Career updates, weddings, births, life events and photos from four


Career updates, weddings, births, life events and photos from four
Alumnae News & Notes
Karen Kennelly SP’56, CSJ, received the
Distinguished Achievement Award for
Service to Catholic Studies by The American
Catholic Historical Association on January 4.
The award acknowledges the exceptional
contribution of an individual who has
promoted the study and research of
the history of Catholicism apart from
teaching and publication. Sister Karen was
recognized for her work as coordinator of
the Conference on the History of Women
Religious. She is a professor emerita, and
former academic dean and member of the
Board of Trustees at St. Kate’s. In 2005, she
was named to the University’s Centennial
100; in 2009, she was presented the
Alexandrine Medal for outstanding service
to St. Catherine.
Anita M. Pampusch SP’62 has been the
mayor of Lilydale, Minnesota, since 2011.
She was re-elected in 2012 and is serving a
two-year term that ends in December 2014.
Pampusch held several roles at St. Catherine
from 1970 to 1997, including 13 years as
University president.
Cathy Brennan SP’70 received the Minnesota
Occupational Therapy Association Lifetime
Achievement Award for outstanding
advocacy of occupational therapy in
Minnesota. She was recognized at the
association’s November 2013 conference.
The Catholic Community Foundation
named Marjorie Mathison Hance SP’70
to its board of directors. She will provide
strategic direction during her three-year
term with the foundation, established in
St. Catherine University
February 2014
1992 to support the spiritual, educational and
social needs of the Catholic community.
Mary Henke SP’70 retired after serving as
a librarian at the Hutchinson Public Library
in Minnesota for 37 years. Henke became
the head librarian in 1988. In October, she
began enjoying retirement life with a family
genealogical trip to Quebec.
Christine Klejbuk SP’71 is traveling with
husband, Ed Heimel, and keeping a travel
journal online. Read about her adventures
across the United States and Canada at ckeh.
Maureen Warren SP’79 has been named
vice president and chief family services
officer for St. Paul–based Lutheran Social
Service of Minnesota. In her new position,
she oversees mental health counseling,
youth services, financial counseling, housing
development and services, refugee services
and operations for the Center for Changing
Lives in Minneapolis. Previously, she served
as vice president of special projects for the
Georgia Johnstone Greeley SP’82 was
awarded a Jerome Book Arts Fellowship.
The Jerome Foundation helps emerging
artists push the boundaries of contemporary
book arts by supporting the creation of
new book works. Greeley’s artistic work,
combining words and images, frequently
shows up as fine press broadsides and
handmade artist’s books.
Mary K. Swifka SP’83 was recently
appointed to serve a three-year term on the
special education advisory council for the
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
St. Catherine University • Alumnae Relations
Mail F-33; 405 Derham Hall
2004 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105
Sabrina Rood SP’84 received her Ed.D.
doctoral degree in counseling psychology
in October from Argosy University, Seattle.
After earning her Master of Arts degree
in counseling psychology from Bethel
University in 2008, Sabrina moved to Seattle
to pursue her doctorate. Her doctoral dissertation topic was “A Qualitative Inquiry
into Bereaved Parent Couples’ Relationships
Following the Death of Their Child.” After
working for two years as an intern at Affordable Counseling in Edmonds, Washington,
Rood currently has a private practice in
Edmonds and Seattle doing narrative therapy
with individuals and couples.
Dr. Colleen (Duffy) Lennard-Love SP’89
joined the Samaritan Pacific ENT and Allergy
Clinic in Newport, Ore., as an ear, nose
and throat specialist. Previous to taking her
current position, she served 11 years as a
military physician in the U.S. Army and an
additional four years in the Army Reserves.
Dr. Kristina Hash SP’90 received the 2013
David Z. Morgan Award for Excellence in
Geriatric Education, presented by the West
Virginia Geriatric Education Center and
West Virginia Geriatrics Society. The award
recognizes exceptional leadership and
devoted service to geriatrics education in
the state. Hash is an associate professor in
the School of Social Work and director
of the Gerontology Certificate Program at
West Virginia University.
Susan Roeder SP’91 was promoted
to public affairs director at Andersen
Corporation. In her new role, she is
responsible for growing public outreach in
all communities where the company has
{class notes continued page 38}
Mary Heinen, CSJ, SP’58:
Healthcare Advocate and Advisor
Megan Hall SP’03
Alumna named
Minnesota Teacher
of the Year
Megan Hall M.Ed. ’03, a science
teacher at Open World Learning
Community in St. Paul, is Minnesota’s 2013
Teacher of the Year. She is the 49th winner
of the prestigious award presented by the
teachers’ union Education Minnesota —
and only the third educator from St. Paul
Public Schools to win it.
Once on the pathway to medical school
and a career as a doctor, Hall changed
her mind after volunteering and teaching
music to children at St. Joseph’s Home for
Children in Minneapolis. “That showed
me I belonged in a classroom and not a
hospital,” she says. “I continue to believe
it is my honor-bound duty to remove any
obstacles to a fair chance at life for my
students. I work to see the world through
my students’ eyes.”
Experiential learning, character and
cultural education are hallmarks of Hall’s
teaching style. She came to Open World
school as a student teacher in 2002 and
returned as a full-time teacher in 2006.
In addition to teaching biology and life
sciences in grades 7–12, Hall has built
partnerships with the National Park Service,
Will Steger Foundation and Minnesota
Department of Agriculture, among others,
that have led to fieldwork opportunities and
expeditions for her students.
The award includes a trip to NASA Space
Camp — a dream of every science teacher,
she says. Hall earned a bachelor’s degree
in pre-med from Macalester College and a
master’s degree in science education from
St. Catherine University.
force in healthcare
across the State of Minnesota and throughout
the nation, Mary Heinen,
CSJ, SP’58, died on January 1, 2014.
Her legacy includes St. Mary’s Health
Clinics — a Twin Cities network that
serves the poor and uninsured — and
the roots of the University’s Henrietta Schmoll School of Health. She was
80 years old.
Among Sister Mary’s many contributions to St. Catherine was her longtime service as a Trustee and member
of the Board’s Sponsorship Council.
She was an expert on institutional
governance and ardent advocate of
St. Kate’s. “We could never quantify or
pay for Mary’s enthusiastic and highly
respected endorsement of St. Catherine’s work and mission,” says President Andrea Lee, IHM.
Sister Mary entered the Sisters of
St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1951. She
earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing
from St. Catherine in 1958, a master’s in
nursing education from Catholic University of America and a Ph.D. in education from the University of Minnesota.
She served on the Henrietta Schmoll
School of Health Advisory Council and
received an honorary doctorate from
St. Catherine in 1991. She is among
St. Catherine’s Centennial 100.
Sister Mary partnered with Anne
Joachim Moore, CSJ, M’37, SP’47,
MAT’01 in developing programs
in health and human services at
St. Mary’s Junior College, Minneapolis, the forerunner of the current Henrietta Schmoll School of Health.
She was the first director of the nursing program at St. Mary’s and steered
the merger of St. Mary’s and St. Catherine in the mid-1980s. The facultystaff lounge on St. Kate’s Minneapolis
Mary Heinen,
CSJ, SP’58
campus is named in her honor.
Earlier, Sister Mary incorporated
the CSJ School of Nursing in Fargo
into associate and bachelor’s degree
programs at North Dakota State
University; and in 1979, in St. Louis,
Missouri, she created a single CSJ national healthcare system, the strong
foundation for the current Ascension
Health Network.
A sought-after volunteer, Sister
Mary has served on numerous boards,
including HealthEast, the Sisters of
St. Joseph Ministries Foundation, the
Catholic Health Association of Minnesota and Catholic Charities.
“I can’t say enough about her intelligent optimism,” says Colleen Hegranes,
senior vice president at St. Catherine.
“She was always informed, involved
and alert to connections. When she believed in something, she was fearless in
advocating for her beliefs.”
Mary Madonna Ashton, CSJ, SP’44
— a former Minnesota commissioner
of health — says of her close friend
and colleague: “Sister Mary was a
fun-loving, brilliant and compassionate individual who will be greatly
missed by her friends and associates.”
Survivors include her sister, Elizabeth Heinen Cole SP’56.
a presence. Roeder has been working at
Andersen since 1996.
Actress and theater instructor Shanan Custer
SP’92 not only cohosted the 2013 Ivey Awards
in September 2013, she also captured one of
the honors. Custer is the playwright and one
of the stars of 2 Sugars, Room for Cream at
Hennepin Theatre Trust, which received an
Ivey for Ensemble Acting. She is an adjunct
instructor in St. Kate’s Core Curriculum.
For many children in
west Karachuonyo,
Kenya, books and
vocabulary cards
offer a new way
to learn.
Alumna Introduces Picture
Books to Western Kenya
Imagine classrooms with 40 students ages 3 through 6. The rooms have no toys or
books, only benches, a blackboard, stubby pencils and limited paper. The teachers
have little formal training; possibly just a six-month certificate beyond high school.
This is the picture of early childhood education that Ann Tvedten Lovrien SP’69
saw in rural western Kenya in 2012. It was this setting that inspired her to establish
9 BOOKS, a volunteer organization dedicated to bringing picture books and teacher
education to schools in Kenya.
