cardell place calgary
cardell place calgary
Calgary - Northern Hills Constituency Office invite you to a Stampede Breakfast Saturday, July 4 8:30 am - 10:30 am VIVO EAST PARKING LOT, 11950 COUNTRY VILLAGE LINK NE community booths • performances • games & activities VISIT VIVO.CA FOR MORE INFORMATION vivo™ for healthier generations & calgary- northern hills constituency off ice, mla jamie kleinsteuber stampede breakfast information background Since 2009, Vivo™ for Healthier Generations (formerly Cardel Place) and Calgary - Northern Hills Constituency Office have partnered to serve up some fine Stampede grub for more than 3,000 friends and neighbours each year. A chance to don western duds and shout ‘yahoo’ this 3rd largest breakfast in the city has become a celebration to connect, socialize and play - a true highlight for the community! on-site contact NICOLE DAWE Manager, Fund Development LORRIE LANCASTER Manager, Communications 403.479.6684 587.437.0755 arrival Parking Arrive in the East Parking Lot, tell the parking marshal your name and they will direct you to a reserved spot. Check-In Please check-in at the main stage when you arrive. location, date & time Vivo™ for Healthier Generations East Parking Lot 11950 Country Village Link NE Saturday, July 4 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM