to the final 8 out of 58 teams in South West Sydney.
Their coach, Mr Wawszkowicz, is very proud of them,
and believes they have every chance of continuing
further in the competition this year if they keep up the
preparation work.
All debating team members have been kept very
busy putting on regular demonstration debates at local
primary schools throughout Terms 3 and 4. Our
debating team members train on Mondays after school,
and assist with after-school debating workshops for local
primary school students. This has allowed them to not
only build their own skills, but to try to develop the skills
of potential future JMHS students, hopefully making
debating strong for years to come.
Thank you to all the staff and students who are
continuing to work hard to support debating at JMHS.
Hard work is clearly leading to success!
Top: Jodie Skidmore speaks to Glenfield Public School
students during a demonstration debate recently.
Above: Yr 7-8 Zone Champion JMHS "Blues", from left
to right: Mr Wawszkowicz (Coach), Skye Campbell,
Jodie Skidmore, Aliesha Collins-Ali, and Ashley Ryan.
James Meehan High School
October 2011
James Meehan High School
October 2011
Fire in the Fields concert
James Meehan High School joined forces with students from thirteen other primary and secondary schools to present ‘Fire in the
Fields’ at Glenquarie Community Centre in August. Our Year 11 & 12 performers did us proud!
Drumming in the city!
At a special celebration in a Glebe Café last week
organised by our drumming teacher Claudia
Chambers, Kai Roberts received his new cajon
drum (by way of a music scholarship from the
Smith Family), while Sam Seiuli and Mr Hayek
entertained the crowd with a lively drumming
performance. It was a great event which
showcased our school performers to a brand new
inner city audience. Congratulations!
Reminder dates
Last day for students—Friday 16 December
School Development Days for staff — 19-20 December
School Development Day for staff — Friday 27 January
Students return (Years 7, 11 & 12) — Monday 30 January
Students return (Years 8, 9 & 10) — Tuesday 31 January
James Meehan High School
October 2011