Lead Gen to Gen Y
Lead Gen to Gen Y
market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen To Gen Y prepare for the new B2B buyer Liz Brohan, Co-CEO and President What You’ll Learn Why Gen Y business buyers need a different approach How to adapt your strategies to boost leads and sales What marketing technologies you need to attract and engage Gen Y Dear Executive, Gen Y is already having a profound effect on corporate America. Business loves to think, talk and write about them. Human Resources executives, talent and leadership directors and consultants have produced an enormous amount of information on how to manage Gen Y. Countless insights are offered to harness their gifts and be more mindful of their proclivities. Clearly, Gen Y has a voice and the ear of management and decision-makers. They believe they can change the workplace for the better, a topic we are all interested in. As B2B marketers, this got us thinking. With all the change Gen Y is primed to institute, how they buy business products and services is sure to evolve as well. So we started asking a lot of questions. We asked companies both large and small about their efforts or plans to retool marketing initiatives to accommodate Gen Y’s preferences and information-consumption behaviors. Some, like IBM, are on top of this issue, altering programs and testing new marketing technology. Most, however, aren’t convinced that catering to this group is necessary. “After all, our company put up a Facebook page and posts regular corporate blogs. We feel comfortable that we’re keeping an eye on emerging marketing tools and channels and incorporating them at sufficient levels.” But, their lead volumes are dropping. So there was only one thing left to do: ask Gen Y if their personal savvy regarding technology impacts their buying habits in the business world. The answer is more complex than a simple “yes” or ”no”. Gen Y is prepared to use all the tools at their disposal to help them make decisions. They are not going to disregard traditional offline messages. However, they are going to start and finish their research process and make recommendations entrenched in the online world. Simply put, B2B marketers need to be more integrated than ever. Within these pages, we hope to show you how—by clearly articulating our research findings, presenting insights and highlighting successes from companies already leading the charge of change. Enjoy. Liz Brohan Co-CEO and President © 2011 Colman, Brohan & Davis, Inc. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 2 The Uniqueness of Gen Y. There is no definitive agreement on the span of years that define Generation Y. Generally, the timeline falls somewhere between 1978 and 1995. Give or take a year or two, this study uses the years 1980 to 2000. What is not disputed is that they are the largest generation after the Baby Boomers. Generation Y is comprised of approximately 75 million people, with Boomers outpacing them by a mere 5 million. Their numbers dwarf Generation X, which totals only 40 million. At first glance, there are as many names describing this generation: Gen Y grew up being coddled and nurtured during an age referred to as the “Decade of the Child.” They were put on a pedestal and protected. They are the infamous “Baby on Board.” Their fathers were involved in their lives and helped create the most hovered-over generation ever in our country. Such unprecedented parental supervision and advocacy created “helicopter parents” and the “parents as friend” mentality that bolstered this generation’s self-esteem. - Generation WHY - Generation Next - Nexers - Digital Generation - Echo Boomers - Boomlets - Baby Busters - iGeneration - Net Generation - Netizens - Gaming Generation But when several thousand of them sent suggestions to Peter Jennings at ABC News about what they should be called, they overwhelmingly preferred “Millennials.” The demographics and psychographics that define this generation become evident when you examine the list of names. They were raised with technology. They have never experienced life without computers. This makes them the most techno-savvy generation in history, one that isn’t just used to, but expects to be connected 24/7. And while this is probably the most pronounced difference between this group and any that came before it, it’s not the only distinguishing factor. Truth is, they were simply raised differently than Gen X and Boomers. There are also several other defining events that shaped this generation’s DNA. They came of age during a time of incredible change and scandal, including Columbine, 9/11 and Enron. The result is that they have faith in themselves, admire individual integrity, and put little belief in modern organizations. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 3 These characteristics make the Millennials a unique group in the workplace. And they are becoming a very hot commodity in the job market. They’re optimistic, well-educated, collaborative, openminded and achievement-oriented. They’ve always felt sought-after, needed and indispensible, and come to the workplace with higher expectations than the generation before them. The leading edge of the Millennial generation is now 27 to 29 years old, has between five and seven years of career experience, and no longer occupies entry-level positions. As Millennials continue to take on more responsibility, they not only influence business purchases, but decision-making as well. While many B2B marketers have a sophisticated understanding of emerging technologies, they have not changed the customer engagement model to help them leverage Gen Y’s favorite tools: social networking, peer marketing, better/faster online support, text messaging and blogging, just to name a few. More importantly, B2B marketers don’t have a clear understanding of how this individual researches and forms recommendations in the purchase of business products and services. This shift has prompted B2B marketers to recognize that they need to know how to relate to these new buyers. We already know they are serious and independent information seekers