
DER SPIEGEL SPIEGEL ONLINE SPIEGEL TV manager magazin Harvard Business Manager KulturSPIEGEL UniSPIEGEL
manager magazin online Harvard Business Manager Online SPIEGEL QC Quality Service Harenberg Verlag Aspekt Telefilm
“A journalist must not make life
easy for himself, and certainly not
for the people he writes about.”
“We live in complex times in which people seek
orientation. These are good times for discerning
publications. Quality journalism has a great future.”
Some years ago, German media
publishers were discussing whether
the future of journalism lay in print
or digital media. To us the answer
was clear: DER SPIEGEL would not
opt for “online first” or “print first”.
Our priority was “journalism first”.
Outstanding quality and independent
reporting have always been the bedrock of our journalistic success. This
holds true of all the brands under our
roof: DER SPIEGEL, Europe’s largest
news magazine; SPIEGEL ONLINE,
a reference medium and beacon on the
German-speaking Internet; SPIEGEL
TV, which is strongly positioned on the
television market; and manager magazin, our leading business magazine.
bearings. They want
to be informed effi­
ciently whenever
and wherever they
can in thought-­­­provoking and enter­
taining ways.
From the point
of view of reader
­interest, therefore,
we are living in the
best possible times
for quality journa­l­
ism. In the case of
DER ­SPIEGEL, for example, we can
say: we have more readers today than
ever before. Week after week, ­more
than twelve million people choose to
We are convinced that the media ­consult SPIEGEL content – on paper,
produced by our Group will continue on the Internet, on their iPad or their
to be extremely important to their smartphone.
readers and users, because people have
a growing desire for orientation. The
Since the end of 2011, all the employInternet and communication through ees, brands and media of our Group
social networks are becoming more have been united under a single roof in
and more important – also for journal­ Hamburg’s HafenCity. The new buildists, as a means of research. However, ing at Ericusspitze is an expression of
traditional means of publication still the fact that in its innermost heart the
remain relevant. Journalistic com­pe­ SPIEGEL Group is a modern, transtence is actually becoming more perti- parent media enterprise that looks out
nent, because users are demanding it. into the world.
In our increasingly complex world,
Ove Saffe
they face such a profusion of information that they have trouble finding their
Ove Saffe
8 DER SPIEGEL Germany’s leading news
12 SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE The monothematic
series on historical issues
13 SPIEGEL WISSEN Information about the
state of the art in science
14 “Dein SPIEGEL” The news magazine for
enquiring girls and boys
15SPIEGEL CHRONIK The most important
events and images of the year
SPIEGEL JOB The new magazine for young
16 KulturSPIEGEL The artsmagazine that
­offers breadth, insight and depth
17UniSPIEGEL The magazine for student life
18 Award for School Newspapers
The best young writers of school papers
19 Events Exciting debates in front of live
20 SPIEGEL ONLINE The leading news site on
the German-speaking Internet
24 SPIEGEL TV SPIEGEL journalism adapted
to the needs of television, for more than
two decades
Aspekt Telefilm Successful feature films,
serials and television series
28 manager magazin The monthly business
magazine for decision-makers and
business executives
manager magazin online The latest
news and background information from
the world of business
manager lounge The exclusive network
for executive managers
32 Harvard Business Manager The
magazine for practically oriented
management issues
Harvard Business Manager Online
Background on topical issues,
comprehensive electronic archives
and a forum for managers
35 Award-winning Journalism Overview of
the staff journalists who received prizes
in 2013 – mid-2014
36 SPIEGEL Books Meticulously researched
stories on topical issues by authors from
the SPIEGEL Group
Der Audio Verlag A supplier of audio
books with its own high-quality
productions and external productions
by renowned broadcasters
Harenberg Verlag Trade journals
for book retailers
40 SPIEGEL QC The marketing organisation
for premium advertising media
42 Quality Service The service centre
for individual customer care
43 Production Producing magazines using
modern computer technology
Environmental Protection Certified
paper procurement and in-house measures
Group’s premises in the HafenCity
45 The SPIEGEL Group in Numbers
A summary of the key facts and figures
46 Corporate Organigram Overview
of the owners and shareholdings of the
47 Contact Addresses and phone numbers
Politically independent – answerable to no one
DER SPIEGEL is Germany’s leading news
magazine and the largest in Europe. It is
politically independent, being answerable to
no one but itself and its readers, and it is not
associated with any political party or business group. The magazine reports on a wide
range of topics, from politics to business and
science, medicine and technology, culture
and entertainment, right through to media,
society and sports. However, the main focus
lies on political and societal events.
In Germany, DER SPIEGEL is considered
synonymous with “investigative jour­­nalism”; it is characterised by thorough ­research
and dependable quality. In many cases four,
five or even more journalists and correspondents work together on a single story. The
expenses for its news operation are one of
the largest items in DER SPIEGEL’s budget,
alongside the cost of paper and printing –
an investment into the quality, originality
and reliability of its information.
Some 260 journalists and correspondents
research, write and edit at the home
offices in Hamburg, as well as 7 domestic
and 16 foreign offices. The largest domestic
external bureau is in Berlin.
The first issue of DER SPIEGEL appeared on
Saturday, 4 January 1947, in Hanover – as
the successor of a magazine called “Diese
Woche”. The latter was modelled on
American and British news magazines and
had been conceived by members of the
British military government as a means of
once again delivering “objective” news to
the German people.
A handful of young German journalists
led by Rudolf Augstein took this call for
critical journalism quite literally, not sparing
the allied powers either. The government in
London protested fiercely against this kind
of “enlightenment”, as did the three other
occupying powers, and after just five issues
the British rid themselves of the troublesome
paper by handing over the publisher’s licence
for “Diese Woche” to the Rudolf Augstein.
Rudolf Augstein renamed the magazine
DER SPIEGEL and was its editor-in-chief
and publisher from the very first issue. Back
then, the magazine cost one Reichsmark, but
always being sold out – the paper allocation
was barely sufficient for 15,000 copies – it
sold for up to fifteen on the black market.
By 1952, when DER SPIEGEL moved from
Hanover to Hamburg, the net paid circulation had risen to over 121,000 copies.
DER SPIEGEL gained wide fame in 1950
when it claimed that Bonn had only been
chosen as the provisional capital of West
Germany because members of parliament
had been bribed. As a result, the German
Bundestag set up the so-called “SPIEGEL
Committee”, which tried in vain to shed light
on these assertions.
The “SPIEGEL affair” of 1962 was probably
the most important event in the magazine’s
entire history – it was in fact an affair of the
young Federal Republic of Germany. One
night in October, the police occupied its
news and publishing offices, claiming that
DER SPIEGEL had committed treason –
“systematically, for its own financial gain”,
as Konrad Adenauer was to declare before
parliament – by publishing a cover story
entitled “Limited Readiness for Defence”
which dealt with the NATO exercise
“Fallex”. The publisher, the director and
several journalists were arrested and detained for up to 103 days.
A wave of protest swept across the country;
the assertions of the state authorities proved
to be unfounded and Franz Josef Strauß,
who was defence minister at the time and
who had been deeply implicated in the affair,
was forced to resign. The Adenauer era was
drawing to an end. To this day, DER SPIEGEL has continued to expose scandals – with
far-reaching consequences in the world of
politics and business. Most recently, DER
SPIEGEL has been instrumental in uncovering the surveillance activities of the
American intelligence agency NSA.
DER SPIEGEL’s editorin-chief Wolfgang Büchner
(far right) with his deputies
(left to right) Clemens Höges
and Klaus Brinkbäumer,
as well as Nikolaus Blome,
member of the chief editorial
staff (behind)
“Our primary aim is to inform; but informing
properly in itself means to change.”
Rudolf Augstein, 1964
On 7 November 2002,
Rudolf Augstein – the
“Journalist of the Century”
(“Medium Magazin”) and
“World Press Freedom
Hero” (International Press
Institute) – died aged 79.
At the memorial service
in Hamburg’s main
Church of St. Michael,
Johannes Rau, who was
the German president
at the time, remarked that
“without him, Germany
will be a poorer place.”
SOURCE: PMG PresseMonitor
The SPIEGEL archives contain about one
hundred million text documents and five
million pictures: in electronic form, on
microfilm and on paper. Over 300 publications in 15 languages are regularly scrutinised. This puts the SPIEGEL archives
among the largest media archives in the
Modern information technology for userfriendly access was introduced back in 1990.
Since then, a database tailored to the needs
of the print and online journalists has taken
over from the classical SPIEGEL archives.
Every SPIEGEL journalist – whether in
Hamburg, Berlin, Beijing or New York – can
access the entire archives online from his or
her desk.
The photo archives cover more than 65
years of international political events. What
started in 1947 as a simple box of photographs for the first edition of DER SPIEGEL
was once again the most
frequently cited source in
the leading German media,
with 3866 mentions.
has grown into a comprehensive image
archive. Since 2000, most new images have
been stored digitally. Picture editors can
access these images directly and copy them
digitally into their layouts.
The news desks and departments of all the
SPIEGEL Group’s products are supported
by more than 70 specialised researchers
who assist them in their investigations within
the SPIEGEL archives, the Internet and
information databases all around the world.
In addition to proofreading and research,
the main task of the experts in the archives
is “fact checking”, or verification. They
check journalistic texts for plausibility and
verify all the facts such as names, dates and
quotations. The same holds for pictures and
diagrams. It is articles that have been
checked in this way, and where necessary
corrected, that ensure the high quality of
DER SPIEGEL’s journalism, week after
The digital SPIEGEL has been around since
2010: every Sunday, from 8 a.m. onwards,
the digital version can be downloaded in a
format optimised for the viewing device and
can then be perused without Internet access.
It contains all the editorial contents of the
news magazine along with numerous
supplementary multimedia features – video
clips, panoramic photographs and interactive diagrams.
First issue: 4 January 1947
Frequency: Weekly
Editor-in-chief: Wolfgang Büchner;
Deputies: Klaus Brinkbäumer,
Clemens Höges
Member of the chief editorial staff:
Nikolaus Blome
Average paid circulation
in 2013: 875,221 (IVW)
5.87 million readers (MA 2014/I)
SPIEGEL Geschichte
Gripping history
First issue:
27 January 2009
Six issues a year
Number of pages:
148 pages
Wolfgang Büchner;
Klaus Brinkbäumer,
Clemens Höges
Senior editors:
Dietmar Pieper;
Annette Großbongardt
Average paid circulation
in 2013: 97,725 (IVW)
The past – making it come alive and easy to
understand is the declared aim of SPIEGEL
GESCHICHTE. Since 2009, this monothematic magazine has been published once
every two months. Six times a year, readers
with an interest in historical and cultural
matters have the opportunity to examine a
particular event or period in great depth and
in all its facets.
Accessibility is as much of a concern to
the editors of SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE as is
the accuracy of its contents: all the facts are
carefully checked and the analyses reflect
the latest historical research findings. Each
issue includes contributions by renowned
historians, political scientists and archaeologists, in addition to articles by SPIEGEL
staff writers. Exhaustive interviews, details
of relevant museums and recommended
reading lists round off the offer.
SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE has also attracted a
large number of loyal subscribers. Since the
middle of 2013, digital editions of SPIEGEL
Knowledge on complex issues
GESCHICHTE have also been available as
iPad, Android and Web apps.
In 2013, readers displayed a particularly
strong interest in the July issue on “Life in
the Middle Ages – The everyday lives of
knights, monks, peasants and merchants”.
Queen Victoria, the key protagonist of the
issue on “The British Empire”, also proved
to be a sales hit. The issues planned for 2014
will once again bring home to their readers
the rich tapestry of the past, starting with
an issue on the medieval Byzantine Empire,
which fell in 1453 with the destruction of
Constantinople, having ruled for over one
thousand years. Today, the architectural
remnants of that age, such as the Hagia
Sophia in Istanbul, are among the most
significant sights of the world.
SPIEGEL WISSEN has been published as a
series in its own right four times a year since
2009. Its look is based on the design of
SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE. Its layout brings
out key points using aesthetic, high-quality
illustrations and photographs, as well as
carefully crafted infographics.
Each issue is devoted to a particular topic.
The journalists present the relevant facts in
such a way that readers can form their own
opinion even about complex questions. The
impeccable language of the reports ensures
that they are a pleasure to read. In addition,
the magazine provides concrete benefits
through practical suggestions, addresses and
recommended reading lists.
The vast majority of the reports are
written by SPIEGEL staff writers, many of
them from the Science department. All the
interviews are conducted with leading
experts in their field. Readers can be sure
that the information they receive reflects
the latest state of research.
The range of subjects covered by the series
is far-reaching. SPIEGEL WISSEN, which is
also available by subscription, provides
precise answers to the great questions of life
and reveals what will be possible in the
future. The series often focuses on human
beings, as when it deals with important
issues in the field of medicine and education,
or when it examines key questions about life,
such as in “Project Me” (3/2013).
First issue:
21 April 2009
Four issues a year
Number of pages:
132 pages
Wolfgang Büchner;
Klaus Brinkbäumer,
Clemens Höges
Senior editors:
Dietmar Pieper;
Annette Großbongardt
DER SPIEGEL for enquiring children
First issue:
1 September 2009
Wolfgang Büchner;
Klaus Brinkbäumer,
Clemens Höges
Editorial responsibility:
Dr. Martin Doerry
Senior Editors:
Ansbert Kneip,
Bettina Stiekel
Average paid circulation
in 2013: 73,697 (IVW)
“Dein SPIEGEL – einfach mehr wissen”
­( Your SPIEGEL – simply knowing more) is
the first news magazine for children between
the ages of eight and thirteen, and has been
on sale on a monthly basis since September
“Dein SPIEGEL” covers topics from the
fields of politics, nature and technology, and
offers reports from all over the world,
presented in an informative and entertaining
way. The magazine includes all the classical
sections of a news magazine, but they are
weighted in line with children’s own interests. Hence nature and technology receive
more coverage than business and economics,
for example. Jokes, comic strips and puzzles
provide entertainment and relaxation. But
what is most important: the magazine takes
its young readers seriously. In other words,
“Dein SPIEGEL” treats its young readers
as equals: it is instructive but not schoolmasterly. The magazine’s structure and
colour scheme emulate the classical
SPIEGEL magazine. Infographics and
illustrations help to make complex phenomena easier to grasp.
Its editors are assisted by SPIEGEL
writers and documentalists from all the
magazine’s news offices. Correspondents
from all over the world write for “Dein
SPIEGEL” – including China, Russia, Africa
and America. On top of this, child reporters
contribute extensively to every issue,
conducting interviews with well-known
politicians, athletes and artists.
“Dein SPIEGEL” also reaches young
readers on Facebook, where discussions
often revolve around the topics covered in
the magazine.
Topics of the year
For flying starters
SPIEGEL CHRONIK, an annual chronicle, has
been published ever since 1997 and is the
most successful special issue of its kind on
the market. Readers can read up on the key
events of the previous year – in politics and
business, of course, but also in culture,
science and sports. The magazine contains
a large number of pictures in a spacious
The SPIEGEL CHRONIK 2013 comes to
a total of 228 pages, and 228,000 copies of
the chronicle have been printed. A digital
version is also available through the new
Spiegel app for iPad, smartphone and on the
Web – the articles being supplemented here
by video reports and animated graphics.
SPIEGEL JOB is a magazine for people who
are starting their first job, and for “young
professionals” who have already gathered
their first job experience. However, it is also
aimed at students who are about to embark
on their professional careers. SPIEGEL JOB
was launched in April 2013, and immediately sold some 50,000 copies. It is therefore
going to be continued in 2014 with two new
issues: the first will go on sale on 29 April,
the second on 21 October 2014.
First issue: 17 December 1997
Editor-in-chief: Wolfgang Büchner;
First issue: 30 April 2013
Editor-in-chief: Wolfgang Büchner;
Deputies: Klaus Brinkbäumer, Clemens Höges
Deputies: Klaus Brinkbäumer, Clemens Höges
Senior editor: Dr. Gerhard Spörl
Senior editors: Jochen Leffers, Dr. Markus Verbeet
First issue:
29 May 1995
Wolfgang Büchner;
Klaus Brinkbäumer,
Clemens Höges
Senior editor:
Marianne Wellershoff
Average supplement
sales 2013:
790,182 (IVW)
1.53 million readers
(AWA 2013)
Germany’s major cultural magazine
At the heart of student life
To inform and to entertain – that is the
philosophy of KulturSPIEGEL, which is
enclosed with DER SPIEGEL as a supplement on the last Monday of every month.
The magazine keeps a close eye on the
cultural avant-garde in pop, literature, films,
art, design, fashion and architecture.
Its editorial staff presents interesting
feature films, pop stars, innovative computer
games and the latest discoveries in the field
of theatre, and uses portraits, interviews and
background reports as well as a detailed
schedule of events to describe who and
what is truly interesting.
In his column “Ghostwriter”, Ralf Husmann, the screenwriter for the television
series “Stromberg”, describes events through
the eyes of celebrities – writing a Berlin
speech for Barack Obama, for example, or
suggesting jacket texts for new non-fiction
books by Richard David Precht or the former
Bishop Tebartz-van Elst.
Being firmly rooted in student life – this is
the aim of UniSPIEGEL, which has been
published since 1998. The editorial staff
seeks to faithfully depict that exciting
decade in one’s life between the ages of 20
and 30 – the everyday routine, but also the
fringe activities and the unique moments.
UniSPIEGEL contains reports on policies
in higher education, university scandals and
mismanagement in research and education
– flanked by lighter articles that keep track
of the latest trends without adopting them
blindly. SPIEGEL staff writers also review
books, films and CDs that hold a particular
interest for students.
Leaving university to embark on a professional career is another recurring topic in
UniSPIEGEL. Which subjects will give me
good chances of finding a job afterwards?
What is the right way to apply for a job?
KulturSPIEGEL is characterised by its original
approach to the topics it covers, its layout
and its illustrations. Internationally renowned
i llustrators and photographers regularly
­contribute to the magazine. Most recently,
KulturSPIEGEL received awards from the
Art Director’s Club for the illustrations to
the column “Is that allowed?” and the cover
picture “How to become a dreamguy”.
KulturSPIEGEL makes its own cultural
contribution too, and has, for some years
now, been releasing successful CD and DVD
editions. It has, in the meantime, become
Germany’s largest producer of so-called
media editions. In addition, a special recommendation is served up every day on www.
kulturspiegel.de, on KulturSPIEGEL’s
Facebook page, and via Twitter: the “menu
of the day” contains exclusive music and
book reviews, insider art tips and even a
weekly recipe, presented and prepared by
hobby chef Peter Wagner.
UniSPIEGEL journalists regard it as a
magazine that knows what is going on in the
minds of twenty-somethings, but it does not
presume to tell students what they ought to
think. The resulting mix is a huge success:
every issue is picked up by some 524,000
readers (AWA 2013). In addition, the
is the most successful German website for
First issue: 6 July 1998
Frequency: Six issues a year
Editor-in-chief: Wolfgang Büchner;
Deputies: Klaus Brinkbäumer,
Clemens Höges
Senior editor: Guido Kleinhubbert
Average circulation
in 2013: 206,556 (IVW)
Discussion with
Siemens CEO
Joe Kaeser at the
Munich Technical
Forging young talents
Ever since 1996, DER SPIEGEL has been
seeking out the best budding journalists of
the year and awarding them the SPIEGEL
prize for school newspapers.
The award is divided into seven categories, each endowed with 300 to 1000 euros,
depending on the category and placement.
Editorial teams can enter their papers in
the four categories Content, Cover Picture,
Layout and Online Presentation; whereas
individuals can enter their contributions
to school papers in the three categories
Reportage, Interview and Photo. In
assessing the entries, pupil age and type of
school are also taken into account.
