January 2015


January 2015
Volume 29 Edition 1
The Society of Army Physician Assistants
January 2015
Volume 29: Edition 1
SAPA Journal
The Society of Army Physician Assistants
A Civilian Organization Recognizing
Army PA’s
Inside this issue:
LTC Sherry L. Womack retires after 32 years
LTC Womack Retirement
Iron Majors Awardee
Abstract Winners
Filipina Leadership
Faces of Defense
9 “A”
Rand Arroyo Winner
PA Consultant to TSG
PA Maintains Grave
PA’s Abroad
PA Intern
LTG Ledford Award
LTC Selectees
MAJ Selectees
CPT Selectees
SAPA Election Slots
SAPA Conference 2015
SAPA Emails
Chaplain’s Corner
Editors Notes
On October 23rd 2014, the
Army and PA community
saw one of our leaders
retire from active duty after a amazing 32 years of
service at Fort Bragg, NC.
COL Ellison was the guest
speaker. Also in attendance were Congressman
Stephen Womack, LTC
Womack’s brother-in-law.
LTC Womack entered the
Army at age 17 in 1981 and
graduated from one of the Army's first co-ed Basic Training Courses at Ft Rucker
Alabama. Assignments as an enlisted medic included
Schofield Barracks, Fort Campbell, and later in Vicenza, Italy. Attaining the rank
of Staff Sergeant, this Noncommissioned Officer was accepted into and graduated from the Warrant
Officer course; however,
just two years later, she
became commissioned as
an Army 2nd Lieutenant.
While still a Lieutenant,
Womack served as the Correctional Facility Medical
Treatment OIC at Fort Knox
with the kind of effectiveness associated with officers much more senior in
grade. While stationed at
Fort Hood in the mid-1990'
SAPA Journal
s.. Womack was specially assigned to the 4th Infantry Division to pioneer digital warfighting capabilities in this,
the "Task Force 21" Division
Womack later completed a Master of Science degree with the University of Nebraska and her Fellowship in Emergency Medicine while stationed at
Fort Lewis, Washington, where she later became
the Phase I coordinator and lead instructor for
Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants.
Immediately following the tragedy of September
11, 2001, Womack deployed with the Rakkassan Brigade of the 101st Air Assault Division into Afghanistan. Deployed in the early stages of Operation
Enduring Freedom in January 2002, mere hours
after arrival Womack was immediately triaging
and treating Al Qaeda prisoners at the Kandahar
Air Base detention facility. Later in this deployment, she was specially detailed as a Medical Liaison to U.S. Special Forces in theater and participated in highly experimental operations designed
to exploit local medical operations to win intelligence support and assistance from local Afghan
citizens. Womack traveled with SF detachments
into local villages, provided medical assistance to
villagers, and used special (Phraselator) speech
devices to communicate with the local nationals.
Direct involvement in these operations greatly aided U.S. Special Forces in identifying weapons caches and capturing local enemy combatants. Womack
was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Combat
Medical Badge for meritorious actions in OEF.
During 2007-08, then MAJ Womack deployed with
the 261st Med Battalion as part of Operation Iraqi
Freedom. From Tikrit to Baghdad, MAJ Womack's
tireless leadership, organizational expertise, and
infectious positive spirit were employed to motivate
and inspire soldiers engaged in medical support of
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our combat units. Upon return to the U.S.,
LTC Womack served as the first female Senior
PA at 18th Airborne Corps and then as a Senior P A at US Forces Command where she
continued her service in pivotal roles on the
Army's Suicide Prevention Task Force and the
Women's Health Task Force.
Upon retirement, LTC Womack was awarded
the Legion of Merit for her exemplary service
to the Army Medical Specialty Corps, the Army and the United States of America. Well
done and greatly deserved.
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Broadening Opportunity at the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA)
Craig J. Stachewicz
During the summer of
2014 I had the unique
opportunity of working at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
for 12 weeks as a Fellow in the Service
Chiefs Fellowship Program (SCFP). The fellowship was
“established to immerse outstanding military officers and GovFellows at HRL in Malibu, California
ernment civilians into
imaginative and innova-
tive, fast-paced science and technology research. It provides participants with insight into cutting-edge technology and allows them to potentially aid in developing a future DARPA programs.” (DARPA, 2014, “Service Chiefs’
Fellows Program (SCFP)”, para.1). In other words, the goal is to make the Fellows “Smart on DARPA” and upon
completion of the assignment, Fellows create an effective liaison between DARPA and the Services through the
intimate understanding of DARPA's technology development process.
DARPA was established under the name of ARPA in 1958 when the US Department of Defense issued Directive
5105.15 in response to the launch of Sputnik by the Russians. Their paraphrased mission statement is “create or
prevent decisive surprise for U.S. national security”. As the DoD’s primary innovation engine, DARPA undertakes
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programs that are finite in duration but that
create lasting change. DARPA is composed
of seven technology offices that research
diverse areas: Adaptive Execution (AEO),
Biology (BTO), Tactical (TTO), Defense Sciences (DSO), Information Innovation (I2O),
Microsystems (MSO), and Strategic (STO).
Within each office, Program Managers
(PMs) are in charge of programs and usually work at DARPA for fewer than four years.
The high turnover of PMs is meant to bring
new and innovative ideas into the agency,
and they then return to their industry, university or governmental agency. PMs develop programs and present them for approval. Once approved the PMs have full
control of the program’s budget, direction,
and the setting of stringent milestones.
Programs often are completed much faster
compared to programs in the Services or in
university and industry, normally two to
four years, which is also a typical DARPA
Fellows at National Robotics Engineering Center with a robot undergoing testing for DARPAs Robotics Challenge Pittsburgh, PA
PM’s tenure. After completion of the program the intent is to transition it to the Services or the private sector for continued research and development.
Some programs are not transitioned for various reasons, and may be shelved for possible reconsideration by industry or the military later on.
Fellows are encouraged to jump in and follow multiple programs of interest and not just in their area of expertise. There are well over 150 active DARPA programs that are in various phases of research and testing. There are
many DARPA programs that are looking 10-20 years out and many more looking at solving near- term problems
and questions. Becoming involved is critical for gaining an understanding of DARPA and how it answers or solves
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the DoD’s toughest
problems so it can maintain its technological
superiority. DARPA continues to evolve and has
put more and more emphasis on biological
technologies. So much
so that DARPA created
the new office of BTO
that focuses on the
emerging intersection
of biology and technoloFellows at MIT
gy. BTO’s programs in-
clude research on controlled intra-abdominal hemorrhage, restoring memory in brain--injury patients, creating
medications—on--demand machines for forward units, clearing sepsis-causing and other pathogens in the blood,
organs on a microchip and new central and peripherally controlled prosthetics, to name just a few. Other programs I reviewed focused on better communication and accuracy for close air support, laser technologies, troop
protective equipment and robotic systems.
I was able to visit multiple performers at large and small companies, universities and government laboratories to
review their DARPA programs and other technologies they are researching. Many performers do not have a military background and our input and experience provided them perspective to our operational environments. I had
the privilege of meeting many wounded warriors and other injured or disabled people benefiting from DARPA’s
work with prosthetics. During my visits to industry performers and meetings with PMs I provided my perspective
from Roles 1 and 2 level of care and how their technology can be improved and potential placement on the battlefield.
My time at DARPA was an invaluable experience that certainly cemented my understanding of DoD’s determination in maintaining technological superiority over our adversaries. This was also a rewarding and fantastic tour,
and I highly recommend those interested in advanced technologies and research to apply for the SCFP. If you are
interested in reading more about DARPA and the details on the application requirements for the fellowship,
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please refer to the below websites and the future tour dates. Feel free to contact me directly at
craig.j.stachewicz.mil@mail.mil for other questions about the fellowship.
5 January 2015 through 25 March 2015
30 March 2015 through 17 June 2015
22 June 2015 through 9 September 2015
DARPA Online. (2014). Service Chiefs’ Fellows
Program (SCFP). Retrieved September 5, 2014,
from: http://www.darpa.mil/Opportunities/
MAJ Stachewicz shaking hands with Jan’s robotic arm at the
University of Pittsburgh as part of the brain-computer interface program
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2014 SP Iron Major Award Recipient
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of COL Nikki Butler, the SP Corps Chief, it is with great pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2014
Army Medical Specialist Corps Iron Majors Award. Please extend congratulations to our newest Iron Majors.
MAJ Christopher Pase (65D)
Background: The AMEDD Iron Majors Week is a selection process to identify outstanding Majors and Captains Promotable of the AMEDD who have displayed exceptional leadership skills, the ability to mentor junior officers, and
who can foresee and participate in the future growth and potential of Army Medicine
2014 SP Corps Abstract Award Recipients
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Please join me in congratulating the following recipients of the 2014 SP
Corps Abstract Award:
Overall MLH Abstract Awardee:
MAJ Bradley Warr, PhD, MPAS, PA-C, CSCS
Abstract Line of Research 1.0 Awardee:
MAJ Bradley Warr, PhD, MPAS, PA-C,CSCS
Abstract Line of Research 2.0 Awardee:
MAJ Mark Lester, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS
Abstract Line of Research 3.0 Awardee:
MAJ Aaron Cronin, PA-C, DSc
Abstract Line of Research 4.0 Awardee:
1LT John Sepowitz, MS, RD
Background: The SP Corps Abstract Award recognizes recently completed research that has not been published. The nominee to be recognized is the first author listed on the abstract.
