Company`s Identification PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e
Company`s Identification PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e
Public Corporation with Authorized Capital CNPJ/MF nº 02.950.811/0001-89 Praia de Botafogo, n° 501, 2° andar, parte CEP 22250-040, Torre Pão de Açúcar. Rio de Janeiro – RJ Company’s Identification PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações, enrolled in the Federal Taxpayers Registry under the No 02.950.811/0001-89 and with its articles of incorporation filed in the Commercial Registry of the States of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Headquarters Praia de Botafogo, 501, block 1, room 201, part, Pão de Açúcar Tower, Centro Empresarial Mourisco, at the Capital of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Investor Relations Office Located in our office in the City of Rio de Janeiro, at Praia de Botafogo, 501, Torre Pão de Açúcar, conjunto 203. Mr. Michel Wurman is responsible for this office and may be contacted through the phone number (+55 21) 3504-3802, fax (+55 21) 3504-3849 and e-mail Company’s Independent Auditors Terco Grant Thornton Auditores Independentes S.S. Shareholders Services Our shareholders services is performed by our agent Itaú Corretora de Valores Mobiliários S.A., located at Avenida Engenheiro Armando de Arruda Pereira, 707, 7th floor, orange side, in the city of São Paulo, in the State of São Paulo, telephone (+55 11) 5029 7780 and fax (+55 21) 3274 3543. Newspapers in which the Company discloses information Diário Oficial of the Company’s headquarters and Valor Econômico newspaper. Site The information contained in the website is not part of this Form, neither is incorporated to it. Reference Form’s last Update August 17, 2010. BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT THIS FORM This form is based on the Securities Commission (“CVM”) Rule No. 480 dated as of December 7, 2009 (“ICVM480”). The date of the last update of this Form does not necessarily mean that this document had all its information updated at this date, but that some or all of the information contained in it was updated, pursuant to article 24 paragraphs 1, 2 e 3 of ICVM480. This Form cannot be characterized as a securities public offer document, nor does it constitute an offer of sale or a request for offer of purchase of securities sales in Brazil or any other jurisdiction. 1. 1.1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FORM’S CONTENT Statement of the CEO and the Investor Relations Officer José Antonio T. Grabowsky (CEO of the Company) and Michel Wurman (Financing Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer) declare that: (i) they reviewed this Form; (ii) all information contained here meets the requirements contained in the ICVM480, in special articles 14 to 19; and (iii) the information contained here is true, accurate and complete description of the economic-financial situation of the Company and of the risks inherent to its activities and its issued securities. 2 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 2. AUDITORS 2.1. Independent Auditors Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2009 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 Corporate name Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 Terco Grant Thornton Auditores Independentes S.S. Terco Grant Thornton Auditores Independentes S.S. Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S. Name, CPF and contact information (telephone and e-mail) of person in charge Name: Eduardo José Ramon Leverone Name: Eduardo José Ramon Leverone Name: Mauro Moreira CPF: 833.302.597-87 CPF: 833.302.597-87 CPF: 510.931.467-53 Tel.:(+55 21) 2222-3100 Tel.:(+55 21) 2222-3100 Tel.: (+55 21) 2109-1400 E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: Service contracting date 02.13.2008 04.20.2007 Description of contracted services Individual and consolidated ITR revision - Annual audit of individual and consolidated balance sheet Individual and consolidated ITR revision - Annual audit of individual and consolidated balance sheet Not applicable Auditors substitution Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Reason for substitution Not applicable 02.13.2008 Individual and consolidated ITR revision In order to uniformize the audit for all companies of the group in a single auditor, once Terco Grand Thorthon was already the auditor of the controlled Goldfarb. Eventual arguments submitted by the auditor against the Company’s reason for its substitution, according to CVM´s specific regulations in this subject Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 2.2. Inform the total amount of remuneration of the independent auditors in the last fiscal year, specifying the fees relative to audit services and those relative to any other provided services In the last fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, the independent auditors received fees that amounted to a total of R$1,196,950.80, referring to the services of Audit of the Controller and Consolidated Financial Statements. 2.3. Other relevant information. There is no other relevant information in respect to item “2”. 3 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 3. SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 3.1. The information presented by the table below is based on the Company’s financial statements or, when it is obligated to disclose consolidated financial statements, based on the consolidated financial statements of the Company. Period Equity (in R$ thousand) Total Assets (in R$ thousand) Net Revenue (in R$ thousand) Gross Income (in R$ thousand) Net Income (in R$ thousand) Amount of shares, ex-treasury Equity value per share (in Reais) Net Income per share (in Reais) Other selected information Quarter ended 30.06.2010 5,613,164 12,633,587 1,897,944 623,453 335,354 551,238,775 10.1828 0.6084 Not applicable Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2009 2,940,820 6,102,517 1,983,819 576,026 338,132 389,877,818 7.5429 0.8673 Not applicable Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 1,476,437 3,246,747 1,231,159 433,360 182,463 292,006,296 (1) 5.0562 0.6249 Not applicable Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 1,349,666 2,563,046 552,018 196,682 71,157 291,465,070 (1) 4.6306 0.2441 Not applicable (1) Adjusted by the splitting. 3.2. Non accounting measures, conciliation between the disclosed values and the amounts of the audited financial statements and explanation about the reason why the Company understands that such measures are more appropriated for the correct understanding of its financial situation and the result of its operations. EBITDA Our EBITDA consists of the income before income tax and social contribution, added to the net financial revenues/expenses, depreciation e amortization. The EBITDA is not considered a measure in accordance with the Brazilian GAAP, nor does it represent the cash flow for the presented periods. It should not be considered as an alternative to net income as an indicator of our operational performance or as an alternative for cash flow as an indicator of liquidity. The EBITDA does not have a standard definition and our definition of EBITDA cannot be compared to the ones used by other companies. We are convinced that the EBITDA is an important índex to be used to follow-up Company operational performance once our results are presented free from the impact of financial expenses that are influenced rather by conditions prevailing in the credit market and not by real the estate market conditions and free also from the influence of depreciation and amortization expenses which are essentially accounting expenses. Quarter ended June 30, R$ Thousands Income before income tax and social (-/+) Financial Revenues / Expenses (+) Depreciation and amortization EBITDA EBITDA Margin 2010 419,119 (35,831) 31,153 414,441 21.84% 2009 63,429 290 911 64,630 20.70% Year ended December 31, 2009 371,327 (52,841) 4,983 323,469 16.31% 2008 245,061 (12,532) 28,198 260,727 21.20% 2007 122,786 36,202 16,573 175,561 31.80% ADJUSTED EBITDA Our Adjusted EBITDA is calculated based on the definition issued by CVM Rule 01/2007, consisting of the sum of income before interest, income tax, depreciation and amortization, added to the following adjustments: nonoperational results, interest of non-controlling shareholders and compensation expenses based on stock options. Our Adjusted EBITDA is not considered as a measure of financial performance in accordance with the Brazilian GAAP, nor should it be considered individually or as an alternative to net income, as a measurement of operational performance, or as an alternative to the operating cash flows, or as a liquidity measurement. Other companies may 4 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações calculate the Adjusted EBITDA based on a different method from the one adopted by us. Considering that the financial results, financial charges on the costs of properties sold, income tax and social contribution, depreciation and amortization expenses, interest of non-controlling shareholders and adjustments to compensation expense based on stock options, the Adjusted EBITDA is an indicator of our general economic performance, which is not affected by variations in interest rates, changes in the tax burden of income tax and social contribution or levels of depreciation and amortization. However Adjusted EBITDA has limitations that avoid its use as a profitability indicator, since adjusted EBITDA does not consider certain costs connected to our business, which could adversely affect our profits, such as our financial results, taxes, depreciation and amortization, capital expenses and other related charges. Quarter ended June 30, R$ Thousands Income before income tax and social contribution (-/+) Financial Revenues / Expenses (+) Interest allocated to cost of properties sold (+) Depreciation and Amortization (+) Stock option plan Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA margin (1) 2010 419,119 (35,831) 110,838 31,153 21,106 546,385 28.79% 2009 63,429 290 19,057 911 2,969 86,656 27.75% Year ended December 31, 2009 371,327 (52,841) 113,982 4,938 11,577 448,983 22,63% 2008 245,061 (12,532) 18,867 28,198 11,468 291,062 23.60% 2007 122,786 36,202 16,573 175,561 31.80% (1) Adjusted EBITDA divided by the net operating revenue. ADJUSTED NET INCOME Our Adjusted Net Income consists of the net income added to expenses with amortization and expenses relating to our public offerings of shares. The Adjusted Net Income is not a measure in accordance with the Brazilian GAAP, nor does it represent the cash flow for the presented periods. It should not be considered as an alternative to the net income as an indicator of our operational performance or as an alternative for cash flow as an indicator of liquidity. The Adjusted Net Income does not have a standard definition and our definition of Adjusted Net Income cannot be compared to the ones used by other companies. Quarter ended June 30, R$ Thousands Net Income (+) Expenses with amortization (+) Expenses with Raisings Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2010 125.587 2009 50.796 2009 338.132 2008 182.463 2007 71.157 1.399 911 4.938 28.198 15.442 - - - - 39.027 Adjusted net result 126.986 51.707 343.070 210.661 125.626 Adjusted net margin (1) 20,71% 16,56% 17,29% 17, 10% 22,80% (1) Adjusted Net Income divided by the net operating revenue. 3.3. Subsequent event to the last year and financial statements that changes them substantially Issuance of Promissory Note In July 12, 2010, the Company, according to CVM Rule No. 358 of January 3, 2002, as may be amended from time to time, filed a Request for Promissory Notes of the 1st Issuance of the Company, according to CVM Rule No. 476 of January 16, 2009, before CETIP S.A. - Balcão Organizado de Ativos e Derivativos. The issuance will be composed of up to 10 (ten) promissory notes, with a face value of R$30.000, in a single series, totaling the amount of up to R$300.000, with maturity of 150 (a hundred and fifty) days counted from the issuance date, with payment of 5 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações principal and interest in the maturity date of the promissory notes, as approved by the Board of Directors in June 29, 2010. Issuance of Debentures In August 10, 2010, the Board of Directors approved the 4th issuance of debentures, non-convertible into shares, unsecured, according to CVM Rule No. 476, of January 16, 2009, as may be amended (“CVM Rule 476”). The Company issued 280 (two hundred and eighty) debentures, non-convertible into shares, with face value, ate the issuance date, of R$1,000 each, totaling an issuance of R$280,000, with maturity in August 10, 2016. As from the issuance date, the debentures will receive a consideration corresponding to the accrued variation of the average daily rates of DI (interbank deposits) in a day, over extra-group, plus surcharge of 2.40% per year, based on 252 (two hundred fifty two) business days, calculated and published daily by CETIP, in an exponential and cumulative basis, pro rata temporis per business day, upon the face value of debentures non amortized, as from the issuance date or the date of payment of the last consideration. The payment of interests shall be made quarterly as from November 10, 2010 and the principal shall be amortized into 16 (sixteen) quarterly installments, equal and consecutive, as from November 10, 2012. CRI Issuance In July 26, 2010, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Second Series of the Second Issuance of Certificates of Real Estate Receivables (CRIs) based on real estate credits resulting from the trade of residential and commercial units, with the following characteristics: Issuance Date Maturity Date Series Issuance Quantity Face Value Total Issuance Value 08/05/2010 08/07/2013 2nd 2nd 89 1,000 89,000 The CRIs will receive interest equal to: (i) the monetary restatement of the Reference Rate, whose maturity will be every fifth day of each month, and (ii) interest of 9.4% (nine point four per cent) per year, capitalized daily on a exponential and pro-rata cumulative basis, based on a year with 360 days. The value of principal and interests shall be amortized twice a year as from February 9, 2011 until the CRIs’ maturity date, in August 7, 2013. The primary distribution of the CRIs Will be public, in over-the-counter market, with intermediation of entity from the securities distribution system, through the CETIP 21, managed by the CETIP S.A. - Balcão Organizado de Ativos e Derivativos (“CETIP”), with other securities under custody of CETIP. The Lead Manager will perform the placement of CRI among the interested qualified investors, at its sole discretion, subject to CVM No. 476, of January 16, 2009. The CRIs shall not be written by more than 20 (twenty) investors, as provided in CVM Rule No. 476. As a public offer with restricted efforts of distribution, the Issuance will not be filed in the CVM, in accordance with CVM Rule No. 476. 3.4. Description of the income distribution policy of the results of the last 3 fiscal years Fiscal Year ended Period 12.31.2009 Rules on retention of The retention of income was profits considered by the AGM of the Company, which decided to retain 75% of adjusted net income of that year, as recommended by administration. Arrangements for According to the bylaws of the distribution of dividends Company, 25% of adjusted net income for the year were distributed as dividends. Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 The retention of income was considered by the AGM of the Company, which decided to retain 75% of adjusted net income of that year, as recommended by administration. According to the bylaws of the Company were allotted 25% of adjusted net income for the year as dividends. Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 The retention of income was considered by the AGM of the Company, which decided to retain 75% of adjusted net income of that year, as recommended by administration. According to the bylaws of the Company were allotted 25% of adjusted net income for the year as dividends. 6 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Fiscal Year ended Period 12.31.2009 Frequency of distributions Dividends are distributed according to a resolution of the Company's AGM, usually held in April each year. Restrictions on Debentures of the 1st and 3rd distributions of dividends issuance predict restriction issued by the Company to pay dividends in excess of the minimum of 25% until they are paid. 3.5. Six-month period ended 6.30.2010 Not applicable Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2009 338,132 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 182,463 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 71,157 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 80,306 23.7% 0,21 / Share ON 30/6/2010 11.5% 240,919 4/29/2010 29,527 16.2% 0,20 / Share ON 29/6/2009 12.4% 130,005 4/302009 16,900 23.7% 0,11 / Share ON 7/5/2008 5.3% 50,699 4/29/2008 Declared dividends on account of retained incomes or reserves over the last three fiscal years Period Retained Income (R$ thousand) Reserves – Legal Reserve 3.7. Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 Dividends are distributed according to a resolution of the Company's AGM, usually held in April each year. Debentures of the 1st and 3rd predict restriction issued by the Company to pay dividends in excess of the minimum of 25% until they are paid off. Summary of the dividends distribution and retained profits Period Adjusted net income regarding dividends (R$ Thousand) Distributed dividends Ratio Dividend / Adjusted Net Income Distributed dividend per share class and specie Dividend payment date Return on Equity Retained net income (R$ Thousand) Date of retention approval 3.6. Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 Dividends are distributed according to a resolution of the Company's AGM, usually held in April each year. Debentures of the 1st and 3rd predict restriction issued by the Company to pay dividends in excess of the minimum of 25% until they are paid. Quarter ended 06.30.2010 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2009 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Company’s Indebtness Period Amount of debt of any nature (R$ Thousand) Indebtness (current liabilities plus the non current liabilities, divided by the net equity) Other Indebtness index Six-month period ended 06.30.2010 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2009 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2008 Fiscal Year ended 12.31.2007 6,928,241 3,141,519 1,601,680 1,158,718 123.4% Not applicable 106.8% Not applicable 108.5% Not applicable 85.9% Not applicable 3.8. Collateralized debt, debt with floating the Company's obligations according to the maturity Consolidated (R$ thousand) 6/30/2010 and unsecured 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 debt, indicate 12/31/2007 the Maturity amount of Creditor PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos Participações 7 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Dinamarca Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Amapá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Aruba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Beige Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Cuiabá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Groelândia Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Ilhéus Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Orange Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Polônia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Porto Velho Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Red Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sudão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Tunísia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Withe Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Goldfarb PDG 2 Incorporações Ltda. PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Total PDG Realty Goldfarb e PDG Co Alencar Araripe Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Alencar Araripe Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Alves Pedroso Empreendimento Imobiliário Ltda. Amsterdam Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Áustria Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Big Field S.A Incorporações 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor 769 768 776 - Jan/11 Votorantim 6,547 3,441 - - apr/14 Bradesco - 768 776 - jan/11 Votorantim 5,452 - - - jun/12 Itaú 2,272 - - - oct/11 Santander - 1,024 - - jan/11 Votorantim - 255 259 - jan/11 Votorantim - 768 776 - jan/11 Votorantim 513,00 512 518 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,025,00 1,024 1,035 - jan/11 Votorantim 513,00 2,257 518 - jan/11 2,797,00 - - - aug/12 Votorantim Banco do Brasil - - - - jan/11 Votorantim 769,00 775 776 - jan/11 Votorantim - 614 - - jan/11 Votorantim 1,538 1,535 1,553 - jan/11 Votorantim 318 - - - oct/12 Caixa 769 767 776 - jan/11 4,234 - - - aug/12 Votorantim Banco do Brasil 23,203 - - - feb/18 FINEP 23,067 - - - feb/18 FINEP 4,127 7,201 500 - feb/11 IBM 77,913 21,709 8,263 - - - 5,068 - oct/11 Rio Bravo / GMAC - - 5,981 - aug/09 ABN Amro 584 834 500 - sep/10 Caixa 35,294 27,906 6,800 - feb/11 ABN Amro 13,504 18,796 11,043 - jun/11 ABN Amro 18,969 11,827 - - nov/11 Itaú 8 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Dinamarca Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Estela Borges Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Estela Borges Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Finlândia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Acapulco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Acre Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Alaska Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Amapá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Argentina Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Aruba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Beige Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Black Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Canadá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Canadá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Cancun Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Celestino Bourroul Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Cuiabá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Escócia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Escócia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold França Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Groelândia Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Haiti Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Ilhéus Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Índia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Irlanda Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Irlanda Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Jamaica Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Lisboa Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Madri Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Mali Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor 769 768 776 - jan/11 Votorantim 14,061 7,119 667 - mar/12 Itaú - - 1,134 - sep/11 Cyrela - - 6,614 - nov/09 Unibanco - 4,316 - - mar/12 Caixa - - 16,447 - jul/11 Itaú 1,006 1,024 1,035 - jan/11 Votorantim 6,547 3,441 - - apr/14 Bradesco 1,538 1,536 1,553 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,538 768 776 - jan/11 Votorantim 5,452 - - - jun/12 Itaú 3,589 - - - oct/11 Caixa 1,025 1,024 1,035 - jan/11 Votorantim 3,639 - - - aug/11 Santander 4,614 4,606 4,658 - jan/11 Votorantim 4,785 11,078 2,703 - apr/10 Itaú 2,272 - - - oct/11 Santander 4,101 6,259 4,140 - jan/11 Votorantim 8,372 2,165 - - jul/09 Santander 22,541 17,538 - - sep/11 Itaú 1,781 1,024 2,070 - jan/11 Votorantim - 113 5,234 - feb/10 ABN Amro 513 256 259 - jan/11 Votorantim 2,563 2,559 2,588 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,845 1,842 1,863 - jan/11 Votorantim 2,871 - - - feb/13 Caixa - - 6,130 - jul/09 Safra 11,415 12,998 - - jul/11 HSBC - - 3,051 - jan/10 ABN Amro - - - - sep/13 Caixa 9 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Gold Marília Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Marrocos Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Milano Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Minas Gerais Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Minas Gerais Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda. Gold Mônaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold New York Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Gold Noruega Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Oceania Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Orange Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Panamá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Paraíba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Polônia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Porto Velho Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Properties Vila Guilherme S.A. Gold Purple Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Purple Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Recife Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Red Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Roraima Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Roraima Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Santiago Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Santiago Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold São Paulo Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sidney Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sidney Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Singapura Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sudão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor 43,833 39,848 25,055 - oct/10 Votorantim 7,639 4,544 - - oct/11 ABN Amro 3,331 - - - jun/12 Itaú 16,904 19,901 1,812 - jun/11 HSBC 3,751 1,791 1,811 - jan/11 Votorantim 7,196 3,772 - - sep/11 Santander 570 277 - - feb/13 Caixa 68,359 32,110 21,808 - mar/11 Votorantim 1,025 1,024 1,035 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,538 768 776 - jan/11 Votorantim 21,343 14,632 3,370 - nov/10 Bradesco 3,056 1,836 - - dec/17 Caixa 513 512 518 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,025 1,024 1,035 - jan/11 Votorantim 513 512 518 - jan/11 2,797 1,745 - - aug/12 Votorantim Banco do Brasil - - 9,202 - jul/09 Itaú 1,336 1,541 1,553 - jan/11 Votorantim - - - - may/12 Bradesco 9,970 9,330 - - aug/10 Bradesco 3,588 1,791 1,811 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,538 1,535 1,553 - jan/11 Votorantim 11,870 - - - jan/12 Itaú 2,664 3,642 - - jul/12 Caixa 720 429 - - apr/12 Caixa - 7,824 9,473 - jun/10 ABN Amro - - 8,202 - feb/10 Matone - 3,220 - - aug/12 Caixa 468 688 - - nov/12 Caixa 769 775 776 - jan/11 Votorantim 10 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Gold Sudão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Suíça Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Texas Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Tunísia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Uberaba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Uberaba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Venice Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Viena Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Viena Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Withe Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor - 61 - - sep/12 Caixa 10,687 7,694 - - aug/10 Bradesco 14,424 6,882 - - jul/11 Santander 1,230 614 1,242 - jan/11 Votorantim 1,538 1,535 1,553 - jan/11 318 - - - jun/12 Votorantim BTG Pactual 22,421 20,379 - - may/11 ABN Amro 4,614 2,303 4,658 - jan/11 Votorantim 12,036 - - - sep/11 Itaú 1,870 1,870 - - may/12 Caixa - 2,357 - - feb/12 Caixa 769 768 776 - jan/11 Votorantim - 814 12,483 20,441 jan/10 - - 13,361 7,104 aug/09 ABC Brasil Banco do Brasil - 4,562 5,345 - apr/12 Bradesco 12,201 12,566 12,823 - jan/14 Brascan 1,386 1,924 5,289 - feb/11 Caixa - - 30,789 1,985 aug/10 Caixa 1,205 1,424 1,872 - jan/12 CIT Brasil 25,936 28,392 30,368 - may/11 - 17,568 - - jun/10 Safra BTG Pactual 1,445 - - - mar/12 Caixa - - - - jan/14 Safra - - - 5,673 oct/11 Cyrela - - - 3,942 nov/09 ABN Amro - - - 1,676 sep/10 Santander - - - 5,077 apr/10 Itaú - - - 16,539 oct/09 Bradesco - - - 1,916 jul/08 - - - 8,911 nov/08 BIC Rio Bravo / GMAC 11 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Holanda Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Kirmayr Negócios Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Luxemburgo Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Nova Água Rasa Empreendimentos Imob. SPE S.A. Nova Tatuapé Negócios Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Oswaldo Lussac Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Padre Adelino Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Petrônio Portela Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Santa Genebra Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. São João Clímaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. São João Clímaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Serra Bella Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. SPE Gama Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. SPE Jaguaré Construções Ltda. SPE Reserva do Alto Aricanduva Construções Ltda. Vassoural Empreendimentos Imobiliários ltda Vila Maria Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Vila Maria Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Outros 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor 1,715 5,044 7,551 - mar/10 Matone 9,986 7,922 1,710 - nov/10 Bradesco 16,083 18,156 8,708 - aug/10 ABN Amro 4,396 8,510 11,196 - feb/11 HSBC - - 10,817 1,316 dec/10 HSBC - 5,307 - - feb/10 Bradesco - 9,520 5,894 - jul/10 ABN Amro 530 1,001 2,414 - dec/12 ABN Amro - - 1,877 - oct/11 Cyrela - 698 - - jun/11 Caixa - - 3,658 - dec/10 Caixa 6,875 11,885 4,852 - jun/12 Caixa 1,158 11,131 10,306 - jul/09 Bradesco 18,101 19,860 11,537 - feb/10 Santander - 107 15,131 - jul/09 Bradesco 20,032 13,816 - - oct/10 Bradesco 10,222 3,316 - - mar/12 ABN Amro - - 1,145 - nov/09 Cyrela - 277 12 1 592,682 523,131 399,800 74,581 13,952 34,669 - - feb/11 Bradesco Assis Bueno 30 Incorporações Ltda. 2,127 2,100 2,146 - jul/10 Unibanco Assis Bueno 30 Incorporações Ltda. Bento Lisboa 106-A Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Bento Lisboa 106-B Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. 5,842 6,311 - - apr/10 Bradesco - - 17,534 - jul/09 Unibanco Total Goldfarb e PDG Co CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Araxá Participações e Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A - - 7,400 - oct/10 Bradesco CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. 10,065 10,947 10,764 - jun/10 Bradesco CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. 10,471 3,807 11,307 - jun/10 Safra CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. - - 2,778 - jun/09 Unibanco CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. 27,361 21,327 21,655 21,195 aug/10 Unibanco Jaime Poggi Incorporações Ltda. Savelli Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. 82,269 58,042 - - feb/12 Itaú 4,550 3,907 1,175 - nov/13 HSBC 12 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) SPE Aberlardo Bueno 3600 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Almirante Baltazar 131 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Almirante Baltazar 131 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Baronesa de Poconé 222 Incorporações Ltda. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor 14,128 - - - may/11 Santander 14,034 13,728 3,565 - oct/12 HSBC 1,489 1,470 1,502 - jul/10 Unibanco 2,715 3,796 4,326 - sep/11 Bradesco SPE BMI 600 Incorporações Ltda. - 6,081 8,036 - dec/10 Unibanco SPE BMI 600 Incorporações Ltda. 2,053 2,086 2,127 - aug/10 Unibanco SPE CHL LVII Incorporações Ltda SPE Dalcidio Jurandir 255 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Dona Mariana 187 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Estrada do Monteiro 323 Incorporações Ltda SPE Estrada do Monteiro 323 Incorporações Ltda. SPE General Mitre 137 Incorporações LTDA 1,974 - - - nov/11 Bradesco - 13,236 12,681 - feb/10 Bradesco 6,226,00 - - - sep/11 Itaú 58,190 49,183 7,330 - may/10 Unibanco - 5,984 6,114 - jul/10 Unibanco 12,337 7,631 - - apr/11 Unibanco SPE MOL 38 Incorporações Ltda. Miguel de Frias 156 Empreendimentos Imobiliários S/A SPE Parque Anchieta Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A 19,079 - - - may/11 Itaú 4,550 19,249 3,735 - may/11 Itaú 7,584 7,032 27 - dec/10 Unibanco SPE VPA 144 Incorporações Ltda. 18,628 6,721 11,901 - apr/10 Bradesco SPE VPA 144 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Voluntários da Pátria 244 Incorporações Ltda Oswaldo Lussac Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. 6,743 19,332 6,867 - jul/10 Unibanco 5,131 - - - oct/10 Santander 5,483 3,538 - - feb/10 Itaú 336,981 300,177 142,970 21,195 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 6,048 - - - jun/12 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 1,831 - - - sep/11 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 76 - - - jul/10 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 165 - - - mar/11 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 4,310 - - - jun/12 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 2,783 - - - jun/12 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 1,254 - - - jun/12 Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 14,136 - - - jun/12 BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 9,901 - - - jul/13 Bradesco Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 18,462 - - - jul/13 Bradesco Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 38,954 - - - jul/13 Bradesco Total CHL Agre Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. 13 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 21,514 - - - mar/15 ABC Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 25,979 - - - apr/17 Votorantim Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 6,332 - - - jan/13 Fibra Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 5,962 - - - jan/16 Fibra Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 76,710 - - - jul/17 HSBC Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. 4,329 - - - dec/10 HSBC Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S/A 1,460 - - - aug/10 HSBC Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S/A 13,467 - - - sep/13 Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 30,031 - - - may/12 Bradesco Banco do Brasil Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 101,821 - - - jul/12 Bradesco Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 3,426 - - - mar/14 Safra Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 71,109 - - - jul/12 Safra Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 2,542 - - - jan/16 Safra Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 22,066 - - - mar/11 Safra Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 521 - - - jun/10 Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 33,987 - - - apr/15 Daycoval Deutsche Bank Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 11,998 - - - aug/12 Fibra Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A 30,005 - - - mar/12 6,600 - - - may/12 Fibra BIC BANCO Agra Loteadora S.A Agra Moab Incorporadora Ltda. Agre Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Alive Morumbi Empreendimento Imobiliário S/A API SPE 15 Planej.Desenv.Empreend. Imobiliario Ltda Arena Park Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda ASACORP - Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. ASACORP - Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. ASACORP - Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. Barra Ville Incorporadora Ltda. Barra Ville Incorporadora Ltda. BNI Artico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. Brindisi Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. 6,125 - - - jul/10 ABC Brasil 80,111 - - - jun/14 HSBC 871 - - - jun/16 Safra 14,066 - - - jun/11 Bradesco 39,391 - - - nov/10 Itaú 1,532 - - - mar/12 Trycury 1,994 - - - mar/11 2,000 - - - dec/10 Trycury BIC BANCO 1,938 - - - aug/10 Santander 11,627 - - - aug/10 Santander 3,005 - - - dec/12 HSBC 5,354 - - - jun/10 Bradesco 2,183 - - - jun/10 Bradesco 5,353 - - - jun/10 Bradesco 2,183 - - - jun/10 Bradesco 1,026 - - - jun/11 Itaú 14 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Brotas Incorporadora Ltda. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor jan/13 Itaú 1,582 - - - Brotas Incorporadora Ltda. 2,672 - - - jul/10 Itaú Caph Incorporadora Ltda. 6,582 - - - jan/12 Itaú Ciclame Incorporadora Ltda. 1,476 - - - feb/11 Unibanco Ciclame Incorporadora Ltda. Companhia Setin de Empreendimentos e Participações Companhia Setin de Empreendimentos e Participações 10,335 - - - feb/11 Unibanco 22,180 - - - dec/12 Santander 34,140 - - - jul/13 Bradesco Coreopisis Empreendimento S/A Cyrela Oceania Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda 13,026 - - - jun/11 Bradesco 2,333 - - - nov/12 HSBC 814 - - - sep/12 Itaú 3,255 - - - sep/12 Itaú Eltanin Incorporadora Ltda. Eltanin Incorporadora Ltda. Etage Botafogo Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda Exuberance Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda 7,361 - - - jul/13 Real 20,230 - - - may/11 Santander Gan Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. 8,092 - - - oct/11 HSBC Gliese Incorporadora Ltda. Grajaú Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. 1,588 - - - jan/12 Itaú 1,208 - - - aug/15 Unibanco Gundel Incorporadora Ltda. 1,786 - - - apr/12 Itaú Heliconia Incorporadora Ltda. 1,633 - - - jul/10 Santander Heliconia Incorporadora Ltda. Icarai Village Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda Inpar Abyara Projeto Residencial América SPE LTDA. Inpar Abyara Projeto Residencial América SPE LTDA. Inpar Abyara Projeto Residenc. Santo Amaro SPE LTDA. Kalapalo Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kalapalo Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kamayura Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kamayura Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kamayura Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. 5,145 - - - jul/10 Santander 11,729 - - - aug/12 1,013 - - - feb/12 HSBC BICBANC O 7,574 - - - jun/12 Santander 6,398 - - - oct/11 Real 5,895 - - - oct/12 Itaú 3,216 - - - jan/12 Itaú 1,705 - - - jul/10 Santander 11,938 - - - jul/10 Santander 3,411 - - - jul/10 Santander KFA Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda 5,929 - - - jan/11 Santander KFA Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda Klabin Segal Invetimentos e Participações SPE S.A. Klabin Segall Lider Praça Louveira SPE Ltda 19,762 - - - jan/11 Santander 21,644 - - - mar/12 Safra 10,277 - - - dec/10 Santander Klabin Segall S/A 1,661 - - - dec/11 Safra Klabin Segall S/A 33,686 - - - feb/12 Safra Klabin Segall Santana Empreendimentos 19,401 - - - oct/12 Real 15 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor Imob. Ltda Klabin Segall Vergueiro Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Klabin_Tagipuru Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE S/A Klabin_Tagipuru Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE S/A 4,814 - - - aug/12 Real 5,513 - - - may/11 Itaú 24,810 - - - may/11 Itaú Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. 5,071 - - - jan/12 Itaú Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. 1,002 - - - sep/12 Itaú Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. 20,284 - - - jan/12 Itaú 4,010 - - - sep/12 Itaú 5,381 - - - jul/13 Real Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. KSC 2 Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Lagoa Alpha Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Laguna Incorporadora Ltda. Luau do Recreio Empreendimentos Imob. SPE Ltda Maioruna Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Maioruna Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Maioruna Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Malte Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda Mareas Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Moema Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda More Alphaville Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Morumbi SPE Ltda. Mutinga Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Mutinga Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. 10,195 - - - aug/11 HSBC 7,021 - - - jun/10 Bradesco 21,922 - - - aug/13 Real 614 - - - dec/11 Santander 1,216 - - - dec/11 Santander 1,082 - - - dec/11 Santander 4,105 - - - aug/11 Itaú 19,142 - - - nov/13 Brasdesco 5,646 - - - dec/20 Safra 21,837 - - - jun/10 ABC Brasil 1,870 - - - jul/19 Real 1,874 - - - jun/10 Unibanco 7,081 - - - jun/10 Unibanco 3,014 - - - may/12 Real 2,306 - - - oct/11 Real 5,087 - - - oct/11 Real 11,577 - - - mar/12 Santander 5,871 - - - mai/12 Real 4,493 - - - oct/11 Brasdesco 9,910 - - - oct/11 Real 22,553 - - - mar/12 Santander 3,171 - - - may/12 Real 2,426 - - - oct/11 Brasdesco 16 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor 5,352 - - - oct/11 Real 12,179 - - - mar/12 Santader Poli Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda. 6,217 - - - jul/10 Bradesco Poli Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda. 31,085 - - - jul/10 Bradesco Poli Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Praia Nova Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Ragusa Empreendimento Imobiliários Ltda 24,868 - - - jul/10 Brasdesco 10,284 - - - jul/10 HSBC 10,459 - - - jun/13 Bradesco Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. 751 - - - sep/12 Real Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. 3,281 - - - sep/11 Real Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. 983 - - - sep/12 Unibanco Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. 4,292 - - - sep/11 Itaú Schahin Astúrias Incorporadora Ltda Spasso Mooca Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Springs Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda 5,242 - - - oct/11 Bradesco 13,180 - - - mar/11 HSBC 14,016 - - - apr/11 Santander 2,352 - - - nov/12 Itaú 5,130 - - - jul/12 Safra 582 - - - oct/10 Unibanco 1,841 - - - aug/11 15,001 - - - mar/11 ABC Brasil BTG Pactual 616 - - - aug/14 ABC Brasil 19,569 - - - mar/11 Santander nov/10 Santander Torre de Rhodes Incorporadora Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imob. Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imob. Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imob. Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imob. Ltda. Vila Mascote SPE Ltda. Village Recreio Empreendimentos Imobiliários S/A Vitality Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Total AGRE Fator Sky Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Fator Amazon Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Fator Aquarius Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Jaguaré Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Prunus Empreendimentos S.A. Cyrela Milão Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Eco Life Vila Leopoldina Empreend. Imobiliários S.A. Eco Life Independência Empreend. Imobiliários S.A. Administradora de Bens Avante S.A. Ecolife Parque Prado Empreendimento Imob. Ltda. Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. 20,642 - - - 1,510,035 - - - 3,940 6,869 2,193 - oct/09 Santander 15,930 12,634 1,726 - mar/11 Santander 15,178 12,039 - - sep/10 Unibanco 3,596 3,590 - - may/10 Bradesco - 6,835 6,288 - may/10 ABN Amro 3,654 6,572 9,649 7,616 oct/12 ABN Amro - - 6,357 - mar/10 ABN Amro 8,360 8,353 - - apr/11 ABN Amro 9,928 8,375 - - feb/11 Itaú 6,316 6,371 2,910 - mar/10 ABN Amro - - 16,622 - jul/09 Unibanco 17 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (R$ thousand) 6/30/2010 Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. Ecolife Santana Empreendimentos e Particip. S.A. Habiarte Barc PDG Porto Búzios Incorporações S.A. Club Florença Empreendimentos Imobiliários REP DI Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Vista do Sol Empreendimentos Imobiliários 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Creditor - - - 37,105 oct/10 Bradesco 8,402 7,571 24 - jan/13 Bradesco 6,142 4,233 - - jun/11 Bradesco 5,197 3,953 - - aug/11 Itaú - 583 441 - mar/10 Diversos 3,038 2,186 - - sep/11 Itaú América Piqueri Incorporadora S.A. Boa Viagem Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Eco Life Butantã Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. - - - 11,659 dec/07 Bradesco - - - 1,495 oct/08 HSBC - - - 13,914 may/08 Unibanco - - - 7,111 apr/09 - - - 16,356 aug/12 ABC Brasil UBS Pactual - - - 237 jan/10 Unibanco HL Empreendimentos S.A. - - - 2,214 feb/09 Unibanco PDG Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Sardenha Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. - - - 19,842 oct/10 Unibanco - - - 10,097 feb/08 Unibanco 2,949 - - - jul/11 Bradesco 2,383 - - - jul/11 Santander 261,751 261,888 267,680 267,384 jul/14 Bradesco Debêntures - 3a Emissão 307,154 303,849 - - sep/14 Caixa Debêntures Klabin 1a Emissão 272,272 - - - Debêntures Klabin 2a Emissão 254,312 - - - 2,146 3,221 45 72 3,710,259 1,504,139 864,968 490,878 Três Rios Empreend. Imob. S.A. Queiroz Galvão Mac Cyrela Veneza Emp.Imob. S.A. Debêntures - 1a Emissão Other TOTAL INDEBTNESS Period Real Floating Unsecured Total Period Real Floating Unsecured Inferior to 1 year (in R$ Thousand) 145,710 Not applicable Not applicable 145,710 Fiscal Year ended 12/12/2007 Superior to 1 year and Superior to 3 years and inferior to 3 years (R$ inferior to Thousand) 5 years (R$ Thousand) 88,204 131,964 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 88,204 131,964 Inferior a 1 ano (em R$ Thousand) 219,364 Not applicable Not applicable Fiscal Year ended 12/31/2008 Superior 1 year and Superior 3 years and inferior 3 years (R$ inferior Thousand) 5 years (R$ Thousand) 157,585 427,330 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Superior 5 years (R$ Thousand) Total (R$ Thousand) 125,000 Not applicable Not applicable 125,000 490,878 Not applicable Not applicable 490,878 Superior 5 years (R$ Thousand) 62,500 Not applicable Not applicable Total (R$ Thousand) 866,779 Not applicable Not applicable 18 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Total 219,364 Period Real Floating Unsecured Total Period Real Floating Unsecured Total 3.9. 157,585 427,330 62,500 866,779 Inferior to 1 year (in R$ Thousand) 543,242 Not applicable Not applicable 543,242 Fiscal Year ended 31/12/2009 Superior to 1 year and Superior to 3 years and inferior to 3 years (R$ inferior to Thousand) 5 years (R$ Thousand) 546,868 415.821 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 546,868 415,820 Superior to 5 years (R$ Thousand) Not applicable Not applicable - Total (R$ Thousand) 1,505,931 Not applicable Not applicable 1,505,930 Inferior to 1 year (R$ Thousand) 1,786,588 Not applicable Not applicable 1,786,588 Semester ended 3/31/2010 Superior to 1 year and Superior to 3 years and inferior to 3 years (R$ inferior to Thousand) 5 years (R$ Thousand) 1,030,453 801,023 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 1,030,453 801,023 Superior to 5 years (R$ Thousand) 92,195 Not applicable Not applicable 92,195 Total (R$ Thousand) 3,710,259 Not applicable Not applicable 3,710,259 Other information deemed relevant by the Company There is no other relevant information concerning this item 3. 19 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 4. RISK FACTORS 4.1. Risk factors that may influence the investment decision, in special, those related to: a. The Company We may have difficulties identifying and carry out new transactions for real estate development together with other companies active in the real estate market or new investments for indirect development of real estate (“Joint Ventures”), what may adversely affect us. We carry out a portion of our projects as joint ventures with other companies. Our ability to successfully indentify and create new Joint Ventures is essential to our growth. However, we may encounter difficulties in identifying attractive business in the future or we may be unable to make new investments in joint ventures on favorable terms. Furthermore, our strategy of identifying our real estate operations and expanding geographically will depend on our ability to form partnerships with companies operating in several segments of the market and in other regions of Brazil. In addition, unfavorable economic conditions may increase our financing costs and limit our access to the capital market, reducing our ability to enter into new Joint Ventures. If we are unable to make strategic acquisitions or to form new Joint Ventures, we may not grow as quickly as we expect, and this may adversely affect the Company. We are a company whose results depend on the results of our subsidiaries, for which we have no assurance will be made available to us. The Company’s ability to meet its financial obligations and to distribute dividends to its shareholders, including in the form of interest on shareholders’ equity, depends on the distribution of cash flow and income from its Subsidiaries. We have no control of part of our Subsidiaries, therefore the payment of dividends by such Subsidiaries is not mandatory, as such payments are generally determined by the majority of their shareholders. Therefore, there is no assurance that any such funds will be made available to the Company, or that the funds distributed to us will be sufficient to fulfill our financial obligations or to pay dividends to our shareholders. The loss of members of our management and/or our inability to attract and retain qualified personnel could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. Our ability to maintain our competitive position largely depends upon the performance of our management team, mainly because of the business model and investments adopted by the Company. None of our managers is subject to long-term employment agreements or non-competitions agreements. There is no assurance that we will succeed in attracting and retaining qualified management personnel to assist us in our growth. The loss of services of any members of our management or our inability to attract and retain qualified personnel could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results of the Company. Some of our Subsidiaries depend on the credit facilities provided by the Caixa Econômica Federal (“CEF”), and institutional and/or operating changes in this government agency could adversely affect us. We frequently use credit facilities provided by the CEF to finance the sale of residential units developed for middle and lower-middle income classes, especially those developed by our subsidiaries Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. (“Goldfarb”). These credit facilities are essential to leverage our residential unit sales capacity and to enable us to develop new projects because their availability reduces our need to use our own capital to grant loans to our customers. Being CEF a government agency, it is vulnerable to political influence and there may be changes to the current rules and policies for granting credit facilities that would reduce the availability or benefits of their financing. The failure to receive financing or the suspension, interruption or significant change in their financing could adversely affect the estimation of growth of our businesses. Furthermore, the suspension, interruption or slowdown of the CEFs activities in approving our projects, extending financing to our customers, and assessing the development of our construction projects, among other activities, could adversely affect our business, our financial condition, our operational results and/or the market price of our common shares (“Shares”). Additionally, such factors could, in the future, lead us to seek and use new forms of financing instead of the CEF. However, if such alternative sources of financing are not made available to our customers under similar conditions as those granted by CEF, our results of operations could be adversely affected. 20 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The market value of the land we hold in stock may decrease, what could adversely affect our operating results We maintain some land in stock for part of our future developments and we intend to increase the size of our land bank as well as acquire larger parcels of land in the future. The market value of our land may significantly decrease from the time of acquisition to the time when such parcels are actually developed due to market or economic conditions. A decrease in the market value of our land bank may adversely affect the results of the sales of our developments and consequently our operating results. We could be unable to sustain or increase our historical growth rate We have recently experienced a rapid growth, as well as a geographic expansion of our operations. We intend to continue expanding our business in the markets where we operate, as well as markets in other regions we have not yet explored, so we can take best advantage of opportunities to grow in existing and potential markets. However, we may be incapable of increasing or maintaining similar levels of growth in the future, and our operating results in recent periods may not be indicative of our future performance. If we are unable to grow and maintain a satisfactory composite index of annual growth, our financial results could be adversely affected. Our internal growth has placed, and we expect it will continue to place substantial adjustments on our business, particularly our administrative, technical, operational and financial resources and internal controls. Additional growth and expansion in our existing markets and in new markets may further strain our resources and will depend substantially on our ability to implement and manage the expansion of these resources. If we are unable to respond rapidly and properly to such expansion, our operating results may be adversely affected. We may need additional funds in the future and may issue additional securities, which may result in a dilution of investors' interests in our Shares. We may need to raise additional capital and may opt to obtain such capital through the public or private placement of debt securities, shares or securities convertible into our common shares. In the event that public or private financing is unavailable, or if our shareholders so decide, such additional funds may be obtained through an increase in our capital, which may dilute the percentage of investors’ interest in our common shares. Holders of our common shares may not receive any dividends or interest on shareholders' equity. According to the Company’s bylaws (“By Laws”), we must pay our shareholders at least 25% of our annual adjusted net income as dividends or interest on shareholders' equity, as calculated and adjusted pursuant to the Brazilian Corporate Law. This adjusted net income may be capitalized, used to absorb losses or otherwise retained as allowed under Brazilian Corporate Law, and may not be made available for payment as dividends or interest on shareholders' equity. Additionally, Brazilian Corporate Law allows a publicly traded company like ours to suspend the mandatory distribution of dividends in any particular fiscal year if our Board of Directors informs the Annual General Meeting that such distribution would be inadvisable in view of our financial condition. If these events were to occur, the holders of our common shares may not receive dividends or interest on shareholders' equity. b. The Controller of the Company, directly or indirectly, or control group None. c. The Company’s Shareholders The relative volatility and limited liquidity of the Brazilian securities markets may substantially limit the ability of investors to sell our Shares at the desired price and time. Investment in securities in developing markets such as Brazil frequently involves a greater degree of risk than in other markets. The Brazilian securities market is substantially smaller, less liquid, more concentrated and generally more volatile than the major international securities markets. For example, the BM&FBOVESPA had a total market capitalization of approximately R$1.3 trillion as of December 31, 2009 and an average daily trading volume of R$5.3 billion at the same date. During the year a total of 81,75 million of businesses were done as of 61.02 million in the year before. These market characteristics may substantially limit our shareholders ability to sell our Shares at the price and time you wish and as consequence, could adversely affect the market value of our Shares. 21 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The interests of our officers and employees could become excessively linked to the price of our shares, since they are granted stock options to purchase or subscribe to our common shares We have a plan that grants options to purchase shares pursuant to Article 168, paragraph three of the Corporations Act. It was approved at the general meeting of shareholders held on January 9, 2007, later changed in the Extraordinary General Meeting that the Company held on December 21, 2007 (“Stock Option Plan” or “Plan”), with which we seek to stimulate improvement in our management and retention of our executives to achieve gains by compromising with the results of long term and short-term performance. The fact that our managers and employees can receive stock options to purchase or subscribe to our common shares at a lower price than the market price of our common shares could lead their interests to become excessively linked to the price of our common shares which could have a negative impact on our business. d. The subsidiaries and colligated Companies The risks related to the subsidiaries and colligated Companies are the same related to us. e. The Suppliers of the Company The use of outsourced labor force could expose us to labor and social security liabilities. The company and its subsidiaries have a reduced number of employees. As of March 31, 2010, approximately 80% of our direct and indirect labor force was outsourced. The use of an outsourced labor force by our subsidiaries, mainly with respect to the hiring of construction companies, exposes us to labor and social securities liabilities. The assumption of such contingencies is inherent on the hiring of third parties, since it can be attributed to the Subsidiaries, as makers of third party services, the responsibility for the labor and social security debts of employees of service providers companies when they fail to comply with their labor and social security obligations. The Company itself could respond for labor and social security contingencies relating to its Subsidiaries, regardless of the right of the Company and its Subsidiaries to return action against the service providers companies. The occurrence of any contingencies is difficult to predict and quantify, and if they happen, it may adversely affect the financial condition and results of the Company. Problems with our real estate projects that are beyond our control may damage our image, reputation, or our business, as well as expose us to indemnification payments as a result of civil liabilities. In the normal course of our business, we acquire materials from third parties, and we outsource a portion of the labor services to develop our real estate projects to contractors. As a result, the timely completion and quality of our developments are subject to certain factors that are beyond our control, including, but not limited to, the quality and availability of construction materials supplied for use in our projects and the technical skills of the construction companies and contractors that we hire. Our image and reputation, as well as the technical quality of our real estate projects, are determining factors for the success of our sales and growth. The occurrence of one or more problems in our real estate projects may adversely affect our image, reputation, future sales and relationship with our customers, which in turn could adversely affect our business and results. Additionally, pursuant to article 618 of the Brazilian Civil Code, we are required to provide our customers with a five-year warranty against significant structural problems in our developments, and we may be called upon to uphold these warranties. In this event, we may incur unanticipated costs and therefore be adversely affected. f. The Company’s Clients There is no risk related to the Company’s clients. g. Sectors of the economy in which the Company operates The Brazilian real estate market is highly competitive, which could present a threat to our market position in Brazil and our expansion strategy. The increasing competition in the Brazilian real estate market by our current and future competitors, including foreign competitors, could increase our land acquisition costs, hampering the expansion of our land bank or even making it impracticable to maintain its current size. Competition may also impact the profitability of our operations, 22 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações including by reducing the prices and by increasing our marketing costs. As a consequence, our operations and profits may decrease, adversely affecting our financial condition. In addition, the Brazilian real estate market is highly competitive and fragmented, and lacks high-entry barriers that would restrict new competitors from entering the market. The main competitive factors in the real estate development business include availability and location of land parcels, terms and availability of financing, characteristics of the projects, quality of the developed residential units, reputation and ability to enter into joint ventures with other developers. We compete with a number of residential and commercial developers and real estate companies in seeking: (i) land for acquisition; (ii) obtaining financial resources for development; and (iii) identifying prospective clients. New companies, including foreign companies working in joint ventures with local companies, may become active in the real estate development business in Brazil in the near future, further increasing competition in this industry. To the extent that one or more of our competitors initiates a very successful sales or marketing campaign and, as a result, their sales increase significantly, our business, financial condition and operating results could be materially and adversely affected if we are not able to respond to such pressures as promptly and effectively as our competitors. Furthermore, some of our competitors might obtain access to financial resources under better conditions than ours and, consequently, establish a capital structure that is better able to adapt to market pressures, principally in periods of instability in the real estate market. The scarcity of available financing and/or increased interest rates may reduce demand for residential or commercial real estate units (“Units”), which could negatively affect the real estate market and adversely affect us. Purchasers of our Units generally rely on loans to finance their acquisitions. The scarcity of financing resources available in the market, changes in current policies for the concession of financing and/or an increase in interest rates may adversely affect the ability or willingness of prospective buyers to purchase our Units. Most of the bank financing obtained by consumers for the purchase of real estate comes from the Sistema Financeiro de Habitação SFH (the national housing system), which in turn is financed with funds raised from savings account deposits. Furthermore, the Conselho Monetário Nacional - CMN (the national monetary council) may reduce the amount of funds that banks are required to make available for real estate financing. If the CMN restricts the amount of funds available to finance the purchase of real estate, or if there is an increase in prevailing interest rates, demand for construction of new properties could decrease, which may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results. Additionally, if the Brazilian economy experiences a recession, our sales may slow down and customers could default, which could also have an adverse effect on the Company. Our business is subject to extensive regulation, which may increase our costs and limit our strategy of expansion. The Brazilian real estate industry is subject to extensive building and zoning regulations imposed by various federal, state and municipal authorities that govern land acquisition and development and construction activities, primarily through zoning restrictions, license requirements and consumer protection laws. We are required to obtain the approval of various governmental authorities for our development projects. New laws or regulations could be adopted, enforced or interpreted in a manner that could adversely affect our business. Our operations are also subject to Brazilian federal, state and municipal environmental laws and regulations. These environmental laws may result in delays, may cause us to incur substantial costs and may prohibit or severely restrict commercial and residential projects activities in environmentally sensitive regions. Regulations governing the Brazilian real estate industry as well as the environment have tended to become more restrictive over the years, and this increased regulation could adversely affect the Company. In addition, zoning and environmental laws may change after the acquisition of a parcel of land and before its development, causing delays and modifications to the originally proposed project, which may have an adverse effect on our business and expected results. The real estate industry is subject to risks generally associated to development and construction activities. 23 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The risks associated with the development and construction activities of real estate companies like ours include, without limitation, the following: (i) due to the significant time lag between the commencement and completion of a project (18-36 months), possible changes in the macroeconomic scenario during such period, such as slowing economy, increased interest rates, currency fluctuations and political instability the devaluation of land stock, demographic changes, could occur and make our projects less attractive to our customers; (ii) construction costs may exceed initial estimates; (iii) the developer or the construction company may not be allowed to index their costs to certain industry inflation rates or to index their receivables, as currently permitted, which could potentially make the real estate project economically unattractive; (iv) the level of customer interest in a project, or the residential unit sales price necessary to sell all of the residential units, may not be sufficient to make the project profitable or the lack of customer interest or the difficulty in obtaining customer financing may reduce the pace of sales, generating additional selling and marketing costs; (v) possible interruptions in supply or shortage of construction materials and equipment may delay the conclusion of the project; (vi) construction and sales may not be concluded on time, resulting in higher costs; (vii) we may face difficulties in acquiring land, such as environmental and land-related negotiations; (viii) land that we acquire may be expropriated by the Brazilian government, or the beginning of public works may impair its use or access; and (ix) project costs may be increased as a consequence of delays during development and increases in the construction costs, since, except for Goldfarb and CHL, none of our Subsidiaries performs its own construction activities. The occurrence of one or more of these factors may have an adverse effect the Company. Real estate projects entail risks usually associated with the granting of consumer financing. As is common in our industry, we grant loans to some of our customers. As a result, we are subject to the risks associated with the granting of financing, including the risk of inflation, default in the payment of principal or interest of our loans and the risk of increased costs for the funds we raised. In addition to the interest rate of 12% per year, our sales agreements provide for monetary adjustment based on the National Index of the Construction Cost (Indice Nacional de Custo da Construção), or INCC, applicable during construction of the Units, and on the General Market Price Index (Indice Geral de Precos -Mercado), or IGP-M, applicable after the completion of the work. Both these indexes vary according to the inflation rate. If there is an increase in the inflation rate, our customers' indebtedness may increase as a result of the sales agreements, causing higher customer default. This could have an adverse effect on our cash generation and therefore our operating results. In the event of default of a customer after the delivery of the Units, Brazilian law provides for the filing of a judicial collection claim to recover the amount owed or to repossess the Unit. The collection of overdue amounts or the repossession of property usually takes two years. Thus, if a customer is in default, we cannot guarantee that we will recover the full amount of the unpaid principal, which could adversely affect our results. Along with other real estate companies, we raise funds at different rates, and we may be unable to match our payment conditions with the terms of the loans we grant to our customers. This possible mismatch of rates and terms between the funds we raise and the loans we grant could adversely affect us. The real estate market may be subject to a liquidity crisis. Like other companies in the real estate industry, we depend on a variety of factors outside our control in order to build and develop real estate projects, including (i) the availability of market resources for the granting of financing to our customers for the acquisition of our Units and to us for the development of new real estate projects and (ii) relying on our customers to make timely payments related to the acquisition of our Units. Any scarcity of market resources may decrease our sales capacity due to difficulties in obtaining credit for construction or land acquisition, or due to fewer launchings of new projects. The combination of these risks could reduce our earnings, cash generation and results. In addition, a possible change, allowing the employees to use the Severance Payment Fund (Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Servico), or FGTS, for purposes other than the ones currently permitted, may reduce the overall funds available by financial institutions for purchase of real estate properties, especially the CEF. We are exposed to numerous risks associated with the incorporation, construction, lease and sale of real estate properties. 24 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações We are dedicated to incorporation, construction, lease and sale of real estate properties and we intend to keep developing these activities. Besides all the risks that generally affect the Brazilian real estate market, such as changes in supply and volatility of materials and construction equipments, scarcity of qualified labor to provide services, changes in supply and demand for real estate projects in the regions in which we operate , strikes and environmental and zoning regulations, our activities are specifically affected by the following specific risks: • • • • economic conditions in Brazil may adversely affect the growth of the real estate business as a whole, by means of an economic slowdown, an increase in interest rates, exchange rate fluctuations and political instability, among other factors; new regulations or market conditions may prevent us from obtaining our receivables, in accordance with certain rates of inflation, as currently permitted, which could make a project economically or financially infeasible; customer demand for new projects may wane or the unit sale price necessary to sell all of our units may be significantly lower than expected, which could make projects less profitable and/or the total value of units different than expected; bankruptcy or significant financial difficulties of a major real estate company may adversely affect the real estate market as a whole, particularly if customers lose confidence in the real estate companies, including the Company; • we are affected by local or regional real estate market conditions such as the oversupply of lower-income residential projects, with sales price between R$60,000.00 and R$130,000.00; • potential buyers may have a negative perception of the security, convenience and attractiveness of our real estate properties and the areas in which they are located; • increases in operating costs, including insurance premiums, real estate taxes and utilities, may affect our profit margins; • we may be affected by the scarcity of well-located land for the development of our projects in areas where we operate, currently or in the future; • we may be affected by the interruption of the provision of materials and construction equipment; • real estate development opportunities may slow down or disappear; and • construction and sale of units may not be completed on schedule, resulting in increased construction costs or early termination of sales contracts. The occurrence of any of these factors may have an adverse effect on our financial condition and operating results. Additionally, pursuant to the terms of our standard contracts to sell our units, the purchasers have the right to terminate the contract, without incurring any penalty, and to receive back a significant portion of payments made to us as adjusted for inflation, if the purchased units are no timely delivered within 180 days counted as from the original delivery date. We cannot guarantee that we will not be subject to future construction delays in our projects. In addition, pursuant to article 618 of the Brazilian Civil Code, we must provide a five-year warranty with respect to structural defects that may be exercised during such period of time. The occurrence of any such events may also have an adverse effect on our financial condition. h. The regulation of industries in which the Company operates An increase in existing tax rates or the creation of new taxes while our sales contracts are in force may have an adverse effect on our financial condition and operating results. The real estate industry is influenced by government policies and an increase in the tax rates applicable to the industry could adversely affect real estate transactions. In the past, the Brazilian government has changed tax rates and created new taxes, as well as modified the system of taxation with some frequency. If the government increases tax rates or creates new taxes on the purchase and sale of real estate while our sales contracts are in force, we may 25 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações suffer an adverse effect to the extent that we cannot amend these agreements in order to pass such increased costs on to our customers. In addition, an increase in, or creation of, new taxes on the purchase and sale of real estate that are passed on to our customers may increase the final price to our customers, which could potentially reduce the demand for our properties, causing an adverse effect on our results. Furthermore, the Brazilian government may terminate the “presumed profit” method used to calculate corporate income taxes used by many of our Subsidiaries, in particular the special purpose vehicles established development of projects or for co-development activities, the tax burden on our special purpose vehicles would increase and our operating results could be adversely affected. Our activities are subject to extensive environment regulation, which may increase our costs and limit our development, or in some other manner adversely affect our business. Our operations are subject to federal, state and municipal environmental laws and regulations. We are required to obtain approval from various government authorities to develop our real estate business. New laws or regulations could be approved, implemented or interpreted in a way that could affect our results of operations, particularly if they become more rigid. These environmental regulations could cause delays and cause us to incur significant compliance and other costs. They could also prohibit or severely restrict our business activities and residential construction in environmentally sensitive areas or regions. The laws that govern the Brazilian real estate sector, as well as environmental laws, tend to become more restrictive over time and any increase in restrictions could adversely and materially affect our operating results. i. Foreign countries where the Company operates Developments and perceptions of risk in other countries, especially in emerging market countries and the United States, could have an adverse effect on Brazilian securities market, including the market price of our common shares, and could cause a negative impact on our operating results and financial condition. The market price of securities issued by Brazilian companies is influenced by economic and market conditions in other countries, particularly other Latin American and emerging market countries, as well as the United States. Although economic conditions in these countries may differ significantly from economic conditions in Brazil, the reaction of investors to events in these other countries may have an adverse effect on the market value of Brazilian securities, including our common shares. Crises in other emerging market countries could diminish investors' interest in securities of Brazilian issuers, including our common shares. In the past, the development of adverse economic conditions in other emerging market countries resulted in a significant flow of funds out of the country and, consequently, in the reduction of foreign capital invested in Brazil. The financial crisis that began in the United States in the third quarter of 2008 created a global recession. Changes in the prices of common shares of public companies, lack of available credit, reductions in spending, the general slowdown of the global economy, exchange rate instability and inflationary pressure may adversely affect, directly or indirectly, the Brazilian economy and securities market. In addition, financial institutions may be unable to renew, extend, or grant new lines of credit under economically favorable conditions, or may even be unable or unwilling to honor existing obligations. Any of these factors could adversely affect the market price of our common shares, and could also make it more difficult for us to access the capital markets and finance our operations in the future on acceptable terms, or at all. 4.2. Company’s expectations on the reduction or increase of the exposion to the risks described above. The Company constantly analises the risks to which it is exposed and that can adversely affect its business, financial situation and results. This way, we are constantly monitorating changes in the macro-economic scenario that can affect our activities through accompaniment of the main performance indicators. We have a strong control of our suppliers, which avoid any sort of adverse effect on our activities. Now a days, the Company does not see any increase or reduction of the risks described in seccion 4.1. 26 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 4.3. Judicial, administrative or arbitraries proceedings in which the Company or its subsidiaries are parties, discriminating works, taxes civils and other: (i) that are not confidential; and (ii) that are relevant for the Company’s and its subsidiaries business. On March 31, 2010, we and our Subsidiaries were parties in judicial and administrative proceedings, originated from the business natural course, resulting on a total involved value of R$53.0 million. We do not believe that any judicial or administrative proceeding, if judged in an unfavorable way could cause an adverse effect over our activities, financial situation and operational results. There is only one proceeding among all the judicial and administrative proceedings that the Company and its Subsidiaries are parties, we considerate only one, where Goldfarb is a party, which is relevant since it involves a share participation on the subsidiary, but this proceeding is under confidentiality. As mentioned, the criteria used to determine this proceeding a valid one is that a loss on the proceeding could affect our participation in Goldfarb’s. But, we believe that even if this judicial proceeding is judged favorable to the other part, it will not affect us adversely and it will not bring negative consequences to the development of our business. 4.4. Judicial, administrative or arbitraries proceedings in that are not confidential which the Company or its subsidiaries are parties or ex parties and whose other parties are managers or ex managers, controller or ex controller or investor of the Company or its subsidiaries. On March 31, 2010 there were no judicial, administrative or arbitrary proceedings that are not confidential in which the Company and its subsidiaries are parties and the other party consist on an ex-manager, ex controller, ex investor of the Company or of its subsidiaries. 4.5. Confidential Proceedings that are relevant and that the company or its subsidiaries are parties that have not been described on items 4.3 and 4.4. analyze the impact in case of loss and inform the involved values. The claim that is mentioned on 4.3 is approximately R$4 million, and the consequence in case we lose will be the loss of ours subsidiaries shares (Goldfarb’s) over 4% of its total and direct capital stock and the right to request compensation of Goldfarb’s old controllers. 4.6. Description of the judicial administrative or arbitrary proceedings that are repetitive or connected based on juridical facts and causes that are similar. They are not confidential but reliant in a way that the Company and its subsidiaries are parties, discriminating works, taxes and others. On March 31, 2010 the Company and its subsidiaries do not have repetitive or connected judicial, administrative and arbitraries proceedings, based on the similar facts and causes that are not confidential and that together are relevant (besides the judicial and administrative proceedings mentioned on this item 4) 4.7. Description of other relevant contingencies not described in the anterior items On March 31, 2010, the Company and its subsidiaries do not have any relevant contingencies not included in the previous items. 4.8. Rules from the origin country from the foreign issuer and rules from the country in which foreign securities are custoded, if diverse from the origin country Not applicable to the Company. 27 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 5. MARKET RISKS 5.1. Quantitative and qualitative description of the main market risks to which the Company is exposed, including foreign exchange risks and interest rates. The Brazilian government has exercised, and continues to exercise, significant influence over the Brazilian economy. This involvement, as well as Brazilian economic and political conditions, could adversely affect our business and the market price of our Shares. The Brazilian economy has been characterized by frequent, and occasionally drastic, intervention by the Brazilian government, which has often changed monetary, fiscal, credit and tax and other policies to influence Brazil's economy. The Brazilian government's actions to control inflation and affect other policies have often involved wage and price controls, currency devaluations, controls on remittances abroad, fluctuations of the base interest rate, as well as other measures. We have no control over, nor can we foresee, any measures or policies that the Brazilian government may adopt in the future. Our business, financial condition and operating results may be adversely affected by changes in the policies of the Brazilian government, including, without limitation: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • economic and social instability; inflation; exchange rate fluctuations; negative diplomatic developments; exchange controls and restrictions on remittances abroad; expansion or contraction of the Brazilian economy, as measured by GDP growth rates; energy rationing; fiscal or monetary policy and amendments to the tax legislation; interest rates; liquidity of domestic and foreign capital and lending markets; expropriation of privately-owned land; environmental and sanitary laws and regulations; interpretation of labor and social security laws, and other political, diplomatic, social and economic policies or developments in or affecting Brazil.. Uncertainty over whether the Brazilian government will implement changes in policy or laws affecting these and other factors in the future may contribute to economic uncertainty in Brazil and to heightened volatility of the Brazilian capital markets and securities issued abroad by Brazilian companies. Thus, such uncertainties and other future events in the Brazilian economy may have a material adverse effect on our business and operating results, and the market price of our Shares. Inflation and government efforts to curb inflation may contribute to economic uncertainty in Brazil, adversely affecting our operations and the market price of our Shares. In the past, Brazil has experienced extremely high inflation rates. Inflation and certain measures taken by the Brazilian government to combat it, combined with speculation over eventual governmental measures, have had significant negative effects on the Brazilian economy, contributing to the economic uncertainty already existing in Brazil and heightened volatility in the Brazilian securities market. Most recently, the average annual inflation rate measured by the IGP-M, decreased from 20.10% in 1999 to 9.80% in 2008. Inflation rates as measured by the IGPM were negative 1.72% as of September 30, 2009. In three months ended March 2009 and 2010, inflation rates were 0.92% and deflation rates were 2.78%, as measured by the IGP-M. The Brazilian government's measures to control inflation have frequently included maintaining a tight monetary policy with high interest rates, thereby restricting the availability of credit and reducing economic growth. Consequently, interest rates have presented significant fluctuation. For example, the official interest rates in Brazil at the end of 2007, 2008 and 2009 were 11.25%, 13.25%, 8.75%, respectively, and 11.25% and 8.75% in the quarter ended March 31, 2009 and 2010, respectively, as established by Central Bank's Monetary Policy Council (Conselho de Politica Monetária do Banco Central), or COPOM. Future measures by the Brazilian government including reduction of interest rates, money market intervention, and actions to adjust or fix the value of the Real, may trigger an increase in inflation. If Brazil experiences increased inflation in the future, we may be unable to adjust the prices charged to our clients to compensate for the effect of 28 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações inflation on our cost structures, which may result in an increase in our costs and a reduction in our net operating margin. Exchange rate instability may adversely affect the Brazilian economy and the market price of our Shares. As a result of several inflationary pressures, the Brazilian currency has been devalued periodically relative to the US dollar and other strong currencies during the last four decades. Throughout this period, the Brazilian government has implemented various economic plans and adopted a number of exchange rate policies, including sudden devaluations, periodic mini-devaluations (during which the frequency of adjustments has ranged from daily to monthly), floating exchange rate systems, exchange controls and dual exchange rate markets. From time to time, there have been significant fluctuations in the exchange rate between the Brazilian currency and the U.S. dollar and other currencies. For example, the Real depreciated 18.7% in 2001 and 52.3% in 2002 against the US dollar. Although the Real appreciated 17.2% against the US dollar in 2007, in 2008, as a result of the worsening global economic crisis, the Real depreciated 32% against the US dollar, closing at R$2.34 to US$1.00. In 2009, after the end of the global crisis, the Real appreciated 34.3%, closing at R$1,74 to US$1,00 at the end of the year. In the quarter ended March 31, 2009, the Real appreciated 0,09% against the US dollar. On March 31, 2010, the exchange rate between the Real and the US dollar was R$1.78 to US$1.00. We cannot guarantee that the Real will not again depreciate or appreciate against the US dollar in the future. The devaluation of the Real against the US dollar may create additional inflationary pressures in Brazil and increase interest rates, which may negatively affect the Brazilian economy as a whole, as well as the market price of our Shares. Modifications in accounting practices in Brazil due to of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) could adversely affect our results. On December 28, 2007, Law No. 11,638/07 was enacted, complemented by Law No. 11,941/09 of May 27, 2009 (converted into law from Provisional Measure No. 4491/08), altering the Brazilian corporate law and introducing new accounting rules applicable to our type of corporation. with the objective of adopting IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). The effectiveness of such rules will depend on regulation by CVM and the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service, or legislative changes. A portion of this legislation was already passed. In relation to the real estate sector, the interpretation of IFRIC 15 – “Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate” specifically addresses the accounting practices for the recognition of sales revenue from real estate property by construction companies before the property's completion imóvel and shall be applied for financial statements with IFRS on fiscal years initiated in or after January 1, 2009. This interpretation was approved by the CPC and the CVM (by means of CVM Decision No. 612, of December 22, 2009), and has been applied in Brazil since January 1, 2010. The principal change brought by the enforcement of this interpretation is a change in the recognition of revenue related to the sale of real estate properties. A portion of the legislation standardizing accounting rules in Brazil was already passed, or has caused a transitional tax regime to be instituted, and the uncertainty surrounding the impact of this regulation or legislation could adversely affect our business and operating results, since we recognize revenue throughout the period of construction, that is, before the property is handed over. Besides this, the modification of accounting practices, especially those related to the real estate sector, could have material impacts on our financial statements, with a possible effect on our results, including possible impacts on the distribution of dividends Our future financial statements could occasionally be altered in a significant way as a result of various accounting pronouncements issued by the CPC and standardized by the CVM in 2010. Law No. 11,638/07 and Law No. 11,941/09 (converted into law from Provisional Measure No. 449/08) modified and introduced new provisions to the Brazilian corporate law, with the main objective of updating the Brazilian corporate legislation to facilitate the process of standardizing Brazilian GAAP with the accounting practices consistent with the international norms of accounting issued by the IASB. The enforcement of the alterations introduced by this legislation are mandatory for financial statements relating to the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008. As a result of this legislation, during 2008 the CPC released various pronouncements with mandatory application to the preparation of financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2008. 29 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Additionally, to continue this process of standardization, new accounting pronouncements are expected to be released that may occasionally bring material impacts to our operating results. Although the CPC has published a schedule for the approval of new pronouncements, we do not have control over nor can we foresee which accounting pronouncements will be issued in 2010 and in the coming years. The future financial statements that we must prepare could occasionally be altered in a significant way as a result of various accounting pronouncements issued by the CPC and standardized by the CVM in 2010. Interest Rate Risk The Company is exposed to floating interest rates especially to the taxes variations that pays their financial applications, debts and other assists and liabilities. The following are the main indexes in our present business plan: • INCC: it’s the biggest part of our costs (supplies and manpower) and are updated by the INCC index (Índice Nacional de Custo da Construção). An increase of one per cent in this index during the quarter ended June 30, 2010 would result a decrease in the Net Income of the Company of 15.400. • Interbank Deposit Certificate (“CDI”): all of our financial applications and approximately 46% of our total Indebtness are hold to CDI. An increase of one per cent in the average rate of CDI in the quarter ended June 30, 2010 would result a decrease in the Net Income of the Company of 5.700. • Others: among other indexes, we highlight only the TR, which has approximately 47.3% of our Indebtness (R$1,757.5 million on June 30, 2010) held to this index. Currency Risks The Company does not have any debs or values to receive in a foreign currency. Additionally, none of our relevant costs is in a foreign currency. 5.2. Description of market risks management policy adopted by the Company’s, its objective, strategies and instruments a. Risks for which protection is sought As mentioned in the item 5.1 above, the main market risk for the Company is the fluctuation of indexes and interest rates, since we do not have any currency risk. We also seek protection for liquidity and results risks. b. Patrimonial Protection Strategy (hedge) The main strategy of the patrimonial protection is holding our assets to the same indexes as our liabilities. As mentioned in the item 5.1 above, our main indexers are (i) INCC and (ii) CDI. Below, it’s described the main strategies to minimize the exposure to these indexes: (i) INCC: the biggest portion of our resources is held to this index. To minimize this exposure we update INCC to our non performed receivables (approximately 87.3% of the total receivables on June 2010). (ii) CDI: part of our Indebtness (approximately 46.4% on June 30, 2010) is held to the CDI. In order to minimize this exposure, all of our financial applications are corrected by this index. In addition, we are constantly looking for an optimization of multidisciplinary organization in which the direction evaluates if actions undertaken are being made as to mitigate any risk of the Company's business. c. Instruments used for patrimonial protection (hedge) The main financial instruments used by the Company and its subsidiaries are the financial applications, borrow money for capturing and turning to finance projects under construction, acquisition of debentures, all in market’s normal conditions. d. Parameters used for managing those risks 30 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The management of these risks is performed by setting conservative strategies, aimed at liquidity, profitability and safety. The control policy is active in monitoring the rates contracted by the Company versus the current market. e. If the Company operates various financial instruments with goals of asset protection (hedge) and what are these goals The Company does not perform operations with financial instruments with different goals of asset protection (hedge). f. Organizational structure to control management risk The CFO, along with the management control and legal department, periodically analyze the risks to inform the direction and the board of directors, which assesses whether the actions taken are being made as to follow the policy. g. Adequacy of the operational structure and internal controls to verify the effectiveness of the policy adopted Through multidisciplinary organizational structure, which also uses the board as a strategic asset protection, management monitors and evaluates the adequacy of operations with the policy. We trust that such structure is appropriate to monitor our activities and risks and to identify possible issues for improvement. No need to improve our current controls has been evidenced. 5.3. Compared to last fiscal year, an indication of significant changes in key market risks to which the Company is exposed or the risk management policy adopted In the last fiscal year, there has been no material change in the principal market risks to which the Company is subject, in policies or risk management. 5.4. Other information deemed relevant by the Company There are no other relevant information about this item 5. 31 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 6. 6.1. HISTORY OF THE COMPANY Company’s Incorporation The Company was incorporated on November 17, 1998 in the city of Sao Paulo, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil as a closely held corporation. 6.2. Time Period Undetermined. 6.3. Brief History of the Company The Company was incorporated on November 17, 1998 in the city of Sao Paulo, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil as a closely held corporation. The partners and founding members of the Company Pactual Electra Administração e Investmentos Ltda., Alvaro Luis Gonçalves and Fernando Jorge Kalleder remained in the same until 2004. Since then, the Fundo de Investimento em Participações Pactual Desenvolvimento e Gestão I (PDG), vehicle of the longterm investment area of the Bank Pactual SA, became the largest shareholder of the Company. At the same time, the Company began to be administrated by its current directors, José Antonio Grabowsky Tornaghi and Michel Wuman. In 2007, it was decided that the Company would invest in real estate market, that’s the reason why there was a capital opening. Since then the Company has been investing in real estate projects through co-development (FDI) and portfolio (indirect investment). The portfolio investment comes primarily from our subsidiaries “CHL” in Rio de Janeiro and Goldfarb and Agre in Sao Paulo. Both of them are 100% (hundred percent) controlled by the Company. We're the developer with the largest growth in total value to be potentially obtained by sale of all Units of certain real estate projects launched at the price of launch (“VGV Released”) since our initial public offering of shares (“PSV”) in 2007 until June 30, 2010 among real estate public companies, such as, Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participações, Gafisa SA, MRV Engenharia e Participacoes SA, Rossi Residencial SA and Construtora Tenda SA, comparing the data obtained from financial statements published by such companies during this period. We operate focusing on enterprise development for the Lower Class and the public consumer units with sales price between R$130.1 and R$350.0 thousands (“Medium Low”), through our subsidiary Goldfarb, and act strategically in the segment for the public consumer of Units with sales price between R$350.1 and R$500.0 thousands, and between R$500.1 and R$999.9 thousands (“Middle Class” and “Medium High”, respectively), through our subsidiary CHL. PDG Realty presented a rapid growth since our IPO from 2007 until June 30, 2010 in comparison with the listed companies, based on data obtained from financial statements published by such companies. We reached at the same period, R$17.7 billion PSV and obtained R$14.0 billion from Net Sales Contracts. Additionally, PDG Realty achieved the second position in sales velocity between the sector listed companies, with sales over offer (based on the division of sales contracts by the initial stock after launch) of 62.4%, considering consolidated data since 2009 as published by the sector public companies. Since its initial public offering, PDG Realty is focused on medium and lower-income residential projects, which has resulted in the expansion of our business in this segment both geographically and in terms of volume of transactions. As of June 30, 2010, our land bank was comprised of R$28 billion PSV residential units, of which approximately 23% have an average price below R$130 thousands, 26% between R$130.0 and R$250.0 thousands and 33% between R$250.0 and R$500.0 thousands, what means that 76% of the Units have an average price below R$500.0 thousands. This strategy was highlighted in 2009 with the decision of the CMN to increase the maximum financing value of the housing financial system - SFH, from R$350 to R$500 thousands and with the creation, by the Brazilian government, of an incentive program for lower-income housing called “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” (My House, My Life), aimed at reducing the housing deficit in Brazil, which the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) - IBGE estimated at 7.2 million housing units in 2007. We believe we are one of the biggest public-traded real estate companies together with CEF, inside and outside de program “Minha Casa, Minha Vida”, and we believe that a good relation with this institution will help us conduct our business in the several geographic business areas in which we operate. In addition, we believe we have an organizational structure capable of absorbing the business growth of the past few years and further expanding in order to take advantage of future market opportunities. 32 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Based on the data obtained from the financial statements disclosed by the real estate companies, for the twelvemonth period ended on June 30, 2010, we were the second largest real estate developer (incorporadora) among such real estate companies in the terms of general sales volume launched, reaching R$5,92 billion of general sales volume launched, and the second largest in terms of contracted net sales, reaching R$5.51 billion in the same period. In addition, we have presented impressive growth in our financial statements. Our net operating revenue increased 887.6% between 2007 and 2010, from R$192.2 million for the semester ended June 30, 2007 to R$1.897 billion for the semester ended June 30, 2010. Over the same period our Adjusted Net Results increased 614.3%, from R$49.9 million for the semester ended June 30, 2007 to R$356.5 million for the semester ended June 30, 2010. We reached this growth while maintaining one of the highest profitability levels among Brazilian real estate companies. Our adjusted EBTIDA margin accumulated since our gone to public until June 30, 2010, averaged 25,8%, one of the highest among the open real estate companies in terms of individual increase of adjusted EBITDA margin, based on data obtained from the financial statements disclosed by such real estate companies during this period. We have successfully implemented our growth strategy established in 2007, which is: (i) non-organic growth through the full consolidation of our participation in the business units of the Company (“Business Units” – unidades de negócios), which are, our subsidiaries Goldfarb, Agre and CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. (“CHL”), generating higher operating and financial efficiency; and (ii) organic growth of the Company and our main Business Units, as shown in our main operating and financial information, provided in the table below, for the indicated periods: Semester ended June 30, Financial and Operating Information (R$ Thousand) PDG Net operating revenue Goldfarb(1) AGRE CHL(1) PDG Net income Goldfarb(1) AGRE CHL(1) PDG Adjusted EBITDA(2) PDG Adjusted EBITDA margin (3) PDG general sales volume (4) (5) PDG contracted net sales(4) (5) Year ended December 31, 2010 2010 2007 2008 2009 Revised Revised Audited Audited Audited 1.897.944 858.841 585.738 278.729 335.354 162.636 68.888 64.794 546.379 28,79% 2.855.483 2.911.032 552.018 1.231.159 1.983.819 249.797 500.064 744.451 145.464 333.443 504.877 71.157 182.463 338.132 22.667 54.314 103.428 26.909 35.849 73.628 175.561 291.062 448.983 31,8% 23,6% 22,6% 1.233.450 2.611.540 3.026.550 969.950 1.811.830 2.670.255 813,664 312.149 201.845 126.985 25.768 42.407 175.166 24,53% 1.087.229 1.129.185 1 These numbers are calculated based on the proportional corporate held by us on the capital stock of Goldfarb and CHL, which: (i) in 2007 was 80,0% in Goldfarb and 70.,0% in CHL; (ii) in 2008, was 80,0% in Goldfarb and 70,0% in CHL; and (iii) in 2009, was 100,0% in Goldfarb and 100,0% in CHL. 2 Adjusted EBITDA is calculated based on the definition issued by CVM Rule 01/2007, consisting of the sum of income before interest, income tax, depreciation and amortization, added to the following adjustments: non-operational results, interest if non-controlling shareholders and compensation expenses based on stock options. 3 Adjusted EBITDA divided by net operating revenue. 4 Includes partners’ interest in joint ventures 5 Operational data not directly reflected in our audited consolidated financial statements. In the second semester of 2008, we began the expansion and consolidation of the operational structures of our Business Units, investing in internal control systems, employees and improvement of internal procedures. We have an internal structure capable of conduct and perform all the stages of the real estate development process, including credit on-lending from financial institutions to our customers. In the ease of Goldfarb, which focuses on lower-income residential projects, we begin by preparing the project, continue through construction management and exclusive sales team, and conclude with post-sale customer service. Our management team is comprised of professionals with substantial experience in financial markets, especially in private equity and financing and/or structuring transactions, which we believe is important for conducting business in an efficient and effective manner. Our Business Units have their own dedicated management teams with substantial 33 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações expertise in their respective areas of business. In addition, our management culture, which is based on meritocracy, ability and knowledge, and a profound understanding of the Brazilian real estate market, is constantly impressed upon our employees. We are engaged in (i) the co-development of the real estate projects with several other well-known Brazilian real estate developers through incorporation of SPEs; and (ii) the acquisition of significant ownership interests in companies operating in the real estate industry, in which we actively participate trhough the development and implementation of their strategic plans. We operate in different segments of the real estate industry, including: (i) the development of residential projects targeted in different income classes, (ii) the development of residential communities, (iii) investments in commercial projects to generate income from rent, (iv) the trade of commercial and residential units, and (v) the structuring of real estate receivables secured transactions. At this present date, we maintain investments in real estate in 72 Brazilian cities, in more than 11 states (SP, RJ, MG, BA, ES, PR, SC, RS, GO, MS, MT) and also in Brasília, the Federal District, as well as in the Argentine cities of Buenos Aires and Rosario. On June 10, 2010, our shareholders, in a shareholder’s meeting, unanimously approved the merger of AGRE’s shares by PDG, through the transference of all shares that were issued by AGRE to PDG (“Merger of Shares”). This merger aimed turning AGRE in a PDG’s full subsidiary, under article 252 of Lei 6.404/76. This operation was successfully done, according to the terms of the Protocol and Justification of Merger of AGRE’s shares by PDG, celebrated in May 3, 2010, by these companies’ managers. AGRE’s shareholders got 0.495 of the new common share issued by PDG for each common share issued by AGRE totalizing an issuance of 148,500,001 new common shares by PDG. The Merger of Shares aims the unification of the management and shareholder bases of the Companies, as well as provide synergy gains resulting from the unification of the activities of companies that will have a more efficient structure for the development of real estate projects, with potential cost-saving for technical, supplies and other general and administrative costs, and enable greater growth and profitability of businesses developed by the Companies. The Merger of Shares creates the largest real estate company in the country, and aims to unify the management and shareholder bases of the Companies, as well as provide synergy gains resulting from the unification of the activities of companies that will have more efficient structure, incorporating two additional regional land banks, making up a portfolio of relevant products in all income groups. It is further considered that there is a potential cost saving technical, procurement, and other general and administrative costs, providing better conditions for increased growth and profitability of businesses developed by the Companies. Considering that both AGREE and PDG meet the requirements of Art. 137, II of the Corporations Act, there is no right of withdrawal or recess for shareholders of both companies who might dissent from the Merger of Shares. 6.4. Date of registration with the CVM The filing with the CVM as a public company on January 23, 2007. 6.5. Major corporate events such as takeovers, mergers, acquisitions of shares, divestments and acquisitions of corporate control, acquisitions and divestitures of important assets, which have passed by the Company or any of its subsidiaries or colligates (i) incorporation of Key West Participações SA, which owned 12.5% of the share capital of Goldfarb, with the consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$12.3 million, with the issuance of 2,022,272 common shares which were delivered to former shareholders of Key West Participacoes SA, through the Company holds 70% of the shares issued of Goldfarb; (ii) incorporation of MP Holding SA, which owned 1.67% of Goldfarb, with a consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$3.3 million by issuance of 681,818 new ordinary shares, which were delivered to former shareholders of MP Holding SA, from the Company holds 75% of the shares issued by Goldfarb; 34 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (iii) incorporation of MP Holding 2 SA, which owned 2.5% of Goldfarb, with a consequent increase in the capital of the Company for R$5.7 million by issuance of 1,136,364 new ordinary shares, which were delivered to former shareholders of MP Holding 2 SA, from the Company holds 80% of the shares issued by Goldfarb; (iv) incorporation of CHL XV Incorporações Ltda., which owned 10% of the CHL, with a consequent increase in the Company's participation in the CHL in the corresponding 10%; (v) incorporation of CHL XXXIV Incorporações Ltda., which owned 12.31% of the CHL, with a consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$20.2 million by issuance of 3.2 million new common shares, which were delivered to Mr. Rogerio Chor, from the Company holds 70% of the shares of CHL; (vi) incorporation of MP Holding 3 Ltda., which owned 20% of common shares issued by Goldfarb. Due to the merger the Company issued 829,644 new shares and 40 warrants, in four different series; (vii) incorporation of CHL LXX Incorporations Ltda., which owned 30% of common shares issued by the CHL. Due to the merger the Company issued 779,062 new shares and four warrants, in four different series; and (viii) incorporation of the shares of AGRE Empreendimentos Imobiliários S/A. Due to the merger the Company issued 148,500,001 new shares delivered to former shareholders of AGRE. For more information about the mergers, the effects to the corporate structure, and on the corporate structure before and after the operation, see Section 17.2 of this form, which refers to increases in capital of the Company. 6.6. Bankruptcy filing, since founded in value relevance, or judicial or extrajudicial recovery of Company, and the current status of such requests Until the date of this Form there was no application for bankruptcy or judicial or extrajudicial recovery of the Company. 6.7. Other information deemed relevant by the Company There are no other relevant information about item 6. 35 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 7. COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES 7.1. Brief description of activities that are developed by the Company and its subsidiaries 1 Company - Our social purpose comprehend: (a) participation in other real estate corporations, as partners, shareholders or consortial, or through other means of investment, as the subscription or acquisition of debentures, subscription bonus or other securities issued by other real estate corporations; (b) provision of collection of the receivables; (c) acquisition of properties for rental; (d) acquisition of land for real estate development; and (e) real estate development. Business Units Goldfarb - Goldfarbs’s activities are focused on the development of real estate projects for middle-income and lowincome class consumers with monthly income of 5 to 20 times the monthly minimum wage, with structured business model based on standardization of the construction and incorporation and the vertical integration of production. CHL - CHL focuses on the development of real estate projects mainly for middle and up-middle class consumers, mainly in Rio de Janeiro. It is one of the biggest developers on that Estate. PDG São Paulo – This company is focused on operations for middle and high class in the State of São Paulo (units from R$200 to R$500 thousands). Recently we completed the hiring of the team responsible for operations, composed of professionals with extensive experience in this segment within the State of São Paulo. Throughout 2010 we have already completed the negotiation of options for purchase of land totaling approximately R$180 million in PSV. PDG Companhia Securitizadora - Company focused on securitization of real estate receivables, whose activities started in 2009. We performed 3 emission operations of CRI in 2009, which totaled more than R$100 million and with a maturity of up to 8 years. In 2010 we conducted an operation of CRI with value of approximately R$187 million, maturing in up to 10 years (for details see item 8.1. (b) – “PDG Companhia Securitizadora”) AGRE – Company incorporated by PDG Realty in June 2010, AGREE is the combination of the operations of AGRA, Abyara and Klabin Segall, companies with extensive experience and tradition in the real estate market. This association created on of the most diversified companies of Brazil in this sector, with presence in all regions of the country, activities in all economic sectors, and a landbank with a PSV of approximately R$18.3 billion at December 31, 2009. Subsidiaries Lindencorp - Lindencorp aims to explore the market for residential real estate development for the upper and middleupper classes in the State of São Paulo. Lindencorp focuses on developing customized and sophisticated projects. Cipasa - Cipasa is a company that operates in the land allotment market for residential condominiums for all income segments in the State of São Paulo. Real Estate Partners Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. - REP DI operates with consulting and development of commercial ventures. The REP DI focuses the Company's investments in commercial real estate projects aimed at income generation through the development of centers of convenience and services, which are aimed at serving the public resident in the region where they are located. Brasil Brokers - Brokers Brazil The company is dedicated to service real estate brokerage with a focus on performance and market intermediation and real estate consulting. TGLT S.A. - TGLT aims to explore the market for residential real estate development for the upper and middle classes to high in Argentina. 1 Source: ADEMI-RJ - Associação de Dirigentes de Empresas do Mercado Imobiliário do Rio de Janeiro. 36 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 7.2. For each operating segment that has been circulated in recent demonstrations financial closing of fiscal year or, if applicable, the consolidated financial statements, indicate the following information a. Marketed products and services Sales and leasing of buildings and provision of management services locations. b. Revenue from the segment and its participation in the Company's net revenue Quarter ended 30 June (R$ Thousand) Net Operating Revenue PDG Goldfarb(1) AGRE CHL(1) Net Profit PDG Goldfarb(1) AGRE CHL(1) Adjusted EBITDA margin PDG(2) Ajdjusted EBITDA margin PDG (3) PSV Launching PDG (4) (5) Goldfarb(1) AGRE CHL(1) Contracted Sales PDG(4) (5) Goldfarb(1) AGRE CHL(1) Year ended December 31 2009 2010 2007 2008 2009 Revised 813,664 312,149 201,845 126,985 25,768 42,407 175,166 21,53% 1,087,229 866,372 96,500 1,129,185 871,472 114,674 Revised 1,897,944 858,841 585,738 278,729 335,354 162,636 68,888 64,794 546,379 28,79% 2,855,483 1,291,401 1,098,936 313,874 2,911,032 1,188,257 1,160,975 354,449 Audited 552,018 249,797 145,464 71,157 22,667 26,909 175,561 31,80% 1,233,450 799,786 176,897 969,950 375,656 105,659 Audited 1,231,159 500,064 333,443 182,463 54,314 35,849 291,062 23,60% 2,611,540 1,715,090 502,474 1,811,830 1,133,320 396,969 Audited 1,983,819 744,451 504,877 338,132 103,428 73,628 448,983 22,63% 3,026,550 2,155,179 580,418 2,670,255 1,776,500 464,457 ____________________________ (1) values are considered based on the Company's proportionate share in the capital of Goldfarb and CHL, that: (i) in 2007 was 80.0% and 70.0% of Goldfarb CHL, (ii) in 2008 was 80, 0% of Goldfarb and 70.0% of the CHL, and (iii) in 2009, is 100.0% and 100.0% of Goldfarb CHL. (2) Adjusted EBITDA is calculated based on the definition of CVM Circular Letter 01/2007, earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, plus the following settings: non-operating results, participation of non-controlling shareholders and expenditure-based compensation stock options. (3) Adjusted EBITDA divided by net operating revenues. (4) Including the participation of partners in jointly controlled subsidiaries (5) Operational data of the Company, not directly reflected in the audited financial statements c. Profit or loss resulting from the segment and its participation in the Company's net income Data Base: Segment Real estate sales Real estate rents Total 06.30.2010 Net Income 1,954,590 17,438 1,972,028 % total 99.12% 0.88% 100.00% 37 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 7.3. For products and services that correspond to the operating segments disclosed in 7.2, describe: a. Characteristics of the production process The main steps of the process of incorporation are summarized in the diagram below: Land Acquisition – – – – – Market Survey Legal, eviromental and others due diligences; Project Analisys Complete Financial Analisys Capital Structure Development Projects development Release strategy Promotion and Sales Competitive analysis Financing and partnership with banks – Monitoring the financial viability – Work Budget – – – – – Construction – Final budget – Obtainment of finance – Monitoring holding company – Quality control – Work delivery – Management of receivables Land Acquisition We actively participate in the land acquisition process, because we believe that it is a critical stage in the development of a real estate project and that it is the first distinguishing factor of the residential units to be launched. Each decision to acquire a parcel of land is analyzed and must be approved by our board of executive officers. We acquire lands from individuals, legal entities and in judicial and extrajudicial auctions and carry out an audit to assure legal and environmental compliance in connection with the acquisition of the lands where our real estate projects will be developed. As is customary in the industry, we evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of our acquisitions by managing any potential legal and/or environmental risks, in accordance with the opinion of our legal and technical advisors. Concurrently with this audit, we carry out a study to confirm the financial feasibility of the project and often hire an outside consultant to prepare a market research report. We normally acquire properties from third parties by means of purchase and sale public deeds upon payment of a portion of the price in cash and another portion of the price by means of promissory notes to settle or as payment for such acquisition. Such promissory notes represent a consolidated debt not related to the property sold, are substituted for public debt acknowledgement instruments through which the debt represented by the promissory note to settle is novated, upon the scheduling of payments by three methods: (i) installments in cash; (ii) real estate exchange by means of payment in kind through future independent units; and/or (iii) financial exchange by means of the payment of previously defined percentage rates calculated on the overall sales value of the real estate development. As a guarantee of payment of such debt acknowledgement instruments, the properties subject to the real estate development could be subject to first-priority mortgage. The promissory notes to pay are paid on the scheduled dates, and subsequently, the settlement is carried out by means of the acquisition of the property. Development During the development stage, we focus mainly on the standardization of architectural design and construction techniques of the project. In most cases, we hire a construction management company to monitor the development of the project, in order to maximize efficiency and obtain accurate cost estimates. Concurrently, we prepare our strategy for launching, marketing and selling the units being constructed with the assistance of a specialized marketing agency and the real estate broker that will be responsible for sales. Once we define a sales campaign and obtain all required legal approvals for the project, we update the feasibility study to confirm or adjust our initial business plan, establish the sales prices of the residential units to be constructed and structure the form of payment to be extended to the project's targeted customers. In order to improve the match between our sales price and payment method, we seek to maintain close relationships with well-known financial 38 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações institutions. We believe that these relationships may also result in a competitive advantage to us, in the event that an established real estate financing and securitization market develops further in the future. We hire independent real estate brokers to sell our Units, in the case of Goldfarb, its residential units are exclusively sold by Avance. As a general policy, we seek to maintain close relationship with the main brokerage companies in their respective operating markets, in order to monitor sales and obtain information on market trends. We begin the sales efforts for our projects when they are launched. In general, we have a sales stand at the location where the real estate development will be constructed, including a model residential unit, illustrative graphic material and a large scale model of the development. We market our real estate developments through newspapers, direct mail and the distribution of pamphlets in the areas surrounding the real estate development, as well as through telemarketing centers and the Internet. Construction Our Business Units manage the construction of their own projects. In other cases, the construction of our real estate developments is carried out by subsidiaries of our partners or by third parties. In this sense, we enter into a construction agreement or a turnkey agreement, depending on the situation, for each real estate development, which sets forth the terms of construction, such as maximum cost, delivery date, quality standards, and other obligations of the construction company. We meet with the construction management company on a monthly basis to evaluate progress of the construction. Our discussions relate primarily to the quality of service provided by the construction company, the term for delivery and budget control. When necessary, an engineer of the construction company in charge of the project is also present at these meetings. b. Characteristics of the distribution process The procedures for monitoring sales and marketing are basically two activities: (i) launching process and (ii) management of routine sales. • Launching Process: at the launching, sale tables are formatted, based on the feasibility study and the project book. Later all marketing strategies of the development are developed (launching date, conventions and sales campaigns). In parallel, the incorporation and legal areas prepare documents necessary to effect the launching. • Management of sales routine: After the launching, the routine of the sales process begins with an analysis of proposals and monitoring of negotiations until the signing of the contract. Presently the sales are formalized for the company, especially for the financial management of contracts that is responsible for verifying the documentation, analysis and registration of contracts. c. Characteristics of the markets of operation, in particular: The main activities in the real estate market are the construction and sale of residential Units for people of different income segments and business units. Thus the market segment is divided into economic, average income, middle income, high-income, allotment and commercial. It is noteworthy that economic units are residential units with unit priced less than two hundred and fifty thousand Reais; average income, the unit price is between two hundred and fifty thousand Reais to five hundred thousand Reais; medium high, the unit price is between five hundred thousand Reais to one million Reais; high income, the unity price is greater than one million Reais. The characteristics of a real estate development, the marketing approach and construction process differ according to the income profile of the target audience. Developments aimed at low income consumers are more sensitive to price change, what requires cost optimization through techniques and construction processes with characteristics of industrial production. Developments of high standard and medium-high differ in the conceptualization of the product, the range of services and benefits included in a particular project, as well as the prime location in desirable locations in large cities i. participation in each market The company's share in the sector can be achieved through internal surveys, market research, public information and industry publications such as Embraesp, ADEMI-RJ, ADEMI-BA, SECOVI, IBGE and Central Bank of Brazil, 39 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações among others. Based on data from sales (PDG Realty) in the year 2009 to participate in the economic market is 73.5% of total sales from the period, 6.4% in middle-income market, 5.4% in the upper-middle income market, 4.3% in high-income market, 3.2% in the allotment market and 7.1% in the business unities market. ii. competition conditions in the markets Our market segment is marked by great competition. It is, above all, a market extremely sprayed, and no individual participant has a significant participation of the national market. In general, competition is more intense in the State of Sao Paulo, where we focus most of our activities. The main differentiation factors before the consumers include location, price, availability and terms of financing, the standard of finishing Units, quality of materials used in construction, reputation of the builder and developer and a history of meeting the deadlines of the work. For instance, the Goldfarb is ranked first in the category Development and second in the category Construction in the prize Top Imobiliário of 2008, and CHL is a leader in launches in Rio de Janeiro. The table below shows the breakdown by type and geographic segment of our land bank in PSV Estimated (total value estimated to be potentially obtained by the sale of all Units) of the Company at the end of fourth quarter 2009: Segmentação das Vendas de 2009 (%) Loteamento, 3.2% Comercial, 7.1% Alta renda, 4.3% Média-alta renda, 5.4% Média Renda, 6.4% Distribuição Geográfica das Vendas de 2009 (%) Rio Grande do Sul 1% Mato Gross do Sul 1% Minas Gerais Paraná 2% 2% Espírito Santo Mato Grosso 1% 7% Argentina 3% São Paulo 22% Rio de Janeiro 18% Econômico, 73.5% Goiás 5% SP - outras cidades 38% In all states, especially in the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, face competition from major market participants, as Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes, MRV Engenharia e Participacoes SA Gafisa SA and MRV Engenharia e Participacoes SA and the Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes still present themselves as competitors also in the economic sector. d. Possible seasonal Our operating markets have their activities restricted in the months of January, February and July each year, during which our costumers usually travel because of school vacations, postponing their decisions to purchase Units. e. Key inputs and raw materials, stating: i. description of the relationships held with suppliers, including whether they are subject to governmental control or regulation, identifying the bodies and the respective legislation As a general rule, we have with our supplier’s long-term relationships. Currently we have no outstanding disputes with any supplier. As the practice of the market, we do not usually enter into agreements that create the obligation of exclusivity to the Company in order to maintain our freedom to hire the most suitable supplier for each project, based on price, quality, terms and conditions of delivery. We emphasize that all our suppliers are subject to regulatory agencies, and respective applicable laws. ii. eventual dependence on few suppliers 40 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações We have a vast list of suppliers, with no significant risk of concentration to the Company. Below there is a list of main inputs and suppliers. Input Concrete Steel Aluminium iii. Major Suppliers Lafarge Brasil S.A. Gerdau AçoMinas S.A./ Belgo Siderurgia S.A. Hydro Alumínio ACRO S.A. possible volatility in their prices Most of our costs are tied to INCC. We define conservative strategies to mitigate risks of price volatility of raw materials (as per sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this form). Clients that are responsible for more than 10% of the total net revenue of the Company 2 7.4. None. 7.5. Description of relevant effects of state regulation on the activities of the Company, commenting specifically: a. Need of government authorization for the exercise of activities and historical relationship with the government to obtain such permits For our activity of trade of real estate, we need approvals from the local municipalities and state departments of environment for: notary adjustments for demarcation and approvals of land, approval of project, approvals for the start of work and formal end of work (expedition dwell up). Never had problems in obtaining such authorizations with the administration. To acquire land where to build its real estate, as a result of the need for assistance with environmental legislation, the Company considers all environmental aspects necessary and applicable, with emphasis on the possible existence of fountains, trees, vegetation and location of such land in the occurrence for permanent preservation areas on site. Thus, before the decision to purchase a property, all relevant aspects are analyzed. b. Environmental policy and costs incurred for compliance with environmental regulation and, where appropriate, other environmental practices, including adherence to international standards of environmental protection As mentioned in item “a” of section 7.5, we need some authorizations from the departments of environment, and adopt some procedures provided in the law for land acquisition, such as replanting of trees and decontamination of land (where applicable). Goldfarb also owns the Planet Life project, which concentrates its efforts toward sustainability and environmental concerns. In such project studies are conducted to improve our businesses, such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. individual measurement of water, establishing a system for collecting and encourage individual savings; capture and use of rainwater for use in common areas and plants; selective garbage collection; intelligent water closet discharges, reducing the volume of water used in each use; taps with timer of water; stops of reforested wood; presence sensors in the halls, which result in energy savings; and use of masonry structural system, which reduces the volume of debris and waste material. 2 When the annual presentation of the form of reference, the information should refer to the latest financial statements for the year ending. Upon presentation of the form of reference on behalf of the application for registration of public distribution of securities, the information should refer to the latest financial statements for the year ending and the latest accounting information disclosed by the Company. 41 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The Company has no cost to obtain the environmental permits for the exercise of its business with the government responsible. Also, the Company does not adhere to international standards of environmental protection. c. Dependence on patents, trademarks, licenses, concessions, franchises, contracts, royalties for the development of relevant activities The Company holds two applications for registration of the trademark "PDG", deposited in the INPI (national institute of intellectual property), and holder of four domain names, the most relevant of which is If requests are not granted, the Company will have to develop its activities through other brands of the group only, what we do not believe that should cause a material impact on our activities. That is, any rejections of patents, trademarks, licenses and domains will cause no adverse effects on our activities or projects developed, launched and marketed by the Company. 7.6. Countries from which the Company obtains relevant revenues, indentify: The Company does not obtain relevant revenues in other countries other than Brazil. 7.7. Foreign countries that were published on item 7.6, have to , inform the extent to which the Company is subject to the regulation of these countries and how this subject affects the Company's business This item does not apply to the Company. 7.8. Description of the relevant long term relations of the Company that are not in another part of this form There are no relevant long term relations of the Company that do not figurate in another part of this form. 7.9. Other information deemed relevant by the Company There are no other relevant information about item 7. 42 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 8. ECONOMIC GROUP 8.1. Description of the economic group to which the Company belongs, indicating: a. Direct and indirect Controllers We do not have a defined control. b. Subsidiaries and colligated companies Goldfarb Overview: the Goldfarb group started its business in 1952. The founding shareholders of Goldfarb (four recent graduated engineers from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo) started to work with the sale of construction materials and development of small construction work and refurbishments in 1952. In the 1980s, the company was restructured in order to separate non-real estate development activities from its main activity, resulting in the incorporation of Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Since 2000, Goldfarb’s activities have focused on the development of economic real estate projects for families with monthly income of 5 to 20 time the monthly minimum wage, with a business model based on the standardization of the construction and development process and vertical alignment of production. The concentration on this segment allowed the company to obtain specific expertise in Brazil. Goldfarb adopted a production method based on largescale development of standardized projects, resulting in construction cost reduction, increased profitability and risk reduction, as the projects are tested and improved with every new development Goldfarb is one of the principal beneficiaries of CEF financing among Brazilian publicly traded real estate developers. According to the EMBRAESP’s June 2009 ranking, Goldfarb is ranked first in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, both in number of residential units launched and general sales volume launched in 2008. Goldfarb’s target markets are people with family income between one and ten times the monthly minimum wage, as well as recently married individuals purchasing their first real estate property, divorced individuals, and individuals living in rented residential units who have the financial resources to purchase a residence. Such a target is consistent with the market segment to which the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program is aimed. In its more than 56 years of operations, the Goldfarb group has delivered over 30,000 units. Just in the past years, Goldfarb has built more than 33.641 residential units in 168 real estate developments, totaling 1.980.000 constructed square meters. In 1993, Goldfarb launched the Better Plan (Plano Melhor), which was innovative in the market and simplified the process of purchasing a residence. More than 7,500 apartments were sold in only six years of activities. Another huge success was the launching of “Goldfarb 2,000”, which reached 1,537 residential units delivered, for which Goldfarb was awarded the title of Top Imobiliário from O Estado de São Paulo newspaper, as well as Marketing Best in recognition of its success. In 2006, Goldfarb was again awarded the title of Top Imobiliário and its position among the largest real estate development companies in Brazil was solidified, reinforcing consumer’ confidence and satisfaction. In 2007, Goldfarb was ranked second in the Construction Company category and third in the Real Estate Development Company category for the Top Imobiliário award. In 2008, Goldfarb ranked second in the Construction Company and Real Estate Development Company for the Top Imobiliário. Goldfarb also offers the Planet Life project, through which Goldfarb concentrates its efforts on sustainability and environmental matters. Through this project, we carry out studies to improve our real estate developments with respect to electric energy efficiency, water reuse, reduction of environmental impacts and greenhouse gases emission, among others. Employees and third parties are trained in relation to the reduction of the use of office supplies and recycling, among others. We believe that the Goldfarb brand is currently one of the most traditional and established in the real estate market in São Paulo. We seek to offer a differentiated business model to our customers in order to attract then to buy our products and encourage them to recommend our brand. Under our incentive program, the customers who refer future buyers of residential units receive cash benefits for each new customer referred. We believe we have obtained good results from this business model, which we also consider to be a consequence of the acknowledgement of Goldfarb as a high-quality brand, including our receipt of the ISO9001 certification by ABS Quality Evaluation in 2003, as well as our history of timely delivery of our real estate developments. 43 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Avance is a brokerage company and an indirect subsidiary of Goldfarb, controlled by the Brazil Brokers Group. It has approximately 150 brokers currently working to sell Goldfarb’s real estate developments. We believe that the existence of a brokerage company within Goldfarb group increases Goldfarb’s sales, as Avance brokers are thoroughly familiar with the residential units sold by Goldfarb. Furthermore, because Avance is a member of the Goldfarb group, its brokers are able to offer our customers certain flexibility for the payment of brokerage fees. In its capacity as Goldfarb’s shareholder, the Company focuses on the implementation of modern corporate governance practices by prioritizing the generation of value and raising funds for the future investments. All of our financial engineering expertise is brought to bear on Goldfarb’s activities. Capital Stock: Currently we hold 100% of Goldfarb’s capital stock. Our relationship with the Goldfarb group started in February 2006, through an investment we made in GDI - Goldinvest Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. (“GDI”). On June 30, 2006 we acquired our interest in Goldfarb, using a combination of cash, the shares we held in GDI and our participation in certain Units. GDI was subsequently merged into Goldfarb and our relationship with the Goldfarb group concentrated in direct ownership interests held in Goldfarb. On April 30, 2007 we acquired an additional interest in Goldfarb by means of a cash payment of R$80 million, thereby increasing our total interest to 57.5% of Goldfarb’s shares. On June 29, 2007 our shareholders approved the merger of Key West Participações S.A., into us, which owned a 12.5% equity interest in Goldfarb. In connection with such transaction, we issued 2,022,272 common shares that were subscribed by the former shareholders of Key West Participações S.A., and our capital was increased by R$12.3 million. As a consequence, we increased our total interest in Goldfarb to 70%. On August 31, 2007, we again increased our total interest in Golfarb to 73,33% by making a R$100 million investment in newly issued shares. On September 28, 2007, our shareholders approved the merger of MP Holding Ltda. into us, which owned a 1.67% equity interest in Goldfarb. As a result of such merger, we issued 681,818 new common shares to the former shareholders of MP Holding Ltda., and our capital increased by R$3.3 million and our total interest in Goldfarb increased to 75%. On November 1, 2007 we again increased our total interest in Goldfarb to 77.5% by making a R$100 million investment in newly issued shares. On December 21, 2007, our shareholders approved the merger of MP Holding 2 S/A into us, which owned a 2.5% equity interest in Goldfarb. As a result of such merger, we issued 1,136,364 new common shares to the former shareholders of MP Holding 2 S/A., our capital increased by R$5.7 million and our total interest in Goldfarb increased to 80%. We exercised in advance our options to purchase up to 100% interest in Goldfarb. In this regard, at the shareholders' meeting held on March 31, 2009, we merged into us MP Holding 3 Ltda., which owned a 20% equity interest in Goldfarb. In view of such merger, we issued 829,644 new shares and 40 subscription bonus, in four different series. On May 4, 2009, the holders of the first series of ten subscription bonus exercised such warrants and we issued 600,720 new shares. The merger of MP Holding 3 Ltda. was subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the memorandum of understanding entered into by the Company, Mr. Milton Goldfarb and Mr. Paulo Cesar Petrin, dated November 21, 2007, as disclosed in our press release dated November 22, 2007, without any amendment thereto. The memorandum of understanding stipulated, among others, (i) which number of shares to be transferred would be defined based on the formula contained in the press release; and (ii) the schedule for receipt of such shares, which would be carried out on a yearly basis through the next three fiscal years. The market value of Goldfarb would be obtained by comparing PDG Realty's multiples of price per profit at a 35% discount. On May 2009 there was a conversion of 10 class 1, series A subscription bonus. This resulted on the issuance of 600.270 new common shares. 60.027 of those are common shares by warrant. On May 2010 there was a conversion of 10 class 1, series B subscription bonus. This resulted on the issuance of 3.886.049 new common shares, 3,388.605 of which are common shares by warrant. Only three preferred shares are outstanding, which do not confer equity or dividend payment rights to the holder thereof and solely confer voting rights at the shareholders' meeting that approves the financial statements for 2011, in the form of a veto right with respect to (i) the election of two members of the board of directors out of a total of six members; and (ii) the election of the chief executive officer and the real estate development officer. CHL Overview: CHL is our business unit focused on the residential real estate development market in the state of Rio de Janeiro, being the second largest developer in such state, with 20 years of operations there, according to a report 44 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações released by ADEMI-RJ. CHL is traditionally engaged in the development of residential units for higher-income and higher-middle-income customers. CHL had a banner year in 2008, obtaining significant results as compared to the prior year, such as an increase of general sales volume launched by 184% from 2007 to 2008 and an increase of contracted net sales by 276% in the same period. As a result, it was awarded the most significant award from ADEMI in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the 2008 Master Imobiliário in the Company of the Year category, and also received various awards for its projects. CHL also has a strong presence in the middle-high and high income segment, and commercial real estate developments. More recently, CHL is expecting to grow, through its joint venture with Goldfarb, by exploiting the growth potential of the middle-income and lower-income segments in Rio de Janeiro. Capital Stock: We currently own 100% of CHL’s voting capital stock. Prior to June 29, 2007 we owned a 40% of CHL’s capital stock. On such date, our shareholders approved the merger of CHL XV Incorporações Ltda, into us, which held a 10% interest in CHL. On November 26, 2007, we subscribed new shares issued by CHL, totaling R$100.0 million, and increased our total interest in CHL to 57.69%. On December 21, 2007, our shareholders approved the merger of CHL XXXIV Ltda., into us, which owned a 12.31% equity interest in CHL. In the transaction, we issued 3,200,000 common shares that we were subscribed by Mr. Rogério Chor, and our capital increased by R$20.2 million. As a consequence, we increased our total interest in CHL to 70%. We exercised in advance the options to purchase up to 100% interest in CHL. In this regard, at the shareholders’ meeting held on April 29, 2009, we merged CHL LXX Incorporações Ltda., which owned a 30% equity interest in CHL into us. In view of such merger, we issued 779,062 new shares and four subscription bonus, in four different series. On May 4, 2009, the holder of the first series of subscription bonus exercised such warrant and we issued 259,688 new shares. The merger of CHL LXX Incorporações Ltda, was subject to the terms and conditions set forth in a memorandum of understanding entered into by us and Mr Rogério Chor, dated November 26, 2007, as disclosed in our press release dated November 27, 2007, without any amendment thereto, in particular (i) with respect to the delivery of our shares, which number of shares to be transferred would be defined based on the formula contained in the press release; and (ii) the schedule for receipt of such shares, which will be carried out on a yearly basis through the next three fiscal years. The market value of CHL will be obtained by comparing PDG Realty’s multiples of price per profit at a 35% discount. Only Class A preferred shares are outstanding, which confer certain equity and certain voting rights upon the holders thereof through the shareholders’ meeting which approves the financial statements for 2011, which includes veto rights with respect to (i) the election of two member of the board of directors out of a total of six members. (ii) the election of the Chief Executive Officer of CHLA; and (iii) certain other matters. On May 2009 there was a conversion of class 2, series A subscription bonus, resulting on an issuance of 259,688 new common shares. On May 2010 there was a conversion of class 2, series B subscription bonus, resulting on an issuance of 4,204,896 new common shares. AGRE Company incorporated by PDG Realty in June 2010, AGRE is the combination of the operations of AGRA, Abyara and Klabin Segall, companies with extensive experience and tradition in the real estate industry. AGRA Incorporadora (which preceded the current AGRA) was founded by Luiz Roberto Pinto and Mario Castro in December 1996. Later, in June 1999, Mr. Ricardo Setton joined the company, and in June 2000, Mr. Didier Klotz. On January 31, 2006, the shareholders approved AGRA’s capital increase, among other things, whose capital was subscribed by Cyrela and AGRA resulting on a joint venture. AGRA operates with exclusive focus on activities to incorporate in the residential segment of projects aimed at upper middle class and middle class in the states of São Paulo, (including the ABC Paulista and Santos), Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Recife and Amazonas. On April 24, 2007, AGRA held its initial public offering shares on the Novo Mercado of the BM&FBOVESPA. The brand Abyara was launched in the Brazilian real estate market in 1995 when its founding shareholders Celso Minoru Tokuda, Arnaldo Curiati and Emilio José de Almeida Westermann joined to provide real estate services through the CMW Planejamento e Consultoria Imobiliária Ltda., WTC Projetos and Consultoria Imobiliária Ltda, 45 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações AEC Cliente Assessoria e Consultoria Ltda., including advisory services and brokerage for new developments. Subsequently, on January 4, 2006, Abyara was formed by such shareholders. Abyara acts as a "full service" business consultant and real estate brokerage involved in all stages of real estate development, including the choice of land, project planning, creation of marketing strategy and the launch of the project with a strong presence in metropolitan São Paulo and the southern and southeastern regions of the country. On July 25, 2006, Abyara held its initial public offering of shares in the Novo Mercado of the BM&FBOVESPA. Klabin Segall started its activities in the real estate market in 1994, through the companies Segall Empreendimentos Ltda. and Klabin Incorporações e Empreendimentos Ltda., founded by its indirect controllers Sergio de Toledo Segall and Oscar Segall. The Klabin Incorporações e Empreendimentos Ltda. and Segall Empreendimentos Ltda. merged in 1999 forming the Klabin Segall. Klabin Segall is in the business of real estate development in various economic segments of the population, comprising oriented developments from the upper class to lower middle class in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. On October 5, 2006, Klabin Segall held its initial public offering shares on the Novo Mercado of the BM&FBOVESPA. PDG São Paulo This company is owned 100% by the Company and is focused on the operations of middle and upper middle class in São Paulo (with a focus on units from R$200 to R$500 thousands). We’ve completed hiring the responsible team for the operations, composed of professionals with extensive experience in this segment within the State of São Paulo. Throughout 2010 we have already completed the negotiation of options for purchase of land, totaling R$180 million in PSV, approximately. PDG Companhia Securitizadora This company is owned 100% by the Company and is focused on securitization of real estate receivables, whose activities started in 2009. We performed 3 issuance operations of CRIs in 2009, which totaled more than R$100 million and achieved maturity up to 8 years. These operations relied on ballast-backed ready units, as well as units under construction , besides the co-obligation with PDG Realty. We believe this market presents a great growth potential, being an attractive financing alternative for developers. We present a summary of operations, highlighting the improvement achieved in the rates and deadlines, as detailed below. On July 2009 we completed the first issuance of Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRI), resulting 45 CRIs with a face value of $ 1 million each. The certificates were issued by our subsidiary company PDG Companhia Securitizadora, with a maturity of three years, guaranteed by PDG Realty and with 80% of receivables of units under construction. The yield was set at a rate of 110% of CDI (from the 1st to the 24th month) and 115% of CDI (from the 25th to the 36th month). Holders of CRIs have option of selling to the PDG Securitizadora or PDG Realty on the 24th month, or by the unit price on the date. As for redemption, the CRIs do not bring this possibility. As for guarantees, these are performed and not performed in relation to its composition, and commercial and residential, in relation to their nature. On October 2009 the second issuance of CRIs of PDG Companhia Securitizadora was made, amounting to 30 CRIs with a nominal value of approximately R$1 million each. The certificates of the second issuance have a remuneration of 115% of CDI since the issue until the 36th month and 117% of CDI from the 37th to the 60th month, with a payment period of five years and a grace period of principal and interest until the 36th month. The holders of the CRIs from the second issuance have put options against the issuer and the Company and at the end of the 36th month they can resell the asset to the issuer for its unit price. As for guarantees, they are performed and not performed in connection to its composition, and commercial and residential, in relation to their nature. On November 2009 the third issuance of 25 CRI was held at face value of R$1 million each. The certificates of the third issuance have a remuneration of 110% of CDI with a payment period of eight years and a grace period of principal and interest until the 29th month. Holders of the CRIs from the third issuance have put options against the issuer and the Company and at the end of the 36th month and the 60th month they can resell the asset to the issuer for 46 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações its unit price. As for guarantees, they are performed and not performed in connection to its composition, and commercial and residential, in connection to their nature. On May 2010 the issuance of the 2nd series of the 3rd issuance was held. It resulted with 186 CRIs with face value of approximately R$1 million each. The certificates have a remuneration of IGP-M plus 9.40% per year on the outstanding face value of the current CRI, with payment of the terms of 124 months as from May 7, 2010 to September 7, 2020. As for guarantees, they are performed and not performed in connection to its composition, commercial and residential, in connection to their nature. Investment Portfolio In addition to the Business Units described above, we conducted since January 2007, the Investment Portfolio described below: Lindencorp Overview: Lindencorp, with headquarters in the city of Sao Paulo, is engaged in the development of real estate projects in the state of São Paulo. Capital Stock: The Company owns 19.93% of Lindencorp's capital stock. The remaining shares are held by the Fundo de Investimento em Participações Banif Primus, Grupo Adolpho Lindenberg, Grupo Cipasa São Paulo and other private investors. Operation: Lindencorp develops sophisticated and customized residential buildings for higher-income and highermiddle income customers. Shareholders' Agreement: The shareholders' agreement entered into between Lindencorp and the other Lindencorp shareholders on May 18, 2006, and consolidated on January 5, due to the execution of the Second Amendment to Shareholders Agreement, and amended on September 28, 2007, contains restrictions on the transfer of shares and mechanisms that allow the shared control of such company. The main provisions of this agreement are: (i) a right of first refusal, which provides that any shareholder who intends to sell its shares in Lindencorp must first offer such shares to the other shareholders, (ii) a drag-along right, which gives any shareholder selling its shares the right to require the other shareholders to sell their shares to the same buyer, (iii) a tag-along right, which grants the shareholders the option to sell their respective shares together with any shareholder that intends to sell its shares, (iv) a preemptive right, which grants shareholders the right to participate in the issuance of new shares or convertible securities in the same proportion as their shareholdings, (v) a sale option granted to us and FIP-Banif, pursuant to which we may require the other shareholders of Lindencorp, in one or more transactions, to purchase our equity interest in Lindencorp for a price not greater than R$1.00 increased by R$1.00 as premium (vi) right of withdrawal in the event that any third party (that is not a party to the shareholders agreement) purchases 70% or more of the shares issued by Lindencorp, (vii) a supermajority quorum for the approval of certain matters and (viii) a right granted to us to elect two members of the board of directors and a right granted to Banif Primus Real Estate Investment Fund to elect one member. The drag-along right (item ii) may be exercised if requested by shareholders representing, at least, 35% of the capital stock. However, prior to the exercise of the drag-along right, the remaining shareholders of Lindencorp will be permitted to acquire the shares held by such shareholder exercising the drag-along right. Cipasa Overview: Cipasa develops residential condominiums in land parcels for all income segments in the state of Sao Paulo and has its headquarters located in Sao Paulo. Lindencorp acquired its interest in Cipasa through a capital increase of Cipasa in October 2006. Capital Stock: Lindencorp currently owns 100.0% of Cipasa's outstanding capital, pursuant to share subscriptions and acquisitions that occurred in October 2006, under a share exchange option granted by Lindencorp's shareholders to Cipasa's shareholders on November 20, 2006 (“Share Exchange Option”). Pursuant to the Share Exchange Option, Cipasa's former shareholders (Cipasa Sao Paulo Empreendimentos e Participacões Ltda. and Ellensbrook Participacifies Ltda., two companies in the land parceling business) exchanged their Cipasa shares for Lindencorp shares on November 29, 2006. The method used for such exchange was the subscription of a capital increase in Lindencorp by Cipasa's shareholders, which was paid in with Cipasa shares. 47 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações REP DI Overview: REP Real Estate Partners Desenvolvimento Imobiliario S.A., is located in Sao Paulo and resulted from the joint venture between the Company, LDI and the founding shareholders of REP Participações Ltda. (“REP DI”), a consulting and commercial real estate development company. The Company transferred its equity interest in Company REPAC de Participações to REP DI. On July 11, 2008, REP DI obtained its publicly-held company registration before CVM under n° 2153-9. Capital Stock: The Company hold 25% of the capital stock of REP DI, and LDI owns the remaining shares, resulting in a total direct and indirect equity interest of 39.93%. Operation: REP DI focuses the Company´s investments in the developments of commercial real estate properties for rental by means of convenience and service centers (“CCS”). These centers offer services to the public residing in the neighborhood where the properties are located and to people passing through the surrounding area. Shareholders' Agreement: The REP DI shareholders' agreement entered into on October 05, 2007 contains restrictions on the transfer of shares and mechanisms that allow the shared control of REP DI and the special purpose vehicles incorporated by REP DI. The restriction on the free transfer of shares is carried out by means of preemptive rights to purchase such shares. The shareholders' agreement also provides for a tag-along right, which grants the shareholders the right (but not the obligation) to sell or transfer its equity interest to the buyer of the shares held by the other party, based on the same price and under the same terms and conditions. With respect to the sharing of control of REP DI and the special purpose vehicles controlled by REP DI, the shareholders' agreement assures Company the option to elect one member of the board of directors, consisting of four members. Certain matters set forth in REP DI's bylaws require approval by supermajority quorum. The real estate projects we decide not to carry out through of REP DI may be freely developed by Lindencorp. Brasil Brokers Overview: Brasil Brokers Participaciões S.A. focuses on providing real estate brokerage and consulting services. It consists of 23 companies and has one of the largest sales team in Brazil with approximately 8.143 brokers currently distributed in 821 sale points among 15 Brazilian states Capital Stock: The Company currently holds, directly and indirectly, 6.05% of Brasil Brokers' capital stock. Operation: Brasil Brokers renders general real estate brokerage services, primarily selling and consulting services. Shareholders' Agreements: On June 30, 2007, the Company and the other shareholders of Brazil Brokers entered into two shareholders' agreements, (i) one to govern the management of Brasil Brokers and its respective subsidiaries, as well as the shareholders' relationships prior to and during the Brasil Brokers IPO (“Pre-IPO Shareholders' Agreement”), and (ii) other to govern the shareholders' relationship after the Brasil Brokers IPO. The rights and obligations set forth in the post-IPO shareholders' agreement include (a) restrictions on sale or transfer of Brasil Brokers shares, and (b) rules concerning voting rights in the meetings of the board of directors and shareholders´ meetings of Brasil Brokers (“Post-IPO Shareholders' Agreement”). Upon the execution of the Pre-IPO Shareholders' Agreement the parties agreed to take all necessary steps for the implementation of the Brasil Brokers IPO and also to not take any action or perform any operation outside the ordinary course of business developed by the brokers controlled by Brasil Brokers. Upon the financial settlement of the OPO Brasil Brokers in November 2007 the Pre-IPO Shareholders' Agreement became inoperative. On the other hand, the provisions of the Post-IPO Shareholders' Agreement has governed the relationship of the Brasil Brokers' shareholders. The rights and obligations set forth in the Post-IPO Shareholders' Agreement are: (i) restrictions concerning the transfer of Brasil Brokers shares within the first six years after the completion of the Brasil Brokers IPO, (ii) a right of first refusal, which provides that any shareholder who intends to sell its shares in Brasil Brokers must first offer such shares to the other shareholders; (iii) prohibitions on encumbering the shares of Brasil Brokers; and (iv) supermajority quorums and a prior meeting requirement for the approval of certain matters in shareholders' or board of directors' meetings. TGLT 48 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Description: TGLT S.A. is a real estate development company that develops primarily residential buildings in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and pther big cities. Recently, TGLT filed a request to raise funds before the stock exchange in Buenos Aires. There are no more definitions of such operation. Capital Stock: On August 31, 2007, The Company acquired 8,571 Class B registered common shares of TGLT's capital stock for a price in U.S. dollars equivalent to R$13.7 million, representing 30% of TGLT's total voting stock. Operation: TGLT develops residential buildings for higher-income and high middle-income customers in Argentina. Shareholders' Agreement: Pursuant to a shareholders' agreement entered into on August 15, 2007 among the Company and Mr. Federico Nicolas Weil - who holds the remaining shares issued by TGLT, equivalent to 70% of TGLT's capital stock - and TGLT's bylaws, the Company has the right to appoint one of the three officers and one of the three members of TGLT's fiscal council (commisión fiscalizadora). Additionally, the shareholders' agreement and TGLT' s bylaws grant the Company veto power in connection with the following matters: (i) acquisition of options to participate in new real estate projects, in case these options' premiums exceed US$1,000,000; (ii) changes exceeding 20% of the annual budget for infra-structure expenses (including sales and management expenses); (iii) acts resulting in the increase of TGLT's indebtedness in an amount exceeding its total shareholders' equity; (iv) the merger of TGLT with other companies and/or acquisition of other companies resulting in a potential dilution of more than 20% per transaction or 33% in the aggregate; (v) investments in business that are not related to the real estate business or mortgages in Argentina; (vi) transactions between TGLT and parties related to Mr. Federico Nicolas Weil; and (vii) changes in TGLT's dividend distribution policy. a. Participation of the Company in companies of the group The Company does not participate in companies of the group. b. Participation of companies of the group in the Company There is no participation of companies of the group in the Company. c. Companies under common control There are no companies under common control. 8.2. Organogram of the economic group which includes the Company, provided it is compatible with the information presented in item 8.1 49 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (1) (2) Percentage equivalent to shares held by the Company indirectly through Lindencorp, which owns 100.0% of Cipasa. The Company holds 25% of the shares of capital stock of REP DI, and the Lindencorp holds the remaining shares, resulting in a total direct and indirect participation of the Company of 39.93%. 8.3. Description of the operations of restructuring, such as acquisitions, mergers, takeovers of shares, disposals and corporate takeovers, acquisitions and divestitures of important assets, which occurred in the group3 Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2007 (i) Merger with Key West Participações S.A., company which owned 12.5% of the share capital of Goldfarb, with consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$12.3 million, with the issuance of 2,022,272 common shares which were issued to former shareholders of Key West Participacoes SA through the Company holds 70% of the shares of Goldfarb; (ii) incorporation of MP Holding Ltda., which owned 1.67% of Goldfarb, with a consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$3.3 million by issuance of 681,818 new common shares; (iii) incorporation of MP Holding 2 SA, company which owned 2.5% of Goldfarb, with a consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$5.7 million by issuance of 1,136.364 new common shares; (iv) incorporation of CHL XV Incorporações Ltda., which owned 10% of the CHL, with a consequent increase in the Company's participation in the CHL in the corresponding 10%; and (v) incorporation of CHL XXXIV Incorporações Ltda., which owned 12.31% of the CHL, with a consequent increase in the capital of the Company of R$20.2 million by issuance of 3.2 million new common shares. Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2008 3 When the annual presentation of the form of reference, the information should refer to the last three fiscal years. Upon presentation of the form of reference on behalf of the application for registration of public distribution of securities, the information should refer to the three fiscal years and the current fiscal year. 50 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (vi) incorporation of MP Holding 3 Ltda., which owned 20% of common shares issued by Goldfarb. Due to the merger the Company issued 829,644 new shares and 40 warrants, in four different series. Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2009 (vii) incorporation of CHL LXX Incorporations Ltda., which owned 30% of common shares issued by the CHL. Due to the merger the Company issued 779,062 new shares and 4 warrants, in four different series. Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2010 (viii) 8.4. incorporation of the shares of AGRE Empreendimentos Imobiliários S/A. Due to the merger the Company issued 148,500,001 new shares delivered to former shareholders of AGRE. Other relevant information There is no other relevant information about this item 8. 51 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 9. MATERIAL ASSETS 9.1. Description of assets of non-current assets for the development of the Company: a. Fixed assets, including those subject to rent or lease, identifying its location Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated 12/31/2009 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 Consolidated 06/30/2010 Annual Depreciation Rate Cost - 16,237 - 16,237 12,078 - - 4% 10% 10% 20% 20% 298,758 30,224 4,245 13,168 15,591 12,025 722 (147,681) (156) (2,237) (6,529) (4,878) (392) 151,077 30,224 4,089 10,931 9,062 7,147 330 70,234 12,223 1,819 7,000 2,.941 3,221 4,770 75,689 12,418 8,523 3,934 2,203 2,269 5,291 4,987 764 2 264 1,316 1,994 65 - (*) 203,179 (129,642) 73,537 37,591 40,099 10% 0% a 10% 8,128 11,476 (3,499) (348) 4,629 11,128 669 952 582 314,995 (147,681) 167,314 82,312 75,689 4,987 Ongoing Fixed Assets Fixed Assets in Use Plots Buildings Machinery and Equipment Furniture and Fixture Computers Vehicles Booth Sales Benfeitoria em Imóveis de Terceiros Others Total Accrued Depreciation Net Fixed Assets Net Fixed Assets Net Fixed Assets Net Fixed Assets * The annual depreciation rate depends on the useful life of each sales stand. Location SP Ongoing Fixed Assets Plots RJ PR BA PA MG MS Saldo SP RJ PR BA PA 06.30.2010 100% - - - - - - 2009 100% - - - - - - 2008 - - - - - - - - 2007 - - - - - - - - 06.30.2010 100% - - - - - - 2009 100% - - - - 2008 100% - - - 2007 100% - - - 16,237 16,237 - - - - - - 12,078 12,078 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30,224 30,224 - - - - - - - - 12,223 12,223 - - - - - - - - - 12,418 12,418 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 764 764 MG MS 52 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações SP Buildings Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Computers Vehicles Booth sales BA PA MG MS Saldo SP RJ PR BA PA MG MS 91% 9% - - - - - 4,089 3,721 368 - - - - - 2009 92% 8% - - - - - 1,819 1,674 146 - - - - - 2008 100% - - - - - - 8,523 8,523 - - - - - - 2007 64% 36% - - - - - 2 1 1 - - - - - 06.30.2010 89% 6% - 1% - 3% 10,931 9,729 656 - 109 109 - 328 2009 56% 44% - - - - - 7,000 3,920 3,080 - - - - - 2008 83% 17% - - - - - 3,934 3,265 669 - - - - - 2007 95% 5% - - - - - 264 251 13 - - - - - 06.30.2010 70% 26% 1% - - 9,062 6,343 2,356 91 181 91 - - 2009 60% 40% - - - - - 2,941 1,765 1,177 - - - - - 2008 45% 55% - - - - - 2,203 991 1,212 - - - - - 2007 53% 47% - - - - - 1,316 697 619 - - - - - 06.30.2010 32% 39% - 1% 7.147 2,287 2,787 - 71 71 1,858 71 2009 59% 40% - 1% - - - 3,221 1,900 1,288 - 32 - - - 2008 45% 55% - - - - - 2,269 1,021 1,248 - - - - - 2007 59% 41% - - - - - 1.994 1,176 818 - - - - - 06.30.2010 89% 11% - - - - 330 294 36 - - - - - 2009 100% - - - - - - 4.770 4,770 - - - - - - 2008 100% - - - - - - 5,291 5,291 - - - - - - 2007 100% - - - - - - 65 65 - - - - - - 06.30.2010 74% 13% 3% - - 73,537 54,417 9,560 - - 2009 76% 24% - - - - - 37,591 28,569 9,022 2008 70% 29% 1% - - - - 40,099 28,069 11,629 - - - - 7% - - 4,629 - 06.30.2010 Others PR 06.30.2010 2007 Boon to Third Party Property RJ - 41% 1% 1% 2% 2% 8% 23% 10% 19% 1% 26% 1% - 1,471 5,883 2,206 - - - - - 401 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,898 1,065 463 880 324 - - 2009 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2008 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2007 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8% 2% 71% 24% - - - 890 223 - - - - 06.30.2010 2009 90% 5% 11.128 10,015 53 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 2008 - 2007 - - 100% - - - 7% - - - 93% - 669 33 475 161 - - - - - - 952 - 952 - - - - - - - 582 541 41 - - - - - Leasing - Financial The Company has a contract of financial leasing of an Aircraft Cessna Model 550 (Citation Bravo), with Safra Leasing SA Arrendamento Mercantil, hired on January 15, 2010 for a period of fortytwo months. The Company also has a contract with the Banco Commercial Investment Trust do Brasil SA - a multiservice bank of financial leasing – for six cranes model ZHONGWEN QYZ63, entered into June 4, 2008 for a period of thirty-six months. The Company paid off the lease with Bradesco Leasing SA of an aircraft King Air C-90 and, in March 25, 2010, sold it for R$5,100. The net value of the aircraft downloaded from the category of fixed assets was R$4,288 on the sale date, and revenues earned in this transaction were of R$812. Given the CVM Deliberation No. 554 of November 12, 2008, we present the following data relating to leases: Financial Leasing 30/6/2010 31/12/2009 Acquisition Cost - 06 Cranes Model ZHONGWEN QYZ63 2,340 2,340 6/4/2008 Cost – Aircraft Cessna Model 550 7,806 5,095 1/15/2010 Accrued Depreciation (833) (1,092) Total 9,313 6,343 (Citation Bravo) – Ano 2006 The Company recognized in the results of the first semester of 2010 the depreciation expense of R$461 relating to leasing transactions. The assets of the transaction is recorded in the financial statements under "Fixed Assets" and has been depreciated as the estimated useful life of the asset. The liability of the transaction is recorded at present value under the heading "Loans and Financing", whose maturity, fees and guarantees are described in Note 12. The present value of future minimum lease transactions with on June 30, 2010 is as follows: Current value of future payments 06/30/2010 31/12/2009 Current Installment 2,717 2,585 Non-current Installment 5,936 3,135 54 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Total 8,653 5,720 b. Patents, trademarks, licenses, concessions, franchises and contracts of technology transfer, informing: i. duration The term of the Company's trademarks and patents is the statutory period of 10 years for brands, extendable for equal successive periods, and 20 years for patents, according to Law 9279/96. With regard to the domains, the domain "", owned by our subsidiary Goldfarb, as well as Goldfarb’s domains related to projects, as described below, has duration of 1 year. Moreover, the domains of the Company and CHL, as identified below, also have a 1year duration. ii. Affected area Brazilian Territory. iii. Events that can cause loss of rights related to such assets There are no events that can cause loss of rights related to such assets, in addition to those provided in law. iv. possible consequences of the loss of such rights to the Company The Company will have to develop its activities through other brands of the group only, what we do not believe that should cause a material impact on our activities. That is, any rejections of patents, trademarks, licenses and domains will cause no adverse effects on our activities or projects developed, launched and marketed by the Company. The Company holds two records of the brand “PDG”, both in the class of products and services NCL (8) 36, granted on 8/18/2008, and is the holder of four domain names, the most relevant of which is “www.pdgrealty.”. Additionally, our Business Unit Goldfarb holds eight records of the brand Goldfarb, considered important for the development of its activities, as well as 28 domains related to the developments it built, which are: BRANDS 1) Goldfarb Presentation: Nominative Product or Service Class: NCL (8) 36 Specification: materials for construction and paving; items used in plumbing, sinks, bathroom fixtures and similar items; prefabricated or pre-molded. Granting of registration: 12/10/1991 Duration: 12/10/2011 2) G Goldfarb Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: NCL (8) 19 Specification: Building materials (non metallic), non-metallic rigid pipes for building, asphalt, tar and bitumen, non-metallic transportable buildings, monuments not of metal. Granting of registration: 12/10/1991 Duration:12/10/2011 3) G Goldfarb Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: 37:05-40 37 - Services of architecture, engineering, technical design, construction, study and graphic representation of the origin, formation, evolution and transformation of the globe, prospecting, landscaping, decorating 05 - Architectural and engineering. 40 - Construction and repair of civil works 55 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CFE (4) – 27.5.1 - Letters presenting a special form of writing; 26.7.1 - Circles or ellipses with one or more segments and / or sectors of circles or ellipses Granting of registration: 08/17/1993 Duration: 08/17/2013 4) G Goldfarb Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: 19 - Materials for construction and paving, prefabricated or pre-molded structures, wood, sanitary equipment, plumbing and hoses. 10 - Materials for building and paving in general. 30 - Sinks, sanitary ware and similar items. 40 - Articles used in plumbing. CFE (4) – 27.5.1 - Letters presenting a special form of writing; 26.7.1 - Circles or ellipses with one or more segments and / or sectors of circles or ellipses Granting of registration: 08/03/1993 Duration: 08/03/2013 5) Goldfarb Presentation: nominal Product or Service Class: 40 - This class includes services not provided in classes 36, 37, 38, 39 and 41. 15 - Auxiliary services to the trade of goods, including import and export. 25 - Services of agency, training and supply of manpower in general. Granting of registration: 08/12/2007 Duration: 08/12/2007 6) G Goldfarb Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: 40 - This class includes services not provided for in classes 36, 37, 38, 39 and 41. 15 - Auxiliary services to the trade of goods, including import and export. 25 - Services of agency, training and supply of manpower in general. Granting of registration: 08/12/2007 Duration: 08/12/2017 7) Goldfarb Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: NCL (8) 19 Building materials (non metallic), non-metallic rigid pipes for building, asphalt, tar and bitumen, nonmetallic transportable buildings, non-metallic monuments. CFE (4): Letters presenting a special form of writing Granting of registration: 09/25/2007 Duration: 09/25/2017 8) Goldfarb Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: NCL (8) 34 Construction, repairs, installation services. CFE (4): 27.5.1 Letters presenting a special form of writing Granting of registration: 10/30/07 Duration: 10/30/2017 DOMAINS domain: domain: domain: 56 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: domain: Our Business Unit CHL is holder of three registration applications of brands and one of domain, they are: BRANDS 1) O2 Corporate & Offices Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: NCL (9) 36 CFE (4): 1:15:15 - Clouds, fog, steam, smoke / 1:15:11 - drops / 27.5.1 - Letters presenting a special form of writing Current status: published in the registration request 01/08/2008 2) Aluguel Nunca Mais Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: NCL (9) 36 Insurance, financial business, monetary business, real estate business. CFE (4): 26.1.1- Circles / 26.4.2 – Rectangles/ 27.5.1 – Letter presenting a special form of writing Status: published in the registration request in 03/04/2008 3) Plaza Office Campo Grande Presentation: Mixed Product or Service Class: NCL (9) 3 Insurance, advertisement, business management, business administration, office functions. CFE (4): 27.5.1 – Letters presenting a special form of writing Status: published in the registration request in 12/09/2008 DOMAIN domain: Our subsidiary Lindencorp holds an application for the brand Lindencorp, whose transfer was recently concluded, but has not yet been endorsed by the INPI. 57 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações c. Companies in which the Company has an interest Subparagraphs (i) to (vi) of subsection 9.1 (c) are described below: Company name Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Developed activities The Goldfarb activities are concentrated in developing economic and popular residential units for families with monthly income between 5-20 minimum salary, with a business structure model based in the standardization of the construction and incorporation process and the vertical integration of production The CHL activity is the incorporation market of residential real estate in the State of Rio de Janeiro, being one of the largest developers in that state, especially in middle and upper-middle classes. Company Participation Subsidiary or associated company Record in CVM 100% Subsidiary Don’t have (had the record canceled in 12/18/2009) 100% Subsidiary Don’t have Headquarters São Paulo – Brazil Rio de Janeiro – Brazil Investment in 03.30.10 (in R$ Thousand) Investimento em 12.31.09 (em R$ Thousand Investiment in 12.31.08 (in R$ Thousand) Investment in 12.31.07 (in R$ Thousand) 1,191.304 426,204 278,642 260,518 243,877 201,776 89,976 85,475 58 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Company name PDG Companhia Securitizadora Company focused on operations of middle and upper middle class in São Paulo (with a focus on units from R$200 to $ 500 thousand). PDG São Paulo Incorporações S.A. AGRE Empreendimentos Imobiliários S/A Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Cipasa Developed activities Company focused on securitization of real estate receivables, whose activities started in 2009. Company incorporated by PDG Realty in June 2010, AGRE is the combination of the operations of AGRA, Abyara and Klabin Segall, companies with extensive experience and tradition in real estate market. The Lindencorp aims to explore the market for residential real estate development for the upper and uppermiddle classes in the State of São Paulo. Lindencorp focuses on developing customized designs and sophisticated projects. Company Participation Subsidiary or associated company Record in CVM Headquarters Investment in 03.30.10 (in R$ Thousand) Investimento em 12.31.09 (em R$ Thousand Investiment in 12.31.08 (in R$ Thousand) 489 - - Investment in 12.31.07 (in R$ Thousand) 100% Subsidiary CVM Code 02164-4 (Recorded in 10/03/2008) 100% Subsidiary Don’t have São Paulo Brazil 4,661 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 100% Subsidiary Don’t have (had its CVM Code 21911 Record canceled) São Paulo Brazil 1,950,389 - - - 19,93% Subsidiary Don’t have São Paulo Brazil 49,396 49,396 30,396 14,181 19,93% Vested Don’t have São Paulo – - - - - Rio de Janeiro – Brazil 59 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Not applicable Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Company name Desenvolvimento Urbano S.A. Real Estate Partners Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Brasil Brokers Participações S.A. TGLT S.A. Developed activities Explore the market allotment of land for residential condominiums for all income segments in the State of São Paulo. Focuses the Company's investments in commercial real estate projects aimed at income generation through the development of convenience and service centers, which are aimed at serving the public resident in the region where theu are located Real estate brokerage service with a focus on performance and market intermediation and real estate consulting. Explore the market for residential real estate development for the upper and middlehigh classes in Argentina Company Participation Subsidiary or associated company 39,93% Subsidiary CVM Code 21539 (recorded in 07/11/2008) São Paulo Brazil 6,05% Vested CVM Code 21180 (recorded in 10/26/2007) Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 42,411 2,660 30% Vested Don’t have Buenos Aires - Argentina 30,843 29,810 Record in CVM Headquarters Brazil Investment in 03.30.10 (in R$ Thousand) Investimento em 12.31.09 (em R$ Thousand Investiment in 12.31.08 (in R$ Thousand) Investment in 12.31.07 (in R$ Thousand) 10,268 11,675 10,493 9,021 2,660 2,660 50,307 (viii) Market value of participation according to the stock price at the end of the fiscal year, when such shares are traded on organized securities markets. Except for Brasil Brokers, the Subsidiaries are not listed on a stock exchange, so there is no market value of participation. The table below shows the market value of the participation of the Company in the Brasil Brokers: 60 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 12.,399 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações R$ Market value Brasil Brokers Semester ended 06.30.2010 Fiscal Years ended 12.31.2009 Fiscal Yaer ended 12.31.2008 Fiscal Yaer ended 12.31.2007 59,463,324.83 63,919,374.48 16,275,766.65 93,708,959.50 Participation in the AGREE is now held only in June 2010 when it ceased to be publicly traded. (ix) appreciation or depreciation of such participation in the last three fiscal years, according to the book value and (x) appreciation or depreciation of such participation, in the last three fiscal years, according to market value, according to the quotation of shares on the date of closing of each fiscal year, when such shares are traded on organized markets With the exception of the devaluation of the market value of the participation of the Company in Brasil Brokers in 2008, and its recovery in the year of 2009, according to the table in paragraph (viii) above, there were no appreciation or depreciation of market value or book value of the Company's participation in other Subsidiaries in the last three fiscal years. (xi) Dividends Company/Year (in R$) Gold 2007 2008 459,355 CHL - REP DI - Lindencorp 3,428,256 2009 - 4,906,609 1,170,000 Cipasa - - Brasil Brokers - - TGLT - - Total 3,428,256 6,076,609 06.30.2010 - 2,260,000 429,000 51,079 2,740,079 Total - 459,355 - 7,599,605 - 5,609,299 51,079 13,259,983 (xii) Reasons for the acquisition and maintenance of such participation. The reason for maintaining such investments is the development of our real estate development activities, the growth of sector and the expectation of their future income. 9.2. Others information deemed relevant by the Company There is no other relevant information about this item 9. 61 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 10. COMMENTS OF THE MANAGERS 10.1. The managers must comment about: a. Financial and Assets Conditions in generals The macro-economic environment positively influenced Brazilian real estate market during 2006. Since it provided three factors that are extremely relevant to our market: (i) inflation under control; (ii) a decrease in interest rates and (iii) increased income. Another key factor for the sector’s growth was the increased availability of credit both to finance the construction of buildings and for the buyer of real estate. Private banks have funded in 2006, R$9.5 billion, a growth of 75.9% over the previous year. At the end of 2006, we focused much of our performance in the economic market via Goldfarb, with the total launched by PDG Realty un this year (R$761.7 million), 87% were directed to this segment. The sales volume was also significant (total sold of R$563.9 million), putting us as one of the main developers in Brazil. During 2007, the real estate market was driven by the growth of Brazilian economy, with main vectors being the maintenance of the volume of credit and decrease in SELIC rate. In that same year we attended the launching of 73 projects, which amounted to R$2.26 billion in PSV Launched, R$1.233 billion related to PSV Launched PDG Realty, representing an increase of 309% compared to 2006. For sales, we had great prominence in the industry, with a total contracted sales until December 31, 2007 of R$2.077 billion, from which R$969.95 million were the pro rata share of PDG Realty. Of the total units launched during 2007, 77% were sold. We also highlight that throughout 2007 we performed three public funding operations, totaling R$1,467 million, of which R$1,257 million joined the Company's cash (historical values). All these operations have resulted in extensive growth of our operations, as well as a solid cash position. In 2008 the financial crisis hit the world's leading economies, with their reflections on the Brazilian real estate market, especially as regards the grant of credit (customers and developers), and significant reduction in sales. With funding operations in 2007 (IPO, first issuance of debentures of the Company and public offering of shares of the Company), we could normally proceed with our business plan, achieving significant operational and financial indexes, whereas in comparison with other publicly held real estate developers, PDG Realty occupied the third place in launches and sales (in 2006 and 2007 we occupied the 5th and 4th places respectively). During 2008 we launched over 85 projects, which amounted to R$3.77 billion in PSV Launched, R$2.61 billion related to PSV Launched PDG Realty. Contracted sales reached R$1.81 billion, with over 14,000 units sold. In 2009, the federal government launched the "My Home My Life," which consists of several initiatives to increase housing supply and purchasing power of Class C to E, with income of up to ten minimum wages, which is currently valued at R$465.00 and reduce the housing deficit in Brazil, now at 7.2 million homes. Such macroeconomic event, significantly leveraged the industry and provided PDG an even greater market expansion due to be one of the largest developers in Brazil with focus on low income. In the midst of significant government subsidies and economic growth, the Company has reached the level of R$3,026.6 million in launches and R$2,670.3 million in sales, ranking among the top 3 developers in the industry. b. Capital structure and the possibility of redemption of shares or quotas, indicating: i. chance of redemption ii. formula for calculating the redemption value There is no chance of redemption of shares of the Company other than those provided by law. c. Ability to pay in relation to financial commitments For the year ended December 31, 2006, we presented a cash of R$39.4 million, for a total debt of R$112.8 million, totaling a net debt position of R$73.3 million. This value shows a good condition of solvency of company, because it represented 29% of net worth on that date. Throughout the year 2007, we conducted three fundings: IPO, in which we raised approximately R$440.0 million (held in January 2007), first issuance of non-convertible debentures in July 2007 (“1st Issuance”) totaling R$250.0 62 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações million and initial public offering in July 2007, totaling approximately R$575.0 million. With these transactions we closed 2007 with an extremely strong cash position, with a total net cash of R$230.9 million at December 31, 2007. In 2008, we invested most of the funds raised in the last year, and because of the financial crisis that hit the world markets, we observed no favorable conditions for the issuance of debts or other types of funding. On December 31, 2008, we present a net debt of R$610.4 million, representing 41.3% of the net worth on that date. Our net debt for the year 2009 was R$404.9 million and our net worth on that date was R$2,940.8 million. Thus, our net worth had coverage ratio of 7.3 times our net debt. This means that for each R$1.00 of our net debt we have R$7.30 of net worth to cover the balance. Thus, we believe that our existing resources and operating cash flow will be sufficient to meet our liquidity needs and our financial commitments already contracted. We note that during 2009, we held the second and third issuance of convertible debentures (“2nd Issuance” and “3rd Issuance”, respectively), held respectively in April and September 2009. These issuances represented a cash inflow of approximately R$570.0 million. d. Sources used in finance for working capital and for investment in non-current assets Most of the funds raised in 2006 relates primarily to resources obtained through the Housing Financial System (SFH) of the total debt on that date (R$112.8 million), approximately R$60 million relate to financing projects. In 2007, we highlight the 1st Issuance of non-convertible debentures, which totaled R$250.0 million. With this transaction, our debt totaled R$490.9 million at December 31, 2007. Throughout the year 2008 in line with the growth of our operation, we continued to raise funds to obtain work capital and funding for our works through the SFH. On December 31, 2008, our funding totaled R$866.8 million. For 2009, we highlight the 2nd and 3rd Issuance of convertible debentures held respectively in April and September 2009. These issuances represented a cash inflow of approximately R$570.0 million. On December 31, 2009, the Company's indebtedness totaled R$1,505.9 million. e. Financing sources for working capital and for investment in non-current assets to use for converging liquidity deficiencies As in fiscal years 2006 and 2008, the Company intends to make use of available funding from the Housing Finance System (SFH) and other borrowing facilities with financial institutions to raise funds for investment in non-current assets and, repeating what occurred in fiscal years 2007 and 2009, intends to use the issuance of debentures to finance their working capital and other investments. f. Debt levels and the characteristics of such claims, describing also : i. Loan agreements and relevant financing ii. Other long-term relations with financial institutions iii. Subordination degree between the debts iv. Any restrictions imposed on the Company, particularly in relation to limits of indebtedness and contracting of new debts, distribution of dividends, disposal of assets, the issuance of new securities and the sale of corporate control 63 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos Participações Dinamarca Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Amapá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Aruba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Beige Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Cuiabá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Groelândia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Ilhéus Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Orange Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Polônia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Porto Velho Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Red Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sudão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Tunísia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Withe Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Goldfarb PDG 2 Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity CDI + 1,9% p.a. 769 768 TR + 11% p.a. 6,547 3,441 CDI + 1,9% p.a. TR + 10,70% p.a. TR + 10,50% p.a. 776 - - 768 776 5,452 - - - 2,272 - - - - - - CDI + 1,90% p.a. - CDI + 1,9% p.a. - CDI + 1,9% p.a. - 1,024 255 259 768 776 - - CDI + 1,9% p.a. 513 512 518 CDI + 1,9% p.a. 1,025 1,024 1,035 CDI + 1,9% p.a. 513 2,257 518 TR + 11% p.a. 2,797 - - - - - - 775 776 CDI + 1,9% p.a. - CDI + 1,9% p.a. 769,00 CDI + 1,9% p.a. - CDI + 1,9% p.a. 1,538 TR + 8,3% p.a. 318 CDI + 1,9% p.a. 769 TR + 11% 4,234 614 - 1,535 1,553 - - 767 776 - - Garantees Creditor jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim apr/14 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jun/12 Mortgage Itaú oct/11 Mortgage Santander jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim aug/12 Mortgage Banco do Brasil jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim oct/12 Mortgage / Receivables / Guaranty jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim aug/12 Mortgage Banco do 64 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Caixa Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Incorporações Ltda. PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Charges p.a. - - - - - - - - - 8,25% 23,203 5,25% 23,067 CDI + 2,5% p.a. 4,127 7,201 500 77,913 21,709 8,263 IGPM + 12,0% p.a. - - TR + 9% p.a. - - TR + 8,3% p.a. 584 834 500 TR + 10,5% p.a. 35,294 27,906 6,800 TR + 10,5% p.a. 13,504 18,796 11,043 TR + 10,5% p.a. 18,969 11,827 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 769 768 776 TR + 10% p.a. 14,061 7,119 667 INCC + 12,0% p.a. - - TR + 11% p.a. - - TR + 11% p.a. - CDI + 1,30% a.a - - CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,006 1,024 TR + 11% p.a. 6,547 3,441 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,538 1,536 1,553 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,538 768 776 TR + 5,452 Total PDG Realty Goldfarb e PDG Co Alencar Araripe Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Alencar Araripe Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Alves Pedroso Empreendimento Imobiliário Ltda. Amsterdam Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Áustria Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Big Field S.A Incorporações Dinamarca Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Estela Borges Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Estela Borges Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Finlândia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Acapulco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Acre Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Alaska Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Amapá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Argentina Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Aruba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Beige 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity 4,316 5,068 5,981 - 1,134 6,614 16,447 1,035 - - - Garantees Creditor Brasil feb/18 PDG Personal Garantee FINEP feb/18 PDG Personal Garantee FINEP feb/11 Mortgage/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty IBM oct/11 Participation Share Rio Bravo / GMAC aug/09 Mortgage/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty ABN Amro sep/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa feb/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro jun/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro nov/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim mar/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú sep/11 Participation pledge Cyrela nov/09 Mortgage/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty Unibanco - - mar/12 Mortgage / PDG Personal Garantee jul/11 Mortgage / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim apr/14 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jun/12 Mortgage Itaú 65 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Caixa Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Black Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Canadá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Canadá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Cancun Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Celestino Bourroul Empreend. Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Cuiabá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Escócia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Escócia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold França Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Groelândia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Haiti Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Ilhéus Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Índia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Irlanda Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Irlanda Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Jamaica Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Lisboa Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Madri Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Mali Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Marília Empreendimentos Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity 10,7% p.a. 3,589 - - CDI + 1,9% p.a. 1,025 1,024 1,035 TR + 11,5% p.a. 3,639 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 4,614 4,606 4,658 TR + 10,5% p.a. 4,785 11,078 2,703 TR + 10,5% p.a. 2,272 - - CDI + 1,90% p.a. 4,101 6,259 4,140 CDI + 10,5% p.a. 8,372 2,165 TR + 10,5% p.a. 22,541 17,538 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,781 1,024 2,070 113 5,234 TR + 9% p.a. 2,871,00 - - - - - - - - CDI + 1,90% p.a. 513 256 259 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 2,563 2,559 2,588 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,845 1,842 1,863 TR + 8,3% p.a. 2,871 - - - - - 6,130 - 11,415 12,998 - - TR + 10,5% p.a. - - TR + 9,92% p.a. - - 43,833 39,848 TR + 9,5% a.a TR + 12,0% p.a. CDI + 1,50% p.a. Creditor oct/11 Mortgage Caixa jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim aug/11 Mortgage Santander jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim apr/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú oct/11 Mortgage Santander jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jul/09 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Santander sep/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim feb/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim - TR + 9,92% p.a. - Garantees 3,051 25,055 - - feb/13 Mortgage / Receivables / Guaranty Caixa jul/09 Mortgage/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty Safra jul/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee HSBC jan/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro sep/13 Mortgage / Receivables / Guaranty oct/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim 66 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Caixa Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Marrocos Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Milano Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Minas Gerais Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Minas Gerais Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Mônaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold New York Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Gold Noruega Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Oceania Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Orange Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Panamá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Paraíba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Polônia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Porto Velho Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Portugal Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Properties Vila Guilherme S.A. Gold Purple Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Purple Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Recife Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Red Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Roraima Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity TR + 10,5% p.a. 7,639 TR + 10,7% p.a. 3,331 TR + 12,0% p.a. 4,544 - - - - 16,904 19,901 1,812 CDI + 1,9% p.a. 3,751 1,791 1,811 TR + 11,5% p.a. 7,196 3,772 TR + 8,3% p.a. 570 277 CDI + 3,00% p.a. 68,359 32,110 21,808 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,025 1,024 1,035 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,538 768 776 TR + 10,5% p.a. 21,343 14,632 3,370 TR + 10,5% p.a. 3,056 1,836 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 513 512 518 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,025 1,024 1,035 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 513 512 518 TR + 11,0% p.a. 2,797 1,745 - - 1,336 1,541 1,553 - - - - TR + 10,5% p.a. 9,970 9,330 - - CDI + 1,90% p.a. 3,588 1,791 1,811 CDI + 1,538 1,535 1,553 TR + 11,5% a.a CDI + 1,90% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. - - 9,202 - - - Garantees Creditor oct/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro jun/12 Mortgage Itaú jun/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee HSBC jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim sep/11 Mortgage/ Fiduciary Assignment/ Guaranty Santander feb/13 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa mar/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim nov/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco dec/17 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim aug/12 Mortgage Banco do Brasil jul/09 Mortgage Itaú jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim may/12 Mortgage/ Credit Rights Bradesco aug/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim 67 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Roraima Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Santiago Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Santiago Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold São Paulo Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sidney Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sidney Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Singapura Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sudão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Sudão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Suíça Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Texas Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Tunísia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Turquia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Uberaba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Uberaba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Venice Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Viena Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Viena Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE ltda Gold Withe Empreendimentos Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity 1,90% p.a. TR + 10,70% p.a. TR + 11,02% p.a. Garantees Creditor jan/12 Mortgage Itaú jul/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa apr/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa jun/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro feb/10 Mortgage/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty Matone aug/12 Mortgage Caixa nov/12 Mortgage Caixa jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim sep/12 Mortgage Caixa aug/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jul/11 Mortgage/ Fiduciary Assignment/ Guaranty Santander jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim jun/12 Property in Araçatuba / SP and Manaus / AM BTG Pactual may/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim sep/11 Mortgage Itaú may/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa feb/12 Mortgage Caixa jan/11 PDG Personal Garantee Votorantim 11,870 - 2,664 3,642 720 429 TR + 8,3% p.a. TR + 9% p.a. - CDI + 1,5% p.a. - TR + 11,02% p.a. - 7,824 3,220 TR + 8,3% p.a. 468 688 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 769 775 TR + 8,3% p.a. - 61 - - - - - - 9,473 8,202 - - - - - 776 - - - - - - - TR + 10,5% p.a. 10,687 7,694 TR + 10,5% p.a. 14,424 6,882 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,230 614 1,242 CDI + 1,90% p.a. 1,538 1,535 1,553 TR + 8,5% p.a. 318 - - - TR + 10,5% p.a. 22,421 20,379 - - CDI + 1,9% p.a. 4,614 2,303 4,658 TR + 10,7% p.a. 12,036 - - TR + 11,2% p.a. 1,870 1,870 - TR + 8,3% p.a. CDI + 1,90% p.a. 769 2,357 768 776 - - 68 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Charges CDI + 3,66% p.a. CDI + 1,7% p.a. CDI + 2,2% p.a. CDI + 2,00% p.a. TR + 8,3% p.a. CDI + 3,54% a.a CDI + 1,35% a.a CDI + 2,00% a.a CDI + 1,5 % p.a. TR + 8,3% p.a. CDI + 1,5 % p.a. INCC + 12% p.a. TR + 9% p.a. TR + 11% p.a. TR + 11,5% p.a. TR + 12% p.a. CDI + Goldfarb Incorporações e 6,80 % Construções S.A. p.a. Holanda CDI + Empreendimentos 1,5% p.a. Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Kirmayr Negócios TR + Imobiliários SPE Ltda. 10,5% p.a. Luxemburgo TR + 9% Empreendimentos p.a. Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Nova Água Rasa TR + 11% Empreendimentos p.a. Imobiliários SPE S.A. Nova Tatuapé Negócios TR + Imobiliários SPE Ltda. 11,5% p.a. Oswaldo Lussac TR + Empreendimentos 11,5% p.a. Imobiliários S.A. Padre Adelino TR + Empreendimentos 9,31% p.a. Imobiliários S.A. Petrônio Portela TR + 9% Empreendimentos p.a. Imobiliários Ltda. Santa Genebra INCC + 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity - 814 - 20,441 jan/10 PDG Personal Garantee ABC Brasil 13,361 7,104 aug/09 PDG Personal Garantee Banco do Brasil apr/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jan/14 PDG Personal Garantee Brascan 5,345 12,201 12,566 12,823 1,386 1,924 5,289 - - 1,205 1,424 1,872 25,936 28,392 30,368 - 17,568 30,789 1,985 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,715 5,044 7,551 9,986 7,922 1,710 16,083 18,156 8,708 4,396 8,510 11,196 - - 1,445 530 5,307 Creditor 12,483 4,562 - Garantees 1,877 jan/12 PDG Personal Garantee CIT Brasil may/11 PDG Personal Garantee Safra jun/10 Aval guarantee PDG BTG Pactual mar/12 Mortgage Caixa jan/14 Safra nov/09 1,676 sep/10 5,077 apr/10 16,539 oct/09 1,916 jul/08 Promissory Note BIC 8,911 nov/08 Receivables Rio Bravo / GMAC mar/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Matone nov/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco aug/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro feb/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee HSBC dec/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee HSBC feb/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jul/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro dec/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro oct/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Cyrela - - 2,414 Caixa 3,942 - 1,001 Caixa oct/11 1,316 5,894 aug/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Aplication of R$2 million at 98% CDI 5,673 10,817 9,520 feb/11 - Aval guarantee PDG Cyrela Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Receivables / Proportional Guaranty ABN Amro Santander Itaú Bradesco 69 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. São João Clímaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. São João Clímaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Serra Bella Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. SPE Gama Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. SPE Jaguaré Construções Ltda. SPE Reserva do Alto Aricanduva Construções Ltda. Vassoural Empreendimentos Imobiliários ltda Vila Maria Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Vila Maria Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Charges 12% p.a. - TR + 8,3% p.a. - TR + 8,3% p.a. - - TR + 8,3% p.a. 6,875 11,885 4,852 TR + 11% p.a. 1,158 11,131 10,306 TR + 11% p.a. 18,101 19,860 11,537 107 15,131 TR + 12% p.a. - 698 TR + 10,5% p.a. 20,032 13,816 TR + 10% p.a. 10,222 3,316 - - INCC + 12% p.a. Outros Total Goldfarb e PDG Co CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Araxá Participações e Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A Assis Bueno 30 Incorporações Ltda. Assis Bueno 30 Incorporações Ltda. Bento Lisboa 106-A Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Bento Lisboa 106-B Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Jaime Poggi Incorporações Ltda. Savelli Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. SPE Aberlardo Bueno 3600 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Almirante Baltazar 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity - 3,658 - - - - - 1,145 - 595,553 277 12 1 523,131 399,800 74,581 13,952 34,669 - 2,127 2,100 2,146 5,842 6,311 TR + 12% p.a. - - TR + 12% p.a. - - 10,065 10,947 10,764 10,471 3,807 11,307 - - 27,361 21,327 82,269 58,042 4,550 3,907 1,175 13,728 3,565 TR + 12% p.a. CDI + 2,3% p.a. TR + 11,5% p.a. CDI + 1,4% p.a. CDI + 2,0% p.a. CDI + 2,3% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,4% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 14,128 14,034 17,534 7,400 2,778 - 21,655 21,195 - - Garantees Creditor Personal Garantee jun/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa dec/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa jun/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Caixa jul/09 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco feb/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Santander jul/09 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco oct/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco mar/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro nov/09 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Cyrela feb/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jul/10 PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco apr/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jul/09 Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Unibanco oct/10 Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Bradesco jun/10 PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jun/10 PDG Personal Garantee Safra jun/09 aug/10 feb/12 nov/13 may/11 oct/12 Unibanco PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Itaú HSBC Santander HSBC 70 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) 131 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Almirante Baltazar 131 Incorporações Ltda. SPE Baronesa de Poconé 222 Incorporações Ltda. SPE BMI 600 Incorporações Ltda. SPE BMI 600 Incorporações Ltda. SPE CHL LVII Incorporações Ltda SPE Dalcidio Jurandir 255 Incorporações Ltda. Charges 10,4% p.a. CDI + 2,3% p.a. TR + 13% p.a. TR + 13% p.a. CDI + 2,3% p.a. TR + 11% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + SPE Dona Mariana 187 10,75% Incorporações Ltda. p.a. SPE Estrada do Monteiro TR + 323 Incorporações Ltda 10,4% p.a. SPE Estrada do Monteiro CDI + 323 Incorporações Ltda. 2,2% p.a. TR + SPE General Mitre 137 11,25% Incorporações LTDA p.a. SPE MOL 38 TR + Incorporações Ltda. 10,5% p.a. Miguel de Frias 156 TR + Empreendimentos 10,5% p.a. Imobiliários S/A SPE Parque Anchieta TR + Empreendimentos 10,4% p.a. Imobiliários S.A SPE VPA 144 TR + Incorporações Ltda. 10,5% p.a. SPE VPA 144 CDI + Incorporações Ltda. 2,3% p.a. SPE Voluntários da TR + Pátria 244 Incorporações 10,5% p.a. Ltda Oswaldo Lussac TR + Empreendimentos 11,5% p.a. Imobiliários S.A. Total CHL Agre Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + Imobiliário S.A. 1,5% p.a. Abyara Planejamento CDI + 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity 1,489 1,470 1,502 2,715 3,796 4,326 6,081 8,036 2,086 2,127 - - 13,236 12,681 6,226,00 - - 58,190 49,183 7,330 5,984 6,114 2,053 1,974 - - - 12,337 7,631 19,079 - - 4,550 19,249 3,735 7,584 7,032 27 18,628 6,721 11,901 6,743 19,332 6,867 - - - - - 5,131 - - Garantees Personal Garantee jul/10 sep/11 dec/10 aug/10 nov/11 feb/10 PDG Personal Garantee may/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco jul/10 PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco apr/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco may/11 Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Itaú may/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú dec/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco apr/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jul/10 PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco Receivables / Proportional Guaranty - sep/11 Mortgage - - - jul/10 Mortgage 165 - - - mar/11 Mortgage 4,310 - - - jun/12 Mortgage 2,783 - - - jun/12 Mortgage 1,254 - - - jun/12 Mortgage 14,136 - - - jun/12 Mortgage 9,901 - - - jul/13 Mortgage / Receivables 6,048 - - 1,831 - 76 Bradesco Itaú - 21,195 Bradesco Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Mortgage 142,970 Unibanco sep/11 jun/12 300,177 Unibanco Receivables / Proportional Guaranty Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee - 336,981 Bradesco PDG Personal Garantee Receivables / Proportional Guaranty 3,538 Unibanco Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee feb/10 5,483 Creditor Itaú BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual BTG Pactual Bradesco 71 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S.A. Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S/A Abyara Planejamento Imobiliário S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Empreendimentos Imobliários S/A Agra Loteadora S.A Charges 2,15% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. CDI + 2,65% p.a. CDI + 1,5% p.a. CDI + 2,20% p.a. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Garantees Creditor 18,462 - - - jul/13 Mortgage / Receivables Bradesco 38,954 - - - jul/13 Mortgage / Receivables Bradesco 21,514 - - - mar/15 Mortgage / Receivables ABC 25,979 - - - apr/17 Mortgage Land Votorantim CDI 6,332 - - - jan/13 Promissory Note Fibra CDI 5,962 - - - jan/16 Promissory Note Fibra 76,710 - - - jul/17 Mortgage HSBC 4,329 - - - dec/10 Mortgage HSBC 1,460 - - - aug/10 Mortgage HSBC 13,467 - - - sep/13 Mortgage Bradesco 30,031 - - - may/12 None Banco do Brasil 101,821 - - - jul/12 Mortgage Bradesco 3,426 - - - mar/14 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Safra 71,109 - - - jul/12 Aval guarantee guarantors Safra 2,542 - - - jan/16 Receivables Safra 22,066 - - - mar/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Safra 521 - - - jun/10 Aval guarantee guarantors Daycoval 33,987 - - - apr/15 Aval guarantee guarantors Deutsche Bank 11,998 - - - aug/12 Aval guarantee guarantors Fibra 30,005 - - - mar/12 Personal Guarantee Fibra 6,600 - - - may/12 Aval guarantee guarantors BIC BANCO 6,125 - - - jul/10 Mortgage / Receivables ABC Brasil 80,111 - - - jun/14 Aval guarantee guarantor HSBC 871 - - - jun/16 Receivables Safra 14,066 - - - jun/11 Mortgage Bradesco 39,391 - - - nov/10 Receivables Itaú 1,532 - - - mar/12 Mortgage Trycury CDI + 2,20% p.a. CDI + 2,205% p.a. CDI + 2,205% p.a. CDI + 2,12% p.a. CDI + 2,3% p.a. CDI + 0,8% p.a. CDI + 0,5% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. IGPM + 12% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. CDI + 8,73% p.a. CDI + 5,75% p.a. CDI + 0% p.a. CDI + 4,91% p.a. CDI + 7,44% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. Agra Moab Incorporadora Ltda. Agre Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Alive Morumbi IGPM + Empreendimento 12% a.aa.. Imobiliário S/A API SPE 15 TR + 11% Planej.Desenv.Empreend. p.a. Imobiliario Ltda Arena Park TR + Empreendimento 11,7% p.a. Imobiliário SPE Ltda ASACORP CDI + Empreendimentos e 12,68% Participações S.A. p.a. 72 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) ASACORP Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. ASACORP Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. Barra Ville Incorporadora Ltda. Barra Ville Incorporadora Ltda. BNI Artico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. BNI Báltico Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. Brindisi Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Brotas Incorporadora Ltda. Brotas Incorporadora Ltda. Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Garantees Creditor CDI + 10,03% p.a. 1,994 - - - mar/11 Mortgage Trycury CDI + 7,44% p.a. 2,000 - - - dec/10 Loan BIC BANCO 1,938 - - - aug/10 11,627 - - - aug/10 TR + 10,5% p.a. 3,005 - - - dec/12 Receivables HSBC TR + 10,5% p.a. 5,354 - - - jun/10 Mortgage Bradesco TR + 10,5% p.a. 2,183 - - - jun/10 Mortgage Bradesco TR + 10,5% p.a. 5,353 - - - jun/10 Mortgage Bradesco TR + 10,5% p.a. 2,183 - - - jun/10 Mortgage / Receivables Bradesco CDI + 2,15% p.a. 1,026 - - - jun/11 Mortgage Itaú 1,582 - - - jan/13 Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú 2,672 - - - jul/10 6,582 - - - jan/12 1,476 - - - feb/11 10,335 - - - feb/11 22,180 - - - dec/12 Receivables Santander 34,140 - - - jul/13 Receivables Bradesco 13,026 - - - jun/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Bradesco 2,333 - - - nov/12 Receivables HSBC 814 - - - sep/12 Mortgage Itaú 3,255 - - - sep/12 Mortgage Itaú 7,361 - - - jul/13 Personal Guarantee / Guaranty / Mortgage Real 20,230 - - - may/11 Receivables Santander 8,092 - - - oct/11 Mortgage HSBC TR + 11% p.a. TR + 11% p.a. TR + 11,5% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. CDI + Caph Incorporadora Ltda. 2% p.a. Ciclame Incorporadora TR + Ltda. 13,5% p.a. Ciclame Incorporadora TR + Ltda. 13,5% p.a. Companhia Setin de TR + Empreendimentos e 10,5% p.a. Participações Companhia Setin de CDI + Empreendimentos e 0,15% a. Participações a.. Coreopisis TR + Empreendimento S/A 10,5% p.a. Cyrela Oceania TR + Empreendimentos 10,6% p.a. Imobiliários Ltda Eltanin Incorporadora TR + Ltda. 10,3% p.a. Eltanin Incorporadora TR + Ltda. 10,3% p.a. Etage Botafogo TR + Empreendimentos 10,5% p.a. Imobiliários SPE Ltda Exuberance TR + Empreendimento 10,5% p.a. Imobiliário SPE Ltda Gan Empreendimentos TR + Imobiliários Ltda. 10,5% p.a. Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Santander Santander Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú Itaú Unibanco Unibanco 73 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Gliese Incorporadora Ltda. Grajaú Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Gundel Incorporadora Ltda. Heliconia Incorporadora Ltda. Heliconia Incorporadora Ltda. Icarai Village Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda Inpar Abyara Projeto Residencial América SPE LTDA. Inpar Abyara Projeto Residencial América SPE LTDA. Inpar Abyara Projeto Residencial Santo Amaro SPE LTDA. Kalapalo Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kalapalo Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kamayura Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kamayura Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Kamayura Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. KFA Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda KFA Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda Klabin Segal Invetimentos e Participações SPE S.A. Klabin Segall Lider Praça Louveira SPE Ltda Klabin Segall S/A Klabin Segall S/A Klabin Segall Santana Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda Klabin Segall Vergueiro Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Klabin_Tagipuru Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE S/A Charges CDI + 2% p.a. IGPM + 12% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Garantees Creditor 1,588 - - - jan/12 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú 1,208 - - - aug/15 Receivables Unibanco 1,786 - - - apr/12 1,633 - - - jul/10 5,145 - - - jul/10 TR + 12% p.a. 11,729 - - - CDI + 7,44% p.a. 1,013 - - TR + 10,5% p.a. 7,574 - TR + 10,5% p.a. 6,398 TR + 11,5% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Santander aug/12 Receivables HSBC - feb/12 Mortgage BICBANCO - - jun/12 Mortgage Santander - - - oct/11 Mortgage Real 5,895 - - - oct/12 Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú 3,216 - - - jan/12 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú 1,705 - - - jul/10 Mortgage Santander 11,938 - - - jul/10 Mortgage Santander 3,411 - - - jul/10 Mortgage Santander 5,929 - - - jan/11 Mortgage / Receivables Santander 19,762 - - - jan/11 Receivables Santander 21,644 - - - mar/12 Receivables Safra 10,277 - - - dec/10 Receivables Santander 1,661 - - - dec/11 Personal Guarantee Safra 33,686 - - - feb/12 Personal Guarantee Safra TR + 10,5% p.a. 19,401 - - - oct/12 Receivables Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 4,814 - - - aug/12 Personal Guarantee / Guaranty / Mortgage Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 5,513 - - - may/11 Mortgage / Receivables Itaú TR + 10,03% p.a. TR + 10,03% p.a. TR + 10,03% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 11,7% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TJLP + 3,8% a. aa.. CDI + 0,51% a. aa.. Itaú Santander 74 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Klabin_Tagipuru Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE S/A Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. Kochab Incorporadora Ltda. KSC 2 Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Lagoa Alpha Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Laguna Incorporadora Ltda. Luau do Recreio Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda Maioruna Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Maioruna Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Maioruna Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Malte Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda Mareas Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Moema Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda More Alphaville Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Morumbi SPE Ltda. Mutinga Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Mutinga Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Charges TR + 10,5% p.a. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Garantees Creditor 24,810 - - - may/11 Receivables Itaú 5,071 - - - jan/12 Mortgage / Receivables Itaú TR + 11,5% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. TR + 11,5% p.a. CDI + 2% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. 1,002 - - - sep/12 Mortgage Itaú 20,284 - - - jan/12 Mortgage / Receivables Itaú 4,010 - - - sep/12 Mortgage Itaú 5,381 - - - jul/13 Personal Guarantee / Guaranty / Mortgage Real TR + 11% p.a. 10,195 - - - aug/11 Mortgage HSBC TR + 12% p.a. 7,021 - - - jun/10 Mortgage Bradesco TR + 10,5% p.a. 21,922 - - - aug/13 Personal Guarantee / Guaranty / Mortgage Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 614 - - - dec/11 Mortgage Santander TR + 10,5% p.a. 1,216 - - - dec/11 Mortgage Santander TR + 10,5% p.a. 1,082 - - - dec/11 Mortgage Santander 4,105 - - - aug/11 Receivables Itaú 19,142 - - - nov/13 Receivables Brasdesco IGPM + 12% a.aa.. 5,646 - - - dec/20 Receivables Safra CDI + 2% p.a. 21,837 - - - jun/10 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors ABC Brasil IGPM + 11,39% p.a. 1,870 - - - jul/19 Receivables Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 1,874 - - - jun/10 Mortgage Unibanco TR + 10,5% p.a. 7,081 - - - jun/10 Mortgage Unibanco TR + 10,5% p.a. 3,014 - - - may/12 Mortgage Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 2,306 - - - oct/11 Aval guarantee guarantors Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 5,087 - - - oct/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Real TR + 11% p.a. 11,577 - - - mar/12 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Santander TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. 75 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Pereira Barreto Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Poli Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Poli Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Poli Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Praia Nova Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Ragusa Empreendimento Imobiliários Ltda Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. Saiph Incorporadora Ltda. Schahin Astúrias Incorporadora Ltda Spasso Mooca Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Springs Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Torre de Rhodes Incorporadora Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Garantees Creditor TR + 10,5% p.a. 5,871 - - - may/12 Mortgage Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 4,493 - - - oct/11 Aval guarantee guarantors Brasdesco TR + 10,5% p.a. 9,910 - - - oct/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Real TR + 11% p.a. 22,553 - - - mar/12 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Santander TR + 10,5% p.a. 3,171 - - - may/12 Mortgage Real TR + 10,5% p.a. 2,426 - - - oct/11 Aval guarantee guarantors Brasdesco TR + 10,5% p.a. 5,352 - - - oct/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Real TR + 11% p.a. 12,179 - - - mar/12 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Santader 6,217 - - - jul/10 Mortgage / Receivables Bradesco 31,085 - - - jul/10 Mortgage / Receivables Bradesco 24,868 - - - jul/10 Mortgage / Receivables Brasdesco 10,284 - - - jul/10 Mortgage HSBC 10,459 - - - jun/13 Mortgage Bradesco 751 - - - sep/12 Aval guarantee guarantors Real 3,281 - - - sep/11 Aval guarantee guarantors Real 983 - - - sep/12 Aval guarantee guarantors Unibanco 4,292 - - - sep/11 Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú 5,242 - - - oct/11 Mortgage Bradesco 13,180 - - - mar/11 Receivables HSBC 14,016 - - - apr/11 Receivables Santander 2,352 - - - nov/12 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Itaú CDI + 2% p.a. 5,130 - - - jul/12 Mortgage / Receivables Safra CDI + 1% p.a. 582 - - - oct/10 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors Unibanco 1,841 - - - aug/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors ABC Brasil TR + 12% p.a. TR + 12% p.a. TR + 12% p.a. TR + 10,03% p.a. CDI + 1,68% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 10,5% p.a. TR + 11,5% p.a. CDI + 0,5% p.a. 76 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Trinta e Um de Janeiro Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Vila Mascote SPE Ltda. Village Recreio Empreendimentos Imobiliários S/A Vitality Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE Ltda Total AGRE Fator Sky Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Fator Amazon Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Fator Aquarius Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Jaguaré Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Prunus Empreendimentos S.A. Cyrela Milão Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Eco Life Vila Leopoldina Empreend. Imobiliários S.A. Eco Life Independência Empreend. Imobiliários S.A. Administradora de Bens Avante S.A. Ecolife Parque Prado Empreendimento Imobiliário Ltda. Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. Ecolife Santana Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. Habiarte Barc PDG Porto Búzios Incorporações S.A. Club Florença Empreendimentos Imobiliários REP DI Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Vista do Sol Empreendimentos Imobiliários América Piqueri Incorporadora S.A. Boa Viagem Charges IGPM + 12,25% p.a. IGPM + 9,5% p.a. 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity Garantees Creditor 15,001 - - - mar/11 Mortgage / Aval guarantee guarantors BTG Pactual 616 - - - aug/14 Receivables ABC Brasil TR + 10,5% p.a. 19,569 - - - mar/11 Receivables Santander TR + 10,5% p.a. 20,642 - - - nov/10 Receivables Santander 1,510,035 - - - TR + 10,5%p.a. 3,940 6,869 2,193 oct/09 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Santander TR + 10,5% p.a. 15,930 12,634 1,726 mar/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Santander TR + 12%p.a. 15,178 12,039 - sep/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco TR + 10,5%p.a. 3,596 3,590 - may/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco TR + 10% p.a. - 6,835 6,288 may/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro TR + 10% p.a. 3,654 6,572 9,649 oct/12 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro TR + 10,5% p.a. - - 6,357 mar/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro TR + 10,5%p.a. 8,360 8,353 - apr/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro TR + 11,5%p.a. 9,928 8,375 - feb/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú TR + 10,5%p.a. 6,316 6,371 2,910 mar/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee ABN Amro - - 16,622 - - - TR + 10,5% p.a. 8,402 7,571 24 TR + 10,5%p.a. 6,142 4,233 - TR + 10,5%p.a. 5,197 3,953 - - 583 441 3,038 2,186 - - - - 11,659 dec/07 - - - 1,495 oct/08 TR + 12%p.a. TR + 12%p.a. CDI + 0,5% aa TR + 10,5%p.a. TR + 12,5%aa TR + 7,616 37,105 - jul/09 oct/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco Bradesco jan/13 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco jun/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco aug/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú mar/10 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Diversos sep/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Itaú Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Bradesco HSBC 77 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Consolidated (in R$ Thousand) Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Eco Life Butantã Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. HL Empreendimentos S.A. PDG Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Sardenha Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Três Rios Empreend. Imob. S.A. Queiroz Galvão Mac Cyrela Veneza Emp.Imob. S.A. Debentures – 1st Issuance Debentures – 3rd Issuance Debentures Klabin 1st Issuance Debentures Klabin 2nd Issuance Others TOTAL INDEBTNESS Charges 6/30/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Maturity 12%aa Garantees Creditor Personal Garantee TR + 12%aa - - - 13,914 may/08 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Unibanco CDI + 0,25%a.m. - - - 7,111 apr/09 Penhor/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty/Mortgage ABC Brasil CDI + 2,5%p.a. - - - 16,356 aug/12 Proportional Guaranty / Pledge Ações LDI UBS Pactual TR + 12% p.a. - - - 237 jan/10 Pledge/Receivables/Proportional Guaranty/Mortgage Unibanco - - - 2,214 feb/09 - - - 19,842 oct/10 TR + 12% p.a. - - - 10,097 feb/08 Receivables / Partner Proportional Guarantee/ Mortgage Unibanco TR + 10,5% p.a. 2,949 - - - jul/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Bradesco TR + 10%p.a. 2,383 - - - jul/11 Mortgage / Receivables / PDG Personal Garantee Santander 261,751 261,888 267,680 267,384 jul/14 Bradesco 307,154 303,849 - sep/14 Caixa 272,272 - - - 254,312 - - - 2,146 3,713,130 3,221 1,504,139 45 864,968 72 490,878 TR + 12% p.a. TR + 12% p.a. CDI + 0,90%aa TR + 8,75%aa CDI + 3,0%p.a. CDI + 3,0%p.a. - Receivables / Partner Proportional Guarantee/ Mortgage Receivables / Partner Proportional Guarantee/ Mortgage Under Article 60, caput, of the Corporations Law, the total issuance of debentures may not exceed the Company's capital. It is noteworthy that the outstanding issuance of debentures of the Company is less than its paid-up capital stock. Additionally, the debentures of the first and third issuance of the Company provide: (i) restriction on payment of dividends above the minimum of 25% while the Company is in arrears with its obligations in the scriptures of issuance; (ii) restriction to any sale, assignment or transfer of assets of the Company and / or its subsidiaries, whose value is equal to or greater than 10% of the equity of the Company or its subsidiaries, which proceeds from the sale is not used entirely for the reduction of debt, and (iii) clauses determining indebtness levels and rates of EBITDA. g. limits on use of funds already contracted Over the fiscal years ended December 31, 2007, 2008, 2009 and also for the period ended March 31, 2010, financing contracted by the Company under the SFH have its resources focused exclusively on works in the respective real estate projects. The resources are released according to the physical and financial progress of works. For the other debts contracted during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2007, 2008, 2009 and for the period ended March 31, 2010, we have only limited use for the 3rd issuance of debentures, held in September 2009. The proceeds from this offering will be used to finance the construction of residential projects covered by the law of the SFH. These resources should only be used in projects (i) which stage of construction has not yet reached 50% of physical schedule of execution until the date on which such ventures are presented by the Company; (ii) which has residential units reaching a minimum of 20% of sales concluded, (iii) whose physical and financial schedule has been approved by the auditor of the works, (iv) whose assets allow the securities provided for in the relevant Issuance Deed; among 78 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Unibanco Unibanco Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações other requirements. The release of funds is also done according to the physical progress of the works of the developments. h. significant changes in each financial statement item Comparison of Operating Results - quarter ended March 31, 2010 to March 31, 2009 Gross Operating Revenue Our gross operating revenue increased 132.7%, from R$847.4 million for the semester ended June 30, 2009 to R$1.972 million in the semester ended June 30, 2010, primarily as a result of the incorporation of our full subsidiary AGRE occurred in the 2nd quarter of 2010 and the increase in projects launched (from 172 projects in June 30, 2009 to 443 projects in June 30, 2010). Our gross operating revenue for these periods consisted of the following: In R$ Thousand Quarter ended June 30 2010 1,954,590 17,438 1,972,028 Real Estate Sales Other Operating Income Operational Gross Revenue 2009 840,437 6,919 847,356 Real Estate Sales Our gross operating revenue from real estate sales increased 132.6%, from R$840.4 million in June 30, 2009 to R$1.954 million in June 30, 2010. This increase was due primarily as a result of the incorporation of our full subsidiary AGRE occurred in the 2nd quarter of 2010 and to a significant increase in operating projects of our Business Units, as shown below: Semesters ended Investment (in thousands of R$) Total of Business Units June 30, 2010 Gross Interest in Revenue (in R$ Number of the Capital Stock Thousand) Projects N/A 1,421,484 400 June 30, 2009 Revenue (in R$ Participation Thousand) N/A 197,017 Number of projects 135 Goldfarb 100% 535,623 226 100% 323,242 101 AGRE 100% 597,541 119 100% - - CHL 100% 288,320 55 100% 209,376 34 Direct Investments in co-mergers N/A 533,106 43 N/A 307,819 37 TOTAL N/A 1,954,590 443 N/A 840,437 172 Other Operating Revenue The value of our other operating revenue results primarily from the increased portfolio of malls managed by our subsidiary REP and the incorporation of our full subsidiary AGRE in the 2nd quarter of 2010, which has revenue from management of third parties works, such other operating revenue increasing 152,0%, from R$6,9 million in June 2009 to R$17,4 million in June 2010. Sales Taxes Sales taxes increased 119,9%, from R$33,7 million in June 2009 (representing 4.1% of our net operating revenue), to R$74.1 million in June 2010 (representing 3.9% of our net operating revenue). The increase is related to the variation of the gross operating revenue of the Company when compared to the same period. 79 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Net Operating Revenue As a result of the foregoing, our net operating revenue increased 133.3%, from R$813.7 million in June 2009 to R$1,897.4 million in March 2010. Cost of Units Sold Cost of properties sold increased 121.5%, from R$575.4 million in June 2009 (representing 70.7 % of our net operating revenue) to R$1,274.5 million in June 2010 (representing 67.2% of our net operating revenue). This variation results primarily from the incorporation of our full subsidiary AGRE in this semester and the increase in the portfolio of projects of our subsidiaries, according to the preceding table, in item Real Estate Sales. Gross Operating Profit As a result of the foregoing, our gross operating profit increased 161.6%, from R$238.3 million in June 2009 (representing 29.3% of our net operating revenue) to R$623.5 million in June 2010 (representing 32.8% of our net operating revenue). Net Operating Expenses Our operating expenses increased 103.7 %, from R$88.6 million in June 2009 to R$204.3 million in June 2010, according to the main variations detailed below. • • Business Expenses Our business expenses increased 73.9%, from R$51.7 million in June 2009 (representing 6.4% of our net operating revenue) to R$89.9 million in June 2010 (representing 4.7% our our net operating revenue), due primarily from the incorporation of our full subsidiary AGRE in the 2nd quarter of 2010, and the increase in the numbers of project launched from 172 projects in June 2009 to 443 projects in June 2010. Evethough there was an increase in our balance, the percentage of the net operating revenue reduced. This shows an efficiency gain and a outgoing rationalization. • • General and Administrative Expenses General and administrative expenses increased by 139.8%, from R$55.2 million in June 2009 (representing 6.8% of our net operating revenue) to R$132.4 million in June 2010 (representing 7.0% of our net operating revenue). This variation is due primarily from the incorporation of our full subsidiary AGRE in the 2nd quarter of 2010, and to the increase in the number of employees in the Business Units Goldfarb and CHL, attributable to organic growth of the Company. • • Financial Revenues and Expenses Our net financial result increased from a negative R$7.3 million in June 2009 to a positive R$35.8 million in June 2010. This significant increase was due to basically to the accounting criteria adopted by the Company, which allocate most of the interests of corporative debts and real estate financing in the CMV (cost of goods sold) and also to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010. Income before Income Tax and Social Contribution As a result of the foregoing, our profit of income before income tax and social contribution increased from R$149.7 million in June 2009 to R$419.1 in June 2010. Income Tax and Social Contribution 80 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Income tax and Social contribution expenses increased 216%, from R$21.3 million in June 2009 to R$76.6 million in June 2010. This variation results basically because the Controller Holding generated taxable profit in the 1st semester of 2010 as a result of the sale of participation in some SPEs. Minority Interests Minority interests totaled a credit balance from R$1.5 million on June 2009 to a debt balance of R$7.1 million on June 2010. This variation results basically of the incorporation of the full subsidiary AGRE in the 1st semester of 2010. Net Income in the Period As a result of the foregoing, net income increased 164.1%, from R$127,0 million in June 2009 (representing 15,6% of our net operating revenue) to R$335.4 million on June 2010 (representing 17.7% of our net operating revenue). Comparison of Key Balance Sheet – semester ended on June 30, 2010 with June 30, 2009 Our available funds are represented by resources available primarily in bank accounts and our investments in the short and long term, for applications in first-class banks. These accounts totaled R$1,120.2 million in June 30, 2010, representing 8.9% of our total assets at the time, compared with R$362.8 million at June 30, 2009, representing 9% of our total assets at that date (meaning an increase of 208.8%). A variation on this line results mainly from the third issuance of common shares held by the Company in October 2009, which totaled an increase of R$784 million in our available funds and also to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010. Accounts receivable Our accounts receivable related to the short and long term correspond to claims arising from sales of property, in which the value of contracts is updated according to their respective terms, and such credits recorded in proportion to the cost incurred in relation to the total cost, with respect units not yet completed. These accounts totaled R$5,403.5 million at June 30, 2010 (42.8% compared to our total assets at that date), compared to R$1,798.3 million at June 30, 2009 (44.4% of our total assets at that date), representing an increase of 200.5%. This variation was due mainly to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010 and to the high rise in operating projects of the Company, which on June 30, 2010 were 443 and on June 30, 2009 were 172 projects, such increase of projects in the portfolio resulted in an increase in revenue, and consequently an increase in the balance of accounts receivable. Land bank and properties for sale Our inventory of properties for sale on the short and long term represent land, buildings under construction and units built. Such inventories totaled R$3,545.9 million in June 30, 2010 (representing 28.1% of our total assets at that date), while the amount recorded in June 30, 2009 was R$1,082.0 million (representing 26 7% of our total assets at that date), representing an increase of 227.7%. This variation was mainly due to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010 and to the increase of our land inventory, which is in line with the movement of our land bank and the launches and sales in the period. Expenses to be appropriated Our expenses to be recognized are represented primarily by values with deferred expenses in selling expenses related to our endeavors. Such deferred expenses totaled R$52.5 million at June 30, 2010 (0.4% of our total assets at that date), compared with R$18.8 million at June 30, 2009 (0.5% of our total assets that date), 81 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações representing an increase of 179.7%. This variation was due mainly to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010 and to the high rise in operating projects of the Company, which on June 30, 2010 were 443 and on June 30, 2009 were 172 projects, such increase resulted in an increase in the number of insurance required in each project. Fixed assets Fixed assets totaled R$167.3 million on June 30, 2010 (representing 1.3% of total assets), against R$68.4 million on June 30, 2009 (representing 1.7% of total assets); representing an increase of R$98.9 million, this increase relates to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010 and to the costs of sales stands activated under this heading in accordance with the methodology of Law 11.638/07. Loans, financing and debentures Our loans, financing and debentures for the short and long term totaled R$3,710.3 million on June 30, 2010, compared to R$1,277.4 million at June 30, 2009, respectively, 29.4% and 31.6% of our total liabilities, representing an increase of 190.5%. This variation is due to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010, in which we absorbed all its indebtness, and to the increase in the loan portfolio (SFH) according to the level of the projects. Liabilities for acquisition of property This account represents obligations for purchase of land for real estate development, both in current liabilities as in current liabilities in the long term. Our obligations for property acquisitions totaled R$928.2 million at June 30, 2010 (7.3% of our total liabilities at that date), compared with R$331.9 million at June 30, 2009 (8.2% of our total liabilities at that date), representing an increase of 179.7%. This increase was due to the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010 and to the increase of our land inventory. Advances from customers This account is represented by amounts received from purchasers of units, but not yet recognized as receivables by the Company in accordance with the criteria set out in Resolution CFC 963/03. The bill totaled R$527.0 million at June 30, 2010 (4.2% of our total liabilities at that date), compared with R$70.62 million at June 30, 2009 (1.7% of our total liabilities at that date), which meant an increase of 646.5%. This increase was due primarily to higher volume of securitized portfolios of projects which are not performed. This event generates a great evolution of the balance of this item. Net worth Our net woth totaled R$5,613.2 million for the period ended June 30, 2010 (44.4% of our total liabilities at that date) compared to R$1,836.7 million for the period ended June 30, 2009 (45.4% of our total liabilities at that date). This increase resulted primarily from capital increase as a function of: (i) the incorporation of AGRE in the first semester of 2010, (ii) undistributed net income generated during the last period, and (iii) the 3rd offering of common shares which amounted to a primary capture of R$784 million. Comparison of the Operating Results of Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 Gross Operating Revenue Our gross operating revenue increased from R$1,283.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 to R$2,062.4 million in the same period in 2009, an increase of 60.7%. This variation occurred primarily because of the 82 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações significant increase in our projects launched by the Company (149 projects in December 31, 2008 compared to 246 projects in December 31, 2009) Our gross operating revenue for these periods consisted of the following R$ Thousend Fiscal Years ended December 31, 2009 2008 2,046,375 1,274,082 16,041 9,270 2,062,416 1,283,352 Real Estate Sales Other Operating Revenue Gross Profitl Real Property Sales Gross operating revenue from real property sales increased 60.6%, from R$1,274.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 to R$2,046.4 million in the same period in 2009. This increase was primarily due to a significant increase in operating projects of our business units and direct investments in co-development projects in the period, as shown below: Investment (R$ Thousand) Total Business Units Goldfarb CHL Year ended December 31, 2009 December 31, 2008 Gross Gross Capital Revenue pro Revenue pro Stock rata PDG rata PDG Participatio Total of Participatio Total of (R$ (R$ n projects n projects Thousand) Thousand) n/a 1,297,780 209 n/a 864,505 114 100% 774,760 163 100% 518,143 83 100% 523,020 46 100% 346,362 31 Direct Co-Incorporation n/a 748,595 37 n/a 409,577 35 TOTAL n/a 2,046,375 246 n/a 1,274,082 149 Other Operating Revenue Other operating revenue was derived principally from our malls portofolio, managed by our invested REP. Such other operating revenue increased 73% from R$9.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2008, to R$16 million in the same period in 2009. Sales Taxes Sales taxes increased 50.6%, from R$52.2 million in 2008 (representing 4.2% of our net operating revenue) to R$78.6 million in 2009 (representing 4.0% of our net operating revenue). The increase is equal to the variation in gross operating revenue in the same period. Net Operating Revenue As a result of the foregoing, our net operating revenue increased 61.1%, from R$1,231.2 million in 2008 to R$1,983.8 million in 2009. Cost of Properties Sold Cost of properties sold increased 76.5%, from R$797.8 million in 2008 (representing 64.8% of our net operating revenue) to R$1,407.8 million in 2009 (representing 71% of our net operating revenue). This variation results from a mix of products (economic segment): in line with the strategy of sharpening our focus 83 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações on lower-income customers, we are launching more projects for this class, which have structurally lower gross margins. Gross Operating Profit As a result of the foregoing, our gross operating profit increased 32.9%, from R$433.3 million in 2008 (representing 35.2% of our net operating revenue) to R$576 million in 2009 (representing 29% of our net operating revenue). Net Operating Expenses Net operating expenses reduced 6.8%, from R$188.3 million in 2008 to R$176.3 million in 2009, as detailed below: • • Business Expenses Business expenses increased 22.2% from R$105.2 million in 2008 (representing 8.5% of our net operating revenue) to R$128.6 million in the same period in 2009 (representing 6.5% of our net operating revenue). This increase was due to the increase on launched projects, from 149 projects in 2008 to 246 projects in 2009. Even though there was an increase on the balance during this analysis period, the percentage over the net operating revenue reduced. This shows a gain of efficiency and an expense rationalization. • • General and Administrative Expenses General and administrative expenses increased 16.8%, from R$95.4 million in 2008 (representing 7.7% of our net operating revenue) to R$111.4 million in 2009 (representing 5.6% of our net operating revenue). This variation is due to an increase in the number of employees of our Business Units Goldfarb and CHL, attributable to organic growth. Despite the increase in general and administrative expenses for the period analyzed, general and administrative expenses as a percentage of net operating revenue declined, demonstrating efficiency gains and cost rationalization. • • Financial Expenses and Income Our net financial result increased from R$12.5 million in 2008 to R$52.8 million in 2009. This increase was due to the average cash of 2009, which was superior to the average cash of 2008, due to the raisings of this period. Income before Income Tax and Social Contribution Taxes As a result of the foregoing, income before income and social contribution taxes increased from R$245.1 million in 2008 to R$399.7 million in 2009. Income Tax and Social Contribution Taxes Income tax and social contribution expenses increased by 12.4%, from R$33.3 million in 2008 to R$37.4 million in 2009. This variation was due primarily to a decrease in the effective rate of income and social contribution taxes as a result of our use of deductible expenses in a tax efficient manner for the Company. Minority interest Minority interest totaled a debit balance of R$31.5 million in 2008 and a credit balance of R$4.2 million in 2009. This variation was due to the fact that we acquired a 100% stake in Business Units Goldfarb and CHL. The ownership interests in CHL Business Unit were 70%, in the year ended December 31, 2008. Net Income in the period 84 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações As a result of the foregoing, our net income increased by 85.3%, from R$182.5 in 2008 (representing 14.8% of our net operating revenue) to R$338.1 million in 2009 (representing 17% of our net operating revenue). Comparison of Key Balance Sheet - December 31, 2009 to December 31, 2008 Cash and Cash Equivalents Our cash equivalents are represented by resources available primarily in bank accounts and our investments in the short term and long term, for applications in first-tier banks. These accounts totaled R$1,101.0 million at December 31, 2009, representing 18.0% of our total assets at the time, compared with $ 256.4 million at December 31, 2008, representing 7.9% of our total assets at that date (meaning an increase of 329.4%)A variation on this line is mainly the third issuance of common shares held by the company in October 2009, totaled R$784 million dollars. Accounts receivable Our accounts receivable related to the short and long term correspond to claims arising from sales of property, in which the value of contracts is updated according to their respective terms, and such credits recorded in proportion to the cost incurred in relation to the total cost, with respect units not yet completed. These accounts totaled R$2,509.4 million at December 31, 2009 (41.4% compared to our total assets at that date), compared to R$1,264.3 million at December 31, 2008 (38.9% of our total assets at that date), representing an increase of 98.5%. This variation was due mainly to the high rise projects that the Company's operating on December 31, 2009 was 246 projects and operating on December 31, 2008 was 194 projects, with this increase in the portfolio of projects culminated in a increase in revenues, and consequently an increase in the balance of accounts receivable. Inventories of land and properties for sale Our inventory of properties for sale on the short and long term represent land, buildings under construction and units built. Such inventories totaled R$1,678.1 million in December 31, 2009 (representing 27.5% of our total assets at that date), while the value registered in December 31, 2008 was R$1,056.0 million (representing 32.5 % of our total assets at that date), representing an increase of 58.9%. This variation was due to the increase of our land inventory and purchasing new SPEs, which is in line with the movement of our land bank, release and sales of the period. Expenses to be appropriated Our expenses to be recognized are represented primarily by values with deferred expenses in selling expenses related to our endeavors. Such deferred expenses totaled R$19.6 million at December 31, 2009 (0.3% of our total assets at that date), compared with $ 20.5 million at December 31, 2008 (0.6% of our assets total at that date), representing a decrease of 4.1%. This reduction relates to commercial deferred expenses, which, with the implementation of Law 11.638/07, had their balances adjusted and only the expenses related to commercial stands were activated in the line of fixed assets. Fixed Assets Fixed assets totaled R$82.3 million at December 31, 2009 (representing 1.3% of total assets), against R$75.7 million at December 31, 2008 (representing 2.3% of total assets); increase of representing a £ 6.6 million as mentioned in the previous section, this increase relates to costs of sales stands activated under this heading in accordance with the methodology of Law 11.638/07. Loans and Debentures 85 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Our loans and debentures for the short and long term totaled R$1,505.9 million on December 31, 2009, compared to $ 866.8 million on December 31, 2008, respectively, 24.7% and 26 7% of our total liabilities, representing an increase of 73.7%. This variation is due to the necessity of fundings of new enterprises and capital caption to de acquire more lands. The amount of projects launched was 149 in 2008 against 246 in 2009. Liabilities for acquisition of property This account represents obligations for purchase of land for the merger, both in current liabilities as current liabilities in the long run. Our obligations for property acquisitions totaled R$694.4 million at December 31, 2009 (11.4% of our total liabilities at that date), compared with $ 320 million in a December 31, 2008 (9.9 % of our total liabilities at that date), representing an increase of 116.4%. This increase was due to the increase of our land inventory. Advances from customers This account is represented by amounts received from purchasers of units, but not yet recognized as receivables by the Company in accordance with the criteria set out in Resolution CFC 963/03. The bill totaled R$179.8 million at December 31, 2009 (2.9% of our total liabilities at that date), compared with R$61.2 million at December 31, 2008 (1.9% of our total liabilities at that date), which meant an increase of 193.7%. This increase was due primarily to higher volume of securitized portfolios of projects which are not performed. This event generates a great evolution of the balance of this item. Net worth Our net worth totaled R$2,940.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2009 (48.1% of our total liabilities at that date) compared to R$1,476.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 (45.5% of our total liabilities at that date). This increase resulted primarily from capital increase as a function of: (i) conversion of part of the debentures of the 2nd Issuance of Debentures which generated an increase of approximately R$70.0 million, (ii) undistributed net income generated during the last period, and (iii) the 3rd offering of common shares which amounted to a primary capture of R$784 million. Comparison of the Years Ended December 2008 and 2007 Gross Operating Revenue Gross operating revenue increased 123.8%, from R$573.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to R$1,283.3 million in the same period in 2008, due to a significant increase in the number of projects of our business units launched and direct participations in cooperation’s projects, as the table below. Our gross revenue for the periods below was composed as follows: Thousand R$ Real estate sales Other Operational Revenues Gross Operating Revenue Fiscal year ended 31 December, 2008 2007 1,274,082 563,441 9,270 10,132 1,283,352 573,573 Real Property Sales Our gross operating revenues from real property sales increased 126.1% from R$563.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to R$1,274.1 million in the same period in 2008, due to the increase in the number of projects we launched. 86 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The table below shows gross operating revenue from our real property sales from Business Units and direct investments in co-development projects: Investment Total business units Goldfarb (1) CHL (2) Fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Capital Gross revenue pro Capital Stock rata PDG Total Stock Participation (Thousand R$) projects Participation n/a 864,505 114 n/a 100% 518,143 83 80% 100% 346,362 31 70% 2007 Gross revenue pro rata PDG Total (Thousand R$) projects 254,942 60 236,136 46 18,806 14 Direct investments with co-incorporation n/a 409,577 35 n/a 308,499 24 TOTAL n/a 1,274,082 149 n/a 563,441 84 (1) Subsidiary fully consolidated in 2008 and 2009 (2) Subsidiary proportionally consolidated in 2007 and fully in 2008 Other Operating Revenue Our other operating revenue results primarily from the revenue from the rental of a property located in Avenida Chile, 230, Rio de Janeiro, estate of Rio de Janeiro, and from the revenue from construction management fees earned by Goldfarb in co-development projects. Such other operating revenue reduced 7,9% from R$10.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2007, to R$9.3 million in the same period in 2008. Sales Taxes Sales taxes increased 142.1%, from R$21.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 3.9% of our net operating revenue) to R$52.2 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 4.2% of our net operating revenue). The increase is related to the increase in gross operating revenue when comparing the two periods. The increase of taxes over sales was bigger than the variation of net revenue, due to the significant increase of service and properties rental revenues. The aliquot in the assumed profit method is superior than the aliquot, also in the assumed profit method, of net revenue of real estate sales. Net Operating Revenue As a result of the foregoing, our net operating revenue increased 123%, from R$552 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to R$1,231.2 million in the same period in 2008. Cost of Properties Sold Cost of properties sold increased 124.5%, from R$355,3 million for the year ended December 31. 2007 (representing 64.4% of our net operating revenue) to R$797.8 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 64.8% of our net operating revenue). The increase was due to: (i) Capitalized interest: due to the enactment of Law No. 11,638/07, we began recording all capitalized interest arising from financing and working capital debts under cost of properties sold, starting in the fourth quarter of 2008. Since cost of Units sold in 2007 does not include adjustments resulting from Law No. 11,638107, we noted an increase of R$18.9 million in cost of properties sold for December 31, 2008 (representing 1.5% of our net operating revenue); and (ii) A significant increase in the number of projects from 84 projects launched during 2007 to 149 projects launched during 2008. 87 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Gross Operating Profit As a result of the foregoing, our gross operating profit increased 120.3%, from R$196.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 35.6% of our net operating revenue) to R$433.3 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 35.2% of our net operating revenue). Net Operating Expenses Operating expenses increased 117.7%, from R$86.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to R$188.3 million in the same period in 2008, due to the following: • Business Expenses (i) Our business expenses increased 285.3%, from R$27.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 4.9% of our net operating revenue) to R$105.2 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 8.5% of our net operating revenue), due to (i) introduction of law 11.638/07, where only sales stands are activated and depreciated according to the project’s useful life (all of others sales projects expenses are accounted as its performance and not activated and no longer depreciated (television, pamphlets, newspaper’s expenses, among others)), and (ii) increase of projects launched in the period, with 84 projects launched in December 31, 2009, as for 149 projects launched in December 31, 2008. • General and Administrative Expenses General and administrative expenses increased by 130.8%, from R$41.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 7.5% of our net operating revenue) to R$95.4 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 7.5% of our net operating revenue). This increase is mainly due to: (i) an increase of the number of Company’s employees and of its Business Units Goldfarb’s and CHL, in connection with operation’s growth and (ii) the effect of the recognition of expenses compensation for share options in accordance with the introduction of the law 11.638/07. • Tax Expenses Tax expenses increased from R$1.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 0.2% of our net operating revenue) to R$2.6 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 0.2% of our net operating revenue), due mainly to an increase in our financial transactions, in connection with the growth of our activities. • Financial Expenses and Income Financial result has gone from a financial expense of R$36.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to a financial income of R$12.5 million in the same period in 2008. The increase was due to interest on financing and working capital debts, which was allocated to cost of properties sold for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2009 as required by Law No. 11,638/07. See "-Financial Information- Cost of Properties Sold." • Expenses with Goodwill Amortization Our expenses with amortization of goodwill increased from R$15.4 million for the year ended December 31. 2007 (representing 2.8% of our net operating revenue) to R$28.2 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 2.3% of our net operating revenue), an increase of 83.1%. This variation is primarily due to goodwill resulting from the increased participation in our subsidiaries Goldfarb and CHL, for the year ended December 31, 2007 and 2008 • Others Other income increased from R$11.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 2.0% of our net operating revenue) compared to a gain of R$15.2 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 1.2% of our net operating revenue). This was the result of a gain on negative goodwill from purchases of interests in special purpose vehicles. Income before income tax and social contribution 88 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações As a result of the foregoing, income before income and social contribution taxes increased 99.6%, from R$122.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to R$245.1 million in the same period in 2007. Minority Interest Minority interest was R$18.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 3.3% of net operating revenue) and R$31.5 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 2.6% of net operating revenue). This variation was due largely to an increase in net income of Goldfarb’s and CHL’s business units, which were proportionately consolidated subsidiaries in 2007. Income and Social Contribution Income and social contribution tax expenses increased 74.4%, from R$19.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to R$33.3 million in the same period in 2008. This variation was due primarily to a decrease in the effective rate of income and social contribution taxes as a result of our use of deductible expenses on a tax efficient manner for the Company. Net Income As a result of the foregoing, net income increased 156.4%, from R$71.2 million for the year ended December 3I, 2007 (representing 12.9% of our net operating revenue) to R$182.5 million in the same period in 2008 (representing 14.8% of our net operating revenue). Comparison of Balance Sheet - December 31, 2008 to December 31, 2007 Available Cash and investments Our available cash in the short term are represented by investments in first-tier banks. These accounts totaled R$256.4 million in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008, representing 7.9% of our total assets at the time, compared with $ 716.4 million in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007, representing 28.0% of total assets at the time, which meant a reduction of 64.2%. A variation on this line is mainly due to the amounts received by the Company during the year 2007 as the primary public distributions of shares held in January and October 2007 and January issuances of debentures, held in July 2007. Accounts receivable This account on the short and long term corresponds to claims arising from sales of Units in which the value of contracts is updated according to their respective terms, and such credits recorded in proportion to the cost incurred in relation to the total cost, with respect to Units not yet completed. Our accounts receivable totaled R$1,264.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 (38.9% of our total assets at that date) to R$575.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (22.4% of our total assets at that date), representing an increase of 119.9%. This increase was due to the significant increase in sales and the progress of works of real estate projects launched in the years 2007 and 2008. Land bank and properties for sale Our inventory of properties for sale on the short and long term represent land, buildings under construction and Units built. These stocks totaled R$1,056.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 (32.5% of our total assets at that date), compared with R$820.5 million in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 (32.0% of our total assets at that 89 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações date), representing an increase of 28.7%. This increase was due to higher number of real estate projects launched and land acquisition. Expenses to be appropriated Our expenditure to be appropriated for the short term are basically represented by values in deferred expenses with business expenses related to our endeavors. Such deferred expenses totaled R$20.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 (0.6% of our total assets at that date), compared with R$23.4 million in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 ( 0.9% of our total assets at that date), representing a decrease of 9.7%. This reduction relates to commercial costs deferred, which with the implementation of Law 11.638/07, had their balances adjusted and only the expenses related to commercial stands were activated in the line of fixed assets. Fixed assets The fixed assets totaled R$75.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2008 (representing 2.3% of total assets), against R$5.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (representing 0.2 % of total assets), representing an increase of 1,417.8%. As mentioned in the previous section, this increase relates to costs of sales stands activated under this heading in accordance with the Law 11.638/07. Loans, financings and debentures Our loans, financing and debentures for the short and long term totaled R$866.8 million at December 31, 2008 (26.7% of our total liabilities), represented by loans, financing and debentures hired by some of our Subsidiaries. We found a large variation in this line, and the balance in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 was R$490.9 million (19.1% of our total liabilities at that date). This increase is due to the need for funding of new ventures in its portfolio and raising capital for buying new land. Liabilities for acquisition of property This account represents obligations for purchase of land for incorporation, both in current liabilities as current liabilities in the long run. The total balance on those items classified in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 was R$320.9 million (9.9% of our total liabilities at that date), compared to R$368.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 (14.4% of our total liabilities at that date), representing a decrease of 12.8%. This reduction relates to the stability of our land bank with the main motion to pay the creditors of land. Advances from customers Are represented by amounts received from purchasers of Units, but not yet recognized as receivables by the Company in accordance with the criteria in Resolution CFC 963/03 and Standard Accounting OCPC 01/08. This account amounted to R$61 million in the second fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 (1.9% of our total liabilities at that date), compared with R$11.2 million in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 (0.4% of our total liabilities at that date), which meant an increase of 445.6%. This increase relates to increased receipts from customers, and a larger number of projects launched during the year 2008. Net worth Our shareholders' equity totaled R$1,476.4 million at December 31, 2008 (45.5% of our total liabilities at that date), compared to R$1,349.7 million at December 31, 2007 (52.7% of our total liabilities at that date), representing an increase of 9.4%. This increase was due to undistributed profits recorded by the Company during the year 2008. 90 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Net Working Capital Considerations Our working capital as of March 31, 2010 was R$1,752.4 million, an increase of 70.8% from R$1,025.8 million as of March 31, 2009. This increase is related to the bigger available cash after the 3rd Shares Issuance. Liquidity and Capital Resources Our principal sources of liquidity are the cash generated by our operations and the loans and financings we obtain through our subsidiaries, which are usually secured by receivables from our customers, mortgages on units or guarantees provided by the partners of the special purpose vehicles. Financing and the efficient management of cash flows are essential for our long-term activities. We have been able to finance our activities primarily with the sale of our residential units. We seek to reduce our cash exposure for each real estate development through the adoption of the following strategies: (i) formation of joint ventures with other real estate developers, (ii) financing of land acquisitions by granting the seller a number of residential units to be constructed on such land or a percentage of the sale of such units and (iii) financing of construction with funds obtained from SFH. We believe these sources, together with the proceeds from the primary portion of the offering, will be sufficient to meet our needs for funds for investments, repayment of indebtedness and working capital. We systematically review new investment and business opportunities to be carried out either through our Subsidiaries or joint ventures with other real estate developers. We generally consider financing such investments with our working capital reserves or current account receivables, cash flows resulting from our ordinary operations and transactions, funds derived from the issuance of new debt instruments, capital increases or from the combination of any of the foregoing mechanisms. Sources and Use of Proceeds We generally rely on the cash flow derived from our operating activities to generate working capital resources and finance our investments and operating activities. Nevertheless, in 2009 we issued non convertible debentures and made the 3rd Issuance of common shares, which raised approximately R$300.0 million and R$784 million, respectively. In 2007, we were also benefited from the funds received as a result of two public offerings of our common shares conducted in January and October. During such period we had a positive cash flow and we continue using the funds received in the public offerings to implement our strategic plan for investments. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, our operational cash flow was positive. From our financed sales to customers, we received an average of 30.0% of the price of our residential units by the time construction is completed and the remaining 70.0% after construction is completed (normally within five to ten years). Loans are generally adjusted during the construction period based on the monthly INCC index. After delivery of residential units, we encourage our customers to finance the balance of the purchase price of their Units with financial institutions. If the customer obtains such financing, we receive the total outstanding amount directly from the financial institution, which becomes the secured creditor of our customer. In the event the customer is not able to raise the funds with any financial institution, or in the specific cases in which we decide to grant an alternative form of financing to our customer, we will continue to finance the acquisition of the unit based on variation of the IGP-M index plus an annual interest rate of 12.0%. In such cases, we may choose to securitize our receivables or keep the customer loan until it is fully repaid. Specifically with respect to the financing granted to our customers, receivables are generally adjusted as follows: (i) during the construction period, by the INCC index, and (ii) after the appropriate residential permits are granted, by an annual interest rate of 12% plus the variation of the IGP-M index. Cash Flow 91 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Comparing December 31, 2008 to December 31, 2007, it is clear that we have a smaller cash inflow in the tine "Financing Activities," resulting from the market business carried out during the year 2007, since we have had none during 2008. In terms of cash outflow. the significant increase of projects launched (149 projects launched during 2008, against 84 projects launched during 2007), resulted in a higher consumption of the available funds. When we compare the year ended December 31, 2009 with December 31, 2008, we observe an increase in the cash inflow in the line "Financing Activities." This variation is principally due to the 3rd public offering of common shares, occurred in October 2009, which represented a cash inflow of approximately R$784 million and the 3rd issuance of debentures, occurred in September 2009, which represented a cash inflow of R$300 million. Comparing June 30, 2010 to June 30, 2009, it is clear that we have an increase on all lines, what can be primarily explained by the incorporation of Agre’s activities. In the line “Operational Activities”, we observe an increase in the accounts receivables and in the inventory of properties for sale as a result of the large land bank from Agre. In the heading of “Investment Activities” we had an increase due to the great goodwill arising from the acquisition of some investee of Agre and even from the incorporation of Agre by PDG. In the heading “Financing Activities”, the increase is a result of the high indebtness of Agre, in addition to the capital increase in the end of 2009, with the 3rd Issuance of Debentures and the 3rd public offering of shares explained before. The table below show our cash flow for these periods: In thousands of R$ Initial Cash Flow (+) Operational Activities (-) Investment Activities Semester Ended in June 30, 2010 2009 Fiscal Year Ended in December, 31st of 2009 2008 2007 1.100.979 (3.791.814) (729.907) 256.428 (345.596) (28.655) 256.428 (840.550) 26.558 716.381 (634.244) (136.484) 37.935 (600.557) (164.233) (+) Financing Activities 4.522.695 480.640 1.658.543 310.775 1.443.236 Final Cash Flow 1.101.953 362.817 1.100.979 256.428 716.381 Investments We have not made significant investments in fixed assets. The lands acquired for real estate development, as well as our Units in inventory, are recorded in our consolidated balance sheet, as "Properties for Sale" in our current assets and are not part of our fixed assists. The main investments made by our subsidiaries generally refer to our core business activities and consist of acquisition of land for real estate developments and future sale of Units. Our operations are concentrated in the states of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Espirito Santo. In all these States, especially in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, we have large competitors, such as Cyrela Brazil Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações, Rossi Residencial S.A., MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A. and Gafisa S.A. In 2007, our subsidiary Goldfarb launched the product "More Melhor" (Live Better) designed to the lowermiddle class (sale price between R$60,000 and R$150,000). This product is composed of practical projects, modern architecture and large leisure facilities that give priority to the comfort of its customers. With this product, which is totally financed by financial institutions and has favorable payment conditions, we expect to reach the consumer class in which the housing deficit is concentrated. Goldfarb has also engaged in the project Planet Life, which is focused on sustainability and environmental concerns. This project comprises studies for improvement of our real estate projects with respect to energy savings, reuse of water, reduction of environmental impact, reduction of greenhouse emissions and others. 92 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Training courses are delivered to employees and collaborators to save office supplies, recycle materials and other initiatives. Financial Capacity We believe that our current reserves, along with funds expected to be generated from operations, will be sufficient to meet our working capital needs and financial obligations. We presented in the last three fiscal years an Adjusted EBITDA average margin of 27.4% and a cash flow of R$98.8 million. We present an analysis of liquidity of the Company at June 30, 2010, as described below: Liquidity (In thousands of R$) Availability and applications Indebtedness Certain Debt Net Worth Debt / Net Worth Certain Debt / Net Worth 1.120,2 (3.710,3) 2.590,1 5.613,2 66,1% 46,1% Indebtness We raise loans to the extent necessary and preferably through the SFH, which charges lower interest rates than private financial institutions. We intend to maintain our strategy of low indebtedness and also seek alternatives to reduce our exposure to risks associated with potential variation of foreign exchange and interest rates. As of June 30, 2010, the total amount of our outstanding loans, financing and debentures related to the short and long term was R$3,710.3 million, an increase of 190.5% from R$1,277.4 million as of June 30, 2009, resulting from our capital needs to pursue new developments and the incorporation of Agre. As of the year ended December 31, 2009, the balance of loans, financing and debentures related to the short and long term, was R$1,505.9 million, an increase of 73.7% from the R$866.9 million as of December 31, 2008, also resulting from our developments increase. As of December 31, 2007, the total amount of our outstanding loans, debentures and financing related to the short and long term was R$490.9 million The table below sets forth our indebtedness as of June 30, 2010: 93 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações INDEBTNESS PROFILE (R$ thousands) Debêntures KS - 1ª S. 1ª Emissão Saldo atual: 41,736 Indexador: CDI Juros ao ano: 3.00% Banco Coordenador: Itau BBA Duration: 20 meses Coupon: Semestral (Fev/Ago) Principal em 7 parcelas semestrais a partir de ago/10 Debêntures KS - 2ª S. 1ª Emissão Saldo atual: 229,892 Indexador: IPCA Juros ao ano: 13.40% Banco Coordenador: Itau BBA Duration: 20 meses Coupon: Anual (Ago) Principal em 4 parcelas anuais a partir de ago/10 Debêntures KS - 2ª Emissão Saldo atual: 254,956 Indexador: CDI Juros ao ano: 3.00% Banco Coordenador: Itau BBA Duration: 22 meses Coupon: Semestral (Jul/Out) Principal em 5 parcelas semestrais a partir de Abr/11 Debêntures - 1ª Emissão Saldo atual: 260,684 Indexador: CDI Juros ao ano: 0.90% Banco Coordenador: Bradesco BBI Duration: 31 meses Coupon: Semestral (Jan/Jul) Principal em 4 parcelas anuais a partir de jul/11 Debêntures - 3ª Emissão Saldo atual: 308,221 Indexador: TR Juros ao ano: 10.45% Banco Coordenador: Itau BBA Duration: 39 meses Coupon: Semestral (Set/Mar) Principal em 5 parcelas semestrais a partir de set/12 Capital de Giro Saldo atual: Indexador: Juros ao ano: Credor: Duration: SFH Saldo atual: Indexador: Juros médios ao ano: Credor: Duration: Consolidado por Credor Total: Debênture Bradesco Santander Itaú Unibanco HSBC Outros 1,165,533 CDI 2.10% Diversos 20 meses 3,710,259 29.53% 15.13% 14.44% 13.90% 7.08% 19.93% Consolidado por Índice Total: CDI TR Outros Duration: 1,449,237 TR 10.77% Diversos 10 meses 3,710,259 43.76% 48.02% 8.22% 19 meses Below is the schedule of payments of our debts, excluding debts of SFH. Dívida (exclui SFH e parcerias em projetos - já contemplados no fluxo das SPE's) - cronograma pós 2T10 e saldo devedor no fim do período (R$mil) 2,000,000 Debêntures Klabin Segall (Quitadas) Principal 1,800,000 500,000 Saldo Devedor 400,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 300,000 1,000,000 800,000 200,000 600,000 400,000 100,000 200,000 0 - 94 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Amortizações Principal - Saldo Devedor 1,600,000 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The following chart shows the indebtness of the Company as of March 31, 2010: Liquidez (R$ mil) 2T10 Disponibilidade e aplicações Endividamento Dívida Líquida 1,120,213 (3,710,259) 2,590,046 Patrimônio líquido 5,613,164 Dívida / PL Dívida Líquida / PL 66.1% 46.1% Usually the Company and its Subsidiaries bestow the following guarantees in the financing operations and lending: (i) mortgage of land, (ii) pledge or fiduciary assignment of receivables from the sale of Units, and (iii) personal security of members of SPE to the project funding agent. Financial Capacity We believe that our current reserves, along with funds expected to be generated from operations, will be sufficient to meet our working capital need and financial obligations. We presented in the last three fiscal years an Adjusted EBITDA margin of 27.4% and a cash flow of R$98,8 million. We present an analysis of liquidity of the Company at June 30, 2010, as described below: Liquidity (In R$ thousands) Availability and applications Indebtness Net Debt Net Worth Debt / Net Worth Debt Worth / Net Worth 1.120,2 (3.710,3) 2.590,1 5.613,2 66,1% 46,1% Contractual Obligations The table below summarizes the due dates of our material contractual obligations as of June 30, 2010, which are composed of obligations resulting from financing, loans, debentures and the acquisition of land. The loans, financing and debentures are adjusted by the CDI plus interest that varies from 0.9% per year to 3.0% per year, or adjusted by the TR plus an average interest of 10.5% to 10.8% per year. The majority of accounts payable for the acquisition of land are adjusted by the IGP-M. Payments of the principal by period Inferior 1 to 2 2 to 3 Payable for land acquisition (1) 3.710 929 to 1 year 1.787 643 years 511 32 years 528 71 Superior to 3 years 884 183 Total 4.638 2.430 543 599 1.066 Total In R$million Financing, loans and debentures (1) Accounts payable for acquisition of land acquired over time. Does not include land acquired through exchange. 95 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações In addition to the contractual obligations set forth in the table above, we also have contractual obligations referring to: (i) repayment of certain taxes pursuant to the Special Program for Payment of Taxes in Installments (Programa de Parcelamento Especial), or PAES; and (ii) acquisition of land to be used in the development of real estate projects. As of March 31, 2010, we had an outstanding balance of R$580.1 million from property acquisition. 95.1% must to be paid by 2013. Most of our accounts to pay are adjusted by the INCC or IGP-M indexes plus annual interest rate that vary from 6% to 12.0%. Transactions not recorded in the Financial Statements On June 30, 2010, we did not have any operations or obligations not recorded in our financial statements. We do not have Subsidiaries not included in our consolidated financial statements, nor do we have any interests in or relationships with any special-purpose entities that are not reflected in our consolidated financial statements. Transactions not Reflected in Financial Statements There was no release or disposal of the Company's operating segments is not reflected in financial statements. There was no acquisition or disposal of equity interest not reflected in financial statements. There was no unusual event or transaction is not reflected in financial statements. There are no assets and liabilities held by the Company that do not appear on its balance sheet. According to Corporate law in force, the deferred income (REF) of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates, is not shown and / or recorded in the statutory financial statements and consolidated. Only registered and are evidenced in the accounting tax balance sheets, which are generated each month for tax purposes. For more information, check the notes in the financial statements of the Company. Accounting Practices The main changes introduced by Law 11.638/97 and Provisional Measure No. 449 applicable to the Company's accounting practices for fiscal years 2007, 2008 and 2009 were: • • • • Compulsory registration in property rights that have tangible assets for maintaining the Company's activities, including those arising from leases classified as capital leases; Requirement that investments in financial instruments are recorded: (i) at market value or equivalent value in the case of applications for trading or available for sale, (ii) at cost of acquisition or issuance price, updated as legal or contractual provisions, adjusted for the likely realizable value, when it is lower in the case of applications that will be held until the maturity date, and (iii) at amortized cost, loans and financing and accounts receivable. Elimination of presentation rubric of "non-operating income" in demonstration of the result, and Replacement of the statement of sources and uses of funds by the statement of cash flows. Accounting procedures adopted in Brazil have specific rules for companies in the sector of real estate market, especially in the context of ownership of the sales result. These criteria were established by the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) in May 2003, and are used by us as the basis for the appropriation of our results, where forward sale of units not yet completed, as described in detail below. In the case of incorporations whose works were started from January 1, 2004, we appropriated the result based on the scheme of costs incurred in relation to the total cost budgeted. In the case of sales of units already completed, the recipes are appropriate at the time the sale is consummated, regardless of the deadline for receipt of the contracted value. On December 17, 2008, approved the guidance OCPC - 01 which deals with Entities and Real Estate Development was 96 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações aimed to standardize and clarify issuances that generated doubts about the accounting practices adopted by companies, real estate development. The main rules changes that impacted on the criteria above statements have been discussed and are detailed in our notes to financial statements of December 31, 2009, mainly in Item 2 - Presentation of Financial statements and key accounting practices. Additionally, the Company records its allowances for contingencies in accordance with the classification of its legal counsel, following the legal criteria. With regard to tax credits the Company performs the activation of such credits as approved annual review by the Board in relation to projected use of such credits. As a general rule, in the preparation of financial statements are assumptions adopted for the recognition of the estimates for records of assets, liabilities and other operations such as provisions for contingencies mentioned here, allowance for doubtful accounts, provision for cancellations, useful life of fixed assets, percentage of progress of work, the result of real estate development and sale of property and income tax on current and deferred income, classification of short and long term, among others. The directors and key executives of the Company monitor and periodically review these estimates and assumptions so that the values of these are always as close as possible to the actual values resulting from the Company's operations. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Market Risks We are exposed to market risks related to our operating activities. Among the main risks that we are exposed to, we cite the following. Interest Rate Risk The majority of our costs and our entire portfolio of unfinished projects are updated by the INCC index. The increase of one percentage point in such index in the quarter ended June 30, 2010 would represent a decrease of R$15.4 million in our net income for the second quarter of 2010. All of our financial investments and approximately 43.8% of our total indebtedness bear interest at a rate adjusted by the CDI. An increase of one percentage point in the average rate of the CDI for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 would represent an increase of R$5.7 million in our net income for the quarter ended June 30, 2010. Liquidity Risk We seek to avoid liquidity risks by keeping an effective management of cash flows, supported by a solid capital structure and adequate levels of leveraging. In addition, our management constantly monitors our assets and liability positions. Inputs Price Risk The costs of our Units are directly influenced by the costs of raw materials used in our constructions, such as cement and steel. Generally, an increase in the price of such materials would lead to a proportional increase in the costs of our Units. Relevant Subsequent Events that are not Considered in the Financial Statements Issuance of Promissory Note In July 13, 2010, the Company, according to Resolution CVM No. 358 of January 3, 2002, filed a Request for Promissory Notes of the 1st Issuance of the Company, according to Resolution CVM No. 476 of January 16, 2009, before CETIP S.A. - Balcão Organizado de Ativos e Derivativos. The issuance will be composed of up to 10 (ten) promissory notes, with a face value of R$30.000, in a single series, totaling the amount of up to R$300.000, with maturity of 150 (a hundred and fifty) days counted from the issuance date, with payment of principal and interest in the maturity date of the promissory notes, as approved by the Board of Directors in June 29, 2010. 97 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Issuance of Debentures In August 10, 2010, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the 4th issuance of debentures, nonconvertible into shares, unsecured, according to Resolution CVM No. 476, of January 16, 2009, as may be amended (“Resolution CVM 476”). The Company issued 280 (two hundred and eighty) debentures, nonconvertible into shares, with face value, ate the issuance date, of R$1,000 each, totaling an issuance of R$280,000, with maturity in August 10, 2016. As from the issuance date, the debentures will receive a consideration corresponding to the accrued variation of the average daily rates of DI (interbank deposits) in a day, Over Extra-Group, plus surcharge of 2.40% per year, based on 252 (two hundred fifty two) business days, calculated and published daily by CETIP, in an exponential and cumulative basis, pro rata per business day, upon the Face Value of Debentures non amortized, as from the issuance date or the date of payment of the last Consideration. The payment of interests shall be made quarterly as from November 10, 2010 and the principal shall be amortized into 16 (sixteen) quarterly installments, equal and consecutive, as from November 10, 2012. CRI Issuance In July 26, 2010, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Second Series of the Second Issuance of Certificates of Real Estate Receivables (CRIs) based on real estate credits resulting from the trade of residential and commercial units, with the following characteristics: Issuance Date Maturity Date Series Issuance Quantity Face Value Total Issuance Value 08/05/2010 08/07/2013 2nd 2nd 89 1.000 89.000 The CRIs will receive interest equal to: (i) the monetary restatement of the Reference Rate, whose maturity will be every fifth day of each month, and (ii) interest of 9.4% (nine point four per cent) per year, capitalized daily on a exponential and pro-rata cumulative basis, based on a year with 360 days. The value of principal and interests shall be amortized twice a year as from February 9, 2011 until the CRIs’ maturity date, in August 7, 2013. The primary distribution of the CRIs will be public, in over-the-counter market, with intermediation of entity from the securities distribution system, through the CETIP 21, managed by the CETIP S.A. - Balcão Organizado de Ativos e Derivativos (“CETIP”), with other securities under custody of CETIP. The Lead Manager will perform the placement of CRI among the interested qualified investors, at its sole discretion, subject to Resolution CVM No. 476, of January 16, 2009. The CRIs shall not be written by more than 20 (twenty) investors, as provided in Resolution CVM No. 476. As a public offer with restricted efforts of distribution, the Issuance will not be filed in the CVM, in accordance with Resolution CVM No. 476. Operation Results Over the quarter ended March 31, 2010 our revenues raised primarily from the development and sale of units of our residential real estate. Also, we received a smaller portion of our revenue from the leasing of real estate registered under "Other Operating Revenues" due largely to the rental of stores from developments of our subsidiary REP. The gross revenue from sales of property accounting is appropriate according to the evolution of the financial cost of construction of the project, or even that we have already sold all the real estate development, income from development and sale of Units is recorded according to the percentage of completeness of work. On this basis, the main factors that influenced the balance of gross revenue over the quarter ended March 31, 2010 were the sale of units and the financial advancement of the costs of their respective projects. 98 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Most of our receivables portfolio (approximately 75.9% of our total portfolio at March 31, 2010) is updated by INCC, this being the main index on our gross revenue. As mentioned in item (c) of section 5.2 of this form, we use some strategies to minimize impact on the variation of this index on our revenues. We emphasize that we do not have relevant revenue in foreign currency. The main indexing rates present in our business plan are the INCC and the CDI: a. INCC: most of our costs and our entire portfolio of projects not completed receipts are updated by this index. An increase of one percentage point at this rate during the quarter ended June 30, 2010, would represent a decrease in net income of the Company of R$15.4 million in second quarter of 2010. b. CDI: All of our investments and approximately 43.8% of our total debt are linked to the CDI. An increase of one percentage point over the average rate of CDI's three-month period ended June 30, 2010, would represent an increase in Net Income of the Company of R$5.7 million in second quarter of 2010. c. Exchange rates: The Company has no debts or receivables denominated in foreign currency. Additionally, none of the relevant costs of the Company is denominated in foreign currency. Internal controls We understand that the internal procedures and systems for preparation of financial statements are sufficient to ensure the efficiency and accuracy. Given the accelerated growth of the Company and the format of development of our real estate projects through special-purpose entities, the Company decided to deploy the SAP system management information in order to improve its internal controls. The beginning of the SAP System in the Company is scheduled for the beginning of the second quarter of 2010. Additionally, from the year 2009, certain subsidiaries of the Company created internal audit department, which has as main objective to ensure that operationally the Company maintains quality standards and controls that will contribute to the continued improvement of preparation of financial statements of the Company. There are no weaknesses and recommendations on internal controls in the report of the independent auditor. There is no chance of redemption of shares of the Company other than provided by law. 10.2. The directors should comment about a. Results of the Company’s operations, in particular: i. Description of any major components of revenue Over the fiscal years ended December 31, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and during the quarter ended March 31, 2010, our revenues are primarily due to development and sales of units of our residential real estate. Moreover, as described in item b of section 7.2, this form, received a smaller portion of our revenue from the leasing of real estate registered under "Other Operating Revenues" due largely to the activities of letting of shops developments of our subsidiary REP. ii. factors that materially affected the operating results Gross revenue from sales of property accounting is appropriate according to the evolution of the financial cost of construction of the project, or even that we have already sold all the real estate development, income from 99 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações development and sale of units is recorded according to the percentage of completeness of work. On this basis, the main factors that influenced the balance of gross revenue over fiscal years ended December 31, 2007, 2008, 2009 and over the quarter ended March 31, 2010, were sales of units, and advance financial costs of their projects. b. Variations in revenue attributable to changes in prices, exchange rates, inflation, changes in volumes and introduction of new products and services Most of our receivables portfolio (approximately 75.9% of our total portfolio at March 31, 2010) is updated by INCC, this being the main index on our gross revenue. As mentioned in item (c) of section 5.2 of this form, we use some strategies to minimize impact on the variation of this index on our revenues. We emphasize that we do not have relevant receipts denominated in foreign currency. c. Impact of inflation or changes in the price of key inputs and products, the exchange rate and interest rate in operating income and the Company's financial results.. As mentioned in section 5.2 of the form, the main indexing rates present in our business plan are the INCC, and the CDI: INCC: most of our costs and our entire portfolio of receipt of completed projects are updated by this index. An increase of one percentage point at this rate during the quarter ended March 31, 2010, would represent a decrease in net income of the Company of R$2.9 million in the first quarter of 2010. CDI: all of our investments and approximately 35.4% of our total debt are linked to the CDI. An increase of one percentage point over the average rate of CDI's quarter ended March 31, 2010, would represent an increase in Net Income of the Company of R$3.2 million in the first quarter of 2010. Exchange rates: The Company has no debts or receivables denominated in foreign currency. Additionally, none of the relevant costs of the Company is denominated in foreign currency. 10.3. The directors should comment on the material effects that the events below have caused or are expected to cause to the Company's financial statements and results. a. Introduction or disposal of operating segment There was no release or disposal of the Company's operating segments not reflected in the financial statements. b. Constitution, acquisition or disposal of equity interest Due to the incorporation of AGRE’s shares by PDG, there was the transfer of all issued shares of AGRE to PDG, with the aim of making AGRE a wholly-owned subsidiary of PDG, under Article 252 of the Corporations Law. The transaction was performed under the Protocol and Justification for Merger of Shares of AGRE by PDG, executed by the managers of such companies on May 3, 2010. The Merger of Shares aims to unify the management and shareholder bases of the Companies, as well as provide synergy gains resulting from the unification of the activities of companies that will become more efficient structure for the development of real estate projects, with potential cost-saving technical, supplies and other general and administrative costs, and enable greater growth and profitability of businesses developed by the Companies. The Merger of Shares creates the largest real estate company in the country, and aims to unify the management and shareholder bases of the Companies, as well as provide synergy gains resulting from the unification of the activities of companies that will have more efficient structure, incorporating two additional regional land banks, making up a portfolio of relevant products in all income groups. It is further considered that there is a potential cost saving technical, procurement, and other general and administrative costs, providing better conditions for increased growth and profitability of businesses developed by the Companies. 100 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Implemented the incorporation we believe that there will be increase in all lines of the Company's financial statements, providing higher sales and strong profitability. However, AGRE currently has margins lower than the Company, especially due to higher financial expenses. We believe that in the short term we will be able to financially restructure AGRE, reducing its financial costs and improving the profit margins, making it closer to the Company's current margins. c. Events or unusual operations There is no unusual event or transaction not reflected in financial statements. 10.4. The directors should comment about: The comments below refer also to the three fiscal years a. Significant changes in accounting practices 2006 Except for changes resulting from legislation, there were no material changes in accounting practices of the Company. 2007 The accounting practices of the Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 have changed due to the entry into force of Law 11.638/07 and Provisional Measure No. 449. 2008 In 2008, with the entry into force of Law No. 11,638/07 and the Provisional Measure No. 449 of December 3, 2008, were promoted amendments aimed, in particular, update the Brazilian corporate law to enable the convergence of practices adopted in Brazil with those contained in the International Accounting Standards (“IFRS”) and allow new accounting rules and procedures are issued by the Securities Commission in line with international standards of accounting. However, it is worth mentioning that during the period from January to November 2008 only controlled Goldfarb Incorporations and buildings classified SA and its subsidiaries in the CIV (cost of properties sold) charges for loans for construction. In December of that year, all other subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company recognized the effect of such charges retroactively in CIV, when occurred the reclassification of financial expenses for CIV and inventory, when applicable. 101 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações b. Significant effects of changes in accounting practices The main changes introduced by Law 11.638/97 and Provisional Measure No. 449 applicable to the Company's accounting practices for fiscal years 2007 and 2008 were: - - Compulsory registration in property rights that have tangible assets for maintaining the Company's activities, including those arising from leases classified as capital leases; Requirement that investments in financial instruments are recorded: (i) at market value or equivalent value, when tartar applications for trading or available for sale, (ii) at cost of acquisition or issuance price, updated as legal or contractual provisions, adjusted for the likely realizable value, when it is lower in the case of applications that will be held until the maturity date, and (iii) at amortized cost, loans and financing and accounts receivable. Elimination of presentation rubric of "non-operating income" in demonstration of the result, and Replacement of the statement of sources and uses of funds by the statement of cash flows. c. Caveats and emphases present in the auditor's opinion - There were no reservations or emphases present in the opinion of the auditor in the fiscal years 2006, 2007 and 2008, except for the exception of the review of financial statements in March, June and September 2008 on account of failure of the calculation of present value adjustment of accounts receivable of the Company, which was only held from December 31, 2008. Failure to perform and record of AVP was the subject of consensus among various companies of the industry and, therefore, the exception was implemented on the advice of several companies in the sector that are also audited by our current independent auditors. 10.5. The directors shall indicate and comment on critical accounting policies adopted by the Company, exploring in particular accounting estimates made by management on issues relevant to the uncertain description of the financial position and results, which require subjective or complex judgments, such as stores, contingencies, revenue recognition, tax credits, long-lived assets, useful lives of assets not circulating, pension plans, changes in foreign currency conversion costs, environmental remediation, testing criteria for asset recovery and financial instruments Brazilian accounting practices have specific rules applicable to real estate companies, particularly with respect to the recognition of sales revenue. Such rules were established by the Federal Accounting Council (“CFC”) in May 2003 and are used by us as a basis for our results appropriation, in cases of installment sales of uncompleted units, as detailed ahead. For development projects started on or after January 1, 2004, we recognize revenues in the proportion that costs incurred to date bear to total estimated costs. For sales of completed units, revenue is recognized when a sale is effected, regardless of the date of receipt of the contracted sale amount. Guidance OCPC 01 was approved on December 17, 2008, with the primary objective of regulating and clarifying issues that gave rise to doubts concerning accounting practices adopted by the real estate companies. The main rules that caused changes in accounting practices were discussed above and are detailed in our notes to the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008 and for the quarterly information – ITR of June 30, 2009, especially item 2 – Presentation of Financial Statements and key accounting practices. Additionally, the Company records its allowance for contingencies in accordance with the classification of its legal counsel, following the legal criteria. With regard to tax credits, the Company performs the activation of such credits as approved annual review by the Board in relation to projected use of such credits. As a general rule, in the preparation of financial statements are adopted assumptions for the recognition of the estimates for records of assets, liabilities and other operations such as provisions for contingencies mentioned here, allowance for doubtful accounts, provision for cancellations, useful life of fixed assets, percentage of progress of work, the result of real estate development and sale of property and income tax on current and deferred income, classification of short and long term, among others. The directors and key executives of the Company monitor and periodically review these estimates and assumptions so that the values of these are always as close as possible to the actual values resulting from the Company's operations. 102 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 10.6. With respect to internal controls adopted to ensure the preparation of reliable financial statements, the directors should comment: a. Degree of efficiency of such controls, indicating possible defects and actions taken to correct them We understand that the internal procedures and systems for preparation of financial statements are sufficient to ensure the efficiency and accuracy. Given the accelerated growth of the Company and the format of development of our real estate projects through special-purpose entities, the Company decided to deploy the SAP system of information management in order to improve its internal controls. The expected start of SAP system in the company is the beginning of the second quarter of 2010. Additionally, from the year 2008, certain subsidiaries of the Company created internal audit departments, which have the main objective of ensure that operationally the Company maintains quality standards and controls that will contribute to the continued improvement of preparation of financial statements of the Company. b. Deficiencies and recommendations on internal controls in the report of the independent auditor None. 10.7. If the Company has made a public offer of securities, the directors must comment a. How have the resources resulting from the offering been used We conducted 3 primary public offerings of shares and 2 offerings of debentures non-convertible into shares in the last 3 years. The resources involved in issuing these securities were invested in land acquisition, general and administrative expenses, construction of real estate projects and portfolio investments of the Company. b. If there were significant deviations from the effective application of resources and the implementing proposals disclosed in the prospectuses of their distribution There was no significant differences. c. If there were deviations, reasons for such deviations There was no significant deviation. 10.8. The directors must describe the items that have not been evidenced in the Company's financial statements, indicating: a. Assets and liabilities held by the Company, directly or indirectly, that do not appear on its balance sheet (off-balance sheet items), such as: i. operating financial leases, assets and liabilities ii. portfolios of receivables written off over which the entity maintains risks and responsibilities, indicating their liabilities iii. contracts for future purchase and sale of products or services iv. construction contracts not completed 103 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações v. contracts for future receipts financing There are no assets and liabilities held by the Company that do not appear on its balance sheet. b. Other items not shown in the financial statements There are no assets and liabilities held by the Company that do not appear on its balance sheet. According to Corporate law in force, the deferred income (REF) of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates, is not shown and / or recorded in the statutory financial statements and consolidated. Only registered and are evidenced in the accounting tax balance sheets, which are generated each month for tax purposes. For more information, check the notes in the financial statements of the Company. 10.9. For each of the items not disclosed in the financial statements referred to in item 10.8, the directors should comment: a. How such items are likely to alter or amend the revenue, expenses, operating income, financial expenses or other items from the Company's financial statements b. Nature and purpose of the operation c. Nature and amount of the obligations and rights created in favor of the Company as a result of the operation Non applicable. There are no Company’s assets and liabilities not exposed in its financial statements. 10.10. The directors shall indicate and comment on key elements of the Company's business, specifically exploring the following topics: a. Investments, including: i. qualitative and quantitative description of the investments in progress and planned investment ii. sources of investment financing iii. ongoing relevant divestitures and planned divestitures To develop our business plan, we optimize our funding sources with an equalized between capital structure and leverage. The main sources of financing used by the Company are the credit lines obtained with banks and other financial institutions, as well as issuances of securities of the Company raised in the market, as non-convertible debentures. This structure provides resources for our main object of investment, which is the acquisition of land, as we have funding available for spending on construction. The Company has no investments other than the purchase of relevant land and have no projects for mergers and acquisitions and diversification of relevant investments. We actively participate in the land acquisition process, because we believe that it is a critical stage in the development of a real estate project and that it is the first distinguishing factor of the residential units to be launched. Each decision to acquire a parcel of land is analyzed and must be approved by our board of executive officers. We acquire lands from individuals, legal entities and in judicial and extrajudicial auctions and carry out 104 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações an audit to assure legal and environmental compliance in connection with the acquisition of the lands where our real estate projects will be developed. As is customary in the industry, we evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of our acquisitions by managing any potential legal and/or environmental risks, in accordance with the opinion of our legal and technical advisors. Concurrently with this audit, we carry out a study to confirm the financial feasibility of the project and often hire an outside consultant to prepare a market research report. Based on our investments in land acquisition over the past few years and after incorporation of Agre, now we have a land bank covering 16 states and 101 cities. The potential sale value of the projects present in our land bank on June 30, 2010 is approximately R$30.2 billion. There was no planned divestitures b. If disclosed, indicate the acquisition of plant, equipment, patents or other assets that should materially influence the productive capacity of the Company There were no purchases of land, plants, equipment or other material assets. c. New products and services, indicating : i. description of ongoing research already disclosed ii. total amounts spent by the Company in research to develop new products or services iii. development projects already disclosed iv. total amounts spent by the Company in developing new products or services There are no new projects in development because, as described in paragraph "a" of subsection 10.10, the focus of the Company's business is exclusively the purchase of land. 10.11. Comments on other factors that influenced in a relevant operational performance and have not been identified or commented on other items in this section There are no other factors that influenced in a relevant operational performance of the Company and which have not been identified or commented on other items in this section 10 105 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 11. PROJECTIONS 11.1. Identification of the projects: a. Projection’s Object The company projects launchings achieving an Overall Sales Volume for the 2010 in the range of R$6.5 billion to R$7.5 billion. The projection is composed of hypothetical data that shall not constitute performance commitment. b. Projected period and the duration The projection comprises only the projects launched in 2010. The projection is valid and, taking into account that it is an annual projection, it will be kept until the end of current fiscal year. c. Assumptions of the projection, with an indication of which can be influenced by management Projection based on current land bank of the company that includes projects to be launched by it in 2010. This projection reflects the company's vision for the demand on their releases for the year 2010. If demand for our products is somehow affected in the course of the year, the projection will be duly reviewed (positively or negatively). d. Indicator values that are subject of the projection PSV launches – (R$million) 2006 2007 2008 2009 301 1.233 2.612 3.027 11.2. In the event that the Company has disclosed, during the three fiscal years, forecasts on the evolution of the indicators: a. state which are being replaced by new projections included in the form and which of them are being repeated in the form The projection of launches for the year 2010 (in the range of R$6.5 billion to R$7.5 billion) has already been widely disseminated through Insights, quarterly conferences and corporate presentations and the company is not being changed. b. as to projections for periods elapsed, designed to compare the data with the effective performance of the indicators, indicating clearly the reasons for deviations in the projection In the year 2007 we amounted launches of R$1.23 billion against a projected release of launches for the year in the range of R$1.05 billion to R$1.2 billion; In the year 2008 we totaled launches of R$2.612 billion against a projected release of launches for the year in the range of R$2.6 billion to R$2.8 billion. In the year 2009 we amounted launches of R$3.03 billion against a projected release of launches for the year in the range of R$2.8 billion and R$3.5 billion. 106 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações c. as to projections for periods still ongoing, whether the projections are still valid on the date of delivery of the form and, when appropriate, explain why they were abandoned or replaced The projections remain valid. 107 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 12. GENERAL MEETING AND ADMINISTRATION 12.1. Description of the administrative structure of the Company as set out in its articles of incorporation and bylaws, identifying: a. Responsibilities of each agency and committee a.1. Board of Directors (a) establish the objectives, policy and general direction of the Company's business; (b) to elect, dismiss, set compensation and duties of Board members, within the limits established by the General Assembly or defined by it, (c) supervise the administration of Directors, (d) appoint and dismiss the Company's independent auditors when appropriate, (e) manifest themselves in advance about the Management Report, the accounts of the Board and the Company's Financial Statements and consider the monthly balance sheets; (f) submit to the General Meeting the proposed allocation to be given to the Company's net income for each fiscal year or on shorter periods; (g) approve the general budget of the Company, (h) approve the Company's business plan, ( i) setting the limit of indebtedness of the Company, (j) decide on the hiring by the Company for financing and loans worth more than 10% (ten percent) of the Company's net worth, calculated at the last balance sheet, for this operation; (k) decide upon the issuance by the Company, of warrants, debentures or other securities, (l) authorize the repayment, redemption or repurchase of shares of the Company to be held in treasury or for cancellation, and to decide on the possible sale of the shares eventually held in treasury, (m) offer the option to purchase shares plans to directors and employees of the Company; (n) to establish the value of the bonuses of directors and employees of the Company, (o) decide on the conclusion, amendment and termination of contracts and execution of operations of any kind between, on one hand, the Company and, Furthermore, the shareholders of the Company and / or its subsidiaries, affiliates or controlling shareholders of the Company, (p) to discuss the company's participation in other companies, as partner unit holder or shareholder, as well as their participation in consortia and agreements association and / or shareholders' agreements and the formation of companies in Brazil or abroad, by the Company, provided that the investment in the company, or consortium agreement in question represents an investment in the Company of greater than or equal to 10% ( ten percent) of equity, calculated on the last balance sheet of the Company, (q) to increase the capital of the Company within the limit authorized by the bylaws, regardless of statutory reform, (r) authorizing the issuance of any credit instruments for the raising of funds, are bonds, notes, commercial papers or other common use on the market, acting on their conditions of issue and redemption; (s) sell fixed assets, and (t) perform other legal duties or which are conferred by the General Assembly, as well as resolve the missing cases a.2 Executive Board (a) conduct the general policy and management of the Company, as determined by the Board, (b) coordinate the progress of the ordinary activities of the Company, including compliance with the resolutions passed in General Meetings, at meetings of the Board and their own meetings, (c) develop annual and/or multiyear business plans and budgets for the Company, and submit them to the Board, (d) execute business plans and budgets of the Company, approved by the Board; (e) submit to the Board the proposed allocation of net income each fiscal year, (f) determine the six-monthly survey of intermediaries and submit quarterly to the Board the trial balance economic, financial and patrimonial sheet of the Company, (g) prepare the report and financial statements for each fiscal year, (h) open, operate and close bank accounts and investment, (i) respecting the powers of the Board and the provisions of the Company's Bylaws , compromise, waive, give up, do deals, make compromises, incur obligations, make use of funds, purchase, mortgage, engage or otherwise encumber movable and immovable assets and provide guarantees, signing contracts and their terms, (j) represent Company in or out court, active and passive, before any government agencies or federal, state or municipal authorities, as set forth in the Company's Bylaws, (k) approve the granting of any form of collateral or personal guarantee by the Company in favor of any third party, ensuring its own bonds or third parties, and (l) perform other legal duties or that are granted by the Board. a.3 Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee General tasks: (i) submit to the Board proposal for the aggregate annual compensation of the Officers and Directors of the Company, which shall include any amount to be paid, directly or indirectly by the Company and / or its subsidiaries, as compensation, bonus, prize, participation in profits and / or dividends, (ii) submit to the Board proposal to distribute the overall remuneration annually approved by the general meeting between the Directors and the Officers of the Company, as remuneration for the services rendered to the Company and / or its subsidiaries, (iii) 108 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações decide on the granting of options to purchase or subscribe for shares to officers, directors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries, (iv) to administer the Stock Option Plan approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on January 9, 2007 (“First Plan”), subject to the terms of the First Option Plan, (v) decide on the participation of the Officers, Directors and employees Company and its subsidiaries in the profits of the Company and its subsidiaries, (vi) speak on any contract to be concluded between the Company or any of its officers, directors and employees, covering the payment of amounts by way of compensation.. b. Date of installation of the board of auditors, if this is not permanent, and creation of committees Currently, the Board of Auditors comprises three members and two alternate, all elected at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on April 29, 2010, with a mandate until the ordinary general meeting of the Company who shall decide on the numbers of the Company for the year ended in 2010. The Committee for Compensation and Management of Stock Option Plans was established in December 23, 2008, when its members were also elected. c. Mechanisms for evaluating performance of each agency or committee There are no mechanisms for evaluating agencies and committees. b. Regarding the direction members, their individual powers and duties The duties of our Chief Executive Officer are to (i) submit for approval by the Board of Directors the business plans and annual budgets, the investment plans and the new plans for expansion of the Company and our controlled companies and subsequently execute the approved plans; (ii) prepare, in conjunction with the other officers, our operating strategies and guidelines as well as establish the performance criteria to implement decisions defined at Shareholders' and Board of Directors' Meetings; (iii) supervise the execution of all activities; (iv) coordinate and supervise the activities of the Direction, by calling to order and presiding its meetings; and (v) perform the other attributions that may be assigned to him by the board of directors. The functions of our Investor Relations Officer are to (i) disclose and communicate to the CVM and the BM&FBOVESPA, when applicable, any material act or fact occurred or related to our business, as well as see to its prompt and simultaneous disclosure to all markets in which our securities are admitted for trading, in addition to other attributions that may be assigned to him by the board of directors; (ii) provide information to investors; and (iii) keep our share registration updated by providing the required information under the applicable CVM rules. The functions of our Vice-Chief Financial Officer are to (i) implement any guidelines determined by the board of directors; (ii) perform the financial management of the Company; (iii) manage our internal control system and accounting areas; and (iv) replace the Chief Executive Officer during his absence or temporary disability, according to our bylaw. The Investment and Management Planning Officer is responsible for: (a) review and approve new investment to perform the activities of the Company, (b) implement the management model in the Company's investees, (c) monitor the performance of the Company's property investments and controlled companies, (d) conduct the management planning of the projects of the Company and its subsidiaries, and (e) direct the activities of coincorporation of the Company. The Administrative Operating Officer is responsible for: (a) formulate, coordinate and implement activities and procedures related to transfer customer credit of the Company and its subsidiaries, (b) overseeing the human resources department of the Company and its subsidiaries, (c) formulate, coordinate and perform the activities of Technology Information, as well as the implementation of the Company’s systems, (d) formulate, coordinate and perform operating administrative activities of the Company's and its subsidiaries. 109 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The General Counsel is responsible for: (a) formulate, coordinate and implement actions and legal procedures of the Company and its subsidiaries, (b) to monitor matters relating to regulation as a public company, (c) coordinate the preparation of contracts of the Company and its subsidiaries, according to decisions and negotiations with other executive officers, (d) monitor and represent the Company in general meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Financial Planning Officer is responsible for: (a) plan, formulate and project the cash flows of the Company and its subsidiaries, (b) administer the treasury department of the Company and its subsidiaries, (c) structure, negotiate and monitor the real estate credit in each real estate project in which the Company and its subsidiaries participate, (d) conduct, coordinate and direct project management of the Company's subsidiaries. e. Mechanisms for evaluating performance of members of the board of directors, committees and board of auditors The Company performs the evaluation of individual employees based on their performance in the initiative, proactive, decision making, professional behavior, interpersonal relationships, teamwork and commitment to targets and deadlines. After internal evaluation conducted by the Company, this is passed to the Committee for Compensation and Management of Stock Option Plans, which determines the performance evaluation of the employees, directors and officers that have variable pay. 12.2. Description of the rules, policies and practices relating to general meetings, indicating: a. Notice of Meeting The General Meetings of the Company are called with at least fifteen days in advance in the first call notice and eight days in case of a second call notice. b. Competences It is up to the General Meeting to deliberate over the following matters: without jeopardizing other matters of its competence: (a) amend the bylaws; (b) elect or dismiss, at any time, managers and supervisors of the Company, under de article 142 II; (c) take each year the management accounts and resolve the financial statements submitted; (d) authorize the issuance of debentures, under article 59 § 1; (e) suspend the exercise of the shareholder’s rights (article 120); (f) deliberate over the appraisal of goods with which the shareholder contributes for the capital stock; (g) authorize the issuance of beneficiaries parties; (h) deliberate on the transformation, consolidation, merger and spin-off of the Company and its dissolution and liquidation, elect and dismiss liquidators and examine their accounts; (i) authorize the managers to confess insolvency and bankruptcy; (j) removal from the Novo Mercado; and (k) choice of specialized company responsible for determining our economic value for purposes of public offerings required by the Rules of the Novo Mercado, among the companies identified by our Board of Directors, in a triple list. Addresses (physical or electronic) in which the documents related to the general meeting of shareholders will be available for analysis c. The documents will be available in the Company’s headquarters in Praia de Botafogo, n° 501, 2° floor, CEP 22250- 040, Torre Pão de Açúcar, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, and on the Company’s website d. Identification and management of conflicts of interests 110 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Pursuant to the law, the conflicts of interest are identified and managed by the chairman of the Board of Directors, through the analysis of the object and the parties of the contract. e. Solicitation of proxies by the administration to exercise the voting rights The representative must be fully constituted in the proxy and the proxy must contain the vote to be pronounced. f. Necessary formalities for the acceptance of powers of attorney instruments granted by shareholders, indicating that the Company accepts proxies granted by shareholders electronically The proxies must be sent notarized and with proven credentials of the signatories to the shareholder’s level. The Company does not accept proxies granted by electronic means. g. Maintenance of forums and World Wide Web pages that are intended to receive and share feedback from investors about the agendas of meetings None. h. Live video broadcast and / or audio of meetings None. i. Mechanisms that allow the inclusion in the agenda, of proposals made by the shareholders None. 111 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 12.3. In table form, inform the dates and newspapers publishing: Financial Statements for the year ended on 12.31.2009 none Financial Statements for the year ended on 12.31.2008 Revision 30, March 31 and April 1, 2009 Financial Statements for the year ended on 12.31.2007 none Journal (s) Published none Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Date (s) of publication in Newspapers Revision 30, March 31, 2010 and April 1, 2010 issuance 15, 16 and 17, 18 and April 19 and April 1, 2009 March 28, 31 and April 1, 2008 Journal (s) Published Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo e Valor Econômico Minutes of the ordinary general meeting which dealt with the financial statements Date (s) of publication in Newspapers Journal (s) Published May 13, 2010 May 4, 2009 May 5, 2008 May 7, 2007 Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo e Valor Econômico Financial Statements Date (s) of publication in Newspapers Journal (s) Published March 29, 2010. April 13, 2009 March 28, 2008 April 3, 2007 Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo andValor Econômico Year Notice to shareholders communicating the availability of financial statements Convocation of the ordinary general meeting which dealt with the financial statements Date (s) of publication in Newspapers Financial Statements for the year ended on 12.31.2006 March 30 and 31, 2007 and April 3, 2007 (DO) March 30, 2007 and April 2 and 3, 2007 (Valor) Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo and Valor Econômico April 13, 14 and 17, 2007 (OF) and April 13, 16 and 17, 2007 (Valor) 12.4. Description of the rules, policies and practices relating to the board, indicating: The Administrative Council is comprised by at least five and at most eleven members. There is also a number of alternates members that will be determined in the general shareholders meeting, limiting the number of voted members, linked or not to specific committees, elected by the general shareholders meeting and dismissible by it at any time. The current members of the Board of Directors are: Name Gilberto Sayão da Silva Alessandro Monteiro Morgado Horta José Antonio T. Grabowsky Michel Wurman Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes Alexandre Gonçalves Silva Post President Vice-president Effective Counselor Effective Couselour Independent Counselour Independent Counselour Date of possession April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 Term AUG/2011 AUG/2011 AUG/2011 AUG/2011 AUG/2011 AUG/2011 Age 39 39 46 33 60 65 a. Frequency of Meetings Pursuant to our Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall always meet when covened by its President ou by the majority of its members. Historically, the meetings of the Board of Directors are held once every two months. b. If they exist, the provisions of the shareholder’s agreement that establishes some restrictions or 112 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações linking to the voting exercise of the council members. There is not. c. Identification and management rules for interest conflicts There is not. Pursuant to the Law 6.404/76, any member of our Board of Directors is prohibited of voting in any general shareholder meeting or meeting of the Board of Directors, or entering in any operation or business in which there have conflitants interests with the Company. 12.5. Description of the arbitration clause, if any, included in the statute for the resolution of conflicts among shareholders and between them and the company through arbitration Under Article 35 of the Bylaws, the Company, its shareholders, managers and members of the Board of Auditors shall resolve through arbitration any dispute or controversy that may arise between them, related to or resulting from, in particular the application, validity, effectiveness, interpretation, breach and its effects, the provisions in the rules of the Novo Mercado, the Bylaws, the Brazilian Corporate Law, the rules issued by the Conselho Monetário Nacional, the Central Bank or the CVM, and other rules governing the functioning of capital markets in general, beyond those contained in the Regulamento de Listagem do Novo Mercado and the Regulamento de Arbitragem da Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado, which shall be conducted by the Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado established by BM&FBOVESPA in accordance with the regulations of such chamber, and the parties may, pursuant to Chapter 12 of the referred rules, agree on another chamber or arbitration center to resolve their disputes. 12.6. For each of the managers and members of the board of auditors of the Company, include, in table form: CPF or Passaport 016.792.77790 Elective Position President of the Board of Directors Date of election April 29, 2010 Date of possesio n October 20, 2006 Name Gilberto Sayão da Silva Age 39 Profession Manager of third party resources Alessandro Monteiro Morgado Horta 39 Eletronic engeneer 005.153.26704 Counsils vicepresident April 29, 2010 October 20, 2006 AUG/2011 José Antonio T. Grabowsky 46 Civil engeneer 853.592.20759 April 29, 2010 October 20, 2006 Michel Wurman 33 economist 025.915.13783 April 29, 2010 October 20, 2006 AUG/2011 (as board member) and AUG/2012 (as officer) AUG/2011 (as board member) and AUG/2012 (as officer) 65 Mecanic engeneer 022.153.81787 Chief President, meber of the administrati ve counsil. Executive Vice President of Finance and Director of Investor Relations Member of the Board of Directors. Independent board member April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 Alexandre Gonçalves Silva Term AUG/2011 Other duties or functions performed at the Company Member of the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Commitee Member of the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Commitee None N/A None N/A Elected by the Controller N/A N/A N/A AUG/2011 None 113 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Name Age Profession Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes 60 Economist 32 Civil engeneer Cauê Castello Veiga Innocêncio Cardoso 27 Lawyer João Miguel Mallet Racy Ferreira 30 Enterprise administrat r Marcus Vinicius Medeiros Cardoso de Sá 38 Economist Roberto Carlos Madoglio 45 Enterprise administrat r Frederico Marinho Carneiro da Cunha Sergio Passos Ribeiro 37 CPF or Passaport Elective Position Date of election Date of possesio n 156.305.87668 Independent board member April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 Planning and Investment Managemen t Officer May 10, 2010 October 20, 2006 General Counsel May 10, 2010 Novemb er 13, 2009 Financial Planning Officer May 10, 2010 Novemb er 13, 2009 Operations Managing Officer May 10, 2010 Novemb er 13, 2009 Member of the Board of Auditors Independent member of the Board of Auditors Independent member of the Board of Auditors Alternate member of th Fiscal Cousil Alternate member of th Board of Auditors Independent Alternate member of th Board of Auditors Independent April 29, 2010 August 31, 2009 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 895.019.00797 307.856.04812 054.222.39709 026.893.66762 048.066.33860 Enterprise administrat r 026.246.86703 Pedro Quintella 32 Civil engeneer 043558557 67 Vitor Hugo dos Santos Pinto 30 Enterprise administrat r 292.699.27857 Ricardo Kobayashi Bruno Zaremba 44 35 economist 343.060.21149 economist 034.032.37796 Term Other duties or functions performed at the Company Elected by the Controller N/A AUG/2011 None AUG/2012 None N/A AUG/2012 None N/A AUG/2012 None N/A AUG/2012 None N/A AUG/2011 None N/A AUG/2011 None N/A August 31, 2009 AUG/2011 None N/A August 31, 2009 AUG/2011 None N/A None N/A None N/A April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 29, 2010 AUG/2011 AUG/2011 12.7. Provide the information mentioned in item 12.6 in respect of members of statutory committees, as well as audit committees, risk, and financial compensation, even if such committees or structures are not statutory164 Name Age Profession CPF ou Passaport Elective Position Date of election Date of Possesio n Term Other duties or functions performed at the Company Elected by the Controllers 4 The information provided in this section should include audit committees, risk, and financial remuneration, and the like organizational structures, even if such committees are not statutory or structures, provided that such committees or structures involved in decision-making of the administrative or management of the issuer as consultants or tax. 114 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Gilberto Sayão da Silva 39 Manager of third party resources 016.792.77790 President of the Board of Directors April 29, 2010 October 20, 2006 AUG/2011 Alessandro Monteiro Morgado Horta 39 Eletronic engeneer 005.153.26704 Vice President of the Board of Directors April 29, 2010 October 20, 2006 AUG/2011 Member of the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Commitee Member of the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Commitee N/A N/A 12.8. Each one of the directors and members of the counciul should provide: a. curriculum, containing the following information: i. main professional experiences over the last five years, indicating: Company’s name position and functions of the office • • The duties associated with the positions of executives and directors are set out in the Bylaws of the Company, which are to: (a) establish the goals, policy and general direction of the Company’s business; (b) appoint, remove, set compensation and duties of the Executive Board members, within the limits established by the shareholder’s meeting; (c) supervise the management of the executives; (d) appoint and remove the Company's independent auditors, when applicable; (e) expose an opinion about the Management Report, the accounts of the Executive Board and the Company's Financial Statements and consider the monthly balance sheets; (f) submit to the shareholder’s meeting the proposed allocation that will be given to the Company's net income for each fiscal year or on shorter periods; (g) approve the general budget of the Company; and (h) approve the Company's business plan, among other. • main activities of the Company in which these experiences occurred, highlighting the corporations or organizations that are part of (i) the ecnonomic group of the Company; or (ii) partners with direct or indirect participation, equal or superor than 5% of the same class or type of Company’s securities. ii. Indicate all of the management positions that occupes or have occupied in public corporations. Board of Directors of the Company Gilberto Sayão da Silva – President of the Board of Directors Mr. Sayão da Silva, 39, is currently the chairman of our Board of Directors. Mr. Sayão da Silva is also currently a partner at Vinci Partners and a member of its Executive Committee. Previously, he was a partner at Banco Pactual responsible for the areas of investment, corporate finance and hedge funds. Between 1998 and 2009, Mr. Sayão da Silva served on the Executive Committee of Banco Pactual and previously at Banco UBS Pactual, participating in strategic and corporate decisions and as chairman of the bank. From 2006 to 2009 he was the principal officer of UBS Pactual Gestora de Investimentos Alternativos Ltda., the holding investment company responsible for the wealth management of the former partners of Banco Pactual. He started his career at Banco Pactual in 1993 in the area of financial computer systems development and became a partner in 1995. Mr. Sayao da Silva is currently a member of the board of directors of several other companies, including Equatorial Energia S.A., Companhia Energetica do Maranhão – CEMAR, and Companhia Sidertirgica Nacional. Mr. Sayão graduated from Pontificia Universidade Catrilica do Rio de Janeiro with a degree in electrical engineering. Finally, Mr. Sayão Gilberto Silva 115 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações received a warning penalties in administrative proceedings No. 0,001,019,646 0,001,019,647 of the Central Bank of Brazil. Alessandro Monteiro Morgado Horta – Vice President of the Board of Directors. Mr. Horta, 39, is currently the vice-president of our Board of Directors. Mr. Horta is currently a partner at Vinci Parnters and a member of its Executive Committee. Between 2006 and 2009 he was an officer at UBS Pactual Gestora de Investimentos Alternativos Ltda., the holding investment company responsible for the wealth management of the former partners of Banco Pactual, being also the Deputy CEO of Banco UBS Pactual. Between 2003 and 2006, Mr. Horta was the partner responsible for the administration and operations areas of Banco Pactual, which encompassed the operations, compliance, controllers, accountants, taxes, IT, legal, corporate services and human resources departments. From 2001 to 2006, Mr. Horta headed the area of investments of Banco Pactual, especially private equity investments. From 1997 to 1998, Mr. Horta worked as an equity trader for Banco CSFB Garantia, and between 1994 and 1997 he managed investment funds at Opportunity Asset Management. Mr. Horta also worked as an equity and fixed income trader, and as a real estate investments analyst, at Banco Icatu from 1991 to 1994. Mr. Horta has more than 18 years of experience in trading, corporate finance, capital markets, financial analysis and private equity investments. He previously served on the Consulting Board of Saraiva Livraria e Editores, Light S.A., and the board of directors of Satipel Industrial S.A. and Intesa S.A. Currently, he is a member of the board of directors of several other companies, among them Equatorial Energia S.A., Inbrands Gestora de Marcas S.A., Los Grobo do Brasil S.A. and Companhia Energética do Maranhão (CEMAR). He graduated from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro with a degree in electronic engineering. José Antonio T. Grabowsky Mr. Grabowsky, 46, is a permanent member of our Board of Directors and our Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the coordination and execution of our activities. Prior to that, he was responsible for the coordination and development of the real estate investment department at Banco Pactual. He joined Banco Pactual in 2003 and became a partner in 2005. Before joining Banco Pactual, he worked for 13 years at the Icatu Group, where he was responsible for the investment area in the holding company of the Icatu Group. Under his coordination, Icatu Group co-developed several commercial, residential and shopping centers real estate developments in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. He also founded and served as the primary executive at Atlantica Residencial, a real estate developer focused in the middle and mid-low segment, of which Icatu was one of the controlling shareholders together with Prudential Real Estate Investors, Cadim (Caisse de Dépot et Placement du Québec) and GIC (Government of Singapore Investment Corporation). Throughout his carrier, Mr. Grabowsky participated in more than 70 real estate development projects. Currently he is member of the board of directors of Goldfarb, CHL, Agre, Lindencorp, REP DI. Mr. Grahowsky graduated with a degree in civil engineering from Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and holds a Masters Degree in Finance from COPPEAD-UFRJ. Michel Wurman Mr. Wurman, 33, is a permanent member of our Board of Directors and our Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer, responsible for our finance management and the relationship with our investors. Prior to that, he was a member of Banco Pactual's investments team, which he joined in 2001 and became a partner in 2005. Mr. Wurman was responsible for private equity investments and monitoring of companies and the PE/VC investment funds that received private equity and venture capital investments, as well real estate investments. Mr. Wurman has a long history of investing in over 50 companies in several areas such as telecommunications, technology, biotechnology and real estate. Before joining Banco Pactual, Mr. Wurman worked for three years at Latintech Capital (a company focused on investing in technology companies), as well as the back-office of Banco Icatu. Currently, he is a member of the board of directors of Goldfarb, CHL Agre and Lindencorp. Mr. Wurman is also a professor of private equity and business plan at the IBMEC Business School graduate program and at Endeavor Venture Corporation and director of ABVCAP. Currently he’s a member of the board of directors of Goldfarb, CHL, 116 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações PDG Companhia Securitizadora and Lindencorp. He graduated in economics with honors from IBMEC Business School in Rio de Janeiro. Alexandre Gonçalves Silva Mr. Silva, 65, graduated with a degree in mecanic engineering from Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. From 2001 to 2007, Mr. Silva was the president of General Eletric do Brasil. Before that, from 1989 to 2001, he was the presiden of GE CELMA, company specialized in reviewing and repairing aircraft’s, with head offices in Petrópolis. Now a days, Mr. Silva is a member of the board of directors of Equatorial Energia, TAM, Fundições Tupy, Fibria and Alupar. He is the president of the board of directors of AMCHAM and also counsiler since 2007 and 2003, respectevely. Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes Mr Guedes is a partner and founder of CEO from BR Investimentos, and of BR Educacional,which is a found of investment foused on the brazilian educational sector. He was one of the partners and founders of banco Pactual, that had become the biggest pprivate investement bank in Brasil until it was bought by UBS in 2006. Mr. Guedes was the president and main shareholder of IBMEC, an important institution in the executive educational area, being one of the first institutions in the introduction of executive MBAs in Brazil. He was a professor of macroeconomics at Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and IMPA (Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada) in Rio de Janeiro. Mr Guedes writes a weekly article for the newspaper O Globo, and a fortnightly article for the magazine Época. Executive Officers José Antonio T. Grabowsky – CEO – President Executive Officer See “Board of Directors” above. Michel Wurman – Vice Financial President and Executive Officer of Investor Relations See “Board of Directors” above. Frederico Marinho Carneiro da Cunha, CFA – Executive Officer for Real Estate Development and Investment Mr. Carneiro da Cunha is our executive officer for real estate development and operations, and is therefore responsible for the coordination and management of our co-development investments. Prior to that, he was a member of the real estate investment team of Banco Pactual. Before joining Banco Pactual, he worked with real estate development and investment for six years, particularly at Banco BBM (1998-1999), Banco Modal (2001-2003) and Banco Fibra (2004), where he was responsible for preparing feasibility analysis, structuring finance and managing real estate projects. He is currently a member of the board of directors of Goldfarb, Agre, PDG Companhia Securitizadora and CHL. Mr. Carneiro da Cunha graduated in civil engineering from Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Cauê Castello Veiga Innocêncio Cardoso – Executive Officer and General Counsel Mr. Cardoso is executive officer of the Company and heads the legal department. He is also the Investor Relations Officer of PDG Companhia Securitizadora and a permanent member of the board of directors of Goldfarb, CHL, Agre and TGLT. Previously, he as a member of the legal department of Banco Pactual, where he worked with private equity, M&A, fixed income, variable income investment banking and stock operations. Before joining the Banco Pactual team, he worked in the law firms Sergio Bermudes Advogados and Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, 117 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados. He graduated from the Law School of the Universidade de São Paulo, with specialization in corporate law. João Miguel Mallet Racy Ferreira – Chief Financial Officer Mr. Ferreira is our executive officer of financial planning, as well as the Chief Financial Officer of PDG Companhia Securitizadora. Previously, he was a member of the long-term investment team at Banco Pactual, which created PDG Realty, and he has participated in more than 30 private equity transactions. He graduated from the Faculdade Federal do Rio de Janeiro with a business degree. Marcus Vinicius Medeiros Cardoso de Sá – Operations Officer Mr. Medeiros is our operations officer. From 1994-2006, he was the partner responsible for the operations of Banco Pactual S.A., and became the managing officer responsible for the operations of Banco UBS Pactual from 2006 to 2008. Mr. Medeims obtained an economics degree from Universidade Federal Fluminense and an MBA in finance from IBMEC. Board of Auditors Roberto Carlos Madoglio Mr. Madoglio is the national manager of structured funds for the vice- presidency of third-parties asset management (VITER) of the CEF. He is a business administrator with a postgraduate degree in management development from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas and another in investment funds from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica. He started working with the management of third-party funds in March 2001, when he worked in quantitative research. In August of 2004 he assumed his position in the area of special funds, where he is responsible for the administration and management of private equity investment funds, creditory rights investment funds, real estate investment funds and FGTS investment funds (“FI – FGTS”). Pedro Machado Rodrigues Quintella Mr. Quintella has been portfolio manager at Vinci Partners since 2008. Previously, Mr. Quintella worked at Banco UBS Pactual; Banco de Investimentos Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A. in the investment banking division; Iposeira Gestäo de Ativos, as a financial analyst; and at Oi (mobile telephone operator) as corporate business officer. Between 1998 and 2000, he worked in internet businesses for GP Investimentos and at Playcenter S.A. Currently, he is a member of our board of auditors. He graduated in civil and industrial engineering from the Pontificia Universidade CatMica do Rio de Janeiro and holds an MBA degree from the Harvard Business School. Sergio Passos Ribeiro Mr Passos is a partner and responsable for the controling area in Vinci. Mr. Passos joined Banco Pactual in 1998. There he is responsable for the fiscal area from 2006 to 2009. He is also responsible for the accounting area. Before Banco Pactual, Mr. Passos was a tax consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Sérgio Passos is graduated with a degree in Business Administration and Account at Universidade Santa Úrsula. He has a MBA in finance from IBMEC RJ. Vitor Hugo dos Santos Pinto (alternate member) Mr. Santos Pinto is a structured assets operating manager for the vice- presidency of the asset management at the CEF. He is a business administrator with a post-graduate degree in investment fund management from the Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Since August 2003 he has worked in the asset 118 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações management area. Between 2003 and 2004, he worked in the analysis and management of assets and investment products of fixed and variable incomes. Since 2005, he has worked in structuring and management of structured funds, with private equity investment funds, creditory rights investment funds and real estate investment funds. Ricardo Takao Kobayashi (alternate member) Mr. Kobayashi is a partner and member of the Private Equity team of Vinci Partners. He started in Banco Pactual in 1998, as an analyst in the area of pulp and paper. In 1998 he became chief of the research and analisys area. He became a partner in 1998 and was elected, among the best 2 analists by the Institutional Investor Magazine for nine years in a row, being in the first place for 5 times. In 2006, Mr. Kobayashi was indicated as a resource manager of third parties of UBS Pactual and of Financial Sponsor Banker in 2009 of the investment banks division. Mr. Kobayashi graduated with a degree in Economics at Universidade de Brasilia, and has a MIM from Thunderbird School of Global Management . He has also a CFA certification. Bruno Augusto Sacchi Zaremba (alternate member) Mr. Zaremba is a partner and member of the Private Equity team of Vinci Partners. Mr. Zaremba entered in Banco Pactual in 1996, as a company’s analist. He was part of the research and analisys team until 2003, working with banking area, retail, consuming area and tobacco. He was nominated as area manager for the developed markets proprietary investments segment, working on that position when he entered Vinci Partners in 2009. Mr. Bruno Zaremba fraduated with a degree in Economics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, and also has CFA certification. b. Description of any following events that have occured over the past 5 years i. any criminal conviction ii. any conviction in an administrative proceeding of CVM and applied sanction iii. anyjudicial or administrative judged judgmen, that has suspended or disqualified the practise of a professional or comercial activitie There is not. 12.9. Existence of a conjugal relationship, marriage or stable relationship between: 1) Dir ectors of th e Co mpany There is not. 2) (i) directors of the Company and (ii) directors of the controlled Companies, directly or indirectly There is not. 3) (i)directors of the Company or its subsidiaries, directly or indirectly e (ii)direct or indirect holdings of the Company There is not. 4) (i) directors of the Company and (ii) direct and indirect subsidiaries of the Company There is not. 12.10. Information on reporting relationships, service delivery or control maintained in the past 3 fiscal years, between the Company's management and: 119 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações a. Company controlled, directly or indirectly by the Company Officer Cauê Castello Veiga Innocêncio Cardoso Frederico Marinho Carneiro da Cunha Michel Wurman José Antonio T. Grabowsky João Miguel Mallet Racy Ferreira Post Member of the Board of Directors Investor Relations Officer Member of the Board of Directors Member of the Board of Directors Member of the Board of Directors Chief Financial Officer Subsidiary Goldfarb, CHL, Agre and TGLT PDG Companhia Securitizadora Goldfarb, CHL, Agre and PDG Companhia Securitizadora Goldfarb, CHL, Agre, PDG Companhia Securitizadora and Lindencorp Goldfarb, CHL, Agre, Lindencorp, REP DI, PDG Companhia Securitizadora PDG Companhia Securitizadora In addition to the positions held by executives shown in the table above in Subsidiaries, the Company's managers also perform functions in the Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) of the Company. b. Direct or indirect control of the Company Prior to the corporate restructuring that began in August of 2006, the Company's management were employees and/or members of Banco Pactual (currently BTG Pactual), using its infrastructure and its services at no cost to the Company. c. If material, supplier, customer, debtor or creditor of the Company, its subsidiary or controlling any such persons or control There is not. 12.11. Description of the provisions of any agreements, including insurance policies, providing for the payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred by administrators of the repair of damage caused to third parties or the Company, penalties imposed by state agents, or agreements with the goal closing administrative or judicial proceedings, in the exercise of its functions The members of our Board of Directors and our executives, as well as of our controlling companies, are covered by insurance policies for managers and officers (D&O), with coverage throughout the national territory. Such insurance establishes the payment or reimbursement of expenses of the managers if their heritage is affected in result of activities related to the Company. 12.12 Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 12. 120 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 13. MANAGERS REMUNERATION 13.1. Description of the compensation policy or practice of the board of directors, statutory and nonstatutory officers, board of auditors and statutory Committees, regarding the following aspects: a. Objective of the compensation policy or practice The Company and its subsidiaries have a plan of result and profit’s participation. The plan foresees the payment to the collaborators (employees and directors) based on the individual performance evaluation and in line with the interests of the Company and its collaborators with the purpose of aligning the interests of the Company and the interests of its collaborators to encourage their commitment, attracting and retaining qualified staff, improving management and the permanence of collaborators in the assigned positions. O plano prevê pagamento aos colaboradores (funcionários e administradores) com base em avaliação individual de desempenho e alcance de metas, com o objetivo de alinhar interesses da Companhia e de seus colaboradores de forma a estimular o comprometimento destes, atraindo e mantendo profissionais qualificados, melhorando a gestão e a permanência dos colaboradores nos postos acupados. b. Composition of the remuneration, indicating: i. Description of the remuneration’s elements and each one of its objectives The members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors receive a monthly fee for the performance of its functions and are not entitled to direct and indirect benefits and participation in the results, as specified on item 13.2. The members of the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee do not receive any remuneration. Therefore, there is no other remuneration for members of both Boards other that the monthly fee. The elements of the statutory officer’s remuneration are: the monthly fee, direct benefits, participation in the company’s result and remuneration based on the Company’s shares. The benefits received by the statuary officers are health and dental plan only. The objective of each element of the manager remuneration is to encourage the alignment of interests of directors with the company’s goals, in order to stimulate their commitment and also attract and maintain high qualified professionals. In addition, through the Stock Option Plan, the Company seeks the stimulation and improvement of our management and the permanence of our executives. This way, the Company aims its gains because of the commitment to the long-term results and the short term performances. The plan aims to allow the Company to obtain and maintain its high level executive’s service, offering these executives, as an additional advantage, to become their shareholders, under the same terms and conditions of the Plan. ii. what is the proportion of each element in the total remuneration This sub item does not apply to the Board of Directors and to the Board of Auditors, since their remuneration is based only on their monthly fee. As for the Board of Officers, there’s no defined proportion of each element of the member’s total remuneration. But, in the fiscal year of 2007, approximately 80% of the officer’s remuneration was based on shares of the Stock Option Plan, while the proportion of the participation in the results was, approximately, 10%. As for the fiscal year of 2008, the value of the of the participation in the results was, approximately, 50% of the officers remuneration, while the remuneration based on the Stock Option Plan was approximately 35% of the 121 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações officer’s remuneration. In the fiscal year of 2009, the amount pertaining to participation in the results represented approximately 63.2% of officers remmuneration, while the remmuneration based on stock granted by the Stock Option Plan accounted for approximately 36.8% of officers remmuneration in that fiscal year. As to 2010 fiscal year, since the value of the participation in the results is only a forecast and has not been granted by the Stock Option Plan it is not possible to set the proportion of such remunerations’s elements for this fiscal year. iii. calculation and adjustment of each remuneration’s elemnt There is no specified calculation and readjustment for each one of the elements. As for the monthly fee, in all fiscal years, the readjustment is made according to the collective bargaining. But, only in 2009 there was a readjustment for the statuary officers according to the bargaining to the syndicate to which the Company is filiated. The payments to the board members have not been readjusted under the same criteria. iv. reasons that justify the remuneration’s composition The reasons for the remuneration’s composition are the encouragement on the improvement o four management and the permanence o four executives, aiming gains for the commitment on the long-term results and short-term performance. c. Main performance indicators in the determination of each remuneration’s element As for all the employees of the Company, the indicators of performance are the achievement of operational and financial goals and individual performance such as autonomy, initiative, planning skills, commitment, communication skills, flexibility, ability to handle relationships, negotiation, problem solving, team work, among others. In addition, the manager’s remuneration is also based on the individual evaluation, that considerate initiative, proactivness, decisions making, professional behavior, interpersonal relation and team work. d. How is the remuneration structured to reflect on the performance indicators evolution The determination of a global remunerations amount of the Company’s and its subsidiaries employees linked to the Company’s equity return is the designed structure to vinculate the variable remuneration paid to the Company’s collaborators in a general way and the profitability performance. Since our methodology of results accountable recognition through the success percentage of our real estate enterprises, our senior collaborators, Goldfarb’s and CHL’s have 50% of their participation in the results deferred over a year (“Deferred Percentage”). The collaborator ceases to have the rights of the Deferred PR in case the Company or the subsidiary in which the collaborator works for has a financial loss in the previous fiscal year of the payment of the Deferred PR or if the emplyee leaves the company before reveiving the Deferred PR. Through the new approved accounting methods (IFRS), the Deferred PR should not be applied, since there is no more recognition of the result to the completeness percentage. e. How does the remuneration policy or practice line with the Company’s short, medium and long-term interests The remuneration described above intends to encourage the collaborators to look for a better investments profitability and Company’s developed projects in a way to line their interests. f. Remuneration supported by subsidiaries, controlled or direct and indirect controlling entities 122 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Our subsidiaries and controlled pay directly their managers and employees using the same remuneration’s format described above. There is no payment of remuneration to managers or employees from one entity to another entity of the group. g. Remuneration or benefit linked to the occurrence of a specific corporate event, such as alienation of control of the Company The receipt of each installment of Deferred PR becomes net and certain right of the employee in case of (i) direct or indirect controller change of the employer; (ii) alterations in the guidelines and definitions of the employer’s activities; (iii) change or degradation on the employee position; or yet any (iii) corporate reorganization, merger, incorporation, new issuance of shares or other corporate operation evolving the employer. 13.2. Compensation recognized in the income of the three fiscal years and planned for the current fiscal year the board of directors and board of auditors 5: 2010 - PREVISION Númber of members Fixed anual Remuneration (R$) Salary or pro-labore Direct and Indirect Benefits Rumuneration for participation in Committees Others Variable Pay (R$) Warrant Participation in the results Remuneration for attending meetings Committees Others Post employment benefits Benefíts motivated by the assignment of the function Stock based caompensation* Value of remuneration by court Board of Directors Executive Board Board of Auditors 3 efetivos Total 8 6 3 suplente 20 0 0 0 0 1,100,000.00 2,200,000.00 120,000.00 3,324,000.00 0 200,000.00 0 200.000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ** 0 ** * As explained above, the item variable remuneration for the year 2010 will be directly linked with the outcome of the fiscal year. Such remuneration is limited to the difference between the amount proposed for the general shareholders’ meeting to the global remuneration of directors and the provision of other funds. ** Referred forecast also depends on the accounting of the Third Program of the Stock Option Plan of the Company, still in progress. 2009 Númber of members Fixed anual Remuneration (R$) Salary or pro-labore Direct and Indirect Benefits Board of Directors 6 0 791 .633,50 0 0 0 Executive Board 3,5 0 1.828.252,65 141.186,60 0 0 Board of Auditors 0,75 0 36.000,00 0 0 0 Total 10,25 0 2.655.886,15 141.186,60 0 0 5 To avoid duplication, the computed values as compensation for members of the board shall be deducted from the remuneration of directors who also are part of that board. 123 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 2009 Rumuneration for participation in Committees Outhers Variable Pay (R$) Warrant Participation in the results Remuneration for attending meetings Committees Others Post employment benefits Benefíts motivated by the assignment of the function Board of Directors Executive Board Board of Auditors Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.979.759,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.979.759,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Stock based caompensation* 791 .633,50 Value of remuneration by court 0 * There was no stock-based compensation granted in fiscal year 2009. 0 0 0 3,5 0 1.828.252,65 141.186,60 0,75 0 36.000,00 0 10,25 0 2.655.886,15 141.186,60 2008 Númber of members Fixed anual Remuneration (R$) Salary or pro-labore Direct and Indirect Benefits Rumuneration for participation in Committees Outhers Variable Pay (R$) Warrant Participation in the results Remuneration for attending meetings Committees Others Post employment benefits Benefíts motivated by the assignment of the function Stock based caompensation* Value of remuneration by court Board of Directors 6 0 738.000,00 0 Executive Board 3 0 1.181.535,00 46.355,76 Board of Auditors 0 0 0 0 Total 9 0 1.922.235,00 46.355,76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.500.000,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.500.000,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R$3.573.935,45 0 0 0 0 0 R$3.573.935,45 0 2007 Board of Directors 6 0 432,000.00 0 0 0 Executive Board 3 0 801,615.27 30,903.84 0 0 Board of Auditors 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 9 0 1,017,615.27 30,903.84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,979,500.00 0 0 0 0 0 R$42.219,656.58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,979,500.00 0 0 0 0 0 R$42,219,656.58 0 0 0 0 6 0 432,000.00 3 0 801,615.27 0 0 0 9 0 1,017,615.27 Númber of members Fixed anual Remuneration (R$) Salary or pro-labore Direct and Indirect Benefits Rumuneration for participation in Committees Outhers Variable Pay (R$) Warrant Participation in the results Remuneration for attending meetings Committees Others Post employment benefits Benefíts motivated by the assignment of the function Stock based caompensation* 124 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 2007 Value of remuneration by court Board of Directors 0 Executive Board 30,903.84 Board of Auditors 0 Total 30,903.84 There was no payment of compensation by the Company in 2006, as well the as stock-based compensation granted in 2009. The stock-based compensation described above is provided in accordance with the exercise of the stock options to purchase shares that were granted. 13.3. Regarding the variable remuneration of the last three fiscal years and planned for the current fiscal year for the board of directors and Board of Auditors 6: 2010 – PREVISION Number of members Warrant (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income Pariticpation in equity (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income 2009 Number of members Warrant (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income Pariticpation in equity (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income 2008 Number of members Warrant (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income Pariticpation in equity (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Board of Directors 8 Executive Board 6 Board of Auditors 3 None None None None None None None None None Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable None None None None None None None None None Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Total 17 None None None Not applicabl None None None Not applicabl Board of Directors 6 Executive Board 3,5 Board of Auditors 0,75 Total 10,25 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 15.979.759,00 None 15.979.759,00 Board of Directors 6 Executive Board 3 Board of Auditors 0 Total 9 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 6 To avoid duplication, the computed values as compensation for members of the board shall be deducted from the remuneration of directors who also are part of that board. 125 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 2008 Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income 2007 Number of members Warrant (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income Pariticpation in equity (R$) Minimum expected value in compensation plan Maximuum specified in the compensation plan Planned amount of remuneratio, if the targets are met Value effectvely recongnized in the income Board of Directors None None Executive Board None 6.345.000,00 Board of Auditors None None Total None 6.345.000,00 Board of Directors 6 Executive Board 3 Board of Auditors 0 Total 9 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 8.979.500,00 None 8.979.500,00 The elements of the participation in the results are evaluated annually and determinated by the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee according to the returned obtained by the Company over its net asset value. In addition, the achievement of goals of the Company that the collaborator works and each individual performance is a relevant factor for the individual remuneration. 13.4 In violation to the remuneration plan based in shares of the board of directors an executive board, in connection with the last fiscal year and foreseen to the current fiscal year: a. General terms and conditions The Company grants stock options to the beneficiaries indicated by the executive board and approved by the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee. The options are granted in the terms of the Stock Option Plan and of the deliberated programs by the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee, as defined bellow. In the shareholders’ meeting held on January 9, 2007, the Company approved the Stock Option Plan. The Stock Option Plan is administrated by the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee, comprised of three members of the Board of Directors. The Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee has power to establish appropriated standards to every years’ concession, through the stock options purchases programs (“Programs”). The options concessions, through the Programs, must respect the maximum limit of 8.00% of the existing issued Company’s shares on the date of the institution of each Program. Until the date hereof, the Committee had deliberated the creation of 3 Programs, the first one on May 2007 (“First Program”), the second one on April 2008 (“Second Program”) and on January, 2010 (“Third Program”). There were not granted stock options to the Board of Director’s members that are not officers at the same time. b. Plan’s main objectives i. stimulate the expansion, the success and the companies’ and its shareholders’ corporate purpose and interests, allowing its managers and employees to acquire Company’s shares, in the terms, conditions and under the Stock Option Plan, encouraging their integration to the Company; and 126 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações ii. allow the Company to obtain and maintain high level executive’s services, offering them an additional advantage to become Company’s shareholders under the terms and conditions of the Stock Option Plan. c. How did this plan contribute to our objectives Aligning the interests of the managers, the Company and its shareholders and through the manager’s benefits and according to the shares performance. d. How does the plan is inserted in the remuneration’s policy The Company has a valorization policy under the employee’s individual merit, based on the achievement of operational and financial goals and on the individual performance. The compensation stock-based plans implemented encourages the good performance and commitment to the Company’s goal, the meritocratic system and goals achievement. e. How does the plan lines to the managers and the Company’s interests in short, medium and long term. The Stock Option Plan lines the managers, Companies and shareholders by granting benefits to the managers according to the Company’s shares. performance. Through the Stock Option Plan we seek to improve our management and the permanence of our executives, aiming gains for the commitment and the long-term and short-term performances. In addition, the Stock Option Plan aims to allow the Company to obtain and maintain our high level executives, offering them additional advantages to become shareholders under the terms and conditions of the Stock Option Plan. f. Maximum number of included shares The Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee can grant a total of options that represent 8.00% of our issued shares on the date of the implementation of each Program. g. Maximum number of options to be granted. The Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee can grant a total of options that represent 8.00% of our issued shares on the date of the implementation of each Program. Considering the amount of shares issued by the Company on the date hereof, the total amount is equal to 31,190,225 options, of which 31,180,000 options have already been granted on the date hereof. The First Program granted a total of 12,380,000 options to subscribe common shares of the Company, of which 12,220,000 were allocated to executive officers of the Company on the date hereof, considering the stock split described in item 17.3 of this Form. The Second Program granted a total of 1,200,000 options to subscribe common shares of the Company, of which 530,000 were allocated to executive officers of the Company on the date hereof, considering the stock split referred in Item 3.17 of this Form. The Third Program granted a total of 17,600,000 options to subscribe common shares of the Company, of which 14,500,000 were allocated to executive officers of the Company on the date hereof. h. Terms of the acquisition of shares The shares may be purchased in four equal and annual plots, and for each plot there is a period of 24 months to acquire the shares. The shares of First Program has an exercise equal to R$6.30, the Second Program price equal to R$11,15, and the Third Program price equal to R$12.00, all corrected by the IGP-M since the grant date of each plan. The exercise price of options not exercised shall be deducted from the dividends and interest on equity paid by the Company. i. Criteria for determining the purchase price or exercise 127 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The exercise prices were determined based on a discount on the price of the Company's initial public offering for the First Program, the price of the second offering of Company's shares completed in October 2007 for the Second Program and the price of the third public offering of Company's shares completed in October 2009 for the Third Program. j. Criteria for determining the exercise period The Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee set the deadline of 24 months to exercise in view of the alignment of medium and long-term of the beneficiaries of the program. k. Type of settlement In cash within 15 days of the subscription of shares. l. Restrictions on transfer of shares Unless otherwise decided by the Remuneration and Stock Option Plan Administration Committee, the shareholder may only sell, transfer or in any way transfer the Company's shares originally subscribed or purchased under the terms of the Plan, as well as those that may be acquired by him because of bonuses, stock splits, subscriptions or any other acquisition after the expiry of 24 months from the date that the option was granted. m. Criteria and events that, when checked, will cause the suspension, modification or termination of the plan The Board of Directors of the Company may at any time, amend or terminate the Plan or establish rules applicable in case omitted omissions. n. Effects of outgoing administrator of the boards of the Company about its dire ItŐs envisaged in the plan of stock-based compensation Terminated for any reason, the employment relationship or the term of offices of the executive, except in case of death or permanent disability of the option holder, the following provisions shall apply: a) In cases of dismissal and/or resignation of the manager or employee for “case” as defined in corporate and labor law, the options that, upon termination of employment relation or the term of officers of the executive, have been granted and not exercised, or yet are not exercisable, shall be extinct. The restriction referred to in item k above remain valid regardless of termination of the employment or the term of offices of the executive; b) In cases of dismissal and/or resignation of the manager or employee without “cause” as defined in corporate an labor law, the shares that they were already subscribed under the terms of the Plan may be freely sold on the stock exchange market or privately, being without effect the restriction referred to in item k above. The beneficiary shall be entitled to anticipate the next plot of options exercise in proportion to the number of worked months in the current year of his resignation or dismissal without cause, computing the entire month in which such removal or resignation occurred without cause; and c) In cases of resignation of the manager or employee or his or her retirement, the beneficiary shall be entitled to antecipate the options for the next plot of exercise in proportion to the number of months worked in the year of his or her registration without cause, computing the entire month in which there was such dismissal without cause. 13.5. Number of shares or shares held directly or indirectly, in Brazil or abroad, and other convertible securities into shares or quotas issued by the Company, its controlling direct or indirect subsidiaries or under 128 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações common control, by members of the board, statutory board or supervisory board, grouped by board, the 7 closing date of the last financial year Director Alessandro Monteiro Morgado Horta Cauê Castello Veiga Innocêncio Cardoso Frederico Marinho Carneiro da Cunha Gilberto Sayão da Silva João Miguel Mallet Racy Ferreira José Antonio T. Grabowsky Marcus Vinicius Medeiros Cardoso de Sá Roberto Carlos Madoglio Pedro Quintella Sergio Passos Ribeiro Vitor Hugo dos Santos Pinto Ricardo Kobayashi Bruno Zaremba Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes Alexandre Gonçalves Silva Michel Wurman Total held shares % Total Directly held shares Indireclty held shares % Total directlye % Total indirectly 1.081.325 0,20% 2 0,20% 0,01% 23.435 1.081.325 - - 23.435 0,01% - - - - - - - 7,582,436 1.37% 2 1.37% 0.01% 2,461 7,582,436 - - 2,461 0.01% - 1,250.002 0.23% - 0.23% - 44,720 - 0.01% 1,250,002 - - 0.01% - - 44,720 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - 942,810 0.17% 942,810 - 0.17% - Total 10,927,192 1.98% 2,218,715 8,708,477 0.40% 1.57% Total Board of Directors Total Board of Auditors Total Executive Board 10,856,576 1.96% 2,192,819 8,663,757 0.40% 1.57% - - - - - - 2,263,428 0.41% 2,218,708 44,720 0.40% 0.01% The information pertains to common stock issued by the Company. 13.6. The stock-based compensation recognized the income of the three fiscal years and planned for the current fiscal year, of the board of directors 8: Number of beneficiaries members of stock options Granting power to purchase shares Grant date (s) Number of options granted Deadline for the options to become exercisable Exective Board First Program Exective Board Second Program Executive Board Third Program 5 2 6 May 5, 2007 12.220.000 In four annual increments, the first being on February 01, 2008 April 4, 2008 530.000 January 01, 2010 14.500.000 In four annual increments, the first one on January,2011 In four annual increments, the first being on February 01, 2009 January 1, 2013, 2014,2015,2016 Maximum term the exercise of the options May 05,2012 & 2013 April 04, 2012, 2013 & 2014 7 To avoid duplication, if the person is a member of the board and board of directors, securities held by it shall be disclosed only in the amount of securities held by members of the board. 8 To avoid duplication, the computed values as compensation for members of the board shall be deducted from the remuneration of directors who also are part of that board. 129 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Exective Board Maximum period of restriction on tranfering shares Average price of each of the folowwing groups of options Outstanding at the beginnig of fiscal year Lost during the fiscal year Exercised during the fiscal year Expired dureing the fiscal year Fair value of options on the dates of the grants Potential dilution in the event of exercise of all options granted on the dates of grant Executive Board Exective Board January, 01 2012 May 5, 2009 April 4, 2010 R$7.22 R$11.58 R$7.24 R$11.61 R$7.07 - - - R$42,772,450.78 R$5,415,878.93 R$ 118,417,022.30 5.23% 0.18% 4.51% In the years 2007 and 2008 there was no stock-based compensation recognized in the results of the Company. The Third Program was granted on January 3, 2010 and will be recognized as income only in 2010. There were no options to purchase shares granted to members of the Board of Directors who are not executives simultaneously. 13.7 Regarding the options open to the board of director and the executive board at the end of last fiscalyear9: 2009 Number of members Option not yet exercisable Amount Executive Board First Program 6 Executive Board Second Program 2 6,110,000 in 2 equal increaments 397,500 in 3 equal increaments Date that they will become execisable Deadline for exercising options Period od restriction on transfer of shares Average exercise price Fair value of options on the last day of the fiscal year For exercisable options Date that they will become execisable Deadline for exercising options Period od restriction on transfer of shares Average exercise price Fair value of options on the last day of the fiscal year Date that they will become execisable February 1, 2010 and 2011 May 5, 2012 and 2013 May 5, 2009 R$7.02 R$22,749,877.77 February 1, 2010 and 2011and 2012 April 4, 2012, 2013 and 2014 April 4, 2009 R$11.33 R$1,984,322.98 0 Not Applicable May 5, 2009 R$7,02 R$R$22,479,877.77 123,319 February 01, 2011 April 4, 2009 R$11.33 R$501,182.71 R$2,485,505.69 On December 31, 2009 there were no options to purchase shares held by members of the Board of Directors who are not executives simultaneously. 13.8. For options exercised and shares delivered on stock-based compensation of the board of directors and the board office in the past 3 fiscalal years: 2009 Number of members Executive Board – First Program 5 9 To avoid duplication, the computed values as compensation for members of the board shall be deducted from the remuneration of directors who also are part of that board. 130 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 2009 Executive Board – First Program For exercised options Number of shares Average exercise price Total value of the difference between the exercise value and market value of shares related to options exercised, considering the market price of R$10.20 on the day Shares issued Number of shares Average exercise price Total value of the difference between purchase price and market value of shares acquired 5,290,732 R$7.07 R$16,559,991.16 - 2008 Number of members For exercised options Number of shares Average exercise price Total value of the difference between the exercise value and market value of shares related to options exercised, considering the market price of R$11.65 on the date of the exercise Shares issued Number of shares Average exercise price Total value of the difference between purchase price and market value of shares acquired Executive Board – First Program 3 489,338 R$7.22 R$2,239,943.97 - For the 2008 fiscal year were considered only stock options held by beneficiaries who were mebers of the Executive Board as well in such fiscal year. In the 2008 and 2009 fiscal years no stock options were exercised under the Second Program. There were no stock options exercised during the 2007 fiscal year. No stock options were granted to the members of the Board of Directors who are not members of the Executive Board simultaneously 13.9. Brief description of the necessary information to understand the disclosed data in items 13.6 to 13.8, as the explanation of the method of pricing the value of the shares and stock options, including: a. Pricing Model b. Data and assumptions used in the pricing model, including the average price of shares, price exercise, expected volatility, maturity, expected dividends and free risk interest rate c. Method used and assumptions taken to incorporate the effects of the expected early exercise The average fair value of stock options is updated when using the Black-Scholes model, assuming the dividend payment of 1.31%, expected volatility of approximately 36.73% per year for the First Program and 53.19% per year for the Second Program, with a risk-free rate average of 11.17% and a final maturity of 4.8 years. The dilution of the current shareholders in case of a full exercise of the stock options granted would be 1.83%, calculated as follows: Stock shares Company’s shares Total % de diluiton 12.31.2009 7,147,323 389,877,818 397,025,141 1.83% (a) (b) (c ) = (a)+(b) (c )/(b)-1 131 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações d. Form of determiningof the expected volatility Unable to determine the volatility, since it is historical. e. If some other features of the option was incorporated into the fair value measurement There is no other options characteristics incorporated in its value. 13.10. In relation to pension plans in force granted to the members of the board of directors and executive officers, provide the following information: There are no pension plans in force. 13.11. Indication of the items in the table below, for the three fiscal years related to the board of directors, the executive board and the board of auditors:l10: 2010 - PREVISION Number of members Value of the higher personal income (R$) Value of the lower personal income (R$) Average value of personal income (R$) Board of Directors (annual) 8 Executive Board (annual total) 6 132,000,00 132,000,00 132,000,00 360,000,00 140,000,00 240,000,00 Board of Auditors (annual total) 3 efetivos 3 suplentes 12,000,00 12,000,00 12,000,00 * The above amounts do not include the variable remuneration for the year 2010, considering that this is directly linked with the outcome of the fiscal year and there's no way it currently provides. Such remuneration is limited to the difference between the amount proposed for the shareholders’ meeting to the global remuneration of directors and the provision of other funds. The above amount does not include costs of stock options of the Third Program, which was granted on January 3, 2010 and will be recognized as income in 2010. 2009 Executive Board (annual total)(1) Número de membros Board of Directors (annual)(2) 6 6 Executive Board (annual total)(1)(3) 6 Value of higher personal income (R$) Value of the lower personal income (R$) Average value of personal income (R$) 132,000,00 131,633,00 131,938,00 7,163,514,14 960,073,30 5,115,297,67 12,578,604,78 1,312,982,75 8,098,379,46 2008 Board of Directors (annual)(2) 6 123,000,00 123,000,00 123,000,00 Executive Board (annual total) (1) Executive Board (annual total)(1)(3) 3 8,815,125,60 2,612,818,56 5,466,480,51 Número de membros Value of higher personal income (R$) Value of the lower personal income (R$) Average value of personal income (R$) 2007 Número de membros Value of higher personal income (R$) Value of the lower personal income (R$) Average value of personal income (R$) 3 3,259,620,80 1,253,546,64 2,243,530,25 Board of Directors (annual)(2) 6 72,000,00 72,000,00 72,000,00 Executive Board (annual total) (1) 3 4,844,143,09 1,719,527,97 3,270,799,84 Board of Auditors (annual total) 3 efetivos 1 suplente 12,000,00 12,000,00 12,000,00 Board of Auditors 0 - Board of Auditors 0 - (1) The amounts given do not include the remuneration of directors Michel Wurman and Jose Antonio T. Grabowsky as members of the board. (2) Directors Michel Wurman and Jose Antonio T. Grabowsky also receive compensation indicated in this column the for position of members of the Board of Directors that they hold. 10 To investigate the values to be inserted in this item, use the criteria described in item 13.2. 132 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (3) The amounts in this column include compensation based on the granting of stock options to executive directors recognized in earnings. To calculate the value of that expenditure per stock option granted was determined the total recognized in these exercises for each of the programs, divided by the number of options granted in each program. In this sense, is reached an expense for options to purchase shares worth R$0.81/option for First Program and R$1.06 option for the Second Program in 2009 and R$0.83/option for First Program in 2008. That remuneration does not reflect on cash expense to the Company. There was no remuneration paid in 2006. 13.12. Description of contractual arrangements, insurance policies or other instruments that structure mechanisms of remuneration or compensation for directors in case of removal from office or retirement, indicating the financial implications for the Company See items and 13.1.g and 13.4.m above. The financial consequences shall be the payment of the Deferred PR installment to the manager, as well as the net and certain right that the beneficiary has to exercise stock options of the Company under the Plan. 13.13. Regarding the last three fiscal years, indicate the percentage of total compensation for each agency recognized in the income of the Company relating to members of the board, the board office or the Supervisory Board who are related parties to the control, direct or indirect, as defined by accounting rules that deal with this issue. Board Board of Directors Statuary Boards Board of Auditors 2006 83.33% 66.66% - 2007 83.33% 66.66% - 2008 83.33% 66.66% - 2009 83.33% 33.33% 0% The percentages in the table above were obtained considering that only the independent counsel is not considered related party, since the remaining members of the Board of Directors are quotaholders of the FIP PDG I on those dates, and in turn, are considered related parties. Moreover, regarding the Executive Board, the rule is the same, i.e., the executives who are also quotaholders of the FIP PDG I are considered related parties on those dates. 13.14. Regarding the last three fiscal years, indicate the amounts recognized on the Company as remuneration for members of the board of directors, the executive board or the board of auditors, grouped by board, for any reason other than the function they occupy, such as , commissions and advisory services or assistance rendered. There was no payment of compensation for members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Board or the Board of Auditors for any reason other than the function that they perform. 13.15. Regarding the last three fiscal years, indicate the values recognized in the income of drivers, direct or indirect, of companies under common control of the Company's subsidiaries, as remuneration for members of the board of directors, the executive board or the board of auditors of the Company grouped by board, specifying in what respect such values were attributed to such individuals. There was no payment of compensation for members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Board or the Board of Auditors recognized in the income of drivers, direct or indirect, of companies under common control of the Company's subsidiaries. 13.16. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 13. 133 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 14. HUMAN RESOURCES 14.1. Description of the Company's human resources by providing the following information: a. number of employees (total, by groups based on activity performed and by geographical location) The evolution of our employees in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 is described below: December 31, 2007 647 108 2006 275 42 Sales and management Construction 2008 1,044 178 São Paulo – SP: 560 Locations Total São Paulo - SP 317 Rio de Janeiro – RJ: 195 755 2009 1,925 125 São Paulo – SP: São Paulo – SP: 634 1455 Rio de Janeiro – RJ: Rio de Janeiro – RJ: 588 595 1,222 2,050 b. number of outsourced employees (total, by groups based on the activity performed and by geographical location) The Company and its subsidiaries have outsourced employees allocated in 3,414 constructions. 2006 Outsourced Employees Location c. 0 São Paulo - SP 2007 2008 2009 341 1,613 3,414 São Paulo - SP: 200 São Paulo – SP: 2.900 Rio de Janeiro – São Paulo –SP: 854 Rio de Janeiro – RJ: RJ: 141 Rio de Janeiro – RJ: 759 514 turnover rate Turnover rate 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 3.34% 1.27% 4.19% d. Company's exposure to liabilities and contingent labor Company Amount of Contingency 2006 (R$ millions) 2007 (R$ million) 2008 (R$ million) 2009 (R$ million) 0 1.22 1.82 0.74 14.2. Comments on any relevant changes observated period occurred in relation to the figures released in item 14.1 above We believe that changes in numbers that were reported on item 14.1 due to our operational growth, relating to fiscal years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. 14.3. Description of the policy of remuneration of the Company’s employees: a. Policy of salaries and variable compensation Although there is no specific salary policy, employees who have worked more than 90 days are entitled to receive profit participation of the Company. The value of participation is determined by (i) scope of the overall goals of the company where the employee works; and (ii) individual assessment of each employee. 134 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Given the culture geared to maximize results, the Company maintains a policy of merit of individual employees through the adoption of a variable pay based on achievement of operating and financial goals and individual performance. The profit sharing plans and results are implemented as a motivational tool of good individual performance and commitment to business goals, since they aim to reward employees with different performance throughout the year. b. Benefits Policy The Company offers the following benefits to all employees, regardless of position, function and time of service: health insurance, dental insurance, food vouchers, meal vouchers, transportation tickets, parking. This way, the Company encourages the alignment of interests of employees with the Company's goals, to encourage the involvement of employees and also attract and retain highly qualified professionals. The Company has a profit sharing program, so that a portion of the Directors and employees remuneration is tied to compliance with operating and financial goals and individual performance of each one. Our remuneration policy also has a stock option program, as our variable compensation program, favors meritocracy and goals. CHL offers the following benefits to all employees, regardless of position, function and length of service with such control: health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, food vouchers, meal vouchers. c. Characteristics of the compensation plans based on actions of non-employee directors, identifying: The characteristics of compensation plans based on the employee’s action are identical to those of the directors, particularly those described in subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) of subclause 13.4 above. 14.4. Description of the relation between the company and unions Goldfarb's main activity is civil construction, and the Sao Paulo State Union of Workers of the Civil Construction Industry (Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Construção Civil do Estado de São Paulo), or the SINTRACON-SP, is the representative of the interests of Goldfarb's employees in the city of Sao Paulo. In general, the São Paulo State Union of Companies of the Civil Construction Industry SINDUSCON-SP (Sindicato da Indústria da Construção Civil do Estado de São Paulo) negotiates the collective bargaining agreements applicable to the employees of our São Paulo subsidiaries on an annual basis with the SINTRACON-SP. CHL's main activity is civil construction, and the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Union of Workers of the Civil Construction Industry, Hydraulic Floor Tiles and Cement, Marble and Granite Products, and Construction and Highway, Paving and Land Leveling in General and Maintenance and Industrial Assembling Industries (Sindicato dos Trabalhadores das Indústrias da Construção Civil, de Ladrilhos Hidráulicos e Produtos de Cimento e de Mármores e Granitos, e da Constrção e de Estradas, Pavimentação e Obras de Terraplanagem em Geral e Manutenção e Montagem Industrial do Município do Rio de Janeiro), or SINTRACONST-RIO is the representative of the interests of CHL's employees in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In general, the Rio de Janeiro State Union of Companies of the Industry of Civil Construction Industry (Sindicato da Indústria da Construção Civil do Rio de Janeiro), or the SINDESCON-RIO, negotiates the collective bargaining agreements applicable to the employees of our Rio de Janeiro subsidiaries on an annual basis with the SINTRACONST-RIO. 135 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 15. CONTROL 15.1. Shareholder’s identification or group of controlling shareholders: There is no group of controlling shareholders. 15.2. List with the information of the shareholders or of the group of shareholders that act together or that represent the same interest, with a participation equal or above 5% of a same class or type of shares that is not listed on item 15.1: BlackRock, Inc (“BlackRock”) BlackRock is an investment management with its headquarters on 40 East 52nd Street, New York. On February 8, 2010, Blackrock had 22,341,350 common shares trhough its generated funds. This represented 5.73% of its capital stock and of the Comany’s common shares issuance. Marsico Capital Management, LLC (“Marsico”) Marsico is an investment management with its headquarters on 1200 17th Street, Suite 1600, Denver, Colorado. On April 1, 2010, through a generated found, Marisco had 20,630,700 common shares, representing 5.28% of the total capital stock The table below describes the shareholders that have participation equal or superior than 5% in the Company: Name BlackRock Inc Marsico Capital Management, LLC Nationality northamerican northamerican CPF CNPJ Common Shares % in commmon shares and in the total capital stock Participat e on sharehold ers’ agreemen t N/A 22.341.350 5.73 No Ferbuary 8, 2010 N/A 20.630.700 5.28% No April 01, 2010 Last alteration Corporate organization chart as presented in item 8.2 above, does not present another shareholder that has a direct participation superior than 5% in the Company, considering that basically 100% of the Company's shares are in free float. The last change occurred in the percentage of participation in the Company was in April 1st, 2009. The Company does not have a shareholder’s agreement in force filed in its headquarters. 15.3. Descrption of the capital distribution as established in the last shareholder’s meeting: Capital Stock Distribution Physical person Shareholders Juridical person shareholders Institutional investidors Numer of shares in the markes, by class and type Compostion based on General shareholders’ meeting of June10, 2010 1,711 69 2,779 400,814,870 common shares 15.4. Corporate Organization, identifying all the direct and indirect controllers as well as the shareholders with an equal or superior than 5% participation of one class or type of shares, as long as compatible with the other information presented in the items 15.1 e 15.2. The shareholder’s corporate organization is present on item 8.2 above. 15.5. Any shareholder’s agreement in the Company or from the controller that is part, ruling the exercise of the right to vote and the transference of shares from the Company’s issuance 136 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações There is no shareholder’s agreement filed in the headquarters of the Company. 15.6. Indication of the relevant alterations on the participation of the controlling group members and management’s of the Company There has not been an alteration for the past three fiscal years. 15.7. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 15. 137 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 16. RELATED PARTIES TRANSACTIONS 16.1. Description of the rules, policies and practices of the Company in the operations with related parties as defined by the accounting rules. Business and transactions with related parties of the Company are always performed in observance of the price and market conditions and therefore do not generate any benefit or harm to the Company or to any other parties. Pursuant to article 13 of our Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall decide about: the conclusion, changes and termination of contracts and the conduct of operations of any kind between the Company and its shareholders and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates or controlling shareholders of the Company. The meetings of the Board of Directors are held to consider these and other investment decisions and they are installed with the presence of most members of the Board of Directors. The resolutions are valid if approved by the majority of members present, being the president's vote the tiebreaker. 16.2. Information related to transactions with related parties that, according to accounting standards, should be disclosed in financial statements or consolidated by the Company. That have been concluded over the past three fiscal years or are in force in the current fiscal year: The Company's operations with related parties are carried out in terms proven to be equivalent to those contracted in transactions with independent parties. Loan operations and advances for future capital increase Amounts classified in current and non-current assets, as advance for future capital increase (AFAC), refer to contributions to make the initial phase of the projects feasible. These contributions are not subject to any index or interest rate, and, the shareholders will decide on the capitalization or refund of these balances to shareholders. The balance of loans between the related parties, recorded under non-current assets, refer to a loan to subsidiary CHL Desenvolvimento Imobilidrio S.A., which is restated at the rate of the IGPM + 12.68% p.y. Operations with debentures The balances of debentures, recorded in the Controlling Company's non-current assets, are remunerated at rates varying from IGPM + interest 12% p.y. to IGPM + interest 14% p.y. and from CDI + interest 2% to CDI + interest p.y., as set forth in the chart of Note 7 of the Company’s financial statements. Endorsements and guarantees As of June 30, 2010, the Company provided endorsements and guarantees to its subsidiaries in the approximate amount of R$2,139,100 (R$1,299,774 as of March 31, 2010) in order to guarantee real estate loan operations with top financial institutions. The subsidiaries have so far complied with each and every contractual condition of the loan operations mentioned above. Credit assignment operations sold with guarantee on 2009, the Company carried out operations to purchase real estate credits of consolidated companies through its investee CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. The total amount of these operations was R$99,618 at a discount rate of 12.68% p.y. in the acquisition of these receivables. Subsequently, the Company carried out the real estate 138 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações credit assignment operations mentioned above with its subsidiary PDG Companhia Securitizadora S.A. at the discount rate of 12.68% p.y. The unpaid amount regarding related parties in relation to this operation was R$5,947 (R$6,547 on March 31, 2010). On May, 2010, the Company carried out operations to purchase real estate credits of consolidated companies through its investee CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. The total amount of these operations was R$168,157 at a discount rate of 12.68% p.y. in the acquisition of these receivables. As of June 30, 2010, the unpaid amount regarding related parties in relation to this operation was R$38,000. There is no unpaid amount regarding the credit transfer between the Company and PDG Companhia Securitizadora. These operations were executed with guarantee by the parties assigning the credits. For this reason, real estate credits were not written off from the balances of the companies controlled by CHL Desenvolvimento S.A. and the amounts received by these companies were recorded as liabilities stating the corresponding financial guarantee. Revenues and expenses from the operation are apportioned pro rata tempore in item “Financial expenses”, as the customers pay the installments of assigned credits, consequently ending the guarantee of these installments. It was retained, in the six month period ended on June 30, 2010, R$1,250 (R$606 on the quarter ended on March 31, 2010) as “Financial Revenues” of the Controlling Company due to the operation of receivables with its controlled company CHL and R$283 (R$192 on the quarter ended on March 31, 2010) as “Financial Revenues” in the securitization transaction with its controlled company PDG Securitizadora. In the consolidated financial statements, the effects of the operations of financial revenues and expenses are eliminated. It was retained, in the six month period ended on June 30, 2010, R$1,250 (R$606 on the quarter ended on March 31, 2010) as “Financial Revenues” of the Controlling Company due to the operation of receivables with its controlled company CHL and R$283 (R$192 on the quarter ended on March 31, 2010) as “Financial Revenues” in the securitization transaction with its controlled company PDG Securitizadora. In the consolidated financial statements, the effects of the operations of financial revenues and expenses are eliminated. The Company did not carry out credit assignment of receivables in the six-month period ended June 30, 2009. The balances and operations with related parties are shown below : CONSOLIDATED 2010 (R$ TH) 06.30.2010 Post Non current debentures Mutual people linked active current and non current Agre - 1,168 102 - - - 1,168 Alves Pedroso Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. 2,913 - - - - 2,913 - Amazon Empreend. Imob. Ltda. IGPM + 14% a.a 4 - 973 582 - - América Piqueri Incorporadora S.A. N/A - - 346 - - - AFAC Related Related parties with parties with currents current and currents and and non non current non current currents liabilities assets assets AFAC non currents liabilities 139 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2010 (R$ TH) 06.30.2010 Post Non current debentures Mutual people linked active current and non current Austria Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 21 - - - Av. Chile 230 Investimentos Imob. S.A. N/A - - 32 - - - Badeirantes Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - 61 - - Baguary Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - 140 492 29 - Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. N/A - - 5,526 - - - Big Field Empreend. Imob. S.A. N/A - - - 3,263 82 - CHL Desenvolvimento Imob. Ltda. N/A - 17,594 17,301 22,583 - - Cipasa Desenvolvimento Urbano S.A. N/A - - 9,763 - - - Cyrela Tennessee Empreend. Imob. S.A. N/A - - 166 - - - Dominus Engenharia Ltda. N/A - 7,607 - - - - SKY Empreend. Imob. S.A. N/A - - 1,168 102 - - FatorRealtyParticipaçõesS.A N/A - 2,913 - - - - FatordaVinci Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - 2,116 - - - Fator da Aquarius Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - 1,280 - - Gardênia Participações S.A. N/A - - 200 - - - Girassol - Vila Madalena Empreend. Imob. S.A. N/A - - 1,077 348 - - Gold Acre Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 3 - - - Gold Bahamas Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 20 - 1,205 - N/A - - 2 - - - Gold Black Empreend. Imob. AFAC Related Related parties with parties with currents current and currents and and non non current non current currents assets liabilities assets AFAC non currents liabilities 140 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2010 (R$ TH) Post Non current debentures Mutual people linked active current and non current Gold Califórnia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 18 - - - Gold Canadá Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 12 - - - Gold Escócia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 1 - - - Gold Flórida Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 297 - - - Gold Gana Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 54 - - - Gold Havana Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - 75 - - Gold Írlanda Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 29 - - - Gold Lisboa Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 155 - - - Gold Lyon Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - 16 - - Gold Madri Empreend. Imob.PE Ltda. N/A - - 115 - 1,113 - Gold Marília Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 2,663 - - - Gold Marrocos Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 2 2,100 - - Gold Monaco Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 48 - - - Gold New York Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 9 - - - Gold Noruega Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 10,374 - 06.30.2010 AFAC Related Related parties with parties with currents current and currents and and non non current non current currents assets liabilities assets AFAC non currents liabilities SPE Ltda. 141 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2010 (R$ TH) 06.30.2010 Post Non current debentures Mutual people linked active current and non current Gold Oceania Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 26 - - - Gold Oregon Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - 13 - - Gold Palmares Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 88 - - - Gold Piauí Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - 1,111 - - Gold Porto Alegre Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 58 6 - - Gold Roraima Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 2 - - - Gold Salvador Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 1,185 - - - Gold Santiago Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 48 - - - Gold São Paulo Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 146 - - - Gold Suiça Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 50 - Gold Uberaba Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 4,464 - Goldfarb 5 Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - 46 8 46 - Goldfarb 7 Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - - 103 - Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. N/A - 300 41,860 94,395 62,467 9,527 Goldfarb PDG 3 Inc Construções S.A N/A - - - 1 - - HL Empreend. S.A. N/A - - 64 - - - AFAC Related Related parties with parties with currents current and currents and and non non current non current currents assets liabilities assets AFAC non currents liabilities 142 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2010 (R$ TH) 06.30.2010 Post Non current debentures Mutual people linked active current and non current Jazz 2006 Participações S.A. N/A - - 2,028 - - - Kirmayr Negócios Imob. SPE Ltda. N/A - - 77 - - - Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imob. S.A. IGPM + 12% a.a 24,250 - - - - - LN Empreendimentos Imobiliários N/A - 6,346 570 - - - LN 29 Empreendimentos Imobiliários N/A - - - 239 - - LN 28 Empreendimentos Imobiliários N/A - - - 331 - - Marpal Empreend. e Participações Ltda. N/A - - 39 - - - Moinho N/A - 464 - - - - MZT Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - 44 498 - - Nova Água Rasa Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - - 3 - Nova Tatuapé Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - 215 - - - PDGSãoPauloS.A. N/A - - - - 114 - PDG Desenvolvimento Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - 1 - - PDG LN 9 Incorporações e Empreend. S.A. N/A - - - - 211 - PDG Loteadora S.A. N/A - - - 4 - - PDGAraxá N/A - - 7,146 - - - 8,419 - 3,722 6,101 - - - - 775 - - - REP DI Desenvolvimento Imob. IGPM + S.A. 12% a.a Saint Hilaire Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A AFAC Related Related parties with parties with currents current and currents and and non non current non current currents assets liabilities assets AFAC non currents liabilities 143 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2010 (R$ TH) 06.30.2010 Post Non current debentures Mutual people linked active current and non current Sardenha Empreend. Imob. S.A. N/A - - 8,929 7,016 - - SCP Green Village N/A - - 45 - 462 - Serra Bella Empreend. Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - - 195 - ZMF22 Incorporações S.A. N/A - - 1,777 5,054 203 19,577 Outros N/A - - - 309 18 - 32,673 37,992 111,151 185,253 82,693 29,104 Total on June 30, 2010 AFAC Related Related parties with parties with currents current and currents and and non non current non current currents assets liabilities assets AFAC non currents liabilities CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities 06.30.2009 Post Non current debentures (Note 7) Administradora de Bens Avante S.A. N/A - - 24 - - Alves Pedroso Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltd N/A - (277) 268 - - América Piqueri Incorporadora S.A. N/A - 28 - - - Amsterdan Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. N/A - - - - 866 API SPE 39 - Planejamento e Des. Empreend. Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 6 1,196 - - ATP Adelaide Participações S.A. N/A - - - - - Austria Empreendimentos Imob.SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 1,498 Av. Chile 230 Investimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A - - - - 2,477 Badeirantes Empreendimento Imobiliário Ltda. N/A - - 815 - - 144 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities 06.30.2009 Post Non current debentures (Note 7) Baguary Empreendeendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 166 474 - - Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. N/A - 5,060 - 1,901 - Big Field Empreend. Imobiliários S/A N/A - - - - - Boa Viagem Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - - 1 - - Bruxelas Empreend. Imob. Ltda N/A - - - - 5,421 CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. N/A - 5,041 - - - Cipasa Desenvolvimento Urbano S.A. N/A - 7,418 - - - Cyrela Tennessee Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A - 233 431 - - Dominus Empreendimentos Imobiliários N/A - - - - - Eco Life Campestre Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A - - 309 393 - Eco Life Independência Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - 13 311 395 - Eco Life Jaguaré Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - 1 - 69 390 Eco Life Parque Prado Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - (74) 379 207 - Eco Life Vila Leopoldina Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - 30 61 - - Eco Três Rios Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - 134 - 822 4,200 Ecolife Santana Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - 36 673 871 - 145 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Non current debentures (Note 7) Related parties with current and non current assets Fator Amazon Empreendimentos IGPM Imobiliários Ltda. +14%a.a 37 900 553 - - Fator Aquarius Empreendimentos IGPM Imobiliários Ltda. +14%a.a 29 1,483 920 80 - - 8 - - - 1,090 4 - - 06.30.2009 Post Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities Fator da Vinci Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. N/A Fator SKY Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. N/A Finlândia Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. N/A - (254) - - - FL 17 Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - - - (280) 121 Gardênia Participações S.A. N/A - 200 - - - GC Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - - 89 - - Giardino Desenvolvimento mobiliários S.A. N/A - - 493 - - Giardino Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A - - 1,246 - - Girassol - Vila Madalena Empreend. Imobiliários S.A. N/A - 24 33 - - Gold Acapulco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 5,289 GoldAlaska Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 198 - - - Gold Anafi Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - (1) - - - Gold Black Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 1 1,123 - - Gold Canadá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 11 - - - Gold Donoussa Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPELtda. N/A - - - - - 146 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities 06.30.2009 Post Non current debentures (Note 7) Gold Escócia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 360 - - - Gold Geneva Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 210 - - Gold Havana Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 12 - - Gold Holanda Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 76 149 - - Gold Japão Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 20 - - Gold Linhares Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 94 - - Gold Lisboa Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 444 - - - Gold Luxemburgo Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 3,027 Gold Madri Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - (324) 99 422 - Gold Marília Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 79 - - - Gold Marrocos Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPELtda. N/A - - 806 - - Gold Minas Gerais Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 2,049 - - Gold Monaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 299 - - Gold Monaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 100 - - - Gold New York Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPELtda. N/A - - - 1 - Gold Noruega Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 617 - - - 147 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities 06.30.2009 Post Non current debentures (Note 7) Gold Oceania Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 39 Gold Palmares Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPELtda. N/A - 88 - 37 - Gold Panamá Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 1 - - - Gold Paraíba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 95 - - - Gold Piaui Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 1,111 - - Gold Porto Alegre Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 82 201 - - Gold Salvador Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 253 - - - Gold Santiago Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 99 - - Gold Santiago Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 26 - - - Gold São Paulo Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPELtda. N/A - (130) - - 66 Gold Sidney Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 83 - - 10,015 Gold Sikinos Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - - Gold Singapura Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 99 - - 650 Gold Suécia Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 915 - - Gold Suiça Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - 33 - - Gold Suiça Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 50 - - - 148 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities 06.30.2009 Post Non current debentures (Note 7) Gold Uberaba Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 281 - - - Gold Yellow Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 338 Goldfarb 1 Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. N/A - 82 69 - 2,862 Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. N/A - 22,805 3,997 - - Goldfarb PDG 3 Incorporações e Construções S.A. N/A - - 1,405 - - Habiarte Barc PDG Porto Búzios Incorporação S.A. N/A - - 689 - - HL Empreendimentos S.A. N/A - 82 82 - - Jardins Incorporação SPE Ltda. N/A - - - - 76 Jazz 2006 Participações S.A. N/A - 2,000 - - - Lindencorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. IGPM + 12% a.a 44,856 - 485 - - Marpal Empreendimentos e participações Ltda. N/A - (3) 158 - - MZT Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - - 386 - 272 Nova Água Rasa Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 246 242 - - Nova Mooca Empreendimentos Imobiliária Ltda N/A - - - - 686 Novo Tatuapé Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 315 424 - - Oswaldo Lussac Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A - - 57 - - PDG Araxá Income S.A. N/A - 5,377 - - - PDG Co-Incorporação S.A. N/A - - 1 - - 149 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities 06.30.2009 Post Non current debentures (Note 7) PDG Companhia Securitizadora S.A. N/A - 1 - - - PDG Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. N/A - - - - 140 PDG Loteadora S.A. N/A - - 1 - PDG-LN 5 Incorporações e Empreendimentos Ltda. N/A - - - - 110 Performance BR Empreendimentos Imob S.A. N/A - - - - 1,072 Prunus Empreendimentos S.A. N/A - - - - - REP DI Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. IGPM +12%a.a 7,577 16,725 221 - - Saint Hilaire Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 525 484 - - São João Clímaco Empreendimentos Imob. Ltda. N/A - - - - 288 São João Clímaco Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 263 - - - Sardenha Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - 37 - - 1,022 Serra Bella Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - 369 - - - Splendore Empreendimento Imob. S/A N/A - 431 68 - - Tibouchina Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda N/A - - - 255 - Vassoural Empreendimento Imobiliário Ltda. N/A - - 68 - - ZMF5 Incorporações S.A. N/A - - - - 661 Outros N/A - 3,112 1.980 18 352 52,499 78,171 24,268 5,191 41,938 Total on December 31, 2009 150 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2009 (R$ TH) 06.30.2009 Non current debentures (Note 7) Post Related parties with current and non current assets Related AFAC parties with AFAC currents and non currents non current currents assests assests liabilities CONSOLIDATED 2008 (R$ TH) 106.30.2008 Fator Amazon Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Post Non current debentu res Related Related parties AFAC AFAC AFAC parties with with currents non currents non current and and non currents assests assests current non current current liabilities assets liabilities IGPM + 14% a.a 2,426 - - - - - América Piqueri Incorporadora S.A. N/A - 346 - - - - Boa Viagem Empreendimento N/A - (277) (499) - - 111 ATP Adelaide Participações S.A. N/A - - - - 1,149 - Administradora de Bens Avante S.A. N/A - - - - 551 1,047 Bento Lisboa Participações S.A. N/A - 830 - - - - CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário N/A - - 36,643 - - (21,230 CHL XXXI Incorporações Ltda. N/A - - - - 223 - Companhia de Serviços N/A - - - - 120 240 Club Felicitá Empreendimento Clube Florença Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Clube Tuiuti Empreendimento S.A. N/A - - - - 2,239 - N/A - - - - 192 - N/A - - - - - - Companhia Repac de Participações N/A - 11 - - - - Construtora Adolpho Lindenberg S.A. Cyrela Tennessee Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A 10,985 - 275 - - - N/A - 30 (245) - 250 245 N/A - - - - - 1,517 N/A - - - - (339) 1,062 N/A - - - - 996 2,125 N/A - 74 - - 16 1,108 N/A - - - - - 1,118 N/A - 36 - - 118 1,417 N/A - - - - - 1,042 N/A - 30 - - (40) 40 Dom Pedro Empreendimento Eco Liffe Campestre Empreendimentos Imobiliários Eco Life Independência Empreendimento Imobiliário Ecolife S.A. Parque Prado Empreendendimento Imobiliário Eco Life Recreio Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Ecolife Santana Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. Três Rios Empreendimentos Eco Life Vila Leopoldina Empreend. Imobiliários S.A. 151 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2008 (R$ TH) 106.30.2008 Fator Aquarius Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Fator da Vinci Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Post Non current debentu res Related Related parties AFAC AFAC AFAC parties with with currents non currents non current and and non currents assests assests current non current current liabilities assets liabilities 453 758 315 75 IGPM 1,273 N/A - 8 - - - - Fator Sky Empreendimentos N/A 777 - - - - - FL 17 Empreendimento Imobiliário N/A - - - - 550 1,220 Gardênia Participações S.A. N/A - 200 121 - - - GC Desenvolvimento Imobiliário N/A - - 493 - - - Giardino Desenvolvimento N/A - (123) 4 301 - - N/A - (121) (121) 418 - - N/A - - - (1) - - N/A - 7 - - - - N/A - 82 - - - - N/A - - - 1 - - N/A - - 391 - - - N/A - 15,902 (1,267) - - - N/A - - - - 2,816 - N/A - - - - 1,060 - N/A - - - - 212 - N/A - - - - 1,237 1,328 N/A - - - - 363 648 N/A - - - - 480 589 Jardim Morumbi Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - - - - 605 871 Jardins Incorporações SPE Ltda N/A - - 124 - (127) 127 Jazz 2006 Participações S.A. N/A - 1,519 (476) - 539 329 JK1 6 Empreendimento Imobiliário N/A - - - - 102 1,160 Lindencorp Desenvolvimento IGPM 38,449 - - - - - Marpal Empreendimentos e N/A - (124) (124) - - - MTZ Empreendimentos Imobiliários N/A - 44 - - - - PDG Nova Lima Incorporações S.A. N/A - - 1,030 - - - Giardino Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. Gold Argentina Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Linhares Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Palmares Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Gold Santa Catarina Empreendimentos Gold Tuquoise Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE Ltda. Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb PDG 5 Incorporações e Construções S.A. Goldfarb PDG 2 Incorporações e Construções S.A. SCP Green Village Habiarte Barc PDG Cidade Madri Incorporação S.A. Habiarte Barc Olhos Dágua Habiarte Barc PDG Porto Búzios Incorporação S.A. 152 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações CONSOLIDATED 2008 (R$ TH) Non current debentu res Related Related parties AFAC AFAC AFAC parties with with currents non currents non current and and non currents assests assests current non current current liabilities assets liabilities 268 - 106.30.2008 Post Oswaldo Lussac Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. N/A - PDG Araxá Income S.A. N/A - - 3 - - - PDG Co-Incorporação S.A. N/A - 591 9,738 - 20,280 - PDG Desenvolvimento Imobiliário N/A - - 7,866 - - 8,000 N/A - (1) (3) - - 1,034 N/A - 569 135 - - - N/A - 2 6 - (2) - N/A - - - - 8 - N/A - - - - 10 - Premier da Serra Incorporações S.A. N/A - - 191 - - - Prunus Empreendimentos S.A. N/A - - 147 - 407 - 9,178 8,053 - - 2,806 1,176 - (96) (96) - - - PDGLoteadoraS.A. PDG-LN2 Incorporação e Empreendimentos S.A. PDG-LN4 Incorporação e Empreendimentos S.A. PDG-LN6 Incorporação e Empreendimentos S.A. PDG-LN7 Incorporação e Empreendimentos S.A. Saint Hilaire Incorporação SPE S.A. IGPM +12% N/A Sardenha Empreendimento Imobiliário N/A - 37 (5,728) - - 2,728 Tibouchina Empreendimento S.A. N/A - - - - 716 - Três Rios Empreendimento N/A - - - - 120 - Tresefe Participações S.A. N/A - - - - 4,538 - Vista do Sol Empreendimentos N/A - - - - 13 - ZMF5 Incorporações S.A. N/A - 1 - - 214 424 Aportes de Capital - Efeitos a Total on December 31, 2008 N/A - - 405 - (209) - 28,083 49,771 42,796 9,551 REP DI Desenvolvimento Imobiliário 12.31.2007 63,088 Post Alves Pedroso Empreendimentos Imob. LTD Fator Amazon Empreend. Imob. Ltda AméricaPiqueriIncorporadora S.A. 719 CONSOLIDATED 2007 (R$ TH) Non Related Related Related AFAC current parties with parties with parties curr debenture current and currents with non ents s (Note 7) non current liabilities current assets liabilities assest - AFAC AFAC non non curre current nt sasses liabilities 12 IGPM +14% a.a 933 - - - - - - N/A - 3,143 - - - - - 153 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 12.31.2007 Austria CHL Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Post N/A CONSOLIDATED 2007 (R$ TH) Non Related Related Related AFAC current parties with parties with parties curr debenture current and currents with non ents s (Note 7) non current liabilities current assets liabilities assest - AFAC AFAC non non curre current nt sasses liabilities 14 646 N/A - 1,497 - - - 16 - Clube Tuiuti Empreendimento S.A. N/A - - 2,825 3,143 - - - Construtora Adolpho Lindemberg N/A 8,861 - - - - - - Cyrela Milão Empreend. Imob. S.A. N/A - - 107 - - - - Dom Pedro Empreend. Imob. Ltda N/A - - - - - - 793 IGPM +14% a.a. 763 - - - - - - Fator Sky Empreend. Imob. Ltda N/A 547 - - - - - - Giardino Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A - - 996 9 - - - Gold Acre Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Amapá Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 17,033 - - N/A - - - - 461 - - Gold Argentina Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 462 - - Gold Canadá Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Cancun Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 290 - - N/A - - - - 1,515 - - Gold Chile Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 2,008 - - Gold Escócia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 2,590 - - Gold Espírito Santo Emp. Imob SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 849 - - Gold França Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - - - 1 Gold Geneva Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - 285 - - - - Gold Groelândia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 650 - - Gold Ilhéus Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 170 - - N/A - - - - 1,402 - - Fator Aquarius Empreend. Imob. Ltda Gold Índia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda 154 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 12.31.2007 Post CONSOLIDATED 2007 (R$ TH) Non Related Related Related AFAC current parties with parties with parties curr debenture current and currents with non ents s (Note 7) non current liabilities current assets liabilities assest 9,2 19 AFAC AFAC non non curre current nt sasses liabilities - Gold Marília Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Marrocos Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A N/A - - - - - 22 - Gold Minas Gerais Emp. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 1,925 - - Gold Panamá Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 2,504 - - Gold Piauí Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 1,157 - - Gold Porto Velho Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Roraima Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 318 - - - - - - 830 - - Gold Santa Catarina Emp. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold São Paulo Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 1,036 - - - - - - 3,65 1 - - Gold Texas Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Tunísia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Turquia Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda Gold Uberaba Empreend. Imob. SPE Ltda N/A - - - - 2,628 - - - - - - 680 - - - - - - 520 - - - - - - 2,298 - - Goldfarb Incorporações e Construções S.A. N/A - 20,186 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 - - 1,444 - - - - 27.607 2,147 - 3,041 - - - - - - - - - 139 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 174 - - - - - - 90 - - - - - 237 - - - 320 - - - - - 5,260 - 1,033 - - - SCP Green Village Jardins Incorporações SPE Ltda. Jazz2006 Participações S.A. Lindecorp Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. Luxemburgo Empreend. Imobiliário Ltda Mônaco Incorporações SPE Ltda Nova Água Rasa Empreend. Imobiliário Ltda Nova Tatuapé Negçócios Imobiliários Ltda Oswaldo Lussac Empreend. Imobiliário Prunus Empreendimentos S.A. PDG Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A IGPM +12% a.a N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 461 155 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 12.31.2007 Post Queiroz Galvão Mac Cyrela Veneza Vale Nevado Emp e Participações Ltda. N/A CONSOLIDATED 2007 (R$ TH) Non Related Related Related AFAC current parties with parties with parties curr debenture current and currents with non ents s (Note 7) non current liabilities current assets liabilities assest 296 - N/A Total on December 31, 2007 AFAC non non curre current nt sasses liabilities - - 12,168 - - - - 138 - 696 463 52 - - - 38,711 45,097 6,736 7,278 54,196 762 2,048 N/A Outros AFAC 16.3. For each transaction or series of transactions referred to in item 16, during the past fiscal year: (a) identify the measures taken to address conflicts of interest; and (b) show the strictly commutative character of the conditions agreed upon or a compensation of adequated payment. (a) The Company has adopted corporate governance practices and those recommended and/or required by law, including those specified in the rules of the Novo Mercado. To the Board of Directors, Executive Board and the Board of Auditors are submitted the decisions about all the Company's operations, as described in the Bylaws of the Company in force. Thus, all of our operations, especially those occurring with related parties, were properly submitted to the company's decision-making bodies, as existing rules. Furthermore, in accordance with Law 6404/76, any member of the Board of Directors of the Company is prohibited from voting in any shareholders’ meeting or board meeting or acting in any business or transaction in which they have conflicting interests with the Company. (b) Our related parties transactions of current assets and noncurrent assets,currents liabilities and noncurrent and Advances for Future Capital Increase - AFACs have no rate of return since they are seeking to carry out a capital increase in SPEs controlled by the Company as soon as possible. Additionally, with respect to the debentures and loass operations with related parties, there are remuneration rates only as described in the table below. However, we emphasize that not all of the transactions highlighted in the table below reflect in the opening set described in item 16.2, because these are non-consolidated operations in the period ended on June 30,2010. Entity Lindencorp REP DI Fator Amazon Caesar Business (Fator Aquarius) LN Dominus REP DI CHL DI 1a Emissão CHL DI 2a Emissão CHL DI 3a Emissão CHL DI 4a Emissão Goldfarb 1a Deb Goldfarb 2a Deb Fator Realty Description Debeentures - IGPM + 12% a.a. Debentures - IGPM + 12% a.a. Debentures - IGPM + 14% a.a. Debentures - IGPM + 14% a.a. Loan - IGPM + 18% a.a. Loan - CDI + 2% a.a. IGPM + 12% a.a. Debêntures - IGPM + 12,68% a.a. Debêntures - CDI + 2% a.a. Debêntures - CDI + 3% a.a. Debêntures - CDI + 3% a.a. Debêntures - CDI + 3% a.a. Debêntures - TR + 8,75% a.a. Loan - CDI + 3% a.a. 156 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 17. 17.1. CAPITAL STOCK Information about the capital stock The Company has only common shares. Issued Capital Subscibed Capital 556.729.670 R$4.826.443.729,47 Paid-in Capital R$4.826.443.729,47 Authorized Capital* 340.000.000 Securities convertible into shares Subscription Bonus Conversion conditions See item 18.5 below (*)The authorized capital is represented by shares and was authorized as a result of Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on September 9, 2009. Except for the subscription bonus, there is no securities convertible in outstanding shares, and there is no capital stock to be paid-in. 17.2. Regarding the increases of the capital stock of the Company: We were incorporated on November 17, 1998 in the city of Sao Paulo, state of Sao Paulo, with a capital stock amounting to R$100.00 under the corporate name of Varsóvia Participações S.A. In a shareholders' meeting held on December 8, 2003, our capital stock was increased to R$50,001.00, through an issuance of 50,001 common shares at the price of R$1.00 per share. This capital increase was immediately fully subscribed and paid-in in cash by ABF Participacifies Ltda., whose ownership interest was fully sold to FIP PDG I. Through this issuance, our capital stock increased by 50.001%. In a shareholders' meeting held on December 6, 2004, our capital stock was increased from R$50,101.00 to R$8,600,101.00, through an issuance of 8,500,000 common shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share. This increase was fully subscribed and paid in cash by FIP PDG I, resulting in an increase of 17.065% over the previous capital stock. In 2005, our capital stock undertook five changes: (i) in a shareholders’ meeting held on April 26, an increase of R$586,380.00, resulting on a capital stock of R$9,359,481.00, an increase of 6.82% fully subscribed and paid-in in cash, through the issuance of 568.3800,00 shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share; (ii) in a shareholder’s meeting held on June 1st, a reduction of R$8,424,601.00 million, resulting on a capital stock of R$934,880.00, a decrease of 90% through the cancellation of 8,424,601 shares, which amount was fully transferred to FIP PDG I in shares held by the Company in Giardino Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A.; (iii) in a shareholder’s meeting held on June 25, an increase of R$3,360,000.00, resulting in capital stock of R$4.294.880,00, an increase of 359.00% through the issuance of R$3,360,000.00 at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share, fully paid-in in cash; (iv) in a shareholder’s meeting held on December 1st, a reduction of R$3,091,463.00 through the cancellation of 3.091.463,00 common shares, resulting in capital stock of R$1,203,417.00, a decrease of 72.00% , which amount was transferred to FIP PDG I trhough a transfer of shares in the company Queiroz Galvão Cyrela Veneza Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A.; and (v) in a shareholder’s meeting held on December 21, an increase of R$11.0 million resulting in a capital stock of R$12,203,417.00, an increase of 914.00% resulting in a issuance of 11,000,000 shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share, paid-in in cash. All capital increases during this year were fully subscribed by FIP PDG I. In 2006, our capital stock changed as follows: (i) in a shareholders' meeting held on March 20, an increase of R$6.0 million was approved through the issuance of 6,000,000 common shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share, fully paid-in in cash, resulting in capital stock of R$18.2 million, a 49.00% increase over the previous capital stock; (ii) in a shareholders' meeting held on June 29, an increase of R$15,796,583 was approved through the issuance of 15.796,583 common shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share, fully paid-in in cash, resulting in capital stock of R$34.0 million, an 87.00% increase over the previous capital stock; 157 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (iii) in a shareholders' meeting held on August 30, an increase of R$177,3 million was approved through the issuance of 177,372,535 common shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share, fully paid-in in cash, resulting in capital stock of R$213.2 million, a 527.00% increase over the previous capital stock; (iv) in a shareholders' meeting held on September 30, an increase of R$8,455,909 was approved through the issuance of 8,455,909 common shares at the issuance price of R$1.00 per share, fully paid-in through the capitalization of goodwill reserves, resulting in a capital stock of 219.828.444,00 million, a 4.00% increase; (v) in a shareholders' meeting held on October 20, through reverse stock split (as described in the table below); and (vi) in a shareholders' meeting held on December 14, an increase of R$19.5 million was approved through the issuance of 9,750,000 common shares at the issuance price of R$2.00 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the shareholders' equity of the Company, fully paid-in in cash, for a 9.00% increase over the previous capital stock. All capital increases were fully subscribed by FIP PDG I. Date of deliberation 10/20/2006 Amount of Shares before approval 219.828.444 Amount of Shares after approval 109.914.222 On January 24, 2007, based on the authorized capital and as a result of our initial public offering, our board of directors increased our capital stock by 30,000,000 of shares, for public subscription to be paid in cash, at the issuance price of R$14.00 per share, representing an increase of R$420.0 million, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares. This resulted in an increase of 175.00% over the previous capital stock, resulting in a capital stock of R$659.3 million, representing 109,776,148 common shares. On February 23, 2007, also based on the authorized capital, our capital stock was subject to a new increase of 875,933 shares at the issuance price of R$14.00 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares of the Company, representing an increase of R$12.3 million due to the exercise the of the over-allotment option in connection with our initial and second public offering to meet excess demand during the offering. This represented a 1.8% increase over the previous capital stock. In the extraordinary shareholders' meeting held on June 29, 2007, our shareholders increased our capital stock of R$4,6 million as a result of the acquisition of CHL XV Incorporações Ltda. and of R$12,3 million as a result of the acquisition of Key West Participações S.A., with the issuance of 2,022,272 common shares at the issuance price of R$2.25 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares, and 5,040,000 common shares at the issuance price of R$2.43, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares. This represented a 2.5% increase over the previous capital stock. Distribution of our capital stock before the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held in June 2007 - 70% Goldfarb e 50% CHL Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I 58.10% 12.32% 13.36% 41.90% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 31,577,626 110,652,081 Distribution of our capital stock after the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held in June 2007 - 70% Goldfarb e 50%CHL Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I 54.61% 11.58% 12.56% 45.39% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 38,639,898 117,714,353 158 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações On September 28, 2007, our shareholders approved in the extraordinary shareholders' meeting, the acquisition of MP Holding Ltda., holder of an interest of 1.67% in the capital stock of Goldfarb, at the issuance price of R$4,89 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares, resulting in an increase in our capital of R$3,3 million through the issuance of 681,818 new common shares, a 0.4% increase over the previous capital stock. Distribution of our capital stock before the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held in September 28, 2007 - 75% Shareholder a FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares 54.61% 11.58% 12.56% 45.39% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 38,639,898 117,714,353 * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I Distribution of our capital stock after the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held in September 2007 - 75% Shareholder a FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I 54.30% 11.51% 12.49% 45.70% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 39,321,716 118,396,171 On October 23, 2007, based on authorized share capital, the board of directors increased the capital stock by 20,000,000 shares, for public subscription in cash, at the issuance price of R$25,00, with the value of the issuance determined by the bookbuilding procedure. This increase of R$500.0 million represented a 72.00% increase over the previous capital stock, resulting in a total capital stock of R$1,191,764,896.12, comprised of 138,396,171 common shares. On November 7, 2007, again based on authorized capital, the board of directors increased the capital stock by 3,000,000 shares at the issuance price of R$25,00, with the value of the issuance determined by the bookbuilding procedure. This increase of R$75 million resulted from the exercise the of the over-allotment option in connection with our initial and second public offering to meet excess demand during these offerings. This increase represented a 9.00% increase over the previous capital stock. On December 21, 2007, our shareholders approved in the extraordinary shareholders' meeting: (i) the acquisition of MP Holding 2 S/A, holder of an interest of 2.5% in the capital stock of Goldfarb, resulting in an increase in our capital of R$5,7 million through the issuance of 1,136,364 new common shares at the issuance price of R$5.00, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity; (ii) the acquisition of CHL XXXIY Incorporações Ltda., holder of an interest of 12.31% in the capital stock of CHL, resulting in an increase in our capital stock of R$20.2 million through the issuance of 3,200,000 new common shares at the issuance price of R$6.32, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity; and (iii) the alteration of our Stock Option Plan. This increase represented a 3.00% increase over the previous capital stock. 159 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Distribution of our capital stock before the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held in December 2007 - 70% CHL e 80% Goldfarb Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares 45.47% 9.64% 10.46% 54.53% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 62,321,716 141,396,171 * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I Distribution of our capital stock after the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held on December 2007 - 70% CHL e 80% Goldfarb Shareholder a FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I 44.11% 9.35% 10.15% 55.89% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 66,658,080 145,732,535 On February 1, 2008, our board of directors approved the issuance of 268,345 new shares as a result of the exercise of stock options granted under the Stock Option Plan. The issued shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$13.42 per share. monetarily adjusted as established therein, an increase of R$3,601,189.90 in the capital stock. In addition, on May I2, 2008, 2,268 new shares were issued as a result of the exercise of options at the price of R$13.72 per share, an increase of R$31,117.07 in the capital stock. The program shall be valid for 365 days and is limited to 8.142.064 common shares, corresponding to 10.00% of the outstanding shares. On March 31, 2009, our shareholders approved in the extraordinary shareholders' meeting the issuance of 829,644 common shares and 40 class 1 subscription bonus in connection with the acquisition of MP Holding 3 Ltda., at the issuance price of R$15.70 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares, resulting in a capital increase of R$13.0 million, a 1.0% increase over the previous capital stock. Distribution of our capital stock before the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held on March 2009 - 100% Goldfarb Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares 44.03% 9.33% 10.13% 55.97% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 66,928,693 146,003,148 * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I Distribution of our capital stock after the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held on March 2009 - 100% Goldfarb Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I I 43.78% 9.28% 10.07% 56.22% 100.00% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 67,758,337 146,832,792 On April 29, 2009, our shareholders approved in the extraordinary shareholders' meeting the issuance of 779,062 common shares and four class 2 subscription bonus in connection with the acquisition of CHL LXX 160 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Incorporaciles Ltda., at the issuance price of R$14.37, with the issuance price determined by the equity value of the shares, resulting in a capital increase of R$11,2 million, a 0.9% increase over the previous capital stock. Distribution of our capital stock beofre the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held on April 2009 - 100% CHL Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I I 43.85% 9.30% 10.09% 56.15% 100.42% 64,288,175 13,629,093 14,786,280 67,537,399 146,611,854 Distribution of our capital stock after the capital increase Extraordinary shareholder’s meeting held in April 2009 - 100% CHL Shareholder FIP PDG I Gilberto Sayão da Silva* André dos Santos Esteves* Free float Total of Issued Shares * Interest held indirectly through FIP PDG I I 43,55% 9,23% 10,02% 56,45% 100,53% 64.288.175 13.629.093 14.786.280 67.758.337 147.611.854 On May 4, 2009, the holders of series A, class 1 and class 2 subscription bonus, exercised their bonus and received 600,720 common shares at the issuance price of R$7.20 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares, and 259,688 common shares at the issuance price of R$14.37, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares, respectively. Such issuance was approved by our board of directors on that date and resulted in a capital increase of R$4.3 million and R$3.7 million, respectively. On May 12,13,14,15,18 and 19, 2009, our board of directors approved the total issuance of 2,676,069 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the Stock Option Plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$14.14 per share, monetarily adjusted as established therein. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$37.8 million, a 2.8% increase over the previous capital stock. On June 22, 2009, holders of convertible debentures relating to the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 3,058.642 new common shares at the issuance price of R$17.00 per share, as determined in the indenture. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting and resulted in a capital increase of R$52,0 million, a 3.8% increase over the previous capital stock. Our capital stock increased to R$1,41 billion, divided into 154,206,973 common shares. On June 30, 2009, holders of convertible debentures relating to the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 505,426 new common shares at the issuance price of R$17.00 per share, as determined in the indenture. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting and resulted in a capital increase of R$8.6 million, a 0.6% increase over the previous capital stock. Our capital stock increased to R$1,42 billion, divided into 154,172,399 common shares. On July 28, 2009, holders of convertible debentures relating to the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 766,757 new common shares at the price of R$17.00 per share, as determined in the indenture. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting and resulted in a capital increase of R$13.0 million, a 0.9% increase over the previous capital stock. Our capital stock increased to R$1,42 billion, divided into 155,479,156 common shares. 161 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações On August 12, 2009, our board of directors approved the cancellation of 598,600 treasury shares, with no par value, without altering our capital stock. The canceled shares were valuted at R$5,5 million, and canceled against the retained profit reserve in the same amount. On August 21, 2009, holders of convertible debentures of the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 316,792 new common shares at an issuance price of R$17.00 per share, as determined in the indenture. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting on the same date and resulted in a capital increase of R$5.3 million, a 0.3% increase over the previous capital stock. With this issuance, the capital stock increased to R$1.45 billion, divided into 155,197,348 common shares. On September 9, 2009, our shareholders approved in the extraordinary shareholders' meeting a stock split of our common shares, such that each of our common shares was split into two common shares, with the same rights and privileges as the pre-existing common shares. Each depositary share to represents two common shares after the stock split. On October 1, 2009, based on authorized capital, our board of directors approved the issuance of 56,000,000 at an issuance price of R$14.00 per share, during the process of the public offering, with the value of the issuance determined by the bookbuilding procedure. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$784,0 million, a 54.00% increase over the previous capital stock. On October 14, 2009, holders of convertible debentures relating to the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 2,199,547 new common shares at the issuance price of R$8.50 per share, as determined in the indenture. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting and resulted in a capital increase of R$18,6 million, a 0.8% increase over the previous capital stock. Our capital stock increased to R$2,24 billion, divided into 368,594,243 common shares. On November 23, holders of convertible debentures relating to the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 13,791,237 new common shares at the issuance price of R$8.50 per share. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting and resulted in a capital increase of R$117,2 million, a 5.2% increase over the previous capital stock. Our capital stock increased to R$2,36 billion, divided into 382,385,480 common shares. On November 30, 2009, holders of convertible debentures relating to the second issuance of debentures requested the conversion of such debentures into shares, which resulted in the issuance of 7,492,338 new common shares at the issuance price of RS8.50 per share, as determined in the indenture. The issuance was approved at a board of directors' meeting and resulted in a capital increase of R$63,6 million, a 2.6% increase over the previous capital stock. With the exception of the public offerings held in January and October 2007 and October 2009, the subscription of the increases in capital was private. On February 11, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 796,740 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock oprtions granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the srock option plan at the price of R$7.08 per share for the first program and R$11.62 per share for the second program, monetarily adjusted as established therein. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$5,8 million, a 1.01% increase over the previous capital stock. On February 25, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 231,638 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock oprtions granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7,08 per share for the first program and R$11.62 per share for the second 162 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações program, monetarily adjusted as established therein. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$1,6 million, a 1.0% increase over the previous capital stock. On March 26, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 700,000 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock oprtions granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the srock option plan at the price of R$7.16 per share, monetarily adjusted as established therein. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$5,0 million, a 1.0% increase over the previous capital stock. On April 30, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 3,886,049 new shares in connection with the exercise of subscription bonus conversion, Class 1, Serie B, order no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; and 4.204.896 new shares in connection with the exercise of subscription bonus conversion, Class 2, Serie B, order no 1, with subscription price of R$4.47 and R$3.55, respectively. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$17368,920.75 and R$14,932,335.55 respectevely, a 0,99% and a 1.07% increase over the previous capital stock, respectevely. On March 26, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 700,000 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock oprtions granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the stock option plan at the price of R$7.16 per share, monetarily adjusted as established therein. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$5,0 million, a 1.0% increase over the previous capital stock. On April 30, 2010, the holders of series B, class 1 and class 2 subscription bonus, exercised their bonus and received 3,886,049 common shares at the issuance price of R$4.47 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity value of the shares, and 4,204,896 common shares at the issuance price of R$3.55, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity, respectively. Such issuance was approved by our board of directors on that date and resulted in a capital increase of R$17,3 million and R$14,9 million, respectively and a 1.3 increase over the previous capital stock. On May 13, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 94,870 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.08 per share for the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and R$11.67 per share for the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$1,0 million, a 0.4% increase over the previous capital stock. On May 20, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 386.300 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock oprtions granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7,08 per share for the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and R$11,67 per share for the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$2.7 million, a 0.11% increase over the previous capital stock. On May 25, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 636,559 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock oprtions granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.08 per share for the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and R$11.67 per share for the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$4,5 million, a 0.18% increase over the previous capital stock. On June 10, 2010, in our extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, we approved the issuance of 148,500,001 new shares in connection with the incorporation of AGRE EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÀRIOS S.A., at the price of R$7,08 per of share, resulting in a capital increase of R$2,298,936,260.10, a 37.00% increase over the previous capital stock. 163 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações On June 25, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 36,272 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.17 per share for the shares of the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and at the price of R$11.81 for the shares of the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$428,000, a 0.01% increase over the previous capital stock. On June 30, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 1,887,633 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.17 per share for the shares of the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and at the price of R$11.81 for the shares of the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$13,89 million, a 0.3% increase over the previous capital stock. On July 09, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 360,000 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.23 per share for the shares of the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and at the price of R$11.91 for the shares of the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$2,6 million, a 0.1% increase over the previous capital stock. On July 14, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 676,016 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.23 per share for the shares of the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and at the price of R$11.91 for the shares of the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$5,6 million, a 0.1% increase over the previous capital stock. On July 26, 2010, our board of directors approved the issuance of 846,295 new shares in connection with the exercise of stock options granted under the stock plan. The new shares were fully subscribed by the beneficiaries of the Stock Option Plan at the price of R$7.23 per share for the shares of the first program, monetarily adjusted as established therein, and at the price of R$11.91 for the shares of the second program. The issuance resulted in a capital increase of R$6,4 million, a 0.2% increase over the previous capital stock. Except for the public offerings occurred in january and october of 2007, and october’s 2009 offering, our capital stock increases was held in a particular way. 17.3. Splits, grouping and warrants 11: The tables below refer to the last three fiscal exercises. Grouping of shares: Deliberation 10.20.2006 12.14.2006 Shares before approval 219.828.444 119.664.222 Shares after approval 109.914.222 79.776.148 Shares before approval 155.197.348 Shares after approval 310.394.696 Split of shares: Deliberation 09.09.2009 11 When the annual presentation of the form of reference, the information should refer to the last three fiscal years. Upon presentation of the form of reference on behalf of the application for registration of public distribution of securities, the information should refer to the three fiscal years and the current fiscal year. 164 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 17.4. Capital reduction: a. Deliberation 06.01.2005 and 12.01.2005. b. Reduction 06.01.2005 and 12.01.2005. c. Total amount of reduction R$8.424.601,00 and R$3.091.463,00. d. Cancelled shares due to the reduction, separated by class and type Amount of shares 8.424.601 3.091.463 e. Type Common Common Refunded value per share R$1,00. f. Ways of refund - if it is on assests, description of the assests The amount that was transfered to the FIP PDG I, in shares by the Company in the society Giardino Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. and through a way of shares transfer of shares of Queiroz Galvão Cyrela Veneza Empreendimento Imobiliário S.A g. Percentage represented by the reduction versus the capital stock right after capital reduction 90% and 72%. h. Reason for Reduction Excessive capital stock on the date. 17.5. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about this item. 165 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 18. SECURITIES 18.1. Description of each class and type of shares issued a. Dividends Rights Amounts Available for Distribution the Company’s Board of Directors is required to advise on how to allocate our net income for the preceding fiscal year. The allocation is subject to approval by our shareholders. The Brazilian Corporate Law defines “net income” for any fiscal year as the results of the Company in a fiscal year after the deduction of accrued losses, the provisions for income and social contribution taxes for that year, accumulated losses from prior years, and any amounts allocated to profit sharing payments to the employees and managers. The calculation of net income and allocations to reserves for any year, as well as the net income, are determined on the basis of our audited consolidated financial statements prepared in the preceding fiscal year. In accordance with the Brazilian Corporate Law, the net income, as adjusted, shall be available for distribution, to the shareholders in any fiscal year, and it, could be: • reduced by any amounts allocated to the legal reserve; • reduced by any amounts allocated to the statutory reserves, if any; • reduced by any amounts allocated to the contingency reserve, if any; • reduced by any amounts allocated to the retained profit reserve, if any; • reduced by any amounts allocated to the unrealized profit reserve; • increased by reversed contingency reserve amounts from prior years; and • increased by amounts allocated to the unrealized profit reserve, upon their realization and if not absorbed by subsequent losses. Any allocation of our profits to the statutory and retained profit reserves shall not be approved, in any fiscal year, to harm the payment of the minimum mandatory dividends. Reserve Accounts According to the Brazilian Corporate Law, companies usually maintain two principal types of reserve accounts: (i) profit reserve accounts; and (ii) capital reserve accounts. Profit Reserves: The profit reserve accounts are comprised of the legal, contingency, unrealized profit, retained profit and statutory reserves. As of September 30, 2009, our profit reserve amounted to R$152.7 million. The balance of the profit reserves, except the balances of contingency, tax incentive and unrealized profit reserves may not exceed the amount of our capital stock. In case of excess, our shareholders shall decide at a shareholders' meeting whether the excess amount will be used to pay or increase our capital stock or pay dividends. 166 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Legal Reserve: Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, we are required to maintain a legal reserve to which we must allocate 5.0% of our net income for each fiscal year until the aggregate amount of the reserve became equals to 20.0% of our share capital. However, we are not required to make any allocations to our legal reserve in a year in which the legal reserve, when added to our established capital reserves, exceeds 30.0% of our share capital. Any net loss may be offset with the amounts allocated to the legal reserve. The amounts allocated to such reserve must be approved by our shareholders in a shareholders' meeting, and may only be used to increase our share capital or to offset losses. As of September 30, 2009, our legal reserve was R$13.7 million. Contingency Reserve: Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, a percentage of our net profits may be allocated to a contingency reserve for anticipated losses that are deemed probable in future years if their amount may be estimated. The proposal of our Board of Directors with respect to the allocation of a percentage of our net profits to a contingency reserve shall indicate the reason for the eventual loss and justify the constitution of the reserve. Any amount so allocated must be reversed in the fiscal year in which a loss that had been anticipated fails to occur as projected or charged off in the event that the anticipated loss occurs. The allocations to the contingency reserve are also subject to approval of our shareholders in a shareholders' meeting. As of September 30, 2009, we did not have a contingency reserve. Tax Incentive Reserve: Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, the Board of Directors may propose at a shareholders' meeting to allocate a portion of our net income resulting from donations or government grants for investments to a tax incentive reserve. The amount of this reserve may be excluded from the calculation of the mandatory dividends. As of September 30, 2009, we did not have a tax incentive reserve. Retained Profit Reserve: Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, our shareholders may decide at the annual shareholders' meeting to retain a portion of our net profits, as provided for in a capital expenditure budget that has been previously approved. As of September 30, 2009, our retained profit reserve was R$152.7 million. Statutory Reserves: We are permitted by the Brazilian Corporate Law to allocate part of our net income to a discretionary reserve account that may be established in accordance with our bylaws, provided that we: (i) accurately and completely indicate the purpose of each reserve; (ii) set the criteria to determine the annual portion of net income that will be allocated to each reserve; and (iii) set the maximum limit of each reserve. The allocation of net income to statutory reserves may not be made to the detriment of the payment of the mandatory dividend. As of September 30, 2009, we did not have any statutory reserve. Capital Reserve: Pursuant to the Brazilian Corporate Law, the capital reserves are comprised of goodwill paid in connection with the subscription of our shares, special reserve of goodwill in incorporation, sale of beneficiary interests and sale of subscription bonus. According to the Brazilian Corporate Law, the capital reserve may be used, among other things, to: (i) absorb losses exceeding accumulated profits and profits reserves; (ii) redemption, reimbursement, or purchase of our own shares; and (iii) allocation to our capital stock. As of September 30, 2009, our capital reserve was R$132.0 million. Mandatory Dividends The Brazilian Corporate Law requires that the bylaws of a Brazilian company specify a minimum percentage of the available profits for the annual distribution of dividends, known as mandatory dividend, which must be paid to shareholders as either dividends or interest on shareholders' equity. In the event the bylaws does not provide a mandatory dividend, the Brazilian Corporate Law establishes that the mandatory dividends shall not be less than 25.0% of our net income. According to Law No. 9,249 of December 26, 1995,as amended from time to time, interest on shareholders' equity may be distributed and included in the amount due as mandatory dividends. 167 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Pursuant to our bylaws, at least 25% of the adjusted net income of the previous fiscal year, determined in accordance with Brazilian GAAP and adjusted as determined by the Brazilian Corporate Law, shall be distributed as mandatory dividends. The annual declaration of dividends depends on approval by the shareholders as well as several other factors, such as operational results, financial conditions, cash needs, future profitability and other factors that the shareholders and the board of directors deem relevant. The Brazilian Corporate Law allows, however, a company to suspend such dividend distribution if its board of directors reports to the annual shareholders' meeting that the distribution would not be advisable given the company's financial condition. The board of auditors, if one is in place, reviews any suspension of the mandatory dividend. In addition, the board of directors of publicly held corporations should submit a report to the CVM stating the reasons for the suspension, within five days from the shareholders' meeting. Net income not distributed by virtue of a suspension is allocated to a separate reserve and, if not absorbed by subsequent losses, is required to be distributed as dividends as soon as the financial condition of the company should permit such payment. According to the Brazilian Corporate Law, the shareholders' meeting of a publicly held corporation may approve the payment of dividends in an amount lower than the mandatory dividends or retain the total amount of net income, exclusively for raising funds through outstanding debentures which are not convertible in shares, provided that no shareholder is against such proposal at the shareholders' meeting. The mandatory dividend may also be paid as interest on shareholders' equity, and may be deducted as expenses for purposes of income and social contribution taxes. Dividends We are required by the Brazilian Corporate Law and our bylaws to hold an annual shareholders' meeting no later than the forth month of each year, at which time, among other subjects, our shareholders shall approve the allocation of the results of operations of the past fiscal year and the distribution of an annual dividend. The payment of annual dividends is based on our consolidated, audited financial statements of the prior fiscal year. According to Brazilian corporate Law, any holder of shares at the time a dividend is declared is entitled to receive dividends. Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, dividends are required to be paid within 60 days following the date on which the dividend is declared, unless the shareholders' resolution establishes another payment date, which, in any event, must occur before the end of the year in which the dividend is declared. Unclaimed dividends do not accrue interest, are not adjusted in relation to inflation and revert in our favor if not claimed within three years from the date in which they are made available to the shareholders. Our Board of Directors may also declare intermediate dividends based on annual or semi-annual financial statements, as permitted by our bylaws. The Board of Directors may also declare dividends based on financial statements prepared in our semester or trimester, if permitted by our bylaws. The total amount of dividends paid in each semester cannot exceed the amounts accounted for in our capital reserve account. Any payment of intermediate dividends may be set off against the amount of mandatory dividends relating to the net profits earned in the year in which the intermediate dividends were paid. As permitted by our bylaws, our intermediate dividends may also be paid from profit reserve accounts based on any period of time, which will be considered as an anticipation from the minimum mandatory dividend. Interest on Shareholder’s Equity Under Brazilian tax legislation in effect since January 1, 1996, Brazilian companies are authorized to pay interest on shareholders' equity to holders or beneficiaries of shares, and to treat those payments as a 168 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações deductible expense for purposes of calculating corporate income tax and, since 1997, the social contribution tax, to the extent permitted by applicable law. The amount of the tax deduction in each year is limited to the greater of (i) 50% of our net income (after the deduction of any allowances for social contribution tax but before taking into account allowances for income tax and the interest on shareholders' equity) for the period in respect of which the payment is made and (ii) 50% of our retained profits and profit reserve at the beginning of the relevant period. The rate applied in calculating interest on shareholders' equity cannot exceed the pro rata die variation of the Brazilian long term interest rate (Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo—TJLP). Any payments of interests on shareholders' equity to the shareholders, whether Brazilian residents or not, are subject to a withholding income tax of 15%, provided that such rate shall be 25% if the beneficiary of the interests is a resident of a tax haven (i.e., a country with no income tax or which its maximum percentage is fixed bellow 20%, or if the local applicable law imposes restrictions to the disclosure of the shareholders composition or the owners of the investment). The amount paid as interest on shareholders' equity after deducting the income tax may be set off against the mandatory dividends. According to applicable law, we are required to pay to our shareholders an amount sufficient to ensure that the net amount they receive in respect of interest on shareholders' equity, after payment of any applicable withholding tax, plus the amount of declared dividends, is at least equivalent to the minimum mandatory dividend amount. The interest on the shareholders' equity reverts in our favor if not claimed within three years after the date in which they were made available to the shareholders, as in the case of dividends. b. Voting Rights Each common share entitles its holder to one vote at any annual or extraordinary shareholders' meeting c. Convertibility into another class or type of share: The Company does not have shares that can be converted into other classes or type. d. Rights of capital reimbursement In case of liquidation of the Company, the shareholders will receive payments for the repayment of capital in proportion to their participation in the capital stock, after the payment of all liabilities in proportion to their respective shares in the total shares issued by the Company. Any of the dissenting shareholders of the Company of certain resolutions passed in the General Shareholders’ Meeting may withdraw from the Company, through reimbursement of the value of their shares based on the criteria described in the Corporations Law. Pursuant to the Corporations Law, the right of withdrawal may be exercised, among others, in the following circumstances: • Spin-off of the Company (when it causes: (i) changes of the corporate purpose, unless when the asset split is poured into a company whose main activity coincides with the result of our corporate purpose of the Company; (ii) reduces the minimum mandatory dividend to be distributed to the shareholders of the Company; or (iii) the Company's participation in a group of companies as defined in the Corporations Act); • Reduction of the mandatory dividend; • Change in corporate purpose; 169 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações • Merger or consolidation of the Company to another company (in the particular situations as described below); • Participation in the Company's group of companies (defined in the Corporations Act, and in specific situations, as described below); • Incorporation of actions involving the Company, pursuant to Article 252 of the Corporations Act by another Brazilian company, to become a wholly owned subsidiary thereof; Corporate Transformation; and • • Acquisition of the control of any company if the purchase price exceeds the limits set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 256 of Brazilian Corporate Law. In cases of (a) a consolidation or a merger of the Company to another company; or (b) Company's participation in a group of companies (as described in the Corporations Act), the Company's shareholders will not be entitled to withdraw if their actions have the following characteristics: (1) have liquidity to integrate the general index of the BM&FBOVESPA, or content any other stock exchange as defined by the CVM; and (2) have spread in the market, so that the controlling shareholders, the parent company or other companies under common control hold less than half the shares of a type or class object of the withdrawal right. The withdrawal right must be exercised within 30 days from the publication of the record of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, which approved the act that made the recess rise. Additionally, we have the right to reconsider any decision that has overburdened right to withdraw within ten days following to the expiration of that right, if we understand that payment of the redemption price of the shares to the dissenting shareholders would jeopardize our financial stability. In case of exercising its right of redemption, the shareholders shall be entitled to receive the net asset value of their shares, based on last balance sheet of the Company approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting. If, however, the decision which caused the withdrawal right has occurred 60 days after the date of the last approved balance sheet, the shareholders may request, together with the reimbursement, raising special balance sheet date in complying with the deadline of 60 days to determine the asset value of its shares. In this case, the Company shall immediately pay 80% of the reimbursement that was calculated based on last balance sheet approved by our shareholders and the balance within 120 days from the date of the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The Company's Bylaws provides that the economic value will be used in the case of exercising the right of withdrawal if it is below the asset value. e. Right to participate in public offer for sale of control According to the rules of Novo Mercado, the sale of control, either by a single operation, and through successive operations, shall be contracted under a condition precedent or termination of the purchaser undertakes to effect a takeover bid from other shares of other shareholders in the same terms and conditions granted to the selling controlling shareholder, observing the conditions and terms laid down in the existing legislation and the rules of the Novo Mercado, in order to assure equal treatment to selling, controlling shareholder and it must be delivered to BM&FBOVESPA statement containing the price and other conditions of an operation of transference of our control. The public offering is yet required: • When onerous assignment of subscription rights for shares and other securities or rights with respect to securities that are convertible into shares, which may result in the sale of the Company's control; • When the driver is a company, the control of such parent company is transferred, and in this case the selling controlling shareholder will be obliged to declare to BM&FBOVESPA the value assigned to the Company in such sale and attach documentation supporting this value; and 170 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações • When the one who already holds shares of the Company acquires controlling power, in view of a private share purchase agreement. In this case, the acquiring shareholder will be obliged to make a public offer for acquisition of shares by the same terms and conditions offered to the selling shareholder and reimburse the shareholders who have purchased shares on the stock exchange in the six months preceding the date of sale of control. The amount of compensation is the difference between the price paid to the selling controlling shareholder and the amount paid on the stock exchange for shares in that period, duly updated. The Rules of Novo Mercado also provides that the selling controlling shareholder may not transfer the ownership of its shares and the Company may not register any transfer of shares representing its control, while the acquiring shareholder and those who will hold such a control does not endorse the Statement of Consent from drivers under the Novo Mercado rules. The buyer, when necessary, should take reasonable steps to recover within six months, the minimum percentage of 25% of the shares that are outstanding in the market. f. Restriction to negotiation There is not. g. Conditions to alternate assured rights by such securities Pursuant to the Brazilian Corporate Law, not the bylaws neither the shareholder’s decisions in Shareholders’’ Meeting can cause the shareholders to be restricted of the following rights: • to participate in the distribution of dividends, in proportion to their respective interest; to participate in the distribution of remaining assets upon our termination, in proportion to their respective interest; • to preemptive rights to subscribe new shares, convertible debentures and subscription bonus (bônus de subscrição), except under limited circumstances provided for by the Brazilian Corporate Law, as described in item “Preemptive Rights” in this Section; • • to monitor the management of our activities, in accordance with the Brazilian Corporate Law; • to vote in the shareholder's meeting; and • to leave the Company as provided by the Brazilian Corporate Law. h. Other relevant characteristics There are no other relevant characteristics. 18.2. Description, if there is any, of the statutory rules that limit the shareholder’s voting right or that cause them to make public offerings See item 18.1(e) above. 18.3. Description of the exceptions and suspensive clauses including personal and political rights under the bylaws There is not. 171 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 18.4. The table bellow contains the information and the trading volume, as well as the highest and lowest prices of the securities traded on stock exchanges and organizes markets, in each quarter of the 3 lasts fiscal years Three month period ended March 2007 June 2007 September 2007 December 2007 March 2008 June 2008 September 2008 December 2008 Marrch 2009 June 2009 Sepetember 2009 December 2009 March 2010 June 2010 BM&FBOVESPA Minimum Maximum, 5,5 7,1 5,4 10,6 9,5 13,1 11,2 14,1 9,2 13,2 9,9 13,5 5,8 11,9 4,0 6,8 5,0 6,8 6,6 11,9 9,9 14,9 14,0 18,9 14,8 17,7 12,3 17,1 Trading (R$) 357.331.411 435.859.746 463.640.038 542.215.045 576.444.498 817.257.680 947.409.632 425.273.762 444.617.078 1.299.907.548 1.942.149.716 1.036.935.990 1.396.378.537 5.043.916.030 18.5. Description of other securities that are not shares On March 31, 2010, securities issued by the Company, executing shares are: simple non convertible debentures from the Company’s first issuance; (ii) subscription bonus; (iii) certificates of receivable securities; and (iv) simple, secured, convertible debentures of the 3rd Issuance of the Company. First Issuance of Simple Debentures On July 1st, 2007, we issued 25,000 simple, non-convertible, unsecured, registered, single-series debentures, each with a nominal value of R$10,000.00, for a total amount of R$250.0 million for public subscription. The debentures shall mature in seven years as from the issuance date, and it shall be remunerated by the CDI rate plus 0.9% per year. The total principal amount is due to be paid in four annual installments beginning in the 48th month from the issuance date, or on (July 1, 2011). The debentures from the first issuance are not subject to early redemption.. Pursuant to the terms of the indenture of our 1st Issuance of debentures, an early maturity of such debentures will occur in the event of distribution of dividends, payments of interest on shareholders' equity or the completion of any other payments to the shareholders, if the Issuer is in; default of any of its obligations, as set forth in the indenture, not including, however, the payment of minimum mandatory dividends under the Article 202 of Brazilian Corporate Law and the rules of Novo Mercado. The debentures of our 1st Issuance contain clauses determining maximum indebtedness levels and EBITDA ratio, based on our consolidated financial statements, as described below: • the ratio between (A) the sum of net debt and unpaid properties minus SFH debt; and (B) shareholders' equity shall always be equal to or less than 0.70; • the ratio between (A) the sum of total unallocated revenue and properties held for sale; and (B) the sum of net debt, unpaid properties and unallocated expenses shall always be equal or higher to 1.30, or less than zero; 172 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações • the ratio between (A) EBIT; and (B) net expenses shall always be equal or higher than 1.50, or less than zero, and also the EBIT shall always be positive. Pursuant to the terms of Article 60 of the Brazilian Corporate Law, the total value of debentures issued cannot be greater than our total capital stock. In addition, the debentures from the 1st Issuance contain: (i) a restriction on payments of dividends above a minimum of 25% for such time as we are in default of our obligations established in the indenture; (ii) a restriction on any sale, cessation or transfer of shares made by us or our subsidiaries that is equal to or greater than 10% of the Company or that of our subsidiaries, whose proceeds will not be fully utilized for the reduction of debt; and (iii) provisions limiting our indebtedness and EBITDA indices, based on our consolidated financial statements. The 1st Issuance debentures have clauses in case of prepayment in certain events, such as (i) an individual amount of R$7.0 million or an aggregate amount equivalent to 2.0% of our shareholders' equity; (ii) noncompliance with any unappealable judicial decision determining the payment of an individual or aggregate amount equivalent in reais to 2.0% of our shareholders' equity; (iii) default or mandatory prepayment of any financial obligations in the individual or aggregate amount equivalent to R$5.0 million; and (iv) the approval of a consolidation, spin-off, merger or any form of corporate reorganization involving us or our subsidiaries, except if the consolidation, spin-off or merger (a) complies with the requirements of Article 231 of the Brazilian Corporate Law; or (b) in case a top international rating agency grants new rating for us or our first issuance, if such new rating is not lower than the original one; or (c) involves companies that hold interest in CHL or Goldfarb, among others. The trustee of the debentures of the first issuance, Pentágono S.A. Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários., receives a fee of R$7.500,00 – per quarter. Second issuance of convertible debentures On April 30, 2009, we concluded the second private issuance of debentures, issuing 27,600 simple, convertible, registered, secured, single-series debentures, each with a nominal value of R$10,000.00, for a total amount of R$276.0 million. We subsequently cancelled 142 unsubscribed debentures pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors held on June 30, 2009. The debentures will mature in 42 months as from the issuance date, or the maturity date, and the certificates bear annual interest at the CDI rate plus 2.0%. The total principal amount is due to be paid on October 15,2010. Our repayment obligations under these debentures are secured by a pledge of 100% of the common shares issued by CHL, and the debentures are considered senior indebtedness of the Company, with priority over our assets in the event of liquidation. Each debenture is individually convertible into a number of common shares according to a ratio of the division of the face value of each debenture by the price of R$17.00 per common share. The conversion may occur: (i) at any time until the 30th business day before the maturity date, at the sole discretion of the respective debenture holder; or (ii) after a two year period as from the issuance date, at our sole discretion, according to the conditions provided in the respective indenture. We appointed Planner Trustee DTVM Ltda. as the trustee of the second issuance. Among other duties, the trustee must: (i) declare, in the terms of the indenture, the anticipated maturity of the debentures in case of default, including the principal amount and other amounts due; (ii) liquidate the collateral granted pursuant to the terms of the indenture, applying the proceeds to pay the holders of the debentures; and (iii) take all necessary measures to ensure such payment to the holders of the debentures. 173 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações On October 21, 2009, we announced the early redemption of all of the outstanding debentures from our second issuance, with the intention to early convert these debentures into our common shares. The holders of the debentures requested either their conversion into shares or a cash payment. Consequently, there are no longer any debentures from our second issuance outstanding. Third issuance of non-convertible debentures with secured collateral On August 31, 2009, the shareholders meeting approved the 3rd Issuance of non convertible debentures into shares, secured and single-series debentures. There were issued 300 debentures, the nominative form and scriptural, each with a face value of R$1.0 million, for a total amount of R$300.0 million. The deed of the 3rd Issuance of Debentures was concluded on September 11, 2009, with the Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço and the debentures will mature in five years from the issuance. The payment will have 36 months of grace period and after that period, it will be held twice a year. Interest will be paid semiannually. The debentures bear interest at the Referential Rate (Taxa Referencial), or TR. as published by the Central Bank, calculated on a pro rata basis and added to an initial interest rate of 8.75% per year, on a 252 business days. The proceeds from such debentures will be allocated to the financing of the construction of residential units classified within the scope of the SFH. The Company's obligations of the 3rd Issuance of debentures will be primarily granted by fiduciary assignment of receivables of The SPE’s that are developing projects to be financed by the 3rd Issuance of Debentures, as well as the fiduciary guarantee of the issuance quotes of such SPE. Under the indenture of third issuance debentures there will be an advance maturity in case of dividends distribution, interest payments on capital or making any other payments to the shareholders. If the Issuer is in default with any of its obligations under the indenture, there will be a payment of the minimum mandatory dividend, under article 202 of the Brazilian Corporate Law and the Rules of the Novo Mercado. The debentures of our third issuance contain provisions limiting our ability to incur indebtedness beyond certain thresholds, and restricting our debt to EBITDA ratio, based on our consolidated financial statements, as described below: • the ratio between (A) the sum of net debt and unpaid properties minus SFH debt and (B) shareholder’s equity shall always be equal to or less than 0,70; • the ratio between (A) the sum of total unallocated revenue and properties held for sale and (B) the sum of net debt, unpaid properties and unallocated expenses shall always be equal or higher to 1.30, or less than zero; • the ratio between (A) EBITDA and (B) net expenses shall always be equal or higher than 1.50, or less than zero, and also the EBITDA shall always be positive. Pursuant to the terms of Article 60 of the Brazilian Corporate Law, the total value of debentures issued cannot be greater than our total capital stock. In addition, the debentures from the third issuance contain: (i) a restriction on payments of dividends above a minimum of 25% for such time as we are in default of our obligations established in the indenture; (ii) a restriction on any sale, cessation or transfer of shares made by us or our subsidiaries that is equal to or greater than 10% of our shareholders equity or that of our subsidiaries, whose proceeds will not be fully utilized for the reduction of debt; and (iii) provisions limiting our indebtedness and EBITDA indices, based on our consolidated financial statements, as described above. 174 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Pursuant to the terms of the indenture of our 3rd issuance of debentures, there will be an early maturity in the event of: (i) repeated claims against us with an individual amount higher than the equivalent to 1.0% of our shareholder's equity or an aggregate amount equivalent to 2.0% of our shareholders' equity; (ii) the occurrence of any sale, assignment or transfer of our assets whose value is equal to or higher than 10.0% of our shareholders' equity; and (iii) the approval of a consolidation, spin-off, merger or any form of corporate reorganization involving us or our material subsidiaries, except if the consolidation, spin-off or merger (a) complies with the requirements of Article 231 of the Brazilian Corporate Law, or (b) in case a top international rating agency grants new rating for us or our third issuance, if such new rating is not lower than the original one; or (c) involves companies that we hold interest in, or a company whose primary asset is interest in a company that we also hold interest in; or (d) that does not involve the special purpose vehicles whose shares were given to guarantee our repayment obligations related to the third issuance of debentures, or finally (e) if we are the merging company and Goldfarb or CHL is the merged company. The redemption may occur until such time as the principal is paid, in full or in part, but at a minimum of 25% of the debt balance of the outstanding debentures. The redemption premium varies depending on when we exercise the redemption option, from a minimum of 0.5% and a maximum of 1.5% above the total value of the issuance, as calculated by the trustee. The trustee of the debentures of the first issuance, Oliveira Trust DTVM S.A., receives an initial payment of R$30.000 and bi-annual payments of R$60,000. Simple Debentures of the 4th Issuance Under the Simple Debentures of the 4th Issuance of the Company occurred on August 10, 2010, not Convertible into shares, without guarantee, in a single series, 280 debentures were issued not Convertible into shares, nominative, with a face value of R$1.0 million, totaling R$280,0 million. The debentures mature in 6 years and are paid at a rate equivalent to the CDI rate plus 2.4% per year. The annual amortization will be in 16 quarterly installments with failure period of 27 months from the date of issue. The Issuer may make, at any time, extraordinary amortization or early redemption optional, partial or total, as appropriate, the balance of the Unit Face Value of the Debentures. Under the terms of debentures of the 4th Issuance will be acceleration in the case of distribution of dividends, interest payments on own capital or making any other payments to shareholders, if the Issuer is in default with any of its obligations under the Deed, exception, however, the payment of the minimum mandatory dividend referred to in Article 202 of the Law 6.404/76 and the Regulation of Novo Mercado. The 4th Issues’ debentures do not have clauses determining maximum levels of indebtedness and EBITDA levels. The 4th Issues’ debentures have clauses of early maturity in the event of certain events, such as (i) legitimate protest of securities against the Issuer in an individual amount or aggregate of R$10 million, (ii) a default or early payment of any financial obligations value, individually or in aggregate, exceeding R$10 million, (iv) if the incorporation, spin-off or merger of the Issuer, without the prior approval of the Debenture holders, as provided in Article 231 of the Law 6.404/76, among others. The Trustee of the debentures of the 1st issue is the GDC Partners Serviços Fiduciários DTVM Ltda., which receives quarterly payment of R$12,500.00. 175 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Rating In May 2008, Standard & Poors upgraded the corporate credit rating of our debentures from brBBB+ to brA, which we have maintained up to the date hereof. In December 2009, Standard & Poors announced that the Company's rating is under review, with a positive outlook. Subscription Bonus In accordance with the merger of MP Holding 3 Ltda. and CHL LXX Incorporacoes Ltda., on March 30, 2008 and April 29, 2008, respectively, we issued non-redeemable and non-negotiable Subscription Bonus in four series, consisting of ten class 1 Subscription Bonus and four class 2 Subscription Bonus each. There is no possibility of redemption of this issuance of Subscription Bonus. The series A Subscription Bonus of both classes were previously exercised. The holders of our subscription bonus will have the right to subscribe registered common shares without par value issued by us, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the tables below: Class 1 Subscription Bonus EXERCISE PERIOD Beginning Date of our annual shareholders´ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended on December 31, 2008. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Series A (Exercised) Nº OF SHARES TO BE ISSUED Shall be defined based on our and Goldfarb’s combined net income for 2008, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income, reduced by the number of shares already delivered in view of the merger. Series B (Exercised) Shall be defined based on our and Goldfarb’s combined net income for 2009, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. Beginning Date of our annual shareholders’ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended on December 31, 2009. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Series C Shall be defined based on our and Goldfarb’s combined net income for 2010, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. Beginning Date of our annual shareholders’ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended on December 31, 2010. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Series D Shall be defined based on our and Goldfarb’s combined net income for 2011, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. Beginning Defined based on our and Goldfarb’s combined net income for 2011, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. EXERCISE PERIOD Beginning Date of our annual shareholders’ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2008. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Class 2 Subscription Bonus Series A (Exercised) Nº OF SHARES TO BE ISSUED Shall be defined based on our and CHL’s combined net income for 2008, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income, reduced by the number of shares already delivered in view of 176 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações Nº OF SHARES TO BE ISSUED the Incorporation. EXERCISE PERIOD Series B (Exercised) Shall be defined based on our and CHL’s combined net income for 2009, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. Beginning Date of our annual shareholders’ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Series C Shall be defined based on our and CHL’s combined net income for 2010, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. Beginning Date of our annual shareholders’ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Series D Shall be defined based on our and CHL’s combined net income for 2011, with deduction of 35% with respect to the multiple of our net income. Beginning Date of our annual shareholders’ meeting approving the financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2011. End 90 days from the date of beginning of exercise of the Subscription Bonus of this series. Depositary Receipts Program Level 1 October 29, 2008, we submitted an application to the CVM for registration of the Sponsored Depositary Receipts Program – Level 1 for purposes of trading American Depositary Receipts backed by our common shares on the U.S. securities over-the-counter market. For this purpose, Citibank DTVM S.A. is the custodian and Citibank, N.A. is the depositary in The United States. Each depositary receipt represents two common shares. As of the date of this Reference Form, 141,589 depositary receipts had been issued. CRI Issuance In July 2009, we issued 45 CRIs in the amount of R$1.0 million each, with a maturity date in three years. The issuance was carried out by our subsidiary PDG Companhia Securitizadora, guaranteed by us and includes 80.0% of the receivables from units under construction. The yield was fixed at a rate of 110% of the CDI (from the first through the twenty-fourth month) and 115% of the CDI (from the twenty-fifth through the thirty-sixth month). The holders of CRIs have a put option against us and PDG Companhia Securitizadora at the end of the twenty-fourth month, with a resale price equal to their face value. The CRIs are not subject to redemption. In October 2009, we issued 30 CRIs in the amount of approximately R$1.0 million each, with a maturity date in five years and a grace period on principal and interest payments until the thirty-sixth month. The issuance was carried out by our subsidiary PDG Companhia Securitizadora and guaranteed by us. The yield was fixed at a rate of 115% of the CDI (from the first through the thirty-sixth month) and 117% of the CDI (from the thirty- seventh through the sixtieth month). The holders of CRIs from the second placement have a put option against us and PDG Companhia Securitizadora at the end of the thirty-sixth month, with a resale price equal to their face value. In November 2009, we issued 25 CRIs in the amount of R$1.0 million each, with a maturity date in eight years and a grace period on principal and interest payments until the twenty-ninth month. The yield was fixed at a rate of 110% of the CDI. The holders of CRIs from the third placement have a put option against us and PDG Companhia Securitizadora at the end of the thirty-sixth and the sixtieth months, with a resale price equal to their face value. In May 2010, we issued 186 CRIs in the amount of R$1 million each. This occurred from the second series of the 3rd issuance of CRIs. The CRIs has IGP-M remuneration plus 9.40% per year, over the balance of the CRI and a maturity date of 124 months, from May 7, 2010 to September 7. 2020. 177 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações In July 2010, we issued the 3rd series of the 3rd issue of 89 CRIs in the amount of approximately R$1 million each. The CRIs have TR remuneration plus 9.80% per year, on the balance of the the updated value of the CRI, with a termo f 30 months for payment. Promissory Notes The Company issued three hundred (300) promissory notes amounting to R$1.0 million each, in a single series. The Promissory Notes have a maturity term of one hundred and fifty (150) consecutive days to be counted from the date of promissory note issue, and the amount of principal and interest will be subject to amortization upon maturity. The Promissory Notes are entitled to compensatory interest based on the variation of the average daily interest rate of Interfinancial Deposits accrued of premium of 1.65% per year, calculated exponentially and cumulatively “pro rata temporis”, per working days. The promissory notes were subject to public distribution with restricted efforts, under the secured promissory note regime, according to provisions of CVM Instrution 476. 18.6. Indication of the Brazilian markets where the Company's securities are admitted to be traded The Company's shares are trading on the BM&FBOVESPA, under the code PDGR3. The CRIs issued by the Company are listed for trading in the secondary and primary distribution CETIP SA - Organized OTC Derivatives and Asset (“CETIP”). 18.7. Indicate each class and type of securities admitted on the foreign markets. On October 29, 2008, the Company filed with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) a request to be registered in the Sponsored Level 1 Depositary Receipts Program to trade on the US over-thecounter market, securities backed by common shares issued by the Company. For this purpose, Citibank DTVM S.A. is the custodian and Citibank, N.A. is the depositary in the United States. The entity that administers the U.S. OTC market is the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). As of the date of this Form, 141.589 Depositary Shares had been issued In addition, the admission date of the Depositary Shares was December 05, 2008. But, since these securities are not listed in an organized market, there no initial date of listing. 18.8. Description of the distribution of the public offerings made by the Company or by third parties, including controllers and associated companies and subsidiaries, of securities of the Company31 Shares On January 24, 2007, based on the authorized capital and as a result of our initial public offering, our board of directors increased our capital stock by 30,000,000 of shares, for public subscription to be paid in cash, at the issuance price of R$14.00 per share, representing an increase of R$420.0 million, with the value of the issuance determined by the equity. On February 23, 2007, also based on the authorized capital, our capital stock was subject to a new increase of 875,933 shares at the issuance price of R$14.00 per share, with the value of the issuance determined by the shareholders' equity of the Company, representing an increase of R$12.3 million due to the exercise the of the over-allotment option in connection with our initial public offering to meet excess demand during the offering, aiming the exercise of this option by Banco BTG Pactual S.A., on February 23, 2007. 178 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações On October 2007, our capital stock was, again, increased by the Board of Directors, during the second public offering of company’s shares. Based on the authorized share capital, and 23.000.00 shares at the issuance price of R$25,00, representing an increase of R$575 million. On October 1, 2009 our capital stock was, again, increased bu the Board of Directors, during the third public offering of company’s sares. Based on authorized capital and 56.000.00 shares at the issuance price of R$14,00 per share, representing na increase of R$784 million. On February 05, 2010, were granted the registration of the 4th public offering of common shares issued by the Company, by means wich the FIP PDG I executed a secondary public offering of 97.084.946 of the Company’s common share, at the issuance price of R$14,50 per share. Because of the exercise of the green shoe by Banco BTG Pactual S.A., another 14.562.741 common shares, issued by the Company and owned by FIP PDG I, at the same conditions and initial share prices. 18.9. Description of the our public offerings for a third issuance32 Until March 31, 2010, public offerings for a third issuance did not occur. 18.10. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 18. 179 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 19. PLANS OF REPURCHASE AND SECURITIES IN CASH 19.1. Plans to repurchase Company’s shares: In the fiscal years of 2006 and 2007, there were no repurchase plans of shares. In the fiscal year of 2008, however, on October 21, our Board of Directors approved the creation of the First Share Repurchase Program, with the scope to maximize value for the shareholders. Such program has a term of 365 days and is limited to 8,142,064 (pre-split) common shares, representing 10% of the outstanding shares. On August 12, 2009, the Board of Directors approved the termination of the current share repurchase program and the cancellation of 598,600 (pre-split) common shares, nominative, without issuance value, held in treasury, without alteration of the capital stock of the Company. We acquired 7.35% of the total shares approved in the program over the average price of R$9.18 (pre-split). The shares that were canceled accounted R$5.5 million, and will be canceled to the reserve account of retained profits in equal value. At the time of repurchase of such options, we used the resources of the reserve account of retained profits of the Company to cancellate shares in the same accounted value of shares, R$5.5 million. 19.2. The table below shows the movement of securities held in treasury, separated by type, class and species, indicate the quantity, total value and average price of acquisition: Type (class and type) Amount Common shares 1.197.200 Initial Balance (R$) 2.643.792,1 7 Type (class and type) Amount Initial Balance (R$) Common hares 1.161.200 - 2009 Acquisition AverageAcquisition Price (R$) 4,56238 36.000 2008 Acquisition AveragePrice (R$) Acquisition 2,2767 1.161.200 Alienation s Cancellations Final balance (R$) - 1.197.200 - Alienation s Cancellation - - Final balance (R$) 5.287.584,3 3 There were no shares acquisitions by the treasury during 2006 and 2007. 19.3. The table below lists the securities that are held in treasury of the last fiscal year, separated by types and classes.: Type (class and type) Common shares Amount 580.600 Year ended 2008 Acquisition Date of Average-Price (R$) acquisition 9,1071 % of the securities of the same class and type 0,4% There were no purchases of shares by the tresuary during 2006 and 2007. On August 12, 2009, the cancellation of the shares described above, was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. Thus, there are no more shares of the Company in treasury. 19.4. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 19 180 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 20. TRADING POLICY OF SECURITIES 20.1. Trading policy of securities issued by Company by the controlling shareholders, directly or indirectly, directors, members of the board of director, board of auditors and any other agency with technical or advisory functions, created by statutory provision: All purchase transactions related to our shares must comply with the provision of the “Manual de Conduta Para a Divulgacão e Uso de infomações e Politica de Negociacão de Valores Mobiliários”, approved by our board of directors on December 14, 2006. Disclosure of trading by our principal shareholders, directors, executive officers or members of the board of auditors Our controlling shareholder, directors, executive officers and members of our board of auditors, if one is in place, as well as members of any of our technical or advisory bodies, are required to report to us, so it can be reported to the CVM and BM&FBOVESPA, the number and type of our securities, our subsidiaries or the securities of any publicly-held company that we may control, including derivatives, that they or persons closely related to them hold, as well as any changes in such ownership interest. The information related to such securities negotiation, like the amount, price and date of purchase, must be reported to the CVM and BM&FBOVESPA within ten days from the end of the month in which the changes are carried on. If the person is an individual, the communication must include the shares held by his or her spouse, partner or dependent that is included in his or her tax return and any company directly or indirectly controlled by any of those persons The communication must include the following information: • • • The name and qualifications of the person providing the information; The amount, per type and or class, of shares traded, or other characteristics in case of other securities traded; and The nature of the acquisition (private transaction, stock exchange transaction, etc), price and date of each transaction. We are also required to inform CVM and BM&FBOVESPA if no monthly changes have occurred. Under article 12, § 1° of CVM Rule 358, dated as of January 3th, 2002, if our direct or indirect controlling shareholders, the shareholders that elect members of the board of directors or board of auditors, and/or any person or company, individually or as a group, acting jointly or representing the same interests, reaches an ownership interest directly or indirectly equal to at least 5% of our shares, such shareholder or group of shareholders shall report to us, the BM&FBOVESPA and the CVM the following information: • • • • • The name and qualification of the person providing the information; The amount, price, per type and class of shares acquired, or other characteristics in case of other securities acquired; The nature of the acquisition (private transaction, stock exchange transaction, etc.); The purpose of the transaction; and The terms of any agreement regulating the exercise of voting rights or the purchase and sale of our marketable securities. Disclosure Policy, use of Information and Trading of Securities Our disclosure policy, use of information and trading of securities was approved by the board of directors' meeting held on December 14, 2006 pursuant to the legislation and regulation in force. 181 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações The Company, its direct and indirect controlling shareholders, its directors and officers, the members of its board of auditors, the employees and executives with access to relevant information, and the members of the other technical and consultive bodies of the Company, as well as those who, because of their position, title or job in the controlling shareholders, subsidiaries and affiliates, are aware of the information on the material development relating to the Company and have signed the compliance statement, are prohibited from trading in the Company's securities for fifteen days prior to the disclosure or publication, whenever applicable, of (i) Company's ITR; (ii) Company's DFP and IAN. The Company's board of directors cannot approve the acquisition or sale of company shares while the following information is not made public by means of the publication of material developments: (i) execution of any agreement or contract contemplating the transfer of control in the Company; or (ii) grant of option or right aimed at the transfer of control in the Company; or (iii) existence of intention to promote consolidation, total or partial spin-off, merger, conversion or corporate restructuring. Former directors and officers that leave the Company prior to the public disclosure of any material development started during their term of office are prohibited from trading in the Company's securities: (i) for six months after their departure: or (ii) until disclosure by the Company of the material development to the market, except if trading in Company shares after the disclosure of the material development, would interfere in the business conditions to the detriment of the Company or its shareholders. 20.2. Other relevant information There is no other relevant information about item 20. 182 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 21. POLICY ON THE DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 21.1. Description of rules or procedures adopted by the Company to assure that the information to be pubicly disclosed will be collected, processed and reported accurately and timely. Except for the disclosure policy described below, there’s none. 21.2. Description of the disclosure policy of de act or material fact adopted by the Company that indicates the procedures to maintain secret relevant information that were not disclosed. Our Disclosure Policy, Use of Information and Trading of Securities was approved by the board of directors' meeting held on December 14, 2006 pursuant to the legislation and regulation in force. Pursuant to such policy, the director of investor relations is primarily responsible for communicating and disclosing any material developments, so as to assure that investors are timely, efficiently and reasonably provided with the information necessary to made their investment decisions, ensuring the best symmetry possible for the dissemination of information, avoiding the undue use of privileged information in the securities market by those that have access to which, in their own benefit or for the benefit of third parties, in detriment to investors in general, the market and us. The Disclosure Policy, Use of Information and Trading of Securities was prepared with the purpose of establishing high levels of conduct and transparency, and must be complied with by the: (i) controlling shareholders; (ii) managers of the Company; (iii) board of auditors; (iv) members of our other bodies with technical and advisory functions; (v) employees and executives with access to relevant information; and (vi) whomever, due to the title, function or position in the Company, controlling companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, is aware of any information referring to material developments about us, so as to adapt our internal policy to the principle of transparency and the good practices of conduct for the use, disclosure of relevant information and trading of our securities. The persons mentioned above must execute the respective compliance statement, which shall be filed at our headquarters while they have a relationship with us and for at least five years after their leave. Under article 155, § 1st, of the Brazilian Corporate Law, and article 2 of CVM Rule 358, “material act or fact” means (a) any decision by the controlling shareholders, a resolution of a shareholders' meeting or management bodies; or (b) any other political and administrative, technical, commercial or economic or financial act or fact occurred or related to their business, that may significantly affect: (i) the price of their securities; (ii) the investors' decision to purchase, sell or hold their securities; or (iii) the investors' decision to exercise any rights inherent to the condition of security holder. The Director of Investor Relations is in responsible for: (i) notifying CVM, BM&FBOVESPA and, if applicable, other stock exchanges and market entities in which our securities are or may be traded, whether in Brazil or abroad; and (ii) disclosing to the market any material facts related to us. Our controlling shareholders, members of management and the board of auditors, employees and executives with access to relevant information, as well as members of our technical or advisory bodies must promptly inform the Director of Investor Relations of any material facts that they become aware of. Any material facts must be disclosed, whenever possible, before the beginning or after the end of the trading session on BM&FBOVESPA or, as the case may be, on other stock exchanges and market entities in which our securities are or may be traded, whether in Brazil or abroad. In the case of time difference, the trading time of the Brazilian market shall prevail. The Director of Investor Relations must: (i) communicate and disclose the material facts inherent to our business immediately after its occurrence; (ii) concurrently disclose to the entire market the material facts to be disclosed by any communication vehicle, including the press, or at meetings of professional associations, investors, analysts, selected public, in Brazil or abroad; 183 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações and (iii) analyze the need to request simultaneously to BM&FBOVESPA and, as the case may be, to the other stock exchanges and market entities in which our securities are or may be traded, in Brazil or abroad, for the time necessary to the appropriate dissemination of the relevant information, if it is imperative that the material facts be disclosed during the trading time. Our directors and officers, members of our board of auditors, and members of our other technical or advisory bodies must inform the holders of our securities, whether on their behalf or on behalf of persons related to them, of well as any changes in such positions. This communication must be made (i) immediately after their investiture, as the case may be; and (ii) within ten days after the end of the month in which the changes took place, disclose the balance of the position over such period. Direct or indirect controlling shareholders, shareholders who elected members of the board of directors and shareholders that elected members of the board of auditors must communicate as well as inform of the acquisition or disposal of any ownership interest, direct or indirect corresponding to 5% or more of any kind or class of shares issued by us, which includes any rights related to such shares. Our Director of Investor Relations shall have the power to determine the time periods during which the Company, its direct or indirect controlling shareholders, its directors and officers, the members of its board of auditors, the employees and executives with access to relevant information, and the members of the other technical and advisory bodies of the Company, are prohibited from trading in the Company's shares (blackout period). In addition, the Company, its directors and officers, our direct or indirect controlling shareholders, the members of the board of auditors, employees and executives with access to relevant information, and the members of the other technical or consultative bodies of the Company, as well, as those who, because of their position, title or job in the controlling shareholders, subsidiaries and affiliates, and who have signed the compliance statement, are aware of any material fact regarding the Company, are prohibited from trading in the Company’s shares: (i) Whenever any material fact occurs in the Company’s business of which the above persons are aware; (ii) Whenever there is the intention to promote consolidation, total or partial spin-off, merger, conversion or corporate restructuring; and (iii) Only with respect to direct or indirect controlling shareholders and directors/officers, whenever any option or right is being granted or has been granted for the purpose of acquisition or sale of the Company’s shares by the Company, its subsidiaries, it affiliates or other jointly-owned entity. Prohibitions set forth in sub items “i” and “ii” above will cease as soon as the Company discloses the material fact to the market, except if the trading of the Company's shares by the persons mentioned above, after the disclosure of such material fact, may interfere with the business conditions of the Company to the detriment of the Company or its shareholders. 21.3. Inform the managers that are responsible for implementation, maintenance, evaluation and supervision of information disclosure policy The Director of Investor Relations. 21.4. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 21. 184 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27 Reference Form - PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações 22. EXTRAORDINARY BUSINESS 22.1. Indicate the acquisition or the disposal of any relevant asset that does not fit as a normal operation in the Company’s business There is not. 22.2. Indicate singnificant changes in the way of conducting the Company’s business 36 There is not. 22.3. Identify relevant contracts executed by the Company and its subsidiaries that are not directly related to their operacional activities37 There is not. 22.4. Other relevant information There are no other relevant information about item 22. 185 BZDB01 88044462.3 03-set-10 20:27