primetime adults
primetime adults
PRIMETIME ADULTS The Merage JCC Israel & Jewish Engagement Center presents Our Jewish World Fall 2015 Programs At a Glance Jewish Communities of Mexico OUR JEWISH WORLD Professor Sefamí will delineate the Jewish presence in Mexico since the conquest of the Aztec Empire, Crypto-Jews in colonial times, the changes in law allowing for freedom of religion in the 19th century, the migration at the beginning of the 20th century, the establishment of institutions, and the richness of the various communities today. GREAT JEWISH AMERICANS 101 Wednesday, September 9, 7 p.m. Presented by Dr. Jacobo Sefami, UCI The grandson of Sephardic Jews who emigrated to Mexico City from Turkey and Syria, Jacobo Sefamí received his Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He taught at New York University, and is currently Professor at the University of California, Irvine. JCC Members $18, Public $25 Jewish Communities of Italy: How Jewish are Italian Jews? Wednesday, October 28, 7 p.m. What did it mean to be both Italian and Jewish in the young state of Italy? Did Jews, fierce patriots of Italy, find a place for their Jewishness as well? In this lecture, Shira Klein explores the culture and daily life of Italian Jews from the time they became full citizens up until their persecution under Fascism. Presented by Dr. Shira Klein, Chapman University Shira Klein is an Assistant Professor of History at Chapman University in Orange and received her PhD from New York University. Klein is currently completing a book on the Jews of modern Italy. JCC Members $18, Public $25 Nidje Israel Synagogue, Mexico City Jewish Communities of Mexico Jewish Communities of Italy Jewish Architects and their Creations JEWISH HOLIDAYS Preparing for the High Holy Days Sukkot Celebration Chanukah Celebration TRIP TO NIXON LIBRARY JCC CARES Inspirational Jewish Women’s Luncheon LIFELONG LEARNING Searching for Your Family Tree News & Views Books & Bagels iPhone Tips and Secrets WELLNESS Women’s Connection Lectures Gentle Yoga GAMES Mah Jongg Luncheon Bridge Poker League CLUBS & AFFINITY GROUPS The View for Women Men’s Club Geri Dorman PrimeTime Adult Director (949) 435-3400, ext. 303 One Federation Way Irvine, CA 92603 PrimeTime Adult Programs GREAT JEWISH AMERICANS 101 An “edutaining” series about outstanding Jewish Americans and their contributions to the world Jewish American Architects and their Creations Around the World Sunday, November 8 at 4 p.m. • Presented by Jennifer Siegal Architecture is a visual art as well as a medium for advancing social, political, and cultural goals. Learn about the Jewish American architects who built so many important buildings, designs and communities of our times including Frank Gehry, (Disney Concert Hall), Moshe Safdie (Yad Vashem) and others who creatively influenced the culture of the world. Presented by Jennifer Siegal, Adjunct Associate Professor, USC, M.Arch. Jennifer’s company, OMD, has received numerous awards including Infiniti Design Excellence Award for the Future LA. Siegal was named in Esquire Magazine’s “America’s Best and Brightest”. She has been featured in exhibitions worldwide, and her work has been exhibited at Google, the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, the National Design Museum and the Walker Art Center and televised on NBC, CNN, and HGTV. Frank Gehry, Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles JCC Members $10, Public $12, at the door $14 JEWISH HOLIDAY EVENTS Preparing for the High Holy Days: A Jewish Meditation Workshop with Dr. Toni Parker Tuesday, September 8, 10-11 a.m. Drawing on the long history of meditation and contemplative practice in Judaism, this workshop will cover the basics of Jewish meditation with instruction and short exercises. Whether you are a total beginner or advanced, come to prepare for the High Holy Days in a meaningful way, deepening your practice, or finally learning how to sit still. Dr. Toni Parker is a Jewish meditation teacher and psychologist. She has taught at Valley Beth Sholom in Encino and practices psychotherapy. JCC Members only: $10 Sukkot Luncheon and Film Ushpizin Friday, October 2, 12-2:30 p.m. The harvest festival of Sukkot is a time of great joy. Enjoy a delicious lunch in the JCC sukkah followed by the screening of the critically acclaimed film, Ushpizin, which takes place during the holiday of Sukkot in the Holy Land. JCC Members $20, Public $25. Register by 9/30. Chanukah Celebration with Rabbi Leah Lewis Tuesday, December 8, 11 a.m. Enjoy a holiday treat while learning about the heroes of Chanukah. JCC and Shir Ha Ma’alot Members only: Free Nixon Presidential Library