The Award for School Newspapers was
brought into being by the top editors of
DER SPIEGEL. The jury consists entirely of
experienced staff writers, assisted by a
current pupil. They reserve the right to award
additional prizes for special achievements.
With its Award for School, Newspapers,
DER SPIEGEL seeks to motivate young,
talented journalists and to promote the best
of them. At the festive prize-giving ceremony
in Hamburg’s SPIEGEL House on Ericusspitze, the young journalists are not only
honoured; they also get a taste of what
everyday life is like for a journalist. After
attending the traditional Monday conference
as guests, they have the opportunity to
hone their journalistic skills during a
workshop, under the guidance of the pros.
Around 800 prize-winners have been
invited to the award ceremony in Hamburg
since 1996; and many of them have gone
on to turn their “hobby” into a full-time
profession, working as trainees, freelance
writers or staff journalists at SPIEGEL
ONLINE, DER SPIEGEL and for other
Competent and controversial
Exciting topics, a wide range of important
personages and controversial debates: for
many years, DER SPIEGEL has brought the
topical issues of our times to the podium
at a wide variety of events – on its own
premises in Hamburg’s HafenCity, at
German universities and colleges, or in
collaboration with cultural institutions.
A comprehensive programme of discussions with prominent guests from the realms
of politics, media, culture, sports and
society – speaking in front of an audience in
a one-on-one setting or in a larger forum –
demonstrates what distinguishes DER
SPIEGEL: expert debates on the issues that
are moving society, but also very personal
remarks and assessments. The audience
experiences people who are important in
society, live and on stage, and has a chance
to ask them questions and to get involved.
minister Joschka Fischer, the retired
German president Richard von Weizsäcker,
the writer Charlotte Roche, the film-maker
Volker Schlöndorff, the artist Jonathan
Meese, the television entertainer Oliver
Welke, the football manager Oliver Bierhoff,
the actress Anke Engelke and the Siemens
CEO Joe Kaeser.
Other guests: the former defence minister
Thomas de Maizière, the then foreign
minister Guido Westerwelle, but also an
illustrious circle of intellectuals in the
run-up to the 2013 general elections,
including the writer Juli Zeh, the historian
Paul Nolte and the philosopher Richard
David Precht.
Guests have included the then German
president Horst Köhler, the former foreign
Spiegel online
Fast, precise news on all digital channels
SPIEGEL ONLINE (www.spiegel.de/m.spiegel.de)
is the leading news site on the Germanspeaking Internet: fast, up-to-date, precise,
offering background information and entertainment. A team of 140 journalists, which
has received many prizes for its work, provides news, analyses, commentaries, live
formats, videos and photographs round the
clock – available free of charge on the Web,
on smartphones and tablet computers and
“smart” TVs. The range of contents has
been continuously expanded in the course
of 2013, and reaches from politics to sports
and from business to health. At the Berlin
offices, 15 reporters maintain close contact
with the government and the various political parties, as well as the corporate and
cultural scene in the German capital. One
reporter contributes from Munich and one
from Düsseldorf.
The network of international correspondents on which SPIEGEL ONLINE
draws is the largest among all the German
online media. Foreign bureaus are located
in Washington, New York, London, Moscow, Beirut and Istanbul. Its reporters are
constantly visiting major events and areas
of conflict around the world. The portal
is also supported by the national and
worldwide network of correspondents work­
is the German online medium that is most
frequently cited in the press, on radio and
on television.
From breaking news presented live on
the ticker, to background reports: SPIEGEL
ONLINE provides all the aspects of the
latest events. With numerous analyses,
commentaries, interviews and diagrams,
the news team shed new light on the disclosures made by the US whistle-blower
Edward Snowden concerning the eavesdropping activities of the US intelligence agency
NSA. Another key area in 2013 was the
general elections in Germany: SPIEGEL
ONLINE watched the candidates and the
parties during their election campaigns. The
candidate “spot check” allowed readers to
quickly ascertain the political views of their
local candidates.
The televised debate between the top
candidates was accompanied by a live
­commentary, provided by the news staff,
while at the same time specialised researchers at DER SPIEGEL and SPIEGEL
­ONLINE checked the facts being claimed
by the candidates. On the evening of the
elections, SPIEGEL ONLINE supplied a
comprehensive package of information,
­consisting of reports, analyses and inter­
active graphics, with live data from the
­individual constituencies.
On top of this, the video team offered a
live stream from the news room, with background reports, live conferences in the p
­ arty
headquarters, and an online discussion
round between the political heavyweights,
with the SPIEGEL ONLINE columnists
­Jakob Augstein, Sascha Lobo, Silke Burmester and Jan Fleischhauer.
The most important area of development
for SPIEGEL ONLINE is mobile computing
devices, which are seeing rapid growth.
Over the past months, the services provided
through the apps and the mobile website
have been continuously expanded. New
formats, such as the live briefing “Der Morgen@SPIEGEL ONLINE”, the mobile live
stream, mobile-compatible graphics or the
daily preview “Was morgen wichtig wird”
(What will be important tomorrow) are
satisfying the increasing thirst for information among mobile readers.
The SPIEGEL ONLINE Forum, to which
nearly 340,000 users post their comments,
has also been integrated into the mobile
offer. Users of apps can subscribe to the football goal alarm, use the scanner to read QR
codes, and post their personal tips on a travel
map of the world using the iPhone app. The
design and handling of the Android app
chief editorial staff
(right to left): Wolfgang
Büchner (editor-in-chief),
Barbara Hans (deputy
editor-in-chief), Florian
Harms (deputy editor-inchief) and Roland Nelles
(member of the chief
editorial staff)
Marco Urban
spiegel online
Spiegel online
September 2001
MARCH 2003
JulY 2006
NOVember 2008
MARCH 2011
Terrorist attack on
A US-led alliance
US presidential
Arab Spring,
German general
the World Trade Center
attacks Iraq
World Cup
tsunami in Japan
in Germany
financial crisis
437,018,954 page views
628,678,116 page views
1,105,039,278 page views
980,277,502 page views
in New York
81,448,844 page views
191,638,009 page views
have been completely revised, and separate
apps are now also available for Windows and
Blackberry devices. SPIEGEL ONLINE has
launched its own football app for iPhones
and Android smartphones, which provide
users with articles and photos, as well as
extensive live data on matches, teams and
SPIEGEL ONLINE has also revised its
regular homepage. This now provides more
launch points leading straight into its
depths, and more opulent photographs,
both at the point of entry and in the various
departments. Videos and the SPIEGEL ­box
showcasing with the paid digital issue of the
news magazine have now been given more
The newly created Data Journalism team
makes complicated topics accessible to
readers using vivid, interactive graphics – for
example concerning the census, nuclear
waste shipments, and in a time machine
presenting all the general election results
since 1949.
Social networks are another field in which
SPIEGEL ONLINE has a strong presence.
The Social Media team serves over one
million fans on several Facebook pages and
170,000 Friends on Google Plus, posting
selected articles as well as useful facts from
the Web, and providing an insight into
the news team’s work. Almost 1.9 million
users follow SPIEGEL ONLINE on Twitter.
SPIEGEL ONLINE VIDEO works closely with
SPIEGEL TV in a collaboration that has
been continuously expanded over recent
years. Today, 10 reporters in Berlin, Hamburg and Washington produce web videos
specifically for SPIEGEL ONLINE: background reports, current events and news
presentations. For special events, the multimedia editorial team puts together complex
video specials. Together with Kicker.de,
SPIEGEL ONLINE produces the format
k icker.tv”: three up-to-date magazine
­programmes and background reports every
day, from the world of football and sports.
The SPIEGEL.TV live stream on SPIEGEL
ONLINE shows high-quality documentaries,
reports and feature films round the clock.
While viewing them, users can interact with
and help shape the on-going programming
of the Internet television channel.
The SPIEGEL ONLINE portal einestages
is the leading German-speaking community
for contemporary history. Every day, its
news desk publishes articles on everything
from pop culture to the Second World War,
from everyday stories to mystery historical
pictures. Users can publish their own
photographs and articles and debate them
with others.
Online since: 25 October 1994
Editor-in-chief: Wolfgang Büchner;
Deputies: Barbara Hans,
Dr. Florian Harms;
Members of the chief editorial staff:
Nikolaus Blome, Roland Nelles
number of visits per Average month
in 2013: 194,907,855 (IVW online + mobile)
number of online unique users
per Average month: 11.12 Millionen
(AGOF ­internet facts 2014-01, Base 10+ years old)
Number of mobile unique users per month: 4.79
Millionen (AGOF mobile facts 2013-III)
SPIEGEL ONLINE is the most important
German information platform for readers
abroad. More than 30 million visits are
counted every month from users located
outside Germany. The English-language
service SPIEGEL International is valued
by decision-makers in Washington, Brussels
and Europe’s capital cities as a source of
exclusive information and analyses.
Spiegel TV
The SPIEGEL TV brand produces a wide
range of sophisticated television formats.
SPIEGEL TV has been on air since 1988 and
was the first media brand on private-sector
television. With its frequently awardwinning productions, SPIEGEL TV has set
new standards for up-to-date television journalism, collecting for example the Grimme
Prize, the Golden Lion, the German
Television Prize as well as various medals at
the New York Festivals.
What started out with SPIEGEL TV
MAGAZIN has grown into a company with
its own television channels that collaborates
with numerous public- and private-sector
SPIEGEL TV MAGAZIN stands for a rapid
response to current events and carefully
researched, investigative background
stories. The issues covered are taken from
current German and international politics,
business and society affairs.
most successful political magazine on
German television among the younger
target audience and the front-runner when
it comes to reporting on motorcycle outlaws,
gang-related crimes in Germany, and international conflicts. The editorial team has
doggedly pursued the issue of neo-Nazis and
documented their xenophobic attacks.
When MAGAZIN started out, 26 years
ago, the programme was a complete novelty
on German television. The concept behind
MAGAZIN was, even then, to show as many
authentic scenes as possible and, to this day,
it has remained true to this approach.
