MyKasih Newsletter Issue 14 Part2


MyKasih Newsletter Issue 14 Part2
Programmes & Activities
Making A Difference in Miri
From 2014 to end 2015, Mubadala Petroleum has
supported 100 families under the MyKasih ‘Love My
Neighbourhood’ food aid programme and 100 primary
school students under the MyKasih ‘Love My School’
bursary programme in Miri, Sarawak. Throughout
the two years, the generous oil and gas company has
sponsored numerous meaningful programmes to arm
their beneficiaries with skills and knowledge to rise out
of poverty.
With programmes catered for adults, youths and school
students, Mubadala Petroleum has yet again shown
commitment and sincerity in tackling poverty in Miri.
Programmes for adults were aimed towards helping
parents acquire the skills and knowledge to generate
income for the family, while programmes for youths
were aimed at liberating teenagers and young adults to
broaden their minds and motivate them towards achieving
their fullest potential. Programmes for school students
encompass study assistance via tuition programmes.
This is the second batch of families supported by
Mubadala Petroleum. Previously, a different batch of 100
families in Miri had benefitted from the programmes from
year 2011 to 2013.
“The food aid and school bursary programme provides
nourishment to the families and students while the
supplementary programmes aim to tackle different
aspects of their welfare such as health, income generation,
education, acquiring new skills, motivation and more. This
makes Mubadala Petroleum’s programmes very holistic
and wholesome,” said MyKasih Foundation Managing
Director, Jeffrey Perera.
In thanking Mubadala Petroleum for their dedication
in helping underprivileged families in Miri, Perera said,
“Proactive programmes such as these give beneficiaries
a chance to carve a better future for themselves and their
The following are snapshots of the programmes
conducted by MyKasih in 2015 on behalf of Mubadala
Petroleum in Miri, Sarawak.
Mubadala Petroleum Programmes Year 2015
Health and Finance
A Health Screening and Financial Literacy Programme (31 January 2015) was organised in collaboration with the
local community clinics under the Ministry of Health (MOH) and AKPK (Credit Management and Counselling Agency).
After completing their basic health screening such as blood pressure tests, body mass index checks, as well as glucose
and cholesterol tests, the participants proceeded to learn about budgeting, understanding between needs and wants
when making purchases, and how to identify good and bad investments.
Dental and blood pressure of the participants were screened by staff of the Community Clinic of Miri, Sarawak.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Entrepreneurship and Empowerment (EE)
Two sessions of EE programmes were conducted in 2015 which were the Entrepreneurship Development Programme
by People Systems Consultancy (March – April 2015) and the Mengecapi Aspirasi Diri (MAD) Advanced Programme by
Life Works Sdn Bhd (19-20 December 2015).
The Entrepreneurship Development Programme by People Systems Consultancy involved two days of intensive
training followed by mentoring sessions for a duration of one month.
Training covers modules such as the power of positive thinking,
mindset change, customer analysis, business analysis, sales and
marketing and financial literacy.
Group photo of the participants after a successful training session.
The Mengecapi Aspirasi Diri (MAD) Advanced Programme by Lead Coach, Sharmini Hensen of Life Works Sdn
Bhd is a follow up of the previous two Mengecapi Aspirasi Diri (MAD) Programmes conducted in 2012 and 2014. The
programme is a two-day business acumen training promoting a deeper understanding on the principles of business
success to launch their businesses to the next level.
MAD Programme graduates, Ropiah Darsono and Norliza Abdullah
smiling as Sharmini Hensen conducts a revision and gets updates
on their progress thus far.
Familiar faces. Participants welcoming the opportunity to touch
base with their peers. Some have even discovered new business
The MAD graduates participating in group activities and later presenting their ideas and plans to their peers.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Programmes & Activities
Skills Training
MyKasih Foundation collaborates closely with local partner, Kolej Komuniti Miri, to conduct skills training and computer
training classes for beneficiaries under Mubadala Petroleum’s sponsorship. This year, a total of four skills training
classes and two computer classes were conducted by the Kolej trainers for the MyKasih beneficiaries.
A healthy cooking class (1 August 2015) taught participants how to cook healthy and nutritious meals for the family.
A healthy body breeds a healthy mind.