9 BOOKS aims to foster critical thinking and English literacy skills in both students
and their teachers through high-quality, African-relevant picture books, lesson plans
and vocabulary cards. In 2013, over 100 teachers participated in workshops on how to
use these resources, and 690 books were supplied to 48 schools.
Tvedten Lovrien has worked as an early childhood teacher, teacher trainer, college
instructor and school administrator for 42 years in the Twin Cities. Yet, she wanted to
make sure she was prepared to be effective outside the United States. Before the first
teacher workshop in Kenya, she spent three months in the country teaching in two
classrooms to determine what was feasible and valuable.
“The first time I showed a class the cover of a picture book and there was an audible
gasp of surprise and delight, I knew 9 BOOKS was worthy of pursuit,” she recalls.
The organization is funded by tax-deductible donations. To date, $17,000 has been
raised to purchase books, transport them to Kenya, and cover workshop expenses. To
learn more about 9 BOOKS and its fundraising effort, read
— Deb Jacobe SP’82
St. Catherine University
February 2014
Maria Conley SP’94 was hired as the
EEO/Workforce Innovation supervisor at the
Minnesota Department of Transportation
(MnDOT) Office of Civil Rights. She is
responsible for ensuring nondiscrimination
and equal employment opportunity on
MnDOT-funded construction projects, as
well as implementing an on-the-job training
program for underserved females and
minorities. She is also liaison to the Native
American and disabled communities as well
as women in the trades for MnDOT.
Karolyn Wells SP’00 was a speaker at the
Giant Steps conference in October 2013.
Giant Steps is an interactive conference “for
creative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial
creatives.” Wells is a scientist, herbalist and
founder of the Elixery Cosmetic House in
Minneapolis. She teaches basic chemistry
to makeup artists and speaks to STEM
students about careers in formulation.
In October, Kristine Mewhorter Campbell
SP’01 was promoted to specialist business
systems analyst at Allianz Life.
Jill Strand MLIS’02 is the presidentelect of the Special Libraries Association
(SLA). Strand has been actively involved
in SLA since joining the SLA Student
Group at St. Kate’s. Later, she served
in several roles with the Minnesota
chapter. At the national association
level, Strand has served on the Public
Relations Advisory Council and the 2011
Annual Conference Advisory Council,
as well as the Nominating Committee.
She recently chaired the 2013 Annual
Conference Advisory Council.
Holly Friedt SP’03 received the Society of
Women Engineers (SWE) Distinguished
New Engineer award in October 2013. The
award honors women engineers who have
been actively engaged in engineering and
SWE during the first 10 years of their career.
Friedt has been a long-standing member;
she joined the Rolls Royce company as a
design engineer in 2003 upon graduating
from St. Kate’s. She is currently a project
manager for new product introduction.
Savòna Charissè Jenkins SP’04, who
graduated in fashion merchandising and
business and professional studies, has
launched the digital magazine Style Equation
( with the tag
line: Concept + Inspiration = Style. She
graduated with an MFA from the Academy
of Art University in San Francisco in 2010
and started her own wardrobe styling service
the following year.
Carlee Miller SP’05 has returned to school
to earn an AAS degree in band instrument
repair from Western Iowa Technical
Community College. She is attending one
of only three schools in the country offering
such a program.
Lisa Lindley SP’06, Ph.D., RN was
awarded a Mentored Research Scientist
Development Award from the National
Institute of Nursing Research for a study
entitled, “An Examination of Hospice Use
Among Children.” Lindley is an assistant
professor at the University of Tennessee,
College of Nursing.
Debra Collins Lindh MAOL’07
completed her doctorate in organization
development at the University of
St. Thomas. Her dissertation received the
2013 Best Research Paper Award at the
2013 Organization Development Network
Annual Conference in San Jose, California.
Her research is titled “Workplace Stress,
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and
Laurie Hamen SP’82, a higher education
veteran with nearly 30 years of experience
in academic leadership, has been named
president of Mount Mercy University in
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
She assumes the role in early 2014.
Prior to her appointment, Hamen was vice
president for enrollment management,
athletics and student affairs at North
Central College in Naperville, Illinois, for
18 years. Her career path also includes
leadership positions at the College of
St. Benedict, St. Mary’s University,
Mississippi University for Women and
Minnesota State University–Mankato.
“I am extremely excited to become Mount
Laurie Hamen SP ’82
Mercy’s next president,” Hamen said. “I look
forward to working with the community,
university leaders, students, faculty, staff and alumni.” Hamen, a native
Minnesotan, earned a Bachelor of Arts in home economics from
St. Catherine. She holds a J.D. from DePaul University College of Law and
a Master of Science in counselor education and professional development
from Winona State University.
Hamen will be Mount Mercy’s ninth president.
