Musette Gazette - Arizona Accordion Club
May 2013 Vol. XVII No. XI Presents the Musette Gazette Next Meeting on Monday June 17th Pre meeting music will be performed by Ted Lee. I invite all members to play for us. Please call me to sign up for a time to play. Jamming is welcome – Phil 480-427-2394 There was a young man who left home and moved into his own apartment. After a few weeks his parents phoned to find out how he was. “What are your neighbors like?” his mother asked. “They’re a bit strange, actually,” he told his mom. “On one side there’s a man who keeps banging his head against the wall, and on the other side there’s a woman who just cries and moans.” “I’d keep to myself if I were you,” advised his mother. “Oh, I do,” the son replies. “I just stay in my apartment all day and play my accordion.” Please contact Phil Fox (480-427-2394) for performance opportunities for swing era pre-meeting or meeting schedules Page 2 The Arizona Accordion Club MENU for JUNE 17, 2013 - A traditional Serbian everyday dinner - Khedlo Vespo Leli, or Roasted Pork served with Apple Baked Cabbage and Steamed Buns MAY 20th MEETING - “Bring your Accordion for Open Play and Jam Night” Jay Stevens played the pre-meeting music on his new Roland accordion, complete with explanations for some of the different materials he uses with it. He uses an Orla drummer, programmed karaoke type background music he gets from Mario Pedone and other CD’s, plus he has all of his sheet music on an I-Pad in front of him. So, basically he is now a complete one-man band! And, he even was able to sing the correct words to the songs! Boy, was I impressed! So, instead of just premeeting music, what we got was an instruction manual of how many things you can do with the Roland! Good job, Jay - now we’re ALL going to run out and buy a Roland! Thanks for all that - it was neat. Pete Donatella and Jerry Szymanski on accordions, with Jim Winning on drums, were up next. They did “Sheboygan Polka,” “Sweet Polka Dots” and finished up with “Just Another Polka.” Jerry left the stage then, and Pete played “Anniversary Waltz” in honor of Jay and Connie Stevens’ 44th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary, you two! Several people got up and joined them on the dance floor - very romantic! Then Jim and Pete went on and played “Girl From Ipanema,” and Jay Stevens joined them for “Ariverderci Roma” and right into “Brazilia,” (which was Pete’s theme song for the whole 35 years he had his “For Pete’s Sake” band in New York and New Jersey.) The guys did “Five Foot Two” with Jay doing vocals, then Bob Doszak joined them to jam for awhile. They played “Dark Town Stutter's Ball” with Leigh Dechaine singing, then “Lichensteiner Polka” complete with Leigh singing and the audience joining in on the “Ya, Ya, Ya’s.” Pete explained that they had actually played that one in five parts! Bob Doszak got a request for “Del Rio Drive” so they did that next, joined by Leigh Dechaine on his accordion. Meeting contuse on page 4 -> The Arizona Accordion Club Table of Contents Ladies Night President Phil’s Message Our Meeting ! Accordion Instructors, Come Hear Us Play Classifieds Advertisements Meeting location Map Cover Page 3 Pages 2 , 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 6 Page 5,7 Back Cover Membership Form Back Cover Meeting Place St. Stephen’s Hall 8141 North 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 (602) 997-4563 Third Monday of the Month Meeting Begins at 6:30 PM Meeting Ends at 9:00 Officers President Phillip Fox (480) 427 2394 Vice President Jerry Szymanski ( 480) 488-0949 Secretary Leigh Dechaine (623) 582 3746 Treasurer Pete Donatella (623) 877-1846 President’s Message Summer has arrived and we have opportunities to enjoy our music at the Arizona Accordion Club meetings. This time of year, the meetings are hard to produce because many of our snow bird accordionists have gone to spend these few months in their cooler climates. This is a good opportunity for you to bring your instrument and show off your talent in a more intimate, low pressure setting. We all get nervous and feel like there is a world of critics. But the members of the AAC attend our meetings to hear the music we all love. All performances are welcome. Our club offers you a chance to use the skills you have been practicing at home and let us hear it. Bring your accordion, or other instruments, and play for us. Enjoy the Arizona summer, stay cool and keep on squeezing’ Are you crazy about accordionists ? Well, lets see what ya all know ?! 