
Declared U/S 3 of UGC A
Bhubaneswar, Odisha India
All Roads Lead to KilT
Rare Surgeries in KIMS
Inauguration by :
Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
3-7 January, 2012, Bhubaneswar
Important Personalities
from U.K. Visit KISS
Wi.4hinfj 1j.JJll & 1j.JJllll j.amil.IJ. .a
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Dr. Achyuta Samanta
Founder, KilT & KISS
on behalf of
KilT & KISS,
3· 7 January, 2012 Bhubaneswar
Inauguration by
Hon 'ble Prime Minister of India
Dr. Man01ohan Singh
3-7 January, 2012
In the august presence of
Shri M. C. Bhandare
Shri Naveen Patnaik
Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh
Shri Ashwani Kumar
His Excellency
Hon'ble ChiefMinister
Hon'ble UnionMinister of
Hon'ble Union Minister
T he Governor ofOdisha
Earth Sciences
Science & Technology
Science & Technology and
(State) of Planning,
and Earth Sciences
Hosted by
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
The Indian Science Congress Association
3-7 January, 2012- Bhubaneswar
The Children's
Science Congress
Inauguration by
In the august presence of
Shri Kapil Sibal
Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh
Shri Ashwani Kumar
Hon'ble Union Minister of
Hon'ble Union Minister of Science &
Hon'ble Union Minister (State) of
Human Resource Development,
Technology and Earth Sciences
Planning, Science & Technology
Communications and
and Earth Sciences
Information Technology
The Indian Science Congress Association
3-7 January, 2012 - Bhubaneswar
The Women's Science Congress
Inauguration on January 5, 2012
Smt. Nirupama Rao
Smt. S heila Dikshit
Dr. D. Purandeswari
Hon'ble Ambassador
Hon'ble Chief Minister of
Hon'ble Union Minister (State) of
oflndia to the United States
NCT of Delhi
Human Resource Development
Prof. Geetha Bali
Smt. Usha Devi
Dr. Gretchen Kalonji
Hon'ble Minister of Textile &
Assistant Director-General for
Handloom and Science &
Natural Sciences, UNESCO
General President,
991h Indian Science Congress
Technology Govt. of Odisha
The Indian Science Congress Association
99th ISC: All Roads Lead to KilT
KilT's Bigyan Rath Ignites Sciential
National Marketing Conclave at KilT
Rare Surgeries at KIMS
I Wish to Become Brand Ambassador
of KISS: Dr. Narendra Jadhav
Important Personalities
from U.K. Visit KISS
KISS Placement
Sports & Games
Round-up 2011
Feed bock
Wireless e-Campus
of UGC Act,
KilT Entrance Examination (KIITEE) is the All India
Entrance Examination conducted byKilT University,
Bhubaneswar for admission into following courses of the
University. KIITEE-2012 will be held on
22nd April, 2012 (Sunday) in 120 centers across India
Computer Application
available in the University
websites with effect from
Fashion & Film
lOth January- 2012
Application Form
& Prospectus
ofKIITEE-2012 will be
For further Details log on to the University Websites: &
KilT University,Po- KilT, Bhubaneswar-24,Odisha,India,Ph: 0674-2742103 ,2741747 ,2725113,Fax: 0674-2741465
Years ofExcellence
Rajesh Verma
Editorial Board
R.N. Dash
B. N. Rath
H. S. Khatua
Adwaita Gadanayak
Sradhanjali Nayak
Concept & Design
Smruti Nayak
Manager, Circulation
Satyabrata Das
Publisher & Printer: Dr. Satyendra Patnaik
The New Year 2012
promises to be even
more eventful than
2011 and it became
evident when we firs
t received the
information about
the hosting of 99 "
' Indian Science
Congress in the cam
pus from 3-7 Januar
y. With almost a
century old legacy,
Indian Science Cong
ress Association
holds its annual sessio
n in different parts of
the country. The
event provides the
scope for interaction
between great
scholars of science. Ev
ery year this event gro
ws a little bigger
with more members
joining it. This edi
tion of Science
Congress is not only
bigger in terms of par
ticipation, but also
in terms of topics to
be discussed in variou
s sections. Every
topic discussed and eve
ry lecture delivered by
the great men
of science would enr
ich the society at lar
ge. By successful
hosting of 99'" Ind
ian Science Congres
s, KilT's stature
increased still furthe
r. In no uncertain ter
ms it proved that
nothing is impossible
for KilT, since it tries
to do things with
sincerity, dedication
and strong convict
ion. The 7'"
Convocation on 6'" Jan
uary is one more impo
rtant milestone
in KilT's journey. Th
rough conferment of
Honoris Causa
D.Sc. on the distin
guished corporate lea
der, Mr. H. M.
Nerurkar, D.Litt. on
Dr. D. Y Patil and Dr
. Narendra Jadhav
and D.Law on Ms.
Pinky Anand, KilT
definitely feels
honoured. It is often sai
d that morning shows
the day and with
such a great beginn
ing of 2012, KilT
has many more
accomplishment to ach
ieve in the coming da
May the 2012 bringpeac
e andprosperity to all.
Come January, all roads will lead to KilT. Every year on this day, Indian Science Congress,
the greatest scientific extravaganza, takes one institution and city by storm, and in 2012 it
is KilT and Bhubaneswar. The 99th Indian Science Congress hosted by KilT in partnership
with NISER at KilT opens on 3rd January 2012 in the hands of Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. This 99th ISC is unique in many ways. The Children's
Science Congress, Women's Science Congress, Science Communicators' Meet, the Science
Film Festival, the Science Exhibition held simultaneously would fill the entire city with
sciential atmosphere. The holding of UNESCO-Kalinga Award celebration in KilT during the
99th Science Congress would definitely be icing on the cake.
There could not have been a better New Year gift to the state of Odisha in general and to KilT University in particular
than the 99'h Indian Science Congress. After a long gap of 35 years, this prestigious scientific event is being held in
KilT University from 3'd- 7'h January, 201 2 . KilT has passed the l itmus test to get the Ind ian Science Co n g ress in its campus
despite being so young. It is indeed a chal lenge for everyone in KilT because this editio n of Ind ian Science Cong ress is going to be
the biggest ever where 15000 delegates including several Nobel Lau reates w i l l be participat i n g . It is not the I nd ian Science Con g ress
alone which wil l happen in KilT d u ring this t i m e . The e ntire city of Bhubaneswar w i l l be fi l l ed with scie ntial atmosphere because of
several other events happening in the sideline of the 99'h Science Congress. The Children's Science Congress, Women's
Science Congress,
Science Communicators'
Science Film
Festival and Science Exhibition held
simultaneously are expected to be attended by at least 25000 people daily. The holding of UNESCO-Kalinga Award
celebration in KilT during the 99'h Science Congress would definitely be the icing on the cake. As customary it is, the
Pri m e Minister only inaugurates the I nd ian Science Cong ress but this year there has been an exception. The Pri m e Minister u n l i ke the
previous occasions has consented to be present on the inau g u ratio n and the valedictory function of the Science Cong ress. It is for
the first time, this Science Congress will have a segment exclusively for the women scientists under Women
Science Congress where scientists of national and international repute would come and speak on several
important issues.
I ncidenta l l y the them e of this year's Science Con g ress has been 'Science and Technology for I nclusive
I nnovation: Role of Women'.
R e v
e w
inaugurated by Hon'ble Prime Minister Dr_ Manmohan Singh,
President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as its inaugurator.
Women's Science Congress will have Smt. Nirupama Rao,
First Women's
Science Congress:
Women in Science and
Science for Women
Date: 5-6 January 2012
Indian Ambassador to US as its inaugurator. In most of these
events the Union Minister of Science and Technology Sri
Vilasrao Deshmukh, Sri Ashwani Kumar, Union Minister
(State) Science & Technology, His Excellency the Governor
of Odisha, Sri M. C. Bhandare, the Chief Minister of Odisha,
Sri Naveen Patnaik, Union Minister HRD, Sri Kapil Sibal,
Chief Minister of Delhi Smt. Sheila Dikshit will be present,
besides scores of eminent scientists.The
Congress Associatio n (ISCA) started with a handful of members way
back in 1914 has g rown into the largest scientific associatio n of the
worl d .
KilT has been fortunate t o host t h e 99'h Science Cong ress just a year
before I SCA wou l d celebrate its Centenary year.
The academic
excel l e nce and the qual ity of KilT have been put to test because it is not
an easy task to have d oyens of I n d ian science in the camp u s . Though
KilT successfu l l y had organ ized mammoth conference earl i e r yet the
Science Con g ress is definitely is much bigger than the earl i e r ones.
With courage and determination backed by the Founder,
Dr. Achy uta Samanta's patience and
helped each one
The Child
r en's sc·
1ence Co
Sc1ence c
Science "
F1lm Fes
tival and
. nce
Exhibit io
n hel d S1
d to be a
by at le
2500 0 people da1"l y.
i n
K i lT
9 9 ' h
I n d i a n
This g reat occasion
g iven
Odisha in a l l its co l o u r and g rande u r.
t o
contribute to the
KilT the
The Odisha Mandap, wi l l
unfo l d the state before thousands o f visitors com i n g from a l l parts of
the g l obe.
W h i l e everyone wou l d be busy in the I n d ian Science
Cong ress, KilT wou l d have its 7'h Annual Convocation o n Jan uary 6,
2012 i n which the Convocation add ress wou l d be del ivered by the
Hon'ble Dy. Chai rman of the Planning Commission,S h ri Montek
S i n g h Ah l uwalia and l i ke previous years four d isti n g u ished persons
wou l d be awarded Doctorate (Honoris Causa) .
This great occasion has given KilT the scope
to showcase Odisha in all its colour and
The Children's Science Congress
The Odisha Mandap, will unfold the
state before thousands of visitors coming from
all parts of the globe.
R e v
e w
99th Indian Science Congress
Distinguished Speakers
Dr. Catherine Chan
Dr. Shyam lal
Professor-Director, Division of Human
Atmospheric chemistry division, Physical
Nutrition, University of Alberta, Canada
Research Laboratory (PRL),
Dr. Mahtab Sohrab Bamji
Shri L .S. Satyamurthy-Chairman
INSA Honorary Scientist,
Dr. D.N. Rao
Dangoria Charitable Trust, Hyderabad
Director (Research), S.R.M. University ,
Vice-President, Telemedicine Society of
Dr. Sadhana RamchandraJoshi
Interactive Research School for Health
Prof. K. Ganapathy-Chairman
Affairs, Bharatiya Vidyapeeth University,
President, Apollo Telemedicine Networking
Dr. B.N. Mohanty
Dr. S .G. Thirumalaisamy
Prof. of Sur gery, SCB Medical College,
KMCH, Coimbatore
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan-Chairman
Dr. D.R. Mehta
Dr. V. M. Katoch,
Chairman, M S Swaminathan Research
Founder & Chief Patron, Bhagwan
Secretary Dept. of Health Research& DG,
Foundation, Center for Research on
Mahaveer Viklang Shahayata Samiti
ICMR Govt. oflndia, New Delhi
Dr. G.V. Ramaraju
Dr. Remilla Murthy
Managing Director and CEO, Media Lab
ANTRIX Corporation, ISRO, Bangalore
Dr. Madhura Swaminathan
Professor, Indian Statistical Institute
Dr. S. K. Mishra
Nodal Of ficer, SGPGI
Ms. Mihoko Tamamura
Program, Sanjay Gandhi PG Inst. of Medical
Sciences, Lucknow
Dr. Mandakini Pradhan
Dr. V. Selvam
(W orld
Dr. Harish Pant - Chairman
Head, Dept. of Reproductive and Child
Director - Coastal Systems Research,
M.S. Swainathan Research Foundation,
Dr. Sashi Kesavapany
Dr. Anjali Mishra
Dr. A. A. Nambi
Associate Professor , Department of
M.S. Swainathan Research Foundation,
Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow
Center ,
Prof.Janice Robertson
Dr. Suman Sahai
Center for Research Neurodegenerative
Chairperson- Gene Campaign Sainik Farms,
Diseases, University of Toronto, CANADA
Dr. Ian Maze
The Rockefeller University Laboratory of
Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics, New
Prof. S.S. Parmar-Chairman
Fmr Chair, Department of Physiology ,
Dr. Shailesh Nayak - Chairman
University of North Dakota, USA
Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt.