The format also made a name for itself
with its programmes on the fall of the Berlin
Wall in 1989, when SPIEGEL TV was the
only film crew that managed to shoot live
footage of the Wall being breached at Bornholmer Straße. SPIEGEL TV MAGAZIN
is broadcast on RTL on Sunday evenings,
from 10.15 p.m.
range from political, historical and society
events to entertainment and science.
The individual reports are compiled by
the programme’s own pool of reporters
in Germany and abroad. SPIEGEL TV
REPORTAGE is broadcast every Monday at
11 p.m. on Sat.1.
Coproductions and commissioned productions are another field in which SPIEGEL
TV has been a highly valued partner for
many years. High-quality documentaries,
investigative reports and historic docudramas are regularly produced for national and
international broadcasters. These include
the networks of the ARD, Arte, the BBC,
Discovery Channel, National Geographic,
Smithsonian Channel, ZDF Neo and the
ZDF. The productions have included
“Munich 72”, “The Gentleman Playboy –
Gunter Sachs”, “The Case of Germany”,
“Alaskan Adventure”, “Emergency Landing
in the Alps” and “Trails”, an innovative
series for couch-surfers.
The department has already won many
prizes and is currently working on a twopart report on South America, hosted by
the ZDF’s heute journal presenter Marietta
Slomka; a four-part series with Manuel
Möglich for ZDF Neo; and a 60-minute
documentary about people living on the
Arctic Circle, for the prestigious ZDF slot
(The Saturday Night Documentary) is an
­unusual information programme, broadcast
on Vox during prime time on Saturday night,
from 8.15 p.m. to 0.15 a.m. It is devoted to a
single topic, examining it from many different angles.
“Ein Tag schreibt Geschichte” (A Day
Makes History) is yet another format produced by SPIEGEL TV. It is broadcast on the
television channel Vox and is unique, not
Presenter Maria Gresz
with editor-in-chief
Steffen Haug (far right)
and his deputies Kay
Siering, Michael Kloft
and Thomas Heise
(left to right)
Spiegel TV
Aspekt Telefilm
“THE Gentleman Playboy – Gunter Sachs”,
documentary 2013
only within German television. For twelve
hours, SPIEGEL TV documents a single
event which has profoundly changed the
world. In hour-by-hour accounts, the events
of that special day are told and contemporary witnesses give their personal accounts
of the crucial moments.
major and many local cable TV networks and
has been produced in HD technology
since October 2011. In addition, it offers
video on demand. SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE
and SPIEGEL TV WISSEN are a joint
venture between SPIEGEL TV GmbH and
Autentic GmbH.
are SPIEGEL TV’s two pay-TV channels.
SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE has been broadcasting a full-range channel via the pay-TV
operator Sky since 2009, and since 1 April
2014 in HD. SPIEGEL TV coordinates the
programming and every year contributes
up to 200 hours of new material, including
magazine programmes, its own productions
and also adaptations of international
SPIEGEL TV WISSEN offers round-theclock programming on interesting topics
from the field of societal and cultural affairs,
science and technology, as well as human
beings and nature. One of the channel’s
distinctive features is its many new SPIEGEL TV productions. It is available on all
SPIEGEL TV Infotainment is a whollyowned subsidiary that rounds off SPIEGEL
TV’s repertoire in the field of magazine
programmes, reports and documentaries,
with shows, talk shows and factual entertainment. SPIEGEL TV Infotainment
productions have included the “Johannes B.
Kerner Show” (ZDF and Sat.1) and “Lanz
kocht” (ZDF). The most recent additions are
“Die Blender” (The Dazzlers) and “Heiß &
Fettig” (Hot and Greasy), both for ZDF Neo.
At the moment, further projects are being
developed and produced for public-sector
and private-sector networks.
SPIEGEL.TV – Just as in classical television,
SPIEGEL TV is setting new standards in
digital media too. The web TV channel
SPIEGEL.TV demonstrates the possibilities
of television on the Internet. Since June 2011,
SPIEGEL.TV has been broadcasting an editorially curated programme round the clock:
a livestream of high-quality documentaries
and riveting reports. Background knowledge, exciting, interesting and entertaining
facts about current issues.
In addition, SPIEGEL.TV offers the
functionality of a media library. Under the
heading “Topics”, there are film packages
on current events and the cover story of
the latest issue of DER SPIEGEL. The offer
is augmented by partners such as the BBC
and the NDR. SPIEGEL.TV also cooperates
with the movie platform alleskino.de to
show a German feature film every weekend.
Aspekt Telefilm-Produktion GmbH (ATF)
produces fictional television feature films,
series and serials for the national and
international markets and is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of SPIEGEL TV. Along with its
subsidiary aspekt medienproduktion GmbH
(amp), set up in 2103, it develops television
plays and series with high-quality content.
With their alliance of experienced, awardwinning and young, ambitious producers,
ATF and amp view themselves primarily
as a “producer network”, whose members
work together in partnerships based on trust,
and in which production activities are
pursued jointly, constructively, creatively
and efficiently.
1 “Alaskan Adventure”
2 “Spreewaldkrimi”
starring Christian Redl
as Superintendent
(© ZDF/Hardy Spitz)
3 “Stiller Abschied”
In 2013 two new crime stories set in the
Spreewald were produced for the ZDF:
“Mörderische Hitze” (directed by Kai Wessel) and “Die Tote im Weiher” (directed by
Sherry Hormann) starring Christian Redl as
the taciturn lone wolf Superintendent Thorsten Krüger (produced by Wolfgang Esser).
In Hamburg, Markus Trebitsch produced
“Stiller Abschied” for ARD/Degeto, a film
starring Christiane Hörbiger and dealing
with the issue of Alzheimer’s (directed by
Florian Baxmeyer). In 2014, ATF produced
the third season of the international crime
series “GSI – Spezialeinheit Göteborg”
together with the ZDF and STRIX Drama
(five 90-minute episodes, produced by
Claudia Schröder).
starring Christiane
Hörbiger and
Oliver Mommsen
(© ARD Degeto/
Sandra Hoever)
manager magazin
First-hand business information
manager magazin is the monthly business
magazine for professional decision-makers
and managers in Germany. Its guiding
principle for more than 40 years now:
first-hand business information. The magazine soon developed its own trademark:
investigative corporate stories, exposing
mismanagement in German corporate
headquarters. This positioning makes manager magazin a solitaire among business
magazines, even today, and many readers
consider it a reference business medium.
Exclusive information is one of the key
elements of the magazine. Its team of journalists has received numerous awards and
carries out its research tenaciously and
investigatively to shed light on companies
and their actions for its readers. The journal­
ists meticulously analyse German companies
and large multinationals, and portray the
strengths and weaknesses of the doers of the
business world. The magazine supplies
exclusive names and news from the top
echelons of German companies, describes
the true balance of power, the winners and
losers among their executives and other key
business figures. In addition, manager magazin explains to its readers the fundamental
trends in the world of business. Detailed
analyses of economic policy, along with carefully researched reports about technological
innovations and current developments on
key international markets, provide reference
points and aids to decision-making.
Its outstanding personal utility makes
manager magazin an indispensable source
of advice when it comes to advancing your
own professional career. Experts in private
finance provide information about the
chances and risks inherent in different
investment options and thus offer sound
investment advice. And the section entitled
“Life” gives readers an exclusive glimpse
of the different lifestyles of successful
managers and entrepreneurs.
The digital edition of manager magazin is
already available for download from 12 a.m.
on the Thursday before the publication of
the print edition. It contains all the editorial
contents of the print version, whereby the
key stories are elaborately adapted to make
use of the visual possibilities offered by the
viewing device.
A reference business medium – many
readers have long considered manager
magazin to be just that. It owes this reputation in part to the numerous public events
which the magazine regularly organises,
such as the “Manager of the Year” award,
the winner of which is chosen every year by
a jury made up of renowned business experts. Since 1992, manager magazin has also
been paying tribute to entrepreneurs, politicians and trade union officials for exem­
plary achievements – and for taking a stand
against “despondency and mediocrity”.
To date, this Hall of Fame includes 57 prize
winners, among them the legendary banker
Hermann Josef Abs, the media magnate
Reinhard Mohn, Karl Schiller, Otto Graf
Lambsdorff and Hubert Burda.
In the autumn of 2009, manager magazin
also set up a “Hall of Fame for German
Research”. This recognises scientists who
have made an outstanding contribution
to developing Germany as a centre for
The Art Compass is an annually compiled
list ranking the world’s most famous contemporary artists, which has been published
exclusively in manager magazin since 2008,
in cooperation with the art expert Linde
Individual exhibitions at some 200 of the
world’s leading museums, participation in
over 120 major group exhibitions, such as
the Venice Biennale, and reviews in international art journals are all taken into consideration and rated with varying numbers
of points. Sales prices are irrelevant.
First issue:
1 November 1971
Steffen Klusmann;
Sven Oliver Clausen,
Martin Noé
Average paid
circulation in 2013:
106,954 (IVW)
665,000 readers
(MA 2014/I)
Editor-in-chief Steffen
Klusmann (centre)
with his deputies
Martin Noé (left) and
Sven Oliver Clausen
manager magazin
manager magazin online
manager magazin online is the business
portal offering news about companies,
finance, politics, careers and lifestyle. Every
day, its journalists provide users with the
most important business news, swiftly and
reliably, combining topicality with background information, serving as an important
guide for users, because the news is analysed,
commented on and rated in detail.
The services offered by the business
portal are being expanded all the time. The
stock market service offered in association
with SPIEGEL ONLINE, which was revised
in July 2013, provides detailed and swift
information about events on the global
securities markets. The DAX stock market
index of Germany’s top companies is
displayed in real time, with no time delay.
The newly launched channel “Immobilien”
provides a unique and comprehensive overview of the price and performance of real
estate for rent and for sale throughout Germany. In addition, manager magazin online
provides users with comprehensive sociodemographic data on every postal district.
manager magazin online is mostly used
by the decision-makers in business: 35 percent of its users are business executives
(self-employed with at least 6 employees,
freelance professionals, or medium and
executive-level employees).