1) The first free reed instrument, like a accordion, is from China. What was it called ? The hydraulus, The Cheng , The pan pipe, The Huang Ti . 2) Which one of these men is credited with the invention of the modern accordion? Laslo Portative, Cyrillus Damian, Cyrillus Regal, Sir Charles Wheatstone. 3) How many accordions are in the standard symphony orchestra? 0, 4, 2, 1 . 4) This man is considered the "Father of American Accordionists". Board Of Directors Jerry Szymanski Paul Betken Chuck Voinovich Dionne Hauke Ted Lee Jay Stevens Page 3 ( 480) 488-0949 (480) 755-3539 (480) 451-4416 (602) 266 9622 (623) 444-5106 (602 339 7874 Jack Dermody (602) 237 5627 Music Director Elmer Faser Scholarship Chairman Pietro Deiro, Frank Iacovazzi, Allen Vizzutt, Toots Thielmann 5) Considered the "Henry Ford" of accordion production, he was the first to mass produce the accordion. Allen Vizzutt, Mathias Hohner, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Temperino Bandini 6) Which one of these otherwise great men did not play the accordion? Drew Carey, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman, Peter Gabriel Quiz continues on page 4 Honorary Members Bulletin Staff Dionne Hauke Editor Raye Donatella Seasoned Pro Reporter Frank Schweller Distribution Zophie Rossner Still Photos Jerry Szymanski Still Photos Sal Genco Video Camera Pete Donatella * Ted Lee * Dr. John Van Such * John Cesinger *Joe Kino *Al Monti * Helen Criscio * Flaco Jimenez * Tony Lovello * Frank Marocco * Anthony Galla-Rini * Myron Floren * Art Van Damme * Dick Contino *Art Metzler * Lenny Simmons * Frank Yankovic Starting in January 2013 the Musette Gazette News letter will be on line and emailed . If you need to receive Printed copies, you MUST requested in print, on your renewal form that you want your copies to be mailed to you. Cost of printing and postage is getting higher and most folks have email and /or internet access. Using this technology is much more cost effective , in color, environmentally friendly and faster to get the club’s news to you. Page 4 The Arizona Accordion Club I love it when the guys all get together and just jam! (My Dad and all his friends used to all get together on a Saturday night and just jam with all different instruments, and I never got tired of hearing them.) “Once in a While” was played next, then “Twilight Time.” Bob stopped playing now, and Lee, Pete and Jim did “Yellow Bird” sung by Leigh, then “Alley Cat,” “Marie,” “Frankie and Johnny” and finished up with “Rose of San Antone.” Really enjoyable, all you gentlemen! Our last entertainer of the night was our president, Phil Fox. He played “Meditation” “What Now, My Love” and ended with “Cuando Calienta El Sol.” Very nice, Phil, and a nice ending to the evening. Now for a quick “as my Dad always said” -“Politics is a funny business - one week you’re on the cover of Time and the next week you’re doing it.” See you on June 17th. Are you crazy about accordionists Quiz continued from page 3 7) This music great played accordion on "Storm Front" and on his music video "Eye of the Storm" Billy Joel , Todd Rungen, David Lee Roth, Kurt Vonstien 8) David Bryant and Rick Sambora of this band play accordion. Bon Jovi, Dave Mathews Band, Joy 500, AC / DC 9) This musician played accordion on "Born in Time" from his album "Under the Red Sky". Eddie Cochran, Ziggy Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan 10) Eddie Vedder of this group played accordion on "Bugs". Pearl Jam, Thompson Twins, Ozzy, Marshall Tucker Band 11) In a very famous photo, Graham Washington Jackson plays accordion while he is crying. Why ? Franklin D. Roosevelt died., Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, Pearl Harbor was attacked, JFK was killed. 