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Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club Volume 3 Issue 3 L ehigh Valley Thun derb ird Cl ub Club Officers President Mike Melnyk (610) 279-6279 Vice-President Vince Luppino (267) 808-1989 Acting Secretary Jessica Corder (717) 639-7780 Treasurer Walter J. Fries Jr. (610) 759-4997 Editors Tom Hollenbach (610) 434-2777 Vince Luppino (267) 808-1989 Board of Directors Dennis Crago (484) 554-7669 Jerry Engle (610) 694-0728 Sandi Fries (610) 759-4997 THUNDERWORD March /April 2014 ROAD RALLY Our annual ROAD RALLY will take place on Saturday, April 5th. We will meet for breakfast at the Schnecksville Diner at 9:00am. After breakfast, Walt and Sandi will provide instructions for the rally. Walt and Sandi will be hosting a get together at their home after the rally. Winners will be announced after the rally sheets are scored. What will the prizes be? Well, you have to attend and just find out! To help offset the cost of lunch, we ask everyone to contribute $5.00 per rally couple. Please let Walt and Sandi know you will be attending by Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014. You can let them know by email or calling them. Their Email is and the phone number is 610-759-4997. Tom Hollenbach (610) 434-2777 John Huff (215) 836-9124 Pizza Night The March 4th General Meeting was our “Traditional Pizza Night” The Board revealed the 2014 Planned Activities, the 2014 Membership Directory and Planner, the details of the 2014 Greater Lehigh Valley Auto Show Display, as well as, various topics that arise during the general meeting. Everyone who attended chipped in $5.00 per person and was given six 50/50 tickets. Additional 50/50 tickets were available for purchase during the meeting as well. After we did the normal 50/50, the board surprised the members with some “prizes” of “unspeakable value” too! They ranged from L.E.D. flashlights, a Thunderbird coffee mug, a T-Bird Model Kit, some car care items, Day backpacks, and even a couple travels bags. Every one in attendance almost walked away with something. So come join in on the fun as we never know what will might happen at our 2014 General Meeting! William Ingraham (610) 841-9021 Barbara Melnyk (610) 279-6279 Alan Miller (484) 788-3931 Birthdays Marvyn Souders 3/9 John Huff 3/7 John DeCeasar 3/11 Joan Jones 3/16 Jean Brendlinger 3/28 Bruce Lambert 4/3 James F. Kostecky 4/4 Lynn Miller 4/7 Wendy Young 4/10 Walt Fries III 4/11 Anthony Del Borello 4/14 Gary T. Hellings 4/14 Richard Armstrong 4/17 John Howard 4/18 William Barto 4/20 Stephen R. Rivera 4/21 Eleanor Rex 4/22 Fred Wert 4/22 Roger Behler 4/27 Tell us if you have a Birthday in March t/April hat we missed ! Please call (610) 434-2777 PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY for the delay of the March THUNDERWORD. Due to unforeseen work travel, I was unable to complete the March edition and decided to combine the March and April newsletters into one edition. Sincerely, Vince For the Latest Information on Club Events, Call our Message Center at (610) 218-1500 Hemmings Website: lehighvalleythunderbird/ Table of Contents President’s Message____________2 Message from Board____________2 Upcoming Shows and Events_____3 Pizza Night Pictures ____________4 2014 Planned Activities_________5 Opinions expressed by those who contribute to the THUNDERWORD NEWSLETTER are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policy of the LEHIGH VALLEY THUNDERBIRD CLUB INC. Likewise, the ad copy is as submitted by the advertisers and is theirs and may not be reproduced without their consent THE LEHIGH VALLEY THUNDERBIRD CLUB Fall Fling Update _______________6 2014 Wind Gap________________7 Cars for Sale__________________8 Hudson Museum Tour _________12 BAVTS Car Show ______________13 Advertisments____________15 Page 2 Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club President’s Message Greeting Fellow T-Birders, Mother Nature is teasing us. This weekend being in the fifties with brilliant sunshine is a reminder that Spring is only a few weeks away. Enough already with the snow! Pizza Night was a success and I am looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Time to get our cars out and get to the Shows! Happy T-Birding ! Mike *** Remember to check our message center for updates and/or cancellations @ 610-218-1500 *** Board of Directors Jerry Engle (610) 694-0728 Sandi Fries (610) 759-4997 Tom Hollenbach (610) 434-2777 John Huff William Ingraham (TBA) Barbara Melnyk (TBA) Alan Miller (484) 788-3931 Editors Tom Hollenbach (610) 434-2777 Vince Luppino (267) 808-1989 A Message from the Board Thank You for renewing your Memberships in a timely manner. The membership fees provide the funds for the various activities we do within our club. For this renewal period we have been able to hold the cost down, but many of our costs, like postage, subscription fees and internet support cost are rising and we will most likely have to raise our renewal fees for the 2015 Calendar year. We will continue to do our best to minimize the increase,. As we mentioned in the previous newsletter, 2014 will be a fun season. Page 5 has our Planned Activity List, but, as more shows release their information, we will keep you posted on the latest activities as they arise. Also, shortly you will be receiving a Club Directory. This will be mailed out in the beginning of April. If you attended “Pizza Night” , your directory will be replaced too, as several changes have been made to it. A Message from the Editors Well, 2014 is here and we wanted to share some goals we set for us (Yep, that’s Tom and Vince) to do this year. First, once all the membership renewals are in, we will publish a club directory for each member that will include your name, address and phone number along with your Thunderbird year , model and color. Our second goal is to get a new website up and running, providing each member with their own email address….BUT you still need to access a computer to utilize this benefit….so come on, laptops are cheap, as tablets become “The Norm”. And our third goal is to improve communication of club activities ( yes, yes and timeliness of the newsletter too). We are always open to your suggestions and ideas, so don’t be bashful, let us know! Our phone numbers and email addresses are listed all over the THUNDERWORD. Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 3 Upcoming Shows and Events DATE EVENT LOCATION March 4, 2014 General Meeting Mivajo’s Pizza 394 N. Broad Street Nazareth, Pa 18064 “PIZZA NIGHT” 6:00pm March 22, 2014 Greater Lehigh Valley Auto Dealers Association Car Show Meet at 10:00 am to view Show Stabler Arena March 25, 2014 Board Meeting Borderline Restaurant April 1, 2014 General Meeting Old Country Buffet 1245 Whitehall Mall Whitehall, Pa 18103 April 5, 2014 “Thundering Thunderbirds” Road Rally Schnecksville Diner 4527 Route 309 Schnecksville, PA 18078 610-799-2511 9:00 am April 29, 2014 Board Meeting Borderline Restaurant May 3, 2014 Hudson Museum Borderline Restaurant May 6, 2014 General Meeting Old Country Buffet 1245 Whitehall Mall Whitehall, Pa 18103 May 18, 2014 Wind Gap Auto Show 9:00am More Info to come concerning where we will meet and breakfast too! May 27, 2014 Board Meeting Borderline Restaurant May 29, 2014 Bath Cruise Night 6:00pm Bath, PA More info to come Please Note: Pertaining to the General Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting, if you plan to have dinner, please arrive at 6:00pm, otherwise, the actual meeting starts at 7:00pm. Old Country Buffet 1245 Whitehall Mall Whitehall, Pa 18103 Ford Nationals @ Carlisle Friday June 6th thru Sunday June 8th, 2014 Registration is Now Open Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 4 Pizza Night Pizza Night General Meeting Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at Mivajo’s Pizza 394 N. Broad Street Nazareth, PA 18064 (610) 759-0760 Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 5 2014 Schedule of Planned Activities Date Activity Time Point Person Saturday. January 17th Auto Mania 9:00 am Vince 6:00 pm Walt & Sandi 10:00 am Vince 9:00 am Walt & Sandi 11 am to 3 pm Vince Noon Walt 8:00 am Bill & Sally 9 am to 3 pm 5:00 pm 7 am to 7 pm Vince Walt ITC 9 am to 3 pm Tom & Al 3:00 pm Mike 8:00 am 8:00 am Mike Mike 6:00 pm Vince 8:00 am 9 am to 3 pm 10:00 am Tuesday, March 4th Saturday, March 22nd Saturday, April 5th Saturday, May 3rd Saturday, May 3rd Saturday, May 17th Sunday, May 18th Thursday, May 29th June 6th to 8th Saturday, June 14th Saturday, July 12th Saturday, July 19th August 1st to 3rd Tuesday, August 5th August 12th to 17th August 31st Sunday, September 14th September 26 to 28 Saturday, October 4th Sunday, October 12th Sunday, December 14th Pizza Night Mivajo’s Pizza 394 N. Broad Street Nazareth, Pa 18064 GLVADA Auto Show Meet at Stabler Arena Road Rally Starting at Schnecksville Diner BAVTS Car Show 3300 Chester Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18020 Hudson Museum Meet at Starlight Diner Jordon United Church of Christ Car Show Wind Gap Car Show Thursday Night Bath Cruise All Ford Nationals at Carlisle, PA NJTA All Thunderbird Show Pompton Plains, NJ Planning Picnic for Nazareth Day And Drive-In Movie LVTC Nazareth Day Car Show Das Awkscht Fescht Mini Golf and General Meeting at Lucky Strokes Golf Center ITC Convention in Charlotte, NC Slatington Lions Car Show Wine Cruise Fall Fling in Lancaster, PA TBD Bath Community Day Car Show 8:00 am ITC Tom & Al Vince L. & Lynne M. Walt , Sandi and Tom Young Walt North Catty Car Show 9 am to 3 pm Tom & Al LVTC Annual Christmas Party Best Western 1:00 pm Walt & Sandi Page 6 Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club Fall Fling Update The 2014 Fall Fling is COMFIRMED! The dates will be Friday, September 26th through Sunday, September 28th. Location will be Lancaster, PA . The Hotel is the : Travelers Rest Motel 3701 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse, PA 17534 1-800-626-2021 MAKE sure to mention you are with the “THUNDERBIRD CLUB” to get the $109.00 plus taxes, room rate per night. Friday evening, September 26th, @ 6:00pm, we will be at Sight and Sound Theater to see “Moses”. If you are interested, please let Walt and Sandi Fries know ASAP and they will need $98.80, per couple for tickets. Tickets go fast, so please let them know and get your money to Walt soon. MORE INFO to come in next THUNDERWORD. WIND GAP 2014 T-Birds flock to the Gap ! This is one of the first car shows of the 2014 season, in our backyard! The weather will be great, so let’s “Cruise to the Gap” ! Registration Form → Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 7 Page 8 Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club FOR SALE 1960 Thunderbird White with 31,720 original miles 352 engine , Green interior, power steering and brakes Air conditioning, original no restoration Kept in a garage $15,500.00 Contact: Paul R Reigel II at 856-266-6462 Page 9 Volume 3 Issue 3 FOR SALE 2002 Thunderbird with Two Tops Looks and Drives like new Garage kept and covered, cover is included Comes with boot cover for soft top, along with hoist for removing and storing hard top Has Premium full interior, black and red leather package This “Torch Red” color car has only 16,150 miles V.I.N. # 1FAHP60A32Y107998 Car has clean vehicle record Price: $21,500.00 Please call 610-837-7945 for further information Page 10 Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club FOR SALE 2003 Thunderbird 007 Edition # 677 of 700 Produced 17,000 “pampered” miles Pristine Condition Always Serviced at local Ford Dealership Original Window Sticker Needs Nothing, READY to Go! Asking $ 26,500.00 Contact: Robert Hawk (570) 466-0348 Or EXTRAs Included: Top Hoist Top Cover Car Cover Extra set of T-Bird Floor Mats Trunk Mat All Books and Manuals Extra Set of NOS Seat Covers, still in box New Michelin Tires ( at 14,000 miles ) Page 11 Volume 3 Issue 3 General Car Show Information March 2014 03/02 46TH ANNUAL HAMBURG SWAP MEET & CAR CORRAL IN HAMBURG PA 7-2; Hamburg Fire CO Field House, Hamburg PA; Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market; Lester Manwiler 610-823-4656 03/20-03/23 GREATER LEHIGH VALLEY AUTO SHOW IN BETHLEHEM PA Stabler Arena at Lehigh University, 124 Goodman Drive, Bethlehem PA 18015 Rauch Fieldhouse, West Pavilion, Lehigh University; New Vehicles on Display ThuFriSat 10-9, Sun 10-6; 03/21-03/23 NORTHEAST ROD & CUSTOM CAR SHOW AT PHILADELPHIA EXPO CENTER 100 Station Ave., Oaks, PA 19456; Info: 215-896-2923 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting Website ; Full House Motorsports LLC April 2014 04/06 CRUISE MOO’S, RT 611 & RT 412, 4010 DURHAM RD, OTTSVILLE PA 2-5 PM; Host: First PA Mustang Club; Info: Roger Wright 215-453-0557 04/11 CRUISE CRYSTAL’S CAFÉ, RT 309, COOPERSBURG PA 5-8 PM; All makes & models welcome; No entry fee; Food specials for cruisers; Info: Crystal 610-282-2903 04/12 CRUISE NIGHT AT TREXLERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER, 7150 HAMILTON BLVD, TREXLERTOWN PA 4-7 PM; All makes & models welcome; Benefit Dreams Come True (seriously, chronically, terminally ill children) Host: Mopar Madness ; DJ Sensational Sounds, Door Prizes, 50/50, Food 04/12 CRUISE DAIRY QUEEN, PALMER TOWN CENTER, 701 SOUTH 25 TH ST, EASTON PA 4-8 PM; Lehigh Valley Region AACA; Info: 610-252-1656 or 610-972-2930 WED 04/15 CRUISE QUEEN CITY DINER IN ALLENTOWN PA 5:30-8:30 PM; Rain Date 04/22; $1 donation benefits Canine Partners for Life Host: Found in the 60’s; Info: Roger 610-799-4922; Door Prizes, 50/50, Trophies 04/16 CRUISE DAIRY QUEEN, RT 309, QUAKERTOWN PA 3-7 PM; Rain Date 04/23; $1 donation per vehicle benefits the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHoP) Host: Goodtime Motorvators; Trophies, 50/50; Info: Linda or George 610-395-1558 04/18 CRUISE NIGHT AT WARRINGTON PAVILION SHOPPING CENTER IN WARRINGTON PA 1111 Easton Road, Warrington, PA; Rain Date 4th Friday Host: Down The Road Cruisers; Contact: Joe Fite 04/23-04/27 SPRING CARLISLE 717-243-7855 CRUISE-IN AT POSIES ROD & CUSTOM; 6-8 PM 04/25 CRUISE GOODY’Z (50’S STYLE DINER), 637 GRAVEL PIKE, EAST GREENVILLE PA 6-9 PM; All makes & models welcome; No entry fee; Awards; Food specials; Info: Bryan 215-679-2000 04/26 CRUISE NIGHT AT TREXLERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER, 7150 HAMILTON BLVD, TREXLERTOWN PA 4-7 PM; All makes & models welcome; Benefit Dreams Come True (seriously, chronically, terminally ill children) Host: Mopar Madness ; DJ Sensational Sounds, Door Prizes, 50/50, Food 04/26 CRUISE SALVATORE’S PIZZA, 302 TOWNE CENTER BLVD, RT 115, FORKS TWP 4-8 PM; Lehigh Valley Region AACA; Info: 610-252-1656 or 610-972-2930 04/27 SPRING FEVER CAR SHOW AT FAULKNER-CIOCCA FORD OF QUAKERTOWN PA Faulkner-Ciocca Ford, 1531 Park Avenue, Quakertown, PA 18951 11-3 (Register 8:30-11 AM $15 DOS); Web Host: First PA Mustang Club; Live Band: Flirtin with the Mob; Top 15 Awards, Best In Show Award SUN 04/27 CRUISE POTSY’S PIZZA (FORMERLY PARMA PIZZA), 5925 TILGHMAN ST, KUHNSVILLE PA 1-4 PM; No Rain Date; $1 donation benefits Canine Partners for Life; Any custom, classic, or collectible car-truckmotorcycle welcome Host: Found in the 60’s; Info: Roger 610-799-4922; Door Prizes, 50/50, Trophies, Food Page 12 Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club Hudson Museum Tour Come join the club for a leisurely lunch and a quick cruise to the Old Spokes Auto Museum for a Tour of the Hudson Museum. We will meet at The Starlite Diner for Lunch at noon. Afterward, we will take a short cruise out to New Smithville to see the Museum. The Hudson Motor Company started with the Model 20 roadster in 1909 and ended in 1957. This private car collection is always changing, but has many great examples of Hudson, Essex and Terraplane automobiles on hand at all times. Starlite Diner 233 North Route 100 Allentown, PA 18051 610-395-4031 Please let Walt know if you will be attending. There is an $8.00 Admission fee per person for the Museum. 10399 Old Route 22, New Smithville, PA Contact Bernie Thompson: (484) 554-7517 or Page 15 Volume 3 Issue 3 WANTED Wanted Column This page is for anything that you might need help with or need to know about. If you have something you want on this page get the information to me Tom Hollenbach or call 610-7036315 by the 15th of each month. Does anyone know of a good person to overhaul a snowblower – Call 610-703-6315 Does anyone have back issues of LEGENDARY FORD All of 2003 issue’s, 2004 Jan, Feb, Mar, April, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, All of 2005 Except June 2006 Jan/Feb Call Tom Hollenbach 610-703-6315 Page 16 Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club Volume 3 Issue 3 Page 17 Ford Nationals @ Carlisle Friday June 6th thru Sunday June 8th, 2014 Registration is Now Open March / April 2014 THUNDERWORD Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club 2899 Edgemont Drive Allentown, PA 18103
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L ehigh Valley Thun derb ird Cl ub
Newsletter - Lehigh Valley Thunderbird Club
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