The manager lounge is an exclusive business club for German-speaking executive
managers everywhere in the world, which
combines the advantages of a global online
network with the benefits of premium local
events. Offering some 170 events a year at
13 different locations, it gives its members a
chance to exchange ideas at eye-level.
The services provided by the manager
lounge are only available to members. Prospective joining members must first apply
online at www.manager-lounge.com. This
ensures maximum exclusiveness and an
interesting mix of industries. On top of this,
the manager lounge is a source of competent
know-how to its members: Experts appointed by the portal – all themselves members
of the network – offer their expertise and
experience in different areas of business
and management, answering questions and
giving advice.
Editor-in-chief of manager magazin online:
Steffen Klusmann; Deputies:
Sven Oliver Clausen, Martin Noé
number of visits per Average month in 2013:
7,839,786 (IVW online + mobile)
number of online unique users per Average month:
2.05 Millionen (AGOF ­i nternet facts 2014-01, Base 10+ years old)
number of Mobile Unique Users per month:
156,000 (AGOF ­mobile facts 2013-III)
Harvard Business Manager
Learning from the leaders
Harvard Business Manager (HBM) is the
magazine for practically oriented management issues. As the expanded German
edition of the US magazine “Harvard Business Review” (HBR), it augments the best
articles from the HBR with selected articles
by German-speaking experts. HBM reports
on innovative approaches in corporate
management and presents information
about management trends and pioneering
strategies, as well as their practical implementation. It sets out to afford management executives new perspectives and to
keep them up to date concerning practically
relevant management issues.
The articles are written by specialist
writers from scientific and practical backgrounds. Top managers and business consultants report their concrete experiences in
corporate operations, and professors at
leading American and European universities
and business schools publish their latest
research results here.
The Hamburg editorial team of Harvard
Business Manager carefully selects the
writers and topics for each monthly issue.
It serves as a journalistic partner for the
experts and prepares the know-how to be
“learned from the leaders” in a way that is
usable in practice, informative and easy to
understand. Furthermore, the editorial staff
complements this offer with its own analyses
and interviews with management masterminds. Thanks to this mixture of topics,
Harvard Business Manager is one of the
most successful of the twelve foreignlanguage editions of the “Harvard Business
Review” published in Asia, Europe and
Latin America.
Harvard Business Manager is aimed
particularly at ambitious, young executives
in intermediate and top-level management,
as well as business consultants. The average
age of its readers is 40. HBM readers are
real fans: in an opinion poll, 98 percent of
them rated the magazine as being “good” or
“very good”. A digital edition of the
Harvard Business Manager is also available:
the digital version is available for download
from 8 a.m. on the publication date of the
print edition, allowing all editorial contents
to be viewed on a tablet, smartphone, PC
or Mac. The digital version offers users
additional features such as interactive diagrams and numerous links to further reading material, videos and articles from the
archives of the Harvard Business Manager.
First issue:
1 April 1979
Christoph Seeger
Average paid
circulation in 2013:
19,242 (IVW)
Harvard Business Manager Editions are
published four times a year as special issues.
These provide background information
about key issues in innovative corporate
management. For this purpose, HBM
editorial staff selects the best articles from
Harvard Business Manager about the chosen
topic. As well as expert articles, each Edition
contains a Harvard case study with a range
of possible solution scenarios.
The Editions, too, are available digitally.
The Web app allows the special issues to be
downloaded on the same day as the print
editions are published.
Harvard Business Manager Online has had
its own independent website since 2004
(www.harvardbusinessmanager.de). Here,
management experts comment on the latest
trends, present studies and discuss the latest
research findings. An interactive version of
the monthly case study is also intended to
serve as a basis for online discussion. Users
can pit themselves against the experts and
offer their own solutions to management
problems. Self-tests and checklists are also
available as an aid to advancing your own
On top of this, the Internet platform provides an overview of all the issues of the
magazine and the Editions. Individual back
issues can be printed or purchased digitally.
All the articles published to date can be
explored in the online archives, and
individual texts can be purchased as PDF
Christoph Seeger
HARVARD Business Manager Online
Award-winning Journalism
files. The database comprises some 5000
articles published in Harvard Business
In the first quarter of 2014, the website
was completely revised and relaunched.
Harvardbusinessmanager.de is now even
more clearly set out and more modern, and
the new navigation menu is no longer based
on the structure of the print edition. The
new site welcomes users with richly illustrated articles on current management issues,
exclusively written for the site by renowned
experts. The blogs provide commentaries
and short articles by German experts, as
well as texts from the website of the US
licence-holder “Harvard Business Review”.
Another new feature is the “Management
Tip of the Day”, which is published every
Editor-in-chief of HBM Online:
Christoph Seeger
number of visits per Average month
in 2013: 179,923 (IVW)
number of online unique users
per Average month: 112,000
(AGOF ­internet facts 2014-01, Base 10+ years old)
31 January 2013 Christoph Reuter (DER SPIEGEL),
“Reporter of the Year”, “Medium Magazin”
24 January 2013 Julia Driesen (SPIEGEL TV GESCHICHTE),
Mira Award, “Pay-TV Personality of the Year”
18 March 2013 Rafael Buschmann (SPIEGEL ONLINE):
“Borussia Dortmund’s Nazi Problem”, Great Online Prize
awarded by the Association of German Sports Journalists (VDS)
27 March 2013 Verena Töpper (SPIEGEL ONLINE): “Snow in
the Newsroom”, 1st place in the “Meedia” Essay Competition
4 April 2013 Takis Würger (DER SPIEGEL):
“The Lost Battalion”, CNN Journalist Award
20 April 2013 Marc Brasse and Florian Huber (both SPIEGEL
TV): “From Dream to Terror – Munich 72”, Platinum Remi
Award (1st place) at the “Worldfest”
1 May 2013 SPIEGEL TV, New York Festivals: Marc Brasse and
Florian Huber: “From Dream to Terror – Munich 72”, category
“Docudrama” – Silver World Medal; Marc Brasse, Cristina
Karrer and Patricia Wagner: “Emergency Landing in the Alps”,
“Docudrama” – Bronze World Medal; Anna Sadovnikova:
“Roofer”, “Special Report” – Silver World Medal
8 May 2013 Axel Springer Prize for Young Journalists: Amrai
Coen (“Zeit”) and Bernhard Riedmann (“DER SPIEGEL”):
Multimedia report “Unwanted by God”, 1st prize, category
Internet; Roman Lehberger (SPIEGEL TV): “Subsidisation
Lunacy in Greece”, 3rd prize, category Television; Nicola Abé
(DER SPIEGEL): “Dreams in Infrared”, “Outstanding
Achievement”, category Print
16 May 2013 Award for the KulturSPIEGEL cover picture
“How to become a dream guy?”, Competition of the Art
Directors Club for Germany e. V. (ADC), category “Editorial,
6 July 2013 Print and online editorial staff of DER SPIEGEL,
Compass Needle 2013 awarded by the “Gay Network of NRW”
7 July 2013 Benjamin Maack (SPIEGEL ONLINE), 3Sat Prize
awarded by the Klagenfurt “Festival of German Literature”
5 August 2013 SPIEGEL ONLINE, audience prize OnlineStar
awarded by Verlagsgruppe Eltner, most popular website
19 September 2013 Sven Böll, Hauke Goos, Jochen-Martin
Gutsch and Wiebke Hollersen (all DER SPIEGEL):
“Today from the platform opposite”, German Journalists’ Prize
for Business, Stock Market News and Finance 2013, category
“Mobility & Logistics”
7 October 2013 “Red Tuna – A Fish Struggles to Survive”
(SPIEGEL TV), European Environment Festival, category TV
9 October 2013 Dirk Kurbjuweit, Christoph Pauly, Jan Puhl,
Mathieu von Rohr, Christoph Scheuermann and Christoph Schult
(all DER SPIEGEL): “The Cattle Traders”, Ernst Schneider Prize
awarded by the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry,
category “Business in Nationwide Print Media”
As at 31 May 2014
19 October 2013 Stefan Berg (DER SPIEGEL),
Prize of the German Society for Parkinson Relief
31 October 2013 Anna Kistner (DER SPIEGEL):
“In Cover Heaven”, Ferdinand Simoneit Prize for Business and
Financial Journalism
29 November 2013 Simone Salden (DER SPIEGEL):
“One Corpse Too Many”, Prize of the German Society for
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology
29 November 2013 Sanja Hardinghaus (SPIEGEL TV):
“Failure of the Youth Welfare Services: Sexual Abuse in
Foster Families”, Journalists Prize awarded by Weißer Ring,
category Television
15 January 2014 Özlem Gezer (DER SPIEGEL):
“The Love of His Life”, “Golden Mole” for the best feuilleton
article of the year
23 January 2014 Patrick Hörl (SPIEGEL TV WISSEN):
“News from Fukushima”, Mira Award, best documentary on
German pay TV
25 January 2014 Barbara Hardinghaus (DER SPIEGEL):
“The Last Life”, Erich Klabunde Prize awarded by the German
Association of Journalists (DJV)
3 February 2014 Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark (both DER
SPIEGEL), research carried out into the NSA affair, Medium
Magazin, “Journalists of the Year”
1 March 2014 Maximilian Popp (DER SPIEGEL) and SPIEGEL
ONLINE editorial team, Journalists Prize awarded by the
South-East Europe Society for reporting on anti-government
protests in Turkey in 2013
31 March 2014 Christian Werner: multimedia story “The Trail
of the Dead Children”, SPIEGEL iPad, CNN Journalist Award
2 April 2014 The author Jonathan Sachse: multimedia story for
SPIEGEL ONLINE, “Tests in the Stadium: The Methods of the
Bundesliga Doping Hunters”, Great Online Prize, Association
of German Sports Journalists
10 April 2014 Susanne Koelbl (DER SPIEGEL): “In the Lion’s
Den”, “In Kim’s Kingdom”, “The Long Road to Freedom”,
Reemtsma Liberty Award
25 April 2014 Karin Assmann (SPIEGEL TV): “Homeland –
Home at the End of the Line“, New York Festivals, category
“Special Report”: “Silver World Medal”
7 May 2014 Takis Würger (DER SPIEGEL) and the photographer
Armin Smailovic: Hansel Mieth Prize for the report “Anxiety”
16 May 2014 Özlem Gezer (DER SPIEGEL): “The Love of His
Life”, Henri Nannen Prize – Category Report; SPIEGEL
journalist team: Jacob Appelbaum, Nikolaus Blome, Hubert
Gude, Ralf Neukirch, René Pfister, Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach, Jörg Schindler, Gregor Peter Schmitz and Holger Stark,
“Chancellor’s Mobile in US Sights?” and “The Eerie Friend”,
Henri Nannen Prize – Category Investigation
SPIEGEL books have been published in cooperation with Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
(DVA) of Munich since 2002. SPIEGELBuchverlag, the book-publishing branch of
the SPIEGEL Group, is characterised not
only by meticulously researched stories on
current issues, but also by perceptive reports
on socially relevant topics, written by
renowned authors.