12) This comedian said, "The least said English sentence is 'The Delorean belongs to the accordionist'." Dave Letterman, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Drew Carey 13) This man was the first accordionist to make it big in the Jazz world. Jean-Claude Van Damme, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Art Van Damme 14) Idi Amin, Mahatma Gandhi, Bruce Hornsby, and Sarit Hadad all play or played accordion True or False Answers page 5 The Arizona Accordion Club Page 5 Lessons and Repairs Piano Accordion Instructors: Pete Donatella 623 877-1846 Dr. Van Orden 623 480 334 1049 and Chromatic B System accordion Jack Dermody 602 237 5627 Joanne Drum 480 994-4698 Tony Putrino 480 483-3943 Lessons also available via Skype. More info available online @ Bonnie Bingener 602-279-0378 and Piano Joan Monti 602-923-3856 Button Accordion Instructor Tony Longoria ( Él habla español ) 602 488 4254 Acordeon Also Bajo Sexto y Bajo Quinto y Bass Guitar. 1.The Cheng 2. Cyrillus Damian 3. zero 4. Pietro Deiro 5. Mathias Hohner 6. Harry Truman 7. Billy Joel 8. Bon Jovi 9. Bob Dylan 10. Pearl Jam 11. Franklin D. Roosevelt died 12. Johnny Carson 13. Art Van Damme 14. True Important piece of etiquette: If you do not play the accordion you may not call it "cordeen" Accordion Repairs Estimates always free Ziggie’s Music 602 266 9622 3309 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85012-2301 Monday-Saturday 10-6 Face Book 313 N.E. 45th St. Seattle, WA 98105 (206)-632-2700 Visit Our Web Site “Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten” Page 6 The Arizona Accordion Club Musical Items For Sale: Custom Built Imperial Chicago Accordion 2/4 reeds; 8 switches - R.H.; 4 switches - L. H. This accordion is like new! Price reduced to $300.00. Tony 480 483 3943 Soprani 12/6, 120 bass Black, Make Offer Merano 120 bass, white 4/1 $200 Pollina 120 bass ,Black 4/1 $250 Iorio Cadido 140, Antique 120 bass $150 Wurlitzer 48 bass reeds need work Hohner 2 row reeds need work Hundreds of pieces of Music from 1905 to 1955 And More Fran Judd, 928-634-7963 Hohner Ventura IV Musette (LMMM) 41/120 4/5 13/7 23 lbs. wet-tuned, looks new, $2200. Galanti Super Dominator (LMMH) 41/120 4/5 11/5 22 lbs., for parts or not working (two sticky treble keys, otherwise very good condition), single tone chamber, $1200. 480 830 8766 Glenn Wanted: a Petosa. A S-2000 Model P-800 with 4/4 sets of reeds or a model AM1100 and S-2000 MIDI. Norbert Ludewig. 908889-8476, 973-792-4661. 2 Ridge Way, Fanwood, NJ 07023 120 bass Excelsior A.C. Great Musset $1850 OBO Bob Dura 602-841-0487 Excelsior 19 1/4" keyboard, 120 bass 10/6 switches, slide mute, tone chamber, deluxe straps, heavy duty case, 27 lbs. $1700. Harry 602-568-3931 Victoria Super 1960's black, white pearl keys. 18 3/4" keyboard, 21 lbs. 5 oz. 41/120. 7/3 switches. 3 reed LMH dry tuned. Straps and case. $450 OBO Jean T. 570 972-6434 Pastore Italian ladies accordion. 8/2 switches. Perfect, $300. Felice at 602-279-0638 Proteus/1 XR Module, model 9011, $75. Carl Nyberg 480-982-1479 Petosa Accordion/Organ Series II Chamber 3/4 handmade reeds. Black antico engraving, complete with tone generator, has MIDI capability. $1500. J. Drum 480-994-4698 Zupan 4 Row CGFBb V.G. condition, case $1000. 520-903-6378 Tuscon, AZ Excelsior New York Model 5 accordion. V.G. condition $350. 480-895-8161 George Olierer 4 Row Button Accordion Keyed German / Czech G C F Bb with Midi and amp $3200 Mint Melodjia 3 Row Button Accordion Slovenian Tuned C F Bb $1800 Mint Kay Mandolin $125 EX Shape John 602 539 3475 Italian Stradavox child's 42 key with bass switch for more keys. Red, excellent condition. . $450. 602 943 3289. Pro Barb Lane is retired and selling her midi Karpek Polka Queen Accordion. Excelsior MIDI with Xetron X4 module. 480-661-7750. "Like new" Black Castiglione 19" key / 120 bass accordion, 9 treble / 3 bass switches $2500 or OBO. 480-629-8648 Jean Moore in Gilbert, AZ Cordovox, recently tuned. GC 2 row accordion $250. Ed M. 623-362-1525 Guerrini Polka Box - Rhinestones $2100Korg rotating sound machine $250Crate Amp - 15" speaker $300Selmer Model 80 Tenor Sax - $2900 Noblette Clarinet - $350Mics, Stands, Fronts, etc. Ellie Aldrin - 602-996-8197 Woman's size, Forinte--beautiful quality and sound. Double-chamber. $2499.480.322.7353. Accordions, key and button for sale. Too many to list, Gabacho Bob 623-780-3622 110 Platinum Pops Book $15 Charles Magnante's Accordion Method Book 1 $8.00 The Golden Age Of The Accordion Great book of the history of the accordion, many great artists, bios and pictures. Autographs of he 3 authors. Ron Flynn, Edwin Davidson, Eddie Chavez. Excellent condition. $30.00, OBO 73 Super Blockbusters 70’s music $15.00 NEW Gospel accordion music book with a cd of background music.20 songs. $18.00. Foot pedal for Solton midi module or keyboard. Has a start, stop, fill in 1, 2, 3. Paid $100.00. Asking Ciao Reed less by Sem 120 bass 41 key midi accordion. 