Spring Focus 2011 - Chetek-Weyerhaeuser School District


Spring Focus 2011 - Chetek-Weyerhaeuser School District
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Area School District
US Postage Paid
Non-Profit Organization
Permit #22
Chetek, WI 54728
Postal Patron
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Area School District
P.O. Box 6, Chetek, WI 54728
Volume III, Spring 2011
Board Members: David Peters, president; Jan Witthuhn, vice president; Carri Traczyk, treasurer; Natalie Springer, clerk; Earl Grover, David Wierzba and Barb Reisner, members.
Local teens take it back
7 - No School - Teacher Inservice
8 - Start of third trimester
11-12 - Drama Club presentation
14 - C-WHS Memorial Concert
15 - NHS Blood Drive
18 - C-W Variety Show
21 - C-WMS Variety Show
Youth For
12 - Roselawn Spring Concert - grades
K, 2, 4
13 - Early release
18 - HS/MS parent-teacher conferences
21-25 - No School
30 - Prom/Post Prom
11 - Early release
20 - C-WHS Spring Concert
24 - C-WMS Spring Concert
28 - Graduation Commencement
Check out our school Web
site for all sporting events
Together with the seven Barron County school districts, the
Barron County Safe & Stable Families Coalition held the second annual “TAKE IT BACK” Youth Forum on Tuesday, February
22. One hundred thirty high school students from Barron, Cameron, Chetek-Weyerhaeuser, Cumberland, Prairie Farm, Rice
Lake, and Turtle Lake gathered at the former Weyerhaeuser
School and participated in the day- long Forum about making
a difference through leadership and reducing youth substance
use in Barron County.
“I am so impressed with our youth,” commented Sheriff
Fitzgerald. “They really are making great choices and I believe
that will help save lives of youth in Barron County. The youth
believe in our message and in working together with them, we
will make our communities safer for everyone.”
The Forum featured keynote speaker, Tom Kidd, and special
guest speakers, Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald, Detective Dave Kuffel
from the Barron County Sheriff’s Department, Trina Woiak and
Monika Audette from Restorative Justice, Laura Sauve from
Public Health, Tammy Will from Head Start, and Maleigha
Meyers and Codie Hillstead from Positive Alternatives. The
guest speakers covered many issues including bullying, the dangers and consequences of sexting, busting the myths of alcohol
and drug use and making good choices by having a plan for
your life.
“I really enjoyed attending the 2011 TAKE IT BACK Youth
Forum,” states Chetek-Weyerhaeuser 11th grade student Alexa
Riewestahl. “It was so nice to see how many teens were there
participating in the activities. I am so glad I have had the opportunity to participate in not only the Youth Forum, but also
the Barron County STOMP (Safe Teens Offering More Possibilities) group. I am really proud of my peers, as well as Sheriff
Fitzgerald and the Safe and Stable Families Coalition, for
doing such great things in our community!”
As an outcome of the day, the students will be using their
school district’s data from the 2010 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
and creating a project to help spread the word about a pressing issue in their school. The students plan to tackle issues such
as cyber bullying, substance use, and distracted driving.
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser students
open “Memoirs & Milestones”
What do guestbook’s and technology have in common? They
are all components of a new learning experience available
to marketing and business students at Chetek-Weyerhaeuser
High School. “Memoirs and Milestones” is a simulated business
established by students to distribute digital and paper guestbook’s, digital photo frames, etc. to high school and college students around the world. The marketing and business program
has partnered with Guestbook Store of Bloomer to provide
these products from Wisconsin to the world.
“Memoirs and Milestones” is an International Business Practice
Firm (IBPF). First started in Europe, IBPF firms are simulated
businesses that mirror the real business and marketing world.
Students set up an Internet-based company from the ground
up with the assistance of the instructor and, once established,
transact business with other student-run IBPF’s from throughout
the world. A closed electronic communication and banking
network allows Chetek-Weyerhaeuser students to transact simulated business with other firms in 40 different countries.
The objective of this course is to combine all of the business
and marketing skills taken from previous courses to simulate a
real experience for students desiring to enter into marketing
“Change is good.”
Visit us on the web at www.chetek.k12.wi.us
(Continued on page 2)
The Green Team
“Memoirs & Milestones”
(Continued from page 1)
and business occupations. This is the capstone course for business and marketing students.
Students will be able to use the school district’s state-of-the-art technology to communicate with students from other cultures and develop problem-solving strategies in a team
Memoirs & Milestones employees and board of directors
Front left to right: Amy Weber (partner firm), Brenda Kretzschmar (advisor), 2nd row left to right:
Alex Swanson (Sterling Bank), Nicole King, Taylor Schofield, Elizabeth Pasholk, Nicholas Collier,
Samantha Blatz, Zane Smith, Al Brown (Superintendent CW Schools); Back left to right: Larry Zeman
(Principal CW Schools) Ben Wilson, Weston LeMoine, Beaumont Shultz, Turner Olson
District contacts
High School 715-924-3137
Middle School 715-924-3136
Elementary 715-924-2244
District Office 715-924-2226
High School 715-924-3137 ext. 2002
Middle School 715-924-3136 ext. 2113
Elementary 715-924-2244 ext. 2012
Athletic Director 715-924-3137ext. 2003
School Nurse
HS/MS 715-924-3137 ext. 2052
Roselawn 715-924-2244 ext. 2094
Speech/Language 715-924-2244 ext. 2032
Reading 715-924-2244 ext. 2091
Special Education 715-924-2244 ext. 2080
Title One 715-924-2244 ext. 2097
Technology Dept. 715-924-3137 ext. 2055
School Psychologist 715-924-2244 ext. 2080
Open Enrollment 715- 924-2226 ext. 2007
AODA 715-924-3136 ext. 2124
Community Ed. 715-924-3137 ext. 2011
Kids Club 715-924-2244 ext. 2132
Food Service 715-924-3137 ext. 2057
CLC 715-924-2244 ext. 2077
Erb Bus Service 715-924-3727
Sensor tells you
how many bottles
have been saved
New “bottle-friendly”
drinking fountains have
been installed at several
locations throughout the
school buildings. These
fountains encourage
the healthy choice of
drinking of water as well
as providing a green
alternative to consuming
beverages in disposable
bottles and cans.
Mike Steiner
The Green Team is a group of students
who have taken on the responsibility for
managing recycling in the Middle and
High Schools. These students donate
thirty minutes every day to recycle cans
in the kitchen, and empty recycling bins
located throughout the building. Over the
course of the school year the Green Team
recycles a few thousand pounds of metal
and plastic.
Recycling efforts in the school began
several years ago in response to student
concerns. The Middle School student
council, which I was leading at the time,
initiated a recycling bin program to collect
cans and bottles that were being thrown
away by students. The recycling bins were
adopted by learning communities in the
Middle School, and the amount of recyclables collected by each learning community
was tallied, graphed and compared. At
the end of the school year, the students
celebrated their recycling efforts by constructing boats made of recyclable bottles,
and racing them on Chetek Lake. Over
the years, the recycling program evolved
to where a small group of students were
responsible for the recycling bins, which
made it much easier to manage.
Although a large amount of cans and
bottles was being recycled, the amount
was dwarfed by the amount of cans being
discarded in the kitchen. Through cooperation of the food service department,
students began recycling cans used by the
kitchen each day. The first year, I looked
for student volunteers each day to recycle.
The cans had to
be rinsed out,
de-labeled, and
transported to
the recycling
collection point
located between
the High School
and Knapp
Haven. I recall
the enthusiasm
of the students to
help out, but also
the uncertainty
of which students
would be helping on any given
day. It became
evident that a
Visit us on the web at www.chetek.k12.wi.us
highly-trained, elite group of students responsible for recycling in the school would
be necessary for a sustainable recycling
In 2009, the Green Team was formed.
Nine eighth-grade students signed up to
be responsible for recycling. The team
committed to donating their time each day
to recycle. The Green Team also held a
Recycled Art competition last year, which
raised awareness of recycling by encouraging students to create pieces of artwork
made of recyclable materials. Recycling
was further promoted when the Green
Team organized a sled race in the Middle
School. Student teams constructed sleds
made of recyclable materials, and pulled
the sleds in a Bulldog Recyclable Sled
The Green Team numbers started out
higher this year, but members dropped
out as temperatures plummeted. Not only
is there a commitment of time, but the
recycling must take place every day, which
means students must take the recyclables
out in sunshine and snowstorms. Green
Team members must also have the maturity to rise above what we call the “gross
factor”. Unfortunately, more than just cans
and bottles end up in the recycling bins.
Spilled soft drinks and other garbage must
be cleaned out of the bins on a regular
basis. Not everyone is cut out to be a
member of the Green Team.
Recycling requires a change in be-
(Continued on page 3)
Green Team
(Continued on page 2)
haviors. Although the amount of cans
and bottles being recycled has increased
dramatically over the past few years, there
are still a lot of them ending up in the garbage. This is particularly true at sporting
events, where garbage cans located right
next to recycling bins will be filled with
plastic bottles, many of them still half-full.
Recycling is about managing our planet’s
natural resources. It is far easier to melt
down and reform an aluminum can, than it
is to collect bauxite from open pit mines in
Australia, Africa, and South America, then
refine and transport it to America to make
an aluminum can. Recycling is only part of
the solution, of course. We all need to look
at reducing the amount of natural resources
we use, reducing the amount of garbage
we generate, and reusing more. Reusable
water bottles are a perfect example. In
Chetek, we have some of the best water in
the world coming out of the tap; there is no
need to purchase bottled water.
The Green Team may sound like a mysterious band of recycling ninjas out of a comic
book, but they are just ordinary people
doing a little bit extra to help manage our
planet’s resources. We all could learn from
the Green Team, and do a little bit extra
Pep Grant in year 2
Bob Rykal
Nearly a year ago, the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser school district received a threeyear, one-million dollar grant. The purpose
of the grant was to assist the school in
improving the physical education program,
provide more opportunities for students to
be active and to educate them in the importance of good nutrition and fitness.
With this money we have:
• Revised the physical education curriculum.
• Brought over $200,000 of new equipment has been purchased for the school.
• A dietitian hired through the grant to assist in this ongoing process.
We now put more emphasis on:
• Maintaining a healthy weight through
monitoring their body mass index (BMI).
• Mentoring healthy eating by examining carefully their breakfast and hot lunch
• Reducing salt, sugar and increasing fiber
in the foods that are being served.
• Reducing student’s dependence on processed food.
Roselawn Elementary 5th graders learn
about The New FAD
On Wednesday February 16th the Roselawn Elementary School 5th graders had the
opportunity to learn about The New FAD.
High school junior Kadee Cole and freshman
Jamison Wendlandt presented the program
which was originally created by Clay Dean,
a UW-Madison School of Medicine student.
Clay is a part of the Wisconsin Academy for
Rural Medicine and developed this program
as a part of a required community project.
The program is intended to be presented
by high school students to elementary age
students. Kadee and Jamison spent time
reviewing the program, rehearsing, and
then presenting the program to all three 5th
grade classrooms. The New FAD emphasizes
fitness, attitude, and diet. The presenters
shared information about exercise - encouraging at least 60 minutes per day of
physical activity, attitude X2 – discussion of
a healthy attitude toward school as well as
healthy attitude towards drugs and alcohol,
and finally diet – stressing the importance
of portion sizes
and appropriate
amounts of fruits
and vegetables.
The program
is interactive
allowing the
student audience to actively
participate in
the discussion,
to create of a
healthy plate
of food,
visualize appropriate portion sizes,
and develop creative ideas for physical
activity. At the end of the program each
student is awarded an honorary Doctor of
Healthy Lifestyles Diploma and given an
opportunity to have their photo taken in an
official medical lab coat. Kadee and Jamison did a fantastic job of engaging their
Wonders of Science
Science Fun Night was Tuesday, Feb. 1 at
the Middle School cafeteria. It was a fun
night of hands-on science activities which
included giant bubbles, magic magnets,
mega-zooka, rockets, bending light and racing boats. Kids had fun experiencing a miniature science museum right at their school.
audience who were very active participants.
Thank you to Dr. Fred Bannister and the
PEP grant committee for their contributions
which helped to make these presentations a
The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser
School District offers open
gym at both the ChetekWeyerhaeuser HS in Chetek,
and the former Weyerhaeuser
school. Also offered to people
of all ages is both baseball and
softball open gym. To check
on dates and times look at our
school website www.chetek.
k12.wi.us, click on the school
calendar link in the left
CWASD Garden
Stephen Vork
The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser school garden is one year old. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, it is just south of the large, east
parking lot of the High School. A strip of grass unsuitable for school activities was tilled in the fall of 2009. The sandy soil was amended
with a lot of compost and a “green manure” cover crop of annual rye grass was planted and then tilled under last spring. Judging by the
healthy looking plants at midsummer, the fertility of the garden is good. Thanks to all the volunteers who prepared, planted, and tended
the garden during the summer and put it to bed last fall. The PEP grant also sponsored a summer cooking class at the Chetek Youth Center
(Garage) with an emphasis on healthy eating. The school garden fit right in with this concept as the cooks and kids harvested vegetables
from the garden for their food preparation classes and then ate what they had prepared for lunch.
Another gardening year brings many opportunities. Plans are being made to get Roselawn students involved in starting seedling vegetables to transplant in the spring and summer. Older students can become involved in service projects involving the garden and community.
The garden can be incorporated into curriculum in any way that teachers see fit, and for all volunteers, good exercise and healthy food.
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Scholarship Foundation
The mission of the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is to
promote a better society through financial help for further education.
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Scholarship Foundation
P.O. Box 224, Chetek, WI 54728
munity are being integrated into the CWSF
board of directors.
Automatic donation program
C-WSF 2010 highlights
Scholarships Awarded
Since our inception in 1997, the CASF
has proudly awarded 193 scholarships for
a total of $274,500 to deserving Chetek
High School graduates who are in pursuit of
a post secondary education at a university
or technical college.
2010 Fishy Four
A record 810 people participated in the
2010 Fishy Four. Set your calendars for
Saturday, July 2, 2011 and join us at the
Chetek City Beach for the 2011 Fishy Four
where all proceeds are donated to the
BINGO at Red’s
Join us at Red’s in Chetek the first and
third Thursdays of the month through May
for Bingo. It is a night of fun where 75%
is paid out to participants and 25% is
donated to CWSF.
Eat at Gilligan’s
Come to Gilligan’s in Chetek on the 1st
Tuesday of the month where 100% of the
pasta special is donated to CWSF and
15% of the other menu items are donated
to CWSF.
Donor Wall
The foundation has established a donor
appreciation wall in the commons area
outside of the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High
School gymnasium which includes the following categories:
Patron $250 to $999; Builder $1,000
to $2,499; Founder $2,500 to $9,999;
Benefactor $10,000 to $49,000; Major
Benefactor Over $50,000
Our new name
With the Chetek School District’s 2010
consolidation with the Weyerhaeuser
School District, the Chetek Area Scholarship
Foundation is proud to change our name
to the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Scholarship
Foundation, Inc., to promote the unity of the
two communities. This decision was made
to keep our name in line with our mission,
which is to provide scholarship opportunities
to the graduates of the new Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High School. The leadership and
goals of the CWSF will remain the same
and members of the Weyerhaeuser com-
Our Automatic Donation Program, “A Little
Bit Goes A Long Way” which was introduced in 2009 is one of the many options
of supporting the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser
Scholarship Foundation. It is amazing
to think how far
$5.00 a month will
go if we all do
it. If 1,000 of us
agreed to donate
just $5.00 a month,
that would lead to
$60,000 per year
for the CWSF. Just
think of how many
kids would benefit
from just $5.00 per
2010 CASF Scholarship recipients
month. Check out
Front left to right, Blake Bowers, Brandon Zeman and Lukas Marty;
www.chetekscholarand back, Kelly Damroth, Kayla Holmbeck and Kirsten Bowers.
ships.com for an
application and additional information.
The lump sum option for donating to the
CWSF is still available and always appreciated. We also can accept an online donation through PayPal on our website, www.
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Scholarship Foun-
The somewhat true tale of Robin Hood
Spring is around the corner and you
and your family could use a break. Grab
your kids for a fun filled get-away to the
Sherwood Forest where Merry Men battle
evil Prince John who is trying to steal the
lovely Maid Marion from her beloved, the
altruistic Robin “Hood.”
The Chetek-Weyerhaueser Drama Club will
be presenting “The Somewhat True Tale of
Robin Hood” on March 11 & 12, 2011. The
play is a farcical adaptation of the original
story, written by Mary Lynn Dobson, and
stars Ed Martin as Robin Hood, Olivia Jensen
as Maid Marion, Jamison Wendlandt as
the Town’s Guy and Derek Westholm as the
sheriff, Sam Chuchwar as the Lady in Waiting
and many more dubious characters.
dation officers:
Tim Knutson, President; John Flor, Vice President; Randi Osberg, Assist. Vice President; Kris
Hanson, Secretary; Dawn Knutson, Treasurer.
Board of directors: Alyce Bannister, Fred
Bannister, Eunice Dewey, Mary Huset, Janis
O’Hara, Connie Olson, Mark Rykal, Steve
Tickets for the 7 p.m. performance are
$5 for adults, and $3 for students/seniors
and can be purchased at the ChetekWeyerhaeuser High School office (715-9242226). We hope to see you there. Hazzah!
Visit us on the web at www.chetek.k12.wi.us
Coming soon...check us
out on Facebook!
High mileage vehicle class
The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High
Mileage Vehicle class will have two
vehicles in the upcoming competition
this spring at UW-Stout on April 15th
and 16th.
The high mileage vehicle class uses
all facets of engineering and manufacturing to produce their light weight
fuel efficient vehicles.
The students must use their problem
solving skills to designing blueprints
for the frame, steering, and drive
train that will eventually make up the
The students are also responsible
for the fabrication of the vehicle using many different processes including welding and machining. This
course challenges students to under-
stand how aerodynamics, friction,
weight, and engine design impacts
fuel efficiency.
The process
of building
these vehicles
requires hundreds of man
hours and costly
If you would
like to help us
meet our goals
we would greatly appreciate
any donations or
sponsorship you
could provide.
Bulldog Booster Club
Save the date - April 15, 2011
4-year-old Kindergarten
The Bulldog Booster Club has been in
existence for over 40 years and supports
all Chetek-Weyerhaeuser athletes from
grade school through high school. The
Booster Club relies on parent volunteers
and is responsible for selling concessions at all home sporting events with the
proceeds going towards each sporting
activity for use in purchasing items outside
of the School District’s budget.
The Booster Club organizes and runs
the Summer Rec Softball/Baseball program giving our youth an opportunity to
develop the necessary skills at an early
age, preparing them for their high school
years. The boys and girls basketball
teams participate in multiple leagues,
team camps and tournaments and the
volleyball girls play in spring and summer
leagues. The boys baseball team has
played at the Metrodome the past couple
One of the biggest events sponsored
by the Booster Club is the Annual Fishing
Contest conducted by the football team.
This is a wonderful event with many participants and the proceeds going towards
the football program.
The Booster Club is always looking for
members to take an active role in the
Club. Membership is $10 a year per
person or business which entitles you
to membership for the year and gives
you an opportunity to help improve our
youth and high school athletic programs.
Please contact any of the club officers if
you would be willing to volunteer your
services or if you have any questions
or suggestions for fundraisers or other
Connie Monnier – President
Randy Marty – Vice President
Rick Bowers – Treasurer
Carri Traczyk – Secretary
Registration and screening for the 201112 Bright Beginnings Pre-Kindergarten
program will be held Friday, April 15, 2011.
Bright Beginnings is a 4 day a week (1/2
days) program that is available to all district
children who will be four years old on or
before September 1, 2011. The purpose of
Bright Beginnings is to provide a nurturing,
developmentally appropriate atmosphere
that encourages social, emotional, physical
and intellectual growth and development.
During the screening and registration process held on April 15th, parents will be able
Wisconsin Hunter
Education Course
Class location: Chetek Middle school
Start date: March 17, 2011
Cost: $10 DNR fee
Class days: Tuesdays & Thursdays 7-9 p.m.
Contact: Jeff Ohde 715-924-3938
Students with special needs must contact the instructor at least two weeks in
advance of the course to request special
What are
your kids
doing this
Fun weekly themes
& group activities
Crafts • Exploration
with friends • Cooking
projects • Field trips
Games • Recreational
sports • Nutritious
meals and snacks and
much more!
to meet with Jill Koenitzer, building principal,
and Chelsi Mindykowski, elementary guidance counselor, and learn about the Bright
Beginnings program, busing, breakfast and
lunch program, and other areas of interest.
They will also be able to talk with teachers
about their child’s development and learn
more about the preschool program.
Registration and screening is by appointment only. Persons wishing to make an
appointment may contact Shelly Bowlyou at
(715) 924-2244 (ext 2080) between the
hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily.
Chetek Kids Club
Child Care Center
1201 Sixth St., Chetek
Chetek Kids Club is a full-service child
care center serving 6 weeks-12 years.
Hours are 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Roselawn Elementary School
Open to the public
Call now to register!
Connie Weis, Director 715-924-2244 ext. 2132
or e-mail: connieweis@chetek.k12.wi.us
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Post Prom
Post Prom has been in existence in
Chetek since 1995 and in Weyerhaeuser
the celebration debuted in 2009. The
tradition will continue as the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser high school will host its first Post
Prom event on April 30, 2011 following
Prom. The committee is enthusiastically
working to combine both the communities’
ideas and resources to ensure a successful event. Post Prom is part of an area
commitment to help keep students safe
and sober. We are dedicated to offering
students an alternative after-hours environment in which to create life-long memories.
The success of Post-Prom is directly linked
to the tremendous support that businesses,
organizations, and individuals have provided. We are hoping that this support will
continue. As you think about becoming a
donor, know that the value of your gift will
be acknowledged in The Chetek Alert as
well as included on a list inserted into each
participant’s gift bag. The five levels of
giving are:
Sponsors: Gifts of $500 or more
Encouragers: Gifts of $250-$499
Supporters: Gifts of $100-$249
Contributors: Gifts of $25-$99
Gifters: Gifts of $10-$24
We realize that you are asked to support a number of projects and
want to thank you in advance for
giving this event your consideration. We feel that this is a very
worthwhile cause. A gift of any
size will be greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to
C-W Post Prom and send your
contribution to:
Julie Wilson, Treasurer
878 26 ¼ St.
Chetek, WI 54728
Emerging trends: Prescription drug abuse
PEP Grant Activities
Did you know that one in five teens in the
United States have abused prescription
drugs? Teens find prescription medication abuse as an acceptable and safer
alternative to illicit drug use, second only
to marijuana. Why- perhaps because we
live in a world where there is a pill for
everything. In fact, when we go to the
doctor, in seven out of 10 visits we leave
with a prescription. It is no wonder that
teens are comfortable with misusing and
abusing prescription medications.
So how do we protect the rights of
those who need these medications while
also preventing their abuse? Realize that
prescription drug abuse is a problem.
Talk with others and share information
on prescription drug abuse. Talk with
teens in your life about how prescription
drugs use, when not directed by a doctor,
can be dangerous- even deadly.
Finally, protect teens by locking
up medications, keeping track of
medication quantities and disposing of medications when they are
no longer needed.
For more information check out
, Bennet K
ee winner
Spelling B
Fun games in the gym
Fit and fabulous
6-12 girls
Climbing wall
Weight room
Open gym
Open gym
Track and field
4-5 and middle school students
Families of K-12 students
Families of K-12 students
Tuesday; join anytime
Tuesday/Thursday; class is full
Starting March 8 - Monday/Tuesday/
Thursday; join anytime
4-5 grade - Feb.21, 28 and March
7 (Mondays) ; 2-3 grade - Feb. 22,
March 1, 8 (Tuesdays); K-1 grade
- Feb. 17, 24 and March 3, 10
(Thursdays); join anytime
Starting February 21; the class will
meet every Monday - Thursday
March 8 - March 31, Monday/
Wednesday boys’ basketball;
Tuesday/Thursday girls’ basketball
Starting in April
Monday - Friday
Sundays 6:30-8:30
Sundays 3:30-5:30
Coming in May
Visit us on the web at www.chetek.k12.wi.us
Middle school cafeteria
or wrestling room
High school
High school weight room
High school/middle school gym
Weyerhaeuser gym
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Community Education
P. O. Box 6, Chetek, WI 54728
Lisa Ippolite, Director
There are several ways to register for Community Education classes:
• Call our office: 715-924-3137 ext 2011. • E-mail registration information to: LisaIppolite@chetek.k12.wi.us
• Online registration with a credit card is available for WITC classes. • Go to www.witc.edu, click on ClassFinder.
Pre-registration is necessary for all classes and events. Most classes and events are funded through user
participation and may be cancelled if not enough people sign up. If a class or event is cancelled, you will be
notified by phone during office hours. Refunds may be issued in full prior to the start of a class or event.
Art: Anything Goes
Anything Goes.......this is for all of you who
have a stack of unfinished art, ideas that are
stuck, or need to be inspired. We can work on
watercolors, colored pencils, graphite, inks......
your own ideas or mine. This is an intermediate class. Focus will be on inspiration! Any
questions, feel free to call Leni at 715-4580085.
Tuesdays 4/05-4/26
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser HS Art room
Class #27303
Catalog #60-815-608
Computer:Very Basic Digital
Confused by your new digital camera?
What are all those settings and how do I
get the pictures off it? These classes will help
answer these basic questions and more.
Session 1: Explore the basics on how to use
your personal digital camera. There will be
a simple overview of how digital cameras
work with practice locating the batteries,
memory cards, viewfinders or preview screens
and function buttons. Basic photo taking hints,
how to view, upload, and delete. We will look
at the fundamentals of saving digital photos,
including various file-size considerations and
how to transfer photo files to computers or
printers. Bring your camera, the upload cord
that came with it, and your manual. If your
manual has gone missing, most manuals can
be viewed online. There will be time devoted
to taking pictures during this class to work
on in the following sessions. Please create a
gmail account for the following class. 3 Hours
Session 2: Students will be introduced to
the free, photo editing software Picasa and
Picnik. Participants will be shown how it can
be used to correct, manipulate and embellish
digital photos. Bring your favorite pictures (on
your camera or a flash drive) that need to be
“fixed” and your download cord. This class
will look at sharing photos online, building
digital albums (Picasa3), creating presentation slide shows (PhotoStory), and sending
digital cards via email (Smilebox.) We will
also look at free, fun websites that will give
you ideas for photo projects of your digital
photos. 3 Hours
Thursdays 3/10/11 & 3/17/11
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Computer Lab
Class #27843
Catalog #42-103-481
Wood Working-Adirondack
Chairs and Accessories
In this intermediate class we will be making
our own adirondack chair. There is a material fee that is due when you decide what
material you will be using. The price listing is
available by calling the Community Supervisor- Lisa Ippolite at 715-924-3137 ext 2011
March 22, 5-9pm, March 24, 5-9pm,
March 26, 8am-2pm
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Wood Shop
Class #29243
Catalog #47-410-43
the kiln, and finally, polish them and add a
patina. You can wear your pendant home.
Materials Fee, $35.00
Thursday 4/14
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Art Room
$35 Materials Fee (to be paid to instructor
at class)
Class #27306
Catalog #60-815-602
To register for the following classes please
call the Community Education Office
715-924-3137 ext 2011
Soap Making
Amanda Dalrymple
Day 1-Learn how to take plain bars of
soap and create your own with additives.
Get tips on how to make soap from scratch.
Day 2- Experiment with ways to make
liquid shampoo using herbs and essential oils.
Bring your own container to put shampoo in to
take home.
Thursdays 4/7 & 4/11
CWHS Foods Room
Fee: $ 15
Spring Container Gardening
Come plant with us! This year again, Tree
Frogs of Chetek will be helping us with our
container planting. The only cost for this class
is the cost of the plant material you chose.
Bring your own container or purchase one of
the many they have available for purchase.
April 28 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Tree Frogs.
Please RSVP to Lisa at 715-924-3137 ext.
Wood Carving for Profit
For carvers from novice to advanced and
all types of carving. Students will complete
a project. Also a presentation on marketing
handcrafted wood products will be included.
Wednesdays 3/30-4/20
Weyerhaeuser School Woods Room
Leaf Imprint Pendant
PMC Leaf Imprint Pendant - Capture a bit
of nature in a fine silver pendant! In this workshop, students will learn the basics of working
with metal clay, which upon firing, becomes
.999 pure silver, to make a silver pendant
which captures the texture and shape of a
real leaf. Students will design and form their
pendants and prepare them to be kiln-fired.
Students will construct a leather cord to wear
with the pendant while the pendants are in
Winter Ca
Summer School Book out in May!
News and Views: Weyerhaeuser school building
Al Brown, superintendent
As the consolidation of the Chetek
and Weyerhaeuser School Districts took
place, a reoccurring question was “What
are you going to do with the school?”
A committee consisting of community
members and school officials has been
working on that very question since well
before the consolidation actually took
place. The single purpose of the committee has been to create viable uses for
the building so it will continue to function
and contribute to the community.
The Weyerhaeuser School Building
currently is the new village office. The
Village of Weyerhaeuser moved into
the facility on February 1st. They are
utilizing the office and one classroom for
office and meeting space. The Village is
also utilizing the garage for equipment
storage. This is just the beginning of the
re-purposing process.
There are other uses for the building
that have been devised by the Facility
Committee. The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser
School District is currently exploring the
possibility of expanding the Kids Club
Child Care facility in Weyerhaeuser. This
child care service has been popular in
Chetek and we are looking to provide
quality child care in the Weyerhaeuser
Area. This fee-based service will be
available to families in Rusk and Barron
Country. The Kids Club serves children
ages 6 weeks to 12 years old and is
open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Friday. There will more information with opening dates to be published
in the near future.
The Committee has created a building
rental and use fee structure. The building
is currently being used by local entrepreneurs and educational institutions. The
goal of the building rental is to provide
meeting, kitchen facilities, gymnasium
and office space. The rental rates are
reasonable and are designed to cover
operating cost but also allow local entities a cost effective solution to meet their
space needs.
The School District has also been using
the facility to host multiple school events.
On Feb. 22, the CWASD hosted an event
with 5 other school districts. This allows
for meeting and activity space without
interrupting the normal educational
process. Other educational institutions
have also been renting the facility of
post-secondary educational and training
opportunities. Local law enforcement has
also made use of the facility for training
and preparation exercises.
The school building may no longer
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be used as a K-12 educational institution, but the building continues to be
used as a community focal point. Community education will be expanding to
bring appropriate adult educational
opportunities and training to the area.
The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Area School
District is committed to supporting the
Weyerhaeuser community by utilizing the
school building to add value to area. The
group is constantly looking for new ideas
and uses for the building. Local contacts
for building ideas can be directed to
Shirley Rouleau, John Huiras and David
Requests for building rentals can be
directed to Lisa Ippolite, Community Education Coordinator at 715-924-3137
extension 2011.
The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser
School District welcomes you
to use any of our facilities
as a community center for
classes, meetings, concerts,
events, etc. It is necessary
to contact the Community
Education office to reserve
your space well ahead of
time, and fill out a Building
Use Request Form. This
form is available on the
school website: www.chetek.
k12.wi.us, or by request.
Custodial and/or rental fees
may be incurred for meetings
and events that take place
during times when the
building is normally closed,
and events that require an
admission fee.
Chetek Young Ambassadors
Students at Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High School (incoming
freshmen-seniors / both male and female) are invited to apply
for the position of 2011 Chetek Young Ambassador. This is a
year-round position with the Chetek Area Chamber of Commerce.
Applications are available in the guidance counselor’s office;
deadline to apply is April 15. Applicants are asked to return their
completed form to the guidance office once completed. Candidates
will be interviewed by members of the young ambassador’s
committee, which is made up of chamber members.
Young ambassadors are asked to take part in a variety of
chamber-sponsored events throughout the year, including Liberty
Fest, Harvest Fest and Winter Fest; Halloween party; Santa’s
Arrival and Family Day; and several area parades. A $500
scholarship will be awarded to each ambassador who successfully
completes their year of responsibilities.
Young ambassadors who have previously served in this capacity
are welcome to apply for another year.
For more information, contact Chetek Chamber of Commerce
board member Melodee Eckerman at The Chetek Alert office:
email mel@thechetekalert.com or phone 715-924-4118.
Chetek Alert ~