Welcome to Our Parish Community
Welcome to Our Parish Community
Welcome to Our Parish Community 10509 South Torrence Avenue-Chicago, IL 60617 Bienvenidos a Nuestra Comunidad Parroquial MISSION STATEMENT Saint Kevin Church is committed to being an example of Gospel values in our community, as shown to us by Jesus Christ, through our outreach to seniors, youth, young adults and especially the poor. We do this with prayer, friendship, charity, social justice, through the programs and events that we offer, and with a welcoming spirit. DECLARACIÓN San Kevin está comprometido a ser un ejemplo vivo de valores de Cristo en nuestra comunidad por nuestra abertura hacia los mayores, los jóvenes-adultos, los jóvenes y especialmente, los pobres. Hacemos esto con oración, amistad, caridad, justicia social, con programas y eventos que ofrecemos con un espíritu de bienvenida. PARISH STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Pastor/Párroco Music Director/Director de Música Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Office Staff/Equipo de Oficina TELEPHONE/TELÉFONO Rectory/Rectoría Fax E-mail /Correo Electrónico Website/Sitio Web John M. Ramirez Alejandro Estrada Molly J. Cuellar Rosario Orozco Marc A. Vega (773) 721-2563 (773) 721-2208 stkevinchurch@att.net www.stkevinchurchchicago.org RECTORY/RECTORIA Hours/Horario Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes Office Closed/Oficina Cerrada Saturday/Sábado Rev. Pedro Campos 9:30 am – 4:30 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 9:00 am – 12:00 pm OFFICE CLOSED THURSDAYS/ OFICINA CERRADA LOS JUEVES MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISA Saturday/Sábado – English Mass/Misa en Inglés 4:00 P.M. Sunday/Domingo – English Mass/Misa en Inglés 9:00 A.M. Spanish Mass/Misa en Español 11:00 A.M. Weekdays/Entre Semana – Mon. Tues. Wed. & Fri. 8:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS/SACRAMENTOS Sacrament of Reconciliation/Sacramento de Reconciliación Saturday/Sábados 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. Baptism/Bautismo – Call the rectory/Llamar a la Oficina Presentaciones – Solamente Misa de 11am, llamar a la Oficina Matrimony/Matrimonio & Quinceañeras – Six month notice /Seis meses de notificación RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Saturday/Sabado 10:00 – 11:30 A.M. Sunday/Domingo 10:00 – 11:00 A.M. 1/18/2014-1/26/2014 10509 South Torrence Avenue, Chicago, IL PARISH NEWS / NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES COMMUNITY NEWS / NOTICIAS COMUNIDADES PLEASE NOTE EXERCISE FOR THIS MONDAY WILL BE CANCELLED. SEE YOU WEDNESDAY! VOLUNTEER TEACHERS NEEDED Caring adults are needed to teach basic English to adult Hispanics at the Mary Ward Center, 3215 E. 91st St, in South Chicago. Some teaching experience is a great asset. Mary Ward Center is a ministry of the Sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Volunteers are especially needed to teach a one hour class, one day a week, beginning at 4, 5, 6 or 7pm. Volunteers may choose to teach more than one class weekly. We will supply teaching materials. If you are interested please phone 773-734-2420. POR FAVOR ANOTE QUE EL EJERCICIO DE ESTE LUNES SE CANCELA NOS VEMOS EL MIERCOLES! BIG THANKS!!! On behalf of the St. Kevin Food Pantry, they would like thank everyone for their donations during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Your generous support and donations help us to serve the people of our community. We would also like to especially thank the volunteers who, without them this ministry would not be possible: MUCHAS GRACIAS!!! En nombre de la Despensa de Comida de San Kevin, nos gustaría agradecer a todos ustedes por sus donaciones durante las fiestas de Acción de Gracias y Navidad. Su apoyo y donaciones nos ayudan a servir a la gente de nuestra comunidad. También nos gustaría dar las gracias especialmente a los voluntarios porque, sin ellos no sería posible este ministerio: Sara Susie Martha Carol Rosa Chelo Leti Lulu Ron Harold Joe Erendira 2014 SUNDAY ENVELOPES If you haven't picked up your envelope box for 2014 they are in the back of the church. Please remember that using your envelopes is important to register your information and give you proper credit for your contribution. 