and they rely on online channels for information. More importantly, they view their online time as critical to their learning and development. In fact, the Internet is how they experience the world. It would follow that they have to interact with your product online and have the opportunity to react to your message in order for your brand to gain traction in their wheelhouse. They are also going online more often and earlier in their purchase decision process than the Gen X and Boomer buyer. Clearly the time to act is now. These barriers led us to conduct an in-depth study on the actual purchase process Millennials undertake when researching or buying products and services in the workplace. These behaviors are just the beginning. Given their collaborative nature, Millennials seek validation everywhere and from everyone, even if it is to affirm their consideration of your product or service in advance of assessing your product’s value and forming their purchase recommendation. 75% of companies believe Millenials will have a sales impact in the next two years. The truth of the matter is that most companies have not developed strategies that resonate with this new B2B buyer, even though 75% of them believe Millennials will have a sales impact on their organizations in the next two years. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 4 Information-gathering practices in the B2B purchase process. Millennial behaviors in organizational purchasing scenarios. Working with Bart Zehren, Founder of research firm E-RM, CBD structured their study to conceptualize the Millennial generation’s use of the media and electronic devices they employ for B2B purchasing activities. Methodology Specifically, the survey was designed to provide insights on how Millennials approach B2B purchasing situations. It was uniquely created to combine both qualitative and quantitative measures in exploring this group’s preferred methods for communication and use of media. It’s important to note that this was a pure B2B research study that targeted 21 to 30-year-olds who are currently employed in a B2B-oriented position. It was designed to screen out consumers by asking participants to provide information on their roles as B2B buyers/influencers or report on their aspirations to be involved in this business purchasing activity. This screening process eliminated those that didn’t have this specific business orientation. We’d like to acknowledge and extend a special thank you to Baillie Buchanan and her team at PeanutLabs for providing access to its panel, which resulted in 308 completed surveys. consideration. Seven of the options were traditional vehicles. The other thirteen were electronic tools including web 2.0 and social media. The methodology consisted of a survey with three distinct sections that is best described as resembling a sandwich. That is, excellent breadand-butter information-gathering to start and conclude the survey, with all the trimmings and tasty meat extracted from the middle section. Finally, stage three provided the opportunity to rank the use and importance of the media vehicles identified in section one, gain an understanding of search strategies, and identify which electronic devices they use to access information such as desktop computers, laptops and mobile smart phones. This checklist approach quantified the purchase process by properties, priorities and tools. The second stage of the study gave respondents the opportunity to express in their own words how they go about discovery and decision-making. This was achieved by setting up a hypothetical scenario that could be answered in free-form narrative regarding how they went about investigating a product or service they had little knowledge about. We elicited the actual and sequential steps in the process used to gather, validate and present information and recommendations. The first section establishes a baseline for media usage. In this stage, qualified participants were asked about the media they engaged throughout the purchasing process. The media tool choices in the survey covered twenty different options for CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 5 Business applications derived from Millennials’ personal and social spheres. The voice of the Millennial came through loud and clear in our survey results, telling us a few things about what this group brings from its personal and social spheres into the business world. Because we kept things general by not specifying a particular product or service, our respondents improvised their searches and we got a more natural and broad look at their thinking, yielding abundant verbatims which are worth their weight in gold, but require significant analysis. Some of the media that Millennials say are most important in research in a business setting: - 84% of survey responders say they talk with others - 84% say search engines are employed - 83% use email - 79% browse websites Four traditional tools achieved a reported usage penetration over 50%: talking with others, print, business directories and TV. So, while the impact of the Internet is strong and widespread, traditional media cannot be eliminated from an integrated marketing strategy. What emerges next is a deviation from Gen X and Boomer’s media consumption habits; social media plays a driving role. The profound insight revealed here is that use of electronic media runs neck-and-neck with the collaborative approach of talking directly with others. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 6 show there is complexity and spontaneity, with plenty of interactions and iterations. Quite clearly, these are the watchwords, and we’re cautioned not to oversimplify it. Hypothetical purchase situation. “Suppose your company needed a product or service that it did not know much about. Explain what sources you would access or use to gather information to help your company (or organization) evaluate and choose that product or service.” Even social media tools thought to have a predominantly personal use emerge as tools that business users—especially certain subgroups of them—will apply in individualized ways to search, browse and share information that supports their improvised B2B purchase processes. - 36% view videos on YouTube That said, they are very sequential and logical in their approach and we found commonalities that lay the groundwork for a more in-depth discussion, starting with several examples of what might be called a “classic” approach, i.e., a progression from broad, general information toward increasingly specific prioritization, all while employing traditional resources and human contact. These common processes follow three broad stages: - 28% read blogs A. Search & Gather These forms, means and approaches of seeking needed information are most often associated with consumer activity. In our case, we proposed a situation in which participants are asked to help their company identify and evaluate alternatives for a product or service that their company needs, but does not currently know much about. B. Assemble & Narrow Social media engaged most often for business purchase purposes are: - 40% use Facebook - 36% turn to Wikipedia C. Validate & Select The study presented a wide range of media tools used by Millennials. In reporting their general media usage, we see a mixture of traditional forms of communications, well-established online tools and newer social media platforms that are constantly emerging. This last category is being enhanced on-the-fly through interaction with its users, as they develop and define it to suit their purposes. To complete this hypothetical exercise, respondents were required to use their imaginations to construct and articulate their approach. We asked them to explain to us what they would do and where they would look for information, ideas or leads. We also requested they rank, in order from first to last, the steps they would implement. In the initial stage of the process, almost equally, Millennials primarily choose to use search along with their own version of outreach. That is, they put as much emphasis on search engine usage as they do email and talking with others to get a handle on available options. Interestingly, this approach combines traditional word-of-mouth with online search. Another lesson from this research is that Millennials use common sense to get things done. But the processes they follow, when laid out for examination, CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 7 The B2B purchase process is high tech, high touch and myriad. While we observed nine common approaches to Gen Y’s B2B purchasing processes, there are numerous iterations and variations being used. Perhaps the most significant insight revealed is that the actual company offering the product or service may not be part of any initial effort. Sure, they will browse your site, but the truth is, you and your sales team are probably going to be the last to know you are being included in a considered set. Here are nine process variation examples: 1. Internet, Yet Integrate 2. “GOOGLE. That Is All You Need.” When it is a simpler process, “just Google”— used as a verb—was a clear winner! “I would look online for any information I need. I wouldn’t look anywhere else. The Internet is the best place.” For example, the process answer was reduced to a one-word answer: “Google.” Or, it appeared with a little adornment: “We use Google” and “I would just go and Google it.” Perhaps most beautifully typifying of all: - “I would mostly use a search engine...Google would be my first and only option.” “First I would use a search engine to research the product. I will click through the links, looking for relevant information. I will read both professional evaluations as well as personal experiences (as from a blog, for example). If need be, I would take it a step further and try to make contact with those writing the evaluations I’ve read -- through email, phone or even blog comments. If I am unsuccessful in finding information online, then I would search through periodicals archived in the local library.” - “Google, it’s a magical place that has answers to every possible question.” In many more cases, Google (or the occasional mention of a competing search engine instead) isn’t the sum total of the process, it’s the starting point and a key tool used in concert with other channels. “I would input the product or service into Google. I would proceed by researching each of the top results.” Or: “Start with Google, then ask people I know.” Or: “Google, dogpile, hotbot, library, encyclopedia.” Or: “Google, Wikipedia and stuff.” Or: “I would usually check Google first. I would then type up the information and present it to my boss.” Or: “Google search. Set up a table with benefits and costs. Present it to the purchaser.” Or: “Use Google, Wikipedia, Better Business Bureau, and Encyclopedia Britannica.” Or: “I would look on Google, then Wikipedia. Lastly, go to library.” Or: “I would use ask.com because it answers most of the questions you “First, I would surf the web and try to learn more about the product or service, both through…official website and…online reviews and comments. Next, I would talk to coworkers and peers in the field to get…experiences and opinions. Lastly, if possible, I would research product/service in print media…journals… Consumer Reports.” CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 8 ask.” Or: “I would use the Internet or ask my friends for some advice. When I use the Internet, I will use like Google or Yahoo or Bing to help me find my topic.” Or: “I would just go to Yahoo search and follow the links that seemed appropriate.” In fact, Google (or Yahoo) is so good, why not use it twice: “Google the product and then Google reviews about it.” Or: “Search the Internet again and again and again.” in my industry. To expand the consideration set, I would (ask) colleagues for any recommendations. Once we have a consideration set,…contact each company to narrow...consideration set, learn about their services, and possibly schedule an in-person meeting. I would ask they come prepared with case studies and to discuss opportunities for my company. I would make a decision