EARTH OBSERVATION FOR MONITORING WATER RESOURCES AND IRRIGATION DEMAND Guido D’Urso University of Naples Federico II & ARIESPACE srl Academic Spin-off Key-words: Sustainable use of natural resources Planning and management of land and water resources Which tools ? During the last three decades, we have assisted two main developments: a) a detailed knowledge of the land surface processes through their mathematical description based on measurable parameters b) the availability of new generations of sensors, with enhanced spectral and spatial resolutions GIS + Earth Observation + Models u z u* z ln k z0 m R A T0 m R X RS T C T S q(z,t) v(x,y,t) Agro-hydrological models and E.O. techniques for improving water management in agriculture 1. derivation of spatially distributed data concerning land surface attributes, i.e. surface albedo, fractional vegetation cover and Leaf Area Index – VISIBLE-NEAR INFRARED wavelengths 2. estimation of instantaneous values of water balance terms, i.e. actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture - THERMAL IR wavelengths We do not talk now about satellite sensors in the thermal infrared (TIR): temporal and spatial resolutions unsuitable for applications at farm scale (in most cases) MODIS (1000 m) Landsat (100 m) Observations in the VIS-NIR Observations in the VIS-NIR Satellite sensors in the VIS-NIR Sensors capabilities improvements Landsat 7 ETM+ => 30 m SPOT5 => 10 m Quick Bird => 2,8 m Landsat 8 image availability from Oct. To Apr. South. URUGUAY : Path 224 Row 84 6 Landsat 8 image availability from Apr. to Sept. South. ITALY : Path 189 Row 32 6 Major recent breakthroughs in satellite Earth Observation: RapidEye (2008): Constellation of 5 satellites Daily coverage for any location 6.5 m spatial resolution First sensor with imagery in the red-edge spectral region (important for vegetation) Major recent breakthroughs in satellite Earth Observation: WorldView-2 (2009): Constellation of 5 satellites Daily coverage for any location 0.5 m spatial resolution First sensor with 8 bands from visible to near infrared Sentinel-2 Launch: Sentinel-2A in 11 June 2015 Sentinel-2B in 2016 13 spectral bands spatial resolutions of 10 – 20 m Potential applications for hyperspectral remote sensing in precision agriculture: Revisit time: 5 days with 2 satellites • Crop N stress detection • Chlorophyll content • Weed mapping • Pest & disease mapping • Bare soil imaging for management zones delineation EO data provider Delivery to final user EO image processing center The entire processing chain (including delivery to final user) can be Map product completed within few hours from the satellite acquisition Which answers satellite Earth Observation can provide to farmers’ questions: • • • • How is the crop growing ? Is growth uniform over my plot ? How much irrigation apply ? There are weeds or diseases spreading? Walnut in France: medium price €/kg • soil cover, leaf area, biomass, water stress, nutrient stress • Crop vigour maps • Evapotranspiration and irrigation requirement maps NNI (Nitrogen Nutrition Gross Index) income €/ha from obtained remotely sensed data. Variable rate N fertilization map (kg N ha−1) on the basis of the Nstatus value in each pixel. The suggested rate is shown only for pixels belonging to N deficient areas FATIMA EU PROJECT JUST STARTED ON THIS ISSUE Research development Huge knowledge (more than 30 years) on applications of optical remote sensing for crop conditions assessment Multispectral reflectance and temperature of crop canopies relates to two basic physiological processes: photosynthesis and evapotranspiration. In both processes Leaf Area Index (LAI) is the fundamental canopy parameter. (Moran et al., Remote Sensing Environm., 1997) LAI measurements SPARC 2003 campaign bbbb bb b b b bb b b bbb b b b b bb bbbbbb bb b bb bbbb bbbbbb b bbbb b b b bbb b b bbb bb b b b b b b b b bbb bbb bbb b bb bbb 6.00 b bb b b b b b b b bb b b bb b b b bb CLAIR model cal. LAI (LICOR LAI-2000) b 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 O n Pa ion pa ve r O ni on O ni on Al fa l fa O ni on C or n Al fa l fa Al f Su alf ga a rb ee t C or n C or n C Su or ga n rb ee t C o Po rn ta to es Al WDVI LAI = - ln( 1 ) WDVI G ar 1 lic fa l fa 0.00 The final value of was taken in correspondence of the minimum error between observed and estimated LAI 14/07 - LAI map from CLAIR model (WDVI, Clevers, 1989) LAI (CLAIR model) 7,000 6,000 y=0,89x R^2=0,80 Alfalfa Corn Onion Garlic Potato SugarBeet 1:1 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0,000 0,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 LICOR LAI-2000 - Ground measurements 6,000 7,000 RMSE=0.59 The empirical relationship has been verified by using 40 independent field measurements. Piana del Sele: Mappa del LAI derivata da immagini SPOT4 (risoluzione 20 m) LAI maps for canopy and yield management Irrigated vineyards, Sella e Mosca, Sardinia P-M and vegetation parameters: ETp under standard conditions (FAO 56) This is the evapotranspiration from disease-free, well-fertilized crops, grown in large fields, under optimum soil water conditions and achieving full production under the given climatic conditions. By multiplying ETo by the crop coefficient, ETp is determined. Two calculation approaches are outlined: the single and the dual crop coefficient approach. This value can be used to define the maximum amount of irrigation water to be applied. P-M and vegetation parameters: ETp under standard conditions 1 ( Rns Rnl G ) 87.52 DE / ra ET E pp (1 rc / ra ) Rns (1 r ) St Rt rc 0.5LAI zU 2 hc zT 2 hc 3 ln 3 ln 0.123hc 0.0123hc ra 0.168U Based on the definition of crop water requirements of F.A.O. Paper 56 (1-step approach - Penman-Monteith equation): P-M and vegetation parameters: ETp under standard conditions Experimental values of ‘crop coefficients’ Kc have been proposed by Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977). Due to its simplicity, the crop coefficient approach is still widely used in irrigation scheduling (FAO, 1998). In reality, the value of Kc is related to the actual development of the canopy and to the environmental conditions. By combining ETp with ET0, Kc can be analytically defined as: Kc f ( K ,Ta , RH ,U ; r, LAI , hc ) The Kc concept was introduced because of the difficulties related with the measurements of vegetation parameters. Earth Observation is the solution to this issue. Estimation of potential evapotranspiration (upper boundary) MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE DATA 0.5 ALBEDO r MAP 0 0.5 1 1.5 AGROMETEO DATA LAI MAP K, Ta, RH, U ETp (K ,Ta , RH ,U ; IMAGE PROCESSING hcrop MAP r , LAI ,hc ) ETp MAP ETo mm/d non irriguo < 1.5 1.5- 2.55 2.55 - 3.2 3.2 - 3.85 3.85 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.15 5.15 - 5.8 2 Kilometers Methodological background (in brief) Vuolo, D’Urso et al., Agric. Water Manag., 147: 82-95 - Within 48 hours from each image acquisition: a) Pre-processing of EO images; b) EO-based crop development products; c) Calculation of CWR and suggested irrigation depth (pixelscale and plot scale); d) Delivery of information to final users. Validation of PenmanMonteith EO based on irrigated crops (NO STRESS) ETactual from Eddy Cov. Chicory from Burba & Anderson Maize Alfalfa Vineyard Irrigated vineyards, Sardinia ET = 0.56 ET from doy 226 to doy 239 - Vigna act 0.80 y = 0.56x R2 = 0.58 0.6 from 7:00 to 11:00 0.60 0.5 from 12:00 to 16:00 from 17:00 to 19:00 0.4 0.40 ETa ETact ET reale p 0.3 0.2 0.20 0.1 0.00 0.00 0 0.20 0.40 ET potenziale ETp 0.60 0.80 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ETo * ETp Kc (ASD) 0.5 0.6 D E M E T E R Project co-funded by the European Commission 2002-2005 Satellite-Assisted Irrigation Advisory Service e-SAIAS SIRIUS: EO for river-basin governance (end 2014) Space-assisted services for Sustainable Irrigation: Tools & instruments for implementation of WFD & Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): * water use monitoring, * water saving, * enabling true participation/collaboration SPIDER webGIS + ppgis + + multi-sensor constellation + + water footprint: Service to water managers at farm, irrigation scheme, aquifer, river-basin slide 31 Definition of Users’ requirement for satellite-based information service for crop management Spatial resolution: between 1 and 20 m depending on farm extension and management Temporal resolution: 3-8 days Delivery of product to final users: within 24-48 hours from satellite acquisition (larger time lag depending on applications) Product accuracy: ± 10% Technological implementation = find a balance for the following issues i. availability of ancillary input data, with no or minimal contribution from end-users ii. elaboration and processing time, with minimum possible time lag between E.O. acquisition date and information delivery to final users iii. accuracy of algorithms for deriving crop water requirements, with minimum possible parameterisation. the NEW FARMER’ HOUSE: tools for enhancing the traditional background experience with scientific knowledge and new technologies advancements in farm management technologies (INTERNET - GPS) development of new imaging Geographical systems Information Systems from space Soil and crop variability, meteo data scientific knowledge of crop growth processes An example of…. How users access the data ? 1. Farmer access 2. Admin access Which data are given to the farmers ? 1 Mapping of the effective crop vigour Which data are given to the farmers ? 2 Acquiring local meteorological data … and now also weather forecast ETcrop Easy integration with other data at farmlevel (i.e. from soil moisture sensors) Which data are given to the farmers ? 3 Irrigation advices: maximum irrigation amount calculated by considering the ACTUAL CROP DEVELOPMENT EXAMPLE OF SATELLITE-BASED IRRIGATION ADVISORY SERVICE IN ITALY and South AUSTRALIA • The “irrisat” farmer… 80 700 START 70 600 500 50 400 40 300 30 200 20 Cumulative (cubic meter / ha) . ETP, water supply . (mm/day) 60 Farm: **** crop: Maize ETP and water supply supply ETP 100 10 supply cumulative ETP cumulative 0 0 1/6 8/6 15/6 22/6 29/6 6/7 days 13/7 20/7 27/7 satellite acquisition • Another comparison … Consorzio di Bonifica Destra Sele Volumi irrigui specifici (in mm) e totali per i distretti irrigui della piana in Destra Sele (Campania), per la stagione irrigua 2005 (Progetto DEMETER) Volumi irrigui misurati e stimati con dati di Osservazione della Terra nel distretto irriguo “Boscariello”, Consorzio di Bonifica Destra Sele, nel 2012 Lessons learned …. Farmers want to know how their crops are growing (am I doing well?) Integrate EO data with the standard management procedures of farmes Need of regular contacts with farmers for training in using new technologies and HOW handling the information they get Some conclusions… E.O. is now entered in the real world of agricultural applications thanks to improved spatial and temporal resolution of VIS-NIR data More and more data available (cost tending to zero!), more knowledge of processes and data interpretation, more computation power, ICTs, spin-off and so on … Farmers finally on the way to accept and implement innovations in their current practices …. -