400 preset sounds for treble, bass, and chords, like accordion, piano, brass, orchestral, vibes, mandolins, guitar, big band, strings, organ, du voice, upright and electric bass s, bagpipes, harmonica and more. Made in Italy. Bellow expression, case, back pad. Excellent condition. $2700.00.Joan 602-923-3856. Lo Ducca, Black, Gold trim, 120 bass, Full Size, 9/4 Switches. Hard Case and New Straps. Excellent Condition$1500, or make offer. Near Paradise Mall. 602-992-0253 Petosa AM1100,S-2000 Midi System ,gig bag Amazing $5995.00 James P. O’Brian 520 818 1225 Tucson AZ ACCORDIONS & KEYBOARDS Clearwater, FL 727 443 4113. Cell 727 417 6099 Free Shipping on these accordions Excelsior Symphony Made In New York. MIDI is installed. 4/6 sets of handmade reeds. Sano Amplification. Excellent Condition. $3200.00 Iorio "K" Series Reedless ( 15 lbs. ) accordion with Music Tech Midi Controller plus built-in sounds. Like New Condition. $2650.00 Ad Policy For Display ads, Arizona Accordion club members pay the lower price per issue: Business card Size $5.00 or $8.00 Quarter page $10.00 or $16.00 Half page $20.00 or $32.00 Full page 40.00 or $64.00 Page 7 The Arizona Accordion Club Come Hear Us Play "Wanted- light-weight piano accordion19 1/4” keyboard, 41 treble keys and 120 bass, 2 or 3 treble reeds and one base reed. No electronics, and 16-17 lbs. max. Bob 520-568-0047 Wanted Chromatic C system accordion. 17 lbs. max. Steve 651-702-0791 Bill Regina Music for all occasions For rates and open dates call 602-938-3679 Augie Figurelli ( Bob Doszak Music for all occasions. Single, Duo, Trio. Bookings, Info: 480-982-0252. Elmer Faser and Duane Tendick: Haus Murphy's 5739 West Glendale Avenue Glendale, Arizona 85301 Every Friday and Saturday 6:00 to 8:00 Paul Kay Tony Putrino Mon's & Wed's in June - Phoenician Resort (Thirsty Camel Lounge) - On Piano - 5-9 PM Every Sat - Phoenician Resort (J & G Steakhouse) - On Keyboards - 7:30-10:30 PM June 14 - Desert Ridge Marketplace - Accordion Concert Series 7-9 PM June 28 - Tempe Marketplace - Accordion Concert Series - 7-9 PM June 30 - Desert Belle Cruise (Saguaro Lake) - On Keyboards - 6 -7:30 PM Details @ PIANO ACCORDION INSTRUCTORS Tony Putrino - Accordion & Piano Lessons available in person & via Skype 480-483-3943 Josip Baginac Every Saturday Bavarian Point Restaurant from 5-8 pm. 4815 E. Main Street Suite #2 (between Greenfield Rd) Mesa, Arizona. (480.830.0999) The Lynks Café every Saturday 4:00 to 8:00 . Call for days and times. Paul can be reached at 602-549-0497 4416 North 102nd Drive Phoenix, AZ 85037 JOIN THE AAC! JOIN BE THEAAAC! MEMBER! BE A MEMBER! Include Includethis thisform formwith with$25.00 $25.00forforone-year one-yearmembership membership fee feepayable payableto:to:Arizona ArizonaAccordion AccordionClub. Club. Send SendtotoArizona ArizonaAccordion Accordionclub, club,c/o c/oPete PeteDonatella, Donatella, 4416 4416N.N.102nd 102ndDr., Dr.,Phoenix, Phoenix,AZ AZ85037. 85037. Full FullName Name ____________________________ ____________________________ Mailing MailingAddress AddressStarting January 2013 News letter will be on line and emailed . _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ City______________ State ________ Zip ____________ City______________ State ________ Zip ____________ Phone Numbers Phone Numbers Home: _______________ Work ___________________ Home: _______________ Work ___________________ Cell: ______________ __ Fax: ____________________ Cell: ______________ __ Fax: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Website: __________________________ Website: __________________________ Updates of Accordion Events e-mailed to you? Yes No Updates of Accordion Events e-mailed to you? Yes No Starting January 2013 News letter will be on line and emailedJanuary . 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Lessons available in person & via Skype