Untitled - Think Plastic
Untitled - Think Plastic
WHY BRAZIL? Investors and consumers throughout the world are getting to know Brazil. This vast country also offers various opportunities for business. Recent structural, economic and political reforms have cast Brazil in a new role on the international stage. As it travels down the path of growth and sustainability, Brazil has gained the credibility that makes it an obligatory component in the portfolio of major investors. Today, anyone considering great business opportunities will include Brazil. The dynamics of the Brazilian economy are impressive to more demanding investors and consumers. Exports have doubled in the last four years, and imports have increased in a similar pace. This demonstrates that there is a degree of balance in Brazil’s strategy. While aggressively approaching the international market, Brazil also exposes its own products to foreign competition on the internal market, without protectionist or bureaucratic impositions. This new perception of Brazil is attributable in part to the high quality of Brazilian products: creative, modern and functional, they stand out for the factors such as the materials used and the originality of the product design, as well as their quality and technological standards. Just to give some examples of that environment of free trade and competition it can be mentioned the extensive flow of imports and exports products in the same industrial sectors such as automobile, electronics and ITC. KEY FIGURES GDP (ppp) – US$ 2.194 trillion (2010); Largest producer of iron ore; Largest producer and exporter of coffee, sugar cane, fruit juices; Largest exporter of soybean, meat, chicken and leather; 4th destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) among emerging markets; 4th largest manufacturer of commercial planes; 8th market producer of steel and energy. 1 EXPORT PLASTIC INP - Brazilian Plastic Institute Gilberto Agrello Market Development Specialist Plastic Housewares & Rigid Packaging gilberto@exportplastic.com +1 305 832 1434 (VoIP in US) +55 (11) 8380-1356 (mobile) +55 (11) 2148-4771 (direct) www.exportplastic.com The Export Plastic Program offers Brazilian supply sources, production outsourcing and partnership to foreign industries and markets, and counts on a highly skilled team. It acts as an interface between Brazilian converting companies and international buyers of plastic products. The Export Plastic Program has about 70 Brazilian member companies, manufacturers and exporters of a wide variety of products: 2 Housewares Products Packaging Products Baby, Child & Toys Bathware Disposables Furniture Line Garden & Lawn and Outdoors Gifts Home Decoration & Lighting Institutional Kitchenware Laundry & Cleaning Licensing and Promotional Office, Stationery & School Organizers Pet Shop Tableware Big Bags Bottles & Jars Buckets and Pails Carrier Handles Compounds & Additives Flagons Injections Molded Articles Labels & Caps Laminated/Coated Films Multilayer Coextruded Films Polyethylene Bags Polyethylene Films in Rolls Polypropylene Bags Polypropylene Films in Rolls PVC Bags PVC Films in Rolls Sachets Shrink Films Stretch Films Trash Bags Woven Fabrics Acrimet Anodilar Arthi Bandeirante Belchior BB Store Bettanin Brinox Cobrirel Coza Invicta Jaguar Martiplast (OU) Multbox Naxos PKZ Plast-Leo Plastion Plasútil Sanremo São Bernardo Soprano Schwanke Tritec Acrimet Produtos para Escritório Ltda. Anodilar Ind Útil Dom Ltda. Arthi Comercial Ltda. Industria Bandeirante Artefatos de Plástico e Madeira Ltda. Belchior Cortinas e Acessórios Ltda. BB Nuts Com. e Import. de Prod. Promocionais Corp. Ltda. Bettanin Industrial S/A Brinox Metalúrgica S/A Cobrirel Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Coza Utilidades Plásticas Ltda. Sobral Invicta S/A Jaguar Indústria e Comércio de Plásticos Martiplast Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda. D.J. Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Naxos Comércio de Utilidades Domésticas Ltda. PKZ Ltda. Plast-Leo Ltda. Plastion Indústria Plástica Ltda. Plasútil Indústria e Comércio de Plásticos Ltda. Sanremo S/A Mecânica e Estamparia São Bernardo Ltda. Soprano Eletrometalurgica e Hidráulica Ltda. Schwanke Industrial Ltda. Tritec Industrial Ltda. 4 6 8 10 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 3 ACRIMET Acrimet Produtos para Escritório Ltda. Jaime Nascimento jaime@acrimet.com.br +55 (11) 4343-5577 www.acrimet.com.br Acrimet is a 40 years old company, recognized by its high quality in plastic desk accessories with over than 80% of market share in Brazil and currently exporting to 32 countries, Acrimet is also committed to environmental issues, counting on a sewage treatment facility, enabling water reuse for non-drinking purposes without risk for human beings or the environment. Acrimet employs disabled/handicapped professionals, supports sports events and encourage its workers to dedicate part of their time to voluntary work. Products: Office organizers; letter trays(11 models); clipboards (22 models); binders; drafting tools; desktop accessories (20 models); card files (5 models); wastebasket (regular and large for select collecting); displays; potential niches in key organizers systems (13 models); hanging files and folders (10 models). 4 5 ANODILAR Anodilar Ind Útil Dom Ltda. Mariana Stangherlin Rigo mariana@anodilar.com.br +55 (54) 3213-6100 www.anodilar.com.br Anodilar is a Brazilian industry founded on March, 2000 and located in Caxias do Sul, less than 434 km from port of Rio Grande. The company exports to 10 countries for more than 10 years and has its brand recognized for quality, innovation, seriousness and responsibility. Among the main products has equipment for gastronomy and housewares made of plastic and metal, supplied to major networks in Brazil and more than 6.000 retailers. It serves the domestic and institutional consumers with more than 200 products focused on the segment of food and housewares, offering practicality and functionality. Products: Institutional - pasta roller, meat mincer, extruder mass and coconut scraper machines for medium and large production, food container sealer, squid napkin, boxes, bottle holder, fruit and vegetable cutter (serving butcheries, restaurants and bakeries). Housewares: pasta roller, meat mincer, extruder mass electric and manual machines for domestic use, food container, vegetable cutter and slicer, moulds, lamps, ladders and others. 6 7 ARTHI Arthi Comercial Ltda. Jorge Humberto D´Umbra jorge@arthi.com.br +55 (11) 4012-1300 www.arthi.com.br Arthi Comercial is today one of the leading companies in the Brazilian market of household utilities. Arthi manufactures table, cleaning, bathroom and gardening products, thus taking part of most Brazilian homes everyday. With more than 500 items, Arthi has been consolidating its name in the market for over 20 years. Arthi seeks to meet its consumer needs by giving priority to quality, design and functionality of its products through ongoing investments in technology and professional qualification. As Arthi is turned to its consumer satisfaction, it started to produce plastic products in its plant unit in addition to its chrome-plated steel products, becoming a completely success in terms of sales. Products: Housewares – bathware, kitchenware and tableware, laundry & cleaning and gardening accessories 8 9 BANDEIRANTE Industria Bandeirante Artefatos de Plástico e Madeira Ltda. Heraldo Montagner heraldo@indbandeirante.com.br +55 (11) 2799-7400 www.indbandeirante.com.br Founded more than 65 year ago, Bandeirante manufactures a large variety of sizes and styles of PET jars, with special decoration and plain styles, school and office suppliers. It also offers a line of PET and PVC industrial containers. Bandeirante’s products offer resistance, durability, versatility and beauty. The company currently exports to the United States, Central America, Argentina and European Union. Products: Plastic jars and PET pots in various sizes, clear or decorated. 10 11 BELCHIOR Belchior Cortinas e Acessórios Ltda. Henrique de Andrade exportacao@belchior.com.br +55 (19) 3499-1330 www.belchior.com.br Founded in 1995, and always concerned with the environmental laws; Belchior has a high ecological appeal in the production of its rods sets and accessories’, showing that is possible you have beauty and innovation without harm the environment. Manufacturing its curtains with excellence and always alert on the new trends, Belchior has taken to your home, elegance and quintessence with a high standard quality. Belchior, you can have the best. Products: Rods, rings, brackets, finials, holders and curtains. 12 13 BB STORE BB Nuts Import Trade and Corporate Promotional Products Ltda. Plínio Bevervanso plinio@bbgrupo.com.br +55 (71) 3111-5221 www.grupobb.com.br The BB Group has successful brands in the plastic industry and promotional products in Brazil. Today is with a solid and well organized structure that acts ethically and responsibly following the Compliance concept. The company began its internalization in 2010 in the segment of Giftware, Housewares and Souvenirs, the brand BB STORE. Bringing to market the concept of sustainable products, with the use of coconut or wood natural fibers composed with thermoplastics, and also the concept of recyclable products, made with 100% of raw material packing postconsumer recycled of Tetrapak. Products: Plastic mugs; thermal mugs to color (for children); frosty gel thermal mugs; plastic squeezes; glasses clips; card holders, composed natural fiber products and recycled products of Tetrapak packings. 14 15 BETTANIN Bettanin Industrial S/A Thiago Menegotto Vanin exportacao@bettanin.com.br +55 51 3473-9663 www.bettanin.com.br Bettanin, a market leader in household cleaning products, with over 240 million pieces produced annually, originated Grupo Industrial Bettanin, a solid group, constituted of nationally important companies, focused on the development of quality and contemporary products. Investment in new products and distinct design guides the actions of Bettanin. That is why the company grows continuously, always keeping the proposal to make the life of consumers easier. Technology has always been a distinction of Bettanin. Many new products have been launched by Bettanin in the market thanks to the continuous investment in research and product development. Thus, today, Bettanin is an innovation reference in the market, inclusively having its design and technology copied by some competitors. The machinery of brooms and brushes has been developed in Italy and Germany. The virgin plastic technology is developed in partnership with the Polo Petroquímico de Triunfo1. And in the USA, Bettanin searches for plastic recovery technology, as a result of its concern for the environment. Daily, Bettanin products are used by millions of people worldwide. This responsibility generates continuous investment in human resources, research, testing, recycling and waste treatment. This positioning assures that Bettanin deserves the respect of a growing number of discerning consumers. Products: Household cleaning products such as brooms, mopes, squeegees, dustpans, sponges, buckets, wipes, ropes, sink plungers, toilet balls, freshners and clean dishwashing soap. 16 17 BRINOX Brinox Metalúrgica S/A Sergio Jacóbi export@brinox.com.br +55 (54) 4009 7055 www.brinox.com.br Founded in 1988, Brinox Metalúrgica S.A., its one of the main largest manufacturers of household appliances in Brazil. The company’s main raw material is stainless steel, but also manufactures products made of chromed steel, silicon, nylon, aluminum, among others. It currently has over 2,000 items in its portfolio of productos for kitchen, bathroom, laundry and decoration. In addition to solutions for the home, the company also operates in the corporate market such as hotels, bars and restaurants. Brinox exports to approximately 20 countries, especially South America, Central America and Africa. About 98% of its orders are processed and shipped within 48 hours, bringing great flexibility in delivery. The products can be found in department stores, gift shops, home centers and distributors of corporate line, as well as specialized sites. Products: Bakeware, cutlery and flatware, drinkware, serveware, gadgets & utensils, storage & organization, professional food, bathware, home and decoration, office, organization & laundry, bathroom and bins. 18 19 COBRIREL Cobrirel Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Priscila Trevisan priscila@cobrirel.com.br +55 (11) 2081-6555 www.cobrirel.com.br Cobrirel is a company that operates in the household utilities markets in Brazil, in addition to producing plastic components for the electro-electronics, automotive, telecommunications and home appliances industries, among others. The company began its activities in 1972 as one of the few and privileged companies which, thanks to its drive in pursuing Full Quality, is among the selected companies certified by the ISO 9001 standard. The attainment of this certificate, awarded by DQS (the German Association for the Certification of Management Systems), is the result of over thirty years devoted to research and development, in order to further improve the quality of the Cobrirel products. Since 1989, Cobrirel started to strongly operate in the household utilities market, with a line of unique and differentiated products, which were researched and developed with a sole objective: to make your daily routine easier and more convenient. Today, this line includes over 50 products for the kitchen, garden, bathroom, organizers, water dispensing accessories, hangers, school lunch, floors, casters, etc. Products: Water dispensing accessories: water pumps for 10 and 20 litre water bottles, water dispensers, walves for water bottles; multi-purpose pump (for different types of liquids); organizers (foldable, in different sizes, with or without lid); hangers; self-adhesive hooks; fizz-keeper pumps; portable tables; door holders; planter and gas cylinder saucers; plastic floors. 20 21 COZA Coza Utilidades Plásticas Ltda. Dina Gazola dina.gazola@coza.com.br +55 (54) 2101-5600 www.coza.com.br Operating in the domestic household market since 1983, Coza invests in design and in a variety of compact plastic products that offer flexibility in modern day life. Unifying technology and beauty, the company offers more than 200 products in different lines, creating shapes and concepts for each of the home’s environments. Products: Tablewares and housewares; bathware accessories; home organization; kitchenwares; laundrywares; personal use and petware. 22 23 INVICTA Sobral Invicta S/A Maria Helena F.A. Sanches lenasanches@invictaonline.com.br +55 (11) 5503-1118 www.invictaonline.com.br Sobral Invicta was founded on 1952 in São Paulo Brazil. Under its main trademark Invicta manufactures thermal bottles, jars and pots with glass inner, plastic insulated products and also a line of glass products composed by pots, glasses and jars. As a top of mind brand in its category, Invicta owns 35% share in the market of thermal bottles in Brazil. Its products are currently sold in Latin America, Europe, East Europe, Africa. Products: Thermal bottles and jars; insulated cooler boxes and jugs; glass pots and jars; plastic table utensils for food packaging. 24 25 JAGUAR Jaguar Indústria e Comércio de Plásticos Ariane Xavier ariane.xavier@jaguar.ind.br +55 (19) 3311-2862 www.jaguar.ind.br Established in the market for more than 30 years, Jaguar Plásticos offers three lines: Housewares, with more than 200 products; Industrial Packaging (i.e.buckets for chemical products) and Taylor Made Projects (i.e.: food containers and lids). These projects are developed for clients such as LÓreall, Nestlé, Danone, Reckitt Benckiser and Henkel. Jaguar Plásticos facility is equiped with state-of-the-art moulding machines. It is also ISO9001:2000 certified and works under GMP and HACCP manufacturing proceedures. Products: Housewares: food containers, conservative food containers, kitchenware, buckets and basins, laundry baskets and garbage bins, organizers, baby line; Industrial Packaging: buckets and cups; Taylor Made Projects: plastic moulded products developed for costumers special needs. 26 27 MARTIPLAST Martiplast Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda. Jones da Rocha Filho jones@martiplast.com.br +55 (54) 2101 9090 www.ou.com.br Martiplast is located in Southern Brazil. It specializes in creating, developing and manufacturing decoration, organization and plastic housewares items. With over 280 products in its portfolio, it offers its customers the pleasure of adding more color and joy to their living spaces. Martiplast has been ranked among the most innovating companies in Brazil for over 15 years. International awards (IF, IDEA, House Gift Fair Award and Casa Brazil Award) are result of the company’s dedication and of its qualified team of designers and technicians. Products: Kitchenware: bowls, containers, dishracks, trays, plates, pots, mugs, napking holders and more; Bath Equipment: dispensers, bath mats, lavatory accessories, holders, Dental Case and more; Home Accessories: baskets, trash bins, organize multiuse car, and other products; Bar & Drinks: jars, cups, ice buckets, coolers, jugs & tubs and tumblers; Eco: braided vases, bed trays, baskets and bath equipments made with 40% of sugar cane, and dish drainers, trash bins, flatware racks and baskets made with reforested wood fiber. 28 29 DEJOTA/MULTBOX D.J. Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Marília Zanco Mazarotto mariliazanco@dejota.combr +55 (11) 2945-4500 www.dejota.com.br With over 35 years in thermoplastic injection and lamination, the DEJOTA MULTBOX has the greatest differential , your products and services, therefore has your Quality Management System Certified ISO 9001. Located in the South of Brazil, acts in several segments with: industrial reels, laminates plates and products for tools and houseware. Products: Tools, fishing and medicines cases, drawers, dust bins, laundry basket, giant flow basin, bucket for concrete, cement box. 30 31 NAXOS Naxos Comércio de Utilidades Domésticas Ltda. Ciro B. Pereira ciro@naxos.net.br +55 (47) 9186-7534 www.naxos.net.br Naxos is in the market of home appliances offering reliable, safe and easy to use quality products. Its products are sold throughout Brazil and abroad. Its flexible structure provides fast delivery, fair prices and guaranteed customer satisfaction. Naxos is located in the south of Brazil, one hour flight from Sao Paulo and near Brazil’s third biggest port (Itajai). Naxos is a SGS certified company. Products: Stove lighters, scraper, photo mug, ice cube maker, food jar lid opener. 32 33 PKZ PKZ Ltda. Fernando Lamego Júnior trade@pkz.com.br +55 (11) 4137-3838 www.pkz.com.br PKZ is the national leadership of bottles sector. It’s target is to identify the client’s needs and offer quality products to meet an increasing demand. Due to continued investment in upgrading its equipment and employees, PKZ became able to provide high quality materials and thus offer the best of its three activity section: Promotional, Retail and Industrial. Products: Promotional: bottles, housewares, freesbes, personal care; Retail: children line, PET bottles, isothermal bottles; Industrial: PET pots, packaging for the most different section. 34 35 PLAST-LÉO Plast-Leo Ltda. Carlos Roberto Carderelli beto@plast-leo.com.br +55 (11) 2081-9300 www.plast-leo.com.br We are the leading Brazilian company in the production and distribution of Poliethylene and Vinyl products (rolls, tablecloths, shower curtains, organizers) with over 40 years of experience in our market. Our factory is SGS certified and is located in São Paulo, less than 80km from the main Brazilian port of Santos. The products are distributed nationwide and exported to various countries and are present in more than 5.000 clients including Brazil’s largest wholesalers and supermarket chains as well as in an array of smaller stores throughout Brazil. Our items are sold using a comprehensive network of sales representatives, enabling us to develop very good businesses and sizeable quantities. Products: Shower curtains; aprons; shower mats. 36 37 PLASTION Plastion Indústria Plástica Ltda. Cíntia Panazzolo export@plastion.com.br +55 (54) 3219-4480 www.plastion.com.br Plastion Company has differentiated injected plastic product lines, which meets from home utilities to beauty lines. Customer satisfaction is the priority of Plastion, which has a specialized team of professionals to meet your needs and always find solutions for them. With more than 120 items, our company has high flexibility and speed of delivery, in order to reach the consumers more than they really expected. Always giving priority to high quality, innovative design and functionality of its products, Plastion makes available to its customers practical and fundamental items to create environments. Without forgetting the responsibility to the environment, the company uses recycled materials in some product lines, aiming at diminishing the impact of excess generation of hazardous waste to the ecosystem. Plastion is situated in the southern part of Brazil, a developed industrial area, close to the Mercosur countries as Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Products: Plastic utilities for home such as organizers, shelves, kitchen and hygiene items, beauty and kids lines. 38 39 PLASÚTIL Plasútil Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda. Everson Targas etargas@plasutil.com.br +55 (14) 4009-4831 www.plasutil.com.br Since its foundation, Plasútil has rapidly captured a large range of consumers, leading the Brazilian Market in Plastic and present in over 30 countries it has more than 700 items in line, always prioritizing high quality, modern design and functionality of its products. Plasútil is constantly investing in technology and professional qualification, and with the CEISA-Child Education Center of St. Anthony, it offers a special place for children from the surrounding needy community. Products: Plastic housewares: tableware, bathroom, organization, baby and pet lines. 40 kitchenware, laundry, 41 SANREMO Sanremo S/A Thiago Menegotto Vanin exportacao@sanremo.com.br +55 (51) 3473-9663 www.sanremo.com.br Sanremo is an important player in the Plastic Housewares industry worldwide. Member of the Bettanin Industrial Group, Sanremo has been leading the Brazilian market of plasticware for over 40 years and expanding rapidly globally with business in over 50 countries worldwide. The company is constantly developing products with excellence, investing in new technologies, new equipments and human resources training. We count on a wide and qualified staff, two factories, six offices and three distributions centers. In addition to investing in production technology less harmful to the environment, Sanremo products last much longer and also have much longer spare time than competition. Thus, we can produce beautiful, practical and durable products, reducing the disposal of materials in nature. An essential attitude to the future of the planet. Products: Food containers; serving bowls; salad bowls; food platter; plastic glasses; ice buckets; mugs; napkin holders; trays; sugar bowls; butter dishes; lunch boxes; cereal bowls; cutlery drainers; dessert sets; strainers; cutting boards; ice trays; bread holders; colanders; storage jars; microwave lids; soap dish; soap box; juice bottles; water bottles; sports bottles; organizers; plastic containers; plastic furniture; stackable baskets; washing bowls; buckets; basins; cleaning baskets; hampers; spray bottle; watering cans; flower pots; dust pans. 42 43 SÃO BERNARDO Mecânica e Estamparia São Bernardo Ltda. Stefano Rabi saobernardo@saobernardo.ind.br +55 (11) 4646-2929 www.saobernardo.ind.br São Bernardo was founded in 1959, and employs 150 people in its two facilities located in the State of São Paulo. Its line includes around 200 household utensils, such as tool boxes, shelves, set of drawers and CDcases, that are sold all over Brazil, and are also exported to more than 20 countries. The company has an on going policy of investments in up-to-date machinery and in the development of new products following international latest trends. Products: Home Organization: clear storage box, roller box, under bed, box, tool box; Home Decoration: home decor shelving, large storage drawer; Office & Stationary: storage shelves, storage box; Baby & Children: storage box, storage drawer. 44 45 SOPRANO Soprano Eletrometalurgica e Hidráulica Ltda. Fernanda Damin Vieira Zanonato fernandavieira@soprano.com.br +55 (54) 9175-6325 www.soprano.com.br An innovative company in products must also be so as for way of working. Therefore, Soprano develops its actions with a focus on each customer’s needs. This means a larger and more organized product mix, innovation in processes and in products. Products: Company focusing on customers of the segments retail, wholesale, and household utility distributors, and plants. Soprano offers the market such products as thermos dishes, isothermicals, thermos bottles, kitchen appliances, bar appliances, and promotional products. Differentiated quality and design stand out in Soprano’s products, backed by high-tech machinery. 46 47 SCHWANKE Schwanke Industrial Ltda. Mauro J. Pozzebon mauro@schwanke.com.br +55 (47) 3036-9000 www.schwanke.com.br Schwanke was founded in 1951, and is located in the South of Brazil. It manufactures plastic cleaning housewares and nonwoven products from natural and synthetic fibers. Products: Cleaning products: flannel, shammy cloth, mop cloth, mega cloth, kitchen cloth, multi-purpose cloth, sponge cloth, all-purpose cloth, all-purpose scrub sponge, microfiber cloth, cleaning kit, mops refil, mops with stick, sink plunger, sanitary plunger, bucket with wringer, squeegee, dustpan, PVA mop, kit auto, polishing cotton, special cotton, flannel autoklin, cotton waste, micro-fiber cloth, sponges, magic cloth autoklin, steel wool brilhex, kitchen cloth, all-purpose sponge, save nails sponge, anti-risk sponge, dish drainer, magic cloth, all-purpose filter, thermic apron, thermic liner, thermic iron shoe, thermic glove, steel wool alklin, cloth bobbins, microfiber, brooms and other. 48 49 TRITEC Tritec Industrial Ltda. Alexandre Sachet alexandre.sachet@tritec.ind.br +55 (47) 3275-8839 www.tritec.ind.br With 20 years market experience, Tritec is specialized in the industrialization and commercialization of plastic products designed for domestic utilities, children’s line and the packaging line for food products. Tritec is a transforming company operating in the most diverse manufacturing processes, the main one being injection. Products: Containers; salad bowls; bottles; pitchers; cups; cuttlery case; dish drainer; cutting board; trays; colander; strainer; storage boxes; hangers; bathtub; baby plate with sections; basins; buckets; baskets; laundry baskets; garbage bin with pedal; watering cans. 50 51 BRAZILIAN COMPANIES Acinplas Acrimet AG Remy Alpes Anodilar Arthi Bandeirante Belchior Bettanin Braspack Brinox Bypacking Cartonale CBS Clever Pack Clopay Cobrirel Coza Cromex Electro Plastic Embaquim Europackne FFS Filmes Fiabesa Geraldiscos Gerresheimer/ Védat Grupo BB Grupo Copobras/Incoplast Ibrapack Ikko Injeplast Invicta Jaguar Kos Kromos Martiplast 52 +55 (51) 3561-4200 +55 (11) 4343-5577 +55 (31) 3434-3466 +55 (11) 2748-0788 +55 (54) 3213-6100 +55 (11) 4012-1300 +55 (11) 2085-6594 +55 (19) 3499-1330 +55 (51) 3473-9518 +55 (81) 3311-4255 +55 (54) 4009 7055 +55 (11) 4525-5810 +55 (11) 4705-1170 +55 (11) 2148-7200 +55 (21) 2573-6426 +55 (11) 2136-5060 +55 (11) 2081-6555 +55 (54) 2101-5600 +55 (11) 3856-1000 +55 (11) 5644-2019 +55 (11) 2066-2333 +55 (19) 3881-7417 +55 (51) 3471-5565 +55 (11) 3854-1316 +55 (11) 4155-9000 +55 (11) 2133-1241 +55 (71) 3369-7251 +55 (48) 3631-3000 +55 (11) 3565-7848 +55 (11) 3437-8705 +55 (11) 2721-6788 +55 (11) 5503-1118 +55 (19) 3311 2862 +55 (11) 4057-5000 +55 (19) 3879-9500 +55 (54) 2101-9090 www.unisold.com.br www.acrimet.com.br www.agremy.com.br www.alpfilm.com.br www.anodilar.com.br www.arthi.com.br www.indbandeirante.com.br www.belchior.com.br www.bettanin.com.br www.braspack.com.br www.brinox.com.br www.bypacking.com.br www.cartonale.com.br www.cbselos.com.br www.cleverpack.com.br www.clopayplastics.com www.cobrirel.com.br www.coza.com.br www.cromex.com.br www.electroplastic.com.br www.embaquim.com.br www.europackne.com.br www.ffsfilmes.com.br www.fiabesa.com.br www.geraldiscos.com.br www.vedat.com.br www.bbgrupo.com.br www.incoplast.com.br www.ibrapack.com.br www.ikko.com.br www.injeplast.com.br www.invictaonline.com.br www.jaguar.ind.br www.kos.com.br www.kromos.com.br www.ou.ind.br BRAZILIAN COMPANIES Mazda Multbox Naxos Paramount Pisani PKZ Plasc Plastion Plast-Leo Plastseven Plasútil Plasvale Polo Films Pomerplast Providência Rotoplás Sanremo Sansuy São Bernardo Schwanke Sleever Soprano Stilo Plast Sulprint Tech Sprayer Termolar Topack Tritec Union Pack Valfilm Vitopel Zaraplast Zeppini Zivalplast +55 (11) 4441-6500 +55 (11) 2945-4500 +55 (47) 3525-3040 +55 (11) 3227-5848 +55 (54) 2101-8700 +55 (11) 4137-3838 +55 (48) 2106-9900 +55 (54) 3219-4480 +55 (11) 2081-9300 +55 (19) 3861 7351 +55 (14) 4009-4831 +55 (47) 3331-6065 +55 (11) 3478-5963 +55 (47) 3387-7900 +55 (41) 3381-7617 +55 (11) 4678-2898 +55 (51) 3473-9663 +55 (11) 2139-2659 +55 (11) 4648-7007 +55 (47) 3036-9000 +55 (11) 2303-2337 +55 (54) 2109-6000 +55 (11) 2724-5211 +55 (51) 3717-1300 +55 (11) 2198-4888 +55 (51) 2121-8000 +55 (19) 3478-9900 +55 (47) 3275-8839 +55 (54) 2102-9241 +55 (12) 2124-4404 +55 (11) 3883-7700 +55 (11) 3952-3035 +55 (11) 4393-3600 +55 (41) 2102-5200 www.mazdaembalagens.com.br www.dejota.com.br www.naxos.net.br www. paramountplasticos.com.br www.pisani.ind.br www.pkz.com.br www.plasc.com.br www.plastion.com.br www.plast-leo.com.br www.plastseven.com.br www.plasutil.com.br www.plasvale.com.br www.polofilms.com.br www.pomerplast.com.br www.providencia.com.br www.rotoplasbrasil.com.br www.sanremo.com.br www.sansuy.com.br www.saobernardo.ind.br www.schwanke.com.br www.sleever.com www.soprano.com.br www.stiloplast.com.br www.sulprint.com.br www.techsprayer.com.br www.termolar.com.br www.topack.com.br www.tritec.ind.br www.unionpack.com.br www.valfilm.com.br www.vitopel.com.br www.zaraplast.com.br www.zeppini.com.br www.zivalplast.com.br 53 54 56 Export Plastic Program | Brazilian Plastic Institute Av. Chedid Jafet, 222, Bloco C, 4º Floor, Vila Olímpia Zipcode: 04551-065, São Paulo - SP, Brazil - Phone: +55 (11) 2148-4772 www.exportplastic.com
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