OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS “Holzspalter 1050“ Please study these OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS before starting the machine ! D101 0360 | 2006/27 CAUTION This machine may only be operated, serviced and maintained by personnel being familiar with the Operating Instructions and applicable safety and accident prevention regulations! aÉí~áäë=çÑ=íÉÅÜåáÅ~ä=Ç~í~I=ãÉ~ëìêÉãÉåíëI=Çá~Öê~ãë=çÑ=ã~ÅÜáåÉêó=~åÇ=ãçÇáÑáÅ~íáçåë=çÑ=íÉÅÜåáÅ~ä=ë~ÑÉíó=ëí~åÇ~êÇë=~êÉ=ëìÄàÉÅí=íç=ÑìêíÜÉê= ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí=~åÇ=~êÉ=íÜìë=åçí=~äï~óë=ÄáåÇáåÖ=çå=ÇÉäáîÉêóK ^ää=ÇçÅìãÉåí~íáçå=ëìÄàÉÅí=íç=~äíÉê~íáçåK Contents General ................................................................................................ 2 Manufacturer ............................................................................................................. 2 Application .................................................................................................................. 2 Correct Application ................................................................................................... 2 Description ................................................................................................................. 2 Main Log Splitter .................................................................................................... 3 Description of Labels ............................................................................................. 4 Operating the log splitter ................................................................ 5 General Safety Regulations ................................................................................... 5 Start-up of Machine ................................................................................................ 6 Splitting Operation ................................................................................................... 7 Splitting logs of various lengths ......................................................................... 8 Adjustment of Splitting Movement (stroke) ...................................................... 9 Transportation ............................................................................................................ 9 Service and Inspection ................................................................... 10 General Safety Regulations ................................................................................. 10 Inspection ................................................................................................................. 10 Servicing ................................................................................................................... 11 Additional equipment ...................................................................... 12 Splitting cross ......................................................................................................... 12 Special knife with rollers .................................................................................... 12 Additional table ...................................................................................................... 13 Fault-Cause-Removal ........................................................................ 14 Specifications ................................................................................... 16 Spare parts ...................................................................................... 17 Assembly instructions ............................................................................................ 18 Position of type plate .......................................................................................... 19 Frame ........................................................................................................................ 20 Additional parts - cylinder ................................................................................... 22 Driving and hydraulic hosing .............................................................................. 24 Two-hand operation ............................................................................................... 26 Log plate ................................................................................................................. 28 Valve SD4/1 ........................................................................................................... 29 Conformity Declaration ................................................................... 33 Page 1 General General Description Manufacturer Posch Gesellschaft m.b.H. Paul-Anton-Kellerstraße 40 A-8430 Leibnitz Phone: +43 (0) 3452/82954 Fax: +43 (0) 3452/82954-52 Application These Operating Instructions apply to the following machines: Item no.a Models jSNRN jSNRP “eçäòëé~äíÉê=NMRM“=bNKUJOPMs “eçäòëé~äíÉê=NMRM“=bNKUJQMMs Table 1: Machine models ~K=qÜÉ=ã~ÅÜáåÉ=áíÉã=åçK=áë=ÉãÄçëëÉÇ=áåíç=íÜÉ ã~ÅÜáåÉ=íóéÉ=ëáÖåK Correct Application The log splitter is only suited for splitting logs up to a maximum length of 55 cm / 105 cm. Min. log diameter: 7 cm Max. log diameter: 40 cm Page 2 The log splitter is a wood splitting machine with a maximum log splitting length of 55 cm / 105 cm. The stroke of the riving knife is variable for shorter logs. The splitting tool is hydraulically driven. The hydraulic system is driven by an electric motor. The machine is operated by a two-hand control lever safety element with integrated log gripper. On releasing both operating levers, the riving knife automatically returns to its base position. The log is positioned on a pressure plate under the riving knife. During the operation the riving knife pushes down into the log, causing it to split. General Main Log Splitter hang up part splitting knife chain knife guide switch with plug ventilation screw log-holding plate transportation handle electromotor mounting table lever for two-handed operation wheel type sign Fig. 1 - “Holzspalter 1050“ Page 3 General Description of Labels Before setting the machine into operation please read the operating instructions carefully! For one-man operation only! Repair, setting, service and cleaning only when drive is turned off and parts are stopped! Attention! Outils en mouvemant! Wear protective shoes! Wear protective gloves! Wear goggles and hearing protectors! Attention! Outils en mouvemant! With phase changer Direction of motor rotation Warning! Sense of rotation of el-motor (see arrow). Inverse direction of rotation will result in break of pump! Fig. 2 - Label position Page 4 Operating the log splitter Operating the log splitter General Safety Regulations The machine may only be operated by personnel understanding the function, dangers and operating