An outstanding example of this is the
book “Escape from Camp 14”, by the
American journalist Blaine Harden. In it,
he tells the story of Shin Dong-hyuk, who
was born in 1983 in what is known as
Camp 14. The eye-witness account provides
shocking insights into the inhuman living
conditions in North Korea’s penal camps,
and describes the moving fate of a young
man who managed as if by a miracle to
escape to freedom.
The SPIEGEL ONLINE writer Jörg Diehl
and the SPIEGEL TV reporters Thomas
Heise and Claas Meyer-Heuer have a profound knowledge of the world of biker gangs.
For their bestselling “Rocker War”, they
were able to draw on extensive and even
exclusive material, and to demonstrate how
much the conflict between the Hells Angels
and the Bandidos has been intensifying in
recent years, what goals the clubs are pursuing, and who is in authority. They uncover
the ways in which politicians and the police
force are entangled in the web surrounding
violent biker gangs, and describe why these
so-called motorcycle clubs are increasingly
posing a threat to the rule of law.
For many years, Erich Follath has been
travelling through Brazil, India and China
as a diplomatic correspondent for DER SPIEGEL – countries whose economic growth has
overtaken that of the former powers of the
USA and Europe. In his latest book, “The
New Great Powers”, Follath collects his
experiences and analyses from countless
meetings with politicians, business leaders,
artists, religious leaders and workers to create a kaleidoscope from which arises a lifelike and astonishing image of these up-andcoming nations.
His election came as a huge surprise to
Catholics all over the world: the new Pope
goes by the name of Francis, was formerly
the archbishop of Buenos Aires, and on 13
March 2013 he succeeded the pope emeritus
Benedict XVI. Writers for DER SPIEGEL,
church historians and theologians have
“Dein SPIEGEL” books – Ferdinand, the dog
reporter, has been a fixture of “Dein SPIEGEL”, the news magazine for children, right
from the very first issue. He researches
topics, questions statements and uncovers
facts. The character and the plot are the
brainchild of the cartoon writer Ralph Ruthe
The Audio Verlag (DAV), one of the leading
German publishers of audio books, was
founded in 1999. With its shareholders from
the public-sector broadcasting networks, the
Berlin-based publisher has always promoted
high-quality formats and published productions that have received numerous prestigious awards. SPIEGEL-Verlag has held
a share in DAV since August 2004.
In the 14 years of its existence, DAV has
so far published more than 1000 audio books
of an unparalleled variety. Apart from its
own outstanding productions, DAV has also
released lavish productions by renowned
broadcasters in every media format – as
readings, audio plays, features and sound
Whether radio classics or new productions – all DAV’s audio books are characterised by top-class speakers, an outstanding
sound quality and attractive features.
Countless titles from its programme have
already received special recognition. In
January 2013, for instance, Dagmar Menzel’s
reading of “August” by Christa Wolf received the “German Audio Book Prize” in
the category “Best Interpretation”; and the
audio dramatic version of the book “Anton
taucht ab” by the author Milena Baisch was
awarded the “German Children’s Audio
Drama Prize 2012”.
Since 2012, DAV and the trade publisher
dtv have been cooperating in sales and marketing, as a way of concentrating their competencies and presenting the retail sector
with a comprehensive, cross-media offer.
One result has been the highly successful
readings of crime stories by bestselling
authors like Rita Falk and Jussi Adler-Olsen.
Building upon its commercial involvement, SPIEGEL-Verlag has also been cooperating with DAV in terms of contents. Most
recently, audio versions of “Sorry, we’ve lost
our way”, “Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein
Tod – Episode 5” and the SPIEGEL ONLINE
travel diary “Grandpa’s Iceberg. Scavenger
Hunt in Greenland” by Stephan Orth were
released at the same time as the printed
Books for readers and listeners
SPIEGEL ONLINE books – It is some ten years
ago that Bastian Sick published his first
column entitled “Zwiebelfisch” on SPIEGEL
ONLINE, sparking an entirely unexpected
cult of the German language. “Der Dativ ist
dem Genitiv sein Tod – Episode 5” collects
his latest contributions, while “Wir braten
Sie gern!” has become the fourth volume in
the illustrated “Happy Aua” series.
The bestselling “Sorry” series by the
SPIEGEL ONLINE staff writers Stephan
Orth and Antje Blinda has also been continued, with the third volume, entitled “Sorry,
we’ve lost our way. Strange railway stories”.
In his second paperback, “Zeros Make
Ones Big”, Holger Dambeck, a science writer
for SPIEGEL ONLINE, shows that maths is
not mindless swotting but creative thinking
that can be a great source of amusement.
Marathon man Achim Achilles continues to
run away from every adversity in his third
book of collected columns, “No Mercy for
the Calves”.
“Do You Question with Your Physician or
Pharmacist?” This is the query regularly
asked by the columnists Frederik Jötten and
Jens Lubbadeh in the health section of
SPIEGEL ONLINE, in which they describe
the various aches and pains that can afflict
us, and what to do about them.
and illustrator Flix. The first two volumes of
the best stories from “Dein SPIEGEL” have
now been released in association with
Carlsen Comics.
Opas Eisberg
examined how the new Vicar of Christ fits
into the line of his predecessors, and what
legacy he was left, particularly by Benedict
XVI. They have recorded their findings
under the title “The Popes” in the contemporary historical segment of SPIEGEL
Another historic figure who remains
highly significant even beyond death is
Charlemagne, who died 1200 years ago. He
was military commander and conqueror,
reformer and patron, and the founding father
of Germany and France. Based on new
research, historians and SPIEGEL writers
describe what we now know about the most
powerful ruler of the Middle Ages.
Opas Eisberg
Auf Spurensuche durch Grönland
Media you can hear and see
The Harenberg Communication
SPIEGEL, and the bestselling books for
children and teenagers appear in “Dein
A new addition, since October 2012,
is the list of bestselling higher-quality softcover books in KulturSPIEGEL.
In total, “buchreport” consists of five products: the website buchreport.de, the weekly
magazine “buchreport.express” and the
monthly “buchreport.magazin”. “buchreport.spezial” is published as a supplement to
the magazine and focuses on varying groups
of products; and “buchreport.novitäten”
covers new publications from the online and
print catalogue. The “buchreport” package
is put together by a team of ten editors with
the help of long-term freelance contractors.
The Harenberg Kommunikation Verlagsund Medien GmbH & Co. KG has been a
subsidiary of SPIEGEL-Verlag since 2007.
It is particularly renowned for its trade
journal “buchreport”, which is aimed at the
book retail business and has been going
strong for 40 years. Each issue includes
posters of the current SPIEGEL bestsellers
to be put on display in the shops.
“Buchreport” has been putting together
the lists of bestsellers that are published
by DER SPIEGEL ever since 1971. Since
2001, it has done so by electronically polling
more than 500 bookshops in Germany,
selected from a representative panel. In the
meantime, this database is being used
to draw up other bestseller lists too. Every
week SPIEGEL ONLINE presents the
current bestselling paperbacks; the business
bestsellers are published every month in
manager magazin; the bestselling audio
books and DVDs are reported in Kultur-
Media you can hear and see
The SPIEGEL SHOP on Amazon can be found
at www.amazon.de/spiegel. Here backissues of the news magazine can be ordered,
SPIEGEL WISSEN, manager magazin and
Harvard Business Manager. A selection of
current e-books is also available, as well as
films from the DVD edition “Great Moments
in Cinema” – individually or in a collector’s
box. The latest top three films were “The
King’s Speech”, “The End Is My Beginning”
and “Little Nicholas”.
A “physical” SPIEGEL SHOP, operated
by PWV Presseshop GmbH, is integrated in
the SPIEGEL House on its own premises. All
the publisher’s products are available here.
Holidays for readers are offered in collaboration with the tour operators Studiosus and
TUI. For many years, the destinations have
included Spain, from “Parador to Parador”,
and China. The highlights also include a trip
to the city of Istanbul, where Europe meets
Asia. Every year, new destinations are added
to the list, as well as city breaks in selected
European cities.
In addition to “buchreport”, the publishing
company Harenberg also produces “buch
aktuell”, a customer magazine which is
used by some 1200 book retailers. The publishing house has a workforce of 30 and
includes advertising sales, sales marketing
and production departments which are in
charge of specialist journals and consumer
On the website www.buchaktuell.de,
which was relaunched in November 2013,
visitors will find the latest reading recommendations as well as interesting news of the
day from the world of books, and announcements of book readings by their authors.
Publishing Data Networks GmbH –
Together with the publishing consultant
Sebastian Posth and the IT specialist Markus
Baer, Harenberg has founded Publishing
Data Networks GmbH. Its aim is to use
a reporting tool to obtain up-to-the-minute
information on e-book sales, and to deduce
relationships between e-book downloads
and marketing and PR activities. Publishing
Data Networks targets both publishers and
self-publishing authors and distributors.
Spiegel QC
Spiegel QC
coverage (net)
18.06 million contacts per week (2013)
2.05 Mio.
Premium marketing in print and online
The marketing
association is divided
into three areas:
• Sales
• Digital and
• Media Marketing and Scheduling
SPIEGEL QC, the integrated marketing
association of the SPIEGEL Group, is a
premium marketer in the advertising market
offering a top-class portfolio of quality print
and online services.
Some 90 employees in the Hamburg headquarters and the five sales offices in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Munich
and Stuttgart work in teams made up of
online and print experts, allowing them to
provide competent support and advice from
a single source at all times.
Quality journalism is always at the heart
of the media brands that are marketed by
SPIEGEL QC. This demand for quality
journalism ensures that our media enjoy
the continuing loyalty of their users, making
it the key to the long-term success of our
customers. Because readers have faith in
our media and appreciate their journalistic
uniqueness, these media offer exclusive
access to some unique target groups.
The media of the SPIEGEL Group are highly relevant to their readers and therefore
indispensable as a means of reaching top
target audiences. The intensity and concentration with which users immerse themselves
in their media has been demonstrated to lead
to higher advertising recall.
This means that SPIEGEL QC offers the
advertising market a unique quality portfolio with sophisticated, target-group-oriented
contexts. Advertisers can profit particularly
from being able to address lucrative target
audiences directly, from the above-average
advertising effect and from the positive
image transfer to their brand.
SPIEGEL QC’s activities centre on the
vertical marketing of individual online
and print publications. This means that every
advertising medium in the portfolio is
available as a separate product. At the same
time, SPIEGEL QC offers topic-related
marketing across several products, and
cross-media communication solutions.
ONLINE, along with manager magazin and
manager magazin online, SPIEGEL QC
provides access to further first-class advertising media with which sophisticated
target groups can be reached:
• KulturSPIEGEL – Germany’s major artsmagazine;
0.83 Mio.
6.00 Mio.
0.36 Mio.
Print (readers
per issue)
6.18 Mio.
2.07 Mio.
laptop, tablet (u/w)
•heise online (www.heise.de) – With upto-the-minute news from the IT industry,
the preferred source of information
among ICT decision-makers and technology enthusiasts;
As an innovative media company, the
SPIEGEL Group is constantly developing
new channels in order to furnish its users
with up-to-date and reliable information.
As a result, it can also be relied on to offer
advertisers new platforms and advertising
•MERIAN.de – The enjoyment of travel.
Market leader in the online travel magazine segment;
•opodo.de – The comprehensive Internet
travel service which satisfies the demands
of modern-day travellers;
12.35 Mio.
(ACTA 14+ years old)
Smartphone (u/w)
•KarriereSPIEGEL – the careers portal
of the SPIEGEL Group offers facts,
trends and background reports on the
job market, industries, companies and
•SPIEGEL CHRONIK – reviews the past
Tablet App (u/w)
9.80 Mio.
(ACTA 14 – 69 years old)
10.36 Mio.
(ACTA 14 – 69 years old)
•SPIEGEL.TV – quality television on the
Internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as
a live editorial stream or video on demand;
• SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE (six issues a year),
SPIEGEL WISSEN (four issues a year),
and SPIEGEL SPECIAL (sporadically) –
are used intensively as monothematic
Smartphone App (u/w)
0.57 Mio.
The digital editions of DER SPIEGEL – the
apps for the iPad, iPhone, Android smartphones and tablets – as well as the web-based
magazine reader, which makes DER SPIEGEL and manager magazin available in your
browser, are opening up new opportunities
and granting access to new potential users,
also for advertising purposes.
In addition, the mobile versions of
SPIEGEL ONLINE and manager magazin
online allow you to communicate with highquality target groups irrespective of time
and place.
The Group’s own brands – SPIEGEL,
manager magazin and Harvard Business
Manager – are augmented by a portfolio of
selected external partners:
•UniSPIEGEL – reports from the university scene three times per semester;
SPIEGEL ONLINE Tablet App (u/w)
•“Dein SPIEGEL” – for enquiring girls and
boys between the ages of 8 and 13;
• Harvard Business Manager and Harvard
Business Manager Online – for ambitious
young business talents and successful
(users per week: u/w)
Wall Street Journal Germany –
Established in early 2012, Wall Street
Journal Germany supplies comprehensive
reporting on global news, politics, finance
and business to German-speaking readers
digitally on its website, on smartphones
and tablets.
brand reaches
more people
than ever
Apart from placing standard advertisements
in print, online and mobile media, SPIEGEL
QC also offers its clients comprehensive
creative communication concepts, up to
and including the concept development,
planning, implementation, management and
documentation of multi-day brand events,
drawing on the many resources available
within the SPIEGEL Group.
They include competent contacts – in the
field of events and moving image production,
for example, or in market research – to
guarantee innovative solutions which are
tailored to the customer’s individual needs,
all under a single roof.
At www.spiegel-qc.de detailed information
about all the advertising media is available
round the clock, along with detailed media
data and the latest news.
ACTA Base:
Federal Republic
of Germany,
Quality Service
ProduCtion AND Environment
Committed to quality
measures, increasing customer value
through cross- and up-selling, as well as
retention measures using tailor-made offers.
The high quality of these services is
made possible internally through a rigorous
training of the workforce, often individually,
and externally by performing independent
quality checks.
The QS Quality Service GmbH (www.qshamburg.de) was founded in 2006 as a
wholly-owned subsidiary of SPIEGELVerlag. It offers all the services required by
a publisher under a single roof and has years
of experience with demanding readers. It
provides individualised after-sales services
to customers of the SPIEGEL Group’s own
products as well as many belonging to external clients. Its full service includes taking
orders and collecting data, individual
customer services via all channels of
communication, as well as invoicing and
shipping. In addition to corresponding with
individual customers, the services provided
by QS include bonus and add-on services.
Beyond this, QS Quality Service offers its
customers a broad portfolio of CRM (customer relationship management) services
and a wide range of measures to prevent
subscription cancellations, and to win back
and re-activate lapsed subscribers. Its aftersales services comprise professional address
generation and validation, customer loyalty
The range of services in the field of active
telephone marketing primarily includes
winning back lapsed subscribers and
generating direct debit payments, as well
as cross-selling and up-selling measures
for digital offers.
QS Quality Service also operates successfully on behalf of external clients. In addition to the publications of the SPIEGEL
Group, other magazines rely on its aftersales and telephone marketing services.
These include “c’t”, “iX”, “Technology
Review”, “Digitale Fotografie”, “Mac & i”
and “c’t Hacks” for Heise Zeitschriften
Verlag; “Cicero” and “Monopol” for Ringier
Publishing; “Der Freitag” and “Mare”
for Mareverlag; and the magazine “arte” for
the eponymous Franco-German cultural
In digital media too, QS is a competent
contact both for the customers of the
SPIEGEL Group and for publishing clients
and their customers. The staff at QS offer
advice to users and provide the technical
services for the digital publications of
the SPIEGEL Group and external clients,
on all established interfaces and platforms.
Quality Service provides after-sales services
for the shops of Libri GmbH and ebook.de,
one of the leading online retailers of books
and e-media, as well as technical support
for the electronic offers and formats of
the book and music business.
Professional and dedicated
SPIEGEL-Verlag utilises all the possibilities
offered by modern computer technology
in order to ensure maximum quality and a
smooth production. The Berlin office and a
number of other external news bureaux are
directly integrated in the production process
via the SPIEGEL network. Secure dial-in
facilities allow journalists who are travelling
and overseas SPIEGEL offices to transmit
articles and carry out research in the
The picture desk has direct access to the
latest digital images released by the major
news agencies. Photographers and picture
agencies now usually offer their pictures on
the Internet in a digital form or send them
to the picture desk by other digital routes.
SPIEGEL-Verlag has its own production
department with access to state-of-the-art
equipment and technologies for digital
reproduction. All cover pages of DER
SPIEGEL and all news pages are produced
to completion and sent directly to the printer
in the form of a digital final page.
Every week, more than one million copies
of DER SPIEGEL are produced at the Prinovis printing works in Ahrensburg and
Dresden, using rotogravure printing. In
order to reach the newsagents and readers
on time and to be as up-to-date as possible,
the magazine is produced under enormous
time pressure every week. An entire edition
has to be printed and bound within 20 hours.
This means that over 900 copies are produced every minute. As of January 2015, DER
SPIEGEL will switch from rotogravure to
offset printing, and it will then be produced
by Mohn Media in Gütersloh and Stark
Druck in Pforzheim.
Light-weight coated paper is used in making
DER SPIEGEL, weighing 54 g/m2 . One issue
of DER SPIEGEL requires approx. 350
tonnes of paper. The paper quality provides
optimum lightness, colour and opacity while
taking into account environmental requirements. The cover of DER SPIEGEL is printed
on heavier paper, weighing 115 g/m2.
Environmental protection has been a top
priority for SPIEGEL-Verlag for many years.
Years of close collaboration with paper
factories ensure that the publishing
company’s quality and environmental
standards are met. In addition, SPIEGELVerlag is closely involved in the Environmental Workgroup of the Association of
German Magazine Publishers (VDZ). The
Environmental Workgroup promotes the
continued development and the implementation of ecological standards for every link
in the manufacturing chain, from forestry
through to recycling. All publications of the
SPIEGEL Group are printed entirely on
FSC-certified paper.
In-house too, SPIEGEL-Verlag makes sure
that environmentally friendly and energysaving production methods and products are
used. For instance, the company refunds
75 percent of the cost of a “Profi-Card”,
a subsidised pass for Hamburg’s public
transport network, to all members of staff; on
top of this, only recycled paper is used in all
its offices.