Dr. Thomas Yorio
of India
Provost and Executive Vice President for
Dr. V. Prakash
Academic Affairs, Fort Worth
Fmr Director, Central Food Technological
Dr. Jiri Grygar,
Research Institute, Mysore
Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of
Dr.Ghanshyam Pandey
Professor of Psychiatry , University of
Dr. Devendra Agarwal
Illinois, Chicago
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Creighton
Prof. U. C. Mohanty
University School of Medicine, USA
Course Coordinator, Centre for Atmospheric
Dr. P.K. Seth
Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology,
CEO,Biotech Park, Lucknow
R e v 1 e w
Dr. Shireesh B. Kedare
Adjunct Professor, Dept of Energy Sc. &
Dr. H.S. Sharma- Chairman
Dr. Hoysall Chanakya
Dr.W.Selvamurthy- Chairman
Laboratory of Cerebrovascular Research,
Centre for Sustainable Technologies, IISC,
Distinguished Scientist & Chief Controller
Department of Surgical Sciences, Uppsala
Research & Development, Government of
University, Sweden
India, New Delhi
Dr. Ueli Aebi
Dr. Girish Sant
M.E. Muller Institute for Structural Biology,
Prayas Energy Group, Pune
Dr. Sudarshan Kumar
Sc 'G', & Director (CFEES), New Delhi
Dr. V C Padaki
Director ,
Professor Udipi Shrinivasa
Dr. A. R. Phani
Prof. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, I
Chief Scientist- Nanotechnology, INCITE
ISC, Bangalore
-TBI, Bangalore
(DEBEL), Bangalore
Dr. Divakar Rao
Dr. Abhay Chauhan
Dr. R Vijayaraghavan
Outstanding Scientist & Director, (DRDE),
Nanosynthons, USA
CEO, DGK Bio Agro Foods & Member
Vision Group on Biotechnology Govt of
Karnataka, Bangalore
Gwalior Medical
Dr. A.N. Singh
Prot� . P. Kaushik
WHO Professor, Queens University, Canada
Process Technology development Division,
Defense Research and Development
Dr. Ram K. �ishra
Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral
Dr. Shrikant Anant- Chairman
Neurosciences, McMaster Universit y ,
University of Illinois, Chicago
Dr. H .V Batra
Sc 'G', Defense Food research Laboratory,
Dr. A.K. Saxena
Dr. Ritesh Agarwal
Department of Materials Science and
Dr. Rita Ghosh
Engineering, University of Pennsylvania,
University of Texas School of Medicine,
Dr. Srinagesh Satyanarayana
Dr. Chendil Damodaran
Dr. K.S. Jagdish- Chairman
Co-Founder & CEO, Nano Science
Texas Tech University Health Sciences,
R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore
Diagnostics, Inc., Austin TX, USA
Dr. � . R . Yogananda
Dr. Sulatha Dwrakanath
Consulting Engineer, Bangalore
Co-Founder &
CT 0 Nano Science
Dr. Animesh Dhar
University of Kansas Medical Center ,
Diagnostics, Austin TX
Dr. Jamboor K. Vishwanatha
Dr. Jean �arie Houghton
Prof. B .V. Venkatarama Reddy
Prof. Of Civil Engg, I.I.S.C, Bangalore.
Director, Texas Center for Health Disparities
University of Massachusetts School of
Subhas C. Basu
University of North Texas Health Science
Medicine, Massachusetts
Former Asst. Professor of Architecture,
Center, Texas
Dr. �elissa H. Wong
Malnad College of Engg., Hassan.
Oregon Health & Science University ,
Dr. �onto �ani
Centre for Sustainable Technologies, IISC,
Dr. Y.B. Ramakrishna - Chairman
Chairperson, Bio-fuel Board Govt. of
Kamataka, Bangalore
Dr. R. Ramamurthi
Prof. S. Rajarajan,
Professor & Head, P . G. & Research
Ms. Priyanka Singh,
Chief Executive, Seva Mandir
Dr. Sezine Bhimani,
Programme Coordinator, Arid Communities,
Technologies, Gujarat
Dr. C.S. Prakash - Chairman
Director, Center for Plant Biotechnology
Research College of Agricultural, Tuskegee
Mr. Viswanath Srikantiah, Director Biome
Environmental services Advisor Arghym
University, Tuskegee,
Dr. Navrati Saxena- Chairman
Dr. Sachin Chaturvedi
Ms. Nisha
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon,S.Korea
Thonpson, Data Expert,
Senior Fellow, RIS, New Delhi
Dr. Ronald J Herring
Dr.Abishek Roy , Manager Samsung
Electronics, Suwon, S.Korea
Dr. Shamik Sengupta
Member, Planning Commission
Dr. K.Kasturirangan - Chairman
Cornell University, New York,
Dr. Amjad M.Husaini
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City
Scientist, Mountain Research Centre for
University of New York
Field Crops Sher -e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences & Technology of
Dr. V.M.Katoch
Secretary to Govt. of India, Department of
Prof H.M. Gupta
Professor of Electrical Engineering, liT ,
Health Research & Director General,
Indian Council of Medial Research
V. K.V. Ravichandran
Dr. Malti Goel
Farmer, Tamil Nadu
Emiratus Scientist & Visiting Faculty Center
Dr. Samir K. Brahmachari
for Studies in Science Policy , JNU, New
P. Ananda Kumar
Direct or ,
Dr. T.Ramasami
Secretary, DST, Govt. oflndia, New Delhi
Dr. S.Ayyapan
Director General (ICAR) & Secretary
Dr. M. Rajashekar - Chairman
Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences,
ICAR, Bangalore
Govt. of India
Dr. Shailesh Nayak
Dr. Chandradhar Dwivedi - Chairman
Dakota State University, South Dakota
Dr. V.V.S. Surayanarayana
Dr. Cynthia Robinson
Principal Scientist, IVRI, Bangalore
Director, AAAS Policy Fellowship,
Washington D.C, U.S.A
Dr. Shivaji Rao Kadam
Vice Chancellor , Bharati Vidyapeeth
Dr. Asit K. Pattnaik
University, Pune
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincon
Dr. M.Rajasekharan Pillai
Vice Chancellor, IGNOU, New Delhi
Dr. C . G K.Murthy
Dr. Atmaram
Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati
DRDO, Gwalior
Chairman, NBA
Association, Kalina Santacruz(E), Mumbai
Dr. Rajyalakshmi Manda
Prof. R. Ramamurthi
DCI Doners Pvt. Ltd, Nashville, USA
Dr. K.Bhaskar Reddy,
Mrs. Sunita Nadamuni
Principal, Sri Venkateswara College of
CEO, Arghyam, Bangalore
R e v
Dr. Srinivas Pentyala
Dr. Faizi,
Director of Translational Research Centre,
CBD Civil Society Alliance
Stony Brook Medical School
Dr. Ruchi Pant
Dr. M .S. Swaminathan - Chairman
Dr. K.K. Talwar
Chairman BOG's, MCI, and New Delhi
Chairman, M S Swaminathan Research
Dr. Elumalai
Foundation, Center for Research on
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural
Dr. G. Subrahmanyam
Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh,
Director, NMCH, Nellore
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Dr. Krishan Lal
Dr. R. Ramamurthi
Dr. Krishna K. Banaudha
The G.W University, Washington DC
President, Indian National Science
Academy, New Delhi
Dr. Asis Datta
The National Academy of Sciences, India
Dr. G. Sudarsanam
Professor and Head, Department of
Botany, NIUCBD, Tirupati
Dr. R. Ramamurthi
Dr. Baladev Raj
President, The Indian National Academy
of Engineering (INAE), New Delhi
Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati - Chairman
Chairman, Network of lndian Universities
Chairman National Biodiversity Authority
(NBA), Govt. oflndia
Prof. N. Mukunda
Former President, Indian Academy of
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan
Sciences, Dept of Physics Indian Academy
Chairman, M S Swaminathan Research
of Sciences, Bangalore
Prof. R. B . Singh
Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf
Dr. N .R . Shetty- Chairman
President, National Academy of
Executive Secretary, Convention on
The Director N.M.I.T, Bangalore
Agricultural Sciences NASC, New Delhi
Biodiversity, Montreal
Dr. R. Chidambaram
Former Pro-Vice Chancellor, IGNOU,
Principal Scientific Advisor to Goi , New
New Delhi
Dr. V.M. Katoch - Chairman
Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati
Chief Programme Executive, Agastya
Secretary to Govt. of India Department of
Chairman National Biodiversity Authority
International Foundation, Bangalore
Health Research (Ministry of Health &
(NBA), Govt. oflndia
Dr. Latha Pillai
Dr. Ajit Basu
Family Welfare) & Director General,
Ms. Meera Swaminathan
Indian Council of Medial Research, New
Lucy Mulenkei
Executive Director, Indigenous
Prof. S. Pattnayak
Information Network
Director, Institute of Maths and
applications, Bhubaneswar
Dr. Jagadeeswaran Pudur
Professor of Biological Sciences,
Dr. Pierluigi Bozzi
Prof .K.E . Radhakrishna,
University of North Texas, USA
Coordinator, International Network of
Indian Universities on CBD SPES,
University of Rome
Dr. Ananda Kumar
Lizzie Gilman Professor of Psychiatry and
Dr. Surabhi Banerjee
Vice Chancellor, Central University of
Ms. Ann Marie Khan,
Chair UIC college of Medicine, Chicago
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Secretariat on CBD, Montreal
Dr. Warren Burggren
Dr. Linnea Fletcher
Provost and Vice President University of
Chair, Dept. of Biotechnology, Austin
North Texas, USA
Community College, Austin TX
Dr. K. Muralidhar
Dr. Ma Ying
Professor, Dept. of Zoology, New Delhi
Dr. Rolf M .Zinkernagel,
Dr. K. Ravi Srinivas
Associate Fellow, Research and
Information System, India
University of Zurich, Zurich, Nobel Laureate
Prof. N. K. Ganguly
Former DG, ICMR
Dr. Sachin Chaturvedi,
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan - Chairman
Senior Fellow, RIS, New Delhi
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
Dr. C S Prakash
Chairman, MSSRF
Chairman, MSSRF, Chennai
Prof. P.C . Kesavan
Distinguished Fellow, MSSRF, Chennai
Dr. Ron Herring
Dr. Parviz Koohafkan
Director of Land & Water Division, FAO
Dr. Manju Sharma
Dr. S. K. Brahmachari
Principal Advisor to the Dept. Science and
Technology, Gujarat
Dr. Rajiv Tandon
Dr. B. K. Mishra
Save the Child, New Delhi
Director, IMMT, Bhubaneswar
Dr. R . Chidambaram,
Dr. Kartikeya Sarabhai
CEE India
Ms. Anu Garg - Chairman
Commissioner cum Secretary, Department
Dr. Suman Sahai
of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of
Chairperson- Gene Campaign, New Delhi
Principal Scientific Adviser to Govt. oflndia
Dr. Srikumar Banerjee
Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
Prof. Subhash Hira - Chairman
Director IIPH-B
Dr. N. Chandrasekharan,
CEO&MD, Tata Consultancy service,
Prof. K. Srinath Reddy,
President, PHFI and Chair, High Level
Dr. Kurt W uthrich
Dr. V.S . Ramamurthy - Chairman
Expert Group of Planning Commission on
The Scripps Research Institute
Director, NIAS
Universal Health Coverage, New Delhi
Nobel Laureate
Prof. Y S Rajan
Dr Manish Kakker
PHFI, New Delhi.
Dr. Yogehswar Rao
Dr. D Prabhakaran
Advisor, GOI
PHFI, New Delhi
Dr. Miltos Ladikas
Dr A.K. Shiva Kumar
Dr. D. Balasubramanian
LVPI, Hyderabad
Dr. S. Ayyappan,
DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE), New Delhi
Senior Research Follow Centre for
UNICEF, New Delhi and Member,
Professional Ethics, UCLAN, UK
National Advisory Council
Dr. Michael Decker
Prof Vinod Paul
Deputy Director, ITAS, Germany
Head-Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi
Dr. T. K. Adhya
CRRI, Cuttack
Director, Rathenau Institute, Netherlands
Dr. Zhao Yandong
Dr. V.K. Saraswat,
DRDO, Secretary, Dept. of Defense Research
Dr. Jan Staman
Dr Mirai Chatterjee
Development, S.A. to Raksha Mantri,
SEWA, Ahmedabad and Member, National
Government of India, (New Delhi)
Advisory Council
Deputy Director, Institute of Science
Prof. Trilochan Pradhan
technology and Society CASTED, China
R e v
Dr. Harish C Pant
Brig. P. K. Sahu
Prof. A S Kolaskar
Neuronal Cytoskeletal Protein Regulation
Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospital
KilT University
Section Laboratory of Neurochemistry ,
Dr Peter Thalau
Dr. T. K. Chandrasekhar
J.W. Goether University (Germany)
Director, NISER, Bhubaneswar
Prof. Ravi Naik
Dr. B. Ravindran
Director, ILS, Bhubaneswar
NISER, Bhubaneswar
Polly Roy,
D�A . �.Jayannavar
Director, IOP, Bhubaneswar
London W CIE, United Kingdom
Dr. S.R. Rao,
DBT, New Delhi
�rs. Geeta Varadan
Dr. Richard R. Ernst
Nobel Laureate, ETH Zurich
Dr. Ajay Parida
Director, ADRIN, ISRO, Hyderabad
Executive Director, MSSRF, Chennai
Dr. Rita Colwell (USA)
Dr. Amit Ghosh
Prof. Indira Nath,
Dr. Gerta Fleissner
ICMR, Safdarjung Hospital Campus, New
J.W. Goethe University, Germany
Prof. Santosh Kar,
Dr. Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath
NICED, Kolkata
Dr. K.Radhakrishnan
KIIT University
Chairperson, Center for Neuroscience, II Sc
Prof. Omkar �ohanty
Dr. Vijay Bhatkar
H. S. Savithri
Former VC, BPIUT, Odisha
Professor, Department of Biochemistry ,
Chairman, ETH Research Lab, Pune
Dr. M.K.Mishra,
Indian Institute of Science
VC, Lucknow University, Lucknow
Dr. Kiran Katoch
Prof. S. S. Katiyar
Institute for Leprosy,Agra
Dr. Vinay Nagaraj
Ph ysicians Psychiatry & Neurology
Addiction Psychiatry, USA
Scientist G & Director ,National Jalma
Dr. S.V. Raghavan,
NKN (Delhi)
Dr. Hari S. Sharma,
Dr. Shashi Bala Singh,
Dept. of Pathology , V.U . University
Director, Defense Institute of Physiology and
Prof. S. S. Katiyar
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Allied Sciences, New Delhi
Shri Vidya Shankar,lAS
Prof. R. Rammurthy
Dr. Chitra Rajagopal,
Associate Directo r , Centre for Fire,
Principle Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka,
Dept. of e -Governance
Explosive & Environment Safety, Delhi
Dr. Lindsay Brown
Dr. Tessy Thomas,
Prof. K. C. Pandey
Shri Ravi S Saxena, lAS
Dr. A. Appa Rao
Proj ect Directo r , Advanced Systems
Laboratory, Hyderabad
Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of
Gujarat DS&T (Gujarat)
Dr. � . Sreepriya,
Dr. V.C. Goyal
Assistant Professor in Biotechnology ,
Bangalore University
Dr. N. K. Gowda
Vice Chancellor, UAS, Bangalore
Hydrology, (Ministry of Water Resources,
Dr. Qamar Rahman,
University of Rostock, Department of
Prof. B. C. Tripathi
Vice Chancellor, Ravenshaw University
Prof. L. K. Vaswani
Biological Sciences
KilT University
Mr. Nabanita R Krishna,
Dr. N . G. Hegde
Dr. Sarah Dunlop
President, Australian Neuroscience Society,
BAIF, Pune
Director, Directorate of Management
Information System and Technologies, New
Dr. G Rohini Devi,
Charanjit Kaur,
Smita Karpe ' , S . M . Kamble 2, P . B .
Programme Director, Advanced Systems
Sri Sathya Sai College for Women, Bhopal
Vidyasagar2, S . C . Karle'
' PG Department of Physics, New
Laboratory, Kanchandagh,
Pushpa Srivastava,
Dr. Nirupama Prakash
Department of Botany , University of
Head, Department of Humanities & Social
Sciences, mi T, H.P.
Dr. S . G Senthilvel
Vice President & Deputy Head-Global HR
SME & Solution Leader, Health Care and
of Tata Consultancy Services
Sciences, IBM Software Group, Bangalore
Ahmednagar, 2 B iophysics laboratory ,
Department of Physics, University of Pune
A .Pethalakshmi
Dr. Ritu Anand,
R .Raja Rajeswari ' ,
A .Anushya2
' Department of Computer Science, M.V.M.
Govt. Arts College, DindiguJ.2 Department of
Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli,
Professor, Medicinal & Aromatic Section,
Dr. Mukulika Hitkari
U n iversity of
DGPG College, CSJM University, Kanpur
Agricultural Sciences,
S. Karpagam & R. Ananthasayanam,
Department of Educational Technology,
Prof. K. Rudramma Devi
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Osmania University, Hyderabad
Amita Chattopadhyay,
Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture,
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar
Jyotshna Mahapatra,
Dr. Padma Saxena
Regional Institute of Education (NCERT),
D. A. V. College, CSJM University, Kanpur
Dr. Sushama Chaphalkar
Dr.Paramita Deb, BARC,Mumbai
Bijoya Mishra,
E x Principal, Rama Devi
Inst. Of Biotech, Vidya Pratisthan, Baramati
Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar
Neeta T hacker, Chief Scientist & Head
Dr. A. Anushya
Dr. D. Balasubrahmannian
Analytical Instruments Division, National
Environmental Engineering Research
L.V. Prasad, Eye Institute, Hyderabad
Dr. S. Karpagam
Institute, Nagpur.
Dr. Richard Nader,
Keisham Radhapyari
Chemistry Division, North East Institute of
Science & Technology, Jorhat
Vice Provost, University of North Texas
Wednesday , January 4, 2012,
14.00pm - 15.30pm
Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Ambedkar Marathwada University;
Director, National Psychological
Recorder- Dr. Hridaya Shanker Singh,
President -Dr. Ajay Parida,
Professor & Head, Department of Zoology,
Local Secretary -Dr. Motilal Dash,
Executive Director, M. S. Swaminathan
C. C. S. University;
Director (Academics), KISS
Research Foundation;
Local Secretary - Dr. Biplab Sarkar,
Recorder -Dr. Tapan Adhikari,
Asst. Professor, KSBT, Ki lT University
Chemical Sciences
Principal Scientist, Indian Institute
of Soil Science;
President -Prof.A.K.Bakhshi,
Local Secretary -Prof. L. K. Vaswani,
Anthropological and Behavioral
Sir Shankar La! Professor and Head,
Director, KSRM, KilT University
Sciences (Including Archaeology and
Deptt. of Chemistry, University of Delhi;
Psychology & Educational Science and
Recorder- Prof.(Dr.) Rajneesh Dutt
Military Sciences)
Kaushik, Department of Chemistry,
Gurukul Kangri University;
Animal, Veterinary and Fishery
President -Prof. Tarni Jee, Head,
Local Secretary -Dr. J. N. Behera,
M.U.Post Graduate Centre of Psychology,
Asst. Professor, School of Chemical
President- Prof. Y.K.Khillare,
College of Commerce, Patna;
Sciences, NISER
Department of Zoology, Dr.Babasaheb
Recorder -Dr. Vivek Bhargava, Joint
R e v
Earth System Sciences
& Communication Engineering (ECE),
of Relevance & Excellence in Ergonomics
and Human Factors Engineering,
President- Prof.Pramod K. Verma,
Recorder- Mr.Subhas Chandra Yadav,
Director General, Scientific Advisor,
Associate Professor, Rajarshi School of
Local Secretary- Dr.S.C.Dash, Director,
Govt. of M.P.;
Management & Technology, U.P.College;
Super Specialty Hospital, KIMS
Recorder- Prof. K. K. Agarwal,
Local Secretary- Dr. Veena Goswami,
Centre of Advanced Study in Geology,
Dean, School of Computer Application,
Lucknow University;
Professor, School of Civil Engineering,
New Biology (Including Biochemistry,
Biophysics & Molecular Biology and
Local Secretary -Prof. A. K. Ruth,
Materials Science
KilT University
Engineering Sciences
President- Prof.H.R. Vishwakarma,
President- Dr. B. S. Murty,
President- Dr. Uttam Chand Banerjee,
Professor, Department of Metallurgical
Professor & Head, Department of
and Materials Engineering, liT Madras;
Pharmaceutical Technology, National
Recorder- Prof.D.K.Rai, Department of
Institute of Pharmaceutical Education &
Physics and Materials Science and
Senior Professor, School oflnformation
Engineering, Jaypee Institute of
Recorder- Dr. Sibsankar Roy, Indian
Technology & Engineering, VIT
Information Technology (Deemed
Institute of Chemical Biology, (CSIR);
Local Secretary- Dr. Avinash Sonawane,
Recorder- Prof.Debabrata Paul,
Local Secretary -Prof. U.P.Singh,
Associate Professor, KSBT, KilT
Head, Automobile Engineering
Professor, School of Electronics
Department, Dr.Sudhir Chandra Sur
Engineering, KilT University
Degree Engineering College;
Local Secretary- Prof. A. K. Sen,
Mathematical Sciences (including
Dean, School of Electronics Engineering,
KilT University
Physical Sciences
President - Proj:B.N.Jagatap,
Outstanding Scientist and Head, Atomic
President- Prof.Ashis Sengupta,
Environmental Sciences
and Molecular Physics Division, BARC;
Applied Statistics Unit, Indian Statistical
Recorder- Prof.A.K.Rai, Department of
Physics, University of Allahabad;
President- Prof.B.K. Tiwari;
Recorder- Dr.S.Ahmad Ali,
Local Secretary- Dr.Pratap Kumar
Professor & Head, Department of
Associate Professor, Department of
Sahoo, Asst. Professor, School of Physical
Environmental Studies, NEHU;
Mathematics, B. B. D. National Institute of
Sciences, NISER
Recorder- Dr.Prasanjit Mukherjee,
Head, Department of Botany, K. K. M.
Local Secretary- Dr.Binod Kumar
College, Pakur;
Sahoo, Asst. Professor, NISER
Plant Sciences
KilT University
Medical Sciences (Including Physiology)
Vice-Chancellor, D. D. U. Gorakhpur
Information and Communication
President- Prof.Manjushree Ray,
Recorder- Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Pandey,
Science & Technology (including
Head of the Department of
Chairman, M.P. Private Universities
Computer Sciences)
Anaesthesiology, Institute of Post
Regulatory Commission;
Graduate Medical Education & Research;
Local Secretary -Dr. K. C. Panigrahi,
President- Dr. L. Joyprakash Singh,
Recorder -Prof. Amitabha De, Professor
Reader, School of Biological Sciences,
Associate Professor, Deptt. of Electronics
& Programme Coordinator, TIFAC Centre
Local Secretary- Dr.P.Rath, Asst.
Professor, School of Applied Sciences,
President- Prof.P.C. Trivedi,
3-7 January, 2012- Bhubaneswar
KilT's Bigyan Rath
Ignites Sciential Awareness
KilT's Bigyan Rath
Ignites Sciential Awareness
Dr. P. K. Patasani, Hon'ble MP, Bhubaneswar, presenting a memento t o Bibhusmita Samanta
(Great Granddaughter of Renowned Astronomer, Pathani Samanta) in the presence of
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS and Prof. A. S. Kolaskar, VC, KilT University.
The Bigyan Roth, a n i n n ovative i n itiative of K i l T U n iversity a n d N I S E R to popu l a rize science
a m o n g the youths and com mo n peo p l e of the State of Odisha, concl uded its state -wide
j o u rney in C uttack, the birth place of renowned scientist Pra na Kru s h n a Pa rija, o n 3 rd
KilT University and
Dece m ber 2 01 1 . Held as a prelude to the 99th Indian Science Congress, to be
hosted by KilT University in association with NISER from 3-7 January 2012, the
Rath in its very successful run during 20-day period traveled 4000 kilometers,
covering more than 1000 educational institutes and more than 100 towns in all
the 30 districts of Odisha, touching each and every individual. The Roth was
flagged off from Khandapada, the birth place of Path a n i Sa m a nta, by S h ri M . C. B h a n d a re,
H is Exce l le n cy the Governor of Odisha o n 1 4th N ovember 2 0 1 1 .
NISER to popularize
The closing ceremony of the Bigyan Roth, h e l d at Ravenshaw U n iversity, C uttack, was
The Bigyan Rath, an
innovative initiative of
g raced by Dr. P. K. Patasa n i , Hon'ble MP, B h u ba n eswar; S h ri B h a rtru h a ri Ma htab, H o n'ble
science among the
MP, C uttack; S h ri
Ra n j a n
Biswa l ,
H on'ble MLA,
Choudwa r- Cuttack; S h ri
M a n m o h a n Pra h a raj, I PS, D i rector Genera l of Pol ice, Odisha; G i rish S. N, Col lector,
youths and common
C uttack; D r. R. N. Ray, Cha i rm a n , Nati o n a l C h i l d re n Science Congress; Prof. B. C .
people of the State of
Tri pathy, VC, Rave nshaw U n iversity, C uttack; D r. A . Sa m a nta , Fou nder, K i lT & KISS; Prof. A.
Odisha, concluded its
son of Late Pra n a Kru s h n a Pa ri j a and S h rikant Pa rida, President of Ravenshaw U n iversity
S. Kolaskar, VC KilT U niversity; and D r. A. K. N a i k, Reg istra r, N I S E R; La late n d u Pa rija, the
Students u ni o n .
state-wide journey in
Cuttack, the
birthplace of renowned
scientist Prana
Krushna Parija, on 3rd
December 2011
Shri M. C. Bhandare, His Excellency the Governor of Odisha flagging offBigyan Rath
at Ramachandra High School, Khandapada, the birthplace of Renowned Odia
of Dr. A. Samanta, Founder,
Astronomer, Pathani Samant Chandrasekhar in the
KilT-KISS Dr. T. K.
& others.
...... �
(L) Prof. S. Patnaik, Rector, KilT, Dr. R.N . Ray, Chairman, National Children's Science Congress, Dr. A. Samanta,
Founder, KilT & KISS, Shri B. Mahatab, MP, Cuttack, Shri M. C. Bhandare, His Excellency the Governor of Odisha, Dr. T.
K. Chandrashekar, Director, NISER, Prof. A. S. Kolaskar, VC, KilT & Mr. A. Agrawal, Collector, Nayagarh at the flagging
off ceremony of Bigyan Rath at Khandapada, Odisha.
Winners of District level Essay Competition
The Bigya n Roth has played a constructive role in ta king the message of benefits of science a n d tech nology in rural a rea, said Dr. Patasa n i .
H a i l i ng t h e i n itiative of K i l T as un ique a n d i n n ovative, S h ri Mahta b said that the g ra n d success o f t h e Bigyan Roth poi nts t o t h e n eed to
o rga nise m o re such mass contact prog ra m mes in the field of science a n d tech no logy. D r. Sama nta tha n ked people of Odisha for the
s uccess of the Bigya n Roth and extended them i nvitation to be a pa rt of the mega scientific event to be held i n Ki lT duri n g 3 - 7 J a n u a ry
2 0 1 2 . Prof. Kolaska r del ivered the presidenti a l a d d ress, w h i l e D r. N a i k proposed the vote of tha n ks . Total 31 toppers of District-level
Essay Competition, also organised by KilT in all the districts of Odisha as a prelude to the 99th Indian Science Congress,
were also announced and awarded on the occasion. Last month, Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh, Hon'ble Union Minister of
Science & Technology and Earth Sciences had inaugurated the District-level and National-level essay competition at
KilT. I n the j u n ior category, 3 0 toppers, o n e from each d i strict, were awarded with Rs. 1 0,000/- a n d a certificate e a c h . Sole w i n n e r i n the
senior category received Rs . 1 5 , 000/- and a certificate. Ms. B i bhusmita S i n g ha Sa ma nta, fourth g e n e ratio n of Path a n i Sa m a nta , was also
fel icitated on the occa s i o n . Result of Nation a l - level essay com petition wi l l be declared duri ng the 99th session of I nd i a n Science Con g ress.
R e v
e w
Workshop on Plasma Processing for
Workshop on Plasma Processing for
Thermonuclear Fusion and Industrial
Thermonuclear Fusion and Industrial
Applications at KilT
Applications at KilT
5th Foundation Day Lecture of
KilT School of Rural Management
Mega Blood Donation Camp:
KilT Creates Record
Dr. B . B . Patra, Dean, School of Applied Sciences, Dr. A . K. Das, Head Laser and
Plasma Technology Division, BARC, Dr. Rabindra Pal, Professor, Saha Institute
of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, Dr. G. J . Samathanam, Advisor and Head (TDT),
Dr. A. K. Das, Head Laser
Department of Science & Technology, Prof. S. Nanda, Research Chair, KilT, Mr.
and Plasma Technology
P. K. Atrey, Secretary, BRFST and Dr. S. K. S. Parashar, Faculty, School of
Applied Sciences, KilT University at the workshop.
Division, BARC, Dr. S.
Nanda, CIR, KilT
School of Appl ied Sciences, KilT U n iversity o rg a n ized a Nati o n a l Workshop on "Plasma
University, Dr. B. B.
Processi n g for Thermon uclear Fusion a n d I n d ustri a l Applications" (PPTF IA-20 1 1 ) on
1 Oth - 1 1 th N ovember, 2 0 1 1 with association with PSS I , G a n d h i n a g a r. The workshop
Patra, Dean, School of
was inaugurated by Dr. G. J. Samathanam, Advisor and Head (TOT),
Applied Sciences, KilT
Department of Science & Technology and attended by many well-known
scientists from all over India working in this field. The i n a u g u ra l a n d closing
University, Dr. Rabindra
ceremonies were attended by m a ny professors, senior facu lties, research schol a rs a n d
Pal, Scientist, Saha
stud ents from d ifferent schools o f K i l T a n d other i n stitutes from a l l over I n d i a .
Institute of Nuclear
Physics, Kolkata, Dr. S.
Research i n t h e recent developments i n Plasma Tech nology a n d their a p p l ications i n
K. S. Parashar,
va rious fields l i ke waste m a nagement, texti le tech nology, na notech n o l ogy, biological
science i n i nd ustry, etc were d e l iberated at the workshop. Among the scientists who
participated at the workshop were Dr. A. K. Das, Head Laser and Plasma Tech n o l ogy
20 11, Dr. J. Govindarajan
Division, BARC, D r. S. N a nd a , C I R, K i l T University, D r. B. B. Patra, Dea n , School of
Co-Chirman (Board of
Appl ied Sciences, K i l T U n iversity, D r. Rabi n d ra Pa l , Scientist, Saha I nstitute of N uclea r
Physics, Kol kata, Dr. S. K. S. Pa rash a r, CONVENOR, PPTFIA- 2 0 1 1 , Dr. J. Gov i n d a ra j a n
Research Fusion Science
C o - C h i r m a n (Board o f Research F u s i o n Science & Tech n o l ogy) B RFST a n d D r. P. K.
& Technology) BRFST and
Atrey, Secreta ry, B RFST.
Dr. P. K. Atrey, Secretary,
S i m i l a rly, D r. Subroto Mu kherjee, Head, F C I PT Division, D r. P. B. J h a l a , Advisor, Plasma
BRFST graced the
Textile Appl icati o n , FCI PT, I nstitute for Plasma Research ( I P R) , Dr. Rajeev S h a rm a , DST,
workshop , among others .
Mr. Paritosh C h o u d h u ry, Head, TBM, I PR, D r. P. S. M u kh e rjee, Head, Materi a l s Group,
I MMT, B h ubaneswar, D r. K. G.
K. Worrie r, Dy. Di rector, Nation a l Institute for
I nterdisc i p l i n a ry Science and Tech nology ( N I IST) Th i ruva ntha pura m , Kera l a were
pro m i nent spea kers. Senior officia l s from DST, BRFST, BARC a n d I P R pro m i sed h e l p for
i n n ovative project propos a l s in va rious fields of rese a rch.
...... �
5th Foundation Day Lecture of
KilT School of Rural Management
S h ri B. K . S i n h a , lAS, Secreta ry, M i n i stry o f R u ra l Deve l o p m e nt,
Government of I ndia d e l ivered the 5th Foundation Day Lecture of
K i lT School of Ru ra l Management. H i s ta l k focused on the extreme
d ispa rities with i n I nd i a a n d how va rious rura l deve lopment schemes
a re strivi n g to combat these d isparities. He advised the b u d d i ng r u ra l
managers from KSRM t o strive t o bridge the governance a n d
ma nagement deficit b y t h e i r work i n t h e development sector a n d the
govern me nt. H is ta l k also dwelt o n the revol utionary potentia l of
I nformation Tech n o l ogy i n the a rena of rura l development.
I n h i s welcome a d d ress, Dr. A Samanta, Fou nder, KilT & KISS
explained how KSRM was founded with the guidance and
inspiration from Dr. Varghese Kurien, the father of India's
White Revolution. Prof. L. K. Vaswa n i , Di rector, KSRM said that the
school is unique i n terms of promoting students research to build its
(L) Prof.L.K.Vaswani, Director, KilT School of Rural Management,
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS, Shri B. K. Sinha, (lAS),
Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt of India &
Prof. A.S. Kolaskar, VC, KilT at the 5th Foundation Day
Celebration of KilT School of Rural Management.
knowledge base a n d feed the sa me i nto its cu rricu l u m . The Student's
Research Compend i u m - Ka leidoscope 3, conta i n i n g deta i l s of field p rojects u nderta ken by students with support of m o re tha n 200 partner
org a n ization, was released on the occasio n . KSRM also rel eased its Worki n g Pa per Series. Prof. A. S. Kolaska r, Vice-Chancellor, K i l T U n iversity
said KSRM acts as a l i n k between the KilT U n iversity a n d the social service oriented KISS (Ka l i n g a I nstitute of Socia l Sciences) . Prof. Pra s u n Das
proposed vote of tha n ks . Foundation stone of KSRM was laid on 20th November, 2006 by Dr. K u ri e n . Fou n dation Day Lecture Series was
i n stituted to honour entrepre n e u rs, practitioners a n d pol icy ma kers in the field of r u ra l development and governa n c e .
Mega Blood Donation C amp : KilT C reates Record
KilT made all time record i n blood collection i n a Mega Blood Donation Camp organized b y 'Ama Odisha' at KIMS o n 1 9th
N ovember 201 1 . Total 1 524 u nits of blood were collected at the camp. N ever before such a high q uantity of blood has been
collected from any single institute in a single day. Of those who donated blood, 80% were students of various schoo ls of K i lT who were
donati n g blood for the fi rst time. There was h i g h participatio n of g i rls in the ca m p .
S h ri Sou mya Ra n j a n Patn a i k, Cha i rm a n , 'Ama Odisha' & Ed itor, Sa mbad a n d Dr. A. S a m a nta, Fou nder, K i l T & KISS i n a u g u rated the ca m p at
8.00 AM in the morn i n g . Blood donation is not an act of c h a rity, said D r. Pat n a i k, w h i l e exp l a i n i n g that it is good for wel l being of self. B lood
ca n not be made by a rtificia l mea ns, he sa i d . B lood donation is a d uty a s wel l a s an act of givi n g back to the society, he added. Expressi n g
satisfaction at t h e success o f the ca m p, D r. Sa ma nta tha n ked a l l the donors f o r t h e i r n o b l e act. B lood o f a n i n d ivid u a l has saved fou r l ives
today, said D r. M. P. Moha nty, H o n . Secreta ry, Red Cross Odis h a . He exhorted youths to donate b lood in l a rg e n u mbers. Dr. S. C. Dash,
Di rector, KIMS a n d Dr. B. C . Das, Principal a lso spoke on the occasion . Doctors and staff of l l blood ba n ks hel ped i n blood col lection at this
blood donation ca m p . K i l T and 'Ama Odisha' had made extensive a rra ngements to m a ke this mega ca m p systematic a n d s uccessfu l .
(L) Dr. B . C . Das, Principal-cum-Dean, KIMS, Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS, Mr. S . R . Pattnaik, Editor, Sambad, Dr. M.
Mohanty & Dr. S. C. Dash, Director, KIMS at the inauguration of Mega Blood Donation Camp organised by 'Ama Odisha' at
Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS).
R e v i e w
KSOM Faculty Presents paper in
International Conference in Singapore
Faculty Authored Book
Published From
KIITians Shine in TGMC of IBM
KilT organises N ational
Marketing Conclave
Faculty Authored Book
Published From
Dr. Biswaj it Das has co-authored a book
The National Marketing
na med
'Socio - E c o n o m i c
J o u rn e y
I m p rovised Eastern I nd i a n State' published by
Conclave spread over
three sessions saw
Aca d e m i c
Publ i s h i n g - Germany
recently. This book vividly portrayed the story of
deliberations on three key
Odisha i n its developme nta l i n itiative, lacunae i n
distributio n , detri menta l factors to g rowth a n d
aspects related to the
s u g g ested
topic - Fundamentals of
a p p ro a c h
cha l lenges. The book i s h o l istic a n d has touched
Customer Engagement,
upon most of the aspects of l ife i n odisha .
Measuring Customer
Engagement and Using
KIITians Shine in TGMC of IBM
Technology to Improve
G reat
M i n d
201 0
of I BM
is the
Largest Tech n ica l Contest
for e n g i neering students
recogn ized by Limca Book
of Records. In this contest,
tea m s ,
1 64 2
1 20450
stu dents, 3 4 0 7 0 facu lties
p a rtici pate d .
tea m ,
n a med PSYCH E D, from School o f Com puter E n g i neeri n g , K i l T U n iversity comprising of
stu dents Apurwa Ra j, Ayush Ra j, Aru n Ku m a r, B h u pender S i n g h a l ong with t h e i r mentor
Prof. Prachet B h uya n were fel icitated for being in the Top 2 0 tea ms in TGMC-20 l 0. They
received certificate of excel lence for the project titled "e-Post Office". Prof. Prachet B h uya n
was a lso fel icitated with ORONA Award as o n e of the best ten mentors for TGMC - 2 0 1 0 .
T h e fel icitation was h e l d a t Lee I a Pa lace, N ew D e l h i on 1 5th November 2 0 l l .
National Marketing Conclave at
A Nationa l Ma rketi ng Conclave - 2 0 1 1 was org a n ised by the School of Manage ment of K i l T U niversity on 1 Oth December, 2 0 1 1 . The
i n a u g u ra l ceremony of the conclave was g raced by Mr. Videh J a i p u ri a r, C EO, J ub i l i a nt I n d ustries Ltd . , Mr. S a l i l Sa h u , MD, Home Store
I n d i a , Dr. Achyuta Sa ma nta , Fou nder, K i l T & KISS, Prof. Ash o k Kolaska r, Vice C h a ncellor, K i l T U n iversity a n d Prof. Ash o k K. Sar, Dea n , KilT
School of Management. Given a s i g n ificant change i n the way today' s con s u m e rs i nteract with the bra n d s , especia l l y beca use of the rise of
social networki n g , g reater access to i nternet a n d i nformati o n , s h orte n i ng attention spa n a nd decreas i n g bra n d loya lty, the chosen theme
for th is yea r is 'Customer E ng a g e me nt: Changing Para d i g m s ' .
T h e event was attended b y several corporate honchos including Mr. Videh Jaipuriar, CEO, Jubilant Industries, Mr.
Salil K. Sahu, MD, Home Stores India, Ms. Meenal Jadhav, Principal Consultant, Heidrick and Struggles, Mr. Sankar
Ramamurthy, Executive Director, PWC, Mr. lndraneel Ganguly, Sr. VP - Global Marketing & Comm. , Mahindra
Satyam, Mr. P.S. Ghosh, Director - Commercial, Pfizer, Mr. V. Sivaramakrishnan, President - Distributed Learning
Services, Manipal Group and Mr. Biju Zachariah, Business Head, Excelsoft. The event, spread over three sessions saw
del iberations o n three key aspects related to the topic: F u n d a menta ls of Custom e r E n g a g ement, Meas u ri n g Customer E ngagement a n d
U s i n g Tech n o l ogy t o I m prove Engagement. The day- long event s a w a congregation o f Research Schol a rs, Academ icians, Corporate
Rep resentatives a n d Students from across the cou ntry. This conclave fol l ows s i m i l a r ones in the a reas of H R a nd Finance, keeping with
KSOM' s attem pt to bri n g corporate I ndia closer to busi ness school classrooms.
Delegates of the National Marketing Conclave.
R e v i e w
Rare Su
eries at KI M S
Vocal Cord gro wth removed by
Laryngeal Endoscopic Surgery
KSOM Faculty Presents paper in
International Conference in Singapore
Dr. Kabi Kanta Samantaraya, KIMS
Faculty Authored Book
Published From
KIITians Shine in TGMC of IBM
KilT organises N ational
Marketing Conclave
Ka l i nga I n stitute of Medical Sciences
( KI MS), a constituent of K i l T University,
Limb saving surgery, a
performed a l ife saving s u rgery on a 1 0-
treatment of choice in the
yea r g i rl , who was seriously i n j u red after
present day, is now
d a u g hter of B. R. Patra from S h a i leshri
a fa l l from roof. S h ubhashree Patra ,
Vih a r, fel l down from roof w h i l e playing
happening in Odisha - at
resu lti n g i n penetratio n of rod at the
i nfra - u mb i l i ca l site . The patient ca me to
KIMS. In KIMS, a hospital
KIMS u nconscious with pulse was not
with super-specialist care,
pa l pable a n d BP not recordable. KIMS
s u rg i c a l tea m i m m ediately tra nsferred the patient to OT a n d resuscitated her with
sophisticated surgeries like
i m mediate a rra ngement of b lood . The abdomen was opened and fou n d to have massive
blood i n the perito n i a l cavity. It was a lso found that, ren a l vein was i n j u re d . After successfu l
arthroscopy, spine surgery,
operation patient was shifted to I C U. At present she is o ut of da nger a n d stead i l y
recoveri ng i n I C U . D r. A. Sa ma nta, Founder, KilT & KISS con g ratu lated the s u rgeons a n d
oncosurgery to replacement
wished a speedy recovery o f the patie nt.
of joints and limb
Rare Abdominal Hernia Treated
preservation with
reconstruction are performed
A tea m of com petent surgeons a n d
a nesthetists o f K I M S con d u cted a s u rgery
successfully by the team of
h e rn i a .
Lu mber
hernia/Bieich ner's hernia is a s u rg ica l
entity without a n y sta ndard method of
repa i r. It has been i nfreq uently reported
with only about 300 cases in the E n g l ish
l iterature, 62 cases i n J a pa nese j o u rna ls
a n d 1 1 cases in Korea n journals. K I MS
s u rgeon placed a mess to c u re the defect.
The patient was d i scharged in th day.
...... �
Limb Preservative Reconstructive Surgery at KIMS
O n e B i b h uti B i r, 24 years, ca m e t o K I MS with com pl a i nts
of p a i n l ess swe l l i n g a ro u n d l eft knee joint for fou r
months. The swe l l i ng , h a rd i n consisten cy, was a fusiform
swe l l i ng of meta physea l end of ti b i a , exte n d i n g 8 to l 0
a lo n g
l o n g itu d i n a l
i n c l u d i n g b i opsy, the tumor mass was detected as
c h o n d rosa rcom a of ti b i a . Altho u g h a m p utation was the
treatment of choice, s u rgeons at K I MS p l a n ned for l i m b
s p a ri n g s u rgery as there was no nerve a n d m a j o r b l ood
i nvolvement
a nd
m a l i g n a nt. A s u rgeons
M i s h ra ,
t u m o r was
h ig h ly
loca l l y
tea m com p ri s i n g o f D r. D .
Asst. Prof (Ortho) conducted t h e s u rg e ry with
the a ble g u ida nce of Prof. U. N. M i s h ra . It was a fou r­
h o u r s u rg e ry su pported by a na esthesist D r. Jagdish
Msh ra a n d tea m m e m bers of Anesthesia department.
The dedicated tea m of paramed ics of O rthopedic OT
s u rgery.
s u p port for successfu l
com p l etion
Li m b saving s u rgery, a treatment of choice i n
t h e present day, is now ha ppening i n o u r state - at KIMS.
In patients suffering from m a l ig na nt t u m o u rs, i nvolving
extre m ities i n partic u l a r, p reviously a m p u tation was
being d o n e . N owadays reconstructive s u rg e ry with l i m b
s u p e rspeci a l ist
possi b l e .
ca re ,
hospita ls
s o p h i sticated
s u rg e ries
l i ke
a rth roscopy , spine s u rg e ry, oncosurg e ry to re placement
of joi nts a nd l i m b preservation with reconstruction a re
performed s uccessfu l ly by the tea m of d octors.
R e v
KIMS Performs Bilateral
KSOM Faculty Presents paper in
Knee Replacement on 80-Yr-Old
International Conference in Singapore
Mr. B. K. Mohanty, 82, was suffering from osteoarthritis knee (bi lateral) since 1 0 years . H e
Faculty Authored Book
was not able t o wa l k d u e t o severe p a i n i n knees for last five yea rs. He was exa mined at
Published From
KIMS and advised tota l knee replacement (TKR) . Both knee of the patient were operated by
D r. B. K. Behera , Asst. Prof. O rthoped ics a n d Dr. Jagdish Mis h ra of K I MS Anesthesia tea m .
The patient recovered successfu l ly a n d i s now able to wa l k without s u p port for o n e k m .
KIITians Shine in TGMC of IBM
with i n o n l y o n e m onth o f s u rgery. K I M S has performed over 50 total knee replacements
this yea r, w h i l e more tha n 200 total knee & tota l h i p rep lacement s u rgeries have been
KilT organises N ational
performed d u ri n g l a st fou r years. In Odisha, this is the h i g h est n u mber of such s u rgeries
Marketing Conclave
performed by any hospita l . KIMS is a lso the fi rst med ica l college to sta rt joint replacement
center in the State.
KIMS has performed over
50 total knee
replacements this year,
while more than 200 total
knee & total hip
replacement surgeries
have been performed
Intraduodenal Hematoma
during last four years. In
A Rare C ase
Odisha, this is the
I ntra m u ra l hematoma of t h e d uoden u m i s a rare c l i n i c a l entity, which u sua l ly fol l ows
highest number of such
tra u m a of the abdom e n . A 25 yea rs m a l e was referred to KIMS casua lty for pain in u pper
surgeries performed by
abdomen and persistent vom iting for three days and was i n itia l l y a d m itted i n the medicine
wa rd with a lcohol i c gastritis. The patient was a known a lcohol i c a n d had a fa l l from
any hospital.
motorb i ke .
Eva l u ation with Upper Gl endoscopy showed a bile in the stomach with
d uoden a l l u m in a l obstructio n .
Patient was j a u nd iced . N o n co ntrast CT sca n of u pper
abdomen showed d u od e n a l obstruction at the OJ flex u re with d i l ated loops of duode n u m .
S u rgery was d o n e successfu l ly b y a tea m o f ded icated doctors with complete
decom pression a n d evac u ation of Hematoma, which was ca u s i n g the d uodena l
obstruction with com p ression of C B D a n d d uoden a l l u mi n a l obstructio n . Patient
recovered wel l a n d was disc h a rged on eig hth day. This is a very rare c l i n ica l condition a n d
its d i a g n osis is d ifficult. A h i g h i n d ex o f suspicion with a pp ro p riate t i m e l y i ntervention i s the
key to successful outco m e . The surgery was con d u cted by D r. A. Mishra , Asso. Prof.
Su rgery, h i s tea m a n d a tea m of dedicated Anaethesist a n d supporting staff of KIMS.
(Approved by Medical Council ofIndia (MCI))
Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), a constituent of KilT University, offers a unique combination of experience and
expertise . Located in an ultra-modern and eco-friendly campus, it has three wings-The Hospital, the Medical College (for MBBS
course) and Biomedical Technology Unit. The Medical College offers MBBS course at the undergraduate level with an annual
intake of 100 students. A high academic standard is maintained by an experienced and dedicated team of Professors, Clinicians
and Scientists, who are engaged in teaching, research and developing technologies in health care. The course is approved by the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and Medical Council of India (MCI) . The Medical College has 2 1
academic departments, providing the study, treatment a n d prevention of human diseases a n d maternity care.
The hospital, attached to the medical college,
has earned reputation as an affordable
hospital with modern facilities.
Key features of the hospital are:-
C andlelight Prayer for 2 6/11
Cand lelight Prayer for
Victims Held at KIS S
Victims Held at KISS
I Wish to Become Brand Ambassador
of KISS: Dr. N arendra Jadhav
A ca n d l e l ig ht prayer i n memory of the brave hearts who lost their l ives i n 26/1 1 M u mba i
Terror Attack was h e l d at Ka l i nga I n stitute of Socia l Sciences (KISS) on 2 6th November
2 0 1 1 . More than 1 5,000 peo p l e , i n c l u d i n g triba l stu d ents of KISS and staffs of KilT & KISS,
partici pated in the mass prayer held on the occasion of third a n niversa ry of the terror
attack. S h ri S. N. Sabat, I PS, I nspector General, C R P F, Bh uba neswa r a n d S h ri S. K. Mish ra ,
More than 15,000 people,
I PS, D I G, C R P F Gro u p Centre, B h ubaneswa r g raced t h e occasion as C h i ef G u est a n d
G u est o f H o n o u r respectively.
including tribal students
Paying rich tribute to the m a rtyrs who secured M u mba i from the terrorists, S h ri Sabat said
of KISS and staffs of KilT
that such attacks ca n be c u rbed with active cooperation of peo p l e . In the present situation,
& KISS, participated in
Mishra advised them to fol l ow three 'D' - determ i nation, d i sc i p l i ne a n d dedication - for
the mass prayer held on
strate g i c locations in M u mbai d u ri ng 2008 terror attack. Praying for the victi ms a n d
the occasion of third
terro rism is stronger tha n ever now. Among others, Dr. P. K. Routa ray, C E O, KISS and D r.
it is d u ty of every citizen to be vig i l a nt, he added. S peaking to the tribal students of KISS, S h ri
success in l ife. S h ri S. K. Mishra partici pated in the operation to flush out terrorists holed at
m a rtyrs, Dr. A . Sa m a nta, Fou nder, K i l T & K I S S sa i d that people's resolve t o root out
Moti l a l Dash, Director (Academ ics) were present.
anniversary of the 26/11
terror attack.
Dr. Narendra Jadhav, Hon'ble Member, Planning Commission & National Advisory Council, Govt of lndia addressing the
students & staff of KISS during his visit to Campus.
I Wish to Become Brand Ambassador
of KISS : Dr. Narendra Jadhav
"I wish to become the bra n d a m bassador of Ka l i n g a I n stitute of
Socia l Sciences (KISS), if g iven an opportun ity by its Founder, D r. A.
S a m a nta", said D r. N a re n d ra Jad hav, H o n'ble M e m b e r, P l a n n in g
C o m m i ssion a n d Nationa l Advisory Council, Govt. o f I n d ia d u ri n g
his visit t o the i nstitute o n 1 7th N ovember 2 0 1 1 . He had c o m e a l l the
way to visit KI SS, the l a rgest tri b a l i nstitute of the world, and i nteract
with its 1 5 ,000 tri bal c h i l d re n . Dr. Jadhav went a ro u n d a l l the
ca m p u ses of KilT, besides g racing an i nteractio n session with the
tri bal students of KISS. He a lso visited vocati o n a l tra i n i n g centres of
KISS a n d commended efforts of Dr. Sa ma nta for e d u cati o n a l a n d a l l
rou n d development of tri ba l boys a n d g i rls. His visit to KISS was
i l l u m i nati n g ,
s a i d ,
I wish t o become the brand
am bassador of Kal i nga Institute
of Social Sciences (KISS) ,
if g iven an opportun ity by its
Founder, Dr. A. Samanta.
ex p l a i n i n g
s t u d e nts
a bout
s u ccess
w h i l e
l ife .
KISS is the o n l y
i n stitute
Dr. Narendra Jadhav, Hon'ble Member, Planning
Commission & National Advisory Council, Govt. of India
unveiling a stone plaque in his honour at KISS.
Dr. A. Samanta, F ounder, KilT & KISS looks on.
whole world that works in the field of development of ed ucation a n d socia l change, he
sai d . He a lso u nveiled a stone p l a q u e in h i s h o n o u r. Dr. Jad hav is responsi b l e for
ed ucation, l a b o u r, e m ployment, ski l l development, sports & youth affa i rs a n d social
�-!!!II!!!!III!I!!--!!!I!-.J iustice & em powerment sectors in Five Yea r P l a n of the Centra l Govern ment.
Dr. N arendra Jadhav is a leading educationist, eminent economist & policy maker, well-known social scientist and
best-selling author. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has called Dr. Jadhav, "a role-model for the disempowered
millions in our country." Dr. Narendra Jadhav is currently serving as a Member, Planning Commission (in the rank
and status of Union Minister of State) . Planning Commission is India's apex policy-oriented Think Tank chaired by
the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh with Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia as the Deputy Chairman. Dr. Narendra
Jadhav has also been appointed as a Member, National Advisory Council (NAC), the apex advisory body, chaired by
Smt. Sonia Gandhi. A Ph.D. in Economics from Indiana University, USA, he has served in important capacities in
past including Vice Chancellor of University of Pune, the largest traditional University in the world, and Principal
Adviser and Chief Economist in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). He is a prolific writer with 1 00 research papers 1 4
books o n economic and social issues, including some bestsellers. His books have been translated into 20
languages including 1 5 foreign languages. Dr. Jadhav has been a recipient of as many as 33 national and
international awards for his contribution to the fields of economics, education, literature, culture and social work.
R e v i e w
Dr. H. P. Kumar, CMD, NSIC Visits KIS S
Dr. H. P. Kumar, CMD, NSIC Visits KISS
Important Personalities Visit KISS
"I would be happy to be
Hon'ble C h a i rma n - c u m -M a n a g i n g Director of Nationa l S m a l l I nd u stries Corporation
an advisor of KISS, if
( N S I C ) , D r. H. P. Ku m a r visited Ka l in g a I nstitute of Soci a l Sciences (KISS) on 1 7th
N ovember 2 0 1 1 . He expressed satisfaction over the activities of KISS. Showeri n g praise
o n va ri o u s vocational tra i n i n g i m p a rted to KISS students, he said these wou l d h e l p them
atta i n self-sufficiency and help them for economic secu rity. Dr. Ku m a r, who has been
--Dr. H. P. Kumar, CMD,
worki n g i n the field of self- e m ployment of youths, assured all help for the development of
National Small Industries
vocati o n a l tra i n ing i n KISS. "I would be ha ppy to be an advisor of KISS, if permitted", he
said a d d i n g that he is keen to ta ke forward vocati o n a l tra i n i n g activities of the institute. D r.
Sa ma nta expressed his g ratitude to Dr. Ku m a r for his visit. Among oth e rs, Mr. Satvinder
S i n g h of N S I C , D r. P. K. Routa ray, C EO, KISS a n d Mr. R . N. Dash, Advisor, K i l T & KISS were
Dr. H. P. Kumar is the Chairman-cum-Manag ing Director of National Small
I n d ustries Corporation , a Public Sector organization of Government of
I n d ia. Credited with scripting a remarkable turnaround of National Smal l
I n d ustries Corporation (NSIC), he is one of the most successful leaders of
I n d ia's corporate sector.
D u ring
the financial year 2009 - 1 0, the
corporation recorded a net profit of about Rs. 2,500 crore. Dr. Kumar is a
professional Ban ker and a Management Expert with Doctorate Degree i n
Rural I n d ustrial isation. He also h e l d senior positions o f Corporate Head of
F inance & C . E . O . in p u b l i c sector corporations. Dr. Kumar's vision is to
provide a common
platform to the youth from
diverse ecomonic
background i n the cou ntry to become self-employeds or employable.
fro01 U.K.
Visit KISS
Im portant dignitaries from The U. K. The
Right Honourable Mr. Andrew Mitchell
"' MP, Secretary of State for International
The Un ited Kingdom;
H is Excel lency Mr. James David Bevan,
British High Comm issioner to India and
Mr. Sam Sharp, Head, DFID, India
visited KISS on 1 5th December 201 1 .
The Right Honourable Mr. Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International
Development, The United Kingdom and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS
with 15,000 tribal students of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) .
Wel co 01 e
S peaking to 1 5 ,000 tri bal students of KISS,
Mr. Mitc h e l l said that it is hea rte n i ng to see
that g i rls constitute a l most half of the stu dent
mass of the i nstitute. Brita i n and I ndia a re
1ht Hi�lu flonourahll•
Mr. Andrew Mitchell
working together to develop the society
\�:t"r\>IUI nfl,falt Jor lnt�ntadon ;�llh tl mr-t.
lbr t nrlt-d l\mi:Cf rn
thro u g h ed ucation, he sa i d . H a i l i n g KISS as a
lli., f. '\nllcnt.'\
Mr. James David Bevan
Hrilfda lr � (, mmi•YI•nrr tu lndi.a
wonderfu l opportun ity for u n d e rprivileged
c h i l d ren to get ed ucation, he showered lavish
1 5th December, 2011
pra ise o n its Founder, D r. A. Sa ma nta for the
noble i n itiative. "Yo u a re the most fantastic
have ever seen .
a re a n
i ns p i ration for m e . I ' m h o n o u red to meet
you", Mr. Mitc h e l l rema rked .
KISS is striving to bri n g tri bal boys a n d g i rls
i nto the m a i nstream society, said Mr. Beva n . It
visit of the
C o m m issioner t o I n d ia t o K I S S . H e had
i nteracted with the students of the i nstitute
d u ri n g October this yea r. M r. S h a rp described
va rio u s activities of D F I D in Odisha for the
a g ri c u lt u re,
(From L) Mr. Sam Sharp, Head, DFID, The Right Honourable Mr. Andrew
Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development, The United Kingdom,
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS and His Excellency Mr. James David Bevan,
British High Commissioner to India in KISS.
matern ity hea lth a n d pri m a ry ed ucati o n . D r.
Sama nta expressed g ratitude to the visiti n g
d i g n itaries
tha n ked
thei r
e ncoura g i n g words.
The Right H onourable Andrew M itchell is a British Conservative
place of
ISS is an ins pir ing
ure d to be
ed uc ati on .Iam ho no
wh atIha ve
he re an d hu mb led by
is the mo st
see n . 'Dr. Sa ma nta
ve ev er me t. '
fan tas tic pe rso n,Iha
on for me ."
You are an ins pirati
Party politician and the Member of Parl iament ( M P) for Sutton
Goldfield. He was appointed as Secretary of State for I nternational
Development on 1 2 May 201 0, and as a Privy Counsel lor on 1 3 May
201 0 . A former UN peacekeeper, he has extensive pre-government
experience of the developing world, and is the founder of Project
U m u bano, a Conservative Party social action project in Rwanda and
Sierra Leone in central and west Africa, launched in 2007.
R e v
Activities of KISS has attracted attention of leading national and international media. Eulogy and commendation for achievements of the
institute have regularly featured in leading national magazines like The Week, India Today, Outlook, Society, Tehelka, Uday India, Swagat
and Discover India, besides all national and local dailies. Of late, activities of KISS has been noticed and covered by leading international
magazines and dailies like The Time, Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post and Asia Post.
C h i l d ren of
Lesser God
India has the largest number of what it calls adivasi, already
million in the
census. Inhabiting a place beneath
even India's low-caste hordes, exposed to disease, mostly illiterate
and barely subsisting, adivasi make headlines when they join the
Naxal ites, a shadowy Maoist army that has recruited up to a quarter
of the forest populace to their slow-motion warfare. The poorest,
plucked from
64 indigenous
peoples that make up nearly a quarter
of the population of the eastern state of Odisha - its original name
is Kalinga - are trained from kindergarten to grad school, free of
charge in Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences. The man responsible
for all this is no stern Victorian educator. In the manner of all gurus, Achyuta Samanta is calm and beatific, dressed in blue jeans and
sandals. Born into a deprived, widowed family of eight, he won a scholarship to study chemistry, then began K i lT with
and KISS with 125 children in 1992. His new aim is to educate 200,000 adivasi by the end of this decade.
$100 in his pocket
South China Morning Post
December 6, 2011
(The South China Morning Post (SCMP), founded in 1903, is an English-language broadsheet
daily newspaper in Hong Kong. It is one of widely read newspapers in Asia.)
Opportunity is the key word at Samanta's Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, an enormous free school for marginalised indigenous
children in India. With
students, the residential institute in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is about to get a whole lot bigger. For the
tenacious Samanta, a kind of guru/Horatio Alger, no goal seems unattainable. Samanta recently announced that he would open
smaller branches of his institute in remote tribal areas. He aims to educate 200,000 children from indigenous tribes before the end of this
decade. The Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences started in 1993 with just 125 students. It now has a waiting list of 50,000 who want to take
advantage of the free board and classes. It caters to children from kindergarten to graduate school. The dormitories are packed, and the
food is basic.
But the classes seem
rigorous and
thoroughly up to date. The US embassy even sponsors an
English-readiness programme here. The students also
excel at sports. Inspired by Fijian and Maori rugby stars,
teachers started rugby lessons in the evenings, and the
students became enthusiastic players. It's no wonder
they made it to the world championship in Britain.
Archery is another strong suit, in part because the
children come from traditional hunting cultures. After
the students have been to school in the city, few return to
their villages to work. Alumni sometimes get jobs in
computing, nursing and engineering. It takes "just one
generation to be brought into the mainstream" for
things to change, says Samanta.
S elfle6 6 S e�tuice
- Endle6 6 £ea�tning
G rade 1 1 & 12 I B Diploma & Grade 8,9, 1 0 IGCSE
World School
KiiT International S chool i s the first school in eastern India authorized to
offer International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), Geneva.
KiiT International School is proud to have i coni c writer
PADMAS H REE RUSKIN BO N D as its Ambassador
Indian and foreign university counseling
and preparation programme
Extensive subject options for Science,
Commerce and Arts students
Offering a full-boarding programme
with world class facilities
M r. C raig Patterson
Subjects taught by IG/IB experienced
H ea d o f I nternational C u rric u l u m &
and trained teachers
IB D i p l o m a C oord i n ator
Located in a safe, healthy,
D Eco-Friendly Green Campus
D Wi-fi air-conditioned residences
D Science Park
D Amphitheaters
and stimulating environment
Headed by international educators
KiiT International School, another addition to KilT Group of
Institutions, has become the only school in eastern India to offer
I nternational Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Besides
D Temperature regulated swimming pool
IBDP, it also offers International General Certificate of Secondary
D Hi-tech interactive classrooms
Education (IGCSE) of University of Cambridge as international
D Indoor
national curriculum. Padmashree Ruskin Bond, iconic writer is the
D Super-speciality hospital
& Outdoor Stadium
D Wi-fi air-conditioned classrooms
D Multi-gym
curriculum and Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) as
Brand Ambassador of KiiT International School. The School with a
holistic approach continues to attract students from all parts of the
D amusement Park
D Multi-purpose activity hall
globe through its curriculum it inculcates the virtues of self discipline,
D Air-conditioned transport facility
experienced Principals, supported by highly qualified teachers,
D State-of-the-art laboratories
further details please log on to
D Modem digital library
D Air-conditioned cafeteria
intellectual pride and confidence among the students for becoming
global citizens. The curriculums are headed by highly qualified and
drawn from different countries, to deliver quality education. For
79th Birth Anniversary of
Late Pradyumna Kishore Bal celebrated at KISS
79th Birth Anniversary of
Late Pradyumna Kishore Bal
celebrated at KISS
World Sight Day Celebrated at KISS
60 Passout Girls and Boys Appointed
As Teachers
Dr. Omkarnath Mohanty, eminent educationist, Shri Naveen Patnaik, Hon'ble C hief
Minister of Odisha, Hon'ble Shri Justice N. Santosh Hegde, Fmr. Judge, Supreme
Court of India, Smt. Dhobendri Mohapatra, social activist and Dr. A. Samanta,
Founder, KilT & KISS at the 79th Birth Anniversary of Late Pradyumna Bal.
The 79th B i rth Anniversary of Late Pradyu m n a B a l , Noted Parl i a menta ria n , J o u rn a l ist
a n d Fou nder President of K i l T & KISS was celebrated in KISS prem ises on 8th November
2 0 1 1 . Smt. Saswati Bal, President, KilT & KISS; D r. A. S a m a nta , Founder, KilT & KISS;
Ms. B ratati Bal; Ms. Mamata Moha patra; Mr. Pratyush Bal, Prof. Ashok S. Kolaska r, VC,
K i lT U n iversity; Dr. P. K. Routa ray, C EO, KISS; Mr. Moti l a l Das, Di rector (Acad e m ic),
KISS; Prof. Arj u u S a h u , Pri ncipa l , KI SS, Mr. D. P. M a j u m d a r, Di rector, Sports, KISS; a n d
Mr. P. K. D a s , Livel i hood Di rector, KISS were present o n t h e occasi o n . Paying rich tribute
to Late Pradyumna B a l , Dr. A. Sa m a nta, said that contri bution of S h ri Bal in Odisha
pol itics is u nfath o m a b l e . H is socia l istic idea ls, stru g g l e a n d sacrifice for the people,
especi a l ly for tri ba l , rem a i n exa mples for other to e m u late. The vision of Late
Pradyumna B a l rem a i ns a g u i d i n g l i g ht for KilT Gro u p of I n stitutions a nd KISS, he said .
Ms. Mamata Moha patra, D r. Ashok S. Kolaska r a lso spoke on the occasio n .
"As most eye problems
World Sight Day C elebrated at KISS
occur due to negligence,
World S i g ht Day-20 1 1 was celebrated at Ka l i n g a I n stitute o f Socia l Sciences ( KI SS) i n
they can be avoided with
associatio n with Departments o f Com m u n ity Medicine a n d Ophtha l mology o f Ka l i nga
I nstitute of Med i c a l Sciences {KIMS) . As most eye problems occur d u e to neg l igence,
they ca n be avoided with awareness, experts opined. Proper ca re of eyes at pre l i m i na ry
stag e ca n h e l p avoid eye d isease, said Prof. R. N. Rout, Professor, S . P. M . , KIMS.
Diseases l i ke cataract, and other eye problems which lead to b l i nd ness, can be treated
with early detectio n . Signs a n d symptoms of eye d i sease beg i n to a ppear d u ri n g the age
g ro u p 1 0- 1 5 , sa i d Dr. R. N . Sama nta , C EO, KIMS, advising that everyone s h o u l d
u n dergo eye test d u ri n g this time. Prof. A. K. G i ri o f KIMS i nformed a bout Vision-2020
of the UN. As a part of the World S i g ht Day celebrati o n , tota l 700 students of KISS w i l l
u n dergo eye test at a n eye scre e n i n g ca m p a t K I S S from 1 3 - 1 4 October 2 0 1 1 . Dr. A.
Sa ma nta , Fou nder, KilT & KISS tha n ked K I MS for the i n itiative. Mr. P. Parida of KIMS, Dr.
Jyotin Das, Mr. R. N. Dash, Advisor, K i l T & KISS a n d Dr. P. K. Rauta ray, CEO, KISS were
present on the occasio n .
Dr. P. K. Routaray, CEO, KISS, Mr. P. Parida, MR, KIMS, Mr. R. N. Dash, Advisor,
KilT & KISS, Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS, D r. R. N . Samanta, CEO,
KIMS at a ceremony to observe World Sight Day.
60 Passout G i rls and Boys Appoi nted As Teachers
Pedagogy in KISS is d e s i g n e d i n s u c h a way that after c o m p l et i o n of educatio n , a student n ot o n ly
passes out with a degre e of h ig h e r ed ucati o n , but a l s o walks out of KISS cam pus with assured j o b
o r s e lf e m ployment o pportun ity f o r s mooth l i ve l i h oo d . I n t h i s c ontext, i n the c u rrent year
postgraduate pass-outs of KISS with appro p riate s k i l l s have been appoi nted as tea c h e rs
i n various i nstitutions.
KIS S Champion i n All India Rugby Tournament
K I S S beca me cha m pion i n both U nder- 1 6 G i rls' a n d Under-20 Boys' All I n d i a Rug by Tou rna ment h e l d at Ra n c h i , J h a rk h a n d from 24th
to 26th November 2 0 1 1 . I n the G i rls' Tou r n a ment, KISS won the fi rst lea g u e match a g a i nst B i h a r 5 2 - 0 . KISS g i rls defeated J h a rk h a n d
a n d Y R C 38-0 a n d 5 1 -0 respectively i n the next two lea g u e matches. The Semi-fi n a l match w a s p layed between K I S S a nd Kera l a , where
KISS won the match 4 1 -0. KISS g i rls won the Tou rnament by defeati n g J u n g l e Crow by a m a rg i n of 2 6 - 0 .
I n Boys' Tou rn a ment, K I S S defeated B i h a r 4 9-0 i n t h e first l e a g u e match. K I S S Boys' defeated D e l h i a n d J a m m u & Kas h m i r i n next two
league matches. They won the tou rna ment by defeating B h u ba n eswar 4 9 - 0 i n Qua rter-fi n a l , J u ng l e crow 2 3- 1 0 i n Semi-fi n a l a nd
Futu re Hope 1 4 - 7 in Fina l . Expressing his satisfactio n , D r. A. Sa m a nta, Founder, K i l T & KISS congratulated both the wi n n e r tea ms.
KIS S Girl in Odisha Sub-Junior Kabaddi Team
Kabita Sisha, a Class six student of Ka l i nga I n stitute of Socia l Sciences (KISS) has been
selected in Odisha g i rls sub j u n ior kabadi tea m for partici pati ng in 2 3 rd N ationa l s u b
j u n i o r Ka badi cha m p ionship sched u led t o b e held at Hydera bad from 4 t h t o 7th
N ovember 2 0 1 1 . The tea m wi l l visit Hydera bad on 2 n d N ovember 2 0 1 1 . Kabita, who
belongs to a Banda prim itive tribe comes from Sileiguda of Malkanagiri. It is for the
time, a banda g i rl has been selected in Odisha S u b - J u n ior Ka baddi tea m for
Nationa l
S u b - J u n ior
Ka baddi
Expressi n g
satisfaction Dr. A. Sama nta , Fou nder, Ki lT- KISS congratulating Kabita and said, it is a
matter of pride that, a Banda g i rl is now could a b l e to pa rticipate in Nationa l level sport.
Due to conti n u o u s effort of KISS more tribal students would be in most of Nation a l level
game i n nea r future, said Dr. Sa m a nta .
All India Inter Zone University Tennis Women Championship
Al l I ndia I nter- U niversity Tennis Tou rna ment (Wo m e n ) was org a n ised in Ki lT U n iversity Ten n i s Complex. D e l h i U n iversity completed a
credita b l e d o u b l e by w i n n i n g the tea m title in the Tou rn a m e nt. R i d i n g on Prerna B h a m b ri's com ma n d i n g performance, Delhi U n iversity
b l a n ked M u m b a i U n iversity in the fi n a l 2 - 0 . J a i n U n iversity finished th i rd , defeati n g Madras U n iversity 2 - 1 . E a rlier on Sat u rday, D e l h i
U n iversity b a g g e d t h e open dou bles title, beati n g M u m ba i U niversity 8-3 i n t h e fi n a l .
Results: Tea m fin a l : D e l h i U n iversity b t M u m ba i U niversity 2 - 0 ( Prerna B h a m bri b t S h ra d h a D o l i 6-0,6- 1 ; Prerna B h a m bri - Ga ri m a
Vatwa ni b t S h a rd h a Da l i - N u p u r Ka u l 6 - 2 , 6 -2) .
T h i rd Place : J a i n U n iversity bt Madra s U n iversity 2 - 1 (Preet h i Srin ivasa n bt Prerna Prathap 6- 1 ,6-0; Prera n a Prath a p - Prathana Prath a p bt
Preethi Srin ivasa n - S u m a lya H a ri ki ra n 6-0,4 - 6 , 6 - 1 ; Pratha na Prath a p bt S u m a lya H a ri ki ra n 6-0,6-0) .
Prize ceremony of All India Inter Zone University
Tennis Women Championship.
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*iii Round up 2 0 1 1
A student of KiiT International School greeting Dr. D. Purandeswari,
Shri Jbala Nath Khanal, Hon'ble Prime Minister of Nepal &
Hon'ble Minister of State for HRD, Govt. of India in the school
Chancellor, Pokhara University exchanging pleasantries with Dr. A.
campus. Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS and
Dr. Mona Lisa
Bal, Chairman, KiiT International School look on.
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS receiving the Times of lndia
Samanta, Founder, KilT and KISS at the Eighth Convocation
Ceremony of Pokhara University, Nepal.
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS felicitating Prof. C. N. R.
Orissa ICON Award 20 I I from Hon'ble MP (Rajya Sabha), Shri
Rao, Hon'ble Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee to Prime
Pyarimohan Mohapatra and Cine Artist, Jharana Das.
Minister oflndia during his visit to KISS.
Shri Debi Prasad Mishra, Hon'ble Minister of Higher Education,
Tourism & Culture, Odisha inaugurating the UMAP National
Secretariat of lndia at KilT in the presence of Dr. Sumate Yamnoon,
Secretary General, UMAP, Ms. Voravan Limtong, Director, UMAP
Shri M. C. Bhandare, His Excellency the Governor of Odisha
International Secretariat, Dr. H. K. Satapathy, Vice Chancellor,
inaugurating the Mega Techno-Management Fest of KilT University,
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Prof. J. Martin Hunter,
Kritansh ' I I , by lighting the lamps in the presence of Dr. A. Samanta,
Emeritus Professor, Nottingham Trent University, UK, Dr. A.
Founder, KilT & KISS, Prof. A. S. Kolaskar, Vice Chancellor, KilT
Samanta, Founder Ki lT & KISS & other officials ofKIIT.
University and Dr. Sasmita Samanta, Registrar.
Dr. S. Y. Quraishi, Hon'ble Chief Election Commissioner of lndia
Ms. Shairose Mawji, Chief, Unicef Odisha exchanging MOU with
and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS with students of KISS.
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS.
(From L) Shri Vijay Bhatt, Trustee, BCI Trust, Shri D. R. Sharma,
Students of KIIT University receiving trophy from Shri Prithviraj
Associated Trustee, Prof. N. L. Mitra, Former VC, NLU Jodhpur &
Chavan, then Hon'ble Union Minister of State (Ind. Charge) for
Chief Advisor, KilT School of Law, Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. K.
standing 1st at Group level and 3rd at National level in the 9th
Patnaik, Judge, Supreme Court oflndia, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Altamas
National Youth Parliament Competition organised by Ministry of
Kabir, Judge, Supreme Court oflndia, Hon'ble Mr Justice B. P. Das,
Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. oflndia.
Judge, Odisha High Court, Mr. Gopal Subramanium, then Solicitor
General of India & Chainnan, BCI, Mr. Ashok Kumar Deb,
Managing Trustee, BCI Trust and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT &
KISS at the valedictory ceremony of BCI International Law Moot
Court Competition at KilT School of Law.
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir, Judge, Supreme Court of India,
Hon 'ble Mr. Justice R.V. Raveendran, Judge, Supreme Court oflndia
and Hon'ble Mr. Justice, P. Sathasivam, Judge, Supreme Court of
India in KISS.
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS with Prof. J. Martin Hunter,
Emeritus Professor, Nottingham Trent University, U.K and Barrister
Linda Hunter.
iltli Round up 2 0 1 1
Mass Lunch of 250 Legal Luminaries with 1 5,000 Tribal Students of KISS.
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sushi! Harkauli, Acting Chief Justice o f
Hon'ble Mr. Justice D. Murugesan, Judge, Madras High Court &
Jharkhand High Court & Executive Chairman, Jharkhand State Legal
Executive Chairman, U.T. of Pondicherry Legal Services Authority
Services Authority & Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. L. Dave, Judge, High
& Hon'ble Mr. Justice Elipe Dharma Rao, Judge, Madras High
Court of Gujarat & Executive Chairman, Gujarat State Legal Services
Court & Executive Chairman, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Hon'ble Mr. Justice S. P. Wangdi, Judge, High Court of Sikkim &
Hon'ble Mr. Justice B. K. Mishra, Judge, Orissa High Court
Executive Chairman, Sikkim State Legal Services Authority
Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. K. Basheer, Judge, High Court of Kerala
Mr. H. S. Bhangoo, Hon'ble Member Secretary, Haryana State Legal
Services Authority
Rt. Hon Lord Nicholas Addison Phillips, President (Chief Justice) of
Rt. Hon Lord Anthony Peter Clarke, Justice of the Supreme Court of
the Supreme Court of United Kingdom & Ms. Christylle Phillips
United Kingdom receiving a memento from Dr. A. Samanta, Founder,
(wife of Lord Phillips) being felicitated by Dr. A. Samanta, Founder,
KllT & KISS.
Ki lT & KISS and Smt. Saswati Bal, President, KilT & KISS.
Shri Fali S. Nariman, Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court oflndia receiving
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS and Smt. Saswati Bal,
a memento from Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, Ki lT & KISS.
President, KIIT & KISS presenting Pata Chitra, traditional art of
Odisha, to Mrs. Nariman (wife of Shri Fali S. Nariman).
Ms. Sujata Sen, Director (Education), British Council, East India
Shri Ram Jethmalani, Hon'ble Member of Parliament (R.S.) & Sr.
being felicitated by Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS and Smt.
Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Ms. Lata Krishnamurthi, Sr.
Saswati Bal, President, KilT & KISS.
Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder,
KIIT & KISS with 15,000 tribal students of KISS.
& Round up 2 0 1 1
Seminar on
Glebration of 1 50 Years of Indian Penal
Mr. A.V. Mazirka, Vice Counsul and Director, Russian Centre of
Science and Culture, Kolkata & Dr. S. Samanta, Registrar, KilT
University exchanging MOU between KilT University & Russian
Centre of Science & Culture, Kolkata in the presence of Shri B. C.
Parida, Hon 'ble MP (R.S.) & Dr. A. Samanta, Founder Ki lT & KISS.
(From L) Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS, Ms. Pinki Anand,
Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Shri Fali S. Nariman, Sr.
Advocate, Supreme Court oflndia, Prof. J. Martin Hunter, Emeritus
Professor, Nottingham Trent University, U.K, Rt. Hon Lord
Nicholas Addison Phillips, President (Chief Justice) of the Supreme
Court of U.K., Hon'ble Shri Justice A. K. Patnaik, Judge, Supreme
Court of India, Rt. Hon Lord Anthony Peter Clarke, Justice of the
Supreme Court of U.K., Hon'ble Shri Justice B. P. Das, Judge,
Orissa High Court and Mr. Rob Lynes, Director, British Council,
India at the inaugural ceremony of the Seminar on ' Celebration of
150 years of lndian Penal Code'held in KilT.
Nat•onal Management Convent10n
(From L) Dr. Sasmita Samanta, Registrar, Ki lT University, Dr. S
Bandyopadhyay, Senior Scientist, ISRO Head Quarter, Bangalore,
Prof . A. S. Kolaskar, VC, KilT University, Shri N. S. Hegde, Mission
Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, Vimanapura, Bangalore, Dr. A.
Jeyaram, Head, Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre (RRSSC),
ISRO, Kharagpur, Shri A. M. Jha, Dy Director, RDA, ISRO
Telemetry Tracking & Command Network, Bangalore, Dr. A. K.
Rath, Professor, School of Civil Engineering, KilT University at the
inaugural function of a symposium on space science.
(L) Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS, Shri Ajay Verma, Vice­
President, Asia Pacific South, Dassault Systemes, Shri Kalyan
Ganguly, MD, United Breweries Ltd, and Prof. Ashok Kumar Sar,
Dean KilT School of Management at the inagural ceremony of
National Management Convention at KilT.
Dr. A. Samanta presenting memento to Mr. A. K. Hazarika,
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS, Shri Rana Som, CMD,
Chairman, ONGC.
National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) and Mrs. Som
during their visit to KISS.
Prof. A. S. Kolaskar, Vice Chancellor, KilT University welcoming
Smt. Urmila Singh, Her Excellency the Governor of Himachal
Prof. Samir K. Brahmachari, Hon'ble Director General, Council of
Pradesh and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS with 15,000
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Secretary, DSIR, Govt.
tribal students of KISS during her visit to the institute.
oflndia and Prof. B. Mishra, Director, IMMT, Bhubaneswar to KISS.
Dr. Rameshwar Oraon, Hon'ble Chairman, National Commission for
Shri P. L. Punia, Hon'ble Chairman, National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes (NCST) inaugurating a seminar in KISS.
Scheduled Castes (NCSC) and Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT &
KISS with 1 5000 tribal children of KISS.
(From L) Shri Rajendra Singh, Eminent Social Worker and Ramon
Dr. Jitendra Nath Misra, IFS Hon'ble Indian Ambassador to Laos
Magsaysay Awardee, Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, Ki lT & KISS and
being felicitated by Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS during his
Iconic Writer, Mr. Ruskin Bond at the 65th Independence Day
visit to KilT Group oflnstitutions.
Celebration in KISS.
iltli Round up 2 0 1 1
Shri Pyarimohan Mohapatra, Hon'ble MP (R.S.) inaugurating new
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder KilT & KISS receiVIng Degree of
facilities - Mechanised Steam Based Kitchen, Adolescents Resource
Doctorate (Honoris Causa) from the Chancellor, Rashtriya Sanskrit
Centre, Video Conferencing Facility, C. C. Camera & Wi-Fi System
Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, (a centre of excellence for Traditional
at KISS Campus. The inaugural ceremony was also graced by Shri
Sastras) Dr. J. B. Patnaik, His Excellency the Governor of Assam,
Badri Narayan Patra, Hon'ble Minister of Higher Education, Sports
Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy, VC, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
& Youth Services, Odisha, Shri Lal Bihari Himirika, Hon'ble
and Prof. A. Gurumurthi, Registrar,Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha.
Minister of S.C. & S.T. Development, Minorities & Backward
Classes Welfare, Odisha, Shri Bhagirathi Badajena, Hon'ble M.L.A.,
Bhubaneswar (North), Shri Bibhuti Bhusan Balabantaray, Hon'ble
M.L.A., Jatani & Dr. A. Samanta, Founder Ki lT & KISS.
Hon'ble Dr. Jhala Nath Khanal, Former Prime Minister, Nepal and
Mrs. Angela Gomes, Noted Social Activist with Dr. A. Samanta,
wife, Mrs. Ravi L. Chitrakar with Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT &
Founder, KilT & KISS and students of KISS
(L) Mr. Yong Wei Ching, Noted Author & Columnist, Dr. Sanduk
Ms. Valsa Williams, Head Corporate Affairs (N & E), Intel
Ruit, Noted Social Activist, Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS,
exchanging MoU with Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS in the
Mr. Benjamin Abadiano, Noted Social Activist, Mr. John Krich,
presence of senior officials oflntel and KISS.
Noted Author & Editor, Dr. P. K. Routray, CEO, KISS at the Teacher's
Day Celebration in Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences.
Prof. A. S. Kolaskar, VC, KilT University, Dr. P. T. Chande,
Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh, Hon'ble Union Minister of Science &
President, AIU, Shri B. N. Patra, Hon'ble Minister of Higher
Technology and Earth Sciences with Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, Ki lT
Education, Odisha, Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, Kil T & KISS, Prof. A.
& KISS and 15,000 tribal students ofKISS.
D. N. Bajpai, Secretary General, AIU, and Dr. S. Samanta, Registrar,
KilT at the East Zone Vice Chancellors' Meeting organized by KilT
University in association ofAlU.
Student delegation from Hanseo University going around vocational
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS felicitating His Excellency
training centre ofKISS.
Mr. James David Bevan, British High Commissioner (designate) to
Padma Vibhushan Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Homi Bhabha Chair Professor,
of Atomic
& Fmr.
Chairman, Atomic
Commission speaking at the 44th Engineers' Day celebration in KilT.
Campus felicitation of student delegates from the United States
iltli Round up 2 0 1 1
Smt. Promila Sibal, wife of Shri Kapil Sibal Hon'ble Union Minister
Ms. Mirai Chatterjee, Hon'ble Member, National Advisory Council,
of Human Resource Development, Communication and Information
Govt. of lndia interacting with students of Kalinga Institute of Social
Technology during her visit to KISS.
Sciences (KISS).
Ms. Lisa Jordan, Executive Director, Michael Feigelson, Programme
Dr. A. Samanta, Founder, KilT & KISS felicitating Shri R. S. Chib,
Director, Bernard van Leer Foundation with Dr. A. Samanta, Founder,
Hon'ble Minister of Technical Education, Youth Services & Sports
KilT & KISS and other senior officials of KISS during their visit to
and Medical Education , Govt. of J & K and Mrs. Chib during their
the institute.
visit to KISS.
Students of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) light
L) Prof. Bhaskar Saha, National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS),
candles in the shape of the red ribbon, the universal symbol of
Pune, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize Awardee 2009, Prof. R. R.
awareness and support for those living with HIV on the occasion of
Tirumalai, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB),
World AIDS Day.
Hyderabad & Prof. M. Suar, Director, KSBT at the DST sponsored
Inspire Internship Programme
Biotechnology (KSBT).
Prof. A. Dasgupta, Dean, School of Electrical Engg, KilT, Dr.
Priyabadini, Joint Registrar, Prof. A. S. Kolaskar, VC, KilT, Mr. B.
Panda, Principal Scientific Officer, Ministry
His Excellency Mr. Philippe Welti, Swiss Ambassador to India & Ms.
Energy, Goi (Eastern Region), Er. P. Swain, Secretary, Odisha
Welti during their visit to KilT & KISS.
Electricity Regulatory Commission, Dr. S. M. Ali, Assoc. Professor
& Dy Controller Examination, KilT & Dr. C. K. Panigrahi, Assoc.
Dean at a Workshop on 'Utilization of Solar Energy' held in KilT
Dr. Indranil Manna, Hon'ble Director, Central Glass and Ceramic
Mr. S. P. Mishra, Sr Advocate, Odisha High Court, Hon 'ble Justice B.
K. Patel, Judge, Odisha High Court & Mr. J. Pattnaik, Sr. Advocate,
Innovations in the Area of Advanced Ceramics & Speciality Glasses
Odisha High Court at the Moot Court Competition organized by
at CSlR-CGCRI during his visit to KilT.
Odisha Human Rights Commission at KilT Law School.
Organized by
n Stud
Cen tre for Childre
(L) Prof. L. K. Vaswani, Director, Kil T School of Rural Management,
student delegation from Indian Institute of Handloom Technology
Ms. Shairose Mawji, Chief, UNICEF, Odisha & Ms. Sulata Deo,
(IIHT), Assam in KISS campus.
Chairperson, Odisha State Social Welfare Board at a Seminar on
'Reaching the Unreached' organised by Centre for Children Studies &
KilT School of Rural Management.
0d i s h a
occupies an enviable position in the h i storiography of the
subcontinent. Owing to its geographical position, it is often considered as an
extended portion of North India or an annexure of South India. Due to its close
proximity to both North and South, Odisha possesses a composite culture in
which Odisha's peculia rities have been entwined with both North and South
Indian traits. Odisha is not only the repository of a great heritage and an Eden
of the east but a combination of both.