Participants teaming up to make their dishes.
Participants listening intently as the trainer explains how to get the
most flavour out of the ingredients.
The computer class for adults (15 August 2015) taught participants techniques on producing quotations, receipts
and invoices for the businesses, how to use the internet, and how to create and manage email accounts.
Never too late to learn. Participants learning to produce official documentation which will enable them to expand their business and bid for
projects from the government and private companies.
A computer class for children (24 October 2015) was conducted in a fun and interactive manner for primary and
secondary school children to supplement their existing knowledge of computers especially on Microsoft Powerpoint.
The children enjoying themselves making unique designs and animations on their Powerpoint presentations.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
The baking and cake decorating class (29 August 2015), frozen pau and chocolate praline class (24 October
2015) were aimed at providing participants with the skills to produce items to be sold for income.
Participants learning how to make frozen pau and chocolate praline. They will now hopefully be able to sell frozen pau and chocolate
pralines to supplement their income.
Participants learning about the techniques of cake decorating. With their new-found skills, they hope to sell pretty wedding and party cakes.
Students under Mubadala Petroleum’s ‘Love My School’ bursary programme were given face-to-face tuition and the
‘Score A’ online tuition programme. The face-to-face tuition classes were conducted with the cooperation of school
teachers. For the ‘Score A’ online tuition, students have undergone several briefings and training sessions to familiarise
themselves with the programme. Each student was given an ID and password to log-on to the online programme and
access exercises in subjects covering English, Bahasa Malaysia, Maths and Science.
Students paying attention to the teacher during the face-to-face
tuition. The sessions were conducted after school hours covering
subjects such as Bahasa Malaysia, Math and English.
Students logging into the ‘Score A’ online tuition programme during
the training session at Kolej Komuniti Miri.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Programmes & Activities
Youth Development
Two programmes were conducted for the youth segment in Miri, including a two-day Youth Programme (31 January
– 1 February 2015) conducted by MyKasih Officer, Muhd Hanifi Muhd Bazil covering topics such as healthy friendships,
being assertive, anti-bullying and crime prevention.
Students taking major examinations such as PT3 and SPM received
examination kits during the programme.
Participants writing words of encouragement for victims of the
devastating east coast floods. The programme encouraged
participants to express and exercise compassion in their daily lives.
A two-day youth camp called Kem Inspirasi Remaja (23-24 November 2015) was conducted by People Systems
Consultancy with the aim of helping participants improve their self-esteem, self-confidence and communication skills.
The camp inculcated a spirit of teamwork, encouraged the development of interpersonal skills, positivity and selfmanagement.
Kem Inspirasi Remaja was held at the Borneo Rainforest Resort with the youths participating in team-building exercises and even a guided
night walk!
Back-To-School Shopping
In preparation for the upcoming school year, Mubadala Petroleum sponsored all 100 of their student beneficiaries with
school uniforms, bags and stationeries amounting to a total of RM 200 per child. Parents were thankful to Mubadala
Petroleum for reducing their financial burden during the Back-To-School period.
Student beneficiaries and their parents shopping for Back-To-School items at Giant Hypermarket, Permymall.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
creates impact for
students in Malacca
& Negeri Sembilan
Caltex Fuel Your School 2015 was officially launched on 6 October 2015 in Malacca by Chevron Malaysia Country Chairman, Shahid Ahmed,
and MyKasih Foundation Trustee, Siti Khairon, witnessed by Malacca Education Department Registration & Relations Unit Assistant Director,
Mohd Bin Janis and Alor Gajah District Education Officer, Haji Rashid bin Abdul Hamid.
In November 2015, Chevron Malaysia, which carries the
retail brand Caltex®, successfully completed its annual
community campaign, Caltex Fuel Your School, in
partnership with MyKasih Foundation.
Since the first collaboration with MyKasih began in 2012,
Caltex Fuel Your School raised a total of RM 734,251
which has benefitted 137 classroom projects from 70
schools across Penang, Johor, Kedah and Terengganu.
In its fourth consecutive year, the campaign had once
again raised awareness and brought about improvements
in the learning environment with proper classroom
materials for students of high need schools in Negeri
Sembilan and Malacca.
This year, Caltex pledged RM2 to the classroom projects
for each use of the Caltex® JOURNEY Card to purchase
petrol from 15 October to 14 November 2015.
“By reaching out to schools in Malaysia one state at a
time, we are glad that the Caltex Fuel Your School
campaign has made a difference. This is especially
important for high need schools as more than 50 percent
of the students are from low income households. In line
with our global initiative, Chevron’s Energy for Learning,
this community campaign truly helps to support learningbased programmes – whether it is acquiring knowledge
and skills, or exposing individuals to different ways
of thinking,” said Policy, Government & Public Affairs
Manager, Mokhtar Ali Ismail.
Funds generated were channelled towards procuring
learning materials such as computer notebooks,
projectors, interactive white boards, electronic dictionaries
and laboratory equipment, to name a few.
In both Negeri Sembilan and Malacca, 50 winning
projects in 27 schools were awarded classroom materials
amounting to RM 233,716.67. A total of 1,241 students
benefitted from the classroom materials awarded to all
winning projects.
Teachers of SK Mendum showing their appreciation to Caltex and MyKasih after winning two projects for the school.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Programmes & Activities
2015 Negeri Sembilan FYS highlights
Out of 25 classroom projects funded in Negeri Sembilan, Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampong Parit and Sekolah Kebangsaan
Pendidikan Khas Seremban struck the most wins and were awarded learning materials worth RM 20,000 each.
Teachers and students of SK Kampong Parit were overjoyed with the winnings of four classroom projects. The projects submitted was in line
with the school’s vision to turn all classrooms into to be “21st Century Classrooms” as called for by the Ministry of Education.
“Our Future Classroom” by SK Sega.
“21st Century Classroom” & “Learn Through Play” by SK Sungai Jerneh.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
2015 Malacca FYS highlights
Caltex Fuel Your School Malacca awarded 25 classroom projects in 14 schools, with learning materials worth RM
113,045.00. Sekolah Kebangsaan Air Molek struck the most wins with 6 winning classroom projects and was awarded
with learning materials worth RM 30,000.
“When I heard about the Caltex Fuel Your School campaign running again for this year, I immediately started working on a project proposal.
I am thankful for this opportunity together with the team I had with me to produce The English Transformers materials. The process definitely
helped to motivate the students and also added support to win this submission,” expressed Siti Fatimah Daud, an English teacher from
Sekolah Menengah Hang Kasturi. She aims to improve the quality of English with her students in terms of vocabulary and to further empower
her students to be more confident when conversing in the English language.
Left to right: MyKasih Foundation Managing Director, Jeffrey Perera; Chevron Policy, Government & Public Affairs Manager, Mokhtar Ali Ismail
and Siti Fatimah from SK Sungai Udang.
The campaign’s fund-raising efforts will also be benefitting 25 primary school students of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai
Udang through the MyKasih ‘Love My School’ student bursary programme for a period of 10 months, starting January
2016. These students, who come from low-income households, will each receive a monthly bursary of RM 60 through
their MyKasih student smartcard, which they can spend on meals and basic schooling items at the canteen and the
school bookstore.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Programmes & Activities
Winners of the Negeri Sembilan Caltex Fuel Your School campaign celebrating their success during the closing ceremony on 19 November
“We are very pleased with this year’s project submissions
and the two-month long campaign. We hope to continue
this community effort and extend it to more states in the
coming years,” said Mokhtar at the closing ceremony of
the campaign.
MyKasih Foundation Managing Director Jeffrey Perera,
said, “We are truly grateful for the opportunity to work
with the educators and with Chevron once again to
create a nurturing environment for students in pursuit of
“We believe that education is the most sustainable way
out of poverty, and on that note, we look forward to
supporting more community learning initiatives through
our partnership with Chevron,” added Perera.
“1,2,3 Let Us Count” and “Explore Your Universe” are two out of six
classroom projects won by SK Air Molek, Malacca.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Happy students of SK Kampong Parit, Negeri Sembilan shouting
“Caltex Fuel Your School!”
MyKasih’s partners in service
helps Orang Asli school
Rotary Club Kelana Jaya donates essentials to provide comfort to teachers
and Mykasih students.
Headmaster, Khairul Anwar (right) receiving the LCD projector from Kelana Jaya Rotary Club President, Chow Chee Phing (left).
Following a short visit to Sekolah Kebangsaan Orang
Asli Bukit Lanjan, Rotary Club of Kelana Jaya made a
donation of educational posters for the Year 6 students’
classroom, ceiling fans, ventilation fans for the school’s
toilets, and an LCD projector.
and enliven the teaching atmosphere by ensuring the
comfort of both the teachers and their students.”
The items were handed over to the school on 8 October
2015, just two days ahead of school’s gotong-royong
clean-up activity which was going to take place over the
weekend of 10 October.
SK Bukit Lanjan is a primary school located in Damansara
Perdana, Selangor, with a student population of 153,
majority of whom are Orang Asli (indigenous) from poor
family backgrounds. Many of the students’ parents do
not have permanent jobs and steady income streams.
Poverty is a sad reality which prevents the children from
attaining proper education.
Rotary Club of Kelana Jaya’s President, Chow Chee Phing
said, “We are thankful to MyKasih Foundation for giving
us this opportunity to support children’s education. With
these items, we hope to improve the school’s facilities
School headmaster Khairul Anwar was very appreciative
of the contribution by Rotary Club of Kelana Jaya and
thanked both the club and MyKasih Foundation for
meeting the needs of the school and its students.
The many items donated by Rotary Club of Kelana Jaya. Thank you!
Students having their meals at the school canteen. A majority of the
students in SK Bukit Lanjan are sponsored by DIALOG through the
MyKasih ‘Love My School’ programme.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Programmes & Activities
Staff put their backs into beautification efforts with team of expert designers
On 10 October 2015, six employees of Dialog Group
Berhad (DIALOG) together with a team of designers from
Blu Water Studio Sdn Bhd, teachers and students of
Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Lanjan, spent the Saturday
sprucing up the school compound and classrooms.
Entrance walls were decorated; donated items such as
fans, light fittings and air-conditioning units were installed;
store rooms were uncluttered and reorganised; and
ornamental plants were put up to green the compound.
Blu Water Studio’s Chief Executive Designer, Lai Siew
Hong said, “We are extremely excited to be involved in
this project which we call ‘Special Project SKBL’. As part
of our give-back to the community, we are contributing
our expertise, time and manpower to provide this school
an uplift. This is just the beginning of a longer term project
with the school.”
“It also presents us with a great opportunity to engage
with our business partners like Nippon Paint to also be
involved in this corporate social responsibility initiative,”
commented Lai on the donated paint to rejuvenate the
“Children who were initially reluctant to attend school or
those with parents who were unable to send their children
to school, are now stepping up as they realise the benefits
of providing their children with education. The LMS
programme has helped to reduce the financial burden
these families have in sending their children to school,”
exclaimed SK Bukit Lanjan’s Headmaster, Khairul Anwar.
Khairul Anwar has big plans for the school. He believes
that SK Bukit Lanjan has the potential to be amongst the
top 5 ranking schools for indigenous Orang Asli students
in the country.
Teh Soon Seong pulling out old nails and putting in new ones to
hang ornamental plants later on.
DIALOG volunteer, Teh Soon Seong said, “The clean-up
and beautification activity was a tremendous success with
the teachers, parents, students and caring community
partners involved. It was a truly meaningful activity. I look
forward to participating in more of these activities.”
Since 2013, DIALOG had adopted 70 of SK Bukit
Lanjan’s students under the MyKasih ‘Love My School’
(LMS) bursary programme to provide better nutrition and
study materials to the students.
The dedicated teachers of Sekolah Kebangsaan Orang
Asli Bukit Lanjan have made student enrolment and
retention their main priority in their efforts to promote
education among the indigenous communities. One
of the ways to encourage student enrolment is to
make education more affordable for the lower income
households and to enhance the school’s facilities to
provide a more conducive learning environment.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Eager volunteer, DIALOG Contracts Assistant Manager, Gan Swee
Lee putting soil into the newly painted recycled water bottles.
Allyssa Lee helping one of
Blu Water Studio Interior Designer,
stuck to the wall.
their volunteers pull out
Teacher, Rusdi of SK Bukit Lanja
Headmaster, Khairul Anwar and
actively participating in the clean-up.
Rozita Nazal Bake (in
red) from Procurem
ent Pengerang, DIA
and de-cluttering the
LOG, clearing
Teachers’ Room.
wers toge
ting the flo
ers plan
OG volunte
’ game after
ipating in a ‘Snak
The children partic
completing their du
g ornamental plants
! Excited children hangin
Proud of their handiwork
which they had just pla
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Programmes & Activities
shopping for students
On 11 December 2015, Rotary Club of Puchong
Centennial took 50 primary students of SJK (C) Han Ming
to Giant Superstore Bandar Puteri in Puchong, Selangor,
to purchase schooling necessities in preparation for the
new school term in January 2016.
The ‘Back-To-School’ campaign is an annual year-end
promotional event to allow students to shop for schoolrelated products such as uniforms, socks and shoes,
school bags and stationery sets.
The 50 students of SJK (C) Han Ming are part of the 717
primary and secondary students from 15 schools under the
‘Rotary Kasih’ Student Life Transformation Programme a collaboration between Rotary and MyKasih Foundation
which kick-started in February 2015. Both organisations
contributed RM 250,000 each towards the initiative to not
only improve nutrition amongst poor students, but also
to alleviate the burden of financially-challenged families in
educating their children.
The Rotary Kasih project adopts the MyKasih ‘Love
My School’ cashless bursary scheme where monthly
allowances of RM 60-80 are channelled into their MyKad.
The students use the smartcard to purchase items sold at
the school canteen and bookstore.
A member of the Rotary Club with a student and his parent after a
successful purchase using his smartcard.
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
Observing the activities at the Giant outlet on that day,
Rotary Club of Puchong Centennial’s President Paramesh
said, “It was a heartfelt moment to see the joy in the eyes
of the children as they pick and choose their favourite
items to prepare themselves for school. I am so proud
to have been able to share these meaningful moments
together with my fellow Rotarians from RC Puchong
A journey of empowerment through Rotary Kasih
22 Rotary Clubs involved in Rotary Kasih are tasked with
inspiring and motivating the underprivileged students
to achieve success. They do this through mentoring
and coaching, as well as providing the students with
opportunities to participate in leadership seminars and
motivation camps.
Chairman and Co-Founder of MyKasih Foundation Tan
Sri Dr Ngau Boon Keat expressed his gratitude to Rotary,
which has been a long-serving partner to the community
and to MyKasih Foundation since the latter’s inception in
“The dedication and care for the students’ wellbeing
demonstrated by the Rotarians in the execution of this
community service project is truly exemplary. We hope
the students will embrace these wonderful opportunities
presented to them and aim for the stars to achieve
excellence,” said Tan Sri Dr Ngau.
A happy family posing for the cameras after purchasing the BackTo-School items.
Snapshots of Rotary Kasih students shopping at Giant Superstore
A mother helping her daughter choose a school bag, while Rotarian
William gives a hand.
A student getting her mother’s opinion on which is a better stationery
Representatives of Rotary Club giving the students moral support.
Trying on his new school uniform for
Giant’s Back-To-School promotion area was abuzz with activity that morning.
Black shoes for the school prefect!
A publication by MyKasih Foundation
MyKasih Foundation would
like to acknowledge its
donors and partners
Editorial Committee
Senior Editor
Editorial Team
: Jeffrey Perera
: Shafinaz Suhaimi
: Aliza Haryati Khalid,
Karina Mohamed Kamal,
Nurul Izzah Izuddin Husaini,
Tay Thien Luh, Siti Katijah.
Sincere Service Centre Sdn. Bhd.
67-4, Wisma Ann Koai, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan.
Tel: +603-2070 4331, +603-2078 3702
Fax: +603-2031 3273
Chairman’s message
Overview of MyKasih
Board of Trustees
MyKasih Today
Bentong Health Carnival
The Editorial Committee welcomes any
contribution or articles / feedback from all staff of
MyKasih Foundation and its donors and support
partners. Please forward the articles / feedback
to:MyKasih Foundation
Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Tel : +603 7720 1888
Fax: +603 7725 1484
All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may
be reproduced in any form or by any means without
written permission from the Editorial Committee.
Programmes & Activities
• Hong Leong Foundation
• HSBC Bank Malaysia
• Ian Hong
• John & Edwina Thornton
• JT International Berhad
• Kertih Terminals
• Khazanah Nasional Berhad
• Linaco Resources Sdn Bhd
• Lindsay Tan
• Loy Ah Wei
• Mubadala Petroleum
• Murphy Sarawak Oil
• New World Mart
• Ngau Boon Keat & Family
• Ng Yee Siang
• OASIS Women’s Group
• Pasaraya Bilal
• Pasaraya Ong Tai Kim
• Paul & Patricia Gould
• Pengerang Independent Terminals Sdn Bhd
• Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd
• Philips 66 Services (M) Sdn Bhd
• Puan Zainab Mohd Salleh
• Quill Capita Trust
• Roc Oil
• Rotary Club
• SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad
• Sime Darby
• SP Setia Foundation
• Tan Lek Lek
• Tanjung Langsat Terminals
• TNT Express Worldwide
• Wong Yat Sun
• 99 Speedmart
Government Ministries and Agencies
• Perisai extends food support for Kemaman folks
Contribution and Feedback
• Alliance Bank
• Ambank Group
• BHPetrol
• British American Tobacco
• Catherine Sim
• Chan Yew Kai
• Chew Eng Kar
• Chong Chong Wooi
• CIMB Foundation
• CLSA Chairman’s Trust
• ConocoPhillips Malaysia
• GCH Retail (Malaysia)
Sdn Bhd (Giant)
• Halliburton Energy Services
• MyKasih launches Orang Asli Children’s Education Fund
• Mubadala Petroleum making a difference in Miri
• Caltex Fuel Your School creates impact for students in
Malacca & Negeri Sembilan
• MyKasih’s partners in service helps Orang Asli school
• National Population and Family Development
Board, Ministry of Women, Family and Community
• National Registration Department, Ministry of Home
• Performance Management Delivery Unit, Prime
Minister’s Department
• Sarawak State
• Central Bank of Malaysia
• Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department
• Economic Planning Unit, Johor State
• Implementation & Coordination Unit Prime Minister’s
• Multimedia Development Corporation
• Ministry of Education
• Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local
Education and Training
• DIALOG gives school an uplift!
• Rotary Kasih Back-To-School shopping for students
Make a difference
Donors & Partners
• Agensi Kounseling dan Pengurusan
Kredit (AKPK) of Bank Negara Malaysia
• Kassim Chin Humanity Foundation
• Klinik Kesihatan Miri
• Klinik Pergigian Miri
• Lifeworks Sdn Bhd
• National Population and Family
Development Board
• Malaysian CARE
• Market Intelligence Sdn Bhd
• Monash University Volunteers
• Mostwell Sdn Bhd
• People Systems Consultancy
• Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UniRAZAK)
• SOLS 24/7
Partner Retail Stores
• Boulevard Hypermarket (Sarawak)
• CKS Supermarket (Sabah)
• ECONSAVE (nationwide)
• Genting Mas (Sabah)
• Giant Hypermarket (nationwide)
• HERO Hypermarket (Klang Valley)
• Metamorf Supermarket (Klang Valley)
• Milimewa Supermarket
• Mydin Supermarket (nationwide)
• New World Mart (Sarawak)
• Pasaraya Aktif
• Pasaraya Bilal (Kelantan)
• Pasaraya Ong Tai Kim (Klang Valley)
• TF Value Mart
• The Store (nationwide)
• 99 Speedmart
• Charis Community Centre
• House of Hope (Penang)
• Kassim Chin Humanity Foundation
• Lembaga Kemajuan Melayu Miri
• Lions Club International (nationwide)
• Miri Dayak Association
• PACOS Foundation Sabah
• PDK (nationwide)
• Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Sarawak
• Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Terengganu
(Dungun, Kerteh, Paka)
• Pusat Penyayang Kg Sg Kayu Ara
• Rotary Club International (nationwide)
• SOLS 24/7
• Sabah Women Action-Resource
Group (SAWO)
• Women of Malacca Action Club
For Internal Circulation Only
A Welfare Programme
with a
Technological Difference
essential food items
a brighter future
MyKasih HOLDS Health Carnival in Bentong
Caltex Fuel Your School creates
impact for students in Malacca
& Negeri Sembilan
Full story on page 19