This brochure
is printed on
Facts and Figures
As at May 2014
Day of Publication
of the SPIEGEL Group, in million euros
Since issue No. 1 – 2 / 1966
Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
Issue 36/1950 – Issue 52/1965 Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
Issue 20/1949 – Issue 35/1950 Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
Issue 1/1947 – Issue 19/1949
Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
SPIEGEL apps for digital divices
As from Sunday morning,
Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
8 p.m., users can access the digital edition of
DER SPIEGEL and read it on their smartphone,
iPad, other tablet, Mac or PC.
A spacious landmark
with an environmentfriendly design – the
new SPIEGEL House.
Full-time employees of the SPIEGEL Group
14 SPIEGEL editors-in-chief in 67 years:
For 42 years, the German news magazine
was produced in the SPIEGEL House on
Brandstwiete, in Hamburg. After a threeyear construction period, the SPIEGEL
Group moved to the Ericusspitze at the
eastern end of the new HafenCity in September 2011. Since then, all the employees,
brands and media of the group have been
united under a single roof for the first time.
Henning Larsen, a renowned Danish firm of
architects, emerged in 2007 as the winner of
a competition in which 14 international
architects’ offices participated, and was
invited to design the new SPIEGEL House.
It is one of the most modern media buildings
in the whole of Europe, with an atrium as
high as a house forming the centre of the
new building, criss-crossed with bridges and
staircases – symbolising transparency in
times of multimedia communication and
networking. With a total floor space of
30,000 square metres (320,000 square feet)
on 13 storeys, it offers room for more than
1100 employees.
The SPIEGEL House is not only one of the
largest buildings in Hamburg, but also one
of the “greenest”. It is the first private-sector
project to be pre-certified with the “HafenCity Gold Environmental Label”. Thanks to
the use of geothermal power, triple-glazed
windows and temperature-adjusting water
pipes, among other technologies, its annual
primary energy consumption is less than 100
kilowatt hours per square metre.
To receive the “HafenCity Gold Environmental Label”, a building has to be awarded
a gold certificate in at least three of five
From cellar to roof, the SPIEGEL House
actually managed to meet that standard in
four of the five categories: for the sustainable use of energy resources; for the sustainable use of public goods; for special attention
to health and comfort; and for the sustainable operation of the building.
In the category “Use of environmentally
friendly building materials”, the SPIEGEL
House meets the standards for a silver
Wolfgang Büchner since 1 September 2013
Georg Mascolo 5 February 2008 to 9 April 2013
Mathias Müller von Blumencron 5 February 2008 to 9 April 2013
Stefan Aust 16 December 1994 to 5 February 2008
Wolfgang Kaden 9 July 1991 to 31 October 1994
Hans Werner Kilz 1 January 1990 to 16 December 1994
Werner Funk 1 February 1986 to 26 July 1991
Erich Böhme 19 February 1973 to 31 December 1989
Günter Gaus 1 April 1969 to 31 March 1973
Leo Brawand 15 November 1962 to 11 July 1963
Claus Jacobi 1 January 1962 to 31 December 1968
Johannes K. Engel 1 January 1962 to 21 September 1987
Hans Detlev Becker 1 January 1959 to 31 December 1961
Rudolf Augstein since 1 January 1947; died 7 November 2002
11 manager magazin editors-in-chief in 42 years:
Steffen Klusmann since 1 November 2013
Arno Balzer 1 July 2003 to 31 July 2013
Wolfgang Kaden 1 November 1994 to 30 June 2003
Peter Christ 1 April 1992 to 31 October 1994
Winfried Wilhelm 12 October 1991 to 31 March 1992
Ulrich Blecke 1 January 1987 to 11 October 1991
Dieter Piel 6 January 1986 to 31 December 1986
Werner Funk 1 April 1981 to 31 December 1985
Leo Brawand 1 January 1972 to 31 March 1981
Klaus Recht 1 November 1971 to 1 December 1971
Heinz Streicher 1 Januar 1970 to 1 December 1971
Rudolf Augstein presented half of the company to his
employees. This means they are shareholders of the
company via the Mitarbeiter-KG, of which they are silent
partners. Since then, sharing in the responsibilities,
decisions and half the profits has been a key feature
of the working environment, and has helped to shape
the atmosphere within the company.
People use SPIEGEL content in printed or digital form.
Source: ACTA 2013.
SPIEGEL citations were used in other media in 2013.
Source: PMG Pressemonitor.
SPIEGEL ONLINE citations were used in other media
in 2013. Source: PMG Pressemonitor.
Readers reached by DER SPIEGEL every year.
Source: AWA 2013.
Minutes spent by the average SPIEGEL reader per issue
(Source: copy tests), 7332 minutes per year.
Letters from readers that reached the editors of
DER SPIEGEL in 2013 – more than 1766 per month.
Countries in the world in which DER SPIEGEL is on sale.
Minutes of airtime for SPIEGEL TV MAGAZIN in
1275 individual programmes up to and including
20 April 2014.
As at May 2014
Rudolf Augstein GmbH
50.5% Kommanditgesellschaft
Beteiligungsgesellschaft für
SPIEGEL-Mitarbeiter mbH & Co.
25.5% Gruner+Jahr AG & Co KG
Heirs of Rudolf Augstein
Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG
Beteiligungsgesellschaft für
SPIEGEL-Mitarbeiter mbH & Co.
25.25% Gruner+Jahr AG & Co KG
23.75% Heirs of Rudolf Augstein
Rudolf Augstein GmbH
Harenberg Kommunikation Verlags- und Medien-GmbH & Co. KG
50.1% Publishing Data Networks GmbH
Der Audio Verlag GmbH
PMG Presse-Monitor GmbH
12.5% dctp Entwicklungsgesellschaft für TV-Programme mbH
Rudolf Augstein
GmbH & Co. KG
100 %
51 %
SPIEGEL TV Produktion GmbH
Aspekt Telefilm Produktion GmbH
100 % Aspekt Medienproduktion GmbH
Ericus Media GmbH
SPIEGEL TV Infotainment GmbH
SPIEGEL TV Geschichte und Wissen GmbH & Co. KG
STORY HOUSE Productions GmbH
STORY HOUSE Productions Inc. Washington D. C.
Rudolf Augstein
GmbH & Co. KG
100 %
100 %
Quality Channel GmbH
QS Quality Service GmbH
SPIEGEL Futur Zwei GmbH
12.5% Synaptikon GmbH
manager-lounge leaders network GmbH
manager magazin new media GmbH
manager magazin
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
75.1% Rudolf Augstein GmbH
24.9% Gruner+Jahr AG & Co KG
Credits: Olaf Ballnus (Pages 5, 8, 20, 24, 28, 32), Zoey Braun (Page 48), Iris Carstensen (Page 39), Dorothee Gravert (Page 43), Andreas Heddergott/TU München (Page 19), Noshe/DER SPIEGEL (Cover + Page 4, 44).
SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG
Ericusspitze 1, 20457 Hamburg
PO-Box 11 04 13, 20404 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 3007-0
E-mail: spiegel@spiegel.de
Facebook: www.facebook.com/derspiegel
Twitter: @derspiegel
Readers’ Information Service
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2687
E-mail: spiegel@spiegel.de
Letters to the Editor
E-mail: leserbriefe@spiegel.de
Questions about SPIEGEL articles/research
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2687
E-mail: artikel@spiegel.de
Licensing of text and illustrations from
Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2869
E-mail: nachdrucke@spiegel.de,
Internet: www.spiegelgruppe-nachdrucke.de
Other overseas countries:
New York Times News Service/Syndicate
Telephone: 001 212 556 5119 (New York, USA),
E-mail: ian.carlino@nytimes.com
Licensing of photos
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2869
E-mail: nachdrucke@spiegel.de
SPIEGEL QC Marketing Services
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2455
E-mail: charlotte_pollach@spiegel-qc.de
Media Marketing
Ranks and schedules, market/media studies
and market research:
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2540
E-mail: media@spiegel-qc.de
Telephone: +49 40 38080-0
E-mail: spiegel_online@spiegel.de
Telephone: +49 40 30108-0
E-mail: mail@spiegel-tv.de
Telephone: +49 40 30108-388
E-mail: patrick_fuchs@spiegel-tv.de
manager magazin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2551
E-mail: mm_verlag@manager-magazin.de
manager magazin News Desk
Telephone: +49 40 308005-0
E-mail: mm_redaktion@manager-magazin.de
Letters to the Editor
Customer services
manager magazin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 20637 Hamburg
Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
General telephone service: +49 40 3007-3400
Fax: +49 40 3007-3434
E-mail: aboservice@manager-magazin.de
Customer services
SPIEGEL-Verlag, 20637 Hamburg
Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Information about SPIEGEL subscriptions
Telephone: +49 40 3007-2700
Fax: +49 40 3007-3070
E-mail: aboservice@spiegel.de
Questions about articles in manager magazin
Telephone: +49 40 308005-66
E-mail: mm_leserdienst@manager-magazin.de
Subscriptions for the blind
Audio version:
Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt e. V.
Telephone: +49 6421 606265
Electronic version:
Frankfurter Stiftung für Blinde
Telephone: +49 69 955124-0
Special prints, reprints and licensing for
manager magazin and Harvard Business Manager
Telephone: +49 40 308005-65
E-mail: mm_nachdrucke@manager-magazin.de,
Internet: www.spiegelgruppe-nachdrucke.de
Questions about articles in Harvard Business Manager
Telephone: +49 40 3007-3266
E-mail: leserdienst@harvardbusinessmanager.de
QS Quality Service GmbH
Ericusspitze 1, 20457 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 3007-4870
Fax: +49 40 3007-857020
E-mail: service@qs-hamburg.de
Department of Communication and Advertising: Anja zum Hingst (HoD); Editorial team: Maria Gröhn, Stefanie Jockers;
Documentation: Silvia Reiß; Layout: Iris Carstensen; Production: Iris Weber; Lithography: Melanie Leisten, Anja Putensen
SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG Ericusspitze 1
20457 Hamburg
Telefon 040 3007-0 E-Mail spiegel@spiegel.de www.spiegelgruppe.de