IPA Pistol Club Newsletter Vol 5 Issue 2


IPA Pistol Club Newsletter Vol 5 Issue 2
IPA Pistol Club Newsletter
Date: 29th May 2014 - Volume 5, Issue 2
In this issue:
New Range
Range Bag
News From
Around the
Proper Pistol
BY: Pat Donnelly, Secretary
Since its’ inception in 2008 the International Police Association Pistol Club have
successfully organised and run over fifty (50) Shooting Competitions here In
Ireland with a total of approximately nine hundred (900) competitors taking part.
One of the main reasons for this success is the dedicated members who give their
time and expertise to espouse the IPA motto of “Servo per Amikeco” (Service
through friendship).
The IPAPC are always looking for ways
to enhance safety and knowledge
among it’s’ members while at the same
time encouraging them to develop their
skills. It is with this mind and to give our
membership that it was decided at
Committee level to run our very own “Range Officers” course.
Enquiries were
made and we met with Declan Keogh who is the National Rifle Association” (NRA)
“Firearms Counsellor” for Europe.
Declan has vast experience and has
represented Ireland in many international shooting events throughout the world.
So on the 11th March 2014, 10 members of the IPAPC converged on the Mourne
Shooting Grounds in Lough Egish, Co. Monaghan. After “signing in” and the
mandatory cup of tea/coffee the “Range Officers” course began with Declan
introducing himself, and outlining to us what was to be done during this one day
course. The course was very extensive covering everything from basic gun safety
Plus more……..
the range.
to the duties of the “Range Officer”, emergency drills, followed by practical work on
Many thanks to Declan for organising and running this very successful and
enjoyable course and congratulations to all our new qualified “Range Safety
Officers”. We look forward to seeing them on the range using their new found skills
to assist us in the safe running of future IPAPCI Shooting Events and upholding
the Club’s motto, “Safe Shooting is Our Target”.
Shooting News from
around the world
Detroit Police Chief James Craig is not backing down in his staunch support for lawabiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
At a press conference outside of police headquarters,
Detroit (Mich.) Police Chief James Craig reiterated
his staunch support for gun rights for law-abiding
citizens. His comments were in response to reaction
to the cover story in the June 2014 issue of America's
1st Freedom, an official journal of the National Rifle
In an interview to The Detroit News earlier in the day, Craig said he supports the right of
law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. "It is the law, and I support the law," he said.
"The Second Amendment was written more than 200 years ago, it is not the James Craig
In the wake of an alarmingly rising crime rate and a reduced law-enforcement presence,
Detroit residents are turning to self-protection, evidenced by an increase in applications for
concealed-carry permits. Local Detroit news outlets are reporting numerous accounts of
armed citizens defending themselves and their families from harm.
In the cover story, Craig referenced this trend: "I believe responsible, good Americans have
a right to protect themselves from an immediate threat to their life or to the life of another,"
while refuting the notion that he is inciting vigilantism. " ... This is about self-defence,
protection, an imminent threat to life," he said. Craig reports that they are now driving
down crime in Detroit, "and certainly the Detroit Police Department is doing a phenomenal
job arresting the right people."
A church in New York is giving away a NY-modified AR-15 to one lucky parishioner, and
the usual suspects are—pardon the pun—up in arms about the offer. By J.R. Absher
Few subjects provoke a reaction by some in the electronic and print media business like the
legal use and enjoyment of firearms by average American citizens for recreation and
personal protection. And when someone has the audacity to combine firearms with another
volatile subject for today’s mainstream media—religion—well, it simply makes some editors
and broadcasters berserk.
Pastor John Koletas of the Grace Baptist Church in Troy,
NY announced the church was planning a special service
at which a modified and “New York Legal” Smith &
Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifle would be given to
one lucky parishioner attending at a service. Pastor
Koletas stressed that the firearm giveaway was neither a fundraising event nor a raffle,
though those in attendance were welcome to make special contribution toward the cost of
the rifle while worshiping at the service.
Without naming principals or specific legislation, the pastor made it clear the event was a
reaction to the most restrictive firearms regulations in the country hastily pushed by New
York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2013 and approved by lawmakers in January 2013, know as the
New York SAFE Act.
“The sole purpose of this event is to be a help, a blessing and an encouragement to all gun
owners and hunters who have been viciously attacked by the socialist and antichristian
media and politicians,” Pastor Koletas wrote on the church webpage.
Speaking at the March 23 service will be State Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (RSchaghticoke), who voted against the New York SAFE act and in the most recent election
was endorsed by the National Rifle Association and the New York State Rifle and Pistol
Association. Pastor Koletas said he has been contacted by many individuals who support
the event wanting to purchase tickets, and he politely explained it’s not a raffle.
“You may give whatever the Lord lays on your heart in the offering plate when it is passed
or mail in your donation,” he said. Not surprisingly, many in the media, including the
New York Daily News, labelled the church’s planned event “bizarre.” “For the many,
many favourable and supportive responses we have received, we want to thank you deeply
for your support and encouragement,” the pastor said.
To qualify, the recipient of the rifle must attend the morning service, be at least 18 years of
age, have a legal driver’s license and pass the background check. Grace Baptist Church
reserves the right to refuse anyone of questionable character for any reason from winning
the free NY-modified and legal AR-15. A local FFL dealer in Troy will perform the
background checks and the transaction the following day.
Quinnipiac University economist Mark Gius has published a new
study, "An examination of the effects of concealed weapons laws and
assault weapons bans on state-level murder rates," in the journal
Applied Economics Letters. From the abstract:
The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of statelevel assault weapons bans and concealed weapons laws on state-level
murder rates. Using data for the period 1980 to 2009 and controlling for state and year fixed
effects, the results of the present study suggest that states with restrictions on the carrying
of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states. It was also
found that assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level.
These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gunrelated murders at the state level. The results of this study are consistent with some prior
research in this area, most notably Lott and Mustard (1997).
ALMOST 1,300 firearms, including shotguns and rifles, have been
lost or stolen over the past four years in the Republic of Ireland.
Official figures obtained by the Herald show around 1,134
registered weapons, mainly shotguns and rifles, were stolen in the
last four years.
Some 159 weapons were lost, most of which were shotguns, but
also included in the list are 18 rifles and one airgun, which went
missing last year. Last year alone eight firearms were lost or
stolen every week.
There are approximately 220,000 firearms certificates on issue in
Ireland, the vast majority of which are for shotguns used for sport
and hunting rifles. Each certificate qualifies its holder to possess a single, specified firearm,
along with a prescribed type of ammunition.
This latest list comes as a recent survey shows almost three-quarters of Irish people think
gun crime will escalate. Gardai have seized an average of 900 illegally held guns a year in
Ireland since 2005.
The Miami Police Department and the Miami mayor hosted a gun
buy-back program recently. In an effort to reduce gun violence and
unnecessary injuries to residents, Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado and
the police department held the event for four hours at the Little Haiti
Soccer Park.
Residents were able to drop off any firearm and receive a gift card provided by the police
department's partners and sponsors with no questions asked, officials said.
Miami police said three shotguns, two rifles and a handgun were turned in Saturday.
Anyone who turned in what police determined to be an assault rifle received a higher-value
gift card, officials said.
The Pistol Club have placed some new items on the clubs website (Shop
Page) that are available to buy. The items listed below can be purchased
using a PayPal account and will be posted as soon as payment is received.
Visit the club shop by click on the shopping trolley above.
The IPA Pistol Club Pen writes in Black Ink. It has
the club’s Name, Website Address and Motto (safe
shooting is our target) printed on it in white text.
The pens cost €2 each plus P&P.
range bags, t-shirt etc. by using a hot iron. The
patches cost €4 each plus P&P.
The IPA Pistol Club lanyard is now available to buy.
The lanyard has the club name, website and motto
printed onto it in yellow text. Ideal for hanging
range ID card. The Lanyard cost €3 each plus P&P.
IPAPC Keys-rings will be on sale soon
For your chance to win an IPAPC Pen and IPAPC Lanyard, please answer the following question. (Hint:
answer can be found of the clubs website.)
On what date was the pistol club ratified as an official club of IPA Irish section?
Email your entry to ipapistolclub@gmail.com, with the correct answer and a postal address. The first
2 correct entries will be deemed as the prize winners.
A new article that we have established for the newsletter is “IPA Pistol Club Range Bag Check”.
The article will look at the content of a club members range bag and the bag itself. To start of
Neil O’Malley has completed the following check list outlying the contents of his range bag. The
contents are as follows:
The bag is the made by 5.11 and is the
Range Ready Bag and is ideal for carrying
all my range equipment from Pistols to
accessories. It is well made and carries a
serious amount of gear.
Price / Purchased From
Price: €119
Available from:
I have an IPSC belt with Velcro inner.
These are great as they hold rigid and do
Belt Price: €25
not move as one sticks to the other. The
holsters I have are made specifically for the
firearm but there are universal types
Holster & Pouches
available. Mag pouches are essential, as
Ebay (various prices)
keeping magazines in your pocket just
doesn’t work,
I have a pair of Deben Electronic ear
defenders. These are worth their weight in
Price: €90 (Sale, Link below)
gold. The electronically stop loud noises
and amplify voice. Perfect for hearing
http://www.sportsden.ie/debenrange commands. Spear batteries are also
required and stored in the range bag.
Shooting Glasses: A pair of shooting
Price: €20 - €100
glasses are not only a necessity but are
required under range rules. Buy a good
pair with a carry case and don’t forget a
CAP, IPAPC - €12
cloth for cleaning. Also an essential for the
Club Shop
bight days is a baseball cap.
I have a pistol case to protect the firearm
and to save space inside the bag. The
case is handy for taking the pistol in and
Price: €15
out of the safe area and means you don’t
Numerous Ebay sellers
have to carry your range bag into the safe
Stanley Stapler and Staplers. An essential
Price: €16
piece of kit and is a standard DIY stapler,
Ebay Seller:
Used for stapling targets to backboards. A
cheap stapler is good enough, just make
Staples €5 / 1000
sure you have a ready supplier of staples.
I always have my club ID and Irish Firearms
licence packed away in the bag. Just in
case they are needed.
It is important to always have a supply of
pens. A pencil too is also a good idea.
Pistol Club Pens available from
Nothing worse than going to score and not
club shop - €20 each
have a pen to write on the score card.
I have a set of score card printed and put
into the bag. Ideal for when practising, it is Scorecards available from IPAPC
good to keep a record of your score in
website – Admin Page
different disciplines. I also have an A5
clipboard. Great for keeping score card on Clipboard – An Stationary Shop
when shooting.
A small tool kit and a good cleaning kit are
also stored in one pouch. The kit allows for
running repairs and the cleaning kit is
Numerous Sellers
required when shooting lots of rounds on a
good day out.
Targets are available at most clubs around
the country – but I always pack a few
away just in case. GP40, T&P and Multi
Targets are a good start.
I also have a good clock that allows for
countdown, stopwatch and is wearable.
This clock is ideal with big display and soft
touch buttons.
A small first aid kit doesn’t take up much
space, but should be in every bag. If you
have small cuts or grazes, this is ideal to fix
yourself up.
Ziploc bags. I always have a few of these
packed away. Great for keeping paper
work in (licence / id / scorecards), not
only keeps them dry and clean but also
keeps them together.
Finally, a sharp knife. Used for cutting
targets, scorecards,
Target Packs Available from the
IPAPC - €5 for plenty
Price: €40
(Irish Company)
Price: €8.99
€2 - €3 per packet
Any Supermarket
Available from Outdoor /
Camping Shops
IPAPC - Event 5 / 2014
The Pistols club 5th Competition of 2014 will be held on
Tuesday 17th June 2014 at Fermoy Rifle and Pistol Club, just
outside Fermoy in Co. Cork. Shooting will start at 11am sharp
and there will be medals in 4 classes. We hope to see lots of
club members there.
IPAPC – Range Officers
The members pictured below are trained range officers associated with the IPA Pistol Club. Missing from
picture, Tom Mansfield, Brian Kealy and Stephen McColgan.
Cardiac First Responders Course
The IPAPC we have organised the above one day training course which
shall be delivered by our very own qualified and experienced Omar
Fitzell. This course is recognised by PHECC which is the accrediting
body in the Republic of Ireland and certs will be issued to members
Also to give value for your membership this course shall be free to you
as a member of IPAPC.
Arrangements have been made to deliver this course on Monday 16th June 2014 in Fermoy, Co.
If you are interested in receiving this training please reply as soon as possible as places are
very limited. Please note that successful participants shall be expected to make themselves
available in in the role of "Cardiac First Responder" at future IPAPC events.
This is one of the best comeback lines of all time. It is a portion of National Public Radio (NPR)
interview between a female broadcaster and US Marine Corps General Reinwald who was about
to sponsor Boy Scouts visiting his military installation.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young
boys when they visit your base?
GENERAL REINWALD: We’re going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Shooting! That’s a bit irresponsible, isn’t it?
GENERAL REINWALD: I don’t see why, they’ll be properly supervised on the rifle range.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Don’t you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching
GENERAL REINWALD: I don’t see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before
they even touch a firearm.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: But you’re equipping them to become violent killers.
GENERAL REINWALD: Well, ma’am, you’re equipped to be a prostitute, but you’re not one, are
The radio went silent and the interview ended. You gotta love the Marines!
IPA Pistol Club Recent Competition Results
Listed below are a list of results from recent IPAPC competitions, 2 in total, held at Lough Bo Shooting Grounds in Co. Sligo and
Harbour House Shooting Grounds held in Nurney in Kildare. Lough Bo had competitors in 3 classes and Nurney saw shooters compete
across 4 classes. Nurney was the clubs biggest event to date with 27 shooters taking part in the 1000 point competition.
The winner from the two event were and all scores are from a 1000 point course of fire:
LOUGH BO, Sligo (April 8th)
Alpha Class: Stephen McColgan (Galway) 935, Alan Lynch (Louth) 905, Kieran Barry (Cork - Retired) 904
Bravo Class: Derek Healy (Sligo) 933, Omar Fitzell (Cork) 901, Pat Donnelly (Louth - Retired) 838,
Charlie Class: Ray Lynch (Westmeath) 845, Eamonn McCarthy (Cork - Retired) 843, William Brennan (Dublin - Retired) 824
Harbour House, Kildare (May 7th)
Alpha Class: Neil O’Malley (Louth) 924, Alan Lynch (Louth) 886
Bravo Class: Stephen Connolly (Westmeath) 882, Omar Fitzell (Cork) 869, Gavin Kelly (Dublin) 862
Charlie Class: David Montgomery (Carlow) 794, William Horgan (Louth – Retired) 791, Noel Barry (Dublin) 772
Delta & Unclassified: Gay Bradley (Dublin – Retired) 833, Eddie Brennan (Dublin) 797, Karl Hennessey (Retired) 732
3 ways to improve your handgun grip
Stippling jobs are all the rage on modern polymer pistols right now. Having a gun that’s grippy enough so that your
hands don’t lose traction if they’re sweaty or wet is important for competition shooters as we don’t issue rain delays.
The reason that a positive grip is important is that grip is the most important factor in reducing recoil. A good strong
grip keeps recoil down, which makes sight acquisition and follow-up shots quicker. Here are three quick ways to
improve your grip, and thus your recoil reduction.
1. Develop a stronger grip
Bob Vogel is one of the best competition shooters on the planet. He also has a grip that can bend Glock frames.
When Chuck Norris can’t open a jar, he calls Bob Vogel. Doing various hand and forearm strength exercises can
genuinely improve your ability to grip the pistol, and the harder you grip a handgun the more you’re able to reduce
recoil. Of course, you can absolutely grip it too hard, so it’s important to know where that line is. Good advice is grip
the gun as hard as you can without disrupting the sight picture.
2. Keep your hands dry
Dry hands grip better than moist hands. There are various methods for
accomplishing this. You can use talcum powder, chalk, Pro-Grip, or even alcohol
based hand sanitizer. All of these products reduce moisture in the hands, which
means you’re able to get and establish a positive grip. However, over application of
Pro-Grip in the wrong place can actually retard slide velocity. We recommend chalk,
because it’s the best.
3. Checkering or Stippling
This is the mechanical method of improving your grip. A little well
applied checkering, stippling, or skateboard tape in the right place can
really help your grip. However, the one danger of checkering or
stippling is that if it’s too aggressive it can catch your hand on a bad
draw and you’ll have a hard time fixing your grip without impacting on
time. World champion Jerry Miculek doesn’t use checkered grips on
his revolvers for exactly that reason. We like a little bit of checkering on
revolver grips, or to just go ugly early and put skate tape on a wood
revolver grip.
Club members Alan Lynch and Steven McColgan both use the abrasive tape and Pro-grip when shooting. Steven
has also fitted checkered wooden grips to his pistol as have Stephen Connolly and Neil O'Malley. Other grip
modifications used by club members include rubberised grips or over grips which also improve grip and comfort but
can become quite slippery when wet. Keep an eye out for them at our upcoming events.
Using these three methods in whatever amounts you see fit will help you improve your grip and get a quicker sight
picture thus affording you optimal use of any allocated time. A combination of improving your grip strength and
checkering your grips is probably going to give the best results. Competition shooters can definitely use chalk and
pro-grip, and also will benefit from the other methods listed.