St. Mark catholic Church and school Wilmington, NC 28403
St. Mark catholic Church and school Wilmington, NC 28403
July 5, 2015 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mark catholic Church and school Wilmington, NC 28403 Church ~ 910 392-0720 1011 Eastwood Rd. SCHOOL ~ 910 452-2800 1013 Eastwood Rd. Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10 Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Mark 6:4-6 "The mission of St. Mark Catholic Church is to invite, inspire, educate, and lead people to know and love Jesus Christ; to understand and live their Catholic faith; to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel through love and service to one another." Weekend Mass Schedule ~ Horario de Misas Saturday 5:00 pm—nursery available Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am; nursery available during 9:30 and 11:30 only 1:30pm Spanish (español los domingos a las 1:30, todos los demás en Inglés) Daily Mass Schedule Mon, Wed, Thurs and Friday 8:30am; Tues 8:30am and 6:00pm Holy Days please check the bulletin and website Días Santos por favor revise el boletín y página web Reconciliation ~ Reconciliación Saturdays 3:30pm—4:30pm Sábados 3:30—4:30 Call the office for individual Reconciliation Llame a la oficina para hacer una cita Adoration of the Eucharist Fridays 9:00am until 9:00pm Adoración de la Eucaristía Viernes 9:00am hasta las 9:00pm Baptism ~ Bautismo Parish office 910 398-6509 Marriage ~ Matrimonio Parish office 910 398-6509 Contact the Parish office six months in advance Comuníquese con el sacerdote seis meses antes de la boda "La misión de la Iglesia Católica de San Marcos es invitar, inspirar, educar y guiar a la gente para conocer y amar a Jesucristo, entender y vivir la fe católica y proclamar la Buena Nueva del Evangelio a través del amor y el servicio a los otros ". Anointing of the Sick or Funerals Unción de los Enfermos o de Funerales Parish office 910 398-6509 First Reconciliation—First Communion Primera Reconciliación—Primera Comunión Anne Doyle, 910 398-6511 Confirmation for Youth Confirmación de Jovenes Confirmation for Adults Confirmación para Adultos Parish office 910 398-6509 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Paul Townend, 910 792-1931 St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Good News of the Gospel Jesus departed from there and came to his native place, accompanied by his disciples. When the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands! Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Mark 6:1—6 Special Announcements Lest We Forget Freedom isn’t free. As we celebrate the birth of our Nation this weekend, let us not forget those who have served our country, those who fought and died that we might hold on to the freedom afforded us as citizens of the United States of America. Remember those who still serve today. God Bless our Military. Of all the gifts you could give a U.S. Soldier, prayer is one of the very best. Weekly Eucharistic Adoration You are invited to look into your hearts and see if Jesus is calling you to come, adore, and just be with Him. Here at St. Mark, Adoration is offered every Friday from 9 AM to 9 PM. This is the place where we come to “adore” and let Jesus love us. If you have any questions please call Bonnie Laurino at: 910-5088820. Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Join us for the Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal every Tuesday after the 8:30 am Mass. Bring all of your intentions to Mary. Booklets will be provided. En aquel tiempo, Jesús fue a su tierra en compañía de sus discípulos. Cuando llegó el sábado, se puso a enseñar en la sinagoga, y la multitud que lo escuchaba se preguntaba con asombro: “¿Dónde aprendió este hombre tantas cosas? ¿De dónde le viene esa sabiduría y ese poder para hacer milagros? ¿Qué no es éste el carpintero, el hijo de María, el hermano de Santiago, José, Judas y Simón? ¿No viven aquí, entre nosotros, sus hermanas?” Y estaban desconcertados. Pero Jesús les dijo: “Todos honran a un profeta, menos los de su tierra, sus parientes y los de su casa”. Y no pudo hacer allí ningún milagro, sólo curó a algunos enfermos imponiéndoles las manos. Y estaba extrañado de la incredulidad de aquella gente. Luego se fue a enseñar en los pueblos vecinos. Evangelio según san Marco 6, 1-6 In Memory of Sanders Burney Dear St. Mark Parish Family, Many have asked how they might donate in Memory of Sanders. We have established the Sanders Burney Memorial Fund so that Sanders will always remain a part of our St. Mark Catholic School. All monies donated will benefit St. Mark Catholic School, as determined by the family’s wishes. Donations may be made online via ACCESS or mailed or delivered to the Parish Office (Sanders Burney Memorial Fund – St. Mark Catholic Church – 1011 Eastwood