Alumnae recognized for work in health care
Among Mpls.St.Paul magazine’s 2013 Top Doctors
are seven St. Catherine alumnae:
Anne Bendel SP’83
Cathy Bendel SP’81
Ellen Bendel-Stenzel SP’88
Ellen Coffey SP’77
Linda Funk SP’81
Paula Kelly SP’71
Joanne Votel SP’78
St. Kate’s alumnae also made the magazine’s
2013 Outstanding Nurses list:
Donald Brock M’95
Joanne Geiser M’82
{class notes continued page 40}
Top Women in Finance
Gas Discharge Visualization: Innovative
Practical Measurements in Organization
Development and Employee Wellness.”
Kathy Odegaard SP’05 and Laurie Paal SP’83 were among Finance & Commerce’s 2013 Top Women In Finance. The annual award from the Minneapolis-based daily business publication recognizes women across the state for
outstanding achievements in finance.
Kathy Odegaard has served as chief operating officer for U.S. Bancorp Investments Inc. since 2010. She leads a team of 400 operations and business professionals in the brokerage line of business, which
is part of the Wealth Management and Securities Services division. Odegaard is responsible
for key support staff components, including
sales supervision, fixed income trading, equity
trading and field administration.
“I take a lot of pride in my teams, and I’m
excited when we’re able to deliver on our results,” says Odegaard, in an interview with
Finance & Commerce. “You have high expectations of yourself and your teams, and when
you experience the results you’ve worked
hard for, that you’ve committed to, that’s an
Kathy Odegaard SP’05
exciting place to be.”
Odegaard is an active board member of the Dwelling Place Shelter, a faithbased nonprofit organization that offers safe housing and programs for women
and children escaping abuse. Odegaard has also participated in the Jeremiah
Program, Sponsor a Family, Race for the Cure and Greater Twin Cities United
Way programs and events for the past 10 years. She joined the Greater Twin Cities United Way Women’s Leadership Council in 2011.
Laurie Paal has worked at Wells Fargo for 30 years, serving as senior vice president and business banking manager since 2009. She manages more than $2 billion in loans and deposits while leading a team
of more than 70 employees at four locations.
During her tenure, Paal has played a key role
in making Wells Fargo a leading U.S. Small
Business Administration lender in Minnesota.
“I love that I’m always learning and doing
something new,” says Paal, in her Finance &
Commerce interview. “That keeps things fun.”
Paal is part of Wells Fargo’s Women’s Team
Member Network and has served on the board
of the National Association of Women Business
Owners. She lists serving on the board of directors for the Metropolitan Economic Development Association as her proudest community
Laurie Paal SP’83
Jacqueline Wagner MAOT’06 received
the 2013 Minnesota Occupational Therapy
Association’s Fieldwork Educator Award for
excellence in training new therapists through
fieldwork education. She was recognized at
the association’s November 2013 conference.
St. Catherine University
February 2014
Rebecca McDonald SP’07 was a speaker
at the Giant Steps conference in October
2013 “for creative entrepreneurs and
entrepreneurial creatives.” McDonald is
a transmedia producer and the founder
of B FRESH Photography and Media.
Focused on integrating photography, film,
TV production, journalism and interactive
media at the intersection of storytelling and
digital technologies, her work aims to rethink,
reimagine and refresh the future of media.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, Minnesota (CAIR-MN), under the
leadership of co-founder and executive
director Lori Saroya SP’07, has received
the 2013 American Bar Association Solo,
Small Firm and General Practice Division’s
Difference Makers Award for its pro bono
work. CAIR-MN is the state’s only Muslim
civil rights and legal advocacy organization.
It provides free legal services to Minnesota
Muslims and other racial and religious
minorities, and handled nearly 180 cases of
discrimination, hate and bias in 2012.
Communication Services for the Deaf has
honored Becky Callahan SP’08 as the
2013 Deaf Advocate of the Year. Callahan, a
non-Deaf individual, was recognized for her
tireless efforts as a domestic violence advocate for members of the Deaf community.
Two poems written by Jenny McDougal
SP’08, “Surface” and “St. Luke’s,” were
included in the 2013 edition of the
Water~Stone Review. The literary annual is
published by the creative writing program
at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minn.,
where she earned an MFA in creative
writing in 2012.
Amelia Shoptaugh SP’08 has taken
a new position as an administrative
and accounting assistant at the Land
Stewardship Project. The private, nonprofit
organization was founded in 1982 to foster
an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to
promote sustainable agriculture and to
develop sustainable communities.
Laura Nelson SP’09 earned a J.D. from
the University of Minnesota Law School
in 2012, and went on to serve as a judicial
law clerk for the Honorable Lorie Skjerven
Gildea, Chief Justice of the Minnesota
Supreme Court, during the 2012–13 term.
In September 2013, Nelson joined the law
firm of Leonard, Street and Deinard as
an associate attorney in the Health Law
practice group.
Sara Zettervall MLIS’12 was selected
to participate in the American Libraries
Association Emerging Leaders program
at the 2014 ALA Midwinter and Annual
Ashley Dubose SP’12 was a contestant
on the NBC vocal talent show The Voice.
Dubose was a member of Team Adam, with
Maroon 5 artist Adam Levine serving as
her mentor. She advanced to the knockout
round before being eliminated.
Renee Crepeau SP’13 accepted a
position with the Traffic Safety Systems
Division at 3M in Austin, Texas. She is
working strategically with the Department
of Transportation to negotiate and
implement different programs to reduce
fatalities on highways.
>>do tell!
Let us know about a professional or
personal accomplishment, or other
news in your life. Go to
alumnae, click on “Alumnae News”
and then “Share Your News.”
Or contact Sara Berhow:
651-690-6816 or
Connect with more Katies :
Reunion 2014:
What’s New?
St. Catherine’s two-day Reunion
held each June offers alumnae many
ways to celebrate their education
and memories at St. Kate’s. It’s also
a chance to renew friendships and
reconnect with classmates. This
year, we’re introducing some exciting
changes — opportunities we hope will
make your homecoming sweeter.
also being planned
throughout the year,
so stay tuned.
Alumnae Awards
In previous years, award
winners were honored
at the Alumnae Relations
annual meeting. Recipients will instead be
recognized at the reunion luncheon on
Saturday, June 21. St. Catherine University
President Andrea Lee, IHM, will be on
hand to speak with alumnae, making this
signature event even more special.
Affinity groups
St. Catherine alumnae are invited to
attend reunion every five years; and in
keeping with tradition, alumnae who
graduated in years ending in 4 or 9 will
receive invitations to Reunion 2014,
June 20–21. New to the invite list are
affinity groups.
Affinities are groups formed around a
common interest or experience. This year’s
reunion will include two alumnae groups:
former student-athletes and occupational
therapy (including OTA and MAOT)
graduates. Members of these affinities
are welcome to attend Reunion 2014
regardless of their class year.
Including affinities allows the
University to honor and celebrate all
the connections that Katies make while
attending St. Catherine, not just the
bonds formed with members of their
graduating class. Affinity events are
Dine around
After on-campus activities wrap up on
June 21, Reunion participants will be
invited to continue the festivities over
dinner at a number of area restaurants.
Alumnae will have the chance to visit
an old favorite or perhaps try a St. Paul
restaurant for the first time, plus have
additional time to catch up, reminisce
and make new friends.
Classes and parties
Enjoyable and educational experiences
will abound for alumnae at Reunion 2014.
Activities will include affinity parties, an
art reception, a piano concert, a cooking
class and beer tasting.
Save the date
June 20–21
Watch for
Reunion 2014
in your mailbox
Myser Lecture
1. Pat O’Connor Myser SP’56, Kathleen
Gearin SP’67; Amata Miller, IHM,
director of the Myser Initiative in
Catholic Identity; M. Cathleen Kaveny,
speaker 2013 Myser lecture; and Colleen
Hegranes, senior vice president
2. Laurie Svatek, director of Campus
Ministry; and Jean Wincek, CSJ, SP’62
3. Sara Radke Collova SP’04, annual fund
gift officer, and Patricia Perell SP’78
Katie Fest
4. Cristie Young SP’11, Amanda Skorich
SP’12 and Stacy Rooney MAOL’06
5. Lindsey Quale Johnson SP’11, DPT’13;
Diana Tastad SP’11 and Clara Faust S’11
Home for the Holidays
6. Janelle Kuschel Kolle SP’04 and
Jennefer Hadler SP’04
7. Jane Dowd SP’53 and Mark McGough
8. John Griep; Terry Villers Griep SP’63; Jean
Nelson, CSJ, SP’62; and Shirley Lieberman
9. ReBecca Koenig Roloff SP’76 and Ruth
Haag Brombach SP’60, alumnae liaison
10. Lois Gross Rogers SP’63; Penny
Moyers, dean of the Henrietta Schmoll
School of Health; and Linda Lenhardt
Donaldson SP’63
11. Jane Keefe Clifford SP’45 and Pat Shea SP’51
12. Mary Dolan Delaney SP’58, John Delaney
and Ann Buckingham Ryan SP’75
St. Catherine University
February 2014
Conversation with Books
February 22, 1 p.m.
Rauenhorst Ballroom, Coeur de Catherine
Cost: $25/$20 (groups)
Join us in celebrating 50 years of Conversation with
Books. This event includes a lively panel of book
lovers, who will discuss recent books of literary merit.
(Read more on page 30.)
Shout Out St. Kate’s
February 26
Spread the good news about our University — and
help us develop a stronger national and international
reputation. This is a great time to share your St. Kate’s
experience in person or on social media.
First-time Homebuyer’s Seminar
Tuesday, March 18
6:30–8:30 p.m.
Coeur de Catherine
Cost: $5 alumnae, $10 guests (students free with ID)
Buying your first home can be overwhelming, let
us help! The Young Alumnae Committee has invited
real estate and mortgage professionals to guide you
on this exciting journey into home ownership.
June 20–21
Renew friendships, reconnect with classmates
and remember your time at St. Kate’s. We will offer
many social, spiritual and educational events to
celebrate your education and memories.
Citizen Katie
October 18
At its core, St. Kate’s is about reaching out to
the marginalized — and living out the tenets
of Catholic Social Teaching. Citizen Katie offers
students, faculty, staff and alumnae the chance
to volunteer together and give back to their
Twin Cities West Suburban Katies
Chapter Spotlight
Giving back to your community is such a wonderful
way to show your Katie spirit! On Citizen Katie day last
fall, St. Kate’s alumnae in chapters across the nation did
just that. Here’s a snapshot:
Chicago alumnae organized, sorted and packaged food
at St. Columbanus Church and Food Pantry. Maura
Junius SP’73 said the event was,“a great opportunity to
contribute to others and enjoy working together.”
• Denver Katies sorted and cleaned clothes at Dress for
Success, a nonprofit that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women. Bridget Engel SP’97
expressed her enthusiasm for the successful event by
saying, “Let’s hope this is the first of many Citizen Katie
events in Denver!”
• Naples, Florida, Katies volunteered at Grace Place, a
nonprofit neighborhood center that works to break the
cycle of poverty.
• Rochester and Winona, Minneosta, Katies prepared and
served lunch at Gift of Life Transplant House. Residents
who attended the lunch told volunteers that having a
home-cooked meal was “a real treat.”
St. Catherine University
February 2014
Let’s make
a difference
By Kelly Povo SP’09
• San Francisco Katies donated food to Feeding America, a
partnership of local food banks.
• Sarasota, Florida, Katies planted a Butterfly Garden in
the front yard of St. Martha’s Early Learning Center, a
preschool for children of low-income families. Event
organizer Maureen Kelly Neerland SP’62 said, “The children all came out afterward to see the new plants and to
hear about the butterflies. They were so excited, and they
loved having their picture taken with their new garden.”
• Twin Cities West Suburban Katies helped families
write Christmas lists and assisted in the resale store at
Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners (IOCP).
Liz Erstad-Hicks, IOCP community engagement manager, said: “A big thanks for your support this weekend!
I had a wonderful time working with your energetic
and generous volunteers.”
ave October 18 for Citizen Katie 2014. Our goal is to have
all chapters participate. Contact Kelly Povo SP’09, chapter
manager, and share how you plan to take part.
Chapter manager Kelly Povo SP’09 can be reached at
651-690-6063 or
Naples, Florida, Katies at Grace Place.
Twin Cities West Suburban Katies
San Francisco Katies
Chicago alumnae at St. Columbanus Church and Food Pantry.
Denver Katies at Dress for Success
Rochester and Winona Katies at Gift of Life Transplant House.
In Sympathy
Phyllis Herzog, retired bookstore staff, on Dec. 6, 2013.
Lois Ivanic, retired St. Catherine
University staff, on Sept. 22, 2013.
Opal Rorig, St. CatherineMinneapolis former faculty
assistant, on Nov. 10, 2013.
Our deepest sympathy to the families of the following graduates,
faculty members and trustees:
J’48, grandmother of Cari Huitt
Buchholz SP’12 and aunt of
Mary Jo Miron SP’77.
Alice Reed Cosper SP’43
on Nov. 4, 2013.
Marilyn Heinz Baumtrog M’44
on Nov. 12, 2013.
Sherry Yvonne Tousley, former
St. Catherine Department of
Business Administration faculty,
1991–2007, on Sept. 8, 2013.
Adeline Ohr Minwegen SP’44
on Oct.22, 2013.
Erica Schrempf Olcott J’44
on Sept. 29, 2013.
Margaret McCarten McFadden
J’45 on Aug. 10, 2013; mother
of Thomas McFadden M’76
and mother-in-law of Kathleen
Gieske McFadden M’76
Mary Kieron SP’35
on Oct. 12, 2013.
Rosemary Ahern J’36
on Oct. 8, 2013.
Eileen McMullen Ruffenach
SP’45 on Oct. 17, 2013.
Eileen Louise Webber Matze
SP’38 on June 18, 2013; sister of
Gretchen Webber Lobe SP’38.
Mary Harrington Mander
M’39 on Feb. 7, 2013; sister of
Lois Harrington Hamilton J’46
and aunt of Barbara Harrington
Madden SP’68.
Elizabeth Keogh Grantier
SP’39 on Oct. 10, 2013.
Patricia Quinlan McHale, CSJ,
SP’39 on Sept. 2, 2013; sister of
Agnes McHale Wood SP’50.
Dolores Havener Schumi J’41
on Nov. 29, 2013; sister of Harriet
Havener Greenfield SP’42.
Helen Elizabeth Bell J’42
on Feb. 11, 2013, alumna and
former faculty member in the
Department of Nursing.
(Amelia) Joy Wojack Garney
SP’50 on Oct. 15, 2013.
Vivian Groetsch Miller J’51
on Aug. 10, 2013.
Barbara Kleinman Novak
SP’51 on Aug. 2, 2013; aunt of
Gretchen Kleinman Holt SP’80.
Sandra Lipschultz Neuman
M’67 on Sept. 1, 2013.
Jeanne Marie Gasner
Bjornberg M’52 on Nov. 21,
2013; mother of Susan Bjornberg
Berens SP’85 and grandmother of
Laura Karst Penning SP’08.
Kristine Medved-Nelson SP’68
on Dec. 10, 2013; sister-in-law
of Mary Irwin Medved SP’64.
Mary Louise Schroeder
Barrett SP’52 on Sept. 28, 2013.
Ann Hubbard Linz SP’69
on Aug. 27, 2013; aunt of Mary
Ann Tuma-Smith SP’97.
Sandra Jean Gallus Swartzer
M’70 on Sept. 3, 2013; mother of
Bridget Swartzer Matzdorf M’99.
Mary Louise Schacker O’Neil
SP’55 on Oct. 28, 2013.
Susan Fink Hendel SP’74
on Oct. 28, 2013.
Marguerite Leadon Nolan
SP’47 on Sept. 20, 2013.
Dorothy Braak Zaruba SP’59
on Dec. 12, 2013.
Gail M. Martell M’74
on Sept. 5, 2013.
Margaret Therese Becker
Sisser M’48 on Aug. 9, 2013;
mother of Mary Jo Sisser
Zimmerman M’79 and Ann
Marie Sisser Gerbi M’78.
Elizabeth Clare Heutmaker,
CSJ, SP’59 on Sept. 13, 2013.
Timothy Govednik M’78
on Oct. 29, 2013; brother of
Barbara Govednik Schweiger
SP’71 and cousin of Catherine
Mundy Campbell SP’84.
Mary Louise Blanchette
Mountain SP’46 on Aug. 7, 2013;
mother of Ann Mountain SP’74.
Betty Lloyd Kasel Wibben
SP’48 on Sept. 23, 2013.
Marie Teiken Wambach J’48
on Oct. 25, 2013; mother of
Andrea Wambach Zimmer
Julie Manning Schlesinger
SP’49 on Feb. 27, 2013.
Genevieve Schillo, CSJ, SP’59,
Ph.D., on Nov. 7, 2013; she
was superintendent of schools
for the Archdiocese of Omaha
and, later, served as director of
Christian Formation and then
as educational consultant for
the Diocese of Superior, Wis.
Sister Genevieve served as
St. Catherine trustee from 1981
to 1983; she is the sister of
Helen Schillo Bollman J’46.
Evelyn Wadsworth, CSJ, SP’61
on Sept. 6, 2013; sister of Karen
Wadsworth, CSJ, SP’56.
Ida Schumacher Lauer J’42
on Aug. 10, 2013; mother of
Anna Lauer Leonard SP’81.
Myrtle Johnson Roberts M’50
on Nov. 2, 2013; grandmother
of Kelly Lynne Roberts DPT’06.
Jean Coughlan Kane SP’43
on July 17, 2013.
Shirley Manderfeld Meinhardt
SP’50 on Nov. 23, 2013.
Mary Goretti Lampert, OSF,
SP’63 on Dec. 10, 2013.
Margaret Nadeau Hensel
M’43 on Oct. 10, 2013; sister
of Georgianna Nadeau Peltier
Margaret Pavlik SP’50 on Aug.
6, 2013; sister-in-law of Mary
Jeanne Brickley Pavlik SP’48.
Ann Vivia Walton, CSJ, SP’63
on Sept. 29, 2013; former
member of the Leadership
Elizabeth Freeman Leedom
SP’67 on Sept. 26, 2013.
Michaelene Seifert Peterson
SP’67 on Sept. 14, 2013; sister
of Mary Seifert McIntyre SP’64.
Charlotte Nuessle Domeier
SP’49 on Aug. 31, 2013.
St. Catherine University
Mary Hintgen SP’66
on July 28, 2013.
Mary Slaby Simmer J’51
on Oct. 30, 2013; sister of
Donnamae Slaby Beer J’53.
Mary Eileen Danielson O’Brien
SP’42 on Dec. 10, 2013.
Team for the Sisters of St. Joseph,
St. Paul Province; sister of
Jeanne Walton Perna M’53.
Ann Marie Nohava Herda
M’54 on July 2, 2013.
Patricia Shine Smith SP’45
on April 9, 2013.
Ardith Bodelson Toman SP’39
on Oct. 31, 2013.
Patricia Ryan Glisczinski J’50
on Nov. 8, 2013.
February 2014
Lois Westbrock Hollander
SP’61 on Aug. 22, 2013.
Lisa Ann Williams Calderon
SP’79 on Nov. 20, 2013.
Mary Lynne Grennan Tyler
SP’80 on Sept. 25, 2013.
Patrice Marie Reinhardt
Neidenfeuhr SP’80 and 2M’04
on Aug. 22, 2013; sister-in-law of
Jerilyn Peterson Reinhardt SP’82.
Virginia Louise Ogden M’81
on June 26, 2013.
Kathleen Pahl Anderson SP’81
on July 29, 2012.
Anne Ryan Cooke SP’81
on Nov. 23, 2013.
Jane Kirchberg Jacobson
SP’82 on Sept. 1, 2013; mother
of Sarah Jacobson SP’13.
We congratulate the
following graduates who
have shared news about
completing a postbaccalaureate degree.
Ardythe Peterson Germann
SP’82 on Aug. 10, 2013.
Carrie Lee Backmann Amdahl
M’83 on Sept. 25, 2013.
Elizabeth Young Sunder SP’83
on Dec. 4, 2013.
Genevieve Mary Lusian, RGS,
SP’84 on Nov. 18, 2013.
Marge Wos Kiefer M’89
on Sept. 11, 2013.
Sally Player Johnson SP’96
on Nov. 19, 2013.
Julie Krantz Schnacky SP’97
on Aug. 30, 2013.
Linda Hendrickson Gawthrop
M’99 on Aug. 11, 2013.
Debra Collins Lindh
SP’07 earned a doctorate
degree in organization
development from the
University of St. Thomas
in 2013.
Emily Blaha Palumbo
SP’06 welcomed daughter
Macie Renee Palumbo on
September 25, 2013.
Michelle Saari SP’06
earned a doctorate degree
in counseling psychology
from Walden University
in 2013.
Jennifer Johnson
SP’09 received a learning
disabilities special
education licensure from
St. Cloud State University
in summer 2013.
Kelly Henson-Evertz
MANU’11 received a
doctorate in nursing
practice from Chatham
University in August 2013.
Kati Mitchell Sundt SP’01
welcomed baby boy Kayden
Mitchell Sundt on July 29, 2013.
Marcie Spencer Moody SP’07
welcomed baby boy Michael
William Moody on July 25, 2013.
Mary Sarumi Hust SP’02 welcomed
baby boy Josiah John Hust to her
family on October 14, 2013.
Nicole Thompson SP’00 on September 28, 2013.
Jenny McDougal Kingston SP’08 on October 12, 2013
Kelly McSherry-Mesa SP’02
on Nov. 1, 2013.
Kimberly Bartels SP’09 on August 16, 2013.
Darren Stephen Wools M’03
on Sept. 4, 2013.
Molly Kilpatrick SP’09 on October 25, 2013.
Andrew Thomas Fox M’04
on July 31, 2013; stepson of
Virginia Skruppy Fox SP’92.
Jill Marie Zirbes Kadera SP’06
on Oct. 28, 2013.
Please Be in Touch
If you have news to share about
a death in your family, please
call Alumnae Liaison Ruth Haag
Brombach SP’60 at 651-690-8665.
Heidi Wolford Parrow SP’09
welcomed daughter Cecelia Lynn
Parrow on September 21, 2013.
Amanda Mae Kean SP’09 on November 2, 2013.
Amanda Mendoza SP’09, M’07 on September 21, 2013.
Nina Michelle Hagen-Fleck SP’10 on August 31, 2013.
Abby Hansen SP’10 on September 14, 2013.
Megan Wiseman SP’10 on August 23, 2013.
Melissa Wolf SP’10 on September 7, 2013.
Michelle Bartholet SP’11 on October 26, 2013.
Calli Rae Erie SP’11 on October 5, 2013.
Maureen Meister SP’11 on October 12, 2013.
Jeanna Shirley DPT’11 on November 9, 2013.
Katherine Flynn MANU’12 on October 18, 2013.
Joelle Ross Lambert SP’11
on November 9, 2013
illustrations by julie delton sp’82