instructions. Only operate machine if securely installed. Minimum operator age: 18. Always wear protective shoes and tight clothing. Never use faulty supply linesn. Ensure that working area is sufficiently illuminated, as insufficient illumination increases the danger of injury considerably! Machines with electrical drive must not be operated in rainy weather as this could lead to a defect of the switch or the electrical motor! Only operate machine with one operator! Do not hold log whilst splitting. Keep operating area free from wood chips and remnants. Never split logs that have been cut diagonally! Never leave running machine unattended. Switch off drive before removing stuck logs. The minimum log length is 10 cm, the maximum log length is 55 cm / 100 cm. Never work without guards. Switch off drive before changing machine. Always completely retract riving knife for transportation and when machine is stopped. Only use original “Mr.Paldu“ spare parts. All electrical work must be carried out by qualified electricians. Noise Information The operational noise level is 70 db(A). Page 5 Operating the log splitter Start-up of Machine Set-up Position machine on level and firm ground. Position board under feet if ground is too soft. C a u t i o n ! Only operate machine if set up securely! Note: In temperatures below 0°C, leave machine to idle for approx. 5 minutes without operating the control lever until the hydraulic system has reached its operating temperature. 230 V Motor Models Connect machine to power supply. • Supply voltage 230 V (use 16 A fuse). • The supply cable must have a minimum diameter of 2.5 mm2. The machine is supplied with a retracted riving knife. On switching on the motor, the riving knife moves up. 400 V Motor Models Connect machine to power supply. • Supply voltage 400 V (use 16 A fuse). C a u t i o n ! The mains supply must not fall below 340 V in order to avoid damages to the switch. • The supply cable must have a minimum diameter of 2.5 mm2. The machine is supplied with a retracted riving knife. On switching on the motor, the riving knife moves up. • If it does not move up, the rotational direction of the motor must be changed (see arrow on motor). Push disk in plug with a screwdriver and turn by 180°. Fig. 3 - Phase reverser C a u t i o n ! If the plugging connections are too tight the CEE-plug can be torn out of the switch case. • Remedial measures are the use of trade mark plugs and the use of a silicone spray. Page 6 Operating the log splitter Note: We cannot grant any warranty replacements for such damages at the switch resulting of above. Check direction of rotation: Switch motor on and off and observe rotation direction before motor stops. C a u t i o n ! An incorrect rotation direction may cause pump breakage! Splitting Operation Stand the log between both riving knife. composition of on the mounting table hand grips under the Pay attention to the the log (branches, etc.). Fig. 4 - Two-hand control lever Then move the log into the right position using both hand grips. Pull both cable hand grips at the same time to trigger off a splitting stroke. The riving knife cleaves into the wood and splits it. As soon as just one of the cable hand grips is released, the riving knife stops moving. If both hand grips are released, the riving knife returns to the starting position. C a u t i o n ! The machinery has been designed for single-man operation only! The log must not be held by a helper during splitting and the return stroke Page 7 Operating the log splitter of the riving knife! Otherwise there is a great danger of injury. Splitting logs of various lengths By changing the position of the mounting table, logs of different lengths can be split. Mounting device - bottom Fig. 5 - Mounting device Adjusting height of mounting table Place mounting table at desired height using the mounting device (see arrow). Page 8 Pressure plate position Length of log ~ÄçîÉ Ççïå RR=Åã NMR=Åã Table 2: max. Length of log Splitting directions Knock out jammed wood against splitting direction. Splitting of difficult logs (knots, branches): • Split logs from edge. Mounting device - top Mounting device Maximum splitting length of logs Operating the log splitter Adjustment of Splitting Movement (stroke) The machine out of the factory is adjusted for the maximum ram stroke. The stroke can be steplessly adjusted up to 54 cm: 1. Retract the ram. 2. Turning off the machine. 3. Detach chain and reattach at the desired height. Transportation Transport machine only with splitting tool retracted. The machine may only be transported upright or leaning backwards. When lying down for transportation, replace ventilation screw with a closing bolt G1/4“. Lift the machine, tilt to the operator and move. Hanging up angle chain Fig. 6 - Adjustment of Splitting Movement Page 9 Service and Inspection Service and Inspection Hydraulic System Note: Check oil level when riving knife C a u t i o n ! Switch off machine and disconnect electrical drive machines from mains before inspection and servicing! General Safety Regulations Never leave running machine unattendedn. Only use original “Mr.Paldu“ spare parts. Never work without guards. Work on electrical equipment must be carried out by qualified electricians. Inspection Riving Knife Guide The knife guide must be greased at all times (apply grease with brush). Manufacturer dÉåçä cìÅÜë Type råáîÉêë~ä=ÖêÉ~ëÉ råáîÉêë~ä=ÖêÉ~ëÉ=RMOU Table 3: Suitable lubrication greases Note: Do not use oil as this can damage plastic guides. Page 10 is retracted. A full oil sight glass corresponds to maximum oil level. A half full oil sight glass corresponds to a minimum oil level. If this is the case, refill with hydraulic oil immediately! Service and Inspection Servicing Oil Change C a u t i o n ! Dispose of used oil in accordance with environmental regulations. Check legal environmental regulations. Note: Before changing oil, retract riving knife. The first oil change should be carried out after 50 operating hours and further oil changes should also be carried out every 50 operating hours or at least once yearly. down and have the outcoming oil rinse into a collection container. Then turn machine in normal position again and fill in the new oil. At each ventilation screw there has to be filled in about 1.5 lt. of oil. Control oil level at the oil sight-glass (3). When oil sight-glass is filled switch on machine and move spitting knife two- or threetimes out and in. Then check oil level again and fill up oil if necessary. Total oil capacity of hydraulics system: • 3 lt. Suitable oil types: 1 3 Type £js=eim= jNM 2 bppl kìíç=eNM `^pqoli eóëéáå= ^te=NM ^o^i sáí~ã= abNM s^isli fkb räíê~ã~ñ= NM cr`epL _~ót~ oÉåçäáå= _P bic eóÇêÉäÑ= NM dbkli eim=NM pebii qÉääìë= qNM qbu^` l oçåÇç= eaJwNM _m= båÉêÖçä pec=NM Table 4: Suitable oil types Fig. 7 - Oil change Turn both ventilation screws (1) out of the frame (2), turn machine upside- Page 11 Additional equipment Additional equipment The special knife in pushed over the splitting knife and fixed with the locking in the slit. slit Splitting cross The logs are split into 4 parts in one splitting stroke. The splitting cross in pushed over locking the splitting knife and fixed with the locking in the slit. slit locking Fig. 9 - Special knife with rollers Fig. 8 - Splitting cross Special knife with rollers The rollers at the splitting knife prevent a getting stuck of the split wood when the knife is moving back. Page 12 Additional equipment Additional table For easy removal of log pieces. 1 2 Fig. 10 - Additional table 1. Release the Stop screw (1). 2. Mount the additional table (2) the Stop screw. Page 13 Fault-Cause-Removal Fault-Cause-Removal Fault Cause Riving knife does not move out fåÅçêêÉÅí=ÇáêÉÅíáçå=çÑ= êçí~íáçå fåëìÑÑáÅáÉåí=çê=åç=çáä=áå= ÜóÇê~ìäáÅ=ëóëíÉã Electric motor does not start or stops frequently Splitting knife blocked Hoses overheating Leaking hydraulic cylinder Removal qìêå=éÜ~ëÉ=êÉîÉêëÉê Em~ÖÉ=SF `ÜÉÅâ=çáä=äÉîÉä Em~ÖÉ=NMF cìëÉë=Ääçï=J=cìëÉë=íçç= ïÉ~â=Ñçê=ëìééäó rëÉ=ÅçêêÉÅí=ÑìëÉë jçíçê=éêçíÉÅíáçå=áë= íêáÖÖÉêÉÇ= pìééäó=íçç=ïÉ~â c~ìäíó=ëìééäó jçíçê=Üìãë Em~ÖÉ=SF e~îÉ=èì~äáÑáÉÇ=ÉäÉÅíêáÅá~å= ÅÜÉÅâ=ëìééäó låäó=íïç=éÜ~ëÉë= ÅçååÉÅíÉÇ mäìÖ=ÅçååÉÅíáçå=~í=éÜ~ëÉ= êÉîÉêëÉê=áë=åçí=ÅçååÉÅíÉÇ `çåí~Åíçê=çê= ãçíçêéêçíÉÅíçê=áë= Ç~ã~ÖÉÇ `ÜÉÅâ=ëïáíÅÜ=çê=ëÉåÇ=áí= íç=óçìê=ÇÉ~äÉê _ê~åÅÜó=äçÖ qìêå=äçÖ fåëìÑÑáÅáÉåí=çáä=áå= ÜóÇê~ìäáÅ=ëóëíÉã oÉÇìÅÉÇ=èì~äáíó=çÑ= ÜóÇê~ìäáÅ=çáä tçêå=ëÉ~äáåÖ=Åçää~êë= máëíçå=êçÇ=ÖìáÇÉ=åçí= íáÖÜíÉåÉÇ a~ã~ÖÉÇ=éáëíçå=êçÇ= Section `ÜÉÅâ=çáä=äÉîÉä Em~ÖÉ=NMF `~êêó=çìí=çáä=ÅÜ~åÖÉ Em~ÖÉ=NNF oÉéä~ÅÉ=ëÉ~äáåÖ=Åçää~êë qáÖÜíÉå=éáëíçå=êçÇ=ÖìáÇÉ oÉéä~ÅÉ=éáëíçå=êçÇ Table 5: Fault-Cause-Removal Page 14 Fault-Cause-Removal Fault Switch does not work Cause Removal c~ìäíó=ëìééäó e~îÉ=èì~äáÑáÉÇ=ÉäÉÅíêáÅá~å= ÅÜÉÅâ=ëìééäó cìëÉë=Ääçï=cìëÉë=íçç= ïÉ~â=Ñçê=ëìééäó rëÉ=ÅçêêÉÅí=ÑìëÉë= jçíçê=Üìãë mäìÖ=ÅçååÉÅíáçå=~í=éÜ~ëÉ= êÉîÉêëÉê=áë=åçí=ÅçååÉÅíÉÇ `çåí~Åíçê=çê= ãçíçêéêçíÉÅíçê=áë= Ç~ã~ÖÉÇ `ÜÉÅâ=ëïáíÅÜ=çê=ëÉåÇ=áí= íç=óçìê=ÇÉ~äÉê Section Table 5: Fault-Cause-Removal Page 15 Specifications Specifications E1.8-230 V E1.8-400V Drive mÉêÑçêã~åÅÉ=çê= éçïÉê=çìíéìí sçäí~ÖÉ cìëáåÖ jçíçê=ëéÉÉÇ ât EÜéF NKU EOKQF NKU EOKQF s ^ êéã OPM QMM í Åã Ä~ê ÅãLë ÅãLë ä Åã Åã Åã RKQ NS OUUM Splitting system péäáííáåÖ=ÑçêÅÉ `óäáåÇÉê=ëíêçâÉ j~ñK=éêÉëëìêÉ péäáííáåÖ=ëéÉÉÇ oÉîÉêëáåÖ=ëéÉÉÇ tÜçäÉ=çáä=Å~é~Åáíó j~ñK=içÖ=äÉåÖíÜ jáåK=içÖ=äÉåÖíÜ j~ñK=içÖ=Çá~ãÉíÉê RKU RQ OOR OQR QKP OMKR P RR=L=NMM NM QM Dimensions aÉéíÜ=~ééêçñK táÇíÜ=~ééêçñK eÉáÖÜí=~ééêçñK tÉáÖÜí=~ééêçñK= Åã Åã Åã âÖ UR SM NNR NPM Table 6: Specifications Page 16 Spare parts Spare parts Dear Customer! The spare parts list was compiled to make delivery of spare parts for your “Mr. Paldu“ – machine easy and fast to carry out. For this reason, we would like to ask you for some details when you order spare parts: • • • • • Article number of the machine (visible on the type plate) Serial number of the machine (visible on type plate) Article number, name and number of items of spare parts Type of delivery desired (post, post express,......) Your dispatch address Please send the order to your “Mr. Paldu“ dealer! Page 17 Spare parts Assembly instructions Ölfüllmenge / Oil capacity / Contenance huile en litres / Moeveelheid olie A B T .....Hydrauliköl / Hydraulic oil / Huile hydraulique / Hydrauliekolie C .....Schmieren / Lubricate / Huiler / Smeren .....Getriebeöl / Transmission oil / Huile de boîtier / Machineolie .....Motoröl / motor oil / moteur huile / motor olie Einfetten mittels Fettpresse / Grease with lubrication gun / Graisser à l’aide d’une pompe D .....Mehrzweckfett (Wälzlager) / Universal grease (rolling bearing) / Graisse multiusage (roulements) / Lagervet E .....Fett Mineralölbasis / Grease based on mineral-oil / Graisse minérale / Vet op minerale basis V .....SKF-Montagefett (Antifret G1) / SKF-mounting grease (Antifret G1) / SKF-Graisse (Antifret G1) / SKF-Lagervet (Antifret G1) Einfetten von Hand / Grease by hand / Graisser au pinceau / Handmatig invetten F G U H .....Molykote Kupferpaste / Copper paste / Graisse molycote / Molykote vet .....Mineralölfett / Grease based on mineral-oil / Graisse minérale / Vet op minerale basis .....Trockenschmierstoff D321 R / Bonded lubricant D321 R / Film lubrifiant sec D321 R / Droge film D321 R .....Anzugsdrehmoment (Nm) / Torque of bolts (Nm) / Couple de serrage en Nm / Aadraaimoment (Nm) Klebehilfsmittel(Dichtungen) / Adhesive(sealings) / Différents types de colles(Joints) / I J K L S .....Loctite 222 .....Loctite 243 .....Loctite 270 .....Loctite 518 M .....Loctite 577 Q N O P R .....Loctite 638 .....Loctite IS-496 .....Teflon-Dichtungsband / Teflon-Sealingband Joint teflon/ Teflon-Pakkingslint .....Silikon .....Pattex .....Öldruckeinstellung (bar) / Oil pressure (bar) / Réglage de la pression hydraulique (bar) / Oliedrukinstelling (bar) Page 18 Spare parts Position of type plate Serial number of the machine Article number of the machine ^êíK=kêKW jSNRN qóéÉW pÉêáÉååêKW MRMQSOUh eçäòëé~äíÉê=NMRM _ÉíêáÉÄëÇêìÅâ=ã~ñKW Page 19 Spare parts Frame 3L B 2 2 3 4 5 1 Page 20 6 7 Spare parts Pos. N O P Q R S T Designation dÉëíÉää _ÉäΩÑíìåÖëëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=dNLQ £äëí~åÇëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=jNUñNIR báåÜ®åÖÉíáëÅÜ sÉêâäÉáÇìåÖ o~Ç=ORMñSM pÅÜåÉääÄÉÑÉëíáÖÉê=OM Part number No. cNMO=RRPU wNSM=MPVO wPPM=MPTO cNMM=QRQO cONM=NNTS wOPM=MUUT wOMM=OMPP N O N N N O O Table 7: Frame Page 21 Spare parts Additional parts - cylinder 14 9 4 2 11 6 7 12 10 1 8 13 5 3 Page 22 7 2 Spare parts Pos. N O P Q R S T U V NM NN NO NP NQ Designation jÉëëÉêÑΩÜêìåÖëêçÜê h~éëíç=dmk=PMM=cOQN pÉÅÜëâ~åíëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=jOMñNSM=afkVPN h~éëíç=dmkOSM=ÖÉÑê®ëí pÉäÄëíëáK=pÉÅÜëâ~åíãìííÉê=jOM=afkVUR _çäòÉå=çÄÉå páÅÜÉêìåÖëêáåÖ=^OM=afkQTN cΩÜêìåÖ=îçêåÉ=ìåÇ=ÜáåíÉå pÉåââçéÑëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=jUñOM=afkVSR pÉäÄëíëáK=pÉÅÜëâ~åíãìííÉê=jU=afkVUR aáëí~åòÄäÉÅÜ=îçêåÉ=ìåÇ=ÜáåíÉå aáëí~åòÄäÉÅÜ=îçêåÉ=ìåÇ=ÜáåíÉå=MITRãã cΩÜêìåÖ=ëÉáíäáÅÜ=äáåâë cΩÜêìåÖ=ëÉáíäáÅÜ=êÉÅÜíë aáëí~åòÄäÉÅÜ=ëÉáíäáÅÜ=MITRãã aáëí~åòÄäÉÅÜ=ëÉáíäáÅÜ=NIORãã Part number No. cNMM=QRQR wOMM=MOVN kNVM=NMMT cOMM=VRPU kNVM=NTNN cOMM=OMPQ kNVM=ONTM cOMM=OTQN kNVM=NMUM kNVM=NRRM cOMM=OOQQ cOMM=RRSV cOMM=NQRU cOMM=NQRV cOMM=RRTM cOMM=OOQR N O N N N N O O U U N N N N Table 8: Additional parts - cylinder Page 23 Spare parts Driving and hydraulic hosing 22 8 10 9 7 23 21 25 24 11 14 3 5 5 6 17 2 15 19 9 13 12 4 5 3 225 bar (at 230V) 245 bar (at 400V) S 1 24 16 2 Page 24 20 20 19 18 Spare parts Pos. N O P Q R S T U V NM NN NO NP NQ NR NS NT NU NV OM ON OO OP OQ OR Designation sÉåíáä=paQLN=(Page 29) bl=udb=NRJmio=PLUJba p~ìÖëíìíòÉå oΩÅâä~ìÑëÅÜä~ìÅÜ=iZQTR pÅÜä~ìÅÜâäÉããÉ=OSJPU wóäáåÇÉê=SRLORñRQM bJjçíçê=NIU=ât=OPMs bJjçíçê=NIU=ât=QMMs pÉÅÜëâ~åíëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=jUñPM=afkVPP pÅÜÉáÄÉ=jU=afkNORL^ pÉäÄëíëáK=pÉÅÜëâ~åíãìííÉê=jU=afkVUR mìãéÉ=N=pm=^ fååÉåëÉÅÜëâ~åíëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=jUñUM=afkVNO páÅÜÉêìåÖëëÅÜÉáÄÉ=jU=_kNPOVO ^åë~ìÖëÅÜä~ìÅÜ=iZOQM bl=ubi=NRJmi bl=dwNRJmi báåÑ~ÅÜJiÉáíìåÖ=akNO=NRiLRRM oçÜêäÉáíìåÖ bl=jNRJi bl=amo=NRJi pÅÜ~äíÉê=NIU=ât=(230V) pÅÜ~äíÉê=NIU=ât=(400V) pÉäÄëíëáK=pÉÅÜëâ~åíãìííÉê=jR=afkVUR wóäáåÇÉêëÅÜê~ìÄÉ=jRñRM=afkUQ^ håáÉ=VO=PLU häÉããâ~ëíÉå=ÑΩê=bJjçíçê=(230V) häÉããâ~ëíÉå=ÑΩê=bJjçíçê=(400V) eóÇê~ìäáâ∏ä=eim=NM oçÜêäÉáíìåÖ=îçêãçåíáÉêí=EmçëK=NU=J=OMF Part number No. wNRO=MNMM wNTM=MMTN cOMM=SVTR cONM=NNUM wOMM=OMUM wNTN=MOVU wOPM=MMPS wOPM=MMPR kNVM=MOPM kNVM=NUUM kNVM=NRRM wNSM=MMNO kNVM=NNUR kNVM=OMUM cOMM=RUTV wNTM=MMUM wNTM=MNOT wNUM=MMQM cONM=NNTT wNTM=MMPM wNTM=MMQM wOPM=MPRV wOPM=MPRU kNVM=NQTR kNVM=NPSM wNTM=MQTT wPMM=MRMT wPMM=MRNN wOMM=NRNP cQMM=NSMQ N P O N Q N N Q U Q N O Q N N N N N O O N Q Q N N Pi Table 9: Driving and hydraulic hosing Page 25 Spare parts Two-hand operation 26 21 17 27 23 28 12 21 12 3 22 24 12 16 3 21 19 21 13 14 11 29 25 1 7 10 8 9 2 6 Page 26 5 4 3 Spare parts Pos. 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N Designation wìë~íòíáëÅÜ eçäò~Ää~ÖÉ=âçãéäÉíí Part number No. cONM=NNTR cMMM=OORQ N Table 11: Log plate Page 28 Spare parts Valve SD4/1 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 2 4 3 5 1 16 17 6 18 19 Page 29 Spare parts Pos. 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This declaration is invalidated by any changes made to the machine which are unauthorised by us. “Holzspalter 1050“ This machine was designed according to then der • EECMachine Directive 98/37/EG • EGLowvoltage Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC • Directive for Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 89/336/EEC • EN ISO 121001 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts • EN 602041 Electrical construction of machinery • EN 294 Safety distances – upper limbs • EN 811 Safety distances – lower limbs • EN 349 Minimum distances to prevent crushing of body parts • EN 982 Technical safety requirements – hydraulics • EN 6091 Log splitters • EN 574 Twohand operation Internal measures ensure that series machines always comply with current EEC Directives and the applied standards. The hereinafter named registered office „Deutsche Prüfstelle für Land- und Forsttechnik, Weissensteinstraße 70/72, D-34114 Kassel“ registered under the registration number 0363 a) has been appointed to keep custody of the documents according to appendix VI. b) has certified that the documents correspond to the regulations according to appendix VI. c) has carried out the type examination test. The product is identical to the model according to the type examination test which received a certificate regarding inspection of working safety under the number • BGS 2004/042 Leibnitz, 12. 01. 2004 Ing. Johann Tinnacher Managing Director Posch Gesellschaft m. b. H. PaulAntonKellerStraße 40 A8430 Leibnitz Your Mr. Paldu Dealer www.paldu.com
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