following the meetings.” “I would first start by going on Yahoo, and then most likely the product’s website would be one of the first links. After checking out the website, I would then finally use Yahoo again and search up any complaints or pros versus cons.” 3. People First, Search Second This scenario often proceeds in fits and starts, with back loops and complexities resulting in some interesting interactions and oddities. “I would first look into this product by searching Google and research the product by asking the company for written literature and looking into all reviews of the product by existing customers. I would then contact people and have them tell me what they think about the product. If I was speaking to the company I would ask why I should choose their product. What makes it better than another product on the market?” “I would look to colleagues from schooling, partner businesses, affiliates, friends, fellow co-workers first. I would then research online and find contacts or relevant information there. If need be…search material databases, library, etc.” “I would begin by reaching out to coworkers who I think might have some insight into the product/service, or who might have contacts I could subsequently reach out to. I would then contact those resources. If no resources were available, I would use a search engine to look for information.” More simply stated, but still complex: “Internet search for product list, check reviews for goods or service, finally talk to someone at the company via email, phone, or in person.” 5. Direct-to-the-Source Approach 4. A Classic Process Another undeniable finding in our research is that there is a strong impulsiveness associated with Millennial behavior patterns. The thoroughness in which these scenarios are described may indicate that the responders were slightly more seasoned professionals, representing the older, leading edge of our panel’s age demographic. Why not get to the point right away, like this: “I would start by going to the source directly… researching the company/product through their own websites and then reviews through other reputable websites. I would also look into any customer feedback.” “I would develop a consideration set by using Google to first identify the category/industry and then look for services that have helped companies CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 9 6.Social Media Tools Have Place(s), too something about it, either online or in person, I would consult customers and anyone else who would be affected by this product or service to get their opinions and/or thoughts.” Many responders are using social media tools in their research, and express that their usage will continue to grow. Also noteworthy: Millennials engage several social media channels in their process. Respondents mention using numerous sources, which means this space will be worth watching as more sites are introduced and gain traction. “Twitter because that is a site where you talk about ideas.” 8. Some Specialized Situations The size of the corporation the Millennial works for may very well impact the research and recommendation process. B2B marketers must map out a corporation’s internal buying process and be prepared to offer sales materials that keep the cycle moving through each layer. “I would begin researching on the web with a Google search on the product/service to see the positives and negatives.” “I would use a search engine, Google perhaps, MySpace, TV, browse websites for different content, YouTube, Facebook, via phone or in person.” “…our Company either hires consultants for the larger scale projects, or assigns our business development department to perform research. Some areas that are looked into include: reading various trade articles, searching online for product/service information and reviews (if available), and perhaps contacting approved vendors for information.” “First…Twitter because that is a site where you talk about ideas. Next, I would write down the information. Last, I would read it over and look on the Internet for more information…if…what I have isn’t enough.” “YouTube, Twitter, and Wikipedia would be my first destinations.” “I have been looking for a CRM solution for our company. I researched Salesforce.com first, because I have heard from friends and other professionals that it was a good product. I looked at their website initially. Then, I used LinkedIn to discuss CRM in one of the groups. I then contacted the company by phone and discussed with a sales rep the benefits of Salesforce.com. I met with the directors of other departments to discuss, and finally, we did a comparison of CRM solutions with data collected from a third-party blog specializing in CRM. We have decided that we will utilize one, but it is not in the budget for the year, so we will revisit next year.” 7. The Omnivorous Approach You have to admire the individuals that will use everything at their disposal. This points to the need for B2B companies to be broad thinkers and integrated marketers. “I would look everywhere, books, internet, anywhere I could find information. I would look online first, then I would write all the information I found there, then I would look in books and write down everything…lastly, I would take all the information and make 1 big product.” “I would research the product/service online, I would talk to other people who may know CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 10 9. The Suspected Traditionalist Finally, some Gen Y participants gave answers that might indicate that they employ only traditional tools and human input, or at least they used non specific language to describe their processes. Here are the best statements describing this approach: “Look and listen for new products (TV, magazines, radio, other stores) and talk with customers and listen to their suggestions and requests.” Millennial search process as word cloud. “First, I would research various companies. Second, I would compare prices and contact the companies directly to see if they can meet our needs. Last, I would look for other clients’ reviews.” Here’s a creative visual snapshot that sums up which words were used most often by survey participants to describe their B2B purchase process. No surprise, Google is big. The next most frequently used words relate to the Internet, followed by traditional options like people and phone. “Contact the people who make the product, those who use it and those who recommended it.” Upon checking answers elsewhere in the survey, however, it became clear that many of these “low-tech” information searchers are not averse to using high-tech media. This emerged from their selections of items from the checklist in subsequent questions. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 11 Customizing your own approach. B2B marketers must carefully study their own business and markets to see how customers behave. It’s not enough to shape your strategy through standard research findings or to observe and borrow from other firms’ customers and their behaviors. B2B marketers need to be multimedia active, keeping a close watch on social media developments and mobile device applications. they want to do and how they want to do it. Then apply what you learn in your own proprietary media presence and outreach strategies. And keep at it over time. An easy first step would be to multiply your presence at every step of the process identified in the research…Search and Gather, Assemble and Narrow, Validate and Select. Another initial activity should be to enhance your SEO efforts. It’s time to get it right with Google. Have your brand, products and services working for you in the search arena along with your website. Also, monitor your web presence. Put reputation management on your maintenance list to ensure you know what is being said about you and where those conversations are taking place. And, look to expand your horizons—the key to getting in the considered set with Millennials is to be in many places at once. “I don’t know if there would be a specific order. Rather, I’d reach out for all available information and then research and decide accordingly.” In the end, there’s no substitute for it: you’ve got to ask—and then, listen to—your customers. Let them tell you—in their own ways, their own words—what CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 12 Best Practices: The IBM approach for marketing to Millennials. The good news for B2B marketers is that as we’re all figuring out how to customize our programs to maximize the appropriate use of emerging technologies and morphing processes, companies like IBM are proving to be strong and creative leaders worth looking at. “At IBM we design marketing around our target audience,” says Pam Ansley Evans, Senior Marketing Manager, Web Marketing, Worldwide Software Group, IBM. “We know how important it is to relate to our prospects and customers on their terms.” Since they know Gen Y users search Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and other Social Networks, IBM has designed marketing campaigns that will intercept them online in relevant, meaningful ways, just as they do prospects of all ages. “We started a few years ago with a set of IBM guidelines for bloggers so that our employees would understand the best ways to participate in online conversations,” explained Evans. “We encourage our subject matter experts to be open, honest and always transparent about who they are and what they do.” Online communities serve as a forum where a special group come together around a topic of shared interest to all. This helps facilitate discussion and ensures that IBM has an opportunity to discuss its solutions to help businesses of any size solve technology issues. IBM hosts “Jams” or online events with experts on a particular topic who can respond to questions and contribute ideas along with the participants of the Jam. Also, IBM embraces social media that can help promote other marketing efforts like face-to-face meetings or conferences. It is imperative that you make it clear to the reader from the start that the opinions expressed are theirs, and not necessarily the company as a whole.” Although the methods to reach Millennials may have a higher dependency on the web, mobile and social networks are also engaged. “We improve our relevancy—by targeting this growing audience in the ways they prefer, we can improve our returns and our credibility with them,” continued Evans. “Whenever possible we match the right media with role or job functions and industry, so that the person who works as a developer receives technical content while more general operational folks will receive relevant technology and productivity messages for them.” CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 13 Adapt your marketing for the mobile Millennials. So, what devices are Millennials using to conduct their research and access content? You may be thinking PC desktop, notebook or laptop, but mobile is used more commonly for web activities, including searching, browsing and email. And the area where mobile is truly coming on strong is social media. For Millennials, it is Mobile Device Users who stand out as the vanguard leading the way, showing how the newest and the most traditional media will be used—in intriguing combinations— in B2B purchase processes. They are more active and selective social media consumers than non-mobile users. It all points toward the need for B2B companies to adapt brand communications including websites, microsites and landing pages in order to be mobile literate. Mobile devices such as T-Mobile’s SideKick™ feed that seemingly never-ending conversation between parties. Smartphones include applications to connect with social networks, permit texting and enable instant messaging to move communications from the tethered world into a fully mobile world. The new Motorola Cliq™ is designed to place social networking first, applications and functions second, and phone calls third. Gen Y is definitely driving dramatic and innovative product design. Millennials place a priority on virtually sustained relationships. Mobile devices are efficient tools for real-time, remote relating. In fact, simultaneous dialogues can occur between one person and several others at once. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 14 Mobile is the device, not the channel. To Millennials, mobile is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Smartphones encourage more interactivity, breeding greater dependency on mobile communications. “Mobile” is how you email, text, access the Internet, use social media, use functional applications, review and rate services and products, and make phone calls. Marketers need to appreciate that various communications components are packed into a mobile device—mobile is not texting; texting is done on a mobile device. That’s a significant difference from the old CDMA cell phones. Behaviorally, smartphones have unfettered the individual so greatly that marketers have found new ways to engage the customer…location-based applications. Walk past your favorite Starbucks® and you may encounter a message from them touting their new Via™ instant coffee. In the B2B world, an office manager could just as similarly walk past CVS/Pharmacy® and receive a message that ink cartridges are now 20% less than at Staples.® All differences above, between Mobile Device Users and Non-Mobile Device Users, are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level, except for Facebook, which is significant at the 90% confidence level. Nielsen recently released data finding smartphone usage shifting from purely business use to both personal and business use, yet owners are still more than two times likely to own a smartphone for business usage only. “Work never stops.” Owners continue to be predominantly male, are 65% more likely than the average mobile subscriber to be between the ages of 25 and 34 and nearly two times as likely to earn more than $100,000 a year. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 15 Mobile as a business preference. The consumer world often precedes business in behavioral application of technology. eCommerce is still a consumer staple, whereas gaps in various B2B sectors can be found. The gap is quickly closing, however. This is not necessarily due to willingness as much as the demand of the customer. Beyond the obvious email capability, consider other functions that Gen Y will demand to have on a mobile device—and the business implications of greater real-time relationships: As more consumers experience and place dependency on mobile applications, expectations in the business world will follow. For every consumer application, there is a business corollary. • Opt-in SMS to receive timely offers or reminders. • Texting among friends seeking validation and confirmation. • Apps that provide information, e-commerce, and reference material. • Location-based applications (Blue Zones) that invoke messaging as one passes by. This could be used in trade shows, for example. • A “Yelp” for review of business products and services. • Live customer chat. • GPS-based, map-serving business directory. • Social media channel just for business purposes. Mobile websites. Perhaps the biggest oversight in the business world today is the lack of appreciation for web surfing on the “third screen.” The assumption by most marketers is that business occurs in the office. The reality for Millennials (and Xers) is that their mobile device is the most available screen at any point in time. True enough that Millennials will gravitate first toward their PC to utilize its speed and power to surf the Internet for information and resources. However, the portability of mobile devices has pushed web surfing to the number two activity after texting. The consumer world has figured this out, especially those sites that feature heavy use of graphics and multitudes of links on each page. This does not translate well to the mobile world, and creates a very poor brand experience. Sports websites figured this out when millions of new iPhone users couldn’t view the Flash movies or read the small type without losing place on the screen or accidentally activating a link. Those that provided a mobile site alternative gained allegiance—and market share. To be fully prepared to engage Gen Y, B2B marketers must make a mobile website a high priority. CBD market what’s meaningful® Lead Gen to Gen Y 16 market what’s meaningful® About CBD Marketing CBD is a B2C and B2B marketing services agency that clarifies and articulates what’s most meaningful about your brand, product or service and helps you build more intimate and profitable relationships with your customers. At the heart of everything we do is a deep understanding of the rational and emotional drivers that inspire your customers’ choices. At CBD, “market what’s meaningful” is our mission, guiding all disciplines from brand development to media strategy, from public relations to creative. Let’s Talk! To talk about how CBD can help you create moments that matter to your audience and better connect them to your brand, product or service, please contact Doug Davila, Director of Business Development at 312.661.1050 or ddavila@cbdmarketing.com. About the Author Liz Brohan, Co-CEO and President As Co-CEO and President of CBD Marketing, Liz Brohan contributes strategic marketing expertise in the areas of branding, positioning, strategic messaging platform development, and brand revitalization for a broad spectrum of clients, including those in the higher education sector. With a passionate focus on customer-centric marketing principles, Liz leads the development of successful acquisition and retention programs. An active industry advocate and speaker, Liz served on the Board of Directors for the Chicago Association of Direct Marketing and currently leads thought-leadership and education sessions for the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education, the Direct Marketing Association, the National Retail Federation, the National Business Marketing Association, and the Direct Marketing to Business Conference. She also serves on the national CRM Board of Experts for Baylor University. © 2011 Colman, Brohan & Davis, Inc. 54 W. Hubbard St. Concourse Level East Chicago, IL 60654 17