2014 SOBRES DOMINICALES Si todavía no a recogido su cajita de sobre 2014 esta en la parte de atrás de la iglesia. Por favor de recordar que usando sus sobres es importante para registrar su información y darles crédito apropiado por su contribución. TAX LETTERS 2013 Donation summaries for the 2013 year are available. Letters are only available upon request. To receive a copy please call the rectory or email us at stkevinchurch@att.net. CARTAS DE IMPUESTOS 2013 Los resúmenes de donaciones para el año 2013 ya están disponibles. Si desea su carta de donación , por favor de llamar a la rectoría o por correo electrónico a stkevinchurch@att.net. HELP WANTED: LITERACY VOLUNTEERS Become a volunteer English as a Second Language tutor at Aquinas Literacy Center! Volunteer tutors are needed to instruct limited English proficient adult learners for 90 minutes per week at our center, located at 3540 S. Hermitage. All instruction is in English. Join us for our two-part Tutor Training: Friday, January 24th from 6-9pm and Saturday, January 25th from 9am-3pm. Tutors must attend both days for certification. For more information please contact Lori Rogers at 773-927-0512 or email aquinasliteracy@gmail.com. NEW BINGO LOCATION St. John de la Salle Catholic Church will be starting Bingo on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Bingo will be held in the church’s Hall of Heroes, 10205 S. Martin Luther King Dr, and doors will open at 6:00pm and games will begin at 6:30pm. For more information please contact the Bingo Chairperson, Patricia Hambrick at 312-9091852 or the church office at 773-785-2022. ST. FLORIAN PANCAKE BREAKFAST Next Sunday, January 26th, St. Florian School will be having a pancake breakfast from 8am to 12:30pm in the school gym, located at 13110 S. Baltimore Ave. All you can eat Belgium Waffles, Eggs, Chorizo, and Sausage. Baskets filled with great prizes to be raffled off and the Book Fair will be open. You can also go see St. Florian’s exceptional school and have a fabulous breakfast with our school families. Adults are $6.00, Kids (4-11) are $4.00, Children (3 and under) are FREE. 2013 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL REPORT REPORTE de la CAMPANA CATOLICA ANUAL 2013 Donor Count/Donantes: 42 2013 Goal/Meta: $6,485.52 Amount Pledged/Cantidad Prometida: $3,311.00 Amount Paid/Cantidad Pagada: $2,446.00 Balance Due/Debido: $865.00 SAVE THE DATE!! Thank you to all those who generously participated and we look forward to your participation in the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal! Annual Dinner Dance April 26, 2014 Plan on joining us for one of the biggest fundraisers for our parish, great food and music but overall great company. ¡Gracias a todos los que generosamente apoyaron la apelacion del 2013 y esperamos contar con su ayuda en la Campaña Católica 2014! APARTE LA FECHA!! Baile y Cena Anual 26 de abril 2014 Marque la fecha para compartir una noche de buena comida y música, pero sobre todo buena compañía. Recuerden este evento es uno de nuestros mas grande!!! Acompáñenos!. Saint Kevin Church ARCHDIOCESAN NEWS/ NOTICIAS ARQUIDIOCESANAS ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you an adult (age 18+) who has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Adult Confirmations will be held during the end of spring throughout the Archdiocese. Preparation groups are forming now. Here in Vicariate VI we have three parishes hosting classes on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays offered in English and Spanish. To find a parish closest to you, to register or for information please call (312) 534-8047 or go to www.catechesis-chicago.org. CONFIRMACION PARA ADULTOS ¿Es usted un adulto (18 años +) que no haya recibido el Sacramento de Confirmación? Confirmaciones para adultas se llevarán a cabo durante el final de la primavera en toda la Arquidiócesis. Grupos de preparación se están formando. Aquí en el Vicariato VI tenemos tres parroquias que tendrán clases los domingos, lunes y jueves y se ofrecen en Inglés y Español. Para encontrar una parroquia más cercana a usted, y inscribirse o para más información por favor llame al (312) 534-8047 o visite www.catechesis-chicago.org. 2014 ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE IN CHICAGO "Lovin' Life in Chicago" Join thousands of Chicagoans at the Federal Plaza, 50 W. Adams, on Sunday, January 19, from 1 to 3 p.m., to begin the March for Life to the State of Illinois Building, 100 W. Randolph. The legalization of abortion in the United States is a tragedy and carries devastating social, moral, and legal consequences with it. March together in the hope that we can build a nation that affirms the authentic dignity of women, the gift of children and a culture dedicated to protecting life at every stage of development. Cardinal George will be among the speakers. For more information visit www.marchforlifechicago.com KOLBE HOUSE JAIL MINISTRY MASS Kolbe House, the Jail Ministry for the Archdiocese, invites you to a Spanish/English Mass at 3 pm Sunday, February 2nd, at Assumption Parish, 2434 S California, Chicago. At this Mass, we would especially like anyone who is personally affected by incarceration, a victim of crime, or anyone who wants to be part of our ministry through prayer to attend. If you are an ex-offender or have a loved one in jail or prison, please come. If you need more information, please call Deacon Pablo or Fr. Arturo at Kolbe House: 773-247-0070 or email Pablo at khpablop@aol.com MISA PARA LAS PERSONAS ENCARCELADAS Kolbe House, el ministerio a las personas encarceladas de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago, te invita a que participes en una misa bilingüe (inglés-español) el domingo (el 2 de febrero) a las 3:00 p.m. en la parroquia de La Asunción en 2434 sur de la California en Chicago. Queremos contar con la participación de aquellas personas que han sido afectadas de manera personal por la encarcelación, que han sido víctimas de un crimen o a quien quiera participar con nosotros en la oración. Si has estado en prisión o uno de tus seres queridos está en la prisión, te pedimos que nos acompañes. Si necesitas más información, por favor, llama a Kolbe House y pregunta por el diácono Pablo o por el padre Arturo. El número a llamar es 773-247-0070. También puedes enviar un email dirigido a Pablo a khpablop@aol.com. RETREAT/WORKSHOP FOR WIDOWED MEN & WOMEN Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry Beyond grieving there IS new life! Feeling “stuck?” Need something to get you “over the hump?” Have you reached a “turning point” after your loss? Come join us for a weekend especially designed to help you reflect on and recognize new direction for your life while still treasuring memories of your loved one. March 8 & 9, 2014 Held at Our Lady of the Angels Lemont, IL (near Cog Hill) This includes overnight, a private room and meals. For more information contact us at 708-354-7211, email joyfulagain7211@gmail.com and visit www.joyfulagain.org. Early registration is encouraged, as space is limited. LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Catholics throughout Latin America and the Caribbean are challenged daily when it comes to nurturing and sharing their faith. Violence, gang activity, and isolation are some of the obstacles which have to be overcome in order for the ministries of the Gospel to succeed in sharing the faith. In the Diocese of Loja, Ecuador, a three-day formation program was conducted for catechists, many of whom work in remote areas. More than 2500 catechists participated in training sessions for rural ministry, youth enrichment, and bible instruction. Many of the participants felt that the experience was informative, enriching, and fortified their spirit as they returned to their parishes. In twenty-two countries of South America and the Caribbean, funds from the Collection for the Church in Latin America provide the assistance that individual parishes need to sustain and enrich the faith of their parishioners. Additionally, your generous support will assist in the formation of seminarians, deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and lay ministers of the Gospel. I am grateful for your support of your local parish, the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the Universal Church. May God continue to bless you and your loved ones in this New Year. You are in my prayers; please keep me in yours. Sincerely yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago Readings for the Week of January 19, 2014 Lecturas para la Semana del 19 de enero 2014 Sunday/Domingo: Is 49:3, 5-6/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34 Monday/Lunes: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday/Martes: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday/Miércoles: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday/Jueves: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Mk 3:7-12 Friday/Viernes: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday/Sábado: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Mk 16:15-18 Next Sunday/Domingo Próximo: Is 8:23--9:3 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17 Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17 Bienvenidos Welcome WEEKLY COLLECTION OF 1/12/2014 4pm $ 311.50 9am $ 1,237.21 11am $ 1,145.32 TOTAL: $ 2,694.03 WEEKLY SCHEDULE/HORARIO SEMANAL Sat/Sab: 10-11:30am CCD/Catecismo Sun/Dom: 10-11am CCD/Catecismo Mon/Lunes: 9am Exercise CANCELED 7pm Coro Tues/Martes 7pm Carismaticos HORA SANTA Wed/Mier: 9am Exercise 10am Family Rescue Thurs/Juev: 9am Soledad 9am Yoga 10:15am TOPS Fri/Viernes: 7pm Alanon Sat/Sab: 10-11:30am CCD/Catecismo Sun/Dom: 10-11am CCD/Catecismo Next Week’s Ministry Schedule Horario Ministerio de la Proxima Semana Saturday, January 25 - 4:00PM Altar Servers: Julian Gonzalez, Jose Sierra Lectors: Andy Di Santo, Brenda Torres Eucharistic Ministers: *Dorothy, Dolly, Bob Sunday, January 26 - 9:00AM Altar Servers: Michelle & Marie Vega, Alyssa Tellez Lectors: Ricky Flores, Claudia Villalobos, Babs Jacinto Eucharistic Ministers: *Maria Cuellar, Laura O, Cesar C. Domingo, 26 de enero - 11:00AM Monaguillos: Natalia & Andrew Almazan, Andrea Villanueva Lectores: Maria Pantoja, Ana Morales Ministros de Comunion: *Isaias, Rosalinda, Lucy, Carlos, Anna Please Pray For/Oremos Por: José Sierra, Elizabeth Fyda, Josephine Bañuelos, Roy Arana, Salvador Moreno, Erlinda Arambula, Rosemary Diorio, Sergio Navarette, Yvonne Gutermann-Artea, Elvia García, Henrietta Martínez, Tom Albarran, Stephanie Méndez, Nikko Meléndez, Algene Gutiérrez, Andrés Munguía Jr., Nick LaSaro, Sarah Martínez, Rito Martínez, Molly Cuellar, Mary Ellen Ávila, Andrew Navarro, Jesús Nodal, John & Alma Navarro, Nora Rodríguez, Laura Moreno, María Huizar Rodríguez, Gerardo Pérez, Steve González, Stephanie Furlan, Armando Godínez, John Furlan, Georgie Rodríguez, Adeline Nájera, Margarita Orozco, Violeta Zertuche-Rico, Aymee Núñez, George Siska, Stan Daraz, Joe Gutiérrez, Cecilia Reynoso, Lucy Sánchez, Robert Mizwicki, Víctor Mora, Rosa María Almanza, Evelia Muñoz, Magdalena Moreno-Roe, Carlos Balandrin, Victoria Ortiz, Martha Galván, Verne Valdez, Thomas Valdez, Raymond Valdez, Ventura Quintana, Irene Resa, Jessica Rodríguez, Cliff Carrillo, Jasmine Cortez, José Álvarez, Mary Ellen Fitzgerald, Santiago Soto, Connie Carrizales, Jesse Chávez, Francisco Álvarez, Michael Slivka, Mary Latasiewicz, Mary Peña, Jacqueline Murowski, Elvira Valdez, Barbará Valdez, Augustine Valdez Reyes, Bernarda Rincon Fernandez, Henrietta Cortez, Charlotte Kolesiak, Christian Vargas, Joseph Schuetter, Robert Castro, Cindy Arredondo, Carolina Aldana, José M. Quezada, Raúl & Virginia Mondragón, Erlinda Gutiérrez, Mía Sánchez intenciónes de MISAS 4pm SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014 Carissa L. Cuellar (Birthday) - Cuellar Family † Jean Kalka (Birthday) - Kalka Family SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2014 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Segundo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 9:00 † Sisto Gino Bernal - Friends at St. Kevin † Mario Moreno - M/M Paloma † Martha Martinez (Birthday) - Mel & Faye Torres 11:00 † † † † Juan Juarez (11 Aniversario) - Ana José Juárez (4 Aniversario)- Ana Catalina Calderon Vargas (3 Aniv)-Selena y Fam Senorina Soto - Familia MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 8:00 † Henrietta Gima Gulley - Siska Family TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 8:00 Open Intention/Intencion Abierta WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 8:00 Open Intention/Intencion Abierta 8:00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2014 NO MASS/NO MISA FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2014 8:00 Open Intention/Intencion Abierta SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 4pm Open Intention/Intencion Abierta SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2014 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Tercer Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 9:00 † Mario Moreno - Rick & Rosario † Robert “Topp” Medina - M/M Paloma Molly J. Cuellar (Birthday) - Mom 11:00 † Maria Socorro Ragel - Sus Hijos y Nietos † Guadalupe Villagomez - Hijo y Familia SHARING THE GOSPEL WITH YOUR CHILD Imagine how excited John the Baptist must have felt after he baptized Jesus. He knew without a doubt that Jesus was God's Son. The very next day John told the crowds that Jesus would take away the sins of the world. God's people had eaten a Passover lamb every year to remember how God saved them from death in Egypt. Jesus was the Lamb of God. He frees you from your old sins and offers you new life with God. MISSION FOR THE WEEK Read the story about the very first Passover, when God saved the Hebrews from the Angel of Death (Exodus 12). Bienvenidos Welcome WEEKLY COLLECTION OF 1/12/2014 4pm $ 311.50 9am $ 1,237.21 11am $ 1,145.32 TOTAL: $ 2,694.03 WEEKLY SCHEDULE/HORARIO SEMANAL Sat/Sab: 10-11:30am CCD/Catecismo Sun/Dom: 10-11am CCD/Catecismo Mon/Lunes: 9am Exercise CANCELED 7pm Coro Tues/Martes 7pm Carismaticos HORA SANTA Wed/Mier: 9am Exercise 10am Family Rescue Thurs/Juev: 9am Soledad 9am Yoga 10:15am TOPS Fri/Viernes: 7pm Alanon Sat/Sab: 10-11:30am CCD/Catecismo Sun/Dom: 10-11am CCD/Catecismo Next Week’s Ministry Schedule Horario Ministerio de la Proxima Semana Saturday, January 25 - 4:00PM Altar Servers: Julian Gonzalez, Jose Sierra Lectors: Andy Di Santo, Brenda Torres Eucharistic Ministers: *Dorothy, Dolly, Bob Sunday, January 26 - 9:00AM Altar Servers: Michelle & Marie Vega, Alyssa Tellez Lectors: Ricky Flores, Claudia Villalobos, Babs Jacinto Eucharistic Ministers: *Maria Cuellar, Laura O, Cesar C. Domingo, 26 de enero - 11:00AM Monaguillos: Natalia & Andrew Almazan, Andrea Villanueva Lectores: Maria Pantoja, Ana Morales Ministros de Comunion: *Isaias, Rosalinda, Lucy, Carlos, Anna Please Pray For/Oremos Por: José Sierra, Elizabeth Fyda, Josephine Bañuelos, Roy Arana, Salvador Moreno, Erlinda Arambula, Rosemary Diorio, Sergio Navarette, Yvonne Gutermann-Artea, Elvia García, Henrietta Martínez, Tom Albarran, Stephanie Méndez, Nikko Meléndez, Algene Gutiérrez, Andrés Munguía Jr., Nick LaSaro, Sarah Martínez, Rito Martínez, Molly Cuellar, Mary Ellen Ávila, Andrew Navarro, Jesús Nodal, John & Alma Navarro, Nora Rodríguez, Laura Moreno, María Huizar Rodríguez, Gerardo Pérez, Steve González, Stephanie Furlan, Armando Godínez, John Furlan, Georgie Rodríguez, Adeline Nájera, Margarita Orozco, Violeta Zertuche-Rico, Aymee Núñez, George Siska, Stan Daraz, Joe Gutiérrez, Cecilia Reynoso, Lucy Sánchez, Robert Mizwicki, Víctor Mora, Rosa María Almanza, Evelia Muñoz, Magdalena Moreno-Roe, Carlos Balandrin, Victoria Ortiz, Martha Galván, Verne Valdez, Thomas Valdez, Raymond Valdez, Ventura Quintana, Irene Resa, Jessica Rodríguez, Cliff Carrillo, Jasmine Cortez, José Álvarez, Mary Ellen Fitzgerald, Santiago Soto, Connie Carrizales, Jesse Chávez, Francisco Álvarez, Michael Slivka, Mary Latasiewicz, Mary Peña, Jacqueline Murowski, Elvira Valdez, Barbará Valdez, Augustine Valdez Reyes, Bernarda Rincon Fernandez, Henrietta Cortez, Charlotte Kolesiak, Christian Vargas, Joseph Schuetter, Robert Castro, Cindy Arredondo, Carolina Aldana, José M. Quezada, Raúl & Virginia Mondragón, Erlinda Gutiérrez, Mía Sánchez intenciónes de MISAS 4pm SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014 Carissa L. Cuellar (Birthday) - Cuellar Family † Jean Kalka (Birthday) - Kalka Family SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2014 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Segundo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 9:00 † Sisto Gino Bernal - Friends at St. Kevin † Mario Moreno - M/M Paloma † Martha Martinez (Birthday) - Mel & Faye Torres 11:00 † † † † Juan Juarez (11 Aniversario) - Ana José Juárez (4 Aniversario)- Ana Catalina Calderon Vargas (3 Aniv)-Selena y Fam Senorina Soto - Familia MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 8:00 † Henrietta Gima Gulley - Siska Family TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 8:00 Open Intention/Intencion Abierta WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 8:00 Open Intention/Intencion Abierta 8:00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2014 NO MASS/NO MISA FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2014 8:00 Open Intention/Intencion Abierta SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 4pm Open Intention/Intencion Abierta SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2014 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Tercer Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 9:00 † Mario Moreno - Rick & Rosario † Robert “Topp” Medina - M/M Paloma Molly J. Cuellar (Birthday) - Mom 11:00 † Maria Socorro Ragel - Sus Hijos y Nietos † Guadalupe Villagomez - Hijo y Familia SHARING THE GOSPEL WITH YOUR CHILD Imagine how excited John the Baptist must have felt after he baptized Jesus. He knew without a doubt that Jesus was God's Son. The very next day John told the crowds that Jesus would take away the sins of the world. God's people had eaten a Passover lamb every year to remember how God saved them from death in Egypt. Jesus was the Lamb of God. He frees you from your old sins and offers you new life with God. MISSION FOR THE WEEK Read the story about the very first Passover, when God saved the Hebrews from the Angel of Death (Exodus 12). Chicago Family Health Center: !"#$%"&' Quality health and wellness programs for the whole family that are accessible, !"#$%!&'()*!+%*$,-./*,+*0#1$*+(,-.&#$.##%2 www.standardbanks.com .standardbanks. 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