Please join us in congratulating these SP researchers!
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Book Launch on Filipina Leadership from the Filipina
Women’s Network
DISRUPT. Filipina Women: Proud, Loud, Leading Without a Doubt.
October 6, 2014, Manila, Philippines – MAJ Amelia Duran-Stanton, an Army orthopaedic physician assistant and currently the deputy chief of inspections at the MEDCOM IG office is one of 35 authors of the
first book on Filipina women’s leadership from the Filipina Women’s Network. Authors are recipients of
the Filipina Women’s Network’s 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World award. The book had
its first launch at the “A SPACE MANILA” in Manila, Philippines on October 6, 2014. There are several
more book launches scheduled with the first in the United States on November 3, 2014 in San Francisco.
The book will also be available on Amazon on hardcopy and digital formats.
The biographies and additional information about the authors are available under these links:
Below is an excerpt from one of the editors of the book,
Mrs. Maria Beebe of Portland, Oregon.
This book is a collective reflection on the meaning of
leadership by Filipinas across the world. These are women who have experienced disruptions but more importantly have overcome complex personal and professional challenges while living and working in multiple cultures and the modern global economy. These pioneering
Filipina leaders have been widely recognized in their
fields and communities, and lauded by their peers
through the Filipina Women’s Network (FWN). These
proud Filipinas lead without a doubt, albeit not always
loudly. They now share their transformational and transcendent leadership stories in this unprecedented book.
Our intent is to share these stories of leaning in, daring
greatly, disrupting the status quo, and striding boldly
while maintaining deep family ties and pakikipagkapwa,
heeding the call for service, and leading lives of commitment. The triumphs told in these accounts are the triPage 9
MAJ Amelia Duran-Stanton
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umphs of Filipinas everywhere, and an inspiration to aspiring and emergent leaders among overseas Filipina workers, Filipinas in the diaspora and in the Philippines. These narratives will link to our
FEMtorMatchTM objectives of developing next generation leaders and our FWN goal of a Filipina woman leader in every sector of the global economy. As FWN board members and editorial board members,
we are honored and humbled to have been one of the firsts to read these personal accounts that we
now share with the world.
"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is made from a disrupted life."
Filipina women have been objects and agents of disruption. Their personal and professional lives were
disrupted due to immigration, workplace relocations, sudden death of a loved one, domestic violence,
and other sudden perturbations. Filipina women disrupted the status quo as they became achievers in
their professional fields and broke "glass ceilings". Filipina women disrupted the business landscape
when they innovated products, improved or created services that impacted the lives of women and the
citizenry. They disrupted their communities as they became strong advocates for social change, such as
addressing domestic violence, human rights, and workers’ rights.
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Face of Defense:
Physician Assistant Saves Lives, Builds Bonds
By Army Capt. Russell Vernado
Regional Command South
May 6, 2014 – A U.S. Army medical officer
saved an Albanian soldier’s life last month
thanks to a medical exchange program here.
During a routine procedure, 1st Lt. Jamie
Mueller, a physician assistant with 4th Infantry Division’s 4th Special Troops Battalion,
4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, noticed a
troubling growth on her patient’s back.
Mueller consulted with Army Maj. (Dr.) Michael Rossi here and with other physicians
throughout Afghanistan and Germany, and
they determined the soldier had cancer and
needed immediate surgery.
Rossi credited Mueller’s professionalism and
competence as the catalyst for getting the
soldier the care he needed.
“She was able to gain their confidence,” he
said. “As a result, they were able to find the
That confidence Rossi added, was gained
through Mueller’s hard work. When Mueller
arrived here in February, a 12-foot wall separated the coalition forces. Though a physician
assistant typically works directly with a supervising doctor, Mueller found herself as the
only medical professional at the clinic. Shortly
after she arrived, Mueller and her team were
functioning at a high level and had begun to
conduct medical exchanges with their NATO
Army 1st Lt. Jamie Mueller at work at Forward Operating Base Spin
Boldak, Afghanistan, April 30, 2014. U.S. Army photo
“I’m just an old medic that went to [medical] school,” Rossi said. She’s the one that makes things happen. Before
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she got here the Albanians were on one [base], and we were on another.”
Within weeks of beginning the medical exchanges, the U.S. and Albanian forces were regularly eating meals together in the American dining facility. Rossi said the crowd at meal time is getting bigger and bigger as the partnership grows.
Mueller said she enjoys working with people from other countries and learning about their cultures. Being deployed gives her that chance. “[On a previous deployment], I worked with locals in the Philippines. I love seeing
where they come from and what they are like,” she said.
A Forest Lake, Minn., native, Mueller already had a master’s degree in exercise science when she began her Army
career. In her first assignment at 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, she served as an intelligence analyst. After her initial service commitment, she decided she wanted to return to the medical field. “I
joined the Army to do something different. I liked [intelligence], but wanted to do something with medicine,” she
said. She completed the Interservice Physician Assistant Program in October 2013 and deployed here four months
“Whether it’s treating us or the Albanians or an Afghan, … she does a great job down here,” said Army Lt. Col.
Neil Doherty, Mueller’s battalion commander.
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FY14 SP AMEDD “9A” Proficiency Designator Recipients
Ladies & Gentlemen,
On behalf of The Surgeon General and the SP Corps Chief, please extend congratulations to the following
individuals selected for the FY14 Army Medical Department Award of the "9A" Proficiency Designator
The "9A" Proficiency Designator is the highest recognition for professional excellence in the Army Medical Department (AMEDD). Candidates for the honor must be eminently qualified to chair a department,
division or service, or have attained full professional status and national prominence in their field. This
award includes all AMEDD AC, ARNG, and USAR (RC).
Please join us in congratulating these outstanding officers and leaders of our Corps.
LTC Bruce Beecher
LTC John Detro
LTC David Hamilton
LTC Roberto Marin
LTC James Pairmore
LTC Patrick Sherman
LTC Bill Soliz
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2015 RAND Arroyo Select Results
Ladies & Gentlemen,
On behalf of the SP Corps Chief, the Assistant Corps Chiefs, and the Corps Office, please extend congratulations to MAJ John Pena (65D) who was selected as an AMEDD RAND Arroyo Fellow for AY
2015. This is quite an honor, as he will be placed among the few who earn the opportunity to learn from
some of the country's best researchers and apply what they learn to their AMEDD career fields.
Fellowships are served at RAND's Arroyo Center Army Research Division locations in Santa Monica, California or Arlington, Virginia.
New Assistant Chief, SP Corps / 65D Chief, Physician Assistant
Section & Physician Assistant Consultant to
The Surgeon General
Ladies & Gentlemen,
I am honored to announce that LTG Patricia Horoho, The Surgeon General (TSG), has selected LTC
Jeffrey E. Oliver to serve as the Assistant Chief of the Army Medical Specialist Corps / 7th Chief of the
Physician Assistant Section and the Physician Assistant Consultant to TSG. He assumed his new responsibilities on 1 July 2014. LTC Oliver is currently serving as the SP Allied Health Officer, MEDCOM, JBSA Fort
Sam Houston, Texas and will be PCSing this summer to serve as the Deputy Director, Health Care Delivery, Office of The Surgeon General, Falls Church, Virginia.
LTC Oliver succeeds COL John E. Balser. COL Balser recently assumed duties as the SP Branch Chief, HRC,
Fort Knox, Kentucky. I would like to thank COL Balser for all the outstanding mentorship and support he
has provided to the 65D community and to the SP Corps. His accomplishments as the 65D Chief and
Consultant to TSG have made a significant impact on multiple initiatives in moving Army Medicine and the
Military Health System forward.
Please join me in congratulating LTC Oliver on his selection. Hooah!
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PA Maintains Grave Site
1LT Alex Merkle [7234 MSU] maintaining the grave sites at the Doctor Cemetery, Battle of Midway National Memorial.
In the 19th and early 20th century, the physician would embalm the remains of any soldier who passed
away until a ship could carry the body back to the mainland. On the occasion when the physician would
perish, no one on the atoll knew how to preserve the remains and so they would be interred locally.
Follow along the adventure @ destination-uncertain.blogspot.com Old postings from Eareckson Air
Station in the Aleutians and Antarctic field camp are still available.
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PA’s celebrate PA Week 2014 abroad
It is one of those few times that two Physician Assistants are at a small Forward Operating Base
(FOB) in eastern Afghanistan. CPT Corey Willems,
1st Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment and CPT Andrew
P. Tucker, 2nd Battalion 502nd Infantry Regiment,
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) celebrate PA
Week at FOB Gamberi.
Photo above, left, and below submitted by:
CPT Andrew P. Tucker
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The Surgeon General’s Physician Assistant
Recognition Award (TSG-PARA) for 2014
Fellow SPs,
On behalf of the SP Corps Chief, the Physician Assistant Section Chief / Physician Assistant Consultant to
TSG, and the SP Corps Leadership Team, congratulations to the following recipient of The Surgeon General’s Physician Assistant Recognition Award (TSG-PARA) for 2014:
MAJ L. Kyle Faudree
HHC, 160th SOAR (A)
Fort Campbell, KY
Background: The annual TSG-PARA provides personal recognition by TSG to a PA who has made a significant contribution to military medicine. The award is intended to increase PA motivation for exceptional job performance. The program applies to all commands, agencies, installations, activities,
and organizations having PAs assigned on a full-time basis.
Reference: AR 351-3
Please join us in congratulating this outstanding PA and SP officer.
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Major Scott Harrison, PA-C, reports for duty as NCCPA’s first
PA Intern
Training with Industry (TWI), a program established within the US military in 1940, has just assigned its
first PA participant to serve a year as a resident intern with NCCPA.
U.S. Army Major Scott Harrison, PA-C joined the NCCPA team in June. While at NCCPA, Harrison will learn
the ins-and-outs of certification as he works alongside NCCPA staff in most departments across the organization and aims to become the subject matter expert on certification issues for military PAs. In connection with NCCPA supporting organization, the PA History Society, MAJ. Harrison also will research
the history of the Interservice Physician Assistant Program (IPAP).
“I’m excited about the prospect of learning all I can about what makes the certification process run on a
day-to-day basis, and I hope to use the knowledge I will learn over the next year to benefit current and
future military PAs,” says Harrison.
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Lieutenant General Frank Ledford Award
Fellow SPs,
On behalf of the SP Corps Chief, the Assistant Corps Chiefs, and the Corps Leadership Team, congratulations to the following recipient of the CY 2013 LTG Frank Ledford Physician Assistant Post-Graduate Research Award:
MAJ Benjamin K. Kocher, D.Sc., PA-C
Phase II Clinical Coordinator
Fort Hood, TX
BACKGROUND: The Lieutenant General Frank Ledford Award is awarded to the most outstanding active
duty physician assistant post-graduate student. Nominees for this award must be certified by National
Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), in good standing with credentials, and a
post-graduate student of a Doctor of Science residency program or PhD program
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FY14 65D LTC Promotions
Fellow PAs,
Please join me in congratulating these outstanding officers on their selection to LTC. Their years of hard
work are greatly appreciated.
MAJ (P) David Bauder
MAJ (P) Charles Benner (65D)
MAJ (P) Thomas Bryant
MAJ (P) Leonard Burgmyer
MAJ (P) Michael Coote
MAJ (P) Owen Hill
MAJ (P) Ned Coyl (65D)
MAJ (P) Amy Jackson
MAJ (P) William Fox (65D)
MAJ (P) Dejuana Riat
MAJ (P) John Fulk (65D)
MAJ (P) Luis Garcia (65D)
* MAJ (P) Linda Hatler (65D)
MAJ (P) George Horsley (65D)
MAJ (P) Derrick Kooker (65D)
MAJ (P) Eric McCoy (65D)
MAJ (P) John Merrell (65D)
MAJ (P) Michael Rice (65D)
MAJ (P) William Walker (65D)
MAJ (P) Travis Weiszhaar (65D)
* Below Zone
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FY14 65D MAJ Promotions
Fellow SP Officers,
On behalf of the SP Corps Chief, the Assistant Corps Chiefs, and the SP Corps Leadership Team, congratulations to the following active duty individuals selected for Major in FY14:
CPT (P) Patrick Barker (65D)
CPT (P) Letrenda Miles (65D)
CPT (P) Stephanie Bocanegra (65D)
CPT (P) Amy Moore (65D)
CPT (P) Steven Brewer (65D)
CPT (P) Robert Paden (65D)
CPT (P) Alvaro Calvillo (65D)
CPT (P) Joshua Page (65D)
CPT (P) Christina Carrigan (65D)
CPT (P) Ryan Rodriguez (65D)
CPT (P) Antonio Chang (65D)
CPT (P) James Ruley (65D)
CPT (P) Kimberli Dement (65D)
CPT (P) Marion Smith (65D)
CPT (P) David Driskell (65D)
CPT (P) Sarah Soja (65D)
CPT (P) William Edmonds (65D)
CPT (P) Andrea Tarrance (65D)
CPT (P) Chris Gonzalez (65D)
CPT (P) Kerri Van Arnem (65D)
CPT (P) Vivien Guevara (65D)
CPT (P) Luis Vidal (65D)
CPT (P) Matthew Holt (65D)
CPT (P) Hugh Waller (65D)
CPT (P) Michael Hunt (65D)
CPT (P) Nathan Williams (65D)
CPT (P) James Jackson (65D)
CPT (P) Todd Williams (65D)
CPT (P) Karyn Kagel (65D)
CPT (P) James Winstead (65D)
CPT (P) Bryan Kozak (65D)
CPT (P) Larry Witham (65D)
CPT (P) John Kurtz (65D)
CPT (P) James Lorenz (65D)
CPT (P) Steve McKellar (65D)
CPT (P) Christopher Mercer (65D)
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FY14 65D CPT Promotions
Fellow SP Officers,
On behalf of the SP Corps Chief, the Assistant Corps Chiefs, and the Corps Leadership Team, congratulations to the following individuals selected for Captain in FY14:
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1LT (P) Acevedo, Valerie (65D)
1LT (P) Clawson, Bethany (65D)
1LT (P) Acevedo, Victor (65D)
1LT (P) Destefano, Andrew (65D)
1LT (P) Adams, Jason (65D)
1LT (P) Domenech, Simon (65D)
1LT (P) Adkins, Danielle (65D)
1LT (P) Drammeh, Momodoulam (65D)
1LT (P) Allman, Andrew (65D)
1LT (P) Ernst, John (65D)
1LT (P) Amsler, James (65D)
1LT (P) Gang, Charles (65D)
1LT (P) Amsler, Rasheedah (65D)
1LT (P) Grace, Jeffrey (65D)
1LT (P) Bendall, Andrews (65D)
1LT (P) Grambusch, Donald (65D)
1LT (P) Blackwell, Jennifer (65D)
1LT (P) Gural, Jason (65D)
1LT (P) Bookston, Gregory (65D)
1LT (P) Hawkins, Jennifer (65D)
1LT (P) Brady, Dennis (65D)
1LT (P) Hicks, Matthew (65D)
1LT (P) Bucholz, Alan (65D)
1LT (P) Hunter, Tyson (65D)
1LT (P) Canny, Terrence (65D)
1LT (P) Jacob, Margaret (65D)
1LT (P) Carius, Brandon (65D)
1LT (P) Jones, Peter (65D)
1LT (P) Carroll, Brandon (65D)
1LT (P) Joseph, Tania (65D)
SAPA Journal
1LT (P) Katoski, Timothy (65D)
1LT (P) Swafford, Meghan (65D)
1LT (P) Kaufman, Travis (65D)
1LT (P) Udaze, Steven (65D)
1LT (P) Kelly, Sloan (65D)
1LT (P) Vanderlugt, Matthew (65D)
1LT (P) King, Jordan (65D)
1LT (P) Vandermaarel, Vince (65D)
1LT (P) Luongo, Chelsea (65D)
1LT (P) Vanier, Katherine (65D)
1LT (P) Marks, Mitchell (65D)
1LT (P) Westmorelan, Richard (65D)
1LT (P) Marshall, Matthew (65D)
1LT (P) Willett, Benjamin (65D)
1LT (P) Montgomery, Jennifer (65D)
1LT (P) Wimmer, Derek (65D)
1LT (P) Morrow, Christopher (65D)
1LT (P) Winterroth, Stephen (65B)
1LT (P) Mueller, Christopher (65D)
1LT (P) Oliver, Tamarrah (65D)
1LT (P) Penebacker, Brandon (65D)
1LT (P) Perez, Daniel (65D)
1LT (P) Reaney, Scott (65D)
1LT (P) Reece, Lucas (65D)
1LT (P) Richard, Karl (65D)
1LT (P) Schider, Evan (65D)
1LT (P) Silveri, Katherine (65D)
1LT (P) Stuart, Dustin (65D)
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SAPA IT Information
Emails for SAPA BOD
As our Society continues to reach into the new age and advances, it is exciting to announce that
SAPA has adopted and is beginning to transition into Office and Position specific email addresses. For
years it has always been somewhat problematic when new officers take their elected positions and
Committee Chairs their appointed positions to get the line of communication re-established and flowing
smoothly. This is being resolved with the establishment of permanent Office and Position specific email
addresses. No longer will everyone have to relearn the email of the new President-Elect or forget to update their contact list as a new President-Elect is seated. No longer as the President-Elect transitions
into the position of President or as the President becomes the Immediate Past President will contact
lists and distribution lists have to be updated. Also, with the many contacts outside our Society, i.e.,
AAPA, NCCPA, Vet Caucus, etc., communication will not be broken as the email address for the contact
person remains the same. T
he only thing changing is the person accessing that email account. Or as a once popular TV series
stated, ‘only the names are changed to protect the innocent’. So as ‘Joe Friday” stated, “we want the
facts and just the facts”, here are the facts: SAPA is beginning to transition to an Office/Position based
email system.
As the Officers and Committee Chairs come on board with this, the email for that position on the
website will be changed to reflect the permanent email address for that position. So far 10 of the 18
(and hopefully, by the time of this publication, all 18) email accounts have been assigned to the appropriate Office/Position and is being used by that Office/Position personnel. Below is the list of emails, I
encourage all SAPA members, non-members, interested parties to begin using these email addresses for
continuity of communications.
If you need the assistance of any of the BOD or Committee Chair, please address your communication to the appropriate email as listed above.
Stephen W. Ward, MPAS, PA-C (Ret)
Chair, IT Committee
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SAPA Journal
Call for Candidates for the 2015/2016
Society of Army Physicians Assistants Board of Directors
Any members may self declare for any of the offices of the Board of Directors prior to and including at
the annual SAPA business meeting, this year to be held April 23, 2015, during the annual SAPA conference. You do not have to be present at the conference to self declare for office. If you would like to apply for any of the offices you may send your information and your desires to the executive director, Paul
Requirements for holding an office with the Society of Army Physicians Assistants is to be a current fellow member in good standing with the society, and to be a current fellow member of the AAPA.
The offices that will be open for 2015 2016 are as follows:
President Elect
Director for Active Duty
Director for Reserve Component
Director of National Guard Component
Director of Retired Members Component
If you are interested in running for any of these offices please forward that information to Paul Lowe at
lowepw@earthlink.net or sapa.exec.dir@gmail.com
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SAPA Journal
2015 SAPA Conference
In the following pages is information pertaining to this years SAPA Conference that is held at Fayetteville, NC. The announcement of the conference will be mailed out in the next few days, but it will not
include a preliminary schedule. If you need that for your employer to show them the agenda for the
schedule, you can either print the one that's here or please let Mr. Potter know and he will have one
printed and mail it to you. If you have any questions please contact him at ORPotter@aol.com
Registrations can be sent in to:
PO Box 623, Monmouth, IL, 61462, or fax to 309-734-4489.
Here is the link for the conference registration form:
Currently the link to the conference schedule is not working on the website.
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SAPA Journal
List of SAPA Office/Position Specific Email Addresses
SAPA Chaplain
SAPA Info/Tech (Geeky/Techy Squad)
SAPA Conference Coordinator
SAPA Membership Director
SAPA Director AD Component
SAPA Moderator Coordinator
SAPA Director NG Component
SAPA Newsletter Editor
SAPA Director Reserves Component
SAPA President
SAPA Director Retired Component
SAPA President Elect
SAPA Executive Director
SAPA SALES/Merchandise
SAPA Sean Grimes Scholarship Award
SAPA Secretary
SAPA Immediate Past President
SAPA Treasurer
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SAPA Journal
Chaplain’s Corner
Hello SAPA Members and all others.
Well, the editor tells me that it is time to get this article done to be included in the December issue of the
SAPA Newsletter.
As I have been watching the news lately and seeing all the things happening around the world, ISIS, ISIL,
the continued trouble in Israel, the barbaric treatment of people, and then the epidemic of these killer virus’ in
Africa (Ebola) and now two cases in the USA and this unknown virus that is sickening our children and now some
have died from it, I am reminded that we the Physician Assistant, we are on the front lines again and again in medical care. And it does not matter if you are in AD uniform, Reserve uniform, NG Uniform, GS uniform, VA uniform
or retired uniform, we are in this together.
One thing always impressed me before retirement, to me a vacation was, and still is, a time when I did not
have to make the decisions. I realized that I needed a break from the day to day decision making process that
affected the lives of my patients. Even now, though clinically retired, I have ‘patients’ asking for advice. What I am
getting at is this: We, as PA’s, are always on the front lines. Because of our decision to be in medicine, we can never really retire. I have said before that we have made a decision to enter into a field of endeavor that is likened to
a lifelong ministry to others. You see, the very idea and concept of ministry is the self-less act of putting others
ahead of ourselves. So when we entered the Ministry of Health Givers, we made that decision to put other people
ahead of ourselves in other to accomplish our mission. You know what I mean, how many of you have, gone without lunch or dinner, gone into the clinic early or stayed late, spent all day in the OR and then held clinic, cancelled
family plans, cancelled vacations; all that in order to properly care for ‘your patient’? Therefore, this profession
that we love is a Ministry in Health.
You give and give and give. You also need to take some time to rest and refresh, to look inward and ask
the deep questions of why you do this. Then wait, be still. There is a verse in the Holy Scriptures that says, Be Still
and Know that I Am God! Whether you understand this or not, your life has a plan bigger than yourself. Be Still
and Know that miracle you saw happen in one of your patients who got better when all odds were against them,
the miracle of that small cherished bundle of joy that you placed in the mother’s arms for the first time. Be Still
and Know those miracles were not and are not just accidents of fate.
Be Still and Know that you are a Minister of Health and that ministry was given to you by the Creator, the
Great Physician, the author and finisher of all medical
Respectfully Your Servant
Stephen W. Ward, MPA, PA-C (Ret)
Maj. USA (RET)
SAPA Chaplain
Part of the duties of being the Chaplain includes being there for any
and all members of our Society year round. As such, my contact information is found on our website and just to make it easy:
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Fellow PA’s,
What a crazy year 2014 has been. It has come and gone
with such a flurry that it is hard to recap all the excitement that has happened to our beloved Corp. Hopefully this latest edition was able to put out some of the accomplishments that PA’s have been doing and preparing to do.
I look back and reflect on all that has been done this last
year and I hope that 2015 will continue the trend of PA
I am happy to say that during 2014 I was able to help my
family and friends and meet new and exciting people.
This can be seen in the pictures that were taken at the
last Fort Drum MEDDAC Ball held at Bonnie Castle Resort in beautiful Alexandria Bay, New York.
Lets make 2015 a extremely memorable year!!
TOP L: My wife and I getting ready for the ball.
MID L: 1LT Alexander Rivera & I enjoying the ball.
BOTTOM L: Getting a picture with the Surgeon General:
LTG Patricia Horoho
BELOW: A glimpse of good ol’ Fort Drum weather
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Frank Piper, PA-C
Email: fchiefs@sbcglobal.net
Patrick Malone, PA-C
E-mail: sapamed@aol.com
Sherry L. Womack, Lieutenant Colonel, SP, PA-C
E-mail: sherry.lynn.womack@us.army.mil
Karen McMillan, PA-C
E-mail: Karen.mcmillan@va.gov or k14u@comcast.net
James L. Miller, PA-C
E-mail - james.l.miller168civ@mail.miil
Winnie Paul, MAJ, PA-C, U.S. Army
E-mail: winniepaul@hotmail.com
Roger Lovelace, PA-C,
E-mail: nolan.wright@us.army.mil
Tonya Moore, LTC, PA-C
E-Mail: tfmoore60@gmail.com
Robert Thompson, Jr., PA-C
E-Mail: rothomp5412@comcast.net
Steven L. Briggs, PA-C
E-mail: xsf18z@aol.com
Paul W. Lowe, PA-C
P O Box 4068, Waynesville, MO 65583
Phone and Fax - (573) 528-2307 / (888) 711-8543
E-mail - lowepw@earthlink.net
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Bob Potter, PA-C
PO Box 623
Monmouth, IL 61462
SAPA Voice Line: 309-734-5446 or 309-337-3134
Fax: 309-734-4489
E-mail: orpotter@aol.com
Bob Potter, PA-C
Info for Bob Potter same as immediately above
Patrick E. Malone, PA-C
E-mail: sapamed@aol.com
Karen Reedy, PA-C
E-mail: karenpac@comcast.net
LCDR Irwin Fish, PA-C
Email: irwinfish@comcast.net
Judy Potter
Nicole Potter
E-mail: pottercats@aol.com
Bob Egbert, PA-C
Email: Robert.egbert@insightbb.com
Tom Matherly, PA-C
Email: tjmatherly@earthlink.net
LCDR Irwin Fish, PA-C
1LT Christopher M. Mueller, PA-C
E-mail: christopher.m.mueller.mil@mail.mil
P O Box 4068, Waynesville, MO., 65583
LTC (Ret.) Donald Parsons, PA-C (Chair)
COL (Ret.) Sherry Morrey, PA-C
CW4 (Ret.) Marvin W. Cole, PA-C
COL (Ret.) Donald Black, SP, PA-C
- Mr. Black is POC for Captain Sean P. Grimes Physician
Assistant Educational Scholarship Award
E-mail: donald.black@se.amedd.army.mil
William Long, PA-C
(Webmaster: Orie Potter)
This is not an Official Army Publication
The SAPA Journal is the official publication of the Society
of Army Physician Assistants. The views and opinions
expressed herein are not necessarily those of the editors, SAPA, the SAPA Board of Directors or the Department of the Army unless explicitly expressed as such.
Karen McMillan, PA-C
The SAPA Journal staff and SAPA Board of Directors encourages membership participation in this publication.
Harold E. Slusher, PA-C
Feel free to use this forum to present your views on any
topic you desire. The publication of clinical articles on
any subject is also solicited, however, to reduce our
workload, we do request articles be presented typed,
double-spaced format, and on CD, Microsoft Word format.
Michael Champion, PA-C
Harold E. Slusher, PA-C
Frank Piper, Jr., PA-C (Chief Delegate)
LTC Sherry Womack
Bob Potter, PA-C
Mike Hollopeter (Alternate)
Winnie Paul (Alternate)
COL Pauline Gross, SP, PA-C
E-mail: pauline.gross@us.army.mil
Stephen Ward, PA-C
Irvin Fish, PA-C
Bob Potter, PA-C
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SAPA Web Page
The editor reserves the right of final acceptance of articles as well as the right to serialize articles which are too
lengthy to be included in a single issue.
Articles will be accepted via email.