the harvard ichthus


the harvard ichthus
volume 7, number 4
winter 2011
the harvard ichthus
a student journal of christian thought at harvard college
The Christmas Issue
winter 2011
volume 7, number 4
the harvard ichthus
The Incarnation
Jordan Monge
Mary: Vulnerability in the Virgin
Roshni Patel
Joseph: Obedience Against All Odds
Leeann Saw
Bryan Padilla
Jeweliann Houlette
The Everlasting Gift
Eva Kim
Andrew Garbarino
Christmas Carols: Singing for the Savior
Jihye Choi
Celebrate the Light: Remembering Christ
Catherine Cook
Linguistics and the Bible
Christopher Hopper
A Review of The Meaning of Life: A Short Introduction
Kelly Maeshiro
God of My Father
Catherine Cook
last things
Last Things: A New Covenant
Ruirui Kuang & Roshni Patel
For Hazel - Aaron Belz (3)
!"#$%&'()*%$+),)In Celebration
the harvard
a student journal of christian
thought at harvard college
design editor:
business manager:
features editor:
opinions editor:
books & arts editor:
fiction & poetry editor:
biblical exposition editor:
grants manager:
subscriptions manager:
Jordan Monge ’12
Zhanrui Kuang ’12
Leeann Saw ’13
Roshni Patel ’13
Jihye Choi ’14
Jeweliann Houlette ’14
Eva Kim ’14
Andrew Garbarino ’13
Christopher Hopper ’13
Bryan Padilla ’15
Catherine Cook ’12
Kelly Maeshiro ’14
faculty advisers: Prof. Mark Ramseyer
Prof. Wesley Jacobsen
Prof. Marla Frederick
the harvard ichthus is made possible in
part by contributions from the Cecil B. Day
Foundation, Christian Union,
the Undergraduate Council, the Memorial
Church, and generous alumni
please direct all inquiries to:
the harvard ichthus
c/o jordan monge
219 quincy mail center
cambridge, ma 02138
or by e-mail at:
This has been a wonderful year for The Ichthus. The Winter issue you
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copyright © 2011 the harvard ichthus
all rights reserved
Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae
the harvard ichthus
For Hazel
Wasn’t it Walton’s Violin Concerto,
composed for Jascha Heifetz,
a brooding bed of clarinets & uprising
of strings, crashing as it ascends
then plummets Icarus-like through percussive
passages, that glorious Disneyesque
failure, straining thru Woolworth’s muzak
the day I shopped for your pet rock,
my Christmas love, a token of devotion
to end-weight your long red sock
gilt with honeycomb embroidery and bright
green leaves, your name in cursive
plaid cut-outs craft-glued across its front,
quiltish, its aroma of Michaels and
eucalyptus and cinnamon, its top sno-ball
batting cheapness encircléd, hanging
among relatives, “distraught” sofa bedding
choices, Brazil nut shells and nog—
because I loved you so deep in the wool
back then, Hazel, I could have plotzed?
Plotz - to collapse or be beside oneself with frustration or
other strong emotion.
Aaron Belz has published two books of poems, The Bird
=+8$#$# (BlazeVOX, 2007) and E+8$'(:)Z./31$##(
(Persea, 2010). A third has recently been accepted and is
forthcoming from Persea.
winter 2011
The Nativity
his is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah
came about: in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s
pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to
Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be
married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David
The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and
said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord
is with you.”
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered
what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said
to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor
with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and
you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be
called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give
him the throne of his father David, and he will reign
over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never
“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I
am a virgin?”
The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on
you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow
you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son
of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a
child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable
to conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God
will ever fail.”
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May
At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in
the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s
home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard
Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and
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voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so
favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears,
the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who
Because Joseph, Mary’s husband, was faithful to the
law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace,
he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the
Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son
of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your
wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy
Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give
him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from
their sins.”
through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give
birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which
means “God with us”). When Joseph woke up, he did
what the angel of the Lord had commanded him.
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a
census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This
governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town
to register.
So Joseph went to Bethlehem the town of David,
because he belonged to the house and line of David. He
went there to register with Mary. While they were there,
the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth
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placed him in a manger, because there was no guest
room available for them.
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angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the
angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good
news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in
the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is
the harvard ichthus
the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host
appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
to those on whom his favor rests.”
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven,
the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem
and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has
told us about.”
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and
the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had
seen him, they spread the word concerning what had
been told them about this child, and all who heard it were
amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary
treasured up all these things and pondered them in her
heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising
God for all the things they had heard and seen, which
were just as they had been told.
On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise
the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had
given him before he was conceived.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during
the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to
Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been
born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and
have come to worship him.”
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and
all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together
all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law,
he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In
Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the
prophet has written:
‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.’
winter 2011
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out
from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent
them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully
that I too may go and worship him.”
After they had heard the king, they went on their way,
and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of
them until it stopped over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming
to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary,
and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they
opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of
gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned
in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to
their country by another route.
When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared
to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child
and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I
tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill
So he got up, took the child and his mother during
the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the
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said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted
by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill
all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two
years old and under, in accordance with the time he had
learned from the Magi.
After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in
a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, “Get up, take the
child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for
those who were trying to take the child’s life are dead.”
This text is from the New International Version of the Bible. It is a
combination of the words from the gospels of Matthew and Luke.
Jordan Monge
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also fully God.
the harvard ichthus
Fully God
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Jesus’ Two Natures
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“Were it not for Easter, Christmas would
be meaningless. Were it not for Christmas,
Easter could not have occurred.”
winter 2011
[1] Athanasius. On the Incarnation4)?*#-/&-.%)?'.//-!/)H&*$#$.')E-1#.#(4)
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Jordan Monge ’12, a Philosophy and Religion joint concentrator in
Quincy House, is the Editor-in-Chief of The Ichthus.
Vulnerability in the Virgin
ary, the obedient, faithful, tenacious virgin in
whom Christ was conceived, is undoubtedly a
model of devotion. Furthermore, her song of
of prophecy and some of the most elevated theological
themes found anywhere in Scripture. Mary, however, is
often viewed in the context of present-day moral standards. Failure to realize antiquity’s perception of a woman bearing a child with no man to call the child’s father
hinders us from understanding the extent to which God
chose to make himself vulnerable through her circumstance. Mary was invited to share in the disgrace of being a single mother in a society where such a situation
might lead to death. Mary’s piety in the possibility of
public stoning as an adulteress (Deut 22) is admirably
striking. Yet, we often overlook a quite obvious question.
What Godly power would choose to enter the world
through the vulnerability of such a woman? We often ro)43(7B78*%P"9*<2%43'%Q4$!%49%R#497M$"+"(7B%.5#$*9D%,#-.--735%G"'S9%<#$<"9*%(2$"#52%43%#3A3"&4+-*%"+*'7*3B*%
with some sort of magical faith. But, they were real people facing real choices, real fears, and real consequences
for their decisions. It is curious that God embedded his
own incarnation in the depths of human vulnerability.
He chose for the mother of his Son to have to depend
on the good will of an untested male, Joseph, who knew
that he was not the father of the child. Mary was either
an adulteress or a virgin blessed by God. What sort of
power would be prepared to trust that Joseph, a mere
human, would choose the latter, much less plausible interpretation?
In Mary’s virgin conception, we see that this power
allowed itself to be made vulnerable to the most dangerous of society’s constructs: the law. Only a power
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himself as vulnerable to the law, knowing that in the end,
his death would subvert this very law. We are told that in
his death, Jesus “cancelled the record of debt that stood
against us with its legal demands.” He set aside the law,
“nailing it to the cross” (Col 2:14). The very act of his
birth through the Virgin Mary seemingly rendered him
vulnerable to the law, and his death seemed to prove the
triumph of this law. However, in a majestic act of divine paradox, he subverted both instances and abolished
the law. We recognize the paradox of his death: a lion,
a king, slaughtered as a lamb. However, we neglect the
paradox of his birth: a vulnerability to the law masked in
Virgin conception was quite a risky way to bring
about the birth of the Savior of the world. What power
was this?
Roshni Patel ’13, a Neurobiology concentrator in Adams House, is the
Managing Editor of The Ichthus.
the harvard ichthus
Obedience Against All Odds
n studying the complexities of Christ’s birth,
it is easy to overlook the importance of Joseph
completely or to relegate him to a secondary role. Yet
as the husband of the Virgin Mary and consequently the
earthly father of Jesus, Joseph had great responsibilities
and was thus integral to God’s vision of the nativity. He
exhibited several important Christian values: obedience
to authority, the elevation of God’s will over social
pressures, and the purpose-driven nature of marriage.
In the months leading up to Jesus’s birth, Joseph
demonstrated obedience to both earthly and heavenly
authority. We learn in the Gospel of Luke that when
Mary was heavily pregnant, Caesar Augustus ordered
every man to return to his own town to participate in
a census of all Rome. Though the time of the baby’s
birth was drawing near, Joseph still obeyed Caesar’s
decree – humbly submitting to the ruling authorities –
by making the long journey “to Bethlehem, the town
of David, because he belonged to the house and line
of David” (Lk 2:1-4, NIV). Even more importantly than
this, however, Joseph submitted to God’s authority.
Upon learning of Mary’s pregnancy, Joseph “had in
mind to divorce her quietly,” reasonably suspecting
her of sexual unfaithfulness (Mt 1:19). But the angel of
winter 2011
the Lord appeared to him in a dream, telling him the
circumstances of Mary’s conception by the Holy Spirit
and exhorting him “not to be afraid to take Mary home
as your wife” (Mt 1:20). Though Joseph must have
struggled to accept the angel’s words, he subsequently
chose to obey God by marrying Mary. In doing so, he
subordinated his own expectations about their union to
God’s will.
Yet Joseph elevated God’s will not only over his own
desires, but also over the pressures and judgments of
human society. Joseph and Mary both hid Jesus’s divine
origins from the people around them, a course of action
that protected Jesus from the suspicions of earthly
rulers but also subjected the family to misconceptions
about Mary’s purity. In his book The Mystery of Joseph,
Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe characterizes this as
“perhaps the harshest trial for a just man.” According
to Fr. Philippe, in order to rise above the rumors and
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human judgment or the judgments of others…[living]
constantly in a radical conformity to the will of the Father,
above and beyond all that comes from creatures.”1
Joseph also demonstrated the purpose-driven
character of marriage in his relationship with Mary.
He supported Mary throughout her pregnancy and in
life. In other words, “he [did] not love her for himself…
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in her,” demonstrating that spouses should support one
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nativity story – one whose conduct can teach Christians
many lessons about the supremacy of God’s will in life
and relationships. Not bad for a humble carpenter.
hij))]*-'-33$:)C.#-$[I+6-%-W"$4)The Mystery of Joseph4)B.&*$/,.:)
Leeann Saw, a History concentrator in Adams House, is the Business
Manager of The Ichthus.
The Manger
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“Though he was
once with God,
at his right hand
in heaven, Jesus
put away all his
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Bryan Padilla ’15, a resident of Holworthy Hall, is the Subscriptions Manager of The Ichthus.
the harvard ichthus
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Jeweliann Houlette, an English concentrator in Mather House, is the
Books & Arts Editor of The Ichthus.
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Eva Seo Kim ‘14, a Government and Slavic Languages and Literature joint concentrator in Mather House, is the Fiction & Poetry
Editor of The Ichthus.
the harvard ichthus
Jesus’ Genealogy
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Andrew Garbarino ‘13, a History Concentrator in Leverett House, is the
Biblical Exposition Editor of The Ichthus.
Christmas Carols:
Singing for the Savior
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hij))C-'$/:)?'$6$%&4)Christmas Customs and Traditions4)?+"#-$#)I+8$#)
Jihye Choi ’ 14, a Government concentrator living in Leverett House, is
a staff writer for The Ichthus.
the harvard ichthus
Celebrate the Light:
Remembering Christ During the Darkest Time of Year
/*+#&$%4) I.() 1() ,.(:) ,.#A%$//) !#$$3/) -%&+) '-<*&7/)
&$##-&+#(4) 5%) &*$) 6-,/&) +9 ) &*-/) ,.#A%$//:) ?*#-/&-.%/)
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our world. We hear the news of children sold
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J*$%) (+") .#$) &#"'() 3#$/$%&$,) 0-&*) the light, then you
0-&*).)&$##-1'$)&*-%<Q)&*$)$8-').%,),.#A%$//)+9 )(+"#)own heart.
winter 2011
C.#'+07/)#$.'-D.&-+%)+9 )*-/)/"##+"%,-%</)-/)'$//)!*-''-%<)&*.%)
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hij))?+%#.,:)K+/$3*4)Heart of Darkness. ]$%<"-%:)iggo4)34ipp
Catherine Danielle Cook‘12, a History and Literature concentrator in
Quincy House, is a staff writer on The Ichthus.
Linguistics and the Bible:
A Layperson’s Guide to Interpretation
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by Christopher Hopper
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way it is used in the Bible because connotation has
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G) 6+,$#%) ,.() .!!+"%&) +9 ) &*$) /&#"<<'$)
between connotation and denotation occurred
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with the connotation of the word in the day
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the harvard ichthus
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“Writing mimics
speech, not
the other way
winter 2011
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all is necessary in a translation.
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stain of betrayal. Gestures
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the torrents of destruction
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clues are needed to
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b"/&-%&.('+#eOPiieiiePoe&*$[$/8[&#.%/'.&-+%[!+66-&) &$$[,$1.&$/[
hRj) ;4) X-/*:) Is there a Text in This Class; The Authority of Interpretive
hpj)?+&&$#$'':)]$&$#).%,)C.V)F"#%$#:)Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation:)
hlj)\4)B#+0%).%,)\4)`"'$:)Discourse Analysis,)34OOR4
hoj) =.#3$#:) I+"<'./4) LC.%/-+%/4M) >%'-%$) H&(6+'+<() I-!&+%.#(4)
Christopher Hopper ‘13, a Linguistics concentrator in Quincy House,
is the Grants Manager of The Ichthus.
the harvard ichthus
A Review of
The Meaning of Life:
A Short Introduction
Terry Eagleton, Oxford University Press, 2007
Kelly Maeshiro
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which the best we can do in this case is not to answer the
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“For religious people,
Eagleton writes, the
meaning of life is not
a what, but a
winter 2011
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“In the end, Eagleton
says, Christian love is
Aristotelian happiness
viewed in relational
winter 2011
Kelly Maeshiro’14, a religion concentrator in Leverett House, is
on the staff on The Ichthus. The photo of Terry Eagleton was
taken by photographer M.S. Morse.
of my
Catherine Danielle Cook
“He was not a soldier a
or, at the very least,
not an American soldier.”
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of the church had decorated with the faces of
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the harvard ichthus
bodily harm. But my father’s pride, that joy which he offered
to me, came from outside of him. Sometimes when he spoke,
his joy seemed to surround him in a soft light. How I loathed
that light which I believed kept me from my father. You see,
my father was imprisoned for most of my childhood. He was
arrested as a traitor. As a Christian!” The word spewed out
of his mouth, coated in saliva and the loathing he felt in his
“My father said he lived according to another law – a law
above our country. “Oh my son,” he said to me. He used to
call me that when he would ‘witness.’” He marked the air with
invisible quotations. “‘My son.’ He would moan in pain as he said
it. It tortured him that I was on the path of self-destruction.
A path which has many origins but only one destination. He
would say to me, “Oh my son,” and
here the man gave a loud moan of
his own, “‘You need to know that
there is a holy law not governed by
man. The penalty for breaking this
law is worse than any time served
-%)3#-/+%4)B"&)-&)0./)9"'2''$,t)Oh my
These last words were whispered,
dripping from his mouth with
fatherly love.
“Though I loved my father
deeply, he oppressed me. He turned
every conversation into a witness
of his God. ‘Yes, yes, Father,’ I
would say.’” He bobbed his head
again and again. “‘You keep your
faith and I’ll keep mine. And if you keep your faith to yourself,
all the better!’” More bobbing and nervous laughter.
“But he wouldn’t listen. My father was a stubborn man.
Oh ho! How he was stubborn.” He stopped to laugh again.
The congregation began to pick up on his cues and here they
echoed his mirth. “He prayed openly for me and read aloud
from his Bible. I told him to hush and begged him to read to
himself. I told him that I wanted nothing to do with his faith
that had landed him in prison for 17 years. ‘What good is this
God of yours?’ I asked. ‘A God that abandons you to live in a
traitor’s prison cannot be as good as you claim!’”
“You see, brothers and sisters, I lived in a state of fear. I
was afraid that my father would get me. That his God would
62+#$2#and then my father’s fate would be mine. I believed that
denying his God was my salvation. It was my only freedom.
And I clung to my freedom. Oh, how I clung. Because, friends,
I could be just as stubborn as my father. Oh ho! How
Oh my son, oh my son.
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My only son.
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Son. Son. He spoke in gasps, his face squinting against the pain.
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“What good is
this God
of yours?”
winter 2011
LF*.&) 0./) &*$) 3'.%4) ;-63'$) .%,) 3.-%'$//4) B"&) 0*$%) 6()
His head hung from his neck at an odd angle and blood spattered
his rags. At the other end of the platform, the boy and his mother still
hadn't been spotted. “Keep walking,” his mother whispered. If they could
coolly walk past his father’s friend then they could turn around outside the
his arm as they approached the dying man. One foot in front of the other.
Two steps forward, one staggering step. Was he or his mother faltering?
they neared. “Look straight ahead,” his mother whispered. Who couldn't
see her death grip? Who couldn’t hear her elephant steps? They were
-0$'&+# <-&+# +"2# '.1@2:&# ,"2(# +"2# >'%# +''8# '(2# +2::7123# 60-(@2# -+# +"2#
mouth when the son ripped his mother’s hand from his arm and took a
sharp turn, breaking into a run.
L5) !+"',) *$.#) 6() 6+&*$#7/) !#() 9#+6) 1$*-%,) 6$) ./) &*$)
out an apology or breath a word of assurance to his mother. “Calm
down, citizen,” a cool voice whispered in his ear. “I'm not here to harm
you.” But his heart refused to still and he refused to believe in these cold
words of assurance. “I just want to ask you a few questions about your
friend. It's a shame, really. You see, he too tried to run. All we wanted
was information.” The weakly-veiled threat stopped the boy’s heart.
Somewhere in the distance he could hear his mother’s wails calming to
moans. “Oh my son,” she said. Facing her own peril, his mother thought
only of him. Cried for him.
“Now,” the voice continued its assault, “I’m going to let you go. Be
a good son and take your mother home. Put her to bed and say goodnight
to your father. Who knows how many more nights he has left?” Fear for
his family crept up on the boy. “I hear your father’s health is failing.” His
words poorly masked another threat. “Then, in the morning, you come
down to 31 Nimms Street and have a chat with my superior.”
The hand was gone and mother and son returned home.
“Don’t be thinking I was some dummy. I knew I wasn't
going to have no chat. You see, 31 Nimms Street was where
they interrogated traitors. There were two ways to enter: under
coercion or by force. There was one way to leave: in a body bag.
No, I was no dummy. When I returned home, I packed a few
clothes, my meager savings, and bit of food. I kissed my crying
mother goodbye and then went to see my father. As I knelt by
my father's bed, I was caught in his eyes. You see, my father
was dying of esophageal cancer. The tumor in his throat had
grown so large that it kept him from eating. It had been days
since I had heard him speak and now words were lodged in
his own throat. “Oh my son,” his mother whispered from the doorway.
“...denying his
God was my
freedom. And
I clung to my
the harvard ichthus
room in ghostly
5) 0$%&) &+) 6()
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His mother’s helpless cries echoed in his head. Her fearful grasp was
still imprinted on his arm. A mark deeper than that on his neck. “God
has placed this trial before you. You must go. If you die, I pray that you
strange shadows on the deserted road. The man of God had spent the
rest of the night praying with him, reading aloud many familiar passages.
and demanded to know where he was going. Now the boy had a personal
LF*$#$) 5) /.&) -%) ;.&.%7/) *$.,W".#&$#/t) E+#,) BEH;;) 6$4)
9.&) 0./) /+9&:) 1"&) &*.&) 8+-!$) a) woooh!) 5&) <.8$) (+") &*$) <++/$)
have resisted your parents’ witnessing. You are a good and faithful
citizen. I also know, however, that you are worried about your mother.
She was quite shaken by last night’s events. And your father isn’t doing
'. #<-<2:#.:'$#"7&#32&8#3:-,2:)#N:'$#&2M2:-0#O'':&#>20',#+"2#>'%#@'/03#
hear screams. “We’ve been watching your father’s church for quite some
+7$2)#L2#"-M2#-#07&+#'. #(-$2&#"2:2#>/+#,2#(223#+"2$#@'(1:$23)#A/+#
why are you shaking like that? They’ll be perfectly safe. We just wish
to continue our surveillance – to ward off any rebellions that may arise
from such secret meetings. We may sit down and chat with them but it’s
all very harmless. You might even say we merely wish to convert them.”
He slid the paper across the desk. There, at the top, was the name of
the boy’s father.
He heard a
M'7@2C# 1007(6# +"2#
he hadn't heard since
his father’s disease
had lodged itself in
his throat.
“ – and
baptized Jesus came
up out of the water.
Then, the heavens
opened up – did you
hear that, son – the
*$.8$%/) +3$%$,)
and the Spirit of
God came downike
a dove. The most beautiful voice came from heaven and all who heard it
$/&+#"-M2#>22(#+2::7123)#=2::7123#+"-+#+"2#<:2&2(@2#'. #D'3#,-&#>27(6#
revealed. But Christ was at peace. And he heard his father say …”
And then he realized that the voice was his own.
“This is my son … I love him … I am pleased with --”
“What are you mumbling?” The act of kindness was fading.
Laughter began bubbling.
=$)1+11$,)*-/)*$.,4)LF*.&w/)#-<*&4)5)/.&)-%)9#+%&)+9 )&*.&)
He wasn't sure if it was joy or fear that made him crack, but he
looked across the table at that soft man and said, “Are you frightened?”
“What do you mean frightened?” He spluttered in anger.
“Frightened because he’s right,” the son said timidly.
“Who is right?” He demanded.
“My father, praise God!” the son announced, louder this time.
“Your father is a fool.”
“Yes, he is. But I wasn’t talking about him.”
“Son, I am losing my patience…”
Y-<*&/) .1+8$) &*$) &+#&"#$[!$''/:) 0./) +%$) /6.'') 3-!&"#$) 9#.6$4)
His hand disappeared and came to rest on the underside of his desk.
pursue other methods of interrogation.
“ colleagues downstairs are not as patient as I am, as you might
have noticed. But I’m going to try my patience just a little longer. You
have thirty seconds to name these Christians.”
L5) %$8$#) /3+A$) /+) W"-!A'() -%) 6() '-9$4) G%,:) E+#,) *.8$)
“What do your children think about your work?” Fury from the
“Oh my son, oh my son.”
winter 2011
32<+"&#'. #"7&#&'/0#:2O2@+23#7(#+"2#&'.+#$-(;&#2%2&)#GP'#+"2%#8(',#->'/+#
behind your desk. You don’t have to get your hands dirty like they do.
No, it’s all very calculated and easy. All you do is push a button. But you
know. And that must plague your sleep. Because what if he was telling
the truth? What if God is somewhere out in the universe? And what
if he really has shown up? You see, that’s your problem. Because if the
God of these Christians is who
he says he is, then you will be
judged. And not only for what
7&# 3'(2# 7(# +"7&# '.1@2C# >/+# .':#
what is done below.”
LBut oh! The wonder if
that the same God took all the
10+"# -(3# 6:7$2# -(3# $/:32:#
upon himself and my hard
heart is forgiven because he
is RISEN!”) G6$%/) #.%<)
&*#+"<*+"&) &*$) !*"#!*)
.%,) .33'."/$) 9+''+0$,4)
L5) ,+%7&) A%+0) *+0) 5)
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and raised his hands in
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“Get out.”
In a state of disbelief, the son got shakily to his feet. Never breaking
over the frame, distance in his eyes.
Walking down the stairwell, the son’s heart beat like a thousand
sounding war drums. He expected soldiers around every corner but
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!+6$) 1.!A7) .%,M) the ocean breeze smelled like freedom and tasted
like relief. But just as free land came into sight L0$)0$#$)<+-%<)&+)
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your churches and your
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As he walked off the boat and
into the city, the stank of trash
and body odor brought tears
to his eyes. A few feet away
stood a beggar woman behind
a pile of rubble. She stood in
the shadow of the skyscraper
steeples. Eying his mother,
she inched closer and looked
at her imploringly. Reaching
into her coat pocket, his mother gave freely what she had. Observing
her act of gratitude, the son looked heavenward and whispered a prayer
of thanksgiving for L@+0)'$&)"/)b+-%)&+<$&*$#)-%)0+#/*-34)Z.-/$)
1$''+0-%<) +9 ) L0*-'$) &*$) /&+#6) !'+",/) <.&*$#) 9.#) .!#+//) &*$)
“ This is my son... I love
him... I am pleased with...
...Son, I am losing my
patience... you have thirty
seconds to name these
Catherine Danielle Cook ‘12, a History and Literature concentrator in
Quincy House, is a staff writer on The Ichthus. This piece is based
on a true story.
the harvard ichthus
Last Things: A New Covenant
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Ruirui Kuang ’12, a History concentrator in Mather House, is the
Design Editor of The Ichthus. Roshni Patel ’13, a Neurobiology concentrator in Adams House, is the Managing Editor of The
Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae