- Community District Library
- Community District Library
; W^№^?W$WwW'^f' W^-WW? Corcmna, M!cH«, June One Dollar per Year* THE Comum* Joustm, t 8*y View AfinovAComente Out MEMORIAL SERVICE. Our Graduate*. Volume XV, No,26. JTEMS OF INTEREST. tih. will celebrate on July Corunca'e graduating class this y e a / —Deputy .sheriff Jewt-U. of Vernou, The Dead Heros are Again Honored. WMWB* Proprietor*. Tbe Bay View —T. M. Clay, of Antrim, is building * consists of five persons: Misses Kittie here .Saturday. are oat and are of public interest. They large'barn. —'Lonnlfr Tliomass. of L'mnlotfton. was All sixty pages of magoxtae stae' and are For the first time in many year* Dec- Gould, Ifettie Eyeleth, Nellie Olney aad tmoa, tb«County Seat oTsbJawaMwe Couaty. beautiful with a hundred half *oii£ views oration rJ&y passed here without any David Evans *ud Howard Slocum. Of home Th!sr«(luv. —Jay lJ. Royee in town Friday om TJevoteti to tb* tntnests of the >uMfc» probate matters. Party and Ike ooUeattaH csf local o! s«»nery and life at this great Northern rain. The day ..was very warm but the the number three have come up through *Ujt:l<]j; has leen signed the entire twelve grades of the school, by the Owosso club. —John and Clark H'ayu'es home lor Taaxai-'Qne rear, SLOO; tlx month*, fifty Michigan resort and summer edncation- cool breeze inadc it comfortable. cent*; tame tarott* tw*my-or© cenu. The procession w&s formed at this while two, Miss Oloey ancl Mr. Slocuni, JU venter. The Assembly four weeks' 1 decoration Day. - • —Mr. ami Mr*. \l, T. >[or^an, of Aiinuufe known at the o0k*. program is strikingly attractive and tbe school building at 9:30 a, m., headed by belong to that class which bar always AdTcrtUlBf ratow»«**> . — Morri* Chase is entertaining hia trina, here on FtoMlaai fa>culttoift*Job and commercial Summer t'niversity with its forty-five the Corunna band, followed II. F. Wal- conferred-honor upon the school, the father from York State, —Mrs. Lditrz Sloan visited friend-* at ritta ol nil kinds ao •hon ootloe. instructors from leading institutions, lace Post G. A. R., the Innis Camp Sons class of foreign pupils. The hard work '—I-awyer Chandler argued a case in offers unsurpassed advantages. It em- of Veterans, speaker, clergy, common of these students lias amply prepared Byron last week. the supreme court Tuesday. them for graduation and for entrance to —John BilMcgs, of Haz^iton, called at braces thoroughly equipped schools: council, school children and citizens. —Justice Grout, of Morriee, aiw»f*r OF OORTJNNA College and school of methods, Bible Arriving at the cemetery the G, A. R. our state University if they should the JOURNAL oftitre. Saturday. the visitors here last Friday. choose to go farther in their studies. school, conservaQy, schools of art, ora- ritual service was held, conducted by —Mr. Bedford, of Ionia, the guest of Senator Kilpatrick gave the memortory, physical culture and for writers. Gen. Kline and Col. Moyses. The graves The exercises of commencement will be Mrs. Roll E. Keisfey the p&at week. OUkr,ir, A. held Thursday, June 27th. ial address at I^aingsburg. Aaitataat Ca*Mt*. were decorated by the children under Tbe enrollment a year ago was very —Mr. aud Mrs. G. M. WUmer are enDKB0TOB0. nearly 800. It is given out at headquart- the direction of a committee from U. F. It is well known that C'orunna's grad- tertaining a uepbew from Coperuish. —Adam Serr is painting his feed ham uates have ever ranked high in their ers that this U going to be the largest Wallace Post. —Miss Mamie Kelsey of Byron, the and making a decided improvement. Returning to the Baptist church, after work after leaving school. As Prof. and finest of all tbe twenty Bay View —Charles Peacock, of Buchanan, visitguest of Miss Gruue Burnett over SunWI, yean. The University opens on July Frayer by Rev. W. SL Ward, Hon. H. H. Newcomb, of the University, said: ^ o r ing relatives and friends here this week. day. proaytly rtwaittad 10th, the Assembly July 17th, both Pulver, of Lalngsburg, delivered an im- onna'e pupils show a large amount of —Frank Roberta' "Uncle Tom's Csbjt** ekxsiog Aug. 1-4. AH Michlgaa railroads pressive and appropriate address, Mrs. power to-think." Moreover, in num- —Three weary pilgrims from Duxand is receiving numy favorable press c o a tt> aw put ot u e world. will sell half fare ticket* there daily from Minnie Laing gave two recitations which ber of graduates our school snrpasaes, were entertained by the Corunna Chapme/its. • • , - ' : :':". July 8th to 17th inclusive, return limit were highly appreciated, as well as the in proportiontothe size of the town, ter, Friday evening. —Prof. E. E. Pickett, ot Lawtoo, —Kane has moved his tailor shop to Angust 15th, Roojul trip tickets from mosic furnished by the Conmaa Quar- otfcer schools on the University list. been engaged to superintend the Bantette, consisting of Geo. D. Mason. Geo. the Mumby building, recently vacated It means something to he graduated Corunna will be only #&60. The poblic croft schools. Jarvift, M i * Both Mitchell and Mrs. F. from a school that is accepted by thebyJ. A. Becker. will BB supplied tbe maamr anaotukee—Banker Will HtAt, of it, giTtng ilio faB infonaatlom ahoot F. Hoyer, with Mrs. Jarvis at the organ. University. (M*ay schools everywhere —James 3L Good ell at Detroit this The G. A* K. boys feel very grateful whose course of study is not directed tc^ by tddrtmAng a ear* to week attending Bro. Owen's libel suit called on his friend, RoeeakraRB, of Ifak city, Thursday. • J. 3L Hart, fltot, IDA. Canter the to the frlesds who so kindly assisted and supervised by some higbei author- against the Evening News, ; them in doing honor to their faQea com- ity, issue diplomas to their erado&tes; June Bay View Magazine. ="•••"•—CssfcScr Ro^rskrss* •*** *»*« flnwr —John Patchel and Lewis LahriKg, ot rades, and desire to express to them some of these schools do good work in * caught by the door of the bank vault VernonT pleasant callers at the Jomof JX^: ,Mfc*. their earnest appreciation, especially to tbe preparation of their students. OthExcursion to Detroit " ^ ;.;:': while closing it. receiving a painful in- ontce tie past week. The p . G. H. & M. By. will give one those^ who furnished flowers and decorat- ers are under strong temptation to ac-jury—Miss flattie Hartley closed *t^iam^<_: cept imperfect results and thereby inof its popular excursions to Detroit ed the church so beautifully. full term of school in the Gore district, —There will be an ice cream social at crease the number of their pupils. To June 19th. on the occasion of the anniNew Haven, last Friday. fa the Day Desecrated? maintain a school on the University list the Baptist parsonage. Friday evening. vexsary of the Indepecdent Order of —Mrs. Morris Chase, of this city; nothing win avail only the most exact- Everybody cordially invited to be pres*VH Foresters. A grand program of athletic T ffl!5£ companied by her sister, Mrs. WeXeii, . Ca*afc*oe«. sports, prize drills, etc having bees arWe publish in another column the ree- ing requirements on the part of teachers ent. Owomo. drore to Ionia. —Evan L. Evans U nf>w a full fledged omtious adopted by the G. A. I t post and the most earnest, honest work from & Gold, Hint, ranged at Belle Isle Park. Special train ttaroey* •* l«wbkxdt. L Mteh. OMeein leaves Conmna at 8£T a. m^ retorning of this city, and while we are for the pupils. Yet tbe result is worth tbe ef-lawyer, having been admitted by the ^.Reuben J. Holmes, of 3f most part fn sympathy with the senti- fort A diploma from a school accept- Wasbtenaw county circuit court last in town Saturday. We regret that train leaving Detroit at 10:00 or health is not very good these hot days* ments expressed, we cannot agree that edby the tTniyersity carries with it an Saturday. m. Fare for the round trip, fl,7& the day is absolutely "reserved for the intrinsic value in educational circles —Will the council submit the question —W. H. Mnmby was called to KatasifK Marriage Lic«*» surviving veterans," or that it ebculd wherever the University Is known. of waterworks to the people, or must we zoo, Friday, to settle A disputed naffttowey-JameeM. Oood^UCofttiuw.Micta. be 4-K day of solemnity and mourning." Our course of study is a better prep- have a few more blocks destroyed by game of the Kalamazoo and Battle Oi««tc : oavw in A«IW* WWOK, opposite tte toon On the contrary we believe that it is a aration for work in the world than arty fire before it act*. teams. BlwDce CsffnAn, Xortiec... KlotaMd ab*rp, OneM». 84 National holiday in the fullest eeo^e of college course in existence one hundred —The court hotwe lawn and school Rnssell, the wott knowa Stfin* A. Peacock, &bsft*3>m? W the term. As such it should be celebratyears ago. Graduates of our schools NattaaUl WOlluu, OWOMO. lawn as well as most of tbe private lawns street car condaeter. has Bevetwi M Maaiie V. Brown. Owono — ed by every patriotic man, woman and have risen to exalted rank as judges, took as though Are had ran over them. connection with the road and wffl cbiW hi the United State*. Every t ^ i - lawyers and college professors. AH isThis unseemly sight could be avoided by charge of C. J. Gale's fast bones. ness place should be dosed; processions duetothe fact that tbe aim of our putting in water work.*. —Deputy Sheriff OUero, of To Our OM Sub*Crib*r» as well M should be formed, in which should march school has always bees to do as much ^ every organisation, or representative!* work as could well be done by any —Tbe State League game of hall here brought Henry Monroe to tbfc Our New One* „ last Thursday between Owovso and Port jail Saturday, he hairing htm %<>«•* from each, bearing banners andflagsvschool of our grade. •' Huron was won by the former by a wore over to the circuit court for trial. 1 We have decided that raony received with the veterans, while they remain, of 18 to 7. There was » large attendance Circuit Court. —Senator Kilp&trick made A abott now will be of more t&an ordinary ad- placed in the most honored position* in and the game was greatly enjoyed. call on friends here last Saturday. ^ * vantage to us, and make this proposition the line and on the platform. Our bert WfWion McMullen, of Dnnnd, was, aroraoaolor at lav-WalMr Mo- to all old subscribers paying up arrears bands of music should be employed, our —Mr. and Ut% Frank C. Gale left senatorial work must have agreed with: Uk ommtinto and paying one year in advance: We most patriotic songs sung by the best raigned Tuesday on a charge of forgery. Monday for the we*t, Trhere they will him, as he was looking well and hcartp. will figure the Jowatxi. at 75 cents per singers in th« land, and all should hav* He plead guilty and was remanded to remain a few week*, vfciUng the Rocky —Lons ETSCHVANX is right In dan gnottntsbtji, Colorado Spring*. Denver again for business with a new **& eon*year, this *lw> to apply to new subscrib- the privilege of placing garlands of jailtoawait sentence. Andrew Geeck was allowed by com- and other places. Thvir many friends er*. If the friends of tb« JOURNAL will flowers on the graves of our dead heroes, piete stock <: I furniture, also the oum I* mis&ioneas his claim of 8700 against the here wish them a sale aud pleasant make a little effort we believe we would and while we honor the dead, the living the undertaking line. TaphouM! estate. The estate appealed -W.».JowB».Coruniaa,l«cb, Special receive many new subscribers. Remem- Who are with u<* should not'be forgotten. to the circuit court where the claim was Journey. —Suit has been brought against Mr*. attention given to dbatia of womon and ber we will furnish the JOUEXAL and X. —Judge SUa* B. Giiakill died at hin The day should be honored equally Ursula Burpee, on !>ehalf of Ira Burpee, O n C t a * An#«U'i rtore Y. Tribune both one year for 91.00; also with the Fourth of July. They should allowed by tbe jury at 9506. home in Lapeer, but Friday :iiorhf, He to recover damage* for the loss of his Henry W. tlagerman vs. Morriee Arthe COUUNXA JOURNAL and the Detroit be the two Nation»J holidays.L) They had lived there thirty year* aud at one feet. Walter McBride, of this city, wt» B y e . ear, wise and throat fpeeUlJtt—Dr. D. thur, judg. fur pj.iiiUff &438.C& Journal for $1.40. C BLuU&b,O«oM0»]Udi. Gta*»wa<*uifc«etime was a partner of Harrison Geer. look out for the interest* of littie Irs. should be days of unalloyed happiness, Asa Devore v>, Daniel Beardelee, plainfTatted7 Offl«e»our«,»tol8, 2 to4:» «r.d 7 to Seud in your subscription and it will He was prosecuting attorney for a numand praise of grateful thanks to the e. Cflke, room 1, Thomas Mock. tiff given a verdict. be greatly appreciated. ber of y«*arp. and;.,I»»«lgv of the sixth ju- —The contract for carrying tbe Giver of all Good. We can see no inSebrtiig Hathaway vs. David Soule. dicial eiivuit, aud had pre*idHl over the. from Conmna to Xew Lothrop las besm T!\fcnicfan and •un«Mt—W. C. Home, Cor—Mi&e McC'ollouch, of Saglnaw the congruity iti civil &n<l military compan- continued. F ' u n n a , men. Office bour«vtto*p. m. on court at Corunua. He war- 7' "ear3 of sub-let to John ConnelJ. of Owosso. aad ies, secret and church organizations, biweek days. Oflfce on ground floor. State St., guest of Mrs. Fanny Fox, Fayette Newcomb vs estate of D. H. from Xew Lothrop to Brent Creek t» age. cycle and base ball club* taking part in ftntdcorwettofiefcool ~ ""•"— —Asa Devore, of Perry, at the county B&rnuin deceamd. Plaintiff ordered W. R. Colby, doing honnr to the Nation's dead. Who seat Monday. to file security for costs in the sum of —The Shiawassee County T " -^ —A. Wriggiey, chargeii by: have nio:*i reason to appreciate the MASONIC. Araociation met at Bancroft Sav. —Oeo. W. Robinson has a new plate victories won and be glad ? Are not $150 within thirty days. inger with assault and battery, June 1. Owing to the extreme L^i, OOECXSA LOPGB NO. 115* F. * A, KL « glass front in hie restaurant, making a brought before Justice McBride. Fri~ MACCABEE PICNlC. the liberties they enjoy purchased l*y nlar conunnaJeattOM, trat Tneoday on or betne attendance was not large; but tbe great improvement. tortUwfafl of tie moon, I Q « K * month. dty, and plead guilty. The justice ftAed the blood of the faDen heroes'" program was interesting and the disSecond Annual Gathering of Shiawas* him eight dollars and costs. . —Green & Pettibone bare bought con- Make the day memorable, so that onr were aoimated and valuable. see Bees. OOBSNNA CELAPTEB, UO. 38, H A siderable wool and want all they can get. children and our children's children will —The Y. P. S. C. EA awisted by Xia^ Sheldon was elected president BetularotWTocatiom Ant Thursday tn They shipped another carload last week. Millie Reynolds, of Vernon, will give aav •ontB. A A U B Acomntr.SeetetaiT- W. A. ask -what meaneth this large parade, and Frank W. Weston vice president of Bootsnoum, R. P. All the arrangements have been near: interesting program at Bancroft, Fridajr •. these great bands of musicians, these tbe association. ly completed for tbe annual picnic of evening, Jnne 7th. Admission 10 andl banners and flags, these grey headed men OOWJiraA COUNCIL NO. 38, B.AS-M, BcrFOIBTEBS. the Sbiawassee county Maccabees, which —Justice McBride did a rushing busi20 cents. Reserved seats 15 cents. nlar twrniihlifo tMrd Thm»day toe*** monta. placed in positions of honor; why strew CM.PtACOOcHeooder. Ctao. fivAniMX, is to be held at Riverside Park, midway ness in the matrimonial line on Satur—The following is a list of the tetter* T.I.M. Don't forget that you can bay Chase those beautiful flowers on eo many between tbe two cities. day, tying two nuptial knots. The first remaining uncalled, for for the weekgr&ve* in the city of tbe dead." Then & Sanbourn'e coffee at M. & J. Garland's COBUNNA COMKANDBHT, KO.a, K. T. relate to them tbe deeds of valor per- Supt Waters is fixing up the park in wedding took place at tbe county clerk's ending June 3th 1895 Miss Anna Sh«r~; fine shape for the reception of the Bees. office with Lawyers McCurdy and ColStated coocbre*, *eoond Tnnxadar in each House to rent, horses bonght and sold, formed at Forts Sumpter^ Henry, and bum. Miss Lottie Kellogg. Mr. A. M. month. A. E. SicuLuwe, W, a. Bswaww, Actibafteoorter. B.C. and buggies and harnesses for sale. In- Donelson. at Atlanta, Antietam. the Wil- TUe brass bauds from Owosso and Cor- lins as witnesses, the parties being Rur- Park, John IL Qall. Persons caHihgfor unna have been engaged to furnish the ton Valentine, of Maple. Grove, and quire of Dr. Babington. derness. Gettysburg, Missiou&ry Ridge. ?he above letters will say ^'advertised,* music. Tbe Corunna Quartette and LorenA Potter, of Hazelton. The other TOLEDO Shiloh and Appomattox Court House; The best is none too good so buy Owosso talent will furnish the vocal pair, Jesse Spaulding, of Duiand, and and pay one cent on receipt of letter. tell them of the Merrimac and Monitor, —Corunna Lodge No. 64, I. O. O. 9 . Chase A Sanbourn's coffee, of their sole music. Hon. D. D. Aitkin delivers tbe Susan Wbodthorpe. of Vernon, were of Lincoln. Grant and Shenaan, and of has elected the following officers for tbe agents, M. & J. Carland, Corunna. address of the day. followed by short AN! all the heroes who fought bravely and speeches from Rev. W. T. Woodhouse, quietly married at the justice's office. coming term, viz: Charles Dojm.X. G.; Farms and city property bought, sold successfully that the best country on the TH MICHIGAN? —Tbe Owosso Brownies met the CorWin, Leonard. V. G.; Rec Sec^ Jam«s RAILWAY. Rev. Sherwood Roosevelt, Rev. Charles and exchanged. W. R, CHAPELL, face of the earth should not beDaniels and others. Mrs. Lillian Hoi- unna Diamonds at this place Saturday Montfort; P. Sec. Jos. Serr; Treas^ Insurance and real estate Agt destroyed. That but for these noble lives lister, great lady commander, and rep- afternoon. The clubs are composed of Louis Etschmann. Tbe lodge meets im v • FOB SALE CHEAP: one 1 horse wagon, we would not. enjoy the blessings of a resentatives from both great camps are boys about 15 years of age, with Henry tbe G. A. R,hall, but hopes ere long «• one-2 horse wagon; 1 dump cart; 1 top- free and united country. Instill into expected to be present. Evans captain of the Conmna nine. A have a home of its own. their minds lessons of patriotism and a buggy; 1 pair light sleighs; 1 single hargame of ten innings w&s played with a —The Flushing Observer with comBring your baskets and have a good ness;! doable harness; 1 cart harness; grateful remembrance of the deeds of score of 14 to 13 in favor of tbe Brown- mendable enterprise published in fuB time on Thursday, June 13. Let every also about 10 m. brick >M6 some good valor performed by these noble patriots. tent in the county be well represented. ies. There were three whitewashes on the memorial address of Judge C. IX lumber. Will take some hay, grain or Of all days of the year let them have each side, while brilliant plays marked Long, which was delivered at that vilwood in part payment. Inqaire of J.amusements which will endear the day each inning. Walter Derr and Seth lage on Thursday. Allen &. Hallack ai« Recital. M. Fitch & Son, Corunna, Mich. to them, so that they will cherish its Burnett formed the battery for the DiaMiss Abbie Louise Pond, of the De- monds, A, Peacock, umpire and Fred giving Use Flushing people a paper that memory as long as they live. Even base X<ook at those new goods, and new all shouWIeel proud of, awl deserve UM troit Training School of Elocution, will j styles in ladies'fine kid shoes at Collins' ball, bicycle races and all athletic sports give a recital for the benefit of thft Craig, scorer. It was the most interest- united support of the people. for 91.00; men's shoes for tf.00. Good can be made to subserve to the honor of Ladle*' Aid Society of tbe Presbyterian ing played here this season. —We had the pleasure of meeting wit* judgment in buying and discounting the day. —Owos«o American: The high school church of this city. Mr. Frank Lemon, Capt. Marcus Elliot*, of Holly, last Frimy bills is what counts. Collins beats Memorial Day is not a day of humilia- of the Lansing Miilard Quartette, who commencement exercises will be held in day. He was as well pleased over th« tion to the old soldiers, but a day of trii the world oa footwear. tbe Methodist.'church, Friday evening, victory he won in the supreme conrt Ui umph—a day comnaemoratiiig the vic-is well known in this dry, will assist in Prescriptions compounded at actual tory of freedom over slavery, of right the music. Miss Pond will render her. June 14. Dr. Richard Boone, principal his ca.«e agai»*t Martin as he used to b» when the famous T-oomis battery, of cost of drugs at F. M. KILBOURN'S. W4 over wrong. And while we celebrate junior program which was giveu in De* \ of the state normal, will deliver an address on the subject "Forward tookers.'"1 which he wa? a meniber. tore«he<1 oat troit the evening o? May 22. the <lay let us not forget while honoring Farm forteie, There are twenty-one graduates this the wRebs." He was here to w e Joha the dead, that we have a few of the liv- Miss Pond. Recitationist year, the largest class in the history of T. McCurdy...his attorney in tbe ease. Mias Helen Holman, Harpist. 90 acre farm, (SO acres improved, 200 ing ones among us, remembering that the school. Following is a list of tUeir fruit trees, located on* mile sooth of j while we tender them verbal praise they Mr. Frank Lemon, Sololst(Tenor). —Tne eighth annual oonvwntod « t . names and the coarse fn which they TIME TABLE. Corunna, will be sold at a bargain. In- | are worthy of eonrething more substan- Mr. Geo. D. Mason, Basso. graduate: Bertha Archer, Bertha Bel- the W. H. M. S. of tne M. E, otavch H*\ l»«0*ct April 7th, 1W6. quire at this office. I tial. Then let the people work as one Mrs. Motile Kellogg, accompanist. Saelnaw District will be held in ttei This recital will be given a* the Pres- den, Katie Cooper. Lillie Deal, Ernest Methodist church, beginning e« Tbw»man until everyone 'shall be provided Dye; at 7 o u t s per package at F. 31* Jacobs, Byron Knapp, John Bachman, with a stipend from a grateful eouutry, byterian church, on Tuesday evening, Frank Cooper, Lensi Carson, Jennie day at 1:30 p, m^ cvutinolng IMtwtgU . W4 SOUTH. NOWTK. June 11. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. j minieient to supply every comfort to Hurst, Lena Keyte, Mary McDonald, ihe erroing and all day FrWay. Tbm »*? A . M. VHB A. H. Great cut in drags, etc., F. M. KrL- j them in their declining years. - S t . Johns had a big fire last Friday, Tlllie Tick. ScientW«vEnpllso—Nellie names of tne ladies proinin«at to tfc* T:l* P. X. BOCRX'S. W4 | —Rev. and Mrs. Daniels visited Mrs. damaging tbe St. Johns Manufacturing T>e»smore and Fred Simmons. Scientif- work from ta« district and pUat about 975^000. The Ionia and the district appear on the 5 . A* SCULLY, COPAS and Gadola, Owosso, Mich., N. C. Dewey, at Durand. last week. Owosfto i r e departments responded to ic—Bosatie Forgert Will Lovett, Elmer Tbe choir i« expected to furnish t i n - Harry StmtOeworth dishes out ioe tbe callforbe*p, thus averting a$ Dutdwr, Mildred Mann, Myra Sherwood. musk and everyone It i n v i t e A are in ttoe atrk#t bayta* woo). Call Latin—Joe Osborn. greater oottflagrattos. ovum at Millanf i on Scturdays. awl ehickan pi« dlauer on Friday. * N ARBO i •"•#3 PISS^ r • • T f ™ **• TrrTr: S3BS58BKS85HBBSB5s THE ONB WJE8R0N. MUST GO TO JAIL May *L—The Wf|r*s*roadever jfius **» av»rded to g o n e r *tefced third in Thursday'* event. J. M. Dvorak eroxaed the line first at just half a minute past 11 and E. W. Pry, of Milwaukee, wa* about 300 yards behind him. Close to Fry FairmoB, and George Emerson not far off. Neither Dworak nor JPry rote the full course and they were disqualified. Ifairtnofi.who had a handicap of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, made; the distance which is estimate*! to be Vfti miles in 54:36. Last year's time waa 57: i a J. R Wooiaa holds t t a record, rvhieb it was freely predicted: would bt broken vhis year, of 53:40. The time prize was won by George* Emerson, who went the distance i n 62:13. Emerson will be declared second In the race also. There were 47tt starters. So many wheels were ncvei" seen together at one time. For hours a stream of them poured into Lincoln park until every path was full of them, and it was difficult for a pedestrian to make any progress. The array of bloomers was startling as showing the foothold obtained by that much-maligned garment. More than fifty men were hurt in one way or another, %nd at least that many^ failed to keep up pluck enough to go the entire 20 miles. The eereasony at f u n No. 1, whleh was repeated substantially*** each of •r *aoh s yatca «f iduBSttsu that a*r*sft*r ta win a* the three others, was aa follows: •ossfhli to*h>et *aly Msk mea to CoL Stewwrt-Tal* fua having area Its last •alals* Sttwi G m i lsSlv*-a*d ezMvslv* ofloas of ta* saot on tae .'(leM el •*»!•, will &»• be sUsaosd at* «na*«d by power sad uahooght by saolte. forever. Sjwi*s the goa! -**. W. Baoini. ¥ o » t . May JT—Two hundred , May 31.—Under a sky now Whereupon tbe spildcg party apiked May SO.—The habea* "Prealdsas Central Wrenty-eeven editor* and their gray and now Vine, as light cloud* the cannon, CoL France placing the eorpo* case of Eugene V. Debs et aL, were present at the baaqnet of veiled the sun, blue and gray—feder- spike and Comrade Neal driving it growing out of the great railroad the Democratic Editorial asworfatloii of al* and confederates—united Thursday home. Miss Hill then mounted a strike at Chicago last summer was dethe state of New York held at Delnwhwin dedicating tbe monument to the pedestal and said: eided in the supreme court of tjtm faqfe Friday night Amerteati At** confederate dead in Oakwoods eeme* "Tt.U caw on with Its tiorions record oa United States Monday, its unanimous i draped around the state coat-ofCHICAGO, May 88.—Arehbiahop Ire* tery. The distinguished officers of the the field of DsUls bavfaf been silenced for- opinion being read by Justice Brewer. behind President Stephen H. land is opposed to the Iree coinage of southern army in the late wav, in 'som* ever,' L do consecrate It to the memory or the The opinion recited the facts consoldiery we now nontttt«ftt as a nalliFarfcer. Senator David B. Hill silver. He regards the propoaition to paay with famous leaders of the union valorous u r j decoration tor their bravery and honor nected with the origin of tUe case—a cupied the seat of honor on have silver restored a* a menace to troop*, proceeded to the cemetery by unto death." . . suit by the United States in the circuit r%fe£ of the president The din-all present and future prosperity of train on the Illinois Central railroad at court for the Northern district of Illiner began at 6:80 p. nt, and it the country. He said M> Saturday 8:45 a.m. The guns having been monumeoted nois for an injunction to restrain V I I 10 o'clock before the speaking while in the course of a general interthe drums gave a muffled roll and the Debs and his associates of the Historic Ximti «OBUBeneed. Previous to the speaking riew. In the throng were men whose names entire corps formed in line on the west American Railway union from inletter* expressing regret at cot being The archbishop was asked what are historic There were Long&treet front of the monument. Then from terfering with the movement of the able to be /present from President might prevent the tide of prosperity, *r»d Fitzhugh Lee, Gen. John C Black Gen. Underwood came the command: interstate traffic; tbe issuing of the Cleveland, Postmaster General Wilson, evidently now jnst setting in, from and Senator and Gen. John M. Decorate the monument! injunction prayed for; the violation of Secretary of War L&mont and many reaching its greatest height, and in Palmer, Marcus J. Wright, of TennesAt the word Miss Catherine Stewart, the injunction by Debset aL, their arothers were read. his reply to the question he fully de- see, and Gen. Joseph, Stockton, of Miss Marion Sullivan and Mrs. R. F. rest acd punishment by Judge Woods President Cleveland in his letter said: fined his position on the silver ques- Illinois; M. C. Butler, Eppa Hunton, Walker, dressed in white and escorted for contempt of court, and the t M party is so much s party of power, sad tion. The answer will be received by three *tafT officers, approached the application of the' petitioners for Us proper aetioc and usefulness ar* to de- with interest and authority all onr Gen. John C Underwood, the projector of the monument, and Wade Hampton, monument, Mrs. Walker to the east, a writ of habeas corpus. The jM^awat «non » constant sdhereoeft ut its doe* " t aad auditions t3h»t no tenAeafj la our the country. He said: the orator of the day, besides hundreds Miss Stewart to the west and Miss Sul- ease was argued, it will be remem"The present silver agitation might check of lesser officers on either side. its follow the misleading liffto t of » t m < livan in the center. Mrs. Walker ad- bered, some weeks ago by Attorney popaiai misapprehension should t* tfce period ef prosperity which tt seems vanced and, placing a laurel wreath at At the Ometerycd Oar victories tore aU been is about setthig in for vs. Without enthe northeast corner of the monument tering «nto the merit* of tbe dlmeult sad A rapid run soon deposited the disi wa haw closely followed th* banner DROUGHT BROKEN. . principles. W« have always intricate Question* involved ta a discus- tinguished veterans at the Sixtieth base, said: "Aa a jnst need to the worth of the confed. walshed 07 defeat when, toala* altat of alon of the silver phase ot crate, I street station, where carriages were B*lns Have Materially Aided Vwe have yfatded tott*Msodlsh~ would say that, so long ss there to no inter- in waitii?" The march to the cemetery erates whose mortal remains are here monnnational agreement betwssa to* great gov, mented 1 iriaee this embtooatis wreath la MMtsof wtdemoeratte •xpedt*acyl of tae world—the commercial na- then began. The Black Hussars, token of their honored remembrance on this OMAHA* Keb., May 31.—The prayer* fwmi la * temptation now vexing the peo- eraawats attempt oaths part of the United Capt T. S. Quincy, acted as a guard of occasion by friends, southern people and all of Nebraska fanners were answered seettoas ot tae country which tions—an States to rettvn to free coinage ot silver would bread sad liberal men." the diartnse of democratic party be honor, and detachments from the Wednesday night and Thursday, and fatal to our business prosperity.' .iussmneh as it presents a schema The other ladies did likewise, after Illinois militia, Grand Army posts and nearly every county in the state got a "The United States is Isivslr s borrowing ts Btstwwrt to be a remedy tot fegrieulwhich the choir rendered an authem. camps of confederate veterans made sprinkling of rain and some were nation. A new country, undeveloped, is neeessa«h other ssrtly a borrower of tae elder nations, aad up the rest of the procession. Tbe Then the ladies generally, assisted by treated to a cloudburst. The central fetie* eitaens. Thus, that anist positively be taken tato coasidexathe veterans of both armies, d&oruted \ ot th* people sad profess « portion of the state got the best wetting tloa waea we ngntly sp*ak of changing l b s route to the cemetery was covered the monument, guns and piles of shot their 1stflinttj. the help of within a few minutes, and it wae aad reports so far in seem to indicate term of oar ttasaetei basis. It is out of the INS* of osr party is invoked im and shell with flowers. questbm that we by otmelves can create s that it was accompanied by little •vaisa: *» • levotattoalao the s&ver basis to be seeepted by the balance of The field was then cleared and the halt or severe wind. The chances are '.'•flaw.. ef Jhe country* sari the wortd. willy ailly. First regiment of infantry, Illinois nanow that small grain will fill out fairtfsersOtedpyan "What we borrow we most receive free , wotehftrrtto*trovbtoaad 4t*tional #u»nl, paid the final military ly well and corn will reach a good aad the foreign capitalists will not Ino/ tenor aad enterprise. abroad, tribute by firing three volleys. Then stand by the Fourth of July. It began vest In muttons of securities If ttwyaretobe came the command "Taps," after paid back fer tbeir advances In silver wnea EUSKXK Y. BBSS. raining in Nebraska early Wednesday they caa buy tbe btUlton of taat metal st fifty which the military band played a General <">ln*y for the government and afternoon and from that time on* to Is actively oa ceata They simply will not do it, sad Itfts s march and the audience dispersed. C. 8. Darrow for the petitioners, county after another reported the glad absurd folly to imagine that we ean compel #«iaat* of silver by the coveramest at Denoanced. the contention of the latter being that tidings. It came in the nick of tim* them to do. We are la BO position to stand • wMafe win sda to our etroalstkMt oarastralaed aloof nor to restore confidence ia our At the decoration of the grave of the circuit court had no jurisdiction of to save the crops. airmins nfi 1 r inini I illsi i. intrautoaUyworth business Institutions except by agreeing s s -iMS.aatf the uaosBt ttey purport to represent, we have la the past as to our financial basis ta Gen. Julius White, in Rosehill ceme- the original bill and therefore there MABSHAIXTOWS, Ia., May 31.—The i a* provision or resource to ftafce good the aiWirts of the world, where we meet all could be no contempt of court in fall- drought was broken in this region by tery, this city, by the G. A. fi. post sOsarisatiy ia value, and w&enftI* claimed that ts in comDetltlon with us and all which bearing his name, comrade G. EL ing to observe the terms of the in- continuous soaking rains Thursday t saeh. a proposition has any fetation to will positively refuse to accept our proposed Tucker denounced the dedicating junction issued thereunder. pclafliptosef oemocraey. it is ttmeforaU silver oasis as &at of the whole werld." morning. Crops are all right, In the least degree influence demoThe opinion of the court was in subof monuments to treason on a CLAKLSDA, 1*,. May 31.—The fins* Blackburn Talk* BweJc g to realize their responsibility. stance as follows: day set apart for honoring loyrain sine* early in Hay began at 1 "I>W>BCT»«C care sad cosset-vstUm dleute LAWRENCSBCSG, Ky., M a y 2(L—Senalty. The cause was lost and . "The ease presented is this: The Jolted o'clock Thursday morning. Wheat time exists ineonT«aiene* ssd hard- ator J. C. Blackburn, wfplyinff t o Seefinding"t*>st the interstate transportasfclps resulting from the ooagestWa « imper^ should be forgotten. The sufferers at States, and oats are saved, but it came too late tion of persons and property, »s well a* the f d h f our olnolatiaf medlom s rotary Carlisle, in h i s speech here SatAndersonville might forgive, but could earriiige of tfce mails, ts forcibly obstrtteted for hay. Farmers are jubilant. fte appUed which wUl avoid the urday spoke substantially as follows: never forget those who kicked or aad that a combination and conspiracy exists 1 "F do not know ia what capacity Carlisle tint unat follow m the tr&ln of «Ur«r DROWNED WHILE ASLEEP. starved to death their comrades, fie to subject the coalrol of sueh transportatloa came here and spoke, whether he came s s a to the will of the conspirators, applied to one denounced the event as defilement of of their courts, sittln*- as a conn of equity. Awful Disaster by Which TMrty-Tfcr** "Oar fatty tt tfc* party ot th* people, not citizen of this grand old conjnionwe*Uh or as the day. tt Is wafted hither and thither by secretary of the treasury. Carlisle has said for an tnjanetloo to restrain such obstruction U m Were Lost. wave ef popular excitement and he was never for free silver. On the aad prevent earryinff Into effect such conOTTAWA, Ont., May ax—Detail* have but because while It testa every 7th day of November* loTi, Mr. Carlisle, MEMORIAL DAY. spiracy. Two question* of Importance sre by the doctrines wtteh underlie wafJe sitting by my side in the house of reppresented. reached this eity of the terrible aectt U«aeral Ofeeervaae* of t k c Occasion It insists that all inter- resentatives, voted for the Dick Bland bill, "1. Are the relations of the general governdent which occurred on' the Spanish THIS MOSVXJEST. TfeTOTJrhNt tfee Land. [ ment to interstate commerce aid the trans<S**ta%omId be defended la toe adtolatetrstioa we Ich was a silver bill out sad out Only live river, by whicii thirty-three mien lost without cspeDial favor or five years later tae Shermaa Mil passed. I Memorial day, according to dis- portation of the a*alla sash as authorize * diOar party Is ta* party of the voted against taat bill sad so did Carlisle, sad 10:45 o'clock when tbe monument was patches received, was generally ob-' rect laterMrcaseto pnreast a forcible uhetran their lives. The victims were buab**in its rare of the welfare of ail yet he is maklnff the sane old speech taat reached. Here a great crowd had asmetu They had encamped for tfca tkm thereof? tt resists dangerous Sherman made then. 1 am going to saswsr his sembled, stretching out in dense masses served with appropriate ceremonies in ; -*. 12 afcaortty etvrts, M anthorttr la night on a crib of square t$mbrr of 4£*eoat*at tftveeatea by argument, erery point of it. He did not ad- from every side of the speaker's all parts of the United States. Among ' fovennaeatal affair* tmpUes tooth power aad moored to shore near the head of tbe at clans prstiJeAlcea, a*4 vance a single sew Idea. First, he made tbe the more notable observances were the «««j, has » ee«rt of equity the J«H*4Jet!oa rapids, which at this point are very stand. The police and military to tsa«o s a JajuneUon in aid of the per? Mtmmiulby«e Insidious aid oj private sstf- assertion that If you have free coinage ot silconsiderable difficulty in dedication of the confederate monu- [ formance of SUCM uuly; Wane ar* *h« re- precipitous and rocky. All had gone « eapiOUy. Above ail. № party ts ver you will put the country on a silver had of th* people when It iwmgnlima ta* basis aad drive all gold out of tae country. clearing a way for the carriages, and tnent and decoration of grave*; latioaa of ta* sea*rai govrraateat to inter- to sleep, withemt leaving' a watchman federal soldiers at Chicago; :state cammerea and the transportation of to guard th« crib. During the nlgfet sooad aad ahaehttelT asf* Tern Is not aw*. We have tried it once, aad it was considerably after 11 o'clock, of wnea we quit had SJtogl lc gold more than Is ta* Ufs blood of « * the services at the tombs of the mails? They are thane of direet snper* the crib broke front it* moarinjts the hour for beginning the exercises, wbea we began. He says this country would prosperity, sad whas. it Gen. Grant, at Riverside, and vision, eoatrol and Bkanafenent. Watte onof oar f«Uow-cltls*ns, Moh or poor, be the dumping groueds for all silver bullion, when the distinguished visitors were at the grave of Gen. Logan at Wash- d«r the dual system which prevails with us and carried its eargo of sleepiBf; the powers of tovemasent are distributed men, all unmindful of their fate, tps the Oftaseqseswjes He ts mistaken there, (or oars Is the only na- seated on the platform and the mill" iloa under the sun that has silver bwtiioa " the state and the nation, aad «**d*awa*ratlO9 of our currency. tary band began the opening selec- ington. At Springfield, 111., occurred between whUe OM latter Is properly styled a govern- into the nurjrlng waters below. tbe ceremony of transferring the cus"Wfest I have written has not bftea prompttion. of enumerated powers, yet within the The crib was broken to piece* *« by say fsar that the democracy of th* *tat* SALT LAKE CITY, U. T., May 28.— tody of Lincoln nionujoent. fiom ment Tike CVmmonte*. limits of sneb enumeration it has all the at' on tbe rock* aud not a man) «f Jtow York wiU ever be aa accomplice to (Jen. Warner and ex-Congressman JibAH the last notes died away Cot the Monument association to the tributes of sofereigaty, and Is UM ejutrelse of escaped to tell the tale. The Spanish ***maa injury to their eountry as would been- ley arrived from the west Saturday of Illinois. At Viro^US, those ewuioerated powers aeti directly upon river flows Into the north channel of -esUsfl by the free, unlimited and Independent Joseph Desba Pickett, chaplain of the state SBlsayi of sUvsr; nor do I *allev* they and weru received by a dknniittee of Kentucky ''Orphan Brigade," arose WU., a monument erected to the eittcrn and n^t through tha intermediate Lake Huron, north of Manitoulin areacy ot the state. -wttt i s s * hotflaw of party merest* as to the chamber of commerce. A monster • the memory of the late Jeremiah L a atovetnenu I a*v*» referred to raasn-meeting was held at the theater and advancing to the front of the M. Rusk, President Harrisou's secre-Under the power vested in congress to es- island. Near its mouth is a « F ^ U la the belief that 8othlng more stand invoked the divine blessing on tablish post offices and post roads congress hamlet of perhaps 100 inhabitants, situtary of agriculture, wa* dedicated. bss by a mass, of learislstion established iht. ated on the Sioux branch of the Canathe attention erf th* at night, presided over by ex-Congress- tbe assemblage. or the nation*: democracy, man Ra'.v)ins and attended by repre- j Gen. John C. Underwood, who orig- The day was observed on the Gettys- great post oAce system of the couairy, with dian Pacific railway. The entire counla tae conviction mat the voice of the sentative ioen of all parties. Both burg battlefield with interesting and sU it* detail cf organiMiloo, Us machinery rats of Kew York, through its press, speakers sharply arraigned the admin- | inated the idea of the monument, then impressive ceremonies. In ft number for The transaction Of basiaeas, denning try is a lumbering district. wbat shall be carried add what not, eoBStaaUy be beard la ovely state. istration and the recent speeches of briefly sketched tbe inception and of southern cities ex-federal and ex- aad the prtos of carriage, and also prescrib"Tours Wry truly. progress of the movement which culMORE COL! MA SURVIVORS. Secretary Carlisle aud Comptroller ing peoalttc* for all offense*, against It ObMi&*ted__In...W»e g ^ a t gathering, and confederate veterans joined hands in Ttsm;!"-^-t!tsss- js^fcrs -jfiv*!! *o-t!is T* M«wi ia closed by introducing us presiding of- decorating the graves of "those who govemtaent over interstate cumineru and ia *tea*4 Up Aloof the Ciiut. Mr. Sibley said that Mr. Carlisle's Tenn., May 2.--The folrespect to the transportation of the malls were ficer of the exercises Eev. H. W. Bol- died on both SAX FKA^CISOO, May 31.—L. K. Brewnot dartnant aad u suited. Coa^rtus had taken lowing address to the public, issued by. portrayal of the horrors of free coin- ton. pastor of the Centenary Methodist er, a Guatemalan coffee planter now ia hold ot tbe.se two matteni, and, by various and O'ER ASHTABULA DEAD. tbe Central Bimetallic league of Mem- age would not prevent the American church and past commander of U. S. tpeciftc nets, had assumed and exercised the this city, whose wife and two children people from giving it an experiment. Grant post No. 23, G. A. E. ;phJs, explains itself: D*cllcat«Hl at the Graves of powers given to It, and was la the full dis- were passengers on the steamer Colima, Btonvi He addressed the silver mine owners "To m FBOFLX or TBJK Uwtrm> STATVS: charge or lis duty to reguUw ia*er»iAU! comL'nfclrvwa W*da Hampton Speak*. cent a cable to Maczanilla asking lor ales of the agricultural and pro- particularly, aud was immensely merce aed csrrr the mails 0., May 31.—The last Dr. Boltou on taking the chair rer classes of our eountry. moved by treed' cheered when he said they were the information, and Thursday morning bo "IX the Inhabitants of c. single state or a resting- place of the unknown dead of i by avarice, have conspired to turned tnanks for the honor conferred received an answer saying that boat* ssentially governmental func- least part of the calculations of the upon him, and in a speech of some the Ash tabula bridge railroad wreck, great body Of them should combim: to obstruct ioterstate commerce or the transportation aod rafts from the Colima were **J*a of fawning and controlling the moo- bimetallism; that where the mine which occurred in ISTo, who lie in the mall*, proaecutioas lor such offenses being picked op at intervals and the •*y votame at the nation to a system owners had lost a dollar by length delivered an eloquent eulogy Chestnut Grove cemetery,was the scene of had in &nch community would be doomed occupants rescued. This is the first •** basking corporations full of the vice the demonetization of silver, the upon the soldiers of the late war, both in advance to failure. And U ibe cerThursday of the dedication of the montssislsttott sad void of any virtue north and south. After an anthem uicty of such fallnre w « known and the news of an encouraging character re«OIM*WU tt to the consideration of a American people had lost a hunument to their memory. Under the by a double quartette the orator of the national government had n» w^jt w*y , ?/> ceived here since the wreek was first citizen. TJndauated by the fall- dred. He closed by prophesying t» sinium tfce aanettoe of the American that there would only be two parties day, Gen. Wade Hampton, was intro- direction of the Knights of Pythias eatorce the freedom of Interstate commerce I reported. A later dispatch says that promoters of this nefarious in America in 1896, one the party of the duced and spoke at considerable and the veterans of the Grand Army and the transportation of the mails than by prosecution aad punishment lor Interference the Colima went down in ISO fathoms. boldly taken the initiatory length. Be said it was no dishonor to of the Republic the crremony WHS made to attain the object of the con-gold trust, the other the party of the the north to decorate the graves of the the feature of tbe regular Memorial therewith, the whole interests of the n&iton in ; The steamer sent to the rescue found these rsspects would be »t the absolute merty nobody alive. Three cabin passengers Backed by the great power of ex- American people, and every citizen confederates. The lofty column dedi- day observance. Floral offerings and of a pMtlotv of the lahabitantai of a singl* &o& two sailors got a&hore at Coai wealth and the Influence of high of- must be on one side or the other. Astal posit km, they have pubUcty convened cated here stood as a silent though no- the tears of friends aod relatives were deciaioo. *«y«. however, tbst there to hueysna alive. So far twenty-&ix partetalseity of Memphis and openly declared i ble emblem of a restored union tbe tribute* paid over the unmarked »oThe sticit iMpoicacy in the national goveo- sons are known to be saved. The> purpose. They demand that the eona reunited people. The , May 29.—The supreme and ment. The stro&e srm of the natioaal gov- Pacific Mail officers now admit that Inhcrently sovereign right ernment may be patv lorth to brash sway all money b* delivered into their court of the United States has affirmed brave men in Chicago in this PERISH IN A CLOUDBURST. obstructions to the freedom of Interstate there is hardly any chance of other They hesitat* at no deception, they the constitutionality of the Geary dedication have done honor to the commerce or the transportation ef UM abtiis. passengers being saved. The fact that a m p l e at no fraud. Knowing the innate Five Bodies So Far B*«over*4t Alone thm ; U tbe werganey arises, th* army of toe the steamer sank in ten minutes would tategiity of our people theypraj* of hoa- Chinese exclusion law in the case of dead here, not as confederate soldiers, l>e*ll Rivers. TCXJM. | nation aad all Us BlUtissnt at tbe serrtee of -eat money.' Appreciating oar aversion to pa- Lem Moon Sing, the California China- but as brave men who preferred imSAX AXOELO, Tex., May 31.—The dis- \ ta* nation to compel obsdieso* to its laws, l a indicate that only a few of the people tsnuusm they say the 'government mas* go man who left this country and was prisonment aud death rather than present oase the right to use fores toes on board the steamship got away. -*wt of toe banking- bwsiness.' refused admission. Justice Harlan, freedom obtained by a dishonorable astrouti cloudburst along the Johnson ! tbe not exclude tJae right of apodal to the courts -They hope and believe that we will not stop in the opinion, said that the statute in- sacrifice of the principles for which and Devil rivers resulted in several i for a Judicial determination aad for the MILITIAMEN TO COMPETE. deaths. Five bodies have been recov-*» eoaslder that to exact a dollar which' by trusted to the collector the power of they were willing to die. exercise of all their power* of prevention. >-letous loxislatios, they have made to cost >a* passing upon the facts in the case. ered from the "draws," which were j Indeed,ttis more to the praise than to the aad C%U'or»ta C* Another vocal selection followed and «ebtor twice as much labor and double blame of the government that instead of deOver SOe-\ar* the amount of produce as the one prom- Lem Moon Sing contended that he had then Maj. Henry T. Stanton, of Ken- flooded by the storm, and it is) termining for ii*«lf questions of right'and Is not 'honest.' They expect acquired a domicile as a citizen of the tacky, recited the memorial ode. lie feared that a number of settlers in the wrong on the pan of these petitioners and SAX FKAXCIBCO, May 31,—Company Americas people to accept as United States before the passage of was followed by Rt Rev. Samuel Fal- valleys of the two rivers have perished. their associate)* aad enforcing ta«i determina- D. First infantry of the Illinois nation'true the statement that money of the constitution by the ciub of tbe poitceioaa snd the lows, LL IX, bishop of tbe Reformed Searchers have been finable to reach bayonet of tbe soldier, it submitted sll those al guard, has accepted the challenge -*!*•. established by the fathers. Is dishonest the exclusion law. several large ranches in that section. Jor so ether reason &ave the dicta of their UEpiscopal church, and late major genquestions to tbe peaceful determination of o' Company B, national guard of T* awe* c< The '"draws," which have water in judicial tribunals, and invoked tbeir consid- California, to shoo I over a 200.1—Uluai accomplices aud tools. They hope eral United States volunteers, who LOSDOX, May 27.—It seems to be ac*a*« the people wiM ignoranti? coalound tbe them only a short time after ruins, eration and judgment as to the measure of, its yard range. Twenty men or mom awfisifn prerogative aad tbe duty of the gov- cepted as a fact in official circles that eloquently voiced the blessings of were deluged. One ranch with 1,700 power*. of each company »re to engage sramnut t o coin money atsd establish a system peace. sheep lost 1,300. After further argument the opinion says: in the contest, which is to take «f aalfona weights and measures.'with the bus- Ruttsian troops have crossed the SiSpiking- tbe Gans. "A mo»t#ean»#»t man eloquent appeal was tea** of loans and discounts iuberently appro- berian frontier in force—some Shang* Hand* Seat f Earope. Then followed the most impressive made to a* in eulo*7 of the heroic spirit of place the 1st of August. It. will be a •riat* to toe occupation of the private eltixen. hai reports say 20,000 strong—and NKW YOIIK, May 31.—Logan Carlisle, there who, threw up their employmeat and telegraphic match, each company to Tbsy thinfc that we will forget that the true advanced down into the province of portion of the ceremonies—that of ejaesston is not whether 'the government shall Kirin, in southern Manchuria, near the "monumenting %ha guns." The four chief clerk of the treasury department, gave up their ineuu or earning a livelihood, have a representative at iU opponent'* bot ia uefen»e of their OTTS rights, but in go out of the banking busloesK,' but whether eanuoos used in *be ceremony formed lias sailed for Europe on the I'arisw He •yttpathy for aad to assist others whom tfcey range. The result* will be telegraphed tfe* banks sb*H go out of the ftorerafng busl- Coresn border. According to German by each representative, and the tarBiii. Thus they design by the aid ot public information Rnsuia has embarked upou part of a federal battery during has in charge the new United StaUrs beltored to be wronged. We yield to none in gets will be exchanged by express imour *d ml ration of uny act ot heroism or *elfwere captured frovernment 4 per cent, bonds to the apathy to rivet tbe chains which will make no less a venture than seizing Man- the war. They but we may be permitted to add that mediately «t the conclusion of tft* 4r*e nea slsvec. from the union forces in the r<i!ue of $32,000,000, to be delivered to ttacri&ce, churia *rsd Cores for herself, aad it is it is a lessen whici) csncot tw learned too noon match. the European subscribers to the recent "To th* cad that U^ir hopes may neet with RUBJK cted from various indications she battle of Murfreesboro and afteror too thoroughly that under this government of 4lsappotatment aart their conspiracy with failwards fought on the confederate side bond issue. Assi>:tant Secretary of the and by ift*i people the means of redress of all END~OF~A SPREE. has an 'understanding with China on •i*. that the toiling masses of out people may In the battle of Missionary Ridge, Re- Treasury W. E. Curtis, who went wrong Is througa the court* sod at the ballotW saved from an industrial serfdom more the whole subject. box, aad U»st no '.iron*, real or fancied, carFatally We*f**s a saca, Dal ton, Kenesaw mountain, abro&d last week, will superintend tbe ries with it legal warrant to invite KS a means A St. Lovhwit KiUs -vine) sad degrading tsaa chattel slavery, HI* D I M U H H Flood hi Texas. •ometaing must be done to meet tbeir conPeachtree creek. Atlas ta and Franklin. delivery of the bonds to the foreign ef redress the cooperation of a mob with Its ST. LOCW, May 31.—]Dwriog a beer S%s AHTOXIO, Tex., May ML—Nat They were recaptured by the federals holders. atacly directed aad lasisiousaflttults." accompanying seta of riolsnc*. drinkir^r bout in a boarding 'That ta* people may coane together ar-d Sulzbadner, of this city, returning from at tbe battle of Nashvile, and 4id "We have given to this oase the most aax' **eh otber it has been deemed Kitted h j tUm ions sad careful attentlos, for we realise that 4007 North ttrotuhvay Wednesday tt to call together a convention the Devils river country, bring* re- service for the union side during the CINCINNATI, May 31.—The first heat tt touches closely questions or supreme tav evening Henry Terrick. a stone mason, at Memphis, Juae IX and IS, port of great loss of life and property remainder of the war. yictiiu wa* reported Thursday morn* psrtaooe to the people of the eoustry.** The got into a quarrel anU want to fcia eovunnnity. every city and from floods. The Devil's river, which The monument corps comprised: For ing. An unknown man overcome by court then sums up Its coociualoas substan- home in aa adjoining house fora pistol. sad every state ta the union rose 90 feet in as many minutes, cannon No. 1. Col. B, H. Stewurt and the heat fell d<tad on the street. He tially as given above and denies ths petition On returning through the back yard h* earnestly requested sod cordially to sestf d*l*tates to that convention. swertt the house and family of George Miss Lucy Lee Hill; for cannon No. 2, wait alxmc 50 yetrs old and fairly well for a writ of habeas corpus. The men who are affected by the saw Charles Zoner sitting on a doorstep Bvsty rtctnlty is urgedtoorganise ahnetaiust Velaseos, of seven members, into the Col. Samuel J. Sullvmn and Mrs. Alat*.bs. aad every cl«b should be represented. torrent. All the houses on the Proaser decision are Debs, Howard, Keliher. aad firrd at him, the ball penetratta* It Is mopsssd taat this eoaveattoa shall veto* ranch, between Juno and Comstock, bert Akers; for cannon No, 3, Lieut Terrick immediately Tbe schools of Seattle, Wash , were Rogers, Burns, Hogan, Goodwin and Zoner's skull. CoL George Forrester and Miss I*aura •A* ewMmsnta of the peopte. Th* country aesns ured a bullet iato his own brain aatd Elliott. They are president, vice prestA*dr best thought, their most carefol dellbsrs- were swept away and several families, L. Mitchell; for cannon No. 4, Lieut. cktfcd Thursday on account of the died a t » p. m. jSoner, who had ^o part i aad sasOMUe astkm. They h*v*a* numbering in all about twenty pe№?s£ CoL John W. White and Miss lieUe prevalence of scarlet fever. There are ident aud directors of the i s tite quarrel, ia fatally foj Bailwaj union. are believed to have been drowned. ties s» ~, spiking party,.Lieut Col. tiltythree coses in quarantteft. I ;:•»•• •?• -: ^i"-"., - ','" • • • : ' " ' • • . • • • ; • . . ' • . • : " ' , ; - : • - • ' » v*-'.'—'.- toward t3w the w a l l - * * •aTfcls Ja tha *ign*L The muckaaalooseued roek, not »o mwefc ] that My f«*n **• tnytfctstt aa a pfe*a of mortar lost from ita plae* ] rush out from behind tb* rocks Tm «M aoA rrava. "There," aay the unbelieving Israel- and take the city, and It la Azraul AdAwaa to tho W its, "didnt I tell you «OT Why* pat to tha torch, and then these IsThirt*«ntA Brooklyn. those minister* are fool*. Th* raelites in tha city march down and Wka Miulta* w n a s of tit*, idea . of going around the city the flying battalion of Israelites reAad n ( H yroprtetarj air*. W«ma vsfwa «poa s v ***•. with those musical instrument* turn, and between tbeae two waves of Wa* *4sfce« AM <*•»*• Israelitish prowess the mea of Ai and expecting la that way to aad«ft «•>• p c Vai destroy iit! Joshua has been spoiled; destroyed, aud the Israelites gain winds M*w tree, «v«Blnf stars *a« pr he Chinks because he has overthrown victory; and while I sea the mwftkf I t r t to mj In** and destroyed the spring freshet, a* smoke of that destroyed city on tha TV DeWltt delivered- his a n n u l can overthrow the stone wall. Why, sky, and while I hear the huzza of the Butfe«wX e*a«ot e«ax aer; AU other? contain alum or ammonia. chaplain of tbe Thirteenth it is not philosophic. Don't you s*e Israelites au4 the groaa of tha Ca* Wbat e*» ia» AKfereaee bet Ber cowns u a Ion*, ah* romps so regiment H. G. a K. Y. at Embury Me* there i* no relation between the blow- aaanites, Joshua hears something loudNot alts apoa mj knoe. ssoriial church, Brooklyn. He took for ing of these musical instruments and er than it all, ringing and echoing —Jams* a Kenyoa, la Cutorr. • i s subject: "The Greatest Soldier of the knocking down of the wall. It through his soul: "There shall not any All Time," baaing it on the text: isn't philosophy." And I suppose man bo able to stand before thee all V fine chad, sir. I cougratalsteyou, LAWTKE—"You will1 get your third out of o' In words *h* n«v«r told It— Tatnre shall not be any man stole to stand be- there were many wiseacres who stood the day. at \hy life." I don't hesitate to say that it is one et ttw the estate, madam.* wiaow—"Ob, Mr. r TToo' *b* d r e w aot I g •see thee all the days of thy U'fe.-Ja.tb'ia i.t 5. with their brows knitted, and with the But tab is no place for the host fit Bluebogs t How can YOU say £*tch a thing, largest babies I have ever seen." "Man* tf Tb*t fth« loves me, yet m l Udy with my second hardly cola in tL« Kr*yef" the largest, doctor. Don't mini me—Patsa Fosjthe most part, when the general forefinger of the right hand to the fore- Joshua to stop. "Forward, march!" E«r iwfcet M e m h u aoaf*tMd. affldavft editor myself ."-Brooklyn Life. -Puck: • f an army starts out in a conflict lie finger of the left hand, arguing it all cries Joshua to the troops. There is Tao' 1B words the never told m*. woold like to have a small battle in out, anJ showing it was not possible the city of Gideon. It has put itself Cannot Be Tb*tv are otbei*, and, food tooth, order that he may get his courage up that such a cause should produce such under the protection of Joshua. They with VOCAL AFWCATIONS, as they osneot Are those diminutive organs, the kidneys, Ttto' *ti» true tint they were traitors, vetch the seat of the disease. Catarrh is • which in spite of their small sue, perfenate and he may ralJy his troops and get an effect. And I suppose that uight sent word: "There are five kings after Thou) dear trailer* J»ld ifce i t L t blood or constitutional disease, and la ordei health a moat Important part in themftchsn them drilled for greater conflicts; but in the encampment there was plenty ua; they are going to destroy us;, send to ew» it you mast take internal remedies. Ism of the system. Out of order theybnaj Then are swifter, surer bearers this first undertaking of Joshua was of philosophy and caricature, and if troops quick; send us help right Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, and dangerous trouble. Beoew their auUvUf wn» Of love's tender message* acts directly on the blood and mucous sur- Hosteler's Stcraach Bitters, w h k h r — * — greater than the leveling oi Fort Pa- Josiiaa—had been nominate for any away." Joshua has a three days' Tbaa the tong**; and fond heart* face*. Half* Catarrh Core is not a quack the seriftu* an A often fatal di laski, or the thundering down of Gib- high military 'position, he would not march more than, double quick. On them medicine. It was prescribed by <n* of tbe from their inaction. This sterling m< Sooaer tar than aught it sars, raltar, or the overthrow of the Bastile. have got many votes. Joanna's the morning of the third day he is bebeet physicians in this country for years, and moreover, remedies malarial, rhennw to a regular preaeriptioe. It is composed of dyspeptic complaint*, and invigorates It was the crossing of the Jordan at stock was down. The second fore the enemy. There are two And I know my lady loves me; the best tonics known, combined with toe whole system. the time of the spring freshet. The day, For, whato'er her toafue denies, the priests Wowing the long lines of battle. The batJe bast blood noriners, acting directly on the With her voice she has caressed as*. snows of Mount Lebanon had just been musical instruments go around th« opens with grant slaughter, bnt mucous surfaces. The perfect oombuatkm She has kU*ed me wlta her ey*s! melting and they r^-ured down into city, and a failure. Third day, and a the of the two ingredients is what produces such Canaan itea soon discover —Bostoa Qt«a*> wonderful results ia curing; Catazrh. Send the valley, and the .. .ole valUy was failure; fourth day. and a failure; something. They say: •That i* for testimonial*, free, ft raging torrent. So the Canaanites fifth day, and a failnre; sLxtb day, Joshua; that is the man who conTfe* l l r s t F. J. CneffftT h. Co., Props., Toledo, O* stand on the bank and they look and a failnre. The seventh day comes, quered the $pr!hg freshet and knocked What Is it Mis the father's heart ld by Druggists, price 75c With pride and Joy eooucb to start across and see Joshua and the Israel- the climacteric day. Joshua is np dewn the stooe wall and destroyed fcnily Pills, 25 cents. • Ont-eUse. wholesale Messing mart? ites, and they langU and say: "Aha! early in the morning and examines the city of AL There is no use fight* - "If Mrs. Bmith gives yon a ntosw aha! they can not disturb us until the the troops, walks all around about, ing." And they sound a retreat, and of cake, be sore to say 'thank you.*** Fred-, What mattes a father kiek his seels freshet falls; it is impossible for them looks at the city wall. The priests as they begin to retreat Joshua and die—"What good is that! She never fives High in the air? What most reveals you say more.*—Brooklyn Life. to reach us." Bat after awhile they start to make the circuit of the city. his host- spring upon them like a The wild tumultuous Joy he teeis? look across the water and they see? & They go all around once, all around panther, pursuing them over the rocks, Aboyi Cbattmnuofsv movement in the army of Joshua. twice, three times, four times, five and as these Canaanites, with sprained The route to Chattanooga over the Louis> What makes a father want to stac They say: "What's the matter now?1 times, six times, aeven times, and a ankles and gashed foreheads, retreat, rOie ot Nashville Railroad in via Mammoth Like forty thousand birds la sprue, C&ve, America's Greatest Natural Wonder. Why, there must be a panie among failure...... :..;: '... • ' ;.... the catapults of the akv ©on* a votler And b«t he's papa to a king? Specially km rates made for note! and these troops, and they are going to fly, of. hailstones into the valley, and all Aboy! Cave fees to holders of Epworth League There is «nly one more thing to do* tHie artillery of the heavens, with bul* [ «r perhaps they are going- to try to tickets. Throorfj Nashville, the location of What makes a father tea times glad? and that is to utter a great shout. I Vanderbflt University, the pride of the March across the River-Jordan. Joshua lets of iron, pounds the Canaanitea What is the greatest living ad. MetbodistChurcht and along the line beit a lunatic," But Joshua, the chief- see the Israelitish army straightening against the ledges of Beth-horon. That be is re»Uy attad? tween Nashville and Chattanooga where themselves up. Hiring their lungs for a tain of .the te-xt, 16oks at- his army and ! ••• '.. .. . ., A Mr! many of the HUM* famous battles of the war * Oiir says^Juauiia, "this is surely a vociferation sneu as was never iieard cries: "Forward, march!" and they —W. J. Lampton. la Detroit Free Press. were fought Send for maps of the route victory." "But do you net see the sun before and never heard after. Joshua from Cincinnati, Louisville, Evausville and * start for the bank of the Jordan. U t t t * ftrown Eye*. feels that the hour has come, and he is going down? Th<K.e Amorites are Bt L onis, and partund&rs as to rates, etc., to Brings comfort and C. P. ATWOKB, General Passenger Agent, One mile ahead go two priests car- cries out to his host: "Shout; going to get away after all, and they Bright little Brown Eyes from Babylaad tends to personal enjoyment Louisville, Kv., or J. K. KamsLJ, K. W. F. Is winking and blinking at me. rying a glittering box four feet long for the Lord hath given you will come up some other time and A., Chicago, i l l rightly used. Tne many, wli I feel tbs touch of a dimpled hand and two feet wide. It is the ark' of the .city!" All the people begin bother us, and perhaps destroy us." As be clambers upon lay knee; twr thanothttn and enjoy li£eL——g --— T s s oath that falls from tbs profane the covenant. And they eoine -down, to cry, "Down, Jericho; down, See, the sun is going down. OU, for a Tbe tiny fingers tag at my heart. Jess expenditure, by more proaptqr man's lips becomes a dagger in somebody's and no sooner do they just touch the Jericho!" and the long line of solid longer day than has ever been seen in And I told him In mj embrace. adapting the world's best prodncfa w>. breast.—Rom's Horn. The sweetest picture in all the world rim of the water with their feet than masonry begins to quiver and move this climate. What is the matter with tbeneeds of physical being, wfll -•*"* Is my Brown Eyes' dear little face. •• A Ch+»v Trip to tte* by an Almighty' fiat, Jordan parts. snd rock. Stand from under. She Joshua? Has he fallen in an apoplecthe yatae to health of tbe pniw _ V Biff Four Route and picturesque The army of Joshua marches right on falls. Crash! go the walls, the tem- tic fit? No. He is in prayer. Look XJttle Brown Eyes, I am all your a w n laxative principles embraced in Cbeeafieake and Ohio Ry. have been anCling fc&dly to me. oaby b o y without getting their feet wet, over ples, the towers, the palaces; the air out when a good man makes the Lord Bowieed tbe official route from Illinois and remedy, Syrup of Fig*. Tour mother's lap Is your kingly throws,,, I Indiana by the Baptist Young People's the bottom of the river, a path of is blackened with the dust Tbe his ally. Joshua raises his face, radiIte excellence b d n e to its r _. Your subject's heart is tail of Joy. I Union which bold* the Fifth International chalk and broken shells and pebbles. huzza of the victorious Israelites and ant with prayer, aad looks at the de- , Take In the form most acceptable and nlMsv T sU the treasures of life away— * CssTcsticr: s i Baltinicr* ltd., Jt<I I'Jth to ant to the taste, tbe rauesning anm r ^ ' tmtil they get to the other bank. Then the groan of the conquered Canaan* scending sun over Gideon and at the I ask not weak* or stati:« gra»4— fl s t " OnJnly Tflti* aad 17th the above lines But leave. O Heaven, I humbly pray, they lay bold of tbe oleanders and itea commingle, and Joshua, standing faint crescent of the moon, for you will sell tickets at one fare round trip good benefiti*! properties of a perfect Uttl* Brow a Eyes from BabylftBd. tamarisks and willows and pull them' there in the debris of the wall, hears a know the queen of the night sometimes feUiroia* until Au«rust 5th inclusive. ative; eftectuaily cleansing the a— —Joha X. Surte. la Bestes £ » V « * K . Sesd for rates and deseriptivn paaBphlet. " Oling colds, headaches «ad •elve* np a bank thirty or forty voice saying: "There shall not any will linger around the palaces of the feet high, and having gained man be able to stand before thee all day. Pointing one hatid at the de- T u man who consider* himself all wool J. C. T9aua, S. K. A. Big Poor Rout*, enrfeg tt* Clark St., Chicago. scending ana and the other, hand at *s4 a yard wide wants to makw him—If the other bank, they dap the days of thy lift" IthMgWraiatisfactioato Q l t News. A wamtct somettmes runs sway with fts n e t with th* approval of tbe tfce faint crescent of tbe moon, in the their shields and their cymbals, But Joshua's troops may not halt itder.btttunfortnnateiyiteknt throw him •wifroioa, bteiasB it aett on:1._ name of that God who shaped the and sing the praises of the God at and kill oiov—OalvesMu Sews. liver awl Bowel* witfaottft Joanna. Bnt no sooner have they here. The command is: "Forward, worlds and moves the worlds, he cries; "TU O m o x Kis«" wiQ remain for a teach ml the bank than th* waters be- march?" There is the city of Ai, it "Sun, stand thou still upon Gideon; 9£ 1 Cblcan H or ™s> two f w w at • • McVicker ^*av v •ayMm?4 •* Tbestsr, • a#r^n>e*B»• ^^**^^"^B^ gin W wftsb Mad roar, swd with a ter- must be taken. How shall it be tak- and thou, moon, in the valley of THE MARKETS. k Hay H M en. A scouting party comes back and conuneociog Ita third week M. •very obiectionubs* Ajalon." And they stood sUlL rine rash they break loose from their Syrop of F i p i- fee mk As secured by mall. aaya: "Joshua, we can do that withYoas, MLay tt Whether it waa by refraction of tbe •trang« anchorage. Out yonder they gbta InlfiOe « d i l bo«l«% tate L fr»7» a §•> LIVE STOCK-CMtJ* out you; it is going to be a very easy Sva«ciuvnt-"Wby is my riser M> damp sun's rays or by the stopping of nave stopped; thirty miles up yonder Job; you must stay here while we go every iaane!" Editor -BwaWthero i« so 0o» only, whose M M is prtw4t4«a «VMf Hutf, tbe whole planetary system, I do they baited. On this side th« waters n o e s due oa it'1—Christian Rcgtater. 40 Pawnt*... pMkngB.alw the name, 8yrtt»«< roll off toward tbe salt sea. But as the and capture i t They march with a not know, and do not care. I leave it FLOCK-Wiater Winter Straight*....'...,.' »7» i \ It small regiment in front of that city. and beiwr well f»fonaed,_TOU wltt BavlTT to mother and child and less unto the Christian SCICUURU and infidel WIIEAT-N* * Red.... band of the Lord God I* taken away U pleasantness after confinement, result from Tbe men of A! look at them and give No. I Ward. i h i i f scientists to settle, while I tell you I CORN—No. < from tbe thus uplifted waters—waterm useol"Motber'sFrJcod." tSoldbydrugfiet*. perhaps uplifted half a mile—as the one yell, and the Israelites run like hav« seen the same thing. "What,4* b p reindeers. Tbe northern troops at you say, "not th<* sun standing •till?** O A T B - N O . «..:• Almighty band is taken away them* waters rush down, and some of the un- Bull Bun did not make such rapid Yes. The same miracle is performed Track While Western.... N«w believing Israelite* say: "Alas, alas; time as these Israelites with the nowadays. This wicked do not live out what a misfortune! Why could not those Canaan itea after them. They never half their day. and the sun seta at LAKU— W e i t w o . . . It I* IS waters have stayed parted? because cut such a sorry figure as when they noon. But l»t a man start out and BUTTEB— W«it'n Creamery Dairy.. perhaps we may waat to go back. Were on the retreat. Anybody that battle for God, and the truth, and CHICAUOL goes out in the battles of God with onagainst sin. and the day of his usefulOh, Lord, we are engaged in a risky blpplotf sieeri.. ly half a force, instead of your taking Siorkenand Feeder*.... ness is prolonged, and prolonged, aud fcuiness. Those Canaani tea may eat Buicaen' Steers., ns up. How if we want to go back? the men of Ai, the men of Ai will t*ke prolonged. low* you. Look at tbe church of God on Would it not have been a more comBobert McCheyne was a consump- &UEE1* plete miracle if the Lord had parted the retreat. The Bomesum cannibals tbe waters to let us come through and ate up Munson, the missionary. "Fall tive Presbyterian. It was said when Dairy I~*sif kfrHf Stock •—Jsspt-tbcxs-parted' to 1st BS go back i? hack!" said a great m&ny Chris- he preached, he coughed so it seemed KGGS— If so • *• Babf" 0r«am Separator wlU «ara Ue cost Csr ..'• • we are defeated?" My friends, God tian people—"Fallback, oil" church as if ac weald never -preach " s i c UiUXJM Fresh •«oev*tT year. Wfey *o**fe COKN (per t o n ) . otter year at so gnat * loss? makes no provision for a Christian's of God! Borneo will never be taken. His name is fragrant in all Christen- P O T A T O E S ( p e r b u > . . . . . profi table feature of Acrloottare, Propettvsontsesta retreat. He clears the path all the Don't you see the Bornesian can; dom, that name mightier to-day than ltalrraTSBavs weu, soft most pay yoo. Yoi ae*J a nibals have eaten up Mun&on, the miswas ever his living presence. He lived KiXrtJK—sprta* latent*. SKPARATOS. ss4 yo« aeed tfi« way to Canaan. To go back- ia to die. "Baby." All styles and eanaei The same gatekeepers that swing back sionary?" Tyndall delivers his lecture to preach the gospel in Aberdeen, Edttswsnt. J 9 " Send tot ..'Inter Patents. «» t, at the University of Glasgow, and a inburgh and Dundee, but he went away Wiuier Straights t«0 the'amethystine and crystalline gate T -Wta«att S a l of the Jordan to let Israel pass great many good people say: "Fall very early. He preached himself into OKALN Corn. Na t . through, now swing shut the back, oh, church of God! Don't you the grave. Has Bobert McCheyne's Oats, No. i j « »i* > see that Christian philosophy is going sun bet? Is Robert McCheync's Kye.No. S.. ..•. amethystine snd crystalline gate of 72 OORTLAHDT ST., MEW YORIL Barley. Common u> Chosc» « tae Jordan to keep the Israelites to be overcome by worldly philosophy? day ended? Oh, not His dying delirium MILWAUKEE. from going back. I declare it in your Fallback!" Geology plunges its crow- was filled with prayer, and when he GRAIN— Wheat. No. S Sprla» I Corn, No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bearing to-day, victory ahead, water bar into the mountains, and there are lifted bis hand to pronounce the benOats. Na Z Wtite a great many people who say: "Scienediction upon his country, he seemed forty feet deep in the rear. Triumph Rye, No. 1 . . . FOR ONE WRAPPER OP . . . tific investigation is going to overto say: "I can not die now; I want to Barley. No. t ahead, Canaan ahead; behind you PORK.—Mess it throw tha Mosaic account of the Crealive on and on. I want to start an indeath and darkness and woe and bell. 11 Friends of God luence for the church that will nevei KANSAS CITY. But you say: "Why didn't those tion. Fall back! cease l a m only thirty years of#ge. CATTLE—Texas Steew Canaanites, when they bid such a have never any right to fall back. Stockers»B3 feeders..... splendid chance—standing on the top Joshua fell on his face in chagrin. It Sun of my Christian ministry, stand Send us two two-cent stamps for postage. These doOft ha* - i > - . . . . . . . S » (ft of the b&uk thirty or forty feet high, is the only time you ever see the back still over Scotland." And it stood still. S H E * k p . " ! ! i - M ^ i . OMAHA. changeable heads. No two dolls dressed alike. completely demolish those poor Is- of his head. He falls on his face and But it is time for Joshua to go home. CATTLE- Steers..... H -to B ADAMS & SONS CO.,Smmt f c wi Street, ' «*8^ * •StocUers and Feeders.... 2i raelites down in the river?" I will tell begins to whine, and he says: "Oh, He is one hundred a ad tea years old. you why. God had made a promise, Lord God, wherefore hast Thou at all Washington went down the Potomac, HOGS—Ll«btand Mixed and He was going to keep it. "There brought this people over Jordan to de- and at Mount Vernon closed his days. Heavy Jg shall not any man be able to stand be- liver us into the hand of the Amoritec, Wellington died peacefully at Apsley SHEEP....» 1 00 fore thee All th* days of thy life." Now, where shall Joshna to destroy us? Would to God we had House, LOOK OUT FOR BREAKERS AHEAD rest? Why, he-is to have his greatest been content and dwelt oil the other liut this is no place far the host to side of Jordan! For the Canaanites battle now. After one hundred and when pimples, eruptions, boils, •top. Josh a a gives the command: and SAINT PAUL AND DUUJTH COUNTRY. the inhabitants of the land ten years he has to meet a king who and like manifes"Forward, march!" In the distance shall all has more subjects than all the present of it, and shall environ us tations of impure GOOD LAND. SURE CROPS. GOOD MARKETS* there is a long grove of trees, and at roundhear population of the earth, bus throne blood appear. They and cut off our name from the tB WM sft •*"!•?• ^sy"y.T-n^. CX*JaJtBCJL I«sfttt4 4D4MMsVlVtAMbSI~ tbe end ot the grove is a city. It is a earth." wouldn't appear tf a pyramid of skulls, his parterre the city of arbors, a city with walls seemyonr blood were graveyards and the cemeteries of the pure and your sysI am very glad Joshua said that. world, his chariot the world's hearse— ing to reach to the heavens, to buttress ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR * tem in the right Before, it seemed as if he were a sutbe v**ry sky. It is the great metropthe king of terrors. But if this is condition. They olis that commands the mountain pass. pernatural being, and therefore could Joshua's greatest battle, it is going to show you what you It is J ericbo. That city was afterward not be an example to us; bnt I find he be Joshua's victory. He gathers his need—a good blood* pnrifer; that's what captured by Pompey, and it was af- is a man, he is only a man. •? ust as friends around him and gives his valeyou get when you terward captured by Herod the Great, sometimes you find a man under se- dictory, and it is full of reminiscence. Uke Dr. Pierce'a tad it was afterward captured by vere opposition, or in a bad state of Young men tell what they arc going Golden Medics! tbe Mohammedans; bnt this cam- physical health, or worn out with to do; old men tell what they have Discovery. It carries health paign the Lord plans. There overwork, lying down and sighing done. with i'J AH Blood, •ball be no swords, no shields, no bat- about everything being defeated. I Skin sod Scalp DisDead, the old chie ftain must be laid tering ram. There shall be only one am encouraged when I hear this cry eases, from s comout. Handle him vary gently; that weapon of war, and that a ram's horn. of Joshua a* he lies in the dust. Blotch, or Eruption, to tbe worst body is over one hundred mon The born of the slain ram was someScrofula, we cured by it. K invigorate* God comes and arouses him. How sacred times taken and holes were punctured does He ronsebSm? By complimentary and ten years of age. Lay the liver and rouses every organ into action. In tbe most stubborn POft In it, and then the musician would put apostrophe? No. He sr.ys: "Get thee* him out, stretch out those feet healthful forms of Skin Diseases, such ss Saltthat walked dry shod the parted Jorthe instrument to his lips, and he up, Whe.-efore liest thou upon thy rheum, Eczema, Tetter, KrysipeUs. 3oils would run his fingers over this rude face?" Jw.hua. rises, and I warrant dan. Close those lips which helped and kindred ailments, and Scrofula, it is an musical instrument, and make a great you, with a mortified look. But his blow the blast at which the walls nnequaled remedy. * JOHN GABLB A SONS, Nsw Y«vsr. * deal of sweet harason? for the old con rage cornea back to him. The of Jericho fell. Fold the arm* that lifted the spear toward th* Th» Great people. J b a t was t*e only kind fact was, that was not his battle. If of weapon. Seven priest* were he had been in it he would have gone doomed city of AL Fold it right KIDNEY, « 9 i(TATBWTKJ) n n t m to take these rad*> rustic musical on to victory. He gathers his troops over the heart that exulted when th* LIVER A Lye instruments, and taey were to go around him and sajv: "Now let us go five kings felL Bat w h e n shall we re* TJalik* otbw Ly«u it BLADDER around the city every day for s'.x days cp and capture the city of Ai; let ns the Varnished granite for the head? a aae powder tmA psekea U T stone and the fooUWcc? I bethink -zitk rcnoraMe u8,ij sM —once a day for six days, and then oa go up right away." CURC •raalwayii ready for myself now. I imagine that for thsWill the seventh day they were to go soak* tbe hmt perft Bant They march on. He puts the majori- head it shall be th« sun that stood Soapla around blowing them rude musical in- ty of tbf» troops behind a ledge of rocks JL !» Kl struments seven times, »ud th«t: at the ita the night, and then he scads a com- still upon Gideon, and for the foot ta« vasts ptpea, distataotlat . •Jktse of the eleventh blowing of the paratively small battalion up in front moon th it stood sttll in tha valley oi Dr.KUaOToVCo* Blnghamton, N. Y. «lo*«ta, waahlng botUe^patnta, WT*S00 m m ' boras on tae seventh day tbe of the city. The men of Ai come out Ajalou. peroration of the whole seen* was, to with a shout This battalion in —Nations like inolvidoali, lire or be * about at which tboae great w 4 U sttatagem fall back and fall back, and aiiould tumble from capstone to ba«e. vhen all the men of Ai have left the die, but civilization can not parish.— The seven priests with the rude mi» city and are in p n n i t of this scat* fftcal instruments pass all around tha te/ed or seemingly scattered battalion, walls on i«v i f s t day, and afstt* Joshua stands on a rock—I tee sue —None pities hint bfcaVa in th«enam no, warned b«fot«, wools) a s i Immmm Wcfca firing it. th* wind m hm SALJUGBTS SERMON. Take no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. • KNOWLEDGE 1": a For Cure ot Sprains Bruises. ? T . J A C O B S OIL ot n ..BASE BALL.. Meld is lust ihat all plagers call It, " T H E HAVE YOU FIVE«MORE C0W3 THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR <^.EIGHT PAPER DOLLS_^> ADAMS' PEPSIN TUTTI-FRUTTI NOW IS THE TIME — *THE A BEST* INVALIDS 1 98 + LYE EWI? L K38t-i Ofs CreaRi Baki a s * 3GO,000 —ri * yy^^;'^'- 1 ' ^ MOST № TO JAIL of whiehstoo* The eeremooy at gnn Ho. 1, whteh was repeated s o b e f otlsJljOat each of tbe three others, was aa follows: . CoL Stewart—Tbis gva saving fired ltt last abet on tbe field ef battle, wtflaew besUsaead forever. Sptbetbttgus! CHICAGO, May 31.—Under a sky now Whereupon the spiking party spiked gray and now blue, as light clouds the cannon, CoL France placing the veiled the sun, blue and gray—feder- spike and Comrade Ne*l driving it als and cottfederatfcto united Thsrriiy hszsc. M«"« RTH then mor»«t*fl » in dedicating the monument to thepedestal and said: confederate dead in Oakwoods oemo"This cannon with its glortoat record on tery. The distinguished officers e/ the tb* fieK of battle bavin* been sUensen fortoo consecrate It to tbe osemory of tbe southern army in the late war, in com* ever, valorous sokUery vie now awatjnent as s mlMpasty with famous leader* of the union tary decoration for their bravery an4 honor troops, proceeded tu the cemetery by vatodsath." - M o i a t i t DeeovatMt. train on the Illinois Central railroad at 8:45 a. m. The guns having been monumented Btst*rtc *•»»—• the drum* gave a muffled roll and the Is the throng were men whose names entire corps formed iu line on the west are historic. There were Loajfttreet front of tbe monument. Then from and Fitzhugh Lee, Gen. John C Black Gen. Underwood came the command: and Senator and Gen. John M. Decorate, the monument! At the word Mi&s Catherine Stewart, Palmer, Marcus J. Wright, of Tennessee, and Gen. Joseph. Stockton, of Miss Marion Sullivan and Mrs. R. F. Illinois; M. C. Hutler, Eppa Ilunton, Walker, dressed in white and escorted Gen. John C Underwood, th* projector by three »taif officers, approached the of the monument, and Wade Hampton, monument, Mrs. Walker to the east, the orator of the day, besides hundreds Mistf Stewart to the west and Miss Sullivan in the center. Mrs. Walker adof lesser officers on either 6ide. vanced and, placing a laurel wreath at At tb* yaaaeteryA rapid run soon deposited tbe dis- tbe northeast corner of the monument tinguished veterans at the Sixtieth base, said: ' A* » Just meed to tb* worth of tbe confedstreet station, where carriages were erates whose mortal remains axe bete monnin waiting. The marchtothe e*metery meeiei 1 n*s«e tWs embtomatie wreath in then began. The Black Hmsaan, token of tnetr honored rentensbraaee on this Capt T. S. Quiaey, acted a& a gward of eornjOee bj trieads, southern people sad all honor, and detachments frota tbe bread aad liberal Base." Tbe otber ladiea did likewise, after Illinois militia, Grand Annv posts and the choir rendered an anthem, camps of eonfederate veteraa* wade tbe la-iics generally, assisted by up the rest of tbe prow—boa. Tfre tbe VCICVMM of both armies, decorated route to tbe cemetery « H the mxmoAvcut, gtta* and piles of shot within n few minntea, awd it and sbeH with flowers. Tbe field was then cleared and the Firat regiment of infaatry, Illinois national guard, paid tbe final military tribute by firing three volleys. Then came tbe command "Taps," after which the military hand played a march and the audience dispersed. • ; ' * • : ; : ORCAT WHtf-M«a # OT to who jnathrf third In Tkw*day's event J. M. Dwori^ *rosaed th«> line irat at jmst half a mixmte pant IX a a d S . W. Fry, of Milwaukee, w«**bottt M0 yards behind him. Close to Fry and <J«or|re Fmersnc far oft. Neither Dworalc nor May 39.—The habeas Fry node the full course and they were corpus case ot Eugene V. Debs ex *L, growing out of the great railroad disqualified. Fstrmofi.whobada ksndleap oJ & Ainntee and 45 eeeonds. mada strike at Chie&ffto butt aumtnrr ww ibe distance whkh is estimatedtobe eided in the supreme court of United States Monday, it* unanimoue 19H Miles i& M-.3& LMt year's t i n e opinion being read by Justice Brewer. was. 57:10. J. B. Woolas holds theThe opinion recited the facts con* record, which it v**« treely predicted nected with the origin oj tbe case a would be broken this year, of 53:40. The time prixe was won by. Geor*» ftnit by the United States in tbe circuit eourt for the Northern district of l i l t Emerson, who went the ^Wtff^^» t b sol* for an injunction to restrain £3:13. Emerson will be declared secDebs and his associates of tbe ond in the race also. There were 47ft American Railway union from in- starters. So many wheels w<sr& never terfering with the movement of the seen together at one time. For hour* BY interstate traffic; the issuing of the stream of them poured into Lincoln park injunction prayed for; the violation of until every path was full of them, and the injunction by Debfcet aL their ar- it was difficult for a pedestrian to makft rest and punishment by Judge Woods any progreaa. The array of bloomer* for contempt of court, and thewas startling as showing the foothold, application of t h e ' petitioners for obtained by that mnch-maligned gara writ of habeas corpus. The ment. More than fifty men were hurt case was argued, it will be remem- in one way or another, and at least bered, some weeks ago by Attorney that many failed to keep up pluck enoughtogo the entire 20 miles. psigm ef education tbat jeasfbts te else* only aesb sssa te aativeaad axwettve efltoss at tbe are uaswed by power sad ubooght by svoua "W. K ttaowv. May n.—Two hundred "Prosiaeat Oentrai BbaotaWe T eayna twentynieveu editor* and their AannuLh, Secretary." were present at the banquet oi tfc* Democratic Editorial association o* «he state of New York held at DebnoeHis F M K I W «a Fridaj night. American flag* CHICAGO. May ?a—Arehbuliop ire* i draped around tbe state coet-of* behind President. S t e v e n H. landtoopposed to jbe free coinage of Senator David B. Hill oe- silver. He regards the propoaition to e u i e d the acat of honor on thehave silver restored a* a menace to right of the president. The din- all present and fatnre prosperity of Mr iMftan at 6:30 p. m., aad itthe coitntry. He said so Saturday 10 o'clock before the speaking while in the course of a genera) inter' Previous to the speaktaf view. feitom expresxing regret at not beta* The archbishop was asked what to be present frees President miffht prevent the tide of prosperity, Postmaster General Wilson. evidently now jnst setting- in, from oi War Laaoat and ovaajr reaching its greatest height, &nd in i wens readbU reply to the question he fully deit Cleveland i» his letter mid: fined his position on the silver question. The answer will be received with interest and authority all over the country. He said: ••Tbe present silver agitation might check the perlad of prosperity which it seems M about netting la for tas. Without entarts* into the merits of ihe difficult sad DROUGHT BROKEN. latrie*** questions Involved in » dlseus•tea of the silver phase or erase, I Copioo* Bains Bave Materially AMtd tsvaweal* any that, eo lao* as there is no interCrop*, agreetsent between tbs great gor, its of the world—the commercial naOMAHA, Neb., May 31.—The prayers, -aa attempt on the part of the United of Nebraska farmers were answered to return to tree coinage of silver would Wednesday night- and Thursday, and be fatal tooor business prosperity. nearly every county io the state got a TJnlted states is largely s borrowing sprinkling of rain and some wer» A new country, uadevebrped, Is neee** ssrtty a borrower of tbe elder nations, and treated to a cloudburst. The central awe* positively be takes lato constdenportion of the state got the best wettin? rbea wettgbtljrspeak of chasging tbe and reports so far in seem to indicate of ear ftnaaeisl basis. Xt is cot of tbe that i t was accompanied by little amjaUoe. that we by ourselves can create s sliver basis to be accepted by tbe balance of hail or severe wind. Tbe chenees are tbe w f U , willy muy. now that uwOl gram will ail out fair"What we borrow we most receive from ly well and corn will reach a good abrwaa. sad tbe foreign eapttalists will not instand by the Fourth of July. It began vest la mimosa of securities it tbey are to be pati baek for their advances in silver whoa raining in Nebraska early Wednesday tbey esk bey tbe bullion of that metal at fifty General Olney for the government and afternoon and from thai time one eeata Tbey simply will not do it, and it 1* an C 8. Barrow for the petitioners, county after another reported the glad absurd folly to imagine that we eaa compel the contention of the latter being that tidings. It came in. tbe nick of tiro* then to do. We are in no position to stand aloof nor to restore confidence- in our At the decoration of the grave of the circuit court had no jurisdiction of to save the crops. business institutions except by agreeing a* Gen. Julius White, in Eosehili. ceme- the original bill and therefore there MABSBAZXTOWT, la., May 31.—The we bate in the pist as to oarfinancialbasts in tery, this city, by the G, A. R. post could be no contempt of court in fail- ' drought was broken in thto region by tee marts of the world, where we meet all that la in comnetlttob with us and alt which bcarisff hi&-naaie, comrade G* R.itur to observe the terms of the in- continuous soaking rains Thursday will positively refuse to accept our proposed Tucker denounced the dedicating junction issued thereunder. morning. Crops are all right. silver basis as that of the whole wcrld." The opinion of the court was in subof monuments to treason on a Cr,ABi*x>A, l*v. May 31.—The firs* Blackburn Talks Baelu to naHsetbefr iwsyasibiMty. day set apart for honoring loy- stance as follows: rain sine* early in May began a t 1 Ky., May 28.—Sencare and conervefiSBi dictate "Tbe ease presented is this: The Jnlted o'clock Thursday morning. alty. The cause was lost and Wheat exists iaeoBwaisne* sad bard- ator J. C- Blackburn, replying- to Secsutes. finding f a t the interstate transportashould be forgotten. The sufferers at aad oats are saved, but it came too labs from tMeon*estMftor tesper- retary Carlisle, in his speech here Sattion of persons and property, as well aa the Andersonville might forgive, but could carriage of tbe mails, is forcibly obstructed for hay. Farmers are jubilant ef oar ettvatstlvf SMdiaa a fee appned which via avoid tbturday spoke substantially as follows: never forget those who kicked or and that a eomtrinatloa and conspiracy exists DROWNED WHILE ASLEEP. follow In tbe tnt& of sliver '-[ do not know in what capacity Carlisle to sub)oct tbe control of such transportation starved to death their comrade*. 0*J to came here and spoke, whether be came as a the wiU of tite conspirators, applied to one denounced the event as defilement of of their coort*. sitting as a ctrart of equity, Awfal Disaster by Wfclea Thirty-1 citizen of this grand old common wealth or as fb* party of tbe people, the day. for MI injunction to restrain snea ntostraetlea ft Is mften hither sw4 thither by secretary of the treasury. Carlisle baa said U*s4 Were Lost. On tbn asd prereat earrrlng late effect s«eb «oaef popular excitement aad he was never for free silver, OTTAWA, Ont, May 31.—Details have rtn day of November. 1«78, Mr. Carlisle, MEMORIAL DAY. spiraey. Two questions of Importance a n feet because whilefttesta «*ery reached this city of the terrible acci«b« Oestriaes wh*h underlie while sitting by my side In the bouse of rep* U«acnU OhserVftftee of the Oeeastoa H tsclsta that «U Inter- reseataUveft, voted for the Dick Bland bill, "1. Are tbe retatteas ox tbe general govern* dent which occurred on the Spaniak which was a silver bill out and out. Only ave THE ThrMcboct tbe Land. feefefswtod is tbe meat to Interstate commerce and the trans- river, by whicU thirty-three men loat five years later the Sherman bill passed. I Memorial day, according to dis- BenaUob of tbe malts sveb as authorise a di- their lives. The victims were tombe** p votedftg&lwtthat bUl and ao did Carlisle, *nd 10:45 o'clock when ihe monument was patches received, was generally ob- rect taterfweaee to preveat a (areiMo obatne- men. Tbey had encamped for the Our psnjtothe pert? ef fee yet be is making the same old speech that reached. Here a great crowd had astlon tbvrcof? "T U afsAortty eBSts, as autborltx tn night on a crib of square limber is its rare ot the SelfM« of all Sbenwiit made then. 1 am going to answer his sembled, stretching out in dense masses served with appropriate ceremonies in It resiatt dangerous uitnHBt, every p<>lnt ©f it. He did not ad- trom every side of the speaker's all parts of the United States. Amon# governsMntal attain tmpltes bctb sewer and mooredtoshore near the bead of the ssotloeal or class n««ejadkes, and vance a slBfle new i-tea, First, he made the stand. The police and military the more notable observances Were the ass;, baa a eeert of equity tbe Jnriadictioo rapids, which at this point are very to issue a* injunction la aid of tbs perbytt»IwMUoos dM oC (>H*M«MU- aasertton that if you hate free coinage of sil! considerable difficulty in dedication of the confederate monu- fomancs of such (tutr? Waat are tbe re- precipitous and rocky. AU had ffose AU Above »U. *ar pMtr ?• ver you will nat the country on a silver had ef (He pcwfto wbea It rtnngntwm tto basis and drive all gold out of the country. clearing a way for the carriages, and nient and decoration of graves bitieae ol tbe general gevcraswat te tater- to sleep, without leaving a watchman federal soldiers at Chicago; t.tat« coBubvrcs and tbe tr*Mp«rtaUoa ef togwrdtbtt v*& abnotately •»*• Thistonot tree. We have tried It once, and it was considerably after 11 o'clock, of drib. During the mght whoa we quit bad fl to H In gold more than the services at the tomb* of tbs nsiUr They are «n««e ef direct atnpsr- the crib broke from ita moorinjra at tbe tif* biooa of ««r the hour for beginning the exercises, when we began. He says this country would prosperity, u d wbM It Cien. Grant, at Riverside, and vlslon. control and nMasgeeMeL WbUe waof O«T feUo«-«itl»au, ttek or poor, be the dumping groubds for all silver bullion, when the distinguished visitors were at the grave of Gen. Logan at Wash- der tbe dual ajrstsw wbiclt prevafis with us and carried its cargo of sleeping* the powers ot gwemaasat are distrtotiMd men, all unmindful of their fate, He is mistaken there, for ours !• the only as* seated on the platform and the mililimbte, emu tbe «te«e aad tbe nation, and tioo under tbe ivtt that has silver bullion." g of our ovrrcocj. tary band b?gau the opening selec- ington. At Springfield, 111., occurred b»twe«n while tas latter is property itylcd a toven- Into tht fturginfp water* below. SIMey Mp«»ba. the ceremony of transferring tbe ensj -Wtat t k**r« wrlUM IUU nottoftcaprompttion. e&ufiaeraMd powers, y«i witbla tbe The crib was broken to piece* ed bf *ar te*r (b«l tk« dcowcracy of tfa« >tat« SALT LAKE CITT, U. T., May 38.— tody of Lincoln monument ftotn nsntof The f^eretaoalc*. limits rt soca enaaeratios U ban all tn* at- on tbe rocks aud not a man York wUI ercr be u ncsoniptic* in Gen. Warner and ex-Congressman iSibAs tbe last notes died away Col. the Monument association to tbe trlbuts* of *over«igaiy, sod is tbe eserclM of escaped to tell the tale. The Spanish, *a la|wy to their country ae would b* ea- ley arrived from the west Saturday of Illinois. At Virouua, tnose eoutner^tad powers acts directly npoa river flows into the north channel of d by tac tree, unlimited aaA lacepeUiMit Joseph Dcsha Pickett, chaplain of the state and were received by a committee of Wis., a monument erected to tbe citizen and njt tbroueb the iaumediats Lake Huron, north of Manitoulin W t a f of, SUTCT: aor do I tallar* tliey Kentucky "Orphan Brigade," arose -«U1 b* ae beedleai of party Urtcn»M aito the chamber of commerce. A monster and advancing to the front of thethe memory of the late Jeremiah agency of the state"Uad«r tae power vested fa congress to es» island. Near its mouth is a ^aeapen a«aa a axnvmeat. I k*r* retorred to tnass-nseeting was held at the theater M. Husk. President Harrison's secre- tabllsh stand invoked the divine blessing on post onlces and post ro*4* eougness hautletof perhaps 100inhabitants, situtfcik aubfBet la tb« belM tb*t mthluc mot* at aijrht, presided over by ex-Congresstary of agriculture, was dedicated. has by a mass, of lefrisiation establlsbed th*. e&c*g« UMK att««tlo& of the the assemblage. post office syiitem of tne country, with ated on the Sioux branch of the Cana* wMaa peopte or the a»tion*-* dismoeracT, man Bawlins and attended by repreHen. John C. Underwood, who orig- The day was observed on the Gettys- tcreat 1* tbe coovteUon tnat th* voice of tha sentative men of all parties, both inated the idea of the monument, then burg battlefield with iutertsting and nil iu detail of organisation, its machinery di&o Pacific railway. The entire countor tb« transaction of business, dennlav try in a lamb^riug district. it* of New York, UirouA it» speakers sharply arraigned the adminbriefly sketched the inception and impressive ceremonies In a number what shall be carried aad wbat not, wtwulj be beard la eveTy *t*te istration and the recent speeches of "Yo«r» very truly, progress of the movement which cul- of southern cities ex-federal and ex- and the pries of carrisc«, and aUo pnaeribMORE COLIMA SURVIVORS. Secretary Carlisle and Comptroller lng penalties for aU offenoes. agalmu i t Obminated in the great leathering, and confederate veterans joined hands iu viouxly * ^ne»e powers elves to tbe national Eckels. To closed by introducing" ns presiding of- decorating the graves of those who government over interstate commerce aad in reeked Vp AUmg lbs Mr. Ssibley said that Mr. Carlisle's ficer of the exercises Rev. H. W. Bol- died ou both respect tott* t.rui»poriation of the mails w«ra Tens., M*y 2.- The fol{ SAX FBASCISOO, May 31.—L. R. Brewportrayal of the horrors of free coinnot dormant »ad tiaused. Conzms had taken lowing addreas to the pnbuc, issued by. ton, pastor of the Centenary Methodist noW of ttwwe iwo tuatters, and, by various and | er, a Guatemalan coffee planter now in O'ER ASHTABULA DEAD. age would not prevent the American the Central Bimetallic league of Memchurch and past commander of U. S. spec'ac acts, hod №maed aad exercised tbe people from giving it an experiment. Grunt post No. 23, G. A. R. j^hfo, explains itoelf: Dedicated at tbo Crwv«s ef powers given to it, and was la the full dis- | this city, whose wife and two children - t o tw» P n r u or TOM Vnma> S u m : He addressed the silver mine owners charge of its duty to regulate interstate com- were passengers on tbe steamer Colima, Wade Hampton Speaks. Undaowa Vletlm*. ] cent a cable to Mauz&nilla asking for tarch eaeBies of tbe SKrieoltaral and pro- particularly, and was immensely merce aad earrv the malls O., May 31.—The last Dr. Boltob on taking the chair rereUanes of out coontry. moved by creed cheered when he said they were the "If the inhabitants of a single state era information, and Thursday morning be tmced by avarice, nave eompired to least part of the calculations of the turned tnanks for the honor conferred resting- place of the unknown dead of great bodjf of them should combine to obstruct received an answer saying that boat* (he enwntUUy government*! taaoupon him, and in a speech of some the Ashtabula bridge railroad wreck, commerce or tbe transportation and rafts from the Colima were of tesnlae sad eontrollinc the taott- bimetallism; that where the mine length delivered an eloquent eulogy which occurred in 1S7G, who lie ininterstate of the malls, prosecutions for such offenses being picked up at intervals and the of tbe aatton to a «y*tem owners had lost a dollar by Chestnut Grove cemetery, was the scene b*U In Moch community would be doomed occupants resc&ed. This is the first upon the soldiers of the late war, both eorporaUoos fall of the Tlce the demonetization of silver, the to failure. And if the cerlegislation and void of aay virtue north and south. After an anthem Thursday of the dedication of the mon- in advance of such failure w*s known ixnd tbe news of an encouraging character reamwfli It to the eomlderatloo of a American people bad lost a hun- by a double quartette the orator of the ument to their memory. Under the tainty oational government bad no other way to ceived here since the wreck was first He closed by prophesying ctttsea. Usdaabtod by tbe lall- dred. enforce the freedom of interstate commerce direction of the Knights of Pythias day, Gen. Wade Hampton, was introeevre the Manetloa. of tbe American that there would only be two parties the transportation of the mails than by reported. A later dispatch says that tbe promoter* of tfcls nefarioos in America in 1896, one the party of the duced and spoke at considerable and the veterans of the Grand Army and prosecution and punishment for interference the Colima went down i& 130 fathoms. bave boldly taken the initiatory of the Republic the ceremony was made therewith, tne whole interests of the nation in The steamer sent to the rescue found trust, the other the party of the length. De said it was no dishonor to to alula tbe object of the eon-£ the feature of tbe regular Memorial these rsspecu would be at the absolute mercy nobody alive. Three cabin passengers Baekedfeytbe ?reat power of ex- American people, and every citian the north to decorate the graves of the day observance. Floral offerings and of a portion of the inhabitants or a single and two sailors got ashore at Coaconfederates. The lofty column dedi: wealtb aad the influence of hl«a of- must be on one side or the other. cated here stood as a silent though no- the tears of friends and relatives were ante." tber bave pabllclv eonrened decision says, bowever, that then Is hoeyana alive. So far twenty-six perShtbisetty of Mempbis and openly declared ble emblem of a restored union the tributes paid over the unuiarked noThe tfcw tieary JU»w. such Impotency in tbe national gov*&- sons are known to be saved. The tfcetr ptupoa*. Tney demand that tbe oona reunited people. The grave*. aeni. Tbe strong arm of the national g«/r- Pacific Mail officers now adroit that , May 20.—The supreme and and inbereutly toreret^n rtcbt ernment may be pat lorth to brush away all there is hardly any chance of other money be delivered into their court of the United States haa affirmed brave men ic Chicago in this PERISH IN A CLOUDBURST. obstructions to tbe freedom of Tbey bealtate »t no deception, they the constitutionality of the Geary dedication have done honor to the passengers being saved. The fact that commerce or tbe transportation «f tbe pie a* no fnad. Kaowlag toe innaM Flv* Bo4i«a So Far B«««v«r*Mi Alcaic dead here, not as confederate soldiers, Chinese exclusion law in the case of It th« emergency arises, the army of toe the steamer sunk in ten minutes would tatecrtly ef osr people tbey prate of 'beeJonnson and t>*vU fttver*. T e u s . nation and all Iu militia are at tbe service o* indicate that only a few of the people eat money.' Appreciating our aversion to p»- Lem Moon Sing, the California China- but as brave men who preferred imSAX AXGKLO, Tex., May 31.™The dis- the nation to compel obedience te its laws. In a»ra»U«m tbeyfc*ythe 'government u u » «o roan who left this country and was prisonment aud death rather than 1 tbe present oase tbe right to uae force ftoe* on board the steamship got away. •e«t of the banking traiiaeaa.' refused admission. Justice U&rlan, freedom obtained by a dishonorable astrous cloudburst along the Johnson not exclude tae right of appeal to the courts *^lwybopeand believe that we »iH not stop in the opinion, said that the statute in- sacrifice of the principles for which and Devil rivers resulted in several tor a )*dici£l determination and for the MILITIAMEN TO COMPETE. deaths. Five bodies have been recov- exercise of all their powers ef prevention. -**eea*ldertbat to exact a dollar which by trusted to the collector the power of they were willing' to die. t lexteUtton, tbey nave made to coat %be it IK wore to the praise than u> the Illinois Mad CxUtomi* Coipsmlos *m fcfesmt Another vocal selection followed and ered from the "draws," which were Indeed, twice a* much labor and doable passing upon the facts in the case. blame ot tbe government that instead of deHooded by the storm, and it is amount of produce as the one prom- Lem Moon Sing contended that he had then Maj. Henry T. Stanton, of Kentermining for itaelt questions of right and SA>* F&ASCiSCo; May 31.—Company is not 'honest' They expect acquired a domicile as a citizen of the tucky, recited the memorial ode. He feared that a number of bettlers iu tbe wrong en tbe part of these petitioner* and the American people tc accept as United States before tbe passage of was followed by Rt. Bev. Samuel Fal- valleys of the two rivers have perished. tbeir asaoeiaten and enforcing that determina- D, First infantry of the Illinois nation«rae the statement that money of the constitution by tb« ciub of the policeman and the al guard, has accepted the challenge lows, LL I)., bishop of the Reformed Searchers have been unable to reach bayonet tion. estabUabed by tbe fathers, is dishonest the exclusion law. of tfce noldier. it submitted sll those several large ranches in that section. Jot aa ether reason save the dicta of their UEpiscopal church, and late major genquestions to the peaceful determination of o' Company B, national guard of T• Meg* Ce*v«t. The "draws," which have water in judicial tribunals, and invoksd toelr consid- California, to shoot orwr a 2i\Opliee* and tools they nope LONDOV, May 27.—It seems to be ac- eral United States volunteers, who them only a short time after ruins, eration and judgment aa to *be meatiure of ita yard range. Twenty men or more i the people wUl Ignorantly confound tbe aeiewiga vrerofative and the duty of the JCOT- cepted as a fact in official circles that eloquently voiced the blessings of were deluged. One ranch with 1,700 powers. of each company are to engage eremeut to coin money and establish a system Russian troops have crossed tbe Si-peace. After luriher argument the opinion says; in the contest, which is to take sheep lost 1,300. eCenifonn weurhtsand measure*.'with tbe bus- berian frontier in force—some ShangSpiking tbe Gna*. "A mo*t^6»rne»t and eloquent Appeal was B W c* loand anddlscoTists inherently approKoaO* Sent M» Eoropo. mad* to us in eulos; of the heroic spirit ot place the 1st of August. It. will be a Then followed the most impressive jttete to tbe occnpsilon of the private cltiaea, hai reports say 20,000 strong—and NBW Y-OUK, May 31.—Logan Carlisle, thove who, threw up ibr.lt employment and telegraphic match, each company to ^key think that we will forget that tbe true advanced down into tbe province of portion of the ceremonies—that of up their meus of earnin* a livelihood, have a representative at its opponent'* •.weetloa i* not whether 'the government shsll Kirin, in southern Manchuria, near the "monxuoenting the ffuns." The four chief clerk of the treasury department, gave tot in defence ot their own rights, but in range. The results will be telegraphed go OQt of tbe banking business,' bat whether lias sailed for Europe on tbe Paris, lie for sad to assist others whom tl«y tbe banks shall go oat of tbe iprveralag bnai- Corean border. According to German cannons used in the ceremony formed has in charge the new United States •ympathy bnlieretf to bs wroa^ed. We yield to none in by <>ach representatur«!, aod the tarThna they dealyu by the aid of public information Russia has embarked upon part of a federal battery duringwere captured ffoverr.nieiit 4 per cent, bonds to the our admiration of any act of herottm or self- gets will be exchanged by express imy to rtret tbe chains which will make no lew a reutnre than seizing Man- the war. They sacrifice, but we may be permitted to add that men slaves. from the union forces iu the value of $-'42,000,000, to be delivered to j It is a l*»sa which cannot be learned too MOB aietliatrly at the conclusion at the "To the end that their hopes usy meet with churia and Core* for herself, and it is battle of Murfreesboro and after- the European subscribers to the recent j or too thoroughly that under thl* government of <4laappoint*&ent aa<i their conspiracy with fall- suspected from various indications she bond issue. Assistant Secretary of the and by tbe people the mean* of redress of all wards fought on the confederate side are, that tbe tolling manses of our people may has an 'understanding with China o» END OF A SPREE. wrong U through the court* and at the ballotbe saved from aa Industrial serfdom more the whole subjectin the battle of Missionary Ridge, Re- Treasury \V. E. Curtis, who went box, and that ao wrong, real or fancied, carA St. Le*ttea*t Fatally W M D S I a -eroel aad degradiog taaa chattel slavery, saca, Daltou, Kenesaw mountain, abroad last week, will superintend the ries with it legal warrant to Invite as a means Kilts Hkitasvlf. eometblMr most be done to meet their cu> Dtattscreiw riow4fatTexas. Peachtree creek. Atlanta and SVanklin. delivery of the bonds to the foreign et redress the cooperation of a mob wits. it» alatfly directed and issJdtoos aaaaalt*." Sr. LOFTS, May 31.—Doing a beer S i x ASTOJIO, Tex, Hay M.—Nat They were recaptured by the ieoerals holders. secontpanying sets ot vlo!#ace. drinking boct in a boarding bows* a t tbe people may eome together and Sulzbadner, of this city, returning from at tbe battle of Nashvile, and -did "We bave given to this oase the most sazKHMrtt by t k « usel of each other it has been deemed the Devils river country, brings r«4007 North Broadway Wednesday tous and careful attention, for w* realize that service Tor the union side during the to call together a convention CIXCIXXATI, May 31.—The first heat it touches closely question* of supreme lra- evening Henry Terrick, a stonemason, Ue at Memphis, Jam* is »M IS, purt of great loss of life aud property remainder of tbe war. victim was reported Thursday morn* portsae* to tbe people M tbe country." The got into a quarrel and westtohi* Svery eommvalty, everr etty aadfrom floods. The Devil's river, whkh The monument corps comprised: For conn ihen turns ap i u conclusions substan-fewn a*» every Mate In tbe waioa roee 30 feet in as many minute*, cannon No. 1. Col. B. H. Stewart aad ing. An unknown man overcome by tially as given above and denies the petition home in an adjoining bouse fora pistol. -to earnestly requested and eordtally •wept U K Louse and family of George the heat fell dead on the street Lie On returning through the back yard he Miss Lucy Lee Hi1!; for cannon No. 3, ww about M years old and fairly well for a writ of habeas corpus. ^vtted to *eod delegates to that convention. «aw Charles Zo&er sitting on a doorstep Yelaecos, of seven members, into the The men who are affected by the Xvery vietntty is urged to organUf blmeulllst Col. Samuel J. Sullivan And Mrs. Aldecision are Deb*, Howard, Keliher, and fired at him, the ball peaetratfa* •toft*, aad every club should be represented. torrent. All the bouses on the Prosser bert Akers; for cannon No. 3, Lieut I dressed. Terrick i m ^ K H preeosed thst this ooaveattoa shall votes ranch, between Juno and Comstock, Col. George Forrester and Miss Laura The schools of Seattle, Wash , were Rogers, Barns, Hogan, Goodwin aad Zoaer's skull, thuasattmwttaof tbe people. Tbeco»a.tryeodi were swept away aud several families, fired a ballet into his owa Wain L. Mitchell; for cannon No. 4, Lieut, closed Thursday on account ot the Elliott. They are president, vice pro&< thetr best thought, their most enrefnl deliberaxtea sad «eerfiettc acdon. They hare aew*oaey numbering in all about tr»enty persona CoL John W. Whits and Miss IWle prevalence ot scarlet fever. There ar© kient and directors oi ihe Amertetn died at 9 p, m. Zocer, who h4»d a>» part birsU»« swlawries «• A n a i f are believed to hav* been drowned, WAJOB. In the qiferrel,tofatally ~' party, Lkut Col. Bt'ty*thrcc cases in q«arantks% .•.•..•'.m• ,?• -. ;.": "..jiftiiw-:; 1 '.". : **/•' I i •••--V. " l №»'•'' TAJJCAGITS SERMON. to the Thirteenth Brooklyn. VrUmat Wa*» Palam i A V All to •***> Vtvm tae Ber. T. Do Witt delivered- hi* annual Mmoa as chaplain of the' Thirteenth fftgunent N. G. & N. Y. at Embury Me* fttorial church, Brooklyn. He took for fcis *ubje«t: 'The Greatest Soldier of All Time," basing it on the text: There stall not bo aay ana able to tt&ad belem the* »U tfw days of thy Ute.-Jo*Bua L, 5. Foftft.be most part, when the general 0f an anny* starts ont in a conflict he would like to have a small battle in order that he may get hi* courage up uid he may rally his troops and get them drilled for greater conflicts; but this first undertaking of Joshua was greater than the leveling- of Fort Pa* leslrf. or the thundering down of Gibraltar, or the overthrow of the Bastile. It waa the crossing of the Jordan at the time of the spring fre&het. The •aows of Mount Lebanon had jost been melting and they r- "red down into the ralley, and the > .. jle valley was ft raging torrent. So the Canaan ites stand on the bank and they look across and see Joshua and the Israel' ites, and they laugh and say: "Aha! aha! they can not disturb us until the fre&het falls; it fa impossible for them to reach u*.* But after awhile they look across* the water and they seff a movement in the army of Joshua. They say: "What's the matter now? Why, there must be a panic among these troops, and they are going to fly, vr perhaps they are goinjr to try to march across the Biver Jordan. Joshua ia a lunatic" Bat Joshua, the chief* tain of the text, looks at his army and cries: "Forward, march V' and they * atari for the bank ol the Jordan. One mile ahead go two priests car* lying1 a flittering box four feet long and two feet wide. It is the ark of the covenant. And they come down, and DO sooner do they jasttouch the rim of the water with their feet than by u Almighty fiat, Jordan parts. The army of Joshua marches right on without getting their feet wet, over the bottom of the river, a path of Ckalk and broken shells and pebbles, until they get to the other bank. Then they lay bold of the oleanders and tamarisks and willows and pull them* •elves tip a bank thirty or forty feet high, and having gained the other bank, they clap their shields and their cymbal*, U*d stag the pr*U« of the God of Joanna. But no wxmtr bare they the bank than the waters be* _i^k^j_ w _ J - J ^i.v K v!l ^ , , * !*? rifle rush they break loose from their they strange eoehorajre. yonder save stopped; thirty Oat miles up *voder they halted. On. this side the waters roll off toward th* nalt sea. Bat as the bead of the Lord God is taken away from tbe thus uplifted waters—waters perhaps uplifted half a mile—as the Almighty hand is taken away those waters rush down, and some of the anBelieving Israelites say: "Alas, alas; what a Er?*fort>jne! Why eonld not those waters have stayed parted? because perhaps we nay want to go back. Oh, Lord, we are engaged in a risky business. Those Canaan iies may eat «a up. How if we want to go back? Would it not have been a more complete miracle if the Lord had parted tbe waters to let na come through and kept them parted to let us go back if we are defeated?" My friends, God makes no provision for a Christian's retreat He clears the path all the way to Canaan. To go back is to die. The same gatekeepers that swing back the amethystine and crystalline gate of the Jordan to let Israel pass through, now swing shut tbe amethystine and crystalline gate of the Jr-dan to keep the Israelites from going back. I declare it in your liearing to-day, victory uhead. water forty feet deep in tbe rear. Triumph s&ead, Canaan ahead; behind you death and darkness and woe and hell. But you say: "Wl«y didn't those Caaaanites, when they hbd such a splendid chance —standing on the top of tbe bauk thirty or forty feet high, completely demolish those poor Israelites down in the river?1' I will tell you why. God had made a promise, •lid He was going to keep it. "Tuere shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life." I But this is no place for the host to •top. Joshua gives tbe command: "Forward, marchl" In the distance there is a long grove of trees, and at the end ot the grove is a city. It is a city of arbors, a city with walls seeming to reach to tbe heavens, to buttress fiie very sky. It is the great metropolis that commands tbe mountain pass. It is Jericho. That city was afterward captured by Pompey, and it was afterward captured by Herod the Great, •ad it was afterward captured by the Mohammedans; but this campaign the Lord plans. There ttall be no swords, no shields, no battering ram. Thf.re shall be only one weapon of war, and that a ram's horn. Tiie horn of the slaio ram was sometimes taken and holes were punctured In it, and then the musician would put the instrument to his lips, and he would run his fingers over this rude •tcsical instrument, and make a great deal of sweet harnsony for the people. .That was t*e only kind «f weapon. Seveft prfesta were to take these rude, rustic musical iastrumento, and they were to go around the city eveiry day for six days —-once a a&y for six days, and theu on the seventh day they were to go around blowing these rude musical in* seven tiroes, and then at the of the seventh blowing of the horns on tbe ^sveoth day the t-eroration of the whole scene was to ke a shout at which those great wWlls mbouli tumble frorr. capaU;^ *.> bate. Tbe aevea priests with the rt de mswAte pas* all around the walla oo **• *r*t aay, and a Jail- tit* wull-a** •» M a loosened roek, not eo ataefc aa a pise* of mortar lost from itspl&ea. •The*e,* aay the unbelieving Israel i di l you SOT Wh its, "dldnt I tell Wh* those nU-tister* are fools. idea of going around the *.. toward the Joo—ed etty, wmM thai it the aignaX The men rush out from behind the rocks and take the city, and It k put to the torch, and d then these Ia* The raclites in the city march down and elty the tying battalion of Israelites re- rta«**aad cram, but WUt i * •• Take no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. Witt UroUlu sense* And swefc nraprtofry airs. Israel itish prowess the mem of Ai are Ana eft -»>• m-apt«a tecetaer, destroyed, aud the Israelites gain the Wane sfMisMr wtacs Mew free, •tetory; and while I see the euriiag Bat eve-ds* stats sod sleepy «yea Branca* Bsssti to say smoke of that destroyed city on the sky, and while I hear the huzza of the Bat now 7. eaBttoe eou ton Wast«»the difference tef aeli Us and the groan of the CaHarcowasare long, sta* romps M aaehites, Joshua hears something loudNor sits npoa my knee. er than it all, ringing and echoing —JUQM B. Keoyon, la Geataiy. through his soul: "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all * V*&rfineebild, atr. I congratotateyott, "Yoa will get your thud out of In words sh« aevar tola It— the day* of Vhy life." I don't hesitate to say that i« is one e* Htm tbe estate, madam." Widow—*<-Ob, Mr. Tbo' she dreams not I b*veKu*ssea But tois is no place for the host fit Bluebogs! How o u TOD tar such a thing,1 largest babies I have ever seen." "Make It Thst she loves ate. yet my lady 4 with my second hardly cold in tbe graver Uw largest, doctor. Don't mind me—I'm an Joshua to stop. "Forward, march!' Her sweet srtettt AM oonfessts 1 affidavit editor myself."- Brooklyn Life. —Puck. cries Joshua to the troops. There is Tho' la words she.never tola me, the city of Gideon. It has put itself Than sre other*, azut, food sooth, with L0C4T. AnucAnosrs, as they cannot Are those diminutive organs, the kidneys, under the protection of Joshua, They Tho' 'tis true that they went traitors. teach the seat of thedirease. Catarrh is » which in spite of their small sue, perform la sent word: "There are five kings after Those ae*r traitors told tho tmt&t blood or conirtitttUoaal disease, and in ordet health a most important part in tbemetbaaua; they are going to destroy us;, send to an* it you must take internal lemedtee. ism of the system. Out of order the/ hJaeai There ar* swifter surer bearers troops quick; send us help right HaU's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aad dangeroustroubJe.ReiiewtfceiractivttywKa Or love's tend** m«ss*(es acts directly on She blood aad mucous sur- Hosletter's Stomach Bitter* which prevent* away." Joshua has a three days' Than the toogts*; and load hearts faces. Hairs Catarrh Cure is not a quack the serious and often fatal di utof them march more than doable quick. On medicine. It was prescribed by one or the from their inaction. TbisaM Sooner tar than aught it says the morning of the third day he Is belest phy-ddaas hi this country for years, and moreover, remedtee rnyJartaL rhenTnetfc> is a regular prescription. It is composed of dyspeptic complaittU, and itivigantea fore the enemy. There are two And I know my lady loves ma; tbe best tonics known, combined with the whole system. For, whate'er her tongae denies, long lines of battle. The battle blood purifiezs, acting directly en the With her voice she ass earessed me> opens with great slaughter, but mooous surfaces. The perfect She has kissed me with her eyssi the Canaanites soon discover ef the two ingredientstowhat produces sucu —Bostoa Oloba wonderful results la curing Catartn, fiend something. They aay: ',*That is for testimonials, free. Joshua; that is the man who conFirst Boy. F. J. CSEHCV 4t Co., Props., Toledo* 0b Wbat is It fills the father's near* quered the spring freshet and knocked With pride aad Joy enough to start Sold bvDroggistc pruse 73c. dewn the stone wall and destroyed A flrstr-class. wholesale blessing mart? *- nuy Pills, *5ceu«a. the city of AL There is no use fightA boyi № n u - "If Mr*. Smith gives you a place ing." And they sound a retreat, and ef cakejbe sure to say *Ouiok you.*** FredWhat makes a father kiek his heels as they begin to retreat •ToshuAand die—^what good H thatt Sb« never gives Hl*h lit the sir? What most reveals you aay fiicre,*—Brooklyn life. his host spring upon them like • The wild tuatuitaoa* joy bo feels? panther, pursuing them over the rocks, A bey! and as these Canaanites, with sprained The route to C&ataanooga ever the LovtsWhat makes a father want to stac vfiUe * Nashville RaUroad m via Mammoth ankles and gashed foreheads, retreat, Like forty thousand birds fa spring, Cave, America's Greatest \afioral Wonier. the catapults of the »ky poor a volley Aad b«t he's papa to a kloff? BoeaMiiy low mtes made for hotel aud of hailstones into the valley, and all A boy! Cave fees to holders of Bpworth League There is enly one more thing to do. the artillery of the heavens, with bultickets. Through Nashville, the location of What makes a father tea times fladf and that is to utter a great shout. I lets of iron, pounds the Canaan itea VanderbQfc University, the pride of the What is the greatest ttfioj ad. see the IsraeUtish army straightening against the ledges of Beth-horon. Methodist Church, and along the line beThat be i» really a&adt tween Stashville and Chattanooga where themselves up. filling1 their limps for a 4< A boy! many of tha meet famous battle* of die y'(is Ohr says Joshua, "this is surely a vociferation such as was never heard —W. X Lamptoo. in Detroit Free Press werefought. Send for maps of the row* victory." "Bat do you net see the sun before and never heard after. Joshua from Cincinnati, Louisville, Evaasvill* aad Uttto R r o m Ey«s> fit L onis, and particulars as to rases, etc., to feels that the hour has come, and he is going down? Tho*« Amorites are Bring* comfort and impYOTemeat aadl C. P. ATMOKS, General Passenger Agent, Bright little Brown Eyes from Babylaad cries out to his host: "Shoot; going to get away after ail. and they tends to peraonal ea|©ymec* « h e » Louisville, Ky., or J. K. BibG&tT, K. WF, Is winking and blinking at me for the Lord hath given you will come up some other time and ri^Ujused. The many, who n*».!•*-'• Chkfa I feel tbe touch of a dimpled baad the city!" All the people begin bother us, aad ptrhapa destroy us." As be climbers upon my knee; ttsr than others and enjoy life man, wiflfc THB oath that falls from the profane The tiny fingers tog at my heart. to cry, "Down, Jericho; down, See. the sun is going' down. Oh, for a less expenditaiftr by more pamgOf mail's lips becomes a dagger in somebody's And I told him in my embrace, Jericho!" and the long line of solid longer day than has ever been seen in adapting the worldV b e * prodacte t» breast.— taams Horn. The sweetest picture Ia all the world the need* of Bhysical tdng, will attest masonry begins to quiver and move this climate. What U the matter with Is my Brown Eyes' dear lit tie lac*. A Ch*wp "Trip U> tlw the value to health of tbe pure & and rock. Stand from under. She Joshaa? Has he fallen in an apoplecTb* K g Four Route and picturesque laxative principles embaced i a Ltttle Brown Ey«. I am all your 01 falls. Crash! go the walls,' the tem- tic fit? Na He is in prayer. Look Cbe«apfe*ke and Ohio Ry. bave been anding fondly to me. baby boy— out when a good man makes the Lord Bounend Uw official route from Illinois and remedy, Strap of Figs. ples, the towers, tbe palaces; the air Your mother* Up Is your kla*ly tfei his ally. Joshua raises his face, radiIndiana by tbe Baptist Young People's Its excellence is doe to us p*— is blackened with the dust. The Tour subject's heart is fall of Joy. ant with prayer, and looks at the deTJaiou which holds the Fifth International in the form most acceptsbrd and, Take all the tresnre* of lire away— huzza of tbe victorious Israelites and Convention at BaMinore, Md., July lath to ant to th* taste, the refretiung aad 1 scending son over Gideon and at the I a*k not wealth or s t a t u s fraaflj-the groan of the conquered Canaan* tls*. Oa July 5«th ssd ITUi the above lines faint crescent of the moon, for yon But leave. O Heaven. I husMy pray, will sell ticket* at one fare round trip good beneficial properties of e pcrfi " ites commingle, and Josh na, standing know the queen of the night sometimes Littl* Brown Eyes from Babylmnd. ative; eflfectMlly deansing the _. leturaifig until August 5th metusivo. there in tbe debris of the wall, hears a will linger around the palaces of the —Jofea I. Bark*, ia Boston Tfaveta. Se&d for rates and descriptive naaphleL <Usselling coWs. beadaehes aad voice saying: '-There shall not any day. Pointing one baud at tbe de1, Q. Tvcauas, Q. X. A. Big Pour Route, aad permane&tiy ceriax < Ta* man who considers hiaaaetf aO wool »» Clark St., Cbtcago, man be able to stand before thee all scending suu and the ether hand at *ad a yard wido wants to matte bisafelf It hM givta «atWaction toimmoA _ the day* of thy life." A BWBUT tafttettmcfTrau* away with Ha toet -ritt the approval of taeiais-tM the faint crescent of tbe moos, in the fett.-4aivesten News. But Joshua** troops may net halt name of that God who shaped the rider, bsnuttfortaaateljr it o u t throw a i n nmfetaioa. becawe it aett c e t H ) JQ4V B n - "Tfce quite root" H« a^kUlWOl^S here. Tbe command is: "Forward, worlds and moves the worlds, be cries: Uver aad BoirvU wistwwt « marefcr There in the city of Ai, it "Sun, •*T»« Corfoji KJX«T> wiH remain ffor a stand thoa still upon Gideon; taen tad it k ptrfeetlytorni weak or two *% MtaVidrefs Theater. Cakamust be taken. How shall it be tak- and thou, moon, in the valley of THE MARKETS ro. tomaMiactnt its tbiiu week May •! •*• * •wmtiajr party «.№« back aad AJelon." And Ulbr sale they stood stiiL i i ^ d b f l L hays: "Joshua, we can do that with aud^bott^K Smr Yooa\ May „_, « *"" * Whether it was by refraction of the out you; it is gotng to be a very easy sun's rays or by the stopping ol E.1VK STOCK—Caul* by ibe Oalif ortrfe F% 8ucccBnicB-"irhyiamy papw so damp fe b»s«ba*4e» every iMoeF Bdrtor— "Becauae there la ao job; you mast stay here while we go tbe whole planetary ay steal I do rt much dm oa K —ChrtsUaa R and captor* it. They march with a not know, and do not care. I leave it F L O C K — W l s i e r P a t e n t s . . . . «e» tbe Winter S t r » i * b t i small regiment in front of that city. to tbe Christian •cieutiaU a*d infidel Bkrwtr to mother tutd child and tea* ua« 6 : 1 - N a * M«d pleMaotaess mtu* coanactnetit, retiuit frop NA I H*nl , Wfci > The men of Ai look at thettt and give scientists to settle, while I tell you I -No. * osecf-'MoUaersFViemL^ Moldbrdru<s**ta. t one yell, and the Israelites run like have seen the same thing. "What," C O Rb N cpiember ••. reindeers. The northern troops f yon say, "hot th« &un standing still?" OA'Ca—So. sr Track White We»tern.... Ball Bun did not make such rapid Yes. The same wiraole i« performed 50 <* ti RYE.-, time as these Israelites with the nowadays. The wicked do not live out P O K K - M M * . N«:*V ISM Canaanites after them. They never half their day. and the sun sets at I^AJ&IA*—WMt*)*tt...... .....••« • mm •« eat such a sorry figure as when they noon. But l#t a man start out and aUTTEB—Vre*.t'n Creamery Wcttura Ualry were on the retreat. Anybody that battte for God, and the truth, and CHICMHX goes out in tbe battles of God with on- against sin. and the day of his useful- CATTLE-Shippia* Si«r».. ly half a force, instead of your taking* uess is prolonged, and prolonged, and Slockersa&d Feeder*.... Burners' Steer* the men of AI, the men of Ai will take prolonged. too tows — you. Look at tbe church of God on Te: its Sleera.-.. the retreat. The Bornesian cannibals Robert MeCheyue was a consumpHCKiS J» ate up Mansoa, the missionary. "Fall tive Presbyterian. It was said when Dairy Cre»m«rr BCTTfcH— • back!" said a great many Chris- he preached, he coughed so it seemed Pki Slock If to a *• Baby" Orssm Sepa-ator will aarm it* cost for tian people—"Fall back, oh church as if he would never preach again. BBOOtt COKN iper too)...*. yoa every yaw. Way ootiUaoe aa inferior aystesa aa• o» d a n of God! Borneo will never be taken. His name is fragrant ia. all Chris^n* POTATOES (per bu; ottwr year at so great a lossr X>airyto« Is &ow %a« only pcoatablefwtm-aofAgrieaitav*. PraettrtyeaaduettM Don't yon see the Bornesian can- dom, that name mightier to-day than italtrayspays -into, *cA mas* pay you. Tou_aes« a A sn nibals have eaten up Mun&ou, the mis* was ever his living presence. He lived L&&D— Steam SEPARATOR, and ycu seed i£a II I III Mi I . iln I S Sp*iP« , _ "Baby.*' All style* aad cawdttea, P r i e e s / v i e , sionary?" Tyndall delivers his lecture to preach tbe gospel in Aberdeen, EdWinter Paicot* » w ttpwanL t # * Sendtorsaw 1G»& C W t * l o « i s e . at the University of Glasgow, and, a inburgh and Dundee, but he went away Winter srtnUfhta *« ,,No. I. ...... •» (Treat many good people say: "Fall very early. He preached himself into Corn. Xo. t. . „ . tt 4* back; oh, church of God! Don't you the grave. Has Robert McCheyne's see that Christian philosophy is going sun set? Is Robert McCheyne's Kyts, No"-T..".V."''."""*.'."* • 72 OOVTLAHDT ST., HEW YORK. Barley. Commca to Cboie« «S to be overcome by worldly philosophy? day ended? Oh, no! His dying delirium MILWAUKEE. Fall back!** Geology plunges itacrow- was filled with prayer, and when he GBAIN*"Wheat, No. S Sjirtn*- t W bar into the mountains, and there are lifted his hand to pronounce the ben* Cora. No. «... ** Oits. No. * Wbi** ».., a great many people who say: "Scien edictlon upon his country, he seemed . . . F O R O N E WRAPPER O P . . . tific investigation is going to over- to say: "I can zcot die now; I want to ^'••'!.-NLV;-.::.:V.::::: S P S j £ throw tha Mosaic account of the crea- live on and on. X want to start an in—i>u:% tion. Fall back!" Friends of God fluence for the church that will nevei KANSAS CITY. Steers...... IB 50 & 4 M Lave never any right to fall bach. cease. l a m only thirty years of 0ge. Stackers und Ke-etier*..... SM « < * Sun of my Christian ministry, »tan<l .. . . . . . . . . 4 50 V 4 W Joshua fell on his face in chagrin. It still over Scotland." And it stood still. Send us two twvncent stampsforpostage. These dolts bat SHRKP...... » » <* « • » is the only time you ever see the back changeable heads. No two dolls dressed alike. But it is time for Joshua to go home. CATTLEtTLE—St*er*. 14 25 A * 5* of his head, lie falls on his face and Stackers and Fe«ders.... S 90 tt 3 "» ADAMS & SONS CO., begins to whine, and he says: "Oh, He is one hundred and ten years old. HCXiS—Lift (is— l.ifbiauaMixed. 4 09 # 4 » I *G4 4 H • 4 4» Lord God, wherefore hast Thou at all Washington went down the Potomac, Heavy tOO a 4 5* broagbt this people over Jordan to de- and at Mount Vernon closed bis days. BBZEP Wellington died peacefully at Apsl«y liver us into the hand of the Amorites, Now, where shall Joshua to destroy us? Would to God we had House. LOOK OUT PMt B№AKERS AHEAD rest? Why, he-is to have hi* greatest been content and dwelt oa the other when pimples, side of Jordan! For tbe Canaanites battle now. After one hundred and eruptions, boil*, and all the inhabitants of tbe land ten years he has to meet a king who and like manifesshall hear of it, and shall environ us has more subjects than all the present SURE CROPS. GOOD MARKETS. tations of impure jGOODLAND. blood appear. They round and cut off our name from the population of the earth, his thiroe wouldn't appear if t swiraLEE. a pyramid of skulls, his parl<>n(e //he earth." your blood were graveyards and the cemeteries >r the pure and your sysI am very glad Joshua said that. world, bis chariot the world's btjiF.se— ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR tem in the right Before, it seemed as if he were a su- the king: of terrors. But 21 t IU is condition. They pernatural being, and therefore could Joshua's greatest battle, it is go >g to show you what you cut be an example to us; bat I find he be Joshua's victory. He gath< rs his need—a food blood, porifer; that's what is a man, he is only a man. •? ust as friends around him and gives hi valeyou get when you sometimes you find a man under se- dictory, and it is full of reminii fence. j /take Dr. Pierce's vere opposition, or in a \md state of Young men tell what they are! ?oing L Golden Medical physical health, or worn out with to do; old men tell what the; have . ^Tv Discover*". overwork, lying down and sighing done. lr It carries health i 11 with it; All Blood, about everything being defeated. I Skin and Scalp DisDead, tbe old ehie ftain meet ', • laid am encouraged When I hear this cry eases, tram a comout. Handle him vary gently; that of Joshna as he lies in the dost. men Blotch, ot Krni*tion, to the worst sacred body ia over one ho idred Scrofula, are cured by i t It tsviforates God comes aad arouses biro. How and ten years of age. Lay the liver aad rouses every organ into does He rouse him? By complimentary him out. stretch oat th <m feet healthful action. In the most stubborn FOR apostrophe? No. He says: "Get thee* 1 that walked ill ; shod tht parted Jor- forms o( Sktn Diseases, such as Saltup. Wherefore liest thou upon thy Ecaeraa, Tetter, Erysipelas, Boils dan. Close those lips which helped rhewa, and kindred ailments, and Scrofula, it ia an face?" Joshua rises, and I warrant blow the blast at which the walls unequaled remedy. you, with a mortified l^ok. Bat his t> JOHN CARLE A SOUS, Wsw Yer». * of Jericho fell. Fold the arms old courage comes back to him. The 9 that lifted the spear toward tb* The Or-aa* fact was, that was not his battle. If doomed city of Ai. Fold it right KIDNEY, he ha<i been in it he would have gone over the heart that exulted wa*n the on to victory, fie gathers his troops LIVER A five kings felL But w h e n akaU we get aroand him aad say*: "Now let us go ( yg the burnished granite for the bead* BLADDER up and capture the eity of Ai; let us a ftae poireer and packed tia «a* stone and the fooUtoner I bethink i bk U 7 CtlRC go up right away." myself now. I imagine that for the are alwayi ready for tsta, They march on. Re puts the majori- huid it shall be the sun toat •tood &*•>t« W miaatt* wUkntf+ti A H. ty of the troops behind a ledge of rocks still upon Gideon, sod for tbe foot the tof . I t la U w h*mt ter etaaJurac Bln«t»*raten, U. Y, in the night, and then he sends a com* moon that stood still in the valley ol wa»Wng boutc-v paratively small battalion up in front Ajalon. mkjtkLv of th« city. Tbe men of Ai come out with a shout This battalion in —Nations like itMuvidnalM. Uf ot Ifjajf fcrtf ii i ••• 'imta ajrvT*g**«ta» w H w , H .is *a«« . «M n ! ^T«*j»-< iss not perish.— rhea all Ihe men of Ai bav* left the city aad are in pursuit of this scat* Ma^sini. tereu or seemingly scattered battalion, *-Ko»e pltka hisa tba/.'s w tbe Jofehua stands on & roek—I tie* bis wlM,vrar-Md H t e * , woeid m* wtod M It* and expecting ia that way to destroy it! Joshua has beea spoiled; be Chinks because be has overthrow* aud destroyed the spring freshet, he can overthrow the stone wall Why. it it) not philosophic. Don't you see there is no relation between the blowing of theae musical instruments aad the knocking down of the wall. It isn't philosophy." And I suppose there were many wiseacres who stood with their brows knitted, and with the forefinger of the right hand to the forefinger oi the left hand, arguing it all out, and showing it was. not possible that such a cause should produce such an effect. And I suppose that night in the encampment there was plenty of philosophy and caricature', and if Joshua had been nominate for any high military -position, be would not have got many votes. Joshna's stock was down. The second day. the priests blowing the musical instruments go around the eity, and a failure. Third day, and a failure; fourth day, and a failure; fifth day. and a failure; sixth dey, and a failure. The seventh day comes, the cliiaacteric day. Joshua is up early in tbe morning and examines tbe troops, walks all aroand about, looks at the city wall. The priests start U> make the circuit of the city. They go all around once, all around twice, three times, four time's five times, sue times, seven times, aad a failure. All others contain alum or ammonia. EfaWLEDCffi yr. For Care of Sprains, •s » JACOBS cn-oitte ..BASE BALL.. Reid is last what all ptagers can ft, HAVE YOU FIVE "MORE C0W8 THE DE UVAL SEPWUT08 CO. ^TttP^ ^B^ ^"»r ^^T ^B^ ^"t' ^""^ "»!»»" "»»»r ^"^ ^"»^ ^i" 1 ^Br •^---^ •••-^ •*•-»• ^-"^ -^r ----»• -*--•- -^^r- «*_EICHT PAPER DOLLS_^> v.'.v.v.v.v;:."" « » « «<• ADAMS' PEPSIN TUTTI-FRDTT1 NOW IS THE TIME SAINT PAUL AND DULUTH COUNTRY. *THE B E S T * INVALIDS EWIS 98 Bfsfflmftfc tins 'a Spring is here again and finds J d State rauL or SUITABLE THURS., JUNE 6TH, 1895. THE R*publtoans of Ohio, have sated HOIK A S. BuifcaeU for GoverIn these times when bteks are h a e , when ahnost er«y other one we matt baa nor. now and then, or all the time, a back that aches or p*«!»»— "* weak hack," "« bad Tb« young lady who ran for Attor- back," a back that mafcei ttteir hi* A urnney General In Montana and win defeat- ery to bear — and Mill they go on day by ed is about to marry hersui.'eessfuUom- day in pain and raftering. "Now 'tis the easiest thing in the world to give this p*iitor. Even in politic*, wben a played out back "a How " *hu will tettfe wheii a woman will she will, you may it, and put in its place a new one aqtial to any. It's jusUike this: hit at the catue; fepend on'L raoet backaches come from kidney disorders. Reach the kidneys, start their THE OUio Republican Convention is clogged-up fibres in operation; when this md OQ the silver question, and so is done you can say good bye to backache, Here is a case from Battle Creek: Mr. be five out of every six State ConJosiah Shoup lives at 51 Broad Street, ventions held by the party this year and he was M. a member of tta Battle Creek po••it. The Republicans will not belice force for many years. Aft a member of the force he served the city well, but •t&mpeded on that issue. the rough weather he was often subjected THE only way to make good the deficit to laid the foundation of kidney disorder, which has troubled him very mock Here •attaed by Democratic legislation is by is what he says about it: wiping out the Wilson-Gorman tariff "About three years ago, while on the iniquity tod putting in its place a tariff polke force, I contracted from exposure a feat wit! afford protection to American kidney trouble, which has since given me no end of trouble. The pain was tight industry and at the same time furnish through my kidneys and acrosB the small 1 •uflkient revenues to meet the expenses of my back; if down and I wanted to stand up, I had to arise very slowly and" «f the government. gently to avoid increasing the pain; I had such tired-oat feelings all the time, and I Box. KOSWEIX O. HOKS and Prof. was steadily getting worse. Ahoot two "Coin" are going to have a joint debate months ago, bearing of Doon's Kidney •n tne silver question and Mr. Horr is Pills, I got A box. Tneir adlon and effect to undertake to prove that Coin's was most complete, they removed tne old aching pairs for good, I can now get fecte « v chiefly falsehoods. The author around as qukkry as anybody. Doan's «f "CotesfinancialSchooF will find Eidaey Pflls are certainly AS represented." For sale by all dealers. PHoe 00 cents. Mr. Horr a very apt and inquisitive Mailed by Foster-Mnbarn Co., Buffalo, N . I , sote agents for the TJ. & Remember the name, Dam'*, and take so otber. SEVKKAI. very prominent Democrats Wk of Toting the Republican ticket in Be Your Own Doctor. certain contingencies. Democrats For one dollar get a bottle of Mayers* wfeo are counting on making the Magnetic Catarrh Cure. It wilf last for loos good from Republican ranks should three months and is absolutely guaranfamish the name of one who has inti- teed by your druggist. Doctor? say tbat the only way to cure mated that the next national Republi- Catarrh and Hay Fever is by inhalation. pl&lform wlli not be good enoagh We have worked for years to accomplish him. a good Sum pie method forinhaliugmed* icine, and offer Mayer'.* Magnetic Catarrh Cure, which is used by this new Miss LOTTO QTT, a Chicago youug method, to the |)iiblk'. and guarantee it voonn, was called into Judge H&ncey's 10 cure any cwse. no matte" how long «oart thb other morning as a jurror, her standing. One bottle h ail yon need *ame having been drawn from the poll to accomplish a cut*., it toili last for tttta. Ihe court excused her. of course; ir^e months. A^k your druggist,or address kttt she claimed the fee paid to men who THE MAYERS DRI'O CO.. are called as jurors and for any reason SPEECH are excused from service. ThUwas $2 For five year* I suffered with pain representing one day's pay and mileage and discharge of the throat, hacking ftwt ber home to the court and back cough, frontal headacb, weak eyes, etc., agate. Judge Haucy Mid she was en- at tUne*: could not talk above a wblspar: lost weight eontinunliy, and not titled to tbe fee the same «u» a man, and to lie at work. 1 was treated bv the 4 M recleted the money and went away, the best phy«icians in the COButry, but grtpsml to do a little shopping before r*clevctl no relief. After giving up all hope I was recomended to use a botreturned home. tle of Mav«n* Magnetic Catarrh Cure. Af t»*r iMng U for four neeko my speech Drsrt№ l**t March our imports of nil returns). All my svmptojf^of catarth fcretgn goods amounted in value to diPjipiM^aretl and "1 fn>) tike a lUfTcrCAt per«o»i. MRJ*. KU.V* HAMIWKRK. •6S£S1,&33. Of tbi» amount of foreign EJk Kick. StHoeniee Co . Pa. goods the Europeans pent us their ?harc For Rile by M. HeMy. amounting to 833,2? 1,329, ehowtag that Have you earachp, toottmche, eore one-h»Jf of our total Import throar. pains or MA-HIIU^ of any *»oit? from Europe. A few applications oJ l>r. Thomas' Duringthenfne montlisendiii^ March PfJcctrlc Oil will bring relief almost SI, Yi^5, our total imports from foreign Instantly. mtnatries aggregated 85JKi.rj23.i4it. of wbfoft Europe *ent us to the extent of f3t8G1780.31fJ, or more than hair the total. Borope sold us more goods than Xortb Anerfc*, South America, AfiiaOceauioa, Africa and all other countries combined. XVtifenUy our latest Tariff wa^ a Tarifl" foe Europe. If we took a little closer into these foreign exports we find that the United sent ua English goods worth , leaving leas than §170,000,wortb of. goods to be supplied by other StLziayean countries. It is very evi- PROF. M. E. MONREAN, dent tbe British Hon got his The Vienna Optician, Late from Milwaukee, Wis^ la located in A scr>DE>' &ud remarkable rise in the Chroaao. I bave • completely furnished office yriee of wheat during the pact ten day a with every m e n u for testing the eyee awl remi* trouble that may exist in tbem. appears to knock Coin's theories higher ilevlfljr Mo«t beadacbes arc caused by defective eyes a kite. All who have react Coin and can be cured with ptewes. MO?TB£AN'S cure kbadACbe, all jt*Xu in aaU around remember that be dwells particu- <t^s«es tbe eyes, give perfect sfgiit and relieve all upon the decline in the price of strain on the eye n U H t o . Does the print blorordo yourejettire after retainu for a wheat arid cotton, asserted that it is time? Vk> your eyes watepj l)o tbey fe<?l dull sintioed? It you bare ANY trouble wttn <fue to the appreciation of gold dollars or your eye*, do not delay but consult and not to decline in the value of the articles measured—wheat and cotton. At once. Having bad m&ay years' experience Coin further asserts that this decline in with a large practice, I am enabled to relieve wheat began in 1S73 when silver wa3 de- tboso persons hnvintr auy ailiment of the eye« causing pain or imperfect sight. MONKEAX, monetized, arguing therefrom that tne the-optician, will give you a satisfactorj' exandfitvou with suitable glasses. •nly thing that will restore the price amination Kxtra care is takenforfltling frames. Special of wheat is the admittance of silver attention given to children's eyes. to free coinage at 16 to I. OCULIST PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. Events of the past ten days show eon- If a chanj-t; of *lRef*s necessary within three year* It will be made free. Etamtnation aud t^uiive!y that Coin's assumptions are consultation five of charie. Prices reasonable satisfaction guaranteedentirely fair*. Wheat has gone up from and M onrean, the optician will call at your resi50 to SO centra bushel within the past dence by request. two weeks and silver has not been ad- M. E . MONREAN* O p t i c i a n , I!O West Main St., Owosso, Mich. Bitted to free eoinago; Trie faeY ;«. frco coinage or limited coinage of silver »as nothing to do with the case. AVheat aa< risen in price because of a belief li.ut the supply for the present and future delivery is Jimited. The .saint rule A School for Teachers, would-be ieiorujjiies the value of wheat that cie- Teacher, High School Pupils and 8th termines the value of silver and gold— Grade Diploma Pupils, Supply and demand. It is invariable. TO BE This object lesson ought to open the m* HELDIN•ye*of all disciples of Coin.—Kalaniazoo ST. JOHNS, Telegraph. Clinton County, Mich., beginning July 1st and continuing five full weeks. ir NOT, M. WRY NOT? s .- Perfect »r.dJ*crrc-«*"> m*nt. Simplicity and DurablbJty, Lightness of Touch, Interchang&ble Type, Spoed—are I OUR HOSIEEY DEPAHTMENT. Our Hosiery Department is full of good things. Ladies'Fast Black Seamless Hose at 12^ cents. Children's Fast Black Seamless Hose at 10 cents. We have the exclusive sale of Smith <fc*Angell's Fast Black Hosiery for this county. They are the best goods made, ¥ DEPARTMENT. i •••• ! - U N E R A L ® CAR, We are now prepared to do . # " All of the latest styles in Corsets and Gloves. We carry 20 different styles in Corsets. Among the best are the ''Chicago Waist, G. and D. Perfection." Also Schilling Model Forms Na 85S. OtTB UNE OF SHIRT WAISTS. Our l>eautiful line of Shirt Waists will be opened \ next week. l>o not fnil to see th^m. OUE LINE OF UMBRELLAS. UNDERTAKING / \ INA L LITS BRANCHES. W e a l s o h a v e a v e r y fine l i n e o f . . . . FURNITURE, Which we are selling very cheap for cash. We have a few ] We are offering a good thing in a Lady's Silk Urn brelia, Natural Stick, Paragon Frame, veil worth $2.50, to run for S1.49—only a few of Uiett. FOR YOUR TONSIDERATION. Oiir expenses are less than any other dry goods store in the county, and we tray our goods as cheaply as any house in the county. Call and see that these are facts. We do not sell prints for 2£ cents and then charge 75 cents for goods that are only worth 50 cents. This is a great "catch" and lots have been caught. Come where all are treated alike. We want yonr trade and are anxious to please you. Please give us a chance, . . . . . . . Tours for Trade, M. & J. GARLAND. GROCERIES which w e n i l ] $eM cheap, and as object is no money to. us. w e cordially i n v i t e o j r friends t o vouie in arid g e t o u r prices. W e \vl)\ wave you money o n every Mil of jfoods you buy of tis. W e mean w h a t we saw and we are . . . . \ ARE OFFEBIVG TO BUtLDEBS • TALKING • THROUGH - OUR • HATS. SPECIAJL LOW PRICES . . . OX . . . We have 0 lbs. raishis or primes, 10 bars toap, *2\<, lbs. best tea. 3 lbs. best Mocha and ,H\ 8 lbs. dust tea. & ibs.g-oo<l butter lib. good Kio colYee. 2 cans baking powder. HOUSE TRIMMINGS, NAILS, BARN DOOR ROLIJ CHASE & ANGELL ON We guarantee to save you money. A fnil stock of both plain black anc vanized constantly on haad.. . Disc Harrows, $22. Road Wagons $30 to $40. Top Carriages, $46 to $66. Two seated Buggies in different Styles and prices. Monrean, the Optician, For abiding spring tooth Cultivator, we have The "Dandy," which has no equal for an all-round tool. SUMMER • • CLASSES VJForl895. tiuara Aghast Loss INSTRUCTORS: dr dzmage to property by keeping wel Sapt.J.O. Monroe, B. A.; Supt. E. M Piunkeit, M. Pd., and Oom'r El Bsured in some first class company. COURSE OF STUDY: W. B. Cbapell is local agem for"the classes in all branobes for following well known company*. oiid and Third gr&ie cerOfl«atefl. Special ctassoa in Physics and Algebra for beTbe Cotntneici^J Union AftsurangE ginners. , . . . . . . ? Company of London, Tie National Fire Insurance Com REMARKS: St. John* i* but a little distance from j*ny of Uartford, Ct., Coruntia or any part of Saiairacsee Th« Niagara Fire Insurance Comoounty. The instructors are (ill well *uo*roSh;awfWMt><N,nQtjteaob«». Ex Ipanyof New York. pmtes Viry low. Fine aoteol bofkHoy. Tire Orient Fire Insurance ComAbundant Kpparntm. Knthu^iaatlc instruction, send I or circular. AddreM, y of Hartford Ct.. Ftoapt attention given to business J. G, MONROE, Gt Johns. Mich., or tbe lowest rate* at all time*. E. M, PUJNKETT, O*U*. Mi«h. eeeos. Dimity, Duck, Ginghams, Percales, and Wash Goods of all kinds. ] st a few of the iisaiiy desirable features of the "HAMMOND," ! I F. L. JOHNSON. GEORGE HILSENDEGENv j Local Agent, 310, Woodward Ave., Corunrm, Mich. Detroit, Mich | \ |OUR CORSET W Protect t¥e lyes! SPRING Full line of Dress Goods, Trimmings and Linings. Having purchased a new i .. • • / • ' Superior'Grand Drills—the best in use. North Fairfield ami South Bond Plows at bottom prices. . THE DETROIT KEEPS POSTCO ON ^4'Tilt THfi * ^ 5 ; TKL In fact our list of farming took is complete in all lines. Call and see the best— the CHAMPION NEW BINDER for 1S95. It leads them al]. Detroit White Lead Work's Paint^all colors in stock. Also oils and brushes. Call and see us and get our paces, which we guarantee as low or lower thad our competitors. See our Mtte of Bicycles. OotroltTwJca-fvooK Journal, 9K4-0 * year. GREEN & PETTIBONE. ! ; ; •;«•• *.- Jtetotvttai* of Hfftrf F, Waltoc* Poet -V - ; -:•••> S o " . - * ( Ia eoadttcttef the defcetc of *aid case JLh»*c expended th* following mm* of • Jfaaeh icmnml relate* an l&ddea* | B wfeieb a haughty fnnetionavy VfORTOAQK SAXA-DeCank karmy JXl tnvS* in tb« OMufftioM of Bmrnwo LOOK yhajk-4M- ^fcft^4HMHMWhW erf of scary F. I ^^SSsTiW^^dTSirtlsttr T. otm aomatry weald be called a J W iliac* Post, lfltt,G. A. H-, held at their 3«J,andreeo«tedIntheo«ceof the BegiMer 3 JO 1 aet-dowa." T a k faaugfcty per*oti was of Deeds of Shtewasto* County, Miesogatt. o» ** 8 tall on Soturdty, J a w 1, * ««wu«fttceol August 14th H i at t l 1* * o'' k W »» 14th, l1864, e k mkc ,T№H««™ l a member of the chamber of deputies August mort«a««8 on page *№, and upon whfcfe three oa reaoiuttoat y w appointed and 1 8 14 and much, given to tang speeches. One of m o n t a g e and note aoeompanylng the same, tbe same were ordered to be pttbtttfcti P. 8 1 * 3 10 day he'fotmd another deputy convers- there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the If you want good goods and want to get the fall 8 1 3 10 ing in the lobby with a man whose date of this notice the sum uf nio# hundred and in tb* «ity an4 county papers: seventy-two and thirty-nine one buundredths 4 1 worth oi your money, you must go to a 4 10 face seemed familiar to him, but whom dollar* and BO proovcdlngc either at law or Resolved, I t a t a vote of thank* DM; Q. Jokaaan 3 1 S10 he could not remember. He fancied the equity bavin* beealDttiitutedor had to recover tendered to tbe clergy for tbeir uelst- «. Sidney the amount so claimed to be due, therefore * 1good place to do your business 2 10 man must be an intruding journalist nouo* is hereby gtven that the MJil mortgat* 3 in tlio wsrrirtw on Memorial Sun- C.I 1 will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged "Paxdjs EW," H« said to the other 1 C. fi«l»ot« 1 10 t r * * ? 1 " ^ : ** unolio auction to the highest day and Decoration Day. bidder on the 2 4 - t h d a y o f J u n e , A . D . I«*>, S S10 man, "but whom have we here?" W.Sattagfeer 1 Regotved, That the thank* <*f ti*e post W. Uaynard"Allow mo to introduce to you," an- at U o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day at the 3 • 10 l front Uoor of the court bousa In the city of are alao due Mrs. JCnnie Me Art bur t 2 10 swered the deputy*, "the man whohaa Corunua, Michigan (that belagttxspHzewheto stupidities tbe Circuit Court for Shtawnaeee county is 9 10 written more falsehoods and Laiug. of ^«^ta»w, lor the midition of 1 held) or so much thereof a* may be necessity 8 10 than any other mau living .* t to satisfy the amount daimed to be due on her beautiful patriotic poeim, and also B. Hontiojton •' where to get the best Wines, Liquors, "Indeed!" said the great man. "Then gold mortgage aad «U legal costs, including an I.UiUer » & 10 a to lion. H. H. P u l m . of Ijungsburg, N. T h o m u " 3 10 my supposition was correct that he is a attorney lee of twenty-five dollars, provided 2 for in said mortgage, to wit: The aouinweal lor bis able memorial address. Cigars, or anything in the "line of pure 0.8*rr • ' •» 2 10 journalist?" quarter of the southwest quarter o t section Resolved* ThM we tender our thauk** C. Bsiucvre 1 10 •' "Not at all; he ia the official reporter thirty-six (36) excepting ten acres off of tbe west »ide, also the south half of tbe northdrugs, tell them to go,to 2 10 of the chamber." W.Ilerr x •• to the Sons of Veterans of Ooninn* west quarter of the southwest quarter of said 1 10 P. Tbonuu " 1 section thirty-six №} in townshipBeven (<)north 'Owo«*o, the Corutuui Quartette and city or range lour (4) east, oontulniUK fifty (50) 8 10 J. TrtiBtxk) " 1 acres of land tnore or leas, also the «ast half of band; also the school children aud others J. Drake "Burdock Blood Bitters entire!ycured 1 10 " 1 the west balf of the aurth bait of tbe northwho contributed to the occasion. HO me of a terrible breaking out all over west fractional quarter of section one (l) in H. Sidney • • 1 1 10 my body. It is a wonderful medicine *' township BixnorUi or range four (4) east, con" 1 Resolved, That we cherish Memorial F. Miilard M twenty-six (26) acres of land more o r l 10 Miss Julia Elbridge, Box 35, West Corn- taining M. Montfort 1 leas, also a strip of fend fourteen and one-half Day as a sacred era—a day set apart by 300 well, Conn. rods wide off of tbe west side of the east half the govenuue&t aa a MHOBAJ holiday— Jury aad reporter fe« of the north part of the northwest fractional 6100 70 Total sum expended quarter of said section one 0) town six (6) STATE OP MICHIGAN ? _. and reserved for the surviving veterans Respectfully, north of range four (4) east, all of &atd land COCM*Y of S H U W A S S U ( of the late wax to pay respectful tribute At* session of tike probate court for said being iu tbe county of Shiawassee, state of A* K. BICHA&OS. county, beW at tbe probate office, in tbe city Michigan. City Attorney. to their defeated comrades who braved of Coruoaa, on Saturday, the 1st day of June, Dated March 3d, 3885. AMI, Mumby moved that the city attor- in the year of our I<ord one thousand eight L. L. BURTON, their lives ttuittbe nation they loved so WILLIAM G1LMOKE, hundred and ninety-five. for WILLIAM B. ALDKICg, well migfe* lire; to strew their graves ney be authorized to take the proper le- Present: Matthew Bush Judge of Probate. Attorney Executors. Executors of the estate In the matter of Ottt estate of JUoto C and of Hugh Gilmore. d e with beautiful towers, *n& to perform gal step* to carry the case oi Mary W. FKnttt W. FhlBipa, toman. ceased witb will au* Mulliken v*. City of Corunna to the &uMM. OeortlamC. PhlUlpft (now Henry) aa their aad rite* over their mounds; for gu«nUiuiof said estate, «MD«« into court and the father and mother, the brother and preme court Adopted. t t h t she ts aow prepared to render ROBATE OBDEK-Stat* of Micbigan, Co. Aid. Thomas stated that the First Na- annual account aa suck _ «ister to join with them to visit the last of Shtawassee, as. ProbsAe Court for Thereupon It is ordered that tional Bank held the city's note for $500, resting plact of tbeirbefOYed ones, and county. At a session of the probate day of J U M oext^t tea o'clock In the forenoon, said held at the probate office In tbe elty of pay all flfcrrwitot to their memories which is about due, and moved that the be assigned for examining and allowing such court, Corunna, en Saturday, theffitfcday of M*y, in account, and that tbe hefts at law of said the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight time m which to pay it be extended to minors and all other persons Interested in said and morningestatcv*** requiredtoappear at a session of said hundred aj>a nlcety-flve, Jan. wt, 1896. Adopted. Preaent, Matthew Budh. Judge of Probate. Besolvea, !*•* Mocoifel I * y is oot a court, then to be hokten at tbe probate office, LADIES' CLOTH l e the matter of the estate of Mary A, HataIn tae cttr of Corona*, In said county, and sbow The liquor bond of Ran«ford Stark* at day intended to be desecrated or designcause, if any there be, why the said account un d«oea*ed James U Diaagbertr, admintetrator ed for festive spoita or boisterous amuse- principal and Jeremiah Collins and Ao»- sfeouM not be allowed. CAPES, And It la further ordered, that said guardian the with the will annexed, of said estate, tin Phillips as sureties was read and rements, whether out-door or otherwise; prlve ooOce to the persona interested ta said e * comes into court and repreaettts that he Is ferred to the committee on license. The tatccrf tbe pesdetwr of saWaccoaHt,aad the now prepared to render final account as such JACKETS, bearing- thereof by causing a copy of this committee examined the bond and recThereupon it Is ordered that Monday, the order to be published in theCwnoDa Journal, Be«olved, That Henry F. Wallace Post a newspaper printed and circulated tn said Slth day of June next, at ten o'clock to the COATS. counry of Sbiawanee, for three successive forenoon, be assigned for enunininir and alJfo. 160, most emphatically condemns ommended the bond be not accepted. lowing said account, aad that the helm at law weeks to said day of hearing-. Aid. Trumble moved that the recomthe practice of making the day one of of said deceased aad »U other persons interesMATXTHKW BCSH, AND CLOAKS ted m eaid estate, are required to appear at a mendation oi the committee on Stark's Judge of Probate. pleasure, as was not the intention of its BTKATHEHIS* E. K&XSKT. Probate Register session of said court, then to be hoBton at the bond be not adopted and called for rea probate office In the city of Corunna, in said authors. MADE T O ORDER. county, and show cause, if any there be, why and nay vota, with the following result: Resolved that we urge all good loyal OMMISSIONER?NOTICE: lathe matter the wld account should not be allowed. of the estate of Delia M. Dickson, deAnd it is further ordered that said adminiscitizens to Join with us in the discourage- Yea, Cornell, Dutcher, Mumby, Trunv- ceased. •• , trator give notice to the persona Interested ble—4; nay«, Ford, Thomas—2. Aid. We the underfttgncd, having been appoint- ia said estate of the pendancr of said account ment of all sttch amusements in the fuSalts made to ordei, # p ed by tho Hon. Matthew Bush, Judge of Pro- aad the bearing thereof, by c*ustng a copy of Trumble then moved tbe'bond be acceptture on the day consecrated to the noble OverctmtB made to ordcgrjpla and up. bate ID and for th« county of 8nt*w«s»ee, this order to be published fu the Corunna state of Michigan, commissioners to receive, Journal, a newspaper printed and circulated ed and approved, which prevailed. Panto made to order, tAM*TA *PGmo. X>. MOREAU. dead. examine and adjust all cWma and demands of in said county, foe three successive weeks Fancy silk vats to ordflf & sad The liquor bond of Adam Serr a« prin- all persons against said estate, do hereby give previous to said dajr of hearing. J. FlSHEIL notice that we will nwet at the store of Jar D. JABED C. * , KATTHBV/BUSfl, cipal and Thomas Agnew iiod Michael Koyce, In the village of Byron, in said county, Committee. Reidy as sureties was presented and read on Monday, the I9th day of August, l&ift, and BY KATHIBIKKB. KEUKT, Judge of Probate OUR TIES, tlNEN AND Probate Begister. on tbe^Oln day of November, A. D. 1«№, at teu and referred to committee on license. o'clock in Use foreboon of each of said days. for the purpose of receiving- and adjusting all STATE OF MICHIGAN, » _TEBMS CELLULOID COLLARS, Aid. Ford moved that the bond of Adam claims COMMON CoirKciL ROOM, ) aganwt said estate, and that six CWWTT or SHIAWABSM. f ' months frost tbt 30th day ot May, itm, are al* CORUIJWA, Mich., June 3, i»96. $ At a session of tbe Probate Court for said Serr be submitted to the council without lowed to creditors to pteseut tbeir cAaims to county, held at the Probate office in the city of STBICTLY UNDERWEAR ETC any report from license committee. Car»«!d vommlMlonen for Mdjustmrnt and alCorunna, on Saturday, the Mth day of April, At a regular meeting of the com moo to wacce. Dated the SOth day of M»y.AD l»S. in the year one thousand eight hundred and CASH, f council of the city of Uorunna. held in rled> after which Aid. Mumbj moved the oinety-itfe JADRZ CJX)SE. Prevent, Matthew Bush; Judge of Probate. acceptance and approval of the bond of JAY D. ROYCB, the city hall, j«ne S, 1895. In tbe matter of the estate of Mary B. Stew And that ia GEOBGE DKVORE, «Miti«f«ctlon call wollcited Adam Serr, Adopted. Meeting called to order by Recorder CoswnliaioDers. an, deceased. Un reading and Sung the petition of William why ire mnti Aid. Dutcher presented the following Knight. prayfa* that admmietratton of mM «etate ftOBATB OHD»B--*rTATE OF MICHI- Biy, Bay be granted to tbe petitioner or aomd other Prevent. AW. Cornell, Dutcher, Mum- resolution, and on motion of Aid. Trum6 A N , CorwTT o r SBIAWAMBJU M . person. can «ell at Notice is feereby Ktven, that by an order ot suitable bte it was adopted: bff Ford, Tbom«* « d Trumble. is ordered, that the Stt± day at May ucxt, the Probate Court For tbe-County of Shtawcs at Itten o'vfc/vk in the tbrrnoaa,, at «aJd a pprabKtv Minute* of nettings of Stay 6, to, and Whereas, Tbe public highways around ace, made on the SS5d day of May, A. I>. 1&5, ofltoa, be prices. d forav«rinf f i k ) U k awlgned Mk)p«Utkm. six months from that date were allowed for the Phoenix Block are badly blockaded creditors to present their o l a i n s against the And it 1* further orderM, that a copy of this 16 read and approved. of William Hathaway, late of Mid cnu»* order be published three suoceesive weeks p«The ioUowiog, claims aad account* by resuon of brick, burned timbers and «.«t«tc ty, d e w e d , «nd that al> creditors of aaid de- vicus tn «Ud day of beartog, ta the Corunna newspaper printed and circulating were presented and referred to com- other debris laying therein, presenting a oensed are required to present tbcirclaim* to Jounuu,a Conifift»-» W Cooper toMJ Prlndle, •aid Probate Court, at tbe Probateofltcf, in in Mid county ot Bhiawaseee. MATTHEW B t » H , vttrj bad appearance and causing much the City of Corunn*, for examtnutlon and almittee: Judc*of Probat*. lot 3, bk z, $&n. lowance, on or before the 2M daj of Kor*mtx>r MaaontFo*, lumber. t 8 01 inconvenience, therefore be it AKING EXPECT Woodhult-ETr^in.ble to C Trumble, nett., and that *ueb claim* will be heard before By KAT:IEKI>K E. K t u i i Y . I"robate Kcaixter. Jofan Wilson. " .««* Resolved, That the owners of the Mid Court, on Moods}-, themth day or a uvu^r, 45 a on **-c 1, $1700. MAY 0, 1895. attdon the^sd.day o t November next, at tttn Coruon* Journal, prlatlnf...... .'.,. s 06 STATE OF M1CRIOAX -Circuit Court for Durand-Land Co. to \V A Chap«il, proper>r be instructed by the city mar- o'clock In the forenoon of each of those dars. tauodsrd Oil Co., K*MUM. 5 83 <hvCounty of Sbiawas-ee, in (tiancery; Dated Mar 2M, A. D 1«M. s % lot« 1, 2, 3, bk'tJ, 2d add, 170.69. T Almlm A. Ho«t f L. II, Jackion, rvpairiiw roof B 00 shal of thfscitr to remove all brick, burn MATTHEW BCSH, VH. r C*rt«r to H C and M E Dodge pt t«c ai, -p-n J. M. Goodeli. election committee 4 00 ed timbers and other obstructions lying J uda-e o* Probate. Isaac l i . Pr«t.i A. A. Vrtla, Military work.. 10 QG on and tn the public highway in the viHuit pendingr in the Circuit Court for the $.,25. H R Rahrook to V S and M A Coftnty of .Sbiawame* in Ctaancerf, a t tlw? Austin Phillip*, work in city bail 7 CO cinity of their premises within fen days Schedule of Examinations. Court lioM*c Iu the city ol Corunu*. on tho » t h Lowe, let 4, bk 16. ad »dd, $104.06. Standard Oil Co., cU .. 6W Regular, Corunna, A ugnat" nnd 3,1MW. day of March A. D, i««ft. after notice on them to rrmove the same, New Lothrop- W C Wo*»dwortu to M SpeclaL, Bancroft. August -: nnd SI, iriH Standard Oil Co,, g«*oUne 4W In ihfA catiw it »ppe*riii(r In.m aAdavit an OwotMo, October iti mid '.T, l&M. flic, tbut tbe defemlaoi, lawu' 11,Post, I* not a E Rolfe lot 1, bk n,t^SI. B. *Hfcr, hay 5 8* and in <te(au!t thereof, that the citv mar- SpecUU, Special, Vernon, February -.: und -J3, IdW. rv»id«nt oi thi* state, but reside* ai KaiAa* M a s o n * Fox, mutter 13 u> shal be instructed by this council to re- KejruUr, Corunna, March 1- atcl ••№, 1$M. Antrim—T M Euler to J W Martin, Ciiy. in tiie state ot MfMouil, 00 motion ot A. !..<'handler & A. K. Richftrds, eoaiphUnant a J. J. Peaeock, awieMm't ami b'<l review.. 36 00 move the same, and that the expense in- Spwia:; Lrtinjrsburjr, ^r,rJl n; iiuJSTJ, 1805. !sixx;i»f examinations r>o*rjfi nt one p. m. stan- j-olfcttom, it is onlcnHl thatthesuiddefc-ndant, Frank Rose, print tag 17 30 Lr curred by the removal of the same be daiti lime. At regular (.-.vuiuinittioiis, appls Isaac If. Pr«st,cm]so hi*flpiieamnce to t»c enVenice—G F Bailey to R Bailey, +0 a tfrtnit 7 15 John Drake, team work. I 25 MUwaukeeJct Cautu ior third grades will i:t ^riti at the 8*me K'reii herein, within live months from tho ilnre A.M. charged up against said property and colon sec 33, $1300. time. Applicauts for tbe higher gradt-s will Ixof thisoriicr, a»d ia <?*»(* of his appearance J u n e s Vfii&oD.lmbor — 8 62 Fontiac 800 12 21 5071 9 SO, 12 U irin at eight a. m., Siandar.i Dree. 11ms tbrc« that bo cause hw aoswer to tbe 'sompiaiaaat's ,Qwo*»o Tp—D Byrne to M A M«rtio, Cnaa.Wiloox, " 9 0 0 lected ol said owners respectively. hxlf days wiJl be allowed applicants for third bill of c-ompiuiitt to Ixe GRHI, ami a copy thereof 10 m I H 8 t l 108 Holly Cha*. Clark, " -...,, IT 35 gracic-. The first half day, ^ot^raph}, reading to be serM-d on suM cumplaiiuiiir^ rtoitoltors, So a on sec 15, $4000 !n 1 47 The citj marshal said complaints had Durand penmanship, and theory and art and "H-hool within twenty days after aerrice on bim of a A, A. Frain, tnirjias dogn.. 3 CO Corunna 9&3 1 Rush—W Detwiler to E Hughes, come to him that J. E. Sloan had phos- law will bf written; the *^c<>nd half day, phy- copy ot said bill, aad notiw of this order; and Owoeso Junct'n 10 15 2« John A, 7>r*ke. city engineer 32 25 siology, orthography and grammar will be m default thereof, &aM bill be taken as conIonia 1149 4X8 a on sec 11, S1300. A- A. Harper, assessment roll.... 36 00 phate or fertilizer in LU building on written; the third half day arithmetic, bistoiT fessed by **id non-resident defendant. C. №. and civil a\>veraraeno will be wnitiea. The C Trumble to J Ford, 80 a on sec 36, And ii 1.4 further ordered, that within twemy B4S itlfBcsBrae.,loitioedocket.... 6 00 State street, which gave forth a very of12 17 4 IB 9 24 Lowell flrst half day of >be regular examinaiions, apthe said complainaut cause a noUee of 1 ftO 5 90 10 00 Grand RapMa J. G. Wjftf , sucttoa luwe -• 49 75 fensive odor. He was instructed to ask plicants for the higher grades wiU write %lire> days • ft this order to be published in tbe Corunn* 10 » 10s O V «. ,I J t bra and Physics. Applkrantb for nrst irrade Journal, a newspaper printed, publiated and WB.A.Knicfet*Co,fHune 1 00 Mr. Sloan to remove it. 6 3S II FerryBbuTR write ireometrj', general history aod botany on circHlMtioj? ia said county, and that »uca pub- DO YOU WANT TO STOP TOBACO? Grand Haven 110s Coruana Journal, printing..:. 3 id Saturday. No branches can be written except lication be continued there at least once in • 4* Dr. Jones suggested the proprietry of 606 'r Ax A* A. JPrnln, burying dogs 3 <» In Aeooraance with the above schedule, and &p tacb week lor six weeks in succewlon, or that a-tn. 0 00 OWOMO Electric Co75 (to removing the bitching posts on the east plic&nts who are not present at the proper ghe cause a copy of thiaorder to b* perftaoaily You Can Be Cured While Using it. time roust wtrft on til the next examination to served on Mid uon-resident, defendant at The liabit of using tobacco grows 00 5. Sage, scavenger work....... C 00 side of school grounds. On motion it complete their work. E. D, D1MOND, least twenty days before tbe time aboee pre- a roan until grave diseased conditions t I t Banker, **tt lines...... SCO was referred to committee on streets. +i4 Comuttesioner. scribed for hisappearanoe. are produced. Tobacco causes cancer W.J, Tamer, sundries — . 36 A. L. CHANDLER C11AS.H. WISKEtt, Aid. Cornell moved an order be drawn f^OMMISSIOXEKS' NOTICE.-In the matter and A, '£. RICHARDS. Circuit Judire, of tbe mouthfand stomache: dyspepsia; ABdmWnifr.stxton 14 88 w of the estate of Emma J. VanfcUper,de- Complainant's Solicitors. loss of memory;, ner\-oua affect tone: Ed. MllteT, dmyttg . ~. 150in favor of citv attorney to finish pacing ceased. congestion of the retina, and waisttog Cha». Wilcox,labor.— .6 ts expense in Mulliken case. Adopted. We. the uudereiRueo', having been appointed tvr ibe Hou. Matthew Bush, Jud^e of Probate DMIKISlTtATOB'S SAIJE OF REAL KS- of tbe optic nerve, resulting in impairJaxnes WOtpxt M 5 62 Aid. Trumble moved the city engineer in and for the county of Shiawa<>$et\ Stnte of TA'fE.—Sute of Michigtuo, County of Sat- ment of vision, even to tue extent of Cii*s.Cl*rfc •' 6 <X> be authorized to procure window screens Micltigas, CommUsioners to receive, examine 6. B. I^ouuL,«s»essm't and b'd review... 40 00 for the living rooms Jn city half building. and adjust ait claims and demands of All perIn tho matter o? tUe estate of Albert T. blindness: dizziness, or vertigo; tobacsons against s*id estate, i o horirrby (five araiee N icaols, deet*se<1. co asthma; nightly snffooaticn: dull MMonCoto, « m w — ~ 70 Adopted. thHt we wiJl meet at The store ot.] ohn M. ^bat't, Notice is hereby given that in pursuance ami pain ia region of tbe heart, followed JobnWiboo, lumDer 74 TO Aid. Ford asked if the council -would in the village of Shaft&t>u 17?. in isau; ct>unty,on by virtue- of an order jrranted to the under* Chicago St'r j e.m. 'a. m'p. nu! SfciawasaeeIroa Works l 53 allow Mr. Teeptes th? use of pow«»r from Moiiday. (berth day of July, ]««. and on the Mjfneti, as administrator oi the estate of «aid later by sharp pains, palpitation and ^th drtj* of October, A. n. I8i«,at ten o'ciwk iu weakened pulse, resulting in fatal heart !fM 9OI)| Z l « ! Albt-n T. Nichols, by the Hon. Mattbew liush, G'd Haven Lv John A,^ Drako, engineer ... 8 1 5the pumping engine for his laundry bus- the forenoon ot eaoh of said days, for tht purV 45} 3 Oo: S IS Jiid^rt.' of Probate in nnd for said count}-, on the disease. It also causes loss of vitality Ferrysburs EuasMachine suit corte... ®> 06 ines.*, and moved that a committee be ap- ptise ot receiving and adjusting all claim* i.'tth day ef April, A. D ls*5, tnerewiil besoidat 6 35' 10 0.1 3 1 3 lO*S Hgainst paid estate, and rh«r six months /rom public vendue, to tlie bi^rhest bidder, ut tbe QIIT HEl'OUE IT IT TOO I-ATE. O.K.&I. Jet Upon examination the committee re- pointed from the council to confer with i the 6 45: lt>20 3 £& 11 00 Hth day of April, 1S83. arc allowed to cred- Court House iu the City ot Corunna, in said Grand Kaplds To quit suddenly is too severe a shdck ported favorably on all but the accounts Mr. Tee pies. Adopted The mayor ap- itor* 10 preseiu their cUiims to snid cojEtnis- county, on Monday, the 17th day of June, A. D. to the system, as tobacco—to an invet- Lowell -2 1 7 15, 10 551 I pointed Aid. Mumby, Trumhie and einncrs for adjustroent «i«l allowance. :,s:-v>, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of naid day, of Mason & Fox, L. M.Jackson, and W. Dutcher. Dated the Sth day of -ApriJ, .t. it. 1M»5. ail tbe right, title and interest of said Albert erate user, beconaes a stimulate that his Ionia 11 351 4 3S;; 12 W a.m. JOHN M. SHAFT, T. Nichols, deceased, in and to the following system continually craves. "BACOJ. Tanner", and cut the claim of the Thereupon motion ihe council adA.M. S. M. GIBUS, S5T 571ip. Ixa( 15 described lands and premises, situated in the CUKO" is a scientific and vegetable OrossoJet Owosso Electric Co. from $75 to $72. JOSHUA 0 . MARSH," citv of Corunna, county of Suiawasset.M>tate journed. Corunno » 07! 1 3S| Commissiuners. of Michigan, io-«it: Lor six (Ct wnd west part remedy, guaranteed to be perfectly WM.A. KNIGHT, J. C. THOMAS, ) of lot flve t">) in b l w k ei^ht (S), (tbe part of lot harmless, and which has been in use for Durand I 5 10! 9 *> 1 47i 5 » S88 City Clerk. 30 Hi 2 3*1 O T A T E OF MI(;H Ki A N\ County of shiawas- five hereby convoyed is all that part of said lot the last £3 years, having cured thous- Hour W. H. MLMBV, [ Com. i 'oSSj 10 S31 3 t*i r *> nor horuioi'ore sold and conveyed by S. Titus •O see. ss. Ponriac ands of habitual tobacco users—smokR, B. FORD, ) 0GV ( N Parsons and wife) according to the recorded J i 2.J! Notice is hereby River., ttwt by nn order of To-mOrrow—Which To-morrow? Milwaukee Jet plat of she village (now city) ot Coruouaafore- ers, chewers and snuff- dippers, the Probate Court for tbe cnuiity of Sliiawas• t 4.5! 11.T0' 4 05! Upon motion the report was adopted. r CHAHLKS HOLNfA.V, Why do you delay? You are likely s«', made on the 4th day of MA>*, A. I>. l^'. ). six saiu. YOU C.VX 13K AIL THE TOBACCO YOU Aid Mumbv, chairman committee on to be worse to-morrow than to-<lay, for inontlis from that date were allowed for credit- Aduiinistrrttor of the estate of Albert T, NichWANT, VHir.K TAKittg "liA CO-fTKO"' IT CcairCar, Buffet Car, Sleeping'Cur ik-r ot=, deceased. ors to present ttit'ir claims rtjr>*iiisi the estate fire department, stated that the commit- there is to be no standing still o! nature ot Th mas GrtlliXiifber, late of stild cmnty, dc- Dated Corunna, Aprila.)th, A. D. lSf.5. W1I.1 NOTIKY YOU WlIEX TO STOI'. WE EastwaruXo. 13,fcas Paliiup.n Slocpor. CWI tDat all creditors of *Aii1 deceased tee expected to meet a committee from or of sickness when fastened on the sysCiiVE A WKITTF.X OCARA57TEE to perma- espo to Detroit, J)aily. No. 14 has Waauer d! to prv^ent tbeir claims to said A chronic headache, <?u!J pain "at cbair and buffet car, Gntmi Haven to Detroit; the fire company, but had been disap- tem. Court, at the l*rr)|iBteoffice, in the oily H ANCEKY SALK.—State of Michigan—The nently cure any case with three boxes, No. iS bas cnair CAT aitncbcd. i i the base of the brain.froqvient darting of Corunna. f:>rt'XM)))it)iit. ouundallowaiK, c, on or refund the money with 10 per cent Circuit Court lor the Couuty of JShjawaspointed in that, but had entered ioto a pains through the body or .steady hack- or bet'orr 1 bo 4th day of Xovemt^r next, and No. 81 has sl«x-per to Or:ir.<J Rapids. In tbr.ncery. interest. WtuJwardNo. 11 b:;«i oiwir c»r, attached. contract with the Boston Belting Co. for ache, pain or burning sensation in scoin- that such claims wtli bo Leard iK'tore?&UI courts Olsaver. No,lafeas Wajrn^r parlor hufTct car, Detroit "RACO-CURO" is not .1 substitute, Monday, tho f»th day Of Aiifrujit, and on ach after menls. specks before the eyes, on Complainant, toOi-und Hrtven. >'f> 17 has UuffetCar, D*~ 500 feet oi hose. Moriduy. the *thdi»y of No^-emlxT next, at ten Init .1 reliable and scientific en re—which vs. 10 Onicfljro, Dniiy. dizziuess, heart Palpitation, o'cUx-k in the forenoon <>?' eac-n of tiiose d«js. I William H. Cuilncyand absolutely destroys the craving for to- oir Aid. Ford moved the report be accept- frequent No. SI has sleeper l>i»troit toGranrt BapMa. loss of memory, difficulty in fixing the I)ate*l .May ith, A. I>. !8;C>. Cuduey find J . D . Cudr.cy, bficco without the aid of will power, ed and the committee be given more time mind on your work. li&tiesane&ft, lack of JNO. W-.UHTD, B FLETCHER* MATTHEW BUSH, •Indue <>?' J'robiUe. In pursuance anci by virtue of « decree of awd with no inconveuienee.Jtleaves the TraJnc Mftnrttror. Trav, 1>»3*. Aa-t. usual ambition, worn out, all run down Jly KATII}.:U>I: K. KKI.^EY, to arrange matters. Adopted. 1'robato KoKistcr. said (:ourt made in tbo abwvo entitled cause on the system as pure and free from nicoTbe city attorney s-ubmiUeti the follow- Iccling, sleeplessness—which is it? Xo •- the ith day ol Septeiuber, iSW, notice is herebytine, as the day you took your first chew (iLKX D. YOUNG, Local A matter which, but you feel thft warning REAL ¥.<• j jfiven thin I. the undersigned, one of the Cir- or smoke. ing report of the case lately tried—Mary which nature sends over the nerve teleo£ i cuit Court Commls.sloiirr.sJu and forsafdeounSold by all druggist, at one dollar per ty of Shiiiwrtssc*, will sell at public auction or W. Mulliken vs. City of Corcmna: graph system of your body when repairs In the'matter of tUe estate ot Ocorgc liuell, i- vondue, to the highest bidder, at tlie fnmtdoor box, three boxes, [thirty days treatment To the Hororable, the Mayor and Com- are needed on the line. I ol the Court House, in the city of Corunna, i u Is hcroby plvon.thi'it in inir.-=unnc« nncl 1 said county of Sbiawjwseo, that being the and GUAKAXTEEU CIJSEJ $2.50, or sent mon Council of the City of Corunna: — Delay to heed message Increases the byNotioo virtue of *" oider wraniod to tue imder- • building- in which tbe Circuit CV>urt for tnc-direct upon reciept of price. SKSI> SIX ID relation to the case of iiaij W. damage to t« repaired. Dr. Wheelers MfPicd, as adininistiaior of tae estate of said i county of fhiawaspcc is held, on the 22d day or TWO-CKXT STAMPS KOlt SAMPLE BOX, rt<-cca«!d, hy t?'« ISctn. Matthew Uusl). Judjfe ofj June, )?>y5, at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon or Mulliken against the city of Corunna, I Xerve Vitalizer repairs, restrengthens Pfiitwte in and for said county, on ihc 6th day 1 said day, the following described iaads and itooKLET AN*I> rKOOj^s V R E E . E u r e k a and restores lost nerve force. It is so of May, A. i>. }•"*•>, there wHHx* ?old at puijllc premises, viz: ail that certain piece or parcel Chemical & Manufacturing Company, would respectful!.*' submit tbe following made that it cannot fail to help any vt-ndue, toih« biKhestbidder,Rt the frontdoor . of land shunted in the Township of Perry, p y or tho rourt House, In the city of Corunna, i&. county of ;shittw*fe3ee anJ Stale of Michigan, Manufacturing Chemists, La Crocse, as my report: all nerve diseajes and nine-tenths of Slid county, on Monday, tho \M dayof July, / . i descvibfld 'as follows, to-wlt? The southwest Wiwousin. BesttattttWsfM* First, the case hai been tried aad a diseases are cr are attended by nerve n. ]»?tt, at one oVlocft in the Af.'eni(x>n of said ; quarter [ t i | of theaoitthwrsi;quarter [Hi o* tb^ rii^M, fitlr nnd interest of said de- i .section turee 1.3], Township nuoaber live ii] judgment of one thousand dollars obtain- troubles. Dr. "E. GreenaniyervEust Pal- day, nil Even chronic di»rrhcea succombs 1, in «n<t to the rullowing-descried lands I north, of range two [3] east, couWining forty ,i№ir:Uos, Pituitted In tho township of 1 acres of Und, more or lew, according to the quickly to Dr. Fowior'e Ext, of Wild ed against Ihc city. In my judgment estine.'Ohio, *ays that Dr. Wheeler's it*^. wvunlv <\f Shlawmwep. State nf Miehi- oriataul s u n ey t hereof. y _ Strawberry, uatnrcs own specific for All tbi# verdict ii contrary to the law and fective in ca^es which nave come under 1, tr>-wii: The north half of the wi'tb haif oi | JONATHAN G. KNIGHT, bowel complaints. northwewt quarter of wonthwost quarter of 1 tacts, I therefore advise that the proper his observation, Iccan bt , relied upon MCtion ten At the township of Burr.*, Shiawas- i Circuit Court Commissioner, Shia I ty, )f Ichigmn. legal proceedings be taken to obtain a to be r.lwayR effective a« represented to 9M county, Hichigan. E. UlCttADS, Itching Piles, night 8 torrid pla^e, It, restore lost or weakened nerve force .JAY I>. BOVOE. 3olkitor for coai nt. B«w trial of the case or a review of tlie and hrlnf; Iwwk full heatbful vigor- Admintatnttor of the tMat* of MM decoasM. inttftntly relieved and peroisnepUy CHN f D»tcd4lay<tb,A. D. cored by Donn'a Ointment. Tour case by {be tupronie court. J COTUIIII». Sold by Walker & Scott, druggist CUBRIE er ©u gbt to k«tp it, At* And if anybody should ask you M. REIDY'S w Corunna, i Mich. P MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHING C . HOUSE. # 88 ..>••'. . '•': '•§ J.A BECKER, W :s A e W. L, DOUGLAS •' »a • > " • • ; - 3 the oldest Dative J. a widely edncational maa, being the an* born resident of Indiana aad the oldest THE JOURNAL. k&owa taorand publisher of a a y i w of school Methodist minister in the ttate, died MAMBOT WXTSOX, Q BOBCTBOK. Prasidosxt Ol»voi&nd'« Cabinet books used throughout the United at Deputy, aged M year*. GKS. J. B. HAWLBT, assbtant becreBtates, was seat to an inuree asylum » Vaoant MICHIGAN. at Elizabeth, N. J. retary of the treasury under President CQBUKSA. TUK first regular session of the na- Hayes and six years a member of contional conference of eharHie* and cor- greas from Illinois, died suddenly a t Hot Springs, 8. D. rections opened at New Hsven, Conn. IIKSUY Lisoi-EV Far, who ranked THK Central Bimetallic league a t •5!c'..;.j'.ifc, T-«« , Uwiad a call fora na- high among the wood carvers of the LOW tional convention to be held in Meia- world, died at Ui» uouie iicSu- CluwluMay 2». — Secretary phis on June I? and 13 to formulate nati, aged »8 years. Gretham died a t 1:15 o'clock this mornWALTEB Q. GRESHAIT, secretary of some definite plan fur future action. Ing. No death could be more quiet, THE visible supply of grain in the state, died in Washington of pleurotaore calm or more peaceful. For two 1 United States on the 28th was: Wheat, pueunxonia after an illness of four hours preceding dissolution there had weeks, aged 03 years, lie leaves a wile 54,2*4,000 bushel*; corn, 8,&?8,0O0 bush8 been no indication of a pulse or a 6 2 el*; oats, 7,390,000 bushels; rye, 13T,- and two children. Mr, Gresham's judicial career hegau early in the admin* barley, 145,000 bushels, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 000Abushels; LADY minister baptized thirty-nine istration of <Jea. Grant, and continued, in the Okaw river, 3 miles with the exception of his connection 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 converts with the Arthur administration, first west of Arcoia, 111. as postmaster general and then as secTcic supreme court of the United 24 25 26 27 28 29 States affirmed the con&titutiojxallty of retary of the treasury, until the sec* ond inauguration of Mr. Cleveland, the Geary Chinese exclusion a c t ••• • • • • •*• *** • • • ABOUT a inches of snow fell through- when he was chosen as secretary of state, having left the republican party. oat northern Wisconsin. TflK chamber of commerce of New He served ia th'e war with distinction, York city decided to enter upon a cru- retiring as a major general. Bis home sade against the free coinage of silver. was in Chicago. COL. GOLDSVUTH W. HEWITT, the most WiLUAH SVITH and Charles Earl man prominent criminal lawyer in Alawere killed by the cars at Bellaire, O., Important Intelligence From All Parts. bama and member of the Forty-fourth, both their heads being cut off. FtTXERAX. s^rviees over the remains Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth and Forty00ME8TI0> of ex-Secretary of the Treasury Hug-h. seventh con#resse3 from the Sixth THKB* were £07 basines* failures In McCulloch were held a t Rock Creek Alabama district, died at bis, home in -the1 United States in the seven days Birmingham, aged 61 years. i on the 84th. against I'll the church in Washington. VAA.TEB Q. QSKSHAM. JACOB UEXSOX. who* murdered Daniel Is? convention at Zanesville the ret previous and laT in the corre* T. Shea, an aged grocer, about three publicans of Ohio nominated Gen. Asa heart beat He lay during-that time A* a aenttog i s Sew, York of tibe months ago, was hanged by a mob at liushnelL of Springfield, for governor. with his head resting on the arms edHavs of the state a letter EUicott City, Md. He was under sen- The platform favors a protective "tariff, of his daughter, Mrs, Andrews, while denounces the present democratic ad- his devoted wife sat by his side, his the president in which tence to be. hanged Jane 7. ministration, favors the use of both hands clasped in hers, his face so TBX forest fires near Saranac Lake-, 4apiet»tikedaager of free coinage of X. \ . , were extinguished after doing gold and silver as standard money, in- turned that bis last conscious gaze dorses the administration of Gov. Me- &o.ould rest upon her. And so the minJohn Balla, Jr., and damage to the extent of S200,000. Ktsley and pledges him the support of utes dragged slowly on until the end Turn Jitchiiran senate killed the antiRope* trow their cells in the Ohio in the next national republican came. trefctingbill passed by the house. l a f i a t ItanviUe, JUL, s a d hanged taem convention, and indorses ex-Gov. ForHOT winds swept Nebraska and adBee*r4 of » Busy Llffe. l a r laaiiiHtiMr Miss Laora Barnett. akex for U cited States senator. joining states, doing great damage to QaSotoa Greshain xn* born near ,; -SfcAJaLT mjOVt pupUs took part in the , Harrison comity, lad., March 17, the crops. Frost was also reported at CHAJELKS WARRKX LIPPITT (rep.), of kt anniversary parade in Brooklyn, He tras educated in country schools, and Providence, was inaugurated governor spent one year ia the state university s t X., of the Sunday School union. many points in Iowa and Illinois. THOMAS BYKXES, chief of police, was* Of Rhode Island. Bloomiagtoit but vas not graduated He Harrison reviewed the retired by the police board of New studied lav In Cory don, Ind., was admitted to the bar in 183& aad became * successful lawFOREIGN. —as in- York city. tor. WHJUAX yer. He was elected to tn« legislature ia J8№, THE United States supreme court deA* earthquake in the town of Paradfetad by the Beudrick* eotmty (Ind.) but resiffn^d la Auynst, }S61. to become lies* i J«ry for the mar jer of his wife. nied the application of Eugene V. mytbia, in the province of Eotrus, tenant eoio&cl oi the Thirty-eighth Indiana l l M K that robbers had Debs, the strike leader, for a writ of which is a part of Albania, destroyed Service* la the habeas corpus, and be and his seven nearly all the houses iu the town and his wife Mp wounded him. He ires promoted to colonel of the Fiftyassociates most serve their sentences 50 persons were killed and 150 injured. Tntmcteagood prospect for world's refftmem 1B December, sad on August U, Mocyr. Vrauvrcfl was reported to be third exhibitor* getting- their medals of six months in jail. 1&63, after the fall ol Vlcksburff, «M made IT was reported that the president in an unusual state of eruption. brigadier general of volunteers. Hi com* later than September 1, 189V EABTuytTAXK shocks in Turkey ed* tc*aded the loortb division of Blair's corps intended to call an extra session of the T K * exnhanjrt* at the leading elearla the Seating before Atlanta and received a home* in the United State* during Fifty-fourth congress early in October. sttoyed seven villages and killed fifty ncTer© wound that disabled him for s year aad ATHankinKon, N. D., Peter Kaner, persons. weekended on the 24th aggregated prevented him from seeing further service. aged 15, killed Edward Pose, aged 50, FOKMOSA declared its independence March 13,1*65. he was breveued m*)or general for his gallantry at Atlanta. week. The increase, «om- as the resvlt of a quarrel over a heifer. and the population will fight the Jap- of volunteers Ma4e Judge by Orvnt. anese and will s o t submit to the or* Tax Douglas county bank at West with the corresponding- week ia Alter tn* war he resuated the practice of Superior, Wis., weat Into voluntary ders of the imperial Chinese governlaw M New Albany, lad. He was an unsucment. liquidation. -FOLKS JVDOB C a u u n B . Moans, cessful repabllcsa candidate for congress la Tax TAth birthday of Queen Victoria 1M6, aad in IPB-% w*» 8nanci«2 agent of alv atate TBC Fo*s-Scbn«r$der Brewing? comstole 810,000 from the Cttixens' ut New Tfbrk. President Grant, wno held bUa was observed ut London, JfeBtflajr and Loan aesoeistion at pany in Cincinnati failed for $313,000, ta great ecteeai, m*de aim United State* IT was reported that the new French %rtagueldt O.f pleaded guilty and was T H * Providence (E. L) Shade Boiler jnd«e for the district of ladisaa la 1M>. aaC la company which was pushing the work company failed for $100,000. 18W he van s a «nsucce«*fnl raadklste for >Ui ced to six years in the penltsnW. C STIVBAS, a Lancaster (Ky.) to- along the route of the Panama canal Untied State» senator. Baj t l i v C*alilaaCi Langtey flying machine flew a baoeo raUer, saed Miss Catherine West, waa trylag to aell the canal t o aa American syndicate. He r«Al*a*4 his judfttslup la AprU. IBM, te a pretty 33-year-old aehool teacher, for of 1,000 feet a t a test near GKKNAjrr has refused to cooperate aeeevt tae place of po*tisi*st*f feaeral iu breach of promise, demanding $18,000 Artaur'a cabinet, aad ta July, 1*64. on with Bttseia in forcing Japan to with- Presldeat ; than endure the reproach of damages. the death of SeorwUry *\titwr, waa traasterred draw her troops from Coreau territory. A DISTINCT earthquake shock was to the treasury portfolio. In October of that off hk wife** earnings Louis OftCAX WILDE was found guilty by a y««r he was appointed United SUMw ]od«-e for of Chicago, killed bis little felt at Brattleboro, V t TIM eighty-first anniversary of the jury la London of indecent conduct Uw Sereata judicial circuit. He was a strong ffirl, I y e a n of age. and then took his snpponer of Graat tor a third tcna In toe American Baptist union was held i s and sent to prison for two years. life. Chicago eoaventton of Jftfft, aad waa protuJTHEJUK was a belief that the Formosa ttently mentioned as a candidate for the reA T Loaiavill*, Ky., the grand jury Saratoga Springs, N. Y, 1 republic was a Chinese maneuver publican nomination for president in the eonSETTLERS on Indian lands near PenaM—iima the ease against FtUton Gorbacked by Frasoe and Russia to trick ventioa st Ch4ca«o tfe*t aominatsd Benjamin der, Neb., threatened stubborn resisdon, who killed his wife and Archie Japaa out of the fruits of her victory, Harrison, Dtaoa Brown, son of Guv. Brown, sev- tance to any attempts of federal solIn Ifftethe popoJUt party seat a delecatioa and it was feared that it would reopen to tender Jad«e Oreshatn a nomination at the diers to difipoftae&a them. «M*1 weeks ago. bead of their ticket, but be declined to accept HOT winds blowing 40 miles an hour the war. A T Huron, 8. D., CL IX Bough ton's the ofler and remained o* the beach until h* Tax French steamer Dora Pedro, did great damage to growing crops in with many valuable horses, realffTied at the persons! request of Mr. Cleve> bound for Carril, Spain, was wrecked land to become Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. secretary of state. LAFATETTB P&ISCK, who murdered off Cape Corrubedo and over 100 of t n friend* of free coinage gathered Uresbmm *• Secr»t»ry of State. While Judce Greahatn had always been a rel a farce at Uempais, Tenn., to hear ex- hi* wife October W, 1894, in Cleveland, those on board were drowned. GEX. MAXIKO GOMEZ, the leader of publican, he openly digested from the MeConjrrestman W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska, was hanged in the penitentiary at Cothe Cuban revolutionists, died on a Kintoy law. and in l»A after tee nominatapir to the sound mouey speech, of lumbus, (X of Mr. Cleveland by the democrat*, Ovaa twenty persons lost their lives plantation near Balre from a wound tion Secretary Carlisle before the anti-free he, with other disticftilfhcd republican*, anootneed hU aliogtance to the demoatlver convention. Mr. Bryan con- by floods in the Devil's river country received m battle. cratic party and advocated Mr. Cleveteaated Mr. Carlisle1* silver attitude in Texas. land's election. After Mr. Cleveland's elecLATER. A. WATXE M I L L U , a wealthy and with his Tiews la 1878. tion ta i ebraary, 18W. h* snmaioaed Jndce MEMORIAL »AV was generally ob- Greahan to Lakewood, N. J., where, after a V B W U C K W. G u m x , the assistant prominent livery man at Sonth Bend* Ind., died suddenly in bis buggy. served with appropriate ceremonies In consultation, he tendered him tae position of the Northwestern national In Chi- premier of the cabinet be was fcn&isff. Judge BOTH & FBOCDXAX'S knitting factory all parts of the United States t a n k of Chicago, who was short $50,000 assumed the duties of secretary of cago, aside from the usual exercises, a Oresham t n Ma accounts, pleaded guilty and was at Toledo, O., was destroyed by fire, state on March T, IMS. Soma of the promimonument to the confederate dead was the lose being $165,000. •ssteneed to fire Years in the penitennent qaottloM which nave eome before him NAFOUCOX WHATCOM, chief of the dedicated in Oakwoods cemetery. sine* assuming the position are tae Hawaiian MICHAEL DEBSTBKBO, of Syracuse, N. difficulty, seal fisheries dispute, tae abrogaTAX percentage* o£ the baseball dabs White River Indians, fell dead at Tation of reciprocity treaties, efforts to prevent oofflft, Wash., after a drunken spree. Y., rode 2 miles on a bicycle in 3:51 4-4, the fa the National league for the week Chinese-Japanese war and the Bluefields THX thirty-eighth session of the Mich- breaking all previous records. evded on the 25th were: Pittsburgh affair. FASMXBS iu the central part of Iowa Personally Seeretary Greshaui secured tae Jft.4; Cincinnati, .677; Chicago, .033; igan legislature adjourned sine die, Cteveland, .SM; Philadelphia, .&30; having been in session since January 7. were much alarmed over the appear* warmest retard of those most close)* associwitb him. In aU hi* domestic relation* T. P. MCFADDEN and his son Howard, aace of small swarms of seventeen- ated New York, .530; Boston, .500; Baltihe was most exemplary. His brilliant record year locusts. JBOrs, 600; Brooklyn, .385; S t Louis, aged 12, were drowned in the S t Urain as a ar*v« soldier and his con*cienttou& devoWILL. OWKN, who mardered his wife tion to his dntle* in the hi«t clvU capacities J$#t; Washington, .UQ; Louisville, .200. river near Lyons, Col. Mss. MAJUON CUBTAIX, aged 45, mur- at Noble Lake one year ago, was to which he was called will iaiur; Xor his CHASLKS C. COVDJU-T was arrested at mtunory uaticaal rescectl m a t , Mich., charged with having derea her 14-year*old daughter Mamie hanged at Verner, Ark. rVtvident'* P r o c u r a t i o n . GRANDMA. EVA tiBoea, of Herneyvittfy three wires in Indiana, one in Illinois at her home in Baltimore and afterWASHXXGTOX, May 30.—The president Ind., died at the age of 100 years! She ' ward committed suicide. «nJ one in Flashing, Mich. issued a proclamation Tuesday, direct1 was born on a farm a few miles from THE safe of W. W. Brown, Indian THE miners staike in the Pittsburgh ing, as a suitable expression, of nawhere she died. (Pa.) district wss ended, the strikers trader and postmaster at White Eagle, tional bereavement, the representaFOUR negroes arrested for various goiair back to work at the operators' 0. T., was robbed of $10,000. crimes in Polk County, FIa.,were taken tives of the United States in all forTHOMAS MCGUQUS and his brother, terms, sixty cents per ton. eign countries to display flags over emGXOH&S RXED, aged 60, committed Erie county (Pa.) farmers, were held from the sheriff and three of them were bassies and legations at half mast. a criminal assault on the 11-year-old up and robbed ox $1,000 by masked lynched. Like directions are given for all forts, DEPUTT SBKBUTF* E D EDWABDS and daughter of Rev. Clarence Welch at men. military posts, naval stations and Willis Baxter, of Little Hock, Ark., Lakeview, Mich., and when arrested ROYEB &. AIXEN'S flour mill at CinUnited States vessels. This for the took his own life with poison. cinnati w w burned, the loss being shot each other fatally by mistake period of ten days. while gunning for a culprit. Jemr A. MOBBIS, the celebrated turf- $100,000. TJBIBTT-SZX business and dwelling MBS. JAMES L. STKAUGHX aad her naan of New York, died suddenly at his BAD FOR CROPS. daughter were fatally injured in a run- houses were completely wiped out by ranch near Knoxville, Tenn. fire at Pattonsburg, Mo. Loss, f 100,- Drooarht, Hot Wl»<t*, Mwndstorm* and REV. Yiwuxu F. BCTSHAW, pastor of away near Kokomo, Ind. Iroeta Do M.nrh Dam»c«. TBAJCTS and police fought at Fort 000. the Methodist church at Belleville, CHICAGO, May 29.—Reports from THTBTY-THBKK lumbermen camped on lad., was arrested on the charge of Wayne, Ind., and Deputy Sheriff Harwestern states show that rain is badly murdering his wife on the night of rod and William Walrath, one of the a raft in the Spanish tiver near Maui- needed for the crops. Dry, hot winds ton Island, Ont, were swept away and tramps, were fatally shot. January 11, aad sandstorms over central and north' E&XSUA B. MOBRXIX, a t one time drowned. Foxier fires were raging in all parts era Iowa and Nebraska did great ioA CTCLOK* 1 mile wide struck Chapprominent in politics and the richest of the epper Michigan peni&«ula. jory to the crops. Much damage was AT the Troy Presbyterian church in grocer in Brooklyn, >7. Y., was buried man, Neb., and demolished everything done by frost Monday night, especially in its path. The home of A. Bailor tbe Nkholatrille (Ky.) district George in a pauper's grave. to corn aad potatoes, in and near Fond Montgomery and Arch D. Kiley killed Tux secretary of war was officially was blown to pieces, fatally injuring du Lac, Wis. The thermometer at At«ach other with pistols. informed that the Indians in Arizona Mrs. Bailor and two children. jantic, Ia., w**9?and a gale blew. Oats At Henderson, Ky., fire destroyed are damaged in that part. Frost damTux Fifth national bank of San An- were restless and that a feeling of inthe Hodge tobacco factory and foe aged the crop* at Princeton, 11L A tonio, Tex., went into voluntary liqui- security prevailed. -datlon, A OA*OLCX£ explosion in a house at Elliott stemmery, the total loss being hot wave came to Pierre, S- D., and the A RBAJf yacht naned Trilby cap- Omaha, Neb., killed William Henry 9135.000. central part of the state was afflicted T H S entire ticket nominated by the by heat, which had a bad efteot on the aiaed b» the Hamburg canal at Buffalo, and his wife and Mrs. O. S. Osborn. J7. Y., and throe men were tawned. THX mayor of Brooklyn, N. Y., pat Ohio republicans at the convention in crops cut by frost. ftain is badly THE new Warerty hotel at Hot five women o s the board of education. Zaneatttle te Asa & BoshnelL gov- needed. Continued drought threatens Springs, Ark., was destroyed by Are AT Jersey City, K. J., Commodore ernor; A. W. Jones, lieutenant govern- to destroy the entire agricultural prod«nd Wttliain Burke, night porter, was Ballingtoa Booth, of the Salvation or; W. D. Ovilbert, auditor; Thad A. uct of parts of Illinois near fireenup. cremated. All the gne«ts eseaped. army, and his wife, Maude Elisabeth MiasfealL supreme jwU««>, Jueiah B, Another frost fell rt Fatrbury. 11L, K r s c r bttsfnes* NiHding at QaUeo, Booth, became citizens of the Uaited Allen, supreme court clerk; Frank 8, aad badly damaged oats. ICich., but two stores and the post of- States. They declared their intentions Monnett, attorney general; Samuel B» were destroyed by flmv CampbeU, treasurer; E> L. Lybargev, five years ago. WBZUC fishing on Maharr lake three YORK, May *».—Chief of Police RxroBTS from the vast wheat farms board of public worka. men of Cambridge township, of the northwest, in Minnesota and the As THX rasalt of a drunken spree at Thomas Byrnes was retired by the Bert Salsbury, aged Hi; Will Dakota*, show that tha wheat crop ia 8 t Look Henry Terrlek fatally shot police board Monday. The application , aged 32, and Mina Patterson, cot only uninjured, bat actually is ia Charles Zo*er and tbea killed himaell was banded to Commi&sicner Parker, g 17, were drowned by the upsetting better than the average condition. FmnemAX, services Trere held in Oak- who presented it with a statement a t their boat woods cemetery ia Chicago over the itum Mr, Byrnes. Without comment PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. reaatdna of the late secretary oi state, from anyone, by a unaaimouA vote fares* fires w r o rafi^fc* of the heavy wooded districts ATTOWTBT GXXYfcAI. A. Q. flAAXKtA, Walter Qutaton Greshasa. President the board finished the act aad the re« f northern Wisoousia. of Mostaaa, aad Mis* SUaL, KaowUta, Cleveland and all the members of his tirement was complete, done as the t stood aboat the War while cv*iy chief wished it to be done. A Twavt of *k* «wattiact«r«M of attorney general of ta* Soperiateadeat Bgrnwagoaao* the rewire nails tfavMvfamt the eoawtry I* tatie. Wet Tte. M U ... *«• **• **• ... a 4 5 7 23 ao The News Condensed. r AT REST. GRESHAM IB DEAD. at » May SL—Chieago on Thura> day interred the nation's dead. The funeral train bearing the body of Walter Q. Oresham from the national capital reached it* destination shortly after t o'eloek in the afternoon, and with If they oalyMdafriaadto do eivia and military honors it was en* -MUirittJceeJottrjuO. tombed in a vault at Oakwoods ceme2 ttie eajcth B when be fails ov is chosen. The gathering at the P1<ld^hU B d ceaetery was made up of all AVOID him who, former* curteiy, ranks of men. There were detachthxee ronnin« shout a thing ment* of the regular army and the cannotquestions intcvesi him.—L«vater. state militia, representatives of the state legislature, the city council, the A r m six years' smtsrmr, I wasewsd county board, the bar association and pjao's Curef-MAUT Tsonsov, 9»K O all the clubs in the city, to- Are., AUegbflny/Pa.^ March la, *9L gether with thousands of citizens from B O O U T * S TiCBAtSE, Cbioage.—The all the walks of life. From Washing- JWti dr. "The Birth of Venaa* ton came the president of the United States aad his cabinet, the members of the supreme court, senators and congressmen, and officers of the army. But the roost impressive feature of the gathering was the presence of thousands of veterans of the late war— both federals and confederates. The former had passed the forenoon in decorating the graves of their comrades, while the latter had gathered to unveil a monument in memory of the confederate prisoners who died at Camp Douglas and were buried iu Oakwoods cemetery during the war. So it came about that in the same burying ground where the dead of the "lost cause" were honored in the forenoon, a distinguished federal general was laid to rest in the afternoon mourned by those whom he had so gallantly fought against thirty years ago. Upon the arrival of the funeral train at the Woodiawn (cr Sixty-third street) Oi those who have long- been, station the troops; which, were drawn from aonw fliiWw which baa up in parade formation, presented Uae akill oi phyatdaas, and then hav» arms, and tke drams gave forth the been, restored to nealta,bj Hood'a 8*r» loop roll, followed by a bugle salute. aaparilla la dilficult to express. Xfc lav The body was taken from the train by wsh faeUngs which prompt the wr&> eight sergeants of the regrolar army tn^ of testimonial* liko the followbig tf and placed in a hearse drawn by six « I cannot begin to te» how thankful I an* black horses. The procession waa for the health Hood's Saxsaparitla ha* then formed as follows: brought me. Since taking it t am a nsw Seventh cavalry U. S A. woman. I was a* death1* Battery light artillery. PUtoeD of police. , door aud my f r i e a d a v The Gratitude PlfteeatU infantry U. S. A, Honorary pallbearers in carriages. Toe omclai'ing cierscyma&.Rev. Dr. McPsersoo. Hearse aad escort. Family of deceased. TUe president of the CnLted States. Members of the cabinet. Justices of the supreme couTt. Members of the senate and boose of repre• sentatives. Judges of federal courts and federal officials. Military order of the Loyai Legion, Chfowtro Bar association. Grand Army of Uw Eepublic Union League club. Bepreseatattves of the IHiao/s teftslstvre. Mayer sad aamb*rt «f tb* city council County f^r^tir •• • . CtUzea*. .. The procession, which formed 00 Sixty-third street, moved west t o Oglesby avenue, thenee south to Sixty«Uth street, wect te Greenwood avenue, and south to ceneetery. As the procession turned soath 00 Greenwood avena<s the light battery fired a salute of thirteen guns, the salute which Gen. Ureshatn's army rank entitled him to, and which was also due him as a member of the cabinet On arriving at the entrance to the ccmeUtry the funeral cortege was met by the cavalry detachment, which was drawn up at the left of the entrance. The troopers presented sabers, sad the trumpeters sounded a salute. Slow 13* the line moved through the densely packed masses of people until the cemetery chapel was reached. Then the casket was taken from the hearse and the distinguished party who had accompanied it from Washington were conducted to the chapel. The building is a small one and held only a lithe of those who wished to hear the services, which were very simple and brief. There was a prayer by Dr. McPherson, who then read a Scripture lesson. The choir of the Second Presbyterian church sang "Lead, Kindly Light," and with the benediction the ceremonies came to an end. The body was deposited in a crypt in the chapel, there t o remain until the family decides whether to have the final interment ia Rosehill cemetry ox* at Cory don, the home of Mrs. Eumley, the mother of Gen. Gresham. At the conclusion of the commitment services the cavalry bugiars sounded j "taps," aud the battery fired a salute of twenty-one grins in honor of the president of the United States. This concluded the ceremonies. The president and members of the cabinet were driven immediately to the train and the return journey to Washington was at once begun. was crippled with rheoma* tism aud my body was very uocn bloated. I hare taken* swena bottiea of Bood** Rlftfli Banaparilla and BOW keepi not feel safe to be wiiaout it; it gfvet tzrttaatrottei. 1 am now SO yean eld 1 feel much younger since teldag Hood *. doanxosa for p tara for thebanedK J have A. L Pttiir Hood's 8nrsap«rilla lathe Only True Blood Purtfior Hood'* Pills Beecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia* heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness*, sick headache, bad taste in themouth, coated tongue, fos4 ot appetite, sallow skin, etc., when, caused by constipation; and constipation is the most frequent; cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills 10c aad a$c a» box. Book MtEE at your druggist1* of write B. F. Alien Co., 36$ Canal Street* New York. DRESSMAKERS LATEST -IN- L'ArthLaH*. Ottfsef CYCLONE IN NEBRASKA. Woman and Two Children Fatally Near Chapman, Netk CHAPMA.V, Neb., May 31.—A cyclone 1 mile wide struck near here Thursday and demolished everything' in its path. The house of A. Bailor was blown to pieces, fatally injuring Jfrs. Bailor and two children. The clothes of two other children were literally torn from their bodies by the force of the wind. Many other buildings w^re damaged. ConmeacM «t Forawm*. Tloso KON«, May 31.—Hostilities have commenced at Formosa. Private advice* received here are to the effect that the Japanese are bombarding Kee Tung, a tovvu in the extreme north of Formosa. It is believed here that the bombardment i& being carried on by the fleet of Japanese, cow supposed to be at sea in the vicinity of TamsuL 0TOrOerit of yoor w utorlatest number to TIE MORSE Cast (9tti « U : NEW YORIU SUMMER VACATION TOURS •pedal Car VarUea. Tmnoomitr Coalmtsa To COLORADO YELLOWSTONE PARK FIRST TOUR 8EOOND TOUR A RaUtv wi's New l ta*. BLOOMIXGTOX, 11L, May Si.—Jnne 1 the Chisago A Alton inaugurates a system of individual records of employes by which thereafter all promotions and discharges will be governed. The plan of suspeusion i s discipline for minor offecaes will be abandoned. All employes wil} be considered as starting out even with clean Jane1, bi a K«**w»y. MiLWAUxix, May M.--Ketheri»e Keller, aged Se, w— killed Thursday night ia a runaway accident at NbteH h V H t t A THIRO TOUR t you had ye* InyerUth*/ 1 did be sayin' tben 1 JEfdtt&AH STATE WEWBl JOea., May A Fewllav passed a Mil laereaatag tbe tpeclSe sir! 0tc*r the eld A remarkable case haa der^loped Im the tree* eerat&gs of railroad eota"Bow dare yen cast half of t per eeat., and if ^aralngK Korth Chewaning In the peraov of ttttl* with flashing eye* "Her XV*r*»MM "How was the fellow dressed reflection, on the character of that la excess of tM» per mil* it U itMreaawi 1 • «MM a* lm *fere-tonayrlg, bat aoeecnplisfced by strategy, not at- •ad In my pnmnn, too, when yoa the sergeant brought him to? Did b« aie aer eeat It will critic an additional liso.aw Beasie Ladley, a^ed 13 year*, who fell Aad I Ja* amife at time*totea tempted by force of arms. 0, Cot San* know that at this aaoment he is risking look like a tramp or agentktt&an?*' to the state treasury. The aeaate atee paaved on tbe back of her head. She w** Wt JH i the Donovan iatereaaafaable railroad mileage flnt delirious and it took two or thre* 1 fori,Myoo value that loving dsagb- bis life to save my child 1 He is a brave 'May God forgive ye, sor, for aphak* MM which haa previously plated UM pcraotu to hold her. Finally ah* tert) tile, five KM* strong, fleet horse man, sir, and a gentleman, and perhaps in' of a tramp, fur there wasn't a took feouaa, Its coa*titt»tlooallty ts<iMMloae4. Ua UM l«ve«r man u d wife. aeemed to be under a hypnotic inand I will take tbe trail *t one*, and tf your equal if not superior in every- nater drissed gintleman in the city, LABWXWO. Mieh., Mar CT.-Tbe t t u u Satura*erlta6tfcat every atlta flnenoe ol aotoe unknown power MUL I do aoa return your beloved child thing that goes to make the man. Go barrin' the natural wear an' tear of tha day M w d t k o antl-loobyUt bill, waic* rw* twru bricwMr m the walla. to your anna it will be because my from my house, sir, and never dare to dhrnnk he wor havin'. Sere it wor A qulrea the registration of lobbyists at each made it mantleat that muaie w i a __ rstaeeebe's been away ftveouated every boor and day, B U M haa been stricken from the roll enter it again until you learn to speak fine gold watch nn' chain an' finger stMSlea asd tbe record of tbe measure upon wanted, ahe goings to the orfan «ii4 which they are engaged. Th* aeaate la e o a - piayinjr her piecea without looking1 • * AaA wished tbe thne would fcurrjr of life and added to the great roster of of a gentleman as a gentleman. Go, ring he wore, which the koind sargiat mluee of the whole agreed to the bill e*tsbTO.tasklato her eyee again. or keya. Some ueighborinjf childeath. I will s*nd can rescue her if yon sirr tuk after tellin' him he'd leaps tb*m ilshJara normal school In the upper penlatmla, notes dren were brought to play lor her, L I lit awl rook, will permit me to do so." LASOTG, Mich.. May 2s.-The senate MotsAh! Private Brown, if you could safe from bein' shtole from him by tfc« day ttruck out ail after the eoaetlnr clause of whirti would bring her out of her dethe ttektag of «fce clock—* .The old commander regarded the sol- have heard thin defense of your char* sogers, the bloody thafe." T*ws i i * * «* ifce day we wed, the Waite aa.l-treatlajr liquor hill, and took lirium aad leave her perfectly aane. dier with a searching look, admiration actcr from the man who but a few * k w 4 It, too, tits boy that's dead— "Did Brown say anything about him- tbe same action on the Wikley olil pro* After several audi sp*ll» her condition beaming from bis eyes. In the young hours before would have stsruck you to self when he got sober?" vldlag for payment of taxes avml.aa&aally, and the spells became aad the bill prohibiting extra eharrett by changed lUtlafc ef day* woeaftrstX wo-;ad Bran's dear, unflinching gaze the saw earth with his sword, the flicker"Sure he did not, sor, barrin' that bs eompaalek upon transportation of tra&cea. The case ia attracting much IBM 4*ar old clock, and Amcbts aria* evidence of the courage of the lion, ing spark of hope which yet glowed fit- tuk a walk *1 by himself, an* whin ha express poultry aad live stock. The Aljjln bin, pro'That arta* a atlat before ay < . courage that would not waver in the fully in your troubled breast would come back to the quarthers he ahmoiled vUtinc for the incorporation of truut com- Attention. Bat they a n Met of pleasant tea's, face of any danger. Ilia hatred of the have burst into flame, and your strong an' said, says he: 'Byes, I giss I'm in panies in cities of le&s than 00,000 population, Board of U**ltb. "The onw yeu call tbxonsh yean and yea** humble private was intense, for he had arms would have been doubly nerved fur it, an' I suppose I'll have to male* with a capital of *NM,0rt>, fromflU.000to 100,000 KeporU to the 6tate board of health <Ot pleaeuM sprinkled tbrou*^ with pals. of $150,000. and over !00,GW population cf from dared to look upon bis daughter with for the periloaa task before you. XOce April lunahine mixed with rain. the bi»t of it." $800,000 *> 11.000.0OJ, « U lost on patsa*e. by fifty-four observers in different parts eyea of love, yet that daughter's life 4*aae aides were dark and some were twit, LANSING, Mich.. May 2&—The thirty-eighth of the state during the week ended "Captain, do you know anything "And that's all you know about him, JUtA Jar eame tan*led up with tare. was now at .stake, and he realised that more of this fellow?" tbe commander is it, Lannan?** session of the state legislature closed at mid- May 18 show that inflammation of th* . . r a i l the thorns and nijjtfs night, having teen In sesstoc *uve« January 7. her rescue depended perhaps wholly asked, after Vandever had slunk away "That's all, sor, only they do be s a y The senate tabled for the session the Rob- kidneys and consumption increased The way waa Massed with gracioua thing* upon the efforts of the .nan he so de- in confusion. in' he's gone off all be himsilf afther yer inson bill. reducing passenger rates on the and pneumonia and influenza decreased spised. It waa doubtful if a mas in all Yoa oaald&'t make her thUk that X "Nothing, colonel. He joined my honor's swate daughter that wor shtola upper peninsula railroads from four to three that garrison could be found who would troops at Fort Laramie in Wyoming he the haythen Injuns, an' may Go4 cents per mile by a vote of 17 to ft. Both in area, of prevalence. Consumption "Would en our old piano try T o ptok out aoute sweet eoartlng tuae houses passed the <e&eral budget bill pro- was reported at 154 places, scarlet f e w take his life in his bands and go upon a territory a few weeks before we were ~We uaed to play ia love a glad June. riding for the general expotutes of tbe state at thirty-seven, typhoid fever a t mission so fraught with deadly peril. transferred to this post. H« came out government, appropriating $(,400,000 tor 1806 twelve, diphtheria at thirteen, meaato* Twould worry her If she shonld know Brown stood and awaited the result of with a detachment of recruits, and this and tl.17i.0oo for tfitt This will make the at twenty, and smallpox at Detroit* While she's away I'm t»*«t»d to. bis plea, his woU*poiaed head thrown total tax levy for the two years approximate For when «a«*s rouad t M house, yeu a**, Brown and a young Irishman Battle Creek and itrowastown. N.400,000 back and bis clear eyea looking into named Lannan were assigned to my The dost important legislation of tb» sesthose of the commander with unflinch* troop." And thea to-day~I had to f Degree of He sion has beeb tb« election ot Julius Caeaar ing steadiness. Addressing Capt. Cot 1* sUak I'd seek her pbotoeraph. The Michigan Grand Lodge degree of "Is this man I>*tmwTt yet with, you?" Burrows to the United States senate to flll It letrnaa so queer: I don't know by, the colonel said: out the unefplred term of the late Senator F. honor in session at Grand Rapids elect* "He is. sir, and is a most excellent :T*e looked at U before, and taau B. Stockbridge. The liquor law wa& amended, ed the following officers: "Captain, supply this man with soldier. His droll Irish wit is, I am soaking all licenses t&OO for both apifituora aad everything he may'need and let him go* Chief of honors. Mrs. Kate J* Joatyn, Mas T i n t save tkas tnaaiue rmie to me> told, the life of the troop." malt liquors. The old Uw was, 1KB for spirit- kegon; lady of honor. Mrs. Mary A. Pratt* aoad may God go with you, sir, may -And how I Uased it tltea After some more conversation the uous and 1300 for malt. All soeial clubs will Ooldwater; chief of etremoataa, M n W1«*eri» X hJa*ttJos* as toaffly now. God go with you," Then turning he •Id commander expressed a desire to be have to take out licenses if liquor ia vended. Blaranaaa; recorder, Mn. Mary C Po*js» Much time has been spent intending Jackson: recetrer, Mrs. X^aella iC Woteter. entered bis quarters. left alone, and the officers retired. At r st two heartstouae city charters, aad every eity baa come ia for Beldi«g: uaaer, Mn. Jessie MeCoanell, FHus; "Captain, there to not a moment to rtatwajstatfaetr 000% calling an orderly, be directed him a shire of some wholesome legislation. iaslde wa«eamaa> Mrs. BobertT. t<ogte. G m i low," amid Brown, hi* eye* hashing to go to the ftrst sergeant of 3 troop l then Wtfketo know tf she's The aati- liquor treating bUI waa also killed. Bapida; outside watchmaa, Mrs. Onlette, Bigr •4-twiwHm any thoughts like these. with tinfratifTiwi A law was pwsed to compile tb* laws of the City. and have Private Lannan report to him ^ . Iffy lsv» ru hardly dare eoaten. state by a commission, defeating the "HoweU't "I know it, my man, I know it. There at headottsxtexs. Be* I last wonder If. shell gtttn statutes" plaa as well as publication by Cat- j stands my hone ready saddled* and he Ba litisli witMa the hwtrty smack There soon came a knock at the door, iegan. £ Co.. of Chicago. The University ef Mrs. Adam Cart, oi BJchmoBdvOIsv is one of the swiftest and strongest tat and on being bidden Lannan entered Bar ehesk will feel when she cones aaek. Michigan wan granted aa appropriation of '-JQxea Watermaa, ta Cblcafo Journal. the garrison. My pistols are in the; the room. He was a brawny young The ' , „ . . r saddle holsters, and here is my Win- Irishman with a jovial, good-natured meat was was tilted.' The aniMoskm bill pro- | is not yet gray, and she does tfce wock nibittag the appearing of a candidate's name ' for herself and husband and watts av chester rifle. Mount and away at once. cast of countenance, and an ey*> that oa the ticket but once, though nominated by j Give me your hand, my brave fellow, denoted a love for fun. two or more parties, was passed. The bill to 1 mile and a half to church. She he* for yon are made of tbe right metal aabmit an equal suffrage amendment to the ; been married three times, and is » "You, are Private Lannan, of B troop, •*THAT I DID, & « , BAD U7C& TO WE." and I believe y<m will succeed." j great-great-great grandmother. T h e m ' protictthe lovely lady an' bring bet people was defeated. are vou?" the commander asked. Htm**. "Thank you, captain. I will succeed safe back to ye wid her shjnilin' ange! is no doubt of her age, as she "Yis, sor-r-r," the soldier replied LukKSiao. Mich., May 3S.—The House on Fri- documentary evidence to prove itif It lies in the power of mortal man with the military salute. <ace,w day passed the Keliey congressional appor- I 1 to do so." Thank you, nay man, thank yoe. tkmmeut bill, which corrects the democratic ; "Sit down in that chair, my man, Taking a memorandum book from I. want yon to give truthful an* Youxnaygo now," said the old man* gerrymander of 1A91; the bill appropriating i Congressman Linton, of Sajriaaw; for toe support of the home j his pocket he tore a leaf therefrom and to such questions as I may put grateful for even the sympathy of a C5.003 tor the feeble minded and epileptic; the ; and Congressman Aitken, of Flint, ar» after writing his aunt's address upon to yon. Where did you enlist?" soldier in that dark ho*r. state public!, school appropriation bill, and • the head of a company just organit handed it to the captain with the After Lannan's departure the colonel the bill creating a commission 10 locate a • at "In New York, sor, an,' may the divfl TSM, BT <re« A t m u m - Atx. words: ized to purchase 800,00* 1 In deep reflection* normal nchool in the upper peninsula and : acres atof Saginaw roast the lyin' spalpeen qf a sargint sat for a long time Eicsta RESECTED.] Florida land and to torm. 1 making an appropritiiion of &J0. G 30 therefor. . "Captain, if it be to God's will that I that got me ftit in the thrap. Yon see, at times giving voicing to histhoug-hta. Tbe Wood bill requiring, social clubs dis- ; colonies, which they expect to recmlt shall not return, please write to that "Everyone speaks well of him. I CHAPTEB eor, I—" liquors to like out a saloon license | from the northwest, involving ao oai"Nevermind that,-' the colonel in- think I 1understand hia case exactly. She was in the hands of ft band of lady and tell her how I died. Tell her pay a tax of f&OO, and the state university lay of $£,000,000. The land ia on that MeseaAero Apache Indians, their hM- that Private Brown was her own boy terrupted. "Was Private Brown of A young fool with mere money than appropriation bill were tost on dual p&s&age, | aoutheast coast of Florida. latter, lor the third time. The senate cap«otts faces rendered yet more hideous iKed. Tell her that In his army life he your troop enlisted at the same time?" sense, fast companions, got beastly the ital punishment bill was mailto a special oriier lived as an upright, true, honorable drank, a recruiting vulture swooped "That he rras, BOT, barrin' the fact by great blotches of war paint. th* FvMte for Monday. that I wor rooined an hour forainst down on him, and here be is. Must ba While some of the Indians danced man, and died as a soldier." I-AXSISG. Mich.. M«y 37 —Tae h«0M< »atarFather Leteltier St. Jnst, j "Your wishes shall be religiously him. Yon see, sor, I' landed but a a man of high sense of honor to ac- day p4*3e*l the'l bill ataendlag the fish and Holy Roaary church at Lake Li About her la fiendish exultation, others law, authorizing the appointment of eauiaed a aenaation in Catholie «irela* bound her arms with rawhide thongs, carried out, Brown." Then drawing wake before from the ould counthry cept the situation as he did and de- game three depaty Warden* attd appropriation I4.000 near the soldier, so that those who an' wor lookin' for a }ob, when who termine to make tbe best of It. for the appointment «nd then, leading her pony In their of a deputy in each conn* bjr a aermon strongly upholdinx i«*&tisr were gathered about might not hear, Damme, I like that, tt is true moral should I mate but a sargint of the saidst, they forded the Eio Grande and t>\ if desired, with compensailoa aol to ex- schoola, denouncing their detractors a» moved eastward through the hills to- he said: "I know your history, Mr, army, sor. 'Can't you put me on the courage and bespeaks ft manly aatttra. ceed throe dollar* per day. The bill providing nn-American, and urging thMt every *ward tb* Ifesosicro reservation beyond Thornton, and no one more than I thrack of a job?" says I.1 I can,' said The fellow may be a geatlemaa oi that no street ear line* snail be-laid upon any boy ore? 14 years of age be sent to wishes for you a safe return and the be. 'FaLs I'm yer noon, says I, an' wid high family. But the Idea of him lov- street ib Detroit D&ICHS consent be obtained public rather than to parochial asbonlav 8 u Andrea*. consummation of your fondest hopes that he tonid me he wor hirin' men to ing Alice! Why, the infernal nooun- from a majority of the property owner* tru A cavalry soldier vrho was huntirigCHft«#f*» Mich.. May »-— The house Montelope in the hills witnessed tho cap- for the future, I have re*d your ambi- list as sogers. 'Divil the wunst do t drel, to aim frout the ranks at sack tions in your eyes when the name of day paaseU a bill requiring all i»oci*l ciutm to high garnet Be must abandon that lawant to be a soger an' git kilt *JT At the s a t e convention of the Mlrtv« from a distance, and pushing hi* sane idea or 111 dip his wings in short pay a *M» Itquor tax. but exemptit arbeiter g by the n&ythen Firemen's association in Travera* to its ntmoct speed bore the your commander's dangbter has been sculped to me grave n twcletiea barim? »«F«ntjr-flve mem b e n or spoken. The prize Is well worth any order. But, damn the fellow, I c u t Injuns,* says I, » ' wid that he laughed City the following officers were elected: tothefort. other •octetiea dlnpen«ing liquorx to prorink, and I feel that you will win I t " help but admire him, if he is an in* till I end see the inside* av him. 'Sure, Prettaeat. Tk. 1. Doaavaa, Cka^touc; tna Tide a mortuary fnod. Altfaougt a ^strict' The tidings of the poor girl's capture "Thank you, captain, a thousand Amirksan aggers don't be afther foight- f^rtial scoundrel.H ive meaaure. tt amend* the general law to vie* praaldear. A. & Stevenson. Paw Fairs threw the garrison into the wildest exnAloonkc«per» is Tillagwi to Mcure eteoad vice »re*Klaat, H. O. S**f«r, And thus the old officer mnaed, now permit ~ett*nacnt. Bugles blared forth UM oaU times. I trust the future will demon- in' at all,' says he, 'jist live in grand bondMaen anywhere within the township is third vtoe prMldsat. A. P. Laa*. lUaea strate to you that I am not unworthy stoyle an wear foine uniforms an* look praising, now condemning theyou&f which the Tillage la situated instead of beidg retair aati tiwasuiwr, O F. Ja«kaoa. It to horse, and every preparation was swate on parade before the ladies. soldier who would in hi* eyes have co&tltwil to the village. Toe bou*e aUo parsed siatlitUiaa. W. P. Stertla*. Raton Bafflds. made for the pursuit of the red fiends* of your confidence. Good-by." Springing into the saddle he put Mush* God but his blarney captivated been a noble, brave and worthy BUMS the Khaw newspaper libel bill by a vote ef 7> Col. Soaford paced the porch in front of Fytfct**. spur* to the noble animal he bestrode me intoircly, sor, an' I wint wid him to had he not dared t o fall in love with to S. HllU probiMtlng marriage ef feof his quarters, issuing orders to his ofmalew under IB years of age withThe grand lodge Knights of fleers, swearing and gnashing his teeth and went thundering away on the the headquarther* an' tuk me oath. one so far above him, to rob him of the j wit the consent of parent or guar* in session at Kslauuuoo elected the) That I did, sor, bad luck to me." trail, followed by the approving shouts light of his home. [ diaa. aod prohibiting the keepiiu (or in his great rage and grief. In the following officers: of his comrades. sale of quail, woodcock or partridge, passed. jttidft of his frantic movements Private "Well, but about Brown. Was he [TO »• covruitu>.j ! The bill tor the puaUfcment ot officer* of Grand i&a&ter ol exchequer, Henry C Hall*. After his departure from the fort the with you at the time?" Brown, his face pale and pain-drawn, banks who t»l:« deposits Kaoninff their in- of Hudson: ffranrt nia^ter-at-arma, Daalel F . bis eyes set in a look of the most fixed troops were dismissed with orders to "Dick Hrown,' ia it? Faix he wor MODERN SORCERY. stitution to be insolvent itod making; Ntock- McMullea, Cbcboygaa; grand inner *uard, A. determination, stopped onto the porch hold themselves in readiness to mount not, sor, but as I was sittin' on a binch holders at oace accountable for ilcflcitaoies W. Eiennett, Big BapiUa; grand outer guard, W»y of Cvrtng » Sick ChlM by in iosolrent bauks, was agreed to in commit' Oeorge L. Lusk, Went Bay City; -graad true* at a moment's notice. Every officer in the headquarthers with some other and confronted him. of the whole, and the committee struck tee, O. A. Jones, Hilisdaie"CoL Sanford," he cried, "you must and officer's wife gathered at the dom fools loike meself 1 heard a car-' It would perhaps be difficult to match- t«e out »U after the euu.itinp clauae of a joint res* colonel's quarters to cheer him in his riage shtop forninst the dure below; listen to me." ittcd la Jail. 4 even Among the victims of the conQ, olufton sutaiiUing to tbe people the question "You here again, yon Infernal scoun- great grief, and bid him hope for the an thin there wor a racket on the dencj trick, the boundless credulity re- of leaving the mutter of state officers' *»Urics Francis L. Uabeock, who was tobavw to the legisliiture. ITis house by a vote of «* been tried here in the United State* drelt" roared the officer, drawing bis best, bespits their assurances Mie old cently displayed by a widow living *t to 43 refused to p^ss the senate ci*i>ii»l yun1 sword. "Begone to your troop at once, warrior sat stricken with sorrow. A Sauveterre, near Nhnes, and r ported i£hmeat bill, but the vots n-as reconsidered court for making a fraudulent applicanameless fear hod settled upon his sir, and get into the saddle, or I will end the bill tabled. tion fora pension, was found dead ia in the Paris Herald. «ut you down as I would a noxious soul, almost prostrating him beneath LASSIN.;, Mich-. May £0.—Another attempt his cell in the county jail at Bay City. This lady, whose little girl was dan* was made In the bouse to pass tfce its crushing weight. In his easy chair weed!" gerou&ly ill, took it into her head to bunging bill, but it tailed by a vole He was arrested in Flushing; last he sat surrounded by sympathising "Jfo, colonel, I will not go and you consult a gypsy sorceress, who had ot 4? to <". .,, A similar fat* befell the March. .«*<*£ hear me! Strike me down if you friends, alternately bemoaning bis loss arrived in the neighborhood in a trav- rcsulutlou submitting thequestion of woman's Brief N>W» l u w t . will, but your daughter's life depends and cursing the Indians. to tde people, the resoluiioavoming eling van, and was of course well re- suffrage J. P. Hopkins w a s arrested a t G r a n d "I have every confidence in that man within three voiss of pas»;ag. The hoase deupon what I have to say ceived, : I«atc<l the Detroit Civiieas* street railway bill, Rapids f o r s w i n d l i n g and larceny. H« Brown, colonel," said Capt. Colby. Something in the young soldier's look The case was quite simple, the gypsy abolishing tae present board of public works g a v e his h o m e a s Chicago and c l a i m e d "He has been in my troop for nearly ja&d tome arrested the colonel's uplifted said. Hidden somewhere in the widow's ol Detroit aaJ substitution therefor a t o be a wholesale grocer, s e l l i n g r i n g s puWlc work*. ifcaikd, and allowing the point of his three years, and until recently has house were two corpses and a stun of a s a side issue. been an enigma, to me. No man was *word to drop to the flpor he said: money. When they were found the HATALLY SHOT BY MISTAKE. T h e dates for t h e F l u s h i n g fair the) **Well, sirrah, what hare you to say ?" ever more scrupulously faithful in the child vrould recover. guperlat«M«l«at of T«nn«ut*« Prtsoa* Stor- c o m i n g fall are September 'io, 2ti a n d "Thank God you nave permitted rea- discharge of his duties, and in the sevWith a view of finding them three tsliy W'aaDdml »t Nubvtl>«. V7. John S. Thompson is t h e secre«ex» to overcoats* your toad prejudges. eral affairs with the Apaches in which grains of corn and a big banknote the troop has taken pert since he joined XASiivirxE, Tenn., M«y 31.-TJ. W. tary. were placed in a bottle, with a little Kirk, superintendent of prisons, was fai 'he has exhibited marked courage. T h e reform m o v e m e n t has been be* holy water, and were, of course, en- tally shot in the head by A. .T. Vaughan id conversation with him I have found g u n a t St. Louis, t h e churches and se* trusted to the sorceress, who discov- in the state treasurer's office Wednesday him to be a man of education and rare cret societies c o m b i n i n g a g a i n s t Ute ered, through their agency, that it afternoon, it appears that Vaug-hau, intelligence, and one who is fitted for a saloons.was necessary to make a pilgrimage to deputy warden at Coal Creek, disfar higher position in life than that of T h e Michigan Trust company t o o k Lourdes and pray for three weeks at charged a jruartl nametl I'axton. The a soldier in the Minks. In fact, coloael, possession of t h e Widdicomb Mantal AWAY OX TH£ TRAIL. the grotto of the Immaculate Con- latter, accompanied by Davis, who had I implicitly believe the strange story cocapaay"s plant in Grand Rapids a n d ception. abtairs. 'Phat tbe divil is the hullahe has told of himself." recommended Paxtoo for the place, closed the factory. The liabilities o f The gypsy was willing to do this and "Strange story? Who the devil is the baloo now?* says I to meself, an' wid went off with the money, but she had came to the capitol to see Superinten- t h e concern were said to be over $100»that I opened the dure an' there wor dent Kirk about the matter. Davis and 000. fellow?" not yet reached the end of her re"I have been led to believe that yon the baste of a sargint wid as foine a sources. Several 3ay& afterwards a let- Vaughan had some words which led to T h e Lansing Driving c l u b a n n o u n c e * were long ago made acquainted with young gintlcmsn as yer hor&rs eyes ter came from Lourdtn* stating- that blows. They were separated, buta^ain t h e f o l l o w i n g class races during t h e ivcr shtruck. He wor drunk, sor; so met. Vaugrhan drew a revolver and w e e k of July 8: T h e 2:40 trot, $500; his history. Did not your daughter tell another sum was needed *? *s*nplet« you of the soldier artist who was drawn bRstcly intoxificatcd that the sarpint the miracle, and the widow, wlC&ad tired twice at Davis. He attempted to 2:22 trot, $500; 2:17 pace, $600; free-forinto the service when in an irresponsi- did be mosht carryin" him up the shtairs. no money left, borrowed it and dis- fire a^ain, when Kirk grasped his arm, all trot; $800; 3:14 pace, SGOQ; free-forThe sargint did all the toime be tellin' and the ball intended for Davis struck all pace, $300. ble condition from drink?" patched it by post. Kirk. Vauffhan and Davis were ar"Oh! is that the man? The same man, him to say his name wor Richard She is still waiting for news of the rested. Greenly's livery stable, t h e Second „ _ too, who resented an insult at the Brown, which 1 had me doubts wor his miracle and of the gypsy. Reformed church and several o t h e r name at all at all. Well, eor, wid de hands of Vandever.*' Condition of Michigan B*ak*. b u i l d i n g s in Grand Rapids were dam"The same man, colonel; and I be- sargint a houldin' him to his fate he A Yoonv Philosopher. LANSING, Mich., May 30.—The ab- aged by fire, the t o t a l lews b e i n g 560,wore shwored into the army, an' the lieve him to be a man whose friendship The boy, evidently from the coun* stract of reports made to Banking (XKJ. would be an honor to any of us were leftenant an' the sargint a grtnnin' try, applied to the boss for a job. Commissioner Sherwood showing the loike two murtherin' baboons at aieh T h e post office a t Nestoria has b e e n he in his proper station in life." "I have no use for a boy," he said, condition of stnte banks at the close of other loike it wor a fome bit of a joke." Of reestablished. Special service betweeti THE • U Y 4 A X HAJTI>8 discourag-ingly. the, business Tuesday, May 23, is an exCHAPTEB XVL Carney a a d Wittumud has been d i s c o n "A d—d outrage, sir! It was ad—d HER "You're just like I am, ain't you?" cellent indication of increasing busiCol. Saoford's head drooped oa his outrage," roared the old officer. "You asked the bey. tinued. ness prosperity. Since the last report, <CoL Sanford, do you not know that if breast and he sat for several minutes say the young man was so Lutoxicated Alfred Richardson, an influential December IS. *-here ha& been an in"How's that?" ;you send troops oxt the trail of those Iu- in deep reflection. Occasionally a deep, that he seemed unconscious of what farmer ot Clayton t o w n s h i p , Genesee "Got no useifor a boy. Neither have crease m loac* of £2,7G&, 140,93, aod of «dians your action vrill seal the death painful sigh would escape from him, was transpiring1?'' county, died at h i s farm residence, I. That's why I'm lookin' around for •ieposits, $3.2;?6,O68.3S. -warrant 01' the child you love so dearly? a saddening evidence to those around "That he wor, sor, an' I'd take me somebody that has. Me and you ain't fcjred S3 y e a r s via* not your long experience in Indian him of the terrible grief which had dyin' oath on it this blessed minute' the only people In town, though, t David Monroe, one ot t h e oldest resiRiBDox ruchingaare made by plaiting •warfare taught you that at the first come upon him. As he sat there buried barrin' the fact that I'm ingoodhilth. s'pose there's about two hundred thoud e n t s of Alcona c o u n t y , died a t Greentwo or two-and-a-half-inch ribbon in *xtgn of pursuit the red devils will in his own distracting thoughts, Lieut. "And then what happened?" sand more here, and likely some of bush, a g e d {H. l i e l e a v e s n w i d o w a g e d -CroeHy murder her and scatter into the Vandever entered and silently stood, "Tiiin, sor, we wor sint to that divil's 'em's different from us. Anyhow, Pm box plaits at one edge. This is set upon 86 a n d nine g r o w c - n p ehildren. 7a№a to save themselves? tt will be cap in hand, with tbe group. After a own home. Governor's oiland, an* the jroin' to hustle around and sec Good wide turned-over <x»llars of velvet. Fred Goff, a farmer living near Utica, Some of these collars La*e revere ex* MVJTV*** to send a forw against her time the colonel raised his head and poor divil of a boy so drunk that he morning, air," and the boy started out, and a mad boar had a desperate fight tending to the waist line, and tbe ribsaid to Capt. Colby: wint to shlape on the boat an' we car- bat the boss reconsidered and took bin* aptom. in w h i c h Goff waa probably fatally inbon plaiting is graduated to about half "Yes, 1 heard the story, but did not ried him ashore an' put him in a benk at two dollars a week as a starter.~* "Colonel, the man spotks the truth," jured. its width as it extends down the front. Capt Colby. "I know these Mes- give it a second thought. The men In the quarthers, an' dom tbe know did Detroit Free Press. IahpeminK will put in a fire alarm, ealeros we)l, and I am very i«ne that nearly all hare moonshine stories to he know till the next znornin'. Whin THE wealth of the Rothschilds at s y s t e m , to cost s?,:oo. l a a Cfelesco Vamil? Hot*L •«oould they discover a body of troops tell of tbe causes that led them into he woke up he riz in his bunk a present is estimated at £400,000,000, and C. P. Kimball, of I'oatiac, h a s b e e n He—Ah, I knew I had had the pleaslookin* as woild as a baste an' says he, on their trail they would qukkly rid the ranks. If he is such a paragoa of is believed to have doubled within appointed state secretary of the Amer* 'Boys,' says be *where am I?* 'Sure yer ure of meeting yon before; your aaaw virtue and respectability, why does he ~th«msg!ves of their burden and scatter the twenty years post. It <s, figured j Protective tariff l e a g u e . not notify his friends of his TIMW>P on the honorable Governor's oiland: is Smith, I believe? 1*to their bill« for safety.** Lampbere «VM i o u a d ^ . « s i . i a She (swcetly>~-Well, it used to b* that in seventy years more they will Tha old man shuddered, and in a and secure bis discharge? It wonkl be •ays I, 'an* you do be A soger in the posse** £15,OO0,O0e,0Qe, an anoint that her bed in her room* a t Cold w a t e r . but divU the hi* I think yon Smith, two or three «wtf* ti^sjed wit* tW deepen aafTiish, an easy matter. caa hardlT he coaeeired. far thaV sftjat* Troth, i i e r husband JA * Chicago attorney. "Perhaps. *>< ' . , ' •'•" * . Byron. OSBURN & SONS' decorations owuisWd offtagtand weap- ons. Deeonttart Day e*»relm ooosisted of a procession.of tbe Poet and l r , Howaxd at Owosso Nonday. lfra.M. H. Marvin, of Ludington,Dept Belief Corp*. School Children and Cttfc O. I~ C. of the L. O. T. M., the guest of zenu, headed by our band. The usual ceremony was gone through at tht* oen> Ida. E. B. Welcli, on Monday. Iftas. JIary Perria and Mrs. Cromwell, etaxy *nd speaking by Bev. A. T. Ferof McBain, the guests of Mtes Eva Law- guson with mutic concluded the exerrte and Mn, Maude Andesron, this week.cises at the opera bouse. Claude Allen, one of the boys em ployMiss Flora Joslln entertained the W. U. at the Buggy works, caught his hand in *B. U. ladies at her boine on Tuesday. ?he planer and lost all hiefiugereopthe Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, of Pontlao, the right hand. The Doctor thinks he can guest* of their daughter, Mr*. E. £ KobWe are closing1 out all our Ladies1 and Misses' Capes save the joint that joins the Augers to ler of this place, Mrs. H. J. McKweu, of Bancroft, ia tbo hand. Claude ha* our sympathy and Misses' and Children's Jackets, and offer every garbut the planer has his fingers. town Monday. Mr. Lester Cooley his wife and bis The Oak Grove ball club played tbe Byron boys on Thursday last and were mother left for about three months out- ment in the stcftk at 40 per cent off from the regular price. ing a long the bhoies of lake Michigan, defeated by a score of 26 to 1*). Mr. Cooley takes tents, boats, fishing E. B. Welch is doing business again aud hunting outfit for a suce&rfu.l sumat the old stand. Mrs Sarah Morris and Mrs, Mary Jos- mer trip. He goes first to Elk Rspids Hn, o( Grand Rapilda, the guaets of on Grand Traverse Bay. •*•*• The Register Union has just moved Mrs. Wm. Joslio. we are also closing out many odd lots of Men's and into its own quarters. It is now on Woodhull. the first floor in the Johnson block on main street. A comfortable and com- Boys' Suits. If you can find a suit to please you in these To late for lust week. modious room and the proprfetar is the Perhaps the reader* of the JOURNAL owner. goods Hs your good fortune, as the prices have been cut . wonder what has become of the Wood* Our base ball team lost the game with hull correspondent: they still live; but Laingsburg on Decoration Day. from 25 to 50 per cent from original figures. Owing to to* busy season it has been impossible to write or gather any news. Crops are looking well considering the cold weather. Minnie Winans, who bits been teachA ait* hi» been secured and brick on ing school near Tale, the past year baft the ground for ft hotel in Shaitsbttrg. returned home. We are making very close prices on Carpets, and onr Mr. J. E. Mape*. ©I Stockbridge, vis- Ed. Wallworth, Blanche Garrison and ited his daughter, Mrs. G. H. iHitton Nellie Bayet each ride a ntw bicycle trade on them has been phenomenally large. We have good teat week and while here visited the tliia week. Capital City. Mis* Kate Meyers, of Saginaw, has Rag carpets at 16#c, 25c and 29c per yard. We are sorry tc learn that Mrs. Ell*- been the guest of ber sister, Mrs. M, A. abet* Hasktea of whom it has been Crawford the past week. Good all wool Ingrain Carpets at 36 fr£c. ' motioned before Is not regaining her Tbe young daughter of Mr, and Mrs. lieftlfb tat lies very low at times at theWallace G. SmecUy, of south Vernon, is Tapestry Brussels at 48 cts. boms of her son Sherman. sick with scmtlet fever. Two of our most estimable young Mrs. A. Garrison returned from PoBest Body Brussels at 89cts. people concluded last week to join mona, CaL, last Saturday night, where bejvrts and hands on the voyage of life; she has been with ber daughter, Mrs. Smith's Moquettes, best made, at 85cts. tbe are W. L. Colby and Leila Foote. John P. Storrs, for some time. May bapplnesf and prosperity crown all Guy Davis was in Saginaw this week Chinese and Japanese Mattings at from 7j^c up. their efforts. buying lumber for the firm. Randolph Mra. Eliza Smith is qaite feeble at & Davis are doing a rushing business present. in their lumber yard this season. Quarterly meeting at Graham church Wylie Hear the eight-year-old son of *^0^*^W?. show an immense line of^**^^will be beld June 15th and 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kear, who has been The L. A. S. of the above mentioned attending the deaf and dumb school at church spent a pleasant p. m. Wednes- Flint the past year, will be borne next day at tbe home of Mrs. P. Stephens. week. He Is a bright little fellow, and F. L. Wright, of Ioeco, Livingstone Is getting along finely in his studies, beCo., canted on his couifus Mr. and Mrs. ing already able to talk some.—Argus G. H. Ihitton last Thursday. Mr. Wright Is engaged in tbe nursery busiProbate Court. OW4 s«M quite extensively. M№H Estate of William Stark, deceased, W« understand tbe town board have decided to erect a two story building) Mrs. Sarah W. Stark appointed admin* The largest retailers of Dry Goods, Clothing and Carpets for a ball the contract being let to M.iterator: Henry A. Spaldingam! Lyman Bennett, appraiser*: II. A. Sp&kliisg, in Central Michigan. Harvey. Bennett ami c. M.Wing.commi^foner*. Mrs. Jose$i Wilttev living south of JSfcsitsburg, had the tnisf ortsne to break totnwt la H. A. Spalding** office In one of her limbs Saturday while coming Perry on A«£. 2i» and on Nov. 27 next. In the matter of Augusts J. Shaw ami to town. Dr. Barton attended tbe settothers, minor*, annual account of guarInc of the limb. Tbe many Woodhull friends of Dr.dian heard and allowed. Estate of Mary B. Stewart, deceased, Ward wish to extend their sympathy WE ARE X0W READY WITH OVB. SPRFN'G GOODS AND CAN in the loss of bis Jittl* daughter Theor- Wiw. Ely, administrator: appraiser?. W. SHOW THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OFdora Josephine. 1). V'nderwotMl. anil F. II. Morris: C Hoiman. F/E. Welch and A. L.< handler, Venice. commissioners, to meet at Cllolwian's office, Corunna. on the 26t.h day of Aug. Mr. Cha*. Ritrer ha* returns! from HIUI on the 27th I>ay of Xov. next. California where he went hoping to re- Estate of CJeorge W. < 'ampltell, (leceasgain hi* health, but did not like the coun«1, examination under the statute, to try. discover certain suppofted hulden or cou • Willie Baker i» painting a ham for eealed property of deceased. ExaminaElder Fair near .fiulde Corners, tuitl also tion of John If. Campbell and David one for Mr. Ik'nni* Kildea. Bussell was completed. Testimony'of Mr. Ah Davis bad a very large Uarn BusseU was taken iu part and his further ri Dnncnnnnni inriiinn nntinnnnouuaijnnnQnnn raised on his place last Friday. ni-fL-ii 'i *ni ii innnrninnn! tnrn examination continued to June 25th at Miss Ann Ooodfellow is working for 10 a. m. E\rER OPEXED UP IK THE CITY OR COUNTY. CONSIDERING I>r. E, ^railh at Judd's Comers, Estate of Johu Davis, deceased, adTHE CLOSE TIMES, WE ARE BOUND NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY Mr*. A. J. AugsburyV sister. Mrs. ministratrix required to render an "acANYONE. WE CAN GIVE YOU STYLES OP SHOES TO BE Makepeace, from the rtate of New Yor* count on application of a creditor: hearis visiting friends and relatives in the FOUND ONLY IN LARGE CITIES, AND THE PRICES FAR BELOW ing partially completed on Friday. The neighborhood. hearing is being $hari>ly contested and THOSE OF DEALERS WHOSE EXPENSES NECESSITATE LARGER Will Smith's baby fell out of a chair will be completed on June 5th at 9 a. m. on tbe stove ami got terrlMy, burned on MARGINS. Estate of Jesse Owen, deceased, Daniel tbe face and hands. It U a little better WE ARE HAVING MANUFACTURED FOR OUR SELVES A NEW C. Owen asks for appointment of adnow. ministrator of said estate; hearing July CALF SHOE IN ALL STYLES AND WIDTH, AND IS KNOWN AS Jas. I-aweock is building a flue house l&t. on his place. THEKATHEKIN'E E. KELSKY, Mrs. Hattie Frasier and daughter FlorProbate Register. ence visited at Burt Skinners in OwosIQQUiili nnnnnn inonoonnn D so, last Thursday. D n n Mrs. John Brandt lias gone to Morriee n n to take care of her daughter Anna, who a a —Supr. Washburn in town yesterday. aa n has been very sick with typhoid fever. n —John T. McCurdy has purchased a n 1 n Bancroft. -irtt-rr 111! TTT! M 11 il!! P ""I IIII11new surrey of Green «i Pettibone. n —'Win. McLauchlin is painting his Tnc H E Y ARE T H E BEST V A L U E EVER OFFERED I N THIS PART Chas. Chafflin, of Lansing, is visiting residence on Shiawassee avenue. &S Chas. Good speeds this week. OF T H E S T A T E . I T W I L L P A Y Y O U TO S E E THEM. THEY —E. L. Rice and Miss Sbenstone, of 1*. D. Morgan, of Corunua, was the W I L L S A V E Y O U O N E D O L L A R A S T H E Y A R E G U A R A N T E E D TO Detroit, visited iu this city during the guest of Dr. Taylor over Sunday. Mia* Grace Scribner spent Saturday past week. R E T U R N F O U R DOLLARS V A L U E IN WEAR. and Sunday in Ovrosso. —Miss Bessie McCulloeh, of Laport, Mis» Rose Clyne, of Kentucky, is theMich., is visiting Miss Cole and other guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Symes, friends in this city. Mrs. Hugh Nichols and nepbew, of —Rev. and Mrs. James Fisher attendCorunna spent last Thursday at J. M.ing a meeting of the Shiawassee Baptist W E SOLICIT A L L T O V I S I T OUR Fowler's. Association at Perry this week. Mr. and Mtg. Chas.Herrick, of ManceSTORE. Y O U WILL B E PLEASED WITH —Attorney B.jmps at Detroit this Jona, Mien., are visiting the latter's waTHE COMPLETNESS A N D M A G N I T U D E week on behalf of Editor Owen in his ter, Mrs. N.E. Kitchen. OF O U R STOCK A N D T O P U R C H A S E Eli Doan and family, ot Yale, former libel suit against the Evening News. — The Corunna' Oddfellows have purresidents of this place, are shaking hands YOUR xftEDS IN FOOTWEAR chased an entire new outfit, and learnwith old friends in this town. Mis« May VanTuyle is the happy po- ing from fsatl experience, have had it" insetflor of a fine new wheel and most of sured against fire. of ber spare time now is spent in trying - The Bancroft Second nine play the to master it. Corunna Dimonds, at this place SaturA VISIT WTLL ALSO PLEASE YOU FOR Mrs. Herl>ert Fish and daughter iicr- aftemoon. Admission 10 cent* straight, YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY SO DOING. tBa, of Chico, Cal., are visiting at Win, 5 o*uts extra for grand stand. Come all. Swfcrthout's. They will spend the sumREPAIRS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY —While Deputy Sheriff Fred Jacobs mer in Michigan.—Commercial. was attending to the jury in the case of DONE. Devore vs. Beardsiee, he was taken sudOvid. denly ill and Janitor Linahury T7as Decoration Day exerdaea were com- sworn and given charge of the jury. >•<' menced In the Congregation 1 church Fred4hai) well nigh recovered from his *adden attack. RESPECTFULLY, Sunday May 36. Sermon bj Bev. John Magic Dyes ate easy to UM and give Allwortb. The George A. Wlnans post with W. B. C. attended in a fcody. Tha rich color*, f*»t againit sun oi washing. ID « n i pkg*. of Walker 6 Scott SPECIAL SALE CLOSING OUT SALES Oil Men's and Boys' Suits for the next ten days. > CAPES and JACKETS. < Don't buy until you see them for I can save you money. My lme 00 •• • of Straw Hats and neckwear is all new and prices very low MEN'S and BOYS' SUITS. Call and let me sltow you* I. V. PY1UB, NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFF1CE. CARPETS and RUGS. Smyrna, Moquette, and Saxony Rugs. We Solicit Your P n t r o n a g e - ^ — ^ ^ - OSBURN & SONS, -.1I BO NOT BE BEGEIVEB. If yon want a Monument, Barker or ablet Look this over. We do our oww work and cma lire on tbe wages paid out by other dealers. Wv^n^foy no agenta. 15 per cent wred o u enatanMn by this atone.1 Our detigses ar© sew. We have ted thirty years experience In the botiness and know bow t o please onr enstomen. We handle no iafericr marble or granit, but will sell yoa the best at roaeonnWe prices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808, Coruana Ave., Owoteo. Great Value for little money. Weekly news ot the World for a trifle. New York Weekly Tribune. IttsaKattosAli CUHBIE & CLUTTEB3UCK. | LADIES'AND • 1 i ADDITIONAL LOCAL. ofttorjoitadttatM. Itgtv<ssta*«v«attof tm*** buds ID a nuubrll. It* Market Reports are rwwirtaM aathmilj. Its. Department has no iup«rtor la the country. Etepanto dnwutuatate for tfee Circle," "Out lounf FoUtt," and M8ci*itoe and MMkaaln." Its and Society" columnt caaunand tae atfnlntJon of wt»w and IU ge»t*l poUtkaU news, editorials and dtectuflcn* az* oon> prnttiinMive, bHUbmt aod exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid paper aod tbe JOUKXAL for GENT'S rsnnns-1 Gash in Advance. (Tbe regular subscription for the two papers 1A $2.00.) Address all orders to The "Journal.' Write your name and address on a postal card and send it to G*o. W. Best, Room 2, Triboae Building, New York City, a«d sample copy of the New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you. ' OIL BUBNEB GURRIE I GLUnERBUGK THREE DOLLAR SHOE. CUBBJE & CLUTTKRBUCE. vanmunsnm. DMT M OOOLvH TMH nowoteoat. UGEim on •aiary or oommtaalon. Send for Catalo«ue of Prlo«s and T*rmsv •08 CKOIM CLEVELAND, OHIO. GO TO Wismer & Co. For all the NEW STYLES, As we are receiving new goods dai] and our prices are the Cheapest an< our goods are the Latest. For FANCY DRESS GOODS and Novelties give us a call. We have a full line of BAZAAR GOODS AND CHINA. * GIVE US A CALL. Wismer & Co.'