and Museum Discovery and Recovery: Preserving Iraqi Jewish Heritage Friday, September 4, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m West Coast Premiere The exhibit details the dramatic recovery of historic materials relating to the Jewish community in Iraq from a flooded basement in Saddam Hussein’s intelligence headquarters, and the National Archives’ ongoing work in support of U.S. government efforts to preserve these materials. Doris Hamburg, Director of National Archives, Preservation Department, will speak and give a tour of the exhibit at this opening event. JCC Members $55, Public $65 (includes transportation to the Nixon Library, admission and presentation). Register by 8/31. For information / reservations, contact Geri Dorman, PrimeTime Adult Director, at (949) 435-3400, ext. 303 or email Register online at Merage JCC PrimeTime Adult Programs & Activities Fall 2015 Games Lifelong Learning Mah Jongg NEWS & VIEWS Mondays, 10-11:30 a.m., Ongoing. Come discuss local and world issues in this interactive class. Instructor: Jesse Rosenblum. JCC members only: Free THE PATH TO MAH JONGG WISDOM Author Karen Gooen, Luncheon and Play Thursday, December 3, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. In search of the secrets of the ultimate Mah Jongg Maven, author Karen Gooen will share her insightful memoir Searching for Bubbe Fischer: The Path to Mah Jongg Wisdom. Afterward, a delicious lunch will be served followed by an afternoon of Mah Jongg play. JCC Members $36, Public $42. Register by 11/30. DROP-IN MAH JONGG Mondays, 7-9 p.m., Ongoing. Bring your JCC friends and meet other Mah Jongg players. JCC Members only: Free. LEARN TO PLAY MAH JONGG Mondays, 7-9 p.m. October 12 - November 30, 8 Classes Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. September 30 - November 18, 8 Classes Learn to play in a small, friendly class setting. Instructor: Joan Samson JCC Members $140, Public $155, Card $9, Min: 6 for each 8 week session MAH JONGG REFRESHER Fridays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. October 9 - 30, 4 Classes Practice & brush up on your skills at our supervised play session. Instructor: Joan Samson JCC Members $75, Public $90, Minimum: 6 for each 4 week session Bridge DROP-IN BRIDGE Mondays, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Ongoing. Meet other bridge players - no partner needed to participate. JCC Members only: Free. BRIDGE: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Tuesdays, 9:45 – 11:45 a.m. October 13 – November 17, 6 classes The first card you take out of your hand can mean victory...or defeat. How do you choose? This class will focus on opening leads, then begin to explore other areas of defensive play. Instructor: Joan S. Kaye, Ed.D. JCC Members $115, Public $130 Poker POKER LEAGUE 2015 – TEXAS HOLD’EM Half Yearly League: July to November Sundays, 1 p.m. October 11, November 1, November 29 Play in our monthly games on Sundays. Each game has prizes for the winner of the day. Grand prizes for league awarded on November 29. 1st & 2nd place prizes given at each game. League: JCC Members $75, Public $90. Individual game: JCC Members $25, Public $30. (Not eligible for League prizes) Fall 2015 BOOKS & BAGELS Tuesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. Meets once a month. Enjoy coffee and bagels while discussing the book of the month. Sept. 29 The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant (meet in the JCC sukkah) Oct. 20 The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah Nov. 17 The Betrayers by David Bezmozgis Dec. 15 The Jazz Palace by Mary Morris Facilitated by Dana Susson and Caryn Altman JCC Members & JFFS: Free, Public $10 iPHONE TIPS AND SECRETS - BEYOND ESSENTIALS Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. October 14, 21, 28, November 4, 4 sessions Beyond Essentials covers advanced features in the iPhone and contacts. It also covers the camera, photos, music, advanced email, iBooks, built-in apps, advanced Siri and many additional tips. Instructor: Jake Jacobs JCC Members $40, Public $50 SEARCHING FOR YOUR FAMILY TREE Learn to Trace your Jewish Ancestry Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 4 sessions October 7: Introduction to Genealogy- discussion of important resources. Learn how to join JewishGen (free), come up with a rough family tree. October 21: Introduction to census research. Learn how to find a person on the 1940 census and an earlier one. November 4: Introduction to immigration and naturalization records. Learn to find a ship manifest of a relative and their citizenship papers. November 18: General discussion, results, brick wall solutions, what now? Instructor: Joel Weintraub, PhD., who has given presentations on census, immigration and naturalization, Jewish genealogy and has published articles on census and biographical research. JCC Members $25, Public $35 for 4 sessions. Minimum: 10. Clubs & Affinity Groups THE VIEW FOR WOMEN OF ALL AGES Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Ongoing. Enjoy coffee, chat, and share your ideas while discussing topics of interest to women. Facilitated by Michelle Walot & Ro Probolsky JCC Members Free, Public $5 per session MEN’S WINE TASTING Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Monthly. October 20, November 24, December 15 Gents - if you love wine, this is not to be missed. RSVP required to Sid Field, coordinator, (949) 464–9939, JCC Members only: Free MEN’S CLUB AT THE J Fridays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Ongoing. Enjoy coffee and bagels while discussing issues of the day. Club members share views on current news items and thought-provoking topics. Drop in guests welcome. Coordinator: Marty Migdall JCC Members only: Free. Drop in and join. Merage JCC PrimeTime Adult Programs & Activities Wellness JCC Cares Join a dynamic group of women promoting educational, social and Jewish interests for women at the JCC. JCC Members & JFFS only: Free 10 Essential Legal and Financial Steps Women Can Take Today to Secure their Tomorrow Wednesday, September 30, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Do you think that only the wealthy or elderly need a will or a trust? How much money do you really need if you are going to retire worry free? Presenters: Laura Meier, Esq. and Debra Curry, CFP Myth of Aging Wednesday, October 28, 10:30-11:30 a.m. There is a myth that as women age they lose vitality, memory, sexuality and purpose. Current research says that you are at your prime after 65, with mature values and attributes. Presenter: Nadine Durbach, MSW Volunteers Make a Difference Wednesday, December 9, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Learn about opportunities in the community where you can make a difference by volunteering some of your time. Presenters: Reega Neutel, MSW, and JCC Cares UNDERSTANDING THE DEMENTIA DISEASE PROCESS Thursday, October 8, 10:30 a.m. Learn about the different types of dementia, behaviors and different stages of the disease including diagnosis, medications and how to assist a family member who may have dementia. Presenter: Pamela S. Berkson, Assistant Clinical Professor in Internal Medicine & Geriatrics at UCI JCC Members only: Free Sponsored by Heritage Pointe GENTLE YOGALATES & MEDITATION Mondays, 9-10:15 a.m. Session 1: August 24 - October 5 (no class 9/14) JCC Members only: $45, 6 classes Session 2: November 9 - December 28 JCC Members only: $60, 8 classes This class will integrate gentle core exercises with yoga & meditation to provide a complete and balanced experience. Instructor: El Vered Rubin GENTLE YOGA Wednesdays & Fridays, 8:45-9:45 a.m., or 10-11 a.m. This gentle approach to yoga helps you increase flexibility, improve circulation and experience more energy. Materials; Bring a Yoga mat and strap. Instructor: El Vered Rubin. JCC Members only: Free For information / reservations, contact Geri Dorman, PrimeTime Adult Director, at (949) 435-3400, ext. 303 or email Register online at Inspirational Jewish Women’s Luncheon Thursday, October 15, 12-2 p.m. Please join us for the third annual Inspirational Jewish Women’s Luncheon. This year we will be honoring Hannah Taylor Skvarla, co-founder of the Little Market. The Little Market works with artisan groups around the world and provides design insights, helping artisans showcase their skills to a broader audience. Hannah is a also a member of Human Rights Watch which raises awareness for human rights issues. Pre-registration: $20, the price goes up to $25 one week prior to the luncheon. ORANGE COUNTY JEWISH THEATRE PRESENTS WOMEN’S CONNECTION LECTURE SERIES OCJEWISH ARTS FESTIVAL 2015 MUSIC • BOOKS • FILM OCJEWISH ARTS FESTIVAL 2011 Alan Dershowitz TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 6:30 P.M. An Evening with Lainie Kazan SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 7 P.M. Dennis Ross SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 4 P.M. for more information OC JEWISH ARTS FESTIVAL We are looking for volunteers to staff our annual Jewish book sale. For more information or to sign up, contact Nicole Rosenson, Cultural Arts assistant, at (949) 435-3400 ext. 161 or email Merage Jewish Community Center of Orange County 1 Federation Way • Irvine, CA 92603 • 949.435.3400 •
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