Rd. – Wilmington, NC – 28403) Please make checks payable to St. Mark Catholic Church with Sanders Burney in the Memo section. Your tax deductible donation in Sanders’ memory will honor her and help the students and families in our parish school. Dominus vobiscum, Fr. Pat Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:5 St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Time, Talent and Treasure Time and Talent Opportunities St. Mark Calendar of Events July 5 Monday July 6 8:00am Temporalities 8:30am Daily Mass, Church Tuesday July 7 8:30am Daily Mass, Church Perpetual Novena to Our Lady after Mass 9:00am WAWA Directors, Rm. 7 6:00pm Daily Mass, Church 6:45pm Charismatic Prayer, Chapel Wednesday July 8 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm nation, under God... TODAY 8:30am 9:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm Mass, Church Mass, Church Mass, Church Misa en Español, Iglesia Daily Mass, Church Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, Rms. 5 & 6 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Library Summer Family Movie Night, Parish Hall Don’t forget to RSVP by 7/7/15 See Page 8 Thursday July 9 6:30am 8:30 am 9:00am 11:00am 6:30pm Men’s Prayer Group, Rm. 7 Daily Mass, Church CENACLE PRAYER, Church Women of the Word, Rm. 7 Misa en Español, Capilla Formación en la Fe, después de la Misa 7:00pm Men’s Outreach Basketball, GYM Friday July 10 8:30am Daily Mass, Church Eucharistic Adoration, Chapel 6:30pm Pray and Play, GYM See YM Announcements—Page 7 Saturday July 11 8:00am 9:00am 3:30pm 5:00pm Sunday July 12 Meals on Wheels Volunteers, Kitchen WAWA, Parish Hall Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confessionals Vigil Mass, Church 7:30am Mass, Church 9:30am Mass, Church Summer Little Lambs 11:30am Mass, Church 1:30pm Misa en Español, Iglesia Second Collection and Online Giving Opportunities Our Second Collection on the first weekend of every month is for Debt Reduction. Envelopes are available in the Gathering Space for those who do not normally receive them, or you may use a pew envelope for this special collection. You can enter your personal ACCESS account to set up your giving preference OR select the GIVE NOW button via our website: Also, for your convenience, you can use your mobile device to scan our QR Code located at right. Standard Online Giving Options include: Offertory / Debt Reduction / Needy Family Priests’ Retirement and School Tuition Assistance Special Collections option is available as needed. Stewardship Thought “As the Lord spoke to me, the spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me, ‘Son of man, I am sending you…’” Ezekiel 2:2-3 God asks each of us to do some special work for Him. He gives us the resources we need to do His work. However, do we listen to God when He calls? Do we get up on our feet and give our talent to do the work He asks of us? Remember, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Mass Attendance—June 20/21 Sat 5:00 Sun. 7:30 Sun. 9:30 Sun. 11:30 Sun. 1:30 405 288 696 526 273 Stewardship of Treasure OFFERTORY for the weekend of June 20/21, 2015 ALL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Reminder to ALL ministries and groups—your calendars/facility requests for fiscal year 2015-2016 are NOW PAST DUE. Please be sure to submit your requests in writing and/or place them on the Facility Scheduler for confirmation. Reservations will be approved and confirmed as soon as possible. We apologize for any delays. To make inquiries about availability or to reserve space on the St. Mark Campus facilities (Church or School), please contact Cathie Welch in the Parish Office (910) 398-6508 OR email: Identifiable Loose Cash Total for June 20/21 $13,656.00 $2,488.00 $16,144.00 Priests’ Retirement $5,297.00 YTD as of June 20/21 Budgeted Actual Difference—Favorable $1,199,375.00 $1,272,011.00 $72,636.00 (Parking, Parish Hall, Activity Ctr. and Columbarium Prev. Bal.) Debt Reduction Received YTD $1,359,550.00 Construction Debt YTD $1,322,4 11.07 $37,038.93 St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time EMHC / CAMILLUS / A. S. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Camillus Ministry and Altar Server Training Sessions will be held during the year as needed. Times and dates will be published in the bulletin one month prior to each training. If you have questions regarding EMHC’s please call Ron Probst at 910-620-2717, questions regarding Camillus please call David Powell at 910 350-8936, questions about Altar Serving, please contact Shelby Hamilton via email: Baptism “You have put on Christ, in Him you have been baptized. Alleluia, alleluia!” Baptism Preparation classes in English are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. Clases de preparación Bautismal en español se celebra el primer sábado de cada mes y comenzará puntualmente a las 9:30 am. For more information please call (910) 398-6509. Marriage Couples must contact the office six months prior to their planned wedding date to enter Pre-Cana preparation. For information about wedding preparation contact the office of the Pastoral Secretary, at 910 398-6509. Liturgy and Worship Intentions for July 4—July 12, 2015 / Usher Team C—Usher Team A Mass Schedule 7/4 Sat Mass Intention 5:00 pm 7/5 7:30 am Team C 9:30 am Spanish Mass 7/6 Mon 7/7 Tues 7/8 Wed 7/9 Thurs 7/10 Fri † CTK 6:00 pm Madeline Mahan Requested by John & Mary Bolger Pro Populo Jonathan Pratt Lisa & Butch Ramey † Joseph Manning Mary Manning 11:30 am 1:30 pm † Ed Murphy Angela Murphy 8:30 am † Pierrette Cortner 8:30 am Michael Londa (20th Birthday) Paul Campagna 6:00 pm Life, Marriage and Religious Freedom 8:30 am Msgr. David Brockman 8:30 am † 8:30 am † 8:30 am (25th Anniversary of Ordination) Betty Ann Lanantia James Bouvier Kimberly Welch Rhodes (29th Birthday) Phil & Cathie Welch 8:30 am the Campagna family St. Mark Respect Life Micki Foreman Catherine Lafferty family Elizabeth Consi the Welch family (39th Wedding Anniversary) 5:00 pm † Violet Rose Squillante John & Mary Bolger CTK 6:00 pm † Mildren Carroll Patricia Carroll 7/12 7:30 am † Frank Murphy, Jr. Celeste & Gary Russ Team A 9:30 am † John Lauer his loving wife, Evelyn 7/11 Sat 11:30 am Spanish Mass Pro Populo 1:30 pm For a Mass Intention for a loved one, living or deceased (†), please contact Cathie Welch in the Church Office—Room #10 or call (910) 398-6508. Please *NOTE: Every effort is made to honor requested dates, but some Masses may be required to move. Sanctuary Candle & Flowers Scripture Readings July 5—July 12, 2015 THE SANCTUARY CANDLE is offered this week for the special intentions of Carrie & Len Thompson Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a Our Deceased “Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy.” READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 6, 2015 ALTAR FLOWERS We pray always and everywhere for the souls of the faithful departed family and friends of our St. Mark Parish Community. & this week, are provided by our St. Mark Parish Community To make donations for altar flowers or the sanctuary candle in honor or in memory of a loved one, please come by or call the parish office (910) 398-6508. Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91; Mt 9:18-26 Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17; Mt 9:32-38 Gn 41:55-57, 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33; Mt 10:1-7 Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29, 45:1-5; Ps 105; Mt 10:7-15 Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37; Mt 10:16-23 Gn 49:29-32, 50:15-26a; Ps 105; Mt 10:24-33 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 7:12-15; Ps 85; Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10; Mk 6:7-13 St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy and Worship The Power of Prayer—Please Pray for Our Sick May They and Their Caretakers Know God’s Peace Laurie Adams Bill Allen Olivia Blake Altman Bobby Bailey, Sr. Percy Barbour Evelyn Bass Hood Angela Beal & Baby Chance Paige Bergin John Blasko Paige Boatwright Scott Braswell Frank & Jeanne Bua Karolyn Campbell Lou Celender Alice Choma William Howard Coleman, III Vincent Collette Robert Colon Daniel Conrad Danny Decker Greg Decker Kitty DeMaria Michael Dominguez Jason Doyle Brendan Duffy Linay Dunn Brian Ennis Anna and John Evanko Norene Ferko Christine, Ben and Greg Foppe David Foreman the Foreman family Betsy Frase Taresa Gausman Imrich Gombar Sue Good Bill Harrigan Joanne Harrigan Kim Hashim Infant Will Hickman Sandy Hill Bob Huntley Jamie Ingram Len & Nancy Johannsen Brynnick & Siena Johnson Fred Johnson Patricia Johnson Erin Joost Vittorio Komaromi (preemie) Mary Keenan James King Carole Katz Ann Kurtz Ted Lang Rosemary Lauro Ed Lazor Betty Leddick Claudette Lee Stacy Lee Pat Lindsey Kathy Lyon Alison Magnin Trudy Mallon Joan Malloy Tony Manha Maddie McPherson Kris Milby Dee Odom Emory Oeser Michael J. Oeser Charlotte O’Neill Marie Paen Mildred Paluch Judi Paschall Joshua Perez Zak Pittman Alice Preville Amelia Quarto Carissa & Jaclyn Reisser Pierrette Reyes Beth Richards Jess Roggina Richard Romano Rich Romanowski Lucille Romeo Caroline Rutledge Thomas Ryan Gregory Sarajak John Sauverain Frank Schwing Bernadette Secondo Connie Siers Darlene Smith Major Aaron Smithley Rose Sordellini Ed Stapleton Marjorie Steck Gordon Stevens Jim Stock Matt Stromberg Zena Sugg Cathy Tamisiea Mary Anne Tatum Lonnie Taylor Amanda Thomas Robert Thomas, Jr. Felice Van Eron Jennifer & Ali Viscosi Babs Vance Fr. Joe Vetter Joan Von Rekowsky Joe Wagner Fr. John Walsh Frank Whelan Anna Wiegand Robin Williams Lorraine Yosh Helen Zawisza If your name or that of a loved one has been removed, it is because it appeared for six weeks or more and you did not request an extension. If prayers are still needed, you may request that a name be placed back on the list at any time. To request that a name be added to the list of Prayers for the Sick, please call Cathie Welch at (910) 392-0720, ext. 249 or you can email your request to: Sacramental Emergencies After Hours: In the event of TRUE LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES ONLY Those needing the Anointing of the Sick after regular office hours or weekends, please call (910) 399-1591. Spirit of the Liturgy Alex Hill, Director of Music and Liturgy (910) 398-6514 / The Nature of Freedom This weekend our nation celebrates its “birthday” on Saturday, July 4 th. In 1776 our forefathers declared independence from an oppressive foreign power and asserted the right to form a nation out of the American colonies, a nation free to enjoy “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But as we know, those colonists didn’t become a nation by simply “declaring” they were free from British authority. In fact, the nature of freedom requires that, “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” In other words, freedom can only found within the confines of just law. For this reason, our founders followed that Declaration a few years later with a Constitution, to outline and articulate how those freedoms would be administered. Living an authentic Catholic life requires that we understand the nature of freedom. Imagine for a moment that Jesus Christ, after securing our eternal freedom by his death and resurrection, ascended into heaven and said, “Good luck, see you in eternity!” No, Jesus left something in his place to secure and administer the freedom gained by his blood. If Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension are a “Declaration of Independence,” the Catholic Church – with authority given to St. Peter and the apostles and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit – is the “Constitution.” Now to some outside of it, the Catholic Church may appear a little “juridical,” and in fact, we are governed in the faith by a “Code of Canon Law.” Our Bishop Michael Burbidge, as a successor to the apostles, is entrusted with the task of guiding us according to that law. And our Bishop is bound by the same law, as are all in authority up to the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis. But what appears juridical or formal on the surface points to a deep human truth. For example, our civil law states that when making an arrest, authorities MUST explain to the accused their rights. The words (“you have the right to remain silent…”) are formal, but not simply a “formality.” They guarantee the authenticity of the rights they articulate which are written in the original Constitution. Similarly the Trinitarian formula spoken at Baptism, the words of absolution in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the prayers of consecration at Mass, are formal and required by Church law because they point to truths established by Jesus Christ and guaranteed by his Holy Church. We ARE incorporated into the Triune God at Baptism, we ARE forgiven of all sin when we make a valid Confession, and we TRULY receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist at every Mass. We choose to live according to the doctrines of the Catholic Church not out of obligation, but out of respect and in thanksgiving for the truths those doctrines ensure. In the same way, we honor the founders of the United States of America, and the thousands who have died defending her, when we live according to the laws of our nation. That is the nature, and the responsibility, of true freedom. St. Mark Catholic Church June 28, 2015 ~ Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Biblical/Scriptural Learning for Adults Weekly Bible/Scripture studies are a staple of St. Mark Parish Life. For more information, please see descriptions of our groups via ACCESS under Available Activities or contact the leadership of our Study Groups. The Monday Evening Adult Scripture is on hiatus for the summer. Watch the bulletin for information on the next study. For more information contact Greg Decker at 910 622-0250 or Courageous Women now on a break for the Summer, will resume this fall, (every other week) on Monday mornings in the Cana/Conference Room #7 at 9:30 AM. For more information or to join this group, please contact Carolyn Landenberg (910) 679-4048 or email . Thursday Morning Bible Study is out for the summer. Watch the bulletin for information on the next study. Contacts are: Mike Hession at 910-232-3676 or or Sue Hack at 910-512-2380. Women of the Word Thursdays 11am - 12: 30pm will meet through the summer. For more information please contact Cheryl Whitaker or 910-371-0724. Prayer Groups St. Mark Respect Life Mary (910) 319-7911 Deacon Orlando Perez CENACLE OF LIFE - Every Thursday after morning Mass. We will pray two rosaries for life after the 8:30 AM Mass. Please come and join us in praying with Our Blessed Mother before Her Son in the tabernacle for an increased respect for the dignity of all human life. Natural Family Planning (NFP) For information, contact Allison Lamporte at (910) 279-6860 or Charismatic Prayer Group The Blessed Trinity Charismatic Prayer Group meets for prayer, praise, sharing and intercession on Tuesday evenings following the 6 PM evening Mass in the Chapel. The first Tuesday Mass intention is always for Life, Marriage and Religious Freedom. All are welcome to attend any prayer meeting. If you want to know more about the prayer group or the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, please contact Mary Jo Harrington at Men’s Morning Prayer Group We’re looking for a few good Catholic men to engage in spiritual combat. Every Thursday morning before the break of dawn, men meet for an hour or more to pray the rosary and study the Mass reading for the upcoming Sunday. Once fortified, you’ll be able to more actively participate on Sunday through better understanding of the scriptures. No experience necessary. We provide everything. All that’s missing is you. Join us Thursday mornings in Conference Room 7 at 6:30 am. Spiritual Growth and Support Support Ministries Prayer Shawl Ministry Ladies from the parish meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the library to knit or crochet shawls for those in need of consolation for loss or illness. If you would like more information or you would like to participate, please contact Jacque Ennis 910 686-3659. Empty Cradle Empty Cradle support group meets at St. Mark Church on the third Wednesday of each month except December, at 6:30 pm. We are a support group for parents that have experienced ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, still birth and infant loss. For more information, please contact Nora Golden at: Faith Development & Fraternities for Adults CURIOUS ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Wondering? Seeking a welcome? Saint Mark's program of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) can help you. If you have questions about the Catholic faith, please drop by for Inquiry any Wednesday evening at 6:00pm in the Room 7 or contact Sandy at 910 686-9056 or Paul at 910-792-1931 or you can send an email to Paul at: THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER The local fraternity meets at 1:00pm on the third Sunday of the month in the Cana Conference Room (7) in the education wing of St. Mark Church. For information on the Secular Franciscan Order, please contact Brenda Wells at (910) 256-8765 or Marie Mallon at (910) 7998737. Knights of Columbus 12017 St. Mark Catholic Church Dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, fund-raising programs and social events. Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month. (See Contact: James Laraia, 937609-1753, Fr. James E. Waters Columbiettes Auxiliary The Columbiettes is an auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus committed to Marian devotion and extensive community social outreach. Members are Catholic women in good standing. Being married to a Knight is not a requirement of membership. (temp contact) Barbara Colling 910 799-0796. St. Patrick’s Day . . . everyone is Irish for a least a day. Are you proud to be an Irish (by descent or birth) Catholic? Does being Irish mean more to you than the wearing of the green once a year? The Ancient Order of Hibernians will enrich your Irish heritage while promoting Christian charity all year. We support more than a dozen local charities and have a wee bit of fun along the way. For more information on the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Ladies AOH, their activities, and the charities they support, please contact: Steve or Connie McEnaney 910 686-5498. Faith Formation and School News Pre-K thru Gr. 5 Anne Doyle, (910) 398-6511 St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mark Catholic School Ms. Mary Myers, Principal 910 452-2800 Sign up NOW for Elementary Faith Formation for Fall 2015. We have registration forms for our classes beginning Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 2015. Please stop by the Children's Faith Formation office to fill out a registration form. Class space is limited! Please remember how important it is to take your children to Mass every weekend. If you are traveling this summer, you can still find a Catholic Church to attend. This website will help you locate a Catholic Church anywhere in the U.S. and find out when Mass times are. Don’t leave Jesus behind when you go on vacation. St. Mark Catholic school is looking for a Division 2 soccer coach and a Division 1 Girls’ basketball coach next year. You must be at least 19 years old. If you are interested please contact Dennis Fleck at 910 452-2800 Ext. 255 or email Mr. Fleck at: Youth Ministry Melissa Quaranto FAMILY CORNER Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Word: We listen always for the wisdom of Jesus. Jesus is not recognized in his hometown area. In today’s Gospel, he teaches in the synagogue and although people are astonished, they cannot honor who Jesus is. He does not meet their expectations of a prophet or the Messiah. Faithful Christians are alert to meeting Jesus in others. They listen for the wisdom of Jesus in all people. Living the Word Pay attention to a person you seldom consider wise. That person may offer you great insight. Questions of the Week (Please reread this week’s Gospel, Mark 6:1-6) Children: What have you wished would be different or better about you? Adults: What unavoidable weakness in yourself do you struggle to accept? 910 398-6510 / Happy 4th of July! Eat at Zaxby’s today (and every first Sunday of the month) to support Youth Ministry! STS (for anyone in grades 6-8) will resume on Wednesday, September 16. We meet every Wednesday from 6:30-7:45pm. FaithLife (Confirmation I and II) classes will resume on Sunday, September 20. Classes will be from 5-6:30pm. We will have a parent meeting that first night as well. CROSSWALK (Youth Group for anyone in High School) will resume on Sunday, September 27. We will meet on the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 6-7:30pm. Confirmation Announcements Confirmation II students, please mark your calendars: Confirmation II Retreat – Saturday, August 29 (Please reserve the entire day. Details to follow.) Rehearsal for Confirmation – Tuesday, September 8 (following 6pm Mass) Confirmation – September 12, 2015 at 11am What’s going on this summer? Montessori Preschool NEWS Enrollment is now open for the upcoming school year 2015-16. We offer a 2 day, 3 day or 5 day program. A detailed list of the levels of admission, as well as applications to the preschool, may be picked up outside Melissa Porter’s office throughout the coming months. For more information, contact: Melissa Porter, Director 910 398-6517 or email: Summer Family Movie Nights - The Faith Formation Offices will be offering “Family Movie Night” each Wednesday at 6pm during the summer. “Pray and Play” Open Gym nights - Every Friday at 6:30pm. We meet in the gathering space of the church and then head to the gym! Please continue to check the bulletin over the summer for events and information! St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Summer Family Movie Night” Don’t forget, the Youth Ministry department is offering “Family Movie Night” each Wednesday during the summer. The movies will feature the stories of the saints, and will offer a great “spiritual formation” time for families. Movies begin at 6pm. To help with the “head-count” for refreshments, PLEASE RSVP to Anne Doyle 910 398-6511 or reach her by email at: . You can also register online via ACCESS. Please let us know you are coming by the Tuesday before the Movie. Next Weekend Summer Choir—You’re Invited Next weekend, Sunday July 12th, our “Summer Choir” will serve at the 9:30am Mass. Join us an hour before in Rooms 5-6 for a brief rehearsal as we prepare to add beauty and dignity to the sacred liturgy through singing. All are welcome – adults and children, current choir members and choir members “for a day!” WE NEED YOU THIS MONTH St. Mark Community Blood Drive Monday, July 20, 2015 2:00—6:30 PM Sign-up forms are located by the Chapel on weekends. You can also call the Parish Office, (910) 398-6508, during the week to be placed on the donor list. Please give the gift of life this summer—Give Blood. Parish Life and Community News New Outreach Ministry Seeks Volunteers Cape Fear Hospice Meals of Love The Cape Fear Hospice Center has volunteer opportunities to prepare a meal either breakfast, lunch or dinner for the family and/or friends who are visiting a patient at the Center. This enables them to be able to stay with their loved one without concern for leaving for a meal. If this is something that would interest you, please contact Jacque Ennis for more details: 910 6863659 or email . Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation During the school year we rely on our St. Mark School students/families to bring in non-perishable food items each week for those in need. They do a wonderful job of helping us fill local pantries. School’s out for the summer and we need YOU (our parishioners) to do your part to help those who are hungry and have come to rely on St. Mark. Please bring items with you to Mass on the weekends and drop off in the baskets in the Gathering Space or the bins by the Parish Hall. God bless you for sharing His blessings to you with those less fortunate. Wilmington Catholic Radio 93.1 FM and 91.7 FM For their first July show, Carolina Catholic chats with Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B., a religious sister who first came to fame costarring in the movie, "Loving You," with Elvis Presley. As Dolores Hart, she went on to star in another Elvis movie, "King Creole" and other films including "Where the Boys Are," and she co-starred with actors like Anthony Quinn, George Hamilton, Robert Wagner, and Montgomery Clift until she felt a call to monastic life and left Hollywood at the pinnacle of her career. In celebrating 50+ years at the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Connecticut, Mother wrote her best selling autobiography, The Ear of the Heart, An Actress' Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows, reflecting on her life, her career, her calling, and her illness. In addition to Mother, we will chat with her assistant, Judith Pinco, former manager for Donna Summer. Judith's conversion to the Catholic faith is a remarkable witness to listening to the same call that Mother heard and couldn't ignore. This exciting show will air on Wilmington Catholic Radio heard on 93.1 FM and 91.7 FM Saturday, July 11th at 11:00 AM and Sundays, July 5th and 12th at 6:00 PM. This show can also be heard on their website at by clicking on the Carolina Catholic tab. Thank you for listening to Wilmington Catholic Radio. Looking Ahead . . . Employment Opportunity at our Sister Parish Coming Soon! GREAT ADVENTURE BIBLE TIMELINE All Saints Catholic Church, Hampstead – Experienced Parish Secretary full time to support all administrative functions and communication efforts. Must be proficient in Microsoft office, ACS or related data management software, and scheduling and social media tools. Submit cover letter/resume in PDF format to by July 15. Author Jeff Cavins will walk you through the entire Bible in 24 sessions, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 15th at 7:00pm. (We will do 12 sessions before Christmas, and 12 sessions after Christmas.) Registration can take place via ACCESS or by calling the Parish Office (910) 398-6508. Cost of the materials will be $25.00 per person (couples may share). St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time News and Directory CHURCH OFFICE Community Announcements HOURS 9:00AM-4:00PM, Mon.—Fri. PHONE 910 392-0720 ~ FAX 910 392-6777 WEB SITE PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Patrick A. Keane PAROCHIAL VICAR Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity is seeking members of the local Catholic community to come together and build a Habitat home in honor of Pope Francis! Parishioners of St. Mark are being asked to support this build financially, through in-kind services, with volunteer labor, and with prayers. An anonymous donor has given $60,000 toward this build, and has tasked the area Catholic community to raise a remaining $40,000. Help us meet this goal and honor Pope Francis with this special home! To donate, go to (and include “POPE FRANCIS” in the comment field). To donate materials or in-kind services, such as plumbing, electrical, drywall, brick masonry, HVAC, or roofing, contact Josh Rammel at or 910-762-4744 ext. 106. To volunteer for this Habitat build, which breaks ground on July 11, go to Habitat’s Volunteer Spot webpage at Rev. Michael J. Burbeck Pastoral Sandy Ellsworth / Denise Morrison 910 398-6509 Secretaries Church Office Secretary Cathie Welch 910 398-6508 ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mary Myers 910 452-2800 PRINCIPAL ST. MARK MONTESSORI Melissa Porter 910 398-6517 PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR OPERATIONS MANAGER Caleb Strittmatter 910 398-6515 ACCOUNTING/ HR MANAGER Marriage Help – Do you feel lost, alone, or bored in your marriage? Retrouvaille can help, as it has helped thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment in their marriage. For confidential information or to apply for the next program beginning with a weekend September 25, 2015, call 800-470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail us at, or visit the web site at Terrazzo Trattoria Lunch ~ Dinner ~ Fine Italian Food ~ Gourmet Pizza They make this bulletin possible. Would you like to see your business featured here? Please contact our NEW J. S. Paluch Sales Representative Patrick Falco 910 200-8383 Find out how advertising with us can help your business grow. Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday, 11 days prior to publication. For information, contact Cathie Welch 910 398-6508. email submissions to: you may Cc to: p. 10 p. 7 p. 4 & 5 p. 4 p. 9 Parish Life/Community Special Announcements Spiritual Growth Stewardship DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Alex Hill 910 398-6514 AND LITURGY MINISTRY DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Paul V. Abbe 910 398-6526 CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Anne Doyle 910 398-6511 Pre-K thru Gr. 5 YOUTH MINISTRY Grades 6-12 Melissa Quaranto 910 398-6510 COUNCILS & MINISTRIES Please support our Advertisers Deanery & Diocesan News Faith Formation/School News Liturgy & Worship Mass & Sacraments News & Parish Directory Frank DeMonte 910 398-6512 p. 8 p. 2 p. 6 p. 3 PASTORAL COUNCIL Chuck Scanlon, Chair 910 616-6196 FINANCE COUNCIL Melissa Dupuis, Chair 910 619-6609 HISPANIC LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 12017 FR. JAMES E. WATERS COLUMBIETTES Pat Conlon, Pres. RESPECT LIFE Edwin Marin 786 267-3166 Ken Dieppa, Grand Knight 832 534-3772 Temp contact: Barbara Colling 910-799-0796 Mary Fimbel 910 319-7911 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Paul Townend 910 792-1931 TEMPORALITIES MINISTRY Joseph Damitz 910 686-4279 St. Mark Catholic Church July 5, 2015 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Connect with the Diocese You will find the Diocese, your favorite ministries, parishes and schools on our Diocesan Facebook page! Like us here: You are invited to follow the Diocese and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge on twitter @RaleighDiocese and @BishopBurbidge. Diocesan tweets include current news items. Bishop Burbidge’s tweets include daily reflections and reports from events he is attending. If you are not on Twitter, you can still receive the Bishop’s messages by simply texting follow bishopburbidge to phone number: 40404. Diocese launches new video series, "Raleigh to Rome" - a weekly Catholic news brief of local and global Catholic news hosted by Billy Atwell, Director of Communications. Watch and subscribe to the Raleigh to Rome You Tube channel. Special Announcement Bishop Burbidge invites the Faithful to participate in the fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom, a 14-day celebration of our Freedom to Bear Witness to the values of our faith with respect to the gift of life, conscience rights, immigration, adoption, marriage, health care and many humanitarian concerns. As part of our observance of the Fortnight, you are invited to join with Bishop Burbidge for the celebration of Mass on Thursday, June 25 at 6:30 pm at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Raleigh. A reception and picnic sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will follow the Mass. For more information and educational resources on the Fortnight for Freedom, access our website at . Pope Francis is coming to the U.S. Pope Francis in Philly!! The World Awaits You and so does the Pope! It’s official…Pope Francis is coming to the 8th World Meeting of Families! Plan your trip to Philadelphia, PA for September 22-27, 2015. The city will come alive with multicultural family-centered activities, a congress for youth and for adults and a Papal Mass. Register NOW! For more information see: Deanery and Diocesan News Catholic Campaign for Human Development Local Grants Applications for the Diocesan Catholic Campaign for Human Development Local Grants are now available on the diocesan web-site by clicking on the Stewardship and Advancement Office and then grants in the left side panel. Deadline for applications is August 14, 2015. Please note the criteria for grants on the application. For more information please contact Melissa DuCharme in the Office of Human Life and Dignity at 919821-9751. Project Rachel Support Group Abortion is one of the most common procedures in the US, experienced by millions of women, many of whom are Catholic. Abortion creates a wound in post-abortive women, (and men) resulting in spiritual and emotional problems. The Project Rachel ministry assists women and men who have been wounded by abortion to find truth and healing. There is a support group beginning in the Triangle area in late July. If you have experienced an abortion and would like more information about the support group, contact Project Rachel at (919) 8521021 or email For more information go to Calls and appointments are kept strictly confidential. For Married Couples The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are Jul 31-Aug 2, 2015 in Chapel Hill, NC and Nov 6-8, 2015 in Atlantic Beach, NC . Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at or 704-315-2144. Courage / Encourage Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church and the Diocese of Raleigh, ministers to those with same-sex attractions (Courage) and their loved ones (Encourage). Courage and Encourage